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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Thursday, August 20, 2020

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DaemonFC[m]I got my flu shot and second Hepatitis A vaccine at the same time while I was at the pharmacy anyway today. They only had the combo A/B vaccine for Hepatitis so I asked the pharmacist if that was okay given that I still had immunity to B from 1984. He said it was. So I guess the worst that happens is it acts as a booster I might not have needed.Aug 20 00:05
DaemonFC[m]Just as a one time thing this year, I may get another flu shot in January.Aug 20 00:05
DaemonFC[m]COVID is going around bad and it's going to mix with the flu season.Aug 20 00:05
DaemonFC[m]Lots of people coming in wanting flu shots. I haven't ever seen anything like that.Aug 20 00:06
oiaohmThat been the interesting thing with countries doing well against covid-19.  Not really having a flu season.Aug 20 00:06
DaemonFC[m]We can't do much about COVID-19 as far as preventing it. But keeping people out of the hospital with the flu is more important than usual.Aug 20 00:07
DaemonFC[m]Competing with each other for resources and infecting each other is the nightmare case this year.Aug 20 00:07
oiaohmContact tracing and Quarantine is about the only effective weapons. Aug 20 00:08
oiaohmAt least until a vaccine is ready.Aug 20 00:09
*brendyyn (~brendyyn@ has joined #techrightsAug 20 00:11
GNUmoon2scientes: "that's nothing compared to the trillions being printed" Indeed, there is a whole underworld that the public is not being told about. Trillions of dollars created out of thin-air being given to the wallstreet bloodsucking squids to gamble with. Hence the "mystery" of wall street stock prices going up and up during a pandemic as it has to go somewhere but the public.Aug 20 00:20
GNUmoon2A really good source of what's actually happen is Aug 20 00:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wall Street On ParadeAug 20 00:21
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 20 00:25
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsAug 20 00:28
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 20 00:34
*kupi (uid212005@gateway/web/ has joined #techrightsAug 20 00:48
DaemonFC[m]If they want to pass a price transparency law, it should be dental care.Aug 20 01:15
DaemonFC[m]No website tells you what a cleaning costs.Aug 20 01:15
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Hi Roy,Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> >  Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > This summer has seen a long overdue reckoning on race in America. WhileAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > it’s easy to point out obvious racist language like the “whites only”Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > signs once posted outside restaurants and public pools, we are onlyAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > beginning to unravel the more insidious forms of racist language stillAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > embedded in our culture today.Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> >  Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > For instance, tech engineers often use the terms “master/slave” toAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > describe components in which one device controls another. SuspiciousAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > websites that may steal your data are put on a “blacklist,” andAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > malicious hackers who violate computer security are known as “blackAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > hats.” Now is the time to cut out racist language in all its forms, andAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > IBM is proud to take action to bring change to the IT community. Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> >  Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Aug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > As part of a group of social justice efforts known as Emb(race), theAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > *IBM Academy of Technology launched an internal initiative to identifyAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > and replace IT terminology that promotes racial and cultural bias.* InAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > partnership with our style and diversity councils, IBM will conduct aAug 20 01:16
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > thorough evaluation of each term that has been flagged for review, andAug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > in some cases recommend an unbiased replacement term. IBM’s goal is toAug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > promote inclusive language in IT and to provide opportunities for ourAug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > employees to work together towards this goal.Aug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Aug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> >  Aug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Aug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > Are you interested in learning more about Emb(race) and IBM’s initiativeAug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > to eradicate racist IT terminology? Let me know and I would be happy toAug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > connect you with Tim Humphrey, VP and Chief Data Officer at IBM for anAug 20 01:17
schestowitz[00:53] <schestowitz> > interview. Aug 20 01:17
schestowitzSo, I am thinking...Aug 20 01:17
schestowitzI could take the offer, warn them about my questionAug 20 01:17
schestowitzthan ask about Jamaica, Watson's Nazi medal, Ginni with Trump, Modi and Krishna etc.Aug 20 01:17
schestowitzBasically point out to them how silly and shallow they areAug 20 01:17
schestowitzalso NYPD projects of making people by colour..Aug 20 01:17
schestowitzis it worth pursuing?Aug 20 01:18
schestowitzThey obvious want people to stop talking about racism at IBMAug 20 01:18
XRevan86Is it racist how poorly terms like "denylist" translate into other languages?Aug 20 01:19
schestowitzdon't knowAug 20 01:19
schestowitzbut I heard about some slavic langsAug 20 01:19
XRevan86Of course they'll probably won't bother and just use the local equivalent of "blacklist", but that raises the question of whether there was anything wrong with it in the first place.Aug 20 01:20
schestowitzyeahAug 20 01:20
schestowitzI could discuss that tooAug 20 01:20
schestowitzfor now I only asked why they contacted MEAug 20 01:20
schestowitzas it's clear it wasn't some random thingAug 20 01:20
schestowitzIBM PR does not contact me since I embarrassed their PR people in 2011Aug 20 01:20
schestowitzfor trying to get me to write a puff piece for themAug 20 01:21
XRevan86schestowitz: Yes, I had pointed that out, and that Ukrainian would have even a harder time than Russian for lacking a certain form of participle that Russian loaned from OCS.Aug 20 01:21
schestowitzthanksAug 20 01:22
schestowitzanyway, I will wait to see what he says about why they contacted MEAug 20 01:22
schestowitzthen, I will ask them tough questionsAug 20 01:22
schestowitzwhich I am sure they will refuse/decline to answerAug 20 01:23
schestowitzso I can report on them decliningAug 20 01:23
oiaohmXRevan86: deny list generally translates well if you include the space.   Deny by most translated comes Denial then Denial is translated.   So Denial List and deny list are fairly close on meaning.Aug 20 01:23
schestowitzI don't want to rush to publish about itAug 20 01:23
XRevan86though maybe a simple adjective can do like "запретный список", but "a forbidden list" doesn't sound like it's the contents that are forbiddenAug 20 01:23
oiaohmTranslates safer than black list.Aug 20 01:23
schestowitzin any cases, those don't deal with the Big IssueAug 20 01:24
schestowitzwhich I think is the more important replyAug 20 01:24
schestowitzso then they ask,Aug 20 01:24
schestowitz"what is it?"Aug 20 01:24
schestowitzand then you lay out profound issuesAug 20 01:24
schestowitzeugenics, nukesAug 20 01:24
XRevan86"чёрный список", a list that is black, simpleAug 20 01:24
schestowitzand they don't have good answersAug 20 01:24
oiaohmXRevan86: remember not all usages of black align to bad.   Few languages have 20 words for black.Aug 20 01:25
oiaohmDeny though translating at worst leads to 2 words in any language.    Black can take you as wide as 400 different words.Aug 20 01:26
XRevan86oiaohm: Can you get more specific?Aug 20 01:27
*oarion7 (~anonymous@unaffiliated/oarion7) has joined #techrightsAug 20 01:27
schestowitzhi, oarion7, wbAug 20 01:28
XRevan86oiaohm: And no, not two words at worst, since a denylist is a list of deniesAug 20 01:28
oarion7schestowitz: hey man good eveningAug 20 01:28
schestowitzXRevan86: can you clarify the language issue again re "Deny list"?Aug 20 01:28
schestowitzI forgot what it means in those other languages, though I read about it earlier this summerAug 20 01:28
XRevan86Maybe it could be translated like "список отказов", but that's more like a list of rejections, not the right connotation at allAug 20 01:30
XRevan86schestowitz: Well, I still haven't come up with a good translation for it :)Aug 20 01:31
XRevan86It's tough. It has an implicit ambiguity built into it, it works that around by English being generally vague with its terms.Aug 20 01:32
oiaohmXRevan86:  The issue I am talking about you can see with google translate.  I cannot remember the direct 20 wide.   But if you go to google translate and put in black as english and lao you will see 5 different spelling for black with the same define.   Deny gets you 2.Aug 20 01:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 6 Best CPU Stress Test and Performance Benchmark Linux Tools []Aug 20 01:33
oiaohmBasically translating documents around between languages black can end up with a mess of different spelling so black so making searching for black harder.Aug 20 01:33
XRevan86A denylist, is it a list that was denied, a list of denies? what's a deny?Aug 20 01:33
oiaohmdeny is in fact a common word to most languages.   Its no worse than the accountancy problem with default=bad and computer world default=ok Aug 20 01:34
MinceR"deny" is the new name of the color that used to be known as "black"Aug 20 01:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Aug 20 01:35
XRevan86oiaohm: "список того, что было запрещено", it's as simple as thatAug 20 01:35
XRevan86a list of such that was forbiddenAug 20 01:39
XRevan86With a participle it can go down to "список запрещённого"Aug 20 01:40
oiaohmXRevan86: forbidden worse outcome is that a few languages don't have the word at all.Aug 20 01:41
oiaohmSame with forbid.Aug 20 01:42
XRevan86Should not write that at 4am, it's not a participle, albeit looks similar.Aug 20 01:42
schestowitznever mind all thatAug 20 01:43
schestowitzthe wordsAug 20 01:43
oiaohmRussian and Hebrew have the most different translates that deny can turn into.Aug 20 01:43
schestowitzthe point is, those are not going to stop or cause racismAug 20 01:43
XRevan86oiaohm: "deny" has a nasty property of implying something instantaneousAug 20 01:43
XRevan86While a blacklist is something more permanentAug 20 01:44
oiaohmI am not thinking about the nasty side.  I am thinking about documentations going though translation and being usableAug 20 01:44
oiaohmBlack list has been a bug bear for how it can expand in lots of languages in translations.Aug 20 01:44
XRevan86So denying is more about a single action, while blacklists are about keeping a record of forbidden stuffAug 20 01:44
oiaohmIf you look at LAO you will see black list. can come list of rain clouds.Aug 20 01:45
XRevan86And that becomes more apparent when I try to use the equivalent word "отказ"Aug 20 01:45
oiaohmThe ways black list miss translates in some languages at times gets horrible wrong as well.Aug 20 01:46
XRevan86oiaohm: They probably have come up with terms that suit their languages better thoughAug 20 01:47
MinceR"red-deny trees" are also named rather confusinglyAug 20 01:48
XRevan86But if "blacklist" is deemed racist, then it's a bit hypocritical to expect other languages to continue using it when it's the most neat form there is for them.Aug 20 01:48
oiaohmYes and no.   There are a lot of cases where people end up need to use automated translation due to documentation in their own language not being current.Aug 20 01:48
XRevan86oiaohm: Autotransplantation is the worst possible argumentAug 20 01:49
oiaohmThe rasist bit I really wish had not came into black list problem.Aug 20 01:49
XRevan86Thanks, autocorrect.Aug 20 01:49
oiaohmWe have need to look at some of these terms and see if we can use more stable terms between languages.Aug 20 01:49
MinceRwe need to accelerate this process so it will be seen as absurd as soon as possibleAug 20 01:50
XRevan86oiaohm: Well, albeit, that'd be good, that's also something practically unachievableAug 20 01:50
MinceRor maybe split the language so this ridiculous shit happens in SJWese and we still have a usable english :>Aug 20 01:50
XRevan86oiaohm: Different languages are different (suddenly) and for different languages you'd hit different problems when translating.Aug 20 01:51
XRevan86"sometimes you just can't win"Aug 20 01:51
XRevan86My point is more about that "blacklist" will inevitably continue to be used in other languages (not all of them), and that nakens the hypocrisy, as I doubt SJWs will dare saying that they're so tolerant that they'd only accept the only true tolerant language – EnglishAug 20 01:53
oiaohmI am not saying we can win.  I am just saying white and black list have been trouble for translations.    You see manual translations with black list in them to particular language black list disappear and that was 20 years go.   So not a SJW thing.Aug 20 01:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Retro Gaming, 7 Days to Die, Spiritfarer and More []Aug 20 01:55
