●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, May 12, 2024 ●● ● May 12 [00:11] *jacobk (~quassel@qzhw8a7zag7sa.irc) has joined #techrights [00:15] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [00:44] *jacobk (~quassel@32hz32it3ih2k.irc) has joined #techrights [00:48] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [00:55] *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) [00:55] *includeals (~includeal@bl21-236-167.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined #techrights ● May 12 [01:16] TR News "From the secular, naturalistic perspective, it has always been a profound mystery why Venus is so different from Earth, despite being similar in size, and having similar orbital distances compared to the other planets. This drives some (most?) of the research into Venus." gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/starlog/20240511-1.gmi [01:17] TR News "Last Wednesday (2024-05-08) I had another nice walk by the Tanana, during the lunchbreak. I took these scenery photos: [...]" gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/starlog/20240511-0.gmi [01:18] TR News "How does it happen? How does a community of generally well-mannered people become a zoo full of vandals that requires hardcore policing, with automatic weapons?" gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/u/stack/16818 [01:21] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [01:21] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [01:21] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [01:21] *schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrights [01:22] TR News Has XBox become a religion? https://www.levelup.com/en/news/787618/I-believe-in-Xbox-Seamus-Blackley-gives-his-thoughts-on-layoffs-and-studio-closures [01:22] TR Bot believe in Xbox: Seamus Blackley gives his thoughts on layoffs and studio closures | LevelUp [01:22] MinceR indeed [01:22] MinceR was it ever not one? [01:22] TR News Totally biased. https://gamerant.com/xbox-creator-seamus-blackley-microsoft-studio-closure-criticism/ [01:22] TR Bot Original Xbox Creator Reacts to Microsoft's Studio Closures [01:23] admfubar https://arstechnica.com/?p=2023439 [01:23] TR Bot US Cellular is for sale, reportedly could be carved up by major carriers | Ars Technica [01:24] TR News "If you've made it this far, I want to speak a little more candidly. Microsoft, what kind of message does this send your development teams underneath you?" https://sg.news.yahoo.com/franchises-being-affected-latest-studio-155830481.html [01:24] TR Bot These are the franchises being affected by the latest studio closures at Microsoft [01:25] *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [01:25] TR News Microsoft Shuts Down Arkane Studios in Austin and Lays Off 96 Employees https://www.siliconhillsnews.com/2024/05/11/microsoft-shuts-down-arkane-studios-in-austin-and-lays-off-96-employees/ [01:25] TR Bot Microsoft Shuts Down Arkane Studios in Austin and Lays Off 96 Employees - SiliconHills [01:25] *208BZCAYU has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [01:25] *316AQZC7J has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [01:26] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-613slh.ldvb.0amm.hij1op.IP) has joined #techrights [01:26] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-613slh.ldvb.0amm.hij1op.IP) has joined #techrights [01:26] *logbackup (~quassel@freenode-613slh.ldvb.0amm.hij1op.IP) has joined #techrights [01:27] TR News Microsoft torches multiple Xbox studios then tells you to 'feel the burn' with the most tone-deaf controller launch of all time https://sg.news.yahoo.com/microsoft-torches-multiple-xbox-studios-175445341.html [01:27] TR Bot Microsoft torches multiple Xbox studios then tells you to 'feel the burn' with the most tone-deaf controller launch of all time [01:27] *schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Connection closed) [01:27] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [01:27] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [01:27] *schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrights [01:28] admfubar https://forum.f-droid.org/t/unstoppable-wallet-silently-added-data-collection-and-sending-f-droid-already-offers-automatic-update/26231 [01:28] TR Bot Unstoppable Wallet silently added data collection and sending, F-droid already offers automatic update - F-Droid Forum [01:28] TR News "I worked with an Oracle DB Administrator when he was laid off because they didnt need a senior level guy to maintain the project he built. They hired a guy out of school to replace him and he was never able to find another job." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 [01:28] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 ) [01:29] TR News "He was 54 and when I googled him (the OP made me think of that guy ), I saw his obituary. The guy drank himself to death. OP please get help if this ever crosses your mind. " https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 [01:41] eidolon That's an ugly way to go. [01:43] eidolon tonight's fettucini [01:58] admfubar https://www.tweaktown.com/news/98188/commodore-64-pc-runs-ai-to-generate-images-20-minutes-per-90-iterations-for-pixels/index.html [01:58] TR Bot Commodore 64 PC runs AI to generate images: 20 minutes per 90 iterations for 64 pixels ● May 12 [02:01] TR News Techrights Windows in South Korea: From 98.5% in 2010 to About 30% (Android Rises to Almost 50%) http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Windows_in_South_Korea_From_98_5_in_2010_to_About_30_Android_Ri.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Windows_in_South_Korea_From_98_5_in_2010_to_About_30_Android_Ri.gmi [02:01] TR Bot Techrights Windows in South Korea: From 98.5% in 2010 to About 30% (Android Rises to Almost 50%) [02:22] *jacobk (~quassel@fczpzungrrhkg.irc) has joined #techrights [02:26] TR News Techrights Talk About Software Freedom http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Talk_About_Software_Freedom.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Talk_About_Software_Freedom.gmi [02:26] TR Bot Techrights Talk About Software Freedom [02:43] TR News Techrights Online Bullying (Trying to Make People Unhappy) http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Online_Bullying_Trying_to_Make_People_Unhappy.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Online_Bullying_Trying_to_Make_People_Unhappy.gmi [02:43] TR Bot Techrights Online Bullying (Trying to Make People Unhappy) [02:46] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-110524.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-110524.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-110524.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-110524.txt [02:46] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 11, 2024 [02:47] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-110524.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-110524.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-110524.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-110524.txt [02:47] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 11, 2024 [02:48] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-110524.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-110524.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-110524.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-110524.txt [02:48] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 11, 2024 [02:48] TR News In Afghanistan, Windows fell to 68% https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/afghanistan/#monthly-200902-202405 [02:48] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share Afghanistan | Statcounter Global Stats [02:49] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-110524.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-110524.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-110524.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-110524.txt [02:49] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 11, 2024 [02:49] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2024-05-11.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2024-05-11.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now) [02:49] TR News Austria could do better than this https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/austria/#monthly-200902-202405 [02:50] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share Austria | Statcounter Global Stats [02:50] TR News Yesterday's Tux Machines bulletin is now ready! : http://news.tuxmachines.org/txt-archives/tuxmachines-2024-05-11.txt ● May 12 [03:00] admfubar t-1000 here we come! https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/robot-dogs-armed-with-ai-targeting-rifles-undergo-us-marines-special-ops-evaluation/ [03:00] TR Bot Robot dogs armed with AI-aimed rifles undergo US Marines Special Ops evaluation | Ars Technica [03:01] admfubar https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/robot-dogs-armed-with-ai-targeting-rifles-undergo-us-marines-special-ops-evaluation/ [03:02] admfubar https://tech.slashdot.org/story/24/05/11/1348216/lightweight-dillo-browser-resurrected-tls-but-no-javascript [03:02] TR Bot Lightweight Dillo Browser Resurrected: TLS But No JavaScript - Slashdot [03:04] TR News (NEW): Fedora Updates at the Back End and Red Hat's Sponsored Puff Pieces About Red Hat http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/10/Fedora_Updates_at_the_Back_End_and_Red_Hat_s_Sponsored_Puff_Pie.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/10/Fedora_Updates_at_the_Back_End_and_Red_Hat_s_Sponsored_Puff_Pie.gmi [03:04] TR News (NEW): GNU/Linux/ChromeOS Grew a Lot in Iceland, a Country With About 377,000 Citizens http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/GNU_Linux_ChromeOS_Grew_a_Lot_in_Iceland_a_Country_With_About_3.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/GNU_Linux_ChromeOS_Grew_a_Lot_in_Iceland_a_Country_With_About_3.gmi [03:04] TR Bot Tux Machines Fedora Updates at the Back End and Red Hat's Sponsored Puff Pieces About Red Hat [03:04] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU/Linux/ChromeOS Grew a Lot in Iceland, a Country With About 377,000 Citizens [03:05] admfubar space 1999 here we come.. https://www.livescience.com/space/space-exploration/nasa-details-plan-to-build-a-levitating-robot-train-on-the-moon [03:05] TR Bot NASA details plan to build a levitating robot train on the moon | Live Science [03:05] DaemonFC https://mishtalk.com/economics/having-trouble-sleeping-can-you-afford-a-new-mattress/ [03:05] TR Bot Trouble Sleeping? Can You Afford a New Mattress? MishTalk [03:06] TR News Techrights IRC Proceedings: Saturday, May 11, 2024 http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/IRC_Proceedings_Saturday_May_11_2024.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/IRC_Proceedings_Saturday_May_11_2024.gmi [03:06] TR Bot Techrights IRC Proceedings: Saturday, May 11, 2024 [03:07] schestowitz DaemonFC: first night with the new one [03:08] DaemonFC I got one on sale at Amazon last year. [03:08] DaemonFC That one I got at Walmart real cheap during 2020 made it about 3 years before it was hurting my back every night. [03:09] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Today_in_Techrights.gmi [03:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Today in Techrights [03:09] DaemonFC American Express Gold Card [03:10] DaemonFC Offer & Benefit Terms Rates and Fees [03:10] DaemonFC American Express Gold Card [03:10] DaemonFC Annual Fee: $250 [03:10] DaemonFC LOL [03:10] TR News Techrights GNU/Linux news for the past day http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi [03:10] TR Bot Techrights GNU/Linux news for the past day [03:10] DaemonFC 4 points per dollar on groceries up to $25,000 a year spend. [03:10] DaemonFC Well, that's the one to go for if you have to feed an army I guess. [03:11] DaemonFC Up to $120 in Uber Cash per year [03:11] DaemonFC :) [03:11] DaemonFC 4X points at restaurants worldwide [03:11] DaemonFC --- [03:11] DaemonFC I get most of this from various cards that don't have annual fees. [03:11] schestowitz let's get back to tech pls [03:11] DaemonFC Lots of AmEx fanboys out there. [03:11] DaemonFC When would I use $120 worth of Uber credit? [03:12] schestowitz don't make this channel "Life of Ryan" [03:13] DaemonFC schestowitz: Amazon is nice sometimes. [03:13] DaemonFC Would have been nice to have that store card back when I ordered that mattress though. [03:25] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [03:31] TR News Techrights Reminder: Richard Stallman's Talk is This Week in Paris (and in French) http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Reminder_Richard_Stallman_s_Talk_is_This_Week_in_Paris_and_in_F.