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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 26 06:10
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesSep 26 06:10
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Sep 26 06:10
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 26 06:10
schestowitz        <li>Sep 26 09:00
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">Harassment, expulsion and rejecting the Code of Conduct</a></h5>Sep 26 09:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @">Harassment )Sep 26 09:00
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Sep 26 09:00
schestowitz                    <p>Last time I cited this article in a blog post, the blog was immediately censored from Planet Debian and Planet Mozilla. I feel that some free software organizations take a one-sided view of these rights, they insist on the freedoms to use free software while showing contempt for any other rights, such as volunteers' right to speak or vote. </p>Sep 26 09:00
schestowitz                    <p> It is an interesting moment to look at the stated goals of some of these organizations. Fedora's Mission page defines the Four Foundations. The first foundation is Freedom, which includes: [...] </p></blockquote></li>Sep 26 09:00
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 26 10:19
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Sep 26 10:20
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 26 10:25
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 26 10:27
schestowitz>>>> [08:19] <schestowitz> the contents, not the directorySep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>>> [08:27] <-- inky (~inky@ has left this server (PingSep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>>> timeout: 256 seconds).Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>>> [08:31] --> mjg59 (~mjg59@2a00:1098:0:80:1000:c:0:1) has joined thisSep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>>> channel.Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>>>Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>>>      ^^^^^^^^Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>>>Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>> Hmmm.  Will he lurk or just troll?Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>>Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz>> If he starts talking, I'll pretend not to be there because the more youSep 26 12:36
schestowitz>> say, the more ammo he has. He keeps pestering me in Twitter every otherSep 26 12:36
schestowitz>> day for 2 weeks, demanding an "explanation"... (I never reply) looksSep 26 12:36
schestowitz>> like he's looking for a direct confrontation now.Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz>>Sep 26 12:36
schestowitz> He appears to be there to troll.  He has lied by generalizing a fewSep 26 12:36
schestowitz> limited facts about Debian by extending them into hyperbole.Sep 26 12:36
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 26 12:58
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Sep 26 12:59
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 26 13:05
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 26 13:06
schestowitz 26 14:57
-TechBytesBot/ | UK patent exams: Candidates trial online patent exam system as COVID-19 restrictions increase - The IPKatSep 26 14:57
schestowitz"Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzSarah BoxallTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 11:59:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzI understand that zoom will work just the same as it does in "normal" life and so the hope is candidates are already familiar with the system, hence no trial. As long as you know how to log on, use your webcam and use the Zoom chat function, I believe it should be straight forward. It is the invigilators who have the harder job.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzFor the question on printing parts of one's answer, have a play with the split screen function in Word which allows you to see two parts of a document at the same time. A new tool for me which has proved useful in real life.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzI hope trialling of the system has allayed many of candidates' concerns. When I tested it, it certainly seemed simple, clean and intuitive to use.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:57
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 14:57
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 16:57:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzI thought the PEBX portal worked fine, but was surprised that they didn't trial the Zoom invigilation too. I wanted to see how bathroom breaks worked, are the "screen rests" enforced, what happens if you don't use them - do you have to submit your answers earlier?! I also wanted more details of "the sweep" - do I need to make sure my webcam is portable, so that I can show the Examiner about my toilet?!Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:57
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 13:54:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzThe "split screen" tip is great, thanks Sarah!Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzConsidering how many false starts there have been, I was a bit unsure what to expect. However I have been pleasantly surprised. The system is straightforward to use and seems to allow us to make the most of the new format.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzMy only concern is the "scarboroughcloud" website that hosts the exam. It seemed fairly slow today, almost as if it was struggling. Hopefully it won't crash on the day.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:57
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 14:57
schestowitzSarah BoxallTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 14:28:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzThe scarboroughcloud website is part of SCD (Secure and Confidential Documents) who have provided the exam documents since the PEB was set up. I and the PEB are also concerned that the website might crash, which is one reason why the test is being carried out in real time so SCD can see how the system copes. SCD has been made fully aware that it needs to provide some sort of non-web based backup but I don't know the details of what thisSep 26 14:57
schestowitzis. One of the "joys" of having to put a brand new system in place, unfortunately.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzI am pleased the system is working though. The landing page has been changed since I tested it - I wanted the uploading to be made much easier to see and understand as I ended up faffing around pressing the wrong buttons! It turns out I hadn't read the documentation as instructed : /Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 14:52:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzCandidates under exam pressure are prone to making silly mistakes, so thanks for testing the system and helping reach a straightforward solution :)Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:57
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 13:58:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzI thought the trial was to test all components- a bit worrying that PEB have left trialling Zoom until "the day". Although Zoom itself is relatively straightforward, making sure your computer functions with all the new devices required for this exam (candidates in my firm have had to purchase new printers and webcams, all requiring multiple USB connections) and getting everything working in tandem is no small task- it would have beenSep 26 14:57
schestowitzbetter if candidates could have had a full trial.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:57
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 14:57
schestowitzSarah BoxallTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 14:31:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzI too am disappointed that Zoom can't be tested at the same time, and I am sure the Invigilators probably feel the same way. However, I am sure it would have been tested if it could have been. I don't think all the licences are in place yet and neither are all the invigilators - if anyone feels like volunteering. If I can persuade the PEB to arrange for any kind of Zoom testing for candidates, I promise I will.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 14:53:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzIt's not the same, but it's better than nothing - Zoom offer a test page here: 26 14:57
-TechBytesBot/ | Join a Test Meeting - ZoomSep 26 14:57
schestowitzSarah BoxallTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 15:48:00 BSTSep 26 14:57
schestowitzso, in addition to my comment above, this trial has only ever been to test the PEBX system because it is a totally brand new system and needs to be tested to check it actually works, and works for everyone.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzAs I said above, Zoom should be known to candidates and is a known, widely available system. I appreciate that being invigilated via a webcam is different to an exam hall and this was always going to be the case no matter which system was used. Zoom certainly seems to be the simplest of the technologies available. The commercial alternative, which turned out not to record for long enough, would have been a total headache for candidatesSep 26 14:57
