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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Tuesday, February 25, 2020

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*TechBytesBot has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Feb 25 03:50
*social_log has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Feb 25 03:52
*social_log ( has joined #techbytesFeb 25 03:54
schestowitz> Here are some others, not worth putting into the main list.Feb 25 06:40
schestowitzI can typically figure out why... :-)Feb 25 06:40
schestowitz 25 06:43
schestowitz# well said.  it is a very important issue.Feb 25 06:43
schestowitz>>> The Red Hat survey in the main links is mostly just buzzwords and hype.Feb 25 06:56
schestowitz>> Still far  better than the LF/CII (Snyk/Black Duck) crap...Feb 25 06:56
schestowitz>>Feb 25 06:56
schestowitz>> I thought about doing an article about it, but that might amplify FUD.Feb 25 06:56
schestowitz> Talking with people, especially about JA, I'm more and more getting theFeb 25 06:56
schestowitz> idea that we are in a post-fact society.  Collapse is imminent andFeb 25 06:56
schestowitz> probably unavoidable unless something happens to massively restore theFeb 25 06:56
schestowitz> general population's ability to get information rather than disinformation.Feb 25 06:56
schestowitzI mentioned this several times yesterday wrt to BBC.Feb 25 06:56
schestowitzLater today I will resume activism around Wikileaks' social control media account.Feb 25 06:56
*TechBytesBot (~b0t@ has joined #techbytesFeb 25 06:56
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Feb 25 06:56
schestowitz>> Talking with people, especially about JA, I'm more and more getting theFeb 25 06:58
schestowitz>> idea that we are in a post-fact society.  Collapse is imminent andFeb 25 06:58
schestowitz>> probably unavoidable unless something happens to massively restore theFeb 25 06:58
schestowitz>> general population's ability to get information rather than disinformation.Feb 25 06:58
schestowitz>>Feb 25 06:58
schestowitz> I'm still thinking about the LF but have no ideas.  It is important forFeb 25 06:58
schestowitz> people to realize that the name suggests the opposite of what it doesFeb 25 06:58
schestowitz> and what its members aim to achieve.  As mentioned before it is longFeb 25 06:58
schestowitz> past time for Linus to take his trademarks and go elsewhere, but thoseFeb 25 06:58
schestowitz> who cancelled him and who also damage the LF probably have somethingFeb 25 06:58
schestowitz> hanging over him to prevent that even if it is just his daughters'Feb 25 06:58
schestowitz> college bills and his (now advanced) age.Feb 25 06:58
schestowitzYou keep mentioning the college bills.Feb 25 06:58
schestowitzI've been wanting to ask you for like a year....Feb 25 06:58
schestowitzConsidering his salary, do the college bills represent that much of an issue?Feb 25 06:58
schestowitzOr something else?Feb 25 06:58
schestowitzWhat other leverages exist?Feb 25 06:58
schestowitz> Do you think there is any truth to the claim by Jeff Gabbay of Argaman Technologies; he says his face mask is 95% effective against preventing infection from the Coronavirus.Feb 25 07:05
schestowitzIn places where this 'flu' hardly exists, I don't see the point wearing one.Feb 25 07:05
schestowitz=Feb 25 07:07
schestowitzxFeb 25 07:07
schestowitz 25 07:07
-TechBytesBot/ | Satya Nadella to Indian CEOs: Build your own tech capabilities | Technology News,The Indian ExpressFeb 25 07:07
schestowitz> Dear Manager,Feb 25 07:14
schestowitz>Feb 25 07:14
schestowitz> (Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks!)Feb 25 07:14
schestowitz> We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registrationFeb 25 07:14
schestowitz> center in Shanghai, China. On February 24, 2020, we received anFeb 25 07:14
schestowitz> application from Ruidong Holdings Ltd requested “techrights” as theirFeb 25 07:14
schestowitz> internet keyword and China (CN) domain names( 25 07:14
schestowitz> checkingFeb 25 07:14
schestowitz> it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. InFeb 25 07:14
schestowitz> order to deal with this matter better, we send email to you and confirmFeb 25 07:14
schestowitz> whether your company have relations with this Chinese company or not?Feb 25 07:14
schestowitz>Feb 25 07:14
schestowitz> Kind regardsFeb 25 07:14
schestowitz>Feb 25 07:14
schestowitz> HanleyFeb 25 07:14
schestowitzHi,Feb 25 07:15
schestowitzI am the domains' owners, namely and 25 07:15
schestowitzWe've used those names for about a decade.Feb 25 07:15
schestowitzLast year I exchanged about 10 messages in total with the Chinese government's agency of relevance after someone had attempts to sort of cyber-squat ( etc), I assume to hijack traffic and maybe attempt something malicious.Feb 25 07:15
