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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Thursday, June 25, 2020

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*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 25 04:01
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJun 25 04:01
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 25 06:31
*MinceR (mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesJun 25 06:32
schestowitz                <li>Jun 25 07:08
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">Announcing Perl 7</a></h5>Jun 25 07:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @">Announcing )Jun 25 07:08
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Jun 25 07:08
schestowitz                    <p>Perl 7.0 is going to be v5.32 but with different, saner, more modern defaults. You won’t have to enable most of the things you are already doing because they are enabled for you. The major version jump sets the boundary between how we have been doing things and what we can do in the future. </p></blockquote></li>Jun 25 07:08
schestowitz            <li>Jun 25 07:08
schestowitz              <h5><a href="">Linux Ransomware – Notorious Cases and Ways to Protect</a></h5>Jun 25 07:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux Ransomware - Notorious Cases and Ways to Protect - HackedJun 25 07:09
schestowitz              <blockquote>Jun 25 07:09
schestowitz                <p>The Tycoon payload arrives with a booby-trapped ZIP archive that contains a malicious Java Runtime Environment (JRE) component. Its operators tend to piggyback on unsecured remote desktop protocol (RDP) ports as the original entry point. Once the surreptitious infiltration into an enterprise network has been completed, the predatory code is compiled into a Java image (JIMAGE) entity that allows the attackers to createJun 25 07:09
schestowitza custom JRE build exhibiting malicious characteristics.</p></blockquote></li>Jun 25 07:09
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 25 16:26
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJun 25 16:27
schestowitz 25 17:36
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:36
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:36
schestowitzLet's send everyone home and start over from scratch.Jun 25 17:36
schestowitzThis experiment was a dismal failure.Jun 25 17:36
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:36
schestowitz 25 17:36
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:36
schestowitz"What do you expect them to do ? Play nicely MS don't know how to."Jun 25 17:36
schestowitz 25 17:37
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:37
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:37
schestowitzNice. Very few limitations, as far as I can see...Jun 25 17:37
schestowitz@ademalsasa @schestowitzJun 25 17:37
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:37
schestowitz 25 17:37
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:37
schestowitz"@wend @ademalsasa @schestowitz please refer to the Terms of Use"Jun 25 17:37
-TechBytesBot/ | Codeberg/org - at master - org - Codeberg.orgJun 25 17:37
schestowitz 25 17:37
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:37
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:37
schestowitzWill #codeberg accept any content ? Html, asciidoc, binary , political propaganda ,... ?Jun 25 17:37
schestowitz@codeberg @schestowitzJun 25 17:37
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:37
schestowitz 25 17:38
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:38
schestowitz"this will start happening in the USA if antifa and AOC gets their way"Jun 25 17:38
schestowitz 25 17:39
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:39
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:39
schestowitzuntil the socialists win powerJun 25 17:39
schestowitzwhen they will make it silence a crimeJun 25 17:39
schestowitzand social credit regimesJun 25 17:39
schestowitzand make society into the biggest police state you can imagineJun 25 17:39
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:39
schestowitz 25 17:39
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:39
schestowitz"not unless it decouples itself loudly from the racist, anti-white male ideology of the left"Jun 25 17:39
schestowitz 25 17:40
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:40
schestowitz"psa'Jun 25 17:40
schestowitz 25 17:40
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:40
schestowitz"I doubt this will make a difference, the issues are with the FB users too"Jun 25 17:40
schestowitz 25 17:41
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:41
schestowitz"we need to get these feds vs the other feds working on #EARNIT"Jun 25 17:41
schestowitz 25 17:41
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:41
schestowitz"There's plenty of alternatives to "master" that would work for the git master branch such as  "development" or "latest" or "main". So it could be changed. The obvious question is: Is there a real need beyond SJW stupidity and would an alternative be better? Everyone knows what a "master" branch is and the term works. There's no sane reason to change it, just stupid SJW insanity.."Jun 25 17:41
