●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, December 17, 2021 ●● ● Dec 17 [00:00] schestowitz-TR when the economy is broken, that's it [00:00] DaemonFC I wasn't in Chicago long enough to vote for a mayor. I was in right after Rahm took office. [00:00] schestowitz-TR no matter who takes over [00:00] schestowitz-TR obama took a mess also [00:00] DaemonFC And out right before Lightfoot got in. [00:00] schestowitz-TR iunherited with two major ongoing wars [00:00] leah i prefer not to read the tabloids so i'm reading wikpedia [00:00] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:00] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:00] leah wikipedia is fairer [00:00] leah case in point: it's honest about me. i hate everything it says about me [00:00] leah which is: nothing at all [00:00] DaemonFC https://www.illinoispolicy.org/chicagos-test-to-hand-500-a-month-to-low-income-families-stalls/ [00:00] TR Bot Chicagos test to hand $500 a month to low-income families stalls [00:00] leah so i'm inclined to trust it [00:00] schestowitz-TR leah: wikipedia page is a liability [00:01] DaemonFC 5,000 low income families from a lottery get $500 a month for a year. Eventually..... [00:01] schestowitz-TR because any credit can vandalise it [00:01] schestowitz-TR so it becomes an overhead [00:01] DaemonFC I wouldn't move back to Chicago if they gave me $500 a month, no conditions, forever. [00:01] schestowitz-TR a past lawyer of mine did not want me to link to it [00:01] leah "While in high school, Lightfoot helped organize a boycott of her school's lunch program over the quality of its pizza.[16] Her boycott was a success as the school provided more flavorful pizza.[14] Her punishment for the boycott was detention.[13]" [00:01] leah lol [00:01] schestowitz-TR as it said some negative things about him [00:01] leah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lori_Lightfoot [00:01] TR Bot Lori Lightfoot - Wikipedia [00:02] TR News 40. We're there. :-) [00:02] leah happy 1 day closer to death [00:02] leah have a lovely day [00:02] DaemonFC This incident was known as Pizzagate. [00:02] schestowitz-TR leah: half-life [00:04] DaemonFC The scammers have been busy today. Scam Shield blocked most. [00:04] leah i'm reading her wikipedia [00:04] leah she seems reasonable [00:04] DaemonFC Not really. [00:04] DaemonFC Today in race war..... [00:05] DaemonFC Rename everything in the city. [00:05] DaemonFC https://www.illinoispolicy.org/vaccination-proof-may-be-needed-in-chicago-for-venue-access/ [00:05] TR Bot Vaccination proof may be needed in Chicago for venue access [00:05] DaemonFC Vaccine passports will be the final straw. Chicago is dead as a tourist city. [00:06] leah also, the term sjw is highly loaded and misleading [00:06] leah and she seems fair not-that, so far, from my reading of her wikpedia [00:06] leah as in, she doesn't seem to adhere to that charicature [00:07] leah looks like just another boring democrat [00:07] leah fairly* [00:07] DaemonFC The pretend the vaccine works. [00:08] DaemonFC You take real consequences if the vaccine goes wrong. [00:08] DaemonFC Easier to just not live in the city and boycott it. [00:08] leah oh, you're one of those people [00:08] DaemonFC It's not even slowing anything down. [00:09] *leah is double vaxxed, but thinks people should have the choice whether to do it or not [00:09] DaemonFC If you add what Florida's figures would be if they were telling the truth, there'd be over 1,900 dead per day and almost 200,000 daily cases in the US right now. [00:09] DaemonFC And climbing. [00:09] leah but yeah i've finished skimming wikipedia [00:09] DaemonFC The vaccine hasn't put a dent in it. [00:09] leah this lady seems reasonable, even nice [00:10] DaemonFC Oh sure, which is why crime just got entirely out of control after Rahm left. [00:10] DaemonFC Fuck Chicago. Let it fail. [00:10] leah when was she elected? [00:10] DaemonFC They got the government they voted for. [00:10] TR News FSF Adopts A Board Member Agreement, Code of Ethics For Board Members http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159207#comment-32153 [00:10] TR Bot FSF Adopts New Governance Framework for Board Members | Tux Machines [00:10] DaemonFC Early 2019. [00:10] leah that explains it then [00:10] leah covid caused poverty everywhere [00:10] leah and poverty leads to crime [00:11] DaemonFC Democrat lockdowns caused the poverty. [00:11] DaemonFC And we've got worse COVID results than most of our neighbors anyway. [00:11] DaemonFC Including Wisconsin, which never shut down. [00:11] DaemonFC The state supreme court up there threw out the mask mandate too. [00:12] DaemonFC And Illinois still has worse numbers. [00:12] leah if i understand your politics correctly, chicago has been poor for a very long time [00:12] DaemonFC Not this bad. [00:12] leah poor people are more likely to live communally, and be unable to live independently on their own [00:12] DaemonFC No, and the city is rich. [00:12] leah so for such people, lockdowns are less effective, because they can't socially distance [00:12] DaemonFC People just need to leave. [00:12] DaemonFC It's unfixable at the ballot box. [00:12] leah further, such people can't really stay at home. they're often the very same low skilled people that were called "essential workers" during the height of the pandemic [00:13] leah that meant more people were out working, through no other choice available to them [00:13] leah and hence more covid [00:13] DaemonFC As long as the Democrats control everything, it's going to be lockdowns, business failures, no jobs, high taxes, and soaring rent. [00:13] leah and more death [00:13] leah whereas wisconsin is wealthier, yes? [00:13] DaemonFC Democrat Death Spiral [00:13] leah it's the same thing here in the UK [00:13] DaemonFC They don't have as much total wealth, but most people up there do better. [00:13] leah north got fucked, because everyone is poor and couldn't afford to stay at home [00:13] leah so covid is worse up north [00:13] DaemonFC Chicago has more inequality than a deep red state. [00:14] *leah lives in the south [00:14] leah from your words, i guess you identify with the republican party [00:14] DaemonFC It's like Indiana, you know. Poorer than Illinois on paper, but less inequality. [00:14] leah which is fair enough. i have friends from both sides of the political spectrum [00:14] DaemonFC So bigger middle class. Even the poor do better, because they pay less to live. [00:15] leah but yes, lockdowns are stupid [00:15] DaemonFC When your rent is 2-2.5x what it is in Indiana, and your taxes are 40% higher, etc. etc., you need the extra money just to be level. [00:15] DaemonFC Then, ironically, you do worse because of having more money. [00:15] DaemonFC The cutoff for Medicaid and food stamps and housing vouchers is the same, but you "make more money". [00:16] leah what you need is to invest in education of youths. give young people opportunities [00:16] DaemonFC Chicago doesn't do that. [00:16] leah and give the same job opportunities to adults too [00:16] leah poverty is the only problem [00:16] DaemonFC The do-nothing "state workers" at Chicago Public Schools are eating up all of the money. [00:16] DaemonFC The district has the worst school rating for one that size in America. [00:16] leah when you're poor, and don't have life chances, you're more likely to get involved in crimes as a matter of survival [00:17] leah anyway [00:17] leah yawn [00:17] leah american politics are insane enough to the point where i just meh the fuck out [00:18] DaemonFC It's $50 million dollars in debt and going, not counting the billion dollars in unfunded pensions just to get it through 2060. [00:18] leah have fun being based :P [00:18] DaemonFC They keep getting state bailouts which just forces the people who budgeted less terribly suffer to pay for all of the corruption and fuck-ups in Chicago. [00:19] leah schestowitz-TR: and that fsf post from today is absolutely meh [00:19] DaemonFC The politics of Illinois are odd. [00:19] leah the problems the fsf face aren't being addressed or even acknowledged [00:19] leah but for such an organisation, formalized structures like that can be useful i suppose [00:19] DaemonFC People outside Chicago hate the city, don't want anything to do with it, and certainly don't want their tax money going there. [00:20] leah but those news posts today are just political score pointing [00:20] DaemonFC There have been serious proposals to split the state in two and create the state of Illinois and the state of Chicago. [00:20] leah lots of people complained about the lack of such things and now they want to sort of save face i guess [00:20] DaemonFC It's a dysfunctional marriage. The only reason Illinois is a blue state is because of 1 county, out of 102. [00:20] leah when you have to write something like that down, you've already failed [00:21] leah they should just focus on useful endeavours, not political window dressing. but i digress [00:21] DaemonFC Things are so lopsided that they can foist a governor who lost 101 counties on the rest of the state. [00:21] DaemonFC They did it with Pat Quinn. [00:22] leah schestowitz-TR: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Lr5YyhJhyPViaau215_Vg/videos [00:22] TR Bot live - YouTube [00:23] leah unfortunately, that 2017 speech from john isn't on there [00:23] leah they only started recording 2018 talks [00:23] DaemonFC I can't name any other state where one city is the state, except maybe New York. [00:23] leah schestowitz-TR: wanna see me absolutely fail at life? [00:23] leah if so, watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGc4tAR36yo [00:23] TR Bot #live 2018 - Leah Rowe - Libreboot - YouTube [00:23] leah this talk was a total disaster :P [00:24] DaemonFC The Democrats just repartitioned everything to cut everyone else almost completely out of the state's politics. [00:24] leah my favourite comments there: [00:24] leah "Nerd level 100" [00:24] DaemonFC My inclination is to vote for a Republican governor next year just to slow the legislature down. [00:24] leah "This person should not give talks. This sucks." [00:25] DaemonFC It's literally just people having bad ideas and turning them into the law. [00:25] leah but i had fun. and i met john there that day ;) [00:25] leah even helped at the fsf's booth there. helping them sell... emacs and gcc manuals [00:26] leah in fact john gave me a usb-powered vga to hdmi adapter but i neglected to realize: i needed to plug the usb part in [00:26] leah so i couldn't get my laptop working on their projector. hence no slides [00:26] leah and i was their keynote speaker lol [00:26] leah (i was the first speaker. on the first day) [00:31] leah DaemonFC: and the reason new covid strains keep appearing and resisting vaccines is because poor countries (especially in africa) can't get vaccines, so people are unvaccinated and keep spreading the virus, and it mutates [00:31] leah then it spreads around the world [00:32] *leah just giving facts. no judgement [00:32] leah but the vaccines do make a difference in reducing the number of deaths [00:33] leah i'm pro-vaccine but also pro-freedom and anti-lockdown [00:33] DaemonFC I'm vaccinated, but I just really don't see the point at this juncture. [00:33] DaemonFC If I had it to do over again knowing what I do now, probably wouldn't. [00:33] leah so i sympathize with some of what you said [00:33] leah and i understand your frustrations. sometimes the politicians let you down [00:33] leah even if they had good intent [00:33] DaemonFC I had some serious side effects to the third dose that went on for over a month. [00:33] DaemonFC That's going to be the last. [00:34] leah i only ask that people try not to fall into a mob mentality or try to scapegoat [00:34] DaemonFC If I get it at this point I'll just request standard care if it gets that bad. [00:34] leah because 1 person can only do so much damage [00:34] leah none of what's happening is really anyone's fault [00:35] leah we're all just humans trying and failing to do the right thing, and occasionally we make a few successes, but mostly we fail [00:35] leah life doesn't happen for you. it happens to you [00:35] leah and you just have to make the best of it [00:36] leah so-called red states are probably wealthier, and therefore people can afford better healthcare, better access to things like ppe, can better isolate, etc. more options [00:36] leah and less covid [00:37] DaemonFC Indiana has less wealth "per capita", but wealth is never distributed evenly. [00:37] leah and those places probably have more people vaccinated too, becuse of that [00:37] DaemonFC So it's not like you go to Indiana and you make $45,000 and you go to Illinois and you make $60,000 or whatever it is, and that's not even apples to apples anyway. [00:37] leah anyway, i'm out [00:37] DaemonFC Because the cost of living is so much lower in Indiana, as are the taxes. [00:38] DaemonFC Wealth goes straight to the top in places like Chicago. [00:38] DaemonFC And the cost of living is brutal, so you have to be rich to be poor. [00:38] leah schestowitz-TR: the isn't evil. just meh. i only want them to stop listing technoethical so that i stop having to deal with people coming to me about them [00:38] DaemonFC The governor is a billionaire. An actual billionaire. [00:38] leah the fsf isn't evil* [00:38] DaemonFC A hotel heir. He's the 1%. [00:38] DaemonFC Here to tell us what's right and wrong, don'tcha know? [00:39] DaemonFC Never had to work a day in his life. He knows all about money, work, and the economy! [00:39] leah sorry DaemonFC but this is heavy for me. i'm just gonna chill and watch cartoons while resuming my work [00:39] leah good luck with your things [00:39] DaemonFC Ahh, I just mean I love it when rich people richsplain what I'm doing wrong. [00:40] leah i'm neither for nor against you, and i can see that you're passionate and care about others. you see injustices in things, from your own perspective. and i admire your passion [00:40] leah and i think you should pursue your politics further [00:40] DaemonFC If I had only known better I would have said "That couple! I want to be the child heir of a hotel fortune!". [00:40] leah my advice to you is: don't just question it. fight it [00:40] leah but that's all for now [00:40] *leah out [00:40] DaemonFC Then I wouldn't have been so silly as to scrimp and save and try to earn wages. Hahaha [00:41] DaemonFC I love America, where any child heir of a hotel fortune can grow up and be the governor of Illinois. [00:41] DaemonFC It's never anyone who worked for a living. They sneer at those people. Send the cops in to beat them up when they go on strike because they aren't earning fair wages. [00:42] leah fwiw if i was to vote for 2 candidates and one was lgbtq, but the other had a better set of policies and credentials, i wouldn't vote for the lgbtq candidate. despite being non-binary and pansexual myself [00:42] DaemonFC That's what I told schestowitz-TR about Pete Buttigieg. [00:42] DaemonFC I didn't vote for him. [00:42] leah in fact [00:42] schestowitz-TR just did a video about fsf [00:42] schestowitz-TR 27 minds [00:42] schestowitz-TR *mins [00:43] leah i once actively campainged to *remove* an lgbtq person from a branch of the uk labour party, back when i was a member [00:43] DaemonFC Buttigieg is a social climber. [00:43] leah she was incompetent at her job, and extremely dangerous and a huge liability [00:43] DaemonFC He threw it all into winning a few states so Biden would have to give him something out of a spoils system to bow out and not cause a mess. [00:43] leah and i succeeded. and helped