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DaemonFC[m] | <XRevan86 "DaemonFC: Where did you get a ch"> He put his name on the Coronavirus stimulus check of $1,200 that people got. | Jun 15 00:01 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming [] | Jun 15 00:01 | |
DaemonFC[m] | My bankruptcy cost me $1,200 altogether. | Jun 15 00:02 |
XRevan86 | DaemonFC[m]: What an arrogant man. Did he pay it from his pocket? | Jun 15 00:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | So basically I spent my COVID-19 check on a bankruptcy. | Jun 15 00:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | Nope. | Jun 15 00:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | Taxpayer money. | Jun 15 00:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm getting ready to delete my Facebook account. | Jun 15 00:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | Seems to just be adding negativity to my life. | Jun 15 00:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | They start sending you spam as soon as you delete it pestering you to log back in. | Jun 15 00:03 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNOME X.Org vs. Wayland Performance + Power Usage On Fedora 32 With AMD Renoir Laptop [] | Jun 15 00:05 | |
DaemonFC[m] | <XRevan86 "DaemonFC: What an arrogant man. "> They had to write it in the memo section because he's not a Treasury official. | Jun 15 00:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | Most people got electronic deposit, so he had the IRS spend millions of dollars to send everyone a letter with his signature on them congratulating them on being in America during a gigantic virus catastrophe, I guess, and wishing them luck with the $1,200 one time payment, supposedly because they're gonna need luck. | Jun 15 00:14 |
XRevan86 | This cheap PR on budget money reminds me yet again that he's very wealthy. | Jun 15 00:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | This is a catastrophe. | Jun 15 00:15 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: digiKam 7.0.0-rc is released [] | Jun 15 00:15 | |
DaemonFC[m] | It might be a slow burning catastrophe, but it's still a fucking catastrophe. | Jun 15 00:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | There is no way else to describe something that kills 125,000 people or so over 90 days. | Jun 15 00:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | Which keeps going.... | Jun 15 00:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | Despite the pretend lockdown that mostly just destroyed the economy. | Jun 15 00:16 |
DaemonFC[m] | <XRevan86 "This cheap PR on budget money re"> There's a lot of PR going on here. The president is golfing again and not talking about the virus, and disbanded the Coronavirus Task Force, and muzzled the CDC. | Jun 15 00:17 |
DaemonFC[m] | What we've got going on right now is a much bigger disaster than what's unfolding in China, even though they are lying. | Jun 15 00:18 |
DaemonFC[m] | Our federal government is not only lying, it doesn't care how bad things get at this point. | Jun 15 00:18 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.8-rc1 [] | Jun 15 00:19 | |
schestowitz | [00:02] <DaemonFC[m]> I'm getting ready to delete my Facebook account. | Jun 15 00:39 |
schestowitz | good | Jun 15 00:39 |
schestowitz | [00:22] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A #deleteFacebook poem from #ibm #redhat developer [] | Jun 15 00:39 |
schestowitz | he deleted his account days ago | Jun 15 00:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I’m (not) Here in Facebook | Adam Young’s Web Log | Jun 15 00:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pleroma | Jun 15 00:40 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Lots of creepy shit going on with Facebook. | Jun 15 00:41 |
schestowitz | 6 days ago I sort of quit Twitter | Jun 15 00:41 |
schestowitz | it only shadows me, I don't bother with it anymore | Jun 15 00:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | Apparently, SSA thinks that it's some kind of gold mine to decide against people in their disability CDRs now. | Jun 15 00:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | So basically, being on Facebook or Twitter can come back to haunt you if you're on Social Security or applying for it. | Jun 15 00:42 |
DaemonFC[m] | They can consider anything you've posted there in such a way that it might be useful as evidence against your case. | Jun 15 00:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | I had heard of private disability insurance companies doing this, but it seems SSA is expanding it. | Jun 15 00:43 |
*libertybox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Jun 15 00:44 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Well, with a mental condition, obviously you can have good days and bad days just like someone with a physical ailment. | Jun 15 00:44 |
DaemonFC[m] | The problem is that when people have good days they can post about it on Facebook and when they're having a bad time they usually just keep it to themselves, so there is, on the whole, going to be a lot more potentially damaging material on Social Media than there will be evidence that proves your case. | Jun 15 00:45 |
DaemonFC[m] | They know that, and that's part of their plan to pry people off Disability. | Jun 15 00:45 |
DaemonFC[m] | There used to be a policy that SSA examiners shouldn't stalk people on Facebook, but it's now a policy that they can if they think there's something that might damage your case. | Jun 15 00:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's very unfortunate that Facebook or something they own is where people go to communicate now. | Jun 15 00:47 |
DaemonFC[m] | It kind of puts all of your Social Media data out there in case the government becomes interested in it. | Jun 15 00:47 |
DaemonFC[m] | I mean, where does it end? The police, Social Security, the fucking IRS. | Jun 15 00:47 |
DaemonFC[m] | Every creepy ex you've ever had. | Jun 15 00:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | Your insane in-laws. | Jun 15 00:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | "Background checks" to see what your "character" is like before you get a job pushing carts at Walmart. | Jun 15 00:49 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's getting really really bad out there, and it's not exactly front and center how Facebook is hurting people. | Jun 15 00:49 |
DaemonFC[m] | Then if you don't have one, people want to know why not. Like there's a law that says you have to have Facebook. | Jun 15 00:49 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's bad. Anything that is that in bed with the government and advertisers is bad. | Jun 15 00:50 |
DaemonFC[m] | The government pretty much leaves it alone because it's such a valuable place to go gather data on people. | Jun 15 00:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | People let their guard down on Facebook because they're not in a police station at that moment. | Jun 15 00:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | It seems like Facebook is emptying out of younger people anyway. | Jun 15 00:53 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's turning into a spawning point for Alt-Nazis. | Jun 15 00:53 |
*libertybox ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 00:54 | |
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Jun 15 00:54 | |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: It looks like Trump's doing to Social Security what RMS was talking about with the disability programs in the UK. | Jun 15 00:55 |
DaemonFC[m] | The new regulation is really something to read. | Jun 15 00:56 |
schestowitz | the Atos scandal? | Jun 15 00:56 |
DaemonFC[m] | It specifically says they're going to inflict the bulk of the new Full CDR on Medical Improvement Not Expected people with 5-7 year reviews who normally get the mailer. | Jun 15 00:56 |
*acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Jun 15 00:56 | |
DaemonFC[m] | So those would be people who got ran over by a car, so there's not much value in medically examining them, except that they might not be able to effectively reply to it, and then their case just gets terminated. | Jun 15 00:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | It also says they want to do a Full CDR on children at 6 and 12 years old, where it's just once they turn 18 most of the time now. | Jun 15 00:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | Then it moves everyone who has a mental impairment to a new category called Medical Improvement Expected, and starts bugging them every 2 years instead of every 3. | Jun 15 00:58 |
DaemonFC[m] | <schestowitz "the Atos scandal?"> Well, people who have psychotic mental illness generally don't improve with time. They know that. | Jun 15 00:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | They are cooking up a legal fiction to justify bothering them more often. | Jun 15 00:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | Also, under the current system, it does not consider vocational training if you're over 50, and the new regulation changes that to 55. | Jun 15 00:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | That way they can whack you with 2-3 more CDRs along the way. | Jun 15 01:00 |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: CDRs are pretty pointless. | Jun 15 01:00 |
DaemonFC[m] | They have to prove you've gotten better and as it pertains to your ability to work. So Trump has been trying to make it as nasty as possible by bothering people frequently and with no reason, and a new rule where Social Security can decide whether or not to accept medical documentation from your own doctors. | Jun 15 01:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | So obviously, we see where that's going. | Jun 15 01:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | They can consider it if it hurts you and throw it in the trash and send you for a Consultative Exam if it would help you. | Jun 15 01:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: Illinois has a medical marijuana program and you can be on it if you have certain psychiatric conditions, but employers can still drug test you and having a medical marijuana card doesn't prevent them from firing someone if they have THC in their system. | Jun 15 01:03 |
DaemonFC[m] | So what it has done is create a system where if you have a white collar job that doesn't humiliate you with forced drug screenings, you can use medical marijuana, and if you have a blue collar job, you can't. | Jun 15 01:03 |
DaemonFC[m] | Michigan had a pilot program for medical marijuana a long time ago. | Jun 15 01:04 |
DaemonFC[m] | A guy who worked at a Walmart up there got sent out for a random drug screen and they fired him because he was on medical marijuana to help with his cancer. | Jun 15 01:04 |
MinceR | | Jun 15 01:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | Prescription opioids are deadly sometimes, and are widely abused because they get you high. | Jun 15 01:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | But if he had a prescription for that, they couldn't fire him. | Jun 15 01:05 |
schestowitz | > Hi Roy. | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > Hope you are well. | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > Do you have more info about this or articles? | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > Thanks. | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | > | Jun 15 01:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSI Corporate Sponsors & Support | Open Source Initiative | Jun 15 01:06 | |
schestowitz | Yes, I wrote a lot about it. Start in and go backwards in time. Lots on this subject... | Jun 15 01:06 |
schestowitz | "Re: ms corporate sponsor of OSI?" | Jun 15 01:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSI | Techrights | Jun 15 01:06 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Government: Says THC is a Schedule 1 substance with no legitimate medical use. Also Government: Let's Big Pharma create THC in a pill as a prescription drug. | Jun 15 01:07 |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: It's amazing that uEFI even works at all. | Jun 15 01:07 |
DaemonFC[m] | It held onto a lot of the worst things Microsoft ever put into the PC BIOS specifications and made no attempt whatsoever to improve them, and then did more nasty things of its own. | Jun 15 01:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm seeing more firmware bugs than there's ever been before. | Jun 15 01:09 |
MinceR | it's incredibly bloated and comes from microshit people with the intent of vendor lock-in | Jun 15 01:09 |
MinceR | nothing good could ever come of it | Jun 15 01:09 |
DaemonFC[m] | "Lol..."From time to time" literally means, "from time to time". The SSA does not joke about stuff like this...They are too serious and bureaucratic to joke around with stuff like this..." | Jun 15 01:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | I get mine every 3 years. You can almost set your wrist watch to it. | Jun 15 01:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | This year I was expecting one in February or March, but then they started shutting down because of the Coronavirus. | Jun 15 01:12 |
DaemonFC[m] | I've got one in my PO BOX that I'm going to have to go down and fill out tomorrow. | Jun 15 01:12 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's the Mailer, so chances are things just go on for another 3 years. | Jun 15 01:12 |
DaemonFC[m] | The stress over the last year has been so bad that it was literally turning me inside out sometimes. | Jun 15 01:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | Throwing up. Losing hair.... The psychiatrist suggested that I check myself in somewhere back in June of last year. I told him I couldn't because I was facing charges in court. | Jun 15 01:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | He said that I was clearly having a severe manic episode. | Jun 15 01:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | I don't doubt it. I don't even know how I didn't crack. | Jun 15 01:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | Now I've got the bankruptcy meeting coming up. When I started accumulating debt I figured I'd get this whole mess sorted out quickly and pay it back sooner or later, but the problems just kept piling up and then before I knew it, bam. | Jun 15 01:16 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm not in the same sort of health I was in 3 years ago. 3 years ago I was bipolar to the point of being an eccentric recluse. Now I'm one problem away from cracking. | Jun 15 01:17 |
DaemonFC[m] | I drove over a squirrel this morning by accident and I've been shaking ever since then. Mandy doesn't seem to understand what he does. He started shouting "Oh my god, oh my god, you killed it. You killed it. Murderer!". | Jun 15 01:18 |
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Jun 15 01:19 | |
