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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Monday, January 20, 2020

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MinceRi don't know why you even care about "security patches" in a systemd distroJan 20 00:37
MinceRsecurity is not something they doJan 20 00:37
DaemonFC[m] 20 00:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Should you buy a $50 CPU?? - YouTubeJan 20 00:38
DaemonFC[m]I'd say save the $15 and get the $50 AMD chip if you want bargain basement.Jan 20 00:38
DaemonFC[m]Intel isn't just going to hit you for an extra $15 on the chip. The board will be more expensive too, and god only knows what other chip bugs will surface later that need a patch that's worse than the bug itself for the 100th time.Jan 20 00:39
MinceRlol @ blaming 9/11 for $2 billsJan 20 00:39
<--smnthermes ( has left #techrightsJan 20 00:40
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: When you call people with $2 bills a terrorist, only the terrorists will have $2 bills.Jan 20 00:40
DaemonFC[m]Then, by definition, anyone who the state catches with a $2 is a victory for the Security Apparatus. Jan 20 00:40
DaemonFC[m]I should have come down to pay my $962 fine in pennies.Jan 20 00:41
MinceRvictories for the Security Apparatus are worth every sacrifice, aren't they?Jan 20 00:41
DaemonFC[m]They are, because then we'll need more police, which should just about balance out the marijuana legalization lowering the crime rate in Illinois.Jan 20 00:42
MinceR:>Jan 20 00:42
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The Performance Cost To SELinux On Fedora 31 []Jan 20 01:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jan 20 01:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: More #Android Leftovers []Jan 20 01:10
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Jan 20 01:20
smnthermes> DaemonFC[m] has written:Jan 20 01:22
smnthermes> BaronHKJan 20 01:22
smnthermes> Honestly, Mozilla having no plan to break ublock-origin is one of the few things keeping me with Firefox. Google is changing Manifest just to cripple ad blockers and Raymond Hill said he "absolutely would not work to make ublock-origin less than what it is now".Jan 20 01:22
smnthermes> Ouch.Jan 20 01:22
smnthermesBut I think it's a bit suspicious that they are adding built-in tracking protectionsJan 20 01:22
DaemonFC[m]Why?Jan 20 01:23
smnthermesBecause the user could already install an extensionJan 20 01:27
DaemonFC[m]Could. I'm glad to see it moved into the browser.Jan 20 01:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Update: State of CentOS Linux 8, and CentOS Stream []Jan 20 01:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kernel: Zhaoxin, Arch Linux's Zen and WireGuard in Linux 5.6 []Jan 20 01:43
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU Make 4.3 Released! []Jan 20 01:51
<--TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 20 01:52
DaemonFC[m]> Because the user could already install an extensionJan 20 01:54
DaemonFC[m]There's no collision between the Tracking Protection and ublock-origin.Jan 20 01:54
DaemonFC[m]I'm not really sure how much ublock origin is necessary. Might turn it off and see.Jan 20 01:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.5 RC7 []Jan 20 01:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: XFS - Online Filesystem Checking []Jan 20 01:59
DaemonFC[m]Looks like strict tracking protection strips most of the same garbage off CNN as ublock origin.Jan 20 02:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Review: Zorin 15.1 "Lite" []Jan 20 02:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Jan 20 02:06
DaemonFC[m]Tracking Protection is basically just an ad blocker that's kind of on the down low and mostly disabled by default.Jan 20 02:18
DaemonFC[m]Turning it to strict actually seems to block all ads even without ublock origin on.Jan 20 02:18
DaemonFC[m]Opera says their built in ad blocker is faster than extensions.Jan 20 02:19
DaemonFC[m]It exempts their partners though, including Facebook. You can go in and delete the exceptions.Jan 20 02:20
DaemonFC[m]"Microsoft has tried to pry users off its old platform with "Internet Explorer mode," but the usage of IE 11 remains stubbornly high."Jan 20 02:21
DaemonFC[m]Uhm, why would anyone do that?Jan 20 02:22
DaemonFC[m]Does Windows still let the user make IE 11 the default browser?Jan 20 02:22
XRevan86So does Windows 7 usage, could be connected. Albeit that's even more stupid.Jan 20 02:23
DaemonFC[m]People were still ising IE 6 way past the point where many websites did not work anymore.Jan 20 02:23
XRevan86(using a browser that comes with a no longer supported OS)Jan 20 02:23
DaemonFC[m]Well, if you need more time on Windows 7 for some reason, at least use Firefox.Jan 20 02:24
DaemonFC[m]IE 11 is just going to have unpatched vulnerabilities that pile up.Jan 20 02:25
DaemonFC[m]Several hundred by the time it dips into single digit usage share.Jan 20 02:25
DaemonFC[m]Web engines are just hell on wheels. The code is always getting stuff added faster than the old bugs get fixed.Jan 20 02:26
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: I also don't know anyone who'd use IE, so I don't actually know who are these people.Jan 20 02:26
DaemonFC[m] 20 02:26
DaemonFC[m]Chrome 79 had 51 security bugs patched.Jan 20 02:27
DaemonFC[m]And that's in a single month.Jan 20 02:27
XRevan86Or whether they use Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 8.1.1, 10, 10 16xx, 10 18xx…Jan 20 02:27
<--smnthermes ( has left #techrightsJan 20 02:28
danielp3344<XRevan86 "DaemonFC: I also don't know anyo"> I doJan 20 02:28
danielp3344It's mainly diehard microsoft fansJan 20 02:28
*XRevan86 pats danielp3344 on his back companionately.Jan 20 02:28
DaemonFC[m]Gross.Jan 20 02:28
danielp3344who implicitly trust and obsess over anything microsoftJan 20 02:28
XRevan86crapJan 20 02:28
danielp3344XRevan86: IE my dad lolJan 20 02:28
XRevan86compassionatelyJan 20 02:29
DaemonFC[m]I got my dad using Opera back when it was IE vs Netscape.Jan 20 02:29
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers: Python, Perl, Rust and More []Jan 20 02:29
DaemonFC[m]I cracked it for him and put it on the computer.Jan 20 02:29
XRevan86danielp3344: You ought to help him out of itJan 20 02:29
danielp3344hehJan 20 02:30
danielp3344XRevan86: how does one convert a 20 year microsoft slave?Jan 20 02:30
DaemonFC[m]I kept emailing my dad serial numbers for Opera.Jan 20 02:30
danielp3344Unfortunately he makes rather a lot of money using itJan 20 02:30
DaemonFC[m]Until it became freeware.Jan 20 02:30
XRevan86danielp3344: Tell him Microsoft wants him to.Jan 20 02:30
danielp3344the IT industry really sucksJan 20 02:30
DaemonFC[m]Even after he put Linux on his computer.Jan 20 02:30
XRevan86It really does.Jan 20 02:30
DaemonFC[m]I can't say I blame him. Firefox has historically not performed well on Linux.Jan 20 02:31
DaemonFC[m]It does now, but that's fairly recent.Jan 20 02:31
DaemonFC[m]And Opera after Presto is junk.Jan 20 02:31