XRevan86"link" is a horribly ambiguous term that's a pain to translateAug 20 01:56
oiaohmBlack/White list issue is not just SJW stuff.   There is a translation problem there.   Now if there is something that stable translates better we should switch black/white list over.Aug 20 01:56
XRevan86English terms are wired over English, who knewAug 20 01:56
oiaohmThere is quite a few terms that we should really have a look at if we can do better.Aug 20 01:57
XRevan86what the heck is a "swap"?Aug 20 01:57
oiaohmNothing to do with rasist.Aug 20 01:57
XRevan86looks like an example of nouning, practically untranslatableAug 20 01:57
oiaohmOf course being focused in on rasist stuff means we will not do a proper review of the terms we are using.Aug 20 01:57
oiaohmComputer world we are well and truly over due to a terms audit.Aug 20 01:58
XRevan86("nouning" is just verbing)Aug 20 01:58
XRevan86Can be translated as "substitution" though…Aug 20 02:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Aug 20 02:01
XRevan86And those terms tend to just get loaned as-is from EnglishAug 20 02:02
oiaohmSome of these things in the computer world maybe we should follow the path of cisco network parts symbols.Aug 20 02:02
XRevan86Like "firewall" is a good example: no one will say "it's behind a wall of fire"Aug 20 02:03
oiaohmAs in create a new language neutral symbol that means X.Aug 20 02:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Destination Linux, FLOSS Weekly, mintCast and More []Aug 20 02:04
XRevan86- They are lurking in the shadows, hiding in the darknessAug 20 02:05
XRevan86- That's racist!Aug 20 02:05
oiaohmXRevan86:   Cisco symbol for firewall is just a wall.Aug 20 02:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cisco Product Symbols, Free DownloadAug 20 02:06
XRevan86Absolutely nothing wrong with being dark.Aug 20 02:06
oiaohmTo be correct a brick wall.Aug 20 02:06
XRevan86They should adopt emojisAug 20 02:07
oiaohmYes when you translate firewall into different languages you don't allways end up of wall of fire sometimes you just end up with wall of heat or something equally stupid.Aug 20 02:08
XRevan86or with fayervolAug 20 02:09
XRevan86fayaworu? :)Aug 20 02:10
MinceRfaiaboruAug 20 02:10
MinceRwait, that's something elseAug 20 02:10
XRevan86MinceR: I think they keep the "w" as is and only change "v" to "b"Aug 20 02:11
schestowitz:eAug 20 02:11
schestowitz:wqAug 20 02:11
XRevan86schestowitz: not viAug 20 02:11
schestowitzsorry, wrong raceAug 20 02:12
MinceR:)Aug 20 02:12
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: 20 02:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | “His Only Preexisting Condition Was Trusting Trump”: Daughter Speaks at DNC After Dad Dies of COVID | Democracy Now!Aug 20 02:15
schestowitzmadame harmon and Carl FarmerAug 20 02:16
XRevan86Phonology is fun: while Arabic and Japanese hate on "v", Greek and Spanish switched their "b" to "v"Aug 20 02:17
schestowitzvictoryAug 20 02:18
XRevan86bikkutoleeAug 20 02:19
*oiaohm has quit (*.net *.split)Aug 20 02:19
schestowitzrianne's uncle is called victor because he was born 1945Aug 20 02:19
schestowitzhumans making strange noises, calling is "language"Aug 20 02:20
schestowitzin Africa they also use the tongue moreAug 20 02:20
XRevan86schestowitz: That's poetic (and possibly unoriginal) :)Aug 20 02:20
schestowitzif we had more gas in us, maybe we'd literally speak out of our arses, or with help from the arsesAug 20 02:21
schestowitzapparently primates that can't make with their throat lots of sound also have languageAug 20 02:21
XRevan86schestowitz: Like in the Rowan Atkinson Doctor Who spoof?Aug 20 02:21
schestowitzmost of us are just too dumb to learn or understand itAug 20 02:21
schestowitzXRevan86: not familiar with that spoofAug 20 02:21
XRevan86schestowitz: It also has the actor from the Brazil as the MasterAug 20 02:22
XRevan86 20 02:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Doctor Who: The Curse of Fatal Death - WikipediaAug 20 02:23
schestowitzsounds like a dull programAug 20 02:24
schestowitzI don't like Doctor WhoAug 20 02:24
schestowitzSame for Black AdderAug 20 02:24
XRevan86They did such a splendid job they could fill in the roles in the actual series (but then maybe the show couldn't have afforded them)Aug 20 02:24
schestowitzblackadderAug 20 02:25
schestowitzin fact, now I dislike TV and all its programsAug 20 02:25
schestowitztheir quality declined a lotAug 20 02:25
schestowitzall those "island" showsAug 20 02:25
schestowitzselling sex and romanceAug 20 02:25
schestowitzhere in the UK we now have even shows where they show genitalsAug 20 02:25
schestowitzexplicitAug 20 02:25
schestowitzdating showsAug 20 02:26
XRevan86schestowitz: I don't know why anyone would want to tune into TV broadcast.Aug 20 02:26
schestowitzwhere you see vulvas and penises (late at night, obviously)Aug 20 02:26
XRevan86However, Doctor Who used to be a fun show.Aug 20 02:26
schestowitz"look, ma, I'm on the telly! Showing my what's its name"Aug 20 02:26
XRevan86Obviously, didn't see it on TV. For one thing, I dislike voiceovers.Aug 20 02:27
schestowitzgood TV productions are expensiveAug 20 02:27
schestowitzand the less the expected audience, the lower the investmentAug 20 02:27
schestowitzso you end up with "reality TV"Aug 20 02:27
schestowitzwhere you don't pay the "actors"Aug 20 02:27
schestowitzjust food maybeAug 20 02:27
schestowitzand just film random crap, then lousy "editors"Aug 20 02:28
schestowitz 20 02:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blackadder - WikipediaAug 20 02:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Black Adder - WikipediaAug 20 02:28
schestowitzI didn't know about that distinctionAug 20 02:28
schestowitzRowan Atkinson was better when "he said nothing at all"Aug 20 02:29
schestowitzLike that other Rowan (not same person) songAug 20 02:29
schestowitzwhere they collaborated with the actor RownAug 20 02:29
XRevan86For the second thing, the voice-over craft in Russia has been in steady decline for years, so even if I would've liked them, I still wouldn't like what they've become now.Aug 20 02:29
schestowitzMr. Bean was really funny until they ran out of material or situationsAug 20 02:29
schestowitzlike Seinfeld where the sit-com ran out of "sit"(uations)Aug 20 02:29
schestowitzproductions became cheaperAug 20 02:30
schestowitzmass distribution has perilAug 20 02:30
XRevan86schestowitz: I never found Mr. Bean, but sometimes I found him very charming.Aug 20 02:30
schestowitzhard to get a newspaper or a program to 100 million peopleAug 20 02:30
schestowitzyou can, but it's a gambleAug 20 02:30
schestowitzit might flopAug 20 02:30
schestowitznow they use "Internet" and "viral"Aug 20 02:30
schestowitzand again, there's no secret formulaAug 20 02:31
XRevan86as a kid (nor now)Aug 20 02:31
schestowitzBean was very simpleAug 20 02:31
schestowitzthat was the beauty of itAug 20 02:31
schestowitzI looked forward to its episodes every weekAug 20 02:31
XRevan86There was beauty to it, yes.Aug 20 02:32
schestowitzproduction investment has sunkAug 20 02:32
schestowitzwith covid fewer people go to cinemasAug 20 02:32
XRevan86Still didn't find it funny :)Aug 20 02:32
schestowitzand some people just stream thingsAug 20 02:32
schestowitzso expect film quality to plunge furtherAug 20 02:32
schestowitzsame for footballAug 20 02:32
schestowitznow with no physical spectatorsAug 20 02:32
schestowitzfor the foreseeable futureAug 20 02:33
schestowitzwhy would you pay $100ml for a player transfer?Aug 20 02:33
schestowitztbh, I'm glad to see those things goingAug 20 02:33
schestowitzthey were overhyped and based on momentumAug 20 02:33
schestowitzlike debt economyAug 20 02:33
XRevan86schestowitz: I won't mourn football.Aug 20 02:33
schestowitzonce the inertia is done, that's it!Aug 20 02:33
schestowitzthen people don't sink $200,000,000 into one player (Neymar) or some shitty movie where celebs get paid millions for a few weeksAug 20 02:34
schestowitzfootball was a good distraction from real warsAug 20 02:34
schestowitzthe "fans" have moved to streets of Belarus etc.Aug 20 02:34
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsAug 20 02:36
XRevan86schestowitz: Films do not plan to disappear anytime soon. Streaming is also a much bigger market than it should probably be.Aug 20 02:36
XRevan86If production costs will hurt big flashy blockbusters, that somehow doesn't make me feel a loss either.Aug 20 02:36
schestowitz[02:35] <XRevan86> schestowitz: Films do not plan to disappear anytime soon. Streaming is also a much bigger market than it should probably be.Aug 20 02:36
schestowitzit is less profitableAug 20 02:36
schestowitzlow profit marginsAug 20 02:36
schestowitzfor ISPs alsoAug 20 02:36
schestowitzand you cannot police how many spectators there areAug 20 02:36
schestowitzI once heard Netflix was losing money or riding VC (then shareholders') moneyAug 20 02:37
schestowitzBut I am not sureAug 20 02:37
schestowitzOperating servers to send like 5 GB of 0s and 1s for a few bucks seems unsustainableAug 20 02:37
schestowitzalso, with maintenance overheadAug 20 02:37
XRevan86schestowitz: It looks like they're getting bigger and bigger, so I don't know about that.Aug 20 02:37
schestowitzas those servers don't always work right, you need repairs, network  upgrades etc.Aug 20 02:38
XRevan86They're not exactly working at costAug 20 02:38
schestowitzit MIGHT be profitable.. if as a company you hit large scale... like millions of licences per hourAug 20 02:38
schestowitzthe ISPs are pushing backAug 20 02:38
schestowitz[02:37] <XRevan86> schestowitz: It looks like they're getting bigger and bigger, so I don't know about that.Aug 20 02:38
schestowitzso was uberAug 20 02:38
schestowitzuntil covid19Aug 20 02:38
schestowitzand the losses too became bigger and biggerAug 20 02:38
schestowitzpeople riding on VCs' moneyAug 20 02:39
schestowitzlike Uber's Saudi investorsAug 20 02:39
XRevan86schestowitz: um, if anything, it probably helped them expandAug 20 02:39
schestowitzUber?Aug 20 02:39
XRevan86schestowitz: Netflix and competitorsAug 20 02:39
schestowitzNetflix yes, Uber noAug 20 02:39
XRevan86The goth subculture is racist.Aug 20 02:42
schestowitz      <li>Aug 20 02:43
schestowitz        <h5><a href="">Future Ada: Tech Organizing Through an Intersectional Lens</a></h5>Aug 20 02:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Future Ada: Tech Organizing Through an Intersectional Lens | Electronic Frontier FoundationAug 20 02:43
schestowitz        <blockquote>Aug 20 02:43
schestowitz          <p>Ada Lovelace's work on the first analytical engine helped lay the path for our modern world and continues to serve as an inspiration to people worldwide, including Electronic Frontier Alliance member Future Ada.</p>Aug 20 02:43
schestowitz          <p>Based in Spokane, WA, Future Ada was founded in 2017 to advance opportunities and support for underrepresented genders in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. That same year, Forbes noted that closing the gender gap could increase U.S. Gross Domestic Product by two trillion dollars, yet work environments in many of these fields are so hostile to women that over fifty-percent will leave the sector as a Aug 20 02:43
schestowitzresult.</p></blockquote></li>Aug 20 02:43
schestowitz"underrepresented genders in science"Aug 20 02:43
schestowitzRiddle me this...Aug 20 02:43
schestowitzif you're transAug 20 02:43
schestowitzthen you change from female to maleAug 20 02:43
schestowitzor male to femaleAug 20 02:43
schestowitzso there are still two gendersAug 20 02:43
schestowitzbut some will tell you there are many gendersAug 20 02:44
schestowitzwhat the heck is going on?Aug 20 02:44
schestowitzin binary, it's 0 or 1Aug 20 02:44
schestowitzthere's no 2 in binaryAug 20 02:44
schestowitzand you cannot have binary gates with 3 statesAug 20 02:44
schestowitzlike javascipt and othe rlangs with undefined or similar as binary valueAug 20 02:45
XRevan86schestowitz: 0.6, 0.7, a spectrum and stuffAug 20 02:45
schestowitzso in the name of inclusiveness and tolerance we create confusionAug 20 02:45
schestowitzis there a third and fourth genital too?Aug 20 02:45
schestowitzso 0.6 male is a gender?Aug 20 02:45
schestowitzwhat about 0.61?Aug 20 02:45
schestowitzis that another gender?Aug 20 02:46
schestowitztrans? OK.Aug 20 02:46
schestowitzNo problemAug 20 02:46
schestowitzsome people are born with an unfortunate setAug 20 02:46
schestowitzand it's not their faulyAug 20 02:46
schestowitz*FaultAug 20 02:46
XRevan86As a person with the most flat perception of sex and gender I just don't go there. The whole concept of gender is based on social roles, trousers vs. skirts, am I just don't find this stuff as inherent.Aug 20 02:47
schestowitzbut they don't get assigned 0.6 somethingAug 20 02:47
schestowitzgender is biologically about reproductive systemAug 20 02:47
schestowitzlike, carrying babiesAug 20 02:47
schestowitzno males can ever conceiveAug 20 02:47
XRevan86So don't ask me, different people have different worldviews.Aug 20 02:47
schestowitzno matter the speciesAug 20 02:47
schestowitzor lay eggsAug 20 02:47
schestowitzXRevan86: some people also have different worldviews on climateAug 20 02:48
schestowitzand they insist the earth in coolingAug 20 02:48
schestowitzor that there's intelligent design and "god" made everythingAug 20 02:48
schestowitzif we're open to everything we basically accept even things that cannot be rationalisedAug 20 02:48
XRevan86schestowitz: Yes, but this is a lot more subjective, as it talks about what's going on in one's head.Aug 20 02:49
schestowitzlike the "worldview" that Bill Gates is a geniusAug 20 02:49
schestowitzdespite lack of evidence of itAug 20 02:49
schestowitzXRevan86: that's why it's called identityAug 20 02:49
XRevan86schestowitz: Yes. I don't know if it's based on anything other than implanted thoughts, but I also have no means of checking.Aug 20 02:50
schestowitzcervical cancer screenings are offered by the NHSAug 20 02:50
schestowitzI saw their brochures which they sent this weekAug 20 02:50
schestowitzthey need to politely emphasise it's for people with a cervixAug 20 02:50
