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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Thursday, August 27, 2020

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*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 27 03:34
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 03:35
*Now talking on #techbytesAug 27 04:18
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastAug 27 04:18
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Aug 27 04:18
*liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Aug 27 04:18
*asusbox2 ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:18
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:18
*acer-box ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:18
*acer-box has quit (Changing host)Aug 27 04:18
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:18
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:18
*rianne__ ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:29
*libertybox_ ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:29
*liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:32
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 04:34
schestowitz 27 05:30
-TechBytesBot/ | UK patent exams update: Major changes to invigilation arrangements for candidates taking the exams in the office - The IPKatAug 27 05:30
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:30
schestowitzDoes anyone at the PEB think through their actions?Aug 27 05:31
schestowitzI remember talking to an FD4 examiner, and when confronted with the fact that there was an ambiguity within the claims the advice was to consult the description (fair enough), and then there was an inconsistency within the description... so how does a candidate resolve this ambiguity... by using their CGK apparently... but most of the people aren't mechanical engineers for a reason. Classic PEB- FD4.Aug 27 05:31
schestowitzSeems like the inability to think anything through is widespread.... in next weeks FAQs candidates have been banned from breathing air directly for potential malpractice reasons. Candidates need to buy scuba kit.Aug 27 05:31
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:31
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:31
schestowitzYeh i have no idea why you can't open your email to collect the scanned document. our firm's scanner sends straight to email...Aug 27 05:31
schestowitzSo each person needs a new computer and an individual printer & scanner.Aug 27 05:31
schestowitzVery strange.Aug 27 05:31
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:31
schestowitz"How many other trainees are there? if it just you, you could use the virtual invigilation while sitting in the office."Aug 27 05:31
schestowitz 27 05:31
-TechBytesBot/ | UK patent exams update: Major changes to invigilation arrangements for candidates taking the exams in the office - The IPKatAug 27 05:31
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:31
schestowitzIt does appear that PEB are very fond of banding about 'Malpractice' for the most tiny infringement of …..this week's ….rules. Now of course they will in turn blame IPReg for placing these restrictions upon them, (and IPReg might be minded to blame CIPA to complete the circle for good measure). Trust and commonsense are what is needed with these exams- there will always be some way for someone to cheat or game the system - you justAug 27 05:31
schestowitzhave to hope that the majority are good people (which I believe they are).Aug 27 05:31
schestowitzWhat struck me in the latest FAQ was the use of email when it comes to scanning - I know my firm's printer scanners work by emailing the copy to your work email address - there is no alternative.Aug 27 05:31
schestowitzMe suspects that PEB have a substantial holding of shares in computer companies by the looks of the way trainees and firms are forking out for new IP equipment. My bill has amounted to over £400 in equipment already, that's on top of the £900 exam fees which of course are being used to hire venu…. oh wait.Aug 27 05:31
schestowitz"\"It seems silly that the burden is put heavily on the candidates. From a small firm, I have 1 attorney available. Who else is going to invigilate. "Aug 27 05:32
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:32
schestowitzI am just a bit concerned, what happens if there is a local lockdown for people doing it in the office.Aug 27 05:32
schestowitzFrom looking at the local lockdown rules, it appears travel for work has always still been allowed, so i think people could sit it in the office anyway. But on the off-chance it is not, what happends then?Aug 27 05:32
schestowitzPeople signed up to do it in the office, wont have had a practice using zoom, and presumably they wont even be sent a zoom link?Aug 27 05:32
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:32
schestowitz"I agree that this is a sensible decision by the PEB. Doing invigilation online is hard enough, and its best to leave that to the people that really need it. Not the people doing it in offices who, if my experience is anything to go by, have plenty of people offering to invigilate. "Aug 27 05:36
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzThe FAQ's were also updated to say that everyone should use a "clean" computer, that is not connected to the firms systems. Does anyone have any idea what this about? I have no idea?Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzAre they worried someone will look up a previous OA response for inspiration? I'm not sure how this would help with the finals exams given the facts are different.Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzWhat i think they are trying to avoid is people storing notes on their computer? Which could easily be overcome by the invigilator actually doing some invigilation instead of everyone having to buy new, unused computers? and again, notes wouldn't even help for FD2 - 4.Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzAlso, IT issues are not grounds for extenuating circumstances, so if the PEB think i'm going to use a computer that is "new" i.e. never used, never saved a document on it, for the first time in my exam... they can jog on...Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzOverall i think this method of invigilation is better, seems like most people i speak to want to do it in an office in case internet connection is lost, so why not have an invigilator like normal. Sensible decision.Aug 27 05:37
