●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, January 23, 2025 ●● ● Jan 23 [00:02] IsambardPrince nobody, There's no longer a requirement to get the COVID shots for USCIS benefits. [00:23] IsambardPrince nobody, Probably they had no choice. [00:24] IsambardPrince I'm sure that in that barrage of executive orders was something that got rid of residual mandates for COVID shots. [00:24] IsambardPrince $200 injections of failed experiment 4 times a year. [00:24] IsambardPrince Waymo to the hospital. [00:24] IsambardPrince "I'm fine." [00:24] IsambardPrince schestowitz-pi, ^ [00:27] *cmb has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [00:27] *cmb (~cmb@y67qhiej8ixa6.irc) has joined #techrights [00:31] MinceR https://media.mas.to/media_attachments/files/111/722/405/300/291/174/original/232e808771ed767b.png [00:55] *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) [00:55] *includeals (~includeal@2001:8a0:e974:da00::1d7f) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [01:05] *SomeGoat has quit (connection closed) [01:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [01:09] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [01:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [01:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [01:29] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [01:29] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [01:31] IsambardPrince MinceR, The Failed Experiment will probably get less than 16% of people getting a shot every few months now. [01:31] IsambardPrince Now that the "pandemic emergency" is over with, people without health insurance have to pay $200 for a COVID shot. [01:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [01:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [01:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [01:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [01:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [01:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [02:05] admfubar https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/01/apple-must-face-suit-over-alleged-policy-of-underpaying-female-workers/ [02:05] TR Bot Apple must face suit over alleged policy of underpaying female workers - Ars Technica [02:07] admfubar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czf1R6qZiys [02:07] TR Bot https://inv.makerlab.tech/watch?v=czf1R6qZiys [02:07] TR Bot not resolve host: inv.makerlab.tech ( status 0 @ https://inv.makerlab.tech/watch?v=czf1R6qZiys ) [02:08] IsambardPrince It looks like there's going to be a four way race for mayor. [02:08] IsambardPrince Including a Republican who hates loud mufflers and yells at clouds. [02:08] IsambardPrince A weird guy who posted a dead arm that washed up on the beach on Facebook. [02:08] IsambardPrince And possibly the previous mayor who groped women and is an ICE collaborator. [02:08] IsambardPrince And of course the current mayor who just pissed everyone off by knocking over a concrete water tower blanketing our homes and cars with cement dust. [02:08] admfubar as opposed to a live arm? [02:09] IsambardPrince Someone raped her and killed her, possibly in that order anyway. [02:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [02:09] IsambardPrince Then they dismembered her and threw her in the lake. [02:09] IsambardPrince A jogger found the arm and one of the city councilmen posted a photo of it on his Facebook. [02:09] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [02:09] admfubar https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2025/01/reddit-wont-interfere-with-users-revolting-against-x-with-subreddit-bans/ [02:09] TR Bot Reddit wont interfere with users revolting against X with subreddit bans - Ars Technica [02:10] IsambardPrince There's no bans for saying you think the COVID shots are a scam and don't work. [02:10] admfubar more money grabs... https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/01/trump-announces-500b-stargate-ai-infrastructure-project-with-agi-aims/ [02:10] TR Bot Trump announces $500B Stargate AI infrastructure project with AGI aims - Ars Technica [02:10] IsambardPrince I've said it about 100 times since Biden left and no bans. [02:12] IsambardPrince I have OS/2 on my Chromebook. [02:12] IsambardPrince There's a company that keeps it updated enough to work. [02:18] admfubar https://www.rawstory.com/trump-crypto-2670904277/ [02:18] TR Bot 'Whizbang Ponzi scheme': Analyst warns foreign bribes can flow through Trump crypto - Raw Story [02:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [02:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [02:30] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [02:33] admfubar https://arstechnica.com/health/2025/01/florida-man-eats-diet-of-butter-cheese-beef-cholesterol-oozes-from-his-body/ [02:33] TR Bot Florida man eats diet of butter, cheese, beef; cholesterol oozes from his body - Ars Technica [02:34] MinceR Florida-Man, Florida-Man, does whatever a Florida can... [02:36] IsambardPrince Mom is always talking about "carnivore diets" and how they would allegedly cure everything including