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: So what's he using now?Jan 20 02:32
DaemonFC[m]They don't even license media codecs so you have to find an unstripped library and copy it over.Jan 20 02:32
DaemonFC[m]XRevan86 Firefox.Jan 20 02:32
schestowitzMINDS is shadowbanning nowJan 20 02:32
schestowitzand why?Jan 20 02:32
schestowitzFor posting " a lot"Jan 20 02:32
schestowitzand then they lie about what's happening...Jan 20 02:32
DaemonFC[m]He said he hated the new Opera and he started using Firefox as his main browser.Jan 20 02:32
DaemonFC[m]I was pretty pissed at the new Opera too. Didn't even have a Linux version at first and then when it did I installed it and I'm like "This is sad."Jan 20 02:33
DaemonFC[m]Their old Presto code leaked out.Jan 20 02:34
XRevan86Still illegal and useless.Jan 20 02:34
DaemonFC[m]They had a statement on the incident and it basically acknowledged it happened and then said it was still proprietary and it wasn't a complete browser anyway.Jan 20 02:34
DaemonFC[m]Yeah they sent a dmca letter to github which was funny.Jan 20 02:35
XRevan86It's senselessly greedy not to release it though.Jan 20 02:35
DaemonFC[m]The source code is still out there.Jan 20 02:35
XRevan86Like they need it.Jan 20 02:35
DaemonFC[m]> It's senselessly greedy not to release it though.Jan 20 02:36
DaemonFC[m]They probably don't want someone else to pick it up and make an open source browser out of it and start competing with them.Jan 20 02:36
DaemonFC[m]It's probably hopelessly outdated by now.Jan 20 02:36
DaemonFC[m]Then again, maybe not.Jan 20 02:36
DaemonFC[m]Webkit scores like 416 on html5test.Jan 20 02:37
DaemonFC[m]Opera 12.16 was like 312 or something.Jan 20 02:37
DaemonFC[m]So that puts it around maybe no worse than IE 11 on balance.Jan 20 02:37
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: They'd need to pull a miracle for that one, so nayJan 20 02:37
XRevan86They still get competition from other Chromium wrappers.Jan 20 02:38
DaemonFC[m]One of the holes in Chrome that was patched in 79 was a $5000 bug bounty paid to some Microsoft employees.Jan 20 02:42
DaemonFC[m]Should Google pay out considering Microsoft fixes these upstream because of edge?Jan 20 02:43
oiaohmDaemonFC[m]: technically since Microsoft is using it in edge they should be paying or some of the testing/bug bounties. Jan 20 03:02
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schestowitz down for 2 hours nowJan 20 04:51
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schestowitz[Stallman:] Developing such software would be a big job, but possible if people are dedicated. It would probably take soe [sic] years.Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzIt might be easier if we start form [sic] the GitLab software. That is free, right?Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzHowever, I doubt we could even possibly hope to pull most free software hosting away with GitHub.Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzLet's suppose we do a great job of developing that software and we set up a server running it, and we want to compete with GitHub for projects to choose us. How many free projects are there on GitHub? Hundreds of thousands, I suppose.Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzTo provide good service for that many projects, I think we would need a server farm, and hundreds of staff. We could not afford that.Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzWe would need those staff, and rental for the server farm.Jan 20 05:23
schestowitznot for a one-time development expense, but as operating costs, year after year.Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzThe only way we could do that is by charging for the service. Most projects would choose some other service which is gratis.Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzHowever, those projects that chose our service would get good service, since we could afford to give it to them, for pay.Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzWe could make this work, but would it make a big difference?Jan 20 05:23
schestowitz-----------Jan 20 05:23
schestowitzYour approach is the correct one. When Linus "just a hobby, nothing professional like gnu" Torvalds started Git nobody thought it would become an industry standard. Everything starts small. Techrights built its own Git repo last month (work in progress).Jan 20 05:23
DaemonFC[m]Lame still uses svn on sourceforge.Jan 20 05:57
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TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77Jan 20 06:31
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz So the Mozilla layoffs were pretty bad.Jan 20 06:38
DaemonFC[m]Apparently, Apple offered to hire most of them.Jan 20 06:39
DaemonFC[m]So the real loser here is Mozilla, which fired all of the people they needed as a technology company, and kept a "Global Chief Diversity Officer".Jan 20 06:39
DaemonFC[m]Mozilla is poorly managed, they have too many unnecessary people working there and kept those people, and they have offices set up in some of the most expensive places they could possibly be.Jan 20 06:40
-->chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc46:500:7a:c777:680:5ccc) has joined #techrightsJan 20 08:39
-->Lirion (~m00se@wikimedia-commons/Lirion) has joined #techrightsJan 20 08:43 still downJan 20 08:48
schestowitzmaybe 6 hours now...Jan 20 08:48
-->insmodppa (~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa) has joined #techrightsJan 20 08:56
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Jan 20 09:13
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scientes 20 10:26
scienteshehJan 20 10:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Bash if else statement []Jan 20 10:26
scientesfake JW phamphletJan 20 10:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: MarsCat is a Bionic Cat Powered by Raspberry Pi 3 (Crowdfunding) []Jan 20 10:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Manjaro Linux Laptop with 10th Gen Intel Chips to Launch as “Dell XPS 13 Killer” []Jan 20 10:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Use this Twitter client for Linux to tweet from the terminal []Jan 20 10:38
MinceRhow can you tell it's fake?Jan 20 10:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KMyMoney 5.0.8 released []Jan 20 10:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Shotcut is an open source video editor for Windows, Linux, and macOS []Jan 20 10:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jan 20 11:02
oiaohmMinceR: 20 11:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Are Beards Good or Bad for Men’s Health? | University of Utah HealthJan 20 11:31
MinceRoiaohm: doesn't answer the questionJan 20 11:32
MinceRutah is ruled by a different cult anyway :>Jan 20 11:33
oiaohmBecause shaving is not a black and white answer.Jan 20 11:34
oiaohmMedically.Jan 20 11:34
oiaohmDepends on where you are.  Where I live in Australia is high UV so not shaving completely off has advantages.Jan 20 11:34
oiaohmNow that is not always the case.Jan 20 11:35