XRevan86And no one does. So the society leans towards taking their word for it.Aug 20 02:51
schestowitzand not to offend people who lack itAug 20 02:51
schestowitzas there's no way to do this procedure otherwiseAug 20 02:51
XRevan86schestowitz: And I recommend you not to challenge that too.Aug 20 02:51
schestowitzand they don't want to upset combative trans activistsAug 20 02:51
XRevan86You can't prove them wrong, you can only make yourself look like a bigot, there's no other option, at least with the current understanding of human psychology.Aug 20 02:52
schestowitzwhat I'm saying is, there's no cervixAug 20 02:53
schestowitzand if there's no cervix, you cannot check the cervix for precancerous cellsAug 20 02:53
schestowitzit's that simpleAug 20 02:53
XRevan86So maybe with proper study stuff can be proven or disproven, but so far all one can say is "whatever floats your boat"Aug 20 02:53
schestowitzand to be offended  by that is to deny practitioners their jobs that saves livesAug 20 02:53
schestowitzXRevan86: yes, that's why I hardly even touch that subjectAug 20 02:54
schestowitzit does not affect meAug 20 02:54
schestowitzhowever, if  I was a MEDICAL doctor and then someone came to my office demanding cervical screeningAug 20 02:54
schestowitzand that person lacks a cervixAug 20 02:54
schestowitzthen that can become a problemAug 20 02:54
XRevan86schestowitz: "gender" is not about a set of genitals but about how a person feels about oneself. If a person can't tell if they feel boyish or girly, then they're non-binary. The concept is roughly like that.Aug 20 02:54
schestowitzI am not saying trans people do thisAug 20 02:54
schestowitzthe combative ones do, like those who fake PMSAug 20 02:55
schestowitzand the trans community knows they do a lot of damage to trans imageAug 20 02:55
schestowitzlike feminists who decide to castrate a spouse's penisAug 20 02:55
schestowitzAnd back we go to raceAug 20 02:56
schestowitzto make a point hereAug 20 02:56
XRevan86I don't know what it means to feel boyish or girly, so I just live with that I may never understand.Aug 20 02:56
schestowitzAnd I don't think I have said anything that offends anyone except the "edge cases" (combative people)Aug 20 02:56
schestowitzif you say things like "fuck white people," or "kill white people"Aug 20 02:57
schestowitzthat then becomes a thing that's called "reverse racism"Aug 20 02:57
schestowitzand it helps NOT end racismAug 20 02:57
schestowitzas it makes one side look as bad as the otherAug 20 02:57
schestowitzso you basically want to weed out the people who harm a movement's imageAug 20 02:57
schestowitzin the same sense, or another context, many Muslims reject militant IslamistsAug 20 02:58
schestowitzthat does not mean they reject IslamAug 20 02:58
schestowitzbut blasting people who behead "for Allah" is perfectly reasonableAug 20 02:58
schestowitzsaying that a trans competing in the Olympic games with people who don't have the same testosterone levels is "unfair" may also be an exampleAug 20 02:59
schestowitzthat does not mean the other athletes are intolerantAug 20 02:59
schestowitzthere are some difficult questionsAug 20 03:00
schestowitzand nobody wants to even touch themAug 20 03:00
schestowitzbecause of the combative elements of cancellersAug 20 03:00
schestowitzwe're not even talking about genocides and thingsAug 20 03:00
schestowitzwe talk about basic guidelines, e.g. for sporting and competitionsAug 20 03:01
schestowitzor for medical clinics... where people are expected to have a particular set of biological organsAug 20 03:01
schestowitzto throw it all out the window because of emotion means we cannot treat things like cancerAug 20 03:01
schestowitzor have fair competition, drug-free, similar footingAug 20 03:02
schestowitzCertain countries don't like to be criticised eitherAug 20 03:02
schestowitzand the parallels are endlessAug 20 03:02
schestowitzso they instill a sense of fearAug 20 03:02
schestowitz"anti-Russian" label in some regionsAug 20 03:03
schestowitzin China people stopped talking in public about their government's corruptionAug 20 03:03
schestowitzand where does that leave the general population?Aug 20 03:03
schestowitzVery bad state, working 9-9-6Aug 20 03:03
schestowitzwith suicide netsAug 20 03:03
schestowitzto keep them lemmings workingAug 20 03:03
schestowitzI see you lost your tongueAug 20 03:05
schestowitzyou remarked on race issuesAug 20 03:05
schestowitzbut this one -- no...Aug 20 03:05
schestowitzI have trans friends, nothing wrong with their choicesAug 20 03:05
schestowitzmy point was, if you show up to a GP appointment for cervical screening and you don't have an actual cervix, you're wasting the GP's timeAug 20 03:06
schestowitzyou can come for tea and a chatAug 20 03:06
schestowitzbut be realisticAug 20 03:06
DaemonFC[m]Or bittorrent them.Aug 20 03:09
DaemonFC[m]Whoa.Aug 20 03:09
DaemonFC[m]This tab went back 153 messages.Aug 20 03:09
schestowitzBBC experimented with bt, as in bittorrentAug 20 03:10
XRevan86schestowitz: It's funny to see Russian state media throwing "Russophobe" left and right, even at people who speak Russian.Aug 20 03:10
schestowitzwhich isa  brand, misnomer Aug 20 03:10
schestowitzas all transitions are in bitsAug 20 03:10
XRevan86Apparently Russophobes are those who oppose Putin.Aug 20 03:10
schestowitzwhether you lump them into bytes or notAug 20 03:10
schestowitzand "torrent" is just an abstract analogyAug 20 03:11
schestowitzXRevan86: because Russia=PutinAug 20 03:11
schestowitzand those who oppose Putin are also anti-male and anti-whiteAug 20 03:11
oarion7well that's the nature of modern internet culture, you accuse people who submit themselves to one party's propaganda as being bigotted against the other partyAug 20 03:11
schestowitzand anti-MoskvytesAug 20 03:12
oarion7party in the general senseAug 20 03:12
DaemonFC[m] 20 03:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Piracy Giants KissAnime and KissManga Shut Down * TorrentFreakAug 20 03:13
DaemonFC[m]They used Clownflare.Aug 20 03:13
XRevan86schestowitz: "non-binary genders" are not about genitalia, again, as that whole concept is built around sex != genderAug 20 03:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics and Security Leftovers []Aug 20 03:15
schestowitzthe split is a modern thingAug 20 03:16
XRevan86So one would argue that in the doctor's office the doctor will have to politely ask for one's sex of birth or stuff like that.Aug 20 03:16
schestowitzlike identity and sexual preferenceAug 20 03:16
XRevan86schestowitz: Definitely, and the word "gender" is taken directly from linguistic studies.Aug 20 03:17
XRevan86Grammatical gender, gendered pronouns -> genderAug 20 03:18
schestowitzanyway, enough with that subjectAug 20 03:18
schestowitzto be clear, I was ranting about the GP situation for cervical screeningAug 20 03:18
schestowitzas I saw the brochure this weekAug 20 03:19
schestowitzmany women die from that cancerAug 20 03:19
XRevan86In Russian words for gender and homeland are cognates.Aug 20 03:19
schestowitzand GPs ought not waste time dealing with people who clearly are not in the risk grouAug 20 03:19
schestowitzthat is time-wasting for the sake of political correctnessAug 20 03:19
schestowitzand women who might develop cancer and don't know about it are denied GP accessAug 20 03:20
XRevan86because gender is essentially a family treeAug 20 03:20
XRevan86or genus to be more exactAug 20 03:20
schestowitzin plain terms:Aug 20 03:22
schestowitzreproduction goes like thisAug 20 03:22
schestowitzthere's a gender that lays eggsAug 20 03:22
schestowitzor keeps them insideAug 20 03:22
schestowitzmammals don't let them hatch outside the bodyAug 20 03:22
schestowitzand the eggs need to be fertilisedAug 20 03:22
schestowitzby some meansAug 20 03:22
schestowitzand that's why the roles are described like this in sexual/reproductive contextAug 20 03:23
XRevan86schestowitz: The social part of it all can get fairly complex.Aug 20 03:23
schestowitzI don't know of species where three are needed to make a new instanceAug 20 03:23
schestowitzXRevan86: social yesAug 20 03:23
schestowitzbut we talk biologicalAug 20 03:23
schestowitzcervix is biologicalAug 20 03:23
schestowitzas is cervical cancerAug 20 03:23
schestowitzcancer is not politicalAug 20 03:23
XRevan86schestowitz: three – wrong, "non-binary" talks about a spectrumAug 20 03:24
schestowitzwe're not talking about trans serving in the armyAug 20 03:24
schestowitzbut prevention of cancel unique to people with a cervixAug 20 03:24
XRevan86So effectively an infinity %)Aug 20 03:24
schestowitzgrey/brown?Aug 20 03:24
schestowitzin between black and white?Aug 20 03:24
schestowitzwhat about "red"?Aug 20 03:24
schestowitzor "yellow"?Aug 20 03:25
schestowitzthose are about melaninAug 20 03:25
schestowitznot genitalsAug 20 03:25
XRevan86Three-dimensional gender theory, now that's revolutionary thinkingAug 20 03:25
schestowitzgenitals aren't like a spectrum thingAug 20 03:25
schestowitzunless you start measuring thingAug 20 03:25
schestowitzbut a 1-inch penis and 10-inch penis are still... penisAug 20 03:25
*drdogcow has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 20 03:25
schestowitzand clitoris is not really a penis, it will never fully function the same wayAug 20 03:26
*drdogcow (~drunkendo@gateway/tor-sasl/drunkendogcowm/x-45413332) has joined #techrightsAug 20 03:26
schestowitzjust like you cannot hear from the nose or small with your earsAug 20 03:26
schestowitz*smellAug 20 03:26
XRevan86schestowitz: Again, it's all in the head, about how one perceives oneself.Aug 20 03:26
schestowitzrightAug 20 03:26
schestowitzthat's what it isAug 20 03:26
schestowitzso leave the head at home when cervical screenings are doneAug 20 03:26
schestowitzleave people with a cervix to maximise screening capacityAug 20 03:27
schestowitziirc, like 10k women die from it each yearAug 20 03:27
schestowitzmaybe moreAug 20 03:27
XRevan86schestowitz: Is there some controversy involving cervical screenings?Aug 20 03:27
schestowitzTrump politics also interfere with medical and biological sciencesAug 20 03:27
schestowitzinc. climate scienceAug 20 03:27
schestowitzthey make it politicalAug 20 03:28
schestowitzXRevan86: apparantlyAug 20 03:28
schestowitzyou should see this brochureAug 20 03:28
schestowitzNHS sent it to is this weekAug 20 03:28
XRevan86Maybe you're making a strawperson, unless you don't %)Aug 20 03:28
schestowitzso much of it is spent talking about transAug 20 03:28
schestowitzwho are a very, very small minority of the populationAug 20 03:28
schestowitzXRevan86: I can take photos for you, of this leaflet, which is like 5 pages longAug 20 03:29
XRevan86schestowitz: That'd be nice :). I'll check it out after sleep. 5:30Aug 20 03:30
schestowitzOKAug 20 03:30
schestowitzrianne was shocked tooAug 20 03:30
schestowitzand upsetAug 20 03:30
schestowitzthey'd be better off getting checked for prostate cancerAug 20 03:31
schestowitzrather than just come "for a chat" with the GPAug 20 03:31
schestowitzimagine doing clinical studiesAug 20 03:31
schestowitzor statistical studies Aug 20 03:31
schestowitz(as I did)Aug 20 03:31
schestowitzwhere you analyse trends, split by gendersAug 20 03:31
schestowitze.g. AlzheimerAug 20 03:32
schestowitzand then being called a bigot... for having 'only' two gendersAug 20 03:32
schestowitzlike, WTH?Aug 20 03:32
schestowitzYou cannot please everyone in this atmosphereAug 20 03:32
schestowitzmidwives having to write "child with a penis"Aug 20 03:32
schestowitzinstead of "it's a male"Aug 20 03:32
schestowitzreligion can be the sameAug 20 03:33
schestowitzRichard Dawkins insists we say, "child with Muslim parents"Aug 20 03:33
schestowitznot "Muslim child"Aug 20 03:33
schestowitzas a little baby never chose a religionAug 20 03:33
XRevan86yes, biology is (mostly) about the two sexesAug 20 03:33
schestowitzjust branded with some baseless, nonfactual dogmaAug 20 03:33
schestowitz"a Putinist child"Aug 20 03:33
schestowitzborn to two Putin votersAug 20 03:33
schestowitzso Putin 'owns' the childAug 20 03:34
XRevan86unless someone is intersexual, they're sexually binaryAug 20 03:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 20/8/2020: New Oracle Solaris, Linux 5.8.2, GraalVM 20.2 []Aug 20 03:35
schestowitzI wonder if some journals already reject good papers for having insufficient gendersAug 20 03:35
XRevan86And even then they probably fall into one biological category or another as far as body development is concernedAug 20 03:35
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsAug 20 03:36
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 03:36
schestowitzbody development is about age and maturityAug 20 03:36
schestowitznot so much about the underlying internal organsAug 20 03:36
schestowitzlike urinary canalsAug 20 03:37
DaemonFC[m] 20 03:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Pirate Bay Receives Under $5 in Bitcoin Donations Per Day * TorrentFreakAug 20 03:37
XRevan86Anyway, sex is an objective categorisation (which can indeed get complicated, but it's a niche even amongst), gender is a subjectiveAug 20 03:37
DaemonFC[m]This is probably why they gave up and tried out a bitcoin miner in the site itself.Aug 20 03:37
schestowitzTPB still going strong?Aug 20 03:37
schestowitz[03:37] <XRevan86> Anyway, sex is an objective categorisation (which can indeed get complicated, but it's a niche even amongst), gender is a subjectiveAug 20 03:38
XRevan86schestowitz: err, I meant *how* it develops like the form of a skullAug 20 03:38
schestowitz[03:37] <XRevan86> Anyway, Free software is an objective categorisation (which can indeed get complicated, but it's a niche even amongst), Open Source is a subjectiveAug 20 03:38
schestowitzThe split create a new classAug 20 03:38
schestowitzand then you get to call lots of proprietary software openAug 20 03:38
schestowitzthe biology did not support the asserationAug 20 03:38
schestowitzso a sub-category got carved outAug 20 03:39
schestowitzor... freedom is badAug 20 03:39
schestowitzbombing id goodAug 20 03:39
schestowitzso let's talk about "openness", not freedomAug 20 03:39
XRevan86schestowitz: It's a workaround that fixes the problem of having gender theory interfering with medical science.Aug 20 03:39
schestowitzand then change the debate to, "do you have a GitHub repo or not?"Aug 20 03:39
schestowitzXRevan86: then it's an identity thingAug 20 03:40
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsAug 20 03:40
schestowitzand it does not belong in the medical contextAug 20 03:40
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 03:40
schestowitzbecause cervical cancer check-ups, for example, are for people with a cervixAug 20 03:40
DaemonFC[m]Microsoft restored a github repo for a iOS jailbreak apparently.Aug 20 03:40
XRevan86schestowitz: that's the pointAug 20 03:40
schestowitzand delivering a baby is generally for femalesAug 20 03:40
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: yes, I saw thatAug 20 03:40
schestowitzbecause they appealsAug 20 03:40
schestowitzTF covered that last week or days agoAug 20 03:41
schestowitzGithub taking it down in the first place, without due process, is a travesityAug 20 03:41
schestowitz*travesty Aug 20 03:41
schestowitzinjustice and cautionary taleAug 20 03:41
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsAug 20 03:42
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 03:42
schestowitzXRevan86: about IBM, I will wait for their PR proxy to replyAug 20 03:43
schestowitzI asked why they contacted me specificallyAug 20 03:43
schestowitztbh, no good can come out of it (for them)Aug 20 03:43
schestowitzPR people would be better off contacting idiots like Swapnil and SJVNAug 20 03:44
schestowitzthe latter became more like the formerAug 20 03:44
schestowitzand ZDNet probably did something to him, like their master Microsoft didAug 20 03:44
schestowitzat least people start to see LF, ZDNet and their lackeys for what they are -- proprietary software PUBLIC RELATIONS groupsAug 20 03:45
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsAug 20 03:57
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 03:57
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Aug 20 04:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 10 Best Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Programs I Found in 2020 []Aug 20 04:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Alex Oliva: phantom breakin #gnu #fsf #tor []Aug 20 04:18
DaemonFC[m] 20 04:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Illinois sees nearly 2,300 daily COVID-19 cases; largest increase in monthsAug 20 04:18
schestowitzimagine if more got tested...Aug 20 04:20
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: yesterday uk wide 800 Aug 20 04:20
schestowitzabout 1 in 100,000Aug 20 04:20
DaemonFC[m]Illinois has a pretty high testing rate.Aug 20 04:20
schestowitzdeaths are in single digit nowAug 20 04:20
DaemonFC[m]Almost double Indiana'sAug 20 04:20
schestowitzwe went to eat out yesterday, in several places... very cheapAug 20 04:21
schestowitzseems like Trumpland is a planned chaosAug 20 04:21
schestowitzthe chaos suits the Orange One nowAug 20 04:21
schestowitzhe wants chaotic electionsAug 20 04:21
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: He shouldn't.Aug 20 04:21
schestowitzwhich he can then discredit and discardAug 20 04:21
DaemonFC[m]People are fucking pissed at him.Aug 20 04:21
schestowitzwelll, too badAug 20 04:21
schestowitzhe ain't leavin'Aug 20 04:22
schestowitzhe already has military officers and police on his sideAug 20 04:22
schestowitzeven in DC photo opsAug 20 04:22
schestowitzyou're basically seriously f'edAug 20 04:22
schestowitzand if you think he's gracefully leaving Jan 20th, keep dreamingAug 20 04:22
schestowitzyou had a coupAug 20 04:22
schestowitzBacked by corporationsAug 20 04:23
DaemonFC[m]He'll try to cause some problems on the way out.Aug 20 04:23
schestowitzjust not publiclyAug 20 04:23
schestowitzas he did in the way INAug 20 04:24
schestowitzlike openly inviting "Russian" to "hack"Aug 20 04:24
schestowitzRussia is no ally of the USAug 20 04:24
schestowitzthey don't need to be enemies, eitherAug 20 04:24
schestowitzbut he keeps inviting foreign interferenceAug 20 04:24
schestowitzlike CHina, according to BoltonAug 20 04:24
DaemonFC[m]I doubt he would have let the Democrats take the House if he had the ability to just set elections aside.Aug 20 04:24
schestowitzthis makes the country look like a COrporationAug 20 04:24
schestowitzThe house of not Trump'sAug 20 04:25
DaemonFC[m]He's losing court case after court case on election lawsuits.Aug 20 04:25
schestowitzthe WHite House isAug 20 04:25
schestowitzit's about him, as well as his Mafia familyAug 20 04:25
schestowitzmaybe he already made succession plans, "as a  joke..."Aug 20 04:25
schestowitzit's not about GOPAug 20 04:25
DaemonFC[m]He's wasting a lot of money suing states over election laws that are being upheld.Aug 20 04:25
schestowitzsome of the GOP even antagonises himAug 20 04:25
DaemonFC[m]His campaign has to pay the state's costs.Aug 20 04:25
schestowitzhe just intimidates those who doAug 20 04:26
DaemonFC[m]They're starting to openly defy him in the Senate.Aug 20 04:26
DaemonFC[m]They did not have to call in his postmaster or add bailout money to their version of the next Coronavirus bill.Aug 20 04:26
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I think the election will go okay. DeJoy is in full retreat.Aug 20 04:28
DaemonFC[m]He realizes he's fucked if Trump loses, and his monkeying around with the post office has drawn a lot of attention.Aug 20 04:28
DaemonFC[m]Not just for that, but criminal conflict of interest.Aug 20 04:28
DaemonFC[m]Trump isn't the kind of guy who pardons his accomplices. He just leaves them to rot in prison.Aug 20 04:29
DaemonFC[m]So DeJoy seems to realize his boss has months left and he could end up in court if he ruffles feathers.Aug 20 04:29
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Trump losing the election and fleeing to Russia is more likely.Aug 20 04:30
DaemonFC[m]He won't be stopping to pardon people.Aug 20 04:31
DaemonFC[m]The Post Office is bringing in an outside PR agency to run commercials with DeJoy and the Postal Union officials telling people to vote by mail.Aug 20 04:32
DaemonFC[m]Trump is reported to be annoyed.Aug 20 04:32
schestowitzso?Aug 20 04:33
schestowitzhe has nukesAug 20 04:33
schestowitzand gets away with far too muchAug 20 04:33
DaemonFC[m]He's operating on the fringes of the law.Aug 20 04:34
schestowitzdon't underestimate armed militias ans madame harmon and Carl Farmer backing a naziAug 20 04:34
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: yes, andAug 20 04:34
DaemonFC[m]They don't really matter much.Aug 20 04:34
schestowitzso does the mafiaAug 20 04:34
schestowitzand they're still aroundAug 20 04:34
DaemonFC[m]In our system, they live in a state that is expected to go for Trump by about 11-14 points.Aug 20 04:34
DaemonFC[m]2 more votes don't gain Trump anything.Aug 20 04:34
DaemonFC[m]Also, Indiana's House districts are so gerrymandered that their votes for the House don't matter either.Aug 20 04:35
DaemonFC[m]I think that if the election was a foregone conclusion, McConnell wouldn't be trying to pack the courts and urging Republican judges to retire now so their replacements can be Republicans.Aug 20 04:42
schestowitzyupAug 20 04:44
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: any progress on jones court docs?Aug 20 04:44
schestowitzI want to research some further stuff... preferably things nobody else has coveredAug 20 04:47
schestowitzthat's our specialty anywayAug 20 04:47
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: want to read with me the new draft?Aug 20 04:49
schestowitzit's about zoobab and ffiiAug 20 04:49
schestowitzswpatsAug 20 04:49
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, sorry.Aug 20 04:49
DaemonFC[m]Feeling a little woozy.Aug 20 04:49
DaemonFC[m]I got a few vaccines today. Third round of Hepatitis and a flu shot.Aug 20 04:50
DaemonFC[m]They didn't have a Hepatitis A vaccine until 1995 apparently, so when I found out I wasn't immune to it, I started that one.Aug 20 04:50
DaemonFC[m]Thank god these are over. That Twinrix shot really hurts.Aug 20 04:51
schestowitzthank you. quick: 20 04:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) on the European Commission ‘Public’ Consultation Regarding a Misnomer | TechrightsAug 20 04:51
DaemonFC[m]They said no harm would be caused by doing a round of the Hep B ones again.Aug 20 04:51
schestowitzonceAug 20 04:51
schestowitzyeah, I got some shots before travel to asiaAug 20 04:51
DaemonFC[m]Still had immunity leftover from 1984. Aug 20 04:51
schestowitzbut they did not hurtAug 20 04:52
schestowitzBTW, Gates facesssss maaaaassssive backlash right nowAug 20 04:52
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Well, it's lifetime immunity and the insurance covers it now.Aug 20 04:52
schestowitzthe context being the vaccineAug 20 04:52
schestowitzwhich does not help tbh, I'd rather they focus on other anglesAug 20 04:52
DaemonFC[m]Might just get my travel shots in case I want to go to the Philippines with Mandy sometime after he gets the Green Card.Aug 20 04:52
schestowitzas that conflates his critics with anti-vaxxersAug 20 04:52
schestowitzthe real issue is the greedAug 20 04:52
schestowitzbgr talks about his vaccine factories like an act of generosity!Aug 20 04:53
DaemonFC[m]The way thing work in the US, it costs about $450 to get Hep A/B vaccine series without insurance.Aug 20 04:53
schestowitzbloody hell, are they too paid to relay this "business as charity" BS?Aug 20 04:53
DaemonFC[m]No guarantee I'll always have good coverage.Aug 20 04:53
schestowitzthe shots cost almost nothing to makeAug 20 04:53
schestowitzneedle = centsAug 20 04:53
schestowitzgp time = a few dollarsAug 20 04:53
DaemonFC[m]I know, and they're $150 each!Aug 20 04:53
schestowitzfluid = centsAug 20 04:54
schestowitzsum total = less than a fiver for sureAug 20 04:54
DaemonFC[m]Maybe $10 if you count the labor of the pharmacy staff. Aug 20 04:54
schestowitzfair enoughAug 20 04:54
DaemonFC[m]These things make them a lot of money. They say they don't, but that's compared to a bottle of pills that costs up to $4,000.Aug 20 04:54
schestowitzusually r&d is done on taxpayer's $Aug 20 04:54
DaemonFC[m]Perspective!Aug 20 04:54
schestowitzgreedAug 20 04:55
schestowitzfor the "job creator"Aug 20 04:55
schestowitz"pay us, create jobsssss"Aug 20 04:55
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: see the above articleAug 20 04:55
schestowitzabout software patentsAug 20 04:55
schestowitztypos likelyAug 20 04:55
schestowitzkei focuses on drug patents, we focus on software patentAug 20 04:56
DaemonFC[m]"What about the European Commission, which now has in it Battistelli allies"Aug 20 04:57
DaemonFC[m]Might say "is now infested with".Aug 20 04:57
schestowitztoo strongAug 20 04:57
schestowitzthey're humansAug 20 04:57
schestowitznot verminAug 20 04:57
DaemonFC[m]instead help dictatorsAug 20 04:57
DaemonFC[m]should be "helps"Aug 20 04:57
DaemonFC[m]Also, newline the next sentence.Aug 20 04:58
schestowitztrue, fixesAug 20 04:58
DaemonFC[m]"it a person"Aug 20 04:58
DaemonFC[m]it is a personAug 20 04:58
DaemonFC[m]"are also loudest"Aug 20 04:59
DaemonFC[m]the loudest Aug 20 05:00
DaemonFC[m](minor nit)Aug 20 05:00
DaemonFC[m]"patent trolls enabler"Aug 20 05:00
DaemonFC[m]troll should be singular since it refers to a behavior in generalAug 20 05:00
schestowitzthanksAug 20 05:01
DaemonFC[m]"but it can take like a decade"Aug 20 05:01
schestowitzI found "focus->focused"Aug 20 05:01
DaemonFC[m]but it might take up to a decadeAug 20 05:01
DaemonFC[m]"We in the meantime focus"Aug 20 05:03
DaemonFC[m]In the meantime, we focusAug 20 05:03
DaemonFC[m]Rest seems fine.Aug 20 05:03
schestowitzok, all doneAug 20 05:04
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: if you have time available, can you help us research more examples of IBM racism in its 100+ years?Aug 20 05:05
schestowitzThey are planning a massive PR campaignAug 20 05:05
schestowitzabout how they're anti-racismAug 20 05:05
schestowitzit's a hogwashAug 20 05:05
*smnthermes has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 20 05:06
schestowitz> As part of a group of social justice efforts known as Emb(race), theAug 20 05:07
schestowitz> *IBM Academy of Technology launched an internal initiative to identifyAug 20 05:07
schestowitz> and replace IT terminology that promotes racial and cultural bias.* InAug 20 05:07
schestowitz> partnership with our style and diversity councils, IBM will conduct aAug 20 05:07
schestowitz> thorough evaluation of each term that has been flagged for review, andAug 20 05:07
schestowitz> in some cases recommend an unbiased replacement term. IBM’s goal is toAug 20 05:07
schestowitz> promote inclusive language in IT and to provide opportunities for ourAug 20 05:07
schestowitz> employees to work together towards this goal.Aug 20 05:07
schestowitzall about languageAug 20 05:07
schestowitzhollow and emptyAug 20 05:07
schestowitznot substantial changeAug 20 05:07
*kupi has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)Aug 20 05:08
schestowitz 20 05:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM abandons 'biased' facial recognition tech - BBC NewsAug 20 05:09
schestowitz 20 05:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | THINK Blog -Aug 20 05:11
schestowitz 20 05:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Words Matter: Driving Thoughtful Change Toward Inclusive Language in Technology - THINK BlogAug 20 05:12
schestowitzseems like the PR offensive officially began yesterdayAug 20 05:13
schestowitzso they contacted me after it was startedAug 20 05:14
schestowitzmaybe I should respond alreadyAug 20 05:14
schestowitzthough I want to interview them with the tougher questionsAug 20 05:14
schestowitz: #ibm is planning a PR offensive to portray itself as the opposite of what it really is []Aug 20 05:15
schestowitz[05:10] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We are disappointed that IBM CEO Ginni Rometty's open letter to President-elect Donald Trump does not affirm IBMers' core values of diversity, inclusiveness, and ethical business conduct." []Aug 20 05:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PleromaAug 20 05:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Aug 20 05:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PleromaAug 20 05:15