schestowitzAt the end they blocked it.Feb 25 07:15
schestowitzPlease don't permit misleading registration of non-genetic two-word terms.Feb 25 07:15
schestowitzThose registration attempts are in bad faith.Feb 25 07:15
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 25 07:15
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesFeb 25 07:16
schestowitzre "techrights domain and keyword in China"Feb 25 07:16
schestowitzRe: Some of it has already been saidFeb 25 07:18
schestowitz> Do whatever you think is best with this one. I put it entirely in your hands.Feb 25 07:18
schestowitz> also if you run it, could you change "they censors the most" to "they censor the most"Feb 25 07:19
schestowitz>Feb 25 07:19
schestowitz> that part is quotable imo, but its a lot more quotable if its right.Feb 25 07:19
schestowitzI'll have a look, just started reading mailFeb 25 07:19
schestowitz> Hello Roy,Feb 25 07:20
schestowitz>Feb 25 07:20
schestowitz>Feb 25 07:20
schestowitz>Feb 25 07:21
schestowitz> Reaching out to let you know the news is live— press release below.Feb 25 07:21
schestowitz>Feb 25 07:21
schestowitzI saw that in news wire already.Feb 25 07:21
schestowitzPlease don't spam me with press  releases I never asked for...Feb 25 07:21
schestowitz 25 08:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Dr_Siddy: @schestowitz Stfu u shameless cunttFeb 25 08:30
schestowitzthis is one might get for merely posting a link to an article. Wonder what you're like in person...Feb 25 08:30
schestowitzIf this is what one might get for merely posting a link to an article... Wonder what you're like in person...Feb 25 08:31
schestowitz 25 08:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sirajs0l: @schestowitz #PublicBot @labnol #Palestine #Judaism != #ZionismFeb 25 08:33
schestowitz 25 08:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@blacknoose: Les États-Unis un pays sans loi. Il pardonne des criminels dangereux et des criminels de guerre. La Constitut… 25 08:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@blacknoose: Les États-Unis un pays sans loi. Il pardonne des criminels dangereux et des criminels de guerre. La Constitut… 25 08:33
schestowitz"Feb 25 08:33
schestowitz Il pardonne des criminels dangereux et des criminels de guerre.Feb 25 08:33
schestowitz La Constitution est également violée régulièrement sans conséquences pour les contrevenantsFeb 25 08:33
schestowitz Sur cette seule base, le gouvernement britannique devrait suspendre ces procèsFeb 25 08:33
schestowitz"Feb 25 08:33
schestowitz 25 08:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@healingwise: @BernardGyorgy @schestowitz @yanisvaroufakis Neither can or will I!Feb 25 08:34
schestowitz 25 08:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GuiHeinen: @schestowitz @DEAcampaign @wikileaks What do you mean with "even in Brazil"?Feb 25 08:34
schestowitzBolsonaro-Greenwald-LulaFeb 25 08:34
*rianne__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 25 09:14
*rianne__ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 25 09:14
schestowitz 25 10:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PrincessBibiRF_: PANDEMIC Has Begun @KremlinRussia_E @HassanRouhani @BarhamSalih @HaiderAlAbadi @Presidency_Sy #Coronavirus has reac… 25 10:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PrincessBibiRF_: PANDEMIC Has Begun @KremlinRussia_E @HassanRouhani @BarhamSalih @HaiderAlAbadi @Presidency_Sy #Coronavirus has reac… 25 10:19
schestowitz"Feb 25 10:19
schestowitzBibi Spielberg Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Feb 25 10:19
schestowitzPANDEMIC Has Begun @KremlinRussia_E @HassanRouhani @BarhamSalih @HaiderAlAbadi @Presidency_Sy #Coronavirus has reached M/E WarTorn Iraq, Iran Poverty&Sanction will cause Havoc @WHO @CDCgov @SecAzar @DrTedros if wealthy @china in dire straits Iran, Syria, Iraq US&RussiaTroopsToxicFeb 25 10:20
schestowitz"Feb 25 10:20
schestowitz 25 10:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@coverklift: @schestowitz Good to know that NASA already used satellites in 1910Feb 25 10:20
schestowitzThose maps  tend to be generated from data on the groundFeb 25 10:20
schestowitz 25 10:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@coverklift: @schestowitz Really? How come the satellite data of NASA shows something else? Ever heard of Maurice Strong founder… 25 10:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@coverklift: @schestowitz Really? How come the satellite data of NASA shows something else? Ever heard of Maurice Strong founder… 25 10:34