schestowitzin comparison.Sep 26 14:57
schestowitzI echo the comment below - good luck everyone in such an unusual time. Thank you to those of you who have been helpful and encouraging while the PEB has had such a mammoth task this year. I hope the handful of persistent critics and nay-sayers are persuaded that something has worked and I truly look forward to awarding lots of passes this year : ) MAKE SURE YOU READ, UNDERSTAND AND INWARDLY DIGEST EVERY BIT OF INFORMATION THAT ISSep 26 14:57
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:58
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 14:50:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzCan we present a table in FD4 in landscape format? The model answer (2013) showed a landscape table- but the trial paper says not to modify the formatting so I presume this is not allowed. I think it would greatly help candidates and Examiners reading the scripts to have this simple modification.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:58
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 14:58
schestowitzSarah BoxallTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 15:35:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzI don't see why you shouldn't be able to as candidates have always done so with handwriting. Just make sure you are familiar with formatting sections before the exam so the whole paper doesn't come out as landscape, for which you might not be thanked!! What the marking examiners are worried about is if candidates put the font to 8 and single lines (as an extreme example!) for some strange reason. The type face also needs to be the oneSep 26 14:58
schestowitzset in the document. The reason for these format settings is to help our dyslexic examiners.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzHope this helps.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 16:19:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzThat'd be great if that was the case. The trail exam paper instructions specifically state not to modify any formatting though- seems it would be quite risky for students to do this? Would be great if PEB could clarify.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzSarah BoxallTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 18:01:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzLeave it with me...Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 17:57:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzMy recommendation on this one is to practice using a portrait table as you can copy and paste and so don't have to spend valuable time re-writing the claims.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:58
schestowitzConcernedof1312Tuesday, 22 September 2020 at 15:08:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzAll the very best to the candidates sitting these exams at this strange time.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:58
schestowitzTrainee McTrainfaceTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 17:04:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzDoes anyone know if using a Laptop webcam is acceptable, or if a separate webcam is required?Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzAnd if spell check will be allowed? And the synonyms function?Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzRegarding changing the format to landscape, I understood the information to mean that such changes to the layout would not be accepted?Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzAll a bit worrying. Even though the test has been helpful.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:58
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 14:58
schestowitzSarah BoxallTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 18:04:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzI would think that a laptop webcam should be acceptable, provided you can pick up the laptop and do a proper room scan. That said, I've just bought one for £15 so it shouldn't break the bank.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzYes, spell check should work. I didn't try synonyms but you could if you have another trial opportunity. My understanding is all the functionality of Word should be there.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzIf you have another opportunity to upload another answer, I would also try adding a landscape table. I certainly won't reject papers in such a format, but I will get the PEB to confirm.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:27:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzI've been thinking about the landscape table question and my suggestion is, because copy and paste is easy this year, try using portrait tables with only two columns rather than putting all the prior art for inventive step in one table. I know it's not ideal but we really do want to limit weird and wonderful versions of scripts to mark if people start fiddling with formatting. However, I _am_ waiting for an answer from the PEB so I willSep 26 14:58
schestowitzlet you knowSep 26 14:58
schestowitzTrainee McTrainfaceWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 10:13:00 BSTSep 26 14:58
schestowitzThat's great, thank you Sarah!Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzI did try, and both spell check and synonyms appeared to be available. As such, I'll be working under the assumption that it will be permissible to use these features.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzRegarding the landscape table, I tried it and think I'll go by your second recommendation of using portrait tables. As you correctly said, it is easy to copy paste the claim language etc this year.Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzThanks again!Sep 26 14:58
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:58
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 17:56:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzCredit where it is due - PEB has done a fantastic job with the PEBX system. Yes, there are some concerns, my PEBX portal kept freezing for a while and wouldn't refresh - I was worried that I couldn't upload my script in time (last 5 minutes).Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzI think the time allocated is fair as I did found that I had to use up most of the time. The system seem straightforward but I also note that some may not have tried the system so hopefully on the time, there are no problems uploading scripts 10 minutes before the time is up.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:59
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 17:59:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzAlthough I understand that checks need to be carried out, I did notice that having to log in 1 hour before the exam start date has a dramatic impact on performance especially towards to the end of a very long exam period (around 5.5 hours for the shortest exam if you include the 1 hour at the start).Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzIs there anyway we can reduce the 1 hour burden at the start of the exam. For example, once you've got your ID check, can you go and make a cup of tea before the exam start or do you really need to sit in your room at wait for 10am start.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:59
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 14:59
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 22:09:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzIf they could be more flexible with this hour before the exam then that would be great.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 22:14:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzBoris Johnson announcement today saying that we should work from home and only travel into the office if it is absolutely essential i.e. we can't do work from home. Does anyone know if exams would be classed as "essential" travel. There are obviously bigger things than exams and don't want to be irresponsibly breaking the rules, especially as a legal representative.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzObviously, no one knew back in August that this would be the case but is there any chance that PEB will allow candidates to switch venues to take the exams at home.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:16:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzThere is nothing to say that you have to sit in front of your computer for that hour. Once you are logged in by the invigilator you should be free to do as you wish. The hour is needed for the invigilators to get everyone in and checked. Think of it as being that horrible nervous time milling around before going into the exam hall. You wouldn't skid in 5 minutes before the exam starts unless something has gone wrong : /Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:59
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 18:04:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzIt has been a very very tricky time preparing for exam this year and during revision, I've been quite anxious and constantly concerned about whether the exam is on/off, what format it is and even then we had issues/concerns about the online system. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised about the PEBX system - it seems to work well. I echo many of the people before me in that it seems slow and at times, the page won't refresh. ISep 26 14:59
