●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 ●● ● Sep 11 [00:55] *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) [00:55] *includeals (~includeal@2001:8a0:e972:5e00:fc06:21f9:61c9:fa28) has joined #techrights ● Sep 11 [01:12] *psydruid is happy to find out he's still banned from commenting on r/amd for not going along with the corporate agenda [01:40] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@2hv8n4b2rn3qq.irc) has joined #techrights [01:42] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], I think mom has completely lost her mind. [01:42] IsambardPrince She's slipping worse than she already was. [01:42] schestowitz[TR2] only now? [01:42] IsambardPrince She tested positive for COVID today and so did my brother. [01:42] IsambardPrince She got it at a church conference in Nashville and brought it back to him. [01:43] schestowitz[TR2] that's generous [01:43] IsambardPrince She said she was getting sick and she started taking antibiotics. [01:43] IsambardPrince She alwways has antibiotics because everything needs antibiotics. [01:44] IsambardPrince So I said, "Did you even get tested for flu and COVID?" and she said "What difference would it make? So they can tell me if I have them or not? I feel much better with these antibiotics." [01:44] IsambardPrince That was yesterday. [01:44] IsambardPrince Today she texts me and says "I have COVID." [01:44] TR News "Today we commemorate the September 11 attacks, which killed President Allende of Chile and installed Pinochet's murderous military dictatorship." https://stallman.org/ [01:44] TR Bot Richard Stallman's Personal Page [01:44] IsambardPrince And so I called her and said "I told you yesterday you probably had COVID and needed to get tested." [01:44] IsambardPrince She said, "No you didn't! We never talked about that!" [01:45] IsambardPrince "You're just calling to bother me because I'm sick!" [01:45] IsambardPrince The last of the cheese is sliding off the cracker I think. [01:45] TR News CLI-fu for Babylon and the Cosmwasm ecosystem gemini://gemini.clehaxze.tw/gemlog/2024/09-10-cli-fu-for-the-cosmwasm-ecosystem.gmi [01:46] TR News "On a rainy Sunday, I decided to dive into some Palm OS games I had missed back in the day. Being a fan of strategy games, I was drawn to a demo of PalmPulus. It took a bit of time to get the hang of it, but the excellent manual (remember when those were a thing?) helped me through the basics." gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~captain/posts/2024-09-10-the-golden-age-of-palm-os:-insights-from-a-developer-who-witnessed-it-all.gmi [01:47] TR News Wolf in the Wood's Gemlog - Lingering Lies and Lazy Half Truths We Tell Ourselves gemini://wolfinthewoods.pollux.casa/gemlog/2024_09_10_Lingering_Lies_and_Lazy_Half_Truths_We_Tell_Ourselves.gmi [01:48] IsambardPrince The cops won't do anything. They just let an old lady stay in there losing all her marbles. [01:48] IsambardPrince Until she's finally done killed herself. [01:48] TR News