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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Tuesday, October 15, 2019

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scienteshas anyone tries to use a winter sleeping bag in summer?Oct 15 00:07
scientesSouth Korea looks like it has great camping 15 00:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 5 Tips for Camping in Korea - Korean Rooftop TravelOct 15 00:07
psydroidthere are still individuals on forums and websites discouraging people from even running gnu/linux or developing for it, but maybe the difference is that fewer people take them seriously these daysOct 15 00:11
scientes> fewerOct 15 00:14
scientesnone?Oct 15 00:14
scienteswe get a few that develop zig on windowsOct 15 00:14
scientesbut if you do any open source you know what Linux is, and it is clearly the big thingOct 15 00:15
scientesYeah Turkey, Greece, Hungary, Poland is looking pretty cool, but still like 2X the price of Peru Columbia BoliviaOct 15 00:29
scientesI'm not a cheap ass, but I like it to not have to work very muchOct 15 00:29
psydroidin Poland my monthly expenses were something like €450Oct 15 00:31
scientesoh that isn't that badOct 15 00:32
scientesMongolia looks pretty damn coolOct 15 00:32
oiaohmscientes: depends where you are in summer.   There are places in Australia where 35-40 C daylight with -15 nights in summer.Oct 15 00:35
oiaohmscientes: so yes I have used a winter rated kind of sleeping bag in summer as it was kind of require of freeze.Oct 15 00:36
scientesoiaohm, i'm just asking if it is comfortable to have a sleeping bag that is WAY too warmOct 15 00:36
psydroidit was warm at Roskilde where I was volunteering, so I slept with my tent open a little bitOct 15 00:40
psydroidand the sleeping bag tooOct 15 00:40
scienteswow Mongolia is beautifulOct 15 00:44
scientes 15 00:46
scientesnow THAT is a troutOct 15 00:46
oiaohm+Oct 15 00:46
scientes> We suggest bringing along a Russian Phrasebook.Oct 15 00:52
cubexyzI guess everyone saw the sudo vulnerability: CVE-2019-14287Oct 15 02:23
scientesHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOct 15 02:33
scientes> it is possibleOct 15 02:33
scientesto run commands as root by specifying the user ID -1 or 4294967295.Oct 15 02:33
scientes+1 DebianOct 15 02:34
scientes-1 UbuntuOct 15 02:34
scientescubexyz, that is EXACTLY why I run with mitigations disabledOct 15 02:35
scientesthere are tons of stupid bugs like thatOct 15 02:35
*cubexyz nodsOct 15 02:35
scienteshow can i use alipay?Oct 15 02:37
scientesI am having trouble with securecodeOct 15 02:37
scientesthe aliexpres chapcha doesn't seem to work in BoliviaOct 15 02:39
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Oct 15 03:58
-->samiamsam ( has joined #techrightsOct 15 04:13
samiamsamWhat rights should be guaranteed to users of centrally-stored user-to-user message repositories?Oct 15 04:14
scientesright to be spied on?Oct 15 04:22
scientesright to have all ones data deleted from under you?\Oct 15 04:22
scientesright to a single point of failure?Oct 15 04:23
samiamsamscientes: well, that is a pretty good list, but you phrased everything as questions about the oppositeOct 15 04:26
samiamsamright to be spied on...  right to privacyOct 15 04:27
samiamsamright to have all ones data deleted from under you...  right to preservation of dataOct 15 04:27
samiamsamright to a single point of failure...  also falls under right to preservation of data, in a broader senseOct 15 04:28
samiamsamyou also concerned with preservation of functional network connectionsOct 15 04:29
samiamsamwhich is not really 'data'Oct 15 04:29
samiamsampreservation of connectivityOct 15 04:29
scienteswell, a "central" communication system is kinda a mis-nomerOct 15 04:30
samiamsamscientes: what do you think about that?  (1) privacy (2) preservation of data (3) preservation of connectivityOct 15 04:30
scientese-mail kinda had everything you needOct 15 04:30
samiamsamhad?  past tense?Oct 15 04:30
scientesjust no-one had the gusto to solve the spam problemOct 15 04:30
samiamsami see what you are sayingOct 15 04:30
scientesit even had forwardingOct 15 04:30
scientesbut that was the first thing to go for spam reasonsOct 15 04:30
samiamsamemail had the dns problem thouhgOct 15 04:30
scientesits about trustsOct 15 04:30
samiamsamdns ownership problemOct 15 04:31
scientesindeed, it is a very truting protocolOct 15 04:31
samiamsamemail is 100% dependent on dns owned by ~~usa department of commerce~~ icannOct 15 04:31
scientesbut the point was reliabilityOct 15 04:31
samiamsamemail is a good protocol except for dnsOct 15 04:31
scientesexcept it has a spam problemOct 15 04:32
samiamsamand also spamOct 15 04:32
scientesand spam problems are extremely difficult to solveOct 15 04:32
samiamsamspam is through every protocol thoughOct 15 04:32
scientesbecause it always comes down to 1) am i talking to a human, and 2) do i trust youOct 15 04:32
samiamsamspam is definitely everywhereOct 15 04:33
scientesnoOct 15 04:33
scientesthere are communication protocols that lack pamOct 15 04:33
scientesyou just have to preapprove all contactsOct 15 04:33
samiamsamit can't be in the protocol that spam is lackingOct 15 04:33
samiamsamok sureOct 15 04:34
samiamsami have a software project that is based on 'preapproved contacts' defined as gpg uids that have cross-signedOct 15 04:35
samiamsamit works over email though so email _as protocol_ is not really the issueOct 15 04:36
scientesyes the email protocol i not that badOct 15 04:36
samiamsamdid you ever see https://public-inbox.orgOct 15 04:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Index of /Oct 15 04:37
samiamsamif not 15 04:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [ANNOUNCE] public-inbox 1.0.0 - Eric WongOct 15 04:38
scientesok, going to sleepOct 15 04:38
samiamsamgoodnightOct 15 04:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The #OpenStack Train keeps chugging on []Oct 15 04:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Oct 15 04:55
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsOct 15 04:57
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsOct 15 05:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Oct 15 05:29
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 16 Places To Buy A Linux Laptop With Linux Preloaded []Oct 15 05:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Software and Games Leftovers []Oct 15 05:48
-->jagadees (~Thunderbi@ has joined #techrightsOct 15 05:49
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MinceR 15 06:56
MinceR 15 07:02
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MinceR 15 07:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectOct 15 07:17
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schestowitzkaniini: server issues ^ ?Oct 15 07:26
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MinceR 15 07:30
-->RockBrentwood ( has joined #techrightsOct 15 07:35
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schestowitz[22:40] <dyfet> I did find a thread about it on their public mailing list, and in it they are very clear that at least one of the driving motivations is a concern over possible (future) adverse changes in suse ownership; I could understand that clearly.Oct 15 08:29
<--ohama has quit (Disconnected by services)Oct 15 08:29
schestowitzSJVN wrote about it in ZDNYTE last nightOct 15 08:29
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schestowitz[00:46] <scientes> 15 08:31
schestowitzLook at the face of that fish :-(Oct 15 08:31
schestowitzI have more sympathy for the fish than the animals holding itOct 15 08:32
schestowitz[07:17] <MinceR> 15 08:35
schestowitzwhich country is this?Oct 15 08:35
MinceRjapanOct 15 08:36
schestowitzWell, they also put babies on bayonetsOct 15 08:36
schestowitzI don't want to link a photo of thatOct 15 08:36
schestowitznihilistsOct 15 08:36
MinceR:)Oct 15 08:37
MinceRnihilism is simply the understanding of the fact that life has no objective meaning, purpose or intrinsic valueOct 15 08:38
MinceRit's up to each individual to give meaning and purpose to their own lifeOct 15 08:38
schestowitzthis is also goreOct 15 08:42
schestowitznot mere nihilistOct 15 08:42
schestowitzlike the way they treat marine mammalsOct 15 08:42
*schestowitz fine with it, more reasons to boycott Olympics next yearOct 15 08:42
MinceRgore is niceOct 15 08:45
schestowitzshame he lost the 2000 electionOct 15 08:46
schestowitzresulting in lots of gore in the middle east insteadOct 15 08:46
jagadeesits sad that to tell the life has no meaning and purpose, all others have to do meaningful and purposeful work to produce food, shelter, cloths, transportation, internet etcOct 15 08:46
schestowitznihilists are more likely to not contribute to overpopulationOct 15 08:47
MinceRlolOct 15 08:48
schestowitz overpopulation -> lower quality of life -> more nihilism, more suicides, depressionOct 15 08:48
MinceRjagadees: work is not the same as lifeOct 15 08:48
jagadeesto have life somebody has to do workOct 15 08:49
MinceRand a life that is about nothing but work is dreary indeedOct 15 08:49
schestowitzat Fosconn et al workers LIVE in the wordplaceOct 15 08:49
schestowitzbunk bedsOct 15 08:49
MinceRonly until the necessary technology is produced to do all our workOct 15 08:49
schestowitzfarmers in India sometimes live 'in' the farmOct 15 08:49
schestowitzwith debt to Monsanto et alOct 15 08:49
jagadeesend in same monsanto liquidOct 15 08:50
schestowitzMinceR: they we will be called "unemployed"Oct 15 08:50
schestowitzby the robot ownersOct 15 08:50
MinceRnow they call themselves Bayer, not Monsanto :>Oct 15 08:50
schestowitzwhose handouts they'll call "generous" and "charity"Oct 15 08:50
MinceRschestowitz: not the relevant partOct 15 08:50
schestowitz"welfare"Oct 15 08:50
MinceRthe relevant part is whether we will all have our own robots and live in a post-scarcity societyOct 15 08:51
MinceRs/society/economy/Oct 15 08:51
schestowitz[08:50] <MinceR> now they call themselves Bayer, not Monsanto :>Oct 15 08:51
schestowitzgood, now we can link RoundUp to nazis and genocides more easilyOct 15 08:51
schestowitzBASF alsoOct 15 08:51
MinceR:>Oct 15 08:51
schestowitzDuPont and Monsanto could, at best, be linked to war crimes in Vietnam prior to this buyoutOct 15 08:52
MinceRwhat's the relationship between bayer and basf?Oct 15 08:52
schestowitzAgent Orange, more deadly than the Napalm and BoeingOct 15 08:52
schestowitzchemical warfare with nitrogenOct 15 08:53
schestowitzMinceR: I think they're offshootsOct 15 08:53
schestowitzwikipedia explains the history of those German chemical giants, I think there's another third tentacle to themOct 15 08:53
MinceRwikipedia claims basf was founded independentlyOct 15 08:53
schestowitzBig "clients" of the EPOOct 15 08:53
MinceRand so was bayerOct 15 08:54
schestowitzhahaOct 15 08:54
schestowitzI'm sure Kötter Group as well 15 08:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Q2 Midterm Weather Forecast for EPOnia, Part 4: Happy Birthday to the Kötter Group? | TechrightsOct 15 08:55
schestowitz"family business"Oct 15 08:55
schestowitzThat\s how they present themselvesOct 15 08:55
schestowitzfamily business... started by throwing families in cagesOct 15 08:55
schestowitzthen "cremating" themOct 15 08:55
schestowitzMaybe Modi can find inspiration for Keralans... and Gates give him another awardOct 15 08:55
MinceRit's not necessary for an evil corporation to start out as evilOct 15 08:56
MinceRred hat is a pretty good exampleOct 15 08:56
schestowitz (Likely) Pedophile rewards gag-rape and ethnic cleansing in India 15 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Will Bill Gates’ Bribes to the Leader of India Harm India’s GNU/Linux Adoption and Will Gates Ever be Held Accountable for His Many Crimes? | TechrightsOct 15 08:56
schestowitzOr even Jammu and KashmirisOct 15 08:56
MinceRiirc SCO was anotherOct 15 08:56
schestowitzSanta CruzOct 15 08:56
schestowitzroots related to NovellOct 15 08:56
schestowitzRay NoordaOct 15 08:56
schestowitzCalderaOct 15 08:57
schestowitznothing tech comes out of Utah anymoreOct 15 08:57
MinceR 15 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectOct 15 08:57
schestowitzsame for Finland after Microsoft had killed NokiaOct 15 08:57
schestowitzMinceR: bargain artOct 15 08:58
MinceR 15 09:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectOct 15 09:03
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schestowitz 15 12:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Bruce has seen what happened to #eich and #stallman and wants to appease the sacred Enforcers Of The COC. A technologist focused on social justice is like a DJ focused on farming." 15 12:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | SoylentNews Comments | Bruce Schneier Recommends New Type of TechnologistOct 15 12:41
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schestowitzhi, KiwiCoolOct 15 13:36
KiwiCoolHi!Oct 15 13:37
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schestowitzit's  baaaackOct 15 15:08
MinceR 15 15:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Oct 15 15:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: [ES] El Kernel de Linux está introduciendo Open Source Privative Software #spanish translation []Oct 15 15:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Plasma 5.17.0 #kde #plasma #gnu #linux #qt []Oct 15 15:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Announcing Rustup 1.20.0 []Oct 15 15:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #NordPy : An #OpenSource #Linux Client for #NordVPN []Oct 15 15:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: How GNOME uses Git []Oct 15 15:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: State of Calibre in Debian []Oct 15 15:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian and Ubuntu Patch Critical Sudo Security Vulnerability, Update Now []Oct 15 15:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers #google #linux []Oct 15 15:20
MinceR 15 15:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectOct 15 15:33
MinceR 15 15:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: How to THRIVE, in Uncertain Times for Free Software []Oct 15 16:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Oct 15 16:08
-->P_B (~subprime@unaffiliated/subprime) has joined #techrightsOct 15 16:12
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Meet the Villupuram group of engineers educating students about free and open software []Oct 15 16:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Kernel 5.2 Reached End of Life, Users Urged to Upgrade to Linux Kernel 5.3 []Oct 15 16:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Oct 15 16:22
-->samiamsam ( has joined #techrightsOct 15 16:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Coffee Lake embedded PC has six USB 3.0 ports and GbE with BMC []Oct 15 16:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Windows 10 vs. Linux OpenGL/Vulkan Driver Performance With Intel Icelake Iris Plus Graphics []Oct 15 16:29
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Firefox’s New WebSocket Inspector []Oct 15 16:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 7 Linux Applications You Should Start Using Right Now []Oct 15 16:41
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: The Universim, POSTAL 4: No Regerts, RPCS3, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Games Archive and X-Plane []Oct 15 17:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: ...So This GNU/Linux User Goes to a Pub With Swapnil and Jim []Oct 15 17:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDE neon 5.17 []Oct 15 17:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Enters Final Freeze Ahead of October 17th Release []Oct 15 17:24
<--Firee has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Oct 15 17:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux security hole: Much sudo about nothing []Oct 15 17:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Oct 15 17:29
MinceR(audio:unimportant)   ( )Oct 15 17:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Whatcha dreaming about? - Album on ImgurOct 15 17:29
-->Polar_Bear (~subprime@unaffiliated/subprime) has joined #techrightsOct 15 17:35
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Proprietary Software Security and FOSS Patches []Oct 15 17:48
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MinceR 15 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-LGR - IBM PCjr Vintage Computer System Review - YouTubeOct 15 17:55
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MinceR15 202546 < funnyNameButt> I was just looking at my ceiling. Not sure if it’s the best ceiling in the world, but it’s definitely up there.Oct 15 19:38
