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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Monday, July 13, 2020

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DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I edited the Wikipedia article about DRM to mention the term "Digital Handcuffs".Jul 13 00:00
schestowitzIt was better at killing minoritiesJul 13 00:00
DaemonFC[m]Wonder how long that will last.Jul 13 00:00
schestowitzJust like in past centuriesJul 13 00:00
schestowitzHerein we arrive, having come full circleJul 13 00:00
schestowitzFrom slavery to assassination, like from Hitler to MerkelJul 13 00:00
schestowitzDiverse we’ve become, women too can bombJul 13 00:00
schestowitz‘Annie Get Your Gun’ no longer seems as dumbJul 13 00:00
schestowitzInstitutional injustice, exclusion notwithstandingJul 13 00:00
schestowitzWe need more than word changes for reconciliation and understandingJul 13 00:00
schestowitzIdealists would say and dreamers might accuseJul 13 00:00
schestowitzThey’d say antagonists are Nazis, people who hate JewsJul 13 00:00
schestowitzIt all started with a debate — a debate about wordsJul 13 00:00
schestowitzIt was about sensibilities, but never about warsJul 13 00:00
schestowitzSociety will perish if all debates are shallowJul 13 00:00
schestowitzHow did we end up with a public discourse this shallow? █Jul 13 00:00
XRevan86Rhyhming needs workJul 13 00:00
schestowitzshould say hollow?Jul 13 00:00
XRevan86* RhymingJul 13 00:01
schestowitzonly if you sing itJul 13 00:01
schestowitzyou limit your choice of words and expression, compromising for soundJul 13 00:01
DaemonFC[m]40 hospitals in Florida have no ICU beds left.Jul 13 00:03
schestowitz 13 00:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTubeJul 13 00:03
DaemonFC[m]Disney is open and packed with touristsJul 13 00:03
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: maybe make mobile onesJul 13 00:03
schestowitzexpensiveJul 13 00:03
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I tweeted at some older lady who was shocked that Disney would put "profits ahead of families and children.".Jul 13 00:04
DaemonFC[m]@tdillner Disney is one of the nastiest and most rapacious companies on the planet. They've spent years buying draconian copyright laws and working closely with companies like Apple to impose Digital Handcuffs software to take our freedoms away. Don't be shocked about reopening.Jul 13 00:04
DaemonFC[m]@tdillner If it was possible to boycott Disney twice, I would. Sickening. No they don't care how many people die because of the plague spreading through their theme park. They're much more worried about this fiscal quarter, like most big companies.Jul 13 00:04
schestowitz 13 00:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why We Care About (Mis)Use of Language in Technology | TechrightsJul 13 00:06
DaemonFC[m]I don't understand people buying brand name groceries.Jul 13 00:07
schestowitzsometimes it makes senseJul 13 00:07
DaemonFC[m]You're tacking on 30% so you can pay for advertising.Jul 13 00:07
schestowitzdepending on the products and their pricesJul 13 00:07
schestowitzColgate has tiers for different marketsJul 13 00:07
DaemonFC[m]Oh, this is elbow macaroni.Jul 13 00:07
schestowitzso you can get their stuff cheaply if you go where they target the 'low end' customersJul 13 00:07
schestowitzto them, better sell cheaply than to make no saleJul 13 00:07
DaemonFC[m]The store brand is $1 and the Barilla is $1.28. Then the CEO goes and says gay people shouldn't buy his products.Jul 13 00:08
schestowitzyou can get their tubes rather cheaply... and those are imported from ChinaJul 13 00:08
DaemonFC[m]Uh, okay, big loss there. :PJul 13 00:08
MinceRmost pasta they sell here is not made from durum wheat and is instead spoiled with eggsJul 13 00:08
schestowitzthey rely on people overpayingJul 13 00:08
MinceRthere aren't that many choices if one wants the formerJul 13 00:08
schestowitzto keep the market dominance/monopoly they offer cheap optionsJul 13 00:09
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "you can get their tubes rather c"> Yeah, mom was talking about how there's a Kroger in Fort Wayne near a bunch of rich people and the meat is the same price, but it's better.Jul 13 00:09
schestowitzthe way Microsoft/Windows doesJul 13 00:09
schestowitzdumping it on poor countries, except this is an actual product, not mere licensing (rents)Jul 13 00:09
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, I use 88 cent toothpaste and the dentist said my teeth are fine.Jul 13 00:09
DaemonFC[m]I go shopping and there's some that's like $5-6 a tube and I'm like "You're sneerious......".Jul 13 00:10
*schestowitz waits to turn 40 and have no fillings (yet)Jul 13 00:10
DaemonFC[m]I've had a couple of small ones.Jul 13 00:10
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: that's paying for "experience" and "ambiance" and "marketing"Jul 13 00:10
schestowitzthe Apple "way"Jul 13 00:10
DaemonFC[m]Not a major disaster. Anyway, dentists are actually more reasonable with you as cash patient than they are with insurance.Jul 13 00:10
DaemonFC[m]If it's insurance, you pay for the insurance each month and then when something happens, the bill starts at 2-3 times the cash price and then you pay 20-30% of that.Jul 13 00:11
DaemonFC[m]So I mean, lol.Jul 13 00:11
DaemonFC[m]They're not in business to lose money and they don't lose money.Jul 13 00:11
DaemonFC[m]Oh yeah, Kroger runs the market from Food 4 Less (basically like Aldi) all the way up to "guy playing piano while you shop" in a store that's more like Whole Foods.Jul 13 00:12
DaemonFC[m]All under different names, of course.Jul 13 00:12
schestowitzthe ordinary filling isn't the big "money maker" to themJul 13 00:12
DaemonFC[m]The expensive Kroger is "Mariano's".Jul 13 00:12
schestowitzit keeps your hooked on them, the brand/dentist loyaltyJul 13 00:12
schestowitzthen they'll do a bridge or reconstruction and talk you into selling a leg for itJul 13 00:13
DaemonFC[m]No, it's really not. I think mine were like $150-200 each.Jul 13 00:13
DaemonFC[m]For cleanings I normally just go to a dental hygiene school and let a student do it for $20.Jul 13 00:13
DaemonFC[m]Dentists be like "Cleaning? $150 if we don't do x-rays!".Jul 13 00:14
schestowitz 13 00:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Document Foundation Blog - The home of LibreOfficeJul 13 00:14
schestowitz50% of the links are phoronix in 13 00:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice Weekly Clippings - July 13, 2020 - The Document Foundation BlogJul 13 00:14
schestowitz3 out of 6Jul 13 00:14
DaemonFC[m]For the difference between a dentist cleaning and letting a student do it, I can pay rent for like 4 days.Jul 13 00:14
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: you can get cleaning for 5-10 dollars in .PHJul 13 00:14
schestowitzif you travel thereJul 13 00:14
schestowitz10 being the 'high end'Jul 13 00:15
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, every car shop runs oil change specials to get you in there. Jul 13 00:15
DaemonFC[m]They break even on those and they can look over the car and see if they can tell you what else needs attention.Jul 13 00:15
DaemonFC[m]I'll tell you, don't take anything you want to keep to Walmart. :)Jul 13 00:16
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "10 being the 'high end'"> Oh yeah, it's crazy cheap there.Jul 13 00:16
DaemonFC[m]Beginning to wonder if the "vicious Asian woman" is just a thing.Jul 13 00:16
DaemonFC[m]I only know two well and both are just meaner than hell.Jul 13 00:17
DaemonFC[m]I filed bankruptcy against one (a landlord).Jul 13 00:17
DaemonFC[m]So I feel kind of mean for stereotyping here maybe, but I googled it out of curiosity and someone says it's a cultural thing.Jul 13 00:17
MinceR13 011611 < DaemonFC[m]> I'll tell you, don't take anything you want to keep to Walmart. :)Jul 13 00:18
MinceRlike your spleen?Jul 13 00:18
DaemonFC[m]Like, you have to be mean or else other people will try to get one over on you.Jul 13 00:18
DaemonFC[m]Like give em an inch, they'll take a mile, type thing going on here...Jul 13 00:18
schestowitzyou can be assertive and also poltieJul 13 00:18
schestowitzI got two chairs last weekJul 13 00:19
schestowitzboth for free Jul 13 00:19
schestowitzdue to horrible experience at the shopJul 13 00:19
schestowitzand endless delays, false promisesJul 13 00:19
schestowitzthey let me keep the loaned chairJul 13 00:19
schestowitzand also gave me another (brand new) oneJul 13 00:19
schestowitzjust to keep me not unhappy (double negative)Jul 13 00:19
schestowitz(each chair costs more than my laptop)Jul 13 00:20
schestowitz55,685 casesJul 13 00:20
schestowitz 13 00:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-macOS Big Sur: The End of OS X. Big Sur is officially macOS 11.0 | by Abhinav Chandoli | Mac O’Clock | Jun, 2020 | MediumJul 13 00:21
schestowitzback to tech...Jul 13 00:21
schestowitzapple is f*edJul 13 00:21
schestowitzesp. nowJul 13 00:21
schestowitzpeople lack financial means or securityJul 13 00:21
schestowitzwho would throw away grands when one can barely even borrow money or pay back debt?Jul 13 00:21
schestowitzand cannot leave the home?Jul 13 00:22
schestowitzto show off that lit logo of apple at the back of a laptopJul 13 00:22
schestowitz(or so-called 'phone'.. or hypePad)Jul 13 00:22
schestowitzmight as well use a brick with motherboard inside it..Jul 13 00:22
schestowitzTX up now to 5,580Jul 13 00:24
schestowitzCalifornia 7,004Jul 13 00:24
schestowitzeach of these is higher than all of Europe combined for the dayJul 13 00:25
schestowitzCleaning the Code Jul 13 00:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cleaning the Code | TechrightsJul 13 00:31
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "who would throw away grands when"> Mandy got an iPhone, but it's an SE. I told him it was that or look at an Android.Jul 13 00:41
DaemonFC[m]Throwing down $1,600+ on a phone is ridiculous, I don't who you are.Jul 13 00:42
DaemonFC[m]It's only going to last a few years. That is not "major purchase" territory.  Jul 13 00:42
MinceRwell, there are phones that last longer, but none of them are crApple products :>Jul 13 00:43
DaemonFC[m]Personally, I wouldn't even spend much more than maybe $1,200 on a laptop.Jul 13 00:43
DaemonFC[m]Even then I use them for many years and buy a new one when it's so completely broken it's ridiculous.Jul 13 00:43
DaemonFC[m]Fucking Samsung cut off security updates to my S8+ it looks like.Jul 13 00:44
DaemonFC[m]I put in NoScript into Firefox on my phone to try to save it from being exploited by a malicious script or something.Jul 13 00:44
schestowitzphones and security are a paradoxJul 13 00:52
schestowitzso even with updates you might be equally screwedJul 13 00:52
schestowitzrianne has an s2Jul 13 00:52
schestowitzit's barely used, but it still worksJul 13 00:52
schestowitz57,433Jul 13 00:59
schestowitzlast SUnday was 45kJul 13 00:59
schestowitzso it's a big increase week-to-weekJul 13 00:59
superkuhThe only winning move is not to play. I have an old nokia dumb phone.Jul 13 01:03
*DaemonFC[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_2020-07-12 r netsec - Reddit's website uses DRM for fingerprinting.png (62KB) < >Jul 13 01:05
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 13 01:09
schestowitz[00:16] <DaemonFC[m]> Beginning to wonder if the "vicious Asian woman" is just a thing.Jul 13 01:10
schestowitzThey are a lot less vicious than American women (on 'average')Jul 13 01:10
schestowitzin fact, far eastern ones are more about gentleness or "cuteness"Jul 13 01:10
schestowitzsomething that's lacking here for the most partJul 13 01:11
schestowitzsoutheast may have gotten the attitude from the occupiersJul 13 01:11
schestowitzsoplado attitudeJul 13 01:11
schestowitzThe whole "cuteness" thing is rampant in jpop, and more so than kpop, e.g. notice how shallow the lyrics are, too...Jul 13 01:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTubeJul 13 01:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTubeJul 13 01:12
schestowitzso maybe Mandy's sister is either ruinedJul 13 01:12
schestowitzor a rate exceptionJul 13 01:12
schestowitzcall her "Emelda"Jul 13 01:12
schestowitz*rareJul 13 01:12
DaemonFC[m]I do call her Imelda.Jul 13 01:13
DaemonFC[m]Especially since I saw her shoe rack.Jul 13 01:13
