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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, July 15, 2020

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DaemonFC[m]I might eventually try to get one of those j-core systems.Jul 15 00:02
*DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < >Jul 15 00:03
DaemonFC[m]Uh, yeah....Jul 15 00:03
DaemonFC[m]So GNU starts hosting their projects on Github, which doesn't work fully without nonfree javascript, bans users from certain countries, and responds to DMCA robotrolls by deleting your project sometimes.Jul 15 00:04
DaemonFC[m]Wow.Jul 15 00:04
DaemonFC[m]How doe GNU Savannah allow people from US embargoed countries to participate?Jul 15 00:05
DaemonFC[m]Ars Technica is promoting a Windows 10 PC called "Kano" that ships with Windows 10.Jul 15 00:08
DaemonFC[m]I wonder if you can format it and install LInux.Jul 15 00:09
DaemonFC[m]"We encourage kids to explorer hardware and software imaginatively!"Jul 15 00:09
MinceR"Finish Him!"Jul 15 00:09
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, it has Windows 10 so you'll just have to imagine how the OS software works, kids! Sorry.Jul 15 00:10
MinceRlolJul 15 00:11
MinceRyou can experience up close how it fails to work, thoughJul 15 00:11
DaemonFC[m]"We're sorry, but this program ran into a problem."Jul 15 00:13
DaemonFC[m]"Windows is looking for a solution."Jul 15 00:13
DaemonFC[m]Why do I feel like instructions for cracking Secure Boot and a Linux ISO is not going to be the one it finds?Jul 15 00:14
schestowitz63,240 new cases and 892 new deaths in the United StatesJul 15 00:14
schestowitzit needs to be near 1000 for another week-to-week increaseJul 15 00:14
schestowitzcase-wise, it's like 15% increase over last weekJul 15 00:15
DaemonFC[m]I saw a meme well before COVID.Jul 15 00:16
DaemonFC[m]Where a woman told her kids to make a drawing for nursing home residents and they drew a clock and said "Time's almost up!".Jul 15 00:16
DaemonFC[m]Wish I had saved that.Jul 15 00:17
schestowitzI am doing a covid meme right nowJul 15 00:19
schestowitzfor the next articleJul 15 00:19
schestowitz\Jul 15 00:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @\ )Jul 15 00:24
schestowitzsee if you can spot a typo: 15 00:24
schestowitzthe first url was wrong, fat fingeredJul 15 00:25
schestowitz907 deaths  nowJul 15 00:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Stadia Connect, Saint Kotor, Humble Warhammer Bundle 2020 and Basketball Games for Android []Jul 15 00:59
schestowitz908 might be finalJul 15 01:14
schestowitzunless they amend laterJul 15 01:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Jul 15 01:19
schestowitz928Jul 15 01:28
schestowitz935Jul 15 01:54
schestowitztexas 11k+Jul 15 01:55
MinceR(cat) 15 02:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4348869)Jul 15 02:12
*dabblerdude ( has joined #techrightsJul 15 02:18
dabblerdudeHello everyone.Jul 15 02:34
dabblerdudeWhat do you guys think of the Brave web browser?Jul 15 02:40
MinceRit's interestingJul 15 02:40
dabblerdudeIt's definitely very fast and secure.Jul 15 02:40
MinceRonce i confirm that i can finally install chrome extensions in it, i'll use it moreJul 15 02:40
dabblerdudeHowever, I did hear about a scandal they had regarding affiliate links which allowed them to take people's money. This thing happened only once, and it seemed that Brandon Eich, the CEO of Brave, was sincere about fixing the issue.Jul 15 02:41
dabblerdudeAs he mentioned about it on Twitter.Jul 15 02:41
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, not all Chrome extensions work in it properly. I think Video Download Helper didn't.Jul 15 02:42
MinceRit's not easy to pick a browser that supports js/dom/html5/css/etc, since they all suck massivelyJul 15 02:42
MinceRfor me the chrome store just pretended it doesn't support extensionsJul 15 02:42
DaemonFC[m]Some sites are starting to use Media Source Extensions to obscure how to get at the video.Jul 15 02:42
DaemonFC[m]In some cases you can play around skipping to various points in the video and then an MP4 file will appear in Video Download Helper that wasn't there before.Jul 15 02:43
DaemonFC[m]I don't really feel like installing the Helper App and giving it complete file system access.Jul 15 02:43
DaemonFC[m]NoScript takes a little while to set up, but it stops a lot of nasty stuff from going on.Jul 15 02:45
dabblerdudeWhat's nice about Brave is that almost all of the security and privacy features are there.Jul 15 02:58
DaemonFC[m] 15 02:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Paywall - WikipediaJul 15 02:58
dabblerdudeYou just need to configure some of its settings and you're ready to go.Jul 15 02:58
DaemonFC[m]I added most of that. Jul 15 02:58
dabblerdudeI'm kind of weary to turn back to Firefox because they're getting most of their money from them. If Google, being a highly corrupt company as they are regarding user privacy, offers great sums of money to another company and that company accepts it, they're compromising in something.Jul 15 03:05
dabblerdudeIsn't that suspicious at all?Jul 15 03:05
insmodppadabblerdude: Brave wants to be the middleman for ad revenue while blocking native ads on sites, and coupled with the "accident" where they hijacked links (that code didn't just write itself to their benefit) gives me a very bad impression of their sense of ethics.Jul 15 03:13
MinceRi turned my back on failfox when they decided to try and force poetteringaudio on meJul 15 03:14
MinceRafter betraying their users to DRMJul 15 03:14
MinceR"take back the web", my assJul 15 03:14
dabblerdudeinsmodppa: That "accident" happened once. Jul 15 03:15
dabblerdudeIt's not like they're known for stealing people's money all the time.Jul 15 03:15
dabblerdudeIs there a web browser I can turn to that's focused on security and privacy and not have it break too many things? I thought Firefox and Brave were the solution, but it does not look like they are.Jul 15 03:18
DaemonFC[m]GNU Icecat. Richard Stallman will smile upon you.Jul 15 03:19
insmodppadabblerdude: Most modern browsers are now Chromium forks, so you might want to try ungoogled chromium. YMMV since I have no idea how well they "ungoogled" it.Jul 15 03:20
dabblerdudeUngoogled Chromium? Jul 15 03:20
dabblerdudeI never knew that was possible.Jul 15 03:20
DaemonFC[m]KDE Falkon.Jul 15 03:21
DaemonFC[m]That's an ungoogled Chromium.Jul 15 03:21
DaemonFC[m]Of course Fedora had a Saturday Night Massacre of everyone who was really interested in KDE on Fedora.Jul 15 03:21
DaemonFC[m]Including the maintainer of Falkon.Jul 15 03:21
DaemonFC[m]So they could replace them with Windows 10 and Mac users. Jul 15 03:23
insmodppadabblerdude: Chrome is the proprietary Google browser while Chromium is the open sourced browser engine that all forks (even Microsoft) draws from.Jul 15 03:24
DaemonFC[m]"Edge"Jul 15 03:25
DaemonFC[m]Scooped out Google's spyware and malware. Put theirs in instead.Jul 15 03:25
DaemonFC[m]Redirects you to Fake Google with CP and ads for malware..... "Bing"Jul 15 03:26
DaemonFC[m]Much better than Chrome, and totally not not optional, maybe.Jul 15 03:26
dabblerdudeDaemon, are you being sarcastic about Edge?Jul 15 03:28
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jul 15 03:29
DaemonFC[m]Is it that obvious? :)Jul 15 03:44
dabblerdudeYeah, it is.Jul 15 03:45
dabblerdudeLol.Jul 15 03:45
dabblerdudeYeah, Edge is basically Chrome.Jul 15 03:45
dabblerdudeIt's crap.Jul 15 03:45
DaemonFC[m]Windows 10 is the most repulsive thing I've ever seen in computer software in 30 years of using computers. Jul 15 03:45
DaemonFC[m]I have not used the Chromium Edge, but the stories about it make me lump it in with "Windows 10". They're porting it to Linux, but why would you?Jul 15 03:46
DaemonFC[m]It's not even like Microsoft has a phone platform that someone might want to sync it to and that's why they use it. It's pointless.Jul 15 03:47
dabblerdudeYeah, Windows 10 is hell. Try configuring that for best security and privacy. There are WAY too many settings to do so.Jul 15 03:47
dabblerdudeSo it's complicated.Jul 15 03:47
DaemonFC[m]It was studied and found to be spying on the user. Second worst after Yandex Browser.Jul 15 03:47
insmodppaYou can't configure malware for security and privacy...Jul 15 03:54
dabblerdudeLol. That's true.Jul 15 03:54
dabblerdudeThat's why I'm leaning toward using Linux now.Jul 15 03:54
dabblerdudeIt's more secure, faster, and more stable than Windows.Jul 15 03:55
DaemonFC[m]Depends on the distribution.Jul 15 03:55