MinceRJW is not qualified to give medical adviceJan 20 11:36
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt Against Copyleft []Jan 20 12:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jan 20 12:49
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kubernetes: KubeDR, Elastic and Bug Bounty []Jan 20 13:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Free/Libre Games: Terminal Phase 1.0 and VVVVVV []Jan 20 13:31
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: IBM: Predictions, LOT Network, OpenShift Container Platform 4.3 []Jan 20 14:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Rust, Perl and More []Jan 20 14:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Openwashing Leftovers []Jan 20 14:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Content Management: Alfresco, Document Management Software and Drupal 8.8.0 []Jan 20 14:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Foundation: DENT Project, LF Energy, EdgeX Foundry, Akraino Edge []Jan 20 14:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: SaaS/Databases: Cloudera's New CEO and MariaDB/Percona Picks []Jan 20 14:16
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OSS Leftovers []Jan 20 14:21
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sebsebsebrazielle_tzu: pingJan 20 14:24
sebsebsebrazielle_tzu: hiJan 20 14:24
sebsebsebMinceR: AppleJan 20 14:24
sebsebsebcubexyz: Fedora Core 1Jan 20 14:24
sebsebsebschestowitz: The New Microsoft apparantly love Linux yeah !Jan 20 14:25
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Entrapment (Microsoft GitHub) []Jan 20 14:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []Jan 20 14:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 20/1/2020: MNT Reform, Linux 5.5 RC7, KMyMoney 5.0.8 []Jan 20 15:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Tower Of God: One Wish, A.N.N.E and More []Jan 20 15:15
schestowitzsebsebseb: they do....Jan 20 15:18
schestowitzit's delicious, how can you not love it?Jan 20 15:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Jan 20 15:29
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python: Seaborn Plot, Python Packages, Chat With Sebastián Ramírez and More []Jan 20 15:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: LXMusic – music player designed for the minimalist []Jan 20 15:43
<--sb0 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 20 15:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: AMD Zen 3 and Linux []Jan 20 15:57
MinceRsebsebseb: red hatJan 20 15:57
MinceRsebsebseb: Microsoft Linux FoundationJan 20 15:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OpenShot - If you have to ... shot, shot, don't talk []Jan 20 16:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Jan 20 16:06
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jan 20 16:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Evernote’s Official Linux Client is Coming Soon []Jan 20 16:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 8 IoT Projects You Can Do Yourself on a Raspberry Pi []Jan 20 16:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Contributing to KDE is easier than you think – Localization and SVN []Jan 20 16:16
scientesits so bad its good 20 16:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jan 20 16:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: UN working group asking about corruption: is there any in open source? []Jan 20 16:20
XRevan86scientes: Is it? It's kind of reguliarJan 20 16:21
XRevan86regularJan 20 16:21
scienteswell, I guess the smug everything is pretty commonJan 20 16:21
XRevan86The obvious jokeJan 20 16:21
scientesthe t-shift that says "BITCH" on itJan 20 16:21
scientesworn by someone that doesn't know EnglishJan 20 16:22
XRevan86Get it? It's because in C []'s work like pointer offsets! So funnyJan 20 16:22
XRevan86No one made that joke before.Jan 20 16:23
scientesexcept it isn't a jokeJan 20 16:23
scientesyou are the jokeJan 20 16:23
XRevan86scientes: That's semantics.Jan 20 16:23
scientesXRevan86, NO UJan 20 16:24
XRevan86scientes: I don't know what to call such attempts at humour then.Jan 20 16:25
XRevan86Attempting to make an obscure reference except the reference will be understood even by people who almost never programmed in their life.Jan 20 16:25
XRevan86And is so banal it's practically everywhere already.Jan 20 16:26
scientesbut it is more than banalJan 20 16:26
scientesits a way of trying to minimize the depressingness of one's sad existenceJan 20 16:26
scienteswhere you are not appreciatedJan 20 16:27
scientes 20 16:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-No, you're a towel. - YouTubeJan 20 16:27
scienteswhere the thing you say says more about the person saying itJan 20 16:28
scienteswhich is what that Vinni Poh episode was aboutJan 20 16:29
XRevan86scientes: Are we still talking about the №1 programmer mug?Jan 20 16:29
scientes"They don't believe I am a rain cloud."Jan 20 16:29
XRevan86scientes: I think we're talking about different things.Jan 20 16:32
scientesXRevan86, the problem with that gift it that it is saying "We don't really care about you, but we will pretend by making a corny joke"Jan 20 16:32
XRevan86scientes: Was the link supposed to contain a "bitch" t-shirt?Jan 20 16:32
scientesnoJan 20 16:32
scientesbut I see shirts like that all the timeJan 20 16:32
scientes"IM TAKEN"Jan 20 16:32
scientesor "I'm with stupid" was probably the most famousJan 20 16:33
scientesand they are all in English, even in South AmericaJan 20 16:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: JIT Compilers and DocKnot 3.03 []Jan 20 16:36
scientesWhat about a shirt that says "Gonna jump down, spin aroundJan 20 16:37
scientesPick a bale of cotton "Jan 20 16:37
scientesI think the racists would ruin that oneJan 20 16:39
scienteseven though there is nothing racist about itJan 20 16:39
*XRevan86 read about the songJan 20 16:43
scientesI guess if you haven't head the song it doesn't have the same effectJan 20 16:44
XRevan86It's about the sad racist past. With the attitude of burying that as deep as possible, it's no wonder it's thought of as racist.Jan 20 16:44
scientesthe irony is that it is on a cotton t-shirt /captain obviousJan 20 16:45
XRevan86scientes: ohJan 20 16:45
scientesso its kinda embracing what the song is all aboutJan 20 16:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 2019 was the “Year of C” []Jan 20 16:51
scientescause when I watch period-setting Jane Austen movies, I can't but notice all the fancy cotton clothesJan 20 16:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Zorin OS 15.1 Review []Jan 20 16:56
scientescotton is horrible these days because its so horrible for the soil, and the bole weivels are horrendusJan 20 16:57
scientes 20 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Boll weevil - WikipediaJan 20 16:57
scientesXRevan86, yeah I see what you are sayingJan 20 17:03
scientesI guess I never gave it too much thoughtJan 20 17:04
scientesonly now when I made a dark joke about itJan 20 17:04
scientesthe "burying it deep" partJan 20 17:05