schestowitz"the dilution of vocabularies and ‘permissible’ language benefits those in positions of power (the real “masters”) the most" 25 17:41
-TechBytesBot/ | [Humour] Careful What You Wish For | TechrightsJun 25 17:41
schestowitz 25 17:42
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:42
schestowitz"I used to have a printout of on my wall (and when i find a printer, i'm going to have it again)"Jun 25 17:42
-TechBytesBot/ | xkcd: Is It Worth the Time?Jun 25 17:43
schestowitz 25 17:43
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:43
schestowitz"I’ve finally gotten around to taking a look, have you considered making it a little more mobile friendly?"Jun 25 17:43
schestowitzConsiders? Yes. But it's not a priority because of associated issues.Jun 25 17:44
schestowitz 25 17:44
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:44
schestowitz"I guess we need a reason for people to engage, something that we can do here that brings the community here together. to discuss a topic that everyone feels they can contribute."Jun 25 17:44
schestowitz\Jun 25 17:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 400 @\ )Jun 25 17:45
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:45
schestowitz@zleap True. But on the other side of the fence, the "makers" and "tinkerers" care about some software toys they can run on their playground computers and mistake "freedom of choice", the freedom to spend time and effort on implementing stuff in their spare time, for a sustainable, human alternative to surveillance capitalism. I think we do have good ideas and might be able to compete with Facebook, Google, ... - if we just managed toJun 25 17:45
schestowitzunite and focus. 😔Jun 25 17:45
schestowitz@schestowitzJun 25 17:45
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:45
schestowitz\ 25 17:45
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:45
schestowitz" I feel this is the key to peace in the middle east and a way to reduce the sheer hatred felt towards the US in the region."Jun 25 17:45
schestowitz 25 17:46
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:46
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:46
schestowitzFacebook are moving in to Africa in a very aggressive manner,  installing a big internet cable for a start,  people are going to be signed up to facebook what ever the cost,  FB cares for profits and data not human rights.Jun 25 17:46
schestowitzYou can't fight against that what you can do is educate on choice, but not of course if FB fund schools.Jun 25 17:46
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:46
schestowitz 25 17:46
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:46
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:46
schestowitzTo #torrent #JohnBolton's (read:the #warmonger's) book, are they using #BitlyBT over #i2p, or #i2pSnark?Jun 25 17:46
schestowitz#defundThePentagon #useTor #bitcoin #silentProtest #securityState #militaryIndustrialComplex #iran #iraq #russiagate #moneyPrinterGoBrr #ponziScheme #letItRip #extinctionRebellion #oilWars #venezuela #spain #italy #germany #defundTheWarMongers #bitcoinStandard #bitcoinVsPoliticalPowerJun 25 17:46
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:46
schestowitz 25 17:47
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:47
schestowitz" is there a torrent of this yet?"Jun 25 17:47
schestowitz 25 17:47
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:47
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:47
schestowitz@zleap It seems so difficult also because there's a vast amount of different, slightly related problems. Like "privacy" vs. "hatespeech" vs. "fake news". Facebook seems bad in many aspects, yet with the overall lack of sensibility *and* a real lack of alternatives ("the place where you have contact to all or at least most of your relevant people"), it's a tough choice for people to make. 😟Jun 25 17:47
schestowitz@schestowitzJun 25 17:47
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:47
schestowitz 25 17:47
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:47
schestowitz"I would love to self host but am as you said worried about getitng it wrong and my solution being more insecure."Jun 25 17:47
schestowitz 25 17:48
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:48
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:48
schestowitzA lot of the people I know seem to lack 'technical' expertise,  in additional to ot caring.Jun 25 17:48
schestowitzThere was a post on twitter,  someone asking what scares you the most about twitter,   one reply (must be heavy facebook user) said 'nothin' i posted a reply that had a link t the daily mail report on a former facebook moderator saying about what is on facebook and how horrifc it is.Jun 25 17:48
schestowitzSo even wehn you sayto people fb is full of very vile, hateful and illigal material they just don't care,   and some of these people are meant to safeguard children adn youg people.Jun 25 17:48
schestowitzOne of the reasons I prefer to talk to children and young people they seem to under stand things,   sure they know what a cloud is, but I think I can have a decent discussion with them regarding cloud computing as we are here,    it is just something to consider with raising any sort of conspiracy but just to are in mind that cloud computerbelongs to someone else.Jun 25 17:48