DaemonFC[m]Fedora with KDE was so bad that they're close to Windows 10 now.Jul 15 03:55
insmodppaYou can't compare malware with an operating system...Jul 15 03:55
DaemonFC[m]If they lobbed in Chrome they'd be in the home stretch.Jul 15 03:56
DaemonFC[m]That reminds me of a joke.Jul 15 03:56
DaemonFC[m]Windows is not a virus, because most viruses are lean, efficient, and good at what they were designed for.Jul 15 03:56
dabblerdudeWindows is an OS, Linux is the kernel; the distros that are based off of the Linux kernel could be considered OSes.Jul 15 03:57
DaemonFC[m]Kubuntu has been very stable, at least in the last few days.Jul 15 03:57
DaemonFC[m]My laptop is still up from when I installed the post-install updates and rebooted the first time.Jul 15 03:57
dabblerdudeI'm using Mint.Jul 15 03:58
dabblerdudeMint in a VM, I mean.Jul 15 03:58
DaemonFC[m]I don't think there's been this sort of "Everything just works, nothing's crashing, and it's too quiet...." since Kubuntu with KDE 3.5.10.Jul 15 03:58
dabblerdudeDameonFC[m]: Btw, I didn't know it depended on the distribution. I thought all distros would be similar enough regarding security.Jul 15 03:59
DaemonFC[m]Not really, no.Jul 15 04:10
DaemonFC[m]Back in the day there was this thing called Lindows.Jul 15 04:10
DaemonFC[m]Microsoft sued and ended up paying them millions to change the name in the end.Jul 15 04:10
DaemonFC[m]It was marketed as this "ultra stable OS that would be completely compatible with Windows".Jul 15 04:11
DaemonFC[m]It turned out that it was just a Debian fork with Wine and KDE.Jul 15 04:11
DaemonFC[m]Anyway, they logged you in as root. They logged everyone in as root. They said "Well, Windows XP does it!".Jul 15 04:11
DaemonFC[m]It's as bad as it sounded.Jul 15 04:12
DaemonFC[m]They were funding things like ReiserFS. They said ReiserFS 4 would eventually be out with advanced security features and running as root wouldn't matter.Jul 15 04:13
DaemonFC[m]Then Hans Reiser murdered his wife, Namesys collapsed, and then Linspire went out of business because Ubuntu had pretty much taken over desktop Linux.Jul 15 04:13
dabblerdudeLindows! Wow, I just looked this up.Jul 15 04:13
dabblerdudeThis was a real thing.Jul 15 04:13
DaemonFC[m]I thought it sounded cool at first and signed up to hear more about it.Jul 15 04:13
DaemonFC[m]Then as I did I went "LOL!".Jul 15 04:13
DaemonFC[m]Almost 20 years later, Wine is much, much better, but still not "fully Windows compatible" and never would be.Jul 15 04:14
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | 15 04:15
DaemonFC[m]It's not bad software. Windows is a moving target, Linux will never work internally in a way where it could totally be compatible, and Windows itself isn't compatible with former versions as well as Wine is sometimes.Jul 15 04:15
DaemonFC[m]So it's hard to compare.Jul 15 04:15
DaemonFC[m]Just that lots of stuff works reasonably well most of the time.Jul 15 04:15
DaemonFC[m]There's Wine ports/products for Mac too, but I guess not anymore with these crazy ARM things that are coming.Jul 15 04:16
DaemonFC[m]Then there's a port of parts of Wine to Windows, to restore compatibility with games that need DirectX features that have been removed from Windows.Jul 15 04:16
dabblerdudeSo Icecat is not developed by Mozilla?Jul 15 04:17
dabblerdudeApparently, it's made by GNUZilla and the GNU Project.Jul 15 04:17
DaemonFC[m]Icecat is a GNU fork of Firefox ESR>Jul 15 04:17
dabblerdudeWhat do you guys think of the Epic browser?Jul 15 04:30
dabblerdudeThat's supposed to be a privacy-oriented one.Jul 15 04:30
insmodppaThread cautiously when a business tries to sell you "privacy".Jul 15 04:35
dabblerdudeUnderstood.Jul 15 04:38
DaemonFC[m]Pretty much.Jul 15 04:40
DaemonFC[m]Those Silent Circle phones, for example.Jul 15 04:40
dabblerdudeIt's a shame that so many browsers are built off of Chromium.Jul 15 04:41
dabblerdudeAnd not based off of something else.Jul 15 04:41
DaemonFC[m]It's a shame Google even exists at all at this point.Jul 15 04:43
dabblerdudeWell, thank you guys for the browser suggestions!Jul 15 04:55
dabblerdudeI gtg now. So I'll see ya later!Jul 15 04:55
DaemonFC[m]Yep yep.Jul 15 04:55
DaemonFC[m]I'm using Firefox, in a very non default configuration.Jul 15 04:55
DaemonFC[m]Hoping things don't get worse.Jul 15 04:55
*dabblerdude has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 15 04:56
insmodppaMoz Colon Slash Slash A could switch over to the Chromium engine and nothing would be different. I'm forced to use an ancient version of Firefox because I need XUL, FTP and Gopher.Jul 15 05:21
superkuhSo use Palemoon.Jul 15 05:28
superkuhThen you get the best of XUL and protocol support and a browser that is meant for browsing but it still works with the least shitty of the 'web apps'.Jul 15 05:29
DaemonFC[m]Rotting Firefox fork.Jul 15 05:44
*tdemin has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jul 15 05:46
superkuh^ sure sign someone hasn't paid attention to palemoon for 5 years.Jul 15 05:48
DaemonFC[m]Oh, did they rebase it again?Jul 15 06:00
DaemonFC[m]Well, I suppose that the XUL stuff is still there and it's just all been marked for internal use in Gecko.Jul 15 06:01
superkuhEvery few years. And they do their own Gecko fork with significant differences.Jul 15 06:01
superkuhAll the moz patches that are applicable still are backported, but most exploits are features PM dropped already.Jul 15 06:01
*Hail_Spacecake has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 15 06:29
*Hail_Spacecake (~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744) has joined #techrightsJul 15 06:31
*obarun has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 15 06:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: A Small Yet Mighty Star Lite Mk III Linux Laptop Available For Pre-order []Jul 15 07:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Lindows, WinLinux, Linuxfx: Ubuntu gets Windows 10 on Linux makeover []Jul 15 07:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The 5 Best Graphical Backup Tools for Ubuntu and Linux Mint []Jul 15 08:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 15 08:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: VirtualBox 6.1.12 Adds New GLX Graphics Output, Guest Additions Improvements []Jul 15 08:31
*mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJul 15 08:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Planner Is a Great #GTD and #ToDo List App for the #Linux Desktop []Jul 15 08:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 15 08:34
*pav5088_ is now known as Pav5088Jul 15 08:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian announces end of support for Jessie after five years []Jul 15 09:08
XRevan86dabblerdude: Because you don't like Google, you're turning down Firefox in favour of Chromium? That'll teach 'em.Jul 15 09:22
schestowitzhehJul 15 10:02
schestowitzlove that logic..Jul 15 10:02
schestowitzthe real alternative is, neitherJul 15 10:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Colin Walters: On BTRFS (in Fedora by Default) []Jul 15 10:08
*kingoffrance has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 15 10:21
*kingoffrance (~x@2601:681:8200:b890::9b41) has joined #techrightsJul 15 10:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: openSUSE Board Non-Confidence Petition result announced []Jul 15 10:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Arduino and More []Jul 15 10:39
zoobabthere is an EPO livestreamJul 15 10:52
zoobababout swpats hearingJul 15 10:52
zoobabG1/19Jul 15 10:52
zoobabunder invitation onlyJul 15 10:52
zoobab 15 10:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BoA – Restricted Content – EPO EventsJul 15 10:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi as a Penetration Testing Implant (Dropbox) []Jul 15 10:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla: WireViz, Rust and TenFourFox []Jul 15 10:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 15 11:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: #FOSSAndCrafts , #mintCast , #LINUXUnplugged and #ArchLinux Rant []Jul 15 11:04
*obarun ( has joined #techrightsJul 15 11:08
schestowitzzoobab: invitation by who?Jul 15 11:10
zoobabEPOJul 15 11:19
zoobabI apparently needed to register in advanceJul 15 11:19
zoobabI asked the EPO for a loginJul 15 11:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Axelor is a Powerful Open Source Business Platform []Jul 15 11:23