schestowitz"Really? How come the satellite data of NASA shows something else? Ever heard of Maurice Strong founder IPCC,Rio Summit and member club of Rome? IPCC terms of reference are manmade global warming!!"Feb 25 10:34
schestowitz 25 10:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@realDonaldPP: @schestowitz #MAGA? #DonaldTrumpIsRuiningOurCountry!Feb 25 10:35
schestowitzit was a satirical hashtagFeb 25 10:35
schestowitz 25 11:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bap47: Unfortunate, but true. 25 11:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #newscorp #murdoch #misinformation #disinformation #propaganda 25 11:13
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 25 11:24
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesFeb 25 11:25
schestowitz 25 11:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea Aren't they deadnaming Chelsea Manning?Feb 25 11:51
schestowitz 25 11:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GranPC: @wendycockcroft @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea article is from 2011Feb 25 11:52
schestowitz 25 11:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @GranPC @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea Yes, I just noticed.Feb 25 11:52
schestowitz 25 11:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea We're did'nt fall for Epstein's suicide and we're n… 25 11:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea We're did'nt fall for Epstein's suicide and we're n… 25 11:52
schestowitz"Feb 25 11:52
schestowitzWe're did'nt fall for Epstein's suicide and we're not going to fall for Assange'sFeb 25 11:52
schestowitzso stop pushing it.Feb 25 11:52
schestowitz"Feb 25 11:52
schestowitzYou completely misunderstood my message and the context of itFeb 25 11:52
schestowitz 25 12:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MaddyLove2018: @schestowitz @wikileaks Black is white propagandaFeb 25 12:06
schestowitz 25 12:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea I'm prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt b… 25 12:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea I'm prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt b… 25 12:09
schestowitz"Feb 25 12:09
schestowitzI'm prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt but you dont need to give those monsters any more plotlines.Feb 25 12:09
schestowitzSuggest you try other avenues of securing his release.Feb 25 12:09
schestowitz"Feb 25 12:09
schestowitzTo prevent further degradations/abuses of his rights and his basic dignity we must call out what or how they're attempting to interfere with his composureFeb 25 12:10
schestowitz 25 12:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SamanthaPippin7: @freethetruth2 @schestowitz @couragefound @wikileaks @guardiannews No we don’t, not ever, but the @guardian were th… 25 12:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SamanthaPippin7: @freethetruth2 @schestowitz @couragefound @wikileaks @guardiannews No we don’t, not ever, but the @guardian were th… 25 12:36
schestowitz"No we don’t, not ever, but the @guardian were the first to hang #Assange out to dry after they profited from his Factual exposes. Now they’re distancing themselves from the facts. They have questions to answer!"Feb 25 12:36
schestowitzThey do it again and again 25 12:37
-TechBytesBot/ | Assange: How 'The Guardian' Milked Edward Snowden's StoryFeb 25 12:37
schestowitzThey do it again and again #guardian #assange #wikileaks #snowden #exploitationFeb 25 12:38
schestowitz 25 12:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RightYourWrong: @schestowitz Check out @Jonathan_K_Cook's recent tweet.Feb 25 12:38
schestowitz 25 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EarthEmpress91: @schestowitz @DEAcampaign @wikileaks @khrafnsson Assange is not a friend of Putin, he's a defender of America's constitution.Feb 25 12:39
schestowitz"Assange is not a friend of Putin, he's a defender of America's constitution."Feb 25 12:39
schestowitz 25 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AbcBetter: @schestowitz @DEAcampaign @wikileaks @khrafnsson Magna Carta was a power grab by the barons because *they* wanted t… 25 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AbcBetter: @schestowitz @DEAcampaign @wikileaks @khrafnsson Magna Carta was a power grab by the barons because *they* wanted t… 25 12:39
schestowitz"Magna Carta was a power grab by the barons because *they* wanted to oppress & exploit the people themselves!"Feb 25 12:39
schestowitz 25 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @couragefound @wikileaks @guardiannews Perhaps some bzlance is called for: we don't want to send anyon… 25 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @couragefound @wikileaks @guardiannews Perhaps some bzlance is called for: we don't want to send anyon… 25 12:39
