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IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 15, 2023

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psydruidyes, I'll donate to make up for the money Bill Norman Bates isn't donatingSep 15 00:01
DaemonFC 15 00:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Landlords in California Throw Party to Celebrate Evicting Tenants While NPR Helps US Government Scream “Look! Aliens!” | BaronHK's RantsSep 15 00:02
MinceR(cat) 15 00:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WHOOPSIESep 15 00:07
*Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)Sep 15 00:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 00:20
techrights-newsMicrosoft is Stacking a Closed Door Panel in Washington (Commissioned by a Microsoft-Sponsored Senator), Pushing Its Products Using Buzzwords and Getting More Bailouts From the US Government, i.e. From Taxpayers | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 00:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is Stacking a Closed Door Panel in Washington (Commissioned by a Microsoft-Sponsored Senator), Pushing Its Products Using Buzzwords and Getting More Bailouts From the US Government, i.e. From Taxpayers | TechrightsSep 15 00:22
*schestowitz backSep 15 00:24
schestowitz3 more videos ready nowSep 15 00:24
techrights-newsLearning, Loving, LaTeX gemini:// 15 00:25
techrights-news"after 2 months of resting from 4 years of studying in college, i got a job. now i am a teacher of computer science. in the school where i studied. everyone here were inviting me for about half a year, including some highschoolers i knew." gemini:// 15 00:26
techrights-newsExpanding the concept of Rules for Life gemini:// 15 00:27
techrights-newsFall Scenery (publ. 2023-09-14) gemini:// 15 00:28
techrights-newsGemini Links 14/09/2023: Learning LaTeX and Using Slackware | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 00:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gemini Links 14/09/2023: Learning LaTeX and Using Slackware | TechrightsSep 15 00:35
DaemonFCLemmy sez: It is a rule that "vote on comment quality, not agreement, we want to promote discussions". One guy says, "I'm not getting another COVID shot. Those things are just weird and they didn't even stop me from getting COVID. I'll keep getting my other shots though." Gets vote bombed down and called anti-vaxxer.Sep 15 00:36
techrights-news"Things have actually gotten so bad that COVID is a good distraction again from all of the hyperinflation, Biden sundowning, his criminal son in trouble, China running roughshod over us and the Biden administration" 15 00:37
DaemonFCThe media has successfully brainwashed a lot of people, especially the younger ones who are too stupid and far gone to have a filter. They were raised without a proper education so it's easier.Sep 15 00:37
techrights-newsGemini Links 14/09/2023: Learning LaTeX and Using Slackware | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 00:37
DaemonFCThe narrative in America has changed from encouraging individuality to encouraging "collectivism", and "groupthink". Tow the line or get thrown out. Thrown out from everything.Sep 15 00:38
techrights-newsCOVID-19 was a shot in the arm for several pharma companies that pretended to be doing well (very large) but were in fact very deep in DEBT -- which is considered "normal" in this dying systemSep 15 00:39
schestowitz<DaemonFC> The narrative in America has changed from encouraging individuality to encouraging "collectivism", and "groupthink". Tow the line or get thrown out. Thrown out from everything.Sep 15 00:39
schestowitz<schestowitz> this "man" shows you how to become richSep 15 00:39
schestowitz<schestowitz> 15 00:39
schestowitz<schestowitz> 15 00:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jim Zemlin Idolises Microsoft and Bill Gates (in New Talk Published This Week), Applauding a Back Doors Company and Jeffrey Epstein’s Enabler | TechrightsSep 15 00:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jim Zemlin: Open Source Loves Microsoft | TechrightsSep 15 00:39
DaemonFCI don't and won't use Lemmy. Perhaps it's less bad than Reddit in the sense that the markup that it sends to your browser is Web stuff, not Chrome shit with QR codes demanding you install spyware, but it's the same toxicity, the same personality types.Sep 15 00:40
schestowitzshilling "the system" paysSep 15 00:40
schestowitzmoreSep 15 00:40
schestowitzcompared de Icaza to the other co-founder of GNOMESep 15 00:40
DaemonFCReddit is demanding you install an app with dozens of spyware libraries, including ones from Facebook, to "anonymously" view porn on Reddit. The porn on Reddit, is generally a "free sample" that leads back to something you are supposed to pay for.Sep 15 00:41
DaemonFCAs soon as Reddit bans this, and they will (give Apple and Congress some more time!), Reddit will be fucked.Sep 15 00:42
DaemonFCThe United States is so corrupt that Apple probably has at least as much power over what's on the Web as Congress does at this point.Sep 15 00:43
DaemonFC"Have cunningly arranged to get my covid booster the day before a transatlantic flight so I enjoy it as much as possible." -mjg59Sep 15 00:44
DaemonFCDoes he want it in the right eye or the left eye?Sep 15 00:44
DaemonFC:)Sep 15 00:44
schestowitzhe night quote yuouSep 15 00:44
schestowitzplaying the victim cardSep 15 00:44
schestowitzhe is broadcasting the "I'm a poor baby"Sep 15 00:45
schestowitzlike britnet handcuffsSep 15 00:45
schestowitz"*britneySep 15 00:45
DaemonFCstatistic @statistic@teh.entar.netSep 15 00:45
DaemonFC@mjg59 If you weren't good at sleeping on flights before, you might have a leg up on it this time.Sep 15 00:45
schestowitz"omg i was arrested for looking like an oddball"Sep 15 00:45
DaemonFCMaybe he'll end up like my spouse and fall asleep on Sunday and wake up on Thursday, having been unable to eat or shower in-between.Sep 15 00:45
schestowitzwhile admitting saying inappropriate things to copsSep 15 00:45
DaemonFCWe're not getting any more shots. Those are for idiots, at this point.Sep 15 00:46
DaemonFCMy position on them was "Well, try anything once."Sep 15 00:46
schestowitzeven my mom gave up on themSep 15 00:46
DaemonFCThen we got it and it wasn't even as bad as the shots were.Sep 15 00:46
schestowitzshe was their big BOOSTERSep 15 00:46
schestowitznow she says they turn out to have not workedSep 15 00:46
DaemonFCThe COVID fucked me up something awful 6 weeks after the bivalent shot.Sep 15 00:46
DaemonFCSo you know they're worthless.Sep 15 00:46
schestowitzhuge disappointment from their #1 fan, my momSep 15 00:46
schestowitzthey even made her sceptical of the health systemSep 15 00:47
DaemonFCIf my doctor asks if I got one next week I'm going to say "The placebo with side effects? Hard pass."Sep 15 00:47
schestowitznot the gov, media and private companiesSep 15 00:47
DaemonFCWe need to push back more on these doctors. They either don't know anything but what the govt and Pfizer tell them or they aren't saying it if they do.Sep 15 00:47
schestowitzthey can get firedSep 15 00:48
schestowitzfor not "selling" enoughSep 15 00:48
schestowitzrianne's mom got an exemption from the rardiolohistSep 15 00:48
schestowitzbecause even in 2021 she foresaw the side effectSep 15 00:48
schestowitzon the heartSep 15 00:49
schestowitz*cardiologist Sep 15 00:49
schestowitzthe doctorSep 15 00:49
schestowitzso the advice was takenSep 15 00:49
schestowitzback then you could be called "antivaxxer" and get firedSep 15 00:49
schestowitzfor practicing personalised medicineSep 15 00:50
schestowitzwherein you check a patient's existing conditionSep 15 00:50
schestowitzand dn't just blackmail everyone into PRE-paying and USING "your" shotSep 15 00:50
schestowitzor lose the jobSep 15 00:50
DaemonFCYes, the State of Indiana forced my mom's friend out of medical school.Sep 15 00:50
schestowitz<techrights-news> How many clinical trials predate this? ☞ Also, it's not free, it is pre-paid. Citizens pay whether they want this or not.Sep 15 00:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Lithuania to offer free shots of updated Covid vaccine - LRTSep 15 00:50
DaemonFCBecause Pfizer's shot fucked his heart up.Sep 15 00:51
schestowitzbtw, does ban people for talking "against" pfizer?Sep 15 00:51
DaemonFCThe doctor said he couldn't take one, then the school said just take the J&J.Sep 15 00:51
DaemonFCThey ban people depending on whatever mood the "staff" are in that day.Sep 15 00:51
DaemonFCMost of them are children in adult bodies, which is how anyone under 35 tends to act anymore, anyway.Sep 15 00:51
schestowitzand then they wonder why many quite IBMSep 15 00:51
schestowitzIBM not only mandated return to officeSep 15 00:52
schestowitzbut also take the shots if you work from homSep 15 00:52
schestowitzor get firedSep 15 00:52
schestowitzmany were up in armsSep 15 00:52
schestowitzsome said they avoided it for religious reasonsSep 15 00:52
schestowitzjust to be left aloneSep 15 00:52
schestowitzway to hide layoffsSep 15 00:52
schestowitzmandate workers participating in a large experienceSep 15 00:53
schestowitzat risk to themselvesSep 15 00:53
DaemonFCMost people under 35 have the emotional maturity of an infant. This has been encouraged by the schools, the government, and corporations that want to sell them nonsense and get them addicted to TikTok.Sep 15 00:53
schestowitz*experimentSep 15 00:54
DaemonFCYeah, my mom claimed a religious exemption.Sep 15 00:54
DaemonFCHer religion does not have an objection to vaccines.Sep 15 00:55
DaemonFCBut nobody can really check or else they've violated employment laws.Sep 15 00:55
psydruid 15 00:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 429 @ )Sep 15 00:56
DaemonFCIt's time to turn this DEI crap on the people usually foisting it. IBM needs to "be more tolerant" of "people who are diverse of religion".Sep 15 00:56
DaemonFCschestowitz, The same place mom works at runs a facility in another city.Sep 15 00:57
psydruidI'm so tolerant of IBM's existence that I think the company needs to dieSep 15 00:57
DaemonFCThey mandated the clot shots up there and ran out all the nurses.Sep 15 00:57
DaemonFCNow they have to pay agency nurses, most of which aren't vaccinated, 2 times what they paid the ones they ran out.Sep 15 00:57
DaemonFCThe agency takes some, and the agency also pays the nurse more than the salaries at the facility averaged.Sep 15 00:58
techrights-newsJudge in Google Case Doesn’t Know if Firefox is a Browser or Search Engine | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 00:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Judge in Google Case Doesn’t Know if Firefox is a Browser or Search Engine | TechrightsSep 15 00:58
DaemonFCSo now they have unvaccinated nurses they're paying double for.Sep 15 00:58
schestowitzreal;lySep 15 00:58
schestowitzreally unvaccinated?Sep 15 00:58
schestowitzor just hesitant about the experimental ones?Sep 15 00:59
schestowitzbecause you ought to use the term "unvaccinated" correctlySep 15 00:59
schestowitznow how the pharma giant pays the media to use wordsSep 15 00:59
schestowitzlike "anti-vaxx"Sep 15 00:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 00:59
*renegade has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 15 01:00
schestowitz 15 01:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Covid-19 Vaccine Makers Pressured Twitter to Censor ActivistsSep 15 01:00
schestowitzweird. 15 01:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Unexpected responseSep 15 01:00
*renegade ( has joined #techrightsSep 15 01:00
schestowitztweet missingSep 15 01:00
schestowitzi think it's the one they FORCED him to deleteSep 15 01:00
psydruiddoesn't he have a presence elsewhere on the web?Sep 15 01:01
schestowitz 15 01:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter: We Suspend Your Account For Quoting the Media About Bill Gates | TechrightsSep 15 01:01
schestowitz 15 01:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter Has Just Suspended the President of FFII for Naming Bill Gates Patent Profiteering and Factual Information About Twitter Censorship (Updated) | TechrightsSep 15 01:01
schestowitzi think they suspended him tooSep 15 01:02
schestowitzfor linking to my articleSep 15 01:02
schestowitzinsaneSep 15 01:02
schestowitzX needs  to dieSep 15 01:02
schestowitzand fast]Sep 15 01:02
schestowitzX, Twitter,whateverSep 15 01:02
schestowitzthe schoolmates of Musk nearly killed himSep 15 01:02
schestowitzmaybe they had good reasons at the timeSep 15 01:02
schestowitzseeing the sociopath that he was..Sep 15 01:02
schestowitzunfit for integeration inn societySep 15 01:02
schestowitzliker britney handcuffsSep 15 01:03
schestowitzwho keeps getting arrestedSep 15 01:03
schestowitzand banned everywhereSep 15 01:03
schestowitzeven libera.chatSep 15 01:03
schestowitzmaybe britney handcuffs will start shouting libera is "transphobiic"Sep 15 01:03
schestowitzfirst playing the "I'm autistic" card for yearsSep 15 01:03
psydruida person who is only fit for fishing for lobsta shouldn't be allowed to run loose on the internetSep 15 01:04
techrights-newsBiden giving MORE bailout money to Microsoft see 15 01:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-US Army orders more Microsoft AR glasses as new version works well - Gizchina.comSep 15 01:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is Stacking a Closed Door Panel in Washington (Commissioned by a Microsoft-Sponsored Senator), Pushing Its Products Using Buzzwords and Getting More Bailouts From the US Government, i.e. From Taxpayers | TechrightsSep 15 01:05
techrights-newsMicrosoft Facing Formal EU Complaint Over Teams Video App 15 01:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Facing Formal EU Complaint Over Teams Video AppSep 15 01:06
techrights-newsBehold Biden's economic MIRACLE 15 01:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Unicorn Startup Airtable Lays Off 27% Of Firm, Shifts Focus To Big ClientsSep 15 01:07
DaemonFCBrittney Lobsta says "driving while trans" was the reason for being stopped by the cops.Sep 15 01:07
DaemonFCI asked where s/he was driving from. "The liquor store."Sep 15 01:07
techrights-newsWorkers at Georgia gaming accessories manufacturer looking to join Teamsters union 15 01:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Workers at Georgia gaming accessories manufacturer looking to join Teamsters union – WABESep 15 01:08
DaemonFCI saidm "Doesn't it figure that the cop might want to breathalyze someone he saw pulling out from a liquor store to spot check for drunk driving?"Sep 15 01:08
DaemonFCSo, "I wasn't drunk."Sep 15 01:08
techrights-newsCitigroup to eliminate management roles, cut other jobs 15 01:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLESep 15 01:08
DaemonFCI said, "Then blow in the damn thing and go home."Sep 15 01:08
schestowitzDaemonFC: britney handcuffs has a history with the policeSep 15 01:09
DaemonFCLobsta is still on Libera, schestowitz Sep 15 01:09
schestowitzit's the same mess offlineSep 15 01:09
schestowitzinsane people used to be locked upSep 15 01:09
schestowitzto let society carry on and functionSep 15 01:09
schestowitznow they just shout "Ableist" at peopleSep 15 01:10
schestowitzand you might end up working with bipolarsSep 15 01:10
schestowitzwho then make a sceneSep 15 01:10
schestowitzand the company goes,Sep 15 01:10
schestowitz"ok, we've head enough"Sep 15 01:10
schestowitz*hadSep 15 01:10
schestowitzDaemonFC: it's called ban-evadingSep 15 01:10
schestowitzbut was k-linedSep 15 01:10
schestowitzso we seem to be dealing better with criminals than libera doesSep 15 01:11
schestowitzbonus:Sep 15 01:11
schestowitzin libera you are NOT in control who gets banned from the networkSep 15 01:11
schestowitzthey control everythingSep 15 01:11
schestowitzso you get no shelter from such criminalsSep 15 01:12
schestowitzit's one giant drift neetSep 15 01:12
schestowitz*netSep 15 01:13
psydruid 15 01:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trends in racial and ethnic discrimination in hiring in six Western countries - PubMedSep 15 01:14
psydruidI had a conversation with someone who runs a channel there yesterdaySep 15 01:14
psydruidthey don't see the problem in giving up control of a primary means of communicationSep 15 01:15
schestowitzfor compele context, britney handcuff was k-lined for stealing my name them and spouting out suppor for terrorismSep 15 01:15
schestowitzeven in the #techrights channelSep 15 01:15
schestowitzimpersonation, promoting terrorism, harassment...Sep 15 01:15
schestowitzbritney handcuffs, "I AM THE VICTIM"Sep 15 01:16
psydruidunfit for society, probably unfit for life tooSep 15 01:16
schestowitzDoes Canada still have a policy for locking up derelicts and nutcases?Sep 15 01:16
psydruidI don't know, I've never been there nor read about what they do with such peopleSep 15 01:17
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 01:20
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 01:20