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:48
schestowitz 25 17:48
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:48
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:48
schestowitz@zleap Agree. The problem is that (as far as I see that) a vast majority of people does not just "not care" but not even remotely know there's a problem here. Other way 'round, for those who *do* care, rather than completely giving up on the cloud, using solutions such as #cryptomator or #boxcryptor might fix some issues too without having to go for self-hosting (which *might* be even more unsafe if you don't exactly know what you'reJun 25 17:48
schestowitzdoing...). 😉Jun 25 17:48
schestowitz@schestowitzJun 25 17:48
schestowitz"\ 25 17:48
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:48
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:48
schestowitz@z428 @schestowitzJun 25 17:48
schestowitzGood pointJun 25 17:48
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:48
schestowitz 25 17:49
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:49
schestowitz"It is probably down to swareness a lot of people just seem to use cloud as  convenience i do but not fo private / sensitive data"Jun 25 17:49
schestowitz 25 17:49
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:49
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:49
schestowitz... sometimes pretty much bugs me is that we don't at all have *any* control over how people handling these computers are operating. There are little legal obligations for people operating servers (compared to, say, running a restaurant). And too, we don't have obvious things like encryption of metadata and data at rest which would at least ease *some* of the problems of keeping data on other peoples computers... 😐Jun 25 17:49
schestowitz@schestowitzJun 25 17:49
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:49
schestowitz\Jun 25 17:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 400 @\ )Jun 25 17:49
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:49
schestowitz Though I whole-heartedly agree with that approach, there are two things: (a) Nowadays, even in so-called "decentralized" networks, most relevant computers *still* belong to other people. We'll only fix that by having true P2P applications that are really "serverless", at least for the majority of users. And (b) we very often, in our day-to-day life, have to trust others to not do bad things, starting with, say, a visit to a hospital orJun 25 17:49
schestowitzrestaurant. About computers, what ...Jun 25 17:49
schestowitz@schestowitzJun 25 17:49
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:49
schestowitz 25 17:49
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:49
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:49
schestowitzWish you were here a few years back.Jun 25 17:49
schestowitzAt a coffee-house there was a singer [Bard] headed silly about Paul Alan Town.Jun 25 17:49
schestowitzPaul wanted to turn South Lake Union into some gated Tech Utopia. I've seen the plans submitted to Seattle. You'd lose your shit [I lost my shit].Jun 25 17:50
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:50
schestowitz 25 17:50
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:50
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:50
schestowitzI mean 6500maH, also ask Julie on Twitter about her aluminum fruit bowl.Jun 25 17:50
schestowitz[Ate all the fruit, reading The Reg, walked out with the bowl, gave it to Julie.... because Microsoft OpSec in Redmond is shite.[Jun 25 17:50
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:50
schestowitz 25 17:50
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:50
schestowitz"Decent battery... use it to back my vape."Jun 25 17:50
schestowitz 25 17:50
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:50
schestowitz"Fun story...I stole this [blatantly, Microsoft owes me half a million so this was just amusement]."Jun 25 17:50
schestowitz 25 17:51
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 25 17:51
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:51
schestowitzWhat. passing Microsoft Central every day?Jun 25 17:51
schestowitzWhat do you want to know?Jun 25 17:51
schestowitz"Jun 25 17:51
schestowitzMore about layoffs and what you hear about the outsourcing/temping/contractsJun 25 17:51
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 25 18:26
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 25 18:26
*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesJun 25 19:29
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*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesJun 25 19:46
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJun 25 19:48
*libertybox ( has joined #techbytesJun 25 20:07
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 25 21:19
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jun 25 21:20
*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesJun 25 21:28
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*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 25 23:13
*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesJun 25 23:52
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJun 25 23:52

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