schestowitz"nt to send anyone to their death & what the hell does an interdisciplinary researcher do anyway?"Feb 25 12:39
schestowitz 25 12:39
schestowitz 25 12:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RusRad74: @schestowitz @wikileaks Precisely!Feb 25 12:55
schestowitz 25 12:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LisaCroft: Princess Diana and Michael Jackson both said they were going to be killed. Diana was called “emotionally unstable”… 25 12:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LisaCroft: Princess Diana and Michael Jackson both said they were going to be killed. Diana was called “emotionally unstable”… 25 12:59
schestowitz"Feb 25 12:59
schestowitz 🧚‍♂️ Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Feb 25 12:59
schestowitzPrincess Diana and Michael Jackson both said they were going to be killed. Diana was called “emotionally unstable” and Michael Jackson was dismissed as “paranoid”. Both ended up dead in suspicious circumstances soon after.Feb 25 12:59
schestowitz"Feb 25 12:59
schestowitzJohn Lennon alsoFeb 25 12:59
schestowitz 25 13:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sibeledmonds: @schestowitz Of 148 Gov National Security Whistleblowers I represented, including myself - 148 Had the Same Experie… 25 13:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sibeledmonds: @schestowitz Of 148 Gov National Security Whistleblowers I represented, including myself - 148 Had the Same Experie… 25 13:24
schestowitz"Of 148 Gov National Security Whistleblowers I represented, including myself - 148 Had the Same Experience: The Press, The So-called Journalists, Not Only Refused to Publish Their Reports (all of which 4 Public Interest) & Consored, Some Even Reported These WBs to Gov Agencies."Feb 25 13:24
schestowitzSame experience I have had with WBers, e.g. 25 13:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Media Alert: IAM ‘Magazine’ Does Not Protect Sources | TechrightsFeb 25 13:25
schestowitz 25 13:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trolltrip: @cdeloire @RSF_inter @rebecca_vincent @cmihr @pierrehaski @PaulMoreiraPLTV @ggreenwald @yanisvaroufakis @Snowden 25 13:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @DEAcampaign @wikileaks @khrafnsson This entire process is insulting to the Magna Carta 25 13:26
schestowitz 25 13:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sibeledmonds: @schestowitz One Exec Level #DEA Whistleblower I represented Provided Damning Documented Report to #Time Mag on… 25 13:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sibeledmonds: @schestowitz One Exec Level #DEA Whistleblower I represented Provided Damning Documented Report to #Time Mag on… 25 13:26
schestowitz"One Exec Level #DEA Whistleblower I represented Provided Damning Documented Report to #Time Mag on #HouseOfDeath Case. Only to find out that the reporter contacted his high-level source at  #DOJ office & handed him the entire report & his identity. The Report was Never Published!"Feb 25 13:26
schestowitzNot all publishers are there to helpFeb 25 13:26
tedbox 25 13:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JeffLee2020: @sibeledmonds @schestowitz Little tangent of topic: To all who just discovered Miss Sibel Edmonds tweets, articles… 25 13:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JeffLee2020: @sibeledmonds @schestowitz Little tangent of topic: To all who just discovered Miss Sibel Edmonds tweets, articles… 25 13:30
tedbox"Feb 25 13:31
tedboxLittle tangent of topic:Feb 25 13:31
tedboxTo all who just discovered Miss Sibel Edmonds tweets, articles & video commentaries, I have been following her for many years and encourage you to follow her as she will bring blunt facts, source materials of international news you won't find on MSM.Feb 25 13:31
tedbox"Feb 25 13:31
schestowitz 25 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iryna24877681: @schestowitz @BoothWilliam @wikileaks To make you crazyFeb 25 14:03
schestowitzOr to seem soFeb 25 14:03
schestowitzOr to seem so. It is a form of provocation tactic.Feb 25 14:03
schestowitz 25 14:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz Pre-registered stakeholders to the webinar means a lot 25 14:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz Pre-registered stakeholders to the webinar means a lot 25 14:16
schestowitzSpeaking to "stakeholders", the EPO's and EUIPO's equivalents of "Campaign Contributions" (bribes)Feb 25 14:17
schestowitz 25 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jrobertson: Why tell us now? What's with the timing? 25 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Saudi Arabia loooves journalism that exposes corruption at the high level... loves it! It tastes great.Feb 25 14:22