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "DaemonFC: if you have time avail"> Yeah.Aug 20 05:16
DaemonFC[m]I'm planning to start dumping all of SCO v. IBM into RECAP next week.Aug 20 05:16
DaemonFC[m]For the record.Aug 20 05:16
schestowitzIBM was on the good side in that oneAug 20 05:16
DaemonFC[m]The court documents aren't publicly available and I'm kind of surprised.Aug 20 05:16
schestowitzand the case is largely over, historyAug 20 05:16
schestowitzGroklaw uploaded many docsAug 20 05:17
schestowitzwhether they're still accessible from there is another questionAug 20 05:17
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Support Richard Stallman, Jacob Appelbaum, and other good people! | 20 05:31
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: are you around?Aug 20 06:07
schestowitzI need help proofreading thisAug 20 06:07
schestowitzXRevan86: the name is alexei, right?Aug 20 06:08
schestowitzor you prefer alex, maybe?Aug 20 06:08
schestowitzI quoted you a bitAug 20 06:08
DaemonFC[m]YeahAug 20 06:12
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I had to get Mandy caught up on like all the vaccines.Aug 20 06:12
DaemonFC[m]Stuff that we usually do at birth even.Aug 20 06:13
DaemonFC[m]He had never even had a Tetanus shot.Aug 20 06:14
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: 20 06:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM Never Apologised For Making Billions Out of Overt Racism, Now It Wants to Ban Words Used to Communicate Such Issues and It’s Bombarding Journalists to Seed Misleading Puff Pieces | TechrightsAug 20 06:25
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: not literally "at birth"Aug 20 06:25
schestowitzor it could get more bloody than it already isAug 20 06:25
schestowitz"push, push.... the head is almost near the meedle"Aug 20 06:25
schestowitz*needleAug 20 06:25
DaemonFC[m]lolAug 20 06:29
DaemonFC[m]"over-simplistic"Aug 20 06:29
DaemonFC[m]Unnecessary hyphenation.Aug 20 06:29
DaemonFC[m]"Krishna etc."Aug 20 06:31
DaemonFC[m]needs a commaAug 20 06:31
DaemonFC[m]"The intent of this new campaign is obvious. They obviously want people to stop talking about racism at IBM."Aug 20 06:33
DaemonFC[m]I'd say obviously is redundant.Aug 20 06:33
DaemonFC[m]"Over the past few months I saw in online forums people"Aug 20 06:34
DaemonFC[m]Over the past few months, I saw people in online forumsAug 20 06:34
DaemonFC[m]"who mention how"Aug 20 06:35
DaemonFC[m]who mention thatAug 20 06:35
DaemonFC[m]"languages folks"Aug 20 06:35
DaemonFC[m]languages, folksAug 20 06:35
DaemonFC[m]"nukes and"Aug 20 06:36
DaemonFC[m]nukes, andAug 20 06:36
DaemonFC[m]"Regardless or what words"Aug 20 06:38
DaemonFC[m]ofAug 20 06:38
DaemonFC[m]"stop or cause racism on their own"Aug 20 06:39
DaemonFC[m]stop, or cause racism on their ownAug 20 06:39
DaemonFC[m]"discussion over ethics and morality"Aug 20 06:40
DaemonFC[m]discussion of ethics and moralityAug 20 06:40
DaemonFC[m]"actual substance."Aug 20 06:40
DaemonFC[m]It's a question so it should end with a question mark.Aug 20 06:40
schestowitzdone, thanksAug 20 06:43
schestowitz[06:31] <DaemonFC[m]> "Krishna etc."Aug 20 06:43
schestowitzI rephrased to clarifyAug 20 06:43
schestowitzKrishna paired with the other, so no need for comma, just connecting wordsAug 20 06:44
schestowitzEither way, I wait to see the puff pieces todayAug 20 06:44
schestowitzmaybe lots of them started alreadyAug 20 06:44
schestowitzand ZDNet/SJVN will likely participateAug 20 06:44
schestowitzlovely IBMAug 20 06:44
schestowitzfighting for blacksAug 20 06:44
schestowitz 20 06:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Full Story (With References) of IBM’s Role in a Purge of Black People and Mixed-Race Couples | TechrightsAug 20 06:44
*obarun ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 07:25
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The Best Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma 5 []Aug 20 10:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: FreeBSD Foundation Celebrates 20 Years of Promoting and Supporting FreeBSD Project []Aug 20 10:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 9 open source leaders I enjoy following on Twitter []Aug 20 10:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KeePassXC Password Manager Gets Better Xfce Support, Improved Password Generator []Aug 20 10:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Announcing the release of Oracle Linux 7 Update 9 Beta []Aug 20 10:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Android Leftovers []Aug 20 10:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Aug 20 10:49
*mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 10:53
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*obarun has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 20 12:00
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kingoffrancenever forget, we got hexadecimal supposedly because sexadecimal was too racy for ibmAug 20 12:22
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MinceR 20 12:41
XRevan86schestowitz: That's my name.Aug 20 13:06
XRevan86schestowitz: No, "Alex" is too easy to confuse with Alexander. Alexis, Alexy, Alexei, Aleksey…Aug 20 13:09
XRevan86 what a great mapAug 20 13:25
schestowitzXRevan86: okAug 20 13:26
schestowitzXRevan86: looks like privacy mapAug 20 13:28
schestowitzwhich includes imperial pillageAug 20 13:28
schestowitz*piracyAug 20 13:28
schestowitznot privacyAug 20 13:28
oiaohmI am not sure that is any better..   USA is a mix of different systems.Aug 20 13:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Single transferable vote - WikipediaAug 20 13:30
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: MUD, Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe and More []Aug 20 13:30
XRevan86oiaohm: Haven't given that system a great deal of thought, but it does sound better than FPTPAug 20 13:31
XRevan86I.e. not as vulnerable to divide and conquerAug 20 13:32
oiaohmBig thing I see is mandatory voting.Aug 20 13:32
oiaohmAustralia you either vote or pay a fine.Aug 20 13:33
XRevan86schestowitz: Piracy map? With targets you mean?Aug 20 13:33
oiaohmXRevan86: countries with laws that are anti-privacy in a big way.Aug 20 13:33
XRevan86oiaohm: RF, PRC and DPRK feel left out.Aug 20 13:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: FSFE: EU should reconsider the notion of “intellectual property” []Aug 20 13:36
oiaohmXRevan86: to be correct the anti-privacy by the ones on that map are horrible nasty.   As in you are a  USA company you have servers over seas storing records that don't own to any USA cits and the USA law say the USA enforcement bodies can ask you to get that information in a spy like  way legally.Aug 20 13:37
oiaohmRF, PRC, DPRK laws are not this horrible far reaching.Aug 20 13:38
oiaohmOk I am not going to say they will not do it other ways anyhow.Aug 20 13:38
oiaohmBut its not coded into their laws that its in fact legal.Aug 20 13:38
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrightsAug 20 13:39
XRevan86> USA is a mix of different systems.Aug 20 13:39
XRevan86So is RF. I guess this is about national elections, since on local elections Russia has FPTP, which is how United Russia manages to keep 95% of the seats while being a voting minority almost everywhere.Aug 20 13:39
XRevan86United Russia is united, that helps a lot.Aug 20 13:39
XRevan86Ruling party is one, opposition is many.Aug 20 13:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Aug 20 13:46
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 13:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mesa 20.1.6 Released []Aug 20 13:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: MuQSS/BFS Scheduler Developer Con Kolivas Says Linux Became Bloated []Aug 20 14:03
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsAug 20 14:06
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: BSDNow, TLLTS, Bad Voltage, MX Linux, Freespire and More []Aug 20 14:20
schestowitzXRevan86: looks like the IBM piece is going 'viral' nowAug 20 14:23
schestowitz2 reads per secondAug 20 14:23
schestowitznot sure where it comes from, doesn't matter much tbhAug 20 14:24
schestowitzoh, I seeAug 20 14:24
schestowitzHacker NewsAug 20 14:24
schestowitzThey'll censor us in no time!Aug 20 14:24
schestowitz(the usual)Aug 20 14:24
schestowitzfront pageAug 20 14:26
schestowitzI need to make the site lighter, some people get db errorAug 20 14:26
schestowitzwill monitor for spking (from front page)Aug 20 14:26
schestowitzthey almost always censor links to us sooner or laterAug 20 14:27
schestowitzusing some totally opaque processAug 20 14:27
schestowitzwhich I presume involves their VCs not wanting certain stories airedAug 20 14:27
schestowitzOh, it is moving upAug 20 14:29
schestowitzwon't be longAug 20 14:29
schestowitzI want to see when and 'why' they spike itAug 20 14:29
schestowitzthere is never a reasonAug 20 14:29
schestowitzeither in the comments of from editor... just... goneAug 20 14:29
schestowitzHN is a jokeAug 20 14:29
schestowitzI want to observe how they deal with this one.. this time aroundAug 20 14:30
schestowitzstill in front page, 39 minsAug 20 14:39
schestowitzfrom 5 comments, to 10, not 15Aug 20 14:39
schestowitzadjacent to some redhat/ibm puff piece about mainframesAug 20 14:40
schestowitz*now 15Aug 20 14:40
schestowitzI really wish I know who inside HN is responsible to just nuking stories based on no rationale, def. not factualAug 20 14:40
schestowitznow 20 commentsAug 20 14:43
schestowitzso far, so goodAug 20 14:43
schestowitzI am NOT reading commentsAug 20 14:43
schestowitzbut I bet you they'll spike it shortly, as soon as the monopolists' apologist(s) spots itAug 20 14:44
schestowitz25 comments, still not spiked, still front pageAug 20 14:47
schestowitzNow the positioning of the story becomes awkwardAug 20 14:49
schestowitzit has a lot more points in  a much shorter period of timeAug 20 14:50
schestowitzyet it's sliding down in the ranks, who knows why... either you're "algo" is deliberately buggy or some manual intervention if thereAug 20 14:50
schestowitzAnd now it's out of the front pageAug 20 14:53
schestowitzin spite of becoming more popular in a shorter amount of time than most stories thereAug 20 14:53
schestowitzNH: broken derankingAug 20 14:53
schestowitz*HNAug 20 14:53
XRevan86> some people get db errorAug 20 14:54
XRevan86max connections?Aug 20 14:54
schestowitzmaybe, but I saw one comment about itAug 20 14:54
schestowitzthat should not be too big an issueAug 20 14:55
schestowitzjust looked quicklyAug 20 14:55
schestowitzone person said "broken DB"Aug 20 14:55
schestowitzI was linking a bit to the site at the timeAug 20 14:55
schestowitzIf I link to it from diapora and mastodon at the same time it always overwhelms and breaks it temporarilyAug 20 14:56
schestowitzso I do one at a time, about 2 mins apartAug 20 14:56
schestowitzthe DB thing isn't cause for derankingAug 20 14:56
*psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrightsAug 20 15:00
XRevan86schestowitz: One easy way to catch those is to enable sql_errlog in MariaDBAug 20 15:03
schestowitzit's a capacity issueAug 20 15:03
schestowitzit's not a mystery to meAug 20 15:04
schestowitzso debugging is not the pointAug 20 15:04
schestowitzwe no longer use varnishAug 20 15:04
schestowitzmaybe one day we will againAug 20 15:04
schestowitzthis weekend I am partly free, in case Ariadne finds the time, she was busy last weekendAug 20 15:04
schestowitzwhen our layoffs article became a front page story it was like 100 hits/secAug 20 15:05
schestowitzand so I disabled anything I could on the server just to leave it more capacityAug 20 15:05
schestowitzalso removed from wordpress some cruft that isn't criticalAug 20 15:06
schestowitzeventually over 150k people read that articleAug 20 15:06
schestowitzright now HN front page is so shallowAug 20 15:07
schestowitzA lot of it you could ad "MARKETING" to as a flairAug 20 15:07
schestowitzbecause that's what it links to, mindless puff pieces with buzzwords like "HEY HI"Aug 20 15:07
schestowitzand with fewer points and comments than our articleAug 20 15:07
XRevan86schestowitz: It's just a little something that helps seeing errors easily, including a failure to process.Aug 20 15:07
schestowitzand in longer period of time, too!Aug 20 15:07
XRevan86"capacity" – Another great optional thing MariaDB has is a thread pool.Aug 20 15:08
schestowitzwhen I saw it struggling an hour ago at some points it was doing 3000kb/secAug 20 15:08
schestowitzor a bit moreAug 20 15:08
schestowitzand this gets routed to many addressesAug 20 15:08
XRevan86> we no longer use varnishAug 20 15:09
XRevan86That's fine as long as you're not using Apache httpd… which you do %)Aug 20 15:09
schestowitznot like shooting over USB interfaces to external HDD at 1000mb/secAug 20 15:09
XRevan86"X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.16" – ouch, why is this exposed…Aug 20 15:09
schestowitziirc, Ariadne wants to move us to nginxAug 20 15:09
schestowitzor lighttpd, I think she mentioned the formerAug 20 15:10
schestowitzwe also don't use the latest mariadbAug 20 15:10
XRevan86schestowitz: lighttpd is practically dead, so that's not a good choice.Aug 20 15:10
schestowitzbut a more modern version of it nonetheless as it has its own alpine container nowAug 20 15:10
Ariadneyes, nginx, containers and php 7 on fastcgiAug 20 15:10
XRevan86schestowitz: I'm using 10.3.Aug 20 15:10
Ariadnethat should fix the capacity issue.Aug 20 15:11
Ariadnebecause then we can cacheAug 20 15:11
schestowitzanyway, IBM's lying campaign is off to a weak start. They outsourced to a PR agency, which I suspect knows nothing about my views on this topicAug 20 15:11
schestowitzAriadne: I see..Aug 20 15:11
XRevan86Even without a cache that's a much more performant configurationAug 20 15:12
AriadneXRevan86: yes, and by using containers, we can isolate each part of the site into separate security domainAug 20 15:12
schestowitzHN tossed if after 4.3k viewsAug 20 15:12
schestowitzI made 4 snapshots of the pageAug 20 15:13
schestowitzto study later if they did something to derail it on purposeAug 20 15:13
AriadneHN mods can simply bury things if they wishAug 20 15:14
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsAug 20 15:14
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XRevan86Anyway, the sql_errlog and the thread pool didn't appear yesterday, so if you're using at least MariaDB 5.5, they both should be present.Aug 20 15:14
schestowitzow 45 commentsAug 20 15:15
schestowitzbut based on points, it should still be in FPAug 20 15:15
schestowitzsometimes is tweaking the ranksAug 20 15:15
schestowitzand it's not fairAug 20 15:15
schestowitzthey have bias inherent to editorsAug 20 15:15
schestowitzAriadne: they always do, eventuallyAug 20 15:15
schestowitzand they seem to have a thing against techrightsAug 20 15:15
schestowitzsome people in mastodon complained about them becoming very "Corporate" and suckingAug 20 15:16
schestowitzand this was blamed on VCsAug 20 15:16
schestowitzThe site's name is misleading thenAug 20 15:17
schestowitztraditionally the hacker culture challenged the oligopoly in techAug 20 15:18
schestowitzit was a digital counter-culture of sortsAug 20 15:18
Ariadnehacker news is operated by a VC firm, yesAug 20 15:19
Ariadnethey are not friends of free softwareAug 20 15:19
schestowitz "Service 'The Koji Buildsystem' now has status: good: Everything seems to be working."Aug 20 15:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora Infrastructure - StatusAug 20 15:20
schestowitzit ran out of disk space some hours agoAug 20 15:20
schestowitzAriadne: which VC firm?Aug 20 15:20
schestowitzI did not look into that claimAug 20 15:20
schestowitzis it y combinator?Aug 20 15:21
schestowitzwhich iirc was netscape founder among others? Or maybe that's Horowitz and co?Aug 20 15:21
Ariadney combinator is altmanAug 20 15:22
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsAug 20 15:24
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schestowitzI think netscape's founder is a two-name one, with andersenAug 20 15:29
schestowitzbut I forgot the otherAug 20 15:29
schestowitz"hacker" news that's uncaring about Free software is like "FOSS" bytes that's glorifying everything Bill GatesAug 20 15:30
schestowitzWe live in a strange and dishonest, opportunistic worldAug 20 15:30
schestowitzBUT YOUR ARCTIC VAULT!!! 20 15:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GitHub Takes Down Pirate Streaming App 'King Club' Following MPA Complaint * TorrentFreakAug 20 15:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos #howto #gnu #linux []Aug 20 15:33
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers []Aug 20 15:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security and Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt/Fear-mongering/Dramatisation []Aug 20 15:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming []Aug 20 15:43
*kingoffrance (~x@2601:681:8200:b890::9b41) has joined #techrightsAug 20 15:56
*psydread wouldn't be surprised if Bill Gates ended up in the Arctic Vault some day, as there is nothing more valuable on GithubAug 20 16:31
schestowitzmy old joke...Aug 20 16:34
schestowitzI made it several times this yearAug 20 16:34
schestowitzLike MarcosAug 20 16:35
schestowitz"keep me frozen, maybe someone who actually graduated from college will bring me back... or Duterte"Aug 20 16:35
schestowitzis it normal for hackernews pages to always take like 10 seconds to load?Aug 20 16:39
schestowitz(sometimes more)Aug 20 16:39
XRevan86Ariadne: If you're still around, there's a rather controversial topic that was brought up the previous night (UTC): what is the basis for the concept of "non-binary genders", so in case you understand the argument better than I do (likely)…Aug 20 17:00
XRevan86does it hold up?Aug 20 17:00
XRevan86The way I see sexual/gender identity is how a person sees their place in the world, whether they look up to women for "acceptable" social roles or to men from the childhood. I know kids do that, but I cannot recall myself making an effort to copy anyone in particular, so to me that's also knowledge that hasn't been drawn from personal experience.Aug 20 17:06
XRevan86It's becoming increasingly difficult not to have a well-argued stance on this.Aug 20 17:11
XRevan86As when schestowitz or other people bring it up, all I can really say it "don't touch this topic"Aug 20 17:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Proprietary Software and Microsoft Issues []Aug 20 17:23
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers []Aug 20 17:26
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz 20 17:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested on charges of defrauding donors in fundraising schemeAug 20 17:30
schestowitzWe don't live in Singapore, XRevan86Aug 20 17:31
schestowitzmany people say the same about Palestine and slavery etc.Aug 20 17:31
schestowitzand that means particular topics are just guarded offAug 20 17:31
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: oh goodAug 20 17:32
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: 20 17:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Friend of #epstein (visited his home even) Steve Bannon #arrested Aug 20 17:33
DaemonFC[m]They also bagged Brian Kolfage.Aug 20 17:33
schestowitzwho's that?Aug 20 17:33
schestowitzlol "bagged"Aug 20 17:33
schestowitzin an unmarked van?Aug 20 17:33
DaemonFC[m]A far right nut affiliated with QAnon who ran the scheme.Aug 20 17:33
DaemonFC[m]Facebook closed down a bunch of his accounts previously and he appeared on Fox News to accuse anyone who doesn't like Trump of a "derangement syndrome".Aug 20 17:34
schestowitzprojectionAug 20 17:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OSS: Nextcloud, Terrascan and More []Aug 20 17:36
DaemonFC[m]Kokfage tricked conservares into donating over $125 million to We Build The Wall and then funneled it into provate accounts for himself, Steve Bannon, and others. He's a troll who conned a bunch of Trump voters out of their money.Aug 20 17:36
schestowitzlike "law and order"Aug 20 17:36
schestowitztrump is all lawAug 20 17:36
schestowitztrump is all orderAug 20 17:36
schestowitz:-)Aug 20 17:36
DaemonFC[m]In the federal just us system, there are police with no name tags and white vans who enforce their loyalty oath to Trumpler instead of the United States Constitution these are their stories. DUM DUM!Aug 20 17:38
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz USCIS said their website was wrong and I may have filed for Mandy's new work permit too early.Aug 20 17:40
DaemonFC[m]She said the worst that could happen is they kick it back and I have to file a new one later.Aug 20 17:40
DaemonFC[m]Fuckers.Aug 20 17:40
DaemonFC[m]It's up to the office in Chicago whether to process it.Aug 20 17:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics and Benchmarks []Aug 20 17:41
schestowitzdon't worry, the mail is still I head (Post Office)Aug 20 17:42
schestowitzsnail pace, ohJoy!Aug 20 17:42
schestowitz /s/head/hearAug 20 17:43
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s leftovers []Aug 20 17:44
DaemonFC[m]The mail got it there in one day.Aug 20 17:45
schestowitzohNoJoyAug 20 17:46
schestowitzDE-JoyAug 20 17:46
schestowitz Aug 20 17:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nearly 7 in 10 Americans Are "Embarrassed" by Trump's COVID ResponseAug 20 17:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #techrights Links 20/8/2020: #Mesa 20.1.6 Release, #Nextcloud Desktop Client 3.0 []Aug 20 17:55
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Aug 20 18:05
schestowitz      <li>Aug 20 18:11
schestowitz        <h5><a href="">'Immoral, Criminal, Inexcusable': Climate Groups Furious as DNC Drops Support for Ending Fossil Fuel Handouts From Platform</a></h5>Aug 20 18:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Immoral, Criminal, Inexcusable': Climate Groups Furious as DNC Drops Support for Ending Fossil Fuel Handouts From Platform | Common Dreams NewsAug 20 18:11
schestowitz        <blockquote>Aug 20 18:11
schestowitz          <p>"It's outrageous that the Dem establishment is caving to big money donors and moving backwards on fossil fuel subsidies."</p></blockquote></li>Aug 20 18:11
schestowitzGOP 'lite'Aug 20 18:11
schestowitzthe oil companies have both parties in their pocketsAug 20 18:11
schestowitzbut... never TrumpAug 20 18:11
schestowitzthat's what the whole 'election' is reduced toAug 20 18:11
schestowitzon big issues?Aug 20 18:12
schestowitzSame policiesAug 20 18:12
schestowitzbanks, wars...Aug 20 18:12
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: The Health Department has turned their office into a fortress.Aug 20 18:17
DaemonFC[m]Hiding behind plexiglass barriers, forcing everyone to submit to hand sanitizer while they make sure you apply it properly and a temperature check, and making you wear one of their surgical masks even though you came in wearing a KN95.Aug 20 18:18
DaemonFC[m]Meanwhile, these are the assholes who said it was safe to go out to a restaurant, or the mall.Aug 20 18:18
DaemonFC[m]If it's such great advice, why aren't they the first people to take it?Aug 20 18:18
DaemonFC[m]They don't go make the mall take customer temperatures or have the cops out there to deal with people who refuse to wear a mask.Aug 20 18:19
DaemonFC[m]Whatever cooperation there has been with the law seems to be with no actual "or else" coming from the government, so the assholes who won't pitch in get a free ride with no consequences. It threatens the integrity of the whole system.Aug 20 18:20
DaemonFC[m]We've come a long way from state governments that actually cared about getting a plague under control to the point where they quarantined someone indefinitely and said "Oh, you can leave anytime you want. You have to take the vaccine first.".Aug 20 18:21
DaemonFC[m]Fauci said nobody will be forced to take the vaccine.Aug 20 18:21
schestowitzshamed into it, yesAug 20 18:21
schestowitzbill and media(c)Aug 20 18:21
schestowitzcan't go back to work without "app" and "vaccine"Aug 20 18:22
DaemonFC[m]The Republicans are trying to make it impossible to sue businesses for making you sick, and without that liability, they'd be saying "no vaccine, no job" to all their employees.Aug 20 18:22
schestowitzthe bill taxAug 20 18:22
DaemonFC[m]*withAug 20 18:22
DaemonFC[m]Without it, who cares?Aug 20 18:22
DaemonFC[m]You cause an outbreak that makes 1,000 people sick. What are they going to do?Aug 20 18:22
DaemonFC[m]That's the Republican bill.Aug 20 18:22
schestowitzcontain the spreadAug 20 18:23
schestowitzin the UK we now have only 800 or so covid patients left in hospitalsAug 20 18:23
schestowitzthe numbers go down as we reopenAug 20 18:23
DaemonFC[m]One of those conspiracies says that Bill Gates had this virus engineered so that it would "leak out" and create an emergency need for a vaccine for everyone in the world.Aug 20 18:24
schestowitzon ventilator we have 70Aug 20 18:24
schestowitzthat's one in a millionAug 20 18:24
schestowitzor so-called prime minister was on oneAug 20 18:24
DaemonFC[m]Is it really so difficult to believe that "someone" deliberately altered SARS or MERS style viruses to make them less lethal and harder to notice until it was too late?Aug 20 18:24
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: those cranks go furtherAug 20 18:24
schestowitzsome would tell you he released it last year to distract from pedophilia ringsAug 20 18:25
DaemonFC[m]It would be great for economic warfare.Aug 20 18:25
schestowitzand this is where you land on 'qanon' territoriesAug 20 18:25
DaemonFC[m]China gets it under control quickly because they know what it is and how to contain it right away.Aug 20 18:25
schestowitzwhere, according to them, the whole world is run by pedophiles or somethingAug 20 18:25
DaemonFC[m]But they get propaganda value for harsh tactics that ignore human rights.Aug 20 18:25
DaemonFC[m]Then they run articles about how people are partying with no masks in Wuhan again.Aug 20 18:25
schestowitzand swimming poolsAug 20 18:26
schestowitzand reopened store, inc. Apple onesAug 20 18:26
DaemonFC[m]Meanwhile, it bowls over the United States and Europe and gets us out of the way while China gets more and more powerful.Aug 20 18:26
schestowitz 20 18:26
DaemonFC[m]We're too busy to deal with it.Aug 20 18:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Donald Trump’s Trash Against China Helps Prop up Microsoft Monopoly and Distract From All the Microsoft Layoffs | TechrightsAug 20 18:26
schestowitz6 deaths here todayAug 20 18:29
schestowitzwe barely surpass 10 nowAug 20 18:29
schestowitzand people are drinking and eating outAug 20 18:29
schestowitzso I hope we can now refocus on rebuilding the societyAug 20 18:30
schestowitzhope...Aug 20 18:30
schestowitzmany things will never be back to what they used to beAug 20 18:30
DaemonFC[m]Somehow it's so widespread the Prime Minister gets it.Aug 20 18:30
DaemonFC[m]Yet it's so rare that you can go shopping.Aug 20 18:30
DaemonFC[m]How does that work?Aug 20 18:30
schestowitzhe shook everybody's handsAug 20 18:31
DaemonFC[m]You'd think that some fat bureaucrat would be able to socially distance and work remotely easier than most. Aug 20 18:31
schestowitzPM got it when the cases were soaringAug 20 18:31
DaemonFC[m]How does a plumber or a cashier do that?Aug 20 18:31
schestowitzhe also shook many hands at hospitalsAug 20 18:31
schestowitzto show offAug 20 18:31
schestowitzidiot 'politician'Aug 20 18:31
schestowitzhe deserved what he gotAug 20 18:32
DaemonFC[m]Well that was dumb.Aug 20 18:32
schestowitzgoing to napAug 20 18:32
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, I don't like saying "He had it coming." but some people really do. Aug 20 18:32
DaemonFC[m]Church with no masks on. Filled down to every last seat, shoulder to shoulder.Aug 20 18:32
DaemonFC[m]Motorcycle rallies.Aug 20 18:32
DaemonFC[m]Where the performers say "Fuck this Coronavirus nonsense!" on the stage.Aug 20 18:33