schestowitzended up having to log in and off before uploading my script.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzI would like to have invigilators tested us because it would be useful to know how they would interrupt you during the exam via zoom. My speaker automatically switched itself off (presumably because it ran out of battery) but I would have no idea if this would mean I would get in trouble during the exam if they wanted to contact me during the exam etc...Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzAs for advice, I would urge anyone to use a USB and not a bluetooth speaker.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:59
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 14:59
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 22:08:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzYes, completely agree its been very tricky revising this summer. The uncertainty does not help. I share a flat with 4 other people with a tiny room so been doing most of my work in the living room (which is not always ideal). I hope the government doesn't introduce travel restriction as I'm taking my exam in the office.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:17:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzI would really hope the invigilator will not interrupt you during the exam and I don't think that is the plan. If there are any issues, my guess is they will use the chat function, rather than speakers but I can check if you'd like me to.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:24:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzMy view is that if you need to take the exam in the office due to children/home arrangements then this would be supported as essentialSep 26 14:59
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:59
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 18:09:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzTesting the exam was useful. I do have small kids (2 and 3.5 yrs) and no matter how many times my partner tries to stop them disturbing me, they manage to find a way to come into the office. I do have a lock on the door but they kept banging the door.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzMy partner ended up taking the kids round to a friend's place. Obviously, with all the new coronavirus restrictions taking place (and looks like there is more to come) I am slightly worried that it would not be easy to keep kids away in October. I don't know if anyone else has this problem. I'm guessing single parents are in a much tricky situation than me. Any advice would be good - revision with kids inside this year has been anSep 26 14:59
schestowitzabsolute nightmare!Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzReplySep 26 14:59
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 14:59
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:39:00 BSTSep 26 14:59
schestowitzThe school my kids go have an some positive coronavirus cases and sending kids from specific classes back home to parents.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzIt does indeed create a massive headache in the midst of all the exam preparation.Sep 26 14:59
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:00
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 18:14:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzI do have a slight issue with FD1 - Is there any chance the wording can be spaced out a little bit more? The resolution/quality of my printer ink is not great so it smudges a bit when I print the paper. The text seems a bit small online so if this small adjustment can be made then that would be good.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:00
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:00
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:19:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzyou should be able to increase the zoom within Adobe. I'm afraid the paper is already tucked away safely within the SCD system ready to be issued - sorry.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:00
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 22:05:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzOverall, I found the PEBX system easy to use but would there be a 10 minute warning before the end of the "real" exam. Also for FD1, are we able to submit our timelines as part of the answer?Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:00
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:00
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:20:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzyou can submit whatever you want as part of your answer, provided it is uploaded in the correct format. Not sure if there is a limit on the number of documents you can upload but I know there is capacity to upload a typed document and a handwritten document. Test the system and see what happens - that's what this week is all about : )Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 11:45:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzThis does raise an interesting question. In the PEB guidelines, it was mentioned that there was no need to provide scanned documents for FD1.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzHowever, most people would like to handwrite their timelines. Can handwritten timelines (so long as its on the answer sheets) now be scanned and submitted as part of FD1.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 14:19:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzI believe the system is able to accept scanned docs for FD1. The guidance on the need for scanning (or not) was to allay the fright that all candidates needed a scanner to be able to sit Finals, which is simply not the case. If you want to submit handwritten notes then you can. Just be aware that they are rarely marked. I suggest you make sure documents are clearly cross-referenced so examiners can see when to refer and to what.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzAs I've said in other comments, give the upload a test with what you feel you'd like to submit. If the system accepts the uploads then it will all be sent for marking.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 14:28:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzI can't see why PEB would object to this but maybe Sarah/PEB can clarify.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:00
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 22:22:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzWould having 6 trainees and an invigilator in one meeting room/office/building count against rule of 6 indoors?Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzI'm not sure if PEB can clarify and if possible, it would be useful if they can provide further guidance updates in light of what has been announced today by the government.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:00
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:00
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:21:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzI'm afraid that's for the Government, not the PEB, to answer as the PEB doesn't set those particular rulesSep 26 15:00
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 14:34:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzUnfortunately, the government keeps making changes which is creating havoc. We were allowed back to the office a few weeks ago and now been told to go home again. Adding more stress in already stressful + difficult exam.Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzHoping there won't be anymore changes in a few weeks but who knows. See if you can split up into smaller offices. Might be able to circumvent the "rule of 6".Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:12:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzI believe the rule of 6 doesn't apply at the office - see 26 15:00
-TechBytesBot/ | Coronavirus (COVID-19): Meeting with others safely (social distancing) - GOV.UKSep 26 15:00
schestowitz"There are exceptions where groups can be larger than 6 people. These include: for work, or the provision of voluntary or charitable services"Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:00
schestowitzAnonymousTuesday, 22 September 2020 at 23:52:00 BSTSep 26 15:00
schestowitzAs a few have mentioned above, there are concerns about the website crashing/being too slow to upload the answer in time. How much time should a candidate leave to ensure the answer is submitted in time? 5/10/15 minutes?Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzPlease can the PEB ensure that there is a backup method of uploading on the day (maybe an email address?). Another, more technical solution, would be for the website to locally calculate a hash of the answer document(s), with only the hash being submitted before the time limit. The candidate can then submit the documents at their leisure, as the hash can be used to demonstrate that no changes have been made to the document(s).Sep 26 15:00
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:01
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:01