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: AWOW AK41 Mini Desktop PC – Running Linux – Benchmarks – Week 2 []Jul 15 11:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kernel: Microconference, The Kernel Report, More Intel Issues and Linux 5.9 []Jul 15 11:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Deepin OS could soon support tablets, suggests newly leaked images []Jul 15 11:31
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrightsJul 15 11:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers []Jul 15 11:35
schestowitzzoobab: later on ipkat, kluwer etc. will do their biased BS about itJul 15 11:36
schestowitzhaving received "access"Jul 15 11:36
schestowitzEPO wants to control the narrativeJul 15 11:36
schestowitzmore access restrictions are good to the nuts who run the Office, not BoAJul 15 11:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s leftovers []Jul 15 11:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 15/7/2020: Deepin OS Expansion, openSUSE Board Non-Confidence Vote []Jul 15 11:53
zoobabCampinos intervened in this hearing, I did not know he was an expert in the fieldJul 15 11:55
schestowitzhe intervened months agoJul 15 11:58
schestowitzis that what you mean?Jul 15 11:58
schestowitzor also in today's hearing?Jul 15 11:58
schestowitzzoobab: dude, you need to put aside twitterJul 15 11:58
schestowitzeven IRC would be betterJul 15 11:58
schestowitzas twitter engagement declines over timeJul 15 11:59
schestowitzit is measurableJul 15 11:59
schestowitzand it does not support rssJul 15 11:59
schestowitzblog posts and press releases are betterJul 15 11:59
schestowitzbristows mentioned ffii again yesterdayJul 15 11:59
schestowitztwiceJul 15 11:59
schestowitznot because of tweets but press releaseJul 15 11:59
zoobabit's our contributionJul 15 12:00
zoobabI finished it when arrived in MorzineJul 15 12:00
zoobabI missed a last paragraph about the rule of law and the 3 pending const complaintsJul 15 12:00
schestowitzdid campinos intervene AGAIN?Jul 15 12:00
schestowitzand if so, based on who/what?Jul 15 12:01
zoobabwe will see in the video recordingsJul 15 12:01
schestowitzokJul 15 12:01
zoobabtechnical loopholeJul 15 12:01
zoobabwhich has a high chance to be reused by the UPCJul 15 12:01
schestowitzmaybe you want to link to 15 12:02
schestowitzit is the latestJul 15 12:02
zoobabI am drafting a letter to JURI to request a legal opinion on the German ratificationJul 15 12:02
schestowitzJURI is a UpC boosterJul 15 12:02
schestowitzor wasJul 15 12:02
schestowitztheir latest stance pointed out issuesJul 15 12:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EPO’s Misleading ‘Studies’ Are Just More of the Same Perception Management Routines | TechrightsJul 15 12:03
zoobaball the lawyers we asked say the same, there is no legal basis for what Germany doJul 15 12:03
zoobabeasiest would be one member state to request a debateJul 15 12:04
schestowitzgood ideaJul 15 12:04
schestowitzand then they will be wordless, speechlessJul 15 12:05
schestowitzas it cannot be justifiedJul 15 12:05
schestowitzexcept in that one cleverly-crafted paragraphs of liesJul 15 12:05
*rianne__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 15 12:07
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsJul 15 12:07
zoobabit will auto-collapseJul 15 12:07
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 15/7/2020: Deepin OS Expansion, openSUSE Board Non-Confidence Vote []Jul 15 12:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 15 12:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Hack Brief: Microsoft Warns of a 17-Year-Old ‘Wormable’ Bug #microsoft #nsa #backdoors #security []Jul 15 12:09
schestowitzzoobab: the paragraph and the UPC alikeJul 15 12:12
zoobabeasiest would be for Boris to notify its deratificationJul 15 12:14
zoobabthat would spare us the efforts of a constitutional complaintJul 15 12:14
zoobabor just the legal service of the Bundestag saying there is no legal basisJul 15 12:15
zoobabor the legal service of the European ParliamentJul 15 12:15
scientes 15 12:43
scientesthis is really impressiveJul 15 12:43
schestowitzPatrick Breyer can inquire in the UKJul 15 12:48
MinceR 15 12:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - pJul 15 12:48
MinceR 15 13:16
scientesdoes anyone have The Art of Computer Programming Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms?Jul 15 13:25
scientesI'm especially looking for the chapter on boolene stuffJul 15 13:25
scientesfound gJul 15 13:28
scientes 15 13:28
scientes(I have the book at home)Jul 15 13:28
MinceR 15 14:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Star Lite Mk III Linux laptop now available to pre-order from $426 []Jul 15 14:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu Will No Longer Track Which Packages Users Install []Jul 15 14:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GloDroid Brings Android 10 OS to Raspberry Pi 4, Orange Pi SBC’s, PinePhone, and PineTab []Jul 15 14:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 15 14:58
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 15 15:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: OpenRCT2, Super Smash Bros Melee, The Battle of Polytopia, Dota 2 and Forgotten Fields []Jul 15 15:12
XRevan86 15 15:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google TranslateJul 15 15:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 15 15:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GCC, GNU Toolchain and LLVM []Jul 15 15:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics: AMD GPU, Libinput, Intel’s Elkhart Lake []Jul 15 15:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security: Remote (Home) Work, Patching OpenSSL and GNU C, IPFire on AWS []Jul 15 15:30
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The Supercomputing Monoculture []Jul 15 15:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #GloDroid Brings #Android 10 to the #PinePhone , #PineTab []Jul 15 15:59
MinceR 15 16:08
schestowitzlolJul 15 16:11
schestowitzwish I could reuseJul 15 16:11
psydreadI just read about the Kano laptop, which seems nothing more than a sad and desperate attempt to get a new generation of children addicted to MS shovelwareJul 15 16:11
schestowitzI don't know the licence, MinceRJul 15 16:11
MinceRneither do iJul 15 16:11
MinceRi got it as a deeplink to an image on dumbFuckBookJul 15 16:12
psydreadyou know that was my reality for 6 months when I was having trouble getting Linux installed on my HP brokenbookJul 15 16:13
psydreadI would use Vista 10 for nothing and only had Virtualbox with Linux installed and the host would still crash out of nowhere several times a weekJul 15 16:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: VirtualBox 6.1.12 Released with New GLX Graphics Output []Jul 15 16:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Compiling Krita for ARM: an AppImage tale []Jul 15 16:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozlla and Rust []Jul 15 16:24
schestowitzMinceR: I will look up by name/stampJul 15 16:27
MinceRgoogle images and tineye couldn't find a sourceJul 15 16:27
schestowitz 15 16:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mr. Lovenstein | Hard ReadJul 15 16:27
schestowitzlooking for licensingJul 15 16:27
MinceRit's a modified lovenstein stripJul 15 16:27
MinceRthen again, lovenstein's license might still apply :>Jul 15 16:28
schestowitz"Mr. Lovenstein's cartoon about WSL/WSL2 sort of nails it (credit MinceR for the pointer)"Jul 15 16:31
schestowitzI will link to his siteJul 15 16:31
schestowitzoh, I seeJul 15 16:31
MinceRi don't think it's his cartoonJul 15 16:31
schestowitzmodified...Jul 15 16:31
schestowitzoh, well.Jul 15 16:31
MinceRnote that the font is inconsistentJul 15 16:31
schestowitzso I will change the wordingJul 15 16:31
schestowitzMr. Lovenstein-Drived Joke about Microsoft's WSL (an Attack on GNU/Linux)Jul 15 16:32
schestowitzdoes that sound OK?Jul 15 16:32
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: mayeb erick did not like you because "daemon"Jul 15 16:32
schestowitz"Mr. Lovenstein's cartoon (or someone's modified version of it) about WSL/WSL2 sort of nails it (credit MinceR for the pointer)"Jul 15 16:32
schestowitz*DerivedJul 15 16:34
MinceRyeahJul 15 16:35
*Ariadne has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 15 16:35
*Ariadne (~ariadne@2602:ffdb:100:1:fc89:b2ff:fee1:323e) has joined #techrightsJul 15 16:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mr. Lovenstein-Derived Joke about Microsoft’s WSL (an Attack on GNU/Linux) []Jul 15 16:40
schestowitzdoneJul 15 16:41
schestowitznot a big taskJul 15 16:41
schestowitzanyway, I can see not just the fonts but also the poor paste job of the blue screen (not BlueScreen Classic)Jul 15 16:41
MinceR:>Jul 15 16:41
MinceRBlueScreen ModernJul 15 16:41
MinceR(cat) 15 17:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4346366)Jul 15 17:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Free Software as a Tree (It’s Hard to Cut Off the Roots) []Jul 15 18:20
DaemonFC[m]According to Fox News, the Weather Underground's plan to attaxk heaven and dethrone God is ubderwsy.Jul 15 18:34
DaemonFC[m]They built a time machine in 1972 from parts of one of the Genisys timeline Terminators.Jul 15 18:35
MinceRlolJul 15 18:35
DaemonFC[m]Now they're erasing the terms master and servant, which means a corrected bible. Yeah?Jul 15 18:36
MinceRwhere does Fox Noise believe heaven is, exactly?Jul 15 18:36
MinceRperhaps they believe Weather Underground has access to some sort of interplanar portal?Jul 15 18:36
DaemonFC[m]Can't have that old thing laying around saying things like the borrower is the servant of the lender.Jul 15 18:38
DaemonFC[m]The bible is obviously Communism and due for an update anyway.Jul 15 18:39
DaemonFC[m]You can't twll people to be careful about borrowing money. My sister in law needs water from a truck.Jul 15 18:40
MinceRi wonder how they'll be able to pound _and_ attack their beloved fable at the same timeJul 15 18:42
MinceRit was just cherry-picking beforeJul 15 18:42
DaemonFC[m]> where does Fox Noise believe heaven is, exactly?Jul 15 18:43
DaemonFC[m]Where were you, when they built an interplanar portal to heaven?Jul 15 18:43
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: update on the fedora thingJul 15 18:43
DaemonFC[m]Shifted dimensions and dethroned God....Jul 15 18:43
schestowitz 15 18:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Censorship is for Pussies | TechrightsJul 15 18:43
DaemonFC[m]Apparently, all Satan had to do was put a pipe bomb somewhere at the beginning of this whole mess.Jul 15 18:43
schestowitzif there are further followups, let me knowJul 15 18:43
schestowitzI mentioned the followup you had told me about Jul 15 18:43
MinceR15 194319 < DaemonFC[m]> Where were you, when they built an interplanar portal to heaven?Jul 15 18:43
MinceRdunnoJul 15 18:43
schestowitz[18:43] <DaemonFC[m]> Apparently, all Satan had to do was put a pipe bomb somewhere at the beginning of this whole mess.Jul 15 18:44
schestowitzsome religious people control Fedora JAM nowJul 15 18:44
schestowitzJAM! Michael Jackson & MJ (Jordan)Jul 15 18:44
schestowitzso maybe to them you're like luciferJul 15 18:45
DaemonFC[m]Speaking of time travel, Riot on my phone is acting up, so if it looks like I'm lagging and messages are in the wrong order, that's why.Jul 15 18:45
MinceR 15 18:45
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz I can see why a system like Fedora would be useful to running a church A/V setup.Jul 15 18:47
DaemonFC[m]Many of them just toss MP3 files around though.Jul 15 18:47
MinceRthey need their setup to be vulnerable and to crash every so often?Jul 15 18:47
DaemonFC[m]They tell their kids figure out how to rip this CD.Jul 15 18:47
DaemonFC[m]It costs a lot of money to upgrase hardware every few years just so Windows 10 can do the things you already did bedore only slowerJul 15 18:48
kingoffrancelol DaemonFC[m] "where were you"Jul 15 18:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Jul 15 18:49
kingoffrancewell i think america is stuck with "the best is yet to come" the only permitted answer is "in the future"Jul 15 18:51
kingoffrancethey cant go back to the era of my nickJul 15 18:51
kingoffrancethey can only go forwardJul 15 18:51
kingoffrancein a way, i think they are locked into "the future must always be better than past"Jul 15 18:52
kingoffranceat least "averaged" or whateverJul 15 18:52
schestowitzFlorida has another 10,181 new #covid19 cases today (so far). Very vulnerable population. At least 112 deaths there in the past day or less. All with COVID.Jul 15 18:53
kingoffrancei mean, they want (an image at least) of preserving whatever history/mythology/whatever  "the founders" ..but they cant go "old world" ...theres a boundary there.Jul 15 18:53
kingoffrancefrom "free monarchy" (king james) -> "we the people"Jul 15 18:54
MinceRthe best is indeed yet to comeJul 15 18:54
MinceRthe time when there won't be any humans anymoreJul 15 18:54
kingoffranceking james actually wrote about how he was free, everyone else was bound...but you know, to set a good example, he will stoop to the level of following laws....remind you of anyone?    "i can do xyz, but i wont"Jul 15 18:55
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: 15 18:56
kingoffrancenot to pick on james, surely other monarchs were similarJul 15 18:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Florida Wendys employee takes bath in sink Blank Template - ImgflipJul 15 18:56
schestowitzI didn't know the context..Jul 15 18:56
kingoffrancejust that was where "america" perhaps "inverted" from Jul 15 18:56
kingoffranceor "reflected' "negated" whatever you wanna call it, topsy-turviedJul 15 18:56
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 15 18:59
kingoffrancethere is line  "kings create gov." -> "men create gov./kings/etc."Jul 15 19:02
kingoffrancethat is defined as "hell" anywaysJul 15 19:02
kingoffranceso heaven is supposedly ->Jul 15 19:02
kingoffrances/is line/is a line/Jul 15 19:03
DaemonFC[m]In the car shop again. They got my part for the vacuum leaks. They said they'll smoke test it again when they're done to see if there's more.Jul 15 19:07
DaemonFC[m]18 year old rubber hose. Happens.Jul 15 19:07
DaemonFC[m]Mom let it sit for a few years a while back so all the brake hoses had to be replaced then.Jul 15 19:08
DaemonFC[m]> king james actually wrote about how he was free, everyone else was bound...but you know, to set a good example, he will stoop to the level of following laws....remind you of anyone?    "i can do xyz, but i wont"Jul 15 19:08
DaemonFC[m]Literally everyone who comes to power these days.Jul 15 19:08
DaemonFC[m]We've had some really awful presidents, but you have to pump the 1800s pretty hard to find one comparable to Trump.Jul 15 19:09
MinceRwe have a system that streamlines the process of giving power to sociopaths over everybody elseJul 15 19:10
MinceRit even replaced most of the violence with mere threat of violenceJul 15 19:10
DaemonFC[m]The SJWs taking over open source are sociopaths but nobody can call them that.Jul 15 19:11
MinceRso are successful politicians and people controlling megacorporationsJul 15 19:11
DaemonFC[m]They're not interested in communities except to go in and drive all the competent and helpful ones out and ruin their career maybe.Jul 15 19:11
DaemonFC[m]Fedora has been letting the other desktop projects rot and whatever piece of shit they throw in and adapt GNOME to. Well....that's your problem.Jul 15 19:12
DaemonFC[m]So all of the desktops that aren't a CPU monopolizing memory leak are fending for themselves and it shows.Jul 15 19:13
MinceRyou left out the part where they pose as the creators and proprietors of other people's workJul 15 19:14
MinceRand a savior by replacing terms with other terms, or by adding bureaucracyJul 15 19:14
DaemonFC[m]They purported to backport the latest fix for their incompetence to Mutter 3.36.4. The broken window reaping code.Jul 15 19:14
DaemonFC[m]But that's maybe half the total problem that was truly sandbagging my laptop near the end of my patience.Jul 15 19:15
DaemonFC[m]How does a clock app use 25% CPU for 30 seconds 10 times a day? VLC playing a HEVC file doesn't even use that much.Jul 15 19:15
MinceRmaybe it mines bitcoinsJul 15 19:16
MinceRmaybe it was designed/implemented by windows programmersJul 15 19:16
DaemonFC[m]I suggested that as a joke and was threatened.Jul 15 19:16
schestowitz.we can make a meme about it, MinceRJul 15 19:16
DaemonFC[m]The bitcoin miner.Jul 15 19:16
kingoffrancethe mystery is potus swears oath on kjv ..but kjv didnt authornize no independence, or even "limited monarchy" in englandJul 15 19:16
kingoffrancehe was "father" i believe equiv. to "pope" of "church of england"Jul 15 19:17
schestowitzwith evil man in second frame loling that it's exactly what happensJul 15 19:17
schestowitzshutdown with systemd on my older system took over a minuteJul 15 19:17
MinceR:>Jul 15 19:17
schestowitzno idea why it took so longer, startup alsoJul 15 19:17
kingoffrancethat monarchy model, kings were "fathers" of their subjectsJul 15 19:17
schestowitzkinshipJul 15 19:17
schestowitzfakedJul 15 19:18
DaemonFC[m]Nobody who getd absolute power ever wants to entertain the idea of diminishing it, even if they are not using it in the way that concerns people.Jul 15 19:18
kingoffrancesubjects were children who need worthy people to emulateJul 15 19:18
kingoffrancethe assumption is whoever was king was worthiest/perfection/splendour of the universe/etc.Jul 15 19:18
schestowitz[19:07] <DaemonFC[m]> 18 year old rubber hose. Happens.Jul 15 19:18
schestowitzThat's what he saidJul 15 19:18
kingoffrancelolJul 15 19:18
DaemonFC[m]So Obama managed to expand things and make Trump more powerful by refusing to ask for a law to add more oversight for presidents drone striking Americans, for instance.Jul 15 19:18
DaemonFC[m]If we got a good guy in there, he would not last long.Jul 15 19:19
schestowitzdrone strikes are "Small time"Jul 15 19:19
schestowitzTrump uses bioweaponsJul 15 19:19
DaemonFC[m]Jimmy Carter was probably the last guy that tried to be decent as he saw things.Jul 15 19:19
schestowitztrump as a terrorist 15 19:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Dr. John Gartner: "Donald Trump is the most successful bio-terrorist in human history" | Salon.comJul 15 19:20
kingoffrancein a way, the "stuff rolls downhill" is kind of backwards for "america", or supposed to beJul 15 19:20
MinceR15 200732 < DaemonFC[m]> 18 year old rubber hose. Happens.Jul 15 19:20
MinceRprobably not in a bmw, lolJul 15 19:20
kingoffrancere: "setting an example/tone/whatever"Jul 15 19:20
schestowitzArizona +3,257Jul 15 19:21
schestowitzrunning sums, will be higher by day's endJul 15 19:21
DaemonFC[m]> 15 200732 < DaemonFC[m]> 18 year old rubber hose. Happens.Jul 15 19:21
DaemonFC[m]My sister in law is having 20 year old American car issues in her 2016 BMW.Jul 15 19:21
MinceRsee, it disintegrates well before 18 years :>Jul 15 19:21
DaemonFC[m]Everything costs 5 times as much to fix too. The point is you give up and buy another one.Jul 15 19:21
schestowitzcars are a burden in so many waysJul 15 19:22
schestowitzand underusedJul 15 19:22
DaemonFC[m]She even let them talk her into tires that are $450 a pop.Jul 15 19:22
DaemonFC[m]I've got the Impala running on $50 tires. They work fine.Jul 15 19:22
schestowitzit's like buying a laptop you only use 30 mins per dayJul 15 19:22
schestowitztaxis have vastly better cost/mileageJul 15 19:23
MinceRcars can also be very usefulJul 15 19:23
DaemonFC[m]You can put a BMW on cheap tires. You might as well. They grind down the fronts too son anyway.Jul 15 19:23
schestowitzMinceR: canJul 15 19:23
MinceRespecially in the low population density areas i prefer to be inJul 15 19:23
schestowitzpeople driving a single person to work in an SUV to sit in a glass cage typing on a PC is not good useJul 15 19:23
MinceRindeed, home office is usually betterJul 15 19:24
schestowitzI have just used 4 sfaety pinsJul 15 19:24
MinceRwhen there isn't someone around bored and tearing your nerves apart to pass the timeJul 15 19:24
schestowitzshould have done that AGES ago!Jul 15 19:24
DaemonFC[m]I don't always drive my SUV, but when I do, it's to park sideways in three handicapped spots down at the Walmart and then threaten to sue people for telling me I need a mask!Jul 15 19:24
DaemonFC[m]Every Republican EverJul 15 19:24
schestowitzTo secure the chair cover, which I otherwise kept adjusting manually to cover the armrestsJul 15 19:25
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: you pro lifer you!@!Jul 15 19:25
MinceRlolJul 15 19:25
schestowitzI keep finding all sorts of new ways to be more efficient hereJul 15 19:25
schestowitzwe don't call it home officeJul 15 19:26
schestowitzin uk that has a special meaningJul 15 19:26
schestowitzlikely negative, esp. if you dislike toriesJul 15 19:26
schestowitzhome office used to be a client of ours, briefly at leastJul 15 19:26
schestowitzheck, I don't think we should say "remote work"Jul 15 19:27
schestowitzit's a loade dtermJul 15 19:27
schestowitzhome = hereJul 15 19:27
schestowitz"localJul 15 19:27
schestowitz"local"Jul 15 19:27
schestowitznot "remote"Jul 15 19:27
schestowitzthey try to imply people are naturally based at their employer's placeJul 15 19:27
schestowitzand going home is "away"Jul 15 19:27
schestowitzor "remote"Jul 15 19:27
schestowitzthis is wrongJul 15 19:27
schestowitzhome is masterJul 15 19:27
schestowitzwork is slaveJul 15 19:27
schestowitzI work at masterJul 15 19:27
schestowitznot at slaveJul 15 19:27
schestowitzor primary.. or parent, whatever...Jul 15 19:28
kingoffranceyou arent wrongJul 15 19:28
kingoffrancethey do do thatJul 15 19:28
schestowitzlet's fix the termJul 15 19:28
schestowitzthey then get rid of "home workers"Jul 15 19:28
schestowitzbecause "they're remote anyway"Jul 15 19:28
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, even with btrfs compression going on, my PC is faster with KDE.Jul 15 19:28
schestowitzand they replace them with cheap labour overseasJul 15 19:28
schestowitz"remote workers"Jul 15 19:28
schestowitzwho work at home or some callcenter or whateverJul 15 19:29
DaemonFC[m]I'd rather have a compressor thread gping for the file system than whatever the hell GNOME Clocks was up to. LolJul 15 19:29
schestowitzcorporate media promotes and amplifies this falsehoodJul 15 19:29
schestowitzwe can do a "social justice" operandi on the media to demand they stopJul 15 19:29
schestowitzor else Jul 15 19:29
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: Mandy is NOT a remote workersJul 15 19:29
DaemonFC[m]I wonder if CentOS has gotten this bad. It was pretty solid when I ran 6 as a desktop.Jul 15 19:30
schestowitzhe works home.. for the Walton FamilyJul 15 19:30
schestowitzPaid a million times less than them per hourJul 15 19:30
DaemonFC[m]There's way worse than Walmart.Jul 15 19:30
schestowitzbut that's OK, at least he's "feeling home"Jul 15 19:30
schestowitzcentos is not for desktopJul 15 19:30
schestowitzunless you just run one specialised application compiled for rhelJul 15 19:31
schestowitzlike some movie studiosJul 15 19:31
schestowitzsome of them use rhel or similarJul 15 19:31
schestowitzbut you use browser and stuffJul 15 19:31
DaemonFC[m]Kroger was telling people don't worry about the background check and then letting them work for 60 days and then going oh wait you have this felony you told us about and now it's serious. Ploink. And you don't get Unemployment Income anymoreJul 15 19:31
schestowitzcentos is asking for trouble, even with epelJul 15 19:31
schestowitzso after 60 days they look for dismissal excusesJul 15 19:32
DaemonFC[m]YepJul 15 19:32
schestowitzat the spa we go to they rarely retain workers for more than 6 monthsJul 15 19:32
schestowitzit's a neverending shuffle... and appallingJul 15 19:32
MinceRcentos is for the dumpsterJul 15 19:32
schestowitzthen they blame it on the workersJul 15 19:32
schestowitzwho spent time and money trainingJul 15 19:32
DaemonFC[m]They always do.Jul 15 19:32
schestowitzcentos was bad before... not it's controlled by those it competed withJul 15 19:33
DaemonFC[m]Walmart has about 40% turnover each year.Jul 15 19:33
schestowitzscientific linux and similar clones sankJul 15 19:33
schestowitzwhich tells you what they think of centos nowJul 15 19:33
schestowitzfermilinxuJul 15 19:33
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, as a desktop it worked okay in general.Jul 15 19:33
DaemonFC[m]You can run Steam and stuff on it if you want to.Jul 15 19:34
*psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrightsJul 15 19:34
DaemonFC[m]They have RHEL as a free to use thing now if you don't want any paid support I think.Jul 15 19:34
DaemonFC[m]Probably figured those people would just use CentOS anyway and this makes it easier to get subscribers later if they change their mind.Jul 15 19:35
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz It's safest to assume that whatever people higher up than you are saying is a lie to get what they want from you. They have no feelings that theybare obliged to treat you well later.Jul 15 19:36
DaemonFC[m]Workplace, government, you name it really.Jul 15 19:37
kingoffrancewell ppl using centos were calling up support when i was thereJul 15 19:38
kingoffrancewhich was unsupported -> "please get a license if you want us to support that machine" -> end ticketJul 15 19:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Endeavour OS: Our first anniversary, the July release and what’s next?!? []Jul 15 19:39