someone else win a campaign to replace her [00:43] DaemonFC And every state that Buttigieg won was almost 100% white. [00:43] leah the position was: lgbtq officer. but the person in question was a terf [00:44] leah i got her removed [00:44] leah her name is: miranda yardley. you can look her up [00:44] DaemonFC Once you got out into the states with more black and brown people Biden started to slug it out with Sanders. [00:44] DaemonFC Then Illinois made the most corrupt primary ever. [00:44] leah a very cool guy (gay guy who i knew) replaced her [00:44] DaemonFC They held it on time, in person, during the COVID total lockdown. [00:44] DaemonFC They took the polling machines out of the nursing homes and wouldn't give them absentee ballots. [00:45] psydroid2 the American Dream is a FATA MORGANA delivered to you by a GAMMA ray [00:45] DaemonFC So they cheated pretty much all of the nursing home residents out of their vote. [00:45] leah schestowitz-TR: link? [00:45] schestowitz-TR psydroid2: ah [00:45] schestowitz-TR leah: not yet [00:45] schestowitz-TR needs transcoding and uploading [00:45] DaemonFC I went down there in person anyway even though we were told that COVID was the big bad wolf, and nobody knew any better back then. [00:45] DaemonFC And I voted in person for Bernie Sanders. [00:46] DaemonFC I felt it was important to have a real choice other than Trump. [00:46] DaemonFC Biden is not much better. [00:46] DaemonFC Not much better than Trump at all. Stallman gives Biden too much credit. [00:46] DaemonFC He says Biden wants to do good things but Senators Manchin and Sinema are in the way. He could get them out of the way if he wanted to. He does not want BBB that much, not the second part. [00:47] psydroid2 https://undpress.nd.edu/9780268108250/solzhenitsyn-and-american-culture/ [00:47] TR Bot Solzhenitsyn and American Culture [00:47] DaemonFC If Biden was really good at what he does, he'd get Manchin into the oval office and dog ear him and say now listen here you little shit.... [00:47] DaemonFC You're fucking me, you're fucking yourself, and you're fucking the party. [00:47] *psydroid2 has wanted to read his works for decades ... in Russian [00:48] DaemonFC Snap into line or I'll make sure you don't get a dime from the DSCC. [00:49] DaemonFC They're too concerned that Manchin will switch parties, so they give him whatever he wants so they don't lose the Senate, yet. [00:49] DaemonFC There's some value in that. They need to make sure there's no vacancies left on any of the federal courts before January 3rd, 2023, and they aren't doing a bang up job of it now. [00:51] schestowitz-TR DaemonFC: while Manchin takes bribes from REPUBLICAN donors [00:52] schestowitz-TR what a farcical political system [00:52] DaemonFC They're not going to do better than Manchin in West Virginia. [00:52] schestowitz-TR where you can buy moles and make moles by bribing them [00:52] DaemonFC If he switches parties or quits running as a Democrat for the Senate there, you get another Republican senator. ● Dec 17 [01:04] psydroid2 https://phillysoc.org/ericson-solzhenitsyn-on-america/ [01:04] TR Bot Ericson Solzhenitsyn On America | The Philadelphia Society [01:05] *psydroid2 admits he doesn't understand American politics or culture [01:05] DaemonFC https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/12/15/lightfoot-very-concerned-about-bucktown-groups-plan-to-hire-private-security-to-patrol-neighborhood/ [01:05] schestowitz-TR there's no US culture [01:05] TR Bot Lightfoot 'Very Concerned' About Bucktown Group's Plan To Hire Private Security To Patrol Neighborhood [01:05] schestowitz-TR it has many cultures [01:05] schestowitz-TR european countries have domestic culture [01:05] schestowitz-TR the religion in the US is money [01:06] schestowitz-TR it's even on their banknotes [01:06] schestowitz-TR you got o the US when you want to be exploited or get rich [01:06] schestowitz-TR people like rich elon musk go there to exploit 330+ million in labour force [01:06] schestowitz-TR with minimal regulations [01:07] schestowitz-TR and no tax to pay if you are rich and powerful [01:07] schestowitz-TR \good for you [01:07] schestowitz-TR not for the country [01:07] schestowitz-TR it prints money for you [01:07] schestowitz https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt [01:07] TR Bot United States Government Debt | 2021 Data | 2022 Forecast | 1942-2020 Historical [01:07] DaemonFC "Lightfoot said she totally understands that residents across the city are fearful for their safety in the wake of rising homicides, shootings and other crime." [01:07] DaemonFC Yes, crime levels that haven't been seen in 50 years, which started getting worse under her administration. [01:12] DaemonFC schestowitz-TR, It beats the hell out of where Mandy came from. [01:12] DaemonFC Maricel got very angry when I pointed that out. [01:13] DaemonFC You don't even get a trial when they accuse you of something there. Especially not a fair one. [01:13] DaemonFC Hell, you might not even make it to the police station. Depends on what's going on. [01:14] DaemonFC Certainly nobody is going to be torn up about a drug kingpin with a machine gun that doesn't get his free lodging from the taxpayers. [01:14] DaemonFC That's pretty much what's wrong with America now. [01:15] DaemonFC Drug slingers with gold grilles are glorified and white men are convicted before they even walk into the courtroom. [01:15] DaemonFC "As it should be" say people on the left. [01:16] DaemonFC "Shit happened 200 years ago. Other people did it. You should suffer now because you're white!" [01:16] DaemonFC RACE WAR!!!!!! -Chomo News Network [01:21] DaemonFC Then they wonder why the cops are shooting them with pepper pellets. [01:21] DaemonFC Fuck CNN. [01:21] schestowitz-TR back to tech now [01:22] DaemonFC Is there anyone there that isn't trying to have sex with kids or got on because they're Andrew Cuomo's brother? [01:22] schestowitz-TR wanna read a draft? [01:22] schestowitz-TR the politics here are off-putting [01:22] schestowitz-TR let's focus on tech matters [01:22] DaemonFC Sure. [01:22] schestowitz-TR thanks [01:22] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2021/12/16/fsf-code-of-ethics/ [01:22] TR Bot The Free Software Foundations Code of Ethics Protects It From Infiltration and Skulduggery | Techrights [01:23] schestowitz-TR the video still uploads (halfway) [01:26] DaemonFC Looks okay. [01:30] schestowitz-TR thanks [01:30] schestowitz-TR I found no typos either [01:30] schestowitz-TR so first write was impeccable typoe-wise [01:30] schestowitz-TR *typoes [01:31] DaemonFC Of course the New York Times publishes quotes from a bunch of foreigners who don't understand the criminal element who uses illegally obtained guns. [01:32] DaemonFC Liberal anti-gun paranoia..... [01:32] schestowitz-TR Liberal does not mean anti-2A [01:32] schestowitz-TR you are sounding like CNN [01:32] DaemonFC You'd think they could find enough idiots from here who fundamentally misunderstand the problem while they don't want to live anywhere near it and "lock the doors" if they ever do go into the city. [01:32] schestowitz-TR activelow also fell for the bogus narratives in German media [01:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 39.85 k/sec., IPFS upstream 23.70 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.37 [01:33] schestowitz-TR dividing people along BS lines [01:33] schestowitz-TR you watch trees [01:33] DaemonFC Europe just generalyl doesn't have a bunch of trash who would pick up the guns and shoot people. [01:33] schestowitz-TR and miss the forest [01:33] schestowitz-TR many criminals (not all) are poor people [01:33] DaemonFC Then they wonder why (largely drug criminals) shoot people here. [01:34] DaemonFC They mostly shoot each other, too, btw, which is a plus if they hit their target. [01:34] schestowitz-TR and if they were not so poor, they'd not be desperate and resort to risk of jail [01:34] schestowitz-TR the US has a lot of capital [01:34] schestowitz-TR much of it tied to its debt [01:34] schestowitz-TR debt becoming capital [01:34] DaemonFC So, those women who stole the wigs, needed the wigs because they were poor? [01:34] schestowitz-TR but the capital does not benefit the population [01:34] schestowitz-TR only a few "elites" [01:34] DaemonFC And that's why they maced the shopkeeper and took an infant in the store with them while they stole the wigs. [01:35] schestowitz-TR yes, people typically steal what: [01:35] schestowitz-TR 1) they cannot afford [01:35] schestowitz-TR 2) can afford at great personal expense [01:35] DaemonFC It's hardly worth a criminal record to get what most of them take. [01:36] schestowitz-TR yes [01:36] schestowitz-TR exactly [01:36] DaemonFC And you can't eat video games and lipstick. [01:36] schestowitz-TR make it easier fot them to buy food, wigs, give them health coverage [01:36] schestowitz-TR single payer [01:36] schestowitz-TR crime levels here and the NATURE of crime is very different here [01:36] schestowitz-TR people who are poor get council housing [01:36] DaemonFC Yeah, they just pull a knife on you and take your wallet there. [01:37] schestowitz-TR unless they're in exceptionally bad state [01:37] DaemonFC Much better if you get stabbed to death. [01:37] schestowitz-TR like addicted to spice and unruly [01:37] DaemonFC LOL, spice [01:38] DaemonFC There's a bunch of people overdosing on some of that in Florida and bleeding. [01:38] DaemonFC Maybe they'll bleed out and quit costing us money. [01:38] schestowitz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_cannabinoids [01:38] TR Bot Synthetic cannabinoids - Wikipedia [01:38] DaemonFC Why would you use those? [01:38] DaemonFC You can go to a dispensary and buy marijuana. [01:39] DaemonFC It's not terrific for you, but at least you know what's in it. [01:39] DaemonFC Obviously these fuckers in Florida got rat poison or something. [01:39] schestowitz-TR language watch please [01:39] schestowitz-TR lots of bad words this past day [01:40] DaemonFC Like, they put this crap in their body, then they bleed like a stuck pig, and then they go to the ER and don't pay their bill. [01:41] DaemonFC Most of them could have had Medicaid, but they don't even sign up for it. [01:44] DaemonFC The whole inflation thing is a ruse. The Democrats want to meet the climate change "goals" by taking it all out on people who already barely have anything. [01:44] DaemonFC If they steal all of their money, they can't buy as much. [01:48] DaemonFC If they give more money to the rich, it can just sit there on a balance book with them playing the "I won Capitalism." game. [01:50] schestowitz-TR back with you in a bit [01:50] schestowitz-TR running against the clock with bulletin cuttoff [01:51] schestowitz-TR DaemonFC: good news [01:51] schestowitz-TR epo is REEEEEELING [01:52] DaemonFC From what, exactly? [01:52] schestowitz-TR our series and stuff [01:54] schestowitz-TR fighting the clock now [01:54] schestowitz-TR 30 mins [01:54] schestowitz-TR tyo write the draft [01:54] schestowitz-TR 2am on my 40th bday [01:57] schestowitz-TR anyway, something to feel great about [01:58] schestowitz-TR we're impacting EPO policies ● Dec 17 [02:01] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@t25x9hgy9xhrc.irc) has joined #techrights [02:10] schestowitz-TR DaemonFC: you will love the last sentence [02:11] schestowitz-TR draft suits you? [02:25] TR News The #FreeSoftwareFoundation Code of Ethics Protects It From Infiltration and Skulduggery Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/16/fsf-code-of-ethics/ #Techrights #GNU #FSF #FreeSW | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/16/fsf-code-of-ethics/ [02:25] TR Bot The Free Software Foundations Code of Ethics Protects It From Infiltration and Skulduggery | Techrights [02:27] TR News The #EPO is in Damage Control Mode (and It Shows) Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/16/latest-epo-damage-control/ #Techrights #EUrope #Patents #Corruption | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/16/latest-epo-damage-control/ [02:27] TR Bot The EPO is in Damage Control Mode (and It Shows) | Techrights [02:28] *leah has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [02:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 35.56 k/sec., IPFS upstream 72.63 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.35 [02:32] TR News Today in #Techrights Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159209 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [02:32] TR Bot Today in Techrights | Tux Machines [02:36] DaemonFC schestowitz-TR, Most central banks are stuck printing money right now. [02:36] DaemonFC Zero or negative interest rates. [02:36] DaemonFC Japan has done both for years. [02:39] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-161221.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-161221.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-161221.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-161221.txt [02:39] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, December 16, 2021 [02:39] TR News Massive cution needed with #htehnoetic / #technoethical http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-161221.html#tDec%2016%2022:00:39 [02:39] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, December 16, 2021 [02:40] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-161221.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-161221.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-161221.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-161221.txt [02:40] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, December 16, 2021 [02:41] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-161221.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-161221.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-161221.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-161221.txt [02:41] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, December 16, 2021 [02:42] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-161221.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-161221.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-161221.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-161221.txt [02:42] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, December 16, 2021 [02:43] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2021-12-16.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2021-12-16.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now) [02:53] TR News NEWS #TheVerge #Games Babble Royale turns Scrabble into Fortnite https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/16/22839745/babble-royale-scrabble-fortnite [02:53] TR Bot Babble Royale turns Scrabble into Fortnite - The Verge [02:53] TR News NEWS #uniMichigan #OpenHardware U-M, Humotech partner to bring open-source bionic leg to research labs https://news.umich.edu/u-m-humotech-partner-to-bring-open-source-bionic-leg-to-research-labs/ [02:53] TR Bot U-M, Humotech partner to bring open-source bionic leg to research labs | University of Michigan News [02:54] TR News NEWS #MarcelWeiher #Databases #Database #DB Inserting 130M SQLite Rows per Minute...from a Scripting Language https://blog.metaobject.com/2021/07/inserting-130m-sqlite-rows-per.html [02:54] TR Bot metablog: Inserting 130M SQLite Rows per Minute...from a Scripting Language ● Dec 17 [03:02] TR News NEWS #TheVerge #Java Log4j is patched, but the exploits are just getting started https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/16/22839624/log4j-vulnerability-patched-threat-mitigation [03:02] TR Bot Log4j is patched, but the exploits are just getting started - The Verge [03:12] *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [03:17] TR News NEWS #ITWire #ProprietarySoftware #Avast claims to have found #backdoor in US Govt commission network https://itwire.com/security/avast-claims-to-have-found-backdoor-in-us-govt-commission-network.html [03:17] Alternative link Cloudflare: itwire.