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:22:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzI promise there will be a backup if the system crashes. That is part of what is being tested this week. You might not see what the backup is as it might be behind the scenes but I and the PEB have stipulated that it HAS to be there.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 11:43:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzBy the way, the extra time allocated to all exams this year is not to give you more "writing" time. The exam is still its usual time allocation with the additional time being for downloading, uploading and screen breaks. I believe you are allocated 25 minutes in total for downloading and uploading for FD1, FD2 and FD4 and 20 minutes for all the other exams, including Foundations.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 14:27:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzI agree. I stuck to the 4 hours and 5 hours exam for FD1 and FD4 and found that the extra time for printing, converting to pdf and uploading is vital.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzI want to copy and paste the comments above in that the system do seem pretty slow and it does give me some anxious moments. I'm aware that this has been brought to the attention of PEB so hopefully, they can improve it.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:01
schestowitzThe Malpractice PracticeWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 09:14:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzIt was welcome development to have a full scale trial of the PEBX system and somewhat allayed my fears of the actual day however FD4 is now pushing 6 hours as an exam; many people will welcome this extra time to get through what is already a very time pressured test but I think we all need to take a step back and have a grown up conversation whether a 6 hour paper really is fit for purpose anymore (7 if you have extra time).Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzAre we really saying that one 6 hour paper is the best way to test I&V (if it has to be assessed at all) or are we now testing endurance of candidates and their ability to assimilate reams of information in a short period of time.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:01
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:01
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 11:42:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzAgreed - FD1 and especially FD4 exam has always been hot debate and whether the exam format now (before online) is the most appropriate way. I think a discussion of the demands put on trainees and how assessments are done is a good thing and should be done ASAP.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 11:49:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzI agree that such a long exam needs looking at and it is something I am addressing with the FD4 examining team but, ultimately we are directed by IPREG. Please note the exam is not nearly 6 hours long. You still have only 5 hours for the exam. There is an additional 20 minutes to use as breaks from the screen and 25 minutes to use before and after to download and print, and upload your answer.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzThe Malpractice PracticeWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 15:03:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzHi Sarah, that's interesting - myself and a lot of trainees are under the impression that they are able to write (and effectively extend the exam time) using the screen breaks and 25 mins for upload and download and that invigilators will not stop them doing this? Will they be stopped from effectively answering questions during this time? ThanksSep 26 15:01
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 15:26:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzBut surely if you only take 10 minutes to download, print and upload, you effectively have an extra 15 minutes? There's nothing on the question paper that requires you take 25 minutes to do the printing and uploading - indeed, printing is optional. Also, what are you allowed to do during screen breaks? Can you look at the printed exam paper? Can you hand write stuff? Can you go to the toilet, or eat something? Are they timed, and if so,Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzby whom?Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 17:25:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzI have asked the PEB Governance Board to clarify but my understanding is the exam time length hasn't changed, except for the screen beak time which some candidates will work through even though the shouldn't.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzI think you can do what you want for the screen break time. The zoom feed is being recorded so we can flag if anything looks unusual, which is why I recommend you either talk to the invigilator or put comments in the chat so they (and eventually the examiners) can see that everything is above board.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzThe way I look at it is everyone needs to be treated the same. If one person needs 20 minutes to upload their script it is not fair to them if another candidate uses 15 minutes of that time to continue writing.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzWatch this space and I'll let you know.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:34:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzIt certainly took me 15-20 mins to download, print, log in, upload.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzI did take breaks but I took it when I needed it. If enmass enforced, it may not be as effective as it can be. Also - there is nothing worse then someone disturbing your thought process.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzI think there must be an element of trust for candidates to decide for themselves.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:48:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzI tested FD1, FD3 and FD4 and as far as I can tell, I do need the extra time for printing, screen breaks etc... There wasn't much time for me to effectively extend any writing and I've asked a few others too who said that the time allowed for the exams were mostly spent as intended.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:54:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzIt's very much dependent on your printer speed, Internet connection etc... It took a while for me to access PEBX and download, upload, print etc... So I did used up most of the 25 mins. There's nothing I can do to improve broadband speed in a few weeks.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzAs for screen breaks, I did used a couple of these throughout the exam.Sep 26 15:01
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 20:02:00 BSTSep 26 15:01
schestowitzThe FD4 just says you have 5 hours 45 minutes in which to print the paper if desired, take four screen rest breaks of 5 minutes each, save your answer doc to your hard drive as a pdf, scan any hand annotated claims and save them, upload your answer document to the PEBX system. It doesn't say 'the exam time is 5 hours, the other 45 mins is for other stuff.' So if that's what the PEB mean, they need to change the front page of the paperSep 26 15:01
schestowitzand let us know. The PEB also needs to say what can and cannot be done in the screen breaks, otherwise people are either going to end up unwittingly using them 'improperly' or are going to disadvantage themselves by not doing things they could have done.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 22:28:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzIt is my understanding that you will not be stopped from writing at any point.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzIndeed the invigilator will not tell you the examination is over.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzIt is your responsibility to upload it by the cut off. If you don't you will fail.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzLeave it as late as you dare. But as Sarah mentions below, if the scanner stops working in the last 5 minutes of your time, it might be a hard sell to the PEB to suggest you did everything possible to upload it in the 20/25 minutes.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzWhen i tested FD4 i found 10 minutes were used up before i started, 10 minutes after. So i think it would be foolish to carry on writing. Especially considering there is concern about too many users. Might require a few attempts to upload. But if you think its worth it go aheadSep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 22:41:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzI would add to one of the comment above that not everyone will need a screen break at exactly the same time. It will be horrible if someone interrupts your train of thought every hour. The EPO gives you an extra 30 minutes but it does not force candidates to stop writing/thinking/reading for those 30 minutes - there is an element of trust/leeway for candidates to decide for themselves.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzEvery candidate will be at different stages of the exam question/thought process so I also think that by forcing screen breaks at particular times would disadvantage some candidates and not others. I think candidates should be left to decide for themselves.