schestowitz 25 15:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Unity4JRussia: Рой Шестовиц: США знают, что у них в реальности нет ничего против Ассанжа, что никто не поддержал бы это преследов… 25 15:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Unity4JRussia: Рой Шестовиц: США знают, что у них в реальности нет ничего против Ассанжа, что никто не поддержал бы это преследов… 25 15:08
schestowitz"Feb 25 15:08
schestowitz#Unity4J Russia Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Feb 25 15:08
schestowitzРой Шестовиц:Feb 25 15:08
schestowitzСША знают, что у них в реальности нет ничего  против Ассанжа, что никто не поддержал бы это преследование, поэтому они оклеветали его, перевернули все с ног на голову и применяют пытки к свидетелю (Челси Мэннинг), чтобы заставить ееFeb 25 15:08
schestowitzсвидетельствовать против Ассанжа.Feb 25 15:08
schestowitz"Feb 25 15:08
schestowitz 25 15:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KristianHarstad: @schestowitz @wikileaks Thugs who kill journalists like Putin who you support to the hilt, you hypocrite.Feb 25 15:23
schestowitz 25 15:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stautistic: @schestowitz Qualifies as genocide.Feb 25 15:23
schestowitz 25 16:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@George94126555: @schestowitz @DEAcampaign @wikileaks @khrafnsson RIP democracy. We can´t win the case if the judge doesn´t give a fuckFeb 25 16:00
schestowitz 25 16:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StarchyArchie: @Schestowitz @JennyCohn1 25 16:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ambermac: "(#Microsoft's) #ElectionGuard uses a relatively new form of encryption to secure votes & tally them in minutes… to… 25 16:26
schestowitzmicrosoft spamFeb 25 16:26
schestowitz 25 16:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@robbie_miles: @schestowitz @theGuruWithin He's afraid of a terminal case of Epstein-BarrFeb 25 16:27
MinceRlol @ letting microsloth touch electionsFeb 25 16:28
schestowitz 25 16:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StarchyArchie: @schestowitz @jennycohn1 🤓😁🖥️Feb 25 16:29
schestowitzhello mr/mrs mathFeb 25 16:50
schestowitz 25 16:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea If the descripton of his torture is'nt sufficient t… 25 16:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @ChristineMilne @wikileaks @MarisePayne @xychelsea If the descripton of his torture is'nt sufficient t… 25 16:53
schestowitz"Feb 25 16:53
schestowitzIf the descripton of his torture is'nt sufficient to move these monsters to compassion or legal process, the thought of him suiciding would only make them increase pressure.Feb 25 16:53
schestowitzSaves airing your laundry in trial.Feb 25 16:53
schestowitz"Feb 25 16:53
schestowitz 25 17:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@surveillabuse: @schestowitz @couragefound This is what the UK with US did to me.Feb 25 17:30
schestowitz 25 17:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@surveillabuse: Any views on this sham trial Peter? @PeterCherbi The obvious is the conflict of interest @wikileaks @couragefound 25 17:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @rebecca_vincent @wikileaks @RSF_inter Nothing out of the ordinary in this 'case' (sham trial) 25 17:30
schestowitz 25 18:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EricMerrellSr: I bet he/she liked it 25 18:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @yanisvaroufakis @wikileaks "Stripped naked every night, Bradley Manning tells of prison ordeal" 25 18:00
schestowitz 25 21:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @BenQuinn75 @wikileaks @xychelsea I'll have to reply to you, here as well. Pushing this narrative tha… 25 21:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@freethetruth2: @schestowitz @BenQuinn75 @wikileaks @xychelsea I'll have to reply to you, here as well. Pushing this narrative tha… 25 21:51
schestowitz"Feb 25 21:51
schestowitzI'll have to reply to you, here as well.Feb 25 21:51
schestowitzPushing this narrative that Julian has the capacity for suicide makes him vulnerable to homicide with a ? for the public over 'did he' or 'didnt he' suicide. Like Epstein.Feb 25 21:51
schestowitzThis torture is illegal, inhumane - work with that.Feb 25 21:51
schestowitz"Feb 25 21:51
schestowitz 25 21:52
-TechBytesBot/ | Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder ‘at high risk of suicide’ if extradited to US, hearing told | The IndependentFeb 25 21:52
schestowitzNot the first time his legal team says something to this effect 25 21:52

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