DaemonFC[m] 13 01:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Perfectly Mint® Tea (Formerly Plantation Mint) Case of 6 boxes - total of 120 teabagsJul 13 01:16
DaemonFC[m]"Formerly Plantation Mint"Jul 13 01:16
DaemonFC[m]ROFLJul 13 01:16
schestowitzcan those shoes be traded for water in plastic bottles?Jul 13 01:16
schestowitzwhy formerly?Jul 13 01:17
DaemonFC[m]Off the water truck....Jul 13 01:17
schestowitzdon't tell me..Jul 13 01:17
schestowitznow plantation is a bad word too?Jul 13 01:17
DaemonFC[m]You know because the water in the plastic jug off the truck was never in the pipes!Jul 13 01:17
schestowitzlike uncle and aunt?Jul 13 01:17
MinceRyesJul 13 01:18
schestowitzbloody hellJul 13 01:18
schestowitzthis is INSANEJul 13 01:18
MinceRindeedJul 13 01:18
schestowitzand going out of control fastJul 13 01:18
DaemonFC[m]A tea plantation.........Jul 13 01:19
schestowitzthey still have plantationsJul 13 01:19
MinceRputting plants in the ground is racist, didn't you know?Jul 13 01:19
schestowitzeven if they change the wordsJul 13 01:19
DaemonFC[m]Oh, some dumb asshole probably saw Plantation Mint and....Jul 13 01:19
DaemonFC[m]Yeah.Jul 13 01:19
schestowitzor rename history or whateverJul 13 01:19
schestowitzMint means perfectJul 13 01:19
schestowitzdoes that not compliment plantation workers?Jul 13 01:20
MinceRthe plantation workers don't matterJul 13 01:20
MinceRonly the crybullies doJul 13 01:20
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I guess those companies that advertise that their coffee growers are well paid and it's Fair Trade certified are evil.Jul 13 01:20
MinceRand the crybullies feel better for such pointless changesJul 13 01:20
DaemonFC[m]They give people jobs for good pay planting coffee.Jul 13 01:20
schestowitzthey might change the name of some productsJul 13 01:21
DaemonFC[m]Plantations are racist, so that makes giving people fair jobs bad.Jul 13 01:21
schestowitzand maybe feel powerfulJul 13 01:21
schestowitzor "empowered"Jul 13 01:21
schestowitzbut that won't end racismJul 13 01:21
schestowitzit'll make a laughing stock of people who play language policeJul 13 01:21
DaemonFC[m]Send the kids back to school.Jul 13 01:25
DaemonFC[m]200,000 cases a day why not.Jul 13 01:25
schestowitzhmmmJul 13 01:25
schestowitzthe kids don't isolate wellJul 13 01:25
schestowitzand can be hard to put masks on all the timeJul 13 01:25
DaemonFC[m]I really do think that we're in for 200,000 cases a day if they do start in person classes back up.Jul 13 01:25
schestowitzthey'll just spread the covid around really fast among parentsJul 13 01:26
DaemonFC[m]Pretty much.Jul 13 01:26
DaemonFC[m]The kids won't even know they have it, probably.Jul 13 01:26
schestowitzthey'll know when they become orphansJul 13 01:26
schestowitz+58,228Jul 13 01:27
schestowitzConnecticut not reportingJul 13 01:28
schestowitzRhode Island alsoJul 13 01:28
schestowitzItaly 234Jul 13 01:29
schestowitzGermany 138Jul 13 01:29
schestowitzCanada 243Jul 13 01:29
schestowitzChina 7Jul 13 01:29
schestowitzif you trust CPC's numbersJul 13 01:29
schestowitzNorway 4Jul 13 01:30
schestowitzFinland 3Jul 13 01:30
schestowitzMinceR: Hungary 5Jul 13 01:30
schestowitzCuba 6Jul 13 01:30
schestowitzIceland 8Jul 13 01:30
schestowitz10 deaths so far since it startedJul 13 01:31
schestowitzwith lots of testing, almost 1 in 3Jul 13 01:31
schestowitzMongolia 3 Jul 13 01:31
schestowitzand no deathsJul 13 01:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 13 01:33
schestowitz\Jul 13 01:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL "PUPPY" LINUX USERS : the end of an era.... - Linux & UnixJul 13 01:36
schestowitz"Jul 13 01:36
schestowitzMorning, everybody.Jul 13 01:36
schestowitz Jul 13 01:36
schestowitzThis is going to come as something of a shock to most of you, I'm afraid. Some of you may even know this already from the Puppy Linux Users Group page on Facebook.Jul 13 01:36
schestowitz Jul 13 01:36
schestowitzIt is with great sadness that I have to report the passing, on the 22nd May this year, of the revered host of the Murga-Linux Puppy Linux Discussion Forum....John de Murga. The man who hosted, and paid for the Murga-Linux Forum out of his own pocket for nearly 16 years, and without whom the current Puppy Linux membership wouldn't have become what it is today.Jul 13 01:36
schestowitz Jul 13 01:36
schestowitz 13 01:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wake & Memorial Service for John De MurgaJul 13 01:36
schestowitz"Jul 13 01:36
schestowitzJM spent many years as an analyst/programmer in the banking sector, and was single-handedly responsible for some of the sector's cornerstone software which is still in use today.Jul 13 01:36
schestowitz Jul 13 01:36
schestowitzAs of yesterday afternoon, the Murga-Linux forum, without warning, went into automatic maintenance mode.....and since there's no-one around to fix it any longer, we witness the passing of an era, in addition to the loss of an awful lot of useful information.Jul 13 01:36
schestowitz Jul 13 01:36
schestowitzAll is, however, not entirely "lost".Jul 13 01:36
schestowitzYuck... they entertain the a-holes from SNYK 13 01:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Episode 205 – The State of Open Source Security with Alyssa Miller from Snyk – Open Source SecurityJul 13 01:37
schestowitzhow foolishJul 13 01:37
schestowitzhelping Microsoft-connected FUDJul 13 01:37
schestowitz"Josh and Kurt talk to Alyssa Miller from Snyk about the State of Open Source Security 2020 report. Alyssa was the report author "Jul 13 01:39
schestowitzThe FUD authorJul 13 01:39
schestowitzoh, greatJul 13 01:39
schestowitzthey probably approached him for PR opportunityJul 13 01:39
schestowitzand then the advertising-cast cameJul 13 01:40
DaemonFC[m]Fedora KDE is not terrific. Kubuntu is working much better.Jul 13 02:08
DaemonFC[m]No bugs encountered since I installed it, at least not that I've noticed. Better default software selectionJul 13 02:08
DaemonFC[m]Seems like it maybe performs a bit better?Jul 13 02:09
DaemonFC[m]No SELinux. Canonical is doing AppArmor. Phoronix showed that SELinux slows things down somewhat.Jul 13 02:09
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Mandy thinks I'm hilarious. Jul 13 02:12
DaemonFC[m]Those late night commercials have gotten weird lately. I don't think I've ever seen this many sex hotline numbers.Jul 13 02:12
DaemonFC[m]I was dramatically re-enacting one last night. "I'm only 18!" "I love it when my parents aren't home!" "Come play with me!" *sticks tongue between fingers and wiggles it* "lalalalalalalalala"Jul 13 02:13
DaemonFC[m]There must be an uptick in customers lately or something. Trapped in the house... Makes sense.Jul 13 02:13
DaemonFC[m]$5 a minute to call a sex hotline because why not.Jul 13 02:14
DaemonFC[m]Who the hell is calling these?Jul 13 02:14
DaemonFC[m]It's Trumpy Bear and "I'm only 18, come play with me!" over and over on Comedy Central during South Park.Jul 13 02:16
DaemonFC[m]Old pervert. Room full of Trumpy Bears. Calling into a sex hotline advertised by an "18 year old" who is really 28, all tatted up, and doing BBC porn.Jul 13 02:17
DaemonFC[m]"I'm not as innocent as you think I am!" Yeah, I'll say.Jul 13 02:17
DaemonFC[m]Six in a row? That's terrific.Jul 13 02:17
DaemonFC[m]This country is pretty depraved really. Jul 13 02:19
DaemonFC[m]No shutdown despite the thing that's killing everyone.Jul 13 02:20
DaemonFC[m]Old Perverts jerking it to porn hotlines while snuggling with Trumpy Bear.Jul 13 02:20
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Isn't Open Source Security those idiots that break userspace with those out of tree kernel modules and hit people who criticize them with SLAPP lawsuits?Jul 13 02:26
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 13 03:23
DaemonFC[m]I think this "new stance" on the Nvidia driver among Linux distros puts us a hop, skip, and a jump away from FreeBSD, where they say "Oh, just install Windows drivers too for the networking, while you're at it anyway. Should be very robust!".Jul 13 03:26
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jul 13 03:55
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jul 13 03:55
*rianne__ ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 03:57
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 03:58
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 13 04:00
kingoffrancere: 10 hours ago "So you're taking on a lot of extra risk and the salesman doesn't care because they get all their money from the finance company the day they sell it and then it's off their books."   yep, they say thats how student loans/aid works tooJul 13 04:51
kingoffrancethey got their money, whether you pay it back or notJul 13 04:52
kingoffranceits guaranteed on their sideJul 13 04:52
kingoffrancewhich is fine, but the q is normally a contract has to have consideration and gain and loss on both sides.   so when layers of insurance and stuff are involved, the lines are blurry i suppose, how much "risk" they are taking, versus how much you areJul 13 04:54
kingoffrancewhen you look at the big picture, its "you used a bond, to loan my own credit back to me"Jul 13 04:54
kingoffranceyou asked to borrow my car, and now you are charging me for a rideJul 13 04:55
DaemonFC[m]It's insane. The car dealerships have every reason to puff you up to the finance company.Jul 13 04:59
DaemonFC[m]They asked how much money we made and then didn't even make us prove it.Jul 13 04:59
DaemonFC[m]I'm sure some crook at the dealership fudged some forms or something.Jul 13 04:59
kingoffranceyepJul 13 04:59
DaemonFC[m]This is how the mortgage crisis happened.Jul 13 04:59
kingoffranceyeah, from what i understand the tranches/pools of stuff, they will always say they were coerced/forced to loan to unqualified ppl -- yet there were people taking out "insurance" on both "sides" i.e. betting whether ppl will default or not.   they say goldman sachs was selling tranches but betting against them unbeknowest to their clients i.e. advising ppl one way, but they themselves doing the direct oppositeJul 13 05:05
kingoffrancei dont pretend to know legalities of all thatJul 13 05:05
kingoffrancejust to normal person, it looks a lot like gamblingJul 13 05:05
kingoffranceone side bets you will default, another bets you wontJul 13 05:05
kingoffrancealthough you could argue all insurance is basically gamblingJul 13 05:05
kingoffrancepoint being, they will say they were coerced -- but "buy low, sell high" -- from what i see this is a lie if only because there was insurance either wayJul 13 05:10
kingoffranceits not like that would prevent them from betting against the mortgageJul 13 05:10
kingoffranceas they might say -- even if that was true -- more sketchy loans -- a market for such insurance developsJul 13 05:10
kingoffrancewhich they apparently took advantage ofJul 13 05:10
kingoffrance"buy low, sell high" i mean they say the same thing when stocks crashJul 13 05:11
kingoffranceas if that means everyone losesJul 13 05:11
kingoffranceno, the people sitting on piles of reserves that is fine -- they scoop things up cheapJul 13 05:11
kingoffrancethey escape just fineJul 13 05:11
kingoffranceeven if they were forced to make "bad loans" -- someone is profitting off of that and has a motive to encourage such --   "the poor liberal gov made us loan to unqualified ppl" doesnt add up to meJul 13 05:12
kingoffrances/poor/evil/     s/made us/made us poor finance ppl/Jul 13 05:15
DaemonFC[m]<kingoffrance "i dont pretend to know legalitie"> It's not illegal to bet that someone will default on a loan. Strangely.Jul 13 05:18
DaemonFC[m]It incentivizes bad lending practices because one company issues a bunch of bad loans and then they whisper to their friends "This shit's about to get bad. Bet on defaults!".Jul 13 05:19
kingoffranceyepJul 13 05:19
kingoffranceand guy who took out loan == not on the friends listJul 13 05:19
DaemonFC[m]No, they use a lot of off the record messaging systems like Tox.Jul 13 05:19
kingoffrancethe clients will be encouraged everything is fine, no worries, etc.Jul 13 05:20
kingoffrances/clients/low-level &/Jul 13 05:20
DaemonFC[m]Telling your friends that you intentionally wrote bad loans and here's the chance to bet they'll turn sour is not something you send from your personal Gmail account. LolJul 13 05:21
DaemonFC[m]When they were rigging the LIBOR rate, some of the smarter ones avoided prosecution by using anonymous messaging apps and code words.Jul 13 05:22
DaemonFC[m]Anything that goes through a server, like MSN or whatever did....people find out the hard way that the prosecutor has all of the transcripts.Jul 13 05:23
DaemonFC[m]Now it's skype.Jul 13 05:24
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jul 13 05:32
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 13 05:32
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 13 06:06
schestowitz[02:20] <DaemonFC[m]> No shutdown despite the thing that's killing everyone.Jul 13 06:44
schestowitzTHB...Jul 13 06:44
schestowitz*TBH...Jul 13 06:44
schestowitzI think that when you have this many cases the effectiveness of shutdown is already limitedJul 13 06:45
schestowitzshutdown as in quarantine, people staying at homeJul 13 06:46
schestowitzit's to limit the spread for a while, but then people still have to shop for foodJul 13 06:46
schestowitzAn unusual "hot hot" summer is ahead and it will impact the electionJul 13 06:47
schestowitzif the "Dems" are good at messaging, which they are, they'll take full advantage of thisJul 13 06:47
schestowitzTrump may have to try to call off or postpone the election somehowJul 13 06:47
schestowitzand there are waysJul 13 06:47
schestowitzDeaths about +50% since a week agoJul 13 06:49
schestowitzin one weekJul 13 06:49
schestowitzOn Saturday it nearly tripledJul 13 06:49
schestowitzin one weekJul 13 06:49
schestowitzso you can tell the toll of many cases and lack of ICU beds etc.Jul 13 06:50
schestowitzIn terms of death rates US is now back to late MarchJul 13 06:50
schestowitzTwo more weeks it's 1.5k deaths a day without any mitigationJul 13 06:51
schestowitz3 weeks 2k+Jul 13 06:51
schestowitz(without mitigations)Jul 13 06:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: openSUSE 15.2 Leap []Jul 13 06:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.8-rc5 []Jul 13 06:54
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | 13 06:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linus Torvalds banishes masters, slaves and blacklists from the Linux kernel, starting now []Jul 13 06:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: With Fedora 33, Nano Will Be The Default Terminal Text Editor []Jul 13 07:02
DaemonFC[m]Make thoughtcrime impossible by removing the words themselves.Jul 13 07:07
*aindilis has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 13 07:08
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: human stupidity has peaked to match the level of the empire's presidentJul 13 07:09
schestowitz 13 07:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux founder Linus Torvalds longs for Apple’s ARM-based Mac - Reseller NewsJul 13 07:11
schestowitzIDG spread this in at least 4 sites I sawJul 13 07:11
schestowitzit's clickbait BSJul 13 07:11
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: He longs for the (Linux) Terminator chip inside the Mac?Jul 13 07:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Robotics Recap: Learning, Programming & Snapping ROS 2 []Jul 13 07:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux kernel will no longer use terms ‘blacklist’ and ‘slave’ []Jul 13 07:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Android Microconference Accepted into 2020 Linux Plumbers Conference []Jul 13 07:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 13 07:32
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: doubt itJul 13 07:33
schestowitzit's a misleading headline in a senseJul 13 07:33
schestowitzlots of corporate media found it those are better for pushing adsJul 13 07:33
schestowitzsee also 13 07:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ‘Journalism’ in 2020: Far More Articles About What Computer Linus Torvalds Bought Than About Linux Releases | TechrightsJul 13 07:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Screencasts and Audiocasts: Neptune OS 6.5, GNU World Order, Python []Jul 13 07:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Celeste/Stadia, How to Play Windows Games on GNU/Linux, MOBAs on Android []Jul 13 07:57 has been down for about an hour nowJul 13 07:57
schestowitzunusual duration for thatJul 13 07:57
schestowitzit was down for a few hours less than a year agoJul 13 07:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Perl, Python, Javascript and LibreOffice GSoC []Jul 13 08:03
schestowitzstill offlineJul 13 08:13
*Hail_Spacecake has quit (Quit: Hail_Spacecake)Jul 13 08:17
*rianne__ ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:19
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:19
psydreadgithub seems to have more and more outages latelyJul 13 08:31
schestowitzoh, really?Jul 13 08:37
schestowitzany links on that?Jul 13 08:37
*schestowitz does know they lost some key engineersJul 13 08:37
schestowitz 13 08:37
psydreadit was briefly down for me recently and it's been down for some minutes for me now, but I don't know if it's down for everyoneJul 13 08:39
psydreadstill it shows the dangers of hosting projects centrally on a decentralised webJul 13 08:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Recv failure: Connection reset by peer ( status 0 @ )Jul 13 08:40
schestowitz"Sorry, boss, nothing we can do but wait"Jul 13 08:46
schestowitz"The clown is down"Jul 13 08:46
*schestowitz goes to get coffeeJul 13 08:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OpenShift 4.5 []Jul 13 08:51
schestowitz 13 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Linus Torvalds banishes masters, slaves and blacklists from the Linux kernel, starting now 13 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Linux 5.8-rc5 | Tux MachinesJul 13 08:57
schestowitz"Jul 13 08:57
schestowitzJul 13 08:57
schestowitzworld is insaneJul 13 08:57
schestowitz"Jul 13 08:57
*aindilis ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 09:01
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 13 09:05
*aindilis has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 13 09:12
insmodppaschestowitz: More like: "The US is insane". The internet, and by extension the FOSS community is global but for some unfathomable reason they keep chaining themselves to a self-destructing country that means little or nothing to the rest of us.Jul 13 09:19
*Hail_Spacecake (~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744) has joined #techrightsJul 13 09:30
*aindilis ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 09:34
schestowitz 13 09:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Is it still OK to say "slave" (like "wage slave") in the Linux kernel mailing lists? Does the Coc restrict this? And, if so (risk of using these words), will it also restrict "bombing" and other crimes carried out by #microsoft #amazon etc.? Jul 13 09:55
schestowitzI am not too familiar with the CoC's position on speechJul 13 09:55
schestowitzlet's say I'm a kernel hacker and I then say something like, "I found thus buggy patch from the company that bombs people"Jul 13 09:55
schestowitzwill I get reprimanded and some bollocking?Jul 13 09:56
zoobabpongJul 13 09:56
schestowitzhiJul 13 09:56
zoobabI will have the whole month of august to work on UPCJul 13 09:57
zoobabdepending if we go on holiday somewhereJul 13 09:57
zoobabmy wife is not keen on moving outside of the countryJul 13 09:57
schestowitzwhy would she?Jul 13 09:57
schestowitzsounds perfectly reasonableJul 13 09:58
schestowitznot just due to covidJul 13 09:58
schestowitzI was in Brussels some years ago, nice placeJul 13 09:58
zoobabotherwise we will go to my parent's place in the ArdennesJul 13 09:58
schestowitztravel/flight-shame seems like very good activism to meJul 13 09:58
zoobabthere is a swedish term for itJul 13 09:59
schestowitzflug somethingJul 13 09:59
zoobabflyskamJul 13 09:59
zoobabI am buying an eBikeJul 13 10:00
zoobaban enduro oneJul 13 10:00
schestowitzwhat's ebikeJul 13 10:00
schestowitzbike with some gadget on it?Jul 13 10:01
schestowitzcan you download the bike? :-DJul 13 10:01
schestowitzis it a SMART bike?Jul 13 10:01
schestowitzOn the clown with a blockchain and apps?Jul 13 10:01
zoobablolJul 13 10:02
zoobabengine on itJul 13 10:02
zoobabpedal assistJul 13 10:02
schestowitzso it's not ebikeJul 13 10:02
schestowitzit's engineBikeJul 13 10:02
zoobabhave you seen the new copyright law in Mexico?Jul 13 10:03
zoobab"So we did some digging and it indeed appears that the Mexican Senate approved a package of reforms to existing federal copyright laws that will make it illegal to do things like installing a non-OEM operating system on a PC"Jul 13 10:04
zoobab 13 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Hackaday Links: July 12, 2020 | HackadayJul 13 10:04
zoobab 13 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTubeJul 13 10:04
zoobab10y of jail to install Linux in MexicoJul 13 10:06
scientesthat's Mexico for youJul 13 10:11
scienteskissing the empire's ass until the endJul 13 10:11
zoobabimplementing NAFTA it seemsJul 13 10:19
zoobab 13 10:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Miguel de Icaza (@migueldeicaza) on TwitterJul 13 10:22
zoobabYou’re blockedJul 13 10:22
zoobabYou can’t follow or see @migueldeicaza’s Tweets. Learn moreJul 13 10:22
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: pandemic erodes incomes and destroys communities Jul 13 10:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Millions of Americans going hungry as pandemic erodes incomes and destroys communitiesJul 13 10:52
schestowitzzoobab: good day for miguel thenJul 13 10:53
schestowitzhe works for Microsoft now more officiallyJul 13 10:53
schestowitznot via CodePlex and Xamarin or Novell or XimianJul 13 10:53
XRevan86Miguel was involved in CodePlex?Jul 13 10:55
schestowitzyesJul 13 10:56
schestowitzlook it upJul 13 10:56
schestowitznow Nat is heading githubJul 13 10:56
schestowitzwhich is their expensive fallback planJul 13 10:56
kingoffranceexcitebikeJul 13 10:57
schestowitzMore Than 20 Million People in US Face Eviction by the End of September Jul 13 10:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | More Than 20 Million People in US Face Eviction by the End of SeptemberJul 13 10:58
schestowitz 13 10:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Miguel de Icaza - TechrightsJul 13 10:59
schestowitz2011: 13 11:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Not News: Miguel de Icaza is Working for Microsoft | TechrightsJul 13 11:00
schestowitz 13 11:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza Leaves CodePlex Foundation Board | TechrightsJul 13 11:01
schestowitzthat was 2010Jul 13 11:01
schestowitzMicrosoft has long failed to envelope FOSSJul 13 11:02
schestowitzWith Github they bought a 'ready-made'  solutionJul 13 11:02
schestowitzbut only if they can keep it, which I doubt, esp. if more people give gitlab and others momentum over timeJul 13 11:02
schestowitzMicrosoft will be left with old and outdated projectsJul 13 11:02
schestowitzand spend bribing the ones like python to defect to githubJul 13 11:02
schestowitzor put moles in ASF to 'steal' Apache projectsJul 13 11:03
schestowitzLF is already is MSFT's pocketJul 13 11:03
schestowitzbut many projects are notJul 13 11:03
schestowitzand fewer will turn to github unless Microsoft bribes themJul 13 11:03
schestowitzso give it another 5 years and we'll see where we're at... what share of the projects out there are imprisoned by GitHubJul 13 11:03
schestowitzSkype was near monopoly for VOIP when MSFT stole itJul 13 11:04
schestowitzzoobab: Jul 13 11:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Man Killed by Mexican Police for Not Wearing Mask Sparks Protest MovementJul 13 11:10
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 13 11:29
oiaohmschestowitz: that a nice inverse historically it would be the other way killed for wearing a mask.Jul 13 11:40
schestowitzyeahJul 13 11:50
schestowitzonly criminals would hide their face, their said...Jul 13 11:50
schestowitzhoodies = "up to no good"Jul 13 11:50
schestowitz /s/their/they/Jul 13 11:50
*mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 11:58
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 13 12:14
kingoffrance(following links)   that is interesting to me because: One of the major tools of contemporary far right movements like the alt-right, Europe’s “identitarians,” and now the groypers is what they call “metapolitics.” It is a concept borrowed from mid-century Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci that was introduced to far rightJul 13 12:23
kingoffrance circles ...Jul 13 12:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Far Right Reading List Shows Link Between Its Literature and Real-World ViolenceJul 13 12:23
kingoffrancethe "right" cant really admit such, else then trump + russia makes people wonderJul 13 12:23
kingoffranceso it is funny to see someone else at least has noticedJul 13 12:23
kingoffranceand the "right" i think also cant separate tactics/style from content as readilyJul 13 12:24
kingoffranceor at least, that is the type of image they try to portrayJul 13 12:25
kingoffranceie there is a "culture war" but we would *never* stoop to that levelJul 13 12:25
kingoffrancei guess with trump that is all kinda gone thoughJul 13 12:26
kingoffranceinteresting neverthelessJul 13 12:26
kingoffranceits also entirely possible ppl have adopted such things unconsciouslyJul 13 12:27
kingoffrancerather than a deliberate strategyJul 13 12:27
kingoffrancei wouldnt rule that outJul 13 12:27
kingoffrancesome of the trump ppl claim they hate republicans, but love trump, i.e. he is a supposed "outsider" i think that is another reason they cant really say "did we adopt communist tactics, or are we infiltrated" ...because they claim to be outside of "normal" "right" while simultaneously "restoring" thingsJul 13 12:31
kingoffrancei.e. they are outsiders, but they are the *real* "right"Jul 13 12:32
kingoffranceits the *other* "right" thats are phoniesJul 13 12:32
kingoffrance*those* guys are infiltrated, etc.Jul 13 12:32
kingoffranceaka when i do it, its not brainwashingJul 13 12:34
kingoffrancewhen you do it, it isJul 13 12:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 13 12:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Embr, Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher’s Circus, CONSCRIPT, Tilekit, #OBSStudio []Jul 13 12:43
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 13 12:43
kingoffrancelike scaramucci called trump a "paper tiger" noone seemed to notice "where is he getting this terminology from?"Jul 13 12:47
kingoffrancere: chinaJul 13 12:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: My Linux story: From Linux user to contributor []Jul 13 12:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Qt Creator 4.13 Beta released []Jul 13 12:52
MinceR(cat) 13 12:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4360949)Jul 13 12:59
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 13 13:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Events and Community: LF, Kubernetes and LibreOffice []Jul 13 13:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Data Science, David Pena and GSoC []Jul 13 13:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: My feature-rich and minimal Linux terminal []Jul 13 13:16
*obarun has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jul 13 13:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Kernel Will Stop Using ‘Master/Slave’, and ‘Blacklist/Whitelist’ in Code []Jul 13 13:21
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: "His team bought over 1000 waterproof probes or bare chips from more than 70 different vendors on eBay, AliExpress, and online stores in 2019, and found the vast majority to be fake, counterfeit, or clones." 13 13:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Report: Most DS18B20 Temperature Sensors Sold Online are Fakes or Counterfeit PartsJul 13 13:28
schestowitzsince you mentioned sensorsJul 13 13:28
MinceR 13 13:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Both SidesJul 13 13:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 13 13:42
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 13:44
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jul 13 13:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers []Jul 13 13:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Leftovers: Devices, Mozilla and Distros []Jul 13 14:00
MinceR 13 14:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - DepressingJul 13 14:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 13/7/2020: Linux 5.8 RC5, Qt Creator Beta, Mexico Threatens GNU/Linux []Jul 13 14:06
*aindilis has quit (*.net *.split)Jul 13 14:27
*liberty_box has quit (*.net *.split)Jul 13 14:27
*insmodppa has quit (*.net *.split)Jul 13 14:27
*Digit has quit (*.net *.split)Jul 13 14:27
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (*.net *.split)Jul 13 14:27
*shy_pangolin has quit (*.net *.split)Jul 13 14:27
*aindilis ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 14:28
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 14:28
*insmodppa (~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa) has joined #techrightsJul 13 14:28
*Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit) has joined #techrightsJul 13 14:28
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 14:28
*shy_pangolin ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 14:28
oiaohmschestowitz: the a1-fishy on those probe chips with country of origin Thailand  there is is a chance they are genuine Thailand recycled.   There has been over time a stack of 8087 intel math co processors that have turned up with copyright data of pre chip design and cased wrong that have been inside real silicon chip core.  Yep remanfactured  silicon recovered and recased.Jul 13 14:50
oiaohmOf course remanfactured chips can have some odd issues the brutality of the process of decasing and recasing.Jul 13 14:52
kingoffrancethe front page is hilarious 13 14:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - EconomistJul 13 14:57
MinceR 13 15:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4380881)Jul 13 15:16
XRevan86MinceR: That got old.Jul 13 15:18
*psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrightsJul 13 15:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux founder tells Intel to stop inventing ‘magic instructions’ and ‘start fixing real problems’ []Jul 13 15:41
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 13 15:43
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJul 13 15:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Vagrus - The Riven Realms, CARRION, Cloud Miners []Jul 13 15:46
scienteswhy do dogs eat poop?Jul 13 15:48
scientesit is grossJul 13 15:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linus Torvalds: I hope Intel’s AVX-512 ‘dies a painful death’ []Jul 13 15:49
XRevan86scientes: There's a lot of information on the net on the topic.Jul 13 15:50
scientesIt is something I'd rather not know ore aboutJul 13 15:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Early Work On KDE Frameworks 6 Continues []Jul 13 15:50
scientesIt is Lord of the Flies around hereJul 13 15:51
XRevan86scientes: You brought it up %)Jul 13 15:51
MinceRscientes: because they're disgusting monstersJul 13 15:51
MinceR(cat) (audio) 13 15:51
XRevan86scientes: If it's your dog doing this or you're planning on having a dog, you should definitely research the matter. The fecal matter.Jul 13 15:53
XRevan86I don't have dog nor plan to have one, so I'll leave that to you :PJul 13 15:53
XRevan86* a dogJul 13 15:54
scientesI adopted a puppyJul 13 15:55
XRevan86scientes: yea, look it up, consult the vet, all that stuffJul 13 15:55
scienteswhat I read said it is totally normalJul 13 15:55
scientesand that if you prevent bunnies from eating poop they will develop health problemsJul 13 15:56
XRevan86scientes: It is, but it's also something not to encourage.Jul 13 15:56
XRevan86It's not a bunny.Jul 13 15:56
scientesIn gullivers travels there is a ladder of beurocrats, each level which eats the poop of the bearocrat above themJul 13 15:57
scientesalso the book that is the source of Yahoo!'s nameJul 13 15:57
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Claws Mail 3.17.6 Released with Phishing URL Warning, More Privacy Options []Jul 13 15:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Radeon RADV+ACO Vulkan Performance Is In Great Shape For Mesa 20.2 []Jul 13 16:00
kingoffrancewhere endian comes from too IIRCJul 13 16:10
XRevan86kingoffrance: Should be on the list of racist terms, amirite?Jul 13 16:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Fuzzing #Rumpkernel #Syscalls Part 1 #bsd #unix []Jul 13 16:11
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrightsJul 13 16:11
kingoffrancei dunno i never hear egghead.  poindexter, propeller head, ...Jul 13 16:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNOME: Cover Thumbnailer and 4K []Jul 13 16:15
kingoffrancecomputers are fashionable nowJul 13 16:17
kingoffranceits kind of lost its sting i thinkJul 13 16:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: espanso: An Open Source Cross-Platform Text Expander That Will Help You Type Faster and be More Productive []Jul 13 16:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 13 16:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Fuzzing the NetBSD Network Stack and More []Jul 13 16:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #CopyQ Clipboard Manager 3.12.0 Released (Ubuntu PPA) []Jul 13 16:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Troubleshoot Linux kernel panic with kdump crash tool []Jul 13 16:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: NanoPi and Raspberry Pi []Jul 13 16:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat: systemd, chatbots, remote work and why Java and Quarkus are important for your business []Jul 13 17:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Molly de Blanc: (Some) Highlights from GUADEC []Jul 13 17:09
schestowitz[15:48] <scientes> why do dogs eat poop?Jul 13 17:12
schestowitzTo signal to the owner the neglectJul 13 17:13
scientesNo, its because they are disgusting monstersJul 13 17:16
scientesas MinceR saidJul 13 17:16
MinceR 13 17:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4379471)Jul 13 17:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 Ulyana Cinnamon - Reasonable but not chipper []Jul 13 17:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: NASA to Use Machine Learning to Enhance Search for Alien Life on Mars - Unite.AI []Jul 13 17:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 13 17:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 13 17:29
kingoffrancethats why you want a cat; self-cleaning, evil mastermindsJul 13 17:35
kingoffranceplotting quietlyJul 13 17:35
MinceRand there are many more reasonsJul 13 17:42
MinceR 13 17:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4373997)Jul 13 17:42
*AVRS (~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #techrightsJul 13 18:09
AVRS 13 18:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Boss Is White Supremacist - Dilbert Comic Strip on 2020-07-13 | Dilbert by Scott AdamsJul 13 18:09
AVRSWait, Catbert is evil? 13 18:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Catbert - WikipediaJul 13 18:11
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: shaping up to be a 70k+ dayJul 13 18:11
schestowitzi linked to this carroon earlierJul 13 18:12
schestowitzafter someone had sent it to meJul 13 18:12
schestowitznails itJul 13 18:12
schestowitziirc, dilbert's maker was also accusedJul 13 18:12
schestowitzby cancel culturistsJul 13 18:13
schestowitzor maybe it was another high-profile cartoonistJul 13 18:13
schestowitzI cannot recallJul 13 18:13
schestowitzthere was a flamewar with trollingJul 13 18:13
schestowitzMaybe Garfield'sJul 13 18:13
schestowitzApparently these things are not joking matterJul 13 18:13
schestowitzand you paint a target on your butt if you dare try to approach the subject with any sort of banterJul 13 18:14
AVRSThey are not even a silence matter…Jul 13 18:14
scientesmy god lord of the flies is horribleJul 13 18:15
scienteswhat isiotsJul 13 18:15
scientesidiotsJul 13 18:15
schestowitzWhich one does a Scott do?Jul 13 18:15
schestowitzI think DilbertJul 13 18:16
AVRSDilbert.Jul 13 18:16
schestowitzLet me look this up, as I brought it upJul 13 18:16
schestowitz 13 18:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Racist Jokes Comic Strips | Dilbert by Scott AdamsJul 13 18:16
schestowitz 13 18:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Racism Comic Strips | Dilbert by Scott AdamsJul 13 18:16
schestowitz 13 18:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Dilbert' creator Scott Adams lost TV show 'for being white'Jul 13 18:16