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Reminder_Richard_Stallman_s_Talk_is_This_Week_in_Paris_and_in_F.gmi [03:31] TR Bot Techrights Reminder: Richard Stallman's Talk is This Week in Paris (and in French) [03:57] DaemonFC schestowitz: I don't know how much money Stallman makes. [03:57] DaemonFC He never seems worried about money. [03:58] schestowitz nope [03:58] DaemonFC For a man in his 70s with serious health issues who lives in Boston, it probably says something that he's not worried about money. [03:58] schestowitz esp. not at his age [03:58] DaemonFC It enables people to say things that don't make sense to others. [03:58] schestowitz like what? [03:58] schestowitz he does not spennnt much [03:58] schestowitz you know that.. [03:58] schestowitz *spend [03:58] DaemonFC I don't know how you avoid spending much. [03:58] schestowitz he used to sleep in the lab [03:58] DaemonFC You gotta eat. [03:58] schestowitz so he did not pay rent [03:58] schestowitz afaik never owned a car [03:58] DaemonFC The New England region is one of the most expensive in the country. [03:59] DaemonFC Probably second only to the Bay Area. [03:59] schestowitz for rent, yes [03:59] schestowitz mit gave him housing [03:59] schestowitz heee also won monetary awards [03:59] schestowitz gratsns of sort [03:59] DaemonFC You know, liberal propaganda and stuff. ● May 12 [04:00] DaemonFC The people who believe it and are truly converted don't live like the majority of us. [04:00] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:00] DaemonFC They're not watching their pennies and living on peanut butter and wondering how they'll buy diapers. [04:00] DaemonFC They're off pontificating about "Palestine". [04:01] DaemonFC Something nobody really cares about unless they don't have a lot of things going on in their real life. [04:01] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights [04:02] DaemonFC schestowitz: Bose is having severe troubles now. It started around the time they stopped making the Wave Music System IV. [04:02] DaemonFC Looks like $700 bluetooth speaker didn't turn out so well for them. [04:03] DaemonFC https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/05/03/business/layoffs-hit-bose-company-focuses-its-most-popular-products/ [04:03] TR Bot Layoffs hit Bose as the company focuses on its most popular products - The Boston Globe [04:03] DaemonFC https://www.thelayoff.com/bose [04:03] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/bose ) [04:04] DaemonFC https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1rBJl2U5 [04:04] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1rBJl2U5 ) [04:04] DaemonFC schestowitz: Speaking of things going wrong for MIT. [04:04] DaemonFC Bose is no longer the cash cow it once was. [04:06] DaemonFC Bose developed an air ride system for Cadillac. [04:06] DaemonFC It worked really well, until it didn't. [04:07] DaemonFC By the time they have about 100,000 miles on them, they give out and the car sags and you need to rebuild them or convert it to a MacPherson strut system [04:08] TR News Techrights I've Been Promoting Free Software for Over 25 Years http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/I_ve_Been_Promoting_Free_Software_for_Over_25_Years.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/I_ve_Been_Promoting_Free_Software_for_Over_25_Years.gmi [04:08] TR Bot Techrights I've Been Promoting Free Software for Over 25 Years [04:09] schestowitz They're not watching their pennies and living on peanut butter and wondering how they'll buy diapers. [04:09] schestowitz you got it wrong, imho [04:10] schestowitz your childhood shaped who you are [04:10] schestowitz and your gayness [04:10] schestowitz and the 90s for gays [04:10] schestowitz not a good time [04:10] schestowitz but you sound off against "liberals" [04:11] schestowitz btw, not every leftist is some trans4hamas or antiseMATT [04:11] schestowitz many who are left are pro-peace [04:11] schestowitz pro-peace and pro-hamas must be opposites [04:11] schestowitz hamas is a militant, racist, sexist and nihilist grou [04:11] schestowitz that encourages giving births to 'martyrs' [04:11] DaemonFC [22:10] and the 90s for gays [04:11] DaemonFC [22:10] not a good time [04:12] DaemonFC Yeah, like the 60s for blacks. [04:12] schestowitz it values neither peace nor life [04:12] schestowitz not even its OWN [04:12] schestowitz it often CELEBRATES death [04:12] schestowitz like it's an honour to die [04:12] schestowitz and yet netizens of tiktok watch Osama Bin Laden videos [04:12] schestowitz thinking it makes them "woke" [04:13] schestowitz china's commie party is laughing out so hard [04:13] schestowitz seeing a hoard of idiots [04:13] schestowitz and instructing them to do "challenges" [04:13] schestowitz burning up homes [04:13] schestowitz even neighbours' homes [04:13] schestowitz "lol, real funny" - Xi Pooh-tin [04:28] *jacobk (~quassel@6d3uucy6pzkuq.irc) has joined #techrights [04:30] TR News Techrights Expect Lots of Material From Daniel Pocock as Election Day Nears http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Expect_Lots_of_Material_From_Daniel_Pocock_as_Election_Day_Near.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Expect_Lots_of_Material_From_Daniel_Pocock_as_Election_Day_Near.gmi [04:30] TR Bot Techrights Expect Lots of Material From Daniel Pocock as Election Day Nears [04:37] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:50] TR News Techrights In Most Countries It's Still Possible Not to Have a 'Smartphone' and to Pay for Nearly Everything With Cash http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Most_Countries_It_s_Still_Possible_Not_to_Have_a_Smartphone_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Most_Countries_It_s_Still_Possible_Not_to_Have_a_Smartphone_.gmi [04:50] TR Bot Techrights In Most Countries It's Still Possible Not to Have a 'Smartphone' and to Pay for Nearly Everything With Cash ● May 12 [05:05] TR News Techrights In Haiti, the Market Share of Windows Collapsed (From 97% to 27% on Desktops/Laptops) http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Haiti_the_Market_Share_of_Windows_Collapsed_From_97_to_27_on.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Haiti_the_Market_Share_of_Windows_Collapsed_From_97_to_27_on.gmi [05:05] TR Bot Techrights In Haiti, the Market Share of Windows Collapsed (From 97% to 27% on Desktops/Laptops) [05:20] TR News Techrights [Meme] Miscomprehension of GDPR http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Meme_Miscomprehension_of_GDPR.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Meme_Miscomprehension_of_GDPR.gmi [05:20] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Miscomprehension of GDPR [05:21] DaemonFC Apparently, Washington State adds a $200 fine to the usual fine for using an HOV lane without a passenger if you put a sex doll in the passenger seat to try to make it look like you have a passenger. [05:32] TR News Techrights Julian Assange on Privacy of People, Even Little Children http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Julian_Assange_on_Privacy_of_People_Even_Little_Children.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Julian_Assange_on_Privacy_of_People_Even_Little_Children.gmi [05:32] TR Bot Techrights Julian Assange on Privacy of People, Even Little Children [05:39] eidolon Weekend at Bernie's law [05:42] TR News (NEW): GNU/Linux and ChromeOS in North America Now at Over 10% (Desktops and Laptops) http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/GNU_Linux_and_ChromeOS_in_North_America_Now_at_Over_10_Desktops.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/GNU_Linux_and_ChromeOS_in_North_America_Now_at_Over_10_Desktops.gmi [05:42] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU/Linux and ChromeOS in North America Now at Over 10% (Desktops and Laptops) [05:44] DaemonFC Apparently, they have some sort of "foreplay app" for use with their sex dolls now. [05:44] DaemonFC Any guesses as to how many trackers that has in it? [05:47] eidolon it's the ransomware that's the worry [05:48] eidolon they'd shlep bernie around trying to collect his checks [05:49] DaemonFC https://www.newsweek.com/fake-passenger-hov-dummy-california-1450167 [05:49] TR Bot Cops Catch Driver Trying to Skirt HOV Lane Rules with Female Dummy: 'She Just Oddly Stared at Us' [05:50] eidolon the chinese sex doll turned chastity belt [05:52] eidolon an upgrade from the old finger trap :) [05:53] TR News Techrights Web Sites Hijacked by WIPO on Behalf of Microsoft-Sponsored SPI (and People Looking to Hide Embarrassing Facts) http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Web_Sites_Hijacked_by_WIPO_on_Behalf_of_Microsoft_Sponsored_SPI.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Web_Sites_Hijacked_by_WIPO_on_Behalf_of_Microsoft_Sponsored_SPI.gmi [05:53] TR Bot Techrights Web Sites Hijacked by WIPO on Behalf of Microsoft-Sponsored SPI (and People Looking to Hide Embarrassing Facts) ● May 12 [06:00] eidolon DaemonFC: the Outer Limits reboot ep with the nanomachines was pretty good [06:02] DaemonFC I liked the one with the companion android they had for that handicapped guy. [06:02] DaemonFC Kind of showed him for what he was, which was the point. [06:02] DaemonFC He didn't treat it well, and why would he? It wasn't human so he could treat it however he wanted to, so he did. [06:04] DaemonFC Thing went crazy because they gave it a human mind and put it with an abusive person. [06:04] DaemonFC "Product malfunction" [06:04] DaemonFC https://theouterlimits.fandom.com/wiki/Valerie_23 [06:05] TR Bot Valerie 23 | The Outer Limits Wiki | Fandom [06:05] eidolon well she couldn't fulfill her role as a companion, and manifestly became 'jealous' and tried to kill his physical therapist love interest [06:07] DaemonFC Which could happen with a human woman and does happen all the time. [06:07] DaemonFC Humans "malfunction" in this way all the time. [06:08] DaemonFC Come home, find the husband in bed with another woman, grab a gun. [06:11] eidolon meanwhile he is preoccupied with the idea of whether the machine is fearful of its own death [06:14] eidolon arguably a human woman and the machine companion are both blankly following the drive to fulfill their role [06:14] eidolon he's trying to draw the distinction by having this litmus test [06:15] eidolon cause right from the beginning he is very apprehensive about being swept up in a delusion [06:16] eidolon he doesn't want to be the sad paraplegic living with an emotional prosthetic [06:19] DaemonFC I suppose there's that. [06:19] DaemonFC But most of the market for this sort of thing would be the market for "lifelike sex doll" now. [06:20] DaemonFC Just men who are lonely for whatever reason. [06:20] DaemonFC Too much work. [06:20] DaemonFC Too many bad run-ins with the "wrong partners". [06:20] DaemonFC Not the best looker. [06:20] DaemonFC Aging. [06:20] TR News Techrights When I discovered people trafficking in open source software http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/When_I_discovered_people_trafficking_in_open_source_software.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/When_I_discovered_people_trafficking_in_open_source_software.gmi [06:20] TR Bot Techrights When I discovered people trafficking in open source software [06:20] DaemonFC There's a large market for this sort of thing because of all of these factors. [06:20] DaemonFC And instead of understanding people, they get stigmatized. [06:21] DaemonFC Being "swept up in a delusion" isn't the worst thing that could happen. I mean, an android that looks and acts human isn't something you'd have to be embarrassed to be seen in public with. [06:22] DaemonFC There's the argument that such a "companion" could be programmed to surpass any living partner. It wouldn't cheat on you, it wouldn't steal from you, it wouldn't start arguments, it wouldn't get angry if it had to wash the dishes and have food ready. [06:22] DaemonFC Human partners are notoriously....unreliable. [06:23] DaemonFC Some are good. Most are crap. There's some in-between. [06:23] DaemonFC eidolon: One of my exes just got out of prison apparently. [06:24] eidolon that's part of the quandary, they casted a gorgeous woman to play her partly for that reason, I think [06:24] DaemonFC They caught him with methamphetamine and sent him away for 18 months. He's on parole now, but they gave him so many conditions he'll blow it and serve the other half of his sentence eventually. [06:24] eidolon though we see stories like that a lot in sci-fi films now, like Deus Ex Machina type stuff. [06:24] DaemonFC [00:24] that's part of the quandary, they casted a gorgeous woman to play her partly for that reason, I think [06:25] eidolon in the first series from the 60's they really spoonfed the morality of the show in comparison [06:25] DaemonFC Why wouldn't they? It's a companion android. You don't create an expensive machine for that purpose and make it anything except something that's going to make the human male incredibly attracted to it. [06:26] DaemonFC eidolon: As to the swept up in delusion part... [06:26] DaemonFC Remember The Matrix? [06:26] DaemonFC Where he's sitting there plotting with Smith, eating a simulated steak, cooked to perfection. [06:26] DaemonFC He says he knows it isn't real but his brain doesn't. [06:27] DaemonFC He's tired of the world he has to live in every day. One where a fragment of humanity lives in what amounts to "the sewers" after losing the war against the machines so long ago nobody even remembers when. [06:27] DaemonFC It's the same thing at work. [06:28] DaemonFC If you can forget something good is an illusion, who cares if it is? [06:29] eidolon it doesnt matter how perfect the fake, it's still a fake [06:30] DaemonFC I'd overlook it and be happy with what I had if I was him. [06:30] DaemonFC It's not going to get any better with another human as a partner. [06:31] DaemonFC Consider that most people who get married, get divorced. [06:31] DaemonFC 70% in the first 10 years. [06:31] DaemonFC Many of the rest get sick and tired of each other and just don't get a divorce for whatever reason. [06:32] TR News Techrights The Albanian open source community is very healthy indeed http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/The_Albanian_open_source_community_is_very_healthy_indeed.