my bipolar disorder, and the heterotopic ossification of my right shoulder. [02:36] IsambardPrince Really, this guy got an LDL of over 1,000. [02:37] IsambardPrince Which means if he doesn't stop, he'll have a heart attack soon. [02:38] IsambardPrince MinceR, It would be best if the States started putting 1/6 defendants on watch lists. [02:38] IsambardPrince You know start fucking with them every time they do something. [02:38] IsambardPrince Trump can't pardon State crimes. [02:39] admfubar https://epic.org/fbis-warrantless-section-702-searches-violated-fourth-amendment-court-finds/ [02:39] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://epic.org/fbis-warrantless-section-702-searches-violated-fourth-amendment-court-finds/ ) [02:39] MinceR sounds like a good idea [02:39] MinceR after all, the only thing states are good at is fucking with people [02:39] IsambardPrince "President Donald Trumps threat to slap new taxes, tariffs and sanctions on Moscow until it ends its war in Ukraine came without specifics on what precisely he would target in an already heavily sanctioned Russian economy. [02:39] IsambardPrince " [02:39] IsambardPrince Tax Putin! [02:40] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@yrifiesvn57du.irc) has joined #techrights [02:40] IsambardPrince MinceR, At least the US can properly build a border wall I guess. [02:40] MinceR doesn't help if they can't guard it [02:41] IsambardPrince Orbanistan doesn't have the money to build a 40 foot tall steel and concrete fence with anti-climb features. [02:41] IsambardPrince And put like, guards and "the most vicious dogs" on it. [02:41] MinceR an unguarded fence made of rust beams is only marginally more effective than an unguarded fence made of chicken wire [02:41] IsambardPrince Texas managed to do like 40 miles of fence that's very close to the existing federal fence standards. [02:41] IsambardPrince It took donations from the public but some was appropriated. [02:42] IsambardPrince It's in the desert. It doesn't rust. [02:42] MinceR looked pretty brown to me [02:42] IsambardPrince You mean the stuff that was put in back in the 1970s? [02:43] IsambardPrince They weren't using good stuff back then. [02:43] MinceR https://imgs.search.brave.com/SKFzGDcJscBZFHjoeSMuYGUOzCRVpt-Wj3QKm_Z1f5Y/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9kLm5l/d3N3ZWVrLmNvbS9l/bi9mdWxsLzI1MTEw/NTAvdHJ1bXAtYm9y/ZGVyLXdhbGwtZWxl/Y3Rpb24tMjAyNC5q/cGc_dz0xMjAwJmY9/Y2I0ZDc2ZWZkNzAy/MzA2NmIwNWFiN2Ez/MTNjZDI1MGQ [02:43] IsambardPrince A lot of it was surplus helicopter landing pads from the Vietnam War. [02:43] MinceR https://imgs.search.brave.com/QxpBk0QQ8D7ndNjf47BVgDPZNynqG9_aTdFxkW3mqLE/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWRp/YS5nZXR0eWltYWdl/cy5jb20vaWQvOTE1/Njk3NzQ2L3Bob3Rv/L2JvcmRlci13YWxs/LWluLXRleGFzLmpw/Zz9zPTYxMng2MTIm/dz0wJms9MjAmYz1u/djNHVjBreWwwdUVJ/OXVtOFBYT3QzZi16/bTBFLTN6TWlHUnBa/YWlyR3NBPQ [02:43] MinceR https://imgs.search.brave.com/tX1RHCQrzmLZiC3f_nvILHHiDFgFBA8rFsPfweWtNR0/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLmd1/aW0uY28udWsvaW1n/L21lZGlhLzRlZWRk/ZDgwN2E3NGExNTZl/YzZiMzVlNDYwNDVh/ZjhkZTM1NjkzZTYv/MF8wXzMwMDBfMjAw/MS9tYXN0ZXIvMzAw/MC5qcGc_d2lkdGg9/NDY1JmRwcj0xJnM9/bm9uZSZjcm9wPW5v/bmU [02:43] MinceR https://imgs.search.brave.com/f0BKCCD8k0BJUW1iaHVGcAbah2Aqla7P5CDtohc7y6U/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly90NC5m/dGNkbi5uZXQvanBn/LzAxLzQ0Lzg2Lzk5/LzM2MF9GXzE0NDg2/OTk1NF9MTFhpM3VW/UGVlY0JIZ1J1ZUpT/c1dvTG5COEI4QzZK/Ti5qcGc [02:43] admfubar https://www.geekwire.com/2025/filing-microsoft-exec-chris-young-resigns-as-business-development-and-strategy-leader/ [02:43] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.geekwire.com/2025/filing-microsoft-exec-chris-young-resigns-as-business-development-and-strategy-leader/ ) [02:44] IsambardPrince MinceR, Yeah, that's the old fence. [02:44] MinceR https://imgs.search.brave.com/pcxugTcrhCKto5f-YR_MxNe5MxP6I1YfW_ObprLEiJ8/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vb3Jp/Z2luYWxzLzMxLzg0/Lzg2LzMxODQ4NjFh/MGM5Y2RmYjUzNjlk/MWNmYTIwZGQ3Y2Mz/LmpwZw [02:44] IsambardPrince Parts of it will still be there in areas where there's not high levels of illegal crossings. [02:44] IsambardPrince They're prioritizing the really good stuff for areas where there's tons of illegal crossings. [02:45] IsambardPrince They also have drones. [02:45] MinceR but if it's in the "desert where it doesn't rust", how come these are rusted? [02:45] MinceR "i have a drone. it is a drone deeply rooted in the american drone." [02:45] IsambardPrince Cheaper material. been there a long time. The part in one of your links was literally 50 years old and next to salt water. [02:46] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-220125.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-220125.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-220125.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-220125.txt [02:46] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 [02:47] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-220125.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-220125.