schestowitzlolJul 13 18:16
schestowitz 13 18:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Dilbert' creator Scott Adams: Show canceled because I'm whiteJul 13 18:16
AVRSBut then, I have read about many Instagram users unfollowing each other for not posting about an issue they consider important.Jul 13 18:16
schestowitz 13 18:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter Drags Scott Adams' Claim Dilbert Cancellation Was Reverse-RacismJul 13 18:17
schestowitz 13 18:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-'Dilbert' creator defends Trump remarks on Charlottesville | TheHillJul 13 18:17
schestowitzyes, this is what I had in mind, I'm 99% this is what I recalledJul 13 18:17
schestowitz“I mean, my favorite example is Charlottesville,” Adams said. “When there was a protest about pro- and anti-statues and the president said that there were fine people on both sides, that was reported as he says there were fine people in the racist group, you know, the white supremacists.” Jul 13 18:18
schestowitz“That wasn’t really the context. The context was pro-statue, anti-statue,” Adams continued. Jul 13 18:18
schestowitz“He probably could have been a little more clear with the language he used,” Doocy cut in.Jul 13 18:18
schestowitz“Absolutely could have been more clear. But the way it’s been presented as if the sitting president not only said that antifa was fine people — I’m sure he didn’t say that — but he also said the white supremacists were fine people in front of America and thought it was a good idea,”  Adams added. “That clearly never happened.”Jul 13 18:19
schestowitzLast year's rally in Charlottesville was organized to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, but it took on a more sinister tone after dozens of white men tied to the white nationalist movement carrying torches marched around the University of Virginia's campus chanting "Jews will not replace us."Jul 13 18:19
MinceR 13 18:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4371379)Jul 13 18:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The Media Does Not Like Talking About Linux (Which It Doesn’t Understand Anyway). It Makes the News All About Linus. []Jul 13 18:36
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 13 18:37
*psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrightsJul 13 18:40
AVRSMinceR: 13 18:43
AVRSSomething like:Jul 13 18:43
AVRSABLE TO      BE LAZYJul 13 18:43
MinceR:)Jul 13 18:44
MinceRDon't Dead, Open InsideJul 13 18:44
AVRSDon't FearJul 13 18:45
AVRSOpen InsideJul 13 18:45
AVRSor Open ThisJul 13 18:46
scientesyeah that is the best distopiaJul 13 18:48
scientesLord of the FliesJul 13 18:48
scientesand that is what we create with endless schoolJul 13 18:51
MinceRi thought being human was enough for thatJul 13 18:54
schestowitzMinceR: AVRS: 13 18:56
MinceRi fail to see what should outrage me about those comimcsJul 13 18:58
MinceRs/mcs/cs/Jul 13 18:58
schestowitzI've yet to see a "Racist" Dilbert stripJul 13 18:58
schestowitzfind me oneJul 13 18:58
MinceRis there one?Jul 13 18:58
schestowitzmaybe the idea is to "make an example" of nimJul 13 18:58
schestowitzthat can muzzle the restJul 13 18:59
schestowitzself-censorshipJul 13 18:59
schestowitz 13 19:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Did Seinfeld, Chappelle and Gervais Cancel Cancel Culture? - Hollywood in TotoJul 13 19:02
superkuhPay more attention to it and talk about it more. I'm sure that'll stop it.Jul 13 19:03
schestowitz"The most obvious example: His mockery of the “alphabet people,” or the LGBTQ community."Jul 13 19:04
kingoffrance   thats a fake dilbert, i dont recall what the original saidJul 13 19:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Paul Mooney - CTOS CentralJul 13 19:11
DaemonFC[m]God this place is awful.Jul 13 19:14
DaemonFC[m]One of the cement steps crumbled out from under me and I only caught myself at the last second.Jul 13 19:14
kingoffrancethat one is more famous i think 13 19:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | About me · Ramblings of a Unix GeekJul 13 19:15
superkuhOh. systemd taking over out of memory management now?Jul 13 19:25
superkuh"Systemd-oomd is the out-of-memory daemon developed by Facebook and systemd developers." 13 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-systemd-oomd Looks Like It Will Come Together For systemd 247 - PhoronixJul 13 19:25
MinceRobviously Linux didn't do memory management as badly as Backdoors does, therefore it isn't "modern" enoughJul 13 19:27
MinceRor maybe they were butthurt because the OOM killer killed cancerd after cancerd gobbled up most of the memory :>Jul 13 19:27
DaemonFC[m]It sets percentage thresholds. So on a system with lots of RAM, it could start trying to shut things down on you with 1-2 GB remaining that will absolutely never be used.Jul 13 19:35
DaemonFC[m]It's insane.Jul 13 19:35
MinceR:>Jul 13 19:35
DaemonFC[m]Obviously, it's in Fedora already.Jul 13 19:35
MinceR"Did Seinfeld, Chappelle and Gervais Cancel Cancel Culture?" -- unfortunately, no, they didn'tJul 13 19:37
DaemonFC[m]Mandy doesn't get English enough to understand my sense of humor.Jul 13 19:38
DaemonFC[m]A bunch off shit fell out of the kitchen cabinets and he says "What happened?".Jul 13 19:38
DaemonFC[m]I said, "Oh, a crapalanche.".Jul 13 19:38
DaemonFC[m]He goes, "A what?".Jul 13 19:38
MinceR(cat) 13 19:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Imgur: The magic of the InternetJul 13 19:39
MinceR:)Jul 13 19:39
schestowitz[19:25] <superkuh> Oh. systemd taking over out of memory management now?Jul 13 19:43
schestowitzLinux? What's that?Jul 13 19:43
schestowitzIBMdJul 13 19:43
DaemonFC[m]EarlyOOM is Facebook.Jul 13 19:44
schestowitzyes, I knowJul 13 19:44
schestowitzbut it goes up a levelJul 13 19:44
schestowitzfrom hardware management being a linux thingJul 13 19:44
DaemonFC[m]Also, thanks to percentages instead of absolutes, it can effectively remove gigabytes of RAM from your computer.Jul 13 19:44
DaemonFC[m]Defeating the purpose.Jul 13 19:44
schestowitzsystemd was supposed to be another level/layerJul 13 19:44
schestowitzsoon it'll do fses, hardware driversJul 13 19:44
schestowitzfirmwareJul 13 19:44
schestowitzetc.Jul 13 19:44
schestowitz30,313 us covid cases so far todayJul 13 19:45
superkuhDon't worry. Before that happens you'll be forced to use your browser as your OS.Jul 13 19:45
schestowitzmost states not reporting yetJul 13 19:45
superkuhThen the browser will do hardware drivers.Jul 13 19:45
schestowitzchromeosJul 13 19:45
schestowitzbrowsers as os and bootloadedJul 13 19:45
schestowitzeven chromeos rejects systemdJul 13 19:45
schestowitzI think it uses systemv if not upstartJul 13 19:45
DaemonFC[m]RAM that never gets used is waste.Jul 13 19:45
schestowitzwhich is fast and robustJul 13 19:45
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: trueJul 13 19:45
DaemonFC[m]Wasting RAM reduces the performance of the computer and in the way EarlyOOM does it, makes it far less predictable.Jul 13 19:46
schestowitzbut many peope buy pcs based on misunderstandingJul 13 19:46
schestowitzphones tooJul 13 19:46
MinceRand then your browser will get OOM'dJul 13 19:46
schestowitzlike a phone with tb of memoryJul 13 19:46
schestowitzor pc with 32gb of ramJul 13 19:46
DaemonFC[m]FirefoxKillerd.Jul 13 19:46
schestowitz"32 of this something? sounds good. will buy? how much? $2000? excellent!"Jul 13 19:46
DaemonFC[m]It also has exceptions hardwired into it.Jul 13 19:46
DaemonFC[m]So even if Mutter is leaking like a sieve for some reason, it will skip over it and go after one of your programs.Jul 13 19:47
DaemonFC[m]Have fun with that.Jul 13 19:47
schestowitzsuperkuh: [16:30] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #systemd is replacing #linux []Jul 13 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-systemd-oomd Looks Like It Will Come Together For systemd 247 - PhoronixJul 13 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PleromaJul 13 19:47
schestowitzI am doing an article related to this at the momentJul 13 19:47
DaemonFC[m]BBL. Car shop again. Vacuum Leak.Jul 13 19:47
schestowitzmeme to go with it 13 19:47
DaemonFC[m]UghJul 13 19:47
schestowitz"As for FUD, watch how IBM and Red Hat try to present themselves as a "professional" and "tolerant" GNU/Linux vendor; as if to choose Debian instead of RHEL is to rely on a bunch of reckless misogynists who eat babies... that's just <em>classic</em> IBM FUD."Jul 13 19:48
schestowitzjust added: It's IBM that led to the invention of FUD as a concept (former employee was its victim).Jul 13 19:48
DaemonFC[m]I called Nvidia a bunch of jerks and got CoC blocked.Jul 13 19:49
schestowitzThe time to speak out in favour of free speech is now; because the next phase typically involves removal (to be sold as "voluntary") of people whose political views are seen as professionally inadequate (recall what they did to Richard Stallman last September)Jul 13 19:49
schestowitzby who?Jul 13 19:49
schestowitzwhere?Jul 13 19:49
schestowitzthis is interestingJul 13 19:49
DaemonFC[m]FedoraJul 13 19:49
schestowitzmailing list?Jul 13 19:49
schestowitzMaybe 'doing a Torvalds' isn't OK for everybody, even with omission of the "F word..."Jul 13 19:51
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: link?Jul 13 19:51
schestowitzforums? mailing lists?Jul 13 19:51
schestowitzexplanation from them?Jul 13 19:51
schestowitzplease pass on all detailsJul 13 19:51
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 13 19:52
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJul 13 19:52
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: I put "discussions" in the textJul 13 19:57
schestowitzit's generic enoughJul 13 19:57
MinceR 13 20:10
schestowitz+36,404Jul 13 20:11
schestowitz There Cannot be #SoftwareFreedom Without #FreeSpeech (Which is Nowadays Being Wrongly and Creatively Conflated With #Racism ) 13 20:27
schestowitzmentions DaemonFC[m]Jul 13 20:27
schestowitz+40,911Jul 13 20:28
schestowitzTX not reporting yetJul 13 20:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | There Cannot be Software Freedom Without Free Speech (Which is Nowadays Being Wrongly and Creatively Conflated With Racism) | TechrightsJul 13 20:28
schestowitzbut I suppose these are partly the Sunday figuresJul 13 20:28
schestowitzTuesday can be the spikeJul 13 20:29
schestowitzTennessee +3,314Jul 13 20:29
schestowitzRed StateJul 13 20:29
schestowitzGeorgia +3,643\Jul 13 20:29
schestowitzcan see the pattern, TrumpetsJul 13 20:29
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #CentOS Vs. #Ubuntu Server : Everything You Need to Know []Jul 13 20:32
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz Eickmeyer warned me about CoC for talking about Nvidia and the problems it is likely to cause.Jul 13 20:38
DaemonFC[m]On fedora-kde on IRC.Jul 13 20:38
DaemonFC[m]COVID-19 is one of those you had your chance to contain it but you blew it because you thought the Republicans wouldn't fuck you at the voting booth in those elections you like so much.Jul 13 20:39
DaemonFC[m]Two things were obvious. Trump is neither capable of nor interested in containing a disaster. And....disasters happen.Jul 13 20:40
DaemonFC[m]So saying you weren't warned is comical.Jul 13 20:41
schestowitz[20:38] <DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz Eickmeyer warned me about CoC for talking about Nvidia and the problems it is likely to cause.Jul 13 20:43
schestowitzyou mean, like alienating the company?Jul 13 20:43
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: he can thrive in disastersJul 13 20:43
schestowitzas he did for yearsJul 13 20:44
schestowitzheck, he can use that to postpone or cancel electionsJul 13 20:44
schestowitzhe's already provoking deliberately with his "rallies"Jul 13 20:44
schestowitzno gain other then seeding divideJul 13 20:44
schestowitzas it alienates more than it attracts, even among the "right-wing" baseJul 13 20:44
schestowitzmoderate or lesser rightJul 13 20:44
schestowitz+43,983Jul 13 20:46
schestowitzstill no TX figuresJul 13 20:46
schestowitzthose are for Sunday... mostlyJul 13 20:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Avidemux 2.7.6 Brings New Encoder/Decoder and Enhancements []Jul 13 20:49
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: RaspEX Kodi Linux OS Now Supports the Latest Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB RAM []Jul 13 20:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian: SolydXK 10.4, Shutter Encoder for Sparkers and Debian Long Term Support (LTS) Survey []Jul 13 20:57