kingoffrancethey would basically get rhel on a few machines, and have lots more centosJul 15 19:39
kingoffranceand then try to trick ppl into supportJul 15 19:39
kingoffrancebut as soon as we got the thing that provides a "picture" of the system, it was easy to spotJul 15 19:39
kingoffranceits not like they went into effort to fake thingsJul 15 19:39
kingoffranceand if they were at that level, they wouldnt need us anywaysJul 15 19:40
kingoffrancei dont think we put them on a blacklist or anything, but it was kind of just a waste of time to take down their problem, then find out centos, "sorry, cant help, talk to whoever does purchasing at your company"Jul 15 19:42
kingoffranceand they would have or in the past had actual rhel machines, they just apparently didnt tell their admins centos is not supportedJul 15 19:43
kingoffrancei mean, they wouldve had to have an open support contract to even reach usJul 15 19:43
DaemonFC[m]Sounds like Pointy Hair Boss.Jul 15 19:44
DaemonFC[m]I can save money by getting 1 or 2 of these things licensed to trick Red Hat.Jul 15 19:44
kingoffranceyeah but ibm is so anal re: tps reports ...they shouldve known it would never workJul 15 19:44
kingoffrancewe tried to close tickets ASAP for real customers...that was a metricJul 15 19:45
kingoffrancetime spent on problemJul 15 19:45
DaemonFC[m]So IBM is real good at tracking licenses.Jul 15 19:45
kingoffrancetracking where money is coming/going maybeJul 15 19:45
kingoffrancelicenses are just a subset of that :)Jul 15 19:45
kingoffranceso is time :)Jul 15 19:46
DaemonFC[m]It figures. I mean, they're not going to let someone cheat them that easily.Jul 15 19:46
kingoffranceso is printer paper/ink :)Jul 15 19:46
kingoffranceso is everything :)Jul 15 19:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OpenSUSE board non-confidence effort fails []Jul 15 19:46
DaemonFC[m]Well, asking for support is actually costing Red Hat something so if you're trying to get support you didn't pay for that's stealing.Jul 15 19:46
DaemonFC[m]You can use the software for free. Support is something else.Jul 15 19:47
DaemonFC[m]I thought it was funny that some video game developer got tired of this and leaked a game that crashed on a certain level to prove a point about how people were pirating the game and then demanding support for it.Jul 15 19:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Intel slammed by Linux founder for using ‘power virus’ tech []Jul 15 19:48
MinceRhedrat broke the software you were using, now you must pay them to fix it, otherwise you're stealing.Jul 15 19:49
DaemonFC[m]It's not necessarily just that people are copying it who just couldn't pay for it. It's that they try to get you to fix the bugs they run into.Jul 15 19:49
MinceRjust like how the elementary OS people took other people's work, put a butt-ugly crapOS skin on top, and now you must pay them for that skin, otherwise you're "cheating the system"Jul 15 19:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 15 19:50
DaemonFC[m]This one couldn't happen on a licensed copy, so thousands of pirates come pouring in demanding support for it.Jul 15 19:50
DaemonFC[m]That one is too much even for me.Jul 15 19:50
DaemonFC[m]I've pirated video games but I've never gone and demanded free support.Jul 15 19:51
MinceRhad i not paid enough attention, i would have stuck with deadian with hedrat software i never asked for, and then i would get to pay them for a support contract so they fix the atrocious piece of shit they forced on me and which i never asked for in the first placeJul 15 19:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: PinePhone CE available for pre-order []Jul 15 20:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 15 20:02
schestowitzdeadian lolJul 15 20:11
scientesDebian StaleJul 15 20:11
schestowitzhedrat lolJul 15 20:11
schestowitzwell, debbie is still alineJul 15 20:11
schestowitzian deadJul 15 20:11
schestowitzso deadian is kind of poor tasteJul 15 20:12
schestowitzbut he killed himself at the end, with mental help from the police leading to itJul 15 20:12
schestowitzsuicidian seems rightJul 15 20:15
MinceRi was referring to the distribution being deadJul 15 20:15
MinceRnot to its founderJul 15 20:15
schestowitzit took systemdJul 15 20:15
schestowitzi.e. redhat hard depJul 15 20:15
schestowitzsorryJul 15 20:15
scientesUbuntu has that shit called snapJul 15 20:15
schestowitzi meant hedratJul 15 20:15
scientesso I'd say Debian is pretty decentJul 15 20:15
schestowitzhard dep.Jul 15 20:15
scientesstale, but not deadJul 15 20:15
schestowitzwhich is technical suicideJul 15 20:15
schestowitzlocking them into the whole 'chain' of systemd and IBMJul 15 20:16
*schestowitz uses busterJul 15 20:16
scientesoh geeze, get over itJul 15 20:16
schestowitzstale is goodJul 15 20:16
schestowitzas long as the repos are full of decent, stable stuffJul 15 20:16
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: 43kJul 15 20:17
schestowitztwo vietnams already.. not counting the dead vietnamese whose country was invadedJul 15 20:17
*dabblerdude ( has joined #techrightsJul 15 20:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Patches Roundup []Jul 15 20:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming []Jul 15 20:24
DaemonFC[m]Well, new vacuum linr and the light came back.Jul 15 20:26
DaemonFC[m]The car stopped running like shit.Jul 15 20:26
DaemonFC[m]I suppose it's possible that the MAF sensor is acting up and there was just a vacuum leak too. Ugh.Jul 15 20:28
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz is lucky he doesn't have to deal with a car.Jul 15 20:28
dabblerdudeHey everyone.Jul 15 20:29
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers []Jul 15 20:30
*schestowitz waves hi to dabblers everywhereJul 15 20:33
dabblerdudeLol. XDJul 15 20:33
dabblerdudeDabblers everywhere.Jul 15 20:33
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: but we live close to townJul 15 20:34
schestowitzso it is not so cheap, eitherJul 15 20:34
dabblerdudeI did some research on some browsers based on Chromium. There is a lot out there! Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, Epic, etc.Jul 15 20:34
schestowitzyes, almost alJul 15 20:34
schestowitzexcept the old and outdated onesJul 15 20:34
dabblerdudeThe only Firefox based browsers that are active and are for Linux; I could only find GNU Icecat, Tor, and Waterfox.Jul 15 20:34
schestowitzthe ff forks/branches are dying awayJul 15 20:34
scientesexcept torJul 15 20:34
schestowitzwaterfox sold outJul 15 20:34
schestowitzto system1Jul 15 20:34
scientesand tor is looking at merging with firefoxJul 15 20:34
dabblerdudeI'm surprised Firefox is still hanging on.Jul 15 20:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kernel and Graphics: TPM, Intel and Matrox []Jul 15 20:36
scientesfirefox is fasterJul 15 20:36
scientesand lower memoryJul 15 20:36
scientesand they have extremely good devsJul 15 20:36
scientesthey also created rust-langJul 15 20:37
MinceR(cat) 15 20:37
MinceRi guess failfox was so good it takes mozilla a while to truly ruin itJul 15 20:38
MinceRbut they're working hard at itJul 15 20:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s leftovers []Jul 15 20:39
dabblerdudeMinceR: Yeah, I'm not sticking with Firefox. That's why I'd like to go with the browsers based on that. That's better than going with any chromium-based browser.Jul 15 20:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 15/7/2020: New PinePhone, GCC 10.2 Release Candidate []Jul 15 20:50
DaemonFC[m]> to system1Jul 15 20:51
DaemonFC[m]A very ethical edtech!Jul 15 20:51
DaemonFC[m]*adtechJul 15 20:52
DaemonFC[m]DuckDuckGo has been growing pretty fast.Jul 15 20:52
DaemonFC[m]It probably is less privacy invading than Google, but that's not saying a lot.Jul 15 20:53
DaemonFC[m]I mostly like it because Google branched out into all sorts of ridiculous things and is definitely also a PRISM member.Jul 15 20:53
DaemonFC[m]PRISM isn't even the start of how nasty they are, but it's bad all by itself.Jul 15 20:54
DaemonFC[m]So Microsoft spamming people with Edge ads, they're a PRISM member too. So you're not gaining privacy. Your info is just going into another backdoored program and cloud.Jul 15 20:55
MinceRyeah, but they want to make deals with the uhmerican government in google's placeJul 15 20:55
DaemonFC[m]Google bent over backwards to participate in all of this illegal domestic spying and Trump is still going after them for "antitrust" vecause of a personal vendetta.Jul 15 20:55
DaemonFC[m]They have lawyers, but that only helps you if there are actually still laws.Jul 15 20:56