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: People's perception of personal risk is seriously fucked up.Aug 20 18:34
DaemonFC[m]Remember when they locked Boston down during that manhunt and absolutely nobody came out?Aug 20 18:34
DaemonFC[m]They never committed to anything like that to the Coronavirus, and it's killed 200,000 people in the US by the first week of September for sure.Aug 20 18:35
DaemonFC[m]Fox News was selling the Iraq War in 2002 and it was an entire year of wall to wall "What if a terrorist gets a dirty bomb!?" and they never once mentioned "So what if they do?" It's not like it's a nuclear weapon or there would be so much radiation that an entire area would be uninhabitable. (not even a city block) Fox News has been a Republican rag for many, many years which has never concerned itself with facts.Aug 20 18:36
DaemonFC[m]They panic people like my mom with the dumbest shit that's actually almost no threat at all, and then they trivialize the pandemic.Aug 20 18:37
DaemonFC[m]So she has a warped perception of reality, and Fox News is part of the reason why.Aug 20 18:37
DaemonFC[m]This movie theater reopening attempt is going to be met with a few people who don't take the virus seriously, but so many people who say hard pass that it's going to flop.Aug 20 18:38
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 20 18:39
DaemonFC[m]It's hard to scale when you have to leave 70% of the theater empty, most of your audience is not going to risk it, and the largest economies in the US don't even have theaters right now.Aug 20 18:39
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsAug 20 18:40
kingoffranceive said before, fox to me was married with children , beverly hills 90210, x files, melrose place, simpsons, arsenio hall.         then one day they started doing "family news".   it always struck me odd, they were the "edgy" non-cable thing long ago, or the "new" guy taking "chances" on showsAug 20 18:44
kingoffrancethen suddenly they got "morals" one day lolAug 20 18:45
kingoffrance"conservatives" hated their other channelAug 20 18:46
kingoffranceit was corrupting the youthAug 20 18:47
DaemonFC[m]They sold most of their operations to DisneyAug 20 19:05
DaemonFC[m]Technically, Disney now owns Married With Children.Aug 20 19:05
DaemonFC[m]Kelly Bundy, the Disney princess.Aug 20 19:06
DaemonFC[m]Peggy Bundy, the Disney welfare queen.Aug 20 19:06
DaemonFC[m]:)Aug 20 19:07
DaemonFC[m]kingoffrance: Fixed Wikipedia.Aug 20 19:20
DaemonFC[m]The article on Married with Children said the house used in the exterior scenes was in Batavia, IL.Aug 20 19:20
DaemonFC[m]It's in Deerfield. That's in Lake County. I've been there.Aug 20 19:20
DaemonFC[m]They wouldn't let you build something like the Bundy house in the city of Chicago.Aug 20 19:21
DaemonFC[m]They have strict building codes and it all has to be built a certain way.Aug 20 19:22
DaemonFC[m]Which is one of the reasons why many lots have sat empty since the 1968 race riots burned the building down.Aug 20 19:22
DaemonFC[m]Nobody is going to invest until the black people are gone and the crime goes down.Aug 20 19:22
DaemonFC[m]When I lived in South Shore and took the #15, #22 #67, #71, #6, J14, or anything else, you could just see some of the devastation.Aug 20 19:23
DaemonFC[m]Empty lots. Buildings that have been boarded up, sometimes for years.Aug 20 19:24
DaemonFC[m]Some were falling into disrepair and they drew "We accept Link" (the state's name for food stamps), and none of them drew the state of Illinois properly.Aug 20 19:24
DaemonFC[m]I would laugh about it to John. "Well, that one's poking into Missouri." "Is it just me, or has Illinois put on some weight?".Aug 20 19:25
DaemonFC[m]"Now we're invading Kentucky for some reason.".Aug 20 19:25
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Aug 20 19:29
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 19:31
*rianne has quit (Client Quit)Aug 20 19:32
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I would not expect Trump to save Kolfage and Bannon.Aug 20 19:33
DaemonFC[m]They were diverting money that they pumped out of conservatives to themselves and probably screwed the Trump camapign out of at least $20 million in small donations. On top of that, they were about to be indicted in New York, Florida, and Texas on state charges.Aug 20 19:34
DaemonFC[m]So the federal case might put them in prison for a year and then they don't get into more serious trouble that Trump can't get them out of. They're already in prison so maybe the states will stop looking into it.Aug 20 19:34
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 19:36
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Aug 20 19:36
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 19:37
DaemonFC[m]"Creating term limits of 18 years for each chamber of Congress"Aug 20 19:49
DaemonFC[m]This one would be pretty easy.Aug 20 19:49
DaemonFC[m]They don't even have to pass a law.Aug 20 19:49
DaemonFC[m]They could impose the requirement on themselves with a majority vote to change the chamber's rules.Aug 20 19:50
DaemonFC[m]The Republicans have been saying they wanted term limits for Congress for years, and they've never done it even when they have a majority in Congress or in a particular chamber.Aug 20 19:50
DaemonFC[m]The Constitution says that each chamber shall be the sole authority of its own elections. What that means is that it could pass term limits as a standing rule and then just refuse to seat anyone who has been there for 18 years even if they run for election from that state again and win.Aug 20 19:51
DaemonFC[m]The Constitution also stops the courts from blocking this because it precludes judicial review of what a chamber decides to do with seating. Aug 20 19:52
DaemonFC[m]Normally, it's a formality, but they have used the threat to discourage governors from nominating someone they don't want there.Aug 20 19:52
DaemonFC[m]I think the last time it happened was when Obama's Senate seat became vacant and Illinois Governor Blagojevich (later impeached, found guilty at a criminal trial, and imprisoned) said he planned to nominate a replacement Senator despite the indictment on the corruption charges pending.Aug 20 19:54
DaemonFC[m]He flew to Springfield for the impeachment trial and made a closing statement and then boarded a state aircraft back to Chicago before they voted, because he was concerned that they would  convict him on the impeachment and he'd have to pay for his own ride back.Aug 20 19:55
DaemonFC[m]---Aug 20 20:02
DaemonFC[m]Facebook claims that they took down 800 more QAnon accounts.Aug 20 20:02
*kupi (uid212005@gateway/web/ has joined #techrightsAug 20 20:02
DaemonFC[m]Their new policy is that this is to be treated as a terrorist organization which is threatening the public with violence.Aug 20 20:03
DaemonFC[m]But they started taking it seriously after at least one of them is sure to win a seat in the House of Representatives.Aug 20 20:03
DaemonFC[m]Before I left Facebook, they completely ignored my reports of an Indiana Republican organization that had a mass gathering in Indianapolis in April to protest the lockdown.Aug 20 20:06
DaemonFC[m]Then I reported them again and Facebook got back to me saying they reviewed it again and the page did go against their policy of false information about COVID-19 and a page being used to encourage breaking the laws of a state.Aug 20 20:07
DaemonFC[m]So they took down the ability to promote events and some other things and started labeling their posts with fact checking, and warned them if they tried to organize mass gatherings again they'd be deleted.Aug 20 20:08
DaemonFC[m]It's better than nothing, but it's much too little too late.Aug 20 20:08
DaemonFC[m]Facebook is only really concerned with one thing. How their platform looks to advertisers.Aug 20 20:08
DaemonFC[m]If the advertisers aren't punishing them for something, they let a lot of things go on that shouldn't.Aug 20 20:09
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Lake County results are in.Aug 20 20:11
DaemonFC[m]7.72% of tests coming back positive for the trailing 7 day figure.Aug 20 20:11
DaemonFC[m]Lockdown is going to happen soon.Aug 20 20:12
DaemonFC[m]It has to hit 8% to trigger a rollback to Phase 3.Aug 20 20:12
DaemonFC[m]If it continues to stay above 8% for 2 weeks in the 7 day rolling average, we go back to Phase 2, where they shut down dining areas and the mall and stuff again.Aug 20 20:12
DaemonFC[m]Phase 3 would effectively close dining areas though.Aug 20 20:13
DaemonFC[m]Restaurants would be limited to 25% capacity instead of 50%.Aug 20 20:13
DaemonFC[m]They're teetering on bankruptcy at 50%. Aug 20 20:13
DaemonFC[m]For now, some deal with the indoor dining capacity by moving dining outside in a covered tent area. Aug 20 20:14
DaemonFC[m]That works until the weather starts to get cold again, in about 2 months or so.Aug 20 20:14
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: New Jersey reports only 84 cases today.Aug 20 20:22
DaemonFC[m]It got really bad there though, but it's encouraging in a sense.Aug 20 20:23
DaemonFC[m]Means people there probably have gotten it already and have enough immunity that it's gone way down.Aug 20 20:23
DaemonFC[m]It really is a debate, I think, between "Are we postponing the inevitable at the cost of our economy or are we really going to have a vaccine soon?".Aug 20 20:24
DaemonFC[m]Even if it really is "under control" to a point in the UK, which if there's community spread and nothing is really locked down (which, if the government is subsidizing dine-in restaurants, I can't see how it would be), then I think they're going to get hit again with a second wave at some point, or they're lying.Aug 20 20:25
DaemonFC[m]For all we know, China is lying about having it so well under control in Wuhan that there's maskless parties. Aug 20 20:25
DaemonFC[m]We don't know where those pictures really came from and it's not like a Communist party has never lied and engaged in a massive cover up before.Aug 20 20:26
DaemonFC[m]So, you know, while they're going neener neener at us, they could still be dealing with a massive outbreak and nobody is going to talk about it because The Party is watching them and will have them shot. Maybe their whole family too.Aug 20 20:27
DaemonFC[m]China wasted a lot of GDP to construct ghost cities where nobody can afford to live, because they also priced people out of the markets after building all of it.Aug 20 20:28
DaemonFC[m]They had gigantic shopping malls built and then filled them with fake stores and went in there to take pictures, and the companies were like "We don't know what they're talking about. We don't have any stores in China.".Aug 20 20:29
DaemonFC[m]So pictures of "partying in Wuhan" are very easy to conjure up. Especially with a totalitarian regime with total control over the flow of information, especially since nobody is visiting there from some other country, and those that do are being monitored and their movements are limited.Aug 20 20:29
DaemonFC[m]They already expelled foreign journalists.Aug 20 20:30
DaemonFC[m]In reality, who knows? The WHO doesn't know. Aug 20 20:30
DaemonFC[m]The real story could be that their hospitals are overflowing with elderly people dying in waves and nobody is allowed to talk.Aug 20 20:31
DaemonFC[m]This virus is too tricky for me to believe that anyone got a handle on it that quickly and especially without severe economic harm. Aug 20 20:31
*obarun ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 20:31
psydreadI briefly went into Rotterdam city centre this morning wearing a face mask and it looked almost completely abandoned and that includes the so-called "Market Hall" with lots of restaurants and takeaway placesAug 20 20:32
DaemonFC[m]By cell data, it says mobility is down 14% in Indiana vs. normal and 21% in Illinois.Aug 20 20:41
DaemonFC[m]The policies on oil extraction didn't really account for a drop like we've seen.Aug 20 20:41
DaemonFC[m]Demand doesn't normally plummet 20% or so in the span of one year.Aug 20 20:42
DaemonFC[m]25% nationwide it says.Aug 20 20:42
DaemonFC[m]It's difficult to tell if the main reason why COVID is down in New York is because the Governor and NYC mayor had everything boarded up and there's just nowhere to go....Aug 20 20:44
DaemonFC[m]Or if because almost everyone has had it now anyway.Aug 20 20:44
DaemonFC[m] 20 20:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steve Bannon Charged With Fraud By Federal Prosecutors; Arrested On Westbrook Yacht | Zero HedgeAug 20 20:44
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Apparently, the feds pulled him off of a yacht in handcuffs.Aug 20 20:44
DaemonFC[m]Build the wall..... pumps the money out of racists like mom and dad.....builds yacht instead.Aug 20 20:45
DaemonFC[m]Feds yank him off yacht and charge him with conspiracy, wire fraud, and mail fraud. Aug 20 20:45
DaemonFC[m]Conspiracy is actually a great charge to hit them with because even if they can't prove mail and wire fraud, they have all of the emails and texts that show it was planned, which proves conspiracy.Aug 20 20:47
DaemonFC[m]The wall they build was only about 2 miles, and it was just enough to make it look like something was happening to pump idiots like mom and dad for more money while Bannon and Kolfage stole the rest.Aug 20 20:49
DaemonFC[m]Now Trump is throwing them under the bus and saying "They only did this to make me look bad.". More indicators that the guilty verdicts will stick and no pardon is coming even after Trump loses the election.Aug 20 20:49
DaemonFC[m]Although, Trump falsely claims "500 miles of wall built when 460 miles of it replaced existing fence, with fence. There's only been about 10 miles of actual new border fence and no actual wall built per year since Trump has been in office.Aug 20 20:50
DaemonFC[m]But he's doing it to bait racist idiots like my parents.Aug 20 20:51
DaemonFC[m]To make things even better, the "We buy Bannon and Kolfage a yacht." fence, all 2 miles of it, is already starting to fall over because of soil erosion.Aug 20 20:52