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 22:48:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzI'm not sure how a general rule can be enforced for printing, scanning etc.. for example, some may need 15 minutes to print the paper because they have a slow printer but they can upload their script in 10 minutes.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzA second candidate can print their paper in 10 minutes (slightly faster) but need 15 minutes to convert pdf and upload (because they have slower computer processor and slower internet speeds).Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzSo I'm not sure how this can be universally applied because it really does boil down to individual internet speed and IT equipment.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzI personally think it is fair to give 25 minutes in general for all these activities otherwise we are going to make the exams more complicated and it's already quite complex this year.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 22:54:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzI'm not sure if this is just me but I actually found typing out answers this year to be slower than writing out the answers (in previous years).Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 09:29:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzIf you look at Item 4.3 of the Essential Information for Designated Contacts, it says that they will print the paper for the candidates BEFORE THE EXAM STARTS so that the candidates have it ready on their desk and can read the front page before the exam start time. So those sitting the exam at the office have a head start because they don't have to print the paper. Also, they aren't filmed - so if they forget to take a screen break, andSep 26 15:02
schestowitzthe invigilator doesn't notice, or doesn't want to shop their colleague, the they are fine, whereas those sitting at home are recorded and the PEB could, if it wanted to, pore over the footage to find minor infractions of their ambiguous rules. So the PEB have created a two tier system for the exams. Those sitting in the office have more time, because they have the paper straightaway, and are far less likely to be picked up for eg notSep 26 15:02
schestowitztaking screen breaks. And the two tier system was established after it was too late to change venue. So if you chose to do it at home, it appears that you unwittingly chose to be disadvantaged. This doesn't seem very fair.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 09:59:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzHardly,Sep 26 15:02
schestowitz1) People at home can access the paper at the same time as in the office. You can read on the computer while you print it out...Also if you are in an office you will likley be in a queue to print it off, which could take a long time. For FD4 i would be in a queue of 8 people.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitz2) You can take your screen breaks when you want. You can take 30 seconds every 6 minutes if you want. Your screen break could be looking at the desk infront of you. How will anyone be able to measure when you take your screen breaks unless they have a tracker on your eyes? If you choose to ignore screen breaks that is up to you. its your health at the end of the day.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzNobody can see a candidates screen at home. This is a two tier system because the trainee at home has an opportunity to cheat. This doesn't seem fair.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzThere are differences depending on where you sit it. These can't be remedied because the facts are different.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 10:48:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzNo, candidates in the office don't have to queue to print the paper. It will be on their desk before the exam starts. That's what the document for designated contacts says. So they will have it before those at home.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 11:33:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzWhy take the risk on the day to leave it 2 minutes before uploading your script. The PEBX system was incredibly slow so I would suggest you use the last 10-15 minutes to check your pdf is converted probably and upload.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzI think there must be some trust/responsibility for candidates to decide on the time given to them for themselves. Otherwise, things will get so complex and confusing on the day.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 11:38:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzYes, but if they didn't have it on their desks, they would have to queue.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzCandidates at home will have access to the paper at the same time as those in the office. You can read the paper online the second the exam starts. Likewise candidates can only open the paper the second the exam starts.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzIn an ideal world, of course you would want the candidate to have it infront of them, but doing it at home means there is nobody preventing you from reading it in those 30 minutes before the exam (there is if you do it in the office). But that works the other way as stated above, in an ideal world you would want to be able to monitor the screens of people doing it at home (like they can in the office), but that isn't possible.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzThere will be differences because in one case you have lots of people and an invigilator, and in others you have no invigilator and one person.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzThat's just the way it goes. The PEB are trying to make it fair for everyone, that doesn't mean equal treatment though because everyone's situation will be different.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzThis is such a minor point as well. Most printers print at around 20 pages per minute, so you are talking about 30 seconds difference (you can start reading page 1 of the exam while the rest of the document is printing). Not sure this "difference" makes it completely unfair.Sep 26 15:02
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 11:39:00 BSTSep 26 15:02
schestowitzThe idea of forcing candidates to stop midway through writing an answer (even though you are within the allocated time) and force them to sit there for the last 10 minutes doesn't sit well with me. Candidates should really save enough time to download, print, convert to pdf and upload. It should be up to them. Making more complex rules will just make it so much worse. 25 minutes for candidates to consider downloading etc... is fair andSep 26 15:03
schestowitzyou will find the vast majority if not all candidates will use most of that time to do so.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 16:34:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzno-one is "forcing" any candidates to stop midway though writing an answer or to sit there for the last 10 minutes. No-one if "forcing" any candidates to do anything and nor will they be. It is indeed up to candidates to take responsibility for themselves in terms of taking screen breaks if they need them and leaving enough time at the end of an exam for document conversions, scanning and uploading. People sitting these exams are adultsSep 26 15:03
schestowitzcapable of looking after themselves, even in an exam situation, and they are expected to behave like professionals.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzAnonymousFriday, 25 September 2020 at 09:00:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzTotally agree with Sarah's comments here. We are all adults so it is down to us to manage our time appropriately in the allocated period.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:03
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 11:34:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzWould the answer sheet be the same on the day of the exam i.e. with our candidate number on. If so, I may print some blank pages off and try uploading some hand-written notes on the system.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzAlso - if the pdf sheets are for some reason not compatible, would it be rejected straightaway i.e. cannot upload the pdf docs.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:03
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:03
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 14:22:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzThe answer sheet will indeed be exactly as you are seeing it this week. The aim of this week is to use and abuse the system as much as you can/want to so we can be aware of any potential issues.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzIf the pdf sheets are not compatible then there should be a contingency to submit documents - I suspect via email - that have not been allowed by the system and then you request special consideration. I had a play with lots of different pdf converters when I tested the system and they all seemed to work so I hope they do for you too : )Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:03
