●● IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Monday, March 08, 2021 ●● ● Mar 08 [00:08] *aindilis has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:13] schestowitz__ oh, don't mention this to the corporate troll [00:13] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2021/03/06/astroturfing-vs-grassroots/ [00:13] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Corporations Do Not Represent Communities and Activists, They Just Exploit Them, Discredit Them, and Hijack Their Hard Work | Techrights [00:14] schestowitz__ [00:14] schestowitz__ oops [00:14] schestowitz__ [00:14] schestowitz__ this is a bug [00:14] schestowitz__ in Barrier [00:14] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2021/03/07/foss-people-trafficking/ [00:14] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | When I Discovered People Trafficking in Free/Open Source Software | Techrights [00:14] schestowitz__ Google again [00:14] vmg3 chinar [00:14] schestowitz__ nice companies, eh? [00:15] schestowitz__ vmg3: it's a longstanding issue in Synergy as well [00:15] schestowitz__ something about encoding [00:16] *cubexyz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:16] *cubexyz (~cubeman@maxhost.org) has joined #techrights [00:17] vmg3 like locusts they seem to grow [00:18] schestowitz__ at least we know why the Google trolls are so eager to discredit and cancel the truth-telling elements [00:18] schestowitz__ lots of skeletons to hide [00:18] schestowitz__ but we'll dig deeper... [00:18] schestowitz__ the old emails are coming back [00:19] vmg3 big fish eat the little fish [00:20] vmg3 you have been busy [00:23] schestowitz__ who, me? [00:23] vmg3 yeah, into Au events [00:24] vmg3 Broken people, broken system. Christian Porter breaks law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyk5ri8mU90 [00:24] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Christian Porter breaks law - YouTube [00:30] schestowitz__ curious nation [00:30] vmg3 infiltration was a slow process, seems complete now [00:30] schestowitz__ faking feminism [00:30] schestowitz__ guys [00:31] schestowitz__ like the google troll [00:31] schestowitz__ concern trolls [00:31] vmg3 it has ties to media, religion, money and power [00:31] schestowitz__ crate vacuum [00:31] schestowitz__ infiltrate [00:32] schestowitz__ #cancelPerson [00:32] *vmg3 wonders what % of $ it should take to run and org? [00:32] schestowitz__ fsfe 20%+ google [00:32] schestowitz__ for ages [00:32] schestowitz__ google was also a top fsf sponsor for a few years [00:33] schestowitz__ I don't know who rejected who at the end [00:33] vmg3 trick down ecenomics [00:33] schestowitz__ it's not impossible fsf itself decided to put an end to it [00:33] schestowitz__ seeing what google had become [00:33] schestowitz__ they create vacuum [00:33] schestowitz__ like they did with RMS [00:33] schestowitz__ while a google-funded troll pushed for it [00:33] vmg3 even charity here has the same problem [00:34] schestowitz__ there are corporate charities too [00:34] schestowitz__ fake ones [00:34] schestowitz__ like Linux Foundation [00:34] schestowitz__ and http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Gates_Foundation_Critique [00:34] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Gates Foundation Critique - Techrights [00:34] vmg3 to get the tax free status [00:34] schestowitz__ yup [00:34] schestowitz__ whatever they claim to have spent on something "good" is by far exceeded by the savings in tax avoidance [00:35] vmg3 you're 3 steps ahead of me [00:35] schestowitz__ LF does it too, and it harms the "LINUX" brand http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Linux_Foundation [00:35] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Linux Foundation - Techrights [00:35] schestowitz__ makes Linux seem or feel just as corrupt as anything [00:36] vmg3 so we get pushed backwards [00:37] schestowitz__ yup [00:37] vmg3 on the news yesterday our health minister was singing Bills praises [00:37] schestowitz__ the goal is to leave the community in disarray [00:37] schestowitz__ one tactic is blackmail, others are shame tactics [00:37] vmg3 our status quo [00:37] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2021/03/05/google-funded-trolls/ [00:37] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Professional Troll Matthew Garrett Spreads Libel, Defamation and Slander About the Free Software Community to Entertain Microsoft and Friends | Techrights [00:38] schestowitz__ the corporates sometimes even convince themselves that they are a force for good [00:38] schestowitz__ against "unruly" and "rude" grassroots [00:38] schestowitz__ but the goal isn't to mislead themselves but the public [00:38] vmg3 it creates cynical people [00:38] schestowitz__ vmg3: is not, Bill can engineer his ousting [00:39] schestowitz__ your health minister prasied a friend of child traffficking monsters [00:39] schestowitz__ how's THAT for health [00:39] vmg3 he did have a quick mention of not being to happy with windows [00:39] schestowitz__ anyway, yes, cynicism is thus overdue [00:40] vmg3 but even played that down [00:40] schestowitz__ Aussie is a strange nation [00:40] schestowitz__ to me [00:40] vmg3 all the hacks are getting to em [00:40] schestowitz__ I cannot compare it to Canada [00:40] vmg3 and me [00:40] schestowitz__ South Africa is also different [00:40] schestowitz__ took me a while to understand what the media isn't telling [00:40] schestowitz__ by meeting people from there [00:40] vmg3 it use the word liberal but it's been butchered [00:41] schestowitz__ liberal is a tainted word now [00:41] schestowitz__ it's exploited by corporate elements [00:41] schestowitz__ neo-liberal is another [00:41] schestowitz__ so I'd rather avoid that word [00:41] schestowitz__ too tainted to fix [00:41] vmg3 yep [00:41] schestowitz__ you say "I'm a liberal" [00:41] schestowitz__ people might think, "I suppose bombing Libya" [00:41] schestowitz__ *support [00:42] schestowitz__ and you don't want that.. [00:42] schestowitz__ "progressive" as a term also become a bit problematic [00:42] schestowitz__ so best to avoid labels completely [00:42] vmg3 yeah, I still think education systems are part of the problem [00:42] schestowitz__ "hacker" is also a label [00:42] schestowitz__ to many people hacker means "criminal" now [00:43] vmg3 from getting something working to a criminal [00:43] schestowitz__ and the communication channels too are under attack [00:43] schestowitz__ edu system stonewalls [00:43] schestowitz__ and opens up to moguls [00:43] schestowitz__ and the powerful people [00:43] vmg3 they are money machines here [00:43] schestowitz__ so they engineer or condition people's minds early [00:43] schestowitz__ twitter now bans unconventional posts [00:44] schestowitz__ they egg on professional trolls [00:44] schestowitz__ cults [00:44] schestowitz__ even jihadists [00:44] vmg3 I only see twitter in other sites embeded now [00:44] schestowitz__ those are fine, that's "tolerance" [00:44] schestowitz__ but don't go against those, that would be IN-tolerance [00:44] schestowitz__ Twitter is falling [00:44] schestowitz__ traffic-wise [00:45] schestowitz__ it was a lot more influential years ago [00:45] vmg3 I noticed this morning google sharing is a shambles. [00:45] schestowitz__ gemini has some promise [00:45] vmg3 all for social control [00:45] schestowitz__ we need to cultivate and foster it a bit, though it can take time [00:45] schestowitz__ and guard against rogue actors [00:45] vmg3 yeah. retro trendy? [00:46] schestowitz__ who will try to associate it with "Radical" or "Terrorist" or something.. [00:46] schestowitz__ vmg3: it does not have to be retro [00:46] schestowitz__ you can 'skin' it [00:46] schestowitz__ by which I mean theming [00:46] schestowitz__ the base itself is light and simple [00:46] vmg3 folks like to like [00:46] schestowitz__ TLS is not retro [00:46] schestowitz__ IRC is not retro either [00:47] schestowitz__ it's light and the protocols are kept simple [00:47] vmg3 practical [00:47] schestowitz__ this way they support even old IRC clients [00:47] schestowitz__ rather than impose bloat and spying on users [00:47] schestowitz__ this is why we won't be moving to Matrix [00:47] vmg3 yeah, too many love the bloat [00:47] schestowitz__ there are Matrix bridges for IRC anyway [00:47] schestowitz__ fake novelty isn't a thing [00:47] schestowitz__ bloat has a toll [00:48] schestowitz__ entry barrier, portability, abandonware [00:48] schestowitz__ like writing an application in a large framework that won't be around in 10-20 years [00:48] vmg3 its part of the marketing too, upgrade or get left behind [00:48] schestowitz__ shaming tactics [00:48] schestowitz__ get phone version x+1 [00:48] schestowitz__ "what will your friends think?" [00:48] schestowitz__ BTW [00:48] schestowitz__ Aussie media [00:49] schestowitz__ recently mocked us [00:49] schestowitz__ for using IRC [00:49] schestowitz__ THis was in relation to Torvalds talking abour our revelations [00:49] vmg3 it's not part of the machine [00:49] schestowitz__ so they use Joomla [00:49] schestowitz__ or Mambo (still!) [00:49] schestowitz__ and then mock us for using IRC [00:49] schestowitz__ while they barely maintain their truly broken site [00:49] schestowitz__ itwire [00:49] schestowitz__ which is down some of the time and hides behind clownflare [00:49] vmg3 even for our views on privacy [00:50] schestowitz__ views on privacy changed [00:50] schestowitz__ it's no longer regarded "paranoid" to value privacy [00:50] schestowitz__ but... [00:50] schestowitz__ privacy-washing is rampant [00:50] schestowitz__ for the worst offenders too [00:50] vmg3 now they want to record ethnicity when you get a jab [00:51] schestowitz__ so if you say I won't use $SPYINGFIRM because privacy they'll sing praises of how that company is "different" [00:51] schestowitz__ Snowden leaks are "old news" [00:51] vmg3 yeah [00:51] schestowitz__ which jab? :-) [00:51] schestowitz__ I got many jabs [00:51] vmg3 covid [00:51] schestowitz__ they register who gets jabs anyway [00:51] vmg3 is the main one but i think it will carry over [00:51] schestowitz__ so it is tied to one's identity regardless [00:52] schestowitz__ the NHS records "ethnicity" anyway [00:52] vmg3 I'ts like mental health here too it all goes on your Health record [00:52] vmg3 then you get judged on that too [00:52] schestowitz__ they put this data on Windows [00:52] schestowitz__ and also the "clown" [00:52] vmg3 yes [00:52] schestowitz__ so you probably don't want to tell them much [00:53] vmg3 already had leaks here [00:53] vmg3 tell a doctor you dont trust their system and the treatment changes [00:53] schestowitz__ some stuff is almost benign [00:54] vmg3 insurance companies are part of the system [00:54] schestowitz__ in the data sense [00:54] schestowitz__ I've just sent an update to the NHS at work [00:54] *schestowitz__ on shift [00:54] vmg3 to make a claim they get full access [00:54] schestowitz__ insurance companies are often invertly connected to the goal of health benefits [00:55] vmg3 to get a script, you get piss tested, results recorded [00:55] schestowitz__ if that's even a word... [00:55] schestowitz__ their goals are almost opposite [00:55] schestowitz__ and their business model [00:55] schestowitz__ their surplus is your problems [00:55] vmg3 they are in the $ buisness [00:55] schestowitz__ https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/11/goldman-asks-is-curing-patients-a-sustainable-business-model.html [00:55] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.cnbc.com | Goldman asks: 'Is curing patients a sustainable business model?' [00:55] schestowitz__ the piss test isn't the big issue [00:56] schestowitz__ depending on what's found on it [00:56] schestowitz__ in some context, that data can be used for assassinations [00:56] vmg3 it is if you smoke a bit of weed [00:56] schestowitz__ e.g. allergies [00:56] schestowitz__ but that's stretching it [00:56] vmg3 4 weeks + in system [00:56] schestowitz__ as if someone wants to bring you down they don't really need your medical records [00:56] vmg3 yeah words work [00:56] schestowitz__ public shaming and blackmail are another issue [00:57] schestowitz__ if you know underlying medical conditions of someone like Gates, would you publicly shame him with it? [00:57] vmg3 just a way to get more money, not sustainable [00:57] schestowitz__ but you should worry more if they record calls [00:57] schestowitz__ and if you tell them very personal things [00:57] schestowitz__ (which you should not) [00:57] vmg3 yeah, everything is recorded here [00:57] schestowitz__ test results of things aren't particularly interesting [00:58] schestowitz__ the gossip around it is "interesting" [00:58] vmg3 just driving the nail home [00:58] vmg3 sounds wicked when a QC spruiks it in a tribunal [00:58] schestowitz__ when you have a public health service insurance companies are less of a problem [00:59] schestowitz__ in the US, you definitely want to separate the systems [00:59] schestowitz__ otherwise they rip you off [00:59] vmg3 I'd be dead [00:59] schestowitz__ so your loss or privacy hurts you financially, directly [00:59] schestowitz__ A lot of people still look up medical conditions on the Web ● Mar 08 [01:00] schestowitz__ some people are really that gullible, thinking it's private [01:00] vmg3 we were told its going to be free for the vaccine, this morning they were telling us the cost [01:00] schestowitz__ and they literally type down what conditions they have [01:00] schestowitz__ Google records a 'shadow medical record' [01:00] schestowitz__ nothing is free [01:00] vmg3 yeah, I think they profiled me [01:00] schestowitz__ "Bill" is a big shareholder [01:01] vmg3 it was convinent at the time to store med reports on gdrive [01:01] schestowitz__ https://khn.org/news/rather-than-give-away-its-covid-vaccine-oxford-makes-a-deal-with-drugmaker/ [01:01] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-khn.org | They Pledged to Donate Rights to Their COVID Vaccine, Then Sold Them to Pharma | Kaiser Health News [01:01] schestowitz__ https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/bill-gates-investments-covid/ [01:01] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.thenation.com | While the Poor Get Sick, Bill Gates Just Gets Richer | The Nation [01:01] schestowitz_log "A few weeks later, Oxfordurged on by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundationreversed course. It signed an exclusive vaccine deal with AstraZeneca that gave the pharmaceutical giant sole rights and no guarantee of low priceswith the less-publicized potential for Oxford to eventually make millions from the deal and win plenty of prestige." [01:02] schestowitz__ profiteers [01:02] schestowitz__ disguised as "charity" [01:02] vmg3 we wont be safe until the poorest get it anyway [01:03] techrights-bot FOSS Patents: #Apple may already have lost the strategic battle over #antitrust market definition in multiple European jurisdictions: App Store #monopoly http://www.fosspatents.com/2021/03/apple-may-already-have-lost-strategic.html #fosspatents [01:03] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.fosspatents.com | FOSS Patents: Apple may already have lost the strategic battle over antitrust market definition in multiple European jurisdictions: App Store monopoly [01:03] techrights-bot GOOGLE's new TRACKING method is even WORSE - What FloC is, and what it means https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GusN5EcrlCU #google #surveillance [01:03] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GOOGLE's new TRACKING method is even WORSE - What FloC is, and what it means - YouTube [01:03] vmg3 everything mutates and we suffer [01:03] techrights-bot #Smenu : Script The Perfect Terminal Interface - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP-vKnhYyqQ #Video #GNU #Linux [01:03] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Smenu: Script The Perfect Terminal Interface - YouTube [01:04] schestowitz__ vmg3: the poor suffer more [01:04] schestowitz__ and it's how the rich get their "capital" [01:04] schestowitz__ more people [01:04] schestowitz__ more growth [01:04] schestowitz__ more desperate people to exploit [01:04] vmg3 I'm more interested in why we allow it [01:05] schestowitz__ sweatshops, farmers etc. [01:05] vmg3 it's so freaking obvious [01:05] schestowitz__ which the oligarchs' media then demonises [01:05] schestowitz__ with GMO they push monopolies on the crops, morever [01:05] schestowitz__ so it's an offense to grow your own food [01:05] techrights-bot "Back when we shipped Unity desktop as the default desktop environment in #Ubuntu , there was a simple button to take a user to their previously uploaded crash reports." https://popey.com/blog/2021/03/finding-ubuntu-crash-reports/ [01:05] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-popey.com | Finding Ubuntu Crash Reports - Alan Pope's blog [01:06] vmg3 easy to make mud of the tech details [01:06] techrights-bot #slashdot as megaphone of #microsoft propaganda. #linux is used more than #windows but they still go along with the lie that #windows is just "a much more attractive target" https://tech.slashdot.org/story/21/03/07/2030221/a-retired-microsoft-os-engineers-comparison-of-linux-with-windows http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Slashdot [01:06] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-tech.slashdot.org | A Retired Microsoft OS Engineer's Comparison of Linux with Windows - Slashdot [01:06] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Slashdot - Techrights [01:07] techrights-bot When I Discovered People Trafficking in Free/Open Source Software http://techrights.org/2021/03/07/foss-people-trafficking/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/07/foss-people-trafficking/ [01:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | When I Discovered People Trafficking in Free/Open Source Software | Techrights [01:08] schestowitz__ vmg3: for gmo? [01:08] schestowitz__ either way, they control much of the media [01:08] schestowitz__ for those they cannot, they try to undermine it [01:08] schestowitz__ but the facts are on our side [01:08] schestowitz__ then they start censoring [01:08] schestowitz__ and trolling [01:08] vmg3 yeah most of our food is GM [01:08] schestowitz__ for the patents [01:08] vmg3 even environment changes genes [01:09] schestowitz__ genes change all the time [01:09] schestowitz__ for everything [01:09] vmg3 this made me smile https://digest.bps.org.uk/2021/03/05/it-turns-out-you-can-bullshit-a-bullshitter-after-all/ [01:09] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-digest.bps.org.uk | It Turns Out You Can Bullshit A Bullshitter After All Research Digest [01:09] schestowitz__ the question is, in which direction [01:09] schestowitz__ evolution is like that [01:09] vmg3 yep [01:09] schestowitz__ anyway, we need strength in numbers [01:10] schestowitz__ like the capsule in aussie, which will help [01:10] schestowitz__ when we're done restoring it, I guess [01:10] schestowitz__ I have limited capacity and we all work really hard [01:10] vmg3 yep I just need more skills [01:10] schestowitz__ did lots of git/code work Sunday [01:10] schestowitz__ mostly Gemini and other tools we use and want to share [01:10] vmg3 you have me working hard [01:11] schestowitz__ one skill is averting subversion attempts [01:11] schestowitz__ inc. corporate trolling [01:11] schestowitz__ wikileaks was killed off by that [01:11] techrights-bot #Google HR reportedly advised mental health leave in response to complaints of racist or sexist behavior https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/7/22318369/google-hr-advised-mental-health-leave-racist-sexist-behavior http://techrights.org/2021/03/06/astroturfing-vs-grassroots/ [01:11] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.theverge.com | Google HR reportedly advised mental health leave in response to complaints of racist or sexist behavior - The Verge [01:11] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Corporations Do Not Represent Communities and Activists, They Just Exploit Them, Discredit Them, and Hijack Their Hard Work | Techrights [01:11] vmg3 still an ongoing thing for assange [01:12] vmg3 the murderers are walking amoung us [01:12] vmg3 nobody cares, or wants to care [01:13] vmg3 tipping point is still a bit off [01:14] schestowitz__ because Assange is (they tell us) the real criminals [01:14] vmg3 pffft [01:14] schestowitz__ while corporate trolls tell us so too [01:14] schestowitz__ while calling themselves "justice warriors" [01:14] schestowitz__ Not justice for their paymasters [01:14] schestowitz__ who abuse whole nations [01:14] schestowitz__ it's an old trick though [01:15] vmg3 I watched on twitter how easy people believe the mud [01:15] Ariadne i support pardoning assange [01:15] schestowitz__ social control media distracts many people now [01:15] Ariadne but i also think that he