MinceR 15 19:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Dialogue on Freedom - Existential ComicsOct 15 19:43
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MinceR(audio:important) 15 19:52
MinceR(audio:important)   ( )Oct 15 20:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-You ever heard a speed kitty meow? - Album on ImgurOct 15 20:24
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MinceR 15 20:51
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scientesOK, I am going to go to SpainOct 15 21:54
scientesthat way I can keep learning SpanishOct 15 21:54
scientesits still crazy service-industry howeverOct 15 21:54
scientesso maybe bad ideaOct 15 21:54
scientesmutual back-scratchingOct 15 21:55
scienteswhy do you need a damn license to fihOct 15 21:59
scientesfishOct 15 21:59
scientesuggggh, there isn't enough nature in EuropeOct 15 22:09
scientesso where are all these ghost villages in spain?Oct 15 22:10
MinceR(audio:unimportant) 15 22:11
scientes\Oct 15 22:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @\ )Oct 15 22:12
scientesahh that is where i should goOct 15 22:12
scientesgeeeze, how can anyone afford thisOct 15 22:14
scientesbuses in europe are EXPENSIVEOct 15 22:14
scienteshow can you live if you don't have transportationOct 15 22:16
scientesit make life mierableOct 15 22:16
psydroidwhere are you thinking of going?Oct 15 22:16
MinceRwhich is one reason why life in budapest sucksOct 15 22:16
psydroidreally?Oct 15 22:17
scientesi was going to spainOct 15 22:17
psydroidyou can't just get a bike?Oct 15 22:18
scientesbut it look too expenive to explore the abandoned village in spainOct 15 22:18
scientesyeah I can do thatOct 15 22:18
*XRevan86 is 5km away from metroOct 15 22:18
*scientes swam 5km todayOct 15 22:19
*XRevan86 cannot take a bike there as there's no footpath between here and thereOct 15 22:19
*psydroid grew up in a village where there was barely any public transport, so he found himself biking quite oftenOct 15 22:19
MinceRyou can get a bike, and then you can get hit on the roadOct 15 22:20
scientesbut yeah, make some money, then get a bike and just travel aroundOct 15 22:20
MinceRthe bike path network is laughable and the people drive like retarded maniacsOct 15 22:20
scientesit so weird thinking about bikeOct 15 22:20
XRevan86And the road is very packed, since it's like a lifeline and a very thin oneOct 15 22:20
psydroidoh, I see what you meanOct 15 22:20
psydroidyeah, I would never bike in DublinOct 15 22:20
MinceRdriving a car is dangerous enoughOct 15 22:20
scienteslatin american buses are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO goodOct 15 22:20
scientesand so cheapOct 15 22:20
psydroidyou hear these stories of people dying in trafficOct 15 22:20
psydroidand start wondering "are these people using their brains or what?"Oct 15 22:21
scientesbut in my 2 weeks in SF I will do some forrest trekingOct 15 22:21
scientesin places i already know north of the cityOct 15 22:21
psydroidif you really want to bike as a way of doing exercises, you can always just get an exercise bike like the one I have here at homeOct 15 22:21
scientesdumbOct 15 22:22
scientesand bicycle i a bad form of excerciseOct 15 22:22
scientesits not very balancedOct 15 22:22
psydroidyeahOct 15 22:22
scientesswimming is the most well roundedOct 15 22:22
scientesmaybe visit this too 15 22:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fort Ross, California - WikipediaOct 15 22:23
scientesoh woah, its way up thereOct 15 22:24
samiamsambest form of exercise is kettlebell swingsOct 15 22:24
scientesi would need another week to go up there on footOct 15 22:25
samiamsam 15 22:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Library Genesis: Pavel Tsatsouline - The Quick and the Dead Total Training for the Advanced MinimalisOct 15 22:25
scientesmaybe walk from Santa RoaOct 15 22:25
samiamsamor for beginners 15 22:25
scientes 15 22:25
scientesI wanted to do thiOct 15 22:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Library Genesis: Pavel Tsatsouline - Kettlebell Simple & SinisterOct 15 22:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Google MapsOct 15 22:25
scientesbut i don't have time, and transportation is the US is too expeniveOct 15 22:26
scientesand its november so the days are too longOct 15 22:26
scientes*too shortOct 15 22:26
psydroidI think it's really nice to do these kinds of things in Eastern EuropeOct 15 22:27
scientesyeah but you can't walk for 5 days straight into nature in eastern europeOct 15 22:27
scientesyou have to go to russia for thatOct 15 22:27
scientesget killed by one of these,-121.046057,3a,108.6y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPrX7UnyQ3jXRCc3-hv1i9CaoC9C38C4XEDsvm9!2e10!3e12!!7i531!8i299!4m5!3m4!1s0x54849b72a973076f:0x57c3fad1eac0c7f4!8m2!3d48.8743307!4d-121.046057?hl=es-419Oct 15 22:28
scientessmall black bearsOct 15 22:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Google MapsOct 15 22:28
scienteswill i find people to do these type of things with in Budapest?Oct 15 22:28
scientesit just seems like in Spain i can keep practicing my spanishOct 15 22:29
scienteseven thought they have a nutty service economyOct 15 22:29
psydroidI just never respond to any offers I get for positions in Southern and Eastern EuropeOct 15 22:30
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oct 15 22:31
psydroidI did it once and spent almost a year and half in Poland, but I wouldn't do it againOct 15 22:31
scientesI have to go to Poland when my shenghen visa expireOct 15 22:31
scientesPoland has a special thing with USOct 15 22:31
XRevan86psze-pszeOct 15 22:31
scientesits so beautiful,-121.0556048,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMaS-u61t_Z8jbGD14_CT_aMFRdRnU9V1YOF6UT!2e10!3e12!!7i1233!8i925!4m5!3m4!1s0x54849b72a973076f:0x57c3fad1eac0c7f4!8m2!3d48.8743307!4d-121.046057?hl=es-419Oct 15 22:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Google MapsOct 15 22:32
scientesthere is a 33eu flight from london to budapetOct 15 22:40
scientesahhhh my keyboard decided to become shitOct 15 22:40
scientesdon't know whyOct 15 22:40
scientesmaybe bread crumbOct 15 22:40
MinceR 15 22:45
psydroidflying in Europe can be very cheapOct 15 22:45
scientesyeah it kind of supried me, that i withh a carry on tooOct 15 22:46
scientesok, so how do i avoid my carry-on getting checked?Oct 15 22:47
scientesat the gateOct 15 22:47
scientesand ending up in the wrong cityOct 15 22:47
MinceRmake sure it obeys the regulations (size, forbidden items, etc.); make sure you arrive early enough so the stowage area isn't filled up (priority boarding helps)Oct 15 22:48
MinceRif there's a seat in front of you and has under-seat storage and your carry-on fits there, that's easierOct 15 22:48
scientesit doentOct 15 22:48
MinceR 15 22:56
<--pedro4 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 15 23:05
scientesMinceR, hehOct 15 23:15
scientes" Common achievements"Oct 15 23:17
<--chomwitt has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.3)Oct 15 23:20
scientesgod damn, they have this funky rating systemOct 15 23:25
scientesif I want to get the grad school scholarship i will have to publish the presentation i am givingOct 15 23:25
scientesI would rather just do the damn work than be vain about itOct 15 23:25
scientesuggggh, academiaOct 15 23:25
MinceRayyyyy, macarenaOct 15 23:26
scientescause a report is only up to 10 points, while a paper is up to 30 pointsOct 15 23:26
scientesand doing a stupid online class is 15 points uggghhhhhhhhhOct 15 23:27
scientesi don't even read papers unless they are really good and NOT published (like Ulrich Dreppers stuff)--its usually a waste of timeOct 15 23:29
scientesand there is also the famous computer-generated papers Oct 15 23:29
scientesthat are publishedOct 15 23:29
MinceR 15 23:30
scienteshow do i publish a computer science paper?Oct 15 23:35
scientesbut there is no way in hell it can get published in timeOct 15 23:35
scientesand it is such a waste of time to write such a paperOct 15 23:36
scientesi have read such stupid papersOct 15 23:36
scientesthey are worthless "SHOW ME THE CODE"Oct 15 23:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Oct 15 23:39
scientesbut seriously, the 15 points for an online class is pretty excessiveOct 15 23:47

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