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/The_Albanian_open_source_community_is_very_healthy_indeed.gmi [06:32] TR Bot Techrights The Albanian open source community is very healthy indeed [06:32] DaemonFC An artificially intelligent android companion devoted to making it work would be enough to get most people to throw in the towel on the humans out there if they had the option. [06:33] DaemonFC It's a cruel irony that humans can't stand loneliness, so they try to settle for garbage that's just not into them, then they're even more miserable than they were before. [06:33] TR News Xbox founders claim the company has lost its identity https://brignews.com/2024/05/12/xbox-founders-claim-the-company-has-lost-its-identity/ [06:33] TR Bot Xbox founders claim the company has lost it's identity - Brig Newspaper [06:34] DaemonFC The programming is the most "fake" part of it here. Because it would not have a choice except to make it work. It's mentioned in the beginning that her core programming is to route around any obstacle to a healthy relationship. [06:34] DaemonFC In other words, conform to the man, no matter what his flaws are, and compensate. [06:38] eidolon Trying to remember which episode it was when the bachelor has his whole house wired with holograms to keep himself from going insane after some cataclysm. [06:38] eidolon And he's got sex pods and so forth, a concubine of holograms, and a special one he keeps that is equivalent to his old 'soul mate'. [06:39] eidolon have you seen that one? [06:41] eidolon He has holograms of his family too; his mother and father. [06:42] *jkl has quit (Quit: Gone.) [06:42] eidolon Bits of Love [06:42] *Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) [06:43] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights [06:43] DaemonFC Yeah. [06:43] DaemonFC Some kind of bunker after a nuclear war or something. [06:44] DaemonFC I remember because one of the holograms was Steve Bacic. [06:44] eidolon The crux of that episode, he eventually gets bored and naturally needs a challenge or to begin inventing his own problems just to solve. [06:44] eidolon So he pursues one of his creations. [06:45] *jacobk (~quassel@32hz32it3ih2k.irc) has joined #techrights [06:46] eidolon We're so adaptable and likewise there's an equilibrium that always sets. [06:47] eidolon It's what's so cloying about one being quick to pity or quick to envy. [06:50] eidolon I also remember the father was a piece of work. :D [06:50] *jkl (~jkl@freenode/user/jkl) has joined #techrights [06:51] eidolon the son is living in the shadow of his renowned father [06:51] eidolon a painter who is chided by his father for creating schlock [06:57] eidolon re: Steve Bacic, another thing about that series is that just like it's predecessor, it's a who's who of all these actors cutting their teeth. [06:58] eidolon hell [06:59] eidolon the T-1000 even makes an appearance ● May 12 [07:01] DaemonFC https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/TheOuterLimits1995S3E1BitsOfLove [07:01] TR Bot The Outer Limits 1995 S 3 E 1 Bits Of Love / Recap - TV Tropes [07:11] DaemonFC https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Yandere [07:11] TR Bot Yandere - TV Tropes [07:18] eidolon There's also an aspect to it [07:18] eidolon he's the superfluous man [07:18] eidolon banal as he is cocksure [07:19] eidolon nuclear holocast or the atomization of a man through technology, to such an extreme, the bomb could have fallen, he could already be dead and hasn't bothered to notice. [07:22] DaemonFC She creates a hologram simulation of him for herself. [07:22] DaemonFC He probably would be dead soon after. She may not be in a mood to feed him. [07:22] eidolon ah yeah, I remember [07:22] eidolon he gets to watch the family as a leper [07:23] DaemonFC She has made it so the other holograms can't see or interact with him. [07:55] *GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) ● May 12 [08:46] *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [08:47] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights ● May 12 [09:54] DaemonFC I may need a new vacuum soon. [09:54] DaemonFC This one is getting louder than hell. [09:55] TR News "Let's assume it is not possible the job, you are trying to get Which job would you enjoy doing? Even if less money? Apply for this job and learn at least how to get a job and how to interact. You can always say no. I should do it when it is my turn even though scary" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 [09:55] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 ) [09:56] TR News "52 you are done my man. Sorry, but after 15 months you need to think about doing something else." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 [09:56] TR News "You might want to consider contract work (if you haven't already) - that seems to be the one bright spot in a declining tech industry (with more and more layoffs anticipated particularly in the US). Look into an industry that is growing like healthcare or education." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 ● May 12 [10:15] TR News Techrights Aside From Red Hat Spam and Partisan Media There's a Lingering Rumour of Layoffs http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Aside_From_Red_Hat_Spam_and_Partisan_Media_There_s_a_Lingering_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Aside_From_Red_Hat_Spam_and_Partisan_Media_There_s_a_Lingering_.gmi [10:16] TR Bot Techrights Aside From Red Hat Spam and Partisan Media There's a Lingering Rumour of Layoffs [10:18] TR News "A CSS snippet to put in the theme editor so that external links have a next to them. Replace alexsirac.com with your own domain and add or remove the subdomains at will. Of course you can also easily replace the icon." https://alexsirac.com/adding-the-external-link-icon-on-my-blog/ | Source: Alex Sirac [10:18] TR Bot [Note] Adding the external link icon on my blog Alex [10:21] TR News "This week a lot of work that has been in progress for weeks got merged! So check out the free goodies!" https://pointieststick.com/2024/05/10/this-week-in-kde-our-cup-overfloweth-with-cool-stuff-for-you/ | Source: Nate Graham [10:21] TR Bot This week in KDE: our cup overfloweth with cool stuff for you Adventures in Linux and KDE [10:22] TR News "Inspired by Robb Knight's post, I thought I'd finish my own phones I've owned post." https://jasonfry.co.uk/blog/phones-ive-owned/ | Source: Jason Fry [10:22] TR Bot Phones I've Owned | Jason Fry | Software Engineer in Gloucestershire [10:33] TR News "Last week, new footage of Marvel's upcoming 'Captain America: Brave New World' appeared online." https://torrentfreak.com/marvel-subpoenas-instagram-to-expose-captain-america-brave-new-world-leaker-240511/ | Source: Torrent Freak [10:33] TR Bot Subpoenas Instagram to Expose 'Captain America: Brave New World' Leaker * TorrentFreak [10:38] TR News "This tutorial will help you to configure your Ubuntu 24.04 "Noble Numbat" computer to use nearest mirror server" https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2024/05/how-to-switch-repository-mirror-on-ubuntu-2404.html | Source: Ubuntubuzz [10:38] TR Bot How To Switch Repository Mirror on Ubuntu 24.04 [10:39] TR News "NVIDIA have announced some big changes are coming to their Linux drivers" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/05/nvidia-switching-to-open-kernel-modules-by-default-in-future-driver-update-for-turing/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [10:39] TR Bot switching to open kernel modules by default in future driver update for Turing+ | GamingOnLinux [10:39] TR News "GE-Proton 9-5 has been released bringing in various upgrades from Valve's official Proton" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/05/ge-proton-9-5-released-with-fixes-for-star-citizen-apex-legends-the-witcher-2/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [10:39] TR Bot 9-5 released with fixes for Star Citizen, Apex Legends, The Witcher 2 | GamingOnLinux [10:41] TR News "FCC Explicitly Prohibits Fast Lanes, Closing Possible Net Neutrality Loophole" https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=24/05/09/157247 [10:41] TR Bot FCC Explicitly Prohibits Fast Lanes, Closing Possible Net Neutrality Loophole - SoylentNews [10:41] TR News "Woman finds hidden camera disguised as rock pointed at her home" https://boingboing.net/2024/05/11/woman-finds-hidden-camera-disguised-as-rock-pointed-at-her-home.html [10:41] TR Bot Woman finds hidden camera disguised as rock pointed at her home - Boing Boing [10:41] TR News "SoylentNews Comments | Valgrind to the Rescue" https://soylentnews.org/comments.pl?sid=60924 [10:41] TR Bot SoylentNews Comments | Valgrind to the Rescue [10:46] TR News "Are you aware of the growing threat of SQL injection attacks and how they can jeopardize your websites security?" https://thecyberexpress.com/what-is-sql-injection/ | Source: Cyble Inc [10:46] TR Bot What Is SQL Injection And How To Prevent SQL Injection - The Cyber Express [10:47] TR News "Okay, so now I have a deployed project, and Im ready to do things for real." https://lewisdale.dev/post/learning-go-day-nine/ | Source: Lewis Dale [10:47] TR Bot Go: Day Nine | LewisDale.dev ● May 12 [11:01] TR News "I kept up the blogging for a few months, then it trickled off." https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/05/it-was-twenty-years-ago-today/ | Source: Terence Eden [11:01] TR Bot It was twenty years ago today Terence Edens Blog [11:09] TR News "This is the 37th edition of People and Blogs" https://manuelmoreale.com/pb-riccardo-mori | Source: Manuel Moreale [11:09] TR Bot P&B: Riccardo Mori Manu [11:10] TR News "Which brings me to today. My world is not as exciting as it once was." https://gregmorris.co.uk/2024/05/11/tech-and-me.html | Source: Greg Morris [11:10] TR Bot Greg Morris - Tech And Me [11:10] TR News "We're pursuing artificial general intelligence it'll solve everything. Look at the industry's track record, right?" https://coryd.dev/posts/2024/against-the-commercial-web/ | Source: Cory Dransfeldt [11:10] TR Bot Against the commercial internet [11:13] TR News (NEW): KDE Applications & Icons http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/KDE_Applications_Icons.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/KDE_Applications_Icons.gmi [11:13] TR Bot Tux Machines KDE Applications & Icons [11:15] TR News "The worldwide spread of plastic has not only crept up on us" https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-reveal-just-how-far-plastic-can-reach-into-your-lungs | Source: Science Alert [11:15] TR Bot Reveal Just How Far Plastic Can Reach Into Your Lungs : ScienceAlert [11:17] TR News "These dangerous capabilities tend to only be discovered after the fact" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/ai-systems-are-already-deceiving-us-and-thats-a-problem-experts-warn/articleshow/110027747.cms | Source: India Times [11:17] TR Bot AI systems: AI systems are already deceiving us and that's a problem, experts warn - The Economic Times [11:17] TR News "The Telegraph understands that the Home Office Wi-Fi outage, which is suspected of crashing the e-gates" https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/10/e-gate-border-chaos-sparked-home-office-failed-bt-software/ | Source: The Telegraph UK [11:17] TR Bot E-gate border chaos sparked when Home Office failed to tell BT it was updating software [11:21] TR News Windows TCO: "The art world has faced an increasing number of cyberattacks in recent years." https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/arts/design/christies-cyberattack-website.html | Source: New York Times [11:21] TR Bot Christies Website Is Brought Down by Hackers Days Before $840 Million Auctions - The New York Times [11:26] TR News (NEW): Collections of Different Linux Distributions http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Collections_of_Different_Linux_Distributions.