DaemonFC[m] | I might just adjust my own medication tonight. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist on Thursday, but I don't know. | Jun 15 01:19 |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: Yeah, I deleted my Facebook account for lots of reasons. One of which is that the SSA people could potentially find a picture of me smiling at my own wedding for one day last year and try to use it as evidence. | Jun 15 01:20 |
DaemonFC[m] | These people are fucking fucked. | Jun 15 01:20 |
DaemonFC[m] | They don't ever see you rattled to the point of your blood pressure being near stroke level over a squirrel. | Jun 15 01:21 |
DaemonFC[m] | I hate bipolar disorder. It emerged in my mid-20s and it has most certainly gotten worse. | Jun 15 01:24 |
DaemonFC[m] | They have me on meds and I space out and forget things now. | Jun 15 01:24 |
DaemonFC[m] | To an extent, I would say I'm only able to focus anymore when something it pissing me off. | Jun 15 01:25 |
DaemonFC[m] | Anyway, Facebook. I noticed it's being overrun by MAGA trolls and other idiots. | Jun 15 01:28 |
DaemonFC[m] | The average age has gone way up too. | Jun 15 01:28 |
DaemonFC[m] | The irony is that I hear younger people are getting away from Facebook, but that Facebook also owns the other platforms they are using. | Jun 15 01:28 |
DaemonFC[m] | <schestowitz "the Atos scandal?"> To be honest, probably worse. | Jun 15 01:31 |
DaemonFC[m] | The way Social Security operates, it's like they're in there reading entrails and grabbing donkey balls to make their decisions. | Jun 15 01:32 |
DaemonFC[m] | Even lawyers can't tell what they're doing sometimes. | Jun 15 01:32 |
DaemonFC[m] | " | Jun 15 01:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | Some receive a letter stating their CDR is completed and some do not. Some letters give the next CDR date and some do not. It is important to note a CDR can come early, on time or late." | Jun 15 01:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | Some do, some don't. If it does say, it still doesn't mean anything. | Jun 15 01:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | That's how you know it's the government. | Jun 15 01:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | --- | Jun 15 01:35 |
DaemonFC[m] | In general, people can give you advice on what's likely to happen if you do a certain thing on the mailer. | Jun 15 01:35 |
DaemonFC[m] | For example, if you raise a red flag on the mailer or make any remarks, the computer can't read it and an actual person might handle it and decide to do a Full CDR even if you otherwise wouldn't have gotten one. | Jun 15 01:36 |
DaemonFC[m] | They seem to rely on automation a lot, with a random 5% chance of Full CDR anyway to spot check. | Jun 15 01:36 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu-based Linux Mint 20 'Ulyana' BETA is here, By @BrianFagioli [] | Jun 15 01:37 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Oddly, they do list their own procedures, but it's written in a way that somewhat obfuscates what everything means. | Jun 15 01:37 |
MinceR | they're probably legally mandated to and aren't proud of it | Jun 15 01:37 |
DaemonFC[m] | Generally speaking, according to them, 80% of the time with the mailer, if the computer can read it, it will just go ahead and reset the clock and defer Long Form CDR until next time, when you throw the dice again. | Jun 15 01:38 |
MinceR | which is to be expected of the cesspit known as the state | Jun 15 01:38 |
DaemonFC[m] | <MinceR "they're probably legally mandate"> It's funny because you can't read it without a key to understand what their shorthand means. | Jun 15 01:38 |
MinceR | that's how the legal system works | Jun 15 01:39 |
MinceR | technically, they're doing the right thing | Jun 15 01:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | Like "If this answer is blank, do take a DIRCON action." | Jun 15 01:39 |
MinceR | but actually, they're screwing almost everyone over | Jun 15 01:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | What that means is, directly contact the beneficiary and ask them for the information. | Jun 15 01:39 |
MinceR | but screwing almost everyone over is a-ok because [random statist bullshit] | Jun 15 01:39 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Review: Regolith Linux 19.10.0-R1.3 and distri [] | Jun 15 01:39 | |
DaemonFC[m] | <MinceR "but actually, they're screwing a"> Well, the interesting thing here is that if they profile you as L (Low) then if you answer that your health is same or worse as last time, they move on to the next question. | Jun 15 01:40 |
DaemonFC[m] | If you are a Medium or High, they do a Full CDR for Better -and- Same. | Jun 15 01:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | But not if you say Worse. | Jun 15 01:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | So, the way I am reading this is if you say Worse every time, they leave you alone? | Jun 15 01:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: This is the flow chart from hell. | Jun 15 01:42 |
DaemonFC[m] | So then, they move on and ask if you've been seeing your doctor. If you answer NO, then if you're an L they are supposed to "take a DIRCON action", and if you answer Yes and tell them when and that it was for the condition in question, they leave you alone. | Jun 15 01:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | But if you're an M or H and say N, they immediately do a Full CDR, and if you say Y and list the reasons and dates for your last treatments, it says "Do CDR unless the narrative suggest that there is not likely to be any medical improvement.". | Jun 15 01:44 |
DaemonFC[m] | So for Ms, the way to get a Full CDR triggered are you've worked, you've taken classes somewhere, (they check with the IRS to see what you put on your income taxes and also to see if you took an education credit or if a university sent the IRS a 1098-T). | Jun 15 01:45 |
DaemonFC[m] | Then you also trigger the CDR if you answer Better or Same, that you have not seen your doctor, or if you put any remarks in the remarks area. | Jun 15 01:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | You still might get one if you fill it out in a way that shouldn't cause one. | Jun 15 01:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's just less likely. | Jun 15 01:46 |
MinceR | what is a CDR? | Jun 15 01:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | Continuing Disability Review. | Jun 15 01:46 |
MinceR | ic | Jun 15 01:47 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: The way I read their flow chart there, the narrative doesn't suggest there will be any improvement unless you give them a reason to think there might be. | Jun 15 01:47 |
DaemonFC[m] | Which is why they send out the mailer to some people in the first place. | Jun 15 01:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | You do want to maximize the chance the computer accepts it and resets the clock, but you have to answer honestly. | Jun 15 01:48 |
schestowitz | "Too big for the TR format, though I don't think the parallels are at all superficial. It's in the public domain (the picture was done before 1925) so you can do whatever you want to with it. Although since you're in the EU, that's tough. It might not count there. Lots and lots of civilisation in the EU." -figosdev | Jun 15 01:50 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: New York published a guide on how to fill the CDR out without having the computer kick it. | Jun 15 01:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | Then SSA bitched at them and they deleted the PDF. | Jun 15 01:51 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 01:51 | |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: If the computer decides not to do a CDR, they can't decide to do one. | Jun 15 01:56 |
DaemonFC[m] | So they probably weren't happy when the PDF told people what to say and not to make any remarks and then sign and date. | Jun 15 01:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | | Jun 15 01:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SSA - POMS: DI 13004.005 - An Overview of Processing Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Mailer Forms SSA-455 and SSA-455-OCR-SM - 09/22/2016 | Jun 15 01:57 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Anyway, get a load of this shit. | Jun 15 01:57 |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 01:57 | |
DaemonFC[m] | A mailer is basically just to give you a quick sniff test and then decide what to do with you. | Jun 15 01:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | They mostly send it out when they think Full CDR would just be an expensive waste of time. | Jun 15 01:58 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: The first time I got one, I made Remarks..... I have not made Remarks since then. | Jun 15 01:58 |
DaemonFC[m] | They send you 11 forms that you have to fill out in detail, they gather all of your medical records, they can send you for a CE if they want to. | Jun 15 01:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | They want to talk to everyone who knows you. | Jun 15 01:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | If you get one anyway you'll have lots and lots of time for Remarks. | Jun 15 02:00 |
DaemonFC[m] | Anyway, with this new "Heads we win, tails you lose." policy on your own doctor's records, you really don't want a Full CDR. It might happen, but you don't want to make it more likely. | Jun 15 02:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | I listed my doctor in my bankruptcy so I don't even know if he'll treat me anymore. | Jun 15 02:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | Some will, some won't. | Jun 15 02:03 |
DaemonFC[m] | The bankruptcy only wipes out debt from the day you filed and earlier. | Jun 15 02:03 |
DaemonFC[m] | So he can still bill me for new treatment sessions starting now, even though I'm in an open bankruptcy. | Jun 15 02:04 |
DaemonFC[m] | In the United States, it seems like bankruptcy happens to everyone at least once. | Jun 15 02:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | The number one cause of bankruptcy is medical bills. The second leading cause is a pile of credit cards. Auto loans as the primary cause is third. | Jun 15 02:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | About 2/3rds of my debt thrown in there was credit cards. Most of the remaining 1/3rd was the car that I bought with Shithead. | Jun 15 02:06 |
DaemonFC[m] | Then $2,000 of medical bills for good measure, since I had an open bankruptcy anyway. | Jun 15 02:06 |
AVRS | DaemonFC[m]: I disabled the problem with storing passwords in Firefox. It's called "Firefox Monitor" and warns about passwords for breached websites. It is supposed to send 6 characters of a hash to "Have I Been Pwned?". | Jun 15 02:07 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm not sure if I owe anything to the landlord where I was living with John at, but I threw him in just in case. | Jun 15 02:07 |
DaemonFC[m] | I know we owed the one in Chicago $1,100-something in unpaid rent, so I threw her in. | Jun 15 02:07 |
DaemonFC[m] | Bankruptcy doesn't discharge property destruction, but it does discharge unpaid rent and cleaning costs. | Jun 15 02:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | So.....if John didn't destroy it, I won't owe that guy anything. | Jun 15 02:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | So they can't come back at you and say "I had to have someone go in there and do a deep cleaning and you owe me $800.". | Jun 15 02:09 |
DaemonFC[m] | Bankruptcy does get rid of that. | Jun 15 02:09 |
DaemonFC[m] | <AVRS "DaemonFC: I disabled the problem"> Yeah, I read about that feature. | Jun 15 02:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | Some credit card companies do that and say they're monitoring the "dark web" for you. | Jun 15 02:11 |
MinceR | :> | Jun 15 02:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: I guess at any rate most people at least don't end up on the Wall of Shame that Social Security keeps up to brag about Whopper Fraud cases. | Jun 15 02:24 |
DaemonFC[m] | They had one guy that said he was in a car wreck and could work. They found him doing wrestling and got him on video. | Jun 15 02:25 |
DaemonFC[m] | They had another woman claiming she couldn't work and she was running a taco truck......outside the Social Security office that was handling her case. | Jun 15 02:25 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: The ones that actually spark a fraud case are pretty hilarious. | Jun 15 02:26 |
DaemonFC[m] | Like, "Why did they think this would end well?". | Jun 15 02:26 |
DaemonFC[m] | It stands to reason that if you're telling them you have a condition that makes it impossible to work, you should either not work and collect your Social Security money or go back to work and tell them you'd like to try working again and you want them to start a Trial Work Period. | Jun 15 02:27 |
DaemonFC[m] | Social Security audits usually end up going the beneficiary's way simply because it is so hard to prove they've medically improved with nothing but medication management notes and the fact that they haven't worked or said they got better. | Jun 15 02:28 |
DaemonFC[m] | However, some people just blatantly flat out lie to try to cheat the government, and they absolutely are set up to figure that out. | Jun 15 02:29 |
DaemonFC[m] | It might not be today. It might not be next year. When they do, they're bringing an ass kicking with them. | Jun 15 02:29 |
DaemonFC[m] | I think out of all the cases I've read about the most lenient judges tend to be is they sentence you to probation for like 4-5 years and order you to repay the SSA. | Jun 15 02:30 |
DaemonFC[m] | Sometimes it's 6 figures, so have fun with that. | Jun 15 02:30 |
DaemonFC[m] | Don't do it. Answering a subjective question subjectively is much different than running a taco truck outside the freaking SSA office. | Jun 15 02:31 |
DaemonFC[m] | It seems they're getting nastier and nastier. When I heard about the Facebook thing I'm like okay fuck this. | Jun 15 02:44 |
DaemonFC[m] | | Jun 15 02:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Critics question Trump's health after walk down West Point ramp | | Jun 15 02:46 | |
DaemonFC[m] | "You have come from the farms and the cities, from states big and small, and from every race, religion, color, and creed. But when you entered these grounds, you became part of one team one family, proudly serving one American nation,'' Trump told the more than 1,100 graduating cadets. | Jun 15 02:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | ---- | Jun 15 02:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | Serving the American people with "vicious dogs" and tear gas and rubber bullets, apparently. | Jun 15 02:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | With their own tax money. | Jun 15 02:46 |
oiaohm | DaemonFC[m]: the concept of serve and protect really does get lost. | Jun 15 02:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | This is a government on the verge of collapse threatening to shoot anyone who complains. | Jun 15 02:49 |
DaemonFC[m] | I think it really says everything that the only hope for this country is that the virus kills off enough of Trump's base that we get a president that's not completely insane and vicious. | Jun 15 02:51 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC[m]: article blocked in EU | Jun 15 02:55 |
schestowitz | for illegal spying (GDPR compliance) | Jun 15 02:55 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 02:55 | |
schestowitz | DaemonFC[m]: 31k dead in New York | Jun 15 02:55 |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 02:56 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Yeah, new infections are on the rise again. | Jun 15 02:57 |
schestowitz | In Failed State of Trumpland America-born people stopped being American because their skin is the "wrong" colour | Jun 15 02:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | That means that death tolls go up again in a couple weeks. | Jun 15 02:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Woman captured on video harassing Filipino American woman exercising in a park - CNN | Jun 15 02:57 | |
DaemonFC[m] | I saw that. | Jun 15 02:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | Just all of the fucking assholes on Facebook. I mean, why even have a Facebook account anymore? | Jun 15 02:58 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's very creepy. They had that obscured site where you can control data is collects from "other sources", and they had been collecting things like data (wouldn't say what) from the Grindr app I had on my phone before I met Mandy. | Jun 15 02:59 |
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights | Jun 15 02:59 | |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 03:02 | |
schestowitz | [02:58] <DaemonFC[m]> Just all of the fucking assholes on Facebook. I mean, why even have a Facebook account anymore? | Jun 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | rhetorical question | Jun 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | but it's a computer game | Jun 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | can be addictive | Jun 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | you start actually believing that FB are your 'circle' | Jun 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | and leaving or merely not logging in would mean you're 'alone' | Jun 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | but you're alone "lonely together" | Jun 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | not meeting in person, having FB 'chats' instead of real chats | Jun 15 03:05 |
schestowitz | Microsoft et al harvesting these chats | Jun 15 03:05 |
schestowitz | to tell you out, rat you out | Jun 15 03:05 |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 03:05 | |
schestowitz | it is big business for some | Jun 15 03:05 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 03:21 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 03:22 | |
schestowitz | 'I feel vindicated (about) Mono... turns out that Java is the big problem' | Jun 15 03:33 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 03:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Miguel de Icaza on his journey from open source to Microsoft: 'It's a different company' • The Register | Jun 15 03:33 | |
schestowitz | what an a-hole | Jun 15 03:33 |
schestowitz | pushing Microsoft | Jun 15 03:33 |
schestowitz | and always bashing Java | Jun 15 03:33 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 03:38 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 03:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hans Reiser gets released from jail [2020, colorized] : linuxmasterrace | Jun 15 03:38 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Former Linux Developer Hans Reiser To Remain Locked Up - Phoronix | Jun 15 03:38 | |
schestowitz | This animal might be released in 3 years | Jun 15 03:39 |
schestowitz | seems too soon for first degree murder | Jun 15 03:39 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 03:39 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 03:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hans Reiser - Wikipedia | Jun 15 03:39 | |
schestowitz | But there's nothing to be said about it at this point | Jun 15 03:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | california - What is Hans Reiser's earliest release date? - Law Stack Exchange | Jun 15 03:40 | |
schestowitz | "15 years to life imprisonment (parole in 2020 refused, next hearing is in 2023)" | Jun 15 03:40 |
schestowitz | "In 1998, while working in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Hans Reiser reportedly selected a Russian woman from a mail-order bride catalogue[13] and arranged to meet her. He subsequently married Nina Sharanova (Russian: Нина Шаранова) who had joined the other woman on the date with Reiser as an interpreter. Nina was a Russian-born and trained obstetrician and gynecologist[14] who was studying to become an American licensed OB/GYN | Jun 15 03:41 |
schestowitz | They had two children. Hans' father, Ramon, became suspicious of his new daughter-in-law, when she took the title of CFO at Namesys at that time. Ramon was trained in military interviewing techniques and claimed that Nina lied to him when he confronted her about inexplicably-fast shrinking reserves of Namesys.[15] The Reisers separated in May 2004. Nina Reiser filed for divorce three months later, citing irreconcilable differences and | Jun 15 03:41 |
schestowitz | alleging that their children "hardly know their father" because he was out of the country on business for most of the year, according to court records. She was granted sole legal custody of the children and shared physical custody of them with her husband. The divorce was never finalized.[16] " | Jun 15 03:42 |
schestowitz | I wonder if anything new remains to be said on that fiasco | Jun 15 03:42 |
schestowitz | but I reckon he's want to be get back to kernel hacking | Jun 15 03:42 |
schestowitz | and then we get lots more negative press (again) | Jun 15 03:42 |
schestowitz | we might need to worry about it in 3 or more years | Jun 15 03:42 |
schestowitz | "In July 2012, a jury awarded Reiser's children $60 million against their father for the death of Nina Reiser.[66] Reiser acted as his own attorney during the trial and tried to argue that he killed his wife to protect their children.[66] " | Jun 15 03:43 |
schestowitz | WTH? | Jun 15 03:43 |
schestowitz | What a lousy 'defense' | Jun 15 03:43 |
schestowitz | He would have been better off faking being insane | Jun 15 03:44 |
schestowitz | for a lesser sentence | Jun 15 03:44 |
schestowitz | anyhoo... seems like he'll be behind bars for at least 3 more years, so nothing new to report on here... | Jun 15 03:44 |
schestowitz | "Stephen Elliott's 2009 memoir The Adderall Diaries covers, in part, Elliott's investigation of the Reiser case. The book was adapted as the 2016 film The Adderall Diaries, in which Reiser is portrayed by Christian Slater." | Jun 15 03:45 |
schestowitz | "This account owner limits who can view their Tweets." | Jun 15 03:46 |
schestowitz | Is this a new and fancy way to say you're blocked? | Jun 15 03:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | I doubt they'll parole Reiser. | Jun 15 03:46 |
schestowitz | Or just that the account is limited to viewers whom you follow? | Jun 15 03:46 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC[m]: he seems too dangerous | Jun 15 03:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | The fact that they had to consider it was the biggest part of the plea deal. Right? | Jun 15 03:46 |
schestowitz | no idea, I just remember he got some lenience by showing them to the body | Jun 15 03:47 |
schestowitz | or bodyparts, whatever he made of the corpse | Jun 15 03:47 |
schestowitz | I was actually trying to drill into the GitHub connections to shady sides of MSFT | Jun 15 03:48 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 03:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flickr | Jun 15 03:48 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Eh, I would have just signed the divorce papers, honestly, as long as they weren't demanding anything that was egregious. | Jun 15 03:48 |
schestowitz | Train? | Jun 15 03:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flickr | Jun 15 03:49 | |
DaemonFC[m] | I would have probably demanded visitation rights with the kids and a thing saying if she went to live in Russia I didn't owe them support money anymore. | Jun 15 03:49 |
DaemonFC[m] | You can make a divorce process drag out and demand that it goes to trial. | Jun 15 03:49 |
schestowitz | There's some Miguel de Icaza here too | Jun 15 03:50 |
DaemonFC[m] | You can do all sorts of nasty things to pressure your spouse to concede to various conditions. | Jun 15 03:50 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 03:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flickr | Jun 15 03:50 | |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 03:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flickr | Jun 15 03:50 | |
schestowitz | who is this man next to him? Seems familiar... | Jun 15 03:50 |
DaemonFC[m] | I don't know. | Jun 15 03:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | I wonder what Miguel thinks of the Republican Party's stance on Mexicans. | Jun 15 03:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | Probably doesn't care. He's already here. | Jun 15 03:51 |
schestowitz | SUSE days, pushing SLE | Jun 15 03:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flickr | Jun 15 03:52 | |
schestowitz | I see some xamarin or ximian logos there | Jun 15 03:53 |
schestowitz | remember Microsoft now uses him to attack Free software via GitHub | Jun 15 03:53 |
schestowitz | he had worked for them before, as an intern | Jun 15 03:53 |
DaemonFC[m] | | Jun 15 03:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Security disability benefits: Your Facebook, Instagram posts could affect your Social Security disability claim - CBS News | Jun 15 03:54 | |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 03:54 |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 03:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flickr | Jun 15 03:55 | |
schestowitz | iirc, he moved from suse to ibm (now) | Jun 15 03:56 |
schestowitz | still wearing his bow tie back then, even at work | Jun 15 03:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flickr | Jun 15 03:56 | |
schestowitz | much of it is innocuous | Jun 15 03:57 |
schestowitz | no evidence of meetings with microsoft | Jun 15 03:57 |
schestowitz | just de icaza bonding, trips to europe, thailand, parents etc. | Jun 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | nephews... | Jun 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | so maybe looking for something that does not quite exist | Jun 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | Some Vietnam stuff | Jun 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | and more of his sidekick | Jun 15 04:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flickr | Jun 15 04:00 | |
schestowitz | why is de Icaza so quiet? | Jun 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | What is his formal role now? | Jun 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | .NET? Mono? | Jun 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | and his blog is barely active at all | Jun 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | clearly he doesn't so anything remotely foss anymore | Jun 15 04:01 |
schestowitz | he just seemingly almost vanished | Jun 15 04:01 |
schestowitz | I heard github is declining in terms of usage, but it depends what/how you measure | Jun 15 04:01 |
schestowitz | they'll never give away the numbers | Jun 15 04:01 |
schestowitz | I know they keep deleted users counted | Jun 15 04:01 |
schestowitz | to fake their size | Jun 15 04:01 |
insmodppa | Github got worst after they ramped up their Javascript nonsense and captcha to keep humans out. | Jun 15 04:06 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 04:10 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 15 04:10 |
schestowitz | Net worth$1.25 billion (June 2018)[1] | Jun 15 04:10 |
schestowitz | TitleCo-Founder & Former CEO of GitHub | Jun 15 04:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tom Preston-Werner - Wikipedia | Jun 15 04:10 | |
schestowitz | SuccessorChris Wanstrath | Jun 15 04:10 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 15 04:10 |
schestowitz | I screenshotted some stuff about how CHris was pushed out | Jun 15 04:10 |
schestowitz | before MSFT took over | Jun 15 04:10 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 04:11 |
schestowitz | "Following his resignation from GitHub, Preston-Werner sold his shares in the company to Microsoft." | Jun 15 04:11 |
schestowitz | wait, what? | Jun 15 04:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tom Preston-Werner - Wikipedia | Jun 15 04:11 | |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 04:13 |
schestowitz | "Based on Forbes estimates, GitHub cofounder and CEO Chris Wanstrath will receive as much as $1.5 billion in Microsoft stock. He is GitHub’s single largest shareholder, a source familiar with the company’s finances told Forbes. Wanstrath’s cofounders Tom Preston-Werner and PJ Hyett will walk away with an estimated $1.25 billion and close to $1 billion, respectively." | Jun 15 04:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft's Acquisition Of GitHub Mints New Billionaires | Jun 15 04:13 | |
schestowitz | "In 2010 Preston-Werner read a comment on Twitter insulting the quality of GitHub's search function. This prompted him to overhaul the service's search, drawing on his experience having worked at Powerset" | Jun 15 04:15 |
schestowitz | Powerset? | Jun 15 04:15 |
schestowitz | That's MSFT | Jun 15 04:15 |
schestowitz | "In 2005 he moved to San Francisco to work at Powerset, a natural language search engine. Powerset was acquired by Microsoft. Preston-Werner declined a $300,000 bonus and stock options from Microsoft so that he could focus on GitHub" | Jun 15 04:16 |
schestowitz | Oh, he's also the guy behind Gravatar | Jun 15 04:18 |
schestowitz | this I did not realise... | Jun 15 04:19 |
schestowitz | Automattic may be in danger too... one day... from Micrsooft | Jun 15 04:19 |
schestowitz | They already cooperated on MSN Spaces handover | Jun 15 04:19 |
schestowitz | So now he does Jekyll | Jun 15 04:21 |
schestowitz | "open-source development community," | Jun 15 04:21 |
schestowitz | They don't want to say Free software | Jun 15 04:21 |
schestowitz | typical Wikipedia | Jun 15 04:22 |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 04:22 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 15 04:23 |
schestowitz | Based on Forbes estimates, GitHub cofounder and CEO Chris Wanstrath will receive as much as $1.5 billion in Microsoft stock. He is GitHub’s single largest shareholder, a source familiar with the company’s finances told Forbes. Wanstrath’s cofounders Tom Preston-Werner and PJ Hyett will walk away with an estimated $1.25 billion and close to $1 billion, respectively. | Jun 15 04:23 |