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XRevan86The way I understood the song, it's about a life of a slave on a cotton farm from the perspective of the slave, yet not from an oppressed perspective but from just living a day-to-day life.Jan 20 17:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security: Microsoft, TPM and Open Telnet Ports []Jan 20 17:08
scientesyeah, that is pretty much itJan 20 17:08
XRevan86And because it's such a non-critical perspective, it can be seen as gloriying, ergo racist.Jan 20 17:08
scientesso I was trying to think of some way to make fun of all the annoying t-shirts with writing on themJan 20 17:08
scientesso i needed something meta, and that came to mindJan 20 17:08
scientesbut I think it just comes off as excessively edgyJan 20 17:09
scientesand possibly racist, for the exact reasons you laid out Jan 20 17:09
scientes> "Pick a Bale of Cotton" is a traditional American folk song and work song first recorded by Texas inmates James "Iron Head" Baker (1933)[1] and Mose "Clear Rock" Platt (1939)[2] and later popularized by Lead Belly (Huddie William Ledbetter). Jan 20 17:10
scientesXRevan86, I take that to mean he was singing it in jailJan 20 17:10
scientesas a way of being edgyJan 20 17:10
scientesor rather the two of themJan 20 17:11
scientesBut I always liked the song specifically because it doesn't judgeJan 20 17:11
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scientesbecause being so judgemental doesn't accomplish anything, it doesn't change anythingJan 20 17:13
scientesthe world keeps spinning, completely indifferent to human affairsJan 20 17:14
XRevan86scientes: A slice of life from someone who tried to find joy in what they do.Jan 20 17:14
scientesexactlyJan 20 17:14
XRevan86scientes: True, but I think I know the perfect word for this: romanticising.Jan 20 17:14
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XRevan86In a wrong context it can be seen as romanticising of that way of life, which is very close to calling it not a bug but a feature.Jan 20 17:15
scienteswhat about this 20 17:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-3earsJan 20 17:15
scientesthe *words* also do not judgeJan 20 17:15
scientesor maybe they doJan 20 17:15
scientesanywaysJan 20 17:15
XRevan86scientes: It does judge.Jan 20 17:16
scientes"crawling"Jan 20 17:16
scientesyes it doesJan 20 17:16
XRevan86It very much does %).Jan 20 17:16
DaemonFC[m]Brendan Eich seems to be enjoying watching Mozilla collapse.Jan 20 17:18
scientesDaemonFC[m], "Known forJavaScript, opposition to same-sex marriage[1][2][3][4]"Jan 20 17:18
scientesI should put that on my resumeJan 20 17:19
XRevan86scientes: The whole song is about Soviets talking the land from Russians (Russian culture), and that Russians fought themselves (their culture) and finally they can regain it (in 1991).Jan 20 17:20
scientesyes, and "fighting amongst ourselves"Jan 20 17:20
XRevan86scientes: I deeply disagree with that, but I appreciate that song still.Jan 20 17:20
scientesand many russians I hear that lineJan 20 17:20
scientesthat the soviets were not russianJan 20 17:20
XRevan86scientes: It's a very 1991 sentiment.Jan 20 17:21
scientesthey were...ukranian, or georgian (stalin)Jan 20 17:21
XRevan86scientes: No, not in that sense at all.Jan 20 17:21
XRevan86scientes: In a sense of replacing "Russian culture" with "Soviet realism", etc.Jan 20 17:21
scientesa return to the grand old daysJan 20 17:22
scientes<XRevan86> scientes: It's a very 1991 sentiment.Jan 20 17:22
XRevan86Denying Russianness for internationalism, etc.Jan 20 17:22
scientesexplain?Jan 20 17:22
XRevan86scientes: You know, in 2020 Russia is very different.Jan 20 17:22
scientesXRevan86, well yeah the soviets were that even from the US point of view, which was always very limitedJan 20 17:22
scientesinternational communist revolutionJan 20 17:22
XRevan86scientes: All that nationalistic stuff is back, yet somehow the same evils never went away.Jan 20 17:23
scientesXRevan86, did I show you that painting of the Russian invasion of Tblisi?Jan 20 17:23
scientesthat was in a Tblisi museumJan 20 17:23
XRevan86The view on the Chruch as an underdog is gone.Jan 20 17:23
XRevan86It's no longer the oppressed, it's the oppressor.Jan 20 17:23
DaemonFC[m]Oddly, in Fedora, Chromium is more Free than Firefox is.Jan 20 17:23
DaemonFC[m]No Widevine module. Just the dummy package.Jan 20 17:24
scientes 20 17:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat and IBM Leftovers []Jan 20 17:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SPECIAL REPORT: State-Sponsored Persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses Continues | JW.ORG Legal NewsJan 20 17:24
scientesXRevan86, I think you have to use a proxy for that site because they do not use ESNIJan 20 17:24
XRevan86So maybe the problem wasn't that Russians forgot how to Church, and something more fundamental.Jan 20 17:24
scientesI think you said it with "Russians do not believe in themselves"Jan 20 17:25
XRevan86scientes: is not blocked.Jan 20 17:25
scientesit was once 20 17:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Russia Bans JW.ORG, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Website BlockedJan 20 17:26
scientesit was kinda off to see the patriarch of Moscow Kiril watch the unveiling of new weapons 20 17:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Putin Commits to New Nuclear Weapons Development - Russian Missiles Now Superior to US! - YouTubeJan 20 17:26
XRevan86scientes: So the Solzhenitsyn's view that Soviet bad, Russian good is very dated.Jan 20 17:27
scientesXRevan86, well yeah, I'm not so young, but it is certainly before my timeJan 20 17:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers []Jan 20 17:29
XRevan86And like I quoted him recently, he saw the collapse of the USSR as a fina venko for Russia.Jan 20 17:29
scientesthe Jehovah's Witnesses also translated the bible into Ossetian, which saddles of the Russia-Georgia border (Caucus mountains)Jan 20 17:29
scienteswhich was pretty ballsy of them to doJan 20 17:29
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Jan 20 17:30
XRevan86And so he didn't see Putin as a problem not in the least, because if it's Russia, it's fine.Jan 20 17:30
scientesand that line is wearing really thin with the youth especiallyJan 20 17:30
XRevan86Lots of new churchesJan 20 17:30
scientes"Christianity with Russian characteristics"Jan 20 17:31
scientesoh that silly patriarch hat 20 17:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Putin Commits to New Nuclear Weapons Development - Russian Missiles Now Superior to US! - YouTubeJan 20 17:32
MinceRlolJan 20 17:32
scientesthe thing is, the Jehovah's Witnesses that were sent to the Nazi camps or the GULAGs, both were observed to continue practicing in prison. When it comes to religious zealots, you can only make them more wacko with persecution.Jan 20 17:35
scientesthey also don't wear silly hatsJan 20 17:35
*XRevan86 went to check if the Constantinople's Patriarch wears such a hatJan 20 17:36
*XRevan86 founds patriarchs in two kinds of hatsJan 20 17:36
XRevan86A. 20 17:37
XRevan86B. 20 17:37
