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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Monday, October 21, 2019

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MinceR 21 00:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectOct 21 00:02
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsOct 21 00:28
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schestowitz> I can't tell you who said it, but it would be significant if I did.Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Cheers.Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> "I am sorry but not going to be involved with matt.lee."Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> "Far before this episode I thought he is an incapable jerk, competing for power in the FSF."Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> "Recent events are just the confirmation of this, he has been the fastest and hardest to attack RMS."Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> "But on a personal level that person disgusts me."Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> "And on a professional level I think he won't be able to do it."Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> I can't tell you who said it, but it would be significant if I did.Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Cheers.Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> "I am sorry but not going to be involved with matt.lee."Oct 21 01:27
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:28
schestowitz> "Far before this episode I thought he is an incapable jerk, competing for power in the FSF."Oct 21 01:28
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:28
<--amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 21 01:28
schestowitz> "Recent events are just the confirmation of this, he has been the fastest and hardest to attack RMS."Oct 21 01:28
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:28
schestowitz> "But on a personal level that person disgusts me."Oct 21 01:28
schestowitz> Oct 21 01:28
schestowitz> "And on a professional level I think he won't be able to do it."Oct 21 01:28
-->libertybox_ ( has joined #techrightsOct 21 01:32
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-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsOct 21 01:36
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oiaohm the question I have is how does Windows get certified?Oct 21 01:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Disney+ streaming uses draconian DRM, avoid - Hans' hacking log — LiveJournalOct 21 01:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Oct 21 01:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.4-rc4 []Oct 21 01:48
schestowitzoiaohm: yeah, I saw the original, then photonix covered itOct 21 01:54
oiaohmYou would think lots of drm breaking has to happen on windows.Oct 21 01:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Humble and Five-or-More Modernisation in GNOME []Oct 21 02:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Oct 21 02:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Polishing of KDE and Adding Git Support to Kate []Oct 21 02:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows/Screencasts: Destination Linux, Open Source Security Podcast, Linux Action News, Test and Code, Pop_!OS 19.10 Run Through []Oct 21 02:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Automation, Python, Rust and More []Oct 21 02:57
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Calamares grabs onto things []Oct 21 03:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: [libre-riscv-dev] power pc []Oct 21 03:14
schestowitzoiaohm: not sure if that has much to do with Windows thoughOct 21 03:15
<--fujisan has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)Oct 21 03:22
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Oct 21 03:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Forbes Raves Upcoming Linux Desktop will enclose Windows 10 and macOS []Oct 21 04:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open source technology, enabling innovation []Oct 21 04:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers []Oct 21 04:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics: Radeon, Mesa and More []Oct 21 04:36
schestowitz> Phipps...Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> Stallman..Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> Yes, things can also be taken out of context.Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> Sure, but talking to Phipps never gave me the impression that his role is all that different from the rest of OSI. Even if he were their best person-- that would be Perens, that's not saying much. What Perens said is very different than the cheerful, sincere Perens sitting next to Stallman in an interview years ago. These guys are cynical, and unfairly (dishonestly) taking it out on people who still actually believe in something.Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> Oct 21 04:52
schestowitz> What do you make of bad people who do good deeds? I consider them all a branch of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Isn't that close enough?Oct 21 04:52