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Most governments are incompetent and inefficient and corrupt.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> They get by because they have unlimited power to tax, borrow, jail, and call out the military and cops to murder people who complain too loudly.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Calling the American govenrment inefficient and corrupt is like saying the sky is blue.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Everyone knows. They're not "tolerating it". The government hurts people who step out of line and nobody wants to be the guy that gets killed or jailed for refusing to assist it.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Biden showed us that the government has unlimited power to solve and create problems.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC--> GenBlob (~blob@user/GenBlob) has joined ##animeSep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> He signed one bill and child poverty was halved.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> He signed a different bill, and it all came back.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> It's funny how that works.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> The government has priorities. Whether your child is fed is not one of them. Double child poverty. Lock up the baby formula and diapers. Arrest people who can't feed their children and humiliate them!Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Ukraine needs another $1 trillion in weapons so they can take back 3 inches of their country in 8 months!Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> At some point they might repeal free internet access for the poors, but then again they may not.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> It's too useful because most people are not like I am where I spend $5 on a VPN and tunnel into the Netherlands and basically do what I want and disable all the Internet malware.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> They'll use it to read the propaganda on CNN and BillPR, and believe it.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> They'll use it to upload crime evidence onto the cloud, and Facebook.Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFCschestowitz, ^Sep 15 01:25
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Some things are just "so useful" they're worth every penny. Not food, but propaganda and endless spying.Sep 15 01:27
XRevan86 "Mitt Romney won’t seek US Senate reelection, wrapping up lengthy political career"Sep 15 01:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLESep 15 01:27
*jacobk (~quassel@nze7sex4gemfs.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 01:36
*MinceR gives voice to jacobkSep 15 01:36
schestowitzDaemonFC: draft?Sep 15 01:41
DaemonFCYeah.Sep 15 01:43
schestowitz 15 01:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Web Browser We Lost (Not Just the Web We Lost) | TechrightsSep 15 01:43
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 15 01:50
schestowitzfound like 20 typosSep 15 01:54
techrights-newsThe Web Browser We Lost (Not Just the Web We Lost) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 01:54
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@9df4i6m36ezj2.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 01:55
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 01:59
*ryjen has quit (Quit: ZNC - 15 01:59
*MinceR gives voice to u-amarsh04Sep 15 02:00
*ryjen (~ryjen@ has joined #techrightsSep 15 02:00
*techrights_guest_133 (~60378515@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 02:09
*schestowitz gives voice to techrights_guest_133Sep 15 02:09
*techrights_guest_133 has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)Sep 15 02:10
psydruid 15 02:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | College Gatekeeping is Leaving Talented People Out of the Economy – Calbright CollegeSep 15 02:12
schestowitz"thew economy"Sep 15 02:13
schestowitzwhose?Sep 15 02:13
schestowitzalso: they don't want contestSep 15 02:13
schestowitzor competititonSep 15 02:13
schestowitzit's breeding ground for submissiveness Sep 15 02:13
schestowitzi  cover this in my current draftSep 15 02:14
schestowitzif you want to check...?Sep 15 02:14
schestowitzthe outsourcers...Sep 15 02:14
psydruidI know what it is about, but I could check itSep 15 02:16
psydruidthe economy is a fake economy anywaySep 15 02:16
schestowitz 15 02:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clown Computing is a Joke and Guess Who Has the Last Laugh | TechrightsSep 15 02:16
psydruidand the jobs are fake jobsSep 15 02:16
schestowitzdraft, psydruid Sep 15 02:16
psydruidso I don't know what is left reallySep 15 02:16
psydruid"you cannot even old communications" -> "you cannot even hold communications"Sep 15 02:19
psydruidI presumeSep 15 02:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 02:20
psydruiduniversities breed docile and obedient monkeysSep 15 02:20
schestowitz"modern" unisSep 15 02:23
DaemonFC 15 02:23
schestowitzthanks, one last video to publishSep 15 02:23
schestowitzabout mozSep 15 02:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple Re-Releasing the Same Products Every Year. | BaronHK's RantsSep 15 02:23
techrights-news 15 02:23
psydruidthe same thing that is true for Apple is true for Intel and to a slightly lesser extent AMD productsSep 15 02:29
psydruidit takes them 7-8 years to release products that are so much better that it might be worth it to finally "upgrade"Sep 15 02:30
psydruidbut at least they usually still have individually replaceable componentsSep 15 02:36
schestowitzpsydruid: one more draft?Sep 15 02:37
schestowitzpsydruid: 15 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla is GAFAM, Just Look at Who Runs the Company | TechrightsSep 15 02:39
DaemonFCschestowitz, I got stuff all over my glasses.Sep 15 02:42
DaemonFCWill read here in a second.Sep 15 02:42
DaemonFCCheaper to clean the glasses with a drop of dish soap and water and pat them dry with a coffee filter. Can keep using the filter for some time and letting it dry.Sep 15 02:42
DaemonFCWalmart wants too much for "eyeglass wipes" and they usually end up just smearing the mess around and forcing you to use another one.Sep 15 02:43
psydruidschestowitz, I didn't see any typosSep 15 02:45
psydruidI think it would be interesting to look at ties between Microsoft and EmbarcaderoSep 15 02:46
schestowitzi found wo ^_^Sep 15 02:46
schestowitz*twoSep 15 02:46
psydruidthere is no need for an OS-specific IDE these days, especially one that only has GUI elements for one OSSep 15 02:47
psydruidso there must be more behind this partnershipSep 15 02:47
psydruideven after Borland got shafted by Microsoft its corpse still clings to MicrosoftSep 15 02:48
DaemonFCschestowitz, I literally just mentioned Web sites like Reddit which are no longer the Web (SeaMonkey can't render it), but just Chrome apps that shove a QR code in your face to get you to come back with a phone app.Sep 15 02:48
DaemonFCThey tell people to "anonymously" view porn on Reddit with an app that can access anything on their phone and comes bundled with dozens of spyware libraries. Some from Facebook, even.Sep 15 02:49
DaemonFCThey encourage people to do compromising things, put themselves in compromising situations.Sep 15 02:50
DaemonFCSo that all these companies can watch them using porn.Sep 15 02:50
schestowitz"This year, many people finally noticed when the only real difference in the iPhone 15 was about an ounce of weight and a very slightly better camera."Sep 15 02:50
schestowitzAnd a deal with Olivia RodrigoSep 15 02:50
schestowitzto make some video with the phoneSep 15 02:51
schestowitzfor HYPESep 15 02:51
schestowitzceleb enforsementsSep 15 02:51
DaemonFCA lot of Web sites inject "libraries" like this.Sep 15 02:51
DaemonFCStuff the site doesn't even need to function. If you're not using a VPN, it's bad enough that PornHub knows your IP address.Sep 15 02:51
DaemonFCBut then without uBlock-Origin and a bunch of filters, and NoScript blocking about 8-9 domains from running scripting, all these other places log stuff too.Sep 15 02:52
DaemonFCThey're not giving people free porn. They're making them pay for it with their privacy.Sep 15 02:52
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techpol + social irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 15 02:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 14, 2023Sep 15 02:52
schestowitz"=Lifehacker"Sep 15 02:52
schestowitz~ ?Sep 15 02:52
schestowitz- ?Sep 15 02:53
DaemonFCCould there really be any good reason for what they're up to?Sep 15 02:53
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techrights irc ■ Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 15 02:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 14, 2023Sep 15 02:53
DaemonFCIt costs a lot of money to stream a bunch of HD porn "for free".Sep 15 02:53
DaemonFCWhy would they run it "for free" and then also sue other sites for taking the video and putting them up without permission?Sep 15 02:54
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 boycottnovell irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 15 02:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 14, 2023Sep 15 02:54
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techbytes irc ■ Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 15 02:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 14, 2023Sep 15 02:55
techrights-newsApple Re-Releasing the Same Products Every Year | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 02:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple Re-Releasing the Same Products Every Year | TechrightsSep 15 02:55
schestowitzDaemonFC: just say the equal signSep 15 02:56
schestowitzdid not see garammar issuesSep 15 02:56
schestowitzbut read it fastSep 15 02:56
schestowitzAndroid has similar issuesSep 15 02:56
schestowitzbut less severelSep 15 02:56
schestowitzsevere!Sep 15 02:56
schestowitzthese are cross-brand issuesSep 15 02:56
schestowitztranscending the trademarksSep 15 02:57
schestowitzand need to be explained outside the context of "Apple"Sep 15 02:57
schestowitzrather, the conceptSep 15 02:57
schestowitzexplanation of what to watch out forSep 15 02:57
schestowitzlike, products sold as supported for 2-3 yearsSep 15 02:57
schestowitzrun for the hillsSep 15 02:57
schestowitzcomputers can and should last 16+ yearsSep 15 02:57
schestowitzit's not a dream or some fetish/fantasySep 15 02:58
schestowitzif they make sparesSep 15 02:58
schestowitzor eeven withoutSep 15 02:58
schestowitzmake robust build, good componentsSep 15 02:58
schestowitzmodular enoughSep 15 02:58
schestowitzlike the old stereosSep 15 02:58
schestowitzwhere, even if the tapes stopped working, the cd tray and tuner would still be okSep 15 02:58
schestowitzon my stereo from ~30 years ago AUX and TUNER still workSep 15 02:59
schestowitzthe CD has issuesSep 15 02:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 02:59
schestowitzthe optical drive died in the early 2000sSep 15 02:59
schestowitzgraduallySep 15 02:59
schestowitzthen the tapeSep 15 02:59
DaemonFCschestowitz, That Surface phone was funny.Sep 15 03:03
DaemonFCOnly 2 years of support. Suggested Retail of $1500.Sep 15 03:03
schestowitzthere was one?Sep 15 03:03
DaemonFCThe Microsoft Android one with the two screens.Sep 15 03:03
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: | 🅶🅴🅼🅸🅽🅸 gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)Sep 15 03:04
DaemonFC"He claimed in December last year that political candidates in the US and abroad were subject to “shadow-banning” by Twitter while running for office or seeking re-election."Sep 15 03:05
DaemonFCHardly a secret that Twitter was functioning as a wing of the Democratic Party.Sep 15 03:05
schestowitznopeSep 15 03:07
schestowitzremember:Sep 15 03:07
schestowitzreal Donald TrumpSep 15 03:08
schestowitzit was establishmentSep 15 03:08
schestowitzand powerSep 15 03:08
schestowitzbrands, corporationsSep 15 03:08
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ Gemini requests since start of month:   327391 total • Total number of pages in capsule: 48497 •     Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-03-08 20:27:21 GMT; 6 months 7 days agoSep 15 03:09
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.    •  Sep 15 03:10
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.Sep 15 03:11
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 03:20
techrights-newsAlphabet layoffs: Company trades recruitment team for tech talent 15 03:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Alphabet layoffs: Company trades recruitment team for tech talent | ComputerworldSep 15 03:43
techrights-newsHundreds of employees were laid off again in Google, what is the reason behind this? at Microsoft it has been miles worseSep 15 03:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hundreds of employees were laid off again in Google, what is the reason behind this?Sep 15 03:44
techrights-newsFreedom of the Press at risk from Israel's "military-industrial complex" 15 03:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Russian journalist’s phone hacked with Israeli spyware — researchers | Arab NewsSep 15 03:45
techrights-newsBig test for x86 monoliths 15 03:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arm’s IPO Will Test Market Appetite for New Stock Offerings - The New York TimesSep 15 03:46
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 03:59
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 04:14
techrights-newsTechrights Bulletin for Thursday, September 14, 2023 full archive: 15 04:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesSep 15 04:14
techrights-newsTechrights full IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ 15 04:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexSep 15 04:14
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 04:20
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 15 04:26
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@9df4i6m36ezj2.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 04:27
DaemonFCschestowitz, These Web sites are getting creepier.Sep 15 04:37
DaemonFCBrave says it prevented Wells Fargo, a bank from "accessing your motion sensors".Sep 15 04:37
*DaemonFC gives voice to u-amarsh04Sep 15 04:37
schestowitzlolSep 15 04:39
schestowitzonly a cracker holds up a device like THISSep 15 04:39
schestowitzi mentioned gyroscope in the video last nightSep 15 04:44
schestowitzand now sites, via phones, access that tooSep 15 04:44
schestowitzand there are FB patents for retina trackingSep 15 04:44
schestowitzhow creepy is that?>Sep 15 04:44
schestowitzBuy 1GB or Ryan's eye movements on AndroidSep 15 04:44
schestowitzfor your "credit score"Sep 15 04:45
techrights-newsThe Mozilla Blog promoted TikTokism. What a bloody joke of a company! ☞ 15 04:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Seeing a Firefox IRLSep 15 04:52
techrights-news█████ ██████████████████████ Thu, 14 Sep 2023 09:38:00 -0400 ███████ FOSSY videos are out!Sep 15 04:54
techrights-newsSFC promoting "social" [sic] "media" [sic] "We'll be highlighting specific talks over the comings days, so be on the lookout on our social media"Sep 15 04:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FOSSY videos are out! - Software Freedom ConservancySep 15 04:55
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 04:59
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 05:20
*jacobk (~quassel@32hz32it3ih2k.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 05:23
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Sep 15 05:28
DaemonFCschestowitz, I added: "Mozilla does, essentially, nothing for your privacy. This is the company that rage quit Facebook and wrote an extension called "Facebook Container" to keep "Meta" isolated from your other Web activity (good), only to go on and announce that they are present on TikTok. That's like saying you quit your dependency on cocaine  by moving up to methamphetamine."Sep 15 05:34
DaemonFCI removed LibreWolf as a Flatpak and reinstalled it as a Debian package.Sep 15 05:42
DaemonFCIt uses bundled libs for the most part, but it's using system libs for some things that would have been flatpak platforms before.Sep 15 05:43
DaemonFCThose can be kind of icky and dodgy.Sep 15 05:43
DaemonFC<britney> i DESTROYED a transphobe on cross examination today in courtSep 15 05:43
DaemonFC<britney> my client is transgenderSep 15 05:43
DaemonFC<amigojapan> StrangeSep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<amigojapan> OhSep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<amigojapan> I seeSep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<britney> the dude a month ago said he had no money and then today he said he was hoping to hire them againSep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<amigojapan> That does not seem to be transphobic Sep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<britney> well that part wasntSep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<britney> im not going to go into detail but the client was let go for being transSep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<britney> which is against the lawSep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<amigojapan> I see britney Sep 15 05:44
DaemonFC<amigojapan> Transgenderdness is all illness. You should not fire someone for being ill Sep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<Sadale> Let's hope that the client was actually fired only because they was a trans. There exists some rare people just being shitty and just happened to be a trans, then they'd use their trans identity to defend themshelves whenever they' :|Sep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<Sadale> Let's hope that the client was actually fired only because they was a trans. There exists some rare people just being shitty and just happened to be a trans, then they'd use their trans identity to defend themshelves whenever they're unhappy with someone :|Sep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<DunceCotus> amigojapan, no its not illnessSep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<amigojapan> Sadale: the few I met seem to make transgenderdness into the whole of their identity. In a way that is not normalSep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince`> amigojapan, LOLSep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<amigojapan> DunceCotus: gender disphoria isSep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince`> You made my day.Sep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<Sadale> Considered that the court was involved I wouldn't be surprised if this client is a shitty one. Decent people can often de-escalate the situation proeprly. If something ended up in the court, either the client is a shitty person, or the boss is a shitty person, or both. Let's hope that this time over the boss is the actual shitty guy. Otherwise it'd be extremely unfair to the boss.Sep 15 05:45
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> That's usually what people do.Sep 15 05:46
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> They are incompetent at their job or sexually harass someone or they're some kind of creep or something and then when they get fired, they go to a civil rights commission and abuse the process.Sep 15 05:46
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 05:59
*liberty_box has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 15 06:00
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 06:20
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 06:59
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> The United States is an authoritarian hellhole. It's gotten a million times worse than it was under Biden.Sep 15 07:07
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Now they just walk up to "social media" and threaten them if they don't cancel everyone on the government's "list".Sep 15 07:07
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> This is the worst thing since the Hollywood Blacklist and the House Un-American Activities Committee.Sep 15 07:08
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 07:20
schestowitzbacxkSep 15 07:40
schestowitz*backSep 15 07:40
techrights-news"This was a great opportunity for me to learn more about ZFS (because I new ‘nada’ to start with)." ☛ |Sep 15 07:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZFS for Dummies - Gamedev GuideSep 15 07:41
techrights-news"If you don’t know what torrents are, it’s a peer-to-peer protocol for transferring files." ☛ | Source: Pi My Life UpSep 15 07:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Installing Transmission on Ubuntu - Pi My Life UpSep 15 07:41
techrights-news"A change to any one of those layers can make a game run badly, or not at all." ☛ | Source: 404 MediaSep 15 07:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meet the Guy Preserving the New History of PC Games, One Linux Port at a TimeSep 15 07:42
techrights-news"I choose Alpine because it's really small and very close to OpenBSD in many ways" ☛ |Sep 15 07:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 『 0x61 』- LogSep 15 07:43
techrights-news"If you aren’t familiar with the 3D printing process, it’s divided into several steps" ☛;sid=20230914075444 | Source: UndeadlySep 15 07:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 3D printing on OpenBSD? Yes, that’s a thing!Sep 15 07:43
techrights-news"LMDE is a cross between the normal Ubuntu-based Mint and Debian." ☛ | Source: The Register UKSep 15 07:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Mint Debian Edition 6 hits beta • The RegisterSep 15 07:44
techrights-news"And this time, we have Ubuntu, which dropped support for ZFS with the Ubuntu 23.04 release, but now has chosen to restore that." ☛ | Source: It's FOSSSep 15 07:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 23.10 Brings Back ZFS Support to the InstallerSep 15 07:45
techrights-news"The rapid rise of edge AI capabilities on embedded targets has proven that relatively low-resource microcontrollers are capable of some incredible things." ☛ | Source: ArduinoSep 15 07:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Teaching an Arduino UNO R4-powered robot to navigate obstacles autonomously | Arduino BlogSep 15 07:46
techrights-news"Paulsb went on to explain some of the design choices in the build." ☛ | Source: Tom's HardwareSep 15 07:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dual Raspberry Pi Pico W Power RC Car and Controller | Tom's HardwareSep 15 07:46
techrights-news"to share a few of his favorite tools and services" ☛ | Source: Chris CoyierSep 15 07:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tool Picks - Chris CoyierSep 15 07:47
techrights-news"Postgres is a very popular and feature-rich database." ☛ | Source: GeshanSep 15 07:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Use LIMIT in Postgres Delete in two roundabout waysSep 15 07:48
techrights-news"The first ever Perl and Koha conference was held in Helsinki, Finland this year" ☛ |Sep 15 07:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Perl and Koha ConferenceSep 15 07:48
techrights-news"The GNU System is turning forty. In honor of this event, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) is organizing a hackday for families, students, and anyone interested in hacking." ☛ | Source: FSFSep 15 07:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU40 - Celebration in the US — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free softwareSep 15 07:49
techrights-news"The FAA dropped the news on Sept. 13, stating that drone pilots now have until March 16, 2024 to make their drones Remote ID compliant —— a six month extension from the initially-stated enforcement date." ☛ | Source: The Drone GirlSep 15 07:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ )Sep 15 07:51
*wallacer has quit (connection closed)Sep 15 07:52
techrights-news"While looking at libjxl a short while ago, I did notice that the build system supports compiling to WASM." ☛ | Source: Ted UnangstSep 15 07:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | on building jpeg-xl for wasmSep 15 07:52
*wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 07:52
techrights-news"I was talking to a friend about how git works today, and we got onto the topic" ☛ | Source: Julia EvansSep 15 07:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | In a git repository, where do your files live?Sep 15 07:53
techrights-newsCitigroup starts layoff talks after management overhaul -sources 15 07:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Citigroup starts layoff talks after management overhaul -sourcesSep 15 07:56
techrights-newsUSA: OMG! China also makes computer chips (they always did!) 15 07:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | House Republicans Demand Full Huawei Sanctions After Chip BreakthroughSep 15 07:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 07:59
techrights-news"Microsoft’s recent proposal to split its Teams from a broader business software package and sell it to customers separately with an annual discount wasn’t enough to satisfy regulators’ concerns, according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity." 15 08:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Facing Formal EU Complaint Over Teams Video AppSep 15 08:01
techrights-newsGraduates face recent technology job cuts, long-term shortage of academic positions 15 08:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graduates face recent technology job cuts, long-term shortage of academic positions - The PrincetonianSep 15 08:02
techrights-news"A key component is, before you dive into waiting mode, you should have a plan for monitoring the situation." ☛ | Source: Tim KelloggSep 15 08:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | On Waiting - Tim KelloggSep 15 08:04
techrights-news"Histograms are a fantastic way to visualize the distribution of data." ☛ | Source: RlangSep 15 08:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 500 @ )Sep 15 08:04
techrights-news"Is it worth getting used to another terminal? Which one? Why?" ☛ | Source: Björn WärmedalSep 15 08:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Are You a Terminal Emulator Hipster? - Björn WärmedalSep 15 08:04
techrights-news"Along with the increase in the number of [Internet] users, people in Estonia have become more proficient computer users as well." ☛ | Source: Eesti RahvusringhäälingSep 15 08:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Statistics: Internet use in Estonia on the rise | News | ERRSep 15 08:05
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): The Debian Project mourns the loss of Abraham Raji ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 08:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — The Debian Project mourns the loss of Abraham RajiSep 15 08:06
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Find That Obscure Function With This Interactive Map Of The Linux Kernel ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 08:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Find That Obscure Function With This Interactive Map Of The Linux KernelSep 15 08:06
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Xfce's Wayland Progress Report: What's Ported and What's Next? ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 08:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Xfce's Wayland Progress Report: What's Ported and What's Next?Sep 15 08:06
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): GitHub alienates users with AI recommendations ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 08:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — GitHub alienates users with AI recommendationsSep 15 08:06
techrights-news"For instance, they claimed higher levels of competence in calculating a discount on a television and in finding their way to a destination." ☛ | Source: Omicron LimitedSep 15 08:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Are US teenagers more likely than others to exaggerate their math abilities? Study says yesSep 15 08:06
techrights-news"We asked SparkFun employees about their favorite piece of tech they’ve ever owned." ☛ | Source: SparkFun ElectronicsSep 15 08:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Tech That Made Us - News - SparkFun ElectronicsSep 15 08:07
techrights-news"From light bloating to DVT (deep vein thrombosis), the list of possible air travel-related ailments runs from the trivial to the potentially fatal" ☛ | Source: The Telegraph UKSep 15 08:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The hidden health risks of flying on an airplaneSep 15 08:08
techrights-news"Yet lead is still everywhere — especially in poorer countries." ☛ | Source: VoxSep 15 08:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Lead poisoning causes trillions of dollars in economic damage each year - VoxSep 15 08:09
techrights-news"Patients are paying the price for America’s failure to invest in primary care." ☛ | Source: VoxSep 15 08:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Primary care physicians are hard to find. Why are they feeling the squeeze? - VoxSep 15 08:09
techrights-news"But the an advisory panel to the FDA found this week that phenylephrine, the active decongestant in basically every major cold medication, was no better than a placebo." ☛ | Source: TediumSep 15 08:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The FDA’s Phenylephrine Announcement: Has This Happened Before?Sep 15 08:09
techrights-news"Why it matters: This is now the second consecutive school year in which the U.S. broke this record." ☛ | Source: AxiosSep 15 08:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Sep 15 08:09
techrights-news"AI should not be writing obituaries" ☛ | Source: FuturismSep 15 08:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Publishes Garbled AI Article Calling Tragically Deceased NBA Player "Useless"Sep 15 08:11
techrights-news"Identity controls could also be used to dictate what prompts can be passed to an AI model to prevent inputs that attempt to abuse a model’s vulnerabilities" ☛ | Source: IT ProSep 15 08:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-AI needs 'kill switch' and open source influence to remain safe, expert says | ITProSep 15 08:11
techrights-news"Slowly, over the days that followed, complaints about the new Slack started trickling into our chats." ☛ | Source: The AtlanticSep 15 08:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Slack Is Basically Facebook Now - The AtlanticSep 15 08:17
techrights-news"On Thursday, the company revealed that all new Chromebooks, along with any machine released from 2021 on, will have 10 years of automatic updates" ☛ | Source: Vice Media GroupSep 15 08:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Extends Chromebook Life by 2 Years After Right-to-Repair CampaignSep 15 08:18
techrights-news"The US Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) nonetheless continued to press Google to support Chromebook hardware for longer periods of time." ☛ | Source: The Register UKSep 15 08:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google promises decade of updates for newer Chromebooks • The RegisterSep 15 08:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 08:20
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: Computer WorldSep 15 08:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Microsoft Teams suffers another outage in the North America region | ComputerworldSep 15 08:21
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: IT WireSep 15 08:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-iTWire - Microsoft cloud breach report 'leaves many questions unanswered'Sep 15 08:22
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: QuartzSep 15 08:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Casino hackers demanded ransoms from MGM and Caesar'sSep 15 08:22
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: The Register UKSep 15 08:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | US-Canada water commission confirms 'cybersecurity incident' • The RegisterSep 15 08:23
techrights-newsOpenwashing: "generative AI has reached an inflection point" ☛ | Source: Fast CompanySep 15 08:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Sep 15 08:23
techrights-news"Sites will claim to be able to identify AI-generated writing, images, or music." ☛ | Source: Matt RickardSep 15 08:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Undetectable AISep 15 08:28
techrights-news"You can probably see where this is going." ☛ | Source: Ruben SchadeSep 15 08:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rubenerd: Fake 486 cache chipsSep 15 08:28
techrights-news"More than 200 journalists called on members of the European Parliament on Thursday to introduce an absolute ban on surveillance of the press through spyware in the upcoming European Media Freedom Act" ☛ | Source: CPJSep 15 08:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Journalists call on European Parliament to ban spyware - Committee to Protect JournalistsSep 15 08:32
techrights-news"No Consent." ☛ | Source: NYOBSep 15 08:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How mobile apps illegally share your personal dataSep 15 08:32
techrights-news"We took a peep inside the code and found the apps to be little more than slightly modified versions of the official one." ☛ | Source: KasperskySep 15 08:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Spyware versions of Telegram and Signal on Google Play | Kaspersky official blogSep 15 08:32
techrights-news"Our experts discovered several infected apps on Google Play under the guise of Uyghur" ☛ | Source: DNA IndiaSep 15 08:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android phones under risk of fake Telegram, Signal apps on Google Play StoreSep 15 08:34
techrights-news[Old] "deeply concerned for anyone who trusted and downloaded this app." ☛ | Source: Tom's GuideSep 15 08:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fake Signal and Telegram apps sneak malware into thousands of Android phones — delete these right now | Tom's GuideSep 15 08:34
techrights-news"But to be a modern child is to be constantly watched by machines." ☛ | Source: The AtlanticSep 15 08:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kids Deserve Online Privacy - The AtlanticSep 15 08:34
techrights-news"But New York Times investigations have revealed that the spyware has also been used by some governments" ☛ | Source: New York TimesSep 15 08:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Report of Spyware Attack on a Russian Journalist Raises Concern Among Others - The New York TimesSep 15 08:34
techrights-news"This guide is addressed to activists, lawyers and any other interested individuals who wish to access personal data on them or their clients that is processed, or has been processed" ☛ | Source: EDRISep 15 08:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to request access to your personal data stored by Europol: a guide - European Digital Rights (EDRi)Sep 15 08:34
techrights-news"Governance Meeting - 08 Sep 2023 - Minutes" 15 08:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Journal of janrinok (52)Sep 15 08:35
techrights-news"Srsly Risky Biz: Microsoft's security culture sucks" 15 08:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Srsly Risky Biz: Microsoft's security culture sucks - Risky BusinessSep 15 08:35
techrights-news"Cutting Back on Social Media Reduces Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness" 15 08:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cutting Back on Social Media Reduces Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness - SoylentNewsSep 15 08:35
techrights-news"End-to-End Encryption Will Be an Historical Footnote!" 15 08:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | End-to-End Encryption Will Be an Historical Footnote!Sep 15 08:36
techrights-newsRTL Today - The Luxembourg Wurst: New fair game in which you just toss wads of cash into basket ⚓ ䷉ Source: WA Today | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 08:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RTL Today - The Luxembourg Wurst: New fair game in which you just toss wads of cash into basketSep 15 08:37
techrights-news"Tracing the Decline of Trust in America" 15 08:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tracing the Decline of Trust in America - The AtlanticSep 15 08:37
techrights-news"Peter C. Newman, 94, Journalist and Scourge of Canada’s Powerful, Dies" 15 08:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Peter C. Newman, 94, Journalist and Scourge of Canada’s Powerful, Dies - The New York TimesSep 15 08:37
techrights-newsiophk: futurism fails at journalism by dusting off condenast reddit comments and calling that journalism 15 08:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Publishes Garbled AI Article Calling Tragically Deceased NBA Player "Useless"Sep 15 08:38
techrights-news"Sept. 16 is International Red Panda Day" ☛ | Source: MozillaSep 15 08:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox IRL: Meet Rose and Ruby, Zoo Atlanta’s red panda sisters Sep 15 08:41
techrights-news"Most users rely on external peripherals like USB drives, wireless keyboards, mice, disk drive, and more to use their computers." ☛ | Source: Linux HandbookSep 15 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to List USB Devices in LinuxSep 15 08:46
techrights-newsGitHub (Microsoft) now attacking the GPL some more and the OSI, bribed by both Microsoft and GitHub (doubling the bribe), is taking Microsoft's side, effectively attacking the GPL. OSI needs to be torn down. It's attacking Free software; that's what Microsoft pays it to do.Sep 15 08:47
techrights-news"This week saw openSUSE Tumbleweed level up with a new Linux Kernel." ☛ | Source: OpenSUSESep 15 08:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Systemd, Kernel update in Tumbleweed - openSUSE NewsSep 15 08:52
techrights-news"Some rather great timing here from Humble Bundle as they've put up a re-hash of a previous bundle with The Complete Godot Software Bundle Encore" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Learn Godot Engine with Humble Bundle | GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:55
techrights-news"I think my love for Vampire Survivor like games has ended" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Heretic's Fork is an unholy blending of deck-building and tower defense | GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:55
techrights-news"Docking Station" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Valve puts the Steam Deck and Dock on sale again, get up to 20% off | GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:56
techrights-news"Releasing in February 14th, 2024 - Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is heading to Steam thanks to Aspyr Media." ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Tomb Raider I-III Remastered heads to Steam from Aspyr | GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:57
techrights-news"Fanatical is currently giving away free Steam keys for the physics-based 3D platformer, Crumble." ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Get 3D platformer Crumble free from Fanatical for a limited time | GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:57
techrights-news"new fee system game" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Unity attempt to clarify new install fees as developers revolt | GamingOnLinuxSep 15 08:57
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 08:59
techrights-newsHow a real-time kernel reduces latency in telco edge clouds | Ubuntu ⚓ ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 09:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How a real-time kernel reduces latency in telco edge clouds | UbuntuSep 15 09:02
techrights-newsAIwashing by Canonical, no mind of its own 15 09:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Meet us at World AI Summit 2023 | UbuntuSep 15 09:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Ubuntu AI Podcast: Episode 4 | UbuntuSep 15 09:03
techrights-news"Equivalent to getting the first month free of Librem AweSIM cellular service." ☛ | Source: PurismSep 15 09:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Librem 5 @ $999 or $899 when Bundled with AweSIM Cellular Service – PurismSep 15 09:04
techrights-newsAlmaLinux marketing from Christine again ☛ | Source: Unicorn MediaSep 15 09:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Three Seats Up for Grabs as AlmaLinux Foundation Expands Board by Two - FOSS ForceSep 15 09:05
techrights-news"This is completely untrue, of course, even if the copyright industry parrots the idea endlessly. Theft involves taking something from someone; downloading material involves making an additional copy" ☛ | Source: Walled CultureSep 15 09:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ )Sep 15 09:05
techrights-newsPatents ☛ | Source: Raspberry PiSep 15 09:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meet Joel Gomes: Fire, jet engine, 3D printing, and Nikola Tesla fan - Raspberry PiSep 15 09:06
techrights-news"Tor Browser 13.0a4 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory." ☛ | Source: TorSep 15 09:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Alpha Release: Tor Browser 13.0a4 (Android, Windows, macOS, Linux) | The Tor ProjectSep 15 09:06
techrights-news"Last year, the U.S. indicted two Russians who stand accused of operating the book piracy site Z-Library." ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakSep 15 09:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-'Home Confined' Z-Library Defendants Deny They Are Fugitives * TorrentFreakSep 15 09:07
techrights-news"worldwide annual Coolest Projects online showcase" ☛ | Source: Raspberry PiSep 15 09:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Celebrating young tech creators in person: Coolest Projects events 2023 - Raspberry Pi FoundationSep 15 09:08
techrights-news"I’m not saying don’t tell the truth, I’m saying it’s the level of truth that you give." ☛ | Source: DeSmogSep 15 09:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Satartia Poisoning ‘Was an Anomaly,’ Says Carbon Capture CEO - DeSmogSep 15 09:09
techrights-newsclimate calamity ☛ | Source: DeSmogSep 15 09:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A Push to Expedite Permits Fueled by Disaster Capitalism Threatens to Fastrack the Climate Crisis - DeSmogSep 15 09:09
techrights-newscalifornia ☛ | Source: TechdirtSep 15 09:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-California Set To Pass ‘Right To Repair’ Reform With Help From… Apple? | TechdirtSep 15 09:10
techrights-newsSPAMMERS as "advertisers" ☛ | Source: TechdirtSep 15 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-New Study: People Have A Negative View Of Advertisers Who Still Advertise On Platforms That Allow Hate Speech | TechdirtSep 15 09:18
techrights-news"Like it or not, there are a lot of unconstitutional harassment laws on the books." ☛ | Source: TechdirtSep 15 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-New Jersey Appeals Court Says Even Some Forms Of Harassment Are Protected Speech | TechdirtSep 15 09:18
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 09:20
techrights-news"It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the NCAA has appeared all over Techdirt" ☛ | Source: TechdirtSep 15 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-NCAA Sends C&D To National Collegiate Pickleball Association Over Trademark Concerns | TechdirtSep 15 09:26
techrights-newsfacebook ☛ | Source: TechdirtSep 15 09:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Latest Data: Canadian Media Needs Facebook More Than Facebook Needs Canadian Media | TechdirtSep 15 09:27
techrights-news"For decades AT&T has sought to shovel its broadband network upgrade costs on to the shoulders of other companies." ☛ | Source: TechdirtSep 15 09:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-AT&T Once Again Wants ‘Big Tech’ To Pay For Broadband Upgrades | TechdirtSep 15 09:32
techrights-news"We spend the hour with acclaimed journalist and author Naomi Klein" ☛ | Source: Democracy NowSep 15 09:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Naomi Klein on Her New Book “Doppelganger” & How Conspiracy Culture Benefits Ruling Elite | Democracy Now!Sep 15 09:32
techrights-news"This case is about the future of the internet, whether the Gulag search engine will ever face meaningful competition to protect that future." ☛ | Source: Computer WorldSep 15 09:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Gloves come off during day one of Google's antitrust trial | ComputerworldSep 15 09:33
techrights-newsGulag "pays out more than US$10 billion" ☛$10b-to-dominate-search.html | Source: IT WireSep 15 09:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-iTWire - Google accused of paying more than US$10b to dominate searchSep 15 09:33
techrights-news"Gulag removed fake Signal and Telegram apps from its Play store." ☛ | Source: Bruce SchneierSep 15 09:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Fake Signal and Telegram Apps in the Google Play Store - Schneier on SecuritySep 15 09:34
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): GitHub alienates users with AI recommendations ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 09:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — GitHub alienates users with AI recommendationsSep 15 09:48
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Mozilla and International Red Panda Day ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 09:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Mozilla and International Red Panda DaySep 15 09:48
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Games: Godot Engine, Unity's Suicide, Heretic's Fork, and More ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 09:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Games: Godot Engine, Unity's Suicide, Heretic's Fork, and MoreSep 15 09:48
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 09:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — today's howtosSep 15 09:48
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): AIwashing by Canonical and RT Kernel ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 09:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — AIwashing by Canonical and RT KernelSep 15 09:48
techrights-newsisrael versus free press worldwide, a way to make reputation for oneself? ☛ | Source: MeduzaSep 15 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Press freedom NGOs demand government accountability for Pegasus spyware attack on Meduza publisher Galina Timchenko — MeduzaSep 15 09:50
techrights-news"Linux has become one of the largest operating systems on the servers that run large websites" ☛ | Source: HackadaySep 15 09:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Find That Obscure Function With This Interactive Map Of The Linux Kernel | HackadaySep 15 09:51
techrights-newsDigital Restrictions (DRM and spying... by a company unable to make money ☛ | Source: Digital Music NewsSep 15 09:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Sep 15 09:52
techrights-news"The United Auto Workers, headed by a new reform leadership, are set to strike the Big Three automakers" ☛ | Source: Jacobin MagazineSep 15 09:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The UAW Strike Matters for the Entire US Working ClassSep 15 09:54
techrights-news"mass arrests and a violent crackdown that killed hundreds of people" ☛ | Source: NBCSep 15 09:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Before anniversary of mass protests, Iran’s leader expresses no regretsSep 15 09:54
techrights-news"From books in libraries to what is taught in the classroom" ☛ | Source: VOA NewsSep 15 09:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China Enforces Ban on Mongolian Language in Schools, BooksSep 15 09:55
techrights-news"In the video, Auderer is heard laughing, apparently at something his interlocutor says." ☛ | Source: NPRSep 15 09:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Seattle officer recorded joking about woman's death, saying 'she had limited value'Sep 15 09:56
techrights-news"EdTech" as buzzword that harms ☛ | Source: Neil SelwynSep 15 09:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EdTech is a union matter! – Critical Studies of EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGYSep 15 09:56
techrights-news"suing their former employer en masse as the layoffs began" ☛ | Source: The Register UKSep 15 09:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | X agrees to return to negotiating table over severance pay • The RegisterSep 15 09:56
techrights-news"Demand for fossil fuels is set to peak by the end of the decade" ☛ | Source: NBCSep 15 09:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Peak oil' could be on the horizon, but new fossil fuel projects are pushing aheadSep 15 09:57
techrights-news"In 2021, Rouet and her neighbors started circulating a petition calling on authorities to speed up their planned electrification of the docks" ☛ | Source: The NationSep 15 09:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | These Activists Have One Simple Goal: Abolish the Cruise Industry | The NationSep 15 09:58
techrights-news"For the last 22 years, the United States has been fighting a global war on terror" ☛ | Source: The NationSep 15 09:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Do We Deal With Our Planet’s Unprecedented Decline? | The NationSep 15 09:59
techrights-news"Both dams prevented the coursing Wadi Derna River from flooding the city." ☛ | Source: International Business TimesSep 15 10:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the dams in Derna caved in and flooded the citySep 15 10:00
techrights-newsWhy Are Women Freezing Their Eggs? Look to the Men. ☛ | Source: The AtlanticSep 15 10:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Women Are Actually Freezing Their Eggs - The AtlanticSep 15 10:01
techrights-news"Arm’s shares opened trading at $56.10" ☛ | Source: New York TimesSep 15 10:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arm Soars 25% in the Year’s Biggest Initial Public Offering - The New York TimesSep 15 10:01
techrights-news"very different operation to the one Softbank took private in 2016" ☛ | Source: The Register UKSep 15 10:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Post-IPO, Arm to push purpose-built almost-processors • The RegisterSep 15 10:02
techrights-news"The valuation of Arm at $54.5 billion is also lower than the $60-$70 billion that Softbank was said to be aiming for" ☛ | Source: The Register UKSep 15 10:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arm IPO kicks off today with company valued at $54.5B • The RegisterSep 15 10:02
techrights-newsarduino ☛ | Source: HackadaySep 15 10:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Machine Learning Robot Runs Arduino Uno | HackadaySep 15 10:03
techrights-news"the size of three 60% keyboards (put together)" ☛ | Source: HackadaySep 15 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Keebin’ With Kristina: The One With The Death Metal Macro Pad | HackadaySep 15 10:04
techrights-news"Russian journalist Yevgeny Erlikh, who previously served as the editor-in-chief of a Baltic-based news program for the outlet Current Time" ☛ | Source: MeduzaSep 15 10:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Three journalists report receiving threat notifications from Apple about ‘state-sponsored attackers’ targeting their devices — MeduzaSep 15 10:05
techrights-newsFreedom of the Press ☛ | Source: CPJSep 15 10:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Iran’s journalists in dire straits one year after protest crackdown  - Committee to Protect JournalistsSep 15 10:05
techrights-news"Gibson and her husband, John, reportedly had an account on the website Chaturbate where they livestreamed themselves having sex and asked viewers for tips." ☛ | Source: GO MediaSep 15 10:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GOP Leaks Susanna Gibson Sex Tape to Distract from Abortion BanSep 15 10:07
techrights-news"draft regulations" ☛ | Source: Michael GeistSep 15 10:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why the Government’s Draft Bill C-18 Regulations Don’t Work: The 4% Link Tax is Not a Cap. It’s a Floor. - Michael GeistSep 15 10:08
techrights-newsDisinformation and tiktokers ☛ | Source: VOA NewsSep 15 10:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TikTokers Falsely Blame Morocco Earthquake on US Weather WeaponsSep 15 10:08
techrights-newsDisinformation ☛ | Source: ABCSep 15 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Alex Jones spent over $93K in July. Sandy Hook families have yet to see a dime - ABC NewsSep 15 10:09
techrights-news"Humans have a need for speed, and students from the Academic Motorsports Club Zurich (AMZ) have set a new acceleration record for an electric vehicle" ☛ | Source: HackadaySep 15 10:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Students Set EV Acceleration World Record | HackadaySep 15 10:10
techrights-news"navigating the vast and unpredictable expanses of outer space" ☛ | Source: HackadaySep 15 10:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rocker Bogie Suspension: The Beloved Solution To Extra-Planetary Rovers | HackadaySep 15 10:10
techrights-news"In January, heavily militarized Georgia State Patrol officers shot and killed Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán" ☛ | Source: The NationSep 15 10:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cop City and the Silencing of Dissent | The NationSep 15 10:13
techrights-news"she was most concerned about the parents who expressed their fury" ☛ | Source: Teen VogueSep 15 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Banned Books in Georgia Face Protests From Cobb County Students, Community Members | Teen VogueSep 15 10:14
techrights-news"the wounded protestors thanked Druze leader Sheikh Hikmat al-Hajari for his condemnation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s ruling Ba’ath party." ☛ | Source: JURISTSep 15 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Syria security forces reportedly fire live rounds at protestors, wounding 3 - JURIST - NewsSep 15 10:14
techrights-news"Surveillance cameras mounted on utility poles, traffic lights, businesses, and homes. License plate readers" ☛ | Source: AntiWarSep 15 10:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance To Silence Its Critics - OriginalSep 15 10:16
techrights-news"Tsurkov, a dual Russian and Israeli citizen, is a doctoral student at Princeton University." ☛ | Source: Democracy for the Arab World NowSep 15 10:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rights Groups Demand Immediate Release of US-Based Scholar Elizabeth Tsurkov Kidnapped in Iraq - DAWNSep 15 10:16
techrights-news"As “free speech absolutist” Elon Musk continues his campaign of censorship at Twitter" ☛ | Source: Jacobin MagazineSep 15 10:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No One Man Should Have All That PowerSep 15 10:16
techrights-newsOverpopulation ☛ | Source: NBCSep 15 10:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dry states’ taking Mississippi River water isn’t a new idea, but some mayors want to kill itSep 15 10:17
techrights-news"safe operating space for humanity" ☛ | Source: Associated PressSep 15 10:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Earth is outside its 'safe operating space for humanity' on most key measurements, study says | AP NewsSep 15 10:17
techrights-newsOverpopulation in action ☛ | Source: CNNSep 15 10:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conditions on Earth may be moving outside the 'safe operating space' for humanity, according to dozens of scientists | CNNSep 15 10:17
techrights-news[Old] "The study draws on data from satellites, climate models, monitoring networks" ☛ |Sep 15 10:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UT Austin Leads Review of World Water Resources | Jackson School of Geosciences | The University of Texas at AustinSep 15 10:18
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 10:20
techrights-news"The corporate news media — with MSNBC being a notable exception — as is their policy" ☛ | Source: SalonSep 15 10:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Trump plans to become a dictator — denial will not save you | Salon.comSep 15 10:22
techrights-news"began testing in the US late last year" ☛ | Source: VoxSep 15 10:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-What is TikTok Shop and why is it destroying my For You page? - VoxSep 15 10:23
techrights-news"To make it a hit, TikTok said, it is actively driving videos with shopping buttons" ☛ | Source: New York TimesSep 15 10:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TikTok Shop Aims to Turn Trendsetting Power Into Sales - The New York TimesSep 15 10:23
DaemonFC 15 10:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Failed to load signature: Need more input · Issue #6032 · fwupd/fwupd · GitHubSep 15 10:24
DaemonFCschestowitz, Got this. Had to disable LVFS.Sep 15 10:24
schestowitzibm/red hatSep 15 10:24
schestowitzyour machine is NOT secure!!Sep 15 10:24
schestowitzit's NOT controlled by MicrosoftSep 15 10:24
schestowitztheir concept of security is weird to say the leastSep 15 10:25
schestowitzthey try to deprecate BIOSSep 15 10:25
schestowitzfor no good reasonSep 15 10:25
schestowitzand then moan about "security"Sep 15 10:25
schestowitz 15 10:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] It Was Only a Matter of Time All Along | TechrightsSep 15 10:25
schestowitz 15 10:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Karma or Hubris? Is #TorvaldsWasRight a Thing Now? | TechrightsSep 15 10:26
*MinceR gives voice to jacobk wallacerSep 15 10:56
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 10:59
MinceR 15 11:01
*renegade has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 15 11:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Sep 15 11:01
techrights-newsLinks 15/09/2023: More Harm by Windows and TikTok | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 11:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 15/09/2023: More Harm by Windows and TikTok | TechrightsSep 15 11:05
techrights-newsLinks 15/09/2023: RIP, Abraham Raji (Debian) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 11:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 15/09/2023: RIP, Abraham Raji (Debian) | TechrightsSep 15 11:09
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 11:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Android LeftoversSep 15 11:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Chromebooks Get 10 Years ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 11:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Chromebooks Get 10 YearsSep 15 11:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Microsoft Blunders and Windows TCO ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 11:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Microsoft Blunders and Windows TCOSep 15 11:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Programming Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 11:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Programming LeftoversSep 15 11:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 11:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Free, Libre, and Open Source Software LeftoversSep 15 11:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and More ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 11:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and MoreSep 15 11:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): OpenBSD Stories ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 11:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — OpenBSD StoriesSep 15 11:11
techrights-newsSumo 2023 Aki Day 5 gopher:// 15 11:16
techrights-news"good days tell me that bad days come. unfortunately i wonder and wander. hope what type kit keep go. Lost among the darknesses and lightnesses. to wonder." gemini:// 15 11:18
techrights-newsBack in a TUI world gemini:// 15 11:18
techrights-news(de)fragmentation gemini:// 15 11:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 11:20
techrights-news2023-09-07 AuraGem Ask Activity gemini:// 15 11:20
techrights-newsStirring and shaking may be boring, but the future this brings will effect you in the future gemini:// 15 11:21
techrights-news"I recently changed the certificate for AuraGem because it wasn't being validated properly in some Gemini browsers." gemini:// 15 11:21
*darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 11:23
techrights-news"You wouldn't think that books about astronomy and archaeology would have a lot in common, but Four Lost Cities (Annalee Newitz) and Under Alien Skies (Phil Plait) pack some odd similarities." gemini:// 15 11:23
techrights-news"The policies of the world's leading countries are forcing the transition of the car fleet to electric vehicles. But this transition does not call our lifestyles into question, quite the contrary." gemini:// 15 11:24
techrights-newsNew work! gemini:// "I'm much more familiar with Eastern liturgical objects and practice (but we don't sell those things!)"Sep 15 11:25
*renegade ( has joined #techrightsSep 15 11:25
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 15 11:25
techrights-newsGPG WKD gemini:// 15 11:26
techrights-newsre: Are You a Terminal Emulator Hipster? gemini:// 15 11:27
techrights-newsAuraGem Music Relaunch gemini:// 15 11:27
techrights-newsThus spake the master programmer: “time for you to leave.” gemini:// 15 11:28
*darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 11:32
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 12:20
techrights-news🔤SpellBinding: BDHRMOI Wordo: TRICE gemini:// 15 12:54
techrights-news"syncterm works nicely for getting cp437 art to show up nicely when I telnet into somewhere, but I miss being able to click on links." gemini:// 15 12:55
techrights-news"I came across two articles on Gemini, discussing what would happen if Chinese switched to using pinyin instead of characters. I want to share my thoughgts as a native speaker." gemini:// 15 12:57
techrights-newsWorld news via Gemini gemini:// 15 12:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 12:59
psydruid 15 13:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Unity will quietly waive controversial fees if developers switch to its ad monetisation service - report | Eurogamer.netSep 15 13:01
psydruidbig lolSep 15 13:01
schestowitzmono clusterfuckSep 15 13:02
schestowitzpopcon timeSep 15 13:02
psydruidand they've been incurring huge losses so this is kind of a last resort before mass layoffs according to the guy from Boiling SteamSep 15 13:04
psydruidthe death threat came from a Unity employeeSep 15 13:04
schestowitzyeahSep 15 13:05
schestowitzstillSep 15 13:05
schestowitzshut down with dignitySep 15 13:05
psydruidI guess they have a "stabber" problem of their ownSep 15 13:05
schestowitzthey could do "Exist" startetySep 15 13:05
schestowitza euphemismSep 15 13:05
schestowitzwhen a company failsSep 15 13:05
schestowitzand "sells" to another companySep 15 13:05
schestowitzthat just means the staff is hired by some other companySep 15 13:05
schestowitzan arrangementSep 15 13:05
schestowitzand then they prepare a press releaseSep 15 13:06
schestowitzto pretend it's some huge success story, an "acquisition"Sep 15 13:06
schestowitzor a debt-ridden POSSep 15 13:06
schestowitz*Exit" strategySep 15 13:06
schestowitzthere is a word for thisSep 15 13:06
schestowitzbut i have not seen it in a decaeSep 15 13:06
schestowitzacqui-hiringSep 15 13:06
schestowitzacqua-hiringSep 15 13:06
schestowitzsomething like thatSep 15 13:07
schestowitzin this fake economy anything goesSep 15 13:07
schestowitzbankruptcy is an MBA "success story"Sep 15 13:07
schestowitzhow not to pay staff what they're entitled toSep 15 13:07
schestowitzsee TwitterSep 15 13:07
schestowitztl;dr  fake economySep 15 13:08
schestowitzbtw, sirius is deep in debtSep 15 13:08
techrights-newsGemini Links 15/09/2023: More Terminal Emulator Hipsters | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 13:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gemini Links 15/09/2023: More Terminal Emulator Hipsters | TechrightsSep 15 13:08
schestowitzand has been for many yearsSep 15 13:08
schestowitzbut it deepens tooSep 15 13:08
schestowitzfastSep 15 13:08
schestowitznow it's like more than 100,000 pounds per capita (staff member)Sep 15 13:09
schestowitzscattered across 3 shellsSep 15 13:09
schestowitzsoon perhaps 200,000 per headSep 15 13:09
schestowitzthat's a good measure to go bySep 15 13:09
schestowitzif you look for a place to workSep 15 13:09
schestowitzhow much debt per capSep 15 13:09
schestowitzin gitlab it's like 150,000 dollars in debt per staff last i checkedSep 15 13:10
schestowitzbut wall street loves this craopSep 15 13:10
schestowitzmaybe they plan to sell to Gulag Inc. some daySep 15 13:10
schestowitzbuying a company that only loses moneySep 15 13:10
schestowitzwhile hoping it can help sell something else like POWER and Mainframe(TM)Sep 15 13:10
psydruidthose are dying tooSep 15 13:10
schestowitzyeahSep 15 13:11
schestowitzlots of deathSep 15 13:11
schestowitzyou can smell if in bidenSep 15 13:11
schestowitzhe's not even capable of talking anymoreSep 15 13:11
schestowitzjust toss another bailout here and thereSep 15 13:11
schestowitzcluster bombs for ukraineSep 15 13:11
schestowitzbrilliant!Sep 15 13:11
schestowitzsave the arms industrySep 15 13:11
schestowitzwhile 100k live in tents or streets in LASep 15 13:11
psydruidno cluster bombs for LA and SF?Sep 15 13:11
schestowitzmaybe they can recruit some homeless for the production lineSep 15 13:18
schestowitzmake small tiny bombsSep 15 13:18
schestowitzfor the clustersSep 15 13:18
schestowitzthat later kill babiesSep 15 13:18
schestowitzyears after the wars endSep 15 13:18
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 13:20
techrights-newsBefore social control media 15 13:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Ancient timesSep 15 13:21
techrights-newsRESEARCHING social control media 15 13:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - ResearchSep 15 13:22
techrights-newsEasily falsifiable ☞ Oxfam does NOT agree; this Koch-funded site is poor-blaming/shaming again..Sep 15 13:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Despite the Doomsday Narrative, Global Inequality Has Significantly DeclinedSep 15 13:26
techrights-newsQuebec's Language Restrictions Limit Freedom of Expression ☞ 15 13:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quebec's Language Restrictions Limit Freedom of ExpressionSep 15 13:26
techrights-newsSeems undervalued ☞ 15 13:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-In this year's biggest IPO, Arm stock closes up 25% as chip designer raises $4.87B - SiliconANGLESep 15 13:36
techrights-newsBy 2120, Most Communication on Earth Won't Be Biological ☞ 15 13:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-By 2120, Most Communication on Earth Won't Be Biological : ScienceAlertSep 15 13:37
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 15 13:38
techrights-newsHow smartphones are killing the planet ☞ 15 13:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How smartphones are killing the planet – neritamSep 15 13:38
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@9df4i6m36ezj2.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 13:38
techrights-news"The industry’s erstwhile disavowal of gambling now seems quaint, as smartphones have made sports betting ubiquitous in professional sports—to the detriment of fans and the games themselves." ☛ | Source: ScheerpostSep 15 13:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sports Betting Is a Tax on Fans—And a Ticking Time Bomb – scheerpost.comSep 15 13:39
psydruidit's funny because I met someone from Colombia a few days ago, who asked me if I spoke Spanish, which I confirmedSep 15 13:39
psydruidhe said he had lost his way and then he started talking about bomberosSep 15 13:39
techrights-newsHow to Rotate a Video With VLC Media Player ☞ 15 13:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Rotate a Video in VLCSep 15 13:39
psydruidand I had no idea what he was talking about, thinking it was about bombers or flamethrowersSep 15 13:40
psydruidit turned out he was staying close to the "estación de bomberos", the "fire brigade"Sep 15 13:40
techrights-newsAhead of this year’s biggest IPO, Arm targets $54.5B valuation ☞ 15 13:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Ahead of this year's biggest IPO, Arm raises $4.87B on $54.5B valuation - SiliconANGLESep 15 13:41
techrights-newsQualcomm is not doing too well, either ☞ 15 13:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Qualcomm's stock falls on light guidance as it warns of further job cuts - SiliconANGLESep 15 13:42
psydruidbombero means firefighter in Spanish, but bombeiro means plumber in Brazilian PortugueseSep 15 13:42
psydruidso this can lead to funny misunderstandingsSep 15 13:42
schestowitzwaterSep 15 13:43
techrights-newsOld: ☞ 15 13:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Samsung's operating profit dropped by 95%, but officials are optimistic of a recovery later this year - SiliconANGLESep 15 13:44
techrights-news'Smart' 'phones' won't be hot forever. For people who want to get work done these have very limited appeal.Sep 15 13:45
techrights-newsEven Samsung must accept there is life after "smart" "phones" and it needs to offer something else ☞ 15 13:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Samsung Foundry confirms first two-nanometer chips to arrive in 2025 - SiliconANGLESep 15 13:46
techrights-newsSK hynix Investigates Sanctions-Breaking 'Ghost RAM' In Huawei Phone ☞ 15 13:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SK hynix Investigates Sanctions-Breaking 'Ghost RAM' In Huawei Phone | Tom's HardwareSep 15 13:47
techrights-newsJust keep name-dropping shitty buzzwords like "HEY HI" while talking like "patent this, patent that" and name-dropping "enterpreneur", "innovator" etc. to impress a bunch of cucumbers on a broomstick. This is Microsoft propaganda ("media") perpetuating myths, marketing spam. MTR is a cesspool. 15 13:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Andrew Ng: How to be an innovator | MIT Technology ReviewSep 15 13:51
techrights-newsBehind The Screens – A Fairphone Documentary ☞ 15 13:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Behind The Screens - A Fairphone Documentary - FairphoneSep 15 13:52
techrights-newsNewer is not always better ☞ 15 13:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dear Abby: I don't care what society says, I love my flip phoneSep 15 13:53
techrights-news"Rare, valuable and with unpronounceable names like praseodymium, critical minerals are the foundations of the technologies on which much modern life depends." ☞ 15 13:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leveraging Australia’s alliances on critical minerals | The StrategistSep 15 13:54
psydruidhow to be BS generatorSep 15 13:55
psydruida*Sep 15 13:55
schestowitzinnovatorSep 15 13:55
schestowitzphoronix has a wikipedia vanity pageSep 15 13:55
schestowitzi wonder who maintains it for him :-)Sep 15 13:55
schestowitzlike gulagboySep 15 13:55
schestowitzwikipedia is abused a lot like thisSep 15 13:55
schestowitzeven sirius created a vanity page there ages agoSep 15 13:55
techrights-news£200 is terrible budget for a "phone"; you can get one for 10 pounds, no need for "smart" (whatever that even means!)☞ 15 14:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is the Samsung Galaxy A14 the best cheap smartphone? - Which? NewsSep 15 14:00
techrights-newsThere are still foldables too, many run Linux ☞ 15 14:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung unveils Fold 5, Flip 5, latest foldables don't improve much on last year's models - TechzimSep 15 14:01
techrights-newsThey had a better life and know real people ☞ 15 14:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What Did People Do Before Smartphones? - The AtlanticSep 15 14:01
techrights-news"A bad thing that comes with it (among many) is the government can, and will, stick its nose into your personal health business." ☞ 15 14:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cure By Suicide – OffGuardianSep 15 14:02
techrights-news2023: A Strange Odyssey ☞ 15 14:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2023: A Strange Odyssey – OffGuardianSep 15 14:03
*ubuntourist (~kjcole@freenode-1fl.pg2.9evlp0.IP) has joined #techrightsSep 15 14:03
*ubuntourist is now known as Guest15336Sep 15 14:04
techrights-news"posting it on Instagram" ☞ 15 14:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Man in Bosnia kills ex-wife live on Instagram and kills 2 more people before taking his own life | Federal News NetworkSep 15 14:07
techrights-newsClose friend of Bill Gates ☞ 15 14:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Prosecutors Declined to Charge Jail Employees In Alleged Jeffrey Epstein Suicide Cover-UpSep 15 14:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York TimesSep 15 14:09
techrights-newsthe death of Epstein was 'politically popular' (by the elite), so nobody will be punished; just another corpse for them to dispose of while calling anyone who asks questions "conspiracy theorist"Sep 15 14:10
techrights-news"Verder had been closed since the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020" ☞ 15 14:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Students deal with extreme temperatures inside newly reopened Verder Hall – KentWiredSep 15 14:11
techrights-newsPluralistic: How unions won a 30% raise for every fast food worker in California (14 Sept 2023) ☞ 15 14:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pluralistic: How unions won a 30% raise for every fast food worker in California (14 Sept 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory DoctorowSep 15 14:11
techrights-newsModerna and Pfizer shareholders. They maintain monopolies with patents and regulatory capture (carta blanche, no regulation). They don't even need to justify the awful 'success' rates of their prior overpriced products ☞ 15 14:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Data show that older adults and people with underlying illness need the vaccine most. | MIT Technology ReviewSep 15 14:13
techrights-newsMTR (Microsoft and Gates propaganda network) changed the headline from a question ("Who benefits most from the new covid vaccines?") into an answer. Seems like marketing, not journalism.Sep 15 14:14
techrights-newsDeSantis used by NY Times as a strawman. Support the patent cartel of you're a fascist just like DeSantis! ☞ 15 14:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DeSantis Spreads Covid Vaccine Skepticism With Guidance Contradicting C.D.C. - The New York TimesSep 15 14:14
techrights-news"Post-pandemic enrollment isn’t likely to rebound anytime soon" ☞ 15 14:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Public Schools Must Face the Post-Pandemic Reality of Shrinking EnrollmentSep 15 14:15
techrights-newsIRC Proceedings: Thursday, September 14, 2023 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 14:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Thursday, September 14, 2023 | TechrightsSep 15 14:17
techrights-newsBSD Now 524: Legendary Unix Recovery ☞ 15 14:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BSD Now 524: Legendary Unix RecoverySep 15 14:19
techrights-newsmintCast 419.5 – Bill & Majid’s Bogus Journey ☞ 15 14:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 419.5 – Bill & Majid’s Bogus Journey – mintCastSep 15 14:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 14:20
techrights-newsConservatives Infiltrate Progressive Groups ☞ 15 14:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conservatives Infiltrate Progressive Groups – neritamSep 15 14:20
techrights-newsYour standard of living not depend on your work ☞ 15 14:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Your standard of living not depend on your work – neritamSep 15 14:20
techrights-newsClown Computing is a Joke and Guess Who Has the Last Laugh ☞ 15 14:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clown Computing is a Joke and Guess Who Has the Last Laugh | TechrightsSep 15 14:33
techrights-news"Things have been pretty quiet on my end lately in gopherspace and other online haunts. I have not been feeling too motivated in participating or showing up much. I have been a bit stuck." gopher:// 15 14:35
techrights-newsIs Ask open source? gemini:// 15 14:36
techrights-newsUnity and Runtime Fees: Reflecting on a Decade Making Games gemini:// 15 14:36
*MinceR gives voice to darwin u-amarsh04Sep 15 14:37
techrights-newsWhat to do about Russia’s energy trojan horse ☞ 15 14:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What to do about Russia’s energy trojan horse - Atlantic CouncilSep 15 14:49
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 14:59
techrights-newsLithuanian company involved in sale of plane parts to Russia – investigation ☞ 15 15:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Lithuanian company involved in sale of plane parts to Russia – investigation - LRTSep 15 15:11
*ZedHedTed (~ZedHedTed@be2dj9p83s9eu.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 15:16
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 15:20
*schestowitz gives voice to ZedHedTedSep 15 15:27
AdmFubar 15 15:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ABC News: Imagine making shadowy data brokers erase your personal info. Californians may soon live the dream  – EPIC – Electronic Privacy Information CenterSep 15 15:28
techrights-newsPrecedential No. 26: Listing of Application on ESTTA Cover Sheet Suffices for Claim of Common Law Rights in Opposition to Section 66(a) Application ☞ 15 15:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The TTABlog®: Precedential No. 26: Listing of Application on ESTTA Cover Sheet Suffices for Claim of Common Law Rights in Opposition to Section 66(a) ApplicationSep 15 15:37
techrights-news"LibreOffice is the only open source office suite for personal productivity..." ☞ 15 15:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice 7.6.1 Community available for download - The Document Foundation BlogSep 15 15:40
techrights-newsHow To Install Vim Text Editor on Debian 12 ☞ 15 15:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Install Vim Text Editor on Debian 12 - idrootSep 15 15:42
techrights-newsHow to Use Stat Command on Linux ☞ 15 15:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Use Stat Command on Linux - idrootSep 15 15:43
techrights-newsRestarting Ubuntu System Using Command Line Interface ☞ 15 15:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Restarting Ubuntu System Using Command Line Interface - idrootSep 15 15:44
techrights-newsHow to Install Ruby on Rails on Debian 12 ☞ 15 15:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install Ruby on Rails on Debian 12Sep 15 15:44
techrights-newsHow to Install GLPI IT Inventory Management on Debian 12 ☞ 15 15:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install GLPI IT Inventory Management on Debian 12Sep 15 15:45
techrights-newsHow to Install and Configure Nginx with PHP-FPM on CentOS 8 ☞ 15 15:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install and Configure Nginx with PHP-FPM on CentOS 8Sep 15 15:45
techrights-newsHow to Install Automad CMS on Fedora Linux ☞ 15 15:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to Install Automad CMS on Fedora Linux - OSNoteSep 15 15:45
techrights-newsHow to Install ERPNext on Debian 12 ☞ 15 15:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install ERPNext on Debian 12Sep 15 15:46
techrights-newsHow to Manage Multiple Node.js Versions using NVM (Node Version Manager) ☞ 15 15:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Manage Multiple Node.js Versions using NVM (Node Version Manager)Sep 15 15:47
techrights-newsHow to Rename Network Interfaces to eth0 on CentOS ☞ 15 15:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Rename Network Interfaces to eth0 on CentOSSep 15 15:47
techrights-newsHow to install Arduino IDE on Ubuntu ☞ 15 15:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to install Arduino IDE on UbuntuSep 15 15:47
techrights-newsHow to Install a Secure FTP Server with vsftpd on Debian 12 ☞ 15 15:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install a Secure FTP Server with vsftpd on Debian 12Sep 15 15:48
techrights-newsframeworkSep 15 15:48
techrights-newsGuide to Install Django Web Framework on Debian 12 ☞ 15 15:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Guide to Install Django Web Framework on Debian 12Sep 15 15:48
techrights-newsHow to Install Memcache Server on Ubuntu 22.04 ☞ 15 15:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install Memcache Server on Ubuntu 22.04 – TecAdminSep 15 15:49
techrights-news11 Tips for Syncing Bookmarks and Passwords Between Firefox and Chrome ☞ 15 15:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox and Chrome Sync: 11 Tips to Get the Most Out of ItSep 15 15:50
techrights-news60 Seconds of WIP, 14 September 2023 ☞ 15 15:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 60 Seconds of WIP, 14 September 2023 – Michael W LucasSep 15 15:51
techrights-newsAnd yet the corrupt sellouts at OSI, bribed by Microsoft, are shilling GitHub and defending Copilot, which is in effect an attack on the GPL, set aside the trust issues. The OSI is corrupted beyond recognition. ☞ 15 15:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | To trust AI, it must be open and transparent. Period. - Voices of Open SourceSep 15 15:55
*betsy (~igloo@dfscwvka3gyti.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 15:58
*betsy has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 16:01
*betsy (~igloo@dfscwvka3gyti.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 16:02
*schestowitz gives voice to betsySep 15 16:02
schestowitz0/Sep 15 16:03
psydruid 15 16:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Thai Party Vows to Give Citizens Digital Currency Handout with Expiry Date, Geolocation RestrictionsSep 15 16:04
psydruidprogressSep 15 16:04
*betsy has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 16:05
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 16:20
*Guest15336 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 15 16:27
techrights-newsOpen Source Initiative to Help Microsoft Attack Copyright-based Copyleft (Under the False Guise of ’Hey Hi’) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 16:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Initiative to Help Microsoft Attack Copyright-based Copyleft (Under the False Guise of ‘Hey Hi’) | TechrightsSep 15 16:36
techrights-newsMozilla, a division of GAFAM ☞ 15 16:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | My WasmCon 2023 TalkSep 15 16:37
techrights-newsPostgreSQL 16 Released with Notable Improvements 15 16:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PostgreSQL 16 Released with Notable ImprovementsSep 15 16:39
techrights-newsOpen-source database PostgreSQL 16 brings performance and scaling enhancements ☞ 15 16:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Open-source database PostgreSQL 16 brings performance and scaling enhancements - SiliconANGLESep 15 16:40
techrights-newsPostgreSQL brings more performance, security to open-source database ☞ 15 16:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-PostgreSQL brings more performance, security to open-source database | VentureBeatSep 15 16:41
techrights-newsPostgreSQL 16 Released! ☞ 15 16:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 16 Released!Sep 15 16:41
techrights-newsAnother utterly dumb buzzword. Check bottom and see who sponsors this SPAM!! ☞ 15 16:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Supercloud is an ‘industrywide movement’ for new era in cross-platform services, says VMware exec - SiliconANGLESep 15 16:47
techrights-newsMULTI-clown, SUPER-clown... keep on going with your silly buzzwords. We're all wet in anticipation. MEGA-clown? God-clown? META-verse? What other BS in the pipeline?Sep 15 16:49
techrights-newsInstall Cockpit Flatpak Client on Debian BookWorm (12.1) (KDE Desktop) ☞ 15 16:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Openstack RDO && KVM Hypervisor: Install Cockpit Flatpak Client on Debian BookWorm (12.1) (KDE Desktop)Sep 15 16:50
techrights-newsHow to Install Odoo ERP on Debian Linux ☞ 15 16:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to Install Odoo ERP on Debian Linux - VITUXSep 15 16:50
techrights-newsHow to install wget on Fedora Linux using the dnf command ☞ 15 16:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version. ( status 0 @ )Sep 15 16:51
techrights-news9 Best Free and Open Source Python Web Frameworks ☞ 15 16:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-9 Best Free and Open Source Python Web Frameworks - LinuxLinksSep 15 16:51
techrights-newsIBM sabotaging GNU/Linux desktops/laptops to impose its own agenda ☞ 15 16:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 40 to Offer KDE Plasma 6 DesktopSep 15 16:52
techrights-newsHow to Self-Host and Install Ghost on Your Linux Server ☞ 15 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Self-Host and Install Ghost on Your Linux Server - Make Tech EasierSep 15 16:54
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 16:59
*mib_ez6u6l (~4c44d605@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 17:00
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*mib_ihot1t (~4c44d605@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 17:04
*schestowitz gives voice to mib_ihot1tSep 15 17:05
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*mib_7duih5 (~4c44d605@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 17:13
techrights-newsLinux Foundation Newsletter for September 2023 is Out: Linux (Kernel) Hardly Even Mentioned, As Usual | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 17:14
*mib_7duih5 is now known as RoTTweiLeRSep 15 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation Newsletter for September 2023 is Out: Linux (Kernel) Hardly Even Mentioned, As Usual | TechrightsSep 15 17:14
*RoTTweiLeR has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)Sep 15 17:14
techrights-news"Today, we're introducing our new vulnerability disclosure policy, which clarifies how vulnerability reporters should connect with the Linux Foundation project maintainers who are able to resolve issues." 15 17:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Strengthening Security: What You Need to Know About our New Vulnerability Reporting PolicySep 15 17:15
techrights-newsNot even a single person representing the community; this is a corporate think tank, with the token patent person thrown in too 15 17:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Foundation Announces Schedule for Annual Member SummitSep 15 17:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 17:20
techrights-newsLinux Foundation: Got lots of money? No? Then go away. Stop wasting our time!Sep 15 17:20
*ZedHedTed has quit (Quit: leaving)Sep 15 17:21
techrights-newsThere is, as per the brochure as well, a strong correlation between sponsorship and keynote slots; yes, you need to pay to speak. Poor? Then no time for you to present. Stop being poor.Sep 15 17:22
*psydruid hails MegatronSep 15 17:24
techrights-news"Recall that LF booted its community representation prior to becoming further corrupt," a reader notes. "The corruption had already started by then but was under the radar then."Sep 15 17:26
*betsy (~igloo@dfscwvka3gyti.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 17:33
*betsy has quit (Quit: Igloo IRC: 15 17:34
