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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Monday, September 16, 2019

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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNOME and gestures, Part 2: HdyLeaflet []Sep 16 00:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat: Fedora's Power Architecture Builds, WebSphere/WebLogic's Demise, Red Hat’s David Egts []Sep 16 00:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kubernetes Leftovers []Sep 16 00:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.3 []Sep 16 00:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: New Distro Releases: EasyOS Buster 2.1.3, EasyOS Pyro 1.2.3 and IPFire 2.23 - Core Update 136 []Sep 16 00:29
-->cubexyz ( has joined #techrightsSep 16 00:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian Community Team (CT) and miniDebConf19 Vaumarcu []Sep 16 00:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Hyperledger and Financing FOSS []Sep 16 00:42
DaemonFC[m]I actually really like the new Opera browser.Sep 16 01:08
DaemonFC[m]The complaints are it's hard to find the RPM and I had to whack their and symlink it to the one from RPM Fusion with the MPEG codecs in it.Sep 16 01:09
DaemonFC[m]I suppose every time it updates, I'll still need to fix that.Sep 16 01:09
DaemonFC[m]I don't think they ever aggressively removed that Presto engine code leak.Sep 16 01:10
DaemonFC[m]They commented that it wouldn't produce a complete web browser even if compiled and that it provided people still hanging onto Opera 12 incentive to use the newer ones because most of the engine code for Presto was out there, but Opera wouldn't be releasing security patches for Opera 12.Sep 16 01:11
DaemonFC[m]In fact, it may have been intentional to get people to update.Sep 16 01:11
*XRevan86 doesn't think the leak does anything in one way or another.Sep 16 01:13
DaemonFC[m]I think some Russian guy is maintaining patches against it so it still builds.Sep 16 01:13
DaemonFC[m]But it would definitely get less useful over time. Sep 16 01:13
XRevan86That's just some doomed code. Whether it's out there or not, it's still doomed.Sep 16 01:13
DaemonFC[m]"Opera 12.02, released on August 30, 2012, was the last version that would run under Windows 2000. The succeeding versions would need at least Windows XP."Sep 16 01:15
XRevan86scientes: Let's see what you've learnt so far…Sep 16 01:16
DaemonFC[m]Interesting. Given that the point updates were just patches, what was so hard about continuing to support Windows 2000 for the remaining time Opera 12 was supported?Sep 16 01:16
XRevan86scientes: do you get the joke? :DSep 16 01:16
DaemonFC[m]I could see dropping Windows 2000 from the Chromium releases since Chromium doesn't support Windows 2000 anyway.Sep 16 01:16
DaemonFC[m]Dropped XP too.Sep 16 01:17
DaemonFC[m]I'm not sure what the oldest version of Windows Chrome runs on is.Sep 16 01:17
XRevan86Windows 7 most likely.Sep 16 01:17
DaemonFC[m]Yeah.Sep 16 01:18
DaemonFC[m]Debian 8, Fedora 24, openSUSE 13.3, and Ubuntu 14.04 are the oldest for Linux.Sep 16 01:18
DaemonFC[m]Probably some security features of the Chrome sandbox that require a Linux kernel that has something.Sep 16 01:19
XRevan86Great, because 13.3 never existedSep 16 01:19
DaemonFC[m]Apparently, it does not officially support CentOS.Sep 16 01:19
DaemonFC[m]I'm guessing it probably runs on CentOS.Sep 16 01:19
XRevan86If it's fresh enough, then why notSep 16 01:20
DaemonFC[m]RHEL point updates usually backport tons of stuff these days.Sep 16 01:20
DaemonFC[m]Newer versions of GNOME, even.Sep 16 01:21
XRevan86"What is the full context for what happened and what RMS said about that?" – no need, I got the picture.Sep 16 02:10
r_schestowitzXRevan86: I am writing about itSep 16 02:48
r_schestowitzhang onSep 16 02:48
r_schestowitzit will be long and detailedSep 16 02:48
r_schestowitzXRevan86: do you want to help me?Sep 16 02:49
r_schestowitzwith fact-checking and proof-reading?Sep 16 02:49
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsSep 16 02:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 16/9/2019: Linux 5.3, EasyOS Releases, Media Backlash Against RMS []Sep 16 03:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Richard Stallman's Controversial Views Are Nothing New and They Distract From Bill Gates' Vastly Worse Role []Sep 16 03:25
r_schestowitzsent to RMS just now:Sep 16 03:54
r_schestowitzRoy Schestowitz wrote on 09/09/2019 04:15:>> Meanwhile, I am working on an article to publish.Sep 16 03:54
r_schestowitz> This is very good. I look forward to it.Sep 16 03:54
r_schestowitzAny progress on that (article about Microsoft visit)?Sep 16 03:54
r_schestowitzAs a side note, it seems like media tries to shift attention away from Bill Gates' MIT scandal by talking about you:Sep 16 03:54
r_schestowitz 16 03:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman’s Controversial Views Are Nothing New and They Distract From Bill Gates’ Vastly Worse Role | TechrightsSep 16 03:54
r_schestowitz 16 03:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Not a Diaspora post?Sep 16 03:57
r_schestowitz"Wut ??? Is the paid media bombarding him with brown journalism ??? When did this happen ???"Sep 16 03:57
r_schestowitzSince like... forever?Sep 16 03:57
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Sep 16 04:03
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsSep 16 04:22
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Sep 16 04:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Review from an openSUSE User []Sep 16 05:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Sep 16 05:13
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsSep 16 05:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Free as in Sausage Making: Inside the Debian Project []Sep 16 06:05
r_schestowitz>> Andy Updegrove is with Team Zemlin now. Listed on top of management.Sep 16 06:25
r_schestowitz>> Groklaw used to warn about what "Linux Foundation" had become due toSep 16 06:25
r_schestowitz>> leadership changes. Updegrove had also worked for Microsoft briefly;Sep 16 06:25
r_schestowitz>> salary mentioned in IRS filing appendices.Sep 16 06:25
r_schestowitz> I only knew of him via his work with the OpenDocument Format.  WhichSep 16 06:25
r_schestowitz> time period was he at M$.  His capture would explain a sudden quietnessSep 16 06:25
r_schestowitz> which though I noticed at the time I cannot recall which years.Sep 16 06:25
r_schestowitzHe was a CodePlex adviser IIRC. He works for LF through his law firm (see IRS filing in ProPublica)Sep 16 06:25
r_schestowitzAlso research of use:Sep 16 06:27
r_schestowitzGo through list of LF management one by one, see their past employment that is NOT disclosed in their LF  bio.Sep 16 06:27
---MinceR_ is now known as MinceRSep 16 06:46
r_schestowitz[06:52] <r_schestowitz> >> He was a CodePlex adviser IIRC. He works for LF through his law firmSep 16 06:53
r_schestowitz[06:52] <r_schestowitz> >> (see IRS filing in ProPublica)Sep 16 06:53
r_schestowitz[06:52] <r_schestowitz> > Yes, I see that his firm is now somehow associated with LF, thoughSep 16 06:53
r_schestowitz[06:52] <r_schestowitz> > propublica's interface is innavigable.  However it does not haveSep 16 06:53
r_schestowitz[06:52] <r_schestowitz> > information about his LLP specifically.  I am wondering whether hisSep 16 06:53
r_schestowitz[06:52] <r_schestowitz> > disappearance from the lists and forums coincided with being hired by M$.Sep 16 06:53
r_schestowitz[06:52] <r_schestowitz> This is the kind of stuff that needs researching. I already spent a lot of time on it.Sep 16 06:53
-->rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsSep 16 07:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Feh is a light-weight command-line image viewer for Linux []Sep 16 07:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Review: BlackWeb 1.2 []Sep 16 07:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Sep 16 08:23
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux commands to display your hardware information []Sep 16 08:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos and programming []Sep 16 08:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Qt Quick on Vulkan, Metal, and Direct3D []Sep 16 08:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []Sep 16 09:02
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Sep 16 09:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 16/9/2019: Qt Quick on Vulkan, Metal, and Direct3D; BlackWeb 1.2 Reviewed []Sep 16 09:18
-->rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsSep 16 09:40
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Sep 16 09:52
XRevan86scientes: 16 13:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLESep 16 13:07
XRevan86 and now thisSep 16 13:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google TranslateSep 16 13:08
XRevan86The Navalny's Foundation Against Corruption claims it got in its possession a full database of registered in the Moscow online voting, 12 000 people.Sep 16 13:15
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsSep 16 14:34
r_schestowitzXRevan86: wowSep 16 15:03
r_schestowitzI relayed this stuffSep 16 15:03
r_schestowitzoddly enough: some of that meduza stuff I don't get in RSSSep 16 15:03
r_schestowitzlike it's not entered into themSep 16 15:03
r_schestowitzthis is at least the second time I notice thisSep 16 15:03
XRevan86schestowitz: My text is a translation of the title of the articleSep 16 15:12
XRevan86 16 15:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLESep 16 15:13
XRevan86schestowitz: Maybe it's because that was in "stories"…Sep 16 15:14
XRevan86 although this is too, and it's in the feedSep 16 15:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLESep 16 15:14
r_schestowitzthat last one is already in techrightsSep 16 15:17
r_schestowitzthese look like differentSep 16 15:17
r_schestowitzsites look at the fontsSep 16 15:17
XRevan86> Pro-regime candidates received significantly more support in online voting than they did in paper ballots in all three races.Sep 16 15:17
XRevan86I can explain that away like this: those who register in online voting trust the regime more, maybe that's why they favour regime candidates. But who knows, still peculiar.Sep 16 15:17
XRevan86schestowitz: What do you mean?Sep 16 15:18
r_schestowitzmaybe one is just the slide?Sep 16 15:18
r_schestowitzsome of these reports or slides I did  not get in the RSS feedSep 16 15:18
r_schestowitzThis one I get 16 15:19
r_schestowitznot 16 15:19
r_schestowitzI noticed the same with other links you and scientes posted hereSep 16 15:20
XRevan86Oh, the URLSep 16 15:20
r_schestowitzso it's like I'm missing some postsSep 16 15:20
XRevan86 16 15:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - VampireSep 16 15:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: It Stares Back, Receiver, Beyond Blue, NARWHAR Project Hornwhale, Buoyancy, Overcooked and Shing! []Sep 16 15:24
XRevan86schestowitz: I don't see it in their Twitter either.Sep 16 15:25
r_schestowitzoddSep 16 15:31
r_schestowitzI love their site, XRevan86Sep 16 15:32
r_schestowitzI link to almost everythingSep 16 15:32
r_schestowitzRussia is a big country, but new in English - real news - is hard to findSep 16 15:32
r_schestowitzRT is a joke to meSep 16 15:32
r_schestowitzsame issue in chinaSep 16 15:32
r_schestowitzchinese state media is a joke, it's always propaganda when they cover topics I know such as patentsSep 16 15:32
XRevan86Indeed. I just posted to you an article in Russian, and just an hour later it's translated.Sep 16 15:32
r_schestowitzthey write from a  'government script'Sep 16 15:32
r_schestowitzI linked to the translationSep 16 15:33
r_schestowitzI also quoted youSep 16 15:33
r_schestowitzit's good because it shows how online voting is a scamSep 16 15:33
r_schestowitzmore so than generic electronic votingSep 16 15:33
r_schestowitzfake noveltySep 16 15:33
XRevan86I saw. In the end that was unnecessary, does it better :)Sep 16 15:33
XRevan86schestowitz: And they also used BLOCKCHAINSep 16 15:34
XRevan86that by itself solves everythingSep 16 15:34
r_schestowitz<hahaSep 16 15:35
r_schestowitzhow about hey hiSep 16 15:35
r_schestowitzdoes their rss use hey hi?Sep 16 15:35
XRevan86To select articles? %)Sep 16 15:35
r_schestowitzsmart hey hiSep 16 15:35
r_schestowitzfor my iotSep 16 15:35
XRevan86In a world full of insecure routers, we need more connected devicesSep 16 15:36
XRevan86It's really quite ludicrous.Sep 16 15:42
r_schestowitzinsecure by designSep 16 15:42
r_schestowitzopen ports, static passwordsSep 16 15:42
r_schestowitzit's for our "responsible governments"Sep 16 15:42
r_schestowitzwe're all "terrorists waiting to be discovered"Sep 16 15:42
XRevan86I feel like there should be some kind of class in schools that explains that software is hidden complexity.Sep 16 15:43
XRevan86And that complexity is 99% of the time executed poorly.Sep 16 15:43
XRevan86and if you can see whether your hammer is missing a handle with your bare eyesSep 16 15:43
XRevan86but with software it's a bit harder than thatSep 16 15:44
r_schestowitzdepends on the underlying architecture of itSep 16 15:44
XRevan86schestowitz: The hammer analogy works with that tooSep 16 15:45
XRevan86you can see whether your hammer is made out of toilet paper glued with spitSep 16 15:45
XRevan86but with software the underlying architecture is not that obviousSep 16 15:46
XRevan86especially to those who don't know what to look forSep 16 15:46
XRevan86which is almost everyoneSep 16 15:47
r_schestowitzhammer is not the best analogySep 16 15:48
r_schestowitzthink of a lockSep 16 15:48
r_schestowitzbetter for securitySep 16 15:48
r_schestowitzthink of those darn 'smart' locksSep 16 15:49
r_schestowitzcompared to classic onesSep 16 15:49
r_schestowitzwhich one is easier to repair and secure?Sep 16 15:49
r_schestowitzI see this crap all the time in the gymSep 16 15:49
r_schestowitzthey spend a fortune maintaining and fixing (replacing) this piles of plastic and metalSep 16 15:49
XRevan86schestowitz: I'm focusing on computers being a magical black box.Sep 16 15:50
XRevan86and unlike something non-programmable, inside there are billions of instructionsSep 16 15:51
XRevan86And an unexperienced person can't even tell if those are done right or not.Sep 16 15:53
XRevan86What kind of security can there possibly be if the user has no control over what their tool is even doing?Sep 16 15:54
XRevan86Even with well-maintained software there are sometimes hiccupsSep 16 15:55
XRevan86s/sometimes/all the time/Sep 16 15:55
XRevan86Even if there is good "IoT" done right, even if we ignore that even that is not a guarantee, the user doesn't know they should buy that and not the cheaper alternative on Linux 2.6.42.Sep 16 15:57
XRevan86If users cared, having OpenWrt on a router pre-installed would've been a great competitive advantage.Sep 16 15:58
XRevan86And I didn't even touch the problem that these devices usually have another master apart from the user.Sep 16 16:02
XRevan86who has the ultimate authority over what the device doesSep 16 16:03
XRevan86and when that master goes out of business, there's a non-zero chance the device will tooSep 16 16:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Why Debian Is the Gold Standard of Upstream Desktop Linux []Sep 16 16:12
-->rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsSep 16 16:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Stable kernels 5.2.15, 4.19.73, 4.14.144, 4.9.193, and 4.4.193 []Sep 16 16:12
<--balrog has quit (Quit: Bye)Sep 16 16:13
-->balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #techrightsSep 16 16:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Can a Raspberry Pi 4 really replace your PC? []Sep 16 16:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: New webpage for Plasma Desktop []Sep 16 16:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Chuwi AeroBook review: Testing 5 Linux distributions []Sep 16 16:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNOME Firmware App Launches Officially to Make Updating Firmware Easier on Linux []Sep 16 16:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: New WireGuard Snapshot Offers Better Compatibility With Distributions/Kernels []Sep 16 16:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #PulseAudio 13 Released with Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio Support, More []Sep 16 16:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: A Simple Review of GNOME 3.34 []Sep 16 16:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU Linux-libre 5.3-gnu []Sep 16 16:52
XRevan86 16 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: PrescienceSep 16 16:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Sep 16 17:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #cmus – free terminal-based audio player #freesw #gnu #linux []Sep 16 17:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Sep 16 17:30
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.4 and Linux Foundation's Reactive Foundation []Sep 16 17:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos and programming []Sep 16 17:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []Sep 16 17:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 16/9/2019: GNU Linux-libre 5.3, GNU World Order 13×38, Vista 10 Breaks Itself Again []Sep 16 18:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #GhostBSD 19.09 Now Available #bsd #unix []Sep 16 18:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Flathub vs. Snap Store: Which App Store Should You Use? []Sep 16 18:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Sep 16 18:55
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 16 19:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNOME's Sammy Fung and Bin Li []Sep 16 19:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: SUSE: YaST Development Sprint 84 and SUSE 'in Space' []Sep 16 19:06
DaemonFC[m]Probation isn't happy that I defaulted on the car.Sep 16 19:09
DaemonFC[m]She told John he could go get a lawyer and try to sue me. I'm not really worried about him doing it. He's such a lazy pig, and he spends all his money as soon as he gets it anyway.Sep 16 19:10
DaemonFC[m]He's not going to hire a lawyer, and even if he does, I'll hit him with a bankruptcy and shut down the lawsuit before we even get to voir dire.Sep 16 19:10
r_schestowitzlolSep 16 19:10
r_schestowitzdos emSep 16 19:10
DaemonFC[m]So fuck him.Sep 16 19:10
r_schestowitzsod emSep 16 19:10
r_schestowitzthen DoS them, it was a typoSep 16 19:10
DaemonFC[m]Precisely.Sep 16 19:11
DaemonFC[m]I think probation got even more pissed when I started to laugh before I regained my composure and then said, "Oh, okay then. So not a probation issue?".Sep 16 19:11
DaemonFC[m]She's like, "What do you mean?".Sep 16 19:12
DaemonFC[m]I say, "Well, it's a civil matter, right?".Sep 16 19:12
DaemonFC[m]She's like, "Yeah, but it doesn't look good.". I was like, "Oh, alrighty then. What do you want me to do with the car?".Sep 16 19:12
DaemonFC[m]She's like, "I don't know. You need to talk to your attorney.".Sep 16 19:12
DaemonFC[m]So I called my lawyer and asked if the car could mean consequences regarding probation or the sentence for the disorderly, and he said no, and I said, "Okay, I'll just drop it off at the dealership.".Sep 16 19:13
DaemonFC[m]I call probation back and say "I dropped it off at the dealership with their manager, Sean. I have his number if you need to talk to him.".Sep 16 19:14
DaemonFC[m]She's like, "Well, it's not really a probation issue. I just passed along John's concerns.".Sep 16 19:14
DaemonFC[m]I said, "Oh, the finance company will explain his options to him.".Sep 16 19:14
DaemonFC[m]She says, "I have to go. I'm late for a meeting.".Sep 16 19:14
DaemonFC[m]He can sue me, but all he'll end up doing is paying an attorney and filing costs just to eat that along with the car when the automatic stay kicks in.Sep 16 19:16
DaemonFC[m]The only thing he accomplished by redusing to voluntarily surrender the car before the no contact order went into effect and I couldn't talk to him anymore was additional storage and repo costs from the finance company.Sep 16 19:18
DaemonFC[m]Then he called my probation officer and I returned the car via involuntary repo via dealership, which means Kia sues 2 months before they would have.Sep 16 19:19
DaemonFC[m]He managed to add about $2,000 to what he owes them and speed up the lawsuit by trying to make me look bad.Sep 16 19:19
DaemonFC[m]Well, when you co-sign a loan under Illinois law, you are obligating yourself to pay up to and including the full amount of the loan, and they don't even have to go after the person you co-signed for.Sep 16 19:23
DaemonFC[m]It's a very big risk and you should not take it lightly.Sep 16 19:23
DaemonFC[m]Especially not when you will eventually probably be responsible for tanking the relationship and making them unable to pay if they wanted to and angry at you.Sep 16 19:24
DaemonFC[m]It's even risky to co-sign for someone you're married to.Sep 16 19:24
DaemonFC[m]r_schestowitz: Gonad the Barbarian was on the title to the 2003 Chevy mom's letting me drive now.Sep 16 19:25
DaemonFC[m]He died in 2016 after they had been divorced for 8 years.Sep 16 19:25
DaemonFC[m]He never agreed to take his name off the title. Mom paid for a copy of his death certificate and took it down to the DMV to get his name removed.Sep 16 19:26
DaemonFC[m]Mom said she was worried some of his family members would try to get the car.Sep 16 19:27
DaemonFC[m]I told her, "Yeah, it's convenient when you're already being taken down to court every week in handcuffs by state officials with a baton and a gun and a big hat anyway."Sep 16 19:28
DaemonFC[m]What's a probation officer like? It's like the TSA, only with a bit of authority, you don't get to go to Disney World, and you have to pee in a cup while you're there. Sep 16 19:29
r_schestowitz[19:34] <r_schestowitz> lolSep 16 19:35
r_schestowitz[19:34] <r_schestowitz> GonadSep 16 19:35
r_schestowitz[19:34] <r_schestowitz> back when we were in our 20sSep 16 19:35
DaemonFC[m]r_schestowitz: Like, what the fuck does she want me to do?Sep 16 19:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: CodeWeavers, gamepad and Cascade []Sep 16 19:35
DaemonFC[m]Keep paying on a car that has Scumbucket on it, after he got me convicted of a crime?Sep 16 19:35
DaemonFC[m]After I can't talk to him anymore?Sep 16 19:35
DaemonFC[m]After he called my mom to gloat?Sep 16 19:36
DaemonFC[m]After he stalked me and my family all summer?Sep 16 19:36
DaemonFC[m]Fuck him.Sep 16 19:36
r_schestowitzdon'tSep 16 19:36
r_schestowitzhe's not your ageSep 16 19:36
r_schestowitzand he did your momSep 16 19:37
r_schestowitzwhich makes it weirdSep 16 19:37
DaemonFC[m]I took that thing right down to the dealer, pulled the plates off, canceled the insurance, and told the finance company where to get it.Sep 16 19:37
DaemonFC[m]John?Sep 16 19:37
DaemonFC[m]I talked strategy before I accepted the plea deal. The lawyer said we might be able to put some more pressure on the state for a better one, but this was hard to pass up. Sep 16 19:38
DaemonFC[m]I told him it would be even harder to pass up in light of John going ballistic a week or two later.Sep 16 19:39
DaemonFC[m]The car thing is sort of a mixed bag.Sep 16 19:40
DaemonFC[m]It looks bad, but it's too late for it to factor into my plea deal/sentence.Sep 16 19:40
DaemonFC[m]And it might have been the reason Scumbucket backed off.Sep 16 19:41
r_schestowitz'deal'Sep 16 19:45
r_schestowitzso-called lealsSep 16 19:45
r_schestowitzthey always suckSep 16 19:45
r_schestowitzpeople blackmailed into accepting these, but I dunno...Sep 16 19:45
r_schestowitzthe rich don't need these deals, they fight onSep 16 19:45
r_schestowitzthe poor just surrenderSep 16 19:45
r_schestowitzfor "plea deals"Sep 16 19:46
DaemonFC[m]r_schestowitz: I could have fought the original charges. A double aggravated assault with deadly weapon.Sep 16 19:52
DaemonFC[m]But it would have taken 2-3 months just to get to a trial, and they only wanted 4 months of supervised probation.Sep 16 19:53
DaemonFC[m]Besides, when Scumbucket found out about the car, I knew he'd start screaming bloody murder and the prosecutor would either change the deal to be much worse and dare us to take it or risk a trial, or just withdraw the deal entirely.Sep 16 19:54
DaemonFC[m]I had about two weeks before Scumbucket called in and checked to see if the payment went in that month, and so I took the deal and the Double Jeopardy clause protects me from being re-sentenced unless I fuck something up with probation, which doesn't say anything about a car. Sep 16 19:55
DaemonFC[m]The judge could have sentenced me to do something involving the car had she or the prosecutor known about it at the time of the sentencing. Sep 16 19:57
DaemonFC[m]But it wasn't a factor.Sep 16 19:57
DaemonFC[m]We'd get as far as a lawyer asking John how much money I make and from what source and then they wouldn't even take the case.Sep 16 19:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Fedora: GSoC, Fedora Program Management, PHP, Fedora Infrastructure, Test Day and EPEL []Sep 16 19:59
-->rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsSep 16 20:04
DaemonFC[m]Stallman's views on children and sex are revolting. Most of them.Sep 16 20:32
DaemonFC[m]The law does go too far when it charges teenagers as sex offenders for taking pictures of themselves.Sep 16 20:33
DaemonFC[m]I think Indiana's age of consent, 16, is reasonable. It has a close in age exception so that the age of consent is effectively also "if you are no more than 3 years older".Sep 16 20:33
DaemonFC[m]That would basically kick in with a 16 year old and a 13 year old, or an 18 year old and a 15 year old.Sep 16 20:34
DaemonFC[m]The close in age exception didn't exist when I was 18, so what I did was a crime even though it wouldn't be if the same thing happened now.Sep 16 20:35
DaemonFC[m]I don't mind admitting to it because the statute of limitations on that expired in 2008. Sep 16 20:35
DaemonFC[m]No, 2006. Okay.Sep 16 20:37
DaemonFC[m]There is no uniform age of consent law in the US.Sep 16 20:38
DaemonFC[m]What's perfectly legal in Indiana might be illegal in half the states.Sep 16 20:38
DaemonFC[m]Indiana is 16, Illinois is 17, Wisconsin is 18.Sep 16 20:39
DaemonFC[m]So while you can have sex with a 16 year old in Hammond, Indiana, the same act would be a felony in Chicago, even though the two cities border each other. Sep 16 20:39
DaemonFC[m]There's a giant field at the border. The field is in Indiana.Sep 16 20:40
DaemonFC[m]Chicago cops/meter maids can't cross over into Indiana to leave a ticket on your car.Sep 16 20:40
DaemonFC[m]So lots of people have poured gravel into the field and park their cars in Indiana and then don't buy their city sticker.Sep 16 20:41
DaemonFC[m]Gravel costs essentially nothing in bulk.Sep 16 20:42
DaemonFC[m]The city sticker depends on what you drive. Between $88 and $200 a year.Sep 16 20:42
DaemonFC[m]Per vehicle.Sep 16 20:42
kaniinii think stallman has early dementiaSep 16 20:48
kaniinihe is getting pretty oldSep 16 20:48
kaniiniso i think cutting him some slack is warrantedSep 16 20:48
kaniiniand i know FSF is working on phasing him out slowlySep 16 20:48
kaniiniit's complicatedSep 16 20:48
MinceRthat explains rms' support for systemdSep 16 20:49
MinceRbut what is the excuse for the rest of the fsf?Sep 16 20:49
kaniinii think systemd is a non-issueSep 16 20:49
kaniini10 years from now we will be using some other software to bootSep 16 20:49
MinceRyeah, and a lot of our userland will be in ruinsSep 16 20:50
MinceRand we'll be stuck with a lot of dbugs-only APIsSep 16 20:50
MinceRand debian will also be in ruinsSep 16 20:50
DaemonFC[m]Stallman was like this years ago.Sep 16 20:50
DaemonFC[m]If his views on straight up pedophilia were early onset dementia, then it should have progressed since the 1990s, I suspect.Sep 16 20:51
MinceRthen again, maybe 10 years from now the Linux-Destroying Foundation will have achieved its goal and we'll have replaced our kernelSep 16 20:51
MinceRwhat are his views on pedophilia? also, what do you mean by pedophilia?Sep 16 20:51
DaemonFC[m]Sex with a 16 year old isn't "pedophilia", but it's a taboo to say that.Sep 16 20:51
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: Stallman suggests it's plausible that a 12 year old could consent to having a nasty old pervert force himself on them.Sep 16 20:52
DaemonFC[m]Epstein Sep 16 20:52
MinceRi seeSep 16 20:52
MinceRwell, i don't think it matters if someone so young "consents", as they aren't mature enough to know what it meansSep 16 20:53
DaemonFC[m]He says there's no evidence that people molesting small children and filming it are doing any harm to the child.Sep 16 20:53
MinceRi don't know about thatSep 16 20:53
kaniiniDaemonFC[m]: i'm aware that stallman is like thatSep 16 20:54
kaniiniDaemonFC[m]: that is not my pointSep 16 20:54
kaniiniDaemonFC[m]: i'm talking about the segway into talking about that while trying to defend minskySep 16 20:54
DaemonFC[m]A lot of people have been displeased by Stallman's intransigence, even on issues that don't really matter much.Sep 16 20:55
kaniini(which minsky did not even need to be defended on *that* issue, but instead on the disciplinary issue of disregarding orders from MIT administration that Epstein money was not welcome at MIT)Sep 16 20:55
DaemonFC[m]Like, most users don't give a shit about system firmware as long as it boots the computer and isn't full of bugs.Sep 16 20:55
kaniinimost users should give a shitSep 16 20:55
MinceRthey do tend to be full of bugs, thoughSep 16 20:55
kaniinisystem firmware is the biggest link in the chain of trustSep 16 20:55
MinceRand sometimes they do fail to boot the computerSep 16 20:55
kaniiniwith stuff like EFISep 16 20:56
MinceRi've wasted ~1 day on trying to get a real OS to boot on the work laptop which allegedly has legacy boot supportSep 16 20:56
kaniiniand Open FirmwareSep 16 20:56
kaniiniyou can create rootkitsSep 16 20:56
DaemonFC[m]Sometimes, they don't just fail to boot the computer, they also brick the computer.Sep 16 20:56
kaniinithat exist outside the OSSep 16 20:56
MinceRturns out its alleged legacy boot doesn't actually workSep 16 20:56
kaniiniso your linux installSep 16 20:56
MinceR(it also sucks at hibernation, suspend and its display is shit)Sep 16 20:56
kaniinithat you think is secureSep 16 20:56
DaemonFC[m]It was probably off by default and untested since they shipped with Windows.Sep 16 20:56
kaniiniis actually certified pre-ownedSep 16 20:56
kaniinibecause the firmware is owning it at runtimeSep 16 20:56
DaemonFC[m]Most of these firmwares, the only tested code paths are the particular version of Windows it came with.Sep 16 20:57
DaemonFC[m]Even if there's a mess of rotting code laying around that doesn't work and was left over from when they did care about Windows 7 or something.Sep 16 20:57
kaniinianywaySep 16 20:58
kaniinii think RMS does not need to resign immediatelySep 16 20:58
kaniinibut i think he should retireSep 16 20:58
DaemonFC[m]The reason newer versions of Windows tend to work anyway is because Windows sniffs out situations like these and can alter its behavior.Sep 16 20:58
kaniinisometimes it is best to step back so you don't smother your own creationSep 16 20:59
DaemonFC[m]He's way too much of a raging control freak to ever retire.Sep 16 20:59
DaemonFC[m]He treats the FSF like his own personal fiefdom and there's probably no plan for what happens to it when he dies.Sep 16 20:59
DaemonFC[m]I'd say power struggle until someone ends up on top.Sep 16 21:00
kaniinianyway if minsky did fuck a 17 year old, that's fucked upSep 16 21:00
kaniinihe was like 90Sep 16 21:00
DaemonFC[m]Lots of young adults have sex with older people for money or drugs or something.Sep 16 21:01
DaemonFC[m]It's very common among gay people.Sep 16 21:01
DaemonFC[m]Sad, but true.Sep 16 21:01
DaemonFC[m]Lots of teenagers too.Sep 16 21:01
DaemonFC[m]I knew a 15 year old when I was a teenager. He was having sex with some guy who was like 46 in exchange for cocaine. Sep 16 21:02
MinceRwe'll need a new fsf anywaySep 16 21:02
kaniiniDaemonFC[m]: that doesn't make it not fucked up thoSep 16 21:03
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, 15/46 in exchange for coke is fucked up.Sep 16 21:03
DaemonFC[m]Nobody should be doing coke anyway, but coke on a 15 year old's brain.Sep 16 21:03
DaemonFC[m]Yikees.Sep 16 21:03
DaemonFC[m]I don't believe that marijuana should be legal for people under 25, to be honest.Sep 16 21:04
MinceRwhose cocaine it is also matters. 16 21:04
DaemonFC[m]The brain is actually still developing into your mid 20s.Sep 16 21:04
MinceRi don't believe that we need the state to decide what substances we can use whenSep 16 21:04
MinceRhell, i'd like to see a working government before investing any more into the idea.Sep 16 21:05
DaemonFC[m]Probation has me on a pretty tight leash right now.Sep 16 21:05
DaemonFC[m]But that's only for 83 more days.Sep 16 21:05
DaemonFC[m]She can "not like" what I did with my car all she wants.Sep 16 21:06
DaemonFC[m]But if she was going to violate me for it (or could) then I doubt she would have waited a couple of weeks for our next appointment.Sep 16 21:06
DaemonFC[m]I asked for paperwork from the dentist to take to probation specifying which local numbing agents they used on my mouth for the dental cleaning today in case it causes a false positive on my drug test.Sep 16 21:09
DaemonFC[m]I doubt that if I don't have documentation on hand they'll just cut me loose and let me go get it.Sep 16 21:10
DaemonFC[m]So it's better to be safe than sorry.Sep 16 21:10
DaemonFC[m]I'm not going to mention it unless she decides to drug test me. Then I'll pull it out of my pocket and go "Oh, btw, I had a dental cleaning on Monday and they used some locals on me. Here's the letter from the dentist.".Sep 16 21:11
DaemonFC[m]It's like a condom. I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it. Sep 16 21:11
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: There's definitely evidence that this is doing harm to the child.Sep 16 21:11
DaemonFC[m]If you say you had a dental cleaning and here's your excuse for why you might fail a drug test, you're probably getting one.Sep 16 21:12
DaemonFC[m]See, I think of these things.Sep 16 21:12
DaemonFC[m]The thing about probation is they find a reason to hate you.Sep 16 21:13
DaemonFC[m]It helps them justify being a pain in your ass for no reason.Sep 16 21:13
DaemonFC[m]Luckily, it's only for 4 months, and I have less than 3 of that left to go.Sep 16 21:14
DaemonFC[m]If I'm not in violation by the 9th of December, the forms say the court has to let me go unsupervised for the rest.Sep 16 21:14
DaemonFC[m]She thought she could get a letter from Dr. Kaegi that would make my life much harder, but instead he wrote that I'm going there as often as I need to be and that I'm stable on my meds and no further treatment is necessary at this time.Sep 16 21:15
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: The forms from the court say that Dr. Kaegi is in charge of deciding what treatment is necessary.Sep 16 21:16
DaemonFC[m]The prosecutor thought he was a therapist and that I went there a lot, so I let him keep thinking that.Sep 16 21:16
DaemonFC[m]In reality, I go there for medication refills every 3 months or so and that's all he does is refill my meds.Sep 16 21:16
DaemonFC[m]So I didn't actually agree to do anything I don't already do.Sep 16 21:17
XRevan86If RMS really thinks that, I can try to dig up some research links on the topic.Sep 16 21:17
DaemonFC[m]And I only go there like once during the probation.Sep 16 21:17
MinceRlol @ less than 3Sep 16 21:17
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: Considering what the original charges were, I think I held my own.Sep 16 21:18
DaemonFC[m]The prosecutor thought his whole case was coming apart and settled for next to nothing to get a "win" for the state.Sep 16 21:18
MinceRsure, but "less than 3" can still be most of 4 :>Sep 16 21:18
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: All I have to do is sit at home, and do what I do anyway.Sep 16 21:19
DaemonFC[m]Go to probation once a month and go "Yep, still living there. Nope, nothing changed. Here's some piss. See you next month.".Sep 16 21:19
DaemonFC[m]As long as I don't give them anything else to come at me with, there's not a hell of a lot they can do.Sep 16 21:20
DaemonFC[m]My lawyer was very specific when he said don't get in any more trouble while they're watching you. Set your cruise control 5 miles an hour under the speed limit.Sep 16 21:20
DaemonFC[m]He said when I go unsupervised, I can leave the state whenever I want or even move out of this county/state.Sep 16 21:21
DaemonFC[m]I don't think my lawyer was screwing me over to get out of having to go to trial.Sep 16 21:21
DaemonFC[m]It really was going to be much worse if we went to trial.Sep 16 21:21
DaemonFC[m]Then they haul John in, all pissed off over the car.Sep 16 21:21
DaemonFC[m]And he's not just cooperating, but probably invents something else.Sep 16 21:22
DaemonFC[m]And then this little 5 foot Mexican guy he was fucking comes in and tells all about how the big scary white man was waving a knife.Sep 16 21:22
DaemonFC[m]See how that goes over.Sep 16 21:22
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I was talking to probation about how much I hate Customs and Border Patrol.Sep 16 21:24
DaemonFC[m]They set up all of these checkpoints 100 miles from any border and stop you and ask if you're an American.Sep 16 21:24
MinceRwhat if you say "yes"?Sep 16 21:25
DaemonFC[m]I told one of them "I'll have a Big Mac, some fries, maybe a coke..... Are you still doing 2 for $1 apple pies?".Sep 16 21:25
DaemonFC[m]"Where can I get a uniform like that? The Evil Empire is handing out some awesome swag."Sep 16 21:26
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: He asked several times and finally I said, "I reside in North America.".Sep 16 21:27
DaemonFC[m]"Maybe you've heard about it. It's a continent.".Sep 16 21:27
MinceR:>Sep 16 21:27
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: Then Trump set up a toll free number for victims of aliens.Sep 16 21:30
MinceRit's a trapSep 16 21:30
DaemonFC[m]Calls started pouring in about people being abducted and about xenomorphs and so on.Sep 16 21:31
MinceRthey take anyone who calls to Area 51 for examinationSep 16 21:31
DaemonFC[m]My husband is an alien.Sep 16 21:31
MinceRwhich planet is he from?Sep 16 21:31
DaemonFC[m]I petitioned the government to make him a lawful permanent alien.Sep 16 21:31
DaemonFC[m]Resident that is.Sep 16 21:31
MinceRResident Evil?Sep 16 21:32
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: Somewhere called Manila.Sep 16 21:32
MinceR:>Sep 16 21:32
DaemonFC[m]Everyone suspects my motives to be selfish.Sep 16 21:33
DaemonFC[m]I told my probation officer, "Look, the only thing I've done is stop and pay his immigration fees while I'm in the middle of my own crisis. Like a flaming bag of dog shit on my front door, the state of Illinois slapped me with criminal charges related to my Scumbucket ex.".Sep 16 21:34
DaemonFC[m]She asked who I thought the victim in my case was.Sep 16 21:34
DaemonFC[m]I said, "Well, I know this isn't the right answer and you probably punish me for it somehow later on, I think the victim in my case is me.".Sep 16 21:35
DaemonFC[m]She asked what could I have done differently. I said, "Well, if I had been thinking, I would have waited calmly until he was at work the next day and grabbed my stuff and the cats and left an empty house for him to come back to, and I'd be in Indiana right now.".Sep 16 21:36
DaemonFC[m]I probably still would have filed bankruptcy to void my responsibility to the car loan.Sep 16 21:37
DaemonFC[m]Even if it wasn't for the credit cards at this point, I'd still have to file bankruptcy. You think that I'm going to leave a lease and a car with his name on the title out there?Sep 16 21:38
DaemonFC[m]He kept promising me he'd quit claim the deed to the car over to me, but he never did. As usual, he was just toying with me.Sep 16 21:38
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Sep 16 21:45
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: It's kind of hard dealing with my husband's family.Sep 16 21:47
DaemonFC[m]Well, they're rich, and they're also members of what amounts to a modern cult.Sep 16 21:48
DaemonFC[m]The funny part is that INC preaches against Catholicism and Protestantism, and they both reject INC and call it a cult.Sep 16 21:49
DaemonFC[m]And his sister slipped over to Catholic Charities, who is representing us for Immigration.Sep 16 21:50
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DaemonFC[m]I'm just happy that in this totally free country of ours, the United States of America, that between choking out black people for selling individual cigarettes and baiting gay people on Grindr with fictional 16 year olds, that the police had the time to bother me for disorderly conduct.Sep 16 22:53
DaemonFC[m]I know that it must have been hard for them to get off their asses and stop fielding 911 calls about an abandoned mattress on US12 to send all of the third shift out to hold me at gunpoint.Sep 16 22:54
DaemonFC[m]I applaud their effort. I'm sure that all of Illinois is now a better place and that the people of Chicago can sleep soundly.Sep 16 22:54
DaemonFC[m]Also, to get their disorderly conduct, instead of doing detective work or even setting up a trial, they grossly inflated what actually happened to two counts of aggravated assault with a 3 inch fishing knife. Sep 16 22:55

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