schestowitzNo, those are bad people doing bad things, including bribing the media to call them good people who do good things.Oct 21 04:52
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsOct 21 04:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Docker, Podman and Kubernetes []Oct 21 05:07
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-->jagadees (~Thunderbi@ has joined #techrightsOct 21 06:23
MinceR 21 06:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectOct 21 06:41
jagadeesCan you Don’t Think of an Elephant!Oct 21 06:49
jagadeeshave you heard about Cognitive Linguistics and George Laakoff Oct 21 06:49
jagadees 21 06:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | George LakoffOct 21 06:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Samsung Does Not Say Why It's Dropping DeX, But the ASUS EEE Story Might Offer Clues []Oct 21 07:36
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-->sysdharma (~rodolphoe@2a00:79e1:abc:307:64ed:5296:5c20:1ed4) has joined #techrightsOct 21 08:46
schestowitzhi sysdharmaOct 21 08:50
schestowitznew here?Oct 21 08:50
sysdharmaschestowitz: yes - was reading some stories on the site and found the IRC linkOct 21 08:56
schestowitzwelcomeOct 21 08:58
sysdharmathank you!Oct 21 08:58
sysdharmaI think I landed on the website during the stallman controversies...Oct 21 09:00
schestowitzsome people did, the RMS situation is on pause but not resolved or overOct 21 09:02
-->chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc3e:2a00:d54:318c:5701:acd0) has joined #techrightsOct 21 09:10
sysdharmasad state of affairs :/Oct 21 09:23
schestowitzwe'll who the next casualty isOct 21 09:23
schestowitz(to be "canceled")Oct 21 09:23
schestowitzThey never cancel capitalists like Steve JobsOct 21 09:24
sysdharmaOliva is probably next...Oct 21 09:25
schestowitzI'm doing an article about DebianOct 21 09:26
schestowitzsysdharma: I hope notOct 21 09:26
schestowitzwe'll protect him to death...Oct 21 09:26
schestowitzhe's talking to us in diaspora a lotOct 21 09:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: CentOS 8.0-1905 []Oct 21 10:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu 19.10 Review: Another Retrofitting Release []Oct 21 10:11
-->jagadees (~Thunderbi@ has joined #techrightsOct 21 10:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Oct 21 10:21
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU/Linux is Bigger Than Ever (Used More Than Ever Before), But Communication Means and Brands Have Changed []Oct 21 10:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in #Techrights #epo #gnu #linux #samsung []Oct 21 10:39
-->jagadees (~Thunderbi@ has joined #techrightsOct 21 10:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Oct 21 10:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: LinuxGSM, Boxtron, Total War: WARHAMMER II []Oct 21 10:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Excellent Utilities: – community driven cheat sheet []Oct 21 11:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: LibreOffice: Continuous Endnotes in Writer and AutoCorrect Dialog []Oct 21 11:07
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers []Oct 21 11:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []Oct 21 11:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 21/10/2019: More on DeX, Disney DRM and Linux 5.4 RC4 []Oct 21 11:31
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dyfet@schestowitz I think there is more to this Samsung story than just DeX.  Earlier this year they terminated their "director of open source technologies", his staff, and seemed to have pulled out of a lot of projects.  They also abandoned their office phone system business.Oct 21 13:18
dyfetI had also learned from him before that happened that Samsung smart tv's use a version of Enlightenment, but what they are doing and why I do not know.  It does seem part of a larger pattern there though.Oct 21 13:21
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oiaohmdyfet: you also have to wonder if the remove of Linux desktop from dex is linked the the fact there will be pinephone and libre 5 phone in the market.Oct 21 13:36
oiaohmRemoving direct benchmarking.Oct 21 13:36
MinceRwould be a stupid move if it wasOct 21 13:41
MinceRconsidering that they would make their own products even less desirable to avoid comparison with products that probably have much weaker hardwareOct 21 13:41
dyfetAn interesting point @oiaohmOct 21 13:45
dyfetAnd of course there is Duval's "/e/"...Oct 21 13:46
dyfetI think it is part of something larger though, given the other things Samsung had been doingOct 21 13:48
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oiaohmMinceR: Not exactly.   There are a lot of different limitations around the way Dex contains Linux distributions.   The horrible part is there is a real possibleity that a pinephone could run Linux native applications faster than dex can the fun of emulation overheads.Oct 21 13:59
oiaohmMinceR: much weaker hardware kicking your ass basically would look really bad.Oct 21 13:59
MinceRand much weaker hardware being able to do what yours can't wouldn't?Oct 21 14:00
MinceRs/n't/n/Oct 21 14:00
