●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, July 22, 2024 ●● ● Jul 22 [00:00] IsambardPrince But it would get really interesting if there was a 50/50 split in the Senate and a 269/269 electoral vote. [00:00] IsambardPrince Because there'd be no Vice President to break a tie, and the Senate would cast 50 votes for each Vice Presidential candidate. [00:01] IsambardPrince The opposing party would benefit more from the office being vacant so that tie-breaking wouldn't be possible. [00:01] IsambardPrince So the office would be empty indefinitely, tie votes in the Senate would automatically fail, and the House Speaker would be second in line to the Presidency. [00:02] IsambardPrince The odds of this happening are about 1500-1 against. [00:02] IsambardPrince But it's possible. [00:02] IsambardPrince Essentially the lack of a VP in such a case would mean that the administration would more or less break down for that term. [00:03] IsambardPrince No legislation, no judicial appointments, acting cabinet. [00:18] IsambardPrince MinceR: So he comes out of the bedroom and says buy me underwear. [00:18] IsambardPrince I say, "What's wrong with those?" [00:19] IsambardPrince He says "They're so old." [00:19] IsambardPrince I was like, "Yeah, and?" [00:19] IsambardPrince "The other pair has a hole." [00:19] IsambardPrince I said, "You want to play count the holes in the underwear? I'll win. Mine are from 2006." [00:19] MinceR :) [00:20] MinceR even the new ones have holes [00:21] IsambardPrince MinceR: AmEx has an offer for get $10 back if you spend $15 on the "Bezos Bugle". (Washington Post) [00:22] MinceR sounds like a bargain [00:44] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [00:45] TR News Old Computer Challenge 2024 Recap gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~lettuce/occ-2024-recap.gmi [00:46] TR News Building my own Forth language gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~lettuce/building-forth.gmi [00:47] TR News Re: Get out of your echo chamber! gemini://idiomdrottning.org/re-get-out-of-your-echo-chamber "Free speech for me but not for thee as per ushe from the party of bookburning." [00:48] TR News "After I fixed the performance issue [1], I started looking around for some other issues to handle, and boy, did I find some." gemini://gemini.conman.org/boston/2024/07/21.1 [00:50] TR News week 29 recap gemini://dogboy.smol.pub/week29 [00:51] TR News "I am inspired by the current #OldComputerChallenge happening, and with an old laptop floating around, I'm keen to finally give Linux a crack. So, here we go. I know next to nothing about Linux so this could be a complete failure. If not, then this could be a useful guide for someone else diving in for the first time." gemini://zkbro.smol.pub/linux01 [00:52] TR News "Hi there. Thanks for reading. What a pleasant nook of the web. I really like the simplicity. I am here to learn, and to log my learning. I am not restricting myself to any particular topic, so we shall see. I have some things in mind however. Feel free to email me to say hello or offer feedback on anything I'm writing about. Thanks to the hosts for this public space." gemini://zkbro.smol.pub/1721532516 [00:52] TR News "A lot was happening this month, but today I want to write about not so obvious theme, but a relevant one - cooking. I hadn't really cooked before, but as I will go to more mature life, I wanted to prepare myself to be able to make cheap, healthy and tasty meals." gemini://benex.flounder.online/gemlog/2024-07-21-UniPrep:_Cooking.gmi [00:53] TR News William and Harris: the next royalty? [00:53] MinceR Joe I is already royalty since the SCOTUS decision [00:53] MinceR but is Donald I already royalty too? [00:54] TR News It won't work well, saying "nasty woman" to someone who isn't a Clinton and isn't "white". Trump's antics of women-bashing didn't work against Biden either. [00:55] *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) [00:55] *includeals (~includeal@2001:8a0:e972:8500:f248:ab34:fdb6:4215) has joined #techrights ● Jul 22 [01:01] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 21/07/2024: Last of Old Computer Challenge and Forth Language https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Gemini_Links_21_07_2024_Last_of_Old_Computer_Challenge_and_Fort.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Gemini_Links_21_07_2024_Last_of_Old_Computer_Challenge_and_Fort.gmi [01:01] TR Bot Techrights Gemini Links 21/07/2024: Last of Old Computer Challenge and Forth Language [01:03] TR News Multifamily Housing https://scheerpost.com/2024/07/19/canada-makes-an-unprecedented-push-for-multifamily-housing/ [01:03] TR Bot Canada Makes an Unprecedented Push for Multifamily Housing [01:04] TR News IV injection https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/brigitte-cleroux-fake-nurse-guilty-1.7269979 [01:04] TR Bot Fake nurse pleads guilty to assaulting patients by IV injection | CBC News [01:05] TR News Supreme Court Affirms Platforms First Amendment Right to Curate Speech https://scheerpost.com/2024/07/18/supreme-court-affirms-platforms-first-amendment-right-to-curate-speech/ [01:05] TR Bot Supreme Court Affirms Platforms First Amendment Right to Curate Speech [01:18] TR News Techrights A Drop in Half (From 208 to 104): Sharp Decline in Number of Gemini Capsules That Use Let's Encrypt CA Since December https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/A_Drop_in_Half_From_208_to_104_Sharp_Decline_in_Number_of_Gemin.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/A_Drop_in_Half_From_208_to_104_Sharp_Decline_in_Number_of_Gemin.gmi [01:18] TR Bot Techrights A Drop in Half (From 208 to 104): Sharp Decline in Number of Gemini Capsules That Use Let's Encrypt CA Since December [01:18] schestowitz[TR2] hi, did oftc dump matrix bridge? the chart here says 6 days ago many users were gone: https://netsplit.de/networks/statistics.php?net=OFTC [01:18] TR Bot NO TITLE [01:18] schestowitz[TR2] 7 hours passed [01:18] schestowitz[TR2] nobody replied [01:18] schestowitz[TR2] maybe IsambardPrince knows [01:18] schestowitz[TR2] if they dumped matric [01:18] schestowitz[TR2] *matrix [01:21] schestowitz[TR2] * Current global users: 12298 Max: 32418 [01:21] schestowitz[TR2] * There are 32 users and 12266 invisible on 19 servers [01:23] schestowitz[TR2] https://netsplit.de/networks/statistics.php?net=OFTC [01:23] schestowitz[TR2] still need answers [01:23] schestowitz[TR2] much better than guessing [01:25] TR News Windows down by a lot in Bosnia And Herzegovina https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/bosnia-and-herzegovina/#monthly-200902-202407 [01:25] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share Bosnia And Herzegovina | Statcounter Global Stats [01:30] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tBJE5CL [01:30] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tBJE5CL ) [01:30] schestowitz[TR2] : [01:30] schestowitz[TR2] Most importantly: whatever happened to responsibility?! No one in the world knows who CrowdStrike is, but everyone knows it hit Microsoft systems, hard, and half of the economy had a major seizure because of that. You are the top dog: "To whom much is given, much is expected" and so Microsoft, show some leadership: the world needs and expects more from you at this time. Your messaging was too little, it came too late, you are spec [01:30] schestowitz[TR2] tacularly failing the test here.... [01:30] schestowitz[TR2] : [01:36] MinceR lol [01:36] MinceR who expects anything from them? [01:36] MinceR other than the usual [01:37] IsambardPrince OFTC isn't really much different than Libera Chat. [01:37] IsambardPrince The same types of idiots are in control of both networks. [01:37] IsambardPrince Including sockpuppets. [01:38] IsambardPrince "Kevin Wendell Crumb" is there under another name. ;) [01:38] IsambardPrince https://shyamalan.fandom.com/wiki/Kevin_Wendell_Crumb [01:38] TR Bot Kevin Wendell Crumb | M. Night Shyamalan Wiki | Fandom [01:38] MinceR yeah [01:39] IsambardPrince Was Dennis. [01:39] IsambardPrince Now Patricia. [01:39] IsambardPrince :P [01:39] IsambardPrince :D [01:39] psydruid It's an amazing own goal [01:40] psydruid probably advised by Britney the Loser [01:42] schestowitz[TR2] who expects anything from them? [01:42] schestowitz[TR2] i just need to know [01:42] schestowitz[TR2] a. did they drop matrix [01:42] schestowitz[TR2] b. is that why user count sank? [01:42] *SaphirJD has quit (connection closed) [01:43] psydruid it looks like I am still connected to some OFTC channels [01:44] schestowitz[TR2] do you see "[m]" in any? [01:44] schestowitz[TR2] seems like oftc "lost" about 2/3 of its "users" [01:45] schestowitz[TR2] i want to write about this, but nobody is confirming [01:45] psydruid I don't [01:45] psydruid but it's still syncing [01:46] psydruid maybe I'm the only one left on Matrix [01:47] schestowitz[TR2] if you connect to oftc via matrix, that disputes the hypothesis [01:47] schestowitz[TR2] maybe the network misreports # of users [01:47] schestowitz[TR2] that would settle it [01:48] psydruid over what period of time have numbers of users decreased? [01:49] psydruid maybe Matrix users left gradually [01:50] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [01:51] psydruid in #debian-devel I see about 10 Matrix users on a total of 871 users [01:51] psydruid but that may be out of sync with the real number of users on IRC [01:52] schestowitz[TR2] psydroid2: see https://netsplit.de/networks/statistics.php?net=OFTC [01:52] TR Bot NO TITLE [01:52] schestowitz[TR2] the graph near the botton [01:52] schestowitz[TR2] bottom [01:53] schestowitz[TR2] (second from) [01:53] schestowitz[TR2] it is a very sudden dtop [01:53] schestowitz[TR2] ZedHedTed also noticed they probe the users a lot around that time [01:53] schestowitz[TR2] i saw the same at my end [01:53] schestowitz[TR2] * Received a CTCP VERSION from CTCPServ [01:53] schestowitz[TR2] * Received a CTCP VERSION from CTCPServ [01:53] schestowitz[TR2] * Received a CTCP VERSION from CTCPServ [01:53] schestowitz[TR2] * Received a CTCP VERSION from CTCPServ [01:54] TR News Japan's drinks companies look to tap into foreign markets https://www.dw.com/en/japan-s-drinks-companies-look-to-tap-into-foreign-markets/a-69646738 [01:54] TR Bot drink companies look to tap into foreign markets DW 07/12/2024 [01:54] psydruid maybe they cut off users themselves? [01:55] psydruid I don't engage much with OFTC [01:55] psydruid mainly just because some projects moved there [01:55] TR News Already engaging in election interference too https://www.dw.com/en/elon-musk-s-x-platform-in-breach-of-eu-rules/a-69642525 [01:55] TR Bot Musk's X platform in breach of EU rules DW 07/12/2024 [01:56] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@89mtaesgxrbec.irc) has joined #techrights [01:56] schestowitz[TR2] maybe they cut off users themselves? [01:57] schestowitz[TR2] more likely [01:57] schestowitz[TR2] but THAT many? [01:57] schestowitz[TR2] 20,000 in one morning? [01:57] psydruid transparency is severely lacking ● Jul 22 [02:01] schestowitz[TR2] here is what I did there [02:01] schestowitz[TR2] went to #oftc channel [02:01] schestowitz[TR2] almost 600 users there, IIRC [02:01] schestowitz[TR2] asked about it, politely [02:01] schestowitz[TR2] 7 hours passed [02:01] schestowitz[TR2] nobody said anything... about anything [02:01] schestowitz[TR2] it's basically a dead channel [02:01] schestowitz[TR2] makes you wonder... [02:02] schestowitz[TR2] we could write about it without guessing causes [02:02] schestowitz[TR2] but. [02:02] psydruid maybe much of oftc is dead like this [02:02] schestowitz[TR2] that would be deficient [02:02] schestowitz[TR2] like articles that have questions as headlines [02:02] schestowitz[TR2] instead of answering their own questions [02:02] schestowitz[TR2] then reporting [02:03] schestowitz[TR2] i remember about half the people in some channels were [m]-relayed [02:03] schestowitz[TR2] i can leave that as an opn question then [02:06] psydruid I'm registered and logged in using a nick without [m], so people on IRC generally don't even realise I'm Matrix [02:07] schestowitz[TR2] i see [02:07] schestowitz[TR2] do other people have[m]? [02:07] schestowitz[TR2] because i could see none [02:12] psydruid I don't see that from the Matrix side [02:13] psydruid but maybe you can see my nick somewhere [02:14] psydruid I'm not sure I'm still connected to IRC via the OFTC bridge but I still see some events with a date of the 22nd of July [02:16] schestowitz[TR2] they could at least say something in #oftc [02:16] TR News Techrights Something is Happening at OFTC https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Something_is_Happening_at_OFTC.