schestowitz | Preston-Werner, who left the firm in 2014, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Reached by email, a representative for GitHub declined to comment. Hyett emailed to say that he is not a billionaire, but did not reply to follow-ups. | Jun 15 04:23 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 15 04:23 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 04:30 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 04:31 | |
schestowitz | The same year Tom Preston-Werner stepped down at #github over harassment claim, which he denies, #microsoft makes plans to buy GitHub for monopoly/control over its opposition, according to Bloomberg. A year later they started "Microsoft Loves Linux" PR blitz (lie). | Jun 15 04:33 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 04:40 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 04:41 | |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: I'm considering moving away from Fedora. | Jun 15 04:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | There's been an annoying bug that's really been tripping out my laptop. | Jun 15 04:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | gnome-clocks spins up and pegs one of the CPU cores and my laptop gets loud. | Jun 15 04:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | I may try doing Ubuntu with a ZFS file system with the native encryption option. | Jun 15 04:42 |
*swaggboi has quit (Quit: C-x C-c) | Jun 15 04:51 | |
DaemonFC[m] | ---- | Jun 15 04:52 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm not going to have any social media accounts hosted in the US anymore. | Jun 15 04:52 |
*swaggboi ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 04:56 | |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 05:04 | |
schestowitz | | Jun 15 05:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation praises Microsoft GitHub acquisition - Business Insider | Jun 15 05:05 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 05:06 | |
DaemonFC[m] | GitHub is really nasty and might delete your project over DMCA letters. You should host your project in an area where the DMCA doesn't apple. | Jun 15 05:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | *apply | Jun 15 05:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | The DMCA is part of what makes the US legally dangerous to host data in. | Jun 15 05:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | DMCA/PRISM/SESTA, bunch of other stuff. | Jun 15 05:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | There's a case winding through the courts that may strike down some or all of SESTA. | Jun 15 05:17 |
DaemonFC[m] | The US government is an absolute menace. | Jun 15 05:18 |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: Do you plan to migrate the room to a Matrix chat? | Jun 15 05:23 |
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | | Jun 15 05:42 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Top 10 reasons to use KDE as your Desktop Environment [] | Jun 15 05:42 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 4MLinux 33.0 is here with Brotil Support, Hybrid data streams [] | Jun 15 05:44 | |
schestowitz | DaemonFC[m]: no, what for? | Jun 15 05:49 |
schestowitz | aside from hearing some negative things about matrix, irc works well enough | Jun 15 05:50 |
schestowitz | [05:14] <DaemonFC[m]> GitHub is really nasty and might delete your project over DMCA letters. You should host your project in an area where the DMCA doesn't apple. | Jun 15 05:50 |
schestowitz | I am preparing an article about github | Jun 15 05:50 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU Health Embedded Open Source Health Platform Works on Raspberry Pi 3/4, and soon Olimex SBC’s [] | Jun 15 05:53 | |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 05:55 | |
oiaohm | DaemonFC[m]: a few causes of complete deletes when you look closely they were in breach of copyright law and it really would not have mattered if it was github, gitlab or sourceforge... Basically USA hosted with USA law of DMCA applied. | Jun 15 05:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | LAME still uses Sourceforge. sigh | Jun 15 06:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | I was trying to understand what some patches did and I couldn't read the tickets they closed because I don't have an account. | Jun 15 06:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | Then it never emailed me. | Jun 15 06:02 |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 06:04 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The Story About Microsoft's Plan for GitHub Says a Lot About the Motivations and the Lies Told to Us for Over Half a Decade [] | Jun 15 06:05 | |
DaemonFC[m] | 14 people in Waukegan have filed bankruptcy since the 26th of last month. | Jun 15 06:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | I know because that's when I filed mine. | Jun 15 06:06 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm surprised that people aren't filing even more than they are. | Jun 15 06:06 |
DaemonFC[m] | We had an unusually bad January for bankruptcies and then they sort of leveled off and now they're surging. | Jun 15 06:06 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 06:11 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 06:12 | |
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*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 06:22 | |
schestowitz | I heard August is when the economy will collapse | Jun 15 06:31 |
schestowitz | leading to social breakdown, too | Jun 15 06:31 |
schestowitz | that's based on some analysis published in BuzzFeed, but I didn't look into it | Jun 15 06:31 |
schestowitz | Not sure why August, either... | Jun 15 06:32 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 06:39 | |
DaemonFC[m] | I don't know what the average bankruptcy size is for a Chapter 7. | Jun 15 06:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | I claimed about $70,000 in recent debt. That's about $45,000 in credit cards, $20,000 on the car that Shithead has, some medical bills, and a couple of old leases. | Jun 15 06:44 |
DaemonFC[m] | That's on the smaller end of a Chapter 7 because I have health insurance. | Jun 15 06:45 |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 06:45 | |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm guessing most are bigger. They can't seize Social Security money, but I don't want them to get a judgment and sit on it. | Jun 15 06:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | <schestowitz "Not sure why August, either..."> Probably that's when the landlords who are trying to evict people will actually be able to get it enforced. | Jun 15 06:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | Which will definitely spark a wave of bankruptcies because it stops them from throwing you out while the bankruptcy is open. | Jun 15 06:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: The courts are just starting to open back up. Then there will be a lawsuit and eviction tsunami that was being held back by executive orders and court closures. | Jun 15 06:52 |
DaemonFC[m] | Also, major corporations are going bust. Restaurants are getting hit very hard. | Jun 15 06:54 |
DaemonFC[m] | The percentage of meals cooked at home hit a 25 year high and the grocery stores weren't set up to handle it. | Jun 15 06:55 |
DaemonFC[m] | It caused a massive supply chain problem that the stores are still trying to sort out, although they aren't out of everything anymore. | Jun 15 06:55 |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: My guess is that this is basically the end of the shopping mall. | Jun 15 06:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | Even if they try to reopen, they can't open movie theaters in most states yet and their anchor stores are all in bankruptcy too. | Jun 15 06:58 |
schestowitz | [06:54] <DaemonFC[m]> Also, major corporations are going bust. Restaurants are getting hit very hard. | Jun 15 07:37 |
schestowitz | yeah, I doubt we'll go to any soon | Jun 15 07:37 |
DaemonFC[m] | schestowitz: I changed to grocery pickup to avoid the risk of going in. The grocery pickup is also a major bonus category for Mandy's credit card, but going in isn't. | Jun 15 07:53 |
DaemonFC[m] | I've managed to avoid COVID-19 somehow all this time. | Jun 15 07:54 |
DaemonFC[m] | I gave Mandy a respirator mask to wear at work that says it is effective against influenza. | Jun 15 07:54 |
DaemonFC[m] | Made him wear a surgical mask too just in case. I've been doing the same. | Jun 15 07:55 |
DaemonFC[m] | Not the most pleasant experience, but we're fine so far. | Jun 15 07:55 |
DaemonFC[m] | At some point enough people will have gotten sick that the danger will go down. | Jun 15 07:55 |
DaemonFC[m] | We're back up on new daily infections though. | Jun 15 07:55 |
DaemonFC[m] | Probably means deaths follow a couple weeks latter. | Jun 15 07:56 |
DaemonFC[m] | *later... If the trend holds. | Jun 15 07:56 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 07:59 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 08:02 | |
oiaohm | DaemonFC[m]: That the fun part surgical mask is designed to protect infection in you from person being operated on. N95 /respirator ratings and the like is designed to protect you from outside. We don't in fact have a proper rating for a item that protect you and protects those around you are the same time. | Jun 15 08:04 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights [] | Jun 15 08:07 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Review: Regolith Linux 19.10.0-R1.3 and distri [] | Jun 15 08:10 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Kernel 5.8-rc1 Released: “One Of The Biggest Releases Of All Time” [] | Jun 15 08:13 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 33 Excellent GNOME Desktop Extensions (Updated 2020) [] | Jun 15 08:17 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | Jun 15 08:18 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers [] | Jun 15 08:37 | |
DaemonFC[m] | This whole debacle of the last year is turning into a two part episode of Star Trek: Voyager, where 6 Borg cubes show up at once and Janeway has to figure it out. | Jun 15 08:43 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers [] | Jun 15 08:45 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 15/6/2020: Linux 5.8 RC1, 4MLinux 33.0 and digiKam 7.0.0 RC Released [] | Jun 15 08:55 | |
DaemonFC[m] | | Jun 15 09:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Monty - In Defense of Ogg's Good Name | Jun 15 09:00 | |
DaemonFC[m] | "The result was parseable as Ogg container but containing an ugly Windows-specific hack." | Jun 15 09:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | That's "The Way Software is Built(R)" according to Microsoft. | Jun 15 09:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | Just stack together a bunch of too-ugly-to-live hacks that obviously won't keep working and call it a day. | Jun 15 09:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | They do it themselves, so why would third party software be better? | Jun 15 09:02 |
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Jun 15 09:19 | |
XRevan86 | oy-vey | Jun 15 09:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GitHub to replace master with main across its services • The Register | Jun 15 09:21 | |
XRevan86 | I understand nothing anymore – now even the words that have nothing to do with racism get cleansed. | Jun 15 09:30 |
*mmu_man ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 09:49 | |
*obarun has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Jun 15 10:19 | |
*obarun ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 10:28 | |
XRevan86 | "Legacy BIOS" has a fatal flaw: reliance on the Master Boot Record. | Jun 15 10:40 |
XRevan86 | Good thing we as an industry have put this embarassment behind us. | Jun 15 10:42 |
XRevan86 | Now something has to be done about the music industry and academia. | Jun 15 10:43 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 10:46 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 10:48 | |
scientes | XRevan86, FreeBSD BIOS is ONLY the MBR | Jun 15 10:48 |
scientes | *boot loader | Jun 15 10:48 |
scientes | and what is so wrong with the MBR? | Jun 15 10:48 |
scientes | works better than that UEFI shit | Jun 15 10:49 |
XRevan86 | scientes: Because it's slavery, pay attention! | Jun 15 10:49 |
XRevan86 | SQLite is discussing removing mentions of black magic. | Jun 15 10:49 |
scientes | that article has a fatal | Jun 15 10:49 |
scientes | flaw | Jun 15 10:50 |
scientes | there is nothing racist about slavery | Jun 15 10:50 |
scientes | those are totally different concepts | Jun 15 10:50 |
XRevan86 | scientes: Well, to be serious, it's a nasty topic either way. | Jun 15 10:50 |
scientes | not really | Jun 15 10:51 |
XRevan86 | scientes: It is. Treating humans as property is not acceptable. | Jun 15 10:52 |
scientes | then you are a hypocrite | Jun 15 10:53 |
XRevan86 | scientes: Because children? | Jun 15 10:53 |
XRevan86 | scientes: Why is that hypocritical? | Jun 15 10:53 |
*XRevan86 insists that blacklists and black magic have nothing to do with skin colour. | Jun 15 10:55 | |
*XRevan86 hopes that's not hypocritical. | Jun 15 10:55 | |
XRevan86 | Sometimes I feel like it's safer to just avoid English as problematic. | Jun 15 11:10 |
MinceR | crybullies believe it to be racist, what else do you need? :> | Jun 15 11:12 |
MinceR | they've already explained that it doesn't even matter if the "master" branch has anything to do with slavery, it must be renamed anyway, just because. | Jun 15 11:13 |
MinceR | they don't know the language, so everything triggers them, and it's everyone else's duty to serve them by preventing them from being triggered | Jun 15 11:14 |
XRevan86 | Это удивительная культура, даже не важно – есть ли в слове что-либо уничижительное, если достаточно людей так считают, может, из-за испорченного телефона или по странной аналогии, оно по себе автоматически превращается в | Jun 15 11:15 |
XRevan86 | таковое. И все, кто с этим не согласен, помечаются как те, чьё мнение не достойно того, чтобы к нему прислушиваться, ведь они предвзятые и расисты. И в нынешнее время, когда координироваться и распространять информацию стал | Jun 15 11:15 |
XRevan86 | о настолько легко, насколько это вообще возможно, набрать "достаточно людей" стало просто, чтобы накинуться на любое слово. | Jun 15 11:15 |
XRevan86 | Went out more lengthy than expected. | Jun 15 11:18 |
MinceR | that's what she said. | Jun 15 11:19 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: It's like they've reached consensus somewhere, and now every other opinion is equal to an opinion of a bigot. | Jun 15 11:19 |
MinceR | they don't really need to | Jun 15 11:19 |
MinceR | if one of them decides they're triggered by something, then that something is considered to be evil by all of them | Jun 15 11:20 |
MinceR | because finally there's something new to be offended by | Jun 15 11:20 |
XRevan86 | Something else to do to better the world, and get one step closer to the world without hate. | Jun 15 11:20 |
zoobab | | Jun 15 11:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Unitary Patent: Germany is ignoring Brexit, European law, its Constitutional Court and Italians | FFII | Jun 15 11:21 | |