MinceRundoOct 21 14:00
oiaohmHaving digital rights management certification I would guess would also get in way.Oct 21 14:01
MinceRthen maybe they could get rid of itOct 21 14:02
MinceRall it does is lessen the value of their productOct 21 14:02
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MinceR 21 15:53
<--dyfet has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 21 17:04
schestowitz[17:04] <-- dyfet ( has left this server (Quit: Leaving).Oct 21 17:07
schestowitzI forgot about the departure of the FOSS headOct 21 17:07
schestowitzmaybe Microsoft arrange for some changes, but we need proofOct 21 17:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Oct 21 17:23
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Qt 3D Discussed []Oct 21 17:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: News About GNU Compiler (GCC 10) []Oct 21 17:30
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Pacman 5.2 Release []Oct 21 17:34
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-->chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc3e:2a00:d54:318c:5701:acd0) has joined #techrightsOct 21 17:50
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Manjaro Linux 18.1.0 Juhraya Cinnamon - Spicy but sweet []Oct 21 18:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux-powered NVR system offers up to eight PoE+ ports []Oct 21 18:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: AAB Support in Qt for Android []Oct 21 18:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming Leftovers []Oct 21 18:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDevelop 5.4.3 released []Oct 21 18:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Firefox 70 Is Now Available to Download with Fresh New Look, Extended Dark Mode []Oct 21 18:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Proper Linux Screen Sharing Coming to Chromium & Electron Apps like Discord []Oct 21 18:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: What To Do After Installing Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine []Oct 21 18:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: vkBasalt, Ikey Doherty, Ikey Doherty, Sunless Skies []Oct 21 19:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Oct 21 19:07
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Alpine 3.10.3 released []Oct 21 19:13
-->Mikhailovich (2f27d553@ has joined #techrightsOct 21 19:28
MikhailovichhiOct 21 19:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Oct 21 19:29
schestowitzhiOct 21 19:30
Mikhailovichi follow you on the fediverseOct 21 19:30
schestowitzI think I remember...Oct 21 19:30
Mikhailovichwhat do you think of Trisquel?Oct 21 19:32
schestowitznever used itOct 21 19:32
Mikhailovichits easy to install and 100%libreOct 21 19:32
MinceR 21 19:35
MikhailovichLOLOct 21 19:36
Mikhailovichnice oneOct 21 19:37
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MinceR 21 22:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectOct 21 22:22
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MinceR(audio:important) 21 22:37
decnetI see you are a cat people :]Oct 21 22:38
MinceRi am only one person :>Oct 21 22:39
decnetThere are 'cat people' and 'dog people' :]Oct 21 22:39
decnetOr if you're English a 'plant people' :]Oct 21 22:40
scientesI walked 5km from Houston airport to the Wal-Mart for my layoverOct 21 22:45
scientesI doubt many people do thatOct 21 22:45
scientesthis is such a stale and dehumanizing placeOct 21 22:45
decnetI thought walking was illegal in America?Oct 21 22:46
MinceRouchOct 21 22:46
MinceRlolOct 21 22:46
decnetI used jog five miles a day for six days a week!!!Oct 21 22:46
scientesthe whole US is a dehumanizing placeOct 21 22:47
decnetHave you been anywhere else ?Oct 21 22:47
scientesthat's why they have to drug everyone up, including all the perfectly normal peopleOct 21 22:47
MinceR"i named my dog 'five miles' so i can tell people i walk five miles every day"Oct 21 22:47
scientesI came from Lima PeruOct 21 22:47
scientesit was a culture shockOct 21 22:47
scientesnever felt that in South AmericaOct 21 22:48
scientesits because there is so much less culture hereOct 21 22:48
scienteshowever there is clean water here, and green pastures (although no-one uses them for anything)Oct 21 22:48
scientesbasically the US is a great place, if you ignore the people living in itOct 21 22:48
decnetWell, I only ever seen America on television or read in books. I have met a few Americans, nice people in my opinion.Oct 21 22:48
scientesits fakeOct 21 22:49
decnetMaybe it's because I only ever met fellow techies?Oct 21 22:49
scienteslike I asked what the immigration is like for americans (because I've never entered from international before), and this guy is like "do you have a criminal record?"Oct 21 22:49
scientesdecnet, you haven't met the victim class techies----gay lesbian transgender people that talk at computer conferences about things that have nothing to do with techOct 21 22:50
decnetAh, airport security, minimum wage assholes that have finally got a bit of authority :]Oct 21 22:50
oiaohmdecnet: yes there are cat and dog people.  Not that straight forwards I am a classed as a dog person but not exactly for the normal reasons.   Not that I exactly hate cats its more they flee in fear from me.Oct 21 22:50
scientesdecnet, nah, the security people are actually quite humanOct 21 22:50
scientesits the travelers that are the biggest shitsOct 21 22:51
decnetI have been accused of racism by the resident black lesbian :]Oct 21 22:51
scientesdecnet, apparently you cant use the word "nigger" unless you are a niggerOct 21 22:51
decnetIt's not used over here.Oct 21 22:51
scienteswhich is kinda meta-racismOct 21 22:52
chomwittthat artice on autism ... seems strange Oct 21 22:52
decnetExcept the local Rapper community, known as London Grime.Oct 21 22:52
decnetWhat article on autism?Oct 21 22:53
chomwitti dont get it , on techrightOct 21 22:53
MinceR21 234847 < scientes> basically the US is a great place, if you ignore the people living in itOct 21 22:53
MinceRjust like the whole planetOct 21 22:53
oiaohmI get into trouble here from time to time due to hanging around with different local tribes.   Some call white people whiteie and dark skin people blackie then other ones class blackie as insult.Oct 21 22:53
scientesMinceR, except I don't feel that wayOct 21 22:53
scientesMinceR, BTW, so you live in Budapest?Oct 21 22:53
MinceRi doOct 21 22:54
MinceRit's horribleOct 21 22:54
scientes.....Oct 21 22:54
scientesI was thinking of flying thereOct 21 22:54
scientesand living thereOct 21 22:54
decnethorrible: as compared to where?Oct 21 22:54
scientesfor 3 monthsOct 21 22:54
MinceRtourists seem to have fun hereOct 21 22:54
MinceRcompared to berlin, for exampleOct 21 22:54
scientesMinceR, you mean the euro-party crowd?Oct 21 22:55
MinceRthough i guess i haven't seen all of the latterOct 21 22:55
decnetSame here, it's designed for Tourists with a lot of spending money.Oct 21 22:55
MinceRi mean there's hardly any way to commute in budapestOct 21 22:55
MinceRthe road network is vestigial and congestedOct 21 22:55
MinceRthe public transport service is a jokeOct 21 22:55
scienteswhat about warsaw?Oct 21 22:55
MinceRthe city is full of filth and stenchOct 21 22:55
scientespublic transit in South America is fucking amazingOct 21 22:55
MinceRand it's incredibly cramped (one of the reasons why the road network is vestigial)Oct 21 22:56
MinceRoh, and the people suckOct 21 22:56
scientesin what way?Oct 21 22:56
MinceRmost of them are evil savagesOct 21 22:56
scientesyou mean neo-nazis?Oct 21 22:56
scientespoland has nazis tooOct 21 22:57
MinceRwell, that tooOct 21 22:57
MinceRalso uncultured, entitled and destructiveOct 21 22:57
MinceRdog owners have their monsters shit all over the sidewalk and scream at people 24/7Oct 21 22:58
scientesyeah, so maybe Turkey is better?Oct 21 22:58
MinceRdunnoOct 21 22:58
MinceRi'd rather live in the countrysideOct 21 22:58
scientesor Spain? or Greece?Oct 21 22:58
MinceRbut there's this religion called "scrum" which teaches that personal presence is so importantOct 21 22:58
scientesI want to go to central asiaOct 21 22:58
scientesMinceR, telecommute is non-negotiatable for meOct 21 22:59
MinceRscientes: what is your profession?Oct 21 23:00
scientescomputer programmerOct 21 23:00
MinceRso you've found a way around scrum bullshit? :>Oct 21 23:00
scientes 21 23:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEOct 21 23:01
scientesthat's why I'm in Houston ATMOct 21 23:01
scientesI'm hoping to sell itOct 21 23:01
decnet"Scrum is a feedback-driven empirical approach" sounds like management waffle :]Oct 21 23:02
decnetnow say Waterfall and Agile :]Oct 21 23:02
scienteswhat is waterfall?Oct 21 23:02
scientesdoes that just mean you put your CI on a big monitor?Oct 21 23:03
decnetOne of those software fads.Oct 21 23:03
decnet"Agile vs. Waterfall vs. Kanban vs. Scrum" 21 23:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Agile vs. Waterfall vs. Kanban vs. Scrum | Lucidchart BlogOct 21 23:03
scientesdecnet, did you purposfully use empirical instead of imperical?Oct 21 23:04
MinceRi wonder why agile people pretend there's no spiral modelOct 21 23:04
scientesdecnet, why would i read an article with such a dumb titleOct 21 23:04
scientesif it is ANYTHING it can be summed up in a sentenceOct 21 23:04
decnetAs someone was telling me the other evening in a oub, computers just work off of ones and noughts :]Oct 21 23:04
MinceRperhaps iterative development is the only part of their dogma they really believe inOct 21 23:04
decnetoub = pub = barOct 21 23:05
scienteswhy don't they just call it "smart people development"Oct 21 23:05
MinceRlolOct 21 23:05
scienteswhich basically means "mythical man month"Oct 21 23:05
scienteswhich actually had something to sayOct 21 23:05
MinceRwhich is why it isn't popularOct 21 23:05
scientesok, then lets create a cloud computing fadOct 21 23:06
decnetA A top programmer would be doing this already. It's just a formalization of good programming practice.Oct 21 23:06
scienteswhere you can only program while flying at 10,000mOct 21 23:06
scientesor while living in nepalOct 21 23:06
MinceRit's a lot easier to waste people's time on meetings, tell them we realized that estimating time is useless but force them to do so anyway and waste even more of their time in meetings on thatOct 21 23:06
decnetBut how would people know they were making progress if they didn't attend meetings :]Oct 21 23:07
MinceRand then blame them for not having precise estimatesOct 21 23:07
MinceRi don't knowOct 21 23:07
MinceRafter all, suits don't understand code or designOct 21 23:07
scientesor anything for that matterOct 21 23:07
scientesbesides cocktail parties maybeOct 21 23:07
scientesand chosing an appropiate tieOct 21 23:07
chomwittis it ok if i open DSM and start attaching mental illness to famous people on the internet?Oct 21 23:08
scientes(which is always the piano-key necktie)Oct 21 23:08
scienteschomwitt, noOct 21 23:08
decnetWell, do your own work and make sure you get credit for it.Oct 21 23:08
chomwittso why it is accepted for RMS?Oct 21 23:08
oiaohmWaterfall is really taken from building contruction model and attempts to apply this to software.  Reality it does not work out in a lot of cases.Oct 21 23:08
scienteswell it really matters what the intent isOct 21 23:08
scientesbut it isn't insultingOct 21 23:09
scientesquite the contraryOct 21 23:09
scientesit just destroys the credibility of the speakerOct 21 23:09
scientesbut with RMS he only ever had credibility in one fieldOct 21 23:09
scientesand the worst thing he has ever done for it was the GFDL, but he still has credibility after thatOct 21 23:09
MinceRi don't think this sort of remote diagnosis has any credibilityOct 21 23:09
MinceRregardless of how much the imageboard kids like to practice itOct 21 23:10
scientesMinceR, such accusations always say more about the accuserOct 21 23:10
MinceRi'm interested in kanban but they never use it in software engineeringOct 21 23:11
MinceRnot enough meetings i guessOct 21 23:11
decnetI used to work with someone who would take a nap on the floor behind his desk, at the oddest moment. Was he aaspergers/autistic?Oct 21 23:11
decnetI used work with someone else who would only communicate by email, this despite the fact he was sitting right next to me :]Oct 21 23:13
MinceRi haven't heard this criterion for autism spectrum beforeOct 21 23:13
MinceRthe good thing about text communication is that you can listen to music while doing it :>Oct 21 23:13
decnetWell, i not qualified to give a diagnosis.Oct 21 23:14
decnetOr watch videos ..Oct 21 23:14
MinceRlolOct 21 23:14
chomwittdecnet: would you find it 'normal behavior' to publish an article on the interet for your coworker presenting his 'alleged' according to your mental condition?Oct 21 23:15
chomwittinternet .Oct 21 23:15
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decnetNo, I wouldn't.Oct 21 23:15
MinceR 21 23:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectOct 21 23:16
chomwittso what do you think about that article 21 23:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Guest Post: Understanding Autism for More Complete Inclusion | TechrightsOct 21 23:16
MinceRhaven't read it yetOct 21 23:16
-->balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #techrightsOct 21 23:17
chomwitthow it fits in an article about mental pathology XY to also mention persons???Oct 21 23:17
MinceRwell, there are many case studies in Mask of SanityOct 21 23:17
MinceRbut not with real name :>Oct 21 23:17
decnetI think it's a paying job and people should leave their personal lives at home. and ideally not form personal relationships with their co-workers. It saves you from falling out.Oct 21 23:18
MinceRwhat if people who already have a personal relationship end up working together?Oct 21 23:18
decnetThat's a reciepy for disaster :]Oct 21 23:20
MinceRi have yet to see the disasterOct 21 23:20
decnetI have thrown a few chairs around in my time ;]Oct 21 23:21
decnet 21 23:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A recipe for disaster definition and meaning | Collins English DictionaryOct 21 23:22
MinceRdid you also have four words for us? :>Oct 21 23:22
decnetfour words?Oct 21 23:22
MinceR['i', 'love', 'this', 'company', 'yeah']Oct 21 23:22
MinceRfrom someone who is famous for throwing chairs :>Oct 21 23:23
decnetHaaa, I hate this fucking companyOct 21 23:23
<--swaggboi has quit (Quit: C-x C-c)Oct 21 23:24
decnetDid you'll ever see "The Office" 21 23:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Office (American TV series) - WikipediaOct 21 23:24
MinceRnot yet, but it's on my listOct 21 23:24
chomwitti think autistic to speak about a person's health without speaking first to him about your intentions,Oct 21 23:24
decnetI don't think we should discuss this on a public channel.Oct 21 23:26
chomwittdecnet: thanks. Oct 21 23:28
chomwittyou see my pointOct 21 23:28
decnetNot really, go private ...Oct 21 23:29
decnetI can't go DDC CHAT :[Oct 21 23:29
decnetDDC == DCCOct 21 23:30
decnet does anyone believe this cyberBS ?Oct 21 23:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Inside Olympic Destroyer, the Most Deceptive Hack in History | WIREDOct 21 23:33
decnetgtg ...Oct 21 23:41
<--decnet has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 21 23:42
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<--chomwitt has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Oct 21 23:55

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