scientes 20 17:37
scientes 20 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Papal tiara - WikipediaJan 20 17:37
scientesthey have whole articles about these silly hatsJan 20 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Papal regalia and insignia - WikipediaJan 20 17:37
XRevan86That's CatholicJan 20 17:38
oiaohmscientes: really what is the reason to make new  nuclear weapons if missile shield in fact works.Jan 20 17:38
scientesI mean, Jesus wore a crown of thronsJan 20 17:38
scientes*thornsJan 20 17:38
scientesperhaps that is silly tooJan 20 17:39
scientesoiaohm, what? They said specifically that they didn't develop the missle shield because it was cheaper to develop the infinite-range weaponJan 20 17:39
XRevan86scientes: It's poshJan 20 17:39
scientesXRevan86, the crown of thorns or the shiny crown?Jan 20 17:41
XRevan86scientes: The one Gundyayev is wearing in the meetingJan 20 17:41
scientesthese are pretty standard 20 17:41
scientesXRevan86, they why doesn't anyone immitate it?Jan 20 17:42
oiaohmscientes:   this is kind of the other side.   USA is not investing in missles that much but investing hell load into  counter tech. Jan 20 17:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Army Laser Could Kill Cruise Missiles « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentaryJan 20 17:42
XRevan86scientes: Huh?Jan 20 17:42
scientesposh is fashionable right? fashion is all about immitationJan 20 17:43
oiaohmscientes: being superiors in missiles is no use if the other sides counter tech defeats them.Jan 20 17:43
XRevan86scientes: I mean that it stands outJan 20 17:43
oiaohmscientes: in fact could be worse ie having nukes land back on your own ground instead of going to enemy.Jan 20 17:43
scientesXRevan86, so does vermin supremeJan 20 17:43
XRevan86scientes: It's hard not to notice when that contraption enters the roomJan 20 17:44
XRevan86scientes: yesJan 20 17:45
XRevan86scientes: But he also looks like a fun guy :)Jan 20 17:45
scientes> has said that if elected President of the United States, he will pass a law requiring people to brush their teethJan 20 17:46
scientesdamn, its not as funny now that no-one caresJan 20 17:49
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scientesI mean, its completely obvious to everyone that these big Christian churches are dominated by practices that have absolutely nothing to do with JesusJan 20 17:51
XRevan86scientes: But tradishon!Jan 20 17:51
XRevan86national tradishonJan 20 17:51
*XRevan86 finds it odd when someone believes in something without even adding any intrinsic value to whatever they believe.Jan 20 17:53
XRevan86I.e. like "I believe in Orthodoxy and Christ, because I'm Russian"Jan 20 17:53
scientesXRevan86, when the US polls those people, they usually think that Joan of Ark is Noah's wifeJan 20 17:53
scientesand all this tradishon has alot to do with that problemJan 20 17:54
scientes 20 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Come to Be Labelled as ‘Extremists’ in Russia? (Four-Minute Video)Jan 20 17:54
XRevan86scientes: You confused me for a momentJan 20 17:55
XRevan86Because you didn't say it like "Jeanne d'Arc"Jan 20 17:55
scientesahhh good pointJan 20 17:55
scientesthat video makes me think that Russians are not very religiousJan 20 17:57
XRevan86scientes: And I don't really know what to say to these people, because I don't see any intrinsic value to that either, so I don't know why would anyone believe that stuff in the first place.Jan 20 17:57
scientesbut it isn't about "believing"Jan 20 17:58
scientesits about communicating a story about emotionJan 20 17:58
scientesor despising the people you are aroundJan 20 17:59
XRevan86scientes: But that's just like being a fandom.Jan 20 17:59
XRevan86Except a very pretentious one that claims it's all true.Jan 20 18:00
scienteshmmmmm, they are like that in Russia too?Jan 20 18:00
scientesI thought only the protestents were like thatJan 20 18:00
scientesliteral interpretationsJan 20 18:00
MinceRJeanne DarkJan 20 18:00
XRevan86* that claims it holds a key to truthJan 20 18:01
XRevan86scientes: That's better? :)Jan 20 18:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: User Guide to Pantheon Desktop of elementary OS []Jan 20 18:01
scienteswell, Jesus did claim thatJan 20 18:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jan 20 18:01
XRevan86allegedly %)Jan 20 18:02
scientesXRevan86, that line of thought has absolutely zero valueJan 20 18:02
scientesits like saying that linux "allegedly" is free softwareJan 20 18:02
XRevan86scientes: Does it? All that is known about Jesus is practically third-party, no?Jan 20 18:03
scientesbut that is his definitionJan 20 18:03
scientesits like playing peek-a-boo with a babyJan 20 18:03
XRevan86scientes: Anyway, a lot of people claimed many things, a lot of people claimed that they saw a miracle performed, etc.Jan 20 18:04
scienteswhen I leave the room I am no longer aliveJan 20 18:04
XRevan86What's so special about this case?Jan 20 18:04
scientesbecause you can't see meJan 20 18:04
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XRevan86Why should anyone care except that their nations historically have?Jan 20 18:05
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scienteswell, I didn't come hear to talk about JesusJan 20 18:06
scientesI was talking about NoahJan 20 18:06
scientesbut all this non-sense about men being badJan 20 18:06
scientesall this shit that has nothing to do with JesusJan 20 18:06
scientesand everything to do with controlling peopleJan 20 18:07
DaemonFC[m]Firefox is going to have VA-API support on Wayland soon.Jan 20 18:07
XRevan86scientes: This is applicable to other figures like Noah too.Jan 20 18:07
DaemonFC[m]Chromium-Freeworld has VA-API support on X or Wayland, but I'm using an X session just because less stuff breaks on here, still, a decade+ later.Jan 20 18:07
scientesXRevan86, yeah, but those type of theories don't go too far these daysJan 20 18:07
XRevan86scientes: Judaists and Christians will claim that it's more than a fable.Jan 20 18:08
XRevan86much moreJan 20 18:08
scientesahhh, you are talking about something differn'tJan 20 18:08
XRevan86Maybe even something that's more accurate than a Wikipedia's article about WW1Jan 20 18:08
scienteswell yesJan 20 18:08
scientesbut when they do that, they might eventually get the pointJan 20 18:09
scientesor maybe they never will....Jan 20 18:09
scientesas god has put a seal on their hearts and earsJan 20 18:10
XRevan86poeticJan 20 18:10
scienteswhat about all these armed men shutting down those damn extremists 20 18:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Come to Be Labelled as ‘Extremists’ in Russia? (Four-Minute Video)Jan 20 18:10
scienteswith their booksJan 20 18:10
scientesthose books are so dangerousJan 20 18:11
XRevan86scientes: Doesn't really stands outJan 20 18:11
XRevan86* stand outJan 20 18:11
scientesyeah, but explain their intent?Jan 20 18:11
scienteswhat are those armed men trying to do?Jan 20 18:11
scienteswhat is their goal?Jan 20 18:11
XRevan86scientes: To scare.Jan 20 18:11
scientesbut why?Jan 20 18:12
XRevan86If you mean why they're all-equippedJan 20 18:12
scientesbut why be scary?Jan 20 18:12
scientesscare who?Jan 20 18:12
XRevan86scientes: Anyone who may dare to go after themJan 20 18:12
scientesbut they are clearly going after peopleJan 20 18:12
XRevan86but saying non-sense like "wait, is that even legal?"Jan 20 18:13
scientesafter those damn extremists with their booksJan 20 18:13
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJan 20 18:13
scientesXRevan86, why go after them if they are already going after us?Jan 20 18:13
XRevan86scientes: They're always like thatJan 20 18:13
XRevan86scientes: What do you mean by that?Jan 20 18:14
scientes<XRevan86> scientes: Anyone who may dare to go after themJan 20 18:14
XRevan86scientes: To push back I meanJan 20 18:14
scientesYou don't have to "go after" someone if they are already at your door-stepJan 20 18:15
scientesliterallyJan 20 18:15
scientesjumping over your fenceJan 20 18:15
XRevan86scientes: I don't really know the answer how to deal with that.Jan 20 18:16
scientesI am just trying to understand youJan 20 18:16
XRevan86scientes: FBK has an army of lawyers and even they have a hard time.Jan 20 18:16
scienteswhy would the JW's "go after" the FSB?Jan 20 18:16
scientesthey just want to worship in peaceJan 20 18:16
XRevan86scientes: Because FSB wants them goneJan 20 18:16
scientesbut they don't go after anyoneJan 20 18:17
<--mmu_man has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 20 18:17
scientesso why do you suppose they would do such a thing?Jan 20 18:17
scientesthis is the whole "kingdom of heaven" thingJan 20 18:17
scientesone of the main points of JW is that they do not try to change governments, and voting is grounds for excommunicationJan 20 18:17
XRevan86scientes: I think you've already stated the reasonJan 20 18:19
scientesIf the FSB wants them gone, the FSB should build a ark, and put all the things they hold dear on that arkJan 20 18:20
scientesand then the JWs will perish in the floodJan 20 18:20
XRevan86I don't understand why they're trying to out the JW so all I can think of is that they're just a very nice target.Jan 20 18:20
scientesXRevan86, so the FSB take pleasure in causing people pain?Jan 20 18:21
XRevan86scientes: You can put it like that.Jan 20 18:21
scientesbut why would they bother?Jan 20 18:21
scientesIt is not like the JWs are going to go away, even the GULAGs didn't succeed in thatJan 20 18:22
XRevan86scientes: They're accountable, they need to show they work, solve casesJan 20 18:22
XRevan86Look how many extremists they've locked upJan 20 18:22
XRevan86they clearly need a bigger budgetJan 20 18:22
scientesbut what about JWs make them extreme?Jan 20 18:22
XRevan86scientes: IIRC, extremist brochures were (allegedly) planted on them.Jan 20 18:23
scientesXRevan86, there is a video of the planting in that video ^^^^^^Jan 20 18:24
XRevan86scientes: And even without the planting, what made Sokolovsky extreme?Jan 20 18:24
scientesthe government claims that they "threaten...religious discord"Jan 20 18:24
XRevan86And Sokolovsky made a video where he plays Pokemon Go in a templeJan 20 18:25
XRevan862016, one of the first such cases (⇒ why I remember it better than the ones that come after it)Jan 20 18:26
scientesXRevan86, were there any pokemons there?Jan 20 18:27
scientesdid he find some idols too?Jan 20 18:27
scientesyou have to collect all the idolsJan 20 18:28
XRevan86scientes: He made some snarky comments like that he failed to catch the rarest pokemon – JesusJan 20 18:28
XRevan86Clearly a criminal caseJan 20 18:28
XRevan86I even watched the footage from the proceeding, because it's… amazingJan 20 18:29
XRevan86in how moronic it isJan 20 18:30
scientesXRevan86, he is extreme because that is the message of Jesus-----"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."--Matthew 7:14Jan 20 18:30
scientesthat is why he didn't catch Jesus thereJan 20 18:30
scientescause there are only idots that have nothing to do with Jesus thereJan 20 18:30
scientesand going to Orthodox church is no different from playing pokemon in the attempt to find JesusJan 20 18:31
scientesgo get really violent at these type of people, because the actual message of Jesus is pretty revolutionary, and these churches are designed to prevent people from understanding itJan 20 18:33
XRevan86scientes: Are you re-iterating Zyuganov? :DJan 20 18:33
XRevan86The current leader of the CPRF, said once that Jesus was the first communist.Jan 20 18:34
scientesgod damn, I shouldn't have used that wordJan 20 18:34
scienteswhat Jesus said was the "Kingdom of Heaven"Jan 20 18:34
scienteswhich unlike a revolution does not go 360degrees back to the startJan 20 18:35
XRevan86 20 18:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Зюганов назвал Христа первым коммунистом: Политика: Россия: Lenta.ruJan 20 18:35
scientesand Jesus was not a communist because he believed in private propertyJan 20 18:35
*XRevan86 doesn't know such details.Jan 20 18:36
scientes(even if he told people to sell everything, they had to have something to sell to do that...)Jan 20 18:36
XRevan86scientes: You know private property is mainly land, right?Jan 20 18:36
scientesXRevan86, he also said that САДО́ВНИК И СЫНОВЬЯ́ (Ба́сня)Jan 20 18:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leo Tolstoy. Stories for children | Learn Russian Through StoriesJan 20 18:37
scientesthat is based on a Jesus proverbJan 20 18:37
scientesXRevan86, and private property is differn't, that is "real propery" distinct from "movable property"Jan 20 18:38
XRevan86scientes: I guess it could be a difference in understanding.Jan 20 18:38
scientesXRevan86, seriously thought, the churches are designed to prevent the message of Jesus from getting out of control, and to ostracize those people that figure it outJan 20 18:39
scientes<XRevan86> scientes: I guess it could be a difference in understanding. ?Jan 20 18:39
scienteswhat about the proverb where Jesus talks of someone buying land?Jan 20 18:39
scienteshow can you then say he is a collectivest?Jan 20 18:39
XRevan86scientes: When communists talk about abolishing private property, they always Jan 20 18:40
XRevan86mean real propertyJan 20 18:40
scientesXRevan86, yeah, but Marx didn't say that, he was talking about useryJan 20 18:40
scientesbut I am not a fan of MarxJan 20 18:40
scientesit is Henry George that has his ideas straightJan 20 18:41
scienteswho has been wilfully ignored Jan 20 18:41
scientesanyways, this is like with StalinJan 20 18:41
scientestalk just reveals you to the enemyJan 20 18:41
XRevan86> In English common law, real property, real estate, realty, or immovable property is land which is the property of some person and all structures (also called improvements or fixtures) integrated with or affixed to the land, including crops, buildings, machinery, wells, dams, ponds, mines, canals, and roads, among other things.Jan 20 18:42
XRevan86Exactly this kind of stuff.Jan 20 18:42
scientesyeah, but English common law is kinda nuttyJan 20 18:42
scientesRoman law is much more sensibleJan 20 18:43
scienteswhich has slavery at its very coreJan 20 18:43
XRevan86> In the civil law system, there is a division between movable and immovable property. Movable property roughly corresponds to personal property, while immovable property corresponds to real estate or real property, and the associated rights, and obligations thereon.Jan 20 18:44
scientesCommunists too are kinda nuttyJan 20 18:44
scientesXRevan86, anyways, did you read the proverb of Jesus, on buying a piece of land?Jan 20 18:45
XRevan86scientes: nah, not a fanJan 20 18:45
XRevan86If I did, I don't remember itJan 20 18:45
scientesI mean seriously, the Gospel is pretty shortJan 20 18:46
scientesits not hard to readJan 20 18:46
scientesits more that people willfully ignore itJan 20 18:46
scientesXRevan86, you said that the nationalists piss you off, and that you want to punch themJan 20 18:46
XRevan86scientes: You generalised a bitJan 20 18:47
XRevan86 this guysJan 20 18:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | National Liberation Movement (Russia) - WikipediaJan 20 18:48
XRevan86They're actually extremistJan 20 18:48
scientesexactlyJan 20 18:48
scientesbut they are not called itJan 20 18:48
XRevan86but in a pro-regime way, so it's okayJan 20 18:48
scientesXRevan86, the radical Jesus message here is that they don't need to "liberate" Russia at allJan 20 18:48
XRevan86they call themselves anti-regime, but also in a pro-regime way, so it checks outJan 20 18:48
scientesand that is what Jesus is talking about when he says "the truth will set you free"Jan 20 18:49
scientesis this type of libertyJan 20 18:49
scienteswhere the only thing that is jailed is their conceitJan 20 18:49
XRevan86They're like those Usonians who believe in Cultural MarxismJan 20 18:50
scientesand their ability to control other peopleJan 20 18:50
scientesXRevan86, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking aboutJan 20 18:50
XRevan86scientes: 20 18:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Frankfurt School - WikipediaJan 20 18:50
scientesmost importantly because "Marxism" doesn't mean anythingJan 20 18:50
XRevan86scientes: The name is misleadingJan 20 18:50
XRevan86But I've seen it pop up numerous times, so I had to look it upJan 20 18:51
*scientes is not going to lookJan 20 18:51
*scientes has more important things to doJan 20 18:51
XRevan86> According to the conspiracy theory, which emerged in the late 1990s, the Frankfurt School and other Marxist theorists were part of a conspiracy to attack Western society by undermining traditionalist conservatism and Christianity using the 1960s counterculture, multiculturalism, progressive politics and political correctness.Jan 20 18:51
scientesXRevan86, Henry George was the #2 book (second to the bible) in the US for a very long timeJan 20 18:51
XRevan86Them evil Marxist Jews ruined 'mericah, while Republicans called all the shotsJan 20 18:52
scientesXRevan86, you should read it and then we can have a conversationJan 20 18:52
XRevan86Them evil 'mericans ruined Russia, while Putin called all the shotsJan 20 18:52
scientesbecause you are sounding more and more like DaemonFC[m] Jan 20 18:53
XRevan86The point being that no matter what Putin does, he is not accountable for anything that happens in Russia, because everything bad is caused by the puppets of the US in the state.Jan 20 18:55
XRevan86scientes: <- thisJan 20 18:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Евгений Федоров о пенсиях - YouTubeJan 20 18:57
XRevan86(leader of NOD)Jan 20 18:57
XRevan86(and a Duma deputy from United Russia)Jan 20 18:57
XRevan86> our people don't understand that those who took Moscow oblast' pensioners' right to use public transport for free in Moscow are the United States of America and the State Department, they don't get it, they think that it was done by… Putin, you see?Jan 20 19:01
DaemonFC[m]Tiberium mining is a key component of the Russian economy under NOD.Jan 20 19:08
MinceR:>Jan 20 19:10
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I had to install Mono to do it, but I got OpenRA working.Jan 20 19:22
DaemonFC[m]Dune 2000 on Linux. Sure, why not.Jan 20 19:22
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-->Lirion (~m00se@wikimedia-commons/Lirion) has joined #techrightsJan 20 19:25
MinceRit needs mono? ew.Jan 20 19:26
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XRevan86MinceR: Don't worry, I bet it works under .NET Core, too. </trolling>Jan 20 19:28
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, the scripting system uses it.Jan 20 19:31
MinceRlolJan 20 19:32
MinceRClosedRAJan 20 19:32
DaemonFC[m] 20 19:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The incel conversation has led us to sex robots. We’ve been here before. - VoxJan 20 19:37
-->Lirion (~m00se@wikimedia-commons/Lirion) has joined #techrightsJan 20 19:37
DaemonFC[m]Do sex robots make Canadians drive their vans over people? More at 11!Jan 20 19:37
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DaemonFC[m]Google is dropping the non-standard Shadow DOM v0 that makes their Chrome-only Youtube work.Jan 20 20:06
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: So YouTube will drop non-standard code?Jan 20 20:22
psydroidmore like adopt the new and improved Shadow DOM v1Jan 20 20:23
psydroidmore like adopt the new and improved Shadow DOM v1Jan 20 20:23
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, seems like Firefox and Safari support v1 anyway.Jan 20 20:24
DaemonFC[m]I suppose Chromium is better than the last time I tried it.Jan 20 20:27
DaemonFC[m]I pulled the freeworld version from RPM Fusion with MPEG codecs and VA-API.Jan 20 20:27
scientesXRevan86, you expect me to analyze a Russian rant about capitalism?Jan 20 20:34
scientesanyways......the 1999 Mansfield Park movie had a bunch of invented stuff that wasn't in the book, and was quite Abrahamic (I am using that is a derogatory manner, although not as bad as the stupid christian stuff in the earlier Mansfield Park movie that completely missed the story, it still is a crutch, and Odyssey look at father-son is preferrable)Jan 20 20:35
scientesI am talking about the troubled first-born son stuffJan 20 20:36
scientesbut anyways, what I was saying about that song was really about being edgyJan 20 20:36
XRevan86scientes: I don't see a rant about capitalismJan 20 20:37
scienteswell, my Russian skills are WAY too immature for this videoJan 20 20:38
scientesto be able to handle sophism and legal weaselingJan 20 20:38
XRevan86scientes: I made an unprofessional translation afterwardsJan 20 20:38
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XRevan86Long sentences are hard to translate faithfullyJan 20 20:38
scientesXRevan86, oh I seeJan 20 20:39
scientesyeah, all these soviet people should visit latin americaJan 20 20:39
XRevan86scientes: I don't think he's pro-USSR.Jan 20 20:39
scientesand see that privately-owned public transportation is not only possible, but the best wayJan 20 20:39
scientesnoooo, i'm talking about the legacy of the soviety unionJan 20 20:39