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Collections_of_Different_Linux_Distributions.gmi [11:26] TR Bot Tux Machines Collections of Different Linux Distributions [11:27] TR News Windows TCO: "Boeing has confirmed that it received a demand for a massive $200 million after a ransomware attack by the notorious LockBit" https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/boeing-refused-to-pay-200-million-ransomware-demand-from-lockbit-gang/ | Source: Bitdefender [11:27] TR Bot Boeing refused to pay $200 million ransomware demand from LockBit gang [11:29] TR News "Eight months after debuting new tags for AI-created videos" https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/05/10/tiktok-ai-tags-expansion/ | Source: Digital Music News [11:29] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/05/10/tiktok-ai-tags-expansion/ ) [11:29] *Moocher5254 has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [11:30] TR News (NEW): Best Free and Open Source Software http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software.gmi [11:30] TR Bot Tux Machines Best Free and Open Source Software [11:30] TR News "the number of foreign students in Russian universities has increased by more than 20%" https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2024/05/11/russia-educating-and-training-future-african-leaders/ | Source: Modern Diplomacy [11:30] TR Bot Russia Educating and Training Future African Leaders - Modern Diplomacy [11:30] TR News "Instant messaging allows leaders to detach themselves from the supporting officials" https://www.newstatesman.com/the-weekend-essay/2024/05/rise-whatsapp-government | Source: New Statesman [11:30] TR Bot The rise of WhatsApp government - New Statesman [11:33] TR News "A destructive cyber-attack against the United States would come from Iran before someone else" https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/10/iran_intel_analysis/ | Source: The Register UK [11:33] TR Bot Iran most likely to launch destructive cyber-attack on US The Register [11:35] TR News [Repeat] "The ByteDance-owned social media giant has been a member of NetChoice since 2019" https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/05/10/tiktok-booted-netchoice-member-tech-lobbying/ | Source: Digital Music News [11:35] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/05/10/tiktok-booted-netchoice-member-tech-lobbying/ ) [11:35] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techrights [11:36] TR News Office Space I don't like my job and I don't think I'm gonna go anymore.mov https://yewtu.be/watch?v=jKYivs6ZLZk [11:36] TR Bot Office Space I don't like my job and I don't think I'm gonna go anymore.mov - Invidious [11:37] TR News Office Space - It's not that i'm lazy, it's that I just don't care https://yewtu.be/watch?v=to_e1N4xovQ [11:37] TR Bot Office Space - It's not that i'm lazy, it's that I just don't care - Invidious [11:41] TR News Office Space (1/5) Movie CLIP - Did You Get the Memo? 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(1999) HD - Invidious [11:45] TR News Lumbergh | Office Space | Best Moments https://yewtu.be/watch?v=x5Uf3QKtuX0 [11:45] TR Bot Lumbergh | Office Space | Best Moments - Invidious [11:49] TR News "Many are current or former employees, lobbyists, or consultants for these companies." https://breachmedia.ca/pundits-regularly-attacked-pharmacare-without-disclosing-big-pharma-ties/ | Source: Breach Media [11:49] TR Bot Pundits regularly attacked pharmacare without disclosing Big Pharma ties The Breach [11:49] TR News "Apple has closed in on an agreement with OpenAI to use the start-ups technology on the iPhone" https://techcentral.co.za/apple-nears-deal-with-openai/244465/ | Source: Tech Central (South Africa) [11:49] TR Bot Apple nears deal with OpenAI - TechCentral [11:50] TR News "In recent times, Microsoft has faced a barrage of criticism following some significant revelations about its security practices." https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/10/microsoft_president_brad_smith_summoned/ | Source: The Register UK [11:50] TR Bot Microsoft president summoned to House over security blunders The Register [11:50] TR News "Strangest of all, in a country where virtually everybody is now online" https://futurism.com/the-byte/donald-trump-computer-email-address | Source: Futurism [11:50] TR Bot Donald Trump Doesn't Use a Computer or Have an Email Address, Former Aide Reveals in Court [11:52] TR News "When will employee compensation fairly reflect the companys success" https://futurism.com/the-byte/google-execs-profits-fewer-layoffs | Source: Futurism [11:52] TR Bot Google Execs Say Employees Will Be Rewarded for Huge Profits With Fewer Layoffs [11:53] TR News (NEW): Auto-Cpufreq 2.3 Brings Improved Configuration Management http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Auto_Cpufreq_2_3_Brings_Improved_Configuration_Management.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Auto_Cpufreq_2_3_Brings_Improved_Configuration_Management.gmi [11:53] TR Bot Tux Machines Auto-Cpufreq 2.3 Brings Improved Configuration Management [11:54] TR News ""Alphabet's top leadership has been on the defensive for the past few years https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/08/google-staffers-question-execs-over-decline-in-morale-after-earnings.html | Source: CNBC [11:54] TR Bot Google staffers question execs over 'decline in morale' after earnings [11:55] TR News "Google, Apple, Meta, Spotify, and others have spent the last several years largely refusing to cooperate with previous efforts" https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/05/09/1092252/hong-kong-court-ban-song/ | Source: MIT Technology Review [11:55] TR Bot Hong Kong is targeting Western Big Tech companies in its new ban of a popular protest song | MIT Technology Review [11:55] TR News "Doan is known for her political artworks that often address the struggles of the Kurdish people and the repression they face." https://bianet.org/haber/journalist-artist-zehra-dogan-cleared-of-terror-charges-after-serving-2-years-in-prison-295226 | Source: BIA Net [11:55] TR Bot Journalist, artist Zehra Doan cleared of 'terror' charges after serving 2 years in prison [11:56] TR News "RFE/RLs parent organization the U.S. Agency for Global Media, or USAGM, honored Kurmasheva, 47" https://www.voanews.com/a/jailed-journalist-kurmasheva-recognized-for-her-courage-/7606357.html | Source: VOA News [11:56] TR Bot Jailed journalist Kurmasheva recognized for her courage [11:57] TR News "The Center for Information Resilience, a U.K.-based nonprofit organization, spearheaded the study." https://www.voanews.com/a/online-abuse-silences-women-in-ethiopia-study-finds/7606615.html | Source: VOA News [11:57] TR Bot Online abuse silences women in Ethiopia, study finds [11:57] TR News "Starlink owns around 60% of the roughly 7 500 satellites orbiting Earth and is a dominant player in satellite [Internet]." https://techcentral.co.za/massive-solar-storm-starlink/244475/ | Source: Tech Central (South Africa) [11:57] TR Bot Massive solar storm degrades Starlink services - TechCentral [11:58] TR News "all forms of entertainment" https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/05/08/taylor-swift-bill-minnesota/ | Source: Digital Music News [11:58] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/05/08/taylor-swift-bill-minnesota/ ) ● May 12 [12:02] TR News Trademarks https://futurism.com/the-byte/openai-logo-infringement-claim | Source: Futurism [12:02] TR Bot OpenAI Mocked for Issuing Infringement Claim Over Its Logo While Scraping the Entire Web to Train AI Models [12:02] TR News "In the coming years, researchers predict AI companies will run out of data in English and Western languages" https://www.voanews.com/a/ai-becomes-latest-frontier-in-china-us-race-for-africa/7605069.html | Source: VOA News [12:02] TR Bot AI becomes latest frontier in China-US race for Africa [12:03] TR News KDE Applications & Icons https://cullmann.io/posts/kde-applications-and-icons/ [12:03] TR Bot KDE Applications & Icons Ignorance is bliss... [12:45] *parsifal (~parsifal@uuar9r28yasyu.irc) has joined #techrights ● May 12 [13:04] *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [13:04] TR News PeaZip 9.8 Archive Manager Adds New CLI Switches, New UI Options, and Tux Theme https://9to5linux.com/peazip-9-8-archive-manager-adds-new-cli-switches-new-ui-options-and-tux-theme [13:05] TR Bot 9.8 Archive Manager Adds New CLI Switches, New UI Options, and Tux Theme - 9to5Linux [13:05] TR News Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Runs Brilliantly on the Raspberry Pi 5 https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/05/ubuntu-24-04-raspberry-pi-5 [13:05] TR Bot Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Runs Brilliantly on the Raspberry Pi 5 - OMG! Ubuntu [13:05] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [13:06] TR News Microsoft backdoored Windows Used to Have 99% of the OS Market in Jordan, Now It's Just 13% (Less Than iOS) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/Microsoft_Windows_Used_to_Have_99_of_the_OS_Market_in_Jordan_No.shtml [13:06] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Windows Used to Have 99% of the OS Market in Jordan, Now It's Just 13% (Less Than iOS) [13:06] TR News Microsoft Fired Loads of Staff in Kenya, Which is Another Large Country Where GNU/Linux Has Grown a Lot https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/Microsoft_Fired_Loads_of_Staff_in_Kenya_Which_is_Another_Large_.shtml [13:06] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Fired Loads of Staff in Kenya, Which is Another Large Country Where GNU/Linux Has Grown a Lot [13:07] TR News GNU/Linux Reaches 11% Market Share in the United States Of America - an All-Time High https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/GNU_Linux_Reaches_11_Market_Share_in_the_United_States_Of_Ameri.shtml [13:07] TR Bot Techrights GNU/Linux Reaches 11% Market Share in the United States Of America - an All-Time High [13:07] TR News Windows in South Korea: From 98.5% in 2010 to About 30% (Android Rises to Almost 50%) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Windows_in_South_Korea_From_98_5_in_2010_to_About_30_Android_Ri.shtml [13:07] TR Bot Techrights Windows in South Korea: From 98.5% in 2010 to About 30% (Android Rises to Almost 50%) [13:07] TR News Talk About Software Freedom https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Talk_About_Software_Freedom.shtml [13:07] TR Bot Techrights Talk About Software Freedom [13:07] TR News Web Sites Hijacked by WIPO on Behalf of Microsoft-Sponsored SPI (and People Looking to Hide Embarrassing Facts) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Web_Sites_Hijacked_by_WIPO_on_Behalf_of_Microsoft_Sponsored_SPI.shtml [13:07] TR Bot Techrights Web Sites Hijacked by WIPO on Behalf of Microsoft-Sponsored SPI (and People Looking to Hide Embarrassing Facts) [13:08] TR News Over at Tux Machines... (updated) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml [13:08] TR Bot Techrights Over at Tux Machines... [13:08] TR News The GNU/Linux Command Line: A Tale of Two Tools apt and apt-get https://www.unixmen.com/the-linux-command-line-a-tale-of-two-tools-apt-and-apt-get/ [13:08] TR Bot Linux Command Line: A Tale of Two Tools - apt and apt-get | Unixmen [13:10] TR News How To Install GO on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-go-ubuntu-24-04/ [13:10] TR Bot How To Install GO on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [13:10] TR News How to install Apache Server on Ubuntu 24.04 Noble LTS https://www.how2shout.com/linux/how-to-install-apache-server-on-ubuntu-24-04-noble-lts/ [13:10] TR Bot How to install Apache Server on Ubuntu 24.04 Noble LTS - Linux Shout [13:10] TR News How To Install GO on Fedora 40 https://idroot.us/install-go-fedora-40/ [13:10] TR Bot How To Install GO on Fedora 40 - idroot [13:11] TR News How to remote control your Raspberry Pi from a browser with Raspberry Pi Connect https://www.tomshardware.com/raspberry-pi/how-to-remote-control-your-raspberry-pi-from-a-browser-with-raspberry-pi-connect [13:11] TR Bot How to remote control your Raspberry Pi from a browser with Raspberry Pi Connect | Tom's Hardware [13:11] TR News How To Install SSH Server on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-ssh-server-ubuntu-24-04/ [13:11] TR Bot How To Install SSH Server on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [13:11] TR News The Night I Asked Abusive Monopolist Microsoft Chaffbot How To Build a Bomb https://reason.com/2024/05/11/the-night-i-asked-chatgpt-how-to-build-a-bomb/ [13:11] TR Bot I Asked ChatGPT How To Build a Bomb and Break Into a House [13:13] TR News How to Master Regex in Bash https://www.unixmen.com/how-to-master-regex-in-bash/ [13:13] TR Bot to Master Regex in Bash | Unixmen [13:13] TR News How to List Installed Packages on Ubuntu GNU/Linux https://www.unixmen.com/how-to-list-installed-packages-on-ubuntu-linux/ [13:13] TR Bot to List Installed Packages on Ubuntu Linux | Unixmen [13:16] TR News (NEW): Read More: https://www.slashgear.com/1576499/raspberry-pi-5-run-ubuntu-what-know/ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Can_Raspberry_Pi_5_Run_Ubuntu.