is a womanizer [01:15] schestowitz__ they think they do activism [01:15] schestowitz__ until FB [01:15] Ariadne it is possible to think both things [01:15] schestowitz__ or Twitter [01:15] schestowitz__ bans them [01:15] schestowitz__ for the "wrong" activism [01:15] vmg3 Ariadne: thats what they want us to believe, IMHO [01:15] schestowitz__ Ariadne: the priority is exposing war crimes [01:16] schestowitz__ at the moment we have to prioritise issues [01:16] schestowitz__ corporate crimes also [01:16] Ariadne has assange exposed any new war crimes? [01:16] vmg3 yeah its all part of the playbook [01:16] schestowitz__ the whole "Sex" angle has long been used to discredit people or distract from their word [01:16] schestowitz__ *work [01:16] schestowitz__ and words [01:16] Ariadne since collateral murder, wikileaks has only done the cables thing [01:16] schestowitz__ also MLK [01:16] schestowitz__ the sex tapes [01:16] schestowitz__ Ariadne: nope [01:16] schestowitz__ look at their site [01:17] schestowitz__ lots of crime exposed [01:17] vmg3 throw enough mud sooner or later some of it sticks [01:17] schestowitz__ even last year [01:17] schestowitz__ in Africa and Scandinavia [01:17] schestowitz__ https://wikileaks.org/-Leaks-.html [01:17] Ariadne on the front page of wikileaks the newest content i see is October 2019 [01:17] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-wikileaks.org | WikiLeaks - Leaks [01:17] schestowitz__ note dates [01:17] schestowitz__ Vault7 is still very valuable [01:17] Ariadne on that page, December 2018 [01:17] schestowitz__ it confirmed many things [01:17] vmg3 yeah thats an indication that intimidation works [01:17] schestowitz__ Ariadne: yes [01:18] schestowitz__ Ariadne: when you kidnap a founder [01:18] schestowitz__ that kind of messes up with a site's operatio n [01:18] Ariadne sounds like poor management decisions [01:18] schestowitz__ don't fault them for crimes of the state against publishers [01:18] schestowitz__ Ariadne: again, a distraction [01:18] Ariadne if i ran wikileaks i would have set it up so that it could continue operating [01:18] schestowitz__ blaming the exposer [01:19] schestowitz__ Ariadne: in techrights we now have some redundancy built in [01:19] schestowitz__ so it relies on no single individual [01:19] vmg3 Its a complicated issue and huge [01:19] schestowitz__ Ariadne: you are among them :-) [01:19] schestowitz__ we live and learn [01:19] schestowitz__ it's also deterring against particular actions [01:19] schestowitz__ anti-censorship done a priori means they don't bother slapping [01:20] vmg3 the guys from piratebay warned us years ago what was coming [01:20] schestowitz__ because the SLAPP would have little practical impact [01:20] Ariadne anyway i do not see how accountability for bad actions done by a person is incompatible with propagating the spread of useful information [01:20] schestowitz__ vmg3: they dealt with even more aggressive forces [01:20] schestowitz__ Ariadne: we need truths, yes [01:20] Ariadne the reality is assange is a womanizer and ioerror is a rapist [01:21] schestowitz__ did you see the latest from pocock? [01:21] Ariadne that does not subtract from their work [01:21] schestowitz__ he spills the beans on some big companies today [01:21] vmg3 but we talk about a slippery condom instead of murder [01:21] *mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [01:21] schestowitz__ it's what the media wants [01:21] schestowitz__ MLK 'cheated on his wife" [01:21] schestowitz__ let's ignore the oppression of black people [01:21] Ariadne i dont think the media cares either way about ioerror being a rapist [01:21] schestowitz__ eventually he was just killed [01:22] schestowitz__ Ariadne: you change the subject [01:22] vmg3 guilt by association [01:22] schestowitz__ we did not mention ioerror [01:22] schestowitz__ don't play into it [01:22] schestowitz__ it's you who bring up smears [01:22] schestowitz__ and you brought up "Sex" [01:22] schestowitz__ as they want [01:22] schestowitz__ that's just what trolls like to do [01:22] schestowitz__ we talked about exposing crimes [01:22] schestowitz__ not sex [01:23] schestowitz__ MLK Day isn't about sex [01:23] schestowitz__ or FBU sex tapes [01:23] schestowitz__ makes for blackmail [01:23] schestowitz__ *made [01:23] vmg3 how would a intelligence re/gain trust? [01:23] techrights-bot A Look at the Newly-Released Pardus 19.5 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148544 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #turkey #pardus [01:23] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | A Look at the Newly-Released Pardus 19.5 | Tux Machines [01:23] Ariadne anyway [01:23] techrights-bot The #Kubuntu Focus M2 Linux Notebook Gets Nvidia's GeForce RTX 30-Series GPUs http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148494#comment-28542 [01:23] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Kubuntu Focus M2 Linux laptop now available with NVIDIA RTX 30x series graphics | Tux Machines [01:23] mjg59 schestowitz__: You've repeatedly brought up Jake as an example [01:23] techrights-bot #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148542 #Google #Linux #TuxMachines [01:23] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Android Leftovers | Tux Machines [01:24] schestowitz__ lik CrystalMath said, this is not sexrights [01:24] schestowitz__ those who try to change the subject to sex are obviously doing this for a reason [01:24] vmg3 brb [01:24] Ariadne yes, accountability [01:24] schestowitz__ bbl [01:25] Ariadne as for pocock, that is a complicated issue [01:25] techrights-bot #9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: March 7th, 2021 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148543 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [01:25] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: March 7th, 2021 | Tux Machines [01:25] mjg59 Pocock has engaged in a concerted campaign of harassment against various people in Debian, including impersonating other people [01:25] Ariadne his work would be more convincing if he did not spend his time trying to ban evade debian blocks on his server [01:25] techrights-bot Videos: Smenu, Linux Experiment, and David Revoy With Krita http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148545 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [01:25] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Videos: Smenu, Linux Experiment, and David Revoy With Krita | Tux Machines [01:26] Ariadne i only bring these things up because those people are manipulating *you* and looking to use techrights reputation to bolster their own campaigns [01:28] Ariadne when myself, ncopa, fabled and others were unhappy with debian, we went and started alpine -- we did not get banned from debian and then spend years evading moderation mechanisms designed to enforce that ban [01:29] techrights-bot Top 25 icon themes for #Ubuntu http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148546 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [01:29] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Top 25 icon themes for Ubuntu | Tux Machines [01:29] techrights-bot Todays #HowTos | #UNIX http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148547 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [01:29] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | today's howtos | Tux Machines [01:29] techrights-bot #Linux 5.11.4, 5.10.21, 5.4.103, 4.19.179, 4.14.224, 4.9.260, and 4.4.260 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148548 #Kernel [01:29] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Linux 5.11.4, 5.10.21, 5.4.103, 4.19.179, 4.14.224, 4.9.260, and 4.4.260 | Tux Machines [01:29] Ariadne i will admit that the conditions under which he was banned from debian are not clear cut, but his behavior as a result of that ban has not been reconciliatory [01:30] MinceR why worry about deadian? it's an ibm patsy now [01:30] Ariadne instead, he has impersonated members of the debian project, threatened and harassed other members, etc [01:30] Ariadne i don't care what debian does [01:31] MinceR i don't care what happens to deadian [01:31] techrights-bot "At #FOSDEM 2017, Cat Allman from the #Google Open Source [sic] Programs Office (Stephanie Taylors team) had a discussion with one of the men from Albania. Google offered to be a silver sponsor for #OSCAL in May 2017." http://techrights.org/2021/03/07/foss-people-trafficking/ gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/07/foss-people-trafficking/ [01:31] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | When I Discovered People Trafficking in Free/Open Source Software | Techrights [01:31] vmg3 I've been running it for years and it's served me well. [01:32] vmg3 the politics has little to play [01:32] MinceR it served me well too, until it suddenly turned into a delivery vector for systemd [01:33] vmg3 yeah looking at that myself, but my understanding is not in the code just in memory usage [01:33] Ariadne i think the main reason why debian is low drama is because anybody with technical aspirations just goes and makes a new distro [01:33] CrystalMath Ariadne: sometimes when you put a lot of work into something, you can be very upset to discover it was all for naught, or worse [01:34] schestowitz__ "The Revolution (OS) WILL be Decommoditised" [01:34] Ariadne CrystalMath: sure, i recommend therapy for mr. pocock [01:34] CrystalMath if i had put any work into debian i'd be upset too [01:34] CrystalMath fortunately i didn't [01:34] vmg3 has anyone tried arozos? [01:34] schestowitz__ and GSoC [01:34] schestowitz__ he mentored for an evil company [01:34] Ariadne well i put work into debian and then i went and started alpine instead [01:34] Ariadne big woop [01:34] schestowitz__ that commits or helps commit crimes against humanty [01:34] schestowitz__ many people still fall for it [01:35] CrystalMath those bastards don't deserve even the slightest bit of help [01:35] schestowitz__ that's why we need whistleblowers [01:35] CrystalMath debian only deserves death [01:35] Ariadne why [01:35] schestowitz__ The pocock article is in Planet Fedora now [01:35] schestowitz__ i.e. IBM [01:35] CrystalMath because they're horrible [01:35] schestowitz__ IBM is OK with it [01:35] Ariadne i have many friends involved in debian, to this day [01:35] superkuh My apt has super cow powers. [01:36] schestowitz__ btw, exposing abuse is not "harassment" [01:36] schestowitz__ don't give woes to REAL victims of real harassment [01:36] schestowitz__ bbl [01:36] CrystalMath i will celebrate on the day when debian disappears [01:36] CrystalMath once all its releases go EOL and it never does a single thing again [01:36] vmg3 investigative work/reporting has many methods [01:36] MinceR same [01:37] techrights-bot "Canonical reveals long-term Ubuntu plans that you might have missed, and the "double ungood" warning from Linus this week." https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/144417/linux-action-news-179/ [01:37] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.jupiterbroadcasting.com | Linux Action News 179 | Jupiter Broadcasting [01:38] techrights-bot Open Source #Security Podcast: "Josh and Kurt talk about DWF. Its back and the intention is to have real community driven security identifiers!" https://opensourcesecurity.io/2021/03/07/episode-261-dwf-is-back-welcome-to-community-powered-cve/ [01:38] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-opensourcesecurity.io | Episode 261 DWF is back! Welcome to community powered CVE Open Source Security [01:38] Ariadne schestowitz__: exposing abuse on your own website is not harassment. evading IP bans and impersonating debian personnel to drive traffic to your website definitely is. [01:38] techrights-ipfs IPFS downstream, 60 mins: avg(k/sec) 18.40 IPFS upstream: avg(k/sec) 87.45 swarm size (avg): 129.49 [01:39] techrights-bot " #Python generators are very powerful for handling operations which require large amount of memory." https://www.nbshare.io/notebook/286849692/Python-Generators/ [01:39] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.nbshare.io | Python Generators [01:40] techrights-bot From buzzword to another buzzword https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQgHbHJlAjo [01:40] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Why I Moved From Ops to DevOps (and why you might want to) - YouTube [01:41] techrights-bot International Womens Day March 8, 2021 https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2021/03/08/iwd-2021/ when will #freesw blogs also converge with veganism? [01:41] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-blog.documentfoundation.org | International Women's Day - March 8, 2021 - The Document Foundation Blog [01:42] techrights-bot #freesw is about justice and freedom, not #monopolies (which it inherently attempts to tackle). Start rejecting ALL money from ALL monopolies if you run a Free software org. That money comes with strings attached, whether visible or not (at first). [01:43] techrights-bot "The nohz_full= kernel boot parameter is the current main interface to configure full dynticks along with CPU Isolation." https://www.suse.com/c/cpu-isolation-nohz_full-part-3/ [01:43] mjg59 Oh, so free software *is* about justice and freedom? [01:43] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-CPU Isolation Nohz_full by SUSE Labs (part 3) | SUSE Communities [01:45] mjg59 schestowitz__: But not about justice for Jake's victims? [01:45] techrights-bot "At the last minute, when it was too late to change the materials and the budget, #Google decided to remove funding from this free software event" http://techrights.org/2021/03/07/foss-people-trafficking/ [01:45] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | When I Discovered People Trafficking in Free/Open Source Software | Techrights [01:45] techrights-bot "In other words, the 70-80% female:male in Chris Lambs comments didnt represent empowerment, it represented deceptive practices to make women work at #OSCAL and coercive practices to prevent them sending funding requests for other events." http://techrights.org/2021/03/07/foss-people-trafficking/ [01:50] techrights-bot "qute-gemini is a qutebrowser userscript that allows browsing Geminispace from within qutebrowser." https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/2021/005990.html awesome stuff! That also means #gemini protocol support is now in #gnu #linux repos! [01:50] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-lists.orbitalfox.eu | [ANN] qute-gemini 1.0.0, now sucks less [01:50] *whytek (~whytek@ has joined #techrights [01:53] vmg3 oh I like qute [01:58] techrights-bot What really sucks about #qutebrowser (in most settings) is that it's tied to a massive #scam called #duckDuckGo ... massive scam. http://techrights.org/2020/07/02/ddg-privacy-abuser-in-disguise/ [01:58] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Why People Should Never Ever Use DuckDuckGo | Techrights ● Mar 08 [02:01] techrights-bot #duckDuckGo uses its #surveillanceCapitalism revenue to lie to you about #privacy ... same thing #mozilla does. #google [02:01] MinceR too bad it depends on qt :> [02:03] vmg3 but it is leaner than many of the alts [02:04] schestowitz__ MinceR: yup [02:04] schestowitz__ falkon also [02:05] schestowitz__ we really need qt forked [02:05] schestowitz__ and the forked adopted, maintained [02:05] cybrNaut DDG has gotten worse than what that article exposes. DDG used to be hosted on Amazon, and it switched to MS Azure, which means MS can now see both the IP and the query text coming to bing, and link identity to search phrase [02:05] schestowitz__ like libreoffice did openfoffice [02:05] MinceR it would be easier to maintain something less bloated [02:05] craigevil falkon, midori, eolie, netsurf [02:05] MinceR and we practically need to fork of all of the IT industry by now [02:05] schestowitz__ cybrNaut: oh, wow [02:05] schestowitz__ any links about that? [02:06] cybrNaut schestowitz__: no, i just worked it out the other day.. haven't written any articles [02:06] schestowitz__ cybrNaut: for almost a decade DDG has felt like a Microsoft proxy [02:06] schestowitz__ for several reasons [02:06] schestowitz__ cybrNaut: they did use some Microsoft stuff before [02:07] schestowitz__ didn't know if/when AWS was left [02:07] MinceR like bng :> [02:07] cybrNaut note that it's speculative.. we don't know MS does that, but it seems quite possible [02:07] schestowitz__ DDG makes me angry when I see this [02:07] schestowitz__ liars, liars, liars [02:07] schestowitz__ at least stop lying [02:07] schestowitz__ mozilla annoys me less with its privacy posing [02:07] MinceR if microshit can do something that lessens our privacy, we can be pretty sure they're doing it [02:07] schestowitz__ while living off Google s$ [02:07] cybrNaut and we should assume MS would not give up the chance to exploit that. It's all hinged on trust [02:08] MinceR remember monkey boy raging about google gathering more data on people than microshit did [02:08] schestowitz__ "google reads your mail" [02:08] schestowitz__ Microsoft does not? [02:08] schestowitz__ Microsoft drinks your mail -) [02:08] schestowitz__ and sells your mail to everybody [02:08] schestowitz__ anyway [02:09] schestowitz__ we need to reject all those 'free' email disservices [02:09] schestowitz__ there's no free email [02:09] schestowitz__ nobody set up a Free Email Foundation [02:09] MinceR maybe stop relying on email for privacy and security [02:09] schestowitz__ a charity backed by benevolent billionaire's [02:09] schestowitz__ MinceR: or encrypt [02:09] schestowitz__ but then they push you out [02:09] schestowitz__ for not being easy to monetise [02:10] schestowitz__ "just taking up traffic!" [02:10] MinceR sure, as long as you can be sure all correspondents will refuse to stop encrypting if messages get corrupted or stop getting through [02:10] schestowitz__ I barely send any mail without encrypting [02:10] schestowitz__ I use other comms methods [02:10] cybrNaut email is just getting more and more broken. gnu.org started rejecting msgs where the FROM domain differs from the IP reverse lookup, so I can no longer email RMS using a forwarding account [02:11] schestowitz__ the monopolies get their way [02:11] schestowitz__ mostly microsoft, google, maybe gmx [02:11] schestowitz__ they lock everybody else out [02:11] schestowitz__ using "Spam" as excuse for monopoly [02:11] schestowitz__ and then "Extending" (breaking, deviating from) protocols [02:12] schestowitz__ surveillance sieves [02:12] schestowitz__ they impose those on schools and colleges too [02:12] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/wiki/Microsoft_ELMS [02:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Microsoft ELMS - Techrights [02:12] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/EDGI [02:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | EDGI - Techrights [02:12] schestowitz__ agents of imperialism [02:12] schestowitz__ by espionage [02:12] schestowitz__ with back doors and direct access [02:12] schestowitz__ then zemlin and other frauds shower us with labels like "confidential computing" [02:13] schestowitz__ Surveillance is now "confidential computing" [02:13] techrights-bot Racist #IBM goes out of its way to break #GNU #Linux for community-led projects. [02:14] MinceR lol [02:14] MinceR i guess zemlin believes his dick pics on his hypeCloud account are "confidential" too [02:15] schestowitz__ they are [02:15] schestowitz__ as long as he plays along [02:15] schestowitz__ "it would be a shame if you criticised sponsor X and Y" [02:15] MinceR until someone breaks into the server yet again [02:16] schestowitz__ LF had security breaches [02:16] schestowitz__ then again, they use Windows [02:16] schestowitz__ on desktops [02:16] schestowitz__ sometimes servers also [02:16] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2019/07/17/we-are-the-windows-powered-linux-foundation/ [02:16] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Linux Foundation Apparently Celebrates Sysadmin Day With a Microsoft Windows Site! | Techrights [02:16] vmg3 DDG story even lite has js in results, sneaky bastards [02:16] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2020/06/22/proprietary-iis-and-windows-foundation/ [02:16] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Linux Foundation Newsletter is Microsoft Windows and Proprietary IIS | Techrights [02:16] schestowitz__ LF is corporate corruption exemplified [02:21] vmg3 all the wells are poisoned [02:22] schestowitz__ whatever remains... is in the TODO list [02:22] schestowitz__ I hear from people who are being targeted [02:23] schestowitz__ intimidated and smeared [02:23] schestowitz__ for speaking out [02:23] schestowitz__ about what's going on [02:23] schestowitz__ it's an anti-community purge [02:23] schestowitz__ and they have the money on their side, not the facts [02:23] schestowitz__ the modus operandi is more or less known by now [02:23] vmg3 :< [02:23] schestowitz__ anyway, we need more people involved [02:24] schestowitz__ and contributing at feasible levels [02:24] schestowitz__ coding, hosting, art [02:24] schestowitz__ we have a skilled volunteer who is an artist and she does great stuff for us [02:24] vmg3 I saw a ransomware attack that got people to join a chat [02:24] schestowitz__ ransomware is often a Windows problem [02:24] schestowitz__ and it killed many people [02:25] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2020/06/09/windows-disaster-zones/ [02:25] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Index of the Series About Windows Inside Hospitals (Causing Hospitals to Become Disaster Zones) | Techrights [02:25] vmg3 https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-ransomware-only-decrypts-victims-who-join-their-discord-server/ [02:25] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.bleepingcomputer.com | New ransomware only decrypts victims who join their Discord server [02:26] schestowitz__ this is a Microsoft propaganda site [02:26] schestowitz__ so be wary [02:26] schestowitz__ they never mention the Microsoft culpability [02:26] vmg3 it has the ad's for sure [02:26] schestowitz__ I'd avoid linking to that if possible [02:26] schestowitz__ they also deflected the other day, as noted in our video, from Microsoft [02:26] schestowitz__ you mentioned it earlier [02:27] schestowitz__ Blaming on "Amazon" or "Lyft" [02:27] schestowitz__ Microsoft serving malware [02:27] schestowitz__ and sometimes even putting "Linux" in the headline [02:27] schestowitz__ when in fact that's just Microsoft pushing malware to Linux machines [02:27] schestowitz__ pure propaganda [02:27] schestowitz__ and now they also blame "China" [02:27] vmg3 yeah its hard to escape [02:27] schestowitz__ truly nasty company [02:27] schestowitz__ and many people fall for the spin [02:28] schestowitz__ because the corrupt (bribed) media plays along with the false narratives [02:28] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2021/03/03/microsoft-blame-shifting-tactics/ [02:28] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Microsoft Weaponises (and Further Spreads) Racism to Distract From Its Own Incompetence (and Five Eyes Collusion for Back Door Access) | Techrights [02:28] schestowitz__ https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/malicious-npm-packages-target-amazon-slack-with-new-dependency-attacks/ [02:28] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.bleepingcomputer.com | Malicious NPM packages target Amazon, Slack with new dependency attacks [02:28] schestowitz__ same propahanda site [02:28] schestowitz__ let's blame Microsoft rivals [02:28] schestowitz__ for Microsoft pushing malware to their servers [02:29] vmg3 they like to drop names to deflect [02:29] schestowitz__ yup [02:29] schestowitz__ wow, the qutebrowser experience is awful [02:30] schestowitz__ not just the ui [02:30] vmg3 "Discord commonly used by threat actors" [02:30] schestowitz__ but also DDG by default [02:30] schestowitz__ on debian buster at least [02:30] schestowitz__ and it's almost impossible to change unless you know what you're doing [02:30] schestowitz__ so, to me at least, it feels like malware [02:30] schestowitz__ launch software [02:30] schestowitz__ enter something into the box [02:30] schestowitz__ and you have been keylogged by spying firm [02:30] MinceR afaict qutebrowser is designed for people who know what they're doing [02:30] vmg3 yeah now I'm parinoid about everything [02:31] schestowitz__ startpage also [02:31] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Startpage [02:31] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Startpage - Techrights [02:31] schestowitz__ some people STILL recommend this crap [02:31] schestowitz__ in SPITE of what is known for a fact [02:31] schestowitz__ money talks [02:31] schestowitz__ surveillance has money [02:31] schestowitz__ manipulating people... that's where the money is [02:31] schestowitz__ people have money [02:31] schestowitz__ by manipulating them you control where their money goes [02:32] schestowitz__ manipulation includes blackmail [02:32] schestowitz__ hush money [02:32] schestowitz__ like Google paying people to hide the sex scandals [02:32] schestowitz__ or paying trolls [02:32] schestowitz__ to bring up "sex" each time people talk about back doors, privacy etc. [02:32] schestowitz__ anyway, Startpage is liars [02:32] schestowitz__ like DDG [02:33] schestowitz__ there's "no money" in private search [02:33] schestowitz__ same for email [02:33] schestowitz__ people may one day accept there's no "free stuff" [02:33] schestowitz__ twitter and FB are not free either [02:33] schestowitz__ they can tolerate the "users" as long as the customers (advertisers) do [02:34] schestowitz__ OK, IRC logs time [02:34] vmg3 free like prison [02:34] schestowitz__ free food :) [02:34] schestowitz__ free bed [02:34] schestowitz__ sometimes even free healthcare [02:34] schestowitz__ YOU. Are. FREE! [02:34] schestowitz__ "Everything is free here!" [02:34] vmg3 free thought [02:34] schestowitz__ "work liberates" [02:35] schestowitz__ slavery is free [02:35] schestowitz__ I'm free in exchange for my labour [02:35] schestowitz__ I get free time [02:35] schestowitz__ when I sleep... [02:35] vmg3 here's your token [02:35] schestowitz__ [02:34] free thought [02:35] schestowitz__ as long as not aloud [02:36] schestowitz__ then they say "free speech" is violence [02:36] vmg3 yeah, even that gets manipulated [02:36] schestowitz__ "too much speech" [02:36] schestowitz__ mixing it with threats and plotting to harm, [02:36] techrights-bot *** *** Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-070321.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-070321.txt Read the log now... [02:36] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: Sunday, March 07, 2021 [02:36] schestowitz__ which aren;t speech [02:36] schestowitz__ they can be expressed in words [02:36] schestowitz__ but aren't a speech [02:36] schestowitz__ like saying "war is speech" [02:37] schestowitz__ "we express our freedom of expression with artillery" [02:37] vmg3 expressing a desire for change can be dangerous [02:37] schestowitz__ in china [02:37] techrights-bot *** *** Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-070321.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-070321.txt Read the log now... [02:37] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Sunday, March 07, 2021 [02:37] schestowitz__ but even here, now... [02:38] schestowitz__ real change [02:38] schestowitz__ not BS change [02:38] schestowitz__ not "limousine 'activists'" [02:38] vmg3 the left wing and right wing are part of the same bird they say [02:38] techrights-ipfs IPFS downstream, 60 mins: avg(k/sec) 17.43 IPFS upstream: avg(k/sec) 53.60 swarm size (avg): 129.74 [02:38] schestowitz__ no, there's the Aussie left [02:38] techrights-bot *** *** Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-070321.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-070321.txt Read the log now... [02:38] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Sunday, March 07, 2021 [02:38] schestowitz__ they call themselves Green Left [02:38] vmg3 left right out [02:38] schestowitz__ they're the left [02:38] schestowitz__ not labour [02:39] vmg3 no they vote with the right [02:39] schestowitz__ hmm... [02:39] schestowitz__ maybe derailed, too [02:39] schestowitz__ or maybe you mean labour [02:39] vmg3 can you be an environmentalis and live in the big city? [02:39] schestowitz__ [13:04] NEWS #CommonDreams #Politics 119 Democrats Join With #GOP to Block Restoration of #VotingRights for Incarcerated People https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/03/02/119-democrats-join-gop-block-restoration-voting-rights-incarcerated-people [02:39] techrights-bot *** *** Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-070321.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-070321.txt Read the log now... [02:39] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.commondreams.org | 119 Democrats Join With GOP to Block Restoration of Voting Rights for Incarcerated People | Common Dreams News [02:39] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Sunday, March 07, 2021 [02:39] vmg3 thats where all the greens reside [02:39] schestowitz__ [08:43] NEWS #TruthOut Eight Democrats Joined #GOP to Vote Down Sanders's $15 #MinimumWage Amendment https://truthout.org/articles/eight-democrats-joined-gop-to-vote-down-sanderss-15-minimum-wage-amendment/ [02:39] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-truthout.org | Eight Democrats Joined GOP to Vote Down Sanders's $15 Minimum Wage Amendment [02:39] schestowitz__ fake left [02:40] schestowitz__ "Fake" for Wall Street... 'left' [08:43] NEWS #TruthOut Eight Democrats Joined #GOP to Vote Down Sanders's $15 #MinimumWage Amendment https://truthout.org/articles/eight-democrats-joined-gop-to-vote-down-sanderss-15-minimum-wage-amendment/ [02:40] vmg3 our political system is pretty shit [02:40] MinceR indeed [02:40] schestowitz__ vmg3: big cities can limit the harm tgo nature [02:40] techrights-bot *** *** Yesterday's bulletin ready. http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2021-03-07.txt [02:40] schestowitz__ if you scatter millions around the woods, the nature is harmed even more [02:41] vmg3 yeah but balance has never been part of human nature [02:41] MinceR humans shouldn't reproduce so much [02:41] vmg3 we're extreme [02:42] vmg3 even the so called center lurches [02:42] schestowitz__ MinceR: say people who make lots of kids [02:42] MinceR i say so and i don't make any kods [02:42] MinceR s/od/id/ [02:43] schestowitz__ techrights.org/2020/01/26/advocates-of-population-control/ [02:43] schestowitz__ http:/techrights.org/2020/01/26/advocates-of-population-control/ [02:43] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2020/01/26/advocates-of-population-control/ [02:43] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Opinion: If You Advocate Population Control and You Are Yourself Doubling in One Single Generation, Then You Might be Hypocritical | Techrights [02:43] schestowitz__ stupid firefox [02:43] schestowitz__ stripping off the protocols [02:43] schestowitz__ funded by Google, acting like Google [02:43] schestowitz__ repossessing protocols [02:44] vmg3 turn js off in DDG and it wants you to go to surveymonkeydotcom [02:45] *jpli (~quassel@2806:106e:24:19b4::1) has joined #techrights [02:45] vmg3 no search [02:45] schestowitz__ lol [02:45] schestowitz__ DDG is a scam [02:45] schestowitz__ has been since the very start [02:46] schestowitz__ but they spent their earnings lying about it [02:46] gry vmg3: what URL did you visit? [02:46] schestowitz__ lots of people, even in the gnu linux, not only fell for but also perpetuated this scam [02:46] vmg3 but they have a browser plug to tell you what's safe OMG [02:46] schestowitz__ we have fake privacy [02:46] schestowitz__ fake security [02:47] schestowitz__ http://techrights.org/2021/01/30/fake-security/ [02:47] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Fake Security is Still a Real Problem, Even in the GNU/Linux (and BSD) Spheres | Techrights [02:47] schestowitz__ even fake free [02:47] schestowitz__ like 'free' RHEL* [02:47] schestowitz__ ____ [02:47] schestowitz__ until you hit the freemium limits [02:47] vmg3 gry just went to ddg and it shows in my address bar [02:47] schestowitz__ then IBM charges a huge amount per processor, like Microsoft does [02:47] gry vmg3: what url? [02:48] schestowitz__ we also have fake activism [02:48] schestowitz__ and fake charities [02:48] vmg3 just went to ddg and turned off js with no script [02:48] schestowitz__ controlled by those who fight both activism and altruism [02:48] vmg3 so i gather i already took the survey [02:49] vmg3 hmm now it's not doing it [02:50] vmg3 it was the main site [02:50] vmg3 i removed the privacy plugin [02:50] vmg3 maybe that did it [02:50] vmg3 from firefox [02:51] schestowitz__ "privacy plugin" [02:51] schestowitz__ Sounds like design issue [02:51] schestowitz__ software that respects your privacy does not need plugins [02:51] schestowitz__ just as OS without back doors may not need AV software [02:51] vmg3 yeah I never really paid much attention to it [02:52] vmg3 books are looking good [02:52] schestowitz__ the latter often introduces yet more back doors or security issues (like the firm itself getting crazy access levels) [02:52] schestowitz__ people become accustomed to buying things [02:52] schestowitz__ like "Security" [02:52] schestowitz__ or "privacy" [02:52] schestowitz__ you don't need to BUY those things [02:52] schestowitz__ but rely on conditions that ensure them [02:52] vmg3 wish i got screenshot [02:53] schestowitz__ like face-to-face chat [02:53] techrights-bot #Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148549 [02:53] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Programming Leftovers | Tux Machines [02:54] vmg3 schestowitz__: like zoom [02:55] schestowitz__ ha [02:55] schestowitz__ zoom on what? [02:56] schestowitz__ zoom(r) [02:56] vmg3 face to face [02:56] vmg3 bad joke [02:56] schestowitz__ with FBI back doors [02:56] vmg3 i've got heaps of em [02:56] schestowitz__ they change for "privacy" [02:56] schestowitz__ and even then it is fake privacy [02:56] vmg3 yeah i reinstalled it and it did it again [02:57] vmg3 same result [02:57] techrights-bot #AlpineLinux Review: Ultimate Distro for Power Users http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148550 [02:57] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Alpine Linux Review: Ultimate Distro for Power Users | Tux Machines [02:57] schestowitz__ Ariadne: ^ [02:57] schestowitz__ just in [02:57] schestowitz__ mins ago [02:57] schestowitz__ vmg3: maybe wrong choices [02:58] schestowitz__ brb coffee [02:58] schestowitz__ I want to code some things tonight [02:58] vmg3 yeah I'm heading out to get some fresh air [02:58] vmg3 o/ [02:59] MinceR \o ● Mar 08 [03:01] vmg3 this is the plugin for ffox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/duckduckgo-for-firefox/ it's when you remove it without js [03:01] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-addons.mozilla.org | DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials Get this Extension for Firefox (en-US) [03:01] techrights-ipfs IPFS local node stats TotalIn: 5.7 MB TotalOut: 2.1 MB [03:01] techrights-ipfs New bulletin just generated and added to IPFS with CID: [03:02] techrights-ipfs QmbwY85pQ1AiuwtWfdbNfv9gxDga5UyiXJrZ1QHd6hbsj7 [03:03] schestowitz__ does anyone here know firefox very well? [03:03] schestowitz__ I can't figure out how to force it to log in when there's a new session [03:03] schestowitz__ to log into something that requires logging in [03:03] schestowitz__ without user intervention [03:03] vmg3 ugh you need a ff account [03:04] schestowitz__ :-o [03:04] schestowitz__ account? [03:04] schestowitz__ browsers that need account [03:04] vmg3 sync passwords etc, I don't advise it like chrome [03:05] schestowitz__ 'sync' [03:05] schestowitz__ means GIVE [03:05] cybrNaut I have a script that supplies my creds and gets a cookie, but I've not taken the time to work out how to format the cookie and hand it off to Firefox [03:05] schestowitz__ I don't give my passwords to Google-funded Mozilla [03:05] vmg3 it's free [03:05] MinceR loose lyps sync shyps [03:05] vmg3 i gotta go [03:05] schestowitz__ kk [03:06] schestowitz__ I also use netsurf on that pc but not for much [03:06] schestowitz__ it's very limited in today's fake 'web' [03:06] schestowitz__ with 'webapps [03:06] schestowitz__ techrights works ok [03:06] schestowitz__ anyway, some sites leave you logged in [03:07] schestowitz__ some do not [03:07] schestowitz__ https://support.mozilla.org/bm/questions/1269788 [03:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-support.mozilla.org | Firefox won't stay signed in (I have to login every time I open the browser, and my previous session is lost) - how can I fix this? | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support [03:08] schestowitz__ "Firefox uses the Password Manager to store the credentials of the Firefox Sync account (chrome://FirefoxAccounts) to make it possible to connect to Sync each time you start Firefox without the need to enter email and password. If you use the master password then you need to enter the MP every time you start Firefox. If you are asked to login again to Sync then this means that the Sync credential data isn't stored properly in the [03:08] schestowitz__ Password Manager." [03:08] schestowitz__ Password Manager. [03:08] schestowitz__ who's the manager? [03:08] schestowitz__ who's my master? [03:08] schestowitz__ Mozilla/Google? [03:10] techrights-bot #mozilla #firefox is increasingly becoming worse than a #surveillance tool disguised as "browser". It's also an #espionage tool looking to harvest passwords etc. Avoid. [03:11] schestowitz__ "Attempted each of the remedies above, and Firefox still will not stay signed in. Even if I just close the window, opening it up will demand another sign in, suggesting I sync and install firefox on my phone, though I have done all of these moments ago. What is wrong with Firefox?" [03:11] schestowitz__ "What is wrong with Firefox?" [03:11] schestowitz__ oh, where to start... [03:11] cybrNaut i stopped using browser's built-in password managers a long time ago.. hard to beleive what i'm hearing (that they now put the credentials in the cloud). It used to be that only plugins would do that, and built-in pw stores used local storage [03:11] cybrNaut so local storage is no longer an option for FF? [03:14] cybrNaut i'm looking at it now... seems syncing to the cloud is optional [03:14] cybrNaut "about:logins" [03:15] cybrNaut my version is old though [03:18] techrights-bot Since Firefox version 76, #mozilla has had #firefox phone home, by default, with information about what login details you enter. And if you aren't worried about Mozilla #privacy violations, remember they're funded by #google (NSA). [03:18] schestowitz__ cybrNaut: sort of [03:18] schestowitz__ see above [03:18] schestowitz__ Firefox has 'telemetry' [03:18] schestowitz__ this one they call "Lockwise" [03:19] schestowitz__ and "Monitor" [03:19] schestowitz__ they monitor you [03:19] schestowitz__ for your own protection, of course! [03:19] DaemonFC[m] Normandy [03:19] schestowitz__ NetSurf lacks the JS I need [03:19] DaemonFC[m] They can install things into your browser behind the scenes and change settings. [03:19] schestowitz__ So it would not work with what I need [03:19] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: wordpress became similar to that with autoupdates [03:19] schestowitz__ just waiting for the 'gaffe' to happen [03:20] schestowitz__ when some "rogue player" will be "done" by that [03:20] schestowitz__ like police using robotic explosive on wheel [03:20] DaemonFC[m] schestowitz__: Browsers need to go back to a major version every several years. [03:20] schestowitz__ to 'drone-strike' a suspect [03:20] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: they go the opposite way [03:20] DaemonFC[m] You don't need new features all the time. This is nuts. [03:20] schestowitz__ days ago Google said chrom* would be released every 4 weeks [03:21] schestowitz__ instead of 6 [03:21] schestowitz__ to keep forkers and branchers on their heels [03:21] schestowitz__ systemd does the same [03:21] DaemonFC[m] Go fast and break stuff. [03:21] schestowitz__ bloated piece of crap vomited out on github every few weeks [03:21] schestowitz__ only ibm can keep up [03:21] DaemonFC[m] Yes, Google is clearly not happy with Brave. [03:22] DaemonFC[m] Maybe mjg59 can confirm. [03:22] DaemonFC[m] He was cashing Google paychecks up until a couple of weeks ago. [03:22] schestowitz__ now he feels like he can troll [03:22] schestowitz__ without liability [03:22] schestowitz__ like he never got paid by them [03:22] schestowitz__ but anyway, pure troll [03:22] schestowitz__ people wrote to me yesterday [03:23] schestowitz__ to alert me he was 100% trolling [03:23] schestowitz__ and has no purpose here in IRC other than trolling [03:23] schestowitz__ THIS CHANNEL IS THE ONLY IRC/FREENODE channel he is in [03:23] schestowitz__ just revealing of his agenda [03:23] schestowitz__ pure scum of a 'person' [03:23] schestowitz__ disposable corporate shill for NSA and Partners [03:24] schestowitz__ posers and charlatans posing as 'security' and 'activists' [03:24] schestowitz__ while attacking BOTGH [03:24] schestowitz__ anyway, back on topic... [03:24] mjg59 03:23 < schestowitz__> THIS CHANNEL IS THE ONLY IRC/FREENODE channel he is in [03:24] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: any way to make Firefox remember session? [03:24] mjg59 Literally untrue [03:24] schestowitz__ It's hard to use Firefox like this [03:25] schestowitz__ I mean, it would never want to keep a session live after closing a session [03:25] schestowitz__ or firefox session [03:25] schestowitz__ not session per se [03:25] schestowitz__ this was not always like that [03:25] mjg59 schestowitz__: Why do you keep making demonstrably factually inaccurate claims about me? [03:25] schestowitz__ [03:25] [Whois] mjg59 is a user on channels: #techrights [03:25] schestowitz__ unless you hide [03:25] schestowitz__ anyway, back on topic [03:26] schestowitz__ until the troll brings up "FART" or "SEX" [03:26] schestowitz__ firefox is really awful [03:26] schestowitz__ it got a lot worse [03:26] mjg59 schestowitz__: /whois schestowitz__ tells me that you're only on #techrights [03:26] schestowitz__ it was even better in version 2.0 [03:26] schestowitz__ lots of plugins and stuff [03:26] schestowitz__ maybe I can find a workaround without closing firefox [03:27] schestowitz__ but they castrated their CLI options [03:27] schestowitz__ they literally removed options [03:27] schestowitz__ must be some "UX" 'guru' [03:27] schestowitz__ https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1097453 [03:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-support.mozilla.org | won't keep me logged in | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support [03:27] schestowitz__ maybe other people report the same issue [03:28] schestowitz__ https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1227940 [03:28] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-support.mozilla.org | browser won't keep me signed in | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support [03:28] schestowitz__ all from recent years [03:28] schestowitz__ what has mozilla done to firefox? [03:28] mjg59 schestowitz__: Freenode's behaviour for user mode +i is to only show you the channels you share with someone else [03:28] mjg59 schestowitz__: I'm on other channels on Freenode, but because this is the only one we're both in it's the only one you can see me in from whois [03:32] DaemonFC[m] Patch it up barely enough to work. [03:32] DaemonFC[m] It's rotting inside. [03:33] schestowitz__ yeah [03:33] schestowitz__ I followed the suggestions made there [03:33] schestowitz__ still did not work [03:33] schestowitz__ sometimes along the lines of discarding cookies about login status [03:33] DaemonFC[m] Many sites have major problems. Firefox refused to put a workaround for my bank in. [03:33] schestowitz__ :/ [03:33] DaemonFC[m] Letting their "evangelism" email go to a dead end. [03:33] schestowitz__ we need to get off the web where it is doable (some sites and use cases) [03:34] DaemonFC[m] Something similar happened with Facebook for a while. [03:34] DaemonFC[m] For two years, Facebook Messenger video chats worked if you shimmed the UA as Chrome. [03:34] DaemonFC[m] But Mozilla wouldn't do it, so for two years Facebook refused to let you use it and said get Chrome. [03:34] schestowitz__ maybe I will find another workaround [03:35] schestowitz__ Chrome lets them spy even more [03:35] schestowitz__ at many levels [03:35] schestowitz__ even system level [03:35] schestowitz__ BTW, in GNOME3... [03:35] schestowitz__ Chromium is run would ask for a password [03:35] schestowitz__ every time [03:35] mjg59 schestowitz__: Are you willing to admit that your claim that this is the only Freenode IRC channel I'm on was factually inaccurate? [03:35] schestowitz__ maybe something with session management [03:35] schestowitz__ but it's still odd [03:36] schestowitz__ mjg59: go full-time trolling elsewhere [03:36] schestowitz__ natsec troll [03:36] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: I didn't know about FB [03:36] schestowitz__ I thought no bank can deny FF access, either [03:36] schestowitz__ that might happen again in the future [03:36] schestowitz__ like in 2005 [03:36] schestowitz__ or earlier [03:36] DaemonFC[m] They might have just gotten as much sabotage of FOSS out of him as he was good for and moved on. [03:36] DaemonFC[m] Who knows? [03:36] schestowitz__ they would not accept Netscape either [03:37] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: let's stay on topic [03:37] DaemonFC[m] Rebranding it as he finally found his scruples and quit. [03:37] schestowitz__ don't let trolls derail the channel [03:37] schestowitz__ About FIrefox, it's totally self-nuking now [03:37] mjg59 schestowitz__: If you make demonstrably untrue statements about me, why should people trust things you saw about anyone else? [03:37] schestowitz__ and I see people blasting it for censorship now [03:37] schestowitz__ they think they can pass themselves off as "ethical" censorship now to gain users [03:37] DaemonFC[m] Yeah, fuck Firefox. [03:38] schestowitz__ It's done [03:38] DaemonFC[m] It's deader than a can of SPAM. [03:38] schestowitz__ It's funded by Google [03:38] DaemonFC[m] Time to move to Brave. [03:38] schestowitz__ to combat antitrust [03:38] schestowitz__ Aral Blakan blasted them for it [03:38] techrights-ipfs IPFS downstream, 60 mins: avg(k/sec) 35.86 IPFS upstream: avg(k/sec) 94.35 swarm size (avg): 129.95 [03:38] schestowitz__ taking Google bribes and then shilling against DOJ [03:38] schestowitz__ to defend their paymaster [03:38] schestowitz__ not sure aboyt Brave [03:38] DaemonFC[m] The only point is to say there's some other web engine that people could conceivably use. [03:38] schestowitz__ it's spun off Chromium [03:39] DaemonFC[m] When there's no point because all it does is ape Chrome, including its shitty crippled extensions. [03:39] schestowitz__ Mozilla has gecko [03:39] schestowitz__ but that helps antitrust aspects for Google [03:40] schestowitz__ I will check if there's a FIrefox CLI option for closing tabs, but doubt it [03:40] schestowitz__ I went through all the options already [03:40] DaemonFC[m] Yeah, Mozilla has an odd history of only surviving because they're tangentially useful for some big company to get a better deal from Microsoft or to keep antitrust lawsuits at bay. [03:40] DaemonFC[m] They've finally hit a low point because AOL was just handing them cash and letting them build a web browser. [03:41] MinceR it does more than ape chrome now -- it blocks ALSA :> [03:41] DaemonFC[m] Remember AOL telling Microsoft that they wanted settlement money and a free license to use Trident and then when they got it, they spun Mozilla off with a couple million dollars and said good luck? [03:41] schestowitz__ --new-instance Open new instance, not a new window in running instance. [03:42] DaemonFC[m] I think they used the threat of Gecko to get a ~$450 million settlement from Microsoft and the free IE license. [03:42] schestowitz__ Microsoft took their patents later, DaemonFC[m] [03:42] DaemonFC[m] Which, the second part makes no sense. [03:42] DaemonFC[m] Trident is a part of Windows. [03:42] DaemonFC[m] You can embed it just by being a Windows application. No license is needed. [03:43] schestowitz__ LOL. "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To use Firefox, you must first close the existing Firefox process, restart your device, or use a different profile." [03:43] schestowitz__ This is what you get when using --new-instance [03:43] DaemonFC[m] There have been browsers besides IE that used Trident. Several added things like ad blockers and tabs to it. [03:43] schestowitz__ do they even test their own software? [03:44] DaemonFC[m] I hear KMeleon is still around. [03:44] DaemonFC[m] I used that a lot on my IE-less Windows 98 box. [03:44] DaemonFC[m] Gecko was suitable, but it drew its own interface, which was sluggish and not "native". [03:44] schestowitz__ falkon and qupzilla both have more CLI option or more useful options than Moz FF [03:44] schestowitz__ I know the latter is just older Falkon [03:45] schestowitz__ BTW, re Falkon [03:45] schestowitz__ Google would sometimes not load up in it [03:46] schestowitz__ they sort of 'rate-limit' it [03:46] schestowitz__ but who would file antitrust complaint? KDE? [03:46] DaemonFC[m] I just use DuckDuckGo in Brave. [03:46] DaemonFC[m] It doesn't have a default search engine. [03:46] schestowitz__ http://www.netsurf-browser.org/documentation/info.html [03:46] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.netsurf-browser.org | NetSurf | User Information [03:46] schestowitz__ "At present, NetSurf has only primitive and incomplete support for JavaScript, which we disable by default. Without JavaScript, NetSurf is able to provide access to most of sites on the World Wide Web. Some sites, however, will not display correctly or be unworkable due to heavy reliance on this standard." [03:47] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: DDG is fake privacy [03:47] DaemonFC[m] Yeah, NetSurf is useless for all but the most basic sites. [03:47] schestowitz__ you support charlatans and liars [03:47] schestowitz__ there are some searx instances [03:47] DaemonFC[m] They're not as nasty as Google and you don't log into it. [03:47] schestowitz__ https://searx.feneas.org has good uptime [03:47] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-searx.feneas.org | searx [03:47] DaemonFC[m] And it doesn't fuck with you if you use a VPN or Tor. [03:47] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: they can correlate your cookies [03:48] DaemonFC[m] DuckDuckGo works without Javascript. [03:48] Ariadne [21:42] You can embed it just by being a Windows application. No license is needed. [03:48] schestowitz__ and IP address, if cookies don't do it (VPN useless in that context) [03:48] DaemonFC[m] Google doesn't. [03:48] Ariadne not on mac os 9 :) [03:48] DaemonFC[m] There was an IE for Mac, but it was name only. The engine was actually fairly standards compliant for the time. [03:48] schestowitz__ check page source of google.com [03:49] schestowitz__ good for a laugh, at least... [03:52] Ariadne [21:48] There was an IE for Mac, but it was name only. The engine was actually fairly standards compliant for the time. [03:52] Ariadne yes but AOL needed a license for that engine [03:52] Ariadne AOL was also available on mac :) [03:55] DaemonFC[m] Oh that's right. But didn't they use Gecko on the Mac or something? [03:55] *aindilis (~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #techrights [03:55] Ariadne not at first [03:55] DaemonFC[m] I used a beta of AOL for Windows with Gecko. [03:55] DaemonFC[m] They had a client that was ready to go. [03:56] Ariadne i think they switched to gecko for a while [03:56] Ariadne then back to IE [03:56] Ariadne compuserve 2000 was AOL plus gecko ● Mar 08 [04:01] schestowitz__ nothing I've attempted it working [04:01] schestowitz__ inc. embedding the session ID in the URL [04:02] schestowitz__ after a browser restart [04:03] techrights-bot An hour wasted trying to get #mozilla #firefox to act sane again. In vain. To no avail... [04:04] techrights-bot #mozilla #firefox will continue bleeding and losing users... as long as #google finds it useful for #antitrust prevention purposes and maybe some (remaining) Firefox uses directed to Google by default, with address bar as Google #keylogger [04:05] techrights-bot #Techrights Bulletin for Sunday, March 07, 2021 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext [04:05] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Bulletin Archives [04:06] techrights-bot #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing [04:06] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Techrights Full IPFS Index [04:07] techrights-bot How to get yourself even more tightly controlled by #google #monopoly inside #youtube https://www.maketecheasier.com/get-custom-url-for-youtube-channel/ you should #deletegoogle and control your own stuff, instead... [04:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.maketecheasier.com | How to Get a Custom URL for Your YouTube Channel - Make Tech Easier [04:08] techrights-bot It's international corporations-pretend-to-care about-women day... while abusing them all (check how many shareholders are female) http://techrights.org/2020/11/03/the-harassment-claims-in-full/ [04:08] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Outreachy as Hush Money (Bribe) From Monopolies | Techrights [04:10] techrights-bot All this "hashtag" 'activism' merely benefit truly racist, imperialistic companies (GAFAM+Twitter) that farm people's brains and end up selling them to those who commit crimes against humanity https://rdnewsnow.com/2021/03/07/international-womens-day-events-going-virtual-for-2021/ [04:10] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-International Womens Day events going virtual for 2021 | rdnewsnow.com [04:11] techrights-bot Still waiting for International Crimes Against Humanity Awareness Day... [04:13] techrights-bot Linux pee Command Tee Standard Input Into Pipes https://www.putorius.net/linux-pee-command-tee-standard-input-into-pipes.html maybe they will 'cancel' this command, because companies that "KILL(1)" people say it's insensitive (all animals pee by the way) [04:13] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.putorius.net | Linux pee Command - Tee Standard Input Into Pipes - Putorius [04:14] *craigevil (craig@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/craigevil) has left #techrights [04:18] techrights-bot Sad but true. #distrowatch has added #surveillance / #spyware to all pages in order to 'monetise' site visitors. Do not access the site with #javascript available/on. [04:19] techrights-bot "Helping victims of harassment is not an easy thing but it is something that any of us may be called upon to do from time to time. It is an inevitable burden of being in a leadership position." http://techrights.org/2020/11/03/the-harassment-claims-in-full/ [04:25] techrights-bot Nowadays "innovation" means "moving to the cloud" i.e. outsourcing to #monopolies with #backdoors and pervasive #surveillance at every corner, not for your protection but for #socialcontrol (protecting the biggest abusers from accountability). VC money flows towards such 'innovation'... [04:26] techrights-bot #Review : #ArtixLinux in 2021 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148551 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [04:26] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Review: Artix Linux in 2021 | Tux Machines [04:27] techrights-bot #corporateMedia : you cannot trust Web sites online until they have loads and loads of scripts, cookies and ads (like they do). Otherwise, if they don't serve the spying industry, they aren't "credible"... [04:28] techrights-bot "We dont know if #Google intended to exert some influence by withholding the money, if they had general concerns about the organizers or if it was just a blunder" http://techrights.org/2021/03/07/foss-people-trafficking/ [04:28] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | When I Discovered People Trafficking in Free/Open Source Software | Techrights [04:34] techrights-bot #Audiocasts /Shows: Open Source Security Podcast, Linux Action News, and #SMLR http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148552 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [04:34] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Audiocasts/Shows: Open Source Security Podcast, Linux Action News, and SMLR | Tux Machines [04:38] techrights-ipfs IPFS downstream, 60 mins: avg(k/sec) 32.55 IPFS upstream: avg(k/sec) 118.95 swarm size (avg): 130.14 ● Mar 08 [05:00] *koo5 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [05:05] techrights-bot The Banality of #Bribery http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/the-banality-of-bribery/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/the-banality-of-bribery/ [05:05] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | The Banality of Bribery | Techrights [05:25] techrights-bot #Todays #HowTos | #UNIX http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148553 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [05:25] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | today's howtos | Tux Machines [05:26] techrights-bot #ZeMarmot Is Working On Searchable Layer Groups, Stored Layer Selection And Other Cool Features For #GIMP http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148554 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [05:26] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | ZeMarmot Is Working On Searchable Layer Groups, Stored Layer Selection And Other Cool Features For GIMP | Tux Machines [05:26] techrights-bot #Waffle 1.7.0 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148555 #Graphics #Linux #TuxMachines [05:26] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Waffle 1.7.0 | Tux Machines [05:26] techrights-bot To understand why institutions defend and sometimes even give awards for the very things they claim to be against one must examine the flow of money (with strings attached to it) http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/the-banality-of-bribery/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/the-banality-of-bribery/ [05:27] techrights-bot A lot of political activism turns out to be just corporate #lobbying disguised as "manners" [05:31] techrights-bot I'm told that #duckduckgo has quietly outsourced all of its data to #microsoft (and #nsa #espionage operation), but am checking further to verify... [05:35] techrights-bot #duckDuckGo does not just attack your #privacy but it's also a #keylogger and if you still use it then you're harming yourself http://techrights.org/2020/07/02/ddg-privacy-abuser-in-disguise/ [05:35] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Why People Should Never Ever Use DuckDuckGo | Techrights [05:38] superkuh Just use the HTML interface. [05:38] techrights-ipfs IPFS downstream, 60 mins: avg(k/sec) 15.63 IPFS upstream: avg(k/sec) 88.51 swarm size (avg): 130.35 [05:40] superkuh http://searxes.eu.org/ redirects to a web interface for an empty git repo. [05:40] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-crimeflare/cloudflare-tor: - README.md at master - cloudflare-tor - Codeberg.org [05:44] techrights-bot #qutebrowser spies on you the very moment you launch it, at least on #debian #buster ... but you know those people don't give a damn about #privacy because they develop on #microsoft servers. [05:54] *kingoffrance has quit (Quit: Leaving) [05:55] techrights-bot Moving Away From the World Wide Web is a Wise Move, at Least to the Degree Which is Possible http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/away-from-www/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/away-from-www/ [05:55] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Moving Away From the World Wide Web is a Wise Move, at Least to the Degree Which is Possible | Techrights [05:56] schestowitz__ superkuh: oh ● Mar 08 [06:38] techrights-ipfs IPFS downstream, 60 mins: avg(k/sec) 14.25 IPFS upstream: avg(k/sec) 81.43 swarm size (avg): 130.55 [06:49] *jpli has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) ● Mar 08 [07:03] *techrights-ipfs has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [07:22] *craigevil (craig@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/craigevil) has joined #techrights [07:22] *craigevil (craig@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/craigevil) has left #techrights ● Mar 08 [08:07] techrights-bot NEWS #Bloomberg #microsoft #racism #xenophobia Microsoft Attack Blamed On China Morphs Into Global Crisis https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-07/hackers-breach-thousands-of-microsoft-customers-around-the-world http://techrights.org/2021/03/03/microsoft-blame-shifting-tactics/ [08:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot? [08:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Microsoft Weaponises (and Further Spreads) Racism to Distract From Its Own Incompetence (and Five Eyes Collusion for Back Door Access) | Techrights [08:08] techrights-bot NEWS #ITWire #Windows #ransomware gangs will hit all creatures big and small https://www.itwire.com/security/windows-ransomware-gangs-will-hit-all-creatures-big-and-small.html [08:08] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-iTWire - Windows ransomware gangs will hit all creatures big and small [08:09] techrights-bot NEWS #TheHill #Privacy #Surveillance Tech giants in brewing battle over tracking, ads https://thehill.com/policy/technology/541878-tech-giants-in-brewing-battle-over-tracking-ads #google #espionage [08:09] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Tech giants in brewing battle over tracking, ads | TheHill [08:10] techrights-bot NEWS #Salon #Humanitarian #imperialism : How the media exploits liberals' empathy to sell them #war https://www.salon.com/2021/03/07/humanitarian-imperialism-how-the-media-exploits-liberals-empathy-to-sell-them-war_partner/ http://techrights.org/2021/03/06/astroturfing-vs-grassroots/ [08:10] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Humanitarian imperialism: How the media exploits liberals' empathy to sell them war | Salon.com [08:10] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Corporations Do Not Represent Communities and Activists, They Just Exploit Them, Discredit Them, and Hijack Their Hard Work | Techrights [08:15] techrights-bot #IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 07, 2021 http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/irc-log-070321/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/irc-log-070321/ [08:15] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 07, 2021 | Techrights [08:16] techrights-bot More #Webbrowsers finally support the #Geminiprotocol and decentralisation is gaining traction (its even in mainstream European media right about now) http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/away-from-www/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/away-from-www/ [08:19] techrights-bot Politicians as bribed moles of the #litigation fanatics and #patent profiteers https://www.patentdocs.org/2021/03/sen-tillis-sends-letter-to-president-regarding-next-uspto-director.html #corruption #uspto #patents [08:19] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.patentdocs.org | Patent Docs: Sen. Tillis Sends Letter to President Regarding Next USPTO Director [08:20] techrights-bot "deltapatents have said paper B was very difficult, to the point that even their experienced attorneys and tutors cannot work out what is expected" http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/03/a-chaotic-start-to-eeqes.html?showComment=1615138213026#c6970804188757360743 see http://techrights.org/2021/03/03/epo-does-not-understand-software/ [08:20] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ipkitten.blogspot.com | A chaotic start to the eEQEs - The IPKat [08:20] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | The EPOs Software Blunders Are Inevitable Outcome of Technically Clueless Management Which Grants Illegal Patents on Software | Techrights [08:22] techrights-bot Selling #hardware as "HEY HI" (junk buzzwords) when what you're actually pushing is mass #surveillance and military-grade #espionage https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/03/08/edgeturing-ai-video-processing-socionext-sc2000-4k-camera-hailo-8-ai-accelerator/ #listeningDevices [08:22] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.cnx-software.com | Edge AI video processing system combines SocioNext SC2000 4K camera SoC with Hailo-8 AI accelerator [08:24] techrights-bot Daily #dilbert https://dilbert.com/strip/2021-03-07 [08:24] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Fired For Social Media - Dilbert Comic Strip on 2021-03-07 | Dilbert by Scott Adams [08:24] techrights-bot #bipartisanship #biden https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/06/us/stimulus-senate-bipartisanship-biden.html [08:24] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.nytimes.com | After Stimulus Victory in Senate, Reality Sinks in: Bipartisanship Is Dead - The New York Times [08:24] techrights-bot #jitsimeet http://www.mpaoli.net/~michael/tmp/2jitsi [08:24] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Missing content type. Ignoring. [08:27] techrights-bot Shame on #indiatimes and #nytimes for helping #microsoft #propaganda that is in effect racist #blameshifting http://techrights.org/2021/03/03/microsoft-blame-shifting-tactics/ [08:27] techrights-bot #boycottGoogle https://lbry.tv/@TheLinuxGamer:f/Google-STILL-won't-fix-the-real-issue-with-online-ads.:e [08:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-lbry.tv | Google's new FEDERATED ad system is still BAD NEWS. [08:27] techrights-bot old: building your own #linux #kernel https://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/How_to_build_and_install_your_own_Linux_kernel [08:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-wiki.linuxquestions.org | How to build and install your own Linux kernel - LQWiki [08:29] techrights-bot #freesw in #india https://www.business-standard.com/article/technology/explained-how-open-source-software-is-powering-india-s-startup-ecosystem-121030700864_1.html #paywall [08:29] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.business-standard.com | Explained: How open-source software is powering India's startup ecosystem | Business Standard News [08:29] techrights-bot #cuomo was hailed as a hero just a year ago by #corporateMedia https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/two-more-women-sexual-harassment-cuomo-1137929/ [08:29] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.rollingstone.com | Two More Women Make Sexual Harassment Claims Against Cuomo - Rolling Stone [08:38] CrystalMath i believe them, Cuomo is a piece of garbage, he must have groped one or two [08:40] mjg59 And, again, sexual assault is on topic when it serves a specific end [08:42] *aindilis has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) ● Mar 08 [09:43] techrights-bot NEWS #CommonDreams Opinion | 9 Skillful Struggles Happening Right Now https://www.commondreams.org/views/2021/03/07/9-skillful-struggles-happening-right-now [09:43] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | 9 Skillful Struggles Happening Right Now [09:44] techrights-bot NEWS #CommonDreams #bezos Opinion | Why the #Amazon Worker Vote in #Bessemer Means So Much https://www.commondreams.org/views/2021/03/07/why-amazon-worker-vote-bessemer-means-so-much [09:44] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | Why the Amazon Worker Vote in Bessemer Means So Much [09:44] techrights-bot NEWS #CommonDreams Opinion | Remembering W.E.B. Du Bois: A Giant in the Struggle for Black Freedom in the US https://www.commondreams.org/views/2021/03/07/remembering-web-du-bois-giant-struggle-black-freedom-us [09:44] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | Remembering W.E.B. Du Bois: A Giant in the Struggle for Black Freedom in the US [09:47] techrights-bot "Judge Thembekile Malusi of the High Court Eastern Cape Division in Port Elizabeth has found two German nationals guilty of the murder of Claus Schroeder, and fraud" https://www.all4women.co.za/2208204/news/south-african-news/german-couple-guilty-of-murdering-man-over-farmland-after-6-year-trial [09:47] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.all4women.co.za | NO TITLE [09:50] techrights-bot #blackmail and #extortion artists #femmewashing to make themselves look ethical https://www.managingip.com/article/b1qty5zgpk7yvd/managing-ip-celebrates-international-womens-day today is a corporate day, hijacking the hard work of campaigners http://techrights.org/2021/03/06/astroturfing-vs-grassroots/ [09:50] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.managingip.com | Managing IP celebrates International Womens Day | Managing Intellectual Property ● Mar 08 [10:14] techrights-bot Gemini Capsules and Pages Now Accessible in a Web Browser, Qutebrowser, But #Qutebrowser Has Issues http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/qutebrowser-qute-gemini/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/qutebrowser-qute-gemini/ [10:15] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Gemini Capsules and Pages Now Accessible in a Web Browser, Qutebrowser, But Qutebrowser Has Issues | Techrights [10:16] techrights-bot Cross-Examination of French Judges (Interview Part I: National Introspection) http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2021/03/08/cross-examination-of-french-judges-interview-part-i-national-introspection/ #france has a corrupt #patent system and that #corruption has spread to #epo http://techrights.org/2020/03/07/inpi-corruption-scandal/ [10:16] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | Cross-Examination of French Judges (Interview Part I: National Introspection) - Kluwer Patent Blog [10:16] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Financial and Legal Corruption Scandal in France (INPI) Implicating the Person Benot Battistelli Put in Charge of the EPOs Finances | Techrights [10:19] techrights-bot Again, as usual from #AstraZeneca shills, no mention of the fact that those #EPO Boards of Appeal lack independence -- a fact they repeatedly complain about http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/03/second-medical-use-dosage-regieme-claim.html see http://techrights.org/2019/07/18/g-219-eba-epo/ [10:19] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ipkitten.blogspot.com | Second medical use dosage regimen claim successfully traverses both insufficiency and "obvious-to-try" attacks (T 0799/16) - The IPKat [10:19] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Index: G 2/19 (Enlarged Board of Appeal, EPO) | Techrights [10:20] techrights-bot As noted earlier this morning, its nowadays possible to access #Geminicapsules through a Web browser without any Web proxies; but the (likely) first browser with that capability has numerous big issues http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/qutebrowser-qute-gemini/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/qutebrowser-qute-gemini/ [10:23] techrights-bot Don't let companies that call themselves "Open Source" become "Out Source". Many of them nowadays promote #clowncomputing and merely outsource clients' systems to #surveillance companies with #proprietarySoftware GUIs [10:23] techrights-bot #HowTo Self Host #JitsiMeet With Docker [Step by Step Guide] https://linuxhandbook.com/self-host-jitsi-meet/ #LinuxHandbook #GNU #Linux | more in http://schestowitz.com/2021/03/08/#latest [10:23] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-linuxhandbook.com | How to Self Host Jitsi Meet With Docker [Step by Step Guide] [10:23] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-schestowitz.com | Social Control Media Posts [10:25] techrights-bot Racist and sexist #ibm pretends to care for women because today is a corporate stunt day; they hijack activists' causes for PR https://opensource.com/article/21/3/women-in-tech see http://techrights.org/2021/03/06/astroturfing-vs-grassroots/ [10:25] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-10 articles you should read right now by women in tech | Opensource.com [10:25] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Corporations Do Not Represent Communities and Activists, They Just Exploit Them, Discredit Them, and Hijack Their Hard Work | Techrights [10:25] *mmu_man (~revol@82-65-227-82.subs.proxad.net) has joined #techrights ● Mar 08 [11:13] *inky (~inky@ has joined #techrights [11:19] *guysoft42 (~guysoft@2a0d:6fc1:2:1f00::442) has joined #techrights [11:45] techrights-bot #Ubuntu Studio review http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148556 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [11:45] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Ubuntu Studio review | Tux Machines [11:46] techrights-bot #freesw tools for #weddingplanning http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148557 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [11:46] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | 6 open source tools for wedding planning | Tux Machines [11:46] techrights-bot #Kdenlive 20.12.3 is out http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148558 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #KDE [11:46] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Kdenlive 20.12.3 is out | Tux Machines [11:47] techrights-bot #Lenovo M93 Ultra Small PC Running GNU/Linux Week 1 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148559 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [11:47] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Lenovo M93 Ultra Small PC Running Linux Week 1 | Tux Machines [11:52] techrights-bot Wife points out that in almost no language there's a word/name for a parent who lost a child. She speaks 5 languages. For loss of spouse we have widow/widower, lost of parents -- orphan. Why nothing for loss of children? "Childless" NOT the same. ● Mar 08 [12:41] techrights-bot Real #Feminism is Grassroots, Not a Corporate Ploy (to Improve Image and Sales) http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/corporate-hijack-of-real-feminism/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/corporate-hijack-of-real-feminism/ [12:41] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Real Feminism is Grassroots, Not a Corporate Ploy (to Improve Image and Sales) | Techrights [12:42] techrights-bot #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148560 #Google #Linux #TuxMachines [12:42] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Android Leftovers | Tux Machines ● Mar 08 [13:05] techrights-bot The insulting publicity stunt many will be exposed to throughout the day is largely a corporate-led Public Relations charade, painting sexist companies as defenders of women http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/corporate-hijack-of-real-feminism/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/corporate-hijack-of-real-feminism/ [13:07] techrights-bot ht> [13:08] techrights-bot Views from the public not even sought because this propaganda site is a front group for patent profiteers, including predators from pharmaceutical companies (or their lawyers)https://www.managingip.com/article/b1qtzdryvpcndj/counsel-reveal-how-pharma-can-benefit-from-patent-arbitration [13:08] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.managingip.com | Counsel reveal how pharma can benefit from patent arbitration | Managing Intellectual Property [13:14] techrights-bot #Ubuntu Blog: #Security podcast: February https://ubuntu.com//blog/security-podcast-february [13:14] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Security podcast: February | Ubuntu [13:15] techrights-bot "The general consensus among experts is that #GNU #Linux is a highly secure OS - arguably the most secure OS by design." https://linuxsecurity.com/features/features/how-secure-is-linux [13:15] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-linuxsecurity.com | How Secure Is Linux?. [13:22] techrights-bot Todays #HowTos | #UNIX http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148561 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:22] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | today's howtos | Tux Machines [13:23] techrights-bot #Security : Blaming Microsoft Back Doors/Bug Doors on Others, Ubuntu Security, and GNU/Linux Analysis http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148562 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:23] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Security: Blaming Microsoft Back Doors/Bug Doors on Others, Ubuntu Security, and GNU/Linux Analysis | Tux Machines [13:26] techrights-bot #SparkyLinux 2021.03 Release Introduces a #KDE Plasma Edition, #Xfce 4.16 Update, and More Upgrades http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148513#comment-28545 [13:26] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Sparky 2021.03 | Tux Machines [13:30] techrights-bot Say NO to Big Tech deciding Global Governance of #BigTech https://stop.zona-m.net/2021/03/say-no-to-big-tech-deciding-global-governance-of-big-tech/ #microsoft #antitrust #amazon #facebook [13:30] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-stop.zona-m.net | Say NO to Big Tech deciding Global Governance of Big Tech | Stop at Zona-M [13:43] techrights-bot Todays Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148563 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:43] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | today's leftovers | Tux Machines [13:43] techrights-bot Links 8/3/2021: Waffle 1.7.0 and a Look at the New Pardus (19.5) http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/waffle-1-7-0/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/waffle-1-7-0/ [13:43] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Links 8/3/2021: Waffle 1.7.0 and a Look at the New Pardus (19.5) | Techrights [13:49] *guysoft42 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [13:52] techrights-bot #microsoft uses #racism to distract from its own #corruption and in the process may lead to war https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-07/hackers-breach-thousands-of-microsoft-customers-around-the-world see http://techrights.org/2021/03/03/microsoft-blame-shifting-tactics/ [13:52] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot? [13:52] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Microsoft Weaponises (and Further Spreads) Racism to Distract From Its Own Incompetence (and Five Eyes Collusion for Back Door Access) | Techrights [13:53] techrights-bot Sofa gaming Linux distro #GamerOS version 23 is out continuing to fill the gap of SteamOS | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/03/sofa-gaming-linux-distro-gameros-version-23-is-out-continuing-to-fill-the-gap-of-steamos #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #Games [13:53] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sofa gaming Linux distro GamerOS version 23 is out continuing to fill the gap of SteamOS | GamingOnLinux [13:54] techrights-bot Mario Maker-like platformer #MakerKing has a huge update, lets you make mobs | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/03/mario-maker-like-platformer-makerking-has-a-huge-update-lets-you-make-mobs #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #Jumpa [13:54] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mario Maker-like platformer MakerKing has a huge update, lets you make mobs | GamingOnLinux [13:56] techrights-bot Clickbait tabloid keep personifying news about #linux (making it all about a person, which separately they demonise the ad hominem way) https://www.techradar.com/news/linus-torvalds-pushes-out-emergency-linux-update [13:56] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Linus Torvalds pushes out emergency Linux update | TechRadar [13:57] techrights-bot #Microsoft centric (and connected/paid) tabloids don't want 'boring' headlines like "RC2" so they make it about a person https://www.theregister.com/2021/03/07/linux_5_12_rc2_emergency_swapfile_bug_fix/ see http://techrights.org/2021/02/28/the-register-microsoft-pr/ [13:57] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.theregister.com | Linus Torvalds issues early Linux Kernel update to fix swapfile SNAFU The Register [13:57] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | The Fall of The Register | Techrights ● Mar 08 [14:00] techrights-bot It's easier to 'cancel' a person (with opinions) than to cancel a project, so... #Tabloids personify #Linux news http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148491#comment-28547 see http://techrights.org/2020/05/25/no-technical-journalism/ and http://techrights.org/2021/01/06/linus-instead-of-linux/ [14:00] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Linux 5.12-rc2 | Tux Machines [14:00] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Journalism in 2020: Far More Articles About What Computer Linus Torvalds Bought Than About Linux Releases | Techrights [14:00] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Gossip Mill as News: The Mainstream Media Covers Linus Instead of Linux | Techrights [14:01] *koo5 (~koo5@37-48-62-5.nat.epc.tmcz.cz) has joined #techrights [14:08] techrights-bot [14:09] techrights-bot #Server Wars: Why is #Ubuntu Linux the leading choice to replace CentOS for Finserv infrastructure? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148564 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [14:09] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Why is Ubuntu Linux the leading choice to replace CentOS for Finserv infrastructure? | Tux Machines [14:10] techrights-bot Applying mailing list patches with 'git b4' https://memcpy.io/applying-mailing-list-patches-with-git-b4.html #git #freesw #kernel #linux [14:10] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-memcpy.io | Applying mailing list patches with 'git b4' [14:13] XRevan86 https://joindiaspora.com/p/20239044 [14:13] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-joindiaspora.com | Wife points out that in almost no language there's a word/name for ... [14:13] XRevan86 Probably because child mortality is not what it used to be. [14:21] techrights-bot Fedora Community Blog: Contribute at the Fedora 34 IoT Edition Test Day https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/contribute-at-the-fedora-34-iot-edition-test-day/ #fedora #ibm #redhat #gnu #linux [14:21] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-communityblog.fedoraproject.org | Contribute at the Fedora 34 IoT Edition Test Day Fedora Community Blog [14:26] techrights-bot #Fedora and #RedHat Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148565 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [14:26] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers | Tux Machines [14:27] techrights-bot MIT/GNU Scheme version 11.2 is released http://savannah.gnu.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=9954 "This includes a bunch of bug fixes to 11.1, but is otherwise the same. Download from the usual place." [14:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-savannah.gnu.org | MIT/GNU Scheme - News: MIT/GNU Scheme version 11.2 is released [Savannah] [14:29] techrights-bot #intel is finished. Intel is done. Its products are just #defectiveByDesigns https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Intel-Interconnects-Side-Chan the real engineers leave/left the company http://techrights.org/wiki/Intel_leaks [14:29] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Researchers Discover Intel CPU Ring Interconnects Vulnerable To Side Channel Attack - Phoronix [14:29] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Intel leaks - Techrights [14:33] techrights-bot #bezos is a plunderer who lets #imperialism by #surveillance and #blackmail enter bedrooms and act as more than just #listeningDevices https://palant.info/2021/03/08/how-amazon-assistant-lets-amazon-track-your-every-move-on-the-web/ [14:33] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-palant.info | How Amazon Assistant lets Amazon track your every move on the web | Almost Secure [14:34] techrights-bot #Plots An Open Source Graph Plotting App for #GNOME http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148566 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [14:34] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Plots An Open Source Graph Plotting App for GNOME | Tux Machines [14:36] techrights-bot "So many people have suggested that I try Brave instead of Firefox. So here's my trying it out. Will it earn my undying affection as it has so many others?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkZsf979-4U [14:36] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Trying Brave Browser. Will it win me over? - YouTube [14:37] techrights-bot "Eich says Brave Search already has a waitlist for its launch in the first half of 2021 and vows not to track or profile users." https://www.maketecheasier.com/brave-browser-will-launch-search-engine/ [14:37] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.maketecheasier.com | The Brave Browser Will Launch Its Own Search Engine - Make Tech Easier [14:40] techrights-bot ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04 EOL: how to mitigate the impact https://ubuntu.com//blog/ros-kinetic-and-ubuntu-16-04-eol-how-to-mitigate-the-impact #security #gnu #linux [14:40] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04 EOL: how to mitigate the impact | Ubuntu [14:41] techrights-bot #microsoft #azure (failure, has layoffs) is #nsa #prism so any claims of #security go down the drain, it's a marketing farce https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/03/08/nxp-i-mx-8ulp-cortex-a35-m33-secure-processors-azure-sphere-certification/ [14:41] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.cnx-software.com | NXP unveils i.MX 8ULP Cortex-A35/M33 secure processors with optional Azure Sphere certification [14:44] techrights-bot Two spying devices conjoined https://opensource.com/article/21/3/android-raspberry-pi #raspberrySpy http://techrights.org/2021/03/07/raspberry-spy-the-rest/ [14:44] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cast your Android device with a Raspberry Pi | Opensource.com [14:44] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | How To Deal With Your Raspberry Spy Part V: All The Rest | Techrights [14:48] techrights-bot Quick Unboxing of my new Thelio Major https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHa5Vp9Ixjk #gnu #linux [14:48] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Quick Unboxing of my new Thelio Major - YouTube [14:50] techrights-bot #Haiku activity report - February 2021 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148567 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #beos [14:50] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Haiku activity report - February 2021 | Tux Machines [14:50] techrights-bot #Security Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148568 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [14:50] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Security Leftovers | Tux Machines [14:51] techrights-bot #OpenSUSE Tumbleweed Might See Micro-Architecture Packages For Better Performance http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148569 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #suse [14:51] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | OpenSUSE Tumbleweed Might See Micro-Architecture Packages For Better Performance | Tux Machines [14:58] *psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrights ● Mar 08 [15:01] techrights-bot The #WorldWideWeb Has Become Proprietary and the Last Remaining Major Browser That Was (Pre-EME) Free Software Is Rapidly Becoming Useless and User-Hostile (Its Monopoly- and Surveillance-Sponsored) http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/proprietary-www/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/proprietary-www/ [15:02] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | The World Wide Web Has Become Proprietary and the Last Remaining Major Browser That Was (Pre-EME) Free Software Is Rapidly Becoming Useless and User-Hostile (Its Monopoly- and Surveillance-Sponsored) | Techrights [15:07] techrights-bot #Games : #GamerOS , MakerKing, Island Artist, Receiver 2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148570 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Games: GamerOS, MakerKing, Island Artist, Receiver 2 | Tux Machines [15:07] techrights-bot #Kernel : Git, Intel, AMD and Bugs http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148571 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Kernel: Git, Intel, AMD and Bugs | Tux Machines [15:07] techrights-bot Today in #Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148572 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines [15:08] schestowitz__ [14:13] Probably because child mortality is not what it used to be. [15:08] schestowitz__ so what was the word for it hundred of years ago? [15:09] XRevan86 schestowitz__: "regular person" [15:10] XRevan86 When everyone lost one child or another, the concept loses specificity . [15:11] techrights-bot Create Your Own #GNU #Linux Installation | Linux.org https://www.linux.org/threads/create-your-own-linux-installation.31338/ #linux | more in http://schestowitz.com/2021/03/08/#latest [15:11] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Create Your Own Linux Installation | Linux.org [15:11] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-schestowitz.com | Social Control Media Posts [15:15] techrights-bot If the #EuropeanCommission is smart (it's not; it's corrupted by #monopolies and banksters), it'll fund development of #gemini and port what's possible/suitable to it. https://lwn.net/Articles/848659/rss [15:15] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-NGI POINTER offers funding for internet/web architects [LWN.net] [15:17] techrights-bot Tired of the #raspberrySpy spying for #microsoft ? Try this. Much better, except the #intel (back doors) chips: http://linuxgizmos.com/robotics-kit-runs-ai-code-on-myriad-x-coral-edge-tpu-and-elkhart-lake-gpu/ [15:17] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-linuxgizmos.com | Robotics kit runs AI code on Myriad X, Coral Edge TPU, and Elkhart Lake GPU [15:18] techrights-bot "computer runs #Ubuntu 18.04 on a Jetson Xavier NX with GbE with PoE, HDMI, 2x USB 2.0, M.2 B-key for NVMe, and mini-PCIe with SIM."http://linuxgizmos.com/ip67-rated-edge-ai-gateway-runs-linux-on-jetson-xavier-nx/ #gnu #linux [15:18] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-linuxgizmos.com | IP67-rated edge AI gateway runs Linux on Jetson Xavier NX [15:18] MinceR from the frying pan into the fire [15:23] techrights-bot #Mozilla Performance Blog: Performance Sheriff Newsletter (February 2021) https://blog.mozilla.org/performance/2021/03/08/performance-sheriff-newsletter-february-2021/ [15:23] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-blog.mozilla.org | Performance Sheriff Newsletter (February 2021) Mozilla Performance [15:26] techrights-bot Use Scheme functional programming language with #LambdaChip Alonzo STM32 board https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/03/08/use-scheme-functional-programming-language-with-lambdachip-alonzo-stm32-board/ #Linux #GNU #Hardware #cnxsoftware | more in http://schestowitz.com/2021/03/08/#latest [15:26] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.cnx-software.com | Use Scheme functional programming language with LambdaChip Alonzo STM32 board [15:27] techrights-bot #Plasma 5.21 review - Very slick, just one or five oily patches http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148574 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #kde [15:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Plasma 5.21 review - Very slick, just one or five oily patches | Tux Machines [15:27] techrights-bot #GNULinux on #Devices : Jetson Xavier NX, Fast Sense X Robotics AI Platform, Raspberry Pi, and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148573 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | GNU/Linux on Devices: Jetson Xavier NX, Fast Sense X Robotics AI Platform, Raspberry Pi, and More | Tux Machines [15:28] schestowitz__ MinceR: yup [15:28] schestowitz__ intel is the fire [15:29] schestowitz__ heating issues [15:29] MinceR :> [15:39] MinceR (cat) https://ircz.de/p/21021447 [15:39] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (5238471) [15:54] *kingoffrance (~x@2601:681:8200:b890::95c) has joined #techrights ● Mar 08 [16:49] *inky has quit (Quit: Leaving.) ● Mar 08 [17:05] *koo5 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [17:06] MinceR https://www.oglaf.com/knightsandknaves/ [17:06] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.oglaf.com | Knights and Knaves [17:11] techrights-bot #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148575 #Google #Linux #TuxMachines [17:11] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Android Leftovers | Tux Machines [17:15] DaemonFC[m] Ironically, the flu shot seems to have been more effective against COVID than it was against the flu last year. [17:15] DaemonFC[m] https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20201102/get-your-flu-shot-it-might-shield-you-from-severe-covid#1 [17:15] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.webmd.com | Flu Shot May Shield You From Severe COVID [17:17] techrights-bot #surveillance by aggressive #espionage giant #google is not a substitute for work; hacking around it doesn't make that any less self-harming. It's also a moving target. https://www.ravsam.in/blog/turning-a-google-sheet-into-a-rest-api/ [17:17] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.ravsam.in | Turning a Google Sheet into a REST API [17:17] superkuh What? Cringe-worthy. [17:18] superkuh It's pretty simple. People that get vaccinated for flu aren't idiots like 66% of the population is. [17:18] superkuh People that get flu vaccine are far more likely to behave rationally in a pandemic. [17:18] superkuh This is such a simple explanation I'm shocked it's even news. [17:19] superkuh I'm not shocked that it is being misinterpreted. [17:19] techrights-bot #LibreOffice QA/Dev Report: February 2021 https://qa.blog.documentfoundation.org/2021/03/08/qa-dev-report-february-2021/ [17:19] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-qa.blog.documentfoundation.org | QA/Dev Report: February 2021 - LibreOffice QA Blog [17:21] techrights-bot Quick-publishing of poudriere packages https://euroquis.nl//freebsd/2021/03/08/poudriere.html #freebsd #kde #unix #bsd [17:21] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-euroquis.nl | Quick-publishing of poudriere packages | [bobulate] [17:22] techrights-bot #ibm #redhat : #banks first https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/traditional-doesnt-mean-staid-how-banks-should-be-innovating-today [17:22] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.redhat.com | Traditional doesnt mean staid: how banks should be innovating today [17:23] *galactic has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:24] schestowitz__ [17:18] People that get flu vaccine are far more likely to behave rationally in a pandemic. [17:24] schestowitz__ I was thinking the same [17:24] schestowitz__ just walked past a local health centre [17:24] schestowitz__ you can tell who's reckless and who's not [17:24] schestowitz__ afaik, we never got covid and probably will never get it... and might not get any of the current/existing vaccines, either [17:25] schestowitz__ they're a first iteration [17:25] superkuh I will definitely get whatever vaccine first becomes available to me but I'd prefer one of the mRNA ones. [17:25] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: the pharma pushers have webmb [17:25] schestowitz__ they constantly call Mercola "quack" [17:25] schestowitz__ becayse many people follow him, esp. in the US [17:26] schestowitz__ superkuh: what age group? [17:26] schestowitz__ I'm in my 30s, so for me the efficacy/safety is a think to consider. I'm not that desperate or at high risk. [17:26] schestowitz__ *thing [17:27] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: anyway, let's stop bringing up this subject here [17:27] schestowitz__ you move us off topic [17:27] schestowitz__ MinceR: crazy cat lady [17:27] schestowitz__ makes her life worth living [17:28] DaemonFC[m] Mercola is a quack. He sells products on his site that cause tooth decay. [17:29] superkuh 30s. [17:29] superkuh I have been planning for a pandemic since 2006 and I am damn well going to make it through without getting sick. [17:29] superkuh That means a vaccine. [17:30] schestowitz__ yup [17:30] schestowitz__ same here [17:30] schestowitz__ but a good one [17:30] schestowitz__ nothing made in a few months [17:30] schestowitz__ and tested on millions [17:30] superkuh I'm wary of the adenovirus ones. [17:30] superkuh I understand the mRNA ones fully. They're so simple. [17:31] superkuh I do not worry. [17:31] superkuh This is a huge advance in tech and safety. [17:35] techrights-bot The #WorldWideWeb seems like a lost cause because Web browsers, which nowadays determine what the de facto standards are (same problem as 20 years ago), are monopolistic when it comes fundamentals like rendering engines http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/proprietary-www/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/proprietary-www/ [17:35] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | The World Wide Web Has Become Proprietary and the Last Remaining Major Browser That Was (Pre-EME) Free Software Is Rapidly Becoming Useless and User-Hostile (Its Monopoly- and Surveillance-Sponsored) | Techrights [17:36] schestowitz__ superkuh: yes, but for now there is not always choice [17:36] schestowitz__ and I wait for independent studies [17:36] schestowitz__ not corporations' claims and claims from governments they signed secret deals with, inc. "non-disparagement" [17:36] schestowitz__ Lancet said Sputnik-V is quite effective [17:37] DaemonFC[m] Israel grabbed 100,000 Moderna doses and then didn't even use them. [17:37] DaemonFC[m] Fuckers. [17:37] schestowitz__ putting side Gates bribes to Lancet, it's still more truthworthy than governments [17:37] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: sent abroad I think [17:37] schestowitz__ Honduras and stuff [17:37] DaemonFC[m] They could turn the Moderna ones over to the Palestinian Authority if they're just going to sit there. [17:37] DaemonFC[m] But I doubt they will. [17:37] schestowitz__ Sanders blasted them for it [17:37] schestowitz__ the others did not dare [17:38] schestowitz__ because the Crime Minister would dub them "anti-Semites" [17:38] schestowitz__ that's all those crooks have left [17:38] schestowitz__ using the Holocaust to damn critics 80 years later, no matter the substance of the criticism [17:38] schestowitz__ Right-wing maniacs [17:38] schestowitz__ doing photo ops with Donald Trump [17:38] schestowitz__ anyway, about Lancet [17:38] DaemonFC[m] Yes, you can't criticize us for anything because Holocaust. [17:38] schestowitz__ it does seem to show some efficacy [17:39] schestowitz__ the Russian vaccine has been out for quite some time [17:39] schestowitz__ Western media ridicculed it [17:39] DaemonFC[m] As-if your argument is in favor of bringing the Holocaust back because you want to know 100,000 vaccines didn't go to waste. [17:39] schestowitz__ "vaccine nationalism" [17:40] techrights-bot #FakePatents or #SoftwarePatents again. #swpats are doomed. "On motion to dismiss, the district court found the claims directed to the abstract idea" https://patentlyo.com/patent/2021/03/application-directed-technological.html [17:40] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-patentlyo.com | Make Sure your Patent Application is "DIRECTED TO" a Specific Technological Solution [17:41] DaemonFC[m] https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/08/politics/supreme-court-free-speech-college-religion-case-chike-uzuegbunam/index.html [17:41] techrights-bot #patents are NOT a "market" and this is a spammy puff piece/ad, not #journalism https://www.juve-patent.com/news-and-stories/people-and-business/young-lawyers-on-the-ascent-in-french-patent-market/ JUVE is NOT doing news, it's a #marketing firm http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Juve [17:41] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Supreme Court -- over John Roberts' sole dissent -- rules in favor of student in First Amendment case - CNNPolitics [17:42] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.juve-patent.com | Young lawyers on the ascent in French patent market - JUVE Patent [17:42] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Juve - Techrights [17:42] DaemonFC[m] I probably would have joined the majority here. [17:42] DaemonFC[m] Universities are basically Communist strongholds. [17:43] DaemonFC[m] They push Chinese propaganda and Confucius Institutes (more Chinese corruption) while sanctioning religious people for activities that are protected under the constitution. [17:44] techrights-bot #copyright maximalists are still at it http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/03/2021-us-copyright-compendium-series-2.html [17:44] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ipkitten.blogspot.com | 2021 US Copyright Compendium Series #2: Court Decisions - The IPKat [17:44] DaemonFC[m] They're happy to do it too, even state ones, because they can charge unlimited tuition to rich Chinese (From a Communist state. How does this work?) and fill up all their slots with Chinese students. [17:44] DaemonFC[m] And when you do that, you have to appease their Communist Party. [17:44] DaemonFC[m] So American students get to hear whatever the Chinese government hands an American state university. It's disgusting. Just absolutely revolting. [17:45] kingoffrance its "peace" [17:46] DaemonFC[m] It's up on the list with their other corrupt practices. [17:46] DaemonFC[m] Like stuffing your courses with irrelevant material to force you to squander high interest loan money on stuff that has nothing to do with what you went there to learn. [17:46] schestowitz__ universities are not "Communist strongholds." [17:46] schestowitz__ wth? [17:46] schestowitz__ too much Fox for you? [17:46] DaemonFC[m] Mystery fees. Junk health insurance that's basically fake. [17:46] schestowitz__ most of the foreign students here are European [17:47] schestowitz__ and in the US I can imagine not many Chinese go there, certainly not now [17:47] schestowitz__ anyway, let's get back on topic [17:47] schestowitz__ we don't need this xenophobic crap here [17:47] schestowitz__ let Microsoft pollute the media with it [17:47] schestowitz__ many businesses that used Exchange will move to gnu/linux soon [17:47] DaemonFC[m] Pretty much the only way to get out of it here with the fillings in your fucking teeth, a job, no head full of Communist propaganda, and an actual skill is to go to a trade school. [17:48] schestowitz__ they won't get back to what leaked out all their data [17:48] schestowitz__ due to Microsoft, not "China" [17:48] schestowitz__ bbl [17:48] schestowitz__ need to record some EPO stuff [17:48] DaemonFC[m] What's happening now could have been exfiltrated by any nation state that found the same bug in Microsoft's email software. [17:49] DaemonFC[m] There's no telling what bugs are currently unknown (to Microsoft or the US government, which uses it all over the place) that nation states are sitting on. They burn one every now and then for a high value prize and then that gets patched, but it's too late and there are more. [17:49] *gry has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [17:50] DaemonFC[m] Instead of fixing their bugs, Microsoft spends heavily on a PR blitz to paint everything as a "Linux bug" for false equivalence. [17:50] DaemonFC[m] Well, if it's "just as bad", why switch? [17:50] DaemonFC[m] That's a better investment than fixing bugs in Windows. [17:51] DaemonFC[m] "It'll cost a lot of money to switch to Linux, and when you do it