DaemonFC[m]There aren't.Jul 15 20:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: PinePhone postmarketOS Community Edition Is Now Available to Order []Jul 15 21:00
dabblerdudeOk, so I've been misinformed slightly. Mozilla used to have a deal with Google back in 2014 where they did receive a lot of money from them.Jul 15 21:01
dabblerdudeBut in 2015 or so, Mozilla partnered with Yahoo and left Google in the dust.Jul 15 21:01
dabblerdude 15 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Firefox maker Mozilla: We don't need Google's money anymore - CNETJul 15 21:01
dabblerdude 15 21:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mozilla tells Google, it’s not you (anymore), it’s Yahoo | ComputerworldJul 15 21:02
DaemonFC[m]Yahoo is also PRISM.Jul 15 21:02
schestowitzgoogle still pays mozJul 15 21:02
DaemonFC[m]And Verizon.Jul 15 21:02
schestowitzand yahoo! is no longer thereJul 15 21:02
schestowitzff defaults to googJul 15 21:02
schestowitzmoz did this when yahoo was msftJul 15 21:02
DaemonFC[m]Yahoo is on the default list for Noscript as trusted. I don't use it so I changes it to untrusted.Jul 15 21:03
schestowitzat least in the usJul 15 21:03
schestowitzalso uk iircJul 15 21:03
MinceRyahoo is not microsloth anymore?Jul 15 21:03
schestowitzyahoo is nothingJul 15 21:03
dabblerdudeschestowitz: How is Google still paying Mozilla? I need to be rightly informed here.Jul 15 21:04
dabblerdudeDo you have any good sources I can look at?Jul 15 21:04
schestowitzalmost anything that has good by default is paid by googleJul 15 21:04
schestowitzotherwise a "useful idiot"Jul 15 21:04
schestowitzeven apple was paid billion by google for itJul 15 21:04
schestowitz(billionsJul 15 21:04
schestowitzmaybe 5 billion, i forgot the exact numberJul 15 21:05
dabblerdudeI don't know what you mean good by default.Jul 15 21:05
dabblerdudeYou mean the Google search engine?Jul 15 21:05
schestowitzit was in a lawsuit about 5 years ago, it came up as a relevant fact-finding thingJul 15 21:05
dabblerdudeSounds like you were saying "google by default"Jul 15 21:05
schestowitzalso address barJul 15 21:05
schestowitzlike, if you put a non-address in itJul 15 21:05
schestowitz"if in doubt, go to google"Jul 15 21:06
schestowitzas in, if you don't paste an address in or follow a linkJul 15 21:06
schestowitzsometimes when keylogger tooJul 15 21:06
schestowitzaka "autocomplete"Jul 15 21:06
schestowitz*withJul 15 21:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi OS & Plasma - Troubly McTroublesome []Jul 15 21:07
MinceRis yahoo gone yet?Jul 15 21:07
dabblerdudeschestowitz: I still don't know what you mean. I thought you were saying that any browser that comes with the Google search engine is paid by them.Jul 15 21:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 15 21:08
dabblerdudeAnything good by default sounds a little vague.Jul 15 21:12
psydroid I don't know if any of you have ever used Calibre, but it ended up eating about half my RAM (14 GB) in a single Python processJul 15 21:13
scienteslol  14 GBJul 15 21:17
dabblerdudeAnyway, I could try to use IceCat.Jul 15 21:18
dabblerdudeHowever, I'm not sure if that's still being developed.Jul 15 21:19
schestowitzpsydroid: clearly a bugJul 15 21:19
schestowitzMinceR: is Windows Mobile?Jul 15 21:19
MinceRpretty muchJul 15 21:21
MinceRif Backdoors Phony doesn't count as such, then it's dead and buriedJul 15 21:22
dabblerdudeOk, I found out the last version of GNU Icecat which was released was June of last year.Jul 15 21:24
dabblerdudeSo it hasn't been maintained in a while.Jul 15 21:24
DaemonFC[m]Oh dear.Jul 15 21:25
dabblerdudeYeah. :(Jul 15 21:25
DaemonFC[m]Fedora packaged it last I looked.Jul 15 21:25
DaemonFC[m]There's Seamonkey I guess.Jul 15 21:25
DaemonFC[m]They maanaged to get that running on the Firefox ESR 68 platform finally I think.Jul 15 21:26
dabblerdudeI could use that. However, I don't have to stick to just Firefox based and Chrome based browsers.Jul 15 21:27
dabblerdudeThere are other browsers that run on different engines besides Gecko and Chromium.Jul 15 21:28
DaemonFC[m]I find excuses to not mention Chrome by name on Wikipedia when possible.Jul 15 21:28
DaemonFC[m]Like when a feature is sufficiently generic but someone made Chrome an example of it anyway.Jul 15 21:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Apache SpamAssassin Leads A Growing List of Open-Source Projects Taking Steps to Correct Instances of Racism and White Privilege []Jul 15 21:29
DaemonFC[m]Mentioning Chrome by name acts as a free advertisement for Chrome.Jul 15 21:29
dabblerdudeOh yeah, that is true.Jul 15 21:29
psydroidKonqueror seems to work pretty well and is also pretty lightweight compared to alternativesJul 15 21:29
dabblerdudeShould I not mention it then?Jul 15 21:29
DaemonFC[m]There's GNOME Web and Midori.Jul 15 21:29
MinceRhow much of kde does konqueror need?Jul 15 21:30
DaemonFC[m]Both use Webkit, though Midori is more likely to work better on other desktops and is the recommended browser in Xfce.Jul 15 21:30
psydroidI'm running it on XFCE now in a VNC session on my Orange Pi, it is pretty responsive tooJul 15 21:31
DaemonFC[m]Webkit isn't exactly like Blink.Jul 15 21:31
schestowitz 15 21:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla VPN Goes Live …But Not For Linux Users - OMG! Ubuntu!Jul 15 21:32
schestowitzwowJul 15 21:32
schestowitzwell done, mozJul 15 21:32
schestowitzshooting your own footJul 15 21:32
schestowitzthe only OS that preinstalls FFJul 15 21:32
psydroidI think Konqueror can still be made to perform a bit better, but it uses a lot less memory than FF, which uses a lot less than Chromium in turnJul 15 21:36
dabblerdudeschestowitz: Doesn't Ubuntu come preinstalled with FF.Jul 15 21:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Editors Series: Emacs, Vim and Nano #Editors Series: Emacs, Vim and Nano []Jul 15 21:38
dabblerdude?Jul 15 21:38
*schestowitz uses KonquerorJul 15 21:41
schestowitzdabblerdude: I think it still doesJul 15 21:44
schestowitzabout 5 years ago they debated promoting chromiumJul 15 21:44
schestowitzand there was an unroar of sortsJul 15 21:44
schestowitzso that never happenedJul 15 21:44
schestowitzmaybe Google even offered Canonical money for it, who knows...Jul 15 21:44
schestowitz 15 21:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Hires From Microsoft for Mozilla’s Board | TechrightsJul 15 21:44
schestowitzMoz is all for inclusiveness... including MicrosoftJul 15 21:45
MinceRand for poetteringwareJul 15 21:45
schestowitz 15 21:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PleromaJul 15 21:45
schestowitzpottymouthJul 15 21:46
dabblerdudeI've changed my mind about using Firefox because of this whole Chromium browser monopoly. I'm not going to care about any browser that runs Chromium despite what the developers of those browsers have in mind for them.Jul 15 21:48
dabblerdudeEven if they're "built and optimized for privacy and security."Jul 15 21:49
schestowitzFF is OKJul 15 21:49
schestowitzin a senseJul 15 21:49
schestowitzrianne still uses it exclusivelyJul 15 21:49
schestowitzfor me, well... I use a mixture of things, I use FF almost only for doing techrights postsJul 15 21:49
dabblerdudeTake a look at the name, Google. Google means crap, BS.Jul 15 21:50
schestowitzthe rest is Falkon and KonquerorJul 15 21:50
dabblerdudeAnything that comes from them is BS.Jul 15 21:50
schestowitzon the other machines, both of them, qupzilla onlyJul 15 21:50
schestowitzGoogle is badJul 15 21:50
schestowitzMozilla getting worse than what it used to beJul 15 21:50
schestowitzit'll stink more like Google over timeJul 15 21:50
schestowitzjust smaller stenchJul 15 21:50
dabblerdudeDespite the fact that Mozilla is getting paid by Google, the best I can do is to optimize the heck out of it and not use other Chromium based browsers.Jul 15 21:51
schestowitzMozilla will be a fart next to the fish processing factory that is GoogleJul 15 21:51
dabblerdudeThere's only so much you can do.Jul 15 21:51
schestowitzMSIRJul 15 21:51
schestowitzMSIEJul 15 21:51
schestowitzold schoolJul 15 21:51
dabblerdudeMSIR?Jul 15 21:51
schestowitzopera and vivaldi are googledsimilatedJul 15 21:51
schestowitzdabblerdude: typoJul 15 21:52
dabblerdudeMSIE sounds like Microsoft Internet Explorer. XDJul 15 21:52
dabblerdudeIs that what you meant by MSIR?Jul 15 21:53
dabblerdudeMSIEJul 15 21:53
psydroidthere are 2 things that really triggered me about Chromium: 1) rejecting adblock plugins 2) refusal to integrate and outright hostility towards community-maintained patches for some architecturesJul 15 21:54