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Something_is_Happening_at_OFTC.gmi [02:16] TR Bot Techrights Something is Happening at OFTC [02:16] schestowitz[TR2] many people there [02:16] schestowitz[TR2] but a dead channel [02:16] schestowitz[TR2] no activity [02:16] schestowitz[TR2] only joins and quits/splits [02:17] schestowitz[TR2] my gut feeling is [02:17] schestowitz[TR2] they detected many bots [02:17] schestowitz[TR2] like freenode once did [02:17] schestowitz[TR2] and then decided to cull them [02:17] schestowitz[TR2] to reduce cost/loads [02:17] schestowitz[TR2] last weds many rejoined gradually [02:18] schestowitz[TR2] then they cut them again [02:18] schestowitz[TR2] while probing many users [02:18] schestowitz[TR2] inc. me and ZedHedTed [02:18] schestowitz[TR2] maybe trying to figure out who's a real person [02:19] schestowitz[TR2] see graph in: [02:19] schestowitz[TR2] https://netsplit.de/ [02:19] TR Bot NO TITLE [02:19] schestowitz[TR2] it makes it look like irc in general just lost 20k users [02:19] schestowitz[TR2] last wednesday [02:20] schestowitz[TR2] and libera is again by far the biggest network: https://netsplit.de/networks/statistics.php?net=Libera.Chat [02:20] TR Bot NO TITLE [02:26] TR News Merit Makes Right: Microsoft Lays Off DEI Team, Leader Calls Policies 'No Longer Business Critical' https://www.westernjournal.com/merit-makes-right-microsoft-lays-off-dei-team-leader-calls-policies-no-longer-business-critical/ [02:26] TR Bot Merit Makes Right: Microsoft Lays Off DEI Team, Leader Calls Policies 'No Longer Business Critical' [02:26] psydruid I'm joining #oftc, but it may take a while for my nick to show up there [02:27] TR News NetherRealm Studios Faces Layoffs, Closing Mobile Division and Mortal Kombat Onslaught https://techstory.in/netherrealm-studios-faces-layoffs-closing-mobile-division-and-mortal-kombat-onslaught/ [02:27] TR Bot NetherRealm Studios Faces Layoffs, Closing Mobile Division and Mortal Kombat Onslaught - TechStory [02:27] psydruid it seems you've already left [02:27] schestowitz[TR2] i am back [02:27] schestowitz[TR2] either way [02:28] schestowitz[TR2] if netsplit sees 260k down to 240k [02:28] schestowitz[TR2] we probably ought to know why [02:28] schestowitz[TR2] for instance, [02:28] schestowitz[TR2] how many are the same people across diff networks [02:28] schestowitz[TR2] or [02:28] schestowitz[TR2] how many are matrix users bridged over [02:28] schestowitz[TR2] irc is crucial now [02:28] schestowitz[TR2] the nazis user x and tiktok [02:29] schestowitz[TR2] and try to herd people into those [02:29] schestowitz[TR2] then to collude to elect a nazi [02:29] schestowitz[TR2] but sabotaging campaigns of non-nazis [02:29] schestowitz[TR2] and the media that complains about this... uses X and tiktok [02:29] psydruid I only notice a few Matrix users so far [02:29] schestowitz[TR2] i.e. gets controlled by those it is trying to expose [02:30] psydruid I don't know if my nick is visible now [02:30] schestowitz[TR2] so they did not block matrix [02:30] schestowitz[TR2] i never thought it did [02:30] schestowitz[TR2] but something happened 5-6 days ago [02:30] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.oftc.net/UserCloaks/ [02:30] TR Bot OFTC - User Cloaks [02:30] schestowitz[TR2] no news updates since march [02:31] schestowitz[TR2] lots of Steve McIntyre (Sledge) [02:31] schestowitz[TR2] the people trying so hard to censor Debian Developers [02:31] schestowitz[TR2] if they don't suck up to Steve McIntyre (Sledge) and his friends [02:31] schestowitz[TR2] " [02:31] schestowitz[TR2] We now offer a Tor hidden service: ircs://oftcnet6xg6roj6d7id4y4cu6dchysacqj2ldgea73qzdagufflqxrid.onion. [02:31] schestowitz[TR2] " [02:32] schestowitz[TR2] Steve McIntyre is also connected to the people who attack my family [02:32] schestowitz[TR2] but that's a story for later this year or next year [02:34] TR News 'Dr. Ruth' dead at 96 https://www.dw.com/en/us-famous-sex-therapist-dr-ruth-dead-at-96/a-69653296 [02:34] TR Bot Famous sex therapist 'Dr. Ruth' dead at 96 DW 07/13/2024 [02:35] TR News $7 billion bondage https://www.dw.com/en/pakistan-reaches-7-billion-aid-deal-with-imf/a-69650584 [02:35] TR Bot reaches $7 billion aid deal with IMF DW 07/13/2024 [02:39] TR News those running for office risk repression https://www.dw.com/en/in-tunisia-those-running-for-office-risk-repression/a-69644890 [02:39] TR Bot reigns in Tunisia as preelection repression intensifies DW 07/14/2024 [02:40] TR News Will China ever overtake the US economy? https://www.dw.com/en/will-china-ever-overtake-the-us-economy/a-69591117 [02:40] TR Bot China ever overtake the US economy? DW 07/15/2024 [02:41] schestowitz[TR2] just asking: [02:41] schestowitz[TR2] does harris express views on software [02:41] schestowitz[TR2] if so, free software too? [02:41] schestowitz[TR2] i cannot recall her talking about tech [02:41] schestowitz[TR2] even policy or regulation [02:42] schestowitz[TR2] it does not eman something bad [02:42] schestowitz[TR2] but they seem to be hands off, her and biden [02:42] schestowitz[TR2] letting the tech companies do anything [02:42] schestowitz[TR2] gates kamala harris photo ops cannot be found [02:42] schestowitz[TR2] that's a plus [02:44] schestowitz[TR2] oh oh https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/melinda-gates-kamala-harris-global-covid-response [02:44] TR Bot Melinda Gates, Kamala Harris to discuss 'global COVID-19 response' | Fox Business [02:46] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-210724.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-210724.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-210724.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-210724.txt [02:46] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, July 21, 2024 [02:47] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-210724.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-210724.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-210724.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-210724.txt [02:47] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, July 21, 2024 [02:48] TR News Techrights IRC Proceedings: Sunday, July 21, 2024 https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/IRC_Proceedings_Sunday_July_21_2024.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/IRC_Proceedings_Sunday_July_21_2024.gmi [02:48] TR Bot Techrights IRC Proceedings: Sunday, July 21, 2024 [02:48] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-210724.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-210724.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-210724.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-210724.txt [02:48] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, July 21, 2024 [02:48] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Today_in_Techrights.gmi [02:48] TR Bot Tux Machines Today in Techrights [02:49] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-210724.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-210724.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-210724.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-210724.txt [02:49] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, July 21, 2024 [02:49] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2024-07-21.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2024-07-21.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now) [02:49] TR News Techrights Over at Tux Machines... https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi [02:49] TR Bot Techrights Over at Tux Machines... [02:50] TR News Yesterday's Tux Machines bulletin is now ready! : http://news.tuxmachines.org/txt-archives/tuxmachines-2024-07-21.txt [02:51] TR News 38 more new members for FSF to reach goal [02:53] TR News High cost of living bites hard https://www.dw.com/en/nigeria-high-cost-of-living-bites-hard/a-69656094 [02:53] TR Bot struggle to make ends meet amid economic crisis DW 07/15/2024 [02:56] TR News "synthetic cannabinoid" is an understatement https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/spice-crept-back-manchester-29509089 [02:56] TR Bot Why Spice has 'crept back' to Manchester - Manchester Evening News [02:57] TR News food safety problem https://www.dw.com/en/china-cooking-oil-scandal-exposes-food-safety-problem/a-69663857 [02:57] TR Bot cooking oil scandal exposes food safety problem DW 07/15/2024 [02:58] TR News Forcing people to participate in EXPERIMENTS came at a very high cost https://www.dw.com/en/childhood-vaccinations-stall-globally-who-warns/a-69664731 [02:58] TR Bot vaccinations stall globally, WHO warns DW 07/15/2024 [02:58] TR News economic slump https://www.dw.com/en/china-communist-party-meets-amid-economic-slump/a-69662287 [02:58] TR Bot Communist Party meets amid economic slump DW 07/15/2024 ● Jul 22 [03:00] TR News drug-inhalation site https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/poilievre-shut-down-montreal-supervised-drug-inhalation-site-1.7261989 [03:00] TR Bot Poilievre wants to shut down Montreal's supervised drug-inhalation site and others that 'endanger the public' | CBC News [03:04] TR News They start with the most extreme, but what next? https://www.dw.com/en/germany-bans-right-wing-extremist-compact-magazine/a-69675389 [03:04] TR Bot bans right-wing extremist Compact magazine DW 07/16/2024 [03:11] TR News SoylentNews has two issues at the moment. One is a very persistent IRC troll and another is political nuclear toxins being brought to the main channel, dividing people. Those are more like vandalism than "moderation issues". They tried to limit who can enter (authenticated only), but merely blocked legit users. [03:11] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [03:11] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [03:11] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [03:11] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrights [03:11] TR News IRC is equipped to deal with vandalism, but that does not mean it's toil-free or toll-free. [03:12] TR News Or, perhaps more to the point, if society gets very toxic and divided, this will become a burden on sane people irrespective of the medium. [03:14] TR News Quest for tighter borders, may threaten EU's Schengen idea https://www.dw.com/en/quest-for-tighter-borders-may-threaten-eu-s-schengen-idea/a-69695591 [03:14] TR Bot borders may threaten EU's Schengen idea DW 07/17/2024 [03:15] TR News Freedom of movement or freedom to travel must not be conflated with the "freedom" to escape accountability for actual crimes [03:15] TR News Joe Biden needed to get COVID before realising his age was becoming a factor [03:16] TR News The upside is, 2024 election won't be "elect WHICH senile" [03:17] TR News Maybe Carter can have a run for second term. If he can tell apart Ukraine's leader from Russia's. [03:17] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [03:17] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [03:17] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [03:17] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrights [03:18] TR News 2025 budget https://www.dw.com/en/germany-s-coalition-agrees-on-a-contentious-2025-budget/a-69691427 [03:18] TR Bot coalition agrees on a budget for 2025 DW 07/17/2024 [03:23] TR News Techrights Links 21/07/2024: Health, Politics, and Kamala Harris in Focus https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Links_21_07_2024_Health_Politics_and_Kamala_Harris_in_Focus.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Links_21_07_2024_Health_Politics_and_Kamala_Harris_in_Focus.gmi [03:23] TR Bot Techrights Links 21/07/2024: Health, Politics, and Kamala Harris in Focus [03:26] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [03:33] TR News Techrights New: Why They Really Went After Assange https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/New_Why_They_Really_Went_After_Assange.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/New_Why_They_Really_Went_After_Assange.gmi [03:33] TR Bot Techrights New: Why They Really Went After Assange [03:34] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [03:49] TR News Techrights GNU/Linux Usage in Guadeloupe Rises Closer to International Average, Based on Web Data Collected by statCounter https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/GNU_Linux_Usage_in_Guadeloupe_Rises_Closer_to_International_Ave.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/GNU_Linux_Usage_in_Guadeloupe_Rises_Closer_to_International_Ave.gmi [03:49] TR Bot Techrights GNU/Linux Usage in Guadeloupe Rises Closer to International Average, Based on Web Data Collected by statCounter [03:53] TR News It says "Microsoft outage" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/microsoft-outage-why-you-shouldnt-believe-every-crowdstrike-support-email-phone-call/articleshow/111909198.cms [03:53] TR Bot Microsoft outage: Why you shouldnt believe every CrowdStrike support email, phone call - Times of India [03:54] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@89mtaesgxrbec.irc) has joined #techrights [03:55] TR News "In May 2023, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna predicted AI and automation replacing 30% of HR and non-customer facing roles within five years. The company laid off employees in March 2024." https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/sundar-pichai-satya-nadella-mark-zuckerberg-and-other-tech-ceos-on-why-companies-are-making-job-cuts/articleshow/111560240.cms [03:55] TR Bot Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, Mark Zuckerberg and other tech CEOs on why companies are making job cuts - Times of India [03:59] schestowitz[TR2] psydroid2: still need to understand what went on in oftc [03:59] schestowitz[TR2] i left that main channel [03:59] schestowitz[TR2] as nobody talks there anyway ● Jul 22 [04:15] *Disconnected (Connection timed out). [04:28] *Now talking on #techrights [04:28] *Topic for #techrights is: Techrights.org IRC discussions @ localhost | Channel #techrights for http://techrights.org [logged online] :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell for related discussions. For scrollback see http://techrights.org/irc-channel/ [04:28] *Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~roy@22e8m8t4gqjin.irc at Fri Jun 18 16:51:47 2021 [04:28] *lxo has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *tokwe has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *\join_subline has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *libertybox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *rianne (~rianne@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *openJ_ (~sid276354@nuh3iep92zvge.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *asusbox2 (~rianne@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *ciphrCat has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *croissant has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *phebus has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *kermit has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *kermit_ is now known as kermit [04:28] *libertybox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *libertybox2_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *libertybox2_ (~schestowitz_log@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *tokwe (~tokwe@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *rianne__ (~rianne@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *Techrights-sec2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *ciphrCat (~ciphrCat@v75kd7krrqfvs.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *techrights-news has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *ZedHedTed has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *liberty_box (~liberty@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *openJ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *openJ_ is now known as openJ [04:28] *j has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *j_ is now known as j [04:28] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *prurigro (~prurigro@uzfeivw9fp6ba.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *Sompi has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:28] *schestowitz-pi2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *IndyJoenz has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:28] *techrightsec4 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:29] *techrights-sec (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [04:29] *ZedHedTed (~ZedHedTed@tce9dsfq7fh2u.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *IndyJoenz (~indy@jy6t5ub6ifim6.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *tessier (~treed@rmtrxethyurei.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *logbackup (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *phebus (~phebus@f95gnd3zj7732.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *thiel3 (~thiel3@u8mz5ab9qj5ra.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *buzzert (~buzzert@rnmcbdidkw8kn.irc) has joined #techrights [04:29] *isak (~andreas@dzzss3vg4xwbw.irc) has joined #techrights [04:30] *\join_subline (~join_subline@thzqinx2f4dxs.irc) has joined #techrights [04:30] *techrights-news (~techrights-news@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:30] *Righty (~Username@mw9s45a2hnbag.irc) has joined #techrights [04:30] *XFaCE (~XFaCE@uzfeivw9fp6ba.irc) has joined #techrights [04:31] *techrights-sec is now known as techrightsec5 [04:32] schestowitz[TR2] psydroid2: still need to understand what went on in oftc [04:32] schestowitz[TR2] i left that main channel [04:32] schestowitz[TR2] as nobody talks there anyway [04:32] schestowitz[TR2] router rebooted at 4am [04:32] *svenn (~sid413885@qzrq235qjvpfw.irc) has joined #techrights [04:32] *jacobk (~quassel@q9j5uhw5wt8yu.irc) has joined #techrights [04:32] schestowitz[TR2] server not rebooted [04:33] *admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights [04:34] *schestowitz-pi2 (~pi@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:36] *Techrights-sec2 has quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [04:38] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:39] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@g2xqzhfejbyq2.irc) has joined #techrights [04:39] *libredev (~libredev@w4s7ck52qnvc2.irc) has joined #techrights [04:39] *libertybox5_ (~schestowitz_log@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [04:41] *forkbombe (~forkbombe@u89vdyv4abg8n.irc) has joined #techrights [04:49] TR News already linked to upstream: "ePiPod with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W #Raspberrypi" https://blog.adafruit.com/2024/07/19/epipod-with-a-raspberry-pi-zero-2-w-raspberrypi/ [04:49] TR Bot ePiPod with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W #Raspberrypi Adafruit Industries Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! [04:50] TR News "Be warned: After global tech outage, phishing schemes and scammers may try to exploit you" https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/cyberstrike-worldwide-outage-1.7270412 [04:50] TR Bot Be warned: After global tech outage, phishing schemes and scammers may try to exploit you | CBC News [04:51] TR News "Law enforcement agencies have a selection of tools at their disposal for disrupting or shutting down problematic websites." https://torrentfreak.com/z-library-more-domains-seized-than-any-other-pirate-site-in-history-240721/ | Source: Torrent Freak [04:51] TR Bot More Domains Seized Than Any Other Pirate Site in History * TorrentFreak [04:55] TR News "English jazz-funk band Shakatak has hired a musicologist to find out whether K-pop girl group NewJeans' new single" https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2024/07/732_379044.html | Source: The Korea Times [04:55] TR Bot English band hires musicologist to analyze NewJeans' 'Bubble Gum' over plagiarism concerns - The Korea Times [04:56] TR News "The study, which looked at 14,000 web domains that are included in three commonly used A.I. training data sets" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/19/technology/ai-data-restrictions.html | Source: New York Times [04:56] TR Bot Data for A.I. Training Is Disappearing Fast, Study Shows - The New York Times [04:56] TR News Techrights The Impact of OFTC's Latest Changes on the Perceived Scale of IRC Globally https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/The_Impact_of_OFTC_s_Latest_Changes_on_the_Perceived_Scale_of_I.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/The_Impact_of_OFTC_s_Latest_Changes_on_the_Perceived_Scale_of_I.gmi [04:56] TR Bot Techrights The Impact of OFTC's Latest Changes on the Perceived Scale of IRC Globally [04:56] TR News "the hallmarks of a firm exercising market power post-merger" https://www.tomshardware.com/video-games/xbox/microsoft-defends-game-pass-price-changes-tells-ftc-that-its-change-offers-multiplayer-for-less | Source: Tom's Hardware [04:56] TR Bot Microsoft defends Game Pass price changes, tells FTC that adjustment offers multiplayer for less | Tom's Hardware [04:59] TR News "Italian politicians including Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni expressed outrage Sunday after a journalist was beaten up" https://www.voanews.com/a/outrage-after-italy-reporter-attacked-at-neo-fascist-event-/7706878.html | Source: VOA News [04:59] TR Bot Outrage after Italy reporter attacked at neo-fascist event [04:59] TR News "The social media giant experienced a SEV1 as a result of the disruptions, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-bytes/meta-content-moderation-vendors-hit-by-global-cyber-outage/articleshow/111876740.cms | Source: India Times [04:59] TR Bot global cyber outage: Meta content moderation vendors hit by global cyber outage - The Economic Times ● Jul 22 [05:02] TR News "That's where exiles Daniil Chebykin and Richard King, co-founders of the Omsk Civic Association" https://www.dw.com/en/russian-exiles-report-canceled-id-cards/a-69721439 | Source: Deutsche Welle [05:02] TR Bot exiles report canceled ID cards DW 07/21/2024 [05:03] TR News "The impact of fake news and propaganda can be profoundly damaging." https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2024/07/21/fake-news-and-propaganda/ | Source: Modern Diplomacy [05:03] TR Bot Fake News and Propaganda - Modern Diplomacy [05:03] TR News "Microsoft Windows on Friday" https://www.france24.com/en/technology/20240720-online-conspiracy-theories-abound-after-major-global-it-crash | Source: France24 [05:03] TR Bot ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/technology/20240720-online-conspiracy-theories-abound-after-major-global-it-crash ) [05:05] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D1349.jpg [05:05] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D1000.jpg 1000 today! [05:06] TR News "Supporters, however, hope it will come to a vote later this month." https://www.voanews.com/a/7706763.html | Source: VOA News [05:06] TR Bot What to know about Kids Online Safety Act and its chances of passing [05:07] TR News "Social media platforms would also have to provide minors with options to protect their information" https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/washington-dc/articles/2024-07-21/what-to-know-about-the-kids-online-safety-act-and-its-chances-of-passing | Source: US News And World Report [05:07] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/washington-dc/articles/2024-07-21/what-to-know-about-the-kids-online-safety-act-and-its-chances-of-passing ) [05:07] TR News "ZESA is targeting to mobilise about 100MW through the initiative." https://www.techzim.co.zw/2024/07/zesa-net-metering-zimbabweans-with-solar-encouraged-to-sell-their-excess-electricity-to-the-grid/ | Source: Zimbabwe [05:07] TR Bot ZESA Net Metering: Zimbabweans With Solar Encouraged To Sell Their Excess Electricity Into National Grid - Techzim [05:08] TR News "Whats more, nearly 3 million Americans live within 3,200 feet of those wells" https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2024-07-21/wildfires-pose-increasing-risk-to-california-oil-wells | Source: Los Angeles Times [05:08] TR Bot Wildfires pose increasing risk to California oil wells - Los Angeles Times [05:10] TR News "Over on the social control media sites there have been a bunch of very serious posts from very serious people" https://blog.zgp.org/internet-optimism/ | Source: Don Marti [05:10] TR Bot Sunday Internet optimism [05:16] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) ● Jul 22 [06:00] TR News (NEW): 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: July 21st, 2024 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_July_21st_2024.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_July_21st_2024.gmi [06:00] TR Bot Tux Machines 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: July 21st, 2024 [06:42] TR News Windows TCO: "This outage affected a subset of customers using various Azure services." https://techcentral.co.za/crowdstrike-disaster-a-timely-warning/248353/ | Source: Tech Central (South Africa) [06:42] TR Bot CrowdStrike disaster offers a timely warning - TechCentral [06:42] TR News Windows TCO: "A significant IT outage has affected multiple businesses utilizing Microsoft's cloud services" https://bianet.org/haber/turkish-airlines-cancels-84-flights-due-to-global-microsoft-outage-297660 | Source: BIA Net [06:42] TR Bot Turkish Airlines cancels 84 flights due to global Microsoft outage [06:42] TR News Windows "BSOD" https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/21/24202923/crowdstrike-remediation-guidance-hub-windows-bsods-outage-malware | Source: The Verge [06:42] TR Bot CrowdStrike has a new guidance hub for dealing with the Windows outage - The Verge [06:43] TR News Windows TCO: "Superior Court disabled its network systems" https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/07/ransomware-attack-shuts-down-los-angeles-superior-court-systems/ | Source: JURIST [06:43] TR Bot Ransomware attack shuts down Los Angeles Superior Court systems - JURIST - News ● Jul 22 [07:01] TR News Windows TCO: "The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) issued an advisory following disruptions" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/microsoft-outage-it-ministry-issues-advisory-says-problem-related-to-recent-update-in-product/articleshow/111860424.cms | Source: India Times [07:01] TR Bot Microsoft Outage: Microsoft Outage: IT Ministry issues advisory, says problem related to recent update in product - The Economic Times [07:01] TR News Windows TCO: "And it's not like CrowdStrike is a niche product" https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/19/life_interrupted_how_crowdstrikes_patch/ | Source: The Register UK [07:01] TR Bot The non-IT impacts of CrowdStrike's bad patch on daily life The Register [07:01] TR News Windows TCO https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-bytes/australia-warns-of-malicious-websites-after-cyber-outage/articleshow/111875496.cms | Source: India Times [07:01] TR Bot cyber outage: Australia warns of malicious websites after cyber outage - The Economic Times [07:02] TR News Windows TCO: "Signals Directorate the country's cyber intelligence agency" https://www.voanews.com/a/australia-warns-of-malicious-websites-after-cyber-outage-/7706586.html | Source: VOA News [07:02] TR Bot Australia warns of 'malicious websites' after cyber outage [07:02] TR News Windows TCO: "This was not, however, an unforeseeable freak accident, nor will it be the last of its kind" https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/07/crowdstrike-failure-warning-solutions/679174/ | Source: The Atlantic [07:02] TR Bot The CrowdStrike Failure Was a Warning - The Atlantic [07:04] TR News "There was a time when Netgear owned the consumer networking router and hub market. Not anymore" https://www.logikalsolutions.com/wordpress/information-technology/netgear/ | Source: Logikal Solutions [07:04] TR Bot Why the World is Abandoning Netgear Logikal Blog [07:04] TR News "It turns out GPT-4o isn't a very good Blotto player." https://incoherency.co.uk/blog/stories/colonel-blotto-game.html | Source: James Stanley [07:04] TR Bot James Stanley - I made an LLM-powered Colonel Blotto game [07:04] TR News (NEW): Windows TCO: Azure Outages, Bricked Windows, Ransomware, and Worse https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Windows_TCO_Azure_Outages_Bricked_Windows_Ransomware_and_Worse.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Windows_TCO_Azure_Outages_Bricked_Windows_Ransomware_and_Worse.gmi [07:04] TR Bot Tux Machines Windows TCO: Azure Outages, Bricked Windows, Ransomware, and Worse [07:04] TR News "Ive been in a mode of trying lots of new AI tools for the past year or two" https://benjamincongdon.me/blog/2024/07/21/AI-Tools-in-Mid-2024/ | Source: Ben Congdon [07:04] TR Bot AI Tools in Mid-2024 | Ben Congdon [07:05] TR News "There are many good guides to developing film at home; this isnt going to be one of them, exactly." https://www.404media.co/developing-and-scanning-my-own-color-film-a-rewarding-infuriating-hobby/ | Source: 404 Media [07:05] TR Bot Developing and Scanning My Own Color Film: A Rewarding, Infuriating Hobby [07:05] TR News "When Apple offers us the first Macs with M4 chips they should please those who want more precise timing." https://eclecticlight.co/2024/07/21/last-week-on-my-mac-picking-dates-and-times/ | Source: Howard Oakley [07:05] TR Bot Last Week on My Mac: Picking dates and times The Eclectic Light Company [07:06] TR News (NEW): Review: Andronix - Running Linux distributions on an Android phone https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Review_Andronix_Running_Linux_distributions_on_an_Android_phone.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Review_Andronix_Running_Linux_distributions_on_an_Android_phone.gmi [07:06] TR Bot Tux Machines Review: Andronix - Running Linux distributions on an Android phone [07:07] TR News "those hilarious fill-in-the-blank stories" https://tedium.co/2024/07/20/roger-price-mad-libs-droodles-history/ | Source: Tedium [07:07] TR Bot Droodles & Mad Libs: The Brain Games That Dominated The 50s [07:08] TR News "modular forms" https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2024/07/math-olympics-swimming/679166/ | Source: The Atlantic [07:08] TR Bot USA Swimming Has a Secret Weapon: Linear Algebra - The Atlantic [07:10] TR News "Two things have changed for books, music and visual media: [...]" https://seths.blog/2024/07/the-new-reality-of-old-media/ | Source: Seth Godin [07:10] TR Bot The new reality of old media | Seth's Blog [07:10] TR News "Heres how I think they line up: [...]" https://rscottjones.com/the-two-futures-of-social-media/ | Source: R Scott Jones [07:10] TR Bot two futures of social media rscottjones [07:10] TR News "Today I heard a term coined by Swedish author Micael Dahln: Unmustify." https://birming.com/unmustify/ | Source: Robert Birming [07:10] TR Bot you unmustify? | Robert Birming [07:11] TR News "we need living things to have a community" https://manuelmoreale.com/thoughts-on-digital-communities | Source: Manuel Moreale [07:11] TR Bot Thoughts on digital communities Manu [07:11] TR News "Community is one of the main topics I touch on here." https://www.michalzelazny.com/blog/forum | Source: Michal Zelazny [07:11] TR Bot Forum [07:12] TR News (NEW): howtos, Installations and Free and Open Source Software https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/howtos_Installations_and_Free_and_Open_Source_Software.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/howtos_Installations_and_Free_and_Open_Source_Software.gmi [07:12] TR Bot Tux Machines howtos, Installations and Free and Open Source Software [07:16] TR News (NEW): Tiling Shell GNOME Extension Adds New Way to Tile Windows Quickly https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Tiling_Shell_GNOME_Extension_Adds_New_Way_to_Tile_Windows_Quick.