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:37
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzIt appears that the PEB is operating on the working assumption that there will be candidates and employers who are as dishonest as the day is long - and that the rest of the profession assume the same.Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzThis is a sad reflection on the PEB mindset, and if they think that of us, why should the public have any higher regard?Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzThat the proposal grossly discriminates against smaller firms is just the icing on the cake.Aug 27 05:37
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:37
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzFor some smaller firms it is likely that any designated contact will have a "conflict".Aug 27 05:37
schestowitzIn that case those people should put systems in place so that, if their conduct is ever called into question, they can prove their innocence. Like a video camera. Not hard.Aug 27 05:38
schestowitzPEB can't explicitly approve every designated contact/trainee combination.Aug 27 05:38
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:38
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:38
schestowitzThis is why nothing will ever change with patent attorney education, because the attitude that candidates will always cheat is ingrained into anyone that has any post-qualification contact with the PEB, including the ex-PEBer who is now reviewing the education system it seems.Aug 27 05:38
schestowitzFaced with this, nothing will ever change until this "revolving door" is stopped and there is some diversity of opinion instead of a PEB parrot.Aug 27 05:38
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:38
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:39
schestowitzPEB want to run exams remotely but have zero trust in the candidates or the invigilator.Aug 27 05:39
schestowitzThat is the reason why all these ridiculous demands are being issued.Aug 27 05:39
schestowitzI think someone from IPREG needs to speak up and actually say what limitations they have put on the PEB, because i imagine making candidates wipe the hard drive after each exam (that's the only way it will be "clean") and making them buy a printer scanner is not one of them.Aug 27 05:39
schestowitz"Aug 27 05:39
schestowitz"Sales and marketing"Aug 27 09:44
schestowitzVVAug 27 09:44
schestowitz 27 09:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Aug 27 09:44
schestowitz"Aug 27 09:44
schestowitzSheela brings more than 15 years of experience in sales, business development and corporate strategy within the technology sector to the leadership team. She comes to from Lithium Technologies, where she was Vice President of Global Sales and Business Operations. Prior to Lithium Technologies, Sheela held leadership positions in sales, general management, corporate strategy and business development with Taleo, Oracle,Aug 27 09:44
schestowitzLexisNexis and Intuit.Aug 27 09:44
schestowitzSheela holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in Operations Management from Michigan State University. Outside of work, she enjoys skiing and traveling abroad with her family, as well as running anywhere there are views of the water. She also serves on the Board of the Harvard Club of San Francisco and as tech advisor on the topics of sales and marketing.Aug 27 09:44
schestowitz"Aug 27 09:44
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Aug 27 11:37
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Aug 27 11:38
*liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Aug 27 11:38
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 11:42
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 11:42
*liberty_box has quit (Client Quit)Aug 27 11:44
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 11:45
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 27 14:14
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesAug 27 14:15
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 27 18:20
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 27 18:21
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 18:31
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 18:34
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 27 20:27
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesAug 27 20:28
schestowitz 27 20:31
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:31
schestowitz"what could go wrong? Oh that's right."Aug 27 20:31
schestowitz 27 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:32
schestowitz"capitalism has not changed. It is the tools it uses that have changed that make many more slaves. Interesting lecture!"Aug 27 20:32
schestowitz 27 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:32
schestowitz"related:"Aug 27 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ | Winner of 2018 CryptoChicks Hackathon Development Track - Gnome - YouTubeAug 27 20:32
schestowitz 27 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:32
schestowitz"not creative commons"Aug 27 20:32
schestowitz 27 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:32
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:32
schestowitz I don't think it's even a race warAug 27 20:32
schestowitzit's something new, something to do with social media maybe.  #SocialControlMediaWar ?Aug 27 20:32
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:33
schestowitz 27 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Aug 27 20:33
schestowitz" definitely send a PR"Aug 27 20:33
schestowitz 27 20:33
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:33
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:33
schestowitz> curl | sudoAug 27 20:33
schestowitzNo.Aug 27 20:33
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:33
schestowitz 27 20:33
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:33
schestowitz" did they??"Aug 27 20:33
schestowitz 27 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:34
schestowitz"relevant"Aug 27 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ | I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened - The OatmealAug 27 20:34
schestowitz 27 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:34