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Can_Raspberry_Pi_5_Run_Ubuntu.gmi [13:16] TR Bot Can Raspberry Pi 5 Run Ubuntu? [13:16] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/today_s_howtos.gmi [13:16] TR Bot Tux Machines Read More: https://www.slashgear.com/1576499/raspberry-pi-5-run-ubuntu-what-know/ [13:16] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos [13:18] TR News (NEW): Windows TCO Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Windows_TCO_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Windows_TCO_Leftovers.gmi [13:18] TR Bot Tux Machines Windows TCO Leftovers [13:24] TR News Venom GNU/Linux lightweight source based distro for advanced users https://www.linuxlinks.com/venom-linux-lightweight-source-based-distro-advanced-users/ [13:24] TR Bot Linux - lightweight source based distro for advanced users - LinuxLinks [13:24] TR News GoboLinux GNU/Linux distribution which redefines the filesystem hierarchy https://www.linuxlinks.com/gobolinux-linux-distribution-redefines-filesystem-hierarchy/ [13:24] TR Bot - Linux distribution which redefines the filesystem hierarchy - LinuxLinks [13:25] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/today_s_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/today_s_leftovers.gmi [13:25] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers [13:25] TR News Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Googles Products and Services https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-alternatives-google-products-services/ [13:25] TR Bot Free and Open Source Alternatives to Google's Products and Services - LinuxLinks [13:26] TR News 17 Best Free and Open Source Build Systems https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-build-systems/ [13:26] TR Bot Best Free and Open Source Build Systems - LinuxLinks [13:26] TR News Auto-Cpufreq 2.3 Brings Improved Configuration Management https://linuxiac.com/auto-cpufreq-2-3-cpu-speed-and-power-optimizer/ [13:26] TR Bot Auto-Cpufreq 2.3 Brings Improved Configuration Management [13:38] TR News (NEW): Jellyfin 10.9 Media Server Brings Tons of Improvements http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Jellyfin_10_9_Media_Server_Brings_Tons_of_Improvements.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Jellyfin_10_9_Media_Server_Brings_Tons_of_Improvements.gmi [13:38] TR Bot Tux Machines Jellyfin 10.9 Media Server Brings Tons of Improvements ● May 12 [14:00] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Android_Leftovers.gmi [14:00] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers [14:03] *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights [14:15] TR News OpenAI hits subreddit with copyright monopoly claim for using ChapGPT logo r/chatGPT used the official Abusive Monopolist Microsoft Chaffbot logo https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/artificial-intelligence/openai-hits-subreddit-with-copyright-claim-for-using-chapgpt-logo [14:15] TR Bot OpenAI hits subreddit with copyright claim for using ChapGPT logo r/chatGPT used the official ChatGPT logo | Tom's Hardware [14:19] TR News This week in KDE: our cup overfloweth with cool stuff for you https://pointieststick.com/2024/05/10/this-week-in-kde-our-cup-overfloweth-with-cool-stuff-for-you/ [14:19] TR Bot This week in KDE: our cup overfloweth with cool stuff for you Adventures in Linux and KDE [14:20] TR News 2FA codes without password validation https://rubenerd.com/two-factor-auth-codes-that-dont-return-if-codes-are-valid/ [14:20] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rubenerd [14:21] TR News Tanmay Patil: Acrostic Generator: Part one https://medium.com/@txnmxy3/acrostic-generator-part-one-6d119cb1e981 [14:21] TR Bot Generator: Part one. Its been a while since my last blog | by Tanmay | May, 2024 | Medium [14:28] TR News Apple aficionados get their knickers in a knot over iPad ad https://itwire.com/open-sauce/apple-aficionados-get-their-knickers-in-a-knot-over-ipad-ad.html [14:28] TR Bot - Apple aficionados get their knickers in a knot over iPad ad [14:28] TR News Chinese police harass family members of US-based content creators https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/police-harass-us-content-creators-05102024145446.html [14:28] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/police-harass-us-content-creators-05102024145446.html ) [14:28] MinceR (cat) https://apina.biz/199315.png?mode=sfw [14:28] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-http://apina.biz/199315.png [14:30] TR News Microsoft Layoffs and Closures Now Reported in Africa https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/08/Microsoft_Layoffs_and_Closures_Now_Reported_in_Africa.shtml [14:30] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Layoffs and Closures Now Reported in Africa [14:30] TR News Taking Things Up a Notch https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/Taking_Things_Up_a_Notch.shtml [14:30] TR Bot Techrights Taking Things Up a Notch [14:30] TR News Attacking by Credentials https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/Attacking_by_Credentials.shtml [14:30] TR Bot Techrights Attacking by Credentials [14:30] TR News Knowing the True History of Debian, Owing to Irish Debian Developer Daniel Pocock (Currently Running to Become Member of the European Parliament) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/Knowing_the_True_History_of_Debian_Owing_to_Irish_Debian_Develo.shtml [14:30] TR Bot Techrights Knowing the True History of Debian, Owing to Irish Debian Developer Daniel Pocock (Currently Running to Become Member of the European Parliament) [14:32] TR News Attacking the Messenger? https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/Attacking_the_Messenger.shtml [14:32] TR Bot Techrights Attacking the Messenger? [14:33] TR News In Europe, Bing Fell Every Month This Year, Lost a Considerable Share Since "Bing Chat" and All the Chatbot Hype https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/In_Europe_Bing_Fell_Every_Month_This_Year_Lost_a_Considerable_S.shtml [14:33] TR Bot Techrights In Europe, Bing Fell Every Month This Year, Lost a Considerable Share Since "Bing Chat" and All the Chatbot Hype [14:33] TR News LibrePlanet 2024 Recordings https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/LibrePlanet_2024_Recordings.shtml [14:33] TR Bot Techrights LibrePlanet 2024 Recordings [14:33] TR News Improving Site Navigation for Easier Discovery and Catch-ups https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/Improving_Site_Navigation_for_Easier_Discovery_and_Catch_ups.shtml [14:33] TR Bot Techrights Improving Site Navigation for Easier Discovery and Catch-ups [14:33] TR News Online Bullying (Trying to Make People Unhappy) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Online_Bullying_Trying_to_Make_People_Unhappy.shtml [14:33] TR Bot Techrights Online Bullying (Trying to Make People Unhappy) [14:33] TR News (NEW): Marcus Lundblad: May GNOME Maps http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Marcus_Lundblad_May_GNOME_Maps.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Marcus_Lundblad_May_GNOME_Maps.gmi [14:33] TR Bot Tux Machines Marcus Lundblad: May GNOME Maps [14:37] TR News Kela to continue paying pension top-ups to recipients abroad https://yle.fi/a/74-20088159 [14:37] TR Bot Kela to continue paying pension top-ups to recipients abroad | Yle News | Yle [14:42] TR News Argentina labor union strike leads to stoppage of public transportation services https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/05/argentina-labor-union-strike-leads-to-stoppage-of-public-transportation-services/ [14:42] TR Bot Argentina labor union strike leads to stoppage of public transportation services - JURIST - News [14:43] TR News Canadas Public Sector Unions Threaten Disruption Over Return to Office https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/11/world/canada/canada-public-sector-unions-remote-work.html [14:43] TR Bot Canadas Public Sector Unions Threaten Disruption Over Return to Office - The New York Times [14:44] TR News Julian Assange on Privacy of People, Even Little Children https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Julian_Assange_on_Privacy_of_People_Even_Little_Children.shtml [14:44] TR Bot Techrights Julian Assange on Privacy of People, Even Little Children [14:45] TR News Reminder: Richard Stallman's Talk is This Week in Paris (and in French) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Reminder_Richard_Stallman_s_Talk_is_This_Week_in_Paris_and_in_F.shtml [14:45] TR Bot Techrights Reminder: Richard Stallman's Talk is This Week in Paris (and in French) [14:45] TR News I've Been Promoting Free Software for Over 25 Years https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/I_ve_Been_Promoting_Free_Software_for_Over_25_Years.shtml [14:45] TR Bot Techrights I've Been Promoting Free Software for Over 25 Years [14:45] TR News Expect Lots of Material From Daniel Pocock as Election Day Nears https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Expect_Lots_of_Material_From_Daniel_Pocock_as_Election_Day_Near.shtml [14:45] TR Bot Techrights Expect Lots of Material From Daniel Pocock as Election Day Nears [14:47] TR News In Haiti, the Market Share of backdoored Windows Collapsed (From 97% to 27% on Desktops/Laptops) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Haiti_the_Market_Share_of_Windows_Collapsed_From_97_to_27_on.shtml [14:47] TR Bot Techrights In Haiti, the Market Share of Windows Collapsed (From 97% to 27% on Desktops/Laptops) [14:47] TR News [Meme] Miscomprehension of GDPR https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Meme_Miscomprehension_of_GDPR.shtml [14:47] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Miscomprehension of GDPR [14:47] TR News When I discovered people trafficking in open source software https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/When_I_discovered_people_trafficking_in_open_source_software.shtml [14:47] TR Bot Techrights When I discovered people trafficking in open source software [14:48] TR News The Albanian open source community is very healthy indeed https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/The_Albanian_open_source_community_is_very_healthy_indeed.shtml [14:48] TR Bot Techrights The Albanian open source community is very healthy indeed [14:48] TR News [Meme] Being Believed, Not Censored or Defamed (updated) https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/11/Meme_Being_Believed_Not_Censored_or_Defamed.shtml [14:48] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Being Believed, Not Censored or Defamed [14:49] TR News Michael Meeks: 2024-05-10 Friday: "Wrote slides for a Tea Time Training on logging" https://meeksfamily.uk/~michael/blog/2024-05-10.html [14:49] TR Bot Stuff Michael Meeks is doing [14:52] TR News (NEW): ReactOS Project: Newsletter 104 - April/May news http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/ReactOS_Project_Newsletter_104_April_May_news.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/ReactOS_Project_Newsletter_104_April_May_news.gmi [14:52] TR Bot Tux Machines ReactOS Project: Newsletter 104 - April/May news [14:54] TR News The CPU That Will Never Die https://tedium.co/2024/05/11/zilog-z80-history/ [14:54] TR Bot Z80 History: The CPU That Will Never Die [14:55] psydroid2 beyond a certain performance threshold being low-power is more important for longevity than absolute speed [14:55] TR News [UK Health Crisis] Young Deaths in Week 16 2019: 320. Young Deaths in Week 16 2024 (New Numbers): 394. Thats a Fact. Deaths Increased by 23.1% Among Young People. Its Statistically Significant. https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2024/05/11/uk-health-crisis-young-deaths-in-week-16-2019-320-young-deaths-in-week-16-2024-new-numbers-394-thats-a-fact-deaths-increased-by-23-1-among-young-people-its-statistically-significant/ [14:55] TR Bot Blog Archive [UK Health Crisis] Young Deaths in Week 16 2019: 320. Young Deaths in Week 16 2024 (New Numbers): 394. Thats a Fact. Deaths Increased by 23.1% Among Young People. Its Statistically Significant. [14:56] TR News In Most Countries It's Still Possible Not to Have a 'Smartphone' and to Pay for Nearly Everything With Cash https://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Most_Countries_It_s_Still_Possible_Not_to_Have_a_Smartphone_.shtml [14:56] TR Bot Techrights In Most Countries It's Still Possible Not to Have a 'Smartphone' and to Pay for Nearly Everything With Cash [14:56] schestowitz psydroid2: so uou write bloated applications [14:56] schestowitz where the gui widgets need a GPU [14:57] psydroid2 yes, to drive up sales of power-hungry CPUs and GPUs [14:57] TR News Pluralistic: Algorithmic feeds are a twiddler's playground (11 May 2024) https://pluralistic.net/2024/05/11/for-you/ [14:57] TR Bot Pluralistic: Algorithmic feeds are a twiddlers playground (11 May 2024) Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow [14:58] TR News "TikTokers" nonsense... https://reason.com/volokh/2024/05/11/you-say-unalive-he-says-vixerunt-everything-old-is-new-again/ [14:58] TR Bot You Say "Unalive," He Says "Vixerunt": Everything Old Is New Again ● May 12 [15:00] TR News Peer review is not the gold standard in science https://lemire.me/blog/2024/05/11/peer-review-is-not-the-gold-standard-in-science/ [15:00] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://lemire.me/blog/2024/05/11/peer-review-is-not-the-gold-standard-in-science/ ) [15:12] schestowitz we have new browsing pages: [15:12] schestowitz
  • Mexico and mental health: Exploring the power of traditions and faith

    Mexico News Daily's co-owner Tamanna Bembenek shares her thoughts on how Mexico's traditions and community can improve mental health.

    [15:12] schestowitz
  • [15:12] schestowitz [15:12] TR Bot Mexico and mental health: The power of traditions and faith [15:12] schestowitz oooops, wrong paste [15:12] schestowitz we have new browsing pages: [15:12] schestowitz Here is a draft for discussion: https://techrights.org/browse/ [15:12] schestowitz and gemini://gemini.techrights.org/browse/ [15:12] TR Bot From 1 to 100 posts ago [15:12] schestowitz any comment, suggestions? [15:17] TR News "While browsing through some back cata-phlogs, I happened upon a post by ~solderpunk[1] discussing, among other related things, a perceived shortcoming of solarpunk as an idea and movement: a forced, odd sort of optimism. This is a critique I share, among some others." gemini://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/~valravn/log/2024/0511.gmi [15:17] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D929.jpg [15:17] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D1278.jpg [15:18] TR News A phlog turned into a blog gopher://i-logout.cz:70/0/phlog/posts/2024-05-07_phlog_turned_into_blog.txt [15:19] TR News APRStoot gopher://i-logout.cz:70/0/phlog/posts/2024-05-11_aprstoot.txt [15:20] TR News Quests Progress Available! gemini://cthulhu28.space/en/gemlog/2024/05-12-progress.gmi [15:20] TR News "I think I ought to go completely offline for some time. the internet is slowly killing me in various ways. plus, without any distactions (literally any, the internet makes up for pretty much all of my distractions) maybe I'll even get something done! maybe even write the things I wanted to write. I think I ought to go a week completely offline." gemini://ashley.cities.yesterweb.org/gemlog/2024-05-12-offline.gmi [15:22] TR News Sort Fail gemini://thrig.me/blog/2024/03/10/sort-fail.gmi [15:22] TR News "Multiplayer gaming is less reliable than it seemed at the beginning with Starlink. Warframe is frequently dropping members from my party and Shroud of the Avatar is showing party members to be lagging." gemini://thatit.be/2024-03-07-20-46-42.gmi [15:23] TR News Book excerpts gemini://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/~solderpunk/gemlog/book-excerpts.gmi [15:24] TR News "Six months on from taking the straw bale course, I've managed to make it to "first fix" stage on the garden room - which is to say, it's watertight, there is a roof, and I'm ready for internal fit out. Have a picture, in case the words are too... wordy." gemini://ur.gs/blog/structural-fun/ [15:25] TR News "I'm working on adding support for QOI images in Lagrange out of boredom. QOI is a very simple lossless image compression format that is comparable to PNG and very fast to compress. This page constains a few QOI images encoded by different encoders to test my integration into the Lagrange browser. I'll upstream once I'm done." gemini://gemini.clehaxze.tw/gemlog/2024/03-06-this-page-contains-qoi-images.gmi [15:26] TR News Mind Maps gemini://lantashifiles.com/gemlog/entries/2024-03-07.gmi [15:27] TR News What...for?! gemini://freeshell.de/gemlog/2024-03-13_What___for__.gmi [15:28] TR News How to measure cup of oil, part III gemini://gemini.conman.org/boston/2024/05/11.1 [15:29] TR News SpellBinding: FIMOPSR Wordo: DIDST gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2024-05-12.gmi [15:30] TR News My cup doth not run over gemini://freeshell.de/gemlog/2024-05-12_My_cup_doth_not_run_over.gmi [15:30] TR News MacOS x86 Precompiled Binary for Profectus gemini://auragem.letz.dev/techlog/20240512.gmi [15:31] TR News "I added this a while ago, but never announced it, so I'll announce it now: AuraGem Search now crawls the Scroll Protocol." gemini://auragem.letz.dev/devlog/20240512.gmi [15:34] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 12/05/2024: Enshitification and Mind Maps http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Gemini_Links_12_05_2024_Enshitification_and_Mind_Maps.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Gemini_Links_12_05_2024_Enshitification_and_Mind_Maps.gmi [15:34] TR Bot Techrights Gemini Links 12/05/2024: Enshitification and Mind Maps [15:34] TR News Techrights Links 12/05/2024: XBox Founders Say Microsoft Lost Its Identity http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Links_12_05_2024_XBox_Founders_Say_Microsoft_Lost_Its_Identity.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Links_12_05_2024_XBox_Founders_Say_Microsoft_Lost_Its_Identity.gmi [15:34] TR Bot Techrights Links 12/05/2024: XBox Founders Say Microsoft Lost Its Identity [15:42] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights ● May 12 [16:26] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights [16:29] ZedHedTed i was almost drooling looking at the whey protein in the supermarket ● May 12 [17:03] ZedHedTed ended up buying my usually pre-bottled protein milks. i'd try the whey protein powder if it wasn't in a huge jar. [17:06] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [17:08] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qezxp5nudz5uq.irc) has joined #techrights ● May 12 [18:02] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [18:48] eidolon https://yewtu.be/watch?v=aVuohw7JIJ4 [18:48] TR Bot WWV Extreme Space Weather & Radio Blackouts | Signal Phantom - Invidious [18:55] eidolon A watched hob ... https://www.sigidwiki.com/wiki/Induction_cooker_interference [18:55] TR Bot Induction cooker interference - Signal Identification Wiki [18:55] eidolon :P [18:58] eidolon XMPP https://www.sigidwiki.com/wiki/XMPP_trials [18:58] TR Bot XMPP trials - Signal Identification Wiki ● May 12 [19:40] *jacobk (~quassel@8rj47zybnyy4k.irc) has joined #techrights ● May 12 [20:01] TR News Bootlin engineer Louis Chauvet at Linux Display hackfest https://bootlin.com/blog/bootlin-engineer-louis-chauvet-at-linux-display-hackfest/ [20:01] TR Bot engineer Louis Chauvet at Linux Display hackfest - Bootlin's blog [20:01] TR News How to enable Debian 12 Backports repository https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-enable-debian-linux-12-backports-repository/ [20:01] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-enable-debian-linux-12-backports-repository/ ) [20:02] TR News Installing LAMP server on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Noble https://www.how2shout.com/linux/installing-lamp-server-on-ubuntu-22-04-lts-noble/ [20:02] TR Bot Installing LAMP server on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Noble - Linux Shout [20:02] TR News How to Use ed (Standard Line Editor) on Unix/Linux https://linuxtldr.com/ed-command/ [20:02] TR Bot How to Use ed (Standard Line Editor) on Unix/Linux [20:03] TR News EasyOS going back to Chromium builtin https://bkhome.org/news/202405/easyos-going-back-to-chromium-builtin.html [20:03] TR Bot EasyOS going back to Chromium builtin [20:04] TR News (NEW): CachyOSs May Release Adds Bcachefs File System Support http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/CachyOS_s_May_Release_Adds_Bcachefs_File_System_Support.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/CachyOS_s_May_Release_Adds_Bcachefs_File_System_Support.gmi [20:04] TR Bot Tux Machines CachyOSs May Release Adds Bcachefs File System Support [20:05] TR News BlueBerry Is A Smartphone-Agnostic Keyboard Firmware https://hackaday.com/2024/05/11/blueberry-is-a-smartphone-agnostic-keyboard-firmware/ | Source: Hackaday [20:05] TR Bot Is A Smartphone-Agnostic Keyboard Firmware | Hackaday [20:06] TR News Tesla, Google, and Microsoft won't stop laying people off. Here's why that could backfire. https://www.businessinsider.com/tech-layoffs-could-harm-productivity-recruitment-reputation-tesla-google-microsoft-2024-5 [20:06] TR Bot Tesla, Google and Microsoft's Ongoing Job Cuts Could Backfire for Them [20:09] TR News Microsofts Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyons Future https://exputer.com/exputer/arkane-lyon-dishonored-future-jeopardized/ "Microsoft has mercilessly killed Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks despite their past achievements." [20:09] TR Bot Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future [20:09] TR News "Diversity destroys" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1suNNN4x [20:09] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1suNNN4x ) [20:10] TR News Teslas Head Of Product Resigns After 7 Years Citing The Effects Of The Recent Layoffs https://wonderfulengineering.com/teslas-head-of-product-resigns-after-7-years-citing-the-effects-of-the-recent-layoffs/ [20:10] TR Bot Teslas Head Of Product Resigns After 7 Years Citing The E [20:11] TR News 21 Abusive Monopolist Microsoft Chaffbot Alternatives: A Look at Free, Self-Hosted, Open-Source Hey Hi (AI) Chatbots https://medevel.com/21-chatgpt-alternatives-self-hosted/ [20:11] TR Bot 21 ChatGPT Alternatives: A Look at Free, Self-Hosted, Open-Source AI Chatbots [20:12] TR News Bash Script Arguments: A Comprehensive Guide https://www.unixmen.com/bash-script-arguments-a-comprehensive-guide/ [20:12] TR Bot Script Arguments: A Comprehensive Guide | Unixmen [20:16] TR News Wikimedia jumps on the AI bandwagon http://blog.sesse.net/blog/tech/2024-05-12-17-40_wikimedia_jumps_on_the_ai_bandwagon.html [20:16] TR Bot Steinar H. Gunderson [20:23] TR News ODROID-H4+ kit review Part 1: Unboxing, H4 Type 3 case assembly, and first boot https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/05/11/odroid-h4-plus-kit-review-part-1-unboxing-h4-type-3-case-assembly-and-first-boot/ [20:23] TR Bot ODROID-H4+ kit review - Part 1: Unboxing, H4 Type 3 case assembly, and first boot - CNX Software [20:23] TR News Maker Uno RP2040 review with Arduino IDE using micro servo, soil moisture sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and I2C OLED modules https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/05/12/maker-uno-rp2040-review-arduino-ide-micro-servo-soil-moisture-sensor-ultrasonic-sensor-i2c-oled/ [20:23] TR Bot Maker Uno RP2040 review with Arduino IDE using micro servo, soil moisture sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and I2C OLED modules - CNX Software [20:25] TR News Chromium update fixes 5th zero-day exploit for 2024 https://alien.slackbook.org/blog/chromium-update-fixes-5th-zero-day-exploit-for-2024/ [20:25] TR Bot Chromium update fixes 5th zero-day exploit for 2024 Alien Pastures [20:27] TR News Wasmer 4.3 Released [20:39] TR News "Whats solder for, anyway? Its just the stuff that sticks the parts to the PCB." https://hackaday.com/2024/05/11/no-solder-squeeze-your-parts-to-the-pcb/ | Source: Hackaday [20:39] TR Bot Solder! Squeeze Your Parts To The PCB | Hackaday [20:41] TR News "Over the decades web browsers have changed from the fairly lightweight and nimble HTML document viewers" https://hackaday.com/2024/05/11/the-minimalistic-dillo-web-browser-is-back/ | Source: Hackaday [20:41] TR Bot Minimalistic Dillo Web Browser Is Back | Hackaday [20:42] TR News "Insulin Pump Injuries" https://hackaday.com/2024/05/11/software-bug-results-in-insulin-pump-injuries-spurs-recall/ | Source: Hackaday [20:42] TR Bot Bug Results In Insulin Pump Injuries, Spurs Recall | Hackaday [20:42] TR News Ribbon Cables https://hackaday.com/2024/05/11/the-impossible-repair-ribbon-cables/ | Source: Hackaday [20:42] TR Bot Impossible Repair: Ribbon Cables | Hackaday [20:42] TR News (NEW): Dillo 3.1 Open-Source Web Browser Released After 9 Year Hiatus http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/06/Dillo_3_1_Open_Source_Web_Browser_Released_After_9_Year_Hiatus.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/06/Dillo_3_1_Open_Source_Web_Browser_Released_After_9_Year_Hiatus.gmi [20:42] TR Bot Tux Machines Dillo 3.1 Open-Source Web Browser Released After 9 Year Hiatus [20:50] TR News HEY HI hype is not a potent business strategy https://www.infoworld.com/article/3715461/red-hat-extends-lightspeed-ai-to-linux-openshift.html [20:50] TR Bot Hat extends Lightspeed AI to Linux, OpenShift | InfoWorld [20:52] TR News "Basically, Wood claims he was unfairly let go for being a White man, rather for performance or the like, because Red Hat was focused on prioritizing in an unlawfully discriminatory fashion people of other races and genders to diversify its ranks." https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/09/ibm_red_hat_discrimination_lawsuit/ [20:52] TR Bot IBM Red Hat accused of discriminating against white males The Register [20:52] TR News (NEW): Embracing the World of Linux, A Students Journey and Experience. http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Embracing_the_World_of_Linux_A_Student_s_Journey_and_Experience.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Embracing_the_World_of_Linux_A_Student_s_Journey_and_Experience.gmi [20:52] TR Bot Tux Machines Embracing the World of Linux, A Students Journey and Experience. [20:54] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/today_s_howtos.1.gmi [20:54] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos [20:56] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware/: BlueBerry, ODROID, Arduino, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Open_Hardware_BlueBerry_ODROID_Arduino_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Open_Hardware_BlueBerry_ODROID_Arduino_and_More.gmi [20:56] TR Bot Tux Machines Open Hardware/: BlueBerry, ODROID, Arduino, and More [20:57] psydroid2 Microsoft is a Serial Killer ● May 12 [21:01] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/today_s_leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/today_s_leftovers.1.gmi [21:01] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers [21:18] TR News Techrights Techrights Browsing Made Easier http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Techrights_Browsing_Made_Easier.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Techrights_Browsing_Made_Easier.gmi [21:18] TR Bot Techrights Techrights Browsing Made Easier [21:18] MinceR https://explosm.net/comics/rob-heartbeats#comic [21:18] TR Bot & Happiness (Explosm.net) [21:32] TR News "Too old too expensive. Almost all IT is offshore now. All the hardware in the cloud and all the help is too. Having IBM next to your name is a scarlet letter. Look on going a different path" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 [21:32] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ssxFD75 ) [21:43] admfubar https://libreboot.org/news/canoegnu.html [21:43] TR Bot Libreboot Should Canoeboot become GNU Canoeboot? [21:47] admfubar https://petapixel.com/2024/05/09/photographer-smashes-world-record-for-fastest-drone-flight-at-298-mph/ [21:47] TR Bot Sets World Record for Fastest Drone Flight at 298 MPH | PetaPixel [21:57] DaemonFC I just went to Aldi for the first time in like forever. [21:58] DaemonFC Walmart's been fucking with the hours again and it's easier to just go next door to Aldi and shop a list than to shop at Walmart now. Which has also raised the price of their groceries over and over again. ● May 12 [22:02] eidolon Night Wave Plaza Radio over the gopher - gopher://spout.it/5/plaza.m3u [22:02] eidolon ;D [22:03] eidolon gopher://spout.it [22:03] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) [22:06] eidolon oh the m3u points to http [22:06] eidolon balls [22:07] TR News Techrights "Having IBM Next to Your Name is a Scarlet Letter" http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Having_IBM_Next_to_Your_Name_is_a_Scarlet_Letter.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Having_IBM_Next_to_Your_Name_is_a_Scarlet_Letter.gmi [22:07] TR Bot Techrights "Having IBM Next to Your Name is a Scarlet Letter" [22:10] TR News Singapore: 6% GNU/Linux https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/singapore/#monthly-200902-202405 [22:10] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share Singapore | Statcounter Global Stats [22:13] eidolon https://radio.plaza.one/ [22:13] TR Bot Nightwave Plaza Radio [22:15] eidolon please press 2 for 3 and 3 for 1. to remain on hold, press 2. [22:16] DaemonFC https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/12/europe/sergei-shoigu-putin-replaces-defense-minister-intl-latam/index.html [22:16] TR Bot Sergei Shoigu: Putin replaces Russias defense minister with a civilian, citing rising military costs and need for innovation | CNN [22:16] DaemonFC " He was selected by Putin because of a need for innovation, Peskov said in a press call, during which he highlighted the ministrys rising budget, saying it was approaching levels last seen during the Cold War. " [22:17] DaemonFC " In a reference to the war in Ukraine, Peskov said that due to well-known geopolitical circumstances, we are gradually approaching the situation of the mid-80s when the share of expenses for the security bloc in the economy was 7.4%. Its not critical, but its extremely important, Peskov said." [22:17] DaemonFC Yes, that's when the Soviets were still in Afghanistan, and losing pretty badly. [22:18] schestowitz Putin will soon have killed a million [22:18] schestowitz on both sides [22:19] TR News (NEW): Linux Kernel 6.9 Officially Released, This Is Whats New http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Linux_Kernel_6_9_Officially_Released_This_Is_What_s_New.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Linux_Kernel_6_9_Officially_Released_This_Is_What_s_New.gmi [22:19] TR Bot Tux Machines Linux Kernel 6.9 Officially Released, This Is Whats New [22:24] admfubar https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/10/sql_cocreator_nosql/ [22:24] TR Bot SQL co-creator embraces NoSQL The Register [22:25] schestowitz "NoSQL" [22:25] schestowitz serverless [22:25] MinceR but have any NoSQL co-creators embraced SQL yet? [22:25] TR News Techrights In Asia, Baidu Has Become Bigger Than Bing and Yandex is Getting There Too http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Asia_Baidu_Has_Become_Bigger_Than_Bing_and_Yandex_is_Getting.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Asia_Baidu_Has_Become_Bigger_Than_Bing_and_Yandex_is_Getting.gmi [22:25] TR Bot Techrights In Asia, Baidu Has Become Bigger Than Bing and Yandex is Getting There Too [22:26] schestowitz MinceR: SELECT * FROM cargo_cult [22:26] MinceR that won't do anything [22:26] MinceR you forgot the semicolon :> [22:26] schestowitz I did; [22:27] DaemonFC schestowitz: The prices at Aldi in the store compare favorably to Instacart pickup. About 80% of the time the price was the same, but I ran into products where the Instacart price would have been anywhere from 20 cents to a dollar more the other 20% of the time, plus the $2 pickup fee, plus the fee per-bag. [22:28] schestowitz aldi is getting more dear [22:28] schestowitz not very [22:28] schestowitz but worse [22:28] schestowitz we checked 2 weeks ago [22:28] DaemonFC Overall, I figure I probably would have spent about 7-8% more if I did the pickup. [22:28] DaemonFC Price of convenience. [22:28] DaemonFC If you go in and shop and bring your own bags you probably save $7-8 per $100. [22:28] DaemonFC I went inside. [22:29] psydruid some products at Lidl are now more expensive than at other supermarkets [22:29] schestowitz of course if you work a job you hate 30-60 hours a week you are too busy to notice [22:29] psydruid and there is no Aldi within walking distance [22:30] DaemonFC schestowitz: Right, if you work a job and just need the groceries and don't particularly mind that you'll be paying more to avoid spending 30-40 minutes in the grocery store.... [22:30] DaemonFC It's always time or money. [22:33] DaemonFC schestowitz: 6% back at grocery stores, and Aldi counts. [22:33] DaemonFC Is a pretty good deal. [22:34] DaemonFC They threw in the $150 for upgrading the card and waived the first annual fee to sweeten the pot. [22:37] *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving) [22:40] MinceR https://explosm.net/comics/kris-keeping#comic [22:40] TR Bot & Happiness (Explosm.net) [22:40] eidolon gopher://hoi.st/I/files/the-future-is-reduced.jpg [22:43] DaemonFC schestowitz: I have a new cousin today. [22:43] DaemonFC Amelia [22:43] DaemonFC My cousin just had a baby. [22:45] TR News Techrights Linux is Released Too Often, Tested Insufficiently (Same as Chromium, Firefox, and Systemd) http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Linux_is_Released_Too_Often_Tested_Insufficiently_Same_as_Chrom.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Linux_is_Released_Too_Often_Tested_Insufficiently_Same_as_Chrom.gmi [22:45] TR Bot Techrights Linux is Released Too Often, Tested Insufficiently (Same as Chromium, Firefox, and Systemd) [22:45] eidolon https://lore.kernel.org/linux-kernel/CAHk-=whnKYL-WARzrZhVTZ8RP3WZc24C9_DT7JMJooONNT2udQ@mail.gmail.com/T/ [22:45] TR Bot Linux 6.9 [22:45] eidolon :D [22:47] schestowitz https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CAHk-=whnKYL-WARzrZhVTZ8RP3WZc24C9_DT7JMJooONNT2udQ@mail.gmail.com/T/#u [22:47] TR Bot Linux 6.9 [22:50] *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [22:50] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [22:57] TR News Techrights Microsoft Has Lost Malta http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Microsoft_Has_Lost_Malta.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/Microsoft_Has_Lost_Malta.gmi [22:57] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Has Lost Malta ● May 12 [23:04] DaemonFC schestowitz: Aldi makes more sense than Walmart. [23:04] schestowitz it does [23:04] DaemonFC They don't have 100 kinds of ketchup and peanut butter. [23:04] TR News (NEW): In Brazil, Android is Now Bigger Than Windows http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Brazil_Android_is_Now_Bigger_Than_Windows.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/In_Brazil_Android_is_Now_Bigger_Than_Windows.gmi [23:04] schestowitz no need [23:04] schestowitz but [23:05] TR Bot Tux Machines In Brazil, Android is Now Bigger Than Windows [23:05] schestowitz the quality is not superb either [23:05] schestowitz better yet [23:05] DaemonFC With the space they saved, they can have other stuff there instead. [23:05] schestowitz find the high-quality items [23:05] schestowitz but for cheaop [23:05] schestowitz i can get some things 90% off [23:05] schestowitz not just food [23:05] DaemonFC Walmart's quality isn't much better. [23:05] DaemonFC But it does cost more. [23:05] DaemonFC Because of inefficiencies. [23:05] schestowitz altrichy discount [23:06] DaemonFC schestowitz: They had organic half and half, 32 ounce bottles, at Aldi. [23:06] DaemonFC Good sale price. Sell by November. [23:06] DaemonFC So I bought an entire case of them and stuffed it in the bottom of the fridge. [23:08] TR News "Vegetable garden's weeded, vegetable garden's tilled, potatoes are planted, carrots too. Cucumbers'll wait a few more weeks, we might still get some cold. A light water, and then rain later in the day. Nice to have something ticked off the spring to-do list." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1838 [23:09] TR News "In the last week, I've been faced with a lot of death. My father's health has been rapidly worsening. A friend experienced a horrible death in her family. Another friend of a friend died by suicide. And it all felt pretty normal." gemini://gemini.hearsay.tech/2024-05-12-kingdom-of-the-dead.gmi [23:09] eidolon I got some honey from a local bee farm and rolled oats. Stay regular. [23:09] TR News [UK Health Crisis] Young Deaths in Week 16 2019: 320. Young Deaths in Week 16 2024 (New Numbers): 394. Thats a Fact. Deaths Increased by 23.1% Among Young People. Its Statistically Significant. https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2024/05/11/uk-health-crisis-young-deaths-in-week-16-2019-320-young-deaths-in-week-16-2024-new-numbers-394-thats-a-fact-deaths-increased-by-23-1-among-young-people-its-statistically-significant/ [23:09] TR Bot Blog Archive [UK Health Crisis] Young Deaths in Week 16 2019: 320. Young Deaths in Week 16 2024 (New Numbers): 394. Thats a Fact. Deaths Increased by 23.1% Among Young People. Its Statistically Significant. [23:09] TR News Amputation after vaccination https://yewtu.be/watch?v=AiXvM9Lppkk [23:09] TR Bot Amputation after vaccination - Invidious [23:10] TR News Lack of GMO testing https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RcSz4W9sig4 [23:10] TR Bot Lack of GMO testing - Invidious [23:11] TR News trek(6) Style Input Handling gemini://thrig.me/blog/2024/05/12/trek-input-handling.gmi [23:11] TR News "...browser and text readers can easily detect URLs not coded as html anchors, which has me thinking the species has become far too link addicted for one blogger to do anything about by attempting to make following URLs more difficult." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1837 [23:12] eidolon Not of those 15M bees that just jackknifed on I-95, but who knows who they were bumping uglies with. [23:12] TR News Re: My cup doth not run over gemini://auragem.letz.dev/techlog/20240512_2.gmi [23:13] admfubar https://www.eff.org/press/releases/eff-zine-surveillance-tech-southern-border-shines-light-ever-growing-spy-network [23:13] TR Bot EFF Zine on Surveillance Tech at the Southern Border Shines Light on Ever-Growing Spy Network | Electronic Frontier Foundation [23:15] *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [23:15] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [23:17] eidolon You get some rolled oats, simmer them on the stove for 10 mins, add some honey and fruit and whatever odds and ends. [23:17] eidolon It can get more-ish. [23:19] DaemonFC I would have a subtotal of $145.92 on that order with Aldi Pickup, vs. $132.63 which is what I had going inside But also, pickup has a $1.99 fee, so there goes another $2. [23:20] DaemonFC So $147.91 vs. 132.63 subtotal. [23:21] DaemonFC There's also a 1.75% grocery sales tax here. [23:21] DaemonFC 1% for the state and 0.75% for the Regional Transit Authority. [23:21] DaemonFC So you'd pay more in tax online. [23:23] DaemonFC $2.55 in tax online vs. $2.32 in the store. [23:23] DaemonFC So 23 more cents for the government. [23:24] DaemonFC $150.46 online vs. $134.95 in the store. [23:24] DaemonFC So that comes out to $15.51 less on this order in the store. [23:26] DaemonFC 10.4% more (round about, to do online pickup at Aldi. [23:26] DaemonFC On this order. [23:27] DaemonFC $134.95 *0.94, because I get back 6% from American Express, = $126.85 after the AmEx card. [23:28] DaemonFC $8.10 in rebate points. [23:29] DaemonFC After I max out the $6,000 in grocery spend for the calendar year, I can switch over to my other credit card that has 3% at the grocery store to deal with the rest. [23:30] DaemonFC I could also get the same card again if I wanted to take on two annual fees, because each of us could have one. [23:30] TR News Techrights The Fall of Meritocracy in Tech http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/The_Fall_of_Meritocracy_in_Tech.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/05/12/The_Fall_of_Meritocracy_in_Tech.gmi [23:30] DaemonFC But we'd never hit $12,000 in groceries in a year, unless Biden is re-elected. [23:30] TR Bot Techrights The Fall of Meritocracy in Tech [23:31] schestowitz for how many people? [23:32] DaemonFC Two. [23:32] DaemonFC I'm pretty sure we'll hit $6,000 because that's only $500 a month. [23:32] DaemonFC Which is $250 per person. [23:33] DaemonFC I could do that much damage at the store before Biden raised the cost of food 30% with his climate scams and deficit budgets. [23:33] DaemonFC So I certainly can now. [23:34] schestowitz this is not a bidn thing [23:34] schestowitz biden ttthing [23:34] schestowitz it happens internationallyu [23:35] schestowitz unless of course you insist that biden controls food prices in every country in the world [23:35] DaemonFC Yes, because Biden is another UN Agenda 21 Toady. Which makes the US fail in much the same way other countries falling for that shit have. [23:36] DaemonFC The Democrats are globalists who fashion themselves after European and Canadian failed leaders who send the cost of living soaring with their "international" agreements to let China put whatever it wants and however much of whatever it wants into the air, while the rest of us get economic suicide. [23:37] DaemonFC The Paris Scam is basically Kyoto 2.0, in that China can do whatever it wants, India can do whatever it wants, and the rest of the world have to suffer and watch. [23:37] DaemonFC "Reducing emissions by 40%." while China and India and Mexico triple theirs. [23:38] DaemonFC For every coal fired power plant America shuts down, China builds like six of them. [23:38] DaemonFC And they don't have an EPA over there that's real worried about what comes out of those smoke stacks, so they're very inefficient and dirty. [23:39] DaemonFC So they're still mining coal in the US, and they're mining as much of it as they ever have mined. They sell it to countries where the coal we mine is too filthy to be burned in our own country, but those other countries burn it. [23:39] DaemonFC And so it still all gets burned. We're not making any progress, we're just shooting ourselves in the head and making China an even bigger menace than ever before. [23:40] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [23:40] *schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [23:40] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [23:40] *schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrights [23:41] DaemonFC And they don't have to have scrubbers on the smokestacks in China, so it all just floats on over to Beijing and kills everyone while the only place releasing accurate air pollution figures is the US embassy, which has to filter the incoming air so our embassy staff doesn't get poisoned by the Chinese. [23:41] DaemonFC The Chinese government is too fucking stupid and corrupt to realize that making billions of its own citizens sick is probably not a fantastic idea. [23:41] DaemonFC They are typical Communists in the sense that they think that lying about the air quality index fixes everything. [23:42] DaemonFC It's like the Soviets while Chernobyl exploded and was on fire. Their first order of business was deny it was happening and lock down Pripyat and cut the phone lines. [23:43] DaemonFC It took saner people in the room to speak out about why that would be bad. [23:44] *Techrights-sec2 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [23:44] *logbackup has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [23:44] *Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [23:44] DaemonFC They finally realized they couldn't hide the disaster because it was so bad that it was setting off nuclear fallout detectors in places where they couldn't just deny everything. It blew open the Iron Curtain. The Soviet Union was already dying. The Chernobyl disaster and the war in Afghanistan finished them off. [23:45] DaemonFC Putin has managed to re-assemble part of it. [23:45] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-bm2qp0.ldvb.0amm.hij1op.IP) has joined #techrights [23:45] DaemonFC Belarus is already in lockstep with Russia again and at some point Lukashenko will die and Russia will just make it official. [23:45] *208BZGMFH (~quassel@freenode-bm2qp0.ldvb.0amm.hij1op.IP) has joined #techrights [23:45] *316AQ29RY (~quassel@freenode-bm2qp0.ldvb.0amm.hij1op.IP) has joined #techrights [23:46] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [23:46] *schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [23:46] DaemonFC Nobody is ever going to succeed Lukashenko. It will just be annexed officially. [23:46] *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [23:46] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [23:46] *schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrights [23:47] DaemonFC As for Ukraine, well, Russia already does control large parts of it, and those parts could become the whole country depending on how an election in the US goes this year. [23:47] DaemonFC The US is the only other country giving them any real amount of military assistance that's going to possibly keep the Russians at bay for a while. [23:48] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [23:48] TR News (NEW): Windows Down to All-Time Low in Botswana, Android Surges to 63% http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Windows_Down_to_All_Time_Low_in_Botswana_Android_Surges_to_63.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/12/Windows_Down_to_All_Time_Low_in_Botswana_Android_Surges_to_63.gmi [23:48] TR Bot Tux Machines Windows Down to All-Time Low in Botswana, Android Surges to 63% [23:48] DaemonFC Europe did what it always does, talk and talk and then do nothing and go back to enjoying their welfare state and high taxes (for as long as it will last, with less and less real economic activity backing it). [23:48] DaemonFC Europe is too weak, without the United States, to defend itself. [23:49] DaemonFC Putin would be running the entire continent by now without us. [23:49] DaemonFC It would be like Hitler all over again, by the time he encountered anything more than token resistance and militaries that don't even know how to fight and give up, it would be the British. [23:50] DaemonFC The British were the only real problem in Europe that Hitler ever encountered. [23:51] DaemonFC And even then, had he pushed harder instead of trying to invade the Soviet Union, he'd have had the UK. [23:51] TR News "Available today, maintenance release 7.0.18 includes improved 3D support and includes different bug fixes for Linux, Windows and macOS." blogs.oracle.com/virtualization/post/oracle-virtualbox-7018-is-now-public-available [23:51] DaemonFC He went into it figuring that the British were too much like the Germans, that they wouldn't fight him that hard, that they'd give up, maybe almost as easily as France did, and throw in with the Nazis. [23:52] DaemonFC It was a miscalculation and a bad one. [23:53] DaemonFC France didn't do much to try to fight the Nazis. They pretty much just rolled over and either collaborated or allowed direct German administration of their country. [23:53] DaemonFC It's really one of the most pathetic things in history. [23:54] DaemonFC You've seen so many people fighting and dying even hopelessly to keep invaders out of their home, and the French gave up because most of them would rather be Nazis than die fighting. [23:54] MinceR 13 004848 <@DaemonFC> Europe is too weak, without the United States, to defend itself. [23:54] MinceR especially if the USA switches sides [23:55] TR News (NEW): AlmaLinux 9.4 Released, Heres Whats New http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/07/AlmaLinux_9_4_Released_Here_s_What_s_New.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/05/07/AlmaLinux_9_4_Released_Here_s_What_s_New.gmi [23:55] TR Bot Tux Machines AlmaLinux 9.4 Released, Heres Whats New [23:55] DaemonFC Europe has about half a year to get their act together unless they want Putin running everything. [23:55] DaemonFC Trump has already said he would "let Putin do whatever the hell he wants". [23:55] DaemonFC Half a year is not enough time to seriously invest in a defense industry or anything. [23:55] MinceR putler does whatever winnie the pooh tells him to [23:56] TR News Microsoft Announces Another Round of Devastating Layoffs: Employees Notified Via 'Gut Stab' Email https://www.westernjournal.com/microsoft-announces-another-round-devastating-layoffs-employees-notified-via-gut-stab-email/ [23:56] TR Bot Microsoft Announces Another Round of Devastating Layoffs: Employees Notified Via 'Gut Stab' Email [23:56] TR News Xbox Expected To Go Through More Layoffs Amid Restructuring In July https://tech4gamers.com/xbox-through-further-restructure/ [23:56] TR Bot Xbox Expected To Go Through More Layoffs Amid Restructuring In July [23:59] TR News "Arkane Lyon is safe for now, but who knows when its abandoned alongside the masterful Dishonored." https://exputer.com/exputer/arkane-lyon-dishonored-future-jeopardized/ [23:59] TR Bot Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future [23:59] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights