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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, November 20, 2019

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<--vallor_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Nov 20 00:01
cubexyzdid the Trabant have seat belts?Nov 20 00:02
cubexyzevidently no rear selt beltsNov 20 00:06
DaemonFC[m]In Illinois, the cops used to not be able to pull you over just because you weren't wearing your seatbelt, but now they can.Nov 20 00:11
oiaohmDaemonFC[m]: of course that the rules said that did not exactly stopped them just required them to think a little more to make up a solid sounding execuse.Nov 20 00:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GitHub Aims to Make Open Source Code Apocalypse-Proof in Arctic Vault []Nov 20 00:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Intel Haswell To Ice Lake Laptop Performance Benchmarks On Ubuntu 19.10 []Nov 20 00:46
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 20 00:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian Adds Another Option For Its Init System Diversity General Resolution []Nov 20 01:41
-->vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrightsNov 20 01:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: man-pages-5.04 is released []Nov 20 01:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming []Nov 20 01:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Nov 20 01:50
<--vallor has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)Nov 20 01:54
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: SystemTap 4.2 release []Nov 20 01:59
-->vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrightsNov 20 01:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics and Games: Intel, Vulkan, Trine and Google Stadia []Nov 20 02:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNOME Development: Technical Reports From Federico Mena-Quintero and Jussi Pakkanen []Nov 20 02:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Announcing coreboot 4.11 []Nov 20 02:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows/Screencasts: Linux in the Ham Shack, Linux Headlines, LibreOffice 6.4 Alpha Quick Look and OpenIndiana 2019.10 Overview []Nov 20 02:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Thin clients showcase new Gemini Lake Refresh chips []Nov 20 02:30
-->brendyyn ( has joined #techrightsNov 20 02:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Google outlines plans for mainline Linux kernel support in Android []Nov 20 02:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat Leftovers []Nov 20 02:57
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Nov 20 03:27
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Nov 20 04:45
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsNov 20 05:51
<--norayr has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 20 06:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Nov 20 06:58
-->brendyyn ( has joined #techrightsNov 20 07:08
<--a1batross (f99f96a489@gateway/shell/jabberfr/x-rwkmfvobpikdnyny) has left #techrights ("Replaced by new connection")Nov 20 07:30
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: HONOR MagicBook 15 finally revealed with Linux as main operating system []Nov 20 08:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi 4: Chronicling the Desktop Experience – Email – Week 5 []Nov 20 08:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Nov 20 08:13
MinceR 20 08:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 3 emerging open source projects to keep an eye on []Nov 20 08:14
MinceR 20 08:26
schestowitzkittyNov 20 08:27
schestowitzkittenNov 20 08:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: System76, Pinebook and "The Linux Defender" []Nov 20 08:45
-->chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc42:5000:1991:5cb6:e378:c512) has joined #techrightsNov 20 08:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers []Nov 20 09:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU and OSS Leftovers []Nov 20 09:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos and leftovers []Nov 20 09:22
scientesXRevan86, protests against pro-Russian (unelected) Prime Minister of Georgia, in front of the ministry for state security 20 09:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Imgur: The magic of the InternetNov 20 09:24
scientesI put some thought into it, and I think I have the gist of what is going on politically in GeorgiaNov 20 09:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 20/11/2019: HONOR MagicBook With GNU/Linux, Coreboot 4.11, GNU Health Patchset 3.6.1 []Nov 20 09:27