DaemonFC[m]I don't think that the US Attorney's office would even pursue criminal charges against Bannon and Kolfage without Trump giving Green Light because he's already turned the DoJ into something that cares nothing for the law and mainly exists to persecute people who have managed to get on Trump's personal shit list. Aug 20 20:55
DaemonFC[m]So, the idea that help is coming is not gonna fly. US Attorneys who cared about the law were all saked and then Trump pardoned all of the felons that were convicted and were on his good side for doing his illegal misdeeds.Aug 20 20:55
DaemonFC[m]Paul Krugman commented that "after all of the evil that Bannon has done, this is like getting Al Capone on Tax Evasion.".Aug 20 20:57
DaemonFC[m]Well, the point is that Capone got like a 11 year sentence on the tax evasion, iirc, and he was older and not in good health and died of syphilis behind bars. Aug 20 20:59
DaemonFC[m]If they put Steve Bannon away for ripping off the Alt-Nazi movement, which my parents are in whether they admit it or not, then that' least he went to prison for something. He should have gone there for a lot of things, like starting the far-right's violent riots like Unite the Right, where Trump supporters ran over people with their cars and had Nazi marches in Virginia and elsewhere.Aug 20 21:00
DaemonFC[m]Each of the charges on the indictment carry a 20 year prison sentence and they're going to be tried in a courtroom in New York City.Aug 20 21:03
*drdogcow has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 20 21:04
DaemonFC[m]So at least the guy who was the architect of Trump's racist campaign and who stirred up useful idiots like my mom and dad is going away for a while. Trump himself is polling at about 28% in the state of New York and even worse than that in New York City, and even if there are any jurors who are sympathetic to the far-right they at least might understand that Bannon and Kplfage diverted the money away from the wall anAug 20 21:05
DaemonFC[m]into  personal accounts and ripped conservatives blind for years and for $25 million before the feds stepped in.Aug 20 21:05
*drdogcow (~drunkendo@gateway/tor-sasl/drunkendogcowm/x-45413332) has joined #techrightsAug 20 21:05
DaemonFC[m]This is the worst possible place he could be tried, honestly, and nobody, not even the far-right, is saying he didn't have it coming. I'm just tickled pink. Fox News is actually hammering the "He's a lousy stinking bum that ripped people off when they thought they were funding a border wall." aspect.Aug 20 21:06
DaemonFC[m]The jury will not be sympathetic.Aug 20 21:06
DaemonFC[m]80% of the jury will probably want to skin them alive because of everything else they've done, and 20% of the jury will want to skin them alive for fleecing people like them. This it too perfect.Aug 20 21:09
DaemonFC[m]Absolutely nobody is going to bat for these guys, and even the Chinese state media stepped in to laugh about this on Twitter.Aug 20 21:09
DaemonFC[m]Even if they walk, they can just be indicted all over again on state charges.Aug 20 21:10
DaemonFC[m]And it's back into a Manhattan courtroom on state charges.Aug 20 21:10
DaemonFC[m]You know, that does happen sometimes. It's one of the perils of state and federal separation. You can potentially be tried again on the state version or federal version even if one of them takes a swing and misses.Aug 20 21:12
scientespsydread, I saw stuff like that of Rome, and a few other cities, but that was quite a while agoAug 20 21:17
scientesWhere I am things are normalAug 20 21:17
scientes"normal"Aug 20 21:17
scientesand I haven't gone to Batumi for a few monthsAug 20 21:18
scientes(or Tblisi)Aug 20 21:18
psydreadI think you said it some time ago, but maybe cities will become a lot less attractive for people to live in, because almost all benefits are home nowAug 20 21:26
DaemonFC[m]The anti-vaxxers don't really need more encouragement.Aug 20 21:29
DaemonFC[m]We've had a Hepatitis B vaccine that is 99% effective since 1981, and there are currently over 875,000 people in the US with an active Hepatitis B infection.Aug 20 21:29
DaemonFC[m]The Hepatitis A story is a little different. There's been a vaccine since 1995 and between 1995 and 2020 we've gone from about 35,000 Americans with Hepatitis A to about 1,200.Aug 20 21:30
DaemonFC[m]Imagine how rampant Hepatitis B would be today with no vaccine at all.Aug 20 21:31
psydreads/home/gone/Aug 20 21:32
DaemonFC[m]Hepatittis A/B should be a good candidate for disease eradication.Aug 20 21:34
DaemonFC[m]Human-Human transmission and almost entirely preventable by vaccination alone.Aug 20 21:34
DaemonFC[m]If you give the vaccine to everyone it's gone within a generation.Aug 20 21:35
DaemonFC[m]The people where the vaccine fails to produce antibodies would be too low to keep the chain of infection going.Aug 20 21:35
DaemonFC[m]In another 10 days we'll have lost three times as many Americans to COVID-19 as the Vietnam War. COVID-19 in 5 months and Vietnam War over 20 years.Aug 20 21:36
scienteswell this shutdown proved that cities provide no essential functionsAug 20 21:43
*mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsAug 20 21:43
DaemonFC[m]Including the police spending $2 billion a year so they can come out and stare while black rioters destroy your small business for the second time that summer.Aug 20 21:44
DaemonFC[m]According to Zerohedge, there's now starting to be white-majority riots.Aug 20 21:51
DaemonFC[m]They tore up a NYC Whole Foods and looted it and spray painted "Fuck the Police" and "Murder Bezos" everywhere.Aug 20 21:52
DaemonFC[m]The $6 billion dollar a year police department arrived on the scene to watch that too.Aug 20 21:52
DaemonFC[m]The difference here is I have sympathy for that guy who owned a convenience store on the south side of Chicago.Aug 20 21:53
DaemonFC[m]Whole Foods is a big ripoff that caters to aging hippie liberal douches and charges them 2.5 times more for groceries than Walmart does.Aug 20 21:54
DaemonFC[m]They can easily afford to rebuild.Aug 20 21:54
DaemonFC[m]And as the liberal elite shop there, they don't actually give a fuck that Bezos pays no taxes even while the country falls apart and if they charged him some taxes they'd raise billions and he wouldn't even notice. Aug 20 21:54
DaemonFC[m]The whole thing highlights how much we pay for the police and how little we get for it. They enforce the law when they feel like it. Mostly they don't. Or they are agents of state tyranny (more often).Aug 20 21:55
DaemonFC[m]You'd better believe that poor Indian immigrant who had some convenience stores in Chicago paid taxes, and now he won't have the stores because it cost him $300,000 to rebuild only to have the police show up and watch it get destroyed a second time.Aug 20 21:57
DaemonFC[m]I feel sorry for him. He came to this country and made something out of himself so that he could watch it all get torn down by some fucking freeloader parasites while the useless police that he paid taxes to fund did nothing.Aug 20 21:58
DaemonFC[m]That's terrible.Aug 20 21:58
DaemonFC[m]Those south and west side neighborhoods contribute nothing to the city but rot and decay and crime, and that's why the city wants them gone, but at the same time they don't do anything to punish the criminals because they have another election to win and the people down there vote.Aug 20 21:59
DaemonFC[m]It seems like the rioters are at least getting smarter. Forcing the city to go on lockdown by hitting The Loop hard and fast gets attention. They don't care if you burn your own neighborhood down. That's what they want. Make your neighborhood so bad that people will take a bag of potato chips and a bus ticket out of the city for their house and rich developers can sit on it.Aug 20 22:01
DaemonFC[m]By burning down their neighborhoods, the city government doesn't give a shit. You're not making a point. You're helping their gentrification plan.Aug 20 22:02
DaemonFC[m]I've really never seen people dumb enough to inflict disaster capitalism on themselves until now.Aug 20 22:03
DaemonFC[m]Like, when the US invaded Iraq, you didn't see the Iraqis shelling their own cities and helping the invaders, but when poor black people destroy their own neighborhoods, that's basically what's going on.Aug 20 22:04
DaemonFC[m]I think that they're pressuring the city into begrudgingly starting some programs to placate them, you know, and make them go back and stop causing trouble, when Mayor Lightfoot has to deal with angry liberals who don't actually want it anywhere near them and are imposing a 6 PM lockdown on themselves because they're too afraid to go outside in a neighborhood of $3,000-$4,000 apartments.Aug 20 22:06
DaemonFC[m]The cost of dealing with the riots and the people setting up camps in parks in the north side and stuff is going to exceed the cost of giving them some concessions.Aug 20 22:07
kupiis there an evil rating for tech companies which is not outdated?Aug 20 22:18
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 20 22:41
kingoffrancenot yet caught?Aug 20 22:51
kingoffrancethats future-proofAug 20 22:51
schestowitz 20 22:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@stautistic: #BillGates flying with #Epstein makes less sense than @BillGates flying commercial. You can spin a commercial fligh… 20 22:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@stautistic: #BillGates flying with #Epstein makes less sense than @BillGates flying commercial. You can spin a commercial fligh… 20 22:58
schestowitz"Aug 20 22:58
schestowitz#BillGates flying with #Epstein makes less sense than @BillGatesAug 20 22:58
schestowitz flying commercial. You can spin a commercial flight but it’s hard to spin a flight and friendship with Epstein for “philanthropy” when it’s done behind your wife and foundations back:Aug 20 22:58
schestowitz"Aug 20 22:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Not Got an Ubuntu 20.04 Upgrade Notification Yet? You’re Not Alone… http://www.tuxmNot Got an Ubuntu 20.04 Upgrade Notification Yet? You’re Not Alone… []Aug 20 23:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: NanoPi NEO3 and NanoPi R2S Gateways Review – Part 1: Unboxing & Teardown []Aug 20 23:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: System76’s Bonobo WS Makes a Comeback as Their Most Powerful Linux Laptop []Aug 20 23:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Aug 20 23:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: More #Android Leftovers #linux #google []Aug 20 23:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Hexcells, Mythicard and More []Aug 20 23:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Intel defends its ‘magic instructions’ against Linux founder’s criticism []Aug 20 23:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: How to Move from Windows to Linux []Aug 20 23:28
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 20 23:31
DaemonFC[m] 20 23:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leaders Of ‘We Build The Wall’ Online Fundraising Campaign Charged With Defrauding Hundreds Of Thousands Of Donors | USAO-SDNY | Department of JusticeAug 20 23:32
DaemonFC[m]Wonder what they'll do with the remaining money in the accounts.Aug 20 23:33
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsAug 20 23:33
DaemonFC[m]Kolfage apparently had a long and sordid history of running fake news operations with Photoshop and Facebook in order to dupe conservatives.Aug 20 23:33
DaemonFC[m]I'm sure that whatever they have pictures of on their site was doctored to make it look more impressive than whatever it actually is that got built.Aug 20 23:33
DaemonFC[m]Fox News helped them promote the scam by calling them "patriots" and "a great example of Capitalism" and just really not looking into Kolfage as he went on Fox News and painted their detractors as having "Trump Derangement Syndrome", because they didn't want to know and they're not interested in reporting real facts. Aug 20 23:35
DaemonFC[m]As a result of the fake operations of "We Build The Wall" being inflated by Fox News, millions of Republicans around the country opened up their wallets thinking they were helping build a border wall. Instead, at least $2 million of it (probably more) was embezzled into private accounts belonging to Kolfage and Bannon, with an undisclosed sum to the other two men who were indicted and arrested today.Aug 20 23:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Checking out the new AMD Serval WS Laptop from System76 []Aug 20 23:38
DaemonFC[m]The whole way, Donald Trump Jr., Kris Kobach, and many Trump administration officials said that this project had Trump's blessing. However, when the 4 were arrested today, Trump immediately threw all four of them under the bus over Twitter.Aug 20 23:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Parrot OS 4.10 MATE Home Edition Run Through []Aug 20 23:41
DaemonFC[m] 20 23:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Motley Crue Tribute Band Rocker Blames ‘Karma’ for COVID-19 Case at Sturgis SaloonAug 20 23:49
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: General Manager of Open Source Initiative Leaves Unexpectedly []Aug 20 23:49
DaemonFC[m]Motley Crue was so hard up for money apparently that they played the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally for $5,000 during a pandemic, which involved driving through 4 states to get there and back.Aug 20 23:50
DaemonFC[m]Well, one of them does have a point.Aug 20 23:52
DaemonFC[m]The mental health issues don't get better under lockdown.Aug 20 23:52
DaemonFC[m]I thought I fucking hated the outdoors and people more than anyone and was wondering how long all of those normals (pussies) would last, but now this is starting to piss me off since we've missed an entire year because of it. Aug 20 23:53
DaemonFC[m]Pretty soon the weather will turn bad and we'll have to be in the house anyway.Aug 20 23:53
DaemonFC[m]It's an entire year of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Aug 20 23:53
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 20 23:56

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