*obarun ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 20:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Godot Poll, Widelands and Fates of Ort []Jul 13 20:59
DaemonFC[m]> you mean, like alienating the company?Jul 13 21:00
DaemonFC[m]The gist of it is I called Nvidia abusive jerks who troll their customers instead of offering a real Linux driver.Jul 13 21:00
schestowitzwhere did you say that?Jul 13 21:01
schestowitzIRC?Jul 13 21:01
schestowitzand also, where nvidia staff present in the channel (that you know of)?Jul 13 21:01
schestowitz"jerk" is not a bad wordJul 13 21:01
schestowitzI doubt any coc would formally deem it as suchJul 13 21:02
schestowitzunless the coc is very open-ended and ad hocJul 13 21:02
schestowitztexas says 313 new casesJul 13 21:02
schestowitzso surely it's just some preliminary numberJul 13 21:02
schestowitzthey might be basing this on an early reportJul 13 21:02
schestowitzit'll be updated laterJul 13 21:02
schestowitzalmost 50k cases now and 5 hours to goJul 13 21:03
AVRSschestowitz: sorry about /msging you, but I stop myself from e-mailing you without using GnuPG - not because it would be more private - and that is hard because I hate passwords and wouldn't use it often.Jul 13 21:12
AVRSSo I would forget the password.Jul 13 21:12
schestowitz[21:13] <schestowitz> it triggers system-notifyJul 13 21:13
schestowitz[21:13] <schestowitz> and I lose my train of thoughtJul 13 21:13
schestowitz[21:13] <schestowitz> hang on..Jul 13 21:13
schestowitz[21:13] <schestowitz> I will read in a secJul 13 21:13
schestowitz[21:13] <schestowitz> I was doing something complex at the time... multitasking with some idiot troll in TwitterJul 13 21:13
schestowitzAnd I even replied to you in the wrong channel just now...Jul 13 21:14
schestowitznow texas 2,023, DaemonFC[m]Jul 13 21:15
AVRSWhat's the point of multitasking with some idiot troll in Twitter?Jul 13 21:15
schestowitzcorrecting the recordJul 13 21:15
AVRSSounds like triple bad.Jul 13 21:15
schestowitz[21:11] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The 4 tweets in this thread all contain straw man arguments. They basically misframe and misrepresent what I >actually< said and asserted, based on the hard facts. Because reality is not always convenient. []Jul 13 21:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Sheamus: @sian_ What, the cat thing? Yeah, they make such a deal of it. Body shaking back and forth, lots of 'RAWWKKK RAWWKKK' noise going on. MentalJul 13 21:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PleromaJul 13 21:15
schestowitzthe link is brokenJul 13 21:16
AVRSAre /msgs really so important that you use system-notify?Jul 13 21:16
AVRSI remember KDE 3 had a terrible sound for errors, but KDE 4 is not as bad.Jul 13 21:17
schestowitzit's konversation defaultsJul 13 21:20
schestowitzI don't want to hear about it anymoreJul 13 21:21
schestowitzI lost my train of thought anywayJul 13 21:21
schestowitzand opened an unsavoury page from a bad domainJul 13 21:21
*DaemonFC[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_20200713-152100_Riotim.jpg (676KB) < >Jul 13 21:21
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz Check this out. Apparently they even eat their own.Jul 13 21:22
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: date of message?Jul 13 21:24
schestowitzI will do a post about itJul 13 21:24
DaemonFC[m]Just now. Unfolding in #fedora-kdeJul 13 21:24
schestowitzwowJul 13 21:24
*DaemonFC[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_20200713-152348_Riotim.jpg (694KB) < >Jul 13 21:24
schestowitzkeep an eyeJul 13 21:24
schestowitzscreenshot everythingJul 13 21:24
DaemonFC[m]He's not a troll. He's a contributor who tubbed some people the wrong way and now the banhammmer is coming out. Fedora KDE was already collapsing and now it finally will.Jul 13 21:25
DaemonFC[m]*rubbedJul 13 21:25
AVRSschestowitz: *reads a little further* oh, that link was indeed bad and shouldn't be considered; sorry about that.Jul 13 21:27
DaemonFC[m]They don't like him much from what I can gather because he doesn't much care for all of the GNOME crap and GTK administration stuff that's part of what's wrong with their KDE spin.Jul 13 21:27
schestowitzmoar, moar screenshotsJul 13 21:27
schestowitzI am doing a post about thidJul 13 21:27
schestowitz*thisJul 13 21:28
schestowitzAVRS: hardly usable in any contextJul 13 21:28
DaemonFC[m]In fact, the major upgrade to Kubuntu is none of that garbage rolling around. Adding bugs and making things worse.Jul 13 21:28
schestowitzibm dumped kde supportJul 13 21:28
schestowitzjust when it took over red hatrJul 13 21:28
schestowitzthe announcement was slipped in under the news noiseJul 13 21:28
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: if you can scroll up for more context, that might helpJul 13 21:29
schestowitzI will seam together the imagesJul 13 21:29
schestowitzand remove phone (android?) partsJul 13 21:29
DaemonFC[m]I'll get it when I'm back home. I'm watching this from the car shop.Jul 13 21:30
schestowitzit'll be too lateJul 13 21:30
schestowitzok, I'll finalise nowJul 13 21:30
schestowitzthanklsJul 13 21:30
schestowitz(in gimp)Jul 13 21:30
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz KDE on Red Hat was this unofficial repo at the beginning.Jul 13 21:30
DaemonFC[m]Rex Dieter was one of the ones who lobhied to get it in, so I don't think this is coming from him. It's Red Hat people. Nirik joined the room and he's never in there. So I think he's about to actually remove Kofler.Jul 13 21:31
DaemonFC[m]*lobbiedJul 13 21:31
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: remember how Intel was forced to pull it ads a web magazine during the GamerGate due to demand from one of the sides?Jul 13 21:34
schestowitzI heard of itJul 13 21:34
schestowitzbut I'm no gamergame expertJul 13 21:34
schestowitztoo much drama for meJul 13 21:34
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: also, today I read a comment mentioning how Torvalds was criticized for criticizing (sharply) NVIDIA for something in the past.Jul 13 21:35
schestowitzRex Dieter is redhat staff, right, DaemonFC[m]?Jul 13 21:35
schestowitz 13 21:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Interview with kde-redhat Project Leader Rex Dieter - Linux.comJul 13 21:36
AVRSArsTechnica: Linus Torvalds says “f–k you” to NVIDIAJul 13 21:36
schestowitz 13 21:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview with kde-redhat Project Leader Rex Dieter | KDE.newsJul 13 21:36
AVRS2012Jul 13 21:36
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: 13 21:38
AVRSCan't open techrightsJul 13 21:39
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: if you see notable and noteworthy followups there, I assume he still has voice after all, we can update the post with moeJul 13 21:39
schestowitz*moreJul 13 21:39
schestowitzAVRS: maybe you try httpsJul 13 21:39
AVRSError establishing a database connectionJul 13 21:39
AVRSschestowitz: Internal Server ErrorJul 13 21:40
AVRSworks nowJul 13 21:40
schestowitzyes, I can see nowJul 13 21:40
schestowitz5% of reqs failedJul 13 21:40
schestowitzdue to overloadJul 13 21:41
schestowitznow 27%Jul 13 21:41
schestowitzsome a-hole binge-ing pagesJul 13 21:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: There’s Apparently a New Boss (or Policy) at Red Hat/IBM []Jul 13 21:47
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]:  AVRS ^^^Jul 13 21:47
AVRS "We (may) now know the real reason for that IBM takeover. A distraction for Red Hat to axe KDE" - lol?Jul 13 21:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | We (may) now know the real reason for that IBM takeover. A distraction for Red Hat to axe KDE • The RegisterJul 13 21:51
MinceR:>Jul 13 21:52
MinceRnot that it was necessaryJul 13 21:52
MinceRKDE capitulated to hedrat sometime around 2014Jul 13 21:53
psydroid"let's deprecate KDE because it makes GNOME look very bad in comparison"Jul 13 21:53
AVRSMinceR: how is KDE related to RH?Jul 13 21:53
AVRSMinceR: what does what you said mean?Jul 13 21:54
schestowitzit's not relatedJul 13 21:54
schestowitzbut fedora isJul 13 21:55
MinceRwasn't related, afaikJul 13 21:55
schestowitzand red hat controls the mark, name etc.Jul 13 21:55
MinceRwhat i was referring to was that when KDE5 was upcoming, they announced that it was going to depend on cancerdJul 13 21:55
schestowitzyou cannot just make your own fedoraJul 13 21:55
schestowitzunless red ahat blessed youJul 13 21:55
schestowitzi.e. ibmJul 13 21:55
MinceRbecause screw everyone who doesn't use cancerdJul 13 21:55
schestowitzyou need to choose another name, as few didJul 13 21:55
schestowitzfedora doesn't have many distros derived or branched off/from itJul 13 21:56
MinceRit should have been obvious to them already that in the cancerd world, there's no room for choice, there's no room for alternativesJul 13 21:56
MinceRas the cult puts it, "Linux is not about choice"Jul 13 21:56
AVRSschestowitz: KDE e.V. is controlled by Red Hat? Or do you mean that Fedora is controlled by Red Hat?Jul 13 21:56
schestowitzFedorJul 13 21:56
schestowitzFedoraJul 13 21:56
schestowitzit's their markJul 13 21:56
AVRSah (sorry, didn't read the whole)Jul 13 21:56
schestowitzand they spend a lot of money and manpower on the markJul 13 21:56
MinceRand hedrat has owned and preferred gnome for agesJul 13 21:56
schestowitzthe logo, the artwork etc.Jul 13 21:56
MinceRit doesn't take a genius to realize what would happen to KDE in a systemd-only worldJul 13 21:56
MinceRand they still went ahead with itJul 13 21:56
MinceRwhich means they _wanted_ KDE to dieJul 13 21:57
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming []Jul 13 21:57
AVRSYou can't make your own Debian either.Jul 13 21:57
schestowitztrue, but it's less controlled upstream by suitsJul 13 21:57
schestowitzalso LTSJul 13 21:57
schestowitzFedora leave you having to roll or upgrade very oftrenJul 13 21:58
psydroiddoes KDE still work without brokend?Jul 13 21:58
schestowitzand the upgraders are  not so reliable, eitherJul 13 21:58
schestowitzpsydroid: I think soJul 13 21:58
schestowitzmaybe not plasma5's latestJul 13 21:58
schestowitzUS +51,043 casesJul 13 21:58
MinceRi think some BSD still ships KDE, so it's possibleJul 13 21:59
MinceReven gnome was patched to build without cancerdJul 13 22:00
MinceRunofficially, of courseJul 13 22:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Jul 13 22:05
schestowitzpcbsd did kdeJul 13 22:09
schestowitzthen trueosJul 13 22:09
schestowitzbut it shut downJul 13 22:09
schestowitzso it's possible that freebsd does, but not the otherJul 13 22:09
AVRSDebian: depends on udisks2, and udisks2 depends on systemd.Jul 13 22:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian -- Details of package kde-plasma-desktop in bullseyeJul 13 22:09
schestowitzde groot or whatever his name his maintains kde for freebsdJul 13 22:09
psydroidI hope this will be a sign for KDE to realise that it needs to support and be supported on more than a narrow selection of systemd/Linux distributionsJul 13 22:09
schestowitzIBM-dJul 13 22:10
MinceRi hope this will be a sign to the remaining community to never trust corporationsJul 13 22:10
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: +54,067Jul 13 22:10
psydroidI must say those corporations played the game very wellJul 13 22:11
psydroidtalking about "community" and doing things "for the greater good" (of their own bank accounts)Jul 13 22:11
MinceRand of course to never trust crybulliesJul 13 22:12
AVRSDevuan has KDE 5.104.Jul 13 22:14
AVRS says the latest one is 5.19.Jul 13 22:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Plasma - KDE.orgJul 13 22:14
AVRSI guess 5.104 is 5.10-x?Jul 13 22:14
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I can screenshot my /r/Linux CoC ban if you want.Jul 13 22:18
DaemonFC[m]The CoC Blockers over there that promote Microsoft. Jul 13 22:19
AVRSDebian testing/sid also uses 5.104.Jul 13 22:19
DaemonFC[m]They did not react well to Microsoft being called 0xBIGBOOBS Microsoft.Jul 13 22:19
psydroidI hope DeadRat will completely stop shipping KDE and messing with it, so it can be developed without the biggest bully sabotaging it in favour of GNOMEJul 13 22:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 13 22:21