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Tiling_Shell_GNOME_Extension_Adds_New_Way_to_Tile_Windows_Quick.gmi [07:16] TR Bot Tux Machines Tiling Shell GNOME Extension Adds New Way to Tile Windows Quickly [07:17] TR News "I got an email from someone who'd just started a blog at BearBlog." https://louplummer.lol/free-blogging-advice/ | Source: Lou Plummer [07:17] TR Bot Free Blogging Advice | Living Out Loud [07:17] TR News "Always a quid-pro-quo with these guys" https://idiomdrottning.org/clever-gui | Source: Idiomdrottning [07:17] TR Bot Put that in your CLI and smoke it [07:18] TR News We cannot become Ukrainian journalists interview with TV Rain editor https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2316741/we-cannot-become-ukrainian-journalists-interview-with-tv-rain-editor [07:18] TR Bot We cannot become Ukrainian journalists interview with TV Rain editor - LRT [07:18] TR News Far-right Ukrainian politician Iryna Farion, known for anti-Russian campaigns, shot and killed https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/07/far-right-ukrainian-politician-iryna-farion-known-for-anti-russian-campaigns-shot-and-killed/ [07:18] TR Bot Far-right Ukrainian politician Iryna Farion, known for anti-Russian campaigns, shot and killed - JURIST - News [07:46] TR News BASIC https://hackaday.com/2024/07/21/ask-hackaday-should-we-teach-basic/ | Source: Hackaday [07:46] TR Bot Hackaday: Should We Teach BASIC? | Hackaday [07:48] TR News Open Letter to the European Commission https://nixos.org/blog/announcements/2024/letter/ nixos, a hijacked/compromised project [07:48] TR Bot Blog | Nix & NixOS [07:49] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights [07:49] TR News "Fedora's Empty Diversity Event" https://lunduke.substack.com/p/last-week-at-the-lunduke-journal-256 [07:49] TR Bot Last week at The Lunduke Journal (July 7 - July 20, 2024) [07:50] TR News Try eating gluten-free https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/think-your-grocery-bill-is-high-try-eating-gluten-free-1.7264195 [07:50] TR Bot Think your grocery bill is high? Try eating gluten-free | CBC News [07:52] TR News new $9M condo https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/global-affairs-canada-new-york-consul-condo-1.7268348 [07:52] TR Bot Canada selling one New York apartment to cover cost of new $9M condo | CBC News [07:53] TR News Monopolies https://www.dw.com/en/german-court-rejects-new-york-times-case-over-wordle-rights/a-69706560 [07:53] TR Bot court rejects New York Times case over Wordle rights DW 07/18/2024 [07:55] TR News Protecting Just 1.2% of Earth's Land Could Stave Off Mass Extinction https://www.sciencealert.com/protecting-just-1-2-of-earths-land-could-stave-off-mass-extinction [07:55] TR Bot Just 1.2% of Earth's Land Could Stave Off Mass Extinction : ScienceAlert [07:57] TR News 0.24.0 update of Gemini Protocol is breaking a bunch of libraries and tools gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/Gemini/18712 ● Jul 22 [08:06] TR News "Modern" quality https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/associated-press-stellantis-recall-hybrid-minivans-1.7269737 [08:06] TR Bot Stellantis tells owners of over 24,000 hybrid minivans to park outdoors due to battery fire risk | CBC News [08:08] TR News "Modern" products. VERY modern. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/bissell-handheld-steam-cleaner-recall-1.7268210" [08:08] TR Bot Bissell recalls more than 3 million hand-held steam cleaners after dozens of people burned | CBC News [08:10] TR News height jibe https://www.dw.com/en/giorgia-meloni-height-jibe-costs-italian-journalist-5-000/a-69708650 [08:10] TR Bot Meloni height jibe costs Italian journalist 5,000 DW 07/19/2024 [08:11] TR News Scammer with "crypto" clothing https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-crypto-king-remains-bankrupt-1.7267994 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-crypto-king-bankruptcy-discharge-hearing-1.7265316 [08:11] TR Bot Ontario's Crypto King will likely remain bankrupt until after criminal charges are resolved | CBC News [08:11] TR Bot Ontario's Crypto King lied about income, has 'no remorse,' trustee's lawyer tells bankruptcy hearing | CBC News [08:12] TR News flight simulator https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/this-new-canadian-north-simulator-brings-pilot-training-closer-to-real-thing-1.7267961 [08:12] TR Bot This new Canadian North flight simulator brings pilot training closer to the real thing | CBC News [08:12] TR News 6 Best Free and Open Source Graphical Gemini Clients https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-graphical-gemini-clients/ [08:13] TR Bot Best Free and Open Source Graphical Gemini Clients - LinuxLinks [08:13] TR News 4 Best Free and Open Source DVD Authoring Tools https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-dvd-authoring-tools/ [08:13] TR Bot Best Free and Open Source DVD Authoring Tools - LinuxLinks [08:13] TR News malcontent implements parental controls support https://www.linuxlinks.com/malcontent-implements-parental-controls-support/ [08:13] TR Bot - implements parental controls support - LinuxLinks [08:14] TR News Feeling Finder help convey emotion in text communication https://www.linuxlinks.com/feeling-finder-text-communication/ [08:14] TR Bot Finder - help convey emotion in text communication - LinuxLinks [08:14] TR News Your F.U.D. is Already Showing, Abusive Monopolist Microsoft https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Your_F_U_D_is_Already_Showing_Microsoft.shtml [08:14] TR Bot Techrights Your F.U.D. is Already Showing, Microsoft [08:14] TR News GNU/Linux Lifted Up 0.03% Closer to 4.5% "Market Share" (or 50% More Than a Year Ago) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/GNU_Linux_Lifted_Up_0_03_Closer_to_4_5_Market_Share_or_50_More_.shtml [08:14] TR Bot Techrights GNU/Linux Lifted Up 0.03% Closer to 4.5% "Market Share" (or 50% More Than a Year Ago) [08:14] TR News High Adoption Rates for GNU/Linux in Albania, According to statCounter https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/High_Adoption_Rates_for_GNU_Linux_in_Albania_According_to_statC.shtml [08:14] TR Bot Techrights High Adoption Rates for GNU/Linux in Albania, According to statCounter [08:24] TR News Playing audio CDs from 25 years ago. Still working OK. Optical disks don't have to ve 100% CRC-perfect to play. [08:34] TR News Tiling Shell Adds Another Way to Tile backdoored Windows Quickly https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/07/tiling-shell-adds-another-way-to-tile-windows-quickly [08:34] TR Bot Tiling Shell GNOME Extension Adds New Way to Tile Windows Quickly - OMG! Ubuntu [08:34] TR News Techrights Links 22/07/2024: Internet Optimism and Kamala Harris Policies Debated https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Links_22_07_2024_Internet_Optimism_and_Kamala_Harris_Policies_D.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Links_22_07_2024_Internet_Optimism_and_Kamala_Harris_Policies_D.gmi [08:34] TR Bot Techrights Links 22/07/2024: Internet Optimism and Kamala Harris Policies Debated [08:35] TR News "Some of the things I wrote down about what my kids said and did when they were little, disappeared forever due to my using a 1990s word processing program with a now defunct file format." https://analogoffice.net/2024/07/21/digital-is-ephemeral.html | Source: Analog Office [08:35] TR Bot Analog Office - Digital is Ephemeral [08:35] TR News "I am building a new configuration language: RCL." https://ruudvanasseldonk.com/2024/implementing-a-typechecker-for-rcl-in-rust | Source: Ruud van Asseldonk [08:35] TR Bot A type system for RCL: Implementing a typechecker in Rust ● Jul 22 [09:16] TR News "We are very much against a/v overloaded communication/media, we prefer the format we all can have the upper hand" https://sysdfree.wordpress.com/2024/07/21/386/ | Source: Systemd Free [09:16] TR Bot In Holly Triad of Liberation we trust | systemd-free linux community [09:16] TR News "Thousands of such lines. And the weird thing is that libgcc_s.so.1 does exist on my system." https://boston.conman.org/2024/07/21.1 | Source: Sean Conner [09:16] TR Bot Fixing an Apache pthread error - The Boston Diaries - Captain Napalm [09:17] TR News "This question could be relevant if i used Ios (Iphone), which is a really locked down operating system." https://text.tchncs.de/czars-blogs/custom-roms-and-my-phone | Source: Tchncs [09:17] TR Bot custom roms and my phone Czar's blogs [09:17] TR News "What that nightmarish episode" https://www.deccanchronicle.com/nation/in-other-news/just-spamming-caught-in-the-tyranny-of-mobile-phone-1811345 | Source: Deccan Chronicle [09:17] TR Bot JUST SPAMMING | Caught in the tyranny of mobile phone [09:19] TR News Open Hardware: "This is an MP3 player that uses an e-Paper screen instead of an LCD." https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/ePaper_PiPod_MP3_music_player_a6adf3e1.html | Source: PCBWay [09:19] TR Bot PiPod MP3 music player - Share Project - PCBWay [09:19] TR News "Like the previous article this one is not related to any specific virtualization domain but a more general one." https://eerielinux.wordpress.com/2024/07/20/exploring-the-cbsd-virtual-environment-management-framework-part-8-customizing-cbsd/ | Source: Eerie Linux [09:19] TR Bot Exploring the CBSD virtual environment management framework part 8: Customizing CBSD eerielinux [09:20] TR News "list of 17 linux distributions without elogind" https://sysdfree.wordpress.com/2024/07/21/363/ | Source: Systemd Free [09:20] TR Bot Summer 2024 hardcore list of 17 linux distributions without elogind and other systemd parts | systemd-free linux community [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=24/07/20/164238 [09:22] TR Bot CrowdStrike Broke Debian and Rocky Linux Months Ago, but No One Noticed - SoylentNews [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] " In the other thread [soylentnews.org], Hubie pointed out that this pushing out of untested, unsafe code is not a one-off. And, as you point out, the failure is the IT department. I'd narrow that down to the head of the IT department and whoever hired him or her. Expect more platitudes and fake apologies and, most of all, total radio silence about the lack of value-added for CrowdStrike and its irrelevance to Linux. [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] Speaking of Linux and the impact of of CrowdStrike's failure on Linux, no individual and no institution with the competence to decide to run Linux is going to be gullible enough to have paid for the CrowdStrike boondoggle. So when CrowdStrike failed there was really no one to notice. Yes, technically it was offered on the market. No, that market had no significant size, especially compared to the very large proportion of servers o [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] ut there running Linux. In contrast, none of those gullible enough to burn money on a pointless CrowdStrike boondoggle are going to have escaped the marketeers of Redmond. [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] (It also matters a lot how you count servers. Hardware-wise, m$ has a lot of machines but that is because they have terrible hardware to service ratio with multiple machines just to run a single M$-based service. Linux has a lot of machines, but that is because it simply dominates the server market and in most cases you have many services sharing the same hardware, with capacity to spare.) [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] It's a mutually exclusive situation and only a theoretical possibility that a Linux system somewhere could have been affected. Not all sides are equal and posting such an article might be amusing for some but mainly will play the role of promoting false balance [rationalwiki.org] and thus exacerbating anti-FOSS and anti-Linux fear, uncertainty, and doubt on behalf of m$ and its hordes of frauds, poseurs, and charlatans. For that r [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] eason I suggested dropping it from the queue but since it's here, discuss anyway. " [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] Microsoft FUD in SN now [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] Windows broke [09:22] schestowitz[TR2] let's blame... LINUX [09:25] schestowitz[TR2] the point of editorial control is to weed out misleading spin from Redmond, Oil Companies etc. [09:26] schestowitz[TR2] severe editorial error: http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Your_F_U_D_is_Already_Showing_Microsoft.shtml [09:26] TR Bot Techrights Your F.U.D. is Already Showing, Microsoft [09:26] schestowitz[TR2] so SN is now run by the microsofters [09:26] schestowitz[TR2] or people who fall for them [09:31] TR News "I want to share some of the worst possible things one can do with box shadows all on a single div." https://dgerrells.com/blog/how-not-to-use-box-shadows | Source: David Gerrells [09:31] TR Bot How not to use box shadows [09:32] TR News "Rate-limiting is an age-old Reverse Proxy feature focused on protecting against DDoS attacks." https://blog.frankel.ch/different-rate-limits-apisix/ | Source: Nicolas Frnkel [09:32] TR Bot Differentiating rate limits in Apache APISIX [09:32] TR News "You can read the original announcement on the website of Solne. For more information, see occ.deadnet.se." https://box.matto.nl/xorgless-on-a-thirteen-year-old-netbook.html | Source: MJ Fransen [09:32] TR Bot on a thirteen year old netbook - box.matto.nl [09:33] TR News 7 Takeaways From Our Investigation Into a Secret Investor in Jack Mas Companies https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/21/world/asia/jack-ma-xiao-jianhua-takaeaways.html [09:33] TR Bot 7 Takeaways From Our Investigation Into a Secret Investor in Jack Mas Companies - The New York Times [09:34] TR News Canadian Politicians Are in No Hurry to Fight Foreign Interference in Elections https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/21/world/americas/canada-democracy-foreign-interference.html [09:34] TR Bot Canadian Politicians Are in No Hurry to Fight Foreign Interference in Elections - The New York Times [09:34] TR News The Billionaire Criminal Who Secretly Profited Off Jack Mas Deals https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/21/world/asia/jack-ma-xiao-jianhua.html [09:34] TR Bot The Billionaire Criminal Who Secretly Profited Off Jack Mas Deals - The New York Times [09:34] TR News Key takeaways from Chinas Third Plenum reforms https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/key-takeaways-from-china-s-third-plenum-reforms [09:34] TR Bot Key takeaways from Chinas Third Plenum reforms | The Straits Times [09:35] TR News China maps