zoobab | | Jun 15 11:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Brexit: FFII rejects the proposal by the German Ministry of Justice to present the Agreement on the Unified Patent Court (UPCA) to the German Parliament for ratification | FFII | Jun 15 11:21 | |
XRevan86 | Maybe that's what they think. | Jun 15 11:21 |
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights | Jun 15 11:26 | |
MinceR | (cat) | Jun 15 11:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4387530) | Jun 15 11:29 | |
MinceR | unfortunately for them, hatred and words are two entirely different things | Jun 15 11:30 |
XRevan86 | By eliminating words like blackmail. | Jun 15 11:30 |
XRevan86 | (I made that one up, as far as I know) | Jun 15 11:30 |
MinceR | and when they cause backlash, _those_ words aren't going to be as innocuous as "master" | Jun 15 11:30 |
XRevan86 | "black humour" | Jun 15 11:32 |
XRevan86 | Not necessarily a negative thing, but treat black as something more tainted. | Jun 15 11:33 |
XRevan86 | "black economy" | Jun 15 11:35 |
XRevan86 | or even just "black market" | Jun 15 11:35 |
XRevan86 | The weird thing is, those examples that I've just listed make more sense to forbid than "blacklist". | Jun 15 11:36 |
XRevan86 | Because why would anyone need a list of black people to oppress? Look-based oppression only needs a visual. | Jun 15 11:37 |
XRevan86 | blacklist, black magic, blackmail, black market, black humour, whitelist, whitespace, white-collar, Snow White, Belarusian | Jun 15 11:41 |
XRevan86 | black sheep | Jun 15 11:44 |
XRevan86 | Gandalf the White | Jun 15 11:45 |
XRevan86 | This is too easy. | Jun 15 11:47 |
MinceR | black people | Jun 15 11:56 |
MinceR | now that's really offensive | Jun 15 11:56 |
MinceR | we should call them block people or replica people | Jun 15 11:57 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: That's some heavy deny humour. | Jun 15 11:57 |
MinceR | lol | Jun 15 11:59 |
XRevan86 | It's strange that no one is suggesting "trunk". It still makes a lot of idiomatic sense around the concept of branching. | Jun 15 12:04 |
MinceR | that's because their profession is to be offended and annoying, not to know anything about software, let alone version management in particular | Jun 15 12:05 |
MinceR | (audio:important) | Jun 15 12:08 |
XRevan86 | If the underlying problem were fixed, none of that would've happened. | Jun 15 12:11 |
XRevan86 | Thanks, the US, for ruining IT for us all. | Jun 15 12:11 |
MinceR | the underlying problem (humans) is fixing itself | Jun 15 12:12 |
MinceR | it will be very painful and there's going to be a lot of collateral damage | Jun 15 12:12 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: You're digging too deeply. | Jun 15 12:12 |
MinceR | but in the end, humans will be gone | Jun 15 12:12 |
XRevan86 | And there will be no IT without humans either. | Jun 15 12:13 |
MinceR | there won't be an IT for long even with humans | Jun 15 12:13 |
MinceR | we're in the New Dark Ages and crybullies and other authoritarians are killing IT | Jun 15 12:13 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: Well, it's more like a burst of the dot-com bubble. | Jun 15 12:14 |
XRevan86 | That wasn't the end of Internet, and this won't be the end of IT. | Jun 15 12:14 |
MinceR | i don't see the similarity | Jun 15 12:15 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: It's a set-back, not the end. | Jun 15 12:17 |
MinceR | there was nothing about religion or the feelings of people who get offended for a living mattering more than furthering our understanding of reality and using that understanding to ensure our long term survival in the dot-com bubble | Jun 15 12:18 |
XRevan86 | And it is a set-back, because thanks for breaking established terminology that even had nothing wrong with it, except being in English,. | Jun 15 12:18 |
MinceR | this goes a lot further than terminology | Jun 15 12:18 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: When you put it that way… | Jun 15 12:19 |
MinceR | even if the SJWs have broken every single term in IT, they'll still be able to get offended | Jun 15 12:19 |
MinceR | and so they will | Jun 15 12:19 |
XRevan86 | It's funny, really. When a lot of people went to streets to protest against racism, the couch battalion decided to support their cause in the way they know how – by fighting a dictionary. | Jun 15 12:24 |
MinceR | :> | Jun 15 12:24 |
MinceR | i suspect this goes deeper though | Jun 15 12:25 |
MinceR | they're probably producing lists of the opposition | Jun 15 12:25 |
MinceR | and staking claims to territory | Jun 15 12:25 |
psydroid | I don't get why they don't just take over and/or fork all projects out there, possibly together with Microcrap, and get ultimate control over IT | Jun 15 12:27 |
MinceR | because they want other people to do the dirty work for them | Jun 15 12:29 |
*rodolphoeck ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 12:29 | |
MinceR | microsloth already knows what the result if they try to design and implement stuff on their own | Jun 15 12:29 |
MinceR | s/lt/lt will be/ | Jun 15 12:29 |
MinceR | they're probably worried they won't be able to force people to pay for microshit stuff they don't even use | Jun 15 12:30 |
psydroid | yes, but my point is that all of these projects should be gifted to micropayment | Jun 15 12:30 |
MinceR | i don't get it | Jun 15 12:31 |
psydroid | and silently forked and/or replaced with better alternatives, while making micromodule think they have won | Jun 15 12:31 |
MinceR | ah | Jun 15 12:32 |
MinceR | seems to me most software developers are not aware of what's going on | Jun 15 12:32 |
psydroid | I'm pretty sure the company doesn't need any help running things into the ground, so I think it should be given ample opportunities to do so | Jun 15 12:33 |
*obarun has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Jun 15 12:43 | |
MinceR | (audio:important) | Jun 15 12:49 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: very nice | Jun 15 12:55 |
XRevan86 | I wonder where he lives with a pet fox | Jun 15 12:57 |
MinceR | | Jun 15 13:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Building the most inaccessible site possible with a perfect Lighthouse score - Manuel Matuzović | Jun 15 13:06 | |
schestowitz | [10:43] <XRevan86> Now something has to be done about the music industry and academia. | Jun 15 13:08 |
schestowitz | lol, teue | Jun 15 13:08 |
schestowitz | you don't want to record rap on a master track or master channel with a studio run by a guy with a masters degree, called Master P | Jun 15 13:09 |
XRevan86 | Primary: You are completely under my control, Doctor, you are effectively my slave. | Jun 15 13:16 |
XRevan86 | Doctor: You mean, your replica. | Jun 15 13:16 |
XRevan86 | The 50 years long fable about the Time Proprietors, only on BBC America. | Jun 15 13:17 |
XRevan86 | Doctor: Primary, you're a woman! | Jun 15 13:20 |
XRevan86 | Primary: Yea, you can call me Pissy now. | Jun 15 13:20 |
XRevan86 | A Season 8-10 joke is probably a wee out of date, oh well %). | Jun 15 13:22 |
MinceR | lol | Jun 15 13:24 |
psydroid | Doctor J and Master P are in da house, move over Servant B | Jun 15 13:25 |
XRevan86 | Michelle Gomez nailed the role. | Jun 15 13:25 |
XRevan86 | beautiful | Jun 15 13:35 |
schestowitz | XRevan86: did he shoot her in the face with a cannon? | Jun 15 13:35 |
schestowitz | or is that a hole where the penis goes? | Jun 15 13:35 |
XRevan86 | On an unrelated note: Putin's height is around 170cm. | Jun 15 13:36 |
schestowitz | (not putitin) | Jun 15 13:36 |
schestowitz | well, his inferiority complex makes him better candidate for sociopathy | Jun 15 13:36 |
psydroid | she was made prettier for the picture | Jun 15 13:37 |
XRevan86 | > did he shoot her in the face with a cannon? | Jun 15 13:37 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: That's just what happens after divorce. | Jun 15 13:37 |
MinceR | lol @ cannon | Jun 15 13:41 |
MinceR | "till death us do part" or whatever | Jun 15 13:41 |
MinceR | a condition easy for a dictator to fulfill | Jun 15 13:41 |
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrights | Jun 15 13:44 | |
XRevan86 | The master-slave topology doesn't even apply to git – all branches are independent by design. | Jun 15 13:47 |
schestowitz | I made the point some days ago | Jun 15 13:51 |
schestowitz | this was brewing for nearly a week | Jun 15 13:51 |
schestowitz | while people toppled or remove or deface statues | Jun 15 13:51 |
schestowitz | some decided to go digital with this activism | Jun 15 13:51 |
schestowitz | and some people in FOSS blogs did allude to it | Jun 15 13:51 |
schestowitz | XRevan86: wait until they find out about many things that are called "black" | Jun 15 13:52 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: That I listed above? | Jun 15 13:52 |
schestowitz | black coffee, companies with the word "black" in their name... | Jun 15 13:53 |
schestowitz | the context does not seem to matter anymore | Jun 15 13:53 |
schestowitz | if it's said to offend someone or cause discomfort | Jun 15 13:53 |
schestowitz | usually people who never themselves experienced slavery, ancestors did | Jun 15 13:53 |
schestowitz | They'd be better off demanding that Microsoft stops helping Trump bomb peopl | Jun 15 13:54 |
schestowitz | esp. people of dark skin colours, the US loves bombing those | Jun 15 13:54 |
MinceR | (cat) | Jun 15 13:54 |
MinceR | they can't demand anything from microsuck, lest they lose their paychecks | Jun 15 13:55 |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 13:56 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 13:56 | |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 14:05 | |
XRevan86 | Maybe I did stupid, but I wrote a notice: | Jun 15 14:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conversation - LoadAverage | Jun 15 14:06 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 14:07 | |
XRevan86 | Pretty much the same thing as I wrote here sans defensive mockery and better structured. | Jun 15 14:13 |
MinceR | :) | Jun 15 14:13 |
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Jun 15 14:21 | |
XRevan86 | > People who aren't racist almost never have to say things like "I'm not a racist" (because they're not accused of it), just like decent men don't have to say "I no longer beat up my partner" | Jun 15 14:35 |
XRevan86 | | Jun 15 14:35 |
*XRevan86 accidentally found | Jun 15 14:37 | |
XRevan86 | As always a primary with words. | Jun 15 14:38 |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 14:41 | |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 14:41 | |
XRevan86 | > Cops aren't racist per se, they just work for #police departments which are inherently racist institutions and the occupation is almost always racist. Those who aren't racist resign, deepening this cycle of racism and bigotry. Cult-like. | Jun 15 14:41 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: This reminded me of | Jun 15 14:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE | Jun 15 14:41 | |
XRevan86 | Couldn't find it in English | Jun 15 14:41 |
XRevan86 | In Kalach-on-the-Don, reportedly, a Nation Guard officer raped another officer with a vodka bottle. | Jun 15 14:42 |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 14:43 | |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 15:03 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 15:03 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Morrowind, ATOM RPG, Fury Unleashed and More [] | Jun 15 15:08 | |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 15:09 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 15:09 | |
MinceR | > (because they're not accused of it) | Jun 15 15:15 |
MinceR | clever | Jun 15 15:15 |
MinceR | "you're a racist because i accused you of being a racist" | Jun 15 15:15 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: You're accusing schestowitz here of something %) | Jun 15 15:18 |
MinceR | that's a bit too meta for me | Jun 15 15:18 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: These are his words. | Jun 15 15:19 |
*psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrights | Jun 15 15:23 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDE Plasma 5.20 Bringing this Stunning Taskbar Feature in Next Release [] | Jun 15 15:23 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Perform Common PDF Editing Tasks Like Merge, Split, Rotate With Free and Open Source PDF Mix Tool [] | Jun 15 15:25 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | Jun 15 15:40 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Lampone Pi, a live readonly Raspbian [] | Jun 15 15:43 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: First Qt 6.0 Snapshot Available [] | Jun 15 15:50 | |
*smnthermes ( has left #techrights | Jun 15 15:54 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: [] | Jun 15 15:56 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: System76 Launches Powerful New Linux Laptop [] | Jun 15 15:56 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Laptops Now Available with Elementary OS Pre-Installed [] | Jun 15 15:58 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Why the Success of Edge Computing Relies on a Linux Legacy [] | Jun 15 16:02 | |
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 16:03 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Interview with Albert Weand [] | Jun 15 16:04 | |
*Digit has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Jun 15 16:05 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: My Linux Story: remixing distributions at 17 years old [] | Jun 15 16:05 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Entangle 3.0 Improves Tethered DSLR Shooting on #Linux [] | Jun 15 16:07 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Why I Still Use Linux on the Desktop [] | Jun 15 16:10 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: AutoTux Review: A Linux Distro That Fully Automates Installation Process [] | Jun 15 16:13 | |
*Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit) has joined #techrights | Jun 15 16:17 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming [] | Jun 15 16:19 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers [] | Jun 15 16:23 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu Unity 20.10 “Groovy Gorilla” Enters Development, First Alpha Is Ready for Testers [] | Jun 15 16:26 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers [] | Jun 15 16:32 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Patches Provide Corsair Commander Pro Support For Thermal / Fan / RGB Controller [] | Jun 15 16:45 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers [] | Jun 15 16:46 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | Jun 15 16:48 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: PinePhone: postmarketOS community edition [] | Jun 15 16:52 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: More #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | Jun 15 16:54 | |
MinceR | | Jun 15 17:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Thief | Jun 15 17:04 | |
schestowitz | [14:42] <XRevan86> In Kalach-on-the-Don, reportedly, a Nation Guard officer raped another officer with a vodka bottle. | Jun 15 17:17 |