scientesThe oligarchs being irrelevant, the people who care about Georgia and are trying to run it are more rural folk, and they have economists that get industrial economies, Georgia is leaking foreign currency to Russia in a bunch of stupid way like pharmaceutic packaging (even Colombia had this figured out) and food packaging, and the 2017 constitution amendments was a corrupt deal between the parties to 1) eliminate direct election of the head of Nov 20 09:28
scientesstate so that a treasonous puppet could be elected, and 2) add two counter-productive appeals to blind Georgian pride: anti-gay marriage (soooo obvious) and no *new* foreign ownership of landNov 20 09:28
scientesthe Georgians have already proven that they can keep out invaders from incompatible cultures from their land, without this constitutional amendment, and it also serves to keep out the Afrikaan from South Africa, which wanted to come to Georgia more before Putin offered them refugee statusNov 20 09:29
scientes(because Georgia has excellent farm land)Nov 20 09:29
scientesit also means that Georgian farm land will not be developed through foreign investment, which is something front and center of Putin's politics (and the sound clip from one of his national PR days)Nov 20 09:30
scientesand food imports are a major drain on the Georgian balance sheet, despite having excellent farm landNov 20 09:30
scientes*they don't have economistsNov 20 09:30
scientesI do like that I can buy Russian sunflower oil here and know it is not GMO despite the existence of Monsanto roundup-ready sunflower (infertile) seedNov 20 09:35
oiaohmscientes: really its hard to say 100 percent GMO free.Nov 20 10:02
scientes99% is -good enough for meNov 20 10:05
<--pedro4 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Nov 20 10:22
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scientes55.5555555% ("nine fives") Nov 20 10:26
scientesthe best form of availabilityNov 20 10:26
scientesthat's the uptime of services I runNov 20 10:30
oiaohm  << this kind of mess is why I am not exactly anti CoC on the Linux kernel.   If the regulator over workplaces does decide to step in fines can be horribly large.Nov 20 10:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTube plans sweeping changes to kids videos after $170M fine - CNETNov 20 10:30
scientesoiaohm, some people are pretty pissed about that CoC, and I agree with themNov 20 10:31
scientesoiaohm, if you have to call it a "Community" then it means it probably isn'tNov 20 10:31
scientescause actual communities have the ability to enforce such things without any stupid vague things that noone readsNov 20 10:31
oiaohmEverything in the CoC you are meant todo by USA labour laws over workplaces.Nov 20 10:35 and Linux foundation are USA based.Nov 20 10:35
oiaohmThere is a requirement under Usa Labour laws to have a policy covering it if you get down to the finer points of it.Nov 20 10:36
scientesexactlyNov 20 10:36
oiaohmNote what I said about having a policy.Nov 20 10:36
scientessoon they will put an arbitrage "agreement" in thereNov 20 10:36
scienteswhich is why the US doesn't have any labor laws or unions any moreNov 20 10:36
scientesthey overturned who swaths of law by saying that form contract arbitrage clauses are bindingNov 20 10:36
scientes*wholeNov 20 10:36
scientesthere is no rule of law in the USNov 20 10:36
scientesits just about the defending the system, and that won't last long eitherNov 20 10:37
scientesits an incredibly expensive and corrupt system, that is too inefficient to even be solely a state-instrumentNov 20 10:38
scientesthe state doesn't even use the courts, becuase they are too inefficientNov 20 10:39
scientesit goes after people directlyNov 20 10:39
oiaohmscientes: Its written creatively.   Arbitration is there indirectly.      The Enforcement looks optional until you attempt to enforce complaint under law and the first question did you use available options before wasting the courts time.Nov 20 10:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct — The Linux Kernel documentationNov 20 10:41
oiaohmBasically with the existance of the CoC go to court first end up getting fined by the court and sent back to the enforcement process of the project.Nov 20 10:42
oiaohmscientes: basically just because USA law controlled document does not write you must do arbitration does not say it not there indirectly by other laws.      A direct arbitration requirement in the CoC would arbitration written twice.Nov 20 10:45
oiaohm   I think we are about to have the next level of cyber war the legal one.Nov 20 10:53
oiaohmYes the legal one you will not store data where you are not allowed and you will obey the laws of your registered country.Nov 20 10:53