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://itwire.com/security/avast-claims-to-have-found-backdoor-in-us-govt-commission-network.html [03:17] TR Bot - Avast claims to have found backdoor in US Govt commission network [03:18] TR News NEWS #ITNewsAU #Openwashing NAB to 'innersource' some of its business platforms https://www.itnews.com.au/news/nab-to-innersource-some-of-its-business-platforms-573652 see http://techrights.org/2020/05/23/innersource-commons-isc-president-a-giveaway/ [03:18] TR Bot NAB to 'innersource' some of its business platforms - Strategy - Cloud - Software - iTnews [03:18] TR Bot To Understand Why Inner Source is a Cheap Corporate Ploy if Not a Free Software-Hostile Scam Look Whos Behind It | Techrights [03:19] TR News NEWS #NBC #Surveillance #Privacy Facebook parent company bans six private spy firms from Facebook, Instagram https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/facebooks-parent-company-bans-six-private-spy-firms-facebook-instagram-rcna8993 [03:19] TR Bot Facebooks parent company bans six private spy firms from Facebook, Instagram [03:19] TR News NEWS #BBC #Surveillance #Privacy Meta bans surveillance-for-hire firms for targeting users https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-59692240 [03:19] TR Bot Meta bans surveillance-for-hire firms for targeting users - BBC News [03:21] TR News NEWS #NewYorkTimes #Finance #Reddit takes first official step toward going public. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/business/reddit-ipo.html letting gullible fools invest in a worthless bubble [03:21] Alternative link Cloudflare: nytimes.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/business/reddit-ipo.html [03:21] TR Bot Reddit I.P.O. Is a Step Closer After Confidential Filing to Go Public - The New York Times [03:23] TR News NEWS #TheHill Officials point to Apache vulnerability in urging passage of cyber incident reporting bill https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/586220-officials-point-to-apache-vulnerability-in-urging-passage-of-cyber [03:23] TR Bot point to Apache vulnerability in urging passage of cyber incident reporting bill | TheHill [03:24] TR News NEWS #TheHill #fb #Facebook #whistleblower lands book deal https://thehill.com/policy/technology/586181-facebook-whistleblower-lands-book-deal [03:24] TR Bot whistleblower lands book deal | TheHill [03:24] TR News [Old] #SELF #IRC Changes https://southeastlinuxfest.org/?p=20833 #Freenode [03:24] TR Bot IRC Changes | SouthEast LinuxFest [03:25] TR News NEWS #NewYorkTimes #china How #Beijing Influences the Influencers https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/12/13/technology/china-propaganda-youtube-influencers.html [03:25] Alternative link Cloudflare: nytimes.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/12/13/technology/china-propaganda-youtube-influencers.html [03:25] TR Bot China Uses YouTube Influencers to Spread Propaganda - The New York Times [03:30] *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #techrights [03:30] IPFS Gemini requests since start of month: 319763 total Total number of pages in capsule: 38447 Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-10-10 09:33:45 BST; 2 months 6 days ago [03:31] TR News NEWS #TeenVogue #Kentucky Tornadoes, Money Competition for Teachers: One Weekend in Late Capitalist America https://www.teenvogue.com/story/tornados-teachers-weekend-oped [03:31] TR Bot Kentucky Tornados, Teacher Competition for Money: One Weekend in Late Capitalist America | Teen Vogue [03:31] IPFS IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated. TotalIn: 17 GB TotalOut: 4.1 GB [03:32] *leah (~leah@wrh2nipuzrd3y.irc) has joined #techrights [03:33] IPFS New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled. [03:33] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 8.15 k/sec., IPFS upstream 96.51 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.31 [03:40] IPFS QmTZSRzHEP7hwr4tL7ky23HxA9Z3tUBjQrfwYPAieSYsGe [03:40] IPFS New daily bulletin has just been added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with the CID above. ● Dec 17 [04:01] *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:10] *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #techrights [04:34] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 7.95 k/sec., IPFS upstream 173.33 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.27 [04:41] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:47] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@f33xpkevtd8r6.irc) has joined #techrights [04:57] DaemonFC https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/announcements/-/blob/a8564c2a2a73434a5972eb2db1c7bdf38af93874/en/2021/20211218.wml/#L139 [04:57] TR Bot en/2021/20211218.wml a8564c2a2a73434a5972eb2db1c7bdf38af93874 Publicity / announcements GitLab [04:57] DaemonFC Debian 11.2 will be out on the 18th and have Firefox ESR 91. ● Dec 17 [05:08] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [05:10] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@g7jaun9d74heg.irc) has joined #techrights [05:24] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [05:25] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@bcq5yw7bn3dta.irc) has joined #techrights [05:34] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 26.33 k/sec., IPFS upstream 108.60 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.22 [05:44] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [05:49] *leah has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [05:49] *leah (~leah@wrh2nipuzrd3y.irc) has joined #techrights [05:52] *leah has quit (connection closed) [05:52] *leah (~leah@wrh2nipuzrd3y.irc) has joined #techrights ● Dec 17 [06:00] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@gepqq28gg5c58.irc) has joined #techrights [06:07] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [06:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 7.30 k/sec., IPFS upstream 126.16 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.19 [06:33] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) ● Dec 17 [07:14] *leah has quit (connection closed) [07:14] *leah (~leah@wrh2nipuzrd3y.irc) has joined #techrights [07:16] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@t25x9hgy9xhrc.irc) has joined #techrights [07:23] MinceR https://hugelolcdn.com/i/797778.png [07:23] Alternative link Cloudflare: hugelolcdn.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://hugelolcdn.com/i/797778.png [07:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 20.30 k/sec., IPFS upstream 121.28 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.15 [07:57] MinceR (cat) https://files.catbox.moe/orr70a.jpg [07:57] TR Bot connect to files.catbox.moe:443; Network is unreachable ( status 0 @ https://files.catbox.moe/orr70a.jpg ) ● Dec 17 [08:02] TR News NEWS #IndiaTimes #Disinformation #Misinformation Paki fake news channels exploit General Rawat's helicopter accident https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/social-media/paki-disinformation-channels-exploit-general-rawats-helicopter-accident/88319632 [08:02] TR Bot Paki fake news channels exploit General Rawat's helicopter accident, CIO News, ET CIO [08:02] TR News NEWS #Variety #Misinformation #Facebook Wont Win the Blame Game on COVID #Misinformation https://variety.com/vip/facebook-wont-win-the-blame-game-on-covid-misinformation-1235133144/ [08:02] Alternative link Cloudflare: variety.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://variety.com/vip/facebook-wont-win-the-blame-game-on-covid-misinformation-1235133144/ [08:02] TR Bot Won't Win the Blame Game on COVID Misinformation - Variety [08:03] TR News NEWS #BBC #Censorship How #Russia tries to censor Western #socialcontrolmedia https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-59687496 [08:03] Alternative link Cloudflare: bbc.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-59687496 [08:03] TR Bot Russia tries to censor Western social media - BBC News [08:03] TR News NEWS #VOANews #PressFreedom Number of Jailed Female Journalists Surges Amid Global Increase in Arrests https://www.voanews.com/a/number-of-jailed-female-journalists-surges-amid-global-increase-in-arrests/6358003.html [08:03] TR Bot Number of Jailed Female Journalists Surges Amid Global Increase in Arrests [08:05] TR News #Techrights Bulletin for Thursday, December 16, 2021 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext [08:05] TR Bot Bulletin Archives [08:05] TR News #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing [08:05] TR Bot Techrights Full IPFS Index [08:06] TR News Latest Steam Client Update Greatly Improves VA-API Hardware Decoding on Linux Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159210 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [08:06] TR Bot Latest Steam Client Update Greatly Improves VA-API Hardware Decoding on Linux | Tux Machines [08:08] TR News #IRC Proceedings: Thursday, December 16, 2021 Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/17/irc-log-161221/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/17/irc-log-161221/ [08:08] TR Bot IRC Proceedings: Thursday, December 16, 2021 | Techrights [08:12] *CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving) [08:13] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [08:14] TR News NEWS #HollywoodReporter #DRM #DigitalRestrictions #Spotify Buys Company That Turns Radio Shows Into Podcasts https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/spotify-whooshkaa-acquisition-podcasts-1235063933/ [08:14] Alternative link Cloudflare: hollywoodreporter.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/spotify-whooshkaa-acquisition-podcasts-1235063933/ [08:14] TR Bot Spotify Buys Whooshkaa, Company That Turns Radio Shows Into Podcasts The Hollywood Reporter [08:14] TR News NEWS #NewYorkTimes #Copyrights #Copyright Bruce #Springsteen Sells #Music Catalog in Massive Deal https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/arts/music/bruce-springsteen-sells-music-catalog.html [08:14] Alternative link Cloudflare: nytimes.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/arts/music/bruce-springsteen-sells-music-catalog.html [08:14] TR Bot Bruce Springsteen Sells Music Catalog in Massive Deal - The New York Times [08:17] TR News yesterday: Press briefing: Transparency complaint against secret EU surveillance research iBorderCtrl; got the wrong link yesterday, the correct link is: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/press-briefing-transparency-complaint-against-secret-eu-surveillance-research-iborderctrl/ [08:17] TR Bot Press briefing: Transparency complaint against secret EU surveillance research iBorderCtrl Patrick Breyer [08:17] TR News = [08:18] TR News #southeastlinuxfest https://southeastlinuxfest.org/ [08:18] TR Bot SouthEast LinuxFest | Linux in the GNU/South [08:23] TR News #ydbaim #yotta #yottadb https://yewtu.be/TZACPGLf504 #video #invidious [08:23] TR Bot ydbaim 20211208 - Invidious [08:25] TR News NEWS #MintPressNews #WikiLeaks #assange Manufacturing Contempt for Assange: How the Media Made WikiLeaks Founder into a Scapegoat https://www.mintpressnews.com/manufacturing-contempt-assange-media-made-wikileaks-founder-scapegoat/279257/ [08:25] Alternative link Cloudflare: mintpressnews.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.mintpressnews.com/manufacturing-contempt-assange-media-made-wikileaks-founder-scapegoat/279257/ [08:25] TR Bot Manufacturing Contempt for Assange: How the Media Made WikiLeaks Founder into a Scapegoat [08:26] TR News "The screenshot includes a few thousand (past) tor relays detected using the undisclosed detection method." https://mastodon.social/@nusenu/107447626106531038 [08:26] TR Bot nusenu: "KAX17 link analysis in progress... The screensho" - Mastodon [08:27] TR News Mornings where you find a new #OpenBSD #wifi driver submission for an as-of-yet unsupported chipset in your email are good mornings https://bsd.network/@stsp/107451133759284711 #unix #bsd [08:27] TR Bot Stefan Sperling: "Mornings where you find a new #OpenBSD #wifi driv" - BSD Network [08:29] TR News NEWS #KrebsOnSecurity NY Man Pleads Guilty in $20 Million SIM Swap Theft https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/12/ny-man-pleads-guilty-in-20-million-sim-swap-theft/ [08:29] TR Bot NY Man Pleads Guilty in $20 Million SIM Swap Theft Krebs on Security [08:29] TR News NEWS #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights This Years Anti-Sharing Award Goes to the #EUIPO https://torrentfreak.com/this-years-anti-piracy-award-goes-to-the-eu-intellectual-property-office-211216/ deeply corrupt institution: http://techrights.org/wiki/EUIPO [08:29] Alternative link Cloudflare: torrentfreak.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://torrentfreak.com/this-years-anti-piracy-award-goes-to-the-eu-intellectual-property-office-211216/ [08:29] TR Bot Years Anti-Piracy Award Goes to the EU Intellectual Property Office * TorrentFreak [08:29] TR Bot EUIPO - Techrights [08:30] TR News NEWS #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights #YouTube Urges Court to Dismiss Chaotic Class Action Copyright Lawsuit https://torrentfreak.com/youtube-urges-court-to-dismiss-chaotic-class-action-copyright-lawsuit-211216/ [08:30] Alternative link Cloudflare: torrentfreak.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://torrentfreak.com/youtube-urges-court-to-dismiss-chaotic-class-action-copyright-lawsuit-211216/ [08:30] TR Bot Urges Court to Dismiss Chaotic Class Action Copyright Lawsuit * TorrentFreak [08:31] TR News Excellent Utilities: PDF Mix Tool - perform common editing operations on PDF files Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159211 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [08:31] TR Bot Excellent Utilities: PDF Mix Tool - perform common editing operations on PDF files | Tux Machines [08:31] TR News Who is the first Executive Director of the Open Source Initiative? Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159212 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [08:31] TR Bot Who is the first Executive Director of the Open Source Initiative? | Tux Machines [08:32] TR News #Calibre 5.34 Open-Source #EBook Manager Adds Support for Nook Glowlight 4 Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159213 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [08:32] TR Bot Calibre 5.34 Open-Source EBook Manager Adds Support for Nook Glowlight 4 | Tux Machines [08:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 21.00 k/sec., IPFS upstream 77.10 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.12 [08:33] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@t25x9hgy9xhrc.irc) has joined #techrights [08:35] TR News NEWS #Techdirt #israel After Weeks Of Reports Of Misuse Of Its Exploits, #NSOGroup Considering Shutting Down Its Malware Service https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211215/16262248128/after-weeks-reports-misuse-exploits-nso-group-considering-shutting-down-malware-service.shtml [08:35] Alternative link Cloudflare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211215/16262248128/after-weeks-reports-misuse-exploits-nso-group-considering-shutting-down-malware-service.shtml [08:35] TR Bot Weeks Of Reports Of Misuse Of Its Exploits, NSO Group Considering Shutting Down Its Malware Service | Techdirt [08:36] TR News NEWS #Techdirt U.S. Prepares To Spend $42 Billion On A #Broadband Problem It Can't Accurately Measure https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211215/06232348125/us-prepares-to-spend-42-billion-broadband-problem-it-cant-accurately-measure.shtml [08:36] Alternative link Cloudflare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211215/06232348125/us-prepares-to-spend-42-billion-broadband-problem-it-cant-accurately-measure.shtml [08:36] TR Bot Prepares To Spend $42 Billion On A Broadband Problem It Can't Accurately Measure | Techdirt [08:37] TR News NEWS #PIA #Privacy If You Think #Facebook is Bad for Privacy, Wait Until You See Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/if-you-think-facebook-is-bad-for-privacy-wait-until-you-see-what-mark-zuckerbergs-metaverse-will-do/ [08:37] Alternative link Cloudflare: privateinternetaccess.