schestowitz | I assume with the head of the bottle and not anally, not that it matters. TBH, whether it was with a bottle as in got someone drunk or inserted it doesn't matter. It's abuse regardless, unless consensual | Jun 15 17:17 |
schestowitz | [14:37] * XRevan86 accidentally found | Jun 15 17:19 |
schestowitz | LOL, I remember that | Jun 15 17:19 |
schestowitz | Don the Con, the liar.... | Jun 15 17:19 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: Anally. | Jun 15 17:19 |
schestowitz | Let's see the reaction of him when Ivanka dumps Jared and married a Jamaican | Jun 15 17:19 |
schestowitz | XRevan86: so maybe has impotence issues | Jun 15 17:20 |
schestowitz | uses bottle instead | Jun 15 17:20 |
schestowitz | "like a prop.." | Jun 15 17:20 |
schestowitz | I heard stories from Saudi Arabia | Jun 15 17:20 |
schestowitz | A relative who worked in hospitals in Jeddah | Jun 15 17:20 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: It's an infamous torture technique. Maybe the urge to try it out was too strong. | Jun 15 17:20 |
schestowitz | they apparently rape dudes with instruments | Jun 15 17:20 |
schestowitz | anally, things like spray cans... | Jun 15 17:21 |
schestowitz | and sometimes they get stuck in | Jun 15 17:21 |
schestowitz | and someone they never can explain how it - gasp - just got in there | Jun 15 17:21 |
schestowitz | "oh, let me explain... I took my pants and underwear off and didn't realise I was just siitting on... oh crap... oops! Damn, that again | Jun 15 17:21 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: Which bottle part is the head? The neck? | Jun 15 17:21 |
schestowitz | usually vodka bottle have a neck about 3 inches long | Jun 15 17:22 |
schestowitz | *bottles | Jun 15 17:22 |
XRevan86 | That's the part that was inserted. | Jun 15 17:22 |
schestowitz | and idiots who enjoy sticking it inside people must be pathetic and sick | Jun 15 17:22 |
schestowitz | they realise this is the fecal canal, right? | Jun 15 17:23 |
schestowitz | nothing 'sexy' about it... | Jun 15 17:23 |
schestowitz | it's where the body exerts waste | Jun 15 17:23 |
schestowitz | with bacteria and all | Jun 15 17:23 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: It's like a very lite version of impalement – to make someone sit on a bottle. | Jun 15 17:23 |
schestowitz | it would almost never work accidentally | Jun 15 17:25 |
schestowitz | you're feel if before it goes in and the reflex would stop you | Jun 15 17:25 |
schestowitz | and that's if you wore nothing at all | Jun 15 17:25 |
schestowitz | so there are only two options | Jun 15 17:25 |
schestowitz | someone put it there | Jun 15 17:26 |
schestowitz | or you put it there yourself | Jun 15 17:26 |
schestowitz | in Seinfelt they did a whole episode about it | Jun 15 17:26 |
schestowitz | about fusili Jerry | Jun 15 17:26 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: Torture in Russia isn't hidden all that well. | Jun 15 17:26 |
schestowitz | The guy who 'sat' on it died very recently, he plays George's dad | Jun 15 17:26 |
schestowitz | and the episode dealt with proctologists [spelling] saying that people always make BS stories about how it happened | Jun 15 17:27 |
schestowitz | XRevan86: in the West they call it other things | Jun 15 17:27 |
schestowitz | the media used to play along more | Jun 15 17:27 |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: Pieskov replied to the allegations that Russia is having a suspiciously low death rate that it's just, you know, great healthcare. | Jun 15 17:27 |
schestowitz | things like interrogation or enhanced interrogation | Jun 15 17:27 |
schestowitz | rendetion | Jun 15 17:27 |
schestowitz | rendition and some other words | Jun 15 17:28 |
XRevan86 | And everyone knows that's ridiculous, but they'll still say it. | Jun 15 17:28 |
schestowitz | XRevan86: not only Russia does it | Jun 15 17:28 |
schestowitz | compare the cases/deaths ratio | Jun 15 17:28 |
schestowitz | in the UK it's almost 1:5 | Jun 15 17:28 |
schestowitz | in some countries 1:100 | Jun 15 17:28 |
schestowitz | so something is wrong, someone is lying | Jun 15 17:28 |
XRevan86 | And there's even proof – in Karachayevo-Cherkesia there are protests, because of lots of mysterious deaths. | Jun 15 17:29 |
XRevan86 | Very similiar to what happened in Dagestan prior, except with Dagestan they *kinda* admitted that the situation is a mess. | Jun 15 17:30 |
XRevan86 | Dagestan had one of the lowest mortalities, after the rescue – one of the highest. | Jun 15 17:32 |
XRevan86 | But in no way is that a pattern, a low death rate of Russia overall must be top-notch healthcare. | Jun 15 17:33 |
cybrNaut | ppl foolish enough to install an app for a coffee-donut shop are being tracked by Tim Hortons: | Jun 15 17:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Double-double tracking: How Tim Hortons knows where you sleep, work and vacation | Financial Post | Jun 15 17:33 | |
XRevan86 | schestowitz: I guess I just know my local situation best :) | Jun 15 17:33 |
schestowitz | I linked to this article earlier today | Jun 15 17:34 |
XRevan86 | Meanwhile, Navalny got himself a new criminal case. Guess what he did. | Jun 15 17:35 |
XRevan86 | He wrote a notice on Twitter saying that people in a PR video of the Consitution amendments are sellouts, people without consciousness, traitors. | Jun 15 17:37 |
XRevan86 | Except that one of the people who was there is a WW2 veteran. And now that's made as a basis for a slander case. | Jun 15 17:38 |
*rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Jun 15 17:40 | |
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 17:40 | |
MinceR | lol | Jun 15 17:44 |
schestowitz | [12:49] <MinceR> (audio:important) | Jun 15 18:13 |
schestowitz | rianne_: ^ | Jun 15 18:13 |
*gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Jun 15 18:42 | |
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Jun 15 18:48 | |
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | Jun 15 18:49 | |
*DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < > | Jun 15 19:00 | |
DaemonFC[m] | (Totally not ISIS.) | Jun 15 19:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | Republicans told me that ISIS was controlling a land area the size of Indiana. I said, "Yeah, it's called Indiana.". | Jun 15 19:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | The Jews and Christians are pretty bad. | Jun 15 19:04 |
DaemonFC[m] | They attack male babies and cut off part of their dick and then talk about those filthy stinking Muslims and Female Genital Mutilation. | Jun 15 19:04 |
DaemonFC[m] | Performing an unnecessary surgery on an infant to cut off part of a body part is Aggravated Assault with a Dangerous Weapon. | Jun 15 19:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | Should be charged like that. | Jun 15 19:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | Also, Aggravated Battery. | Jun 15 19:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | Two Class A Misdemeanors. It's what it should be. For some reason, right wing terrorists get whatever they want. | Jun 15 19:06 |
DaemonFC[m] | They don't even have to engage in illegal behavior to get it because they just pass their own exemptions from the laws that everyone else has to follow. | Jun 15 19:06 |
DaemonFC[m] | Fundamentally, I can't see how cutting off part of someone's dick isn't a crime. If I pinned someone down and cut off part of his dick with a knife, they'd send me to jail. What makes doing it to an infant who couldn't possibly fight off his attacker any better than that? | Jun 15 19:07 |
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 19:08 | |
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 19:08 | |
DaemonFC[m] | If I thought it would go anywhere I would sue the hospital in Marion, Indiana claiming injury as a result of a malicious intent to wound. | Jun 15 19:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: I'm starting to get some of the humor of I Love Lucy that I never appreciated before. | Jun 15 19:09 |
DaemonFC[m] | She's sitting there reading a murder mystery novel and Ricky comes in and scares her and the book goes flying out the window. She says, "Oh great, now I'll never know who did it!". | Jun 15 19:10 |
DaemonFC[m] | He says, "That's easy, it was the husband.". | Jun 15 19:10 |
DaemonFC[m] | She says, "The husband? He didn't have any reason to kill her!". | Jun 15 19:10 |
DaemonFC[m] | He goes, "He was married wasn't he?". | Jun 15 19:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | I was watching that (Downloaded some DVD rips.). | Jun 15 19:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | I was like "That's pretty dark for a sitcom from the 1950s.... I like it.". | Jun 15 19:11 |
MinceR | :) | Jun 15 19:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | I cracked open the CDR and laughed. These things are....."Who knows what's going on in there?". | Jun 15 19:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | This time SSA says I'm a basket case mentally. | Jun 15 19:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | I got a Low 0033. | Jun 15 19:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | Last time I was a Medium 0101. | Jun 15 19:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: Technically, the narrative file that generates the code is only supposed to be updated with a Full medical CDR. | Jun 15 19:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | So I have no idea what happened. They can open their own investigation and not tell you, of course. | Jun 15 19:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | I guess maybe they did and were sorry that they bothered? | Jun 15 19:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | "He got married. Clearly insane. Getting worse." | Jun 15 19:16 |
DaemonFC[m] | "To an immigrant, now he's going to have to fight USCIS under Donald Trump. Prospect for mental improvement: Comical." FILE CLOSED | Jun 15 19:17 |
DaemonFC[m] | <MinceR ":)"> That was my favorite line in Soldier. | Jun 15 19:17 |
DaemonFC[m] | They ask him what he's going to do about the dozen advanced super-soldiers that are approaching with all the latest military hardware. | Jun 15 19:18 |
DaemonFC[m] | "I'm going to kill them all, sir." (Matter of factly.) | Jun 15 19:18 |
MinceR | :> | Jun 15 19:19 |
DaemonFC[m] | That's the mentality you need to survive when everything is going wrong at once. Maybe not literally killing people, but stay calm and just deal with them all using whatever works. | Jun 15 19:19 |
DaemonFC[m] | They have no idea he's even there and by the time they do, he's already picked off several of them. | Jun 15 19:20 |
DaemonFC[m] | In the panic that ensues, they still have no idea what they're up against because they forgot that they left him there. | Jun 15 19:20 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: I'm a fan of the ambush method. | Jun 15 19:21 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's been working so far. | Jun 15 19:22 |
DaemonFC[m] | --- | Jun 15 19:24 |
DaemonFC[m] | I've been throwing some samples that trip out transform codecs at FFMpeg AAC to see how it holds up. | Jun 15 19:25 |
*rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Jun 15 19:25 | |
*rianne ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 19:26 | |
DaemonFC[m] | It seems to be a fine AAC codec if you use CBR. | Jun 15 19:27 |
DaemonFC[m] | There were some improvements that landed in 2018 in git that nobody has performed a listening test on. | Jun 15 19:27 |
*obarun ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 19:29 | |
DaemonFC[m] | It seems to at least be as good as Nero AAC. That alone is enough to justify deleting the faac and visualon encoders from ffmpeg. | Jun 15 19:29 |
DaemonFC[m] | It only implements LC-AAC but the patents have expired on this profile, so it's basically public domain like MP3 now. | Jun 15 19:30 |
DaemonFC[m] | The biggest problem I see with FFmpeg is that their developers seem to take time to blog about how free codecs are shit, and they even go out of their way to lie to make their point sometimes. | Jun 15 19:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | That criticism of the Ogg container was before they also criticized Theora and VP8. | Jun 15 19:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | They did have some valid points about VP8 though. | Jun 15 19:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | There was no real specification other than what Google's encoder does, without explanation in many cases. That's irritating. | Jun 15 19:40 |
DaemonFC[m] | A well written standard should provide a strict definition of a decoder more than what the encoder must do. | Jun 15 19:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | Apple didn't intend ALAC to ever be open source. They gave up and open sourced the format after it was reverse engineered. | Jun 15 19:42 |
DaemonFC[m] | They're probably moving away from that. I'm not even sure if you still can buy the files themselves from Apple. | Jun 15 19:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | They have been leaning on people hard to get them to accept their music rental model with streaming. | Jun 15 19:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: I heard from some people that Apple just deleted all the music off their Mac and told them they could stream it from the cloud instead. | Jun 15 19:44 |
DaemonFC[m] | I laughed pretty hard. They were just furious about it. | Jun 15 19:44 |
MinceR | they had it coming | Jun 15 19:44 |
MinceR | and they won't do anything that would hit crApple where it hurts | Jun 15 19:44 |
DaemonFC[m] | I too love computers that randomly delete files without asking due to the manufacturer's business plans! :) | Jun 15 19:45 |
DaemonFC[m] | Apple said it was freeing up space on the user's hard drive and that streaming was a perfectly good alternative for them. | Jun 15 19:45 |
DaemonFC[m] | They didn't mention how that's supposed to work on competing devices or without an internet connection. ;) | Jun 15 19:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | Keeping their users on a very short leash. | Jun 15 19:46 |
MinceR | "computers" | Jun 15 19:50 |
MinceR | their users do need a handler anyway | Jun 15 19:50 |
MinceR | they were stupid enough to buy crApple products, after all | Jun 15 19:50 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: I'm not sure how the computer system at SSA decides profile information. | Jun 15 19:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | It seems like there's an actual person who decides who bad they want to bother certain types of people that time around and that's how the codes get decided. | Jun 15 19:52 |
DaemonFC[m] | *how | Jun 15 19:52 |
DaemonFC[m] | The way Social Security describes it, you'd think they Skynet in there analyzing people. | Jun 15 19:52 |
DaemonFC[m] | *have | Jun 15 19:52 |
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Jun 15 20:03 | |
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DaemonFC[m] | My doctor botched billing my insurance. | Jun 15 20:40 |