scientesthe "American Corner" of the Batumi library request ID for everyone, and records their library card numbers.......Nov 20 10:57
scientesOh wow, they also proxy my internet connection through the US embassy in Tiblisi from BatumiNov 20 11:04
oiaohmMaybe produced media will make a come back.Nov 20 11:06
scientesalthough its nice and blazing fastNov 20 11:08
scientes100mbps full duplexNov 20 11:08
scientesoh know, I think its direct, and the geoip data is just lacking resolutionNov 20 11:10
-->jagadees (~Thunderbi@ has joined #techrightsNov 20 11:16
jagadeesany idea about 20 11:16
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #DXVK 1.4.5 Released []Nov 20 14:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: MOLEK-SYNTEZ, Neon Noodles, Steam Marines []Nov 20 14:29
MinceR 20 14:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Nov 20 14:55
schestowitzhmmmmNov 20 14:55
schestowitzooooohhhkayyyNov 20 14:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Canonical introduces Charmed OSM to enable telcos with network functions management and orchestration []Nov 20 14:55
MinceR:)Nov 20 14:56
schestowitznothing like traumatised famoliesNov 20 14:57
schestowitzwho lost a pet or kid in a hot carNov 20 14:57
schestowitzlaughter is the best medicineNov 20 14:57
schestowitzMinceR: tell them that at least the cookie are readyNov 20 14:58
schestowitzcookiesNov 20 14:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Nov 20 14:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: scrcpy 1.11 Available For Download (View And Control Your Android Phone From A Linux, Windows Or macOS Desktop) []Nov 20 15:01
MinceRschestowitz: 20 15:03
-->_inky (~inky@ has joined #techrightsNov 20 15:03
schestowitzYes, I have this joke memorisedNov 20 15:06
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MinceR:DNov 20 15:22
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schestowitz 20 15:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@alfredoh1234: @ico_TC I think some FPGA patents have expired. If someone is willing to mass-produce gate-array chips, then yes US$5 board are possibleNov 20 15:40
schestowitz 20 15:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Isabel_Schnabel: Dear fellow German economists, if you are wondering what you can do for Europe: Please help to dispel the harmful &… 20 15:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Isabel_Schnabel: Dear fellow German economists, if you are wondering what you can do for Europe: Please help to dispel the harmful &… 20 15:42
schestowitz"Dear fellow German economists, if you are wondering what you can do for Europe: Please help to dispel the harmful & wrong narratives about the @ecb's monetary policy, floating around in political and media circles. These threaten the euro more than many other things."Nov 20 15:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine - Settling in, spit and polish []Nov 20 16:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The Cross-Platform Source Explorer Sourcetrail is Now Open Source []Nov 20 16:07
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Desktop Linux Apps Running on the PinePhone [Video] []Nov 20 16:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian init systems - what, another GR ? []Nov 20 16:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Nov 20 16:28
schestowitz 20 16:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Swedish case against Assange was always politicalNov 20 16:31
schestowitzgood articleNov 20 16:31
schestowitzvery good...Nov 20 16:31
rianne_ 20 16:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Red Hat and Microsoft debut KEDA 1.0, promise to play nice with Knative • DEVCLASSNov 20 16:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Krita 4.2.8 Beta []Nov 20 16:48
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Nov 20 16:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Dart 2.6 and Python Leftovers []Nov 20 16:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: ExLight Linux Distro Is Now Based on Debian Buster, Powered by Linux Kernel 5.4 []Nov 20 16:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: System76 Will Start Designing And Building Its Own Linux Laptops Beginning January 2020 []Nov 20 16:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.4 Is Big For AMD Radeon Users From New GPU Support To Slightly Faster Performance []Nov 20 16:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics and GPUS: NVIDIA, Intel and Vulkan []Nov 20 17:05
<--pedro4 has quit ()Nov 20 17:05
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla: Webcompat, Firefox 71, Privacy Advice and Rust []Nov 20 17:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Kernel Security in a Nutshell: How to Secure Your Linux System []Nov 20 17:19
rianne_ 20 17:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-UNSW to open source its Microsoft classroom platform on GitHub - Linux.comNov 20 17:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Nov 20 17:29
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Native Linux & Raspberry Pi support for checkra1n jailbreak hinted by developer []Nov 20 18:34
MinceR 20 18:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Nov 20 18:38
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-->norayr (~inky@ has joined #techrightsNov 20 21:54
MinceR 20 21:55
MinceR 20 22:28
danielp3344Finally got my engine outNov 20 22:30
DaemonFC[m]I always wondered how those 15 minute oil change places do a 30 minute job in 15 minutes.Nov 20 23:09
DaemonFC[m]Apparently they just leave that last half a quart or so in and put the drain plug back on so they don't have to wait another 10-15 minutes for it to finish draining out.Nov 20 23:09
scientesDaemonFC[m], I always wondered how I do a 30 minutes job in 2 minutes!Nov 20 23:09
DaemonFC[m]You certainly can do an oil change job in 10-15 minutes if you're happy to leave 10 or 15% of the dirty oil in there.Nov 20 23:10
DaemonFC[m]The customer is unlikely to ever notice, but it doesn't do the job right.Nov 20 23:11
danielp3344DaemonFC: I think I would notice if the oil wasnNov 20 23:11
danielp3344wasn't clean*Nov 20 23:11
DaemonFC[m]Those guys at Car-X actually did go down the list and even greased my fittings and such.Nov 20 23:11
danielp3344Anyway, INov 20 23:11
danielp3344argh this enter key is terribleNov 20 23:11
scientesdanielp3344, whatNov 20 23:11
scientesdoNov 20 23:11
scientesyouNov 20 23:11
scientesmean?Nov 20 23:11
danielp3344I've done oil changes in 15 minutes, just get the engine very warm and take the filler cap off before opening the drain plugNov 20 23:12
danielp3344replace the filter while the oil drainsNov 20 23:12
danielp3344usually itNov 20 23:12
danielp3344it's single drips by the time I'm done with the filter*Nov 20 23:13
danielp3344`'` key is too close to enterNov 20 23:13
danielp3344or I have big fingersNov 20 23:13
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Nov 20 23:34
scienteshahahahahahaNov 20 23:42
scientesIn English RT is backing Donald Trump, but in Spanish they derail anti-immigrant policies as inhumaneNov 20 23:42
scientesclassicNov 20 23:42
DaemonFC[m]My Impala isn't using or leaking any oil.Nov 20 23:42
DaemonFC[m]I checked this morning having driven 600-ish on the synthetic oil already.Nov 20 23:43
DaemonFC[m]Perfect level.Nov 20 23:43
scientesXRevan86, ^Nov 20 23:43
DaemonFC[m]I'll check again in 500 more miles or so.Nov 20 23:43
XRevan86scientes: In Russian immigration into the EU is stated as a bad thingNov 20 23:44
scientesyes I knowNov 20 23:44
scientesthat is what Lazarov statesNov 20 23:44
scientesso them just playing to the general Mexican feeling that US doesn't deserve soverignity is interestingNov 20 23:44
scientesor even Latin American feelingNov 20 23:44
scientes 20 23:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Las medidas contra los migrantes deterioran el sueño americano - YouTubeNov 20 23:46
scienteswhile this is true for immigrants from countries other than Mexico/Central AmericaNov 20 23:48
scientesthe immigrants from the south largely have no skills or educationNov 20 23:48
scientesand now they don't even learn EnglishNov 20 23:48
scientesthey are hardly even immigrating at this pointNov 20 23:48
scientesthey put up Mexican flags, et ceteraNov 20 23:48
scientesand are usually illiterateNov 20 23:49
scienteseven in SpanishNov 20 23:49
DaemonFC[m]Daniel Peterson: I suppose a side effect of 0w30 is that it would come out faster if the engine wasn't up to temperature. Nov 20 23:49
DaemonFC[m]The reason to use 0w30 is because I live in a place that's colder than Mars several weeks out of the year.Nov 20 23:50
DaemonFC[m]5w30 doesn't flow quickly enough on those days.Nov 20 23:50
scientesI don't get what the whole thing around Pushkin isNov 20 23:51
scientesTolstoy and Dostoevsky is betterNov 20 23:51
scientessame thing with Gabriel Garcia MarquezNov 20 23:52
scienteshis book is friggen boringNov 20 23:52
scienteswhile Don Quixote is excellentNov 20 23:52
scientes(not that I read any of these in their original languages)Nov 20 23:53
danielp3344DaemonFC: My truck is running on straight 30 atm and it runs fine even in the sub zero weatherNov 20 23:59
danielp3344oil pressure stabilizes in around 30 secondsNov 20 23:59

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