out major reforms for next five years, with tech innovation key to its long-term vision https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/china-maps-out-major-reforms-for-next-five-years-with-tech-innovation-key-to-its-long-term-vision [09:35] TR Bot China maps out major reforms for next five years, with tech innovation key to its long-term vision | The Straits Times [09:36] TR News Mike Gabriel: Polis - a FLOSS Tool for Civic Participation -- Issues extending Polis and adjusting our Goals https://sunweavers.net/blog/node/148 [09:36] TR Bot Polis - a FLOSS Tool for Civic Participation -- Issues extending Polis and adjusting our Goals | sunweaver's NET [09:36] TR News Episode 438 CISAs bad OSS advice vs the Whitehouse good advice https://opensourcesecurity.io/2024/07/21/episode-438-cisas-bad-oss-advice-vs-the-whitehouse-good-advice/ [09:36] TR Bot Episode 438 CISAs bad OSS advice vs the Whitehouse good advice Open Source Security [09:39] TR News How To Install FrostWire on Rocky GNU/Linux 9 https://idroot.us/install-frostwire-rocky-linux-9/ [09:39] TR Bot How To Install FrostWire on Rocky Linux 9 - idroot [09:39] TR News How to Enable BBR on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04 https://linuxcapable.com/how-to-enable-bbr-on-ubuntu-linux/ [09:39] TR Bot to Enable BBR on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04 - LinuxCapable [09:39] TR News How to Install Monit on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04 https://linuxcapable.com/install-monit-on-ubuntu-linux/ [09:39] TR Bot to Install Monit on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04 - LinuxCapable [09:39] TR News How to Install PHPUnit on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04 https://linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-phpunit-on-ubuntu-linux/ [09:39] TR Bot to Install PHPUnit on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04 - LinuxCapable [09:40] TR News How to Install GPU-Viewer on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04 https://linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-gpu-viewer-on-ubuntu-linux/ [09:40] TR Bot to Install GPU-Viewer on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04 - LinuxCapable [09:40] TR News A Drop in Half (From 208 to 104): Sharp Decline in Number of Gemini Capsules That Use Let's Encrypt CA Since December https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/A_Drop_in_Half_From_208_to_104_Sharp_Decline_in_Number_of_Gemin.shtml [09:40] TR Bot Techrights A Drop in Half (From 208 to 104): Sharp Decline in Number of Gemini Capsules That Use Let's Encrypt CA Since December [09:40] TR News Gemini is Blossoming and More Capsules Are Self-Signing, Rejecting the Defunct and Falsely-Marketed Certificate Authority (CA) Model https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Gemini_is_Blossoming_and_More_Capsules_Are_Self_Signing_Rejecti.shtml [09:40] TR Bot Techrights Gemini is Blossoming and More Capsules Are Self-Signing, Rejecting the Defunct and Falsely-Marketed Certificate Authority (CA) Model [09:40] TR News Geminispace Growing and Getting More Free (Independent) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/20/Geminispace_Growing_and_Getting_More_Free_Independent.shtml [09:40] TR Bot Techrights Geminispace Growing and Getting More Free (Independent) [09:40] TR News How to Install Wine 8.0 on GNU/Linux Mint 22, 21 or 20 https://linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-wine-on-linux-mint/ [09:40] TR Bot to Install Wine 8.0 on Linux Mint 22, 21 or 20 - LinuxCapable [09:43] TR News New Steam Games with Native GNU/Linux Clients, including Enlisted - 2024-07-17 Edition https://boilingsteam.com/new-steam-games-with-native-linux-clients-2024-07-17-edition/index.html [09:43] TR Bot New Steam Games with Native Linux Clients, including Enlisted - 2024-07-17 Edition [09:44] TR News GNU/Linux does not need harmful junk such as this https://fosspost.org/would-linux-have-helped-to-avoid-crowdstrike-catastrophe http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Your_F_U_D_is_Already_Showing_Microsoft.shtml [09:44] TR Bot Would Linux Have Helped To Avoid The CrowdStrike Catastrophe? [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] severe editorial error: http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Your_F_U_D_is_Already_Showing_Microsoft.shtml [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] the point of editorial control is to weed out misleading spin from Redmond, Oil Companies etc. [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] What are you quoting from? If we quote what somebody has said it is for a reason. The comments are the place to discuss it and, if it deserves it, destroy their argument. [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] right [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] it's one of those, oh, trump is mentally unfit, so let's talk about biden instead [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] the world's systems crashed because of windows [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] they want to change the subject and FUD a solution which does not require those snakeoil "security" addons [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] clownstrike, not windows [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] it's a form of gish-gallop [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] clownstrike is for Windows people [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] almost nobody else bothers [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] if your insurance company won't cover you unless you install some trash security software, the operating system is irrelevant [09:45] schestowitz[TR2] clownstrike is an exrension of Microsoft, check where the managers came from [09:45] TR Bot Techrights Your F.U.D. is Already Showing, Microsoft [09:45] TR News CrowdStrike causes Global Outage for Abusive Monopolist Microsoft backdoored Windows https://frontpagelinux.com/news/crowdstrike-causes-global-outage-for-microsoft-windows/ [09:45] TR Bot CrowdStrike causes Global Outage for Microsoft Windows - Front Page Linux [09:46] TR News Reducing Docker Logs Size: A Practical Guide to Log Management https://linuxiac.com/reducing-docker-logs-file-size/ [09:46] TR Bot Reducing Docker Logs Size: A Practical Guide to Log Management [09:46] TR News OpenMandriva ROME 24.07 Rolls Out with Plasma 6 https://linuxiac.com/openmandriva-rome-24-07-rolls-out-with-plasma-6/ [09:46] TR Bot OpenMandriva ROME 24.07 Rolls Out with Plasma 6 [09:47] TR News Optimizing Disk Space with NCDU: Installation and Usage Guide https://www.elinux.co.in/exploring-disk-space-with-ncdu-command-in-linux/ [09:47] TR Bot Exploring Disk Space With Ncdu Command In Linux [09:47] TR News GitButler Git branch management tool https://www.linuxlinks.com/gitbutler-git-branch-management-tool/ [09:47] TR Bot - Git branch management tool - LinuxLinks [09:48] TR News siduction desktop-oriented, rolling-release operating system https://www.linuxlinks.com/siduction-desktop-oriented-rolling-release-operating-system/ [09:48] TR Bot - desktop-oriented, rolling-release operating system - LinuxLinks [09:48] TR News LFCS - Virtual Machine Management https://www.linux.org/threads/lfcs-virtual-machine-management.49669/ [09:48] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.linux.org/threads/lfcs-virtual-machine-management.49669/ ) [09:50] TR News parallel @ Savannah: GNU Parallel 20240722 ('Assange') released [stable] https://savannah.gnu.org/news/?id=10657 [09:50] TR Bot GNU Parallel - News [Savannah] [09:50] TR News OpenMandriva Lx 24.07 ROME Released with KDE Plasma 6.1 and GNU/Linux Kernel 6.10 https://9to5linux.com/openmandriva-lx-24-07-rome-released-with-kde-plasma-6-linux-6-10 [09:50] TR Bot Lx 24.07 "ROME" Released with KDE Plasma 6.1 and Linux Kernel 6.10 - 9to5Linux [09:53] TR News "In this guide, we will show you how to install Python 3 on Ubuntu 24.04." https://www.linuxbuzz.com/install-python-on-ubuntu/ | Source: Linux Buzz [09:53] TR Bot A Quick Guide on How to Install Python 3 on Ubuntu 24.04 [09:53] TR News How to Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on RHEL 9 with Kubeadm https://www.linuxtechi.com/deploy-kubernetes-cluster-on-rhel/ [09:53] TR Bot How to Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on RHEL 9 with Kubeadm [09:54] TR News How to use read.table Function in R | Read table in r https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/07/how-to-use-read-table-function-in-r-read-table-in-r/ [09:54] TR Bot to use read.table Function in R | Read table in r | R-bloggers [09:54] TR News Limine Installer improve find EasyOS installs https://bkhome.org/news/202407/limine-installer-improve-find-easyos-installs.html [09:54] TR Bot Limine Installer improve find EasyOS installs [09:55] TR News ext4 support has returned in Limine bootloader https://bkhome.org/news/202407/ext4-support-has-returned-in-limine-bootloader.html [09:55] TR Bot ext4 support has returned in Limine bootloader [09:56] TR News GNUnet News: DHT Technical Specification Milestone 5 https://gnunet.org/en/news/2024-07-DHTSpec2.html [09:56] TR Bot GNUnet [09:57] TR News Russell Coker: SE GNU/Linux Policy for Dell Management https://etbe.coker.com.au/2024/07/21/selinux-dell-mgmt/ [09:57] TR Bot SE Linux Policy for Dell Management etbe - Russell Coker [09:58] TR News Microsoft Has Managed to Make GNU/Linux Users Scared of Updating Their GNU/Linux PCs (Thanks to UEFI 'Secure' Boot's Boosters!) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/20/Microsoft_Has_Managed_to_Make_GNU_Linux_Users_Scared_of_Updatin.shtml [09:58] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Has Managed to Make GNU/Linux Users Scared of Updating Their GNU/Linux PCs (Thanks to UEFI 'Secure' Boot's Boosters!) [09:59] TR News It'll Soon Be Half a Decade Since COVID-19's Breakout, We Still Need Verified Facts (Not Corporate Dogma) and Proper Media Reporting https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/It_ll_Soon_Be_Half_a_Decade_Since_COVID_19_s_Breakout_We_Still_.shtml [09:59] TR Bot Techrights It'll Soon Be Half a Decade Since COVID-19's Breakout, We Still Need Verified Facts (Not Corporate Dogma) and Proper Media Reporting ● Jul 22 [10:06] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2]: I can get past security at a lot of places between Clear and Global Entry. [10:08] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2]: The AmEx Platinum would be the ultimate MARISOL card. [10:08] IsambardPrince Except I think she had the Everyday. [10:08] IsambardPrince Loading up the cart at Saks with her "AmEx perks". [10:09] IsambardPrince Throwing the plates at Mark. [10:09] IsambardPrince Buying more plates with the AmEx. [10:15] *bloodyhumanhead (~speakup@185.243.vkm.su) has joined #techrights [10:15] *cblinux (~user@5wa7ex3gch4eg.irc) has joined #techrights [10:25] bloodyhumanhead FUCK MICROSOFT [10:26] *IsambardPrince has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [10:45] bloodyhumanhead schestowitz[TR]: you don't appear to be here so I'll just keep it simple: THANK YOU for all of your hard work. I wish there were more people like you. <3 [10:45] *parsifal_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [10:47] *bloodyhumanhead is now known as plzvoiceme [10:48] *plzvoiceme is now known as bloodyhumanhead [10:50] TR News New Podcast Talking Postgres https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/new-podcast-talking-postgres-2896/ [10:50] TR Bot PostgreSQL: New Podcast Talking Postgres [10:51] *bloodyhumanhead has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [10:51] TR News 6 Valuable Free and Open Source Cloud Management Tools https://www.linuxlinks.com/cloudmanagementtools/ [10:51] TR Bot Valuable Free and Open Source Cloud Management Tools - LinuxLinks [10:52] TR News Performance issues from Europe https://rubenerd.com/performance-issues-from-europe/ [10:52] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rubenerd [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] ./kick WhatRoySaid [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] ./ban WhatRoySaid [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] * janrinok sets ban on *!*@91.195.nw.yi [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] .kick WhatRoySaid [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] * Imogen has kicked WhatRoySaid from #soylent ((janrinok) No reason given) [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] hm so crowdstrike did affect linux....a few months back [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.neowin.net/news/crowdstrike-broke-debian-and-rocky-linux-months-ago-but-no-one-noticed/ [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] * chromas gives voice to systemd [10:52] schestowitz[TR2] systemd: tell me the title that's in the url [10:52] TR Bot CrowdStrike broke Debian and Rocky Linux months ago, but no one noticed - Neowin [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] neowindows is not some random site and this author is channelling Microsoft's face-saving PR [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] I stopped that hours after he did this [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] then other Microsofters linked and used the same wording [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] it could just as well come from microsoft.com [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] clownstrike is Linux software like photoshop is [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] "I don't like the site so the news is wrong" [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] and userspace stuff should not crash/brick the OS [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] it's not userspace stuff [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] chromas: seee the biden analogy [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] it's an attention diversion fallacy [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] they did the ssame months ago [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] after microsoft had azure cracked [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] by china] [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] the attention should be on cloudstrike [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] and then by russia [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] bonus: [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] this past week azure broke down [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] also, many windows ransomware incidents, some big [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] there's no operating system worth using that would be able to resist bad code purposely running kernelspace [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] they want people to focus on "clownstrike" instead [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] and falsely assume those other issues are also "third party" [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] because everyone around the world saw the effects of it [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2024/06/15/A_Smokescreen_for_Brad_Smith.shtml [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] ^ A Smokescreen for Brad Smith [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] it's proprietary [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] good or bad, it is secret [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] and gnu/linux servers don't add security as "addon" [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] they use other means [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] apparently they do [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] unlike windows, the back doors are not build in [10:59] schestowitz[TR2] no just like with windows, cloudstrike is an addon that corporate makes their tech guys install ● Jul 22 [11:00] TR Bot Techrights A Smokescreen for Brad Smith [11:01] TR News If those are mission-critical servers, then that's a huge number and totally not acceptable https://www.securityweek.com/microsoft-says-8-5-million-windows-devices-impacted-by-crowdstrike-incident-publishes-recovery-tool/ [11:01] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/microsoft-says-8-5-million-windows-devices-impacted-by-crowdstrike-incident-publishes-recovery-tool/ ) [11:02] TR News Microsoft-funded sites channelling Microsoft talking points now, painting Microsoft as the saviour https://siliconangle.com/2024/07/21/microsoft-reveals-8-5m-windows-computers-affected-crowdstrike-outage/ [11:02] TR Bot reveals only 8.5M Windows computers were affected by CrowdStrike outage - SiliconANGLE [11:03] TR News Microsoft talking points trying to belittle the severity of the issue https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240721-nearly-8-5-million-windows-devices-across-the-globe-affected-by-crowdstrike-update-outage [11:03] TR Bot ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240721-nearly-8-5-million-windows-devices-across-the-globe-affected-by-crowdstrike-update-outage ) [11:04] TR News Microsoft spin again https://www.tomshardware.com/software/windows/microsoft-releases-crowdstrike-recovery-tool-admits-85-million-windows-devices-were-affected-by-the-bsod-issue [11:04] TR Bot Microsoft releases CrowdStrike Recovery Tool admits 8.5 million Windows devices were affected by the BSOD issue | Tom's Hardware [11:09] TR News (NEW): Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications With Linux https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Mobile_Systems_Mobile_Applications_With_Linux.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Mobile_Systems_Mobile_Applications_With_Linux.gmi [11:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications With Linux [11:09] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/today_s_howtos.gmi [11:09] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos [11:11] psydruid is this chromas person a Microsoft minion? [11:12] schestowitz[TR2] no [11:12] schestowitz[TR2] he is not [11:12] schestowitz[TR2] if he was, it would be pointless [11:12] schestowitz[TR2] and I'd not bother [11:12] schestowitz[TR2] but he is quiet now [11:13] schestowitz[TR2] so maybe I convinced him a bit [11:13] Guest90 The main channel is #techrights at irc.techrights.org, port 6667 without SSL support and port 6697 for SSL http://techrights.org/irc-channel/ [11:14] TR News lol wtf phoronix... [better not even link or repeat] [11:15] TR News Exploring 15 Modern Web Operating Systems: Benefits and Use Cases https://medevel.com/webos-1583/ [11:15] TR Bot Exploring 15 Modern Web Operating Systems: Benefits and Use Cases [11:16] TR News Lazy Reading for 2024/07/21 https://www.dragonflydigest.com/2024/07/21/lazy-reading-for-2024-07-21/ [11:16] TR Bot Lazy Reading for 2024/07/21 DragonFly BSD Digest [11:16] psydruid too many people nowadays have fallen for the Microsoft <3 Linux lie [11:17] TR News yet ANOTHER OS being called... "Edge"? After Microsoft took that name? https://ultimateedition.info/introducing-tmosbs-new-o-s-edge/ [11:17] TR Bot Introducing TMOSBs New O/S: Edge | Ultimate Edition [11:17] schestowitz[TR2] psydroid3: not really ime [11:17] schestowitz[TR2] the media tells us that many people believe it [11:17] schestowitz[TR2] it's a lie on top of a lie [11:17] schestowitz[TR2] if you talk to people [11:17] schestowitz[TR2] they laugh it off [11:18] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/20/Joab_Jackson_and_The_New_Stack_Publishing_Microsoft_Spam_E_E_E_.shtml [11:18] TR Bot Techrights Joab Jackson and "The New Stack" Publishing Microsoft Spam (E.E.E. Against Linux) for a Payment From Microsoft [11:18] schestowitz[TR2] big money buys big lies [11:18] schestowitz[TR2] "IT IS ONLY YOU!!" [11:18] schestowitz[TR2] "you radical!!" [11:18] schestowitz[TR2] "everyone has moved on" - Microsoft-funded writer [11:19] TR News Ejusdem Generis Goes to War in Reservist Pay Dispute https://patentlyo.com/patent/2024/07/ejusdem-generis-reservist.html [11:19] TR Bot Ejusdem Generis Goes to War in Reservist Pay Dispute | Patently-O [11:19] TR News Giving the False Impression That the R blogosphere is Microsoft's Microcosm (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/20/Giving_the_False_Impression_That_the_R_blogosphere_is_Microsoft.shtml [11:19] TR Bot Techrights Giving the False Impression That the R blogosphere is Microsoft's Microcosm [11:19] psydruid so it's just programming/propaganda [11:19] TR News Only a Quarter of Web Requests in Micronesia Traced Back to Abusive Monopolist Microsoft backdoored Windows (It Used to be Well Over 95%) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Only_a_Quarter_of_Web_Requests_in_Micronesia_Traced_Back_to_Mic.shtml [11:19] TR Bot Techrights Only a Quarter of Web Requests in Micronesia Traced Back to Microsoft Windows (It Used to be Well Over 95%) [11:19] schestowitz[TR2] psydroid3: it's a political PR tactic [11:19] schestowitz[TR2] "it's only you!" [11:19] schestowitz[TR2] Sompi_ brought that up months ago [11:20] schestowitz[TR2] mcirosofters do lots of it [11:20] schestowitz[TR2] andy wrote about it later: [11:20] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2024/05/23/You_Are_Not_The_Only_One.shtml [11:20] TR Bot Techrights You Are Not The Only One [11:20] TR News Andrew Feinstein on Why Freeing Julian Assange is About the Freedom of the Press in General https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/Andrew_Feinstein_on_Why_Freeing_Julian_Assange_is_About_the_Fre.shtml [11:20] TR Bot Techrights Andrew Feinstein on Why Freeing Julian Assange is About the Freedom of the Press in General [11:20] TR News In Palau, backdoored Windows Has Fallen to 16% https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/In_Palau_Windows_Has_Fallen_to_16.shtml [11:20] TR Bot Techrights In Palau, Windows Has Fallen to 16% [11:20] TR News WikiLeaks Wonders: Major Leaks That Shook the Worlds https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/21/WikiLeaks_Wonders_Major_Leaks_That_Shook_the_Worlds.shtml [11:20] TR Bot Techrights WikiLeaks Wonders: Major Leaks That Shook the Worlds [11:20] TR News No Outage Here https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/20/No_Outage_Here.shtml [11:20] TR Bot Techrights No Outage Here [11:22] TR News 4.3-inch ESP32-S3 wireless touchscreen display features terminal block with RS485, CAN Bus, I2C, DIO https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/07/22/4-3-inch-esp32-s3-wireless-touchscreen-display-terminal-block-rs485-can-bus-i2c-dio/ [11:22] TR Bot 4.3-inch ESP32-S3 wireless touchscreen display features terminal block with RS485, CAN Bus, I2C, DIO - CNX Software [11:23] TR News Waveshare Pi5 Module BOX is a configurable mini computer kit for the Raspberry Pi 5 https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/07/21/waveshare-pi5-module-box-is-a-configurable-mini-computer-kit-for-the-raspberry-pi-5/ [11:23] TR Bot Waveshare Pi5 Module BOX is a configurable mini computer kit for the Raspberry Pi 5 - CNX Software [11:24] TR News KDE Gear 24.08 branches created https://tsdgeos.blogspot.com/2024/07/kde-gear-2408-branches-created.html [11:24] TR Bot TSDgeos' blog: KDE Gear 24.08 branches created [11:30] TR News Nvidia could lose up to $12 billion in revenue if US bans new China-oriented GPU analysts believe the H20 will get the banhammer soon https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/gpus/nvidia-could-lose-up-to-dollar12-billion-in-revenue-if-us-bans-new-china-oriented-gpu-analysts-believe-the-h20-will-get-the-banhammer-soon [11:30] TR Bot Nvidia could lose up to $12 billion in revenue if US bans new China-oriented GPU analysts believe the H20 will get the banhammer soon | Tom's Hardware [11:38] TR News All About PNP Transistors https://hackaday.com/2024/07/21/all-about-pnp-transistors/ | Source: Hackaday [11:38] TR Bot About PNP Transistors | Hackaday [11:38] TR News Welding Wood Is As Simple As Rubbing Two Sticks Together https://hackaday.com/2024/07/21/welding-wood-is-as-simple-as-rubbing-two-sticks-together/ | Source: Hackaday [11:38] TR Bot Wood Is As Simple As Rubbing Two Sticks Together | Hackaday [11:40] TR News "Powering Biology With Batteries" https://hackaday.com/2024/07/21/powering-biology-with-batteries/ | Source: Hackaday [11:40] TR Bot Biology With Batteries | Hackaday [11:56] TR News (NEW): My 30-Day Experiment With Native Linux Games https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/My_30_Day_Experiment_With_Native_Linux_Games.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/My_30_Day_Experiment_With_Native_Linux_Games.gmi [11:56] TR Bot Tux Machines My 30-Day Experiment With Native Linux Games ● Jul 22 [12:00] TR News (NEW): IPFire Against The Bad Guys - Denial-of-Service Protection Of Up To Hundreds Of Gigabit/s https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/IPFire_Against_The_Bad_Guys_Denial_of_Service_Protection_Of_Up_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/IPFire_Against_The_Bad_Guys_Denial_of_Service_Protection_Of_Up_.gmi [12:00] TR Bot Tux Machines IPFire Against The Bad Guys - Denial-of-Service Protection Of Up To Hundreds Of Gigabit/s [12:11] TR News (NEW): Audacity 3.6.1 Update Fixes Critical Crashes https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Audacity_3_6_1_Update_Fixes_Critical_Crashes.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Audacity_3_6_1_Update_Fixes_Critical_Crashes.gmi [12:11] TR Bot Tux Machines Audacity 3.6.1 Update Fixes Critical Crashes [12:41] TR News Techrights The Ludicrous Idea That GNU/Linux is a "Poor Man's" Operating System https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/The_Ludicrous_Idea_That_GNU_Linux_is_a_Poor_Man_s_Operating_Sys.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/The_Ludicrous_Idea_That_GNU_Linux_is_a_Poor_Man_s_Operating_Sys.gmi [12:41] TR Bot Techrights The Ludicrous Idea That GNU/Linux is a "Poor Man's" Operating System [12:46] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Android_Leftovers.gmi [12:46] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers ● Jul 22 [13:06] psydruid even if OFTC did something as sinister as kicking idle users they're just too cowardly to admit it [13:11] TR News Techrights Protesters in Kenya Need Software That is Free (Libre) and Supports Real Encryption in Order to Avoid Capture and Torture (Sometimes Execution) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Protesters_in_Kenya_Need_Software_That_is_Free_Libre_and_Suppor.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Protesters_in_Kenya_Need_Software_That_is_Free_Libre_and_Suppor.gmi [13:11] TR Bot Techrights Protesters in Kenya Need Software That is Free (Libre) and Supports Real Encryption in Order to Avoid Capture and Torture (Sometimes Execution) [13:16] schestowitz[TR2] psydroid3: try asking them [13:16] schestowitz[TR2] nobody talks in #oftc [13:16] schestowitz[TR2] sunday night till monday morn [13:18] psydruid I don't remember talking on OFTC in many months, so I hadn't even noticed anything happening there [13:24] schestowitz[TR2] check history for past 5 days [13:24] schestowitz[TR2] * Received a CTCP VERSION from CTCPServ [13:24] schestowitz[TR2] * Received a CTCP VERSION from CTCPServ [13:24] schestowitz[TR2] * Received a CTCP VERSION from CTCPServ [13:24] schestowitz[TR2] * Received a CTCP VERSION from CTCPServ [13:24] schestowitz[TR2] around the time they killed about 20k users [13:30] psydruid I would say good for them [13:30] psydruid maybe they want to cause their own demise [13:33] TR News Techrights Why the Media is Dying (It Sucks, No Mentally Healthy People Will Tolerate This for Long) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Why_the_Media_is_Dying_It_Sucks_No_Mentally_Healthy_People_Will.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Why_the_Media_is_Dying_It_Sucks_No_Mentally_Healthy_People_Will.gmi [13:33] TR Bot Techrights Why the Media is Dying (It Sucks, No Mentally Healthy People Will Tolerate This for Long) [13:34] schestowitz[TR2] psydroid3: they may already have [13:34] schestowitz[TR2] the question is, why? [13:34] schestowitz[TR2] they are connected to debian and spi [13:34] schestowitz[TR2] same funding/people or overlaps aplenty [13:35] schestowitz[TR2] they are the people who paid tens of thousands of pounds to lawyers [13:35] schestowitz[TR2] to harass volunteers' families [13:35] schestowitz[TR2] and still do [13:35] schestowitz[TR2] (us also) [13:35] schestowitz[TR2] and could not spare some ruppees for a life vest [13:35] schestowitz[TR2] for an unpaid volunteer in India [13:35] schestowitz[TR2] who drowned [13:36] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2024/02/21/Abraham_Raji_Jens_Schmalzing_debian_private_cover_ups_after_dea.shtml [13:36] TR Bot Techrights Abraham Raji, Jens Schmalzing & debian-private cover-ups after deaths, accidents, suicides [13:37] schestowitz[TR2] he drowned [13:37] schestowitz[TR2] the debian people didn't stay around long to find the body [13:37] *darwin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [13:37] schestowitz[TR2] they didn't get paid for it [13:37] schestowitz[TR2] they went home and compiled some other people's programs [13:37] schestowitz[TR2] while they debian bosses paid thousands of pounds to lawyers [13:39] psydruid drowning volunteers is their specialism [13:48] schestowitz[TR2] they are a "family" [13:48] schestowitz[TR2] based near GCHQ [13:48] schestowitz[TR2] sending threats to my webhost from there [13:49] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/o/2022/01/30/toothless-tigers-slapp/ [13:49] TR Bot Toothless Tiger Threatens Bloggers, Says It's Defamatory to Say That It Threatens Bloggers [13:49] schestowitz[TR2] an indian was sparable to them [13:49] schestowitz[TR2] how much does it cost to RENT a lifevest in India anyway? [13:49] schestowitz[TR2] so anyway, [13:49] schestowitz[TR2] if you can get OFTC to explain what happened last week, that's something [13:49] schestowitz[TR2] they are close to Debian [13:49] schestowitz[TR2] so they are secretive [13:50] schestowitz[TR2] and they probably won't explain [13:50] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Something_is_Happening_at_OFTC.shtml [13:50] TR Bot Techrights Something is Happening at OFTC [13:50] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/The_Impact_of_OFTC_s_Latest_Changes_on_the_Perceived_Scale_of_I.shtml [13:50] TR Bot Techrights The Impact of OFTC's Latest Changes on the Perceived Scale of IRC Globally [13:51] schestowitz[TR2] can someone explain why so many OFTC users got culled last week? The OFTC site had no communication since March. This merits an explanation: http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/The_Impact_of_OFTC_s_Latest_Changes_on_the_Perceived_Scale_of_I.shtml http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Something_is_Happening_at_OFTC.shtml [13:51] schestowitz[TR2] maybe they will cull me next, for asking.. [13:53] TR News Please move to india. We know that is where you want to be why deny it. Bon Voyage." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tBS7bKq [13:53] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tBS7bKq ) [13:53] TR News Latest comment: "I just wish microdick would just move out of the US and stop taking all its tax breaks and contracts. It is su-king up all the air from better smaller actual US businesses." [13:54] TR News Lots of racial baiting and natioalism in the layoff lately, but if the only alternative is censorship (deletion), that will hide what society is and how people think [13:57] TR News Feels good to be back to playing CDs on a real CD player, no DRM and no quality degradation for compression's sake [13:58] TR News Many closures in Washington this month https://esd.wa.gov/about-employees/WARN and many companies do not even give any disclosure of theirs: https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/16/Meme_Microsoft_Seems_to_be_Failing_to_Comply_With_WARN_Act_by_R.shtml [13:58] TR Bot ESDWAGOV - Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) [13:58] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Microsoft Seems to be Failing to Comply With WARN Act (by Refusing to Announce Mass Layoffs as They Happen) ● Jul 22 [14:00] schestowitz[TR2] the economy is the domestic population https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Th7RAzkCqG0 [14:00] TR Bot Olimpiadi di Parigi: i soldati si allenano al combattimento ravvicinato - Invidious [14:00] schestowitz[TR2] soldati [14:00] schestowitz[TR2] domestic [14:07] schestowitz[TR2] https://yewtu.be/watch?v=gQHjUhSbOvI [14:07] TR Bot LEAKED VIDEO: Trump And RFK Jr. Talk Biden, Assassination, And Vaccines - Invidious [14:13] TR News Techrights Second Family Photo of Julian Assange Since His Release (First Since His Birthday) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Second_Family_Photo_of_Julian_Assange_Since_His_Release_First_S.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Second_Family_Photo_of_Julian_Assange_Since_His_Release_First_S.gmi [14:13] TR Bot Techrights Second Family Photo of Julian Assange Since His Release (First Since His Birthday) [14:16] psydruid I'm sure the lobsta knows more about what went down there [14:16] TR News (NEW): EasyOS Development Updates https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/EasyOS_Development_Updates.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/EasyOS_Development_Updates.gmi [14:16] TR Bot Tux Machines EasyOS Development Updates [14:18] TR News (NEW): GNU Parallel 20240722 ('Assange') and GNUnet on DHT Technical Specification Milestone 5 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/GNU_Parallel_20240722_Assange_and_GNUnet_on_DHT_Technical_Speci.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/GNU_Parallel_20240722_Assange_and_GNUnet_on_DHT_Technical_Speci.gmi [14:18] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU Parallel 20240722 ('Assange') and GNUnet on DHT Technical Specification Milestone 5 [14:28] TR News Techrights [Meme] Twitter (X) Will Reject the Concept of a Female President https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Meme_Twitter_X_Will_Reject_the_Concept_of_a_Female_President.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Meme_Twitter_X_Will_Reject_the_Concept_of_a_Female_President.gmi [14:28] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Twitter (X) Will Reject the Concept of a Female President [14:36] Sompi_ schestowitz[TR2]: https://uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/UEFI_Drive_Partition_Limits_Fact_Sheet.pdf [14:36] Sompi_ This is the disinformation sheet that I tried to find earlier but for some reason Google didn't find it anymore. [14:37] Sompi_ Seems that my fact sheet is third on the Google search, but Bing doesn't find it at all. Instead Bing finds that propaganda sheet from UEFI forum [14:38] Sompi_ Literally everything in that document is technically wrong [14:52] *psydroid3 is getting the idea that everything related to UEFI is actually part of a propaganda campaign [14:53] TR News "Zerodha co-founder and CEO Nithin Kamath revealed how the company weathered the Microsoft outage last week. In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Kamath wrote that almost all of Zerodhas employees, including the CEO himself, use Linux-based laptops." https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/zerodha-ceo-nithin-kamath-reshares-this-2023-tweet-to-tell-what-saved-them-from-microsoft-outage/articleshow/111919261.c [14:53] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/zerodha-ceo-nithin-kamath-reshares-this-2023-tweet-to-tell-what-saved-them-from-microsoft-outage/articleshow/111919261.c ) [14:53] schestowitz[TR2] * psydroid3 is getting the idea that everything related to UEFI is actually part of a propaganda campaign [14:54] schestowitz[TR2] opposing UEFI is "defamation" [14:54] schestowitz[TR2] 63 minutes ago in #oftc (440 users) I asked: [14:54] schestowitz[TR2] can someone explain why so many OFTC users got culled last week? The OFTC site had no communication since March. This merits an explanation: http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/The_Impact_of_OFTC_s_Latest_Changes_on_the_Perceived_Scale_of_I.shtml http://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Something_is_Happening_at_OFTC.shtml [14:54] TR Bot Techrights The Impact of OFTC's Latest Changes on the Perceived Scale of IRC Globally [14:54] TR Bot Techrights Something is Happening at OFTC [14:54] schestowitz[TR2] nobody said anything since [14:55] schestowitz[TR2] dead channel? [14:55] psydroid3 maybe UEFI offers something that is desireable, but who says that that thing should be UEFI? [14:55] psydroid3 silent agreement to be silent on certain issues due to possible repercussions? [14:55] schestowitz[TR2] yes, like firmware that bricks itwself [14:55] schestowitz[TR2] and your computer [14:56] schestowitz[TR2] or lets some othger parties brick your computer [14:56] psydroid3 I never missed anything with OpenFirmware for POWER and SPARC machines [14:56] schestowitz[TR2] by intention or without intent [14:56] psydroid3 and U-Boot is a continuation of that, as far as I know [14:56] psydroid3 so that's what I'm using here on this Orange Pi [14:57] Sompi_ The UEFI propaganda is mostly about the 2 TB limit that doesn't even exist in BIOS to begin with [14:57] psydroid3 whoever says that the only modern option is UEFI and ACPI (with Restricted Boot, TPM and Pluton) is a Wintel mouthpiece [14:57] Sompi_ And the second common thing is the "16-bit CPU mode limit" which also doesn't exist [14:58] Sompi_ To this day I don't really see what UEFI offers that could not be already done. UEFI is actually creating a serious and unsolvable problems because it is hardcoded to use the GPT partition table, FAT32 filesystem and PE executable file format [14:58] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@89mtaesgxrbec.irc) has joined #techrights [14:58] TR News ved us yesterday." https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/zerodha-ceo-nithin-kamath-reshares-this-2023-tweet-to-tell-what-saved-them-from-microsoft-outage/articleshow/111919261.cms [14:58] TR Bot Zerodha CEO Nithin Kamath reshares this 2023 tweet to tell what saved them from 'Microsoft outage' - Times of India [14:59] TR News "Almost the entire employee base, including non-technical folks, uses Linux laptops. I use Zorin (Linux). Kailash's push to avoid all enterprise deals saved us yesterday." [14:59] Sompi_ And on top of that its specification is more than 2048 pages long, which makes it so long that it is impossible to implement properly. And the "security features" are 100% software-based and easily hackable. [14:59] TR News GNU/Linux about the EXCEED 16% https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/india/#monthly-200901-202407 [14:59] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share India | Statcounter Global Stats ● Jul 22 [15:00] Sompi_ AFAIK even the reference implementation from Intel doesn't actually implement UEFI properly, but I'm not completely sure. [15:00] psydroid3 that sounds like systemd but for hardware [15:00] MinceR UEFI mostly offers something to MICROS~1 [15:01] MinceR Restricted Boot, which helps impede people in installing real OS-es on what is supposed to be their property [15:01] MinceR i suppose it also offers something to PC manufacturers: their products are more likely to brick themselves, and in this retarded market that means people buying more PCs [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] AFAIK even the reference implementation from Intel doesn't actually implement UEFI properly, but I'm not completely sure. [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] that would be like Microsoft and OOXML [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] even Microsoft does not implement OOXML [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] nobody does [15:03] Sompi_ Microsoft also doesn't implement FAT12/16 properly in their operating systems :) [15:04] MinceR is there anything MICROS~1 implements properly anywhere? [15:04] Sompi_ In some situations it just cannot read the filesystem properly if it has only the FAT header from the original FAT12/16 specification and not the so-called "BIOS parameter block" [15:04] Sompi_ Probably every other operating system that supports FAT can read it just fine [15:05] Sompi_ Windows just "detects a problem" and wants to destroy the contents of the disk [15:06] Sompi_ It's ridiculous because the specification of the FAT filesystem was originally created by Microsoft. There were some mostly compatible FAT variants before that but they didn't have a specification [15:06] Sompi_ Then they don't even implement their own specification correctly [15:07] schestowitz[TR2] the specs come after their work [15:07] schestowitz[TR2] to pretend it is open [15:07] schestowitz[TR2] so the work won't conform to specs [15:09] Sompi_ That's usually how specifications are made, there's nothing wrong about that [15:09] Sompi_ At least when trying to create something that actually works in practice and not just in theory [15:11] Sompi_ The original QDOS uses a file system that is very similar to FAT12, but it uses 8-bit clusters and 16-byte directory entries that don't have timestamps. AFAIK the file system that Commodore's 8-bit computers use is also very FAT-like [15:13] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [15:15] Sompi_ MS-DOS is not an entirely bad operating system for low-spec personal computers like IBM PC/XT. It has many good things (and not everything is copied from CP/M) and I have tried to combine those good things and some other good things from UNIX in ST-DOS [15:16] Sompi_ It's just Microsoft's corporate ethics that is a problem [15:16] MinceR the best thing about it is that you can chainload a real OS from it:> [15:16] MinceR s/t:/t :/ [15:16] Sompi_ MinceR: Yes, that's also a thing that just isn't possible with most higher level operating systems [15:17] Sompi_ In other words, MS-DOS makes everything possible [15:17] Sompi_ Direct hardware access :) [15:20] Sompi_ Funny that the two companies behind the UEFI hype, Intel and Microsoft, are now both in very bad problems because they have become so incompetent that they cannot even design their products correctly anymore [15:21] Sompi_ Or make them work at all [15:21] MinceR well, the market doesn't really demand working products either [15:21] Sompi_ MinceR: The market has a lot of tolerance on products that don't work, but there is a limit [15:23] Sompi_ The new problems don't have workarounds [15:24] *darwin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [15:24] Sompi_ Also I think they should have noticed them before release [15:25] Sompi_ But maybe testing is too expensive [15:28] Sompi_ schestowitz[TR2]: UEFI was designed by a committee, by people who don't know anything about actually creating a low-level implementation. The specification was done first and then the implementation [15:45] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techrights ● Jul 22 [16:11] MinceR testing is not "modern" [16:11] MinceR they let the customers do it in production ● Jul 22 [17:02] cblinux 'Do you know who was actually to blame for the Crowdstrike disaster? (according to Microsoft)' https://blog-fefe-de.translate.goog/?ts=98609704&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en [17:02] TR Bot Fefes Blog [17:04] psydruid danke, ich brauche eigentlich keine bersetzung :) [17:06] psydruid it was Santa Claus [17:06] psydruid he came early this year [17:06] MinceR lol [17:06] MinceR too much information [17:14] MinceR https://apina.biz/202424.jpg?mode=sfw [17:14] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-http://apina.biz/202424.jpg [17:18] cblinux :) [17:35] TR News Android back on top of Windows in Greece https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/greece/#monthly-200902-202407 [17:35] TR Bot Operating System Market Share Greece | Statcounter Global Stats [17:43] TR News Techrights Honduras: Windows Down, Android Peaking Again https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Honduras_Windows_Down_Android_Peaking_Again.