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: please doJul 13 22:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla: Firefox Startup Cache, Security of Passwords, and Servo []Jul 13 22:24
AVRSEarlier, (a Russian collective blog) seemed to be full of Linux-haters, but now, not so much…Jul 13 22:25
AVRSEarlier = recently, now = very recentlyJul 13 22:25
DaemonFC[m]Reddit loads a script that removes Take a Screenshot from the right click menu in Firefox. LOLJul 13 22:25
CrystalMathusing ELinks, i did not noticeJul 13 22:25
AVRSUsing Firefox, I don't notice, either.Jul 13 22:26
AVRSAh, dom.event.contextmenu.enabledfalseJul 13 22:27
CrystalMathi mean screenshots for me are like, GNU screen hardcopies :DJul 13 22:27
CrystalMathall i have is textJul 13 22:28
AVRSBut that's not the reason.Jul 13 22:28
schestowitz[22:18] <DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I can screenshot my /r/Linux CoC ban if you want.Jul 13 22:29
schestowitzpleaseJul 13 22:29
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: New Firefox profile: item still not hidden.Jul 13 22:30
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: how did you find out?Jul 13 22:30
*DaemonFC[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_20200713_162729.png (146KB) < >Jul 13 22:30
DaemonFC[m]I did reply to it. I said, "Fuck you, shitdick.".Jul 13 22:30
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Is that your screenshot?Jul 13 22:31
schestowitzthanksJul 13 22:31
DaemonFC[m]Yeah.Jul 13 22:32
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: They show the post but not the ban reason.Jul 13 22:33
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: You should try to work it out.Jul 13 22:33
XRevan86Maybe they didn't get the sexadecimal reference.Jul 13 22:33
AVRSHow many projects does GNU have?Jul 13 22:33
MinceR"take back the web" -- unless the site doesn't want you to.Jul 13 22:33
DaemonFC[m]My favorite are Android apps that say "You can't take screenshots due to a security policy in effect on this app.".Jul 13 22:34
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: very relevant given 3 posts we did recently re redditJul 13 22:35
DaemonFC[m]At least with Firefox, you can just hit print screen.Jul 13 22:35
schestowitzcensoring for MSFTJul 13 22:35
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: unless W3C EMEJul 13 22:35
AVRS(I guess)Jul 13 22:35
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: It's a lightweight kind of DRM, pretty weird.Jul 13 22:35
DaemonFC[m]Disabled by force.Jul 13 22:35
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: date/time of ban?Jul 13 22:35
AVRSNever used EMEJul 13 22:35
MinceRExtremely Malicious ExtensionsJul 13 22:36
DaemonFC[m]19 hours ago....So yesterday.Jul 13 22:36
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: They won't say which moderator did the ban, or why.Jul 13 22:36
DaemonFC[m]It's impossible to tell. They all lock real Linux posts and float Microsoft and Windows crap.Jul 13 22:37
AVRSHm, EME is disabled by default in Firefox?Jul 13 22:37
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Reply to the message.Jul 13 22:37
AVRSgoodJul 13 22:37
DaemonFC[m]<XRevan86 "DaemonFC: Reply to the message."> I did.Jul 13 22:37
DaemonFC[m]"Fuck you, shitdick." is a reply.Jul 13 22:37
DaemonFC[m]I don't have any questions about my ban.Jul 13 22:37
XRevan86You're not getting unbanned, are you…Jul 13 22:37
DaemonFC[m]That was already a given. Might as well give them the finger.Jul 13 22:38
DaemonFC[m]Instead of the satisfaction.Jul 13 22:38
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: You could ask for a specific reason.Jul 13 22:38
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: minor requestJul 13 22:38
AVRS> AVRS> How many projects does GNU have?Jul 13 22:39
schestowitzcan you narrow down the browser (width)Jul 13 22:39
schestowitzthen take the screenshot again?Jul 13 22:39
schestowitzabout 480-600px in widthJul 13 22:39
schestowitzit would make it easier to readJul 13 22:39
schestowitzI cannot reflow the textJul 13 22:39
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: It's not like they'd care about you calling them names.Jul 13 22:39
XRevan86That would just serve as justification for the ban.Jul 13 22:39
schestowitzMicrosoft Has Put the String “0xBIGBOOBS” Inside Linux (Kernel Driver for Microsoft's Windows-Only Proprietary Software); Reddit (Condé Nast) Bans You For Mentioning ThatJul 13 22:40
*DaemonFC[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_20200713_164002.png (143KB) < >Jul 13 22:40
schestowitzThat's better, thank youJul 13 22:41
XRevan86schestowitz: It's probably it, but maybe they didn't get it.Jul 13 22:41
AVRSI recall there being thousands of GNU projects, which calms me down about critics and bad supporters of RMS.Jul 13 22:41
DaemonFC[m]Before he left, RMS broke down and gave Nano an exception from the copyright assignment rule.Jul 13 22:42
DaemonFC[m]Now everyone will want one and they won't be able to enforce the GPL on GNU anything.Jul 13 22:42
AVRSBut I don't remember where I picked that info up, and don't have any support of it.Jul 13 22:42
XRevan86I don't get that defensive attitude. Before assuming someone one needs to clarify.Jul 13 22:42
DaemonFC[m]As much as the Microsoft CoCsuckers will let anyone "leave".Jul 13 22:43
DaemonFC[m]It's leave or we'll just ban you or set the twit bit so you can't talk to anyone.Jul 13 22:43
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: have you been warned at that subreddit in the past?Jul 13 22:43
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: It's an assumption.Jul 13 22:43
DaemonFC[m]No, they just sprayed poo all over my posts about Lenovo.Jul 13 22:44
DaemonFC[m]So I think it's gotten worse since then.Jul 13 22:44
AVRSDid the posts contain poo though?Jul 13 22:44
XRevan86or even confirmation biasJul 13 22:44
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: No matter what's your perception, you don't know their reasoning, because they didn't tell you, and you didn't ask.Jul 13 22:45
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: maybe to them it looked like the set of tools that was removed from Debian for being called boobs, all the tools being called boobs, and their commands being related to that word.Jul 13 22:47
MinceRweboobsJul 13 22:47
DaemonFC[m]The CoC is just a beachhead for Microsoft & Friends and a bunch of drama queens and dead weight to take over your project from the minority and begin the "rot it from the inside out" process. Jul 13 22:48
DaemonFC[m]First you corrupt the software itself. Then you banish the entire community because someone got their feewings hurt.Jul 13 22:48
DaemonFC[m]Profit!Jul 13 22:48
DaemonFC[m]There's never been an open source project that I've seen that got healthier and more active after a CoC was imposed and used to ban the community members and (worse) active contributors.Jul 13 22:49
MinceRapparently it's just weboobJul 13 22:49
AVRShttps://weboob.orgJul 13 22:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Weboob - Web Outside of BrowsersJul 13 22:49
AVRS 13 22:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Weboob - Application - weboob-configJul 13 22:50
AVRSicon…Jul 13 22:50
AVRSSeems more like an exception though: 13 22:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Weboob - ApplicationsJul 13 22:51
AVRSThough there are other icons that can be irritating if you think they are relevant.Jul 13 22:51
AVRSQHandjoob, QHaveDateJul 13 22:52
DaemonFC[m]I don't think that KDE has gotten all stupidly political yet have they?Jul 13 22:52
schestowitzplanet kde has had none of itJul 13 22:54
schestowitzunlike planet debianJul 13 22:54
schestowitz#Microsoft Has Put the String “0xBIGBOOBS” Inside #Linux ( #Kernel Driver for Microsoft's Windows-Only Proprietary Software, Formerly a #GPL Violation); #Reddit (Condé Nast) Bans You For Mentioning Such Things 13 23:01
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: ^Jul 13 23:01
schestowitzCOVID19 death watch: +58,468Jul 13 23:01
schestowitztexas up to 6k nowJul 13 23:01
schestowitz3 hours to goJul 13 23:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Has Put the String “0xBIGBOOBS” Inside Linux (Kernel Driver for Microsoft’s Windows-Only Proprietary Software, Formerly a GPL Violation); Reddit (Condé Nast) Bans You For Mentioning Such Things | TechrightsJul 13 23:02
schestowitz71,7k the all-time highJul 13 23:02
DaemonFC[m]I left #fedora-kde in disgust.Jul 13 23:02
DaemonFC[m]They're writing their own suicide letter anyway with that CoC bullshit.Jul 13 23:02
schestowitzany more output from them?Jul 13 23:02
DaemonFC[m]They invited nirik in, he shot Kofler. I commented on how disgusting the whole thing was.Jul 13 23:03
DaemonFC[m]They threatened me again. I left.Jul 13 23:03
schestowitznirik?Jul 13 23:05
schestowitzis s/he senior?Jul 13 23:05
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: are you being threatened with bans often?Jul 13 23:05
schestowitzthey threatened you too?Jul 13 23:05
schestowitzgot a copy?Jul 13 23:05
DaemonFC[m]No, and I'm not going back in there. Jul 13 23:06
schestowitzmaybe logs?Jul 13 23:06
schestowitzdo you use a 'phone'?Jul 13 23:06
schestowitzall desktop irc clients have logging, some on by defaultJul 13 23:06
DaemonFC[m]It went on and on.Jul 13 23:08
DaemonFC[m]Yes, my phone is still in there.Jul 13 23:09
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Yeah, looks like it went on and on and Riot logged the whole thing.Jul 13 23:11
DaemonFC[m]But it really just goes on forever.Jul 13 23:11
DaemonFC[m]It looks like Kevin Kofler was banned because he sometimes went off topic and had "pet names" for software and companies that annoyed him.Jul 13 23:11
DaemonFC[m]Which violated the CoC and brought about the ban.Jul 13 23:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: More Reports About GSoC-Sponsored NetBSD Work []Jul 13 23:12
MinceRgood to know that even corporations have a right to be offended nowJul 13 23:12
DaemonFC[m]It wasn't anything serious or extremely offensive that just went totally out of line.Jul 13 23:12
MinceR"The Earth is hungry. Its heart throbs and demands cleansing. The Earth is also thirsty."Jul 13 23:12
DaemonFC[m]Now there's some "woman" in there who went to lengths to point out that you don't want to offend her because she's a "minority" in the #fedora-kde room.Jul 13 23:13
DaemonFC[m]That was the "Oh shit." moment of them all.Jul 13 23:13
DaemonFC[m]The Fedora tragicomedy has completely jumped the shark.Jul 13 23:13
MinceR"Corporations are people, my friend!"Jul 13 23:14
psydreadcongrats on getting banned from r/linuxJul 13 23:14
DaemonFC[m]Kofler used to be a full time Fedora-KDE contributor and then resigned over it deteriorating because of bits of GNOME, terrible GTK-based system management software, and systemd.Jul 13 23:14
DaemonFC[m]Then he came back.Jul 13 23:15
psydreadI appear to be in good company with my own ban(s) and maximum negative karmaJul 13 23:15
DaemonFC[m]For the last, I don't know, 10-15 releases, it's just gotten worse and I can't imagine that after permabanning their second most active contributor that things will get better.Jul 13 23:16
psydreadI hope he will join Kubuntu and/or KDE Neon or something like thatJul 13 23:16
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, but remember Canonical gave Jonathan Riddell the boot even though he was one of the original Kubuntu team members.Jul 13 23:21
DaemonFC[m]This is just happening everywhere. Kubuntu isn't breaking down due to neglect and malicious mischief from Red Hat at least.Jul 13 23:22
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Kofler opened a Fedora Council ticket to ask about his ban and they deleted it.Jul 13 23:23
AVRSpsydread: ah, that was you. So I guess scratch my Q to DaemonFC[m] about being threatened often.Jul 13 23:24
DaemonFC[m]He was basically booted after a "trial in absentia" where he was not allowed to say anything, and now they're disappearing all traces of there having been a Kevin Kofler.Jul 13 23:24
AVRSDaemonFC[m]: was there reasoning for the deletion?Jul 13 23:24
DaemonFC[m]No, it just disappeared before I could click on it to see what he said.Jul 13 23:25
psydreadI think him not adhering to the CoC-strap rule was an easy excuse to be able to can the whole Fedora KDE project due to a "lack of maintenance"Jul 13 23:25