*betsy (~igloo@dfscwvka3gyti.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 17:34
*schestowitz gives voice to betsySep 15 17:34
schestowitzhiSep 15 17:34
*betsy has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 17:37
*oarion7 (~ryan@mfmwu5c33pkb2.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 17:38
techrights-news’Linux’ Foundation: Made on Apple Mac With Proprietary Software (As Always) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 17:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ‘Linux’ Foundation: Made on Apple Mac With Proprietary Software (As Always) | TechrightsSep 15 17:40
techrights-newsNumber of Irish jobs at risk as Google announces further redundancies 15 17:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Number of Irish jobs at risk as Google announces further redundancies Sep 15 17:43
techrights-news"Microsoft Corp.’s attempt at avoiding deeper European Union scrutiny of its Teams video-conferencing app fell flat with the bloc’s antitrust enforcers readying a formal complaint against the firm’s conduct." 15 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Facing Formal EU Complaint Over Teams Video App | Tech NewsSep 15 17:45
techrights-newsTwitter (scum) to sit down to table with layoff claimants 15 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Sep 15 17:45
techrights-newsDisclosure missing: sites takes crates of expensive EPYC CPUs from AMD ☞ 15 17:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Linux 6.6 Delivers Some Impressive Gains For AMD EPYC 9754 "Bergamo" Server Performance - PhoronixSep 15 17:49
techrights-newsPipeWire 0.3.80 Released 15 17:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 0.3.80 · PipeWire / pipewire · GitLabSep 15 17:51
techrights-newsKDE Gear 23.08.1 ☞ 15 17:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Gear 23.08.1 - KDE CommunitySep 15 17:53
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Today in Techrights ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Today in TechrightsSep 15 17:54
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Gemini Articles of Interest ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Gemini Articles of InterestSep 15 17:54
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and More ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and MoreSep 15 17:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): pg_ivm 1.7 released ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — pg_ivm 1.7 releasedSep 15 17:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Apple ColorSync Utility ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Apple ColorSync UtilitySep 15 17:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Krita 5.2 Release Candidate is out ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Krita 5.2 Release Candidate is outSep 15 17:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): 10 Best Features in GNOME 45 ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — 10 Best Features in GNOME 45Sep 15 17:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): PostgreSQL 16 Released! ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — PostgreSQL 16 Released!Sep 15 17:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 17:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — today's howtosSep 15 17:56
techrights-newsKDE Gear 23.08.1 Improves Dolphin, Gwenview, Kdenlive, and Other KDE Apps ☞ 15 17:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-KDE Gear 23.08.1 Improves Dolphin, Gwenview, Kdenlive, and Other KDE Apps - 9to5LinuxSep 15 17:57
techrights-newsThis still helps Microsoft. Better explore editors not tied in any way to Microsoft. ☞ 15 17:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install VSCodium on Ubuntu LinuxSep 15 17:58
techrights-newsOpenSUSE seeks a Leap replacement, but will distro community rise to the challenge? ☞ 15 17:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-OpenSUSE seeks a Leap replacement, but will distro community rise to the challenge? | ZDNETSep 15 17:59
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 18:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 18:20
*jacobk (~quassel@99ed6ukzxymmc.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 18:37
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 18:59
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 19:20
*MinceR gives voice to jacobk oarion7Sep 15 19:31
psydruidHey Hi, Adobe is going to increase its prices because of Hey Hi backdoorsSep 15 19:36
psydruid 15 19:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Creative Cloud for individuals 2023 pricing changesSep 15 19:36
MinceR 15 19:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WHOOPSIESep 15 19:40
*psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 20:06
*MinceR gives voice to psyminSep 15 20:07
*psymin (~psymin@user/psymin) has joined #techrightsSep 15 20:07
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 20:20
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> I've been fixing up an article on Wikipedia about a software store on NeXTStep, which had a lot of hyperbole and biased statements like "app stores are today universally considered the best way to install software".Sep 15 20:22
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> It's amazing how much crap like this ends up in Wikipedia and then I stop and fix it.Sep 15 20:22
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> That's like saying "The Administration of Joe Biden today is universally considered to be the best Presidential Administration in American History."Sep 15 20:22
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> You wouldn't dump something like this in Wikipedia. I mean, he is the President, because he got a couple percent more of the vote before his approval ratings began to look much like Donald Trump's.Sep 15 20:22
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> But people get away with it in articles that are not widely read.Sep 15 20:22
DaemonFCschestowitz, ^Sep 15 20:22
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> I've reached thousands of edits on Wikipedia just "pulling weeds". But no matter how many you pull, it's never done, and people can revert it and abuse the process to start "wars".Sep 15 20:25
DaemonFCschestowitz, Here's the opening:Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFC"I've done a reverse dependency lookup, and it seems that the only desktop meta-package in Debian 12 that doesn't "depend" on Firefox -or- Chromium is KDE.Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFCLast time I tried using Debian (11) and removing Firefox, I had GNOME. I was somewhat angry that the dependency sprawl of GNOME's desktop meta-packages on Debian force the user to have either Firefox or Chromium. Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFCKDE's, however, do not, so you may remove Firefox without worrying that it will demand that you install Chromium or risk damaging other parts of the OS.Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFCOn Debian's part, this is just not the best dependency management on most desktop environments, with KDE seemingly the only one where removing Firefox doesn't mean accepting an even worse browser or damaging the system.Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFCI say bad dependency handling because forcing a user to install Web browsers, much less a specific one, to have a desktop environment, is a layering violation. Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFCIt makes Debian more like Windows, where there's basically no concept of separation and topology, where the user is not free to customize it to his or her own liking and needs, and must have Internet Explorer and Edge.Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFCIn Windows, their idea of "topology" in the Server product is you can install the "Desktop Experience" or not install it. And if you don't, you don't get any GUI stuff really at all. Just enough to start a command prompt or "PowerShell". Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFCThis should not be the situation we aim for on GNU/Linux desktops by making Firefox mandatory software."Sep 15 20:28
DaemonFCschestowitz, Later on,Sep 15 20:35
DaemonFC"These are just some examples of power that they shouldn't have. There are thousands of settings in the browser (swept under the rug in "about:config soup"), that the user is not even supposed to know about, but are there for Mozilla to change willy nilly, f***ing with the s**t until you have no idea what your browser is even doing. Sep 15 20:35
DaemonFCAlso, as a band-aid because "hamburger menus" that boil the system down to only a few preferences, do not work for programs as complex and vast as a Web browser."Sep 15 20:35
DaemonFC"This is sort-of related to something that Facebook actually did on purpose. They A/B tested by deliberately introducing crashes into the Android app to see how many users would uninstall it vs. how many would just restart the program and go on to get a feel for how "hooked" on Facebook they were.Sep 15 20:36
DaemonFCPrograms should absolutely never have the power to make one person's copy of the software behave differently than another person's copy. No matter why they want to do it, it will not serve the user."Sep 15 20:36
DaemonFC"A/B testing is basically a cop-out for not doing internal testing because the company making the software is too cheap to do anything but see if it compiled. This is how Windows updates roll out."Sep 15 20:38
DaemonFC"At various points and places, Mozilla can't even be bothered to lie consistently about how they manage the personal information they collect. Somehow they neither collect your personal information nor track you, and they also do collect your personal information, track you, and give some of it to ad partners. (Sarcasm: Sep 15 20:45
DaemonFCAlso, some of the enabling malware is "open source" on Microsoft GitHub, so it's fine!)"Sep 15 20:45
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 15 20:47
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 15 20:47
DaemonFCEdited: "There is also an enormous difference in semantics about whether some of your information happens to be sold vs. shared with said partners, who are paying Mozilla to run ads in the browser."Sep 15 20:47
DaemonFC"Mozilla is a thrall of Google. Over 90% of their money comes from Google. Google boasts that they will have Mozilla testify in Google's anti-trust trial. Why would Mozilla say anything that could damage Google and remove 9/10ths of their revenue? Mozilla will be very careful about what it says on the stand. You don't shit where you sleep."Sep 15 20:50
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 20:59
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 20:59
*jacobk (~quassel@32hz32it3ih2k.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 21:11
AdmFubar 15 21:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quartz: The US government has mounting evidence that Elon Musk violated Twitter’s data privacy agreement  – EPIC – Electronic Privacy Information CenterSep 15 21:16
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 21:20
AdmFubar 15 21:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Davos Man Says 'Total Transparency' For You | naked capitalismSep 15 21:49
AdmFubar 15 21:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Good News in War FOR Cash: Use of Cash in UK Grows for First Time in 10 years | naked capitalismSep 15 21:50
MinceR 15 21:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WHOOPSIESep 15 21:56
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 15 21:59
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@9df4i6m36ezj2.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 22:05
*MinceR gives voice to jacobk u-amarsh04Sep 15 22:06
DaemonFCThere we go. Updated my SeaMonkey Profile with the latest passwords and bookmarks.Sep 15 22:10
DaemonFCThey transitioned to the new key4.db and logins.json format from Firefox. Thankfully, the files appear to be directly compatible still.Sep 15 22:10
DaemonFCSo closing SeaMonkey and stomping those files (after backing up the profile!) with copies of the ones from Firefox worked.Sep 15 22:10
DaemonFCThis is terrible.Sep 15 22:11
DaemonFCMozilla intentionally broke the Sync server for SeaMonkey a long time ago, basically just harassment. They've been doing 1-2 things per year to make life harder for SeaMonkey users, and this year, they finally decided to throw them out of the BugZilla, Wiki, and revision control system.Sep 15 22:12
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Collection of Recommended Applications on Debian 12 Bookworm ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 22:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Collection of Recommended Applications on Debian 12 BookwormSep 15 22:14
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Sep 15 22:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Android LeftoversSep 15 22:14
techrights-newsPratham Gupta: GSOC 2023 Final Report ☞ 15 22:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GSOC 2023 Final Report. This is the final report for my… | by Pratham Gupta | Sep, 2023 | MediumSep 15 22:17
techrights-newsApple Re-Releasing the Same Products Every Year. ☞ 15 22:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple Re-Releasing the Same Products Every Year. | BaronHK's RantsSep 15 22:17
techrights-newsLandlords in California Throw Party to Celebrate Evicting Tenants While NPR Helps US Government Scream “Look! Aliens!” ☞ 15 22:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Landlords in California Throw Party to Celebrate Evicting Tenants While NPR Helps US Government Scream “Look! Aliens!” | BaronHK's RantsSep 15 22:17
techrights-newsNo Anti-Trust Case in the United States Has Ended Well for Consumers. Judge in Google Case Doesn’t Know if Firefox is a Browser or Search Engine. ☞ 15 22:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No Anti-Trust Case in the United States Has Ended Well for Consumers. Judge in Google Case Doesn’t Know if Firefox is a Browser or Search Engine. | BaronHK's RantsSep 15 22:17
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 22:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-DHS warns of malicious AI use against critical infrastructure | CyberScoopSep 15 22:20
techrights-news"We’ve mapped some of the troubling trends in Iran’s digital authoritarian playbook." ☞ 15 22:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The world must not forget Mahsa Amini - Access NowSep 15 22:21
techrights-newsDetroit automakers and auto workers remain far from a deal as end-of-day strike deadline approaches ☞ 15 22:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UAW poised for midnight strike at plants in Wayne, Michigan, Toledo, Ohio, and Wentzville, Missouri | Federal News NetworkSep 15 22:22
techrights-newsAutoworkers strike deadline nears as negotiators rush to avoid historic walkout ☞ 15 22:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Autoworkers strike deadline nears as negotiators rush to avoid historic walkout – KentWiredSep 15 22:22
techrights-newsUAW to strike at three Detroit factories — including GM, Ford — as sides still far apart ☞ 15 22:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Detroit automakers and auto workers remain far from a deal as end-of-day strike deadline approachesSep 15 22:22
techrights-newsUAW poised for midnight strike at plants in Wayne, Michigan, Toledo, Ohio, and Wentzville, Missouri ☞ 15 22:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UAW poised for midnight strike at plants in Wayne, Michigan, Toledo, Ohio, and Wentzville, Missouri – Twin CitiesSep 15 22:23
techrights-newsUAW strike? Why a Detroit labor dispute runs through the South. ☞ 15 22:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-At stake for UAW: Pay, but also union’s electric future in the South - CSMonitor.comSep 15 22:23
techrights-newsU.A.W. Set to Begin Walkouts as Deadline Nears With No Contract Deals ☞ 15 22:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | U.A.W. Goes on Strike at 3 Plants in Midwest - The New York TimesSep 15 22:23
techrights-newsU.A.W. Strike Looms Over Detroit Auto Show ☞ 15 22:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | U.A.W. Strike Looms Over Detroit Auto Show - The New York TimesSep 15 22:24
techrights-newsStudios Say Talks With Striking Writers May Resume Next Week ☞ 15 22:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Studios Say Talks With Striking Writers May Resume Next Week - The New York TimesSep 15 22:24
techrights-newsHow Strikes Reflect Longstanding Battles for Control in Hollywood ☞ 15 22:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Strikes Reflect Longstanding Battles for Control in Hollywood - The New York TimesSep 15 22:24
techrights-newsThe U.A.W. Could Go on Strike Friday. Here’s What to Know About the Issues. ☞ 15 22:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The U.A.W. Could Go on Strike Friday. Here’s What to Know About the Issues. - The New York TimesSep 15 22:24
techrights-newsSpain’s Female Soccer Players Call Off Wage Dispute Strike ☞ 15 22:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Spain’s Female Soccer Players Call Off Wage Dispute Strike - The New York TimesSep 15 22:24
techrights-newsCalifornia settles with Gulag over location privacy practices for $93 million ☞ 15 22:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | California settles with Google over location privacy practices for $93 million | Federal News NetworkSep 15 22:26
