●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, March 17, 2025 ●● ● Mar 17 [00:05] *psydroid3 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.2.6 Quasar http://www.kvirc.net/) [00:14] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [00:19] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h5zkbfemmwig6.irc) has joined #techrights [00:25] IsambardPrince "Illinois has been the top State in the country for gun background checks for a few years now. [00:25] IsambardPrince Starting in 2020 I think. [00:25] IsambardPrince They're still trying to further restrict FOID cards, and they don't seem to understand what sort of danger our State is in. We have a hostile federal government that's threatening us in court. We have an Indiana government next door doing weird and creepy stuff like threatening to just "take" 35 of our counties away. [00:25] IsambardPrince They claim there's some sort of legal process for that, there's not going to be any legal process, but I am somewhat concerned that Trump and Braun could try to invade and topple the State and hand it over to Indiana. It probably won't happen for a while, but it's disturbing they're even talking about the "taking" of part of a State. [00:25] IsambardPrince This is basically Putin's tactics. He invaded Ukraine, claimed that part of it was "Russia anyway and here's a bunch of alternative history supporting that", and they've been at war for years now. [00:25] IsambardPrince I don't want this to end in a Constitutional Crisis where the Illinois National Guard is getting conflicting orders to either arrest Governor Pritzker or defend us from an incursion. [00:25] IsambardPrince I know it sounds crazy and paranoid, but given how many really strange things are happening I would not put it in the "completely impossible" category. [00:25] IsambardPrince And I just don't know why the State of Illinois is getting in the way of citizens arming themselves to defend themselves and the State if we get there. The State Constitution literally says it's the right of Citizens to bear arms for the security of themselves "and the defense of the State". [00:25] IsambardPrince Certainly I do not want a fight but there are reasons why oaths include "from all enemies foreign and domestic". An invasion would mean we have "an enemy from within"." [00:27] IsambardPrince Some States have a "State Defense Force". It's typically a volunteer thing. I think we definitely should be considering at least that. [00:32] *SomeGoat has quit (connection closed) [00:36] IsambardPrince MinceR, More people need to start carrying these days. [00:36] IsambardPrince You never know what's going to happen. [00:37] MinceR indeed, but how can i get a thermonuclear warhead? [00:37] IsambardPrince For the first time in my life I feel like I'm in much more danger from the government than any criminal. [00:38] admfubar not when the government abs criminals are the same [00:43] IsambardPrince https://wgntv.com/news/southwest-suburbs/man-charged-with-1st-degree-murder-in-death-of-trucking-company-president-and-ceo-in-southwest-suburban-crestwood/ [00:43] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://wgntv.com/news/southwest-suburbs/man-charged-with-1st-degree-murder-in-death-of-trucking-company-president-and-ceo-in-southwest-suburban-crestwood/ ) [00:43] IsambardPrince Another CEO shot and killed. [00:43] IsambardPrince No wait, stabbed. [00:44] IsambardPrince LOL [00:44] IsambardPrince Then the guy set the building on fire. [00:44] IsambardPrince They say the suspect was an employee. [00:45] IsambardPrince schestowitz-pi, https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/bjrzoinjjg [00:45] TR Bot AI startup D-ID lays off a quarter of its workforce just days after Microsoft deal | Ctech [00:45] IsambardPrince Microsoft-related. "AI". Layoffs [00:55] *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) [00:55] *includeals (~includeal@2001:8a0:e95a:4e00::2000) has joined #techrights ● Mar 17 [01:03] admfubar emphasis on WAS [01:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.10.x-git-38-e8c4cda0 - https://znc.in) [01:11] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@b6dc92btrdtrn.irc) has joined #techrights [01:11] MinceR https://imgur.com/gallery/s0ihEXj = https://rimgo.bloat.cat/gallery/s0ihEXj [01:11] TR Bot the Wank Mountain in Germany , you need to ride Wankbahn to get to the Wankhaus on top. - Album on Imgur [01:11] TR Bot At the Wank Mountain in Germany , you need to ride Wankbahn to get to the Wankhaus on top. - rimgo [01:15] IsambardPrince MinceR, I made fun of the moderator on /r/immigration on Reddit on another forum he can see but doesn't moderate. [01:16] IsambardPrince "What we're seeing this government do lately is not legal. They're even flaunting disobeying lawful court orders now and, well, I got banned from the immigration subreddit for "promoting misinformation" which was an NPR article about them violating court orders. [01:16] IsambardPrince https://www.npr.org/2025/03/16/g-s1-54154/alien-enemies-el-salvador-trump [01:16] IsambardPrince "I love the smell of you've been banned for 'misinformation' in the morning." (You know, whatever that means, when they don't actually say what rule, or why a link to a credible primary news source is misinformation. You know, like when the KGB people and the Baron Harkonnen get off the plane in that Chernobyl mini-series and say "You've been spreading dangerous misinformation, Comrade!")" [01:16] TR Bot White House deports hundreds of alleged gang members to El Salvador : NPR [01:17] IsambardPrince MinceR, They did the stereo again last night. [01:17] IsambardPrince So today was 8 hours of "Run Through the Jungle" by CCR. [01:17] IsambardPrince :) [01:17] MinceR your neighbors? [01:17] IsambardPrince Yeah [01:18] MinceR they seem to be slow [01:18] MinceR or what you're playing doesn't bother them [01:18] IsambardPrince It would only bother humans. [01:18] MinceR :> [01:18] IsambardPrince Are people who smoke drugs and fuck and blast thump thump thump nigga nigga nigga really human? [01:18] IsambardPrince Debatable. [01:18] MinceR i have no doubt of it [01:19] admfubar https://therecord.media/joe-sullivan-former-uber-executive-conviction-upheld [01:19] TR Bot Appellate court upholds sentence for former Uber cyber executive Joe Sullivan | The Record from Recorded Future News [01:19] MinceR i'm not aware of any other species on this planet that is as annoying [01:19] MinceR well, except for dogs, i suppose [01:25] admfubar https://therecord.media/calls-grow-uk-secret-apple-court-encryption-public [01:25] TR Bot Calls grow for UK to move secret Apple encryption court hearing to public session | The Record from Recorded Future News [01:26] admfubar https://therecord.media/signal-no-longer-cooperating-with-ukraine [01:26] TR Bot Signal no longer cooperating with Ukraine on Russian cyberthreats, official says | The Record from Recorded Future News [01:51] MinceR (cat) (video) (no audio) https://imgur.com/gallery/j2Ts8S8 = https://rimgo.bloat.cat/gallery/j2Ts8S8 [01:51] TR Bot bonding- Cricket and Cole - Album on Imgur [01:51] TR Bot Sibling bonding- Cricket and Cole - rimgo [01:55] admfubar agents of ensh!ttification it's a marvel! https://walledculture.org/massive-expansion-of-italys-piracy-shield-underway-despite-growing-criticism-of-its-flaws/ [01:55] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) ( status 0 @ https://walledculture.org/massive-expansion-of-italys-piracy-shield-underway-despite-growing-criticism-of-its-flaws/ ) ● Mar 17 [02:01] admfubar https://imgur.com/gallery/dog-i-can-do-this-all-day-807jm7P [02:01] TR Bot "I can do this all day" - Album on Imgur [02:04] MinceR > cat's like, "this used to be a nice place before these two moved in" [02:06] admfubar https://imgur.com/gallery/this-is-room-lady-i6tdEoq [02:06] TR Bot is my room, lady." - Album on Imgur [02:09] MinceR :3 [02:14] MinceR https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ven%C3%A4l%C3%A4inen_perseensuristin [02:14] TR Bot venlinen perseensuristin - Wiktionary, the free dictionary [02:15] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [02:20] IsambardPrince MinceR, The rhetoric from Indiana is just insane. [02:20] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h5zkbfemmwig6.irc) has joined #techrights [02:20] MinceR i wouldn't expect sane rhetoric from there [02:20] IsambardPrince They are talking about invading Illinois and taking a third of the State reckoning those people want to be in Indiana anyway. [02:21] IsambardPrince They actually want another civil war. They think since Trump is in office, he either won't stop it or he'll help them. [02:22] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [02:22] IsambardPrince MinceR, The National Guard Act and the State Constitution and the US Constitution say that the Governor can declare an invasion, insurrection, or rebellion, and declare martial law and use the military forces of the State to put it down. [02:23] IsambardPrince So in theory if Indiana did try to invade, we could legally declare war on Indiana and repel the invasion. [02:23] IsambardPrince The Constitution is silent on what "declare war" when a State is "being invaded" means. [02:23] IsambardPrince So if Indiana did invade, we could declare war on another State. [02:24] MinceR extern int war; [02:24] IsambardPrince Because the Constitution has no language in it that says anything about one State invading. It just says States can't declare war except when there is an "invasion". [02:24] MinceR there, i declared war [02:30] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h5zkbfemmwig6.irc) has joined #techrights [02:33] IsambardPrince https://old.reddit.com/r/USCIS/comments/1jd20cv/if_trumps_visa_ban_gets_signed_can_i_still_bring/ [02:33] TR Bot If Trumps visa ban gets signed, can I still bring my fiance from Cuba? : USCIS [02:33] IsambardPrince []mrdaemonfc 2 points 2 minutes ago [02:33] IsambardPrince No. [02:33] IsambardPrince People who voted for this or didn't vote at all chose this. Whatever happens is their fault, and honestly every day Trump is in office will be the worst day since yesterday. [02:33] IsambardPrince Sorry about your luck, if you tried to avoid this. [02:33] IsambardPrince I'm hearing too many stories about people saying "I voted for him but I didn't think I would suffer too!", to offer an unqualified statement of sympathy. [02:33] IsambardPrince Voting for Trump as a US citizen spouse of an immigrant is the worst thing you can do as a spouse other than beating them, in my opinion. [02:40] TR News systems [02:40] TR News "The marahaja of Bangalore is spewing smoke out all his orifices, what does the mo--n about programming ? How is the stupid AI going to help firmware engineers or system engineers working on operating systems like Z, Linux, AIX Pure nonsense." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpgm840w [02:40] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpgm840w ) [02:40] TR News "Maybe the thinking is that AI will speed up getting rid of the COBOL systems now that those programmers have retired and/or have been let go by 'forward' thinking management." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpgm840w [02:41] TR News "Haha we were told computers would improve our lives and we would be able to enjoy more free time. Quite the oppousite happened. AI will make us more needful for free time to learn a real trade like welding or coding jobs we were recently told would replace mining operationing" [02:42] TR News "how about just hiring the americans that created these companies in the first place instead of shoveling money upwards to skillless executives and 'investors' who don't make anything" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpfp3wqk [02:42] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpfp3wqk ) [02:43] TR News "This is sad: https://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-performance-management-low-performers-country-club-2025-2 " https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jkm05hwr [02:43] TR Bot Microsoft Is Shedding Its 'Country Club' Culture - Business Insider [02:43] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jkm05hwr ) [02:44] TR News "Microsoft isn't cutting US staff based on their performance, they are moving jobs to India. The US needs to start charging a tariff on outsourced employees working for US firms." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jnpep676 [02:44] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jnpep676 ) [02:46] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-160325.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-160325.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-160325.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-160325.txt [02:46] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, March 16, 2025 [02:46] TR News "I was trying to find a way to do stacks but found tabs instead. Theres a dispatcher that will toggle the current window into or out of a group of tabbed windows." gemini://thatit.be/2025-03-16-11-16-16.gmi [02:47] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-160325.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-160325.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-160325.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-160325.txt [02:47] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, March 16, 2025 [02:47] TR News Klingnauer Stausee gemini://alexschroeder.ch/2025-03-16-memories [02:48] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-160325.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-160325.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-160325.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-160325.txt [02:48] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, March 16, 2025 [02:49] TR News Long time, no see gopher://jan.bio:70/1/phlog/20250316-long-time-no-see [02:49] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-160325.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-160325.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-160325.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-160325.txt [02:49] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, March 16, 2025 [02:49] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2025-03-16.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2025-03-16.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now) [02:50] TR News "but TODAY everything is fine. Let's enjoy the now and don't worry - at least for a moment - for the distant future that is tomorrow...." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2536 [02:50] TR News Yesterday's Tux Machines bulletin is now ready! : http://news.tuxmachines.org/txt-archives/tuxmachines-2025-03-16.txt [02:50] TR News Hack the Planet gemini://thrig.me/blog/2025/03/17/hack.gmi [02:51] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D1236.jpg [02:51] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D1586.jpg [02:51] IsambardPrince https://capitolnewsillinois.com/news/illinois-banned-life-sentences-for-young-offenders-but-not-for-those-already-behind-bars/ [02:51] TR Bot Illinois banned life sentences for young offendersbut not for those already behind bars | Capitol News Illinois [02:51] IsambardPrince There doesn't need to be a bill. [02:51] IsambardPrince Governor Pritzker could issue a blanket commutation that says all people sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole will have parole hearings. [02:52] TR News "A computer program might "hear" something totally different depending on how it pulls the sonic (or MIDI) events apart." gemini://thrig.me/blog/2025/03/16/primal.gmi [02:52] IsambardPrince MinceR, Why do they figure there has to be a bill? [02:52] MinceR maybe it's a cleaner solution [02:52] MinceR or there's a catch [02:52] IsambardPrince I don't see why there's a cleaner solution. [02:52] IsambardPrince Since the new law says no minor could get that now, giving a commutation to the ones who did fixes it permanently. [02:52] TR News enshittification speedrun gemini://drmollytov.smol.pub/2025-03-16 [02:53] MinceR allegedly it's about a reform [02:53] MinceR ic [02:53] MinceR maybe it hasn't occurred to them [02:53] MinceR or maybe pritzker doesn't care [02:53] TR News "I am an old acquaintance of the Gemini Protocol, from back when its popularity was waning. I used to maintain the Laika.LK capsule. It wasn't even relevant in the geminispace, but I learned a lot while trying to deploy it on my own VPS." gemini://maimere.my.id/goto/logbook/2025-03-13 [02:54] TR News "I've been trying to ease my labor on writing new entries on this logbook. As soon as I achieve it, I'll make the code public. Fingers crossed!" gemini://maimere.my.id/goto/logbook/2025-03-14 [02:55] TR News "The rationale behind it is keeping a single text file with all gemlogs, which I call logbook. The gemlog is requested on the URL, by its date, in the form /cgi-bin/logbook/YYYY-MM-DD. The script checks if exists a gemlog written on that date and fetches its content." gemini://maimere.my.id/goto/logbook/2025-03-16 [02:58] TR News Techrights Welcome to the New Techrights https://techrights.org/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/ [02:58] TR Bot Techrights Welcome to the New Techrights [02:58] TR News Techrights IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 16, 2025 https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/IRC_Proceedings_Sunday_March_16_2025.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/IRC_Proceedings_Sunday_March_16_2025.gmi [02:58] TR Bot Techrights IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 16, 2025 [02:58] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Today_in_Techrights.gmi [02:58] TR Bot Tux Machines Today in Techrights [02:59] TR News Techrights Over at Tux Machines... https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi [02:59] TR Bot Techrights Over at Tux Machines... ● Mar 17 [03:03] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 17/03/2025: "Hack the Planet", Klingnauer Stausee, and Enshittification https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Hack_the_Planet_Klingnauer_Stausee_and_Enshitt.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Hack_the_Planet_Klingnauer_Stausee_and_Enshitt.gmi [03:03] TR Bot Techrights Gemini Links 17/03/2025: "Hack the Planet", Klingnauer Stausee, and Enshittification [03:21] IsambardPrince MinceR, The feds cutting off grants to the State will put more pressure on the State to cut budgets. [03:21] IsambardPrince I feel like the prison system will get hit pretty hard. [03:21] IsambardPrince They'll whittle it down to the really bad ones you just can't let out. [03:22] MinceR if you're lucky [03:22] MinceR the gypsy king raised a big stink about how people are smuggling "migrants" across the border, then just let out people they held in prison for doing that [03:22] IsambardPrince MinceR, Turning to alternatives to prison, or maybe just fucking with people less in the first place unless it's a fine. [03:23] MinceR do you think they'll even consider fucking with people less? [03:23] MinceR is that something they can even conceive of? [03:23] IsambardPrince Meh, eventually the banks cut off the loans, right? [03:23] MinceR \_()_/ [03:25] MinceR putler forced moscovian banks to fund his war with loans, regardless of whether those loans will ever be repaid [03:25] MinceR https://euromaidanpress.com/2025/01/25/russia-forced-its-banks-to-secretly-fund-half-its-war-costs-can-its-economy-survive-what-does-this-mean-for-ukraine/ [03:25] TR Bot Russia's hidden war debt: $210bn secret military spending explained [03:32] IsambardPrince They might be repaid. Once he inflated the Ruble another billion percent or so. [03:32] IsambardPrince Thus making everyone richer. [03:32] IsambardPrince :D [03:32] MinceR :> [03:39] schestowitz[TR2] <MinceR> putler forced moscovian banks to fund his war with loans, regardless of whether those loans will ever be repaid [03:39] schestowitz[TR2] he can talk to bankruptcy expert [03:39] MinceR :> [03:40] schestowitz[TR2] Loland Lump [03:50] TR News New bio: Richard Stallman Biography The Rebel Who Freed Software! https://linkg.bio/directory/richard-stallman-biography-the-rebel-who-freed-software/ [03:50] TR Bot Richard Stallman Biography The Rebel Who Freed Software! ● Mar 17 [04:02] TR News Windows down to about 15% in Papua New Guinea. It used to be 99%. https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/papua-new-guinea/#monthly-200902-202503 [04:02] TR Bot Operating System Market Share Papua New Guinea | Statcounter Global Stats [04:16] *IsambardPrince has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:18] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@28s2rf5u6ctmw.irc) has joined #techrights [04:19] TR News Techrights In the Russian Federation (Russia), Microsoft Isn't Even the 1% https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/In_the_Russian_Federation_Russia_Microsoft_Isn_t_Even_the_1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/In_the_Russian_Federation_Russia_Microsoft_Isn_t_Even_the_1.gmi [04:19] TR Bot Techrights In the Russian Federation (Russia), Microsoft Isn't Even the 1% [04:42] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@28s2rf5u6ctmw.irc) has left #techrights (Leaving) [04:42] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@28s2rf5u6ctmw.irc) has joined #techrights [04:52] *oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.) ● Mar 17 [05:00] *Predeterminator24 has quit (connection closed) [05:01] *Predeterminator24 (~Predeterminator24@s6f3fcas33ywc.irc) has joined #techrights [05:09] *superkuh has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [05:11] TR News Techrights Reporting Facts is Not a Privacy Violation https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Reporting_Facts_is_Not_a_Privacy_Violation.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Reporting_Facts_is_Not_a_Privacy_Violation.gmi [05:11] TR Bot Techrights Reporting Facts is Not a Privacy Violation [05:15] *superkuh (~superkuh@user/superkuh) has joined #techrights [05:23] IsambardPrince MinceR, Soft Cell [05:23] IsambardPrince Tainted Love [05:23] IsambardPrince On the radio. [05:23] IsambardPrince This song always makes me think of the coneheads now. [05:24] IsambardPrince "In exchange for Green Cards for my family." [05:24] IsambardPrince That shouldn't be a problem, provided you possess a skill that nobody on this planet possesses. [05:25] IsambardPrince Then he says something like that would be no trouble. [05:28] TR News Techrights War Readiness Means Removing Every Windows Installation and CALEA-Compliant Equipment https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/War_Readiness_Means_Removing_Every_Windows_Installation_and_CAL.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/War_Readiness_Means_Removing_Every_Windows_Installation_and_CAL.gmi [05:28] TR Bot Techrights War Readiness Means Removing Every Windows Installation and CALEA-Compliant Equipment [05:29] IsambardPrince https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2025/03/14/controlled-burn-becomes-uncontrolled-burns-nearly-10-acres-of-land-in-woodstock/ [05:29] TR Bot 'Controlled burn' becomes uncontrolled, burns nearly 10 acres of land in Woodstock [05:29] IsambardPrince I hate it when controlled fire becomes uncontrolled. [05:29] IsambardPrince https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2025/03/13/jury-convicts-woodstock-man-of-exposing-himself-to-woman-he-followed-in-gym-in-woodstock/ [05:29] TR Bot Jury convicts Woodstock man of exposing himself to woman he followed in gym in Woodstock [05:29] IsambardPrince LOL [05:31] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [05:32] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@b6dc92btrdtrn.irc) has joined #techrights [05:32] *superkuh has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [05:40] IsambardPrince MinceR, Someone said non-citizens can't vote so what I said made no sense when I said people who voted for Trump deserve what they get. [05:40] IsambardPrince So I said, [05:41] IsambardPrince "No, I should have clarified. Some people who are American citizens and voted for Trump are getting fired from the federal government, can't use their VA benefits, are having their Social Security checks stopped and are accused of being dead, and seeing their student loan payments more than triple because the Department of Education took down applications that were not subject to the court order, and are being arrested by ICE [05:41] IsambardPrince because they look brown even though they're citizens who voted for Trump, and are having their spouse arrested and are having to raid the life savings they were going to buy a house with and max out their credit cards trying to get their spouse out of ICE detainment using lawyers that like to be paid in private islands after they voted for Trump. [05:41] IsambardPrince Those people deserve whatever they get. [05:41] IsambardPrince People who didn't support this or couldn't even vote don't deserve it. [05:41] IsambardPrince The ones who voted for it are the clearest case of "HAHA!" I've ever seen in my life. [05:41] IsambardPrince That's what I mean. [05:41] IsambardPrince "I'm sorry, what she meant to say was 'stripped naked and thrown out an airlock' I'm sorry for any confusion this might have caused." -Captain John Sheridan (Babylon 5)" [05:47] *superkuh (~superkuh@user/superkuh) has joined #techrights ● Mar 17 [06:05] TR News Techrights Enshittification of Online Media https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Enshittification_of_Online_Media.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Enshittification_of_Online_Media.gmi [06:05] TR Bot Techrights Enshittification of Online Media [06:08] IsambardPrince MinceR, I made it funnier. [06:09] IsambardPrince The guy that said he had to raid his home down payment and charge up the credit cards to try to save his wife from ICE. [06:09] IsambardPrince "(Of course, knowing how humanitarian Trump voters are, he probably stuck out a GoFundMe and played "I don't want to pay a lot for this muffler!" with his wife.)" [06:20] *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) [06:21] *includeals (~includeal@2001:8a0:e95a:4e00::2000) has joined #techrights [06:22] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights [06:31] TR News Techrights Free Speech Around the World is Curtailed in the Name of "Protecting Us" https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Free_Speech_Around_the_World_is_Curtailed_in_the_Name_of_Protec.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Free_Speech_Around_the_World_is_Curtailed_in_the_Name_of_Protec.gmi [06:31] TR Bot Techrights Free Speech Around the World is Curtailed in the Name of "Protecting Us" [06:37] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights [06:46] TR News Techrights The Lie or Half-Truth of Clownflare (or Equivalents) Improving Things https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/The_Lie_or_Half_Truth_of_Clownflare_or_Equivalents_Improving_Th.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/The_Lie_or_Half_Truth_of_Clownflare_or_Equivalents_Improving_Th.gmi [06:46] TR Bot Techrights The Lie or Half-Truth of Clownflare (or Equivalents) Improving Things [06:49] TR News Orban https://insighthungary.444.hu/2025/03/16/orban-promises-crackdown-on-media-and-civil-society-calls-them-stink-bugs | Source: Insight Hungary [06:49] TR Bot Orban promises crackdown on media and civil society, calls them stink bugs - InsightHungary [06:50] TR News Baobab - Intro to Ubuntu Disk Usage Analyzer Program https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2025/03/baobab-intro-to-ubuntu-disk-usage-analyzer-program.html | Source: Ubuntubuzz [06:50] TR Bot Baobab - Intro to Ubuntu Disk Usage Analyzer Program [06:50] TR News "Has The Linux Desktop Become Too Popular?" https://odysee.com/@BrodieRobertson:5/has-the-linux-desktop-become-too-popular:3 [06:50] TR Bot Has The Linux Desktop Become Too Popular [06:50] TR News "No Project is an Island: Why You Need SBOMs and Dependency Management" https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=25/03/14/1938229 [06:50] TR Bot No Project is an Island: Why You Need SBOMs and Dependency Management - SoylentNews [06:50] TR News "Your Appliances Talk to CHINA" https://odysee.com/@NaomiPrivacyTips:1/tiktok-vs-household-appliances:d [06:50] TR Bot Your Appliances Talk to CHINA [06:51] TR News so-called ai: "How terrorism is taking over the West: One in five British terror suspects are CHILDREN, with fanatics radicalised in just WEEKS thanks to AI propaganda | Daily Mail Online" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14498283/How-terrorism-taking-West-One-five-British-terror-suspects-CHILDREN-fanatics-radicalised-just-WEEKS-thanks-AI-propaganda.html [06:51] TR Bot How terrorism is taking over the West: One in five British terror suspects are CHILDREN, with fanatics radicalised in just WEEKS thanks to AI propaganda | Daily Mail Online [06:51] TR News "Seeing Things For What They Are - by Hamilton Nolan" https://www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/seeing-things-for-what-they-are [06:51] TR Bot Seeing Things For What They Are - by Hamilton Nolan [06:52] TR News "Economic alarm bells are ringing everywhere" https://www.axios.com/2025/03/15/economic-indicators-recession-risk [06:52] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2025/03/15/economic-indicators-recession-risk ) [06:53] TR News Collaborative writing, Simplified. https://docs.numerique.gouv.fr/ [06:53] TR Bot Docs [06:53] TR News iophk: wrongly conflates m$ github with version control in general; llms waste people's time as they try to prod cargo-cults and plagiarized material into working code https://computinged.wordpress.com/2025/03/16/how-scientists-learn-computing-and-use-llms-to-program/ [06:53] TR Bot How scientists learn computing and use LLMs to program: Computing education for scientists and for democracy | Computing Ed Research - Guzdial's Take [06:54] TR News "Do One Thing | dansinker.com" https://dansinker.com/posts/2025-03-16-one-thing/ [06:54] TR Bot One Thing | dansinker.com [06:56] TR News "No more letter stack calculation catalysts" | "Ikkje fleire bokstabelberegningskatalysatorer Biblioteket tar saka #librarycase" https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=no&tl=en&u=https://bibliotekettarsaka.com/2025/03/16/ikkje-fleire-bokstabelberegningskatalysatorer/ [06:56] TR Bot Ikkje fleire bokstabelberegningskatalysatorer Biblioteket tar saka #librarycase [06:58] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [06:59] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h5zkbfemmwig6.irc) has joined #techrights ● Mar 17 [07:02] IsambardPrince https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/16/business/video/tesla-protests-california-owner-selling-car-vargas-jones-nr-digvid [07:02] TR Bot Video: Im tired of Elon Musk: Tesla owner on why hes selling his car | CNN Business [07:02] IsambardPrince schestowitz-pi, ^ [07:03] schestowitz[TR2] anecdote? [07:03] schestowitz[TR2] maga boosters love melon [07:03] schestowitz[TR2] but they cannot afford EVs [07:03] schestowitz[TR2] bummer, eh? [07:03] IsambardPrince Mom can't even afford the cheapest new car they make. [07:03] IsambardPrince So she drives 25 year old rustbuckets that fall apart. [07:04] schestowitz[TR2] cheeto says it'ss illegal to boycoptt tesla [07:04] schestowitz[TR2] maybe he can deport the above :moaner" [07:04] IsambardPrince New toilet seats every day and $10,000 a year to the church gets expensive, you know. [07:04] schestowitz[TR2] after stripping him off his citizxenship [07:04] schestowitz[TR2] for selling a tesla [07:04] schestowitz[TR2] and for talking to cnn [07:04] schestowitz[TR2] a "foreign agent" [07:04] schestowitz[TR2] "undesirable" [07:05] TR News 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: March 16th, 2025 https://9to5linux.com/9to5linux-weekly-roundup-march-16th-2025 [07:05] TR Bot Weekly Roundup: March 16th, 2025 - 9to5Linux [07:06] schestowitz[TR2] IsambardPrince: no worries, your mom will buy 2 teslas [07:06] schestowitz[TR2] for the son [07:06] schestowitz[TR2] trading in some old amazon parcels [07:06] schestowitz[TR2] for 2 teslas [07:10] TR News Comet GL-RM1 Enables Remote Control with 2K Video Resolution https://linuxgizmos.com/comet-gl-rm1-enables-remote-control-with-2k-video-resolution/ | Source: Linux Gizmos [07:10] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/comet-gl-rm1-enables-remote-control-with-2k-video-resolution/ ) [07:10] TR News Planet Ubuntu - or Ubuntu Planet - Has an LLM Slop Problem (Called Faizul "Piju" 9M2PJU) https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Planet_Ubuntu_or_Ubuntu_Planet_Has_an_LLM_Slop_Problem_Called_F.shtml [07:10] TR Bot Techrights Planet Ubuntu - or Ubuntu Planet - Has an LLM Slop Problem (Called Faizul "Piju" 9M2PJU) [07:12] TR News MOAR slop in the SLOPFEST of Planet Ubuntu: https://hamradio.my/2025/03/unlocking-the-power-of-gridtracker-for-amateur-radio-operators/ see https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Planet_Ubuntu_or_Ubuntu_Planet_Has_an_LLM_Slop_Problem_Called_F.shtml [07:12] TR Bot the Power of GridTracker for Amateur Radio Operators - Hamradio.my [07:13] TR News Also SLOP https://hamradio.my/2025/03/unlocking-performance-the-power-of-custom-linux-kernels-and-liquorix/ see https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Planet_Ubuntu_or_Ubuntu_Planet_Has_an_LLM_Slop_Problem_Called_F.shtml [07:13] TR Bot Performance: The Power of Custom Linux Kernels and Liquorix - Hamradio.my [07:13] TR News Canonical or Ubuntu is enabling LLM slop and feeding it to people. Awful. [07:18] TR News Goodbye World | LINUX Unplugged 606 https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/show/linux-unplugged/606/ [07:18] TR Bot Nix's Magic Cookbook | LINUX Unplugged 606 | Jupiter Broadcasting [07:19] TR News "OpenAI said that it could not compete with China which the company insists on calling the People's Republic of China, or PRC for short, throughout if regulations stymie AI access to copyrighted works for training data." https://futurism.com/openai-over-copyrighted-work | Source: Futurism [07:19] TR Bot OpenAI Says Its "Over" If It Cant Steal All Your Copyrighted Work [07:19] TR News "Any time that someone puts a lock on something that belongs to you but won't give you the key, that lock's not there for you." https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2025/03/towards-extracting-content-from-an-lcp-protected-epub/ | Source: Terence Eden [07:19] TR Bot Extracting content from an LCP protected ePub Terence Edens Blog [07:20] IsambardPrince <schestowitz[TR2]> IsambardPrince: no worries, your mom will buy 2 teslas [07:20] IsambardPrince <schestowitz[TR2]> for the son [07:20] IsambardPrince <schestowitz[TR2]> trading in some old amazon parcels [07:20] IsambardPrince <schestowitz[TR2]> for 2 teslas [07:20] IsambardPrince She wouldn't even sign a form when I needed help with Mandy that wasn't going to cost her 1 cent. [07:20] IsambardPrince It turned out I figured it out without her. I always have to figure out everything alone. [07:20] TR News "The displacement caused by the recent Los Angelesarea fires has renewed attention on price gouging in rental housing." https://jacobin.com/2025/03/rent-control-price-gouging-landlords/ | Source: Jacobin Magazine [07:20] TR Bot Landlords Want Us to Think Rent Gouging Isnt Price Gouging [07:20] TR News "The headscarf ruling, which comes on the back of several previous directives on women's appearance, has received a strong reaction privately." https://www.rferl.org/a/turkmenistan-color-clothing-women-rules-repression/33349460.html | Source: RFERL [07:20] TR Bot Dress Codes Tighten For Women In Turkmenistan, Where The State Tells You What To Wear [07:26] TR News "The comments echoed earlier comments where Orban targeted NGOs and media who received funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development and billionaire George Soros." https://www.rferl.org/a/hungary-magyar-orban-protests/33349014.html | Source: RFERL [07:26] TR Bot Thousands Of Hungarian Opposition Supporters Rally; PM Orban Vows Crackdown On Media [07:26] TR News "During its 55-year history, NPRs funding scares have come almost on schedule, heralded by the arrival of a new Republican administration (Ronald Reagan, 1981)" https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2025-03-14/npr-pbs-public-broadcasting-corporation-for-public-broadcasting | Source: Los Angeles Times [07:26] TR Bot Contributor: NPR faces a real threat in defunding fight that's coming - Los Angeles Times [07:26] TR News "you must cease all work immediately and are not permitted to access any agency buildings or systems." https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/donald-trump-admin-begins-mass-layoffs-at-voice-of-america-other-us-funded-media-101742178278461.html | Source: Hindustan Times [07:26] TR Bot Donald Trump admin begins mass layoffs at Voice of America, other US-funded media - Hindustan Times [07:27] TR News "As Scott Adams says, Facts dont matter. What matters is how much we hate the person talking." https://doc.searls.com/2025/03/16/gag-of-america/ | Source: Doc Searls [07:27] TR Bot Gag of America Doc Searls Weblog [07:28] TR News "An international team of researchers analyzed data from 157 previous studies related to plastics and photosynthesis" https://www.sciencealert.com/microplastics-are-disrupting-photosynthesis-and-the-impact-could-be-huge | Source: Science Alert [07:28] TR Bot Are Disrupting Photosynthesis, And The Impact Could Be Huge : ScienceAlert [07:28] TR News "While it might restrict visibility, this misty mass also provides a solution to water shortages. How? It's harvested in the world's largest fog collection system." https://www.dw.com/en/fog-harvesting-how-to-get-water-from-the-clouds/a-71892254 | Source: Deutsche Welle [07:28] TR Bot harvesting: How to get water from the clouds DW 03/16/2025 [07:34] TR News "We may access or disclose information ... to protect the rights or property of Microsoft." https://www.theverge.com/2014/3/21/5533814/google-yahoo-apple-all-share-microsofts-troubling-email-privacy-policy | Source: The Verge [07:34] TR Bot Microsoft just exposed emails ugliest secret | The Verge [07:35] TR News "The company says its decision is justified." https://money.cnn.com/2014/03/21/technology/security/microsoft-email/index.html | Source: CNN [07:35] TR Bot Microsoft defends its right to read your email [07:35] TR News "Our recent interest in Cellebrite arises from two key developments. First, we have seen a surge of activists asking us to examine phones that were returned after being seized." https://osservatorionessuno.org/blog/2025/03/a-deep-dive-into-cellebrite-how-it-came-to-be/ | Source: Osservatorio Nessuno [07:35] TR Bot A deep dive into Cellebrite: how it came to be - Osservatorio Nessuno [07:35] TR News "In the previous blog post, we summarized part of the Cellebrite product history, and grasped some insights on the market of surveillance software and equipment aimed at mobile forensics." https://osservatorionessuno.org/blog/2025/03/a-deep-dive-into-cellebrite-android-support-as-of-february-2025/ | Source: Osservatorio Nessuno [07:35] TR Bot A deep dive into Cellebrite: Android support as of February 2025 - Osservatorio Nessuno [07:36] TR News "Cellebrite makes software to automate physically extracting and indexing data from mobile devices." https://signal.org/blog/cellebrite-vulnerabilities/ | Source: Signal [07:36] TR Bot Signal >> Blog >> Exploiting vulnerabilities in Cellebrite UFED and Physical Analyzer from an app's perspective [07:37] TR News Surveillance by KSA: "Importantly, Niantic's popular live events, community-building apps, and real-world exploration features will remain a key focus under Scopely's management. " https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/saudi-arabia-speeds-gaming-hub-vision-it-acquires-pokemon-go-game-developer-35-billion-1731898 | Source: International Business Times [07:37] TR Bot Saudi Arabia Speeds Up Gaming Hub Vision As It Acquires 'Pokemon Go' Game Developer for 2.7 Billion | IBTimes UK [07:37] TR News "your California privacy rights" https://blog.zgp.org/privacy-laws-for-slacker-states/ | Source: Don Marti http://techrights.org/n/2025/03/07/Open_Source_Initiative_OSI_Reported_to_the_California_Privacy_P.shtml [07:37] TR Bot privacy laws for slacker states [07:37] TR Bot Techrights Open Source Initiative (OSI) Reported to the California Privacy Protection Agency (Formal Complaint) [07:37] TR News "DOGEs nearly unlimited access violates privacy laws and presents massive information security risks, they said." https://www.courthousenews.com/federal-judge-considers-blocking-doge-from-accessing-social-security-data-of-millions-of-americans/ | Source: Court House News [07:37] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.courthousenews.com/federal-judge-considers-blocking-doge-from-accessing-social-security-data-of-millions-of-americans/ ) [07:38] TR News Windows TCO: "Akira is a ransomware attack aimed at high-profile targets, first discovered in 2023 and known for ludicrously high ransom requests" https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/cyber-security/akira-ransomware-cracked-with-rtx-4090-new-exploit-to-brute-force-encryption-attack | Source: Tom's Hardware [07:38] TR Bot Akira ransomware can be cracked with sixteen RTX 4090 GPUs in around ten hours new counterattack breaks encryption | Tom's Hardware [07:40] TR News "add explicit labels to generated and synthesized content." https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/artificial-intelligence/china-will-enforce-clear-flagging-of-all-ai-generated-content-starting-from-september | Source: Tom's Hardware [07:40] TR Bot China will enforce clear flagging of all AI generated content starting from September | Tom's Hardware [07:40] TR News "Now, its lifting the lid on Ernie X1, which it says delivers performance on par with DeepSeek R1 at just half the price of its rival." https://siliconangle.com/2025/03/16/baidu-debuts-first-ai-reasoning-model-compete-deepseek/ | Source: Silicon Angle [07:40] TR Bot debuts its first AI reasoning model to compete with DeepSeek - SiliconANGLE [07:41] TR News "In this post, Ill provide a short overview of generative LLM inference and go over DistServes internals." https://michalpitr.substack.com/p/paper-journal-disaggragated-serving | Source: Michal Pitr [07:41] TR Bot Paper Journal: Disaggragated Serving - by Michal Pitr [07:41] TR News "This report developed jointly with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute should serve as an early warning for potential malicious uses and abuses" https://unicri.org/sites/default/files/2021-06/Malicious%20Use%20of%20AI%20-%20UNCCT-UNICRI%20Report_Web.pdf | [07:41] TR News "This essay examines the disappearance of proprietary hosted AI models and the implications of that on research, accountability" https://vale.rocks/posts/ai-model-history-is-being-lost | Source: Declan Chidlow [07:41] TR Bot Model History is Being Lost | Vale.Rocks [07:42] TR News "I was impressed with how much effort the scientists that she studied put into checking what the LLMs produced. [...] And yet, the LLMs still inserted bugs that the scientists missed." https://computinged.wordpress.com/2025/03/16/how-scientists-learn-computing-and-use-llms-to-program/ | Source: CER http://techrights.org/o/2023/02/10/copilot-in-court/ [07:42] TR Bot How scientists learn computing and use LLMs to program: Computing education for scientists and for democracy | Computing Ed Research - Guzdial's Take [07:42] TR Bot Microsoft GitHub Expos Part XXVII The Future of OpenAI May Depend on the Fate of GitHub's Copilot in Court ($9 Billion in Damages) [07:42] TR News "Across all bots, over 60% of answers were wrong. Perplexity was least-worst at 37% wrong, and Grok was 94% wrong." https://pivot-to-ai.com/2025/03/16/cjr-llms-are-still-really-bad-search-engines/ | Source: Pivot to AI [07:42] TR Bot CJR: LLMs are still really bad search engines Pivot to AI [07:42] TR News "The AI didn't stop at merely refusingit offered a paternalistic justification for its decision" https://www.wired.com/story/ai-coding-assistant-refused-to-write-code-suggested-user-learn-himself/ | Source: Wired [07:42] TR Bot AI Coding Assistant Refused to Write Codeand Suggested the User Learn to Do It Himself | WIRED [07:45] TR News "Hmm, yeah. Life is strange sometimes. The answers don't grow on trees; they seem to be buried deep underground. It just takes the courage to start digging." https://yordi.me/lost-in-work/ | Source: Yordi Verkroost [07:45] TR Bot Lost in Work | Yordi [07:46] TR News "We observed associations between cumulative marijuana use and multiple epigenetic markers across time" https://www.sciencealert.com/cannabis-use-linked-to-epigenetic-changes-scientists-find | Source: Science Alert [07:46] TR Bot Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Find : ScienceAlert [07:46] TR News "No, it's not just you people really are less smart than they used to be." https://futurism.com/neoscope/human-intelligence-declining-trends | Source: Futurism [07:46] TR Bot Human Intelligence Sharply Declining [07:47] TR News "Hippocratic AI initially promoted a rate of $9 an hour for its AI assistants, compared with about $40 an hour for a registered nurse." https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/artificial-intelligence/as-ai-nurses-reshape-hospital-care-human-nurses-are-pushing-back/articleshow/119094427.cms | Source: India Times [07:47] TR Bot As AI nurses reshape hospital care, human nurses are pushing back - The Economic Times [07:49] IsambardPrince "President Donald Trump has threatened a 200% tariff on alcohol from EU countries unless a "nasty 50% tariff on whisky" is stopped" [07:49] IsambardPrince Seems fair, I guess, if the 50% tariff on whiskey is real. [07:49] IsambardPrince Who even knows. [07:50] TR News "For most of the last decade, being a software engineer has been a lot of fun." https://www.seangoedecke.com/good-times-are-over/ | Source: Sean Goedecke [07:50] TR Bot The good times in tech are over | sean goedecke [07:51] TR News "Of course I took notes. This was the conference where everyone laughed at each other for taking notes." https://brainbaking.com/post/2025/03/pkm-summit-2025/ | Source: Wouter Groeneveld [07:51] TR Bot PKM Summit 2025 Notes | Brain Baking [07:51] TR News "With the latest phase finally delivered, I wanted to conduct a detailed postmortem to understand why my perception of the actual work was so off" https://davestewart.co.uk/blog/the-work-is-never-just-the-work/ | [07:51] TR Bot The work is never just the work | Dave Stewart [07:53] schestowitz[TR2] IsambardPrince: a "small governmenttt" [07:53] schestowitz[TR2] that taxes your allcohol [07:54] schestowitz[TR2] tripling its price [07:54] schestowitz[TR2] very very small [07:55] TR News "Tiny Pointers" https://www.wired.com/story/undergraduate-upends-a-40-year-old-data-science-conjecture/ | Source: Wired [07:55] TR Bot Upends a 40-Year-Old Data Science Conjecture | WIRED [07:55] TR News "Around the world, on separate continents that had no contact with each other, multiple groups of ancient humans invented farming more or less simultaneously and scientists still don't know how or why." https://futurism.com/human-development-simultaneous-revolution-farming | Source: Futurism [07:55] TR Bot The Biggest Technological Development in Human History Happened All Across the World Around the Same Time, by Groups of People With Zero Contact With One Another [07:55] TR News "Every year on March 14 Albert Einsteins birthday math lovers can raise a piece of pie to Pi () Day, an international celebration of one of maths most famous constants: the irrational, never-ending number ." https://nflatrea.bearblog.dev/happy-pi-day/ | Source: No Flatreaud [07:55] TR Bot Happy Pi () day | No Flatreaud [07:56] schestowitz[TR2] IsambardPrince: danish alcohol companies and breweries will clamour to move to the US [07:56] schestowitz[TR2] from greenland even [07:57] TR News "The LSST camera completed construction in April of 2024, but moving the worlds largest digital camera (which weighs over 3,000 kilograms / 6,000 pounds) proved to be a long and complex process." https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/photography/astrophotography/the-car-sized-camera-that-can-see-a-golf-ball-from-15-miles-away-is-nearly-ready-to-start-taking-epic-images-of-the-galaxy | Source: Digital Camera World [07:57] TR Bot The car-sized camera that can see a golf ball from 15 miles away is nearly ready to start taking epic images of the galaxy | Digital Camera World [07:57] TR News "Questlove defends the audacity Maria Shriver showed in an old interview thats central to his film by trying to get Sly Stone to acknowledge he blew it in letting drugs derail his career." https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/sly-lives-questlove-interview-earth-wind-and-fire-dangelo-1235297460/ | Source: Rolling Stone [07:57] TR Bot Questlove on Sly Stone and His Upcoming Earth, Wind and Fire Doc [07:58] TR News "Sly and the Family Stone achieved unprecedented success in the late Sixties, with number one records, a star turn at Woodstock, a cover on Rolling Stone magazine." https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/film/2025/03/exploration-of-sly-stones-genius | Source: New Statesman [07:58] TR Bot The exploration of Sly Stones genius - New Statesman [07:58] TR News "In computing the DEC PDP-11 is something of a geologic feature." https://oldvcr.blogspot.com/2025/03/more-pro-for-dec-professional-380.html | Source: Old VCR [07:58] TR Bot Old Vintage Computing Research: More pro for the DEC Professional 380 (featuring PRO/VENIX) [07:58] TR News "To get the pictures off the cartridge I built an ESP8266-based WiFi printer emulator." https://www.xythobuz.de/2025_03_16_gameboy.html | Source: Thomas Buck [07:58] TR Bot Boy Color modding and experiments - xythobuz.de [07:59] TR News (NEW): GIMP 3.0 Image Editor Is Now Available for Download, Heres Whats New https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/GIMP_3_0_Image_Editor_Is_Now_Available_for_Download_Here_s_What.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/GIMP_3_0_Image_Editor_Is_Now_Available_for_Download_Here_s_What.gmi [07:59] TR Bot Tux Machines GIMP 3.0 Image Editor Is Now Available for Download, Heres Whats New ● Mar 17 [08:01] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware/Modding Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Open_Hardware_Modding_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Open_Hardware_Modding_Leftovers.gmi [08:01] TR Bot Tux Machines Open Hardware/Modding Leftovers [08:02] TR News (NEW): Baobab - Intro to Ubuntu Disk Usage Analyzer Program https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Baobab_Intro_to_Ubuntu_Disk_Usage_Analyzer_Program.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Baobab_Intro_to_Ubuntu_Disk_Usage_Analyzer_Program.gmi [08:02] TR Bot Tux Machines Baobab - Intro to Ubuntu Disk Usage Analyzer Program [08:04] TR News We Were Badly Misled About Covid https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/16/opinion/covid-pandemic-lab-leak.html [08:04] TR Bot Opinion | We Were Badly Misled About Covid - The New York Times [08:06] TR News (NEW): Industrial Embedded Computing with FET3506J S SoM and Linux Compatibility https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Industrial_Embedded_Computing_with_FET3506J_S_SoM_and_Linux_Com.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Industrial_Embedded_Computing_with_FET3506J_S_SoM_and_Linux_Com.gmi [08:06] TR Bot Tux Machines Industrial Embedded Computing with FET3506J S SoM and Linux Compatibility [08:07] TR News How To Install Realtek Wifi Drivers on Debian 12 https://idroot.us/install-realtek-wifi-drivers-debian-12/ [08:07] TR Bot How To Install Realtek Wifi Drivers on Debian 12 - idroot [08:07] TR News How To Install XFCE Desktop Environment on Manjaro https://idroot.us/install-xfce-desktop-environment-manjaro/ [08:07] TR Bot How To Install XFCE Desktop Environment on Manjaro - idroot [08:07] TR News How To Install Akaunting on Fedora 41 https://idroot.us/install-akaunting-fedora-41/ [08:07] TR Bot How To Install Akaunting on Fedora 41 - idroot [08:09] TR News (NEW): Framework 13 AMD Setup with FreeBSD https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Framework_13_AMD_Setup_with_FreeBSD.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Framework_13_AMD_Setup_with_FreeBSD.gmi [08:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Framework 13 AMD Setup with FreeBSD [08:12] TR News "The obvious general approach is for your program to run a little HTTP server that listens on some port on localhost, and capture the code when the (local) browser gets the HTTP redirect to localhost and visits the server." https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/tech/OIDCRedirectUriNotes | Source: University of Toronto [08:12] TR Bot You're using a too-old browser [08:12] TR News How To Install Btop on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-btop-ubuntu-24-04/ [08:12] TR Bot How To Install Btop on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [08:12] TR News How To Install Pandas on Fedora 41 https://idroot.us/install-pandas-fedora-41/ [08:12] TR Bot How To Install Pandas on Fedora 41 - idroot [08:12] TR News (NEW): Review: MocaccinoOS 1.8.1 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Review_MocaccinoOS_1_8_1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Review_MocaccinoOS_1_8_1.gmi [08:12] TR Bot Tux Machines Review: MocaccinoOS 1.8.1 [08:12] TR News "Peter Eckel has been busy adding support for describing DNSSEC Key and DNSSEC Policy templates to NetBox DNS." https://jpmens.net/2025/03/16/dnssec-policy-and-key-template-support-in-netbox-dns/ | Source: Jan Piet Mens [08:12] TR Bot Jan-Piet Mens :: DNSSEC Policy and Key template support in NetBox DNS [08:13] TR News How To Install SuiteCRM on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-suitecrm-ubuntu-24-04/ [08:13] TR Bot How To Install SuiteCRM on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [08:13] TR News How To Install Symfony Framework on Linux Mint 22 https://idroot.us/install-symfony-framework-linux-mint-22/ [08:13] TR Bot How To Install Symfony Framework on Linux Mint 22 - idroot [08:14] TR News "When I wrote about how SAML and OIDC differed in sharing information, where SAML shares every SAML 'attribute' by default and OIDC has 'scopes' for its 'claims'" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/tech/OIDCScopesAndPrograms | Source: University of Toronto [08:16] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/today_s_howtos.gmi [08:16] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos [08:16] TR News Finding invoices for our first family PC from 1992! https://rubenerd.com/finding-the-invoice-for-our-first-family-pc/ [08:16] TR Bot Finding invoices for our first family PC from 1992! [08:17] TR News (NEW): Hos OS Ubuntu-based Linux distribution https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Hos_OS_Ubuntu_based_Linux_distribution.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Hos_OS_Ubuntu_based_Linux_distribution.gmi [08:17] TR Bot Tux Machines Hos OS Ubuntu-based Linux distribution [08:19] TR News (NEW): Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Progress ShareFile https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Alternatives_to_Progress_ShareFile.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Alternatives_to_Progress_ShareFile.gmi [08:19] TR Bot Tux Machines Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Progress ShareFile [08:22] TR News plagiarism services https://danielmiessler.com/blog/thinking-coding [08:22] TR Bot Coding is Thinking | Daniel Miessler [08:23] TR News "This post explores how GNU Assembler and LLVM integrated assembler generate relocations, an important step to generate a relocatable file." https://maskray.me/blog/2025-03-16-relocation-generation-in-assemblers | Source: MaskRay [08:23] TR Bot Relocation generation in assemblers | MaskRay [08:24] TR News "You are given a typewriter with lowercase english letters a to z arranged in a circle." https://raku-musings.com/time-balls.html | Source: Arne Sommer [08:24] TR Bot Time Balls with Raku - Arne Sommer [08:24] TR News "Through the power of Go, its impossible to just pass data around without additional ceremony. I cant overstate how strange it is that in the world of Go, calling a function and being able to store the result in a list is the exception, and not the rule" https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/03/multiple-return-values-in-go/ | [08:24] TR Bot Were multiple return values Go's biggest mistake? | MONDTECH MAGAZINE [08:25] IsambardPrince <schestowitz[TR2]> IsambardPrince: danish alcohol companies and breweries will clamour to move to the US [08:25] IsambardPrince <schestowitz[TR2]> from greenland even [08:25] IsambardPrince Haven't you heard? Greenland might be the 51st state, or 52nd, depending on which order they and Canada ratify the US Constitution. [08:27] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Sweden will join next. Bork bork bork. [08:27] IsambardPrince Before you know it, you'll be an American too. [08:27] IsambardPrince Just one big happy family. [08:27] TR News (NEW): Programming and Shows https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Programming_and_Shows.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Programming_and_Shows.gmi [08:27] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming and Shows [08:28] TR News Techrights Links 17/03/2025: "Badly Misled About Covid" and "Gag of America" https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Badly_Misled_About_Covid_and_Gag_of_America.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Badly_Misled_About_Covid_and_Gag_of_America.gmi [08:28] TR Bot Techrights Links 17/03/2025: "Badly Misled About Covid" and "Gag of America" [08:28] IsambardPrince https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN1hL9cn7s0 [08:28] TR Bot https://inv.zzls.xyz/watch?v=YN1hL9cn7s0 [08:28] TR Bot inv.nadeko.net | The Muppet Show Swedish Chef Compilation - Part 1 - Invidious [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] <IsambardPrince> Just one big happy family. [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] putin in 2014 made ukraine part os russia [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] or not [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] it's 2025 [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] ukraine is still ukraine [08:30] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], We have more stuff. [08:30] IsambardPrince And ours is modern and works. [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] ptuin together with pooh-tin, the persian empire and n korea still cannot figure out how to "take" ukraine [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] but now he has a friend in the "white house" [08:31] schestowitz[TR2] helped by his brics (melon) friend\ [08:32] TR News Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Progress ShareFile https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-alternatives-progress-sharefile/ [08:32] TR Bot Free and Open Source Alternatives to Progress ShareFile - LinuxLinks [08:33] TR News Framework 13 AMD Setup with FreeBSD https://euroquis.nl/freebsd/2025/03/16/framework.html [08:33] TR Bot Framework 13 AMD Setup with FreeBSD | [bobulate] [08:33] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Our leading scientists believe it's possible to detransition a Lobster. [08:34] IsambardPrince He'll have to put some rolled up socks in his pants, but odds are he did that anyway before. [08:36] TR News 6 Best Free and Open Source PHP Microframeworks https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-php-microframeworks/ [08:36] TR Bot Best Free and Open Source PHP Microframeworks - LinuxLinks [08:36] TR News O3DE multi-platform 3D engine https://www.linuxlinks.com/o3de-multi-platform-3d-engine/ [08:36] TR Bot - multi-platform 3D engine - LinuxLinks [08:36] TR News IncreaseOS Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution https://www.linuxlinks.com/increaseos-debian-based-linux-distribution/ [08:36] TR Bot - Debian-based Linux distribution - LinuxLinks [08:37] TR News Many Reports About Abusive Monopolist Microsoft Layoffs Are LLM Slop Based on Other LLM Slop (From Microsoft-controlled LLMs That Downplay the Layoffs or Give Badly Outdated Data) https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/15/Many_Reports_About_Microsoft_Layoffs_Are_LLM_Slop_Based_on_Othe.shtml [08:37] TR Bot Techrights Many Reports About Microsoft Layoffs Are LLM Slop Based on Other LLM Slop (From Microsoft-controlled LLMs That Downplay the Layoffs or Give Badly Outdated Data) [08:37] TR News Expect GNU/Linux to Rise Sharply in China (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Expect_GNU_Linux_to_Rise_Sharply_in_China.shtml [08:37] TR Bot Techrights Expect GNU/Linux to Rise Sharply in China [08:37] TR News When You Don't Want to Tinker Much You Just Use GNU/Linux, Not backdoored Windows (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/When_You_Don_t_Want_to_Tinker_Much_You_Just_Use_GNU_Linux_Not_W.shtml [08:37] TR Bot Techrights When You Don't Want to Tinker Much You Just Use GNU/Linux, Not Windows [08:37] TR News (NEW): 3 Reasons to Enable ADB on Android https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/3_Reasons_to_Enable_ADB_on_Android.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/3_Reasons_to_Enable_ADB_on_Android.gmi [08:38] TR Bot Tux Machines 3 Reasons to Enable ADB on Android [08:58] TR News Illuminating Microsoft's Code of Conduct (CoC) Hypocrisy https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Illuminating_Microsoft_s_Code_of_Conduct_CoC_Hypocrisy.shtml [08:58] TR Bot Techrights Illuminating Microsoft's Code of Conduct (CoC) Hypocrisy [08:58] TR News Facebook REALLY, REALLY, R E A L L Y Does Not Want You to Read This Book https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Facebook_REALLY_REALLY_R_E_A_L_L_Y_Does_Not_Want_You_to_Read_Th.shtml [08:58] TR Bot Techrights Facebook REALLY, REALLY, R E A L L Y Does Not Want You to Read This Book ● Mar 17 [09:00] TR News Slow News Cycles Are Part of a Trend, Technology Gravitating Towards Rich People's Interests https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Slow_News_Cycles_Are_Part_of_a_Trend_Technology_Gravitating_Tow.shtml [09:00] TR Bot Techrights Slow News Cycles Are Part of a Trend, Technology Gravitating Towards Rich People's Interests [09:00] TR News Coming Soon, the Next Chapter About the Crisis of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Coming_Soon_the_Next_Chapter_About_the_Crisis_of_the_Open_Sourc.shtml [09:00] TR Bot Techrights Coming Soon, the Next Chapter About the Crisis of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) [09:01] TR News Mozilla Firefox is Probably Already Below 2% in the UK (United Kingdom) (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Mozilla_Firefox_is_Probably_Already_Below_2_in_the_UK_United_Ki.shtml [09:01] TR Bot Techrights Mozilla Firefox is Probably Already Below 2% in the UK (United Kingdom) [09:01] TR News Recent Site Changes and Looking Towards 2026 (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/16/Recent_Site_Changes_and_Looking_Towards_2026.shtml [09:01] TR Bot Techrights Recent Site Changes and Looking Towards 2026 [09:02] TR News Garuda GNU/Linux Might Be the Best Looking Desktop OS on the Market https://thenewstack.io/garuda-linux-might-be-the-best-looking-desktop-os-on-the-market/ [09:02] TR Bot Garuda Linux Might Be the Best Looking Desktop OS on the Market - The New Stack [09:06] TR News (NEW): Linux 6.14-rc7 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Linux_6_14_rc7.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Linux_6_14_rc7.gmi [09:06] TR Bot Tux Machines Linux 6.14-rc7 [09:09] TR News "By default, PostgreSQL uses synchronous commit, meaning when your application commits a transaction, PostgreSQL: [...]" https://www.shayon.dev/post/2025/75/selective-asynchronous-commits-in-postgresql-balancing-durability-and-performance/ | Source: Shayon Mukherjee [09:09] TR Bot Selective asynchronous commits in PostgreSQL - balancing durability and performance [09:10] TR News "powerful toolkit for data recovery, system repair, and disk management, has just released version 12, which includes a major upgrade to the LTS Linux kernel, moving to v6.12.19." https://linuxiac.com/systemrescue-12-released-with-bcachefs-support/ | Source: Linuxiac [09:10] TR Bot SystemRescue 12 Released with Bcachefs Support [09:10] TR News "I was not disappointed." https://thenewstack.io/garuda-linux-might-be-the-best-looking-desktop-os-on-the-market/ | Source: The New Stack [09:11] TR News "We brought back some of the tactile controls with GUIsgraphical user interfaces. We skeumorphed the heck out of our screens, with digital switches, flat sliders, and folder icons." https://wattenberger.com/thoughts/our-interfaces-have-lost-their-senses | [09:11] TR Bot Our interfaces have lost their senses [09:13] TR News South Koreas cable car boom: Not everyone is excited https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/south-koreas-cable-car-boom-not-everyone-is-excited [09:13] TR Bot South Koreas cable car boom: Not everyone is excited | The Straits Times [09:14] TR News Malaysias Subang Airport soars again with Batik Airs expansion https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/malaysias-subang-airport-soars-again-with-batik-airs-expansion [09:14] TR Bot Malaysias Subang Airport soars again with Batik Airs expansion | The Straits Times [09:15] TR News China looks to boost consumption amid consumer squeeze https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/china-looks-to-boost-consumption-amid-consumer-squeeze [09:15] TR Bot China looks to boost consumption amid consumer squeeze | The Straits Times [09:16] IsambardPrince https://www.wglt.org/local-news/2025-03-14/homeschool-families-upset-after-illinois-lawmaker-pushes-a-bill-to-create-oversight [09:16] TR Bot Homeschool families upset after Illinois lawmaker pushes a bill to create oversight | WGLT [09:17] TR News Did you see this Linux DE running on Android? https://www.androidpolice.com/thread/did-you-see-this-linux-de-running-on-android/ [09:17] TR Bot Did you see this Linux DE running on Android? [09:17] TR News "Using Linux isn't just a practical way to use a computer. It's a way of lifeone that can forever change the way you think about computing." https://www.howtogeek.com/tidbits-of-wisdom-you-gain-from-using-linux/ [09:17] TR Bot 6 Tidbits of Wisdom You Gain From Using Linux [09:17] TR News "SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview Brings Linux Kernel 6.11, Newer Arch Linux Base, Plasma 6.2.5, and Many Updates for Input and Connectivity" https://wccftech.com/valve-rolls-out-steamos-3-7-0-preview/ [09:17] TR Bot Valve's Promise Comes True With SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview: Offers Support To Non-Steam Deck Handhelds And Plasma 6 For Linux Desktop-Like Experience [09:18] TR News "From your everyday talking cows to upside-down, rainbow-colored, ASCII art made from ridiculously large prime numbers, these Linux commands range from mildly humorous to outright bizarre. Just because these commands are useless doesnt mean you shouldnt use them!" https://www.howtogeek.com/useless-linux-commands-everyone-needs-to-know/ [09:18] TR Bot 15 Useless Linux Commands Everyone Needs to Know [09:18] TR News "Adding tabs makes it easier to multitask, as you can issue commands without having to wait for a process to complete." https://www.androidauthority.com/android-linux-terminal-tabs-3535373/ [09:18] TR Bot Android's Linux Terminal app adds tabs so you can multitask more easily - Android Authority [09:19] TR News alternative search engines most users did not know exist https://dwaves.de/2025/03/16/alternative-search-engines-most-users-did-not-know-exist/ [09:19] TR Bot alternative search engines most users did not know exist | dwaves.de ● Mar 17 [11:05] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [11:05] *wallacer (~quassel@2x2w4qfz3wksg.irc) has joined #techrights [11:49] *IsambardPrince has quit (Quit: Leaving) [11:52] *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [11:53] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights ● Mar 17 [12:21] *HumanG33k has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [12:22] *HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@ has joined #techrights [12:57] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [12:57] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h5zkbfemmwig6.irc) has joined #techrights ● Mar 17 [13:00] *oarion7 (~ryan@e6jyc88uwxv5c.irc) has joined #techrights ● Mar 17 [14:29] MinceR 17 064054 < IsambardPrince> MinceR, Someone said non-citizens can't vote so what I said made no sense when I said people who voted for Trump deserve what they get. [14:30] MinceR it's nice to spell this out for the heehaw retards, though i suspect they will never understand it anyway [14:49] TR News Panasonic https://hackaday.com/2025/03/16/a-look-at-the-panasonic-fs-a1fm/ | Source: Hackaday [14:49] TR Bot Look At The Panasonic FS-A1FM | Hackaday [14:49] TR News Distances https://hackaday.com/2025/03/16/transmitting-wireless-power-over-longer-distances/ | Source: Hackaday [14:49] TR Bot Wireless Power Over Longer Distances | Hackaday [14:50] TR News 16 March 2025 at 22:30 - Just read thewk post on building his Polar Explorer II... https://kevquirk.com/notes/20250316-2230 [14:50] TR Bot 16 March 2025 at 22:30 | Kev Quirk [14:51] TR News Current Probe https://hackaday.com/2025/03/16/inside-a-budget-current-probe/ | Source: Hackaday [14:51] TR Bot A Budget Current Probe | Hackaday [14:52] TR News Amiga https://hackaday.com/2025/03/16/the-amiga-no-one-wanted/ | Source: Hackaday [14:52] TR Bot Amiga No One Wanted | Hackaday [14:53] TR News NeoAPT simplified replacement for apt utility https://bkhome.org/news/202503/neoapt-simplified-replacement-for-apt-utility.html [14:53] TR Bot NeoAPT simplified replacement for apt utility [14:54] TR News Linuxiac Weekly Wrap-Up: Week 11 (Mar 10 16, 2025) https://linuxiac.com/linuxiac-weekly-wrap-up-week-11-mar-10-16-2025/ [14:54] TR Bot Weekly Wrap-Up: Week 11 (Mar 10 16, 2025) [14:55] TR News Seems like a real article from Brian Fagioli, for a change https://betanews.com/2025/03/16/debian-linux-1210-st-patricks-day/ [14:55] TR Bot Debian Linux 12.10 drops just in time for St. Patricks Day with security fixes [14:57] TR News Updated PineTab-V RISC-V tablet ships with Debian 12-based GNU/Linux image https://www.cnx-software.com/2025/03/16/updated-pinetab-v-risc-v-tablet-ships-with-debian-12-based-linux-image/ [14:57] TR Bot Updated PineTab-V RISC-V tablet ships with Debian 12-based Linux image - CNX Software [14:57] TR News How to list upgradeable packages on FreeBSD using pkg https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/pkg-command-list-upgradeable-packages-freebsd/ [14:57] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/pkg-command-list-upgradeable-packages-freebsd/ ) [14:58] TR News Ubuntu to Explore Rust-Based uutils as Potential GNU Core Utilities Replacement https://www.cyberciti.biz/linux-news/ubuntu-to-explore-rust-based-uutils-as-potential-gnu-core-utilities-replacement/ [14:58] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.cyberciti.biz/linux-news/ubuntu-to-explore-rust-based-uutils-as-potential-gnu-core-utilities-replacement/ ) [14:59] TR News Beekeeper Studio cross-platform SQL editor and database manager https://www.linuxlinks.com/beekeeper-studio-cross-platform-sql-editor-database-manager/ [14:59] TR Bot Studio - cross-platform SQL editor and database manager - LinuxLinks [14:59] TR News Leaf slim and lightweight PHP framework https://www.linuxlinks.com/leaf-slim-lightweight-php-framework/ [14:59] TR Bot - slim and lightweight PHP framework - LinuxLinks ● Mar 17 [15:00] TR News SysD Manager GUI tool to manage systemd units https://www.linuxlinks.com/sysd-manager-gui-tool-manage-systemd-units/ [15:00] TR Bot Manager - GUI tool to manage systemd units - LinuxLinks [15:01] TR News Canonical/Ubuntu will go against GPL, just like GAFAM http://techrights.org/n/2025/02/24/In_Case_Rust_Censors_It_Rust_Has_Long_Been_All_About_Censorship.shtml [15:01] TR Bot Techrights In Case Rust Censors It (Rust Has Long Been All About Censorship), Here's a Critical Look at Rust's Goals [15:02] TR News Interpretable probabilistic kernel ridge regression using matern 3/2 kernels https://www.r-bloggers.com/2025/03/interpretable-probabilistic-kernel-ridge-regression-using-matern-3-2-kernels/ [15:02] TR Bot probabilistic kernel ridge regression using matern 3/2 kernels | R-bloggers [15:05] TR News Frank Ch. Eigler: moment of zen http://web.elastic.org/~fche/blog4/posts/moment_of_zen/ [15:05] TR Bot moment of zen [15:05] TR News Fedora 40 approaching end of life https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2025/03/16/fedora-40-approaching-end-of-life/ [15:05] TR Bot Fedora 40 approaching end of life | Qubes OS [15:06] MinceR what difference does it make? fedora/qubes won't get the newest holes in cancerd? [15:06] TR News Lazy Reading for 2025/03/16 https://www.dragonflydigest.com/2025/03/16/lazy-reading-for-2025-03-16/ [15:06] TR Bot Lazy Reading for 2025/03/16 DragonFly BSD Digest [15:06] TR News Zeeshan Ali http://zee-nix.blogspot.com/2025/03/making-stm32wl55-work-with-rust-i.html [15:06] TR Bot Coder's Log [15:07] schestowitz[TR2] <MinceR> what difference does it make? fedora/qubes won't get the newest holes in cancerd? [15:07] schestowitz[TR2] right [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] well, qubes ise fedora with xen [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] and afaik, it uses xxen for something like "jails"\ [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] except not bsd [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] and each process or group thereof will be like a VM [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] they say for security [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] or insulation [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] how effective this is? [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] i'm not the best person to ask [15:08] schestowitz[TR2] but it sounds a little "voodoo" tbh [15:09] schestowitz[TR2] they might want to call it XenOS [15:09] schestowitz[TR2] built on top of an experiment, fedora [15:09] MinceR and with a massive pile of bullshitting about how running more copies of that massive backdoor is somehow supposed to make you secure [15:09] schestowitz[TR2] maybe it tackles some breach scenarios [15:09] schestowitz[TR2] but it likely opens the system up for other threats [15:10] schestowitz[TR2] MinceR: seems more like containment of breach [15:10] schestowitz[TR2] but you can somehow hop between VMs [15:10] schestowitz[TR2] the v in VM is virtual [15:10] MinceR you can't contain the breach by having copies of what caused the breach in every VM [15:10] schestowitz[TR2] so there is no physical separation [15:10] schestowitz[TR2] and xen does not lack a share of holes [15:11] TR News Commissioner Computer vs. Daniela Klette: Use of Hey Hi (AI) in RAF investigations raises questions https://digit.site36.net/2025/03/16/commissioner-computer-vs-daniela-klette-use-of-ai-in-raf-investigations-raises-questions/ [15:11] TR Bot Commissioner Computer vs. Daniela Klette: Use of AI in RAF investigations raises questions | Matthias Monroy [15:12] MinceR (audio:important) https://i.imgur.com/KdwVAfu.mp4 = https://rimgo.pussthecat.org/KdwVAfu [15:12] TR Bot rimgo [15:12] TR News IP as an Antitrust Exception: SCOTUS Denies Review in $1.6B BMC-IBM Dispute https://patentlyo.com/patent/2025/03/antitrust-exception-dispute.html [15:12] TR Bot IP as an Antitrust Exception: SCOTUS Denies Review in $1.6B BMC-IBM Dispute | Patently-O [15:12] TR News Kernel prepatch 6.14-rc7 https://lwn.net/Articles/1014317/ [15:12] TR Bot prepatch 6.14-rc7 [LWN.net] [15:20] TR News U.S. Atari parts store still open after 41 years, has spent $100K+ designing new parts last original Atari hardware launched 32 years ago https://www.tomshardware.com/video-games/retro-gaming/u-s-atari-parts-store-still-open-after-41-years-has-spent-usd100k-designing-new-parts-last-original-atari-hardware-launched-32-years-ago [15:20] TR Bot U.S. Atari parts store still open after 41 years, has spent $100K+ designing new parts last original Atari hardware launched 32 years ago | Tom's Hardware [15:21] TR News "But theres an even older technology that recorded voice on hair-thin stainless steel wire and [Mr. Carlson] happened upon a recorded reel of wire. Can he extract the audio from it? Of course! You can see and hear the results in the video below" https://hackaday.com/2025/03/16/wire-recording-speaks-again/ | Source: Hackaday [15:21] TR Bot Recording Speaks Again | Hackaday [15:22] TR News Stranded NASA Astronauts Embrace Relief Crew in Joyous Scenes https://www.sciencealert.com/stranded-nasa-astronauts-embrace-relief-crew-in-joyous-scenes [15:22] TR Bot NASA Astronauts Embrace Relief Crew in Joyous Scenes : ScienceAlert [15:22] TR News Looking at Images of Nature Does Something Powerful in The Brain https://www.sciencealert.com/looking-at-images-of-nature-does-something-powerful-in-the-brain [15:22] TR Bot at Images of Nature Does Something Powerful in The Brain : ScienceAlert [15:23] TR News Live Nations DOJ Antitrust Battle to Continue Under Convicted Felon Live Nation Motion to Dismiss Denied https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/03/16/live-nation-doj-antitrust-battle-trump/ [15:23] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/03/16/live-nation-doj-antitrust-battle-trump/ ) [15:25] TR News Commenting on, or criticising, court cases is both legal andhelpful in Hong Kong https://hongkongfp.com/2025/03/16/commenting-on-or-criticising-court-cases-is-both-legal-and-helpful-in-hong-kong/ [15:25] TR Bot Commenting on, or criticising, court cases is both legal andhelpful [15:26] TR News Bits from Debian: Debian Med Sprint in Berlin https://bits.debian.org/2025/03/debian-med-sprint-2025.html [15:26] TR Bot Debian Med Sprint in Berlin - Bits from Debian [15:27] TR News CarConnectivity and the ID.Buzz https://www.thelins.se/johan/blog/2025/03/carconnectivity-and-the-id-buzz/ [15:27] TR Bot CarConnectivity and the ID.Buzz Life of a Developer [15:29] TR News Mirai Bot now incroporating (malformed) DrayTek Vigor Router Exploits, (Sun, Mar 16th) https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/31770 [15:29] TR Bot Mirai Bot now incroporating (malformed?) DrayTek Vigor Router Exploits - SANS Internet Storm Center [15:30] TR News Russell Coker: Article Recommendations via FOSS https://etbe.coker.com.au/2025/03/16/article-recommendations-foss/ [15:30] TR Bot Article Recommendations via FOSS etbe - Russell Coker [15:31] TR News Is a Blanket Music Licensing System Ahead for Generative Hey Hi (AI) Platforms? https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/03/16/blanket-music-licensing-system-genai/ [15:31] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/03/16/blanket-music-licensing-system-genai/ ) [15:31] TR News Google Weighs In On the US Hey Hi (AI) Action Plan With an Unsurprising Take on Copyrighted Content https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/03/14/google-weighs-in-on-us-ai-action-plan/ [15:31] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/03/14/google-weighs-in-on-us-ai-action-plan/ ) [15:33] TR News Reporters Without Borders demands release of detained Iraqi Kurdistan journalists https://www.jurist.org/news/2025/03/reporters-without-borders-demands-release-of-detained-iraqi-kurdistan-journalists/ [15:33] TR Bot Reporters Without Borders demands release of detained Iraqi Kurdistan journalists - JURIST - News [15:42] TR News New Huawei Kirin X90 chip revealed in state report possible server and PC chip set to replace the aging Kunpeng 920 design https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/cpus/new-huawei-kirin-x90-chip-revealed-in-state-report-possibly-set-to-replace-the-aging-kunpeng-920-design [15:42] TR Bot New Huawei Kirin X90 chip revealed in state report possible server and PC chip set to replace the aging Kunpeng 920 design | Tom's Hardware ● Mar 17 [16:23] TR News Jetway F35-ASL1 A 3.5-inch defective chip maker Intel Atom x7433RE SBC with dual 2.5GbE, six COM ports, and triple 4K display outputs https://www.cnx-software.com/2025/03/17/jetway-f35-asl1-a-3-5-inch-intel-atom-x7433re-sbc-with-dual-2-5gbe-six-com-ports-and-triple-4k-display-outputs/ [16:23] TR Bot Jetway F35-ASL1 - A 3.5-inch Intel Atom x7433RE SBC with dual 2.5GbE, six COM ports, and triple 4K display outputs - CNX Software [16:23] TR News WaveshareCM5-NANO-B is a compact Raspberry Pi CM5 carrier board with the same dimensions as the Compute Module 5 https://www.cnx-software.com/2025/03/17/waveshare-cm5-nano-b-compact-raspberry-pi-cm5-carrier-board/ [16:23] TR Bot WaveshareCM5-NANO-B is a compact Raspberry Pi CM5 carrier board with the same dimensions as the Compute Module 5 - CNX Software [16:28] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.2.6 Quasar http://www.kvirc.net/) [16:29] *Predeterminator24 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [16:29] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@8p6k6zizq5nqc.irc) has joined #techrights [16:32] *buzzert has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [16:33] TR News "Haha we were told computers would improve our lives and we would be able to enjoy more free time. Quite the oppousite happened. AI will make us more needful for free time to learn a real trade like welding or coding jobs we were recently told would replace mining operationing" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpgm840w [16:33] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpgm840w ) [16:35] TR News "According to HR and staffing the layoffs, non hiring of US citizens and bringing in more visa workers, laying off US resources and certain ethnic groups only hiring 'their own' (staffing words, not mine) is not discrimination and it is tuff luck as far as IBM is concerned." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jp9my5y3 [16:35] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jp9my5y3 ) [16:35] TR News "With the new administration, if you can call it that, backing anti DEI/woke mentality and the courts bought, trying to do anything legal once you get the axe will be a tuff go at best. Document document document. Good luck folks, you are going to need it as IBM carries little weight outside their walls. Big blue ain't agile in the eyes of the rest of world." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jp9my5y3 [16:35] TR News "Layoffs in the US?" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpj8mm5e [16:35] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jpj8mm5e ) [16:38] TR News Freeware image editor GIMP 3.0 arrives after seven years of incubation | Tom's Hardware https://www.tomshardware.com/software/freeware-image-editor-gimp-3-0-arrives-after-seven-years-of-incubation iophk: "The editorial team there is very well aware of the difference between freeware and free software and even open source software." [16:38] TR Bot Freeware image editor GIMP 3.0 arrives after seven years of incubation | Tom's Hardware [16:39] TR News iophk: has staffing changed at Tom's Hardware lately? This is not the first microsofism they have used in the last few weeks... [16:43] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware/Modding/Retro: Atari, Amiga, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Open_Hardware_Modding_Retro_Atari_Amiga_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Open_Hardware_Modding_Retro_Atari_Amiga_and_More.gmi [16:43] TR Bot Tux Machines Open Hardware/Modding/Retro: Atari, Amiga, and More [16:45] TR News (NEW): Debian GNU/Linux Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Debian_GNU_Linux_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Debian_GNU_Linux_Leftovers.gmi [16:45] TR Bot Tux Machines Debian GNU/Linux Leftovers [16:50] TR News (NEW): BSD Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/BSD_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/BSD_Leftovers.gmi [16:50] TR Bot Tux Machines BSD Leftovers [16:53] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Programming_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Programming_Leftovers.gmi [16:53] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming Leftovers [16:57] admfubar https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/03/alphabet-spins-off-laser-based-internet-backbone-provider-taara/?comments-page=1#comments [16:57] TR Bot Alphabet spins off laser-based Internet backbone provider Taara - Ars Technica ● Mar 17 [17:00] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/today_s_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/today_s_leftovers.gmi [17:00] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers [17:02] admfubar https://www.darkreading.com/cybersecurity-operations/microsoft-s-seizure-of-no-ip-domains-disrupted-criminals-innocents-alike [17:02] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.darkreading.com/cybersecurity-operations/microsoft-s-seizure-of-no-ip-domains-disrupted-criminals-innocents-alike ) [17:03] admfubar spooky.. https://www.darkreading.com/cyber-risk/former-nsa-and-google-engineers-launch-a-new-and-more-secure-disconnect-search [17:03] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.darkreading.com/cyber-risk/former-nsa-and-google-engineers-launch-a-new-and-more-secure-disconnect-search ) [17:05] TR News Techrights Links 17/03/2025: Live Nations DOJ Antitrust Battle Carries on, as Does the Demise of the "Hey Hi" Bubble https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Live_Nation_s_DOJ_Antitrust_Battle_Carries_on_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Live_Nation_s_DOJ_Antitrust_Battle_Carries_on_.gmi [17:05] TR Bot Techrights Links 17/03/2025: Live Nations DOJ Antitrust Battle Carries on, as Does the Demise of the "Hey Hi" Bubble [17:15] *buzzert (~buzzert@yebrnkh3fkpd6.irc) has joined #techrights [17:16] TR News That time when I ordered a watch but got something more gopher://hoi.st:70/0/posts/2025-03-17-that-time-when-ordered-a-watch.txt [17:17] TR News "It's been five years since the coronavirus 19 pandemic arrived in my country. I embargoed these journal entries, but now all parties have retired. I lightly edited for length, clarity, redaction." gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/agk/2025-03-16-pandem.txt [17:18] TR News How forced labor became the liberal agenda gemini://idiomdrottning.org/arbetslinjen [17:19] TR News "If 40000 people have a problem its not very helpful that a thousand people are loudly and repeatedly clamoring that they dont have that problem. Thats true whether thats 40000 out of 50000 or its 40000 out of 1000000." gemini://idiomdrottning.org/noise-positivity [17:20] TR News What do I want to do before that? gemini://idiomdrottning.org/do-before [17:21] TR News Employers hate extrinsic motivation gemini://idiomdrottning.org/paycheck [17:25] *admfubar has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [17:26] TR News "Over the past few months, I've been slowly wiping my old presence from traditional online spaces- my social media, Google, and other accounts are completely gone." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2537 [17:26] *phebus has quit (Quit: POKE 1,0) [17:27] TR News "When I first started programming Metalium. Memory was a "you do this and that then it works" kind of thing. Which doesn't sit well with me - at that point I understand each Tensix core only has direct access to it's own SRAM. But never figured out how all the magic parameters in DRAM allocation works." gemini://gemini.clehaxze.tw/gemlog/2025/03-17-memory-on-tenstorrent.gmi [17:27] TR News SpellBinding: BFGLURO Wordo: BURGS gemini://tilde.team/~stack/gemlog/2025-03-17.gmi [17:31] *admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights [17:32] TR News "i had two dreams, but forgot the second one. my sleep hasn't been the best lately... my condition makes it so that i can't sleep continuously without having to wake up in the middle of the night :(" gemini://angelai.smol.pub/07 [17:33] TR News Steven universe: vCJD edition chapter 5/ Entry for side E of vCJD gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2538 [17:34] TR News "and he performed in the US for the first time in 40 years just recently this month?? wow!! that is so insane to me that this guy is out performing at 71 YEARS OLD. what a legend." gemini://angelai.smol.pub/08 [17:34] *phebus (~phebus@f95gnd3zj7732.irc) has joined #techrights [17:34] TR News BRASILIAN SKIES - masayoshi takanaka (8/10): mar 17, 2025 gemini://angelai.smol.pub/09 [17:38] MinceR https://files.catbox.moe/lxvhy3.jpeg [17:38] MinceR someone at imgur got a severe case of butthurt from this [17:38] MinceR ^ "Who America is rooting for in the Super Bowl" [17:39] TR News Techrights Links 17/03/2025: Forced Labour and Memory on Tenstorrent https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Forced_Labour_and_Memory_on_Tenstorrent.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Forced_Labour_and_Memory_on_Tenstorrent.gmi [17:39] TR Bot Techrights Links 17/03/2025: Forced Labour and Memory on Tenstorrent [17:50] TR News Richard Stallman performs as Saint IGNUcius in the Church of Emacs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubzS1j4vh9Y [17:50] TR Bot https://yt.oelrichsgarcia.de/watch?v=ubzS1j4vh9Y [17:50] TR Bot not resolve host: yt.oelrichsgarcia.de ( status 0 @ https://yt.oelrichsgarcia.de/watch?v=ubzS1j4vh9Y ) [17:54] TR News EPO leaks up next at Techrights ● Mar 17 [18:04] admfubar https://xkcd.com/3064/ [18:04] TR Bot Lungfish [18:13] admfubar https://www.theregister.com/2025/03/17/microsoft_bug_report_troll/ [18:13] TR Bot Researcher trolls Microsoft over bug disclosure annoyance The Register [18:16] admfubar roy, read this one!!! https://www.theregister.com/2025/03/17/universe_today_opinion/ [18:16] TR Bot This one weird trick can make online publishing better The Register [18:17] schestowitz[TR2] let's see [18:17] schestowitz[TR2] i am typing an article atm [18:18] MinceR rotfl @ MICROS~1 [18:19] *rianne_ has quit (connection closed) [18:20] *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [18:23] *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [18:27] *psydroid2 has never and will never disclose any vulnerability, bug and/or feature to M$ [18:27] psydroid2 they can fix their crap themselves or (preferably) go out of business [18:28] admfubar https://www.theregister.com/2025/03/17/european_tech_sovereign_fund/ [18:28] TR Bot Euro techies call for sovereign fund to escape US dependency The Register [18:28] MinceR they never fix their crap anyway [18:32] TR News Techrights The EPO Might Face Critical 'Brain Drain' (Abandonment by the Most Experienced Patent Examiners) This Year https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/The_EPO_Might_Face_Critical_Brain_Drain_Abandonment_by_the_Most.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/The_EPO_Might_Face_Critical_Brain_Drain_Abandonment_by_the_Most.gmi [18:32] TR Bot Techrights The EPO Might Face Critical 'Brain Drain' (Abandonment by the Most Experienced Patent Examiners) This Year [18:43] Sompi great, now EU banned those mosquito repellent smoke coils [18:43] Sompi these things: https://www.amazon.com/W4W-Mosquito-Repellent-Coils-Contains/dp/B07C7ZSC8G [18:43] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Amazon.com [18:43] schestowitz[TR2] why? [18:44] Sompi doing any precise work outside is literally impossible without them [18:44] admfubar https://therecord.media/telegram-pavel-durov-leaves-france-amid-probe [18:44] TR Bot Telegram CEO confirms leaving France amid criminal probe | The Record from Recorded Future News [18:44] Sompi schestowitz[TR2]: Everything must be registered for it to be legal to sell in EU countries [18:44] Sompi because those mosquito repellent coils were only being sold in Finland, the registration costs were more than it is worth to the manufacturer [18:44] Sompi so now they cannot be sold anymore [18:45] TR News (NEW): Euro techies call for sovereign fund to escape US dependency https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Euro_techies_call_for_sovereign_fund_to_escape_US_dependency.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Euro_techies_call_for_sovereign_fund_to_escape_US_dependency.gmi [18:45] TR Bot Tux Machines Euro techies call for sovereign fund to escape US dependency [18:46] Sompi and for practical reasons it is usually not a viable option to build a campfire [18:47] TR News "The universe ended unexpectedly on a March Monday in 2025. To the relief of many, it came back a few days later much as before, but with one very significant change. One that may herald significant changes for all of us, inside its sphere or not." https://www.theregister.com/2025/03/17/universe_today_opinion/ [18:48] ZedHedTed Sompi: cont'd from yesterday: normies also try to force you to use the apps as much as the vendors/websites themselves do. [18:48] ZedHedTed every store i ever shop at, my mom asks if, or even assumes i have the app [18:49] Sompi In Finland most stores have started giving discounts to people who own an Android|iOS smartphone [18:49] TR News GNU/Linux around all-time high in Chile https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/chile/#monthly-200902-202503 [18:49] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share Chile | Statcounter Global Stats [18:49] ZedHedTed i still have friends who don't check their shitcord messages but they'll talk in messnger GCs all night, after all the work i did to get them onto disord. [18:50] Sompi Teboil gives even 10 snt/l discount from gasoline, which is crazy. And it is a Russian corporation, so why are they supporting tech companies in USA... [18:50] MinceR because the usa joined the axis of evil [18:51] Sompi For some reason every corporation wants to force their customers into using those Android|iOS phones, and even Russian corporations do that [18:52] ZedHedTed it's everywhere now [18:52] Sompi ZedHedTed: So now even Discord is too open for most people? They want something even more exclusive? [18:52] ZedHedTed fwiw trump & putin definitely have dirt on eachother. there's no way they don't. [18:52] MinceR (cat) https://imgur.com/gallery/CVPABcZ = https://rimgo.bloat.cat/gallery/CVPABcZ [18:52] TR Bot cat dump - Album on Imgur [18:52] TR Bot Friday cat dump - rimgo [18:53] ZedHedTed Sompi: pretty much. even a platform w/ 100 million+ users is too "niche". network effectat its finest. [18:53] Sompi Just by reading the headlines from rt.com it is very clear that Russia does not trust USA [18:53] MinceR understandable [18:53] MinceR the moment someone else gets near agent krasnov's ear, he might easily order something against muscovy [18:53] Sompi ZedHedTed: I have never understood why people insist on using communication platforms that everyone cannot use [18:54] MinceR people are fucking stupid [18:54] Sompi For everything else than communication programs that would be okay, if they don't coerce others into using the same apps [18:54] Sompi But for communication programs that literally ruins the whole purpose of the application [18:55] admfubar friday cat dump.. thanks for the reminder to clean litter boxes... [18:55] TR News (NEW): Enlightenment 0.27.1 Desktop Is Out to Improve the CPUFreq and Battery Modules https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Enlightenment_0_27_1_Desktop_Is_Out_to_Improve_the_CPUFreq_and_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Enlightenment_0_27_1_Desktop_Is_Out_to_Improve_the_CPUFreq_and_.gmi [18:55] TR Bot Tux Machines Enlightenment 0.27.1 Desktop Is Out to Improve the CPUFreq and Battery Modules [18:55] admfubar https://themarkup.org/artificial-intelligence/2025/03/13/ai-can-rip-you-off-heres-how-california-lawmakers-want-to-stop-price-discrimination [18:55] TR Bot AI Can Rip You Off. Here's How California Lawmakers Want to Stop Price Discrimination The Markup [18:56] ZedHedTed i hate "platforms" that make non-"official" clients against their TOS [18:57] Sompi I mean, in the very near past communication protocols were expected to be open so that everyone could make their own implementations. Then suddenly Discord became a thing and everyone who could started using it (and of course that does not include people who use other desktop operating systems than Windows) [18:58] Sompi Discord has banned third-party client implementations [18:58] schestowitz[TR2] slack also [18:58] schestowitz[TR2] iirc, there was some irc client bridge [18:58] Sompi They remove your account if you break the rules [18:58] schestowitz[TR2] but tyhey killed that off once they got "big enough" [18:58] schestowitz[TR2] they just cut the rope [18:59] Sompi Another thing that I don't understand is why people keep using those centralized services [18:59] Sompi Because the corporation that owns it can literally remove your account at any time [18:59] MinceR most people probably can't even process the word "centralized" ● Mar 17 [19:00] MinceR also, most people seem to have APT, and thus enjoy having a corporation have such power over them (and others) [19:00] Sompi Now you cannot even log in to Windows 11 without using a Microsoft account, which also means that you can get banned from your own personal computer [19:00] Sompi It's crazy [19:00] ZedHedTed same w/ chromebooks and stock android [19:01] MinceR android seems to work fine without a goolag account [19:01] Sompi Does Chromebook also need Google account? [19:01] MinceR i think it does [19:02] ZedHedTed MinceR: heh, the sad thing is your joke is mostly reality. try explaining centralized vs. decentralized to most ppl. [19:02] admfubar https://eclecticlight.co/2025/03/17/why-ssds-slow-down-and-how-to-avoid-it/ [19:02] TR Bot Why SSDs slow down, and how to avoid it The Eclectic Light Company [19:02] MinceR i didn't mean it as a joke [19:02] Sompi I remember reading some blog post about this, how risky it is when everything is behind some centralized Microsoft or Google account [19:02] Sompi you lose everything if you lose that account [19:03] Sompi ZedHedTed: And again, the weird thing is that people DID understand those things just few years ago. Even all online multiplayer games were self-hosted so these concepts must have been understood to be able to play them [19:03] Sompi Then suddenly something happened and almost no-one understands anything anymore [19:04] ZedHedTed MinceR: my bad. i wish it were a joke or at least hyperbole. but it's the dumbing down of america, and the world. and companies want dumb users. [19:04] MinceR i wish it too [19:04] Sompi But this makes it possible to control people's opinions very efficiently - if you write some wrongthing on the internet, you cannot even log in to your own computer anymore. You lose all your files and the ability to use computers at all [19:04] MinceR and not just companies want that, governments want it too, and, of course, so do churches [19:05] Sompi wrongthink* [19:05] MinceR i think that's crimethink [19:07] ZedHedTed 1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual [19:07] Sompi But can it really be possible that they don't understand that they can now be banned from their own computer? [19:07] Sompi Because that should be obvious, if you use the Microsoft account to log in [19:08] Sompi That should be literally obvious to everyone whose IQ is greater than their shoe size [19:08] ZedHedTed they don't even think about what's on the other side. they just put their password in & since it's on their screen, they think it's theirs. [19:10] Sompi But how [19:11] Sompi It seems like they don't understand the very basic reason-and-effect-relations of things [19:12] Sompi If you log in using a fucking MICROSOFT ACCOUNT, it should be obvious that it 1) needs an internet connection to log in and 2) Microsoft can ban you from your own personal computer if they want to do so [19:12] TR News Techrights Microsoft Windows Barely Exists in Haiti Anymore https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Microsoft_Windows_Barely_Exists_in_Haiti_Anymore.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Microsoft_Windows_Barely_Exists_in_Haiti_Anymore.gmi [19:12] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Windows Barely Exists in Haiti Anymore [19:12] admfubar https://thedebrief.org/nasas-blue-ghost-lunar-lander-captures-new-close-up-images-of-the-moons-surface/ [19:12] TR Bot NASAs Blue Ghost" Lunar Lander Captures New Close-Up Images of the Moon's Surface - The Debrief [19:13] Sompi and if they don't otherwise get it, just having some network-related login problems should already make everyone notice and question it [19:13] ZedHedTed they also don't care about unwarranted searches and just claim they have nothing to hide [19:13] Sompi And those are things that everyone have experienced [19:13] Sompi Those network problems [19:13] ZedHedTed but try asking them for their email passwords or SSNs [19:13] ZedHedTed suddenly it's "t-that's different!" HOW?? [19:15] Sompi Of course it is different, because the government is good and always right. [19:15] TR News Layoffs loom as Intels new CEO moves to fix slow decision-making and chip production https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/sju7afshkg [19:15] TR Bot Layoffs loom as Intels new CEO moves to fix slow decision-making and chip production | Ctech [19:15] Sompi But what is weird to me is how they don't notice those very obvious technical things at all [19:16] Sompi Things that are not opinion-based [19:16] TR News Creative Technology cuts workforce, adding to global wave of tech layoffs https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/jobs/creative-technology-cuts-workforce-continues-wave-of-tech-layoffs [19:16] TR Bot Creative Technology cuts workforce, adding to global wave of tech layoffs | The Straits Times [19:16] Sompi And things that should be clear to everyone, like sun on the sky [19:16] ZedHedTed many of them just turn their brains off & don't notice a thing. or they say "i'm not technical" as a cop-out. [19:17] ZedHedTed i work in IT support. i've seen quite a few acts of stupidity. [19:18] Sompi That level of ignorance is comparable to bumping against a wall while walking and still not noticing that the wall is there [19:18] Sompi Even people with sensory dysfunction (like for example blindness) should notice the wall at that point [19:19] ZedHedTed they're basically like lemmings. just follow the crowd, even if it dives off a cliff. [19:24] TR News "I recently found myself wondering how big various man pages are. Some are so long, they seem impenetrable, while others have very little detail at all. What can their size tell us about the Linux or macOS system they are on?" https://www.howtogeek.com/explored-biggest-linux-man-pages-what-i-learned/ [19:24] TR Bot I Explored the Biggest Man Pages on Linux, Heres What I Learned [19:25] TR News Researcher releases free GPU-Based decryptor for Linux Akira ransomware https://securityaffairs.com/175494/cyber-crime/free-decryptor-linux-akira-ransomware-brute-force.html [19:25] TR Bot Researcher releases free GPU-Based decryptor for Linux Akira ransomware [19:29] *SomeGoat (~SomeGoat@r9ruxqydtdctn.irc) has joined #techrights [19:35] admfubar brains.. brains... https://fighttorepair.substack.com/p/consumer-groups-push-law-to-reign [19:35] TR Bot Consumer Groups Push Law To Reign In Zombie Devices [19:45] admfubar and waymo' then they should... https://tech.slashdot.org/story/25/03/15/0546205/last-year-waymos-autonomous-vehicles-got-589-parking-tickets-in-san-francisco [19:45] TR Bot Last Year Waymo's Autonomous Vehicles Got 589 Parking Tickets in San Francisco - Slashdot [19:47] *liberty_box (~liberty@jcfiaarnjjqje.irc) has joined #techrights [19:47] *rianne_ (~rianne@jcfiaarnjjqje.irc) has joined #techrights [19:48] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-v3a.5o5.hl01nn.IP) has joined #techrights [19:54] admfubar https://slashdot.org/story/25/03/14/2034209/strava-bans-user-for-running-in-north-korea [19:54] TR Bot Strava Bans User for Running in North Korea - Slashdot [19:57] TR News Hands on: I tried the latest version of Zorin OS - here's what I thought of this Linux distro https://www.techradar.com/pro/zorin-os-17-review [19:57] TR Bot on: I tried the latest version of Zorin OS - here's what I thought of this Linux distro | TechRadar [19:57] TR News Hands on: I tried the latest version of Rocky Linux - read how it compares to other distros https://www.techradar.com/pro/rocky-linux-9-3-review [19:57] TR Bot on: I tried the latest version of Rocky Linux - read how it compares to other distros | TechRadar ● Mar 17 [20:00] TR News "With visual change and new features in GNOME 48 to account for, the design team working on Yaru have dutifully update the theme to accommodate." https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/03/ubuntu-25-04-yaru-theme-update-brings-new-icons [20:00] TR Bot Ubuntu 25.04 Yaru Theme Update Brings New Icons - OMG! Ubuntu [20:00] *psydroid3 (~psydroid@8p6k6zizq5nqc.irc) has joined #techrights [20:00] TR News (NEW): Hands-on Reviews: Rocky Linux, Zorin OS, and Ubuntu Desktop https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Hands_on_Reviews_Rocky_Linux_Zorin_OS_and_bunt.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Hands_on_Reviews_Rocky_Linux_Zorin_OS_and_bunt.gmi [20:00] TR Bot Tux Machines Hands-on Reviews: Rocky Linux, Zorin OS, and Ubuntu Desktop [20:02] TR News "If you want to connect docker to access any port on your computer's localhost, here is what worked for me." gemini://xoc3.io/blog/2025-03-17 [20:03] TR News 17 March 2025 gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/ralfwause/phlog/170325.txt "While the weather begins to warm up, i somehow have the feeling that everything around is getting colder. There are calls to boycott products from the US emerging" [20:04] TR News "For a while now, I've been somewhat obsessed with them, due to their interesting nature that's somewhere between the sacred and the profane." gemini://tilde.club/~gedankenstuecke/blog/2025-03-17-wayside-shrines-mapcomplete.gmi [20:05] TR News Goodbye, trees gemini://gem.sdf.org/beej/blog/2025-03-17-trees.gmi [20:06] MinceR 17 200717 < ZedHedTed> 1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual [20:07] MinceR yeah, but humans are also supposed to be intelligent, civilized and to value freedom [20:07] MinceR and yet, here we are [20:07] MinceR 17 200742 < Sompi> But can it really be possible that they don't understand that they can now be banned from their own computer? [20:07] MinceR they don't care [20:07] MinceR if people cared about owning the alleged computers they give money for, hypePhones wouldn't sell [20:11] MinceR https://imgur.com/gallery/ptOcm3v = https://rimgo.bloat.cat/gallery/ptOcm3v [20:11] TR Bot images edition of dumping 25GB of memes. - Album on Imgur [20:11] TR Bot Cursed images edition of dumping 25GB of memes. - rimgo [20:11] admfubar https://it.slashdot.org/story/25/03/13/229240/chinese-hackers-sat-undetected-in-small-massachusetts-power-utility-for-months [20:11] TR Bot Chinese Hackers Sat Undetected in Small Massachusetts Power Utility for Months - Slashdot [20:15] TR News calm gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2539 [20:21] TR News Techrights Links 17/03/2025: Weather Changing and Connecting Docker to Localhost https://techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Weather_Changing_and_Connecting_Docker_to_Loca.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/03/17/Links_17_03_2025_Weather_Changing_and_Connecting_Docker_to_Loca.gmi [20:21] TR Bot Techrights Links 17/03/2025: Weather Changing and Connecting Docker to Localhost [20:25] TR News GNU/Linux at 6% in Bosnia And Herzegovina https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/bosnia-and-herzegovina/#monthly-200902-202503 [20:25] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share Bosnia And Herzegovina | Statcounter Global Stats [20:54] TR News (NEW): I installed Linux on an 8-inch mini laptop - and it's my new favorite way of computing https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/I_installed_Linux_on_an_8_inch_mini_laptop_and_it_s_my_new_favo.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/I_installed_Linux_on_an_8_inch_mini_laptop_and_it_s_my_new_favo.gmi [20:54] TR Bot Tux Machines I installed Linux on an 8-inch mini laptop - and it's my new favorite way of computing [20:57] TR News (NEW): Whats New for FreedomBox in Debian 13 trixie https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/What_s_New_for_FreedomBox_in_Debian_13_trixie.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/What_s_New_for_FreedomBox_in_Debian_13_trixie.gmi [20:57] TR Bot Tux Machines Whats New for FreedomBox in Debian 13 trixie [20:57] *psydroid3 has ordered 2 Orange Pi RV2 boards to experiment with [20:57] psydroid3 indeed [20:58] psydroid3 I told my friend who came to visit me that I avoid crApple like the plague [20:58] psydroid3 he just got a used crApple Macbook Air M2 because he likes the experience somehow [20:59] TR News (NEW): Firefox is Finally Adding Support for Web Apps https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Firefox_is_Finally_Adding_Support_for_Web_Apps.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Firefox_is_Finally_Adding_Support_for_Web_Apps.gmi [20:59] TR Bot Tux Machines Firefox is Finally Adding Support for Web Apps ● Mar 17 [21:00] *psydroid3 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.2.6 Quasar http://www.kvirc.net/) [21:00] TR News (NEW): FSF's first auction items are up for bidding https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/FSF_s_first_auction_items_are_up_for_bidding.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/FSF_s_first_auction_items_are_up_for_bidding.gmi [21:00] TR Bot Tux Machines FSF's first auction items are up for bidding [21:02] TR News (NEW): Fedora Asahi Remix is the only Linux distribution that actually works on Apple Silicon Macs https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Fedora_Asahi_Remix_is_the_only_Linux_distribution_that_actually.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/03/17/Fedora_Asahi_Remix_is_the_only_Linux_distribution_that_actually.gmi [21:02] TR Bot Tux Machines Fedora Asahi Remix is the only Linux distribution that actually works on Apple Silicon Macs [21:05] psydruid tough luck [21:06] MinceR seems like a good match [21:06] MinceR a really shitty distro for a really shitty laptop [21:21] admfubar https://restofworld.org/2025/shutting-down-2g-networks-phones-obsolete/ [21:21] TR Bot Shutting down 2G networks leaves millions of phones obsolete - Rest of World [21:23] MinceR (video) (audio:important) https://cal1.iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=N70GQAGPqPI = https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=N70GQAGPqPI [21:23] TR Bot These are the Most Bizarre Medical Anomalies - Invidious [21:23] TR Bot Select instance - Invidious ● Mar 17 [22:21] ZedHedTed M1s really fucking suck. 8GB RAM in 2021? really? [22:22] ZedHedTed also, protein milk is really filling when you mix it yourself. [22:24] *lxo has quit (Quit: later) [22:52] psydruid I hope he got one with more RAM [22:52] psydruid but yeah, Orange Pi RV2 comes with 8 GB of RAM max [22:52] psydruid for less than 60 [22:53] *oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.) [22:53] psydruid so you must really be an Apple fan to spend so much money for merely 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of storage [22:54] MinceR i'm not sure if crApple fans have a concept of what RAM or storage are [22:54] ZedHedTed the screens on the M1 airs are kind of fragile too [22:54] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@ggq4vsky9tccu.irc) has joined #techrights [22:54] MinceR it has the logo, and that's enough for them [22:54] ZedHedTed apple, my favorite fashion brand :P [22:54] MinceR this is also why crApple's bullshit about 8GB RAM being enough was accepted by them [22:54] MinceR yeah [22:58] IsambardPrince The judge is already getting pissed. If it was me, I'd have ordered the court officers to throw the DOJ lawyers in prison on contempt of court until such time as they felt like answering my questions, and set a $5,000 per day civil contempt fine. [22:58] IsambardPrince The DOJ has no role on contempt charges. The judge issues them and decides immediately whether you are in contempt. When you flout a court order, mock the judge, and refuse to answer questions and say "What will you do about it?" [22:58] IsambardPrince The answer is "You're in contempt!" "Take him away!" [22:59] *lxo (~lxo@zj26zv4kdh4g2.irc) has joined #techrights [22:59] IsambardPrince The judge can put them in prison for 6 months or until they agree to answer questions, and there's no limit on the fines. ● Mar 17 [23:01] IsambardPrince I wish I was a judge. "I hear one more thing out of your mouth that isn't 'YES SIR I UNDERSTAND!' and you're going to prison! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?" [23:04] IsambardPrince MinceR, "If it was up to me, and I was not bound by the strictures the law, we would reach back into a time of a purer, sterner form of justice and have you BURNED AT THE STAKE!!!" [23:04] IsambardPrince :) [23:04] IsambardPrince I loved that movie. [23:28] IsambardPrince https://finance.yahoo.com/news/toronto-excludes-tesla-ev-incentive-230232974.html [23:28] TR Bot Toronto excludes Tesla from EV incentive due to US trade war [23:28] IsambardPrince schestowitz-pi, ^ [23:28] IsambardPrince Canada responded to Musk's threat to cut them off of SpaceX and Starlink by removing more Tesla incentives. [23:39] IsambardPrince schestowitz-pi, Writing about Tesla. [23:39] IsambardPrince It's the B article. [23:39] IsambardPrince "The Trouble With Teslas" [23:39] IsambardPrince I decided to play on the Star Trek episode "The Trouble With Tribbles". [23:40] IsambardPrince Practically the only thing Tribbles do is eat all the food and multiply. They're a nuisance and eventually they become such a huge pest that even though all they do is sit there and coo, people will do most anything to try to exterminate them. [23:50] IsambardPrince https://abc7chicago.com/post/tesla-car-dealership-vandalized-buffalo-grove-graffiti-critical-president-donald-trump-elon-musk-police-say/16035252/ [23:50] TR Bot Tesla car dealership vandalized in Buffalo Grove with graffiti critical of President Donald Trump, Elon Musk, police say - ABC7 Chicago [23:51] IsambardPrince https://abc7chicago.com/post/lyons-illinois-father-abel-orozco-among-22-accusing-immigration-agents-illegal-ice-arrests-encounter-caught-camera/16039701/ [23:51] TR Bot Lyons, Illinois father Abel Orozco among 22 accusing US immigration agents of illegal ICE arrests; encounter caught on camera - ABC7 Chicago [23:59] IsambardPrince I told someone on Reddit: "I wouldn't go to Florida. The place crawls with Nazis. Most are cops. They're scum. [23:59] IsambardPrince Over 70% of the ICE 287(g) agreements are either in Florida or Texas. [23:59] IsambardPrince I just wouldn't go to a State that hates immigrants that much even if you have a Green Card. [23:59] IsambardPrince You can tell how hostile a State is to immigrants by looking at how many locals participate in 287(g). It's a proxy for anti-immigrant sentiment in law enforcement, which is a reflection of the voters (elected Sheriffs). [23:59] IsambardPrince The safest States are the ones that have opted out via State law."