schestowitz" wow not a single mention"Aug 27 20:34
schestowitz 27 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:34
schestowitz" I do.  My work needs a scheduling program that allows for multiple people to coordinate jitsi video calls across multiple time slots over a monthly calendar."Aug 27 20:34
schestowitz 27 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:34
schestowitz"The title of this one is kinda click-baitey but I enjoyed the rest of it"Aug 27 20:34
schestowitz 27 20:35
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:35
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:35
schestowitz> “For some time, our spiritual guides have been predicting that a situation like this would occur, caused by the lack of respect that human beings have for nature,Aug 27 20:35
schestowitzin other wordsAug 27 20:35
schestowitzstuff like @covid19 happen to them, too and when it does they throw up their hands and say there's nothing to be done, instead of understanding *why* nature works the way it doesAug 27 20:35
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:35
schestowitz 27 20:35
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:35
schestowitz"vgftkjhb,nj"Aug 27 20:35
schestowitz 27 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:36
schestowitz"yeah it's not a smart thing to do. it's way too early for that one. Being tried in trials is ok. My insurance company is testing vaccines already, in an approved  trial."Aug 27 20:36
schestowitz 27 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:36
schestowitz" really? That's good."Aug 27 20:36
schestowitz 27 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:37
schestowitz"Meanwhile, Falwell Jr. really resigned from Liberty University when the scandals got to the point where we find out he enjoyed watching the pool boy fuck his wife."Aug 27 20:37
schestowitz 27 20:37
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:37
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:37
schestowitz@anornymorse @schestowitz @sev makes you think about the UN threatening to “intervene” in the US’ and then they could only find 9 cases of unarmed black persons being shot for seemingly no reason.Aug 27 20:37
schestowitzmeanwhile i think Breonna Taylor might be the only innocent one of all this shit, and she has like barely any publicity.Aug 27 20:37
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:37
schestowitz 27 20:37
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:37
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:37
schestowitz i don't watch crowder but most of these are like, rodney king shit-tier riot fuels.Aug 27 20:37
schestowitz"oh its a travesty the leviathan just ate this dude"Aug 27 20:37
schestowitz"well this dude who was a career criminal"Aug 27 20:37
schestowitz"and this dude who stole a weapon from a cop and fired it at them"Aug 27 20:37
schestowitzwait whatAug 27 20:38
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:38
schestowitz 27 20:38
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:38
schestowitz"My headphones are broken, I can now only listen to one ear"Aug 27 20:38
schestowitz 27 20:38
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:38
schestowitz" Crowder had said there was a gun under the front seat, but it’s very difficult to confirm that so take it with a grain of salt."Aug 27 20:38
schestowitz 27 20:38
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:38
schestowitz" i heard about this on tim pool but they didn't say if a gun was actually found on the scene or not."Aug 27 20:38
schestowitz 27 20:38
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:38
schestowitz" bruh you posted cringe"Aug 27 20:39
schestowitz 27 20:39
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:39
schestowitz"Those damn fascists and their governments keeping and publishing records that undermine their legitimacy. Truly the mark of a fascist. And only real fascists allow their individual states to decide response policies, making the whole response patchwork."Aug 27 20:39
schestowitz 27 20:39
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:39
schestowitz" last time there was a contest. I imagine the DNC had a similar headcount in 2012"Aug 27 20:39
schestowitz 27 20:39
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:39
schestowitz"built on"Aug 27 20:39
-TechBytesBot/ | GitHub - giampaolo/psutil: Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in PythonAug 27 20:39
schestowitz 27 20:39
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:40
schestowitz"ooh, I'm reading The Hackers' Guide to Python right now!""Aug 27 20:40
schestowitz 27 20:40
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:40
schestowitz" Just depressing when you're not tooting about tech and quoting such bad sources ..."Aug 27 20:40
schestowitz 27 20:41
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:41
schestowitz"that seems pretty obvious. But ok."Aug 27 20:41
schestowitz 27 20:41
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:41
schestowitz" of course...the FBI is part of said deep state so . . .they kind of have a vested interest in protecting it"Aug 27 20:41
schestowitz 27 20:41
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:41
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:41
schestowitzHow does this happen when I would guess you get to choose the delivery details when you order, and confirm they have the right info.Aug 27 20:41
schestowitzYou would think in the current climate with companies going under at a fast rate they would get their act together.Aug 27 20:41
schestowitz"Aug 27 20:41
schestowitz 27 20:41
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaAug 27 20:41
schestowitz" if it would be on blackberryOS 11 you would got my attention.. god I miss real blackberries"Aug 27 20:41
schestowitz> I'm going to try xorriso with exe gnu/linux.  I just downloadedAug 27 21:03
schestowitz> exegnu64_beowulf-20200707.iso  I chose this because it claims to be aAug 27 21:03
schestowitz> "clean" version of devuan.Aug 27 21:03
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 27 21:55
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Aug 27 21:56
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 22:00
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesAug 27 22:01

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