●● IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, August 30, 2024 ●● ● Aug 30 [04:43] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Aug 30 [05:02] *lightbringer has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [05:16] *lightbringer (~mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytes ● Aug 30 [10:02] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [10:05] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Aug 30 [11:25] schestowitz[TR2] > Thank you for republishing this work to a larger audience, even if it is not central to your primary interests there. I think it may be valuable - even if the blueprint is not followed. [11:25] schestowitz[TR2] My wife read that article days ago and said she had enjoyed it. [11:30] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed) [11:39] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Aug 30 [14:08] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:08] schestowitz[TR2]
    Plan Less, Do More: Introducing Appointment By Thunderbird - The Thunderbird Blog
    [14:08] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:08] schestowitz[TR2]

    Were excited to share a new project weve been working on at Thunderbird called Appointment. Appointment makes it simple to schedule meetings with anyone, from friends and family to colleagues and strangers. Escape the endless email threads trying to find a suitable meeting time across multiple time zones and organizations.

    [14:08] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:08] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:08] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-blog.thunderbird.net | Plan Less, Do More: Introducing Appointment By Thunderbird - The Thunderbird Blog [14:09] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:09] schestowitz[TR2]
    GNU Screen v.5.0.0 is released
    [14:09] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:09] schestowitz[TR2]

    Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells.

    [14:09] schestowitz[TR2]

    The 5.0.0 release includes the following changes to the previous release 4.9.1: [...]

    [14:09] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:09] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:09] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-savannah.gnu.org | GNU Screen - News [Savannah] [14:10] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:10] schestowitz[TR2]
    Adm. Grace Hoppers 1982 NSA Lecture Has Been Published
    [14:10] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:10] schestowitz[TR2]

    The long lost lecture by Adm. Grace Hopper has been published by the NSA. (Note that there are two parts.)

    [14:10] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:10] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:10] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Adm. Grace Hoppers 1982 NSA Lecture Has Been Published - Schneier on Security [14:11] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:11] schestowitz[TR2]
    Asking for donations in Plasma
    [14:11] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:11] schestowitz[TR2]

    Starting in Plasma 6.2, that changes, and Id like to introduce what it will look like! From 6.2 onwards, Plasma itself will show a system notification asking for a donation once per year, in December: [...]

    [14:11] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:11] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:11] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-pointieststick.com | Asking for donations in Plasma Adventures in Linux and KDE [14:34] *Blase82 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk [14:59] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk ) [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] " [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] LPUs are the future. Anyone who has tried Groq will agree with this. [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] 1 minute ago by Anonymous [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] | no reactions [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] Post ID: @1auj+1ufjnpUk [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] -3 [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] The small language model isn't bad if you can tailor it right for the customer base. IBM's play is definitely to target "AI" to enterprise-specific tasks like identifying certain credit card transactions, financial pattern recognition, and stuff like that. They are not playing to the general purpose market (writing sonnets on demand or making pretty pictures). IBM's implementation will be to perform domain-specific tasks with limit [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] ed data sets. [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] Who knows...they may succeed. [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] 7 hours ago by Anonymous [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] | 7 reactions (+2/-5) [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] Post ID: @1uqh+1ufjnpUk [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] +6 [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] Nvidia is expensive, Intel is cheap. [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] IBM's play is small language model. You dont need GPUs with that, you can do that with Intel AI Accelerator (Gaudi 3) cards. [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] I believe they will also provide software abstraction layer, so you dont have to change your PyTorch code. [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] win for Intel, as for IBM who knows, we just keep loosing money... [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] 8 hours ago by AKRTDN [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] | 6 reactions (+6/-0) [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] Post ID: @1auq+1ufjnpUk [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] +2 [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] IMHO, there should be an Ethics probe to see if AK and his executives personally made money by colluding with Intel and investing in Intel stock for personal gain until the latest Intel debacle. All these guys know one another; AK has been in the business for a long time and would be directing investments in Intel as he saw fit. Corporate greed rears it's ugly head as usual. [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] Business Conduct Guidelines ? They apply to rank and file IBMers, but never to corrupt IBM managers and executives. [14:59] schestowitz[TR2] " ● Aug 30 [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufvUSZA [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] " That's only because AskHR is designed for punch card junk mainframe input to sp-t out meaningless nonsense to end users. [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] GIGO ! [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] 4 hours ago by Anonymous [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] | 1 reaction (+0/-1) [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] Post ID: @1iwf+1ufvUSZA [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] +7 [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] There's the small issue of IBM's AI products being absolute garbage. The applications are pure trash. AskHR, anyone? [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] " [15:00] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufvUSZA ) [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufJoEgh [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] " [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] When are the executives going to shut down Armonk and move to Raleigh (RTP) to save a bundle on their taxes ? [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] AK doesn't like wasting money paying taxes, he desperately needs it for his supersized 2025 bonus. It's for the needs of the business, of course. [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] 4 hours ago by Anonymous [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] | 4 reactions (+2/-2) [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] Post ID: @1svz+1ufJoEgh [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] 0 [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] Are they going to close the fredericton office? [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] " [15:01] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufJoEgh ) [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] " [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] Will CIO be impacted by this ? The CIO Management are overdue for a haircut of major proportions. Too many out of touch BS Directors, Managers, Architects and VPs doing nothing but getting big paychecks for sitting around. There's no innovation in CIO and the money can be spent better on Alvind's bonus or given to shareholders. [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] And JK of F&O needs to be held fully responsible and accountable for the recent China mess - how could anyone with a finance brain miss a 20% (!) drop in revenue for 1 full year ? Heads should be rolling in F&O. [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] 1 day ago by Anonymous [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] | 16 reactions (+14/-2) [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] Post ID: @miz+1ufJoEgh [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] +8 [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] Can you talk about the conversation? Did it sound like they were holding back? [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] 1 day ago by Anonymous [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] | 8 reactions (+8/-0) [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] Post ID: @gpb+1ufJoEgh [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] +3 [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] Is Security Verify / IAM affected by this as well? [15:01] schestowitz[TR2] " ● Aug 30 [17:14] *parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #techbytes [17:15] *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving) ● Aug 30 [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/36908/ [20:41] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-LXer: Why are flatpaks so HUGE?: AudioTube stream music from YouTube [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] "latpaks also seem as a HUGE deal besides a HUGE size :| Maybe even approaching the point of JRRTolkien LOTR's "One Ring to rule them all" ????? [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] For Scott_Ruecker, maybe best to find the native installation tool (iirc one of the APTs for Mint), use a compatible non-Flatpak pkg or even build AudioTube from GPL'd source if that's possible. pacman for ArchLinux. [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] Wouldn't myself rely on flatpaks unless DESPERATELY needed! [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] 2c [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] Scott_Ruecker [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] Aug 29, 2024 [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] 6:30 PM EDT It's only available as a Flatpak in the Mint Software Manager so I guess I'll need to teach myself how to compile it from source code somehow. I have no idea how to do it. [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] the_doctor [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] Aug 30, 2024 [20:41] schestowitz[TR2] 12:28 AM EDT The problem may be KDE dependencies required to run the program. I've run into that loading programs like KMyMoney or K3b on Linux Mint using MATE as the default desktop environment." ● Aug 30 [23:05] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)