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 11:39:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzMany thanks Sarah Boxall for trying to answer as many of the queries candidates have on here.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzWe all wish there could be more dialogue between PEB and candidates in general. Perhaps a session between candidates and PEB after the exams to give feedback on the online system.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:03
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:03
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 14:28:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzI am very happy to help, not least because the system has to work for everyone. I am very happy to have a session and to listen to feedback which I can pass on to the PEB. There are features that I would like to see in future that have simply not been possible to sort out this year and people's feedback will be appreciated.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzAll I ask is that comments are constructive and it is not a mud slinging session at the examining team, the exams per se or the PEB. Angelina has done an absolutely herculean amount of work this year which simply didn't look possible in April. But it had to be done and it has been done. All I wish for is the best possible outcome for candidates.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:27:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzI think that would be good to have a session on just the online system. In my view it should include firms and attorneys too.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzA seperate discussion on the exams per se and whether it is suitable or not would be different from this. Many including myself do not agree with the current format but this is different from giving actual feedback on the online system.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:29:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzI think most are in agreement that PEBX works albeit there are some minor tethering issues thus far. Students have been asking for an online format for a long time so it's pleasing to see it.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzMost candidates want PEB to modernise and succeed so I very much welcome the opportunity to give feedback for the online system.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 10:27:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzThis is great : ) I will see that something is set up after the exams have been sat. If nothing is forthcoming, please remind me as I will have my head in marking from Nov onwards.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:03
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 12:49:00 BSTSep 26 15:03
schestowitzI tried the amendment paper this morning and am unable to copy and paste the claims into the answer sheet to be amended. The formatting goes haywire - even if I copy and paste the claims in sections.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzI reported this to PEB and was merely told that they couldn't help. The exam is already time pressured at 3 hours and I don't want to have to manually type out the claims. PEB have refused to provide the claims as a separate word document or to made the PDF editable/enable copy and paste. Any suggestions? All Office features are up to date on my computer and *seemed* to be working for the other papers.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzI am not sure what options are available here if PEB refuse to budge but it is a waste of valuable time to type out each claim by hand to just to amend it.Sep 26 15:03
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:03
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:03
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 14:34:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzah, now this is a problem. Exactly what happens to the formatting and is it rectifiable quickly and easily? If you want to ping me an email I will see what I can do. I understand your frustration and it would be interesting to know whether anyone else has had the same problem. It may be just an issue with the 2019 paper and I should be able to test this.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzFor the record, the PEB has not "refused to provide the claims as a separate word document or to make the PDF editable/enable copy and paste". We have looked into this as it was a main request from me but the firm who provides the paper has simply not been able to include the claims (this year) in the answer document. I know not why but that's all the info I have and I promise we tried. This year's paper _should_ be enabled for copy andSep 26 15:04
schestowitzpaste and it certainly was when I had a play.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzThe Malpractice PracticeWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 15:05:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzI have also had this problem yesterday with FD4, it looks like the PDF can sometimes throw out random syntax when copied into word such as an erroneous '?' or numbers in between words.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 17:31:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzI will speak to the PEB and see if the folk who provide the paper can confirm that these issues won't arise with the pdf version of this year's paper. At least random syntnax is easily identifiable and quickly corrected.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzI am as frustrated as you that a word version of the claims cannot be provided. It was a system coding matter that was a step too many for the programmers and we needed to make sure the basics worked first.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 17:47:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzJust a thought - have you tried saving the pdf to your desktop and the opening it in Adobe, rather than working straight off the download? Might make a difference, I don't know.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzAlternatively, can you covert the pdf to a Word document? I can't see why you shouldn't be allowed to do this as it is your exam paper to do with it what you wish.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:21:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzYes I also had this problem when copying and pasting. It doesn't seem to recognise the letter 'i' well and gave a random symbol as a replacement.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:42:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzMe too and it's very random as well so you can't always easily spot the copy and paste error.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 09:17:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzThanks for the suggestion, yes I had tried saving in various formats to see if it would work and no dice. Not sure what other actions I can take here.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:04
schestowitzSarah BoxallWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 17:54:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzFolks - if the clock stops and you haven't finished uploading, what will be submitted for marking will be what you have uploaded. If you can prove that there was an internet issue that prevented you from uploading your answer in time then you will need to request special consideration.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzYou are _very_ unlikely to be awarded special consideration if you were writing after the exam was supposed to have finished and you simply ran out of time to upload, not least because this is malpractice.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzAlso, please upload a SINGLE answer document. Some people seem to be uploading parts of their answer as separate documents. I have been told that the document handling part of the system will not be able to cope with this and so all that will be sent for marking will be the last document uploaded.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzConsider yourselves warned! Please make the most of this test session to check that you are comfortable with all the document conversion and upload requirements.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzIf I find out any further nuggets, I will let you know.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:04
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:04
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 22:33:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzThe system won't let me upload and try out anything else. I think once it has uploaded, that's it. As I've done FD1 and FD4, I no longer have a live link to test the system again with new pdfs. Can this be reset as I can't test the system again given the news about only uploading 1 pdf and not multiple pdfs as Sarah has mentioned.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 09:54:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzHi Sarah, section 5 of the "Essential Information For Candidates" explicitly states that we *SHOULD* upload separate documents:Sep 26 15:04