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Honduras_Windows_Down_Android_Peaking_Again.gmi [17:43] TR Bot Techrights Honduras: Windows Down, Android Peaking Again [17:49] MinceR https://apina.biz/202404.jpeg?mode=sfw [17:49] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-http://apina.biz/202404.jpeg ● Jul 22 [18:01] *wallacer has quit (Quit: wallace dozed off) [18:02] TR News Techrights For the First Time Since May Linux.com (Linux Foundation) Published Something. It's All Spam. https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/For_the_First_Time_Since_May_Linux_com_Linux_Foundation_Publish.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/For_the_First_Time_Since_May_Linux_com_Linux_Foundation_Publish.gmi [18:02] TR Bot Techrights For the First Time Since May Linux.com (Linux Foundation) Published Something. It's All Spam. [18:05] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrights [18:08] TR News Making More Salads gemini://vigrey.com/journal/making-more-salads.gmi [18:09] TR News SpellBinding: UILNOSD Wordo: ZITTY gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2024-07-22.gmi [18:10] TR News "I have Gemini clients on a bunch of different computing devices and I dont have an easy way to sync bookmarks to them. However, I can remember the URL for this page and start making bookmarks from the links on this page. The links above are the ones I use most often to find new capsules and new pages." gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/users/adiabatic/start/ [18:10] TR News "I have a space where I write things. It smells like a blog." gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/users/adiabatic/ [18:11] TR News Janet for Mortals gemini://whyread.us/en/computers/languages/henry--janet_for_mortals/chapter-03.gmi [18:12] TR News "Emacs can work as a great interpreter for Lisp, specifically "Emacs Lisp", its own variant. And you can make Emacs even better by programming extensions to it yourself, using, yep, Lisp!" gemini://lantashifiles.com/gemlog/entries/2024-07-22.gmi [18:12] MinceR one of the worst dialects of lisp out there [18:13] TR News "I remove Spacewalk from the list of places to find new capsules and pages, as its gone." gemini://skyjake.fi/~Cosmos/thread?19672 [18:14] TR News "It wasn't obvious I needed to force a hard shutdown on the laptop (by holding the power button) before I could load the BIOS menu. For my particular laptop (specs below) I had to tap the F2 button on startup to load the menu." gemini://zkbro.smol.pub/linux02 [18:18] TR News "The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security." - Julian Assange. [18:22] TR News A month has passed. Still no news here. Assange must still be in prison? https://wikileaks.org/-News-.html [18:22] TR Bot WikiLeaks - News [18:26] TR News old (handheld) computer challenge (OCC) epiphlogue gopher://sdf.org:70/1/users/xiled/phlog/2024/20240721_occ_epiphlogue [18:27] TR News old (handheld) computer challenge (OCC) day 7: "It is the last day of the old (handheld) computer challenge." gopher://sdf.org:70/1/users/xiled/phlog/2024/20240719_occd7 [18:28] TR News The founder of Gemini had moved from Germany to Finland 7 years ago gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/0/~solderpunk/phlog/velouria-blogs-again.txt [18:30] TR News "I don't know if electronic computation is even worth preserving very far down a long descent, but the projectlooks like it could be fun to play around with (for those with time...), also now that it has moved to DuskOS, Ithink it could be useful as a tool to hack together different pieces of salvaged tech even more freely (failingthat, easily) than Linux." gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/candide/likeMinds.txt [18:30] TR News Old Computer Challenge 2024, Recap gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/jdd/phlog/20240720-occ-recap.txt [18:31] TR News "We slept a night after the last day of the Old Computer Challenge, and things begin to sink in." gopher://box.matto.nl/0/post-challenge-thoughts.txt [18:32] TR News "I used Termux and laGrange, of course termux is almost a full fledge OS so I had access to all the linux tools I am used to." gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/gef/occ2024/day6 [18:34] TR News Fifth day of the Old Computer Challenge 2024 gopher://box.matto.nl/0/fifth-day-of-the-old-computer-challenge-2024.txt [18:35] TR News "Curious if the old laptop can be used for Lisp development, I installed CCL, Quicklisp, and SLIME on the Acer Aspire One, my laptop for the Old Computer Challenge." gopher://box.matto.nl/0/fourth-day-of-the-old-computer-challenge-2024.txt [18:38] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 22/07/2024: Spacewalk Dies and Old Computer Challenge in the Rear View https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Gemini_Links_22_07_2024_Spacewalk_Dies_and_Old_Computer_Challen.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Gemini_Links_22_07_2024_Spacewalk_Dies_and_Old_Computer_Challen.gmi [18:38] TR Bot Techrights Gemini Links 22/07/2024: Spacewalk Dies and Old Computer Challenge in the Rear View [18:50] TR News "Now, look, none of these ideas, none of this sentiment, is in the least little bit news to folks reading this now in Gopherspace or Geminispace. But it came as such a surreal shock to me to read all this stuff articulated so well and so plainly and so openly by a "non-technical" person for a "non-technical" audience" gemini://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/~solderpunk/gemlog/velouria-blogs-again.gmi [18:51] TR News "I guess I can't say for sure, but it's likely that at least some of those commenting readers are themselves "normal people". To think there are still normal people using RSS in 2024! I truly thought it had somehow been totally erased from public consciousness." [18:57] TR News Techrights Let's Encrypt About to Fall Below 100 (Capsules) in Geminispace, It's Basically in a Freefall https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Let_s_Encrypt_About_to_Fall_Below_100_Capsules_in_Geminispace_I.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Let_s_Encrypt_About_to_Fall_Below_100_Capsules_in_Geminispace_I.gmi [18:57] TR Bot Techrights Let's Encrypt About to Fall Below 100 (Capsules) in Geminispace, It's Basically in a Freefall [18:58] psydruid used AMD processors are getting pretty cheap [18:59] psydruid also older generations of AMD processors are fairly affordable new [18:59] schestowitz[TR2] but not enougn for hey hi pc [18:59] schestowitz[TR2] hey hi? buh bye. [18:59] psydruid so I think their new processors are targetting bloatware [18:59] psydruid such as Backdoors ● Jul 22 [19:15] TR News Techrights [Teaser] EPO Run by Children https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Teaser_EPO_Run_by_Children.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Teaser_EPO_Run_by_Children.gmi [19:15] TR Bot Techrights [Teaser] EPO Run by Children [19:23] psydruid https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1cx5jvc/overview_of_m2_pcie_npus/ [19:23] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1cx5jvc/overview_of_m2_pcie_npus/ ) [19:24] psydruid so why would you buy a hey hi pee see for just that? [19:31] *Righty has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [19:32] *Righty (~Username@s8sjpguib55d2.irc) has joined #techrights [19:42] TR News Techrights A Byzantine European Patent Office Where Staff Must Beg for Help With Contraception (Worse Than the Rest of Europe) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/A_Byzantine_European_Patent_Office_Where_Staff_Must_Beg_for_Hel.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/A_Byzantine_European_Patent_Office_Where_Staff_Must_Beg_for_Hel.gmi [19:42] TR Bot Techrights A Byzantine European Patent Office Where Staff Must Beg for Help With Contraception (Worse Than the Rest of Europe) [19:58] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) ● Jul 22 [20:12] TR News Techrights This Month's General Consultative Committee (GCC) Webchat ('Meeting') Covered the European Patent Office's Attacks on Its Own Interpreters https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/This_Month_s_General_Consultative_Committee_GCC_Webchat_Meeting.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/This_Month_s_General_Consultative_Committee_GCC_Webchat_Meeting.gmi [20:12] TR Bot Techrights This Month's General Consultative Committee (GCC) Webchat ('Meeting') Covered the European Patent Office's Attacks on Its Own Interpreters [20:24] TR News Techrights [Meme] Signs of a Dying Patent Office https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Meme_Signs_of_a_Dying_Patent_Office.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Meme_Signs_of_a_Dying_Patent_Office.gmi [20:24] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Signs of a Dying Patent Office [20:29] TR News Labour union of Samsung holds rally ahead of talks https://www.lokmattimes.com/business/labour-union-of-samsung-holds-rally-ahead-of-talks/ [20:29] TR Bot union of Samsung holds rally ahead of talks - www.lokmattimes.com [20:29] TR News They've made "phones" too bloated https://www.lokmattimes.com/national/tamil-nadu-mobile-phone-blast-man-killed-another-injured-after-device-explodes-in-pocket-a507/ [20:29] TR Bot Nadu Mobile Phone Blast: Man Killed, Another Injured After Device Explodes in Pocket - www.lokmattimes.com [20:30] TR News 14-hour work day: Govt pressured by IT industry; we are evaluating Bill: Ktaka Min https://www.lokmattimes.com/business/14-hour-work-day-govt-pressured-by-it-industry-we-are-evaluating-bill-ktaka-min-1/ [20:30] TR Bot work day: Govt pressured by IT industry; we are evaluating Bill: Ktaka Min - www.lokmattimes.com [20:30] schestowitz[TR2] psydruid: now is a great time to look for a tech role ;-) [20:30] schestowitz[TR2] benefits include [20:30] schestowitz[TR2] shower and bed in the office [20:30] schestowitz[TR2] you never need to leave [20:31] schestowitz[TR2] just do what you love most [20:31] schestowitz[TR2] live just to make money... for someone else [20:35] psydruid the tech utopia has turned into a tech dystopia [20:35] psydruid just as intended [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] yup [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] it starts like this [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] study [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] work [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] it's voluntary [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] it's fun [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] it's ok [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] it's tolerable [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] we want to phone you after work [20:36] schestowitz[TR2] system is down, wake up [20:39] TR News Techrights Microsoft Eliminates 67% of the Building Occupancy - That's Some Truly Massive Layoffs https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Microsoft_Eliminates_67_of_the_Building_Occupancy_That_s_Some_T.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Microsoft_Eliminates_67_of_the_Building_Occupancy_That_s_Some_T.gmi [20:39] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Eliminates 67% of the Building Occupancy - That's Some Truly Massive Layoffs [20:41] TR News (NEW): BSD Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/BSD_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/BSD_Leftovers.gmi [20:41] TR Bot Tux Machines BSD Leftovers [20:42] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware and General Hardware With Linux Relevance https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Open_Hardware_and_General_Hardware_With_Linux_Relevance.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Open_Hardware_and_General_Hardware_With_Linux_Relevance.gmi [20:42] TR Bot Tux Machines Open Hardware and General Hardware With Linux Relevance [20:44] TR News (NEW): GNU/Linux on Old Laptops and New Laptops (Amid Windows Meltdown Worldwide) https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/GNU_Linux_on_Old_Laptops_and_New_Laptops_Amid_Windows_Meltdown_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/GNU_Linux_on_Old_Laptops_and_New_Laptops_Amid_Windows_Meltdown_.gmi [20:44] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU/Linux on Old Laptops and New Laptops (Amid Windows Meltdown Worldwide) [20:49] TR News (NEW): Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Free_Libre_and_Open_Source_Software_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Free_Libre_and_Open_Source_Software_Leftovers.gmi [20:49] TR Bot Tux Machines Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers [20:51] TR News (NEW): New Steam Games with Native Linux Clients, including Enlisted - 2024-07-17 Edition https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/New_Steam_Games_with_Native_Linux_Clients_including_Enlisted_20.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/New_Steam_Games_with_Native_Linux_Clients_including_Enlisted_20.gmi [20:51] TR Bot Tux Machines New Steam Games with Native Linux Clients, including Enlisted - 2024-07-17 Edition [20:52] TR News (NEW): Distributions and Operating Systems: Roundups and New Ones https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_Roundups_and_New_Ones.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/22/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_Roundups_and_New_Ones.gmi [20:52] TR Bot Tux Machines Distributions and Operating Systems: Roundups and New Ones [20:54] TR News Techrights Links 22/07/2024: Overworking and Performance Issues From Europe https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Links_22_07_2024_Overworking_and_Performance_Issues_From_Europe.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Links_22_07_2024_Overworking_and_Performance_Issues_From_Europe.gmi [20:54] TR Bot Techrights Links 22/07/2024: Overworking and Performance Issues From Europe ● Jul 22 [21:07] TR News Techrights [Meme] The Latest in the Microsoft Windows Blame Game https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Meme_The_Latest_in_the_Microsoft_Windows_Blame_Game.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/22/Meme_The_Latest_in_the_Microsoft_Windows_Blame_Game.gmi [21:07] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] The Latest in the Microsoft Windows Blame Game [21:45] TR News Reboot gemini://072004.xyz/gemlog/reboot.gmi ● Jul 22 [22:07] *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) [22:07] *includeals (~includeal@2001:8a0:e972:8500:f248:ab34:fdb6:4215) has joined #techrights [22:16] MinceR (cat) https://imgur.com/gallery/47mmcfu = https://rimgo.pussthecat.org/gallery/47mmcfu [22:16] TR Bot of cats - Album on Imgur [22:16] TR Bot Breeds of cats - rimgo ● Jul 22 [23:04] MinceR https://apina.biz/202836.jpg?mode=sfw [23:04] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-http://apina.biz/202836.jpg [23:33] *jacobk (~quassel@q9j5uhw5wt8yu.irc) has joined #techrights [23:52] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)