DaemonFC[m] | So I'm amending my bankruptcy filing to throw in that doctor's office. | Jun 15 20:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | There's another $395. | Jun 15 20:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | If you forget to throw something in, you can serve them with a copy of the discharge letter if they try to take action on it later, but it's more work. | Jun 15 20:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | Bankruptcy wipes out debt you forgot to throw in, most of the time, but it's better to list all of it that you know about on the petition. | Jun 15 20:42 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: Some scummy debt collectors paid my credit card companies to buy my account like 3 days before I filed. | Jun 15 20:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | Gambled and lost! | Jun 15 20:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | | Jun 15 20:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Falling Down (10/10) Movie CLIP - Fore! (1993) HD - YouTube | Jun 15 20:44 | |
DaemonFC[m] | | Jun 15 20:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTube | Jun 15 20:51 | |
MinceR | :> | Jun 15 21:00 |
*AVRS has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Jun 15 21:34 | |
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MinceR | | Jun 15 21:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Promise | Jun 15 21:52 | |
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Jun 15 21:53 | |
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cubexyz | test | Jun 15 21:55 |
XRevan86 | cubexyz: passed | Jun 15 21:55 |
*cubelog has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Jun 15 21:56 | |
DaemonFC[m] | "It’s a good idea to check in with your doc about their retirement or relocation plans. Plan ahead so you will always have a good doctor." | Jun 15 21:56 |
DaemonFC[m] | Well, my doctor is a man in his 70s so thanks to the Coronavirus, he might just keep doing visits over the phone for the rest of the time he's practicing. | Jun 15 21:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | The US just hit another peak in active cases. | Jun 15 21:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | People are letting their guard down (some people are) and then they get the virus. | Jun 15 21:58 |
DaemonFC[m] | So it's pretty clear with active cases going up that R0 is at least 1, and maybe a little higher. | Jun 15 21:58 |
DaemonFC[m] | We're not suffocating the virus with an R0 of 1, we're keeping the number of infected people steady at nearly 1.2 million at any given time. | Jun 15 21:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | This is still a disaster, it's just unfolding slower, so people are acting like it' over. | Jun 15 21:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: My guess is that Social Security overrode their fancy Skynet computer and made everyone bump down so they could ram through a bunch of mailers. | Jun 15 22:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | Because they had to clear out of the offices like they were on fire and there's a backlog of another quarter million cases now. | Jun 15 22:01 |
*cubelog ( has joined #techrights | Jun 15 22:02 | |
DaemonFC[m] | If they Long Form people and have to kick them out to a Consultative Exam, then it could just create a bigger train wreck because a lot of doctors that normally do CEs for SSA are not accepting CEs right now and Social Security can't strip people of their benefits without proof that they pay CE doctors to give them | Jun 15 22:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | SSA was trying to ram though a rules change to make it easier to throw people off who have not medically improved, but the Coronavirus got in the way of that and now even if it does go on the Federal Register, Congress can take it up next year for a Resolution of Disapproval if the Democrats want to. | Jun 15 22:05 |
cubexyz | ok, will be replaced with 2020 starting tomorrow | Jun 15 22:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | I call it the damned if you do, damned if you don't rule. | Jun 15 22:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | They make you send them your doctor's records, but they can toss them out and say you need more evidence if they can't find anything damning on there. | Jun 15 22:05 |
cubexyz | I'll just update that year by year from now on | Jun 15 22:06 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's the Social Security equivalent of letting the cops beat a confession out of you, and if they still don't have anything useful, they can still proceed to send you to jail. | Jun 15 22:07 |
DaemonFC[m] | This sort of rule should be ripe for a lawsuit because it flies in the face of due process. | Jun 15 22:07 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: The SSA basically pays the people who have to defend against these damned things potentially every couple of years less than the federal poverty line. | Jun 15 22:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | Then lawyers refuse to represent them unless they come up with about $4,000. | Jun 15 22:09 |
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DaemonFC[m] | That's why it's very important to minimize the chances of Long Form reviews. They'll hit you with something that involves an inferior legal system that's as complicated as the Internal Revenue Code, without a lawyer. | Jun 15 22:09 |
DaemonFC[m] | Their new proposal says that they're going after Schizophrenics. | Jun 15 22:10 |
DaemonFC[m] | I already managed to beat these people twice with no lawyer. | Jun 15 22:10 |
DaemonFC[m] | Which I guess isn't bad for a manic depressive type who can't remember to zip his pants half the time. | Jun 15 22:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | I totally understand how Robin Williams felt. | Jun 15 22:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | The same thing that makes mentally ill people funny to listen to is the disease that torments them. | Jun 15 22:12 |
DaemonFC[m] | People blame the bipolar disorder for his suicide. I don't think it had much to do with it. | Jun 15 22:12 |
DaemonFC[m] | If I ever get diagnosed with something like that, I'll probably do the same thing. | Jun 15 22:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | What person wants to go through MS on the way out while the doctor says there's barely anything that they can do with it? | Jun 15 22:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | The United States will probably never evolve on assisted dying. | Jun 15 22:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | I don't think there was anything wrong with what Dr. Kevorkian did, and they just kept investigating him and putting him on trial for murder. | Jun 15 22:15 |
MinceR | it was against their religion | Jun 15 22:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | He didn't kill anyone that wasn't terminally ill and who didn't ask him to help, so no, I wouldn't vote to convict if I was on that jury. | Jun 15 22:15 |
MinceR | a religion that glorifies suffering | Jun 15 22:16 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's terrible. They say they're good people while they're all in that church fucking around on each other's spouses, gossiping, comparing clothes, gathering at the courthouse to sue each other, and now they want to force people to suffer on their way to dying anyway. | Jun 15 22:17 |
DaemonFC[m] | I mean there's like 3 states that allow doctor assisted suicide. It's hard to access. The federal government took them to court to try to stop it and lost though, so there's that. | Jun 15 22:18 |
DaemonFC[m] | At least more states could pass laws and use that as precedent. | Jun 15 22:18 |
MinceR | they want to feel like they're good people without any of the actual goodness | Jun 15 22:18 |
MinceR | while satisfying their evil urges | Jun 15 22:19 |
MinceR | just like SJWs | Jun 15 22:19 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's feel good bullshit is what it is. | Jun 15 22:19 |
DaemonFC[m] | On the immigration form, they said they can talk to people who know you at church. | Jun 15 22:20 |
DaemonFC[m] | I told the lady that was filling it out "I don't go to church.". | Jun 15 22:20 |
DaemonFC[m] | She says, "Well, they can talk to your neighbors.". | Jun 15 22:20 |
DaemonFC[m] | I said, "I live in a hotel.". | Jun 15 22:20 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: The lady at the library didn't want to give me a library card because I lived in a hotel. | Jun 15 22:21 |
DaemonFC[m] | I said, "It's on my driver's license if you don't believe me.". | Jun 15 22:21 |
DaemonFC[m] | This Coronavirus disaster has also been a digital rights disaster. | Jun 15 22:21 |
MinceR | and a human rights disaster | Jun 15 22:22 |
DaemonFC[m] | Libraries are pushing Overdrive (proprietary software with DRM) since you can't go to the library. | Jun 15 22:22 |
DaemonFC[m] | Yeah, like the right to go to work and support yourself. | Jun 15 22:22 |
DaemonFC[m] | I mean, what kind of fucked up country ties health insurance to your job and then when a pandemic strikes, says "Oh, and you can't go to work and we will not be opening up the Affordable Care Act exchanges.". | Jun 15 22:23 |
DaemonFC[m] | One man in Washington State who is 70 years old and on Medicare got a $1.2 million dollar bill from the hospital. Medicare paid the whole thing because it was COVID-19. | Jun 15 22:24 |
DaemonFC[m] | So they'll dump $1.2 million into a 70 year old man who statically should be dead in like 5 years anyway, but they tell people in their 30s "Too bad, so sad!". | Jun 15 22:24 |
DaemonFC[m] | That's not only terrible, it's terrible government policy. Statistically, if you save a guy who is 30, he'll go to work, add to the economy, and pay taxes for another 37 years, at least, before he can apply for Social Security.. | Jun 15 22:26 |
DaemonFC[m] | The SSA is already making decisions about whether or not to ruin my life with Skynet. | Jun 15 22:26 |
DaemonFC[m] | Why shouldn't they make statistical assessments of everyone? | Jun 15 22:27 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: I'll bet that would go over well if they rated everyone's lives with a statistical value. | Jun 15 22:31 |
MinceR | monetary value? | Jun 15 22:31 |
MinceR | "to us, your life is worth 12 cents." | Jun 15 22:31 |
DaemonFC[m] | "Sorry Ms. Smith, you can't have a kidney because you're in the Master Computer as an M 2347 and you need a higher score." | Jun 15 22:32 |
MinceR | :> | Jun 15 22:32 |
DaemonFC[m] | Skynet said I was an L 33. | Jun 15 22:32 |
MinceR | "your Social Score is too low for a new kidney. you should have licked our boots with significantly more fervor." | Jun 15 22:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | Skynet says that I rank lower than a 58 year old woman on kidney dialysis for probability that my condition improves. | Jun 15 22:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | It gave her an L 58 | Jun 15 22:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | That's actually..... | Jun 15 22:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | You can tell what Skynet thinks of you at the time the "ACTION ALERT" was "TRIGGERED" by looking for a letter and a 4 digit code. | Jun 15 22:34 |
MinceR | :> | Jun 15 22:34 |
MinceR | "SkyNet doesn't want you dead... yet." | Jun 15 22:34 |
DaemonFC[m] | They use the letters and numbers to determine how to process a CDR. | Jun 15 22:35 |
DaemonFC[m] | People who get an L 0001 would be the least likely to get full CDR, while people who get H 9999 would be absolutely guaranteed to get one. | Jun 15 22:36 |
DaemonFC[m] | Nobody outside SSA knows what the 4 digits mean exactly but they tend to go along with the letter to the point where people with more serious diseases get an L with a lower profile score. | Jun 15 22:36 |
DaemonFC[m] | You can also get an M. | Jun 15 22:37 |
DaemonFC[m] | Lows get the Mailer and don't get a CDR unless they tell SSA something that makes them "question the narrative" enough to open one. | Jun 15 22:38 |
DaemonFC[m] | Mediums are a coin toss. | Jun 15 22:38 |
DaemonFC[m] | Highs almost always get one no matter what they say if they got the short form initially. | Jun 15 22:38 |
DaemonFC[m] | If you get an L, don't say anything in the remarks. | Jun 15 22:38 |
DaemonFC[m] | Chances are the computer eats it and resets the clock. | Jun 15 22:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | If a human gets it they could question the narrative and take a DO CDR ACTION. | Jun 15 22:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | The best outcome for you is that Skynet accepts it and resets your Termination date. ;) | Jun 15 22:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | If it has to get a T-H involved, who knows what will happen. | Jun 15 22:40 |
DaemonFC[m] | | Jun 15 22:40 |
DaemonFC[m] | In the various timelines, Skynet has two human-derived Terminator models. | Jun 15 22:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | The T-H is basically an improved human that has a "Skynet Control Chip" embedded in their brain and an endoskeleton similar to a T-800s. Instead of having a robot body, the internal organs and muscle tissue are of an improved design that can support the additional requirements. Skynet built some of these as Infiltrators because it can have them act as humans, but carrying out its orders through the control software a | Jun 15 22:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | a subconscious level. | Jun 15 22:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | Once Marcus became aware of what he was, he was able to override the control chip and tear it out. | Jun 15 22:44 |
DaemonFC[m] | So it seems that Skynet only controls these models to the extent that they don't become able to consciously override their programming. | Jun 15 22:45 |
DaemonFC[m] | Then there was the T-3000 in Genisys. John Connor was attacked by Skynet and had his body transformed by nanobots into a Terminator. | Jun 15 22:46 |
DaemonFC[m] | The T-H seems to have some advantages and some weaknesses vs. the T-800. It seems to be strong enough to fight one and Marcus ended up ripping its head off in the end, but the T-800 is better at determining its target's weak spots through advanced sensors and combat files in order to determine the best strategy. Initially, it found that he had a heart and punched it hard enough to stop it. (Someone else had to | Jun 15 22:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | resuscitate him.) | Jun 15 22:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | The T-H advantage would be that due to their former status as human, they would think and act exactly like a human and would be less likely to be spotted. | Jun 15 22:49 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: The franchise has taken the timelines thing to the extreme. | Jun 15 22:50 |
DaemonFC[m] | Too much reliance on time travel to tell a consistent story. | Jun 15 22:50 |
DaemonFC[m] | Genisys went full J. J. Abrams by creating an alternate 1984, and sticking a T-1000 in it in addition to a CGI Arnold. | Jun 15 22:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | The CGI Arnold thing in 2009 (Salvation) was unexpected and took me by surprise enough that at the theater, I didn't really notice the imperfections in it. | Jun 15 22:52 |
DaemonFC[m] | Dark Fate was a much better movie. I liked the commentary that they worked so hard to destroy Skynet that they just pushed back Judgment Day another 30 years and gave people enough time to make something even worse. | Jun 15 22:54 |
DaemonFC[m] | Time travel gets weird after some iterations. | Jun 15 22:56 |
DaemonFC[m] | The Future War as depicted in the first movie might not actually even be the Prime Timeline. | Jun 15 22:56 |
DaemonFC[m] | It showed Judgment Day as happening in the late 2020s. A line of dialogue in the movie suggests that the first Terminators like the T-800 came off the line around 2024. | Jun 15 22:57 |
DaemonFC[m] | Err, not Judgment Day, the Future War. | Jun 15 22:58 |
DaemonFC[m] | The plot hole here is that at some point in some timeline, humans invent a strong AI that is destined to become malicious. | Jun 15 22:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | Nobody knows which timeline that would have been thanks to the movies changing things around all the time. | Jun 15 22:59 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: I liked how time travel works in Futureman better. | Jun 15 23:00 |
DaemonFC[m] | It turns out that each time he uses it and changes something, he's created an alternate universe, and in one of them he tried stopping 9/11 and just ended up losing the time travel device, which got into the hands of Time Traveling bin Laden. | Jun 15 23:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | Who went on to blow shit up in a bunch more parallel universes that he created. | Jun 15 23:01 |
DaemonFC[m] | I prefer the "Forks the universe." theory of how time travel would play out. | Jun 15 23:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | It solves the Grandfather Paradox. | Jun 15 23:02 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: Of course if we apply that to Stargate SG-1, they did not save (or even return to) the same universe they departed from. | Jun 15 23:03 |
DaemonFC[m] | So in 1969, 2010, and 2001 there would have been the Fork the Universe thing. In fact, they did go there in the plot with the Quantum Mirror. | Jun 15 23:04 |
DaemonFC[m] | Since it is established in canon that there are parallel universes in Stargate, it holds that the gate being used as time travel might create another one and shunt the traveler into it, and they wouldn't even know which one to go back to if they had a mirror. | Jun 15 23:05 |
DaemonFC[m] | This is sort of the debate that goes around in circles among Trekkies about whether the transporter kills you each time you use it though. | Jun 15 23:06 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm on the side that says each time you use the transporter, it kills you. | Jun 15 23:07 |
schestowitz | cubexyz: cheers!! | Jun 15 23:07 |
DaemonFC[m] | It rips apart your body, creates a stream of digital information, and converts that back to matter somewhere else. | Jun 15 23:08 |
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ has joined #techrights | Jun 15 23:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77 | Jun 15 23:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'd be taking the shuttlepod, personally. | Jun 15 23:08 |
XRevan86 | DaemonFC[m]: I don't really like the concept of forking when time travelling as it implies creating something out of nothing just by fscking around. | Jun 15 23:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | Theoretically, everything that can happen already does happen and the universe is already forking itself all the time. | Jun 15 23:09 |
DaemonFC[m] | All time travel would do would be what the universe does naturally in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. | Jun 15 23:09 |
XRevan86 | DaemonFC[m]: And that fails just because time is not atomic. | Jun 15 23:10 |
DaemonFC[m] | It creates another stream of possibilities because you are a new variable from that point in time. | Jun 15 23:10 |
XRevan86 | something happens at any moment | Jun 15 23:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | Well, our understanding of the universe is bad enough that a lot of things are possible with no way to really test a hypothesis. | Jun 15 23:11 |
XRevan86 | and a moment is infinitely small | Jun 15 23:11 |
XRevan86 | so that means infinite forks over infinitely small time | Jun 15 23:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | The only real difference between that idea in quantum mechanics and a religion is that nobody said it as a matter of fact. | Jun 15 23:12 |
XRevan86 | DaemonFC[m]: I don't like hypotheses that just work as a plug to justify something. | Jun 15 23:12 |
DaemonFC[m] | At least, not that I am aware of, although you could, and the IRS would give your group a tax exemption if it was a sincerely held tenet of a belief system. | Jun 15 23:12 |
XRevan86 | I want time travel, therefore… | Jun 15 23:12 |
MinceR | 16 000236 < DaemonFC[m]> I prefer the "Forks the universe." theory of how time travel would play out. | Jun 15 23:12 |
MinceR | same | Jun 15 23:13 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: CentOS Linux 8.2 Officially Released, Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 [] | Jun 15 23:13 | |
XRevan86 | > Well, our understanding of the universe is bad enough that a lot of things are possible with no way to really test a hypothesis. | Jun 15 23:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | Dark Matter is an idea that our universe can't really be explained without. | Jun 15 23:13 |
XRevan86 | DaemonFC[m]: There is one thing that is more or less certain about the universe that any story tries to ignore very hard. | Jun 15 23:13 |
DaemonFC[m] | Its existence is implied, but not directly observed. | Jun 15 23:13 |
XRevan86 | DaemonFC[m]: The universe is not anthropocentric. | Jun 15 23:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | The idea is that something must account for a fuckton of gravity out there. Basically. | Jun 15 23:14 |
XRevan86 | So even universe forking should not be looked at from the sense of what a human might want. | Jun 15 23:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | So, "dark matter". | Jun 15 23:14 |
MinceR | XRevan86: humanity is trying very had to ignore that | Jun 15 23:14 |
MinceR | but in this case, it should work fine | Jun 15 23:15 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: Because it's all baseless either way? | Jun 15 23:15 |
MinceR | since the things that depend on the actions of the time travelers are affected by the actions of the time travelers, by definition | Jun 15 23:15 |
MinceR | and everything else is outside their control as normal | Jun 15 23:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | Gravity is a weak force considering that it requires a lot of mass to become significant. | Jun 15 23:15 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #PinePhone postmarketOS community edition coming soon for $150 [] | Jun 15 23:15 | |
DaemonFC[m] | We know that there are objects that are dense to the point where they have so much mass that they have a very strong gravity field. | Jun 15 23:16 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: If time travel is the only thing that causes universe forking, then it's a lot of mess just to fit time travel. | Jun 15 23:16 |
DaemonFC[m] | Black holes, neutron stars, etc. | Jun 15 23:16 |
XRevan86 | If it happens just because possibilities, then infinity of universes in infinitely small time | Jun 15 23:17 |
MinceR | XRevan86: well, per the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, everything cause universe forking :> | Jun 15 23:17 |
DaemonFC[m] | <XRevan86 "MinceR: If time travel is the on"> The other possibility is that the past just ceases to exist and there's absolutely no way to reach it. | Jun 15 23:17 |
MinceR | s/use/uses/ | Jun 15 23:17 |
DaemonFC[m] | The universe spawns faster than Tribbles. | Jun 15 23:17 |
MinceR | indeed | Jun 15 23:17 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: Eh, that's not solid. | Jun 15 23:18 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDE Applications Release Meta-data [] | Jun 15 23:19 | |
XRevan86 | MinceR: And probably looks nothing like the layman's version :) | Jun 15 23:19 |
XRevan86 | * versions | Jun 15 23:20 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Latest Intel CrossTalk Vulnerability Now Patched in Debian GNU/Linux, CentOS and RHEL [] | Jun 15 23:20 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: EasyOS 2.3 - The Modern Prometheus Tux [] | Jun 15 23:23 | |
XRevan86 | Anyway, my simple concept of reality works is that only now exists, represented by positions of all the stuff in the universe, matter, energy, etc. | Jun 15 23:24 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Compact Jetson Nano system has a PoE port [] | Jun 15 23:24 | |
XRevan86 | And no one make a backlog, so time travel is not possible. | Jun 15 23:24 |
XRevan86 | * keeps a | Jun 15 23:24 |
MinceR | how does your "simple concept" deal with nonlocality, hidden variables and all that stuff? | Jun 15 23:25 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | Jun 15 23:25 | |
MinceR | | Jun 15 23:26 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu Unity brings back one of the most efficient desktops ever created [] | Jun 15 23:27 | |
XRevan86 | MinceR: Probably not a backlog. | Jun 15 23:28 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: I'm not saying that the universe is deterministic. | Jun 15 23:29 |
MinceR | :> | Jun 15 23:29 |
XRevan86 | just that it doesn't have an earlier state | Jun 15 23:29 |
XRevan86 | stashed somewhere | Jun 15 23:29 |
MinceR | you don't have memory? :> | Jun 15 23:30 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: I do, I can even time travel a bit with it %) | Jun 15 23:30 |
XRevan86 | However the universe possessing a logging device is a bit different. | Jun 15 23:32 |
MinceR | most likely it's a simulation anyway | Jun 15 23:32 |
XRevan86 | and the ability to bootstrap a snapshot from it in parallel | Jun 15 23:33 |
MinceR | a computer game with great graphics and shitty gameplay and shitty NPC AI | Jun 15 23:33 |
XRevan86 | or recover it from a snapshot | Jun 15 23:33 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: Wow, that's extremely anthropocentric :) | Jun 15 23:33 |
MinceR | how so? | Jun 15 23:34 |
MinceR | how do you know it's written, run or played by humans? | Jun 15 23:34 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: Thinking of the universe in terms of models rather than matter and energy. | Jun 15 23:34 |
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Jun 15 23:35 | |
XRevan86 | MinceR: If it's a simulation, it's probably not a model-based one. | Jun 15 23:35 |
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Jun 15 23:35 | |
MinceR | well, the way it seems to try to save resources is a bit telling :> | Jun 15 23:36 |
XRevan86 | Okay, here's a time travel kind of idea that kind of fits into my views of this universe: | Jun 15 23:37 |
XRevan86 | what if there are many other universes, and the only difference they have with this one and each other is when they began | Jun 15 23:38 |
XRevan86 | So they represent past and future in all sense except, you know, the actual one :) | Jun 15 23:39 |
XRevan86 | * senses | Jun 15 23:39 |
XRevan86 | and this concept also lacks all the usual time travel paradoxes | Jun 15 23:40 |
XRevan86 | Maybe I should patent this. | Jun 15 23:40 |
XRevan86 | XRevan86, the guy who finally fixed time travel in fiction %) | Jun 15 23:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | | Jun 15 23:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Neil Gorsuch just protected LGBTQ rights - CNNPolitics | Jun 15 23:46 | |
DaemonFC[m] | The Supreme Court just made a 5-4 ruling that expands the Civil Rights Act to cover discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. | Jun 15 23:47 |
DaemonFC[m] | This mostly undoes Trump's rollback of the transgender protections under healthcare laws. | Jun 15 23:47 |
DaemonFC[m] | It also makes it illegal to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity for private employers, and in housing decisions. | Jun 15 23:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | That's hilarious. I wonder when we can expect Twitler's meltdown. | Jun 15 23:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | Attacking his own judge, even. | Jun 15 23:48 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's a huge victory over Trump's position. He was arguing that the Civil Rights Act does not cover that because it wasn't what Congress had in mind in the 1960s. | Jun 15 23:49 |
DaemonFC[m] | Even funnier will be the reaction of the Christian far right. They figured that if Trump appointed a few judges, everything from gay rights to abortion rights would go through the shredder. | Jun 15 23:50 |
DaemonFC[m] | Instead, they got the biggest expansion of the Civil Rights laws at the federal level in over 40 years. | Jun 15 23:50 |
MinceR | twitler's lawyer/soldiers refused to do his bidding? | Jun 15 23:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | Neil Gorsuch delivered the majority opinion. He was appointed by Trump. | Jun 15 23:51 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: and so I wrote this notice | Jun 15 23:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conversation - LoadAverage | Jun 15 23:52 | |
MinceR | there's a simpler solution | Jun 15 23:53 |
MinceR | there's no backlog | Jun 15 23:53 |
MinceR | but there is a past | Jun 15 23:53 |
MinceR | :> | Jun 15 23:53 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: What is a past? | Jun 15 23:53 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR One big way this changes things is that landlords and employers in states like Indiana which went the other way and made explicitly legal to fire people and deny them housing by saying religion can't do that anymore. | Jun 15 23:54 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: Can you explain it from an objective point of view? | Jun 15 23:54 |
MinceR | no, i'm not Stephen Hawking | Jun 15 23:54 |
DaemonFC[m] | The state law can say whatever it wants, but the discrimination is now an offense at the federal level. | Jun 15 23:54 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: That man who thought there's danger of Machine Learning taking over. He must've been always right. | Jun 15 23:55 |
MinceR | i suppose i could say that the past is where you get if you move along the time axis/axes in a direction that contradicts the arrow of time :> | Jun 15 23:55 |
MinceR | has it been proven that ML can't take over, then? | Jun 15 23:56 |
*XRevan86 bends his head, sees axes | Jun 15 23:56 | |
*XRevan86 freaks out | Jun 15 23:56 | |
XRevan86 | (yes, it's a Fourth Wall joke) | Jun 15 23:56 |
XRevan86 | MinceR: Can it reliably tell a banana from a cat? | Jun 15 23:57 |
MinceR | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | Jun 15 23:58 |
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