dabblerdudeschestowitz: Btw, I found out that GNU Icecat's last release was in June 2019. It hasn't been maintained in a while.Jul 15 21:55
schestowitzmakes senseJul 15 21:55
schestowitzanyway, those things are not secureJul 15 21:56
schestowitzesp. when javascript on, esp. even more so on dodgy sitesJul 15 21:56
schestowitzbrowsers should be like a text editorJul 15 21:56
schestowitzand opened file should run no programJul 15 21:56
schestowitz(in an ideal world)Jul 15 21:57
schestowitzwhen you use a text editor, user uses computerJul 15 21:57
schestowitzwith browser, web uses computerJul 15 21:57
schestowitzand you're just a passenger giving some directions like where to go nextJul 15 21:57
schestowitzand what domain will run dodge crappy code on your machine with you at the seatJul 15 21:57
dabblerdudeMidori's last release was in 2019.Jul 15 22:05
dabblerdudeKonqueror's last stable release was in 2018.Jul 15 22:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Cinnamon Desktop Review: A Very User-Friendly Desktop Environment []Jul 15 22:07
schestowitzshould be good enough for most sitesJul 15 22:10
dabblerdudeI was looking at some more comparisons of the web browsers out there; I found some more: Pale Moon, Basilisk, and Netsurf.Jul 15 22:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Jul 15 22:19
schestowitz 15 22:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Editors Series: Emacs, Vim and Nano | Tux MachinesJul 15 22:35
schestowitzjust addedJul 15 22:35
schestowitzVimb: Vim Like Web Browsing Has Never Been This EasyJul 15 22:35
schestowitzif you're into minimalismJul 15 22:36
schestowitzsome sites have nojs fallbacksJul 15 22:39
schestowitzand are generally usable while lightJul 15 22:39
schestowitzbut those are becoming fewer and a scarcity over timeJul 15 22:39
schestowitz 15 22:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FreeBSD Quarterly Status ReportJul 15 22:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report []Jul 15 22:43
DaemonFC[m]<dabblerdude "I was looking at some more compa"> I tried out Netsurf in a Flatpak the other day. Latest build.Jul 15 23:02
DaemonFC[m]I suppose it's not horrible if you mostly use simple sites without any JavaScript.Jul 15 23:02
dabblerdudeDaemonFC[m]: Yeah, Netsurf looks too simple.Jul 15 23:03
dabblerdudeLooks a little outdated.Jul 15 23:03
DaemonFC[m]I ran into a car repair website today that said "You must enable Javascript because, nowadays, most sites need it and so does ours.".Jul 15 23:03
DaemonFC[m]So I clicked reader mode and all the text I needed to read came up.Jul 15 23:03
dabblerdudeHowever, what about Pale Moon and Basilisk?Jul 15 23:03
MinceRfailfox forks, iircJul 15 23:03
DaemonFC[m]I'm just skeptical of Pale Moon.Jul 15 23:04
MinceRnot sure if they're maintained anymoreJul 15 23:04
MinceRthe people responsible for failmoon are blocking at least one extension they don't likeJul 15 23:04
DaemonFC[m]It might work, but I can't seriously believe that one guy is going to keep up with the security churn of Firefox.Jul 15 23:04
MinceRalso, can netsurf save embedded images on gnu/linux already?Jul 15 23:04
DaemonFC[m]Plus, while WebExtensions aren't as powerful, they also don't constantly break down and require parts of browser code to stay static or else.Jul 15 23:05
*gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria 15 23:05
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsJul 15 23:05
DaemonFC[m]In the sense that there's a standard extensions API that keeps them away from the browser's internals and stops them from having access to bits that really ought not be tampered with, it's a good idea.Jul 15 23:06
MinceRwebextensions can't do half the stuff we had firefox extensions forJul 15 23:06
DaemonFC[m]The API needs to be more powerful than it is though.Jul 15 23:06
dabblerdudeMinceR: The latest stable release of Pale Moon was released yesterday, according to Wikipedia.Jul 15 23:07
dabblerdudeSo they are still maintained.Jul 15 23:07
DaemonFC[m]Version bumps are not indicative of how well the software is being maintained.Jul 15 23:09
DaemonFC[m]See Apache OpenOffice.Jul 15 23:09
dabblerdudeSo you could have a web browser from 2015 that's still good today?Jul 15 23:11
schestowitzeven 2005Jul 15 23:13
MinceRif it's a "modern" browser, that's unlikelyJul 15 23:13
MinceRwell, maybe if it gets the engine from a library and that library is up-to-dateJul 15 23:13
schestowitz[23:03] <DaemonFC[m]> I ran into a car repair website today that said "You must enable Javascript because, nowadays, most sites need it and so does ours.".Jul 15 23:14
schestowitzemail the postmasterJul 15 23:14
schestowitzor postmistressJul 15 23:14
schestowitzwith soem sarcastic replyJul 15 23:14
schestowitzI can think of a fewJul 15 23:14
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: looks like 900+ deaths possible today (more than a week ago)Jul 15 23:15
schestowitzalready smashing past last week's daily count of covid19 infectionsJul 15 23:15
schestowitzthe US numbers still go UPJul 15 23:16
schestowitzafter all these months... everywhere else the numbers go down after a couple of months since first caseJul 15 23:16
schestowitzTurns out, US is no better than Mexico after allJul 15 23:16
schestowitzIt just has more oligarchs than just Carlos SlimJul 15 23:16
dabblerdudeThinking that just because a web browser is up to date and well maintained sounds like it greatly complies with Windows thinking.Jul 15 23:18
MinceRsure, but security holes are less likely to be fixed otherwiseJul 15 23:19
MinceR"modern" web browsers present an enormous attack surfaceJul 15 23:19
MinceRand the specs are put together with tacks and chewing gumJul 15 23:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: A new LibreOffice strategic marketing plan []Jul 15 23:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Don’t let proprietary digital voting disrupt democracy []Jul 15 23:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Jeremy Allison of Google, Rich Bowen of Red Hat in OASIS []Jul 15 23:31
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJul 15 23:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Approved: Fedora 33 Desktop Variants Defaulting To Btrfs File-System []Jul 15 23:38
schestowitzMinceR: yupJul 15 23:46
schestowitz64,175 new casesJul 15 23:46
schestowitzMoments ago the "official" number of #covid19 casualties in the US passed 140,000. And it's climbing up rather fast. Can be quarter million by election day.Jul 15 23:47
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jul 15 23:48
DaemonFC[m]It seems logical to me, cynical though maybe, that if you're charging customers for support, you always want bugs.If there's no bugs, there's no need for support and they just go off and use something for free with no support.So it seems that there's incentive from the paid support distros to maybe make sure that GNOME has bugs, and there's incentive in KDE to fix bugs because almost no commercially supportedJul 15 23:50
DaemonFC[m]distribution  is funding KDE. Jul 15 23:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Purism “Investing in Real Convergence” and Purism Librem 14 []Jul 15 23:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla Explains VPN and Neglects GNU/Linux []Jul 15 23:53
DaemonFC[m]So there was always the derision and thumb nosing years back that only smelly manchildren in their mom's basement would use open source (part of the smearing that they paid instigators to do, and they still pay PR trolls to say things as shills, just different things).Jul 15 23:53
DaemonFC[m]From what I've seen, the further away you can get from something that's "paid support available", the less problematic it is. That's not a law, but rather more often the case.Jul 15 23:54
DaemonFC[m]If there's no need to draw in support based on bugs, you just fix the bugs. Jul 15 23:54
DaemonFC[m]So I think it could explain why the other desktops are generally more stable than GNOME. You don't have "paid support tickets" that go away if your product is more stable than it used to be.Jul 15 23:54
DaemonFC[m]So in that regard, Red Hat has every incentive to be like the dirty mechanic that does bad work and breaks something else while he's in there.Jul 15 23:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Restricted Hardware and Open Hardware (Raspberry Pi, Arduino Nano) []Jul 15 23:59

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