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/if-you-think-facebook-is-bad-for-privacy-wait-until-you-see-what-mark-zuckerbergs-metaverse-will-do/ [08:37] TR Bot If You Think Facebook is Bad for Privacy, Wait Until You See Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse [08:39] TR News NEWS #Techdirt #Twitter #Canada Strikes Again: Allows Lawsuit Against Twitter To Proceed Over Speech Of Twitter Users https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211212/11540948110/canada-strikes-again-allows-lawsuit-against-twitter-to-proceed-over-speech-twitter-users.shtml [08:39] Alternative link Cloudflare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211212/11540948110/canada-strikes-again-allows-lawsuit-against-twitter-to-proceed-over-speech-twitter-users.shtml [08:39] TR Bot Strikes Again: Allows Lawsuit Against Twitter To Proceed Over Speech Of Twitter Users | Techdirt [08:42] *inky (~inky@ has joined #techrights [08:43] TR News Migrating to #Fedora 35 Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159214 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [08:43] TR Bot Migrating to Fedora 35 | Tux Machines [08:43] TR News #Google #Android Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159215 #Linux #TuxMachines [08:43] TR Bot Android Leftovers | Tux Machines [08:45] *inky_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [08:45] activelow schestowitz-TR> activelow also fell for the bogus narratives in German media [08:46] TR News NEWS #Techdirt #Internet The Internet Industry's Most High Profile, But Least Successful, Trade Group Dissolves https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211215/17583348130/internet-industrys-most-high-profile-least-successful-trade-group-dissolves.shtml [08:46] Alternative link Cloudflare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211215/17583348130/internet-industrys-most-high-profile-least-successful-trade-group-dissolves.shtml [08:46] TR Bot Internet Industry's Most High Profile, But Least Successful, Trade Group Dissolves | Techdirt [08:46] activelow no idea, which narratives? i do not believe most of what is broadcasted. most of it is distraction, incitement, propaganda. [08:46] schestowitz-TR it is [08:46] schestowitz-TR same in many countries [08:57] activelow anyway, which narratives? [08:57] activelow nevermind. ● Dec 17 [09:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 23.58 k/sec., IPFS upstream 202.85 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.08 ● Dec 17 [10:12] *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [10:12] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [10:13] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@t25x9hgy9xhrc.irc) has joined #techrights [10:58] TR News NEWS #Techdirt #CBP Proudly Announces Its #FacialRecognition Program Has Successfully Nailed A COVID Scofflaw https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211205/16064548054/cbp-proudly-announces-facial-recognition-program-has-successfully-nailed-covid-scofflaw.shtml [10:58] Alternative link Cloudflare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211205/16064548054/cbp-proudly-announces-facial-recognition-program-has-successfully-nailed-covid-scofflaw.shtml [10:58] TR Bot Proudly Announces Its Facial Recognition Program Has Successfully Nailed A COVID Scofflaw | Techdirt ● Dec 17 [11:00] TR News "Certificate Authorities (CAs) are trusted notaries which underpin the main transport security model of the Web and other internet services" #fakesecurity built on centralising and monopolising "trust" https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/12/eus-digital-identity-framework-endangers-browser-security [11:00] TR Bot EU's Digital Identity Framework Endangers Browser Security | Electronic Frontier Foundation [11:01] *SomeH4x0r has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [11:01] TR News NEWS #DemocracyNow #patent #patents #monopolies As MEGATRON Spreads, 100+ Firms in Africa, Asia & Latin America Can Make mRNA Vaccine If Tech Shared https://www.democracynow.org/2021/12/16/vaccine_equity_technology_distribution_achal_prabhala [11:01] TR Bot As Omicron Spreads, 100+ Firms in Africa, Asia & Latin America Can Make mRNA Vaccine If Tech Shared | Democracy Now! [11:04] *SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@93d8qk2xdyaxe.irc) has joined #techrights [11:05] TR News NEWS #meduza #ru #russia Lawmakers scuffle as Russian State Duma approves first reading of controversial vaccine pass legislation https://meduza.io/en/news/2021/12/16/lawmakers-scuffle-as-russian-state-duma-approves-first-reading-of-controversial-vaccine-pass-legislation [11:05] Alternative link Cloudflare: meduza.io | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://meduza.io/en/news/2021/12/16/lawmakers-scuffle-as-russian-state-duma-approves-first-reading-of-controversial-vaccine-pass-legislation [11:05] TR Bot NO TITLE [11:57] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [11:57] *birkoff has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) ● Dec 17 [12:10] *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #techrights [12:10] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 8.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 152.53 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.04 [12:16] MinceR (audio:important) https://hugelolcdn.com/v/797680.webm [12:16] Alternative link Cloudflare: hugelolcdn.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://hugelolcdn.com/v/797680.webm [12:18] *psydroid4 (~psydroid@cqggrmwgu7gji.irc) has joined #techrights [12:22] TR News NEWS #AralBalkan Saying goodbye to an old friend https://ar.al/2021/12/16/saying-goodbye-to-an-old-friend/ [12:22] TR Bot Saying goodbye to an old friend Aral Balkan [12:23] TR News NEWS #EFF EFF to Court: Deny Foreign Sovereign #Immunity to #DarkMatter for [Cr]acking Journalist https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/12/eff-court-deny-foreign-sovereign-immunity-darkmatter-hacking-journalist [12:23] TR Bot EFF to Court: Deny Foreign Sovereign Immunity to DarkMatter for Hacking Journalist | Electronic Frontier Foundation [12:29] *psydroid4 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [12:29] *psydroid4 (~psydroid@cqggrmwgu7gji.irc) has joined #techrights [12:34] TR News NEWS #CommonDreams #PressFreedom 2021 Saw Record 'Surge' of 488 Journalists Detained Worldwide, Report Reveals https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/12/16/2021-saw-record-surge-488-journalists-detained-worldwide-report-reveals [12:34] Alternative link Cloudflare: commondreams.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/12/16/2021-saw-record-surge-488-journalists-detained-worldwide-report-reveals [12:34] TR Bot 2021 Saw Record 'Surge' of 488 Journalists Detained Worldwide, Report Reveals [12:37] TR News NEWS #TruthOut #patents #monopoly More Than 100 Firms Across the World Can Make the mRNA Vaccine If #patent #monopolies are canceled https://truthout.org/video/more-than-100-firms-across-the-world-can-make-the-mrna-vaccine-if-tech-is-shared/ [12:37] Alternative link Cloudflare: truthout.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://truthout.org/video/more-than-100-firms-across-the-world-can-make-the-mrna-vaccine-if-tech-is-shared/ [12:37] TR Bot More Than 100 Firms Across the World Can Make the mRNA Vaccine If Tech Is Shared [12:39] *tech_exorcist (~tech_exorcist@r8dui6smnhchc.irc) has joined #techrights [12:41] TR News #patent #monopolies of the #patents that give few companies a shared #monopoly on vaccination have already killed millions of people and will kill millions more (they profit from it) https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/16/we-need-a-coordinated-global-response-to-the-pandemic/ [12:41] Alternative link Cloudflare: counterpunch.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/16/we-need-a-coordinated-global-response-to-the-pandemic/ [12:41] TR Bot Need a Coordinated Global Response to the Pandemic - CounterPunch.org [12:45] *birkoff (birkoff@thunderirc.net) has joined #techrights [12:45] *birkoff has quit (Changing host) [12:45] *birkoff (birkoff@user/birkoff) has joined #techrights [12:49] TR News Just add an update here (bottom part): http://techrights.org/2021/12/16/latest-epo-damage-control/ #epo #uspto [12:49] TR Bot The EPO is in Damage Control Mode (and It Shows) | Techrights [12:52] TR News NEWS #CounterPunch Breaking-Up Big Tech: Will History Repeat Itself? https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/16/breaking-up-big-tech-will-history-repeat-itself/ don't say "Big Tech"; you help criminals from #microsoft deflect: http://techrights.org/2021/06/29/microsoft-behind-big-tech-narrative/ [12:52] Alternative link Cloudflare: counterpunch.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/16/breaking-up-big-tech-will-history-repeat-itself/ [12:52] TR Bot Big Tech: Will History Repeat Itself? - CounterPunch.org [12:52] TR Bot Microsoft is a Lot Worse Than Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple | Techrights [12:52] TR News NEWS #CommonDreams Unions Make Life Better at Work and Beyond, New Report Shows https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/12/16/unions-make-life-better-work-and-beyond-new-report-shows http://techrights.org/2021/12/14/if-eponia-was-a-country-it-would-rank-about-6th-in-the-world-for-union-density/ [12:52] Alternative link Cloudflare: commondreams.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/12/16/unions-make-life-better-work-and-beyond-new-report-shows [12:52] TR Bot Unions Make Life Better at Work and Beyond, New Report Shows [12:53] TR Bot If EPOnia Was a Country, It Would Rank About 6th in the World for Union Density | Techrights [12:54] TR News #techrights has lots planned for #xmas publication-wise. We won't be stopping; we'll have even more time to prepare reports. [12:55] MinceR https://hugelolcdn.com/i/797552.jpg [12:55] Alternative link Cloudflare: hugelolcdn.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://hugelolcdn.com/i/797552.jpg ● Dec 17 [13:24] TR News Devices/Embedded Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159216 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:24] TR Bot Devices/Embedded Leftovers | Tux Machines [13:25] TR News #Purism and #Librem Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159217 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:25] TR Bot Purism and Librem | Tux Machines [13:25] TR News #IBM / #RedHat Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159218 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:25] TR Bot IBM/Red Hat Leftovers | Tux Machines [13:25] TR News #Programming and HowTos Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159219 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:25] TR Bot Programming and Howtos | Tux Machines [13:26] TR News #Openwashing and #ProprietarySoftware Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159220 #TuxMachines [13:26] TR Bot Openwashing and Proprietary Software | Tux Machines [13:30] TR News Links 17/12/2021: #FSF Adopts Board Member Agreement and Calibre 5.34 Released Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/17/calibre-5-34-released/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/17/calibre-5-34-released/ [13:30] TR Bot Links 17/12/2021: FSF Adopts Board Member Agreement and Calibre 5.34 Released | Techrights [13:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 21.51 k/sec., IPFS upstream 133.08 average k/sec., average swarm size 254.00 [13:38] TR News Liam Dawe posting spam now :/ :/ "VAXEE recently got in touch" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/vaxee-offer-up-some-really-great-mice #spam #garbage #webspam #spamfarm [13:38] Alternative link Cloudflare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/vaxee-offer-up-some-really-great-mice [13:38] TR Bot offer up some really great mice, thoughts on the VAXEE Outset AX | GamingOnLinux [13:39] TR News "I'm super stoked for the Steam Deck, but I gotta admit. I'm a bit triggered by the way the premium carrying case looks. Every indication said it should be blue inside." https://yewtu.be/watch?v=G2gIgH8sEPs #gnu #linux #archlinus [13:39] TR Bot There's been a lot of Steam Deck news in the last few days... - Invidious [13:39] TR News Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159221 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:39] TR Bot today's howtos | Tux Machines [13:39] TR News #SteamDeck 'on track' for February, #Valve hopes for millions by end of 2023 | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/steam-deck-on-track-for-february-valve-hopes-for-millions-by-end-of-2023 #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #Games | more in http://schestowitz.com/2021/12/17/#latest [13:39] Alternative link Cloudflare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/steam-deck-on-track-for-february-valve-hopes-for-millions-by-end-of-2023 [13:39] TR Bot Deck 'on track' for February, Valve hopes for millions by end of 2023 | GamingOnLinux [13:39] TR Bot Social Control Media Posts [13:40] TR News Seems no hope for Insurgency: Sandstorm on #SteamDeck / Linux | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/seems-no-hope-for-insurgency-sandstorm-on-steam-deck-linux/ #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #Games [13:40] Alternative link Cloudflare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/seems-no-hope-for-insurgency-sandstorm-on-steam-deck-linux/ [13:40] TR Bot no hope for Insurgency: Sandstorm on Steam Deck / Linux | GamingOnLinux [13:46] TR News With #ProprietarySoftware a lot of #security holes are intentional (backdoors), and in #freesw they're accidental, if any... [13:47] TR News Brian Behlendorf is in #OpenSSF now http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/158990#comment-32156 see http://techrights.org/2020/10/30/openssf-microsoft/ [13:47] TR Bot Security Alert: Apache Log4j Zero Day Exploit | Tux Machines [13:47] TR Bot With Microsoft in Charge, OpenSSF Seems More Like Its About Back Doors Not Real Security Inside the Linux Foundation | Techrights [13:47] TR News #Games: Steam Deck, Insurgency: Sandstorm, and More Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159222 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:47] TR Bot Games: Steam Deck, Insurgency: Sandstorm, and More | Tux Machines [13:48] TR News The #Talospace Project: #firefox 91ESR with Baseline Compiler/Baseline wasm for #POWER9 https://www.talospace.com/2021/12/91esr-with-baseline-compilerbaseline.html [13:48] TR Bot 91ESR with Baseline Compiler/Baseline wasm for POWER9 [13:49] TR News Simple Mods Turn 3D Printer Into Electrochemical Metal Cutter | Hackaday https://hackaday.com/2021/12/17/simple-mods-turn-3d-printer-into-electrochemical-metal-cutter/ [13:49] TR Bot Mods Turn 3D Printer Into Electrochemical Metal Cutter | Hackaday [13:50] *inky has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [13:50] *inky_ (~inky@ has joined #techrights [13:51] TR News #ibm #redhat pushing to embrace complexity in the name of buzzwords: "The pressure on established enterprises to modernize and compete against agile, cloud-native...[more buzzwords]" https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2021/12/it-training-strategy-essentials [13:51] TR Bot IT leadership: 5 steps to a successful training strategy | The Enterprisers Project [13:53] MinceR https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/morality [13:53] TR Bot Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Morality [13:53] MinceR https://i.redd.it/573ldkwwl3681.png [13:55] TR News #GCompris Releases Version 2.0 Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159223 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [13:55] TR Bot GCompris Releases Version 2.0 | Tux Machines ● Dec 17 [14:09] *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) ● Dec 17 [15:06] TR News Original GNU Nano 6.0 announcement and more http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159151#comment-32157 [15:06] TR Bot GNU nano 6.0 Text Editor Is Out with New Color Names, Suspension Enabled by Default | Tux Machines [15:08] TR News "recent 2.34 release of the GNU C library, glibc, removes libpthread as a separate library." #ibm #redhat tries to remove the founder of #gnu from his OWN org https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2021/12/17/why-glibc-234-removed-libpthread [15:08] TR Bot Why glibc 2.34 removed libpthread | Red Hat Developer [15:09] TR News Add Smarts To Your Old Capsule #Coffee Maker | Hackaday https://hackaday.com/2021/12/16/add-smarts-to-your-old-capsule-coffee-maker/ #hackaday [15:09] TR Bot Smarts To Your Old Capsule Coffee Maker | Hackaday [15:15] TR News #microsoft = organised crime https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/microsoft-is-playing-dirty-in-fight-to-squash-edge-browser-rivals not a surprise; the company is run by criminals: http://techrights.org/2021/12/15/microsoft-assists-perpetrators-of-domestic-violence/ [15:15] TR Bot is playing dirty in fight to squash Edge browser rivals | TechRadar [15:15] TR Bot Microsofts Human Resources (HR) Policy: We Offer Assistance to Perpetrators of Domestic Violence | Techrights [15:17] TR News #ibm #redhat shilling #gnu #macs after slandering its creator (the GNU version), looking to destroy him for good https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/5-emacs-features-to-love [15:17] TR Bot 5 features that will make you fall in love with Emacs | Enable Sysadmin [15:17] TR News #ibm #redhat shilling #gnu #emacs after slandering its creator (the GNU version), looking to destroy him for good https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/5-emacs-features-to-love [15:19] TR News When the media says #Microsoft "plays dirty" it's downplaying what actually happens; Microsoft is breaking the law, as usual [15:20] TR News #microsoft : competition is for LOSERS. Just BRIBE to 'win' http://techrights.org/2021/03/17/epoleaks-report-march-2021-part-12/ [15:20] TR Bot EPO and Microsoft Collude to Break the Law Part XII: Foreign Corrupt Practices, Bid Rigging and Slush Funds | Techrights [15:21] TR News If you are a chronic, serial, dangerous criminal, then go work for #microsoft because they will shelter and protect you for your crimes and even pay you http://techrights.org/2021/12/08/protecting-graveley-at-microsoft/ [15:21] TR Bot Microsoft Corporation is Still Protecting a Violent Criminal Who Assaults Women (Employing Him as Manager, Protecting Him From Arrest, Paying Him a Salary) | Techrights [15:23] TR News #microsoft : we don't always break the law; when we don't break the law, we lose bids. But we usually do break the law; we cannot help ourselves http://techrights.org/2021/03/17/epoleaks-report-march-2021-part-12/ [15:26] TR News Why I Switched to Garuda Linux Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159224 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:26] TR Bot Why I Switched to Garuda Linux | Tux Machines [15:27] TR News In #youtube many people's video descriptions became 90% (or more) #spam [15:28] TR News BTW, #linuxfoundation videos aren't made with #linux but #ProprietarySoftware on proprietary operating systems. The whole LF is a total sham. [15:29] TR News Distro Digest ep. 2 | Linux Mint 20.3 beta & Pop!_OS 21.10, Fedora 35, Zorin OS 16 Lite and more! - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WsDcJt0dOOI #video #gnu #linux [15:29] TR Bot Distro Digest ep. 2 | Linux Mint 20.3 beta & Pop!_OS 21.10, Fedora 35, Zorin OS 16 Lite and more! - Invidious [15:29] *psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrights [15:29] *psymin (~psymin@user/psymin) has joined #techrights [15:31] TR News Pop!_OS 21.10: Radical distro shows potential but does not play nicely with others http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159106#comment-32158 [15:31] TR Bot Pop OS 21.10 Introduces Mini Application Menu + Bumper Updates | Tux Machines [15:33] MinceR (cat) https://files.catbox.moe/ntn4jh.jpg [15:33] TR Bot connect to files.catbox.moe:443; Network is unreachable ( status 0 @ https://files.catbox.moe/ntn4jh.jpg ) [15:36] schestowitz http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159061 [15:36] TR Bot digiKam 7.4 Professional Photo Management App Brings New Features and Better Camera Support | Tux Machines [15:38] TR News #microsoft = #crime https://www.howtogeek.com/774542/windows-11-officially-shuts-down-firefoxs-default-browser-workaround/ [15:38] TR Bot Windows 11 Officially Shuts Down Firefoxs Default Browser Workaround [15:40] TR News Access Now to Telenor: Where are the answers Myanmar deserves on the M1 sale? - Access Now https://www.accessnow.org/telenor-answers-m1-sale/ #accessnow [15:40] Alternative link Cloudflare: accessnow.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.accessnow.org/telenor-answers-m1-sale/ [15:40] TR Bot Access Now to Telenor: Where are the answers Myanmar deserves on the M1 sale? - Access Now [15:42] TR News #Snapcrafters One for all, all for one https://ubuntu.com//blog/snapcrafters-one-for-all-all-for-one #ubuntu #gnu #linux [15:42] Alternative link Cloudflare: ubuntu.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://ubuntu.com//blog/snapcrafters-one-for-all-all-for-one [15:42] TR Bot One for all, all for one | Ubuntu [15:43] TR News "A year packed with news and events. A year where great competitions came to an end. A year that made us dream with new robots. 2021 inspired us to reach new heights and pursue new breakthroughs." https://ubuntu.com//blog/robotics-and-ubuntu-rewind-2021 [15:43] Alternative link Cloudflare: ubuntu.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://ubuntu.com//blog/robotics-and-ubuntu-rewind-2021 [15:43] TR Bot and Ubuntu rewind 2021 | Ubuntu [15:43] TR News #Ubuntu Yaru Theme To Lose Its Aubergine Accent Color For Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish - Linux Uprising Blog https://www.linuxuprising.com/2021/12/ubuntu-yaru-theme-to-lose-its-aubergine.html #LinuxUprising #FreeSW #GNU #Linux [15:43] Alternative link Cloudflare: linuxuprising.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.linuxuprising.com/2021/12/ubuntu-yaru-theme-to-lose-its-aubergine.html [15:43] TR Bot Ubuntu Yaru Theme To Lose Its Aubergine Accent Color For Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish - Linux Uprising Blog [15:46] TR News Frameworks, Gear, Pipewire Update in Tumbleweed Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159225 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:46] TR Bot Frameworks, Gear, Pipewire Update in Tumbleweed | Tux Machines [15:48] TR News Add a Cool Falling Snow Effect to the Ubuntu Desktop Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159226 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:48] TR Bot Add a Cool Falling Snow Effect to the Ubuntu Desktop | Tux Machines [15:49] TR News "The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of #diffoscope version 197." https://diffoscope.org/news/diffoscope-197-released/ http://techrights.org/2021/04/29/with-sponsors-like-these/ [15:49] TR Bot diffoscope 197 released [15:49] TR Bot With Sponsors Like These | Techrights [15:51] TR News #Ubuntu 22.04 Theme Replaces Purple with Orange (Like, Everywhere) Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159227 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:51] TR Bot Ubuntu 22.04 Theme Replaces Purple with Orange (Like, Everywhere) | Tux Machines [15:52] TR News LibreOffice has been awarded the Editors Pick badge by Software Informer - The Document Foundation Blog https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2021/12/17/libreoffice-software-informer/ #documentfoundation #opendocument #freesw #libreoffice #odf [15:52] TR Bot LibreOffice has been awarded the Editor's Pick badge by Software Informer - The Document Foundation Blog [15:55] *betsy (~igloo@d9tvs44uyg5y6.irc) has joined #techrights [15:57] *betsy has quit (connection closed) [15:58] TR News Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159228 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:58] TR Bot today's howtos | Tux Machines [15:58] TR News What Is Swap Space In Linux? Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159229 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [15:58] TR Bot What Is Swap Space In Linux? | Tux Machines ● Dec 17 [16:00] TR News #proprietarySoftware #spyware with #junk https://hackaday.com/2021/12/16/gone-google-toolbar-2000-2021/ #gulag #toolbar [16:00] TR Bot Google Toolbar (2000-2021) | Hackaday [16:01] TR News #Find, Download, and Update AppImages Quickly with this Neat Tool Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159230 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [16:01] TR Bot Find, Download, and Update AppImages Quickly with this Neat Tool | Tux Machines [16:01] TR News Find, Download, and Update AppImages Quickly with this Neat Tool Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159230 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [16:01] *betsy (~igloo@d9tvs44uyg5y6.irc) has joined #techrights [16:02] *betsy has quit (connection closed) [16:02] TR News Comparing Draft Data Protection Bill, 2021 with its predecessors https://internetfreedom.in/comparing-pdpb/ #internetfreedom #in #india #privacy #surveillance [16:02] Alternative link Cloudflare: internetfreedom.in | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://internetfreedom.in/comparing-pdpb/ [16:02] TR Bot Comparing Draft Data Protection Bill, 2021 with its predecessors [16:02] *betsy (~igloo@d9tvs44uyg5y6.irc) has joined #techrights [16:02] *betsy has quit (Quit: Igloo IRC: https://iglooirc.com) [16:02] *CrystalMath (~coderain@m7ih66jctk3ve.irc) has joined #techrights [16:05] TR News #Google #Android Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159231 #Linux #TuxMachines [16:05] TR Bot Android Leftovers | Tux Machines [16:08] TR News Linux Mint 20.3 Beta Download and Test before Stable Release http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159098#comment-32160 [16:08] TR Bot Linux Mint 20.3 Una Cinnamon BETA Release | Tux Machines [16:10] *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #techrights [16:10] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 9.26 k/sec., IPFS upstream 98.06 average k/sec., average swarm size 253.97 [16:11] TR News Stable Kernels: 5.15.10, 5.10.87, and 5.4.167 Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159233 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [16:11] TR Bot Stable Kernels: 5.15.10, 5.10.87, and 5.4.167 | Tux Machines [16:11] TR News #Ubuntu : Yaru GTK Theme, Robotics, and #Snapcraft Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159232 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [16:11] TR Bot Ubuntu: Yaru GTK Theme, Robotics, and Snapcraft | Tux Machines [16:12] TR News digiKam 7.4.0 is released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159061#comment-32159 [16:12] TR Bot digiKam 7.4 Professional Photo Management App Brings New Features and Better Camera Support | Tux Machines [16:17] TR News Web Browser: Microsoft Breaking the Law Again, Mozilla on POWER Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159234 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [16:17] TR Bot Web Browser: Microsoft Breaking the Law Again, Mozilla on POWER | Tux Machines [16:17] TR News #IBM / #RedHat Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159235 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [16:17] TR Bot IBM/Red Hat Leftovers | Tux Machines [16:18] *CrystalMath has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [16:21] TR News #LibreOffice has been awarded the Editors Pick badge by Software Informer Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159236 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [16:21] TR Bot LibreOffice has been awarded the Editors Pick badge by Software Informer | Tux Machines [16:22] *CrystalMath (~coderain@m7ih66jctk3ve.irc) has joined #techrights ● Dec 17 [17:02] TR News WTH is #amazon up to? It's bad enough as it is and Ring should be illegal to use and deploy. https://itsfoss.com/install-discord-fedora/ [17:02] Alternative link Cloudflare: itsfoss.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://itsfoss.com/install-discord-fedora/ [17:02] TR Bot How to Install Discord on Fedora Linux - It's FOSS [17:06] TR News Live - New Desktop - Working with 1440p Resolutions and Scaling - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5a6cFvA-P9k #video #gnu #linux [17:06] TR Bot Live - New Desktop - Working with 1440p Resolutions and Scaling - Invidious [17:07] TR News #HowTo install #PopOS 21.10 - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6CNkC311q9k #video #invidious [17:07] TR Bot How to install Pop!_OS 21.10 - Invidious [17:08] TR News #KDE: Setting a default global theme has just become much easier Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159237 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [17:08] TR Bot KDE: Setting a default global theme has just become much easier | Tux Machines [17:12] TR News New GNU/Linux Videos: Pop!_OS, JingPad, and Distro Digest Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159238 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [17:12] TR Bot New GNU/Linux Videos: Pop!_OS, JingPad, and Distro Digest | Tux Machines [17:12] TR News #Security Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159239 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [17:12] TR Bot Security Leftovers | Tux Machines [17:21] TR News #GCompris 2.0 Educational Software for Kids Brings New and Improved Activities Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159240 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [17:21] TR Bot GCompris 2.0 Educational Software for Kids Brings New and Improved Activities | Tux Machines [17:23] TR News Links 17/12/2021: Switching to #GarudaLinux and GCompris 2.0 Release Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/17/gcompris-2-0-release/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/17/gcompris-2-0-release/ [17:23] TR Bot Links 17/12/2021: Switching to Garuda Linux and GCompris 2.0 Release | Techrights [17:24] TR News Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance re-release is out now with #GNULinux support | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/baldurs-gate-dark-alliance-on-linux/ #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #Games [17:24] Alternative link Cloudflare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/baldurs-gate-dark-alliance-on-linux/ [17:24] TR Bot Gate: Dark Alliance re-release is out now with Linux support | GamingOnLinux [17:25] TR News #freesw "Netherlands based Two Tribes is an indie game developer who worked on titles like RUSH, EDGE, Toki Tori, RIVE and more just open sourced their game engine. This is the game engine that was used for the likes of RIVE and Toki Tori 2+ and it's now under the GPL2." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/two-tribes-open-sourced-their-game-engine-for-rive-and-toki-tori-2-/ [17:25] Alternative link Cloudflare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/two-tribes-open-sourced-their-game-engine-for-rive-and-toki-tori-2-/ [17:25] TR Bot Tribes open sourced their game engine for RIVE and Toki Tori 2+ | GamingOnLinux [17:26] TR News "Creative Assembly continue rolling out more teaser videos of the upcoming Total War: #WARHAMMER III, which will be ported to #GNU #Linux by Feral Interactive." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/get-a-look-at-the-total-war-warhammer-iii-campaign-map-and-more-battles [17:26] Alternative link Cloudflare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/get-a-look-at-the-total-war-warhammer-iii-campaign-map-and-more-battles [17:26] TR Bot a look at the Total War: WARHAMMER III campaign map and more battles | GamingOnLinux [17:30] TR News #Deluge BitTorrent Client 2.0.5 Released with Automatic Clipboard Detection Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159241 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [17:30] TR Bot Deluge BitTorrent Client 2.0.5 Released with Automatic Clipboard Detection | Tux Machines [17:31] TR News "The Gluggle Jug is an aptly-named thing its a jug that makes loud, satisfying glugging noises when poured. But how does it work? [Steve Mould] set out to investigate." https://hackaday.com/2021/12/17/gluggle-jug-is-neat-application-of-hydrodynamics/ [17:31] TR Bot Jug Is Neat Application Of Hydrodynamics | Hackaday [17:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 22.63 k/sec., IPFS upstream 148.43 average k/sec., average swarm size 253.93 [17:33] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@bcq5yw7bn3dta.irc) has joined #techrights [17:34] TR News #techrepublic = #webspam in "course bundle" clothing. #spam #spamfarm #cbs [17:35] *kingoffrance has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [17:38] TR News #Surveillance @ #Mozilla : This Week in Glean: Looking back at Glean in 2021 https://blog.mozilla.org/data/2021/12/17/this-week-in-glean-looking-back-at-glean-in-2021/ #firefox #microsoft #ProprietarySoftware [17:38] Alternative link Cloudflare: mozilla.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://blog.mozilla.org/data/2021/12/17/this-week-in-glean-looking-back-at-glean-in-2021/ [17:38] TR Bot This Week in Glean: Looking back at Glean in 2021 Data@Mozilla [17:39] TR News Is Linux a More Secure OS Than Windows? | by Stephen Pelzel | Upskilling | Dec, 2021 | Medium https://medium.com/upskilling/is-linux-a-more-secure-os-than-windows-5f1c92fad45b #medium | more in http://schestowitz.com/2021/12/17/#latest [17:39] Alternative link Cloudflare: medium.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://medium.com/upskilling/is-linux-a-more-secure-os-than-windows-5f1c92fad45b [17:39] TR Bot Linux a More Secure OS Than Windows? | by Stephen Pelzel | Upskilling | Dec, 2021 | Medium [17:39] TR Bot Social Control Media Posts [17:40] TR News It's not "Linux" https://www.networkworld.com/article/3645448/using-the-timedatectl-command-to-control-your-linux-time-and-time-zone.html [17:40] TR Bot Using the timedatectl command to control your Linux time and time zone | Network World [17:42] TR News What does your code use, and is it vulnerable? It-depends! | Trail of Bits Blog https://blog.trailofbits.com/2021/12/16/it-depends/ #trailofbits [17:42] TR Bot What does your code use, and is it vulnerable? It-depends! | Trail of Bits Blog [17:45] *x_ (~x__@4mmu4fx6g3jvs.irc) has joined #techrights [17:46] TR News #censorship is killing #rustlang https://blog.rust-lang.org/inside-rust/2021/12/17/follow-up-on-the-moderation-issue.html it's also what turned me against them years ago; they're likely OK technically, but not mentally [17:46] TR Bot Follow-up on the moderation issue | Inside Rust Blog [17:47] TR News Kubernetes: What's new in #Security Profiles Operator v0.4.0 https://kubernetes.io/blog/2021/12/17/security-profiles-operator/ [17:47] TR Bot What's new in Security Profiles Operator v0.4.0 | Kubernetes [17:49] TR News What Is Prometheus and Why Is It So Popular? Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159242 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [17:49] TR Bot What Is Prometheus and Why Is It So Popular? | Tux Machines [17:51] TR News Main issue with #Mold is that it needs to #deletegithub https://www.itsfoss.net/first-stable-release-of-the-mold-linker-developed-by-the-developer-llvm-lld/ #microsoft #ProprietarySoftware [17:51] Alternative link Cloudflare: itsfoss.net | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.itsfoss.net/first-stable-release-of-the-mold-linker-developed-by-the-developer-llvm-lld/ [17:51] TR Bot stable release of the Mold linker developed by the developer LLVM lld - itsfoss.net [17:52] TR News #clowncomputing = problems that you cannot solve https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/146997/mining-the-logs-coder-radio-444/ [17:52] Alternative link Cloudflare: jupiterbroadcasting.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/146997/mining-the-logs-coder-radio-444/ [17:52] TR Bot Mining the Logs | Coder Radio 444 | Jupiter Broadcasting [17:54] TR News "Back in OE Pyro-series, I compiled #Qt5 and #Scribus 1.5.x in OpenEmbedded. Now on the OE Dunfell-series, no such luck." https://bkhome.org/news/202112/qt4-and-scribus-148-compiled.html [17:54] TR Bot Qt4 and Scribus 1.4.8 compiled [17:55] psydroid4 has this Log4j vulnerability been used to attack GNU/Linux operating systems and services running on them? [17:55] psydroid4 or only Vista? [17:55] schestowitz-TR wait [17:55] schestowitz-TR is this affecting Windows? [17:55] schestowitz-TR I have not been keeping up [17:55] schestowitz-TR I thought java [17:55] schestowitz-TR but platform limited? [17:56] psydroid4 I believe so, because I saw some video that vulnerabilities in Log4j in Minecraft were used to attack Windows [17:56] psydroid4 but I don't know the details [17:56] schestowitz-TR i think it targets java [17:56] schestowitz-TR at java level [17:56] psydroid4 the JVM? [17:56] schestowitz-TR though the software [17:56] schestowitz-TR not java itself [17:56] schestowitz-TR some sites blame java [17:56] schestowitz-TR and call it java bug [17:56] psydroid4 I'm not sure until I read the details [17:57] TR News #Security Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159243 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [17:57] TR Bot Security Leftovers | Tux Machines [17:57] schestowitz-TR psydroid4: sgo ahead and check [17:57] schestowitz-TR would be interested if windows-only bug [17:57] schestowitz-TR *interesting [17:57] psydroid4 any programming language can be used to attack a host operating system [17:57] psydroid4 I thought people here might know more about it [17:57] psydroid4 because a friend of mine just sent me some link about it [17:57] schestowitz-TR i got some email [17:58] schestowitz-TR I know affected software [17:58] schestowitz-TR in techrights we don't use java [17:58] schestowitz-TR so that's that [17:58] schestowitz-TR uspto was affected [17:58] schestowitz-TR took down the web site in a panic [17:58] schestowitz-TR epo responded too late [17:59] TR News the #log4j bug doesn't show that #freesw has #security issues but that Free software is very very very widely used, bot by orgs and by other software ● Dec 17 [18:00] TR News Meanwhile, #microsoft #windows remains full of holes and #backdoors for #nsa ... but the Microsoft-bribed media quit caring about that. [18:01] psydroid4 https://www.dday.it/redazione/41361/log4shell-e-ufficialmente-la-piu-grave-falla-informatica-degli-ultimi-10-anni-milioni-di-attacchi-negli-ultimi-giorni [18:02] TR Bot ufficialmente la pi grave falla informatica degli ultimi 10 anni. Milioni di attacchi negli ultimi giorni | DDay.it [18:02] psydroid4 this is what he sent me in Italian [18:02] psydroid4 but I haven't read it yet [18:04] schestowitz-TR if phoronix covers it, then it's a windows thing [18:05] schestowitz-TR ^_^ [18:06] XRevan86 psydroid4: Java is cross-platform, and so is the vulnerability. [18:09] *x_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [18:10] *x_ (~x__@4mmu4fx6g3jvs.irc) has joined #techrights [18:10] TR News #Kernel : #AMDGPU , Loongson, and More Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159246 #GPL #Linux #TuxMachines [18:10] TR Bot Kernel: AMDGPU, Loongson, and More | Tux Machines [18:10] *x_ is now known as kingoffrance [18:11] DaemonFC schestowitz-TR, Losing 3% of desktop users every year. Microsoft still acts as if Windows was important. Notice, though, that all of the talk (marketing) of Windows 11 is dying down. [18:12] schestowitz-TR no,no [18:12] schestowitz-TR 90% [18:12] schestowitz-TR ask net applicatons [18:12] schestowitz-TR microsoft's paid shill [18:12] TR News #Games: Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance, Two Tribes, Total War: WARHAMMER III Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159245 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [18:12] TR Bot Games: Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, Two Tribes, Total War: WARHAMMER III | Tux Machines [18:12] TR News Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159244 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [18:12] TR Bot today's howtos | Tux Machines [18:14] TR News ROI for WHO? #IBM #RedHat h Sure, #vendorLockin pays off. https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/red-hat-ansible-automation-platform-delivers-high-roi-expectations [18:14] TR Bot Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform delivers on high ROI expectations [18:14] psydroid4 I stumbled upon this article on Microsoft Visual Studio Magazine and was reading the comments [18:14] psydroid4 https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2021/08/17/silverlighted.aspx [18:14] Alternative link Cloudflare: visualstudiomagazine.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2021/08/17/silverlighted.aspx [18:14] TR Bot A Decade Later, .NET Developers Still Fear Being 'Silverlighted' by Microsoft -- Visual Studio Magazine [18:15] psydroid4 it's like half the developers have already bailed on Microsoft and the other half is going to be hit by a freight train over the next decade [18:15] TR News #ibm #Redhat has quit doing #server ... now all it does is CLOWN https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/davie-street-enterprises-embraces-cloud-technologies-and-services [18:15] TR Bot Davie Street Enterprises embraces cloud technologies and services [18:16] TR News Build a DIY FM #Radio with this $12 kit - CNX Software https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/12/17/build-a-diy-fm-radio-with-this-12-kit/ #Linux #GNU #Hardware #cnxsoftware [18:16] Alternative link Cloudflare: cnx-software.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.cnx-software.com/2021/12/17/build-a-diy-fm-radio-with-this-12-kit/ [18:16] TR Bot Build a DIY FM Radio with this $12 kit - CNX Software [18:17] psydroid4 I was looking at the code for some application written using .NET for controlling a 3D laser printer [18:17] psydroid4 and other than the verbosity and the size of the code I was just wondering why people want to run that software on GNU/Linux [18:18] psydroid4 https://github.com/arkypita/LaserGRBL [18:18] TR Bot - arkypita/LaserGRBL: Laser optimized GUI for GRBL [18:18] TR News #intel is dead. Far too expensive. Comes with #malware https://liliputing.com/2021/12/beelink-gti-11-mini-pc-with-intel-tiger-lake-now-available-for-610-and-up.html [18:18] Alternative link Cloudflare: liliputing.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://liliputing.com/2021/12/beelink-gti-11-mini-pc-with-intel-tiger-lake-now-available-for-610-and-up.html [18:18] TR Bot GTI 11 mini PC with Intel Tiger Lake now available for $610 and up - Liliputing [18:18] psydroid4 it's like the source code just seems to do a lot of Windows things that I have zero clue about [18:19] psydroid4 like "InvokeRequired" and "Invoke" [18:19] psydroid4 Invoke the Wrath of Thor? [18:19] schestowitz-TR Thor Project [18:21] TR News The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has made a smart move; it has formulated a set of rules, a set of carefully-worded guidelines, for people who represent and speak for the #FSF Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/16/fsf-code-of-ethics/ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/16/fsf-code-of-ethics/ [18:21] TR Bot The Free Software Foundations Code of Ethics Protects It From Infiltration and Skulduggery | Techrights [18:21] TR News The regime of Team Battistelli/Campinos has issued some interesting statements during the meeting and right after the meeting (or this weeks webchat) of the Administrative Council Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/16/latest-epo-damage-control/ #Techrights #epo #europe #corruption #patents | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/16/latest-epo-damage-control/ [18:21] TR Bot The EPO is in Damage Control Mode (and It Shows) | Techrights [18:23] TR News #EndeavourOS Atlantis Neo Brings Much-Needed Fixes and a Christmas Surprise Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159247 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [18:23] TR Bot EndeavourOS Atlantis Neo Brings Much-Needed Fixes and a Christmas Surprise | Tux Machines [18:24] DaemonFC The mods on the subreddit closed a thread about why Netflix's live action Cowboy Bebop failed immediately. [18:24] DaemonFC Most agree that it's because they "updated it" to placate a bunch of SJWs who would never watch it anyway, and then when it flopped, they blamed the fans. [18:25] DaemonFC It must be infuriating to try to foist garbage on people only to have it fail that badly because of pushing politics. [18:25] DaemonFC Hopefully more people start canceling Netflix. [18:26] DaemonFC If anything mildly interesting is coming to Netflix, it gets canceled without any real resolution because they always do something like this. [18:30] schestowitz-TR reddit is not worth anybody's time [18:31] schestowitz-TR reddit has always been an overhyped and nasty social control media site [18:31] schestowitz-TR only people who are in reddit think that the world gives a *** about reddit [18:32] schestowitz-TR in the earlier days of reddit digg.com matters FAR more [18:32] schestowitz-TR same for Slashdot [18:33] schestowitz-TR now, reddit is just a set of echo chambers ("subs") [18:33] schestowitz-TR the front page is memes, porn, and worse junk [18:33] schestowitz-TR not actual news and nothing which truly matters [18:33] schestowitz-TR that site ios a joke [18:33] schestowitz-TR now they want shareholders to sink their money into it [18:37] TR News I've had my most covid-safe birthday ever! [18:37] TR News #ibm #redhat flogging #nsa junk as 'security' https://access.redhat.com/blogs/766093/posts/2334141 see http://techrights.org/2021/01/30/fake-security/ [18:37] TR Bot The Answer is always the same: Layers of Security - Red Hat Customer Portal [18:37] TR Bot Fake Security is Still a Real Problem, Even in the GNU/Linux (and BSD) Spheres | Techrights [18:38] *alextee (~alextee@tix45c4dz86vs.irc) has joined #techrights [18:39] TR News Did the #redhat site get pwned or something? I'm seeing strange things. Are they restoring from backup? [18:41] TR News A new set of #fedora builds today https://jbwillia.wordpress.com/2021/12/17/f35-20211216-updated-live-isos-released/ #redhat #ibm [18:41] TR Bot F35-20211216 updated Live isos released | Jbwillia's Weblog [18:42] TR News I'm reminded of the site #opensuse got pwned and tried to cover it up until I compelled them to admit it: http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2017/02/06/opensuse-web-site-cracked/ [18:42] TR Bot Blog Archive OpenSUSE Web Site Cracked [18:44] TR News What is the #redhat policy for disclosing #security incidents in its own infra (not clients')? Who do I report to? Who to inquire through? (Of course you need ro word it shrewdly as they'd not want to admit a breach) [18:45] TR News #vmware #proprietarySoftware "attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information." Expensive, but utter junk. https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/12/17/vmware-releases-security-advisory [18:45] TR Bot VMware Releases Security Advisory | CISA [18:45] DaemonFC I haven't seen a single "TikTok" video that was even mildly interesting. [18:45] DaemonFC How is this company worth money? [18:45] schestowitz-TR DaemonFC: yes [18:45] schestowitz-TR I agree [18:45] schestowitz-TR bubbles [18:45] schestowitz-TR DaemonFC: we have x hits [18:46] schestowitz-TR like twitter [18:46] schestowitz-TR or youtube [18:46] schestowitz-TR or FB [18:46] schestowitz-TR they say they profit from ads [18:46] schestowitz-TR but they have massive operating expenses [18:46] schestowitz-TR netflix also [18:46] DaemonFC "I left a pregnancy test in his waffles! Here's his reaction!" [18:46] schestowitz-TR gulag search [18:46] DaemonFC :/ [18:46] schestowitz-TR I think many of these companies are "assets" [18:46] schestowitz-TR hey help mass manipulatiopn [18:46] schestowitz-TR helps hegemony [18:47] schestowitz-TR more than it brings money [18:47] DaemonFC At least my sinus infection will go away someday. [18:47] schestowitz-TR your congress has just authorised another 800,000 MILLION dollars in public debt [18:47] schestowitz-TR for "defence" [18:47] schestowitz-TR JEDI etc. [18:47] schestowitz-TR infusion to companies [18:47] schestowitz-TR because who needs to worry about people living in tents and cars during winter? [18:50] TR News CISA/NSA: #freesw is used very widely; this, unlike Windows, needs patching as we don't want back doors in this http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/158990#comment-32164 [18:50] TR Bot Security Alert: Apache Log4j Zero Day Exploit | Tux Machines [18:50] psydroid4 the worst part is that these companies tie up precious developer resources that could be done using more useful things for society [18:50] psydroid4 but in the US and much of Europe the battle already seems to be lost [18:51] *zleap (~zleap@user/zleap) has joined #techrights [18:52] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) [18:52] psydroid4 "what did you do today? I made an app for (dis)liking various trashcans, you can even design your own emoji for doing so" [18:52] TR News #GStreamer targets a burning platform https://medium.com/@seungha.yang/gstreamer-windows-a-primer-on-the-cool-stuff-youll-find-in-the-1-20-release-fa68366bca7c [18:52] Alternative link Cloudflare: medium.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://medium.com/@seungha.yang/gstreamer-windows-a-primer-on-the-cool-stuff-youll-find-in-the-1-20-release-fa68366bca7c [18:52] TR Bot Windows: A primer on the cool stuff youll find in the 1.20 release | by Seungha Yang | Dec, 2021 | Medium [18:53] schestowitz-TR [18:50] the worst part is that these companies tie up precious developer resources that could be done using more useful things for society [18:53] schestowitz-TR watch US debt [18:53] schestowitz-TR compare to Eurozone [18:53] schestowitz-TR USA = USSR in diapers [18:53] schestowitz-TR they are overspending on trash [18:54] schestowitz-TR hoping to pulling it off... like in the movies [18:54] schestowitz-TR meanwhile they deamonise CHina like they already did Russia [18:54] schestowitz-TR because they know they cannot compete [18:54] schestowitz-TR homelessness in the rise [18:54] schestowitz-TR riots [18:54] schestowitz-TR and all their politicians do now is controlled by oligarchs, more than before [18:55] schestowitz-TR so it's like RF [18:55] schestowitz-TR the nation is just robbed, everyone knows it, but powerless to do anything about it [18:57] TR News This is what a compromised project looks like. https://medium.com/@seungha.yang #microsoft #windows #GStreamer (it'll just languish and die like #wsl and other crap such as Silverlight) [18:57] Alternative link Cloudflare: medium.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://medium.com/@seungha.yang [18:57] TR Bot Yang Medium [18:59] TR News Hey, @sjvn ... there's no such thing as "Windows PC" and we ought not perpetuate this idea that the PC is owned by an OS. Remnants of "naked PC" era, a term made up by the pervert who actually helped #JeffreyEpstein https://nypost.com/2021/05/10/bill-gates-womanizer-held-nude-pool-parties-biographer/ [18:59] Alternative link Cloudflare: nypost.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://nypost.com/2021/05/10/bill-gates-womanizer-held-nude-pool-parties-biographer/ [18:59] TR Bot Bill Gates 'womanizer,' held nude pool parties: biographer ● Dec 17 [19:01] TR News #gstreamer is too #microsoft friendly and some of its developers have sadly outsourced to #microsoft #proprietarySoftware instead of real software tools. #deletegithub [19:03] psydroid4 "Multimedia hacker and a big fan of Windows OS" [19:03] TR News #drm junk in planet debian https://jmtd.net/log/ereader/ #dbd [19:03] TR Bot jmtd log ereader [19:04] psydroid4 that's like saying "Overweight developer and a big fan of hamburgers" [19:04] schestowitz-TR psydroid4: maybe sponsored by Microsof [19:04] schestowitz-TR they paid them [19:04] schestowitz-TR now it's an HR issue [19:05] psydroid4 their biggest fear is code that has been written without any consideration for running on Windows whatsoever [19:05] schestowitz-TR but wait [19:06] schestowitz-TR in wayland and other graphics staugg [19:06] schestowitz-TR the worry is they add windows cruft [19:06] schestowitz-TR which in turn makes the mainline codde crap [19:06] schestowitz-TR and developers did complain about it in the past [19:06] schestowitz-TR who the heck needs gstreamer in windows??? [19:06] schestowitz-TR microsoft [19:06] schestowitz-TR to ruin gstreamer [19:06] psydroid4 so those projects must be forked before that happens [19:06] schestowitz-TR see mesa [19:07] schestowitz-TR with wsl crap in it [19:07] schestowitz-TR and devs do complain [19:07] schestowitz-TR nowadasys when linux has a new release [19:07] schestowitz-TR the media will say apple thios [19:07] schestowitz-TR m1 etc. [19:07] schestowitz-TR and microsoft... ntfs etc. [19:07] schestowitz-TR so you lose track of what linux even is [19:08] psydroid4 linux is an application you run on windows or macos, obviously [19:09] TR News "Newly ordained Hackaday editor-in-chief Elliot Williams and staff writer Dan Maloney jump behind the podcast mic to catch you up on all this weeks essential hacks." https://hackaday.com/2021/12/17/hackaday-podcast-149-ballerina-bot-balances-flexures-track-cat-food-pcb-goes-under-the-knife-and-an-attiny-does-the-555/ [19:09] TR Bot Podcast 149: Ballerina Bot Balances, Flexures Track Cat Food, PCB Goes Under The Knife, And An ATtiny Does The 555 | Hackaday [19:13] TR News Google Online Security Blog: Understanding the Impact of Apache Log4j Vulnerability http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/158990#comment-32165 [19:13] TR Bot Security Alert: Apache Log4j Zero Day Exploit | Tux Machines [19:13] TR News 2,000 fonts for #Debian Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159248 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [19:13] TR Bot 2,000 fonts for Debian | Tux Machines [19:14] TR News #mozilla still pretends that it cares about #privacy while #spying on #firefox users https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/2021/12/17/privacy-sandbox-cma-dec2021/ move to #librewolf [19:14] Alternative link Cloudflare: mozilla.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/2021/12/17/privacy-sandbox-cma-dec2021/ [19:14] TR Bot Despite improvements, delaying the deprecation of third party cookies in the CMAs Privacy Sandbox commitments will hold back privacy on the open web - Open Policy & Advocacy [19:15] TR News AI Kingdoms arrive for Kingdoms and Castles in a new Beta | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/ai-kingdoms-arrive-for-kingdoms-and-castles-in-a-new-beta #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #Games | more in http://schestowitz.com/2021/12/17/#latest [19:15] Alternative link Cloudflare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/ai-kingdoms-arrive-for-kingdoms-and-castles-in-a-new-beta [19:15] TR Bot Kingdoms arrive for Kingdoms and Castles in a new Beta | GamingOnLinux [19:15] TR Bot Social Control Media Posts [19:18] TR News "The update comes as Valve prepares for the Steam Deck and its proprietary #GNU #Linux operating system, so this prep work will likely benefit the forthcoming handheld." https://www.tomshardware.com/news/valve-improving-remote-play-support-with-steam-deck [19:18] TR Bot Steam Deck Handheld Gaming PC Poised for Big Streaming Gains | Tom's Hardware [19:18] schestowitz https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/765469/whats-the-best-mother-board-for-my-specs-lga1200/ [19:18] Alternative link Cloudflare: bleepingcomputer.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/765469/whats-the-best-mother-board-for-my-specs-lga1200/ [19:18] TR Bot what's the best mother board for my specs!? (LGA1200) - System Building and Upgrading [19:18] schestowitz "RAM: 64 GB - 2133 Mhz - corsair" [19:18] schestowitz 64??? [19:19] TR News #Coinbase is very malicious and state-connected. I'm surprised that some sites still treat Coinbase as anything other than a crooked firm worthy of boycotts https://www.itsfoss.net/coinbase-publishes-kryptology-library-of-distributed-crypto-algorithms/ [19:20] Alternative link Cloudflare: itsfoss.net | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.itsfoss.net/coinbase-publishes-kryptology-library-of-distributed-crypto-algorithms/ [19:20] TR Bot publishes Kryptology library of distributed crypto algorithms - itsfoss.net [19:21] TR News "Apparently, although #qt5 will compile-in support for these instructions, it will detect support in the CPU at run-time, and fallback if #AVX not supported." https://bkhome.org/news/202112/qt5-qtbase-compiled-in-oe.html [19:21] TR Bot Qt5 qtbase compiled in OE [19:22] TR News Of course #Coinbase also outsources its code to #microsoft and #nsa #proprietarySoftware ... showing utter disregard for common sense. #deletegithub [19:23] TR News So-called "smart" (everything gets called that nowadays) https://ubuntu.com//blog/data-centre-networking-smartnics [19:23] Alternative link Cloudflare: ubuntu.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://ubuntu.com//blog/data-centre-networking-smartnics [19:23] TR Bot centre networking: SmartNICs | Ubuntu [19:23] *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [19:26] MinceR https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/company [19:26] TR Bot Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Company [19:27] TR News GIMP is not affected by the log4j vulnerability http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/158990#comment-32166 [19:27] TR Bot Security Alert: Apache Log4j Zero Day Exploit | Tux Machines [19:28] MinceR :) [19:28] TR News Godot Engine - Maintenance release: Godot 3.4.1 https://godotengine.org/article/maintenance-release-godot-3-4-1 #godotengine [19:28] Alternative link Cloudflare: godotengine.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://godotengine.org/article/maintenance-release-godot-3-4-1 [19:28] TR Bot Godot Engine - Maintenance release: Godot 3.4.1 [19:28] TR News #Programming Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159249 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [19:28] TR Bot Programming Leftovers | Tux Machines [19:30] TR News Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols helps the dramatisation of a flaw in some java program, never talks about #proprietarySoftware #backdoors though. That's #zdnet in a nutshell. [19:32] TR News The #Log4j bugs also affect #microsoft #windows so any publication that tries to frame or present it as a "Linux" is lying to you. The media likes to blame everything on "Linux", even when that kernel has nothing to do with the bugs noted. [19:33] schestowitz-TR I need help [19:33] schestowitz-TR I think red hat go powned [19:33] schestowitz-TR but it's not simple to proive it [19:33] schestowitz-TR it looks like they restore some blogs from backupo [19:33] schestowitz notably https://access.redhat.com/ [19:33] TR Bot Red Hat Customer Portal - Access to 24x7 support and knowledge [19:35] schestowitz [19:35] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.drupal.org/ ) [19:35] schestowitz 0_O [19:35] schestowitz 2022 almost [19:36] schestowitz https://www.drupal.org/psa-2019-02-25 [19:36] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.drupal.org/psa-2019-02-25 ) [19:36] schestowitz " [19:36] schestowitz What this means for your Drupal 7 sites is, as of November 2021: [19:36] schestowitz Drupal 7 will no longer be supported by the community at large. The community at large will no longer create new projects, fix bugs in existing projects, write documentation, etc. around Drupal 7. [19:36] schestowitz There will be no more core commits to Drupal 7. [19:36] schestowitz " [19:37] TR News It looks to me like the #redhat Customer Portal may have suffered a #security breach and it's still using an end-of-life version of #drupal ... does #ibm know|? [19:37] *tech_exorcist has quit (Quit: see you on Sunday afternoon or Monday afternoon/late morning) [19:41] TR News Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159250 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [19:41] TR Bot today's howtos | Tux Machines [19:41] TR News #Games: AI Kingdoms, Steam Deck, amd Godot Engine 3.4.1 Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159251 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [19:41] TR Bot Games: AI Kingdoms, Steam Deck, amd Godot Engine 3.4.1 | Tux Machines [19:45] *jkl has quit (Quit: Gone.) [19:48] *techrights-news has quit (readQ exceeded (read too many bytes without terminating newline)) [19:49] schestowitz #techrights ~/Git$ find * | wc -l [19:49] schestowitz 101 [19:49] schestowitz :-) [19:49] *techrights-news (~techrights-news@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #techrights [19:51] *jkl (~jkl@freenode/user/jkl) has joined #techrights [19:51] *includeals has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [19:55] *includeals (~includeal@a94-132-138-99.cpe.netcabo.pt) has joined #techrights [19:56] TR News #techrights public code approaches 10k LOCs. perl: 6176 (67.48%); sh: 2310 (25.24%); python: 666 (7.28%) gemini://gemini.techrights.org/git/sloc.gmi [19:58] TR News 1866 Gemini capsules today in #lupa tally of #geminiSpace ... pretty sure it'll be over 1,900 by year's end ● Dec 17 [20:03] MinceR https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/exp [20:03] TR Bot Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Exp [20:05] *zleap has quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:09] TR News In a sense, there's no such thing as "Open Source"; it's like #burma and #myanmar but those in power insist on misnaming things to suit their agenda [20:10] *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #techrights [20:10] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 8.65 k/sec., IPFS upstream 124.75 average k/sec., average swarm size 253.90 [20:10] TR News Companies like #microsoft (criminalsoft) don't get to name or rename the thing they're competing against... unless we let them [20:11] TR News Promoting "Open Source" to advance software freedom is like choosing #pepsi over #coke to promote public health [20:12] TR News (and yes, I don't think #rms shilling #pepsi is helping his message) [20:15] TR News "The #PCSX2 developers have explained the licensing situation too; in essence, its core code is LGPLv3 licensed, and any of the code still leftover in AetherSX2 thats covered under GPL will be removed by the time the app is officially released." https://www.xda-developers.com/aethersx2-playstation-emulator/ [20:15] Alternative link Cloudflare: xda-developers.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.xda-developers.com/aethersx2-playstation-emulator/ [20:15] TR Bot AetherSX2 is the best way to play PlayStation 2 games on your Android smartphone [20:18] TR News Severe misunderstanding here of what Free software is and what prevents forking https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/12/15/55-of-aaves-community-votes-for-business-license-to-prevent-forks/ [20:18] TR Bot 55% of Aaves Community Votes for Business License to Prevent Forks [20:19] TR News #microsoft anti- #gpl team: http://techrights.org/2021/12/08/protecting-graveley-at-microsoft/ [20:19] TR Bot Microsoft Corporation is Still Protecting a Violent Criminal Who Assaults Women (Employing Him as Manager, Protecting Him From Arrest, Paying Him a Salary) | Techrights [20:23] TR News " #Augur is a prediction market-focused decentralized oracle network and peer-to-peer driven technology. Augur is free software that is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) licenses." https://techstory.in/everything-you-need-to-know-about-augur-token/ [20:23] Alternative link Cloudflare: techstory.in | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://techstory.in/everything-you-need-to-know-about-augur-token/ [20:23] TR Bot Everything you Need to Know About Augur Token - TechStory [20:23] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@t25x9hgy9xhrc.irc) has joined #techrights [20:25] TR News "The latest Pew Religious Landscape Study, from 2014, found that 83 percent of Jews surveyed supported legal abortion in most or all cases, more than any other religious group surveyed." https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/18/opinion/abortion-rights-judaism.html [20:25] Alternative link Cloudflare: nytimes.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/18/opinion/abortion-rights-judaism.html [20:25] TR Bot Opinion | Abortion Rights Are a Religious Freedom for Progressive Jews - The New York Times [20:28] TR News Given that not all #covid19 positives get tested, it's fathomable that right about now a million Brits catch the virus each week. A million a week. The government does not help protect those who wish to avoid it. http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2021/07/20/mass-infection/ [20:28] TR Bot Blog Archive Mass infection is not an option: we must do more to protect our young [20:29] TR News The 10 Best Linux Apps for Digital Artists Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159252 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [20:29] TR Bot The 10 Best Linux Apps for Digital Artists | Tux Machines [20:30] TR News US political discourse: 1% of the population amassed most of the overall capital, but let's shout at each other about/over stuff like #abortion and #blm instead. To divide us along gender and race lines, anything but class... [20:31] TR News #clowncomputing does not mean "zero downtime", it means "zero IQ" https://scnow.com/news/national/major-outage-hits-amazon-web-services-many-sites-affected/article_355edd82-09a1-517c-ac70-d97e91197053.html [20:31] TR Bot outage hits Amazon Web Services; many sites affected | National News | scnow.com [20:32] TR News This is well informed! "Linux has become one of the most user-beloved operating systems since it was released in 1991. Linux, based on the kernel combined with the GNU Project, was actually the first complete open-source operating system." https://www.healthtechzone.com/topics/healthcare/articles/2021/12/08/450873-linux-vs-windows-10-iot-how-choose-best.htm [20:32] Alternative link Cloudflare: healthtechzone.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.healthtechzone.com/topics/healthcare/articles/2021/12/08/450873-linux-vs-windows-10-iot-how-choose-best.htm [20:33] TR Bot Linux vs Windows 10 IoT. How to Choose the Best OS for Your Medical Device? [20:34] TR News #penguins have become politicised. The media shows them used for political agenda now.. [20:48] *u-amarsh04 has quit (connection closed) [20:51] TR News #Apple does not care about the US Constitution; it'll treat all of its clients like pedophiles (until they prove otherwise) https://www.theregister.com/2021/12/16/apple_deletes_csam_scanning_plan/ [20:51] Alternative link Cloudflare: theregister.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.theregister.com/2021/12/16/apple_deletes_csam_scanning_plan/ [20:51] TR Bot Apple quietly wipes away details of its derided CSAM plan The Register [20:53] *leah has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [20:53] TR News "two separate incidents in which "limited personal data of a few members and officers" was briefly exposed in the website's forum." https://www.theregister.com/2021/12/16/uk_mensa_pay_libel_damages/ [20:53] Alternative link Cloudflare: theregister.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.theregister.com/2021/12/16/uk_mensa_pay_libel_damages/ [20:53] TR Bot UK Mensa arm pays libel damages to former CTO The Register [20:53] *leah (~leah@wrh2nipuzrd3y.irc) has joined #techrights [20:57] TR News 'Tweets' do not age well http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/158990#comment-32171 [20:57] TR Bot Security Alert: Apache Log4j Zero Day Exploit | Tux Machines [20:57] *techrights_guest|72389 (~5198ee40@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights [20:58] *techrights_guest|72389 has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client) [20:58] TR News From one flawed messaging "app" to another https://cullmann.io/posts/farewell-telegram-hello-signal/ [20:59] TR Bot Farewell Telegram - Hello Signal! - Ignorance is bliss... ● Dec 17 [21:01] TR News "Update on what happened across the GNOME project in the week from December 10 to December 17." https://thisweek.gnome.org/posts/2021/12/twig-23/ #gnome #gnu #linux [21:01] TR Bot #23 Modernized Settings This Week in GNOME [21:03] TR News #microsoft sites now chaining one sort of #linux FUD into another piece of more contemporary FUD. [21:06] MinceR https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/adverse [21:06] TR Bot Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Adverse [21:10] TR News Turns out #linspire is so desperate to deflect criticism (for #freespire also) that it has become a purely ad hominem smear campaign of false equivalences against people, not messages or substance. This means they've lost the argument. [21:24] TR News It's difficult to look at #twitter without realising that each year it becomes less relevant than the previous year. Shareholders sued and won; Twitter is faking it, trying to come across as a lot more important than it really is. People ought to get back to blogging. [21:25] TR News #phoronix is boosting #microsoft crap again. This is how site perish and die... [21:27] TR News Either #phoronix does not understand its audience or it wishes to change its audience... to one that does not exist or barely exists. [21:30] TR News #techrights to start a 3-part series about #slovenia tonight. I hope my longtime online friend @jrepin (since Digg days!!) can help spread the word. [21:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 13.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 165.41 average k/sec., average swarm size 253.86 [21:36] schestowitz about de Icaza: [21:36] schestowitz > This man has the emotional intelligence and ethical centering of a [21:36] schestowitz > toothbrush [21:36] schestowitz Regardless of what he says on human rights, women's rights and so on... bear in mind that since 1997 the man has relentlessly attacked the Free software movement to advance his own status inside Microsoft, where he now works. [21:36] schestowitz He became a millionaire at the expense of the many he betrayed. [21:36] schestowitz He might be a good father and husband, but he has done endless harm to the software movement: http://techrights.org/wiki/Miguel_de_Icaza [21:36] TR Bot Miguel de Icaza - Techrights [21:38] MinceR (cat) https://files.catbox.moe/swja0v.jpg [21:38] TR Bot connect to files.catbox.moe:443; Network is unreachable ( status 0 @ https://files.catbox.moe/swja0v.jpg ) ● Dec 17 [22:08] MinceR https://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/best-of-murdered-by-words-2021-21.jpg [22:08] Alternative link Cloudflare: pleated-jeans.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/best-of-murdered-by-words-2021-21.jpg [22:34] TR News The EPOs Overseer/Overseen Collusion Part XXXVII: Stubbornly Independent #Slovenia Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/17/epo-strike-regulations-slovenia/ #Techrights #EPO #UnitaryPatent #UnifiedPatentCourt| Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/17/epo-strike-regulations-slovenia/ @jrepin @zoobab [22:34] TR Bot The EPOs Overseer/Overseen Collusion Part XXXVII: Stubbornly Independent Slovenia | Techrights [22:42] MinceR https://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/dragon-is-way-fucking-cooler-and-presents-still-make-sense-source-pleatedjeans-27294-notes.png [22:42] Alternative link Cloudflare: pleated-jeans.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/dragon-is-way-fucking-cooler-and-presents-still-make-sense-source-pleatedjeans-27294-notes.png ● Dec 17 [23:02] TR News #Slovenia Patent Office as a Hostage Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/17/slovenian-business-connections/ #Techrights #EPO #UnitaryPatent #UnifiedPatentCourt | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/17/slovenian-business-connections/ @jrepin @zoobab [23:02] TR Bot Slovenian Patent Office as a Hostage | Techrights [23:04] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@nz6epsa2ajwa8.irc) has joined #techrights [23:04] DaemonFC schestowitz, Now they have me on Azithromycin. [23:04] DaemonFC I went to a walk in clinic over in a rich area. [23:05] DaemonFC The thing started coming back and I started hacking up green phlegm that tasted like rotting fish this morning. [23:05] DaemonFC Ugh. [23:09] schestowitz-TR yum? [23:25] MinceR i think they're on dnf now [23:26] schestowitz-TR yummy [23:26] schestowitz-TR dnfy [23:26] MinceR https://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/our-protection-and-let-tell-did-not-appreciate-snakebitcat-just-hear-those-slay-bells-jingling.jpeg [23:26] Alternative link Cloudflare: pleated-jeans.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/our-protection-and-let-tell-did-not-appreciate-snakebitcat-just-hear-those-slay-bells-jingling.jpeg [23:27] TR News [Meme] The Cartel Ran Home With All the Money... Techrights http://techrights.org/2021/12/17/so-called-ip-cartel/ #Techrights #EPO #UnitaryPatent #UnifiedPatentCourt | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/17/so-called-ip-cartel/ @jrepin @zoobab [23:27] TR Bot [Meme] The Cartel Ran Home With All the Money | Techrights [23:28] schestowitz MinceR: on the missile toad [23:32] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 11.11 k/sec., IPFS upstream 149.18 average k/sec., average swarm size 253.83 [23:35] TR News TIL #Smurfs started in #Belgium (I 'felt' it was French) [23:38] TR News And henceforth ends my birthday. Had long, long conversations with 'war stories' -- well, nothing to do with war, just a metaphor -- about my birth (or rather learning from my mother about my birth, based on very distant memories). Stories I did not hear before... [23:52] TR News Today in #Techrights Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/159253 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [23:53] TR Bot Today in Techrights | Tux Machines [23:53] XRevan86 https://xkcd.com/2556/ [23:53] TR Bot Turing Complete [23:53] Alternative link Cloudflare: xkcd.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://xkcd.com/2556/ [23:53] schestowitz-TR oh, wow [23:54] schestowitz-TR XRevan86: you posted this literally 10 secs before I was gonna [23:54] schestowitz-TR from my RSS feeds [23:54] XRevan86 Success! [23:54] TR News xkcd: Turing Complete https://xkcd.com/2556/ #xkcd [23:54] Alternative link Cloudflare: xkcd.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://xkcd.com/2556/ [23:54] schestowitz-TR XRevan86: maybe Turing was watching [23:54] schestowitz-TR anyway, the coincidence is not amazing [23:54] schestowitz-TR as we probably both got it from RSS [23:54] XRevan86 We did. [23:54] schestowitz-TR it's dated 0:00 [23:55] schestowitz-TR just tidying up loose ends for next Daily Links batch [23:55] XRevan86 I looked at my feed finally, saw the post, verified that it's amusing and reposted it. [23:55] XRevan86 Wolfgang Pichler: "Russia looks like a dictatorship" I am shocked by this assessment. [23:56] TR News Octopuses, Squid, And Lobsters Recognized As Sentient Beings In #UK https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/octopuses-squid-and-lobsters-recognized-as-sentient-beings-in-uk/ via Bruce Schneier who worked for #bt [23:56] TR Bot Squid, And Lobsters Recognized As Sentient Beings In UK | IFLScience [23:56] schestowitz-TR XRevan86: meduza still works [23:56] schestowitz-TR unlike the Russian government [23:56] schestowitz-TR it wrecks [23:57] *XRevan86 checked English Meduza and saw that both things I wanted to mention are covered by them. [23:57] XRevan86 Meduza saves me the effort. [23:57] *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [23:58] schestowitz-TR thanks anyway [23:58] schestowitz-TR I supposed reminding them people use RSS (en) does help a bit [23:58] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:58] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:58] schestowitz-TR RSS is the future, I hope [23:58] schestowitz-TR it can make a rebound [23:59] schestowitz-TR we also use two hungarian sites now [23:59] schestowitz-TR in english [23:59] XRevan86 I don't know how to make Atom/RSS more accessible, but it is indeed the only viable way to get a news feed that isn't from a single choke point. [23:59] schestowitz-TR yes [23:59] schestowitz-TR it is decentralised [23:59] schestowitz-TR EXCEPT [23:59] schestowitz-TR if you use planets [23:59] schestowitz-TR which I explaied repeatedly is risky [23:59] schestowitz-TR you let someone else censor from your view