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: The Mormons are weird, but even they're better than the "mainstream Christians", who just hoard money, screw kids, and let people freeze on park benches. The Mormons in Utah got together and solved the homeless problem by giving them tiny houses instead of sending the police out to beat them and burn their stuff.Jan 20 20:40
scientesi haven't traveled that much, but it definitely left a cultural dentJan 20 20:40
XRevan86scientes: As if Marshrutkas are unknown to us %)Jan 20 20:40
scientesand US and USSR are more similar that differentJan 20 20:40
scienteswhich they certainly knew when the cold war was ragingJan 20 20:40
DaemonFC[m]The overall indifference to human suffering of the mainstream Christians in the United States doesn't impress me at all.Jan 20 20:41
scientesXRevan86, but the Marshrutkas don't have the same capacityJan 20 20:41
DaemonFC[m]At least the Mormons try solving problems instead of blaming them all on immigrants or something.Jan 20 20:41
scientesbut yes, the system is very similarJan 20 20:41
scientesMarshrutkas are the most effective systemsJan 20 20:41
scientesfar better than the german modelJan 20 20:41
scienteswith the scary enforcerJan 20 20:42
scientesand they can be used for high-capacity routes tooJan 20 20:42
DaemonFC[m]Is religion harmful? It can be. It can be very harmful if it gets people to give up trying to fix anything because they think nothing matters. That's why corporations and the far-right find religion useful. It numbs people.Jan 20 20:42
scientesSo I was only talking about that song that glorified the slave past, in the context that I was making a dark joke about itJan 20 20:43
scientesand I was also being edgy, but that is discussed in Mansfield ParkJan 20 20:44
scientesand the 1999 movie finially faithfully reproduced those themesJan 20 20:44
DaemonFC[m]The Republican Party doesn't give a flying rats ass about abortion. Beyond having a surplus of people for the available jobs to drive wages down, having a bunch of pissed off unemployable people around that could theoretically overthrow the Oligarchy is not good for them.Jan 20 20:44
scientesincluding having these little pauses at the end of the movie, which are "flight-or-flight" moments for womenJan 20 20:45
scienteswhich I had never seen before in a movieJan 20 20:45
scienteswhen being sexually persuedJan 20 20:45
scientesthere has to be a less medical way of saying thatJan 20 20:45
*scientes needs to re-read Mansfield ParkJan 20 20:46
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Sometimes I think people like the Patriarch only care about abortions and such to remind the flock that there are They, "liberals", who want to subvert Tradishons for their selfish liberal ideas such as: humanism, rationality.Jan 20 20:49
scientesXRevan86, it is a very rational idea to think that the devil is trying to subvert rationalityJan 20 20:50
XRevan86and to ruin the institution of family, of courseJan 20 20:50
<--aindilis has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 20 20:50
scientesXRevan86, I wonder what types of sheep-skin the institution of family issuesJan 20 20:51
XRevan86> Reason is the capacity of consciously making sense of things, establishing and verifying facts, applying logic, and adapting or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information.Jan 20 20:51
XRevan86scientes: Is it rational at all? %)Jan 20 20:52
scientesXRevan86, actually, that entire debate you just mentioned is fully covered by Voltaire's CandideJan 20 20:52
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scientesand I mean *fully* coveredJan 20 20:52
scientesincluding the sex partJan 20 20:52
scientesas at the end of Candide they basically return to the garden of edenJan 20 20:53
scientes(after leaving El Dorado cause all the gold was too damn boring)Jan 20 20:53
scientesand it also starts with sexJan 20 20:54
XRevan86A sign on the entrance to El Dorado: "Gold is the new aluminium"Jan 20 20:54
scientesXRevan86, also does he start these discussions with "Russians are the most godless and abortion-hungry people in the world."Jan 20 20:55
XRevan86scientes: Not his styleJan 20 21:00
*scientes was being faceciousJan 20 21:01
DaemonFC[m]It could just be me, but for some reason fonts look better under a GNOME on X11 session.Jan 20 21:02
XRevan86scientes: 20 21:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Соловьёв назвал протестующих в Екатеринбурге бесами - YouTubeJan 20 21:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vladimir Solovyov (journalist) - WikipediaJan 20 21:03
XRevan86scientes: In this kind of world…Jan 20 21:03
DaemonFC[m]It's weird and a little troubling how many bugs that made GNOME Shell janky and slow have been fixed by Canonical of all people.Jan 20 21:04
DaemonFC[m]And how many of them are trivial.Jan 20 21:04
scientes5599 0050 0325 2389 - MasterCardJan 20 21:05
scienteswhat?Jan 20 21:05
scientes> He has been married three times and has eight children:Jan 20 21:05
XRevan86scientes: Dunno, I didn't even look at the descriptionJan 20 21:05
scienteswhy is he doxing a MasterCard?Jan 20 21:06
XRevan86scientes: Um, it's not an official uploadJan 20 21:06
XRevan86it's footage from a radiotalkJan 20 21:06
scientesoh ok, whateverJan 20 21:06
XRevan86I found it with keywordsJan 20 21:06
scientesthat card number is still super weirdJan 20 21:07
*XRevan86 shrugs.Jan 20 21:07
*scientes is still kinda pissed about the 0/10 on his graduate school scholarship denialJan 20 21:17
scientes 20 21:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-What's new in the world of seL4 - YouTubeJan 20 21:17
scientes^^^^what I wanted to do is cutting edge stuffJan 20 21:17
scientesI seriously would not be behind the other people in this poolJan 20 21:18
scientesits just that these schools have been taken over by credentialismJan 20 21:18
scientesinstead of edcationJan 20 21:18
scientesI certainly would be more productive around other smart peopleJan 20 21:19
scientesbut those beurocrats are certainly a detrimentJan 20 21:19
scienteslike here I am commenting about it 20 21:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jan 20 21:22
scientesoh, my badJan 20 21:22
DaemonFC[m] 20 21:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This week in KDE: Plasma 5.18 is the release you’ve been waiting for – Adventures in Linux and KDEJan 20 21:28
DaemonFC[m]I wonder if it works any better on this laptop than it did at 5.13, which is the last time I gave up on it.Jan 20 21:28
DaemonFC[m]I see they reversed course and started adding new features to kwin_x11.Jan 20 21:30
<--smnthermes ( has left #techrightsJan 20 22:19
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DaemonFC[m]At Taco Bell trying out their vegetarian menu.Jan 20 22:46
DaemonFC[m]MinceR I would like to invite you to join me for dinner, at Taco Bell.Jan 20 22:48
MinceR:>Jan 20 22:49
DaemonFC[m]MinceR It's vegetarian and it's Taco Bell.Jan 20 23:00
DaemonFC[m]Pass the three sea shells.Jan 20 23:00
MinceR 20 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectJan 20 23:59

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