schestowitz"At the end of the Examination: If you have PDFs of annotated claims or diagrams, they should be saved in the format FD1-12345-Claims or FD2-12345-Diagrams".Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzPlease can you clarify as a matter of urgency.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 10:30:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzok, this is definitely contrary to what I was told yesterday so let me check....Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 11:01:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzThis is my mistake and I apologise for the confusion. Your answer script should be uploaded as a single document. Any handwritten notes, claim/diagram annotations, timelines etc may also be uploaded. I think some people were uploading their answer for FD4 construction, infringement, novelty etc etc as separate files, which is the issue as there is a risk not all parts of the answer may be acknowledged by the system for some reason.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzI hope this is clear and, again, I apologise for the confusion.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzWe have a HUGE number of candidates sitting a lot of exams this year - way more than usual - and the script processing is and has to be highly automated. This is where and why the bottlenecks and issues arise.Sep 26 15:04
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 20:53:00 BSTSep 26 15:04
schestowitzThanks for the quick reply Sarah :) All of your comments here are very much appreciated.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:05
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:41:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzIn general I am quite positive with PEBX.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzOne thing I wish we can do is to view the uploaded Pdf document on the PEBX system before we press the submit/end exam button.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzCan this still be implemented or is it too late.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:05
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:59:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzSarah. Is there a possibility to upload more than 1 Pdf docs to the system and for it to be taken into account.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzOne for the proper answer and one for the drawings on a seperate Pdf or do we have to create one single Pdf.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:05
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:05
schestowitzAnonymousWednesday, 23 September 2020 at 22:19:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzThe Essential information for candidates suggests you can upload more than one document. See section 5 sub-section titled "At the end of the examination".... why would you they tell you what name format to save it as if you could only submit the filename you are given.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzBut Sarah above says you can only submit one document?Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzThis seems to be contrasting with the essential information for candidates. Can this point be confirmed?Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 07:46:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzFor FD4, I was able to upload my answer booklet and a pdf of the claims from the exam paper (with the features marked out).Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 10:31:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzIt seems I was given conflicting information yesterday so let me check. My understanding initially was that you could upload more than one document, but I may have misunderstood the conversation I had.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 11:02:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzsee above - I apologise for the confusion : /Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 12:05:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzOK, thanks Sarah.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzThere are lots of useful feedback/advice and clarification points in this blog. Will PEB release some further updates/guidelines because I can imagine not all candidates (and/or indeed invigilators) are on this blog.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 16:37:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzI don't think there is a plan to release any more information as all the information that _should_ be required should already be out and I don't think any of it has changed. However, I will contact the Informals and ask if there is a way of sending this thread around to people or directing them here.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:05
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 07:52:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzIs it possible to open email to access scanned documents if a candidate is sitting the exam at home? The guidance to candidates appears to imply use of email is only permitted in the office (page 5 - "In this situation only, it is permitted to have email open and to use it during the last 20 minutes of the Examination time (25 minutes for FD4)."). Otherwise for candidates sitting exams from home I'm not sure how they get scannedSep 26 15:05
schestowitzdocuments from a mobile (if using a scan to pdf app) to the computer? Thanks.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:05
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:05
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 10:33:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzI think you have to be able to access email to retrieve documents. I know I certainly do to get my scanned docs and I have told the PEB this.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 10:34:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzThis is a very good point.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzAlso - when is the last 25 minutes of the examination time? Is this 25 minutes before time is up on the system?Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 11:08:00 BSTSep 26 15:05
schestowitzThe 25 mins is the total time you are allocated for all the downloading, printing, scanning and uploading before and after the exam. Forgive me but I can't remember whether the paper is downloadable before the clock starts. Testing the system this week should have answered that one for you.Sep 26 15:05
schestowitzFor FD4, for example, the opportunity to upload will close after 5 hours and 45 mins so it is up to you to manage that time and make sure you have everything uploaded before the clock stops.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:06
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 09:20:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzIf there is a problem during the exam, it says that we should **email** pebx. Am I the only one seeing a problem with this? I know it was mentioned in the above blog post but there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to contact PEB in case of issue. If internet dies, then I can't access my email from my computer and will need to use my phone - which could be seen as malpractice couldn't it? Using the phone would seem the obvious optionSep 26 15:06
schestowitzbut I don't want to open myself up to any accusations of breaking the rules...Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:06
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:06
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 09:30:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzYes, the invigilator cannot tell you when to stop writing.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzNot least because they do not have access to the "official time" through the PEBx Portal.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzTheoretically it may be possible to write for 24 out of 25 minutes of the uploading time. I really don't think that would happen in reality. Why would you risk it? doesn't make sense to me or anyone i've spoken to who is sitting the exam, especially given the system is experimental.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 09:32:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzWell don't submit your paper then.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzIf you are caught in such a situation you need to use your common sense. What do you think is worse, submitting it using a mobile connection or not submitting it? Deal with the fallout after.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzPEB can't legislate for every edge case.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 10:04:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzIt's hardly an edge case. It seems to be common sense to not have email as the only contact method for the PEB if your internet fails.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 10:39:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzmy suggestion is, if you lose internet connection, email the PEB as soon as you regain connection. You will then need to submit a request for special consideration together with evidence that proves why you were unable to upload. As I have said above, legitimate reasons will be given the appropriate consideration that they deserve. For some reason there is a real concern about cheating/malpractice so, providing you have done everythingSep 26 15:06
schestowitzyou could and should, you should not be penalised.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:06