techrights-newsPeter Czanik: The syslog-ng Insider 2023-09: MongoDB; UDP; sngbench; contribute; ☞ 15 22:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The syslog-ng Insider 2023-09: MongoDB; UDP; sngbench; contribute; - Blog - syslog-ng Community - syslog-ng CommunitySep 15 22:26
techrights-newsResults of APNIC By-laws vote ☞ 15 22:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Results of APNIC By-laws vote | APNIC BlogSep 15 22:27
techrights-newsAPNIC 56: Thank you and farewell ☞ 15 22:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | APNIC 56: Thank you and farewell | APNIC BlogSep 15 22:27
techrights-newsChinese rights lawyer Lu Siwei repatriated by Laos last week ☞ 15 22:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chinese rights lawyer Lu Siwei repatriated by Laos last week — Radio Free AsiaSep 15 22:28
techrights-newsEU labeled a 'toxic warehouse' for child sexual abuse material as Finnish lawmakers urged to act ☞ 15 22:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ )Sep 15 22:28
techrights-newsMicrosoft is Stacking a Closed Door Panel in Washington (Commissioned by a Microsoft-Sponsored Senator), Pushing Its Products Using Buzzwords and Getting More Bailouts From the US Government, i.e. From Taxpayers ☞ 15 22:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is Stacking a Closed Door Panel in Washington (Commissioned by a Microsoft-Sponsored Senator), Pushing Its Products Using Buzzwords and Getting More Bailouts From the US Government, i.e. From Taxpayers | TechrightsSep 15 22:29
techrights-newsHow to Install ERPNext on Debian ☞ 15 22:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to Install ERPNext on Debian - VITUXSep 15 22:29
techrights-news"The open-source hardware integration" is just openwashing noise ☞ 15 22:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-NeuroBlade and Meta's Velox team up to boost data analytics acceleration - SiliconANGLESep 15 22:30
techrights-news$2,000 for Technology In Ariscale wireless patent prior art ☞ 15 22:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | $2,000 for Technology In Ariscale wireless patent prior art — Unified PatentsSep 15 22:31
techrights-newsFinnish banks' customers have lost nearly €20m to scammers so far this year ☞ 15 22:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Finnish banks' customers have lost nearly €20m to scammers so far this year | News | Yle UutisetSep 15 22:31
techrights-newsUPC is illegal, but JUVE took many bribes to promote this attack on constitutions and conventions. It's still trying to legitimise this kangaroo court that's a ticking time bomb. ☞ 15 22:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Alpina and Torggler & Hofmann win first UPC hearing at Vienna local division - JUVE PatentSep 15 22:33
techrights-newsIPO hosts "IP Litigation Finance & Disclosure" Webinar, September 21 ☞ 15 22:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPO hosts "IP Litigation Finance & Disclosure" Webinar, September 21 — Unified PatentsSep 15 22:33
techrights-news$2,000 for Papst Licensing UI patent prior art ☞ 15 22:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | $2,000 for Papst Licensing UI patent prior art — Unified PatentsSep 15 22:34
techrights-newsThe Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal are drawn up by dictators who are corrupt and act in direct violation of the EPC, inc. interference in "independent" procesess. Why aren't politicians stepping in to stop the corruption at the EPO?☞ 15 22:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EPO makes correct diagnosis but prescribes the wrong medication with the Proposed Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal - Kluwer Patent BlogSep 15 22:35
techrights-newsMozilla is GAFAM, Just Look at Who Runs the Company ☞ 15 22:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla is GAFAM, Just Look at Who Runs the Company | TechrightsSep 15 22:35
techrights-newsApple Re-Releasing the Same Products Every Year ☞ 15 22:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple Re-Releasing the Same Products Every Year | TechrightsSep 15 22:36
techrights-newsThe Web Browser We Lost (Not Just the Web We Lost) ☞ 15 22:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Web Browser We Lost (Not Just the Web We Lost) | TechrightsSep 15 22:36
techrights-newsJudge in Google Case Doesn’t Know if Firefox is a Browser or Search Engine ☞ 15 22:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Judge in Google Case Doesn’t Know if Firefox is a Browser or Search Engine | TechrightsSep 15 22:36
techrights-news"There can be no doubt that a historic battle is shaping up. I expect it to get worse. The hour is later than any of us realize." ☞ 15 22:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | An Urgent Call to Speak Truth – OffGuardianSep 15 22:38
techrights-news"WordPress is excited to announce that Openverse has been awarded the 2023 Open Education Award for Excellence in the Open Infrastructure category!" ☞ 15 22:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Openverse Wins the 2023 OEG Open Infrastructure Award – WordPress NewsSep 15 22:46
techrights-newsThe Secret Life and Anonymous Death of the Most Prolific War-Crimes Investigator in History ☞ 15 22:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Secret Life and Anonymous Death of the Most Prolific War-Crimes Investigator in History | The New YorkerSep 15 22:47
techrights-newsInstalling Debian via Internet Mirror and PXE Server ☞ 15 22:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Installing Debian via Internet Mirror and PXE Server - OSNoteSep 15 22:48
techrights-newsInstall ZurmoCRM on Debian ☞ 15 22:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Install ZurmoCRM on Debian - OSNoteSep 15 22:48
techrights-newsOracle working for Microsoft ☞ 15 22:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Oracle to colocate in Azure data centers under expanded Microsoft partnership - SiliconANGLESep 15 22:49
techrights-newsCadence Neo NPU IP scales from 8 GOPS to 8 TOPS ☞ 15 22:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cadence Neo NPU IP scales from 8 GOPS to 8 TOPS - CNX SoftwareSep 15 22:50
techrights-newsRockchip RK3588 AIoT gateway supports WiFi 6, 5G, RS232, RS485, LoRaWAN, BLE, and Ethernet ☞ 15 22:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rockchip RK3588 AIoT gateway supports WiFi 6, 5G, RS232, RS485, LoRaWAN, BLE, and Ethernet - CNX SoftwareSep 15 22:50
techrights-news█████ ██████████████████████ Thu, 14 Sep 2023 16:30:00 +0000 ███████ Microsoft: Iranian espionage campaign targeted satellite and defense sectorsSep 15 22:52
techrights-newsMicrosoft is not a security expert but purveyor of back doors, which among other things allow Tehran to get into systems and networks all around the worldSep 15 22:52
techrights-newsGoogle Extends Chromebook Life by 2 Years After Right-to-Repair Campaign ☞ 15 22:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Extends Chromebook Life by 2 Years After Right-to-Repair CampaignSep 15 22:53
techrights-newsAustralian MPs Sign Letter of Support for Julian Assange ☞ 15 22:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Australian MPs Sign Letter of Support for Julian Assange | News | teleSUR EnglishSep 15 22:54
techrights-news‘One of the Most Hated People in the World’: Sam Bankman-Fried’s 250 Pages of Justifications ☞ 15 22:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ‘One of the Most Hated People in the World’: Sam Bankman-Fried’s 250 Pages of Justifications - The New York TimesSep 15 22:54
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Da Lobsta also took the time to use SeaMonkey to generate HTML to harass me on a fake Web site. *applause*Sep 15 22:54
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> At least we know nobody will need Google Chrome to read the harassment.Sep 15 22:54
DaemonFCschestowitz, ^Sep 15 22:54
techrights-newsScarlett Gately Moore: KDE: KDE neon user edition updates! Debian updates, Snaps on hold. ☞ 15 22:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE: KDE neon user edition updates! Debian updates, Snaps on hold. – Scarlett Gately MooreSep 15 22:55
techrights-newsDiscover GCompris ☞ 15 22:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Discover GCompris - Kockatoo TubeSep 15 22:55
schestowitzDaemonFC: britney handcuffsSep 15 22:56
schestowitzban-evading in libera.chaaatSep 15 22:56
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> There's also no JavaScript. The only thing preventing this from being viewed in Netscape 4 and Opera 3 is the lack of native support for TLS 1.2.Sep 15 22:56
schestowitzgee, in wonder why Lobsta keeps getting arrestedSep 15 22:56
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> <DPA> "LibreWolf master race" - Their repo doesn't actually have a master branch. They have a main branch.Sep 15 22:58
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Did they change Ubuntu MASTERS of the Universe to Mains of the Universe yet?Sep 15 22:58
techrights-newsA Second Major British Police Force Suffers a Cyberattack in Less Than a Month ☞ 15 22:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A Second Major British Police Force Suffers a Cyberattack in Less Than a Month - SecurityWeekSep 15 22:58
techrights-newsCaesars Confirms Ransomware Hack, Stolen Loyalty Program Database ☞ 15 22:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Caesars Confirms Ransomware Hack, Stolen Loyalty Program Database - SecurityWeekSep 15 22:58
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Here we are, born to be Kings! We are MAINS of the UNIVERSE!Sep 15 22:58
schestowitzDaemonFC: they can say mastersSep 15 22:58
schestowitzwe cannotSep 15 22:58
schestowitzICBM keeps saying "master"Sep 15 22:58
schestowitzit's only bad when WE say itSep 15 22:59
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity!Sep 15 22:59
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> "I like this word. DIE!!!!"Sep 15 22:59
schestowitzanother potential thing to leverage against the communitySep 15 22:59
schestowitzso that nazi ICBM can callll volunteers "fascists"Sep 15 22:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▃▂▃▃▁▁▁▃▂▂▃▁▂▁▃▂▃█▃▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 34.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁█▁▁█▁██▁█▁▁█▁▁██▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 215.23▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Sep 15 22:59
DaemonFC<IsambardPrince> It's like famine, pestilence, and death, only foisted on open source software while Microsoft makes boob jokes.Sep 15 22:59
techrights-newsICS Computers in Western Countries See Increasing Attacks: Report ☞ 15 23:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ICS Computers in Western Countries See Increasing Attacks: Report - SecurityWeekSep 15 23:00
techrights-newsSecure Repairs Statement on the California Legislature’s Passage of The Right to Repair Act ☞ 15 23:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Secure Repairs Statement on the California Legislature’s Passage of The Right to Repair Act – securepairs.orgSep 15 23:00
techrights-newsRansomware Gang Takes Credit for Disruptive MGM Resorts Cyberattack ☞ 15 23:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Ransomware Gang Takes Credit for Disruptive MGM Resorts Cyberattack - SecurityWeekSep 15 23:01
techrights-newsNorth Korean Hackers Steal $53 Million in Cryptocurrency From CoinEx ☞ 15 23:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-North Korean Hackers Steal $53 Million in Cryptocurrency From CoinEx - SecurityWeekSep 15 23:01
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☞ 15 23:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-LockBit Affiliate Deploys New 3AM Ransomware in Recent Attack - SecurityWeekSep 15 23:03
techrights-newsMicrosoft 'security' ☞ 15 23:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Azure HDInsight Flaws Allowed Data Access, Session Hijacking, Payload Delivery - SecurityWeekSep 15 23:03
techrights-newsThis is a Microsoft Windows issue ☞ 15 23:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Kubernetes Vulnerability Leads to Remote Code Execution - SecurityWeekSep 15 23:04
techrights-newsPCI v4 is coming. Are you ready? ☞ 15 23:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PCI v4 is coming. Are you ready? | Pen Test PartnersSep 15 23:06
techrights-newsChina Denies iPhone Ban, but the Devil Is in the Details ☞ 15 23:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China Denies iPhone Ban, but the Devil Is in the Details | Tom's HardwareSep 15 23:07
DaemonFC 15 23:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Remove Firefox From Debian 12 KDE and Install LibreWolf and Brave, and Commentary on Why You Would. | BaronHK's RantsSep 15 23:08
DaemonFCschestowitz, ^Sep 15 23:08
techrights-newsDethroned pageant queen alleges she was raped, forced into explicit video in lawsuit against Pornhub ☞ 15 23:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dethroned pageant queen alleges she was raped, forced into explicit video in lawsuit against PornhubSep 15 23:08
*techrights_guest_674 (~9f597a2d@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrightsSep 15 23:08
*schestowitz gives voice to techrights_guest_674Sep 15 23:09
schestowitzDaemonFC: looking in 10 minsSep 15 23:09
*techrights_guest_674 has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)Sep 15 23:10
techrights-newsMicrosoftism in action ☞ 15 23:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Remote Desktop Protocol exposures leave 85% of organizations vulnerable to attack - SiliconANGLESep 15 23:10
techrights-newsPeso bounces back, gaining 3% on US dollar in a week ☞ 15 23:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Peso bounces back, gaining 3% on US dollar in a weekSep 15 23:11
techrights-newsEurope’s central bank hikes key interest rate to record high as recession threat grows ☞ 15 23:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Europe’s central bank hikes key interest rate to record high as recession threat growsSep 15 23:11
techrights-newsStatistics Finland admits inflation error, real figures lower over past year ☞ 15 23:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Statistics Finland admits inflation error, real figures lower over past year | News | Yle UutisetSep 15 23:11
techrights-newsArgentine artists transform inflated peso bills into canvases ☞ 15 23:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-While the peso spirals in Argentina, artists find new canvases - CSMonitor.comSep 15 23:11
techrights-newsHow to Use Subtitles with VLC ☞ 15 23:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Use Subtitles with VLCSep 15 23:12
techrights-news7 Tips and Tweaks to Get More Out of Thunar File Manager of Xfce ☞ 15 23:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 7 Tips and Tweaks for Xfce Thunar File ManagerSep 15 23:12
techrights-newsCreate Table of Contents, Figures and Index of Tables in LibreOffice ☞ 15 23:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Create Table of Contents and Figures in LibreOfficeSep 15 23:12
techrights-newsColors in ls Command Output: What do They Mean? ☞ 15 23:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Colored Output for ls Command: What do They Mean?Sep 15 23:13
techrights-news7 Lesser Know but Unique Web Browsers For You to Explore ☞ 15 23:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 7 Lesser Known but Unique Web Browsers For You to ExploreSep 15 23:13
AdmFubar 15 23:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Four large US publishers sue ‘shadow library’ for alleged copyright infringement | Books | The GuardianSep 15 23:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 15 23:20
AdmFubar 15 23:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arkansas’ New Anti-Transparency Law Should Piss You OffSep 15 23:22
techrights-newsThe Progressive Era gemini:// 15 23:22
techrights-newsOh No! Anonymous gemini://!-Anonymous.gmiSep 15 23:23
techrights-newsUpcoming Gemini projects gemini:// 15 23:25
techrights-news"I got annoyed at the Gemini crowd because they don’t see any value in giving authors the chance to even specify a SINGLE COLOR, much less allow for inline images of any sort. The idea that even content meant to be read can be reduced to simple text saddens me almost as much as the use of video." gemini:// 15 23:25
techrights-news"Is there a way to delete our accounts here?" gemini:// 15 23:26
techrights-newsGemini Links 15/09/2023: Unity Uproar and Upcoming Gemini Projects | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 15 23:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gemini Links 15/09/2023: Unity Uproar and Upcoming Gemini Projects | TechrightsSep 15 23:29
schestowitzreading now, DaemonFC Sep 15 23:30
AdmFubar 15 23:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meet Honda's latest EV: A rideable suitcase • The RegisterSep 15 23:33
schestowitzmore gimmicks? :-)Sep 15 23:33
schestowitz"proper folders to be deleted."Sep 15 23:47
schestowitzDirectories, DaemonFC ?Sep 15 23:47
schestowitz"unhide hidden folders"Sep 15 23:47
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 15 23:51
techrights-newsMany of these target or accept GNU/Linux 15 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-14 Amazing Fanless Mini Pc for 2023 | Robots.netSep 15 23:59

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