won't be any better. Trust us, and buy all these licenses!". [17:51] DaemonFC[m] "Each time there's an emergency, well fix it when your stealth helicopter engine has already been stolen by the Chinese!" ● Mar 08 [18:01] psydroid I hope all of these things will only accelerate Microsoft's death, that's at least one useless company less [18:10] *kupi (uid212005@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iaxkjcceawwlxsuc) has joined #techrights [18:19] MinceR https://ircz.de/p/21022558 [18:19] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (5271586) [18:41] *gry (~test@unaffiliated/gryllida) has joined #techrights [18:47] techrights-bot Literal losers https://i.redd.it/p53d3j1urui61.jpg [18:47] schestowitz__ DaemonFC[m]: every bug is either "LINUX" or "computer" [18:47] schestowitz__ computer= Windows [18:48] schestowitz__ "LINUX" = anything running on a server with linux somewhere as the kernel [18:48] schestowitz__ can be some buggy and unpatched (for years) CMS [18:48] schestowitz__ "LINUX" [18:48] schestowitz__ or something with password "goodmorning1" [18:48] schestowitz__ That's also "LINUX" [18:49] MinceR WSL1 is "Linux" without any Linux in it :> [18:50] techrights-bot Todays #HowTos | #UNIX http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148576 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [18:50] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | today's howtos | Tux Machines [18:50] XRevan86 MinceR: Check this out: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/War_Flag_of_Novorussia.svg [18:50] MinceR :) [18:50] MinceR no stars though [18:50] XRevan86 yea [18:54] tdemin https://linuxreviews.org/Signal_Appears_To_Have_Abandoned_Their_AGPL-licensed_Server_Sourcecode [18:54] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-linuxreviews.org | Signal Appears To Have Abandoned Their AGPL-licensed Server Sourcecode - LinuxReviews [18:54] DaemonFC[m] I plan to migrate my laptop to a Linux distribution. Ubuntu is certified by Lenovo. [18:54] DaemonFC[m] So theoretically anything past the OEM kernel version in Ubuntu LTS should work okay. ● Mar 08 [19:03] *tdemin has quit (Quit: leaving) [19:04] *tdemin (~tdemin@lan.tdem.in) has joined #techrights [19:11] DaemonFC[m] That means maybe Debian 11 and most likely Fedora 33 will work, moreso with the respin that brings in a newer kernel. [19:12] DaemonFC[m] The Linux 5.12 RC1 is apparently a real nightmare if you use a swap file. [19:12] DaemonFC[m] It can randomly swap out anywhere on that partition, even over files. [19:12] DaemonFC[m] So if you don't have swap as a partition then stay away from it until that's fixed. [19:13] MinceR you're not supposed to run an rc kernel outside testing anyway [19:14] schestowitz__ [18:49] WSL1 is "Linux" without any Linux in it :> [19:14] schestowitz__ Earlier I saw a "LINUX" site covering WSL [19:14] schestowitz__ but... [19:14] schestowitz__ to be fair [19:14] schestowitz__ those have become rare [19:14] schestowitz__ WSL is barely mentioned anymore [19:14] schestowitz__ I assume it'll die due to lack of interest [19:15] schestowitz__ it's only mentioned a lot when Microsoft throws lots of money at organics puff piece BS [19:16] techrights-bot Signal = #ProprietarySoftware and you should assume back doors (also see #vault7 leaks and endorsement from regime-changing sociopaths) https://linuxreviews.org/Signal_Appears_To_Have_Abandoned_Their_AGPL-licensed_Server_Sourcecode [19:17] MinceR https://ircz.de/p/21022517 [19:17] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (5269987) [19:18] mjg59 schestowitz__: It's pretty easy to verify what information is provided to the Signal servers by the client. What are you concerned about in the event of a backdoored server? [19:18] tdemin MinceR: Fedora Rawhide uses rc kernels [19:19] schestowitz__ it's still going? [19:19] schestowitz__ the people who wrote about it in Planet Fedora are gone [19:19] MinceR nobody in their right mind uses fedora [19:19] schestowitz__ Fedora is rotting [19:19] schestowitz__ and after December hacking by IBM [19:19] schestowitz__ hacking as in machete attack [19:19] schestowitz__ against CentOS [19:19] schestowitz__ the Fedora 'community' is 99% IBM staff [19:19] schestowitz__ it's kind of saddening to me [19:19] MinceR it also comes with cancerd, which is unstable, unreliable, insecure, and it will forever stay that way [19:19] schestowitz__ they had some good folks ther [19:19] schestowitz__ *there [19:20] schestowitz__ and some of them got banned [19:20] schestowitz__ they welcomed back Daniel Pocock at least [19:20] MinceR wiping your filesystem fits well with cancerd [19:20] schestowitz__ he still uses Fedora [19:20] schestowitz__ MinceR: so do Ubuntu, Debian... [19:20] MinceR indeed [19:20] MinceR those are even more pointless [19:20] schestowitz__ sad [19:20] MinceR since they ape fedora with a lot of extra work [19:20] schestowitz__ but... [19:20] MinceR and in the end they're still the same shit [19:20] schestowitz__ I think this should not be out #1 concern [19:20] schestowitz__ we can deal with systemd as vendor lock-in later [19:21] schestowitz__ I see migrations away from Red Hat [19:21] schestowitz__ the lock-in is not aggressive enough [19:21] MinceR i'm dealing with moving to some BSD [19:21] schestowitz__ they cannot pull it off [19:21] schestowitz__ MinceR: OK, fair enough [19:21] MinceR and then i can watch the mafias kill what's left of Linux and GNU without being affected [19:21] schestowitz__ figosdev did that too [19:21] schestowitz__ MinceR: that's one option [19:21] schestowitz__ the world runs on gnu/linux [19:21] schestowitz__ and that won't change any time soon [19:22] MinceR the world is thoroughly fucked [19:22] schestowitz__ we can navigate it in some direction [19:22] MinceR and people in general didn't care enough to prevent it [19:22] schestowitz__ MinceR: let's do what's possible [19:22] MinceR even Linux developers didn't feel the need to fork the kernel to save it [19:22] schestowitz__ MinceR: too busy looking after immediate needs [19:22] schestowitz__ like paying the mortgage [19:22] schestowitz__ food, no covid infection etc. [19:22] MinceR hell, we don't even have enough of a community to maintain a good fixed release GNU/Linux distro anymore [19:23] MinceR slackware isn't releasing and devuan has failed to remove a lot of systemd crap [19:23] MinceR and they both seem to come with some form of logind [19:23] schestowitz__ that can change [19:23] schestowitz__ when people move away from rhel [19:23] MinceR it can, but it's getting less and less likely to happen [19:23] schestowitz__ many corporations want the pie [19:23] schestowitz__ or pieces of it [19:23] schestowitz__ Google, Microsoft, AMazon... [19:23] MinceR i guess eventually people will realize that systemd/hartmanux is shit, just as they realized that windows is shit [19:23] schestowitz__ they even make their own bogus distros [19:23] MinceR and then they'll move to the remaining BSD-s [19:23] schestowitz__ and then spam the media with them [19:24] MinceR and then the mafias will try to ruin that one [19:24] MinceR and if the community doesn't learn, they'll succeed [19:24] schestowitz__ the movement became bug enough to be coopted [19:24] schestowitz__ just like feminism [19:24] schestowitz__ not coopted [19:24] schestowitz__ by trolls and corporations that employ them [19:24] schestowitz__ the feminists are still out there [19:24] schestowitz__ the real ones [19:24] schestowitz__ not concern-trolling idiots [19:24] schestowitz__ same for GNU/Linux [19:24] schestowitz__ we're here [19:24] schestowitz__ and we're not a company [19:25] schestowitz__ we fight on [19:25] MinceR there isn't enough of us to maintain something as bloated as Linux [19:25] schestowitz__ true, but [19:25] schestowitz__ we might not need Linux [19:25] MinceR or firefox [19:25] schestowitz__ we can swap for another kernekl [19:25] schestowitz__ Forget www [19:25] schestowitz__ it's too bloated [19:25] schestowitz__ throw it out [19:25] schestowitz__ except for webform stuff [19:25] schestowitz__ let them bloat it to death [19:25] schestowitz__ Mozgle [19:25] schestowitz__ all those spying firms [19:25] schestowitz__ they will break it [19:26] schestowitz__ people will move elsewhere [19:26] schestowitz__ like people abandon Twitter [19:26] schestowitz__ deserting it for being not what it was [19:26] schestowitz__ not a place for real debates [19:26] schestowitz__ but for celebs [19:26] schestowitz__ same for linux [19:26] schestowitz__ became a monopolists' playground [19:26] schestowitz__ LF [19:26] *psydroid doesn't want to contribute to or maintain Linux [19:26] schestowitz__ we can pull the rug from under their feet [19:26] schestowitz__ alpine+ Ariadne are an example [19:27] schestowitz__ they use smaller bits [19:27] schestowitz__ and it gets the job done [19:27] schestowitz__ Linux is not small [19:27] schestowitz__ busybox is [19:27] schestowitz__ and lots you can do with it [19:27] MinceR can they afford to maintain a kernel fork? [19:27] schestowitz__ no [19:27] schestowitz__ but they can replace the kernel [19:27] MinceR then they're doomed too [19:27] schestowitz__ the kernel itself might be doomed [19:27] schestowitz__ windows had many drivers [19:27] schestowitz__ now linux has more drivers than Windows [19:27] schestowitz__ and windows rots away [19:28] schestowitz__ the same can happen to linux [19:28] schestowitz__ and to web browsers [19:28] schestowitz__ too much stuff int here [19:28] MinceR and they're throwing out those drivers [19:28] schestowitz__ that you do not need [19:28] schestowitz__ MS Office... same [19:28] schestowitz__ people move away to 'webapps' [19:28] schestowitz__ with less features [19:28] MinceR iirc they got rid of the floppy driver recently [19:28] schestowitz__ yup [19:28] schestowitz__ Linux is for monopolies [19:28] schestowitz__ not for old hardware [19:28] schestowitz__ the goal is money [19:28] schestowitz__ not maintaining old machines [19:28] schestowitz__ selling more junk [19:29] schestowitz__ look at chat 'apps' [19:29] schestowitz__ we still use IRC [19:29] schestowitz__ we move to gemini [19:29] schestowitz__ ipfs is all command line [19:29] schestowitz__ unless you fancy GUI like Brave [19:29] schestowitz__ and that generally works [19:29] schestowitz__ filtering, firewalls, apache, php, text conversions for bulletins [19:29] schestowitz__ all CLI [19:29] schestowitz__ we're preparing code releases [19:29] schestowitz__ about 100 programs [19:30] schestowitz__ worked on it this past week [19:30] schestowitz__ git command line only [19:30] schestowitz__ no gui, no browsers [19:30] schestowitz__ git -h [19:30] schestowitz__ all you need to get going [19:35] Ariadne [12:27:20] can they afford to maintain a kernel fork? [19:35] Ariadne actually, some people in alpine community are working on a new microkernel to replace linux [19:36] MinceR interesting [19:37] techrights-bot Examining Todays #EPO #Propaganda About the Disastrous #EQE , a Subject of Much Scorn and EPO #Corruption http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/utter-disaster-e-eqe-revisionism/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/utter-disaster-e-eqe-revisionism/ [19:37] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Examining Todays EPO Propaganda About the Disastrous EQE, a Subject of Much Scorn and EPO Corruption | Techrights [19:38] techrights-bot #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148577 #Google #Linux #TuxMachines [19:38] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Android Leftovers | Tux Machines [19:39] liberty_box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGPqdbMIwbI [19:39] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-- YouTube [19:40] *rianne__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [19:40] liberty_box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8Jrvn2bar8 [19:40] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rama's Rescue | Orphaned Elephant | Sheldrick Trust - YouTube [19:40] *rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-169-167.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [19:45] techrights-bot #microsoft assassinates #linux https://boilingsteam.com/assassins-greed/ [19:45] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-boilingsteam.com | Assassin's Greed - Boiling Steam [19:53] techrights-bot Server Security Tips Secure Your Server with These Best Practices https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/server-security-tips/ #security tips, not too bad based on a quick reading... [19:53] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.freecodecamp.org | Server Security Tips Secure Your Server with These Best Practices [19:54] techrights-bot Those tun #gnu #linux by default https://www.suse.com/c/running-edge-artificial-intelligence-k3s-cluster-with-nvidia-jetson-nano-boards-src/ [19:54] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Run an Edge AI K3s Cluster on NVIDIA Jetson Nano Boards | SUSE Communities [19:57] techrights-bot #Signal Appears To Have Abandoned Their AGPL-licensed Server Sourcecode http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148578 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #deletegithub [19:57] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Signal Appears To Have Abandoned Their AGPL-licensed Server Sourcecode | Tux Machines [19:57] techrights-bot #PhotoFiltre Like Image Editor Photoflare 1.6.7 Released with Paint Tool Offsets http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148579 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [19:57] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | PhotoFiltre Like Image Editor Photoflare 1.6.7 Released with Paint Tool Offsets | Tux Machines ● Mar 08 [20:01] techrights-bot #Fedora Magazine: How to use Poetry to manage your #Python projects on Fedora https://fedoramagazine.org/how-to-use-poetry-to-manage-your-python-projects-on-fedora/ [20:01] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-fedoramagazine.org | How to use Poetry to manage your Python projects on Fedora - Fedora Magazine [20:01] techrights-bot Use #gImageReader to Extract Text From Images and PDFs on Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148580 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [20:01] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Use gImageReader to Extract Text From Images and PDFs on Linux | Tux Machines [20:03] techrights-bot #PhotoFiltre Like Image Editor Photoflare 1.6.7 Released with Paint Tool Offsets http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148579 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [20:04] *_inky (~inky@ has joined #techrights [20:05] techrights-bot SPAM destroys the #internet (many are #microsoft #windows botnets as well) https://wingolog.org/archives/2021/03/08/99-spam [20:06] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-wingolog.org | 99% spam -- wingolog [20:07] techrights-bot "In the first days of Android, the main focus was building a more open and flexible mobile operating system. Security was state-of-the-art for the time, inherited from the world of Unix and mainframe computers." https://news.samsung.com/us/understanding-samsung-knox-vault-protecting-data-matters-most/ [20:07] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-news.samsung.com | Understanding Samsung Knox Vault: Protecting the data that matters most - Samsung US Newsroom [20:08] techrights-bot The EPOs #eEQE was a complete and utter disaster; but in an act of overt revisionism (i.e. the usual from this administration) the #EPO pretends everything went well, bar a minor glitch lasing a few minutes http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/utter-disaster-e-eqe-revisionism/ #EQE #patent #corruption gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/utter-disaster-e-e [20:10] techrights-bot New release of French and #debian #gnu #linux -based distro #liveRaizo ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/live-raizo/ [20:10] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Live Raizo - Linux for Virtual SysAdmin download | SourceForge.net [20:12] *tdemin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:12] *tdemin (~tdemin@lan.tdem.in) has joined #techrights [20:12] techrights-bot "...a volunteer is needed to create the Github Actions workflow" ... No, #deletegithub , #rakulang ... it's #ProprietarySoftware and a monopolistic trap looking to undermine everything but #microsoft https://rakudoweekly.blog/2021/03/08/2021-10-automated-star/ [20:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-rakudoweekly.blog | 2021.10 Automated Star Rakudo Weekly News [20:17] techrights-bot Eileen McDermott from #patent #extremism site #watchtroll calls a bunch of corrupt politicians, some of them bribed by patent profiteers and litigation fanatics, a "Bipartisan Group of Senators". This site cannot be taken seriously. http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Watchtroll [20:17] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Watchtroll - Techrights [20:17] *kupi has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [20:21] techrights-bot I've just updated http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/utter-disaster-e-eqe-revisionism/ with an important comment (minutes old). #epo will received major blowback over these lies... [20:22] *inky (~inky@ has joined #techrights [20:26] techrights-bot #NomadBSD 1.4 overview | A persistent live system for your USB flash drive http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148376#comment-28548 #bsd #unix [20:26] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | NomadBSD 1.4 is now available! | Tux Machines [20:32] techrights-bot #freesw racer Yorg has a new release with improved #gamepad support | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/03/foss-racer-yorg-has-a-new-release-with-improved-gamepad-support #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux [20:32] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-FOSS racer Yorg has a new release with improved gamepad support | GamingOnLinux [20:33] techrights-bot "Remember the craziness of Goat Simulator? Wanted Raccoon has a familiar theme of animals going wild and it's entering Early Access on March 19 with #GNU #Linux support." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/03/wanted-raccoon-is-an-upcoming-comedy-game-in-the-spirit-of-goat-simulator [20:33] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Wanted Raccoon is an upcoming comedy game in the spirit of Goat Simulator | GamingOnLinux [20:33] liberty_box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=736fiBMtADg - Michael [20:33] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cat doesn't finish Vegetables - YouTube [20:34] techrights-bot Building a Retro Linux Gaming Computer - Part 2: Selecting a Graphics Card https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/03/building-a-retro-linux-gaming-computer-part-2-selecting-a-graphics-card #games #gnu #linux [20:34] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Building a Retro Linux Gaming Computer - Part 2: Selecting a Graphics Card | GamingOnLinux [20:37] techrights-bot #techrights has a big, new and exclusive #gnu #linux story coming. It's about #swpats / #patent blackmail. [20:38] techrights-bot US #imperialism "not the only ones who need a secure traffic analysis resistant anonymity network like Tor. UN human rights lawyer Emma Reilly says it is "great" when working with human rights defenders." https://linuxreviews.org/United_Nations_Whisteblower_Says_The_Tor_Anonymity_Network_Is_Great_For_Human_Rights_Work [20:38] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-linuxreviews.org | United Nations Whisteblower Says The Tor Anonymity Network Is Great For Human Rights Work - LinuxReviews [20:42] techrights-bot #Security Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148582 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [20:42] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Security Leftovers | Tux Machines [20:42] techrights-bot 10 Best #Compression Tools for GNU/Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148583 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [20:42] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | 10 Best Compression Tools for Linux | Tux Machines [20:43] techrights-bot #Games : Assassins Greed, Yorg, Wanted Raccoon and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148584 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [20:43] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Games: Assassins Greed, Yorg, Wanted Raccoon and More | Tux Machines [20:44] *GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [20:46] techrights-bot "I recently open sourced an application modernization sample, which demonstrates how to modernize an old (2010) Java EE application to become a modern (2021) cloud-native application." Racist #ibm wants your business. https://developer.ibm.com/blogs/10-questions-for-modernizing-old-java-applications/ [20:46] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-developer.ibm.com | 10 questions for modernizing your old Java applications IBM Developer [20:46] techrights-bot " #Java 16 is scheduled to be released on March 16. Here is a look at what changes you can expect in the release." https://sdtimes.com/java/whats-coming-in-java-16/ [20:46] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-sdtimes.com | Whats coming in Java 16 - SD Times [20:47] techrights-bot #mozilla : we USED to be about tech... https://blog.mozilla.org/firefox/sophia-keys-apricity-ceramics-woman-owned-online-business/ [20:47] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-blog.mozilla.org | How one woman fired up her online business during the pandemic | The Firefox Frontier [20:50] techrights-bot #DistroHopping Doesnt Make Sense Too Me - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yFys_q1Wx8 #Video #GNU #Linux [20:50] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Distro Hopping Doesn't Make Sense Too Me - YouTube [20:50] techrights-bot #Intel Already Started Working On Linux Driver Code For Lunar Lake - Phoronix https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Intel-Lunar-Lake-e1000e #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux [20:50] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Intel Already Started Working On Linux Driver Code For Lunar Lake - Phoronix [20:53] techrights-bot #suse now doing shameless #openwashing of #proprietarySoftware of #sap https://www.suse.com/c/how-open-source-makes-sap-more-manageable/ see http://techrights.org/2019/07/28/novell-suse-sap/ [20:53] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How Open Source Makes SAP More Manageable | SUSE Communities [20:53] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | SUSE Said It Was Becoming Independent But Instead It Became Like an Asset of SAP (German Microsoft), Which is Hostile Towards Free Software | Techrights [20:58] MinceR apparently this works >> https://gist.github.com/bahamas10/aee4cc121c29e6657a91fc53418356c7 [20:58] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-gist.github.com | Void Linux on Raspberry Pi 4 GitHub [20:59] MinceR (and doesn't rely on raspberry os) ● Mar 08 [21:05] psydroid I "almost" got netbsd running on my orange pi last year, but the keyboard didn't work with the pine64 image [21:05] techrights-bot #GNOME 40 Mutter Lands Wayland Presentation-Time Support http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148581 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [21:05] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | GNOME 40 Mutter Lands Wayland Presentation-Time Support | Tux Machines [21:05] psydroid and I can't get it installed on any of my x86 machines [21:08] MinceR :( [21:09] schestowitz__ ha [21:09] schestowitz__ if the rasp doesn't work out for you, try the Orange One [21:11] techrights-bot The #raspberryPi Foundation attack on #privacy is not a new thing. Many people don't remember that when they launched a physical store they rejected cash payments, i.e. they demand to know your ID if you buy the product. Now they send #MICROSOFT a list and location of all users. #raspberrySpy #WashOnCash [21:12] techrights-bot #Tor and #Mozilla / #Firefox http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148585 #GNU #freesw [21:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Tor and Mozilla/Firefox | Tux Machines [21:13] techrights-bot #Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148586 [21:13] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Programming Leftovers | Tux Machines [21:13] techrights-bot #FreeSoftware Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148587 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [21:13] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | Free Software Leftovers | Tux Machines [21:13] techrights-bot Todays Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/148588 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [21:13] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.tuxmachines.org | today's leftovers | Tux Machines [21:14] techrights-bot Links 8/3/2021: #Java 16 is Coming and More #SoftwarePatents Thrown Out http://techrights.org/2021/03/08/software-patents-thrown-out/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/03/08/software-patents-thrown-out/ [21:14] MinceR there's also a devuan image here, but i haven't tried it yet >> https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=3209&p=4 [21:14] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Links 8/3/2021: Java 16 is Coming and More Software Patents Thrown Out | Techrights [21:14] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-dev1galaxy.org | Is any work planned for devuan on the raspberry pi 4? (Page 4) / ARM Builds / Dev1 Galaxy Forum [21:16] mjg59 There are Debian images that work absolutely fine on the Pi at https://wiki.debian.org/RaspberryPiImages [21:16] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-wiki.debian.org | RaspberryPiImages - Debian Wiki [21:17] mjg59 The downside is that the 0 and 1 implement the ARMv6 ISA, and Debian don't target that, so performance on that hardware is a little lower [21:17] mjg59 The 2, 3 and 4 are all ARMv7, though, and work fine with the Debian armhf packages [21:19] MinceR problem is, debian images come with cancerd [21:21] *GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights [21:21] mjg59 Sure. And you can still replace it with another init system if you want. [21:21] psydroid I'm only going to keep Debian on my two laptops and maybe an ARM SBC [21:22] psydroid I've already wiped it from several of my older systems [21:27] MinceR if i don't mind losing access to a lot of packages in the process [21:27] MinceR and what's the point of deadian if one has no access to packages? [21:27] mjg59 The number of packages that have runtime dependencies on systemd is very small [21:27] mjg59 There's a number that link to libsystemd, but that doesn't do anything if systemd isn't running [21:32] psydroid indeed [21:33] MinceR until your masters decide to push some malicious code into it [21:33] MinceR which then deadian dutifully updates on the victim's computers [21:33] MinceR not to mention the whole *logind mess [21:34] psydroid opensuse stealthily re-enabled secure boot on my other laptop [21:34] psydroid I only have it installed as a backup, but that was a backhanded move as well [21:35] MinceR backhanded moves are what the "modern" crowd is all about [21:38] mjg59 Debian doesn't do significant backports to stable releases [21:39] mjg59 So during the lifetime of a release, there's no risk that a dramatically difference libsystemd is going to show up [21:42] MinceR i don't trust them to look carefully at the source code of their favorite library to decide whether the new version is "dramatically different" or not [21:42] MinceR especially not when their masters at ibm can just force them to adopt anything by changing systemd or gnome [21:43] mjg59 For the lifetime of a stable release, the only changes that go in are reviewed by multiple people [21:43] mjg59 Packages don't end up in stable updates without additional review from the release team [21:43] psydroid neither do I, that's why I get rid of it wherever I can [21:43] MinceR systemd itself was reviewed by multiple people [21:43] MinceR and they decided it was "stable" [21:47] *aindilis (~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #techrights [21:53] psydroid the problem was not caused during the past decade but long before, when corporations got involved with the disingenuous message of working on software for the greater good [21:54] psydroid a bait and switch tactic so no one thought of forking GNU and Linux right then and there [21:54] psydroid now it's too late and better to start from scratch ● Mar 08 [22:18] *Disconnected (Network is unreachable). [22:05] [22:05] [22:05] [22:05] [22:05] [22:05] [22:06] -->You are now talking on #techrights [22:06] [22:06] [22:06] [22:06] [22:08] [22:09] [22:22] [22:28] vmg3 nothing is off limits, does it make sense or am I just being parinoid. how is using the data being used an by who? https://www.techhive.com/article/3610735/google-tv-gets-kids-profiles-and-screen-time-limits.html#tk.rss_all [22:28] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Google TV gets kids profiles and screen time limits | TechHive [22:36] vmg3 Maybe I should just embrace the big G and poison all my data, rather than spread it further to more sites and software I don't understand. So many security implications. [22:38] psydroid just plug into the Gootrix and life will be great [22:39] vmg3 limiting exposure [22:41] MinceR (cat) https://ircz.de/p/21021321 [22:41] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (5235063) [22:45] mjg59 vmg3: Accounts flagged as being for children actually have to collect less data than for adults [22:46] vmg3 mjg59: It makes sense but... [22:47] mjg59 There's a lot of laws that provide additional restrictions [22:47] vmg3 like do not track? [22:47] mjg59 Honestly not certain of the specifics [22:48] vmg3 the harder I try to become private, the further I open myself to risk [22:48] vmg3 it seems to me, anyway [22:49] vmg3 i was going to loose lastpass but downloading the csv is a huge risk [22:50] vmg3 changing browsers that import gives another company my data [22:50] vmg3 avoiding US products is painful [22:52] vmg3 even donation process exposes data [22:53] vmg3 damned if you do, damned if you don't situation [22:54] vmg3 end to end encryption should be trustworthy? [22:56] vmg3 until there's a keylogger [22:56] mjg59 Yeah, which is why this argument about the Signal server source code is so pointless [22:57] mjg59 From a security perspective, at least - failing to provide updates to a nominal free software project is a pretty dick move [22:57] mjg59 But the client code is open, and it's possible to verify what data it's providing [22:58] vmg3 yeah [22:58] mjg59 Even if the current server source *were* available, you wouldn't be able to prove that that's what's running [22:58] mjg59 You have to assume that the server is backdoored whether you have the source or not [22:58] MinceR it doesn't matter, signal was already untrustworthy [22:59] vmg3 you're feeding my parinoa [22:59] MinceR they were trying to force people to only use their official binaries [22:59] vmg3 yet I've seen so many claim it's the best [22:59] MinceR many people are wrong, that's business as usual ● Mar 08 [23:00] vmg3 my head hurts [23:00] MinceR so does mine [23:00] vmg3 well just knowing that makes me feel a little better [23:03] mjg59 MinceR: It's trivial to determine that their binaries correspond to their source code [23:03] mjg59 What's the threat you're worried about [23:03] mjg59 ? [23:04] MinceR lack of software freedom [23:05] MinceR what if their binaries don't correspond to their source code? [23:05] DaemonFC[m] Mandy is running a fever and has aches and chills from the vaccine. [23:05] mjg59 MinceR: Then questions should be asked [23:05] DaemonFC[m] Covered under a three day leave with pay policy at Walmart. No points for calling in. [23:06] MinceR or one could just use free software for secure communication [23:07] mjg59 That's a reasonable preference [23:07] DaemonFC[m] For most people side effects last no more than 3 days. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to.it. [23:07] mjg59 But it's simply wrong to imply that there's no way to verify whether or not they're trustworthy [23:07] MinceR well, it's easy to verify [23:07] DaemonFC[m] MinceR: "No. The bridge is too heavily guarded.". [23:07] DaemonFC[m] (SG-1) [23:08] MinceR :> [23:08] MinceR they whined about people packaging signal for f-droid [23:08] MinceR their server side is nonfree [23:08] MinceR obviously, they do not respect the users' freedom [23:09] MinceR and nonfree software can't be trusted to be secure [23:09] mjg59 Like I said, it's perfectly reasonable to prioritise those things when making a choice [23:09] mjg59 But the security aspect of it can be verified to the same extent that any free software can be verified [23:10] MinceR but if you try to fix it and share the fixes with your neighbor, that's supposed to be undesirable, according to them [23:10] MinceR what are they hiding? [23:11] MinceR and you can't verify the server side at all [23:11] MinceR let alone host your own [23:12] mjg59 In the hypothetical case that the Signal team are untrustworthy, and they backdoor the server code, why would they put the backdoor in the public code? [23:12] mjg59 How would you verify that their server is running what's published? [23:12] MinceR i could host my own instead [23:13] MinceR and what's preventing them from having more than one backdoor? [23:13] mjg59 Yeah, but then you wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone not using your instance [23:13] vmg3 or running a scraper [23:13] MinceR or i could just run a service that is distributed [23:13] MinceR like tox or ricochet [23:13] mjg59 You could definitely do that [23:14] mjg59 But that's an argument in favour of decentralised services rather than against Signal itself [23:14] mjg59 But ok, we have a distributed service [23:14] mjg59 You want to send a message to someone [23:15] mjg59 How do you determine that they're using a legitimate server that hasn't been backdoored? [23:15] MinceR i probably can't, unless i'm running the server [23:15] mjg59 Yeah [23:15] mjg59 Which means if you want strong security guarantees, the distributed aspect of it doesn't help [23:16] mjg59 Because you need everyone you want to talk to to be using your server [23:16] MinceR actually the distributed aspect is exactly what can help [23:16] vmg3 If the CISA can't tell? [23:16] MinceR because if there's no centralized server, there's nothing to compromise other than the clients [23:17] mjg59 There's an alternative, which is to design the protocol so that the server has no access to the message contents [23:17] MinceR in which case they can still screw with you by shutting down the server [23:17] MinceR and then there you are, having wasted lots of resources on setting up and using a system you can not even use [23:18] mjg59 True! That's still a reliability argument rather than a security argument [23:18] MinceR or they can change the server code so it refuses to work with the client you had, and instead forces you to use a client that does let the server access the message contents [23:18] MinceR well, availability is still an aspect of security [23:19] mjg59 The client code is released under a free license and you can verify that the provided binary corresponds to it [23:19] MinceR the new client code might not even be released under a free license, or with source code [23:19] psydroid we'd rather feed your koala [23:19] MinceR what can you do? the server won't work with it and your contacts are waiting for you to "upgrade" [23:19] vmg3 lol [23:20] MinceR and your system might automatically do the "upgrade" for you [23:20] mjg59 MinceR: You don't think people would object to Signal suddenly passing sensitive material to the server? [23:22] MinceR did people object to their earlier hostile behavior? [23:22] mjg59 Some people, yeah. But it didn't alter the amount of data going to the server, so there wasn't a huge amount. [23:24] MinceR so signal users generally don't care about privacy or security or freedom [23:24] vmg3 care and belief are differnt things [23:25] mjg59 I'd say most don't care about freedom. [23:26] mjg59 But nothing Signal has done has changed the privacy or security model that previously existed [23:26] MinceR because it was already broken to begin with [23:27] mjg59 From a security or privacy perspective? Not really. [23:32] DaemonFC[m] You mean the famous "It's proprietary so you don't know what it does. Just trust us. It's secure." model? [23:32] DaemonFC[m] mjg59 participated in something like this. [23:34] DaemonFC[m] https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ [23:34] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.worldometers.info | United States Coronavirus: 29,739,569 Cases and 538,534 Deaths - Worldometer [23:35] DaemonFC[m] This is the mildest day of COVID in the last 4 months. Lowest numbers for a Monday in over half a year. [23:35] DaemonFC[m] It's the vaccines. [23:36] mjg59 DaemonFC[m]: No, all the code that you need to verify that it's secure is under a free license [23:36] DaemonFC[m] The implementation is proprietary and the user can't fix it even if it's seriously broken. [23:37] mjg59 That doesn't require you to trust the vendor to determine whether it's secure [23:39] vmg3 slip on the golden handcuffs, everything changes. [23:40] DaemonFC[m] It's nice that Walmart anticipated some people getting sick from the vaccine and chose not to hold it against them or make them go without pay. [23:40] DaemonFC[m] My mom doesn't get that guarantee and she's a nurse. [23:40] DaemonFC[m] The second dose is definitely more potent in Mandy's case. He didn't really react to the first one other than a sore arm. [23:41] DaemonFC[m] But it seems manageable here at home over the next couple of days. [23:41] MinceR could just be the immune system being more aggressive this time [23:41] MinceR iirc i read somewhere that this is normal [23:41] DaemonFC[m] I have to drive 3 hours back home after getting my next dose. [23:42] DaemonFC[m] I had side effects the first time, it just wasn't terrible. [23:42] DaemonFC[m] I'm going to get back here as fast as I can before it starts. [23:42] DaemonFC[m] The majority of people seem to be fine the evening of their first dose and it's the next morning that there are symptoms. [23:45] DaemonFC[m] MinceR: It's just good to know that between the federal government and Walmart, we're safe. [23:45] MinceR lol [23:45] DaemonFC[m] You know, safe from COVID because we took precautions and got to the vaccine. [23:45] DaemonFC[m] Safe from Mandy getting fired because Walmart is making an exception to their sick policy for vaccine side effects. [23:46] DaemonFC[m] Safe from falling into financial harm because I've budgeted well and Walmart will pay him for the time off he needed (not digging into his PTO even!) and President Biden is signing the law that sends $2,800 to help shore up our finances too. [23:46] DaemonFC[m] I doubt that Orban is managing things so well. [23:47] DaemonFC[m] MinceR: The whole year has felt like one of those Aliens movies where it's moving around the air ducts looking for the next person to kill and lay eggs in. [23:47] MinceR the whole system is collapsing over here [23:47] DaemonFC[m] Only, 42% of the public (Trump's base) don't believe it's in there. [23:49] MinceR there was some sort of plan to call people in for the AZ vaccine via SMS messages, but they sent them to the wrong people and sent the people to the wrong places [23:50] MinceR so they called them back [23:50] MinceR it's a huge mess [23:51] DaemonFC[m] LMAO [23:51] DaemonFC[m] Hey wrong people. Go stand in line in the wrong place for a vaccine that's not there. I'm sure none of you will get COVID from that. Love, Orban. [23:52] MinceR it was there, it was just sometimes 160 km from where the person lived [23:52] DaemonFC[m] That doesn't sound worse than what we have to deal with. [23:52] MinceR and they sometimes got an appointment so that they had no way of getting home from the vaccination place, especially before curfew [23:52] DaemonFC[m] 24 total hours of driving to vaccinate two people. [23:53] MinceR and they called in many people who already received their vaccine (both doses) [23:53] DaemonFC[m] Who the hell is voting for these people? [23:53] MinceR idiots [23:53] MinceR though the polite term is "conservatives" [23:53] DaemonFC[m] This is worse than what would have happened even with a second term of Trump. [23:53] DaemonFC[m] You realize that? [23:53] MinceR well, for that particular group of idiots, anyway [23:54] MinceR probably, yeah [23:54] MinceR maybe twitler could have done in his second term what orban did in 2010 [23:54] MinceR but that's still 10 years behind of us [23:55] MinceR there was also a phone number you were supposed to call if you knew of errors in their system [23:55] MinceR the gypsy king didn't know it, so he said the fake "doctor" will inform the people of it [23:56] MinceR but the fake "doctor" didn't know it either [23:56] MinceR it took them several days to figure it out and inform the people [23:56] CrystalMath DaemonFC[m]: what if Alien was actually the good guy? [23:57] CrystalMath i mean think about it, it's just a creature trying to survive [23:57] CrystalMath it was Ripley that kinda set out to extinct it [23:58] CrystalMath goddamn humans, always trying to drive other species to extinction [23:58] MinceR yeah [23:59] CrystalMath i think there's nothing wrong with Sarbecovirus [23:59] CrystalMath it evolved here... if you don't like it, find your own planet [23:59]