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 11:21:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzI'm a bit worried about zoom cutting off (as happened on some client calls over the last 6 months). Do we at least have a backup/alternative if zoom cuts you off e.g. can we connect to a back-up skype call.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:06
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:06
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 16:40:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzas has been stated a number of times above, if you have any technical issues, candidates are advised to contact the PEB as soon as they are able once the issue has been resolved. You then request special consideration, providing evidence of what happened, what was done to resolve the situation and essentially, prove to IPREG and the Marking Examining Team that there was no cheating or malpractice. As I have stated, if the issue isSep 26 15:06
schestowitzgenuine, such requests will be treated with the consideration they deserve, i.e. allowance of the special consideration.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:06
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 11:40:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzOn the chance that you finish your paper early - say within 3.5 hours rather than 4 hours, as long as you've uploaded your pdf script etc... are you then forced to wait for the next hour OR can you leave early.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:06
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:06
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 12:01:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzInteresting. Not sure about this.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzI think aslong as you are not in the last 30 minutes of published end time (i.e. on the timer on pebX) you should be allowed to leave. This is because the concept of screen breaks and scanning/printing/declaration time is talked as like an add-on, but the reality is you will use bits of this time throughout, e.g. 10 minutes of printing/declaration time at start, screen breaks every you could be writing at 4:15 legitimately, ifSep 26 15:06
schestowitzyou took 20 mins to print and do declaration, and you've had a screen break etc. In this case, i think it would also be legitimate to leave with 30 mins left on the timer because that 30mins could actually include some "proper" exam time. Hope that makes sense.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzBold move though, I've never seen anyone leave a final exam early. Revision must have gone well for you lolSep 26 15:06
schestowitzAnonymousThursday, 24 September 2020 at 12:29:00 BSTSep 26 15:06
schestowitzI'm sure on the day - no one will dare leave early but it is one of the points for the feedback session after the exams. I guess candidates would like to know if it is possible.Sep 26 15:06
schestowitzAlso - would you be allowed to go to a loo break after the last 20-30 minutes of the exam - just like in the written exam. These things probably needs ironing out a bit more but probably too late for this year.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 16:42:00 BSTSep 26 15:07
schestowitzYes of course you can leave the exam early, just as you can in an exam hall. The "no leaving within the last 30 minutes" in previous years is so other candidates in the room are not disturbed, but such a situation will not arise this year unless you are invigilated in a firm.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzIf you need to go to the loo, you need to go. If you can hold on, I suggest you do!Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:07
schestowitzSarah BoxallThursday, 24 September 2020 at 17:34:00 BSTSep 26 15:07
schestowitzOK folks, this could be the last comment from me because most questions seem to have been asked and, hopefully, answered. Thank you for the positive comments on the PEBX system, which gives me heart and I hope that candidates feel a little calmer about the new system.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzAn updated Essential Information for Candidates WILL be issued next week taking into consideration all the feedback from this week's trial, for which everyone is thanked. No further testing is, unfortunately, available because the system now needs to be completely cleared and documents for each individual candidate and paper needs to be uploaded and checked manually. To give you an idea of scale, this will be 1350 individual and uniqueSep 26 15:07
schestowitzentries. As a result, the PEB will be extremely occupied until 12th October and it would be appreciated if you bore this in mind.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzThere seem to be an alarming number of candidates who have not tested the system. For example, 68 FD4 candidates have not tested the system. Hopefully, this is because they have tested the system adequately on other papers. However, I have been made aware that some students have flags on their emails so they do not receive automated emails from either CIPA or the PEB. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS A CANDIDATE TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE ABLE TOSep 26 15:07
schestowitzRECEIVE ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION, IN WHATEVER FORM IT IS ISSUED. If in doubt, information is also available on the CIPA and PEB websites.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzGood luck everyone. See you the other side!Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:07
schestowitzNatFriday, 25 September 2020 at 07:50:00 BSTSep 26 15:07
schestowitzI used LibreOffice to enter my answers and it seemed to work fine. However the formatting looked slightly off until I opened the .DOC file from my saved copy rather than from the web. I'd like to know if this was acceptable or whether I still need to buy Word.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzAnother thing nobody seems to have mentioned about uploading answers is that you can upload as often as you like. That is, if you create a PDF after one hour you can upload the answer sheets, and you can do this again at the end of two hours. It will ask you if you want to overwrite.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzThis way if you internet fails in the last half hour you have some evidence for your progress so far.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:07
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:07
schestowitzAnonymousFriday, 25 September 2020 at 11:03:00 BSTSep 26 15:07
schestowitzThat may be a good thing but you have to convert your answer into pdf every time so it is massively time consuming to keep doing this throughout the exam.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:07
schestowitzAnonymousFriday, 25 September 2020 at 08:53:00 BSTSep 26 15:07
schestowitzCould IPKAT do another post when new guidelines are released. Some candidates are obtaining information (in some cases more quickly) through this blog.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzReplySep 26 15:07
schestowitzRepliesSep 26 15:07
schestowitzRose HughesFriday, 25 September 2020 at 09:29:00 BSTSep 26 15:07
schestowitzFrom Sarah's comment of Thursday, 24 September 2020 at 16:37:00 BST, it seems that no further guidance will be given by the PEB. IPKat will publish a summary of the information above in a new post in the next few days.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzAnonymousFriday, 25 September 2020 at 11:01:00 BSTSep 26 15:07
schestowitzThanks Rose (and IPKAT too)Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzRose HughesFriday, 25 September 2020 at 17:16:00 BSTSep 26 15:07
schestowitzCorrection: I see that we are to expect an updated Essential Information for Candidates, as per Sarah's comment of Thursday, 24 September 2020 at 17:34:00 BST. We will publicise when this is released.Sep 26 15:07
schestowitz"Sep 26 15:07
schestowitzI saw the wiki and thought I'd point out, as it's not entirely clear from the page, that they literally gave "F" to Github: 26 15:27
-TechBytesBot/ | GNU Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationSep 26 15:27
schestowitzGitHubSep 26 15:27
schestowitzFSep 26 15:27
schestowitz2016-04-131.1Sep 26 15:27
schestowitz> I began promoting stuff not on GitHug some time ago.  I'm pushing MLSep 26 15:29
schestowitz> right now.  The language has a long and "Free" Heritage.  It is powerfulSep 26 15:29
schestowitz> interactively and can be compiled to binary.  It's not quite a "systems"Sep 26 15:29
schestowitz> language, but close to it.Sep 26 15:29
schestowitzI did ML when I was about 15 and then again in university.Sep 26 15:29
schestowitz> So sad.  One of the greatest visionaries of our time, silenced.Sep 26 15:30
schestowitzHe can still be privacy advocate the rest of his days... :/Sep 26 15:30
schestowitz> That is a good idea. still exists, and should be amplified (atSep 26 15:30
schestowitz> the FSF expense)Sep 26 15:30
schestowitzUnless they break GNU, too.Sep 26 15:30
*rianne__ ( has joined #techbytesSep 26 16:13
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schestowitz>>> That is a good idea. still exists, and should be amplified (atSep 26 16:30
schestowitz>>> the FSF expense)Sep 26 16:30
schestowitz>> Unless they break GNU, too.Sep 26 16:30
schestowitz> Well that will be the end of that.  ;-(Sep 26 16:30

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