DaemonFC[m]This is like watching one of Stalin's purges. Jul 13 23:26
DaemonFC[m]Where they just edited the disappeared people out of the pictures later.Jul 13 23:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Star Lite Mk III and Purism GNU/Linux Laptops []Jul 13 23:27
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, they'll probably come after Rex Dieter next and then someone will tell him sorry. before they delete him.Jul 13 23:27
DaemonFC[m]Then KDE.Jul 13 23:27
DaemonFC[m]I think he sees it coming because he's acting like a real asshole too now. Didn't used to.Jul 13 23:28
psydreadhe can always join OpenSUSE, which still has KDE as a first-class citizenJul 13 23:29
AVRSWhat does "Mk" mean in all those names like "Mk2", "Mk3", "Mk V"?Jul 13 23:29
psydreadand actually worksJul 13 23:29
AVRSOh.     Abbreviation of mark. (a particular make or model)Jul 13 23:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mk - WiktionaryJul 13 23:30
schestowitz[23:11] <DaemonFC[m]> Which violated the CoC and brought about the ban.Jul 13 23:30
schestowitzcalling companies 'bad names' is against which part in the CoC?Jul 13 23:30
DaemonFC[m]https:/​/​getfedora.​org/​code-of-conductJul 13 23:31
schestowitz[23:12] <MinceR> good to know that even corporations have a right to be offended nowJul 13 23:31
schestowitzpoorly worked imhoJul 13 23:31
DaemonFC[m]Anyone can end up choking on the CoC if you look at it just so.Jul 13 23:31
schestowitzmissing a "not" after "right"Jul 13 23:31
DaemonFC[m] 13 23:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Code of Conduct :: Fedora Docs SiteJul 13 23:32
schestowitz[23:21] <DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, but remember Canonical gave Jonathan Riddell the boot even though he was one of the original Kubuntu team members.Jul 13 23:32
schestowitzIIRC, he also said something about CanonicalJul 13 23:32
schestowitzwhich MS (Mark) did not likeJul 13 23:32
AVRSschestowitz: if even ignoring an HR's e-mail can eventually lead to that HR ignoring you, that could apply to projects…Jul 13 23:33
AVRSand people try to discourage others from participating in the projects of people they don't likeJul 13 23:34
DaemonFC[m]SUSE appears to be owned by a private equity firm now.Jul 13 23:34
DaemonFC[m]I'm sure that's as wunderbar as it sounds.Jul 13 23:34
DaemonFC[m]The Feminasties (not just for womyn anymore) have burrowed into Debian.Jul 13 23:34
schestowitzsome swedish fundJul 13 23:34
schestowitzdebian did cancel a number of devsJul 13 23:35
schestowitzover the perception of "intolerance" or somethingJul 13 23:35
schestowitzvery weak grounds when you examine the underlying evidenceJul 13 23:36
schestowitzand debian also hid corporate money it tookJul 13 23:36
MinceRschestowitz: depends... "right to be offended", whine, be compensated vs "right not to be offended", opposition silencedJul 13 23:36
schestowitzwhich some of these volunteers spoke aboutJul 13 23:36
DaemonFC[m]Oh, so Flatpak should be a natural fit for them now, yah?Jul 13 23:36
schestowitzapparently that's a huge sin... to talk about that moneyJul 13 23:36
schestowitzwhich had censorship of Google critics ensuingJul 13 23:36
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: i think it stopped being about women a long time agoJul 13 23:36
schestowitzthey moderate the mailing lists... from GoogleJul 13 23:36
schestowitzMinceR: it's not even about binary genders anymoreJul 13 23:37
schestowitzit's just a lot of peopleJul 13 23:37
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, there used to be a program called goodbye Microsoft that installed a Debian netinst on your boot sector.Jul 13 23:37
schestowitzwith many beliefsJul 13 23:37
DaemonFC[m]Now it would be Hello, again, Microsoft!.Jul 13 23:37
schestowitzsometimes religions, sometimes identity, sometimes raceJul 13 23:37
AVRSit's against now, not forJul 13 23:38
schestowitzand they're very angry about projects not accepting them wholeheartedly and even if on purely technical grounds they'll blame bigotryJul 13 23:38
schestowitzthis is what sage/sarah didJul 13 23:38
schestowitz"They" did this to LinusJul 13 23:38
schestowitzand it workedJul 13 23:38
schestowitzit's a principal reason for him taking a "break"Jul 13 23:38
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: that dev is no longer in debianJul 13 23:38
DaemonFC[m]It is true that Microsoft can't ruin BSD and make it impossible to install on your computer.Jul 13 23:38
schestowitzI used to speak to him ages agoJul 13 23:39
DaemonFC[m]BSD beat them there by over 20 years.Jul 13 23:39
schestowitzlike a decade+ backJul 13 23:39
schestowitzhe also worked on grub/grub2Jul 13 23:39
schestowitzall these attacks, btw, don't let them cause desperationJul 13 23:39
schestowitzto despair is what they wantJul 13 23:39
AVRSIs it "feminists" who require the use the word "women" in the positive discrimination projects?Jul 13 23:39
schestowitzbecause gnu/linux is killing themJul 13 23:39
AVRS*of the wordJul 13 23:39
schestowitzit slaughters winservers and iis on the server sideJul 13 23:40
schestowitzit won mobile tooJul 13 23:40
MinceRi could install OpenBSD on my computer last yearJul 13 23:40
schestowitznow it is gaining fast on desktop/laptop client side, esp. in developing world/new marketsJul 13 23:40
AVRSOr is it just because transwomen are to be considered women in those countries that they are included, and nobody else (but women) is actually included?Jul 13 23:40
schestowitz[23:39] <AVRS> Is it "feminists" who require the use the word "women" in the positive discrimination projects?Jul 13 23:40
schestowitzYou don't need to mention namesJul 13 23:40
schestowitzor gendersJul 13 23:40
schestowitzor gendered wordsJul 13 23:40
schestowitzif you avoid them allJul 13 23:41
schestowitzthen you can swap with linksJul 13 23:41
schestowitzto the respective peopleJul 13 23:41
schestowitzand you rid yourself from obnoxious attempts to frame the messenger as a bigotJul 13 23:41
psydreadand even apple is going to make it hard to impossible to run wintendo anymoreJul 13 23:41
schestowitzit's really simple and it is totally fairJul 13 23:41
psydreaddeath by a thousand cutsJul 13 23:41
schestowitzyou basically you know how they might attack the messengerJul 13 23:41
schestowitzso you prepare accordingly, it removes that attack vector entirelyJul 13 23:41
schestowitzthen they'll pick on typosJul 13 23:42
schestowitzso ghost-read carefully :-)Jul 13 23:42
schestowitzand don't forget to choose good fonts with good colour contrast... some pick on that as welllJul 13 23:42
schestowitz"can't take this site seriously... the fonts are hideous.."Jul 13 23:43
AVRSschestowitz: right, sorry; my question is: do any of positive discrimination have any other controversial differences about what people think the names mean?Jul 13 23:43
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Enhancing Syzkaller support for NetBSD, Part 1 []Jul 13 23:44
MinceR"positive discrimination" is just discriminationJul 13 23:44
schestowitzyou know you won on merit and argument when they start picking on site layout etc.Jul 13 23:44
AVRSschestowitz: people pick on the spelling way too often when they could pick on the stupid message itself.Jul 13 23:45
schestowitzMinceR: they have slogans for itJul 13 23:45
AVRSin Russian, at leastJul 13 23:45
schestowitz"equal opportunity" for minorities usuallyJul 13 23:45
schestowitz"affirmative action" is anotherJul 13 23:45
schestowitz"diversity drive"Jul 13 23:46
schestowitznobody would oppose theseJul 13 23:46
schestowitzwhen framed like thatJul 13 23:46
schestowitznobody is against such principlesJul 13 23:46
MinceRi doJul 13 23:46
schestowitzyou need to rename them firstJul 13 23:46
schestowitzotherwise you'd sound badJul 13 23:46
schestowitzcode of conduct also sounds positiveJul 13 23:46
AVRSI mean the project names, sorry.Jul 13 23:47
schestowitzit's more like geek hammerJul 13 23:47
AVRSBut you told me not to mention them. :PJul 13 23:47
AVRSAll I can tell is that people at the Russian forums were very annoyed by the "misnaming".Jul 13 23:48
AVRSNow anyone can declare themselves someone else and join a project for that.Jul 13 23:49
schestowitznot projectsJul 13 23:49
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "you know you won on merit and ar"> To be fair, I mean..... Could you just make it look more like Tux Machines or something?Jul 13 23:49
schestowitzpeopleJul 13 23:49
schestowitznaming projects is okJul 13 23:49
psydreadF: ARM is garbage, why should Wintendo run on it? R: GNU/Linux runs fine on everything F: Linux doesn't have Adobe video editing software A: GNU/Linux has free software applications, and if you really must have it, also high-end closed software (F=FUD, R=Refutation)Jul 13 23:49
DaemonFC[m]It kind of overflows and runs down the center of the screen. :/Jul 13 23:50
schestowitzit's not ad hominem unless the project are named after oneself, like linuxJul 13 23:50
schestowitzor systemDikJul 13 23:50
psydreadthey all seem to be borrowing from the same playbook and it becomes so transparent after a whileJul 13 23:50
AVRS"Now anyone can declare themselves someone else" -- that's what they say now, but it's probably missing some detail.Jul 13 23:51
schestowitzthere used to be an active site called "UNIXMEN"Jul 13 23:51
schestowitzand also "androidGuys"Jul 13 23:51
schestowitzthe former has been dead for years and I think the name was seen as troublesomeJul 13 23:51
schestowitzunlike unixpeopleJul 13 23:51
schestowitzandroidguys might still be around, but maybe not activeJul 13 23:52
schestowitzthose sites are ripe target for people always looking for a fightJul 13 23:52
psydreadthis company is having a meltdown and wants to take everyone and everything down with it, no matter what the cost to society isJul 13 23:52
schestowitzlike renaming things as if the names were intended to be offensiveJul 13 23:52
schestowitz"hey, guys" = "y'all" = gender-neutralJul 13 23:52
AVRSThough I read journalist claims about some people who considered themselves African-Americans having issues because they were somewhat racist or because people around them commenting on them for not being dark enough.Jul 13 23:53
*DaemonFC[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_2020-07-13 Riot #fedora-kde.png (24KB) < >Jul 13 23:53
*DaemonFC[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_2020-07-13 Riot #fedora-kde(1).png (298KB) < >Jul 13 23:53
MinceRLinus didn't name Linux after himself, someone else didJul 13 23:53
MinceR 13 23:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | History of Linux - WikipediaJul 13 23:53
MinceRhe did name git after himself, though :>Jul 13 23:53
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: ^Jul 13 23:53
schestowitzAVRS: blacks can be racist against other black groupsJul 13 23:53
schestowitzif by "black" you mean something broadJul 13 23:53
AVRSOr because a genetic test found Europeans in their ancestry.Jul 13 23:53
schestowitzask HaitiansJul 13 23:53
schestowitzsame for indian and chineseJul 13 23:54
schestowitzlots of race in india and chinaJul 13 23:54
DaemonFC[m]Guy with tons of "Windows", "Edge", "Riot Desktop on Windows", "MacBook" is moderating Fedora KDE and he seems to be the one banning people and threatening.Jul 13 23:54
schestowitzbut we cannot distinguish, unless we've lived thereJul 13 23:54
AVRSThat article contained claims it was because slave owners raped their slaves.Jul 13 23:54
MinceR>on windowsJul 13 23:54
MinceRwhat a poserJul 13 23:54
AVRSSo some of those people were uneasy about such results.Jul 13 23:55
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: Windiw!!!Jul 13 23:55
schestowitzLOLJul 13 23:55
schestowitzyear, I saw it before you beat me to itJul 13 23:55
DaemonFC[m]It floats the one you're on currently to the top, schestowitz Jul 13 23:57
DaemonFC[m]So he's logged in on Edge on Windows right now.Jul 13 23:57
schestowitzwhat is his role in the project?Jul 13 23:58
schestowitzI never saw his name beforeJul 13 23:58
schestowitzCould he be Rick? 13 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora Core 3 Motherboard RecommendationsJul 13 23:59
DaemonFC[m] 13 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | About – Erich EickmeyerJul 13 23:59
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: ^Jul 13 23:59

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