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-220125.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-220125.txt [02:47] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 [02:48] IsambardPrince When they show up to these programs, sometimes theyre learning about where in the United States they are. They often start with this in an orientation, the source said. The providers share information about the US system and can also point immigrants in the direction of pro brono attorneys. [02:48] IsambardPrince Pro "brono"? [02:48] IsambardPrince No homo. [02:48] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-220125.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-220125.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-220125.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-220125.txt [02:48] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 [02:49] MinceR pro brony [02:49] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-220125.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-220125.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-220125.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-220125.txt [02:49] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 [02:49] MinceR "All of the homo!" [02:49] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2025-01-22.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2025-01-22.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now) [02:50] TR News Yesterday's Tux Machines bulletin is now ready! : http://news.tuxmachines.org/txt-archives/tuxmachines-2025-01-22.txt [02:53] IsambardPrince MinceR, Apparently the first item on the agenda for the military at the border is to deport 5,000 immigrants initially. [02:53] IsambardPrince Final order of removal and severe criminal background. ● Jan 23 [03:10] *Snuupy0 (~Snuupy@user/snuupy) has joined #techrights [03:11] *Snuupy has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [03:11] *Snuupy0 is now known as Snuupy [03:16] *oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.) [03:25] admfubar https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=25/01/21/0030206&from=rss [03:25] TR Bot The Need for a Strategic Fact Reserve - SoylentNews [03:41] admfubar https://www.ghacks.net/2025/01/22/microsoft-changes-account-sign-in-system-to-keep-users-logged-in-automatically/ [03:41] TR Bot Microsoft changes account sign-in system to keep users logged in automatically - gHacks Tech News [03:46] TR News "Its simple enough to wire up an LED matrix and have it display some pre-programmed routines. What can be more fun is when the LEDs are actually interactive in some regard" https://hackaday.com/2025/01/21/interactive-led-matrix-is-a-great-way-to-learn-about-motion-controls/ | Source: Hackaday [03:46] TR Bot LED Matrix Is A Great Way To Learn About Motion Controls | Hackaday [03:46] TR News "Probably Ruining A Keyboard For Science" https://hackaday.com/2025/01/21/probably-ruining-a-keyboard-for-science/ | Source: Hackaday [03:46] TR Bot Ruining A Keyboard For Science | Hackaday [03:46] TR News "Nokia Design Archive" https://hackaday.com/2025/01/21/the-nokia-design-archive-is-open-for-viewing/ | Source: Hackaday [03:46] TR Bot Nokia Design Archive Is Open For Viewing | Hackaday [03:47] TR News Associated Press finds growing consumer audience for fact-based journalism https://pressgazette.co.uk/publishers/digital-journalism/associated-press-audience-2024/ [03:47] TR Bot Associated Press hits record audience after site relaunch - Press Gazette [03:47] TR News Making Wire Explode With 4,000 Joules Of Energy https://hackaday.com/2025/01/21/making-wire-explode-with-4000-joules-of-energy/ | Source: Hackaday [03:48] TR Bot Wire Explode With 4,000 Joules Of Energy | Hackaday [03:48] TR News Oyster Blood Could Be Vital in The Fight Against Superbugs https://www.sciencealert.com/oyster-blood-could-be-vital-in-the-fight-against-superbugs [03:48] TR Bot Blood Could Be Vital in The Fight Against Superbugs : ScienceAlert [03:48] TR News It's Official: Global Survey Confirms The World Trusts Scientists https://www.sciencealert.com/its-official-global-survey-confirms-the-world-trusts-scientists [03:48] TR Bot Official: Global Survey Confirms The World Trusts Scientists : ScienceAlert [03:49] TR News New Study Links Common Meds to Reduced Dementia Risk https://www.sciencealert.com/new-study-links-common-meds-to-reduced-dementia-risk [03:49] TR Bot Study Links Common Meds to Reduced Dementia Risk : ScienceAlert [03:51] admfubar https://www.wired.com/story/plaintext-trump-musk-us-digital-service-doge/ [03:51] TR Bot Musk Plays DOGE Balland Hits Americas Geek Squad | WIRED [03:51] TR News Payment fraud risks increase as cybercriminals exploit e-skimming and scam e-commerce https://siliconangle.com/2025/01/21/payment-fraud-risks-increase-cybercriminals-exploit-e-skimming-scam-e-commerce/ [03:51] TR Bot fraud risks increase as cybercriminals exploit e-skimming and scam e-commerce - SiliconANGLE [03:52] TR News HPE investigating potential breach after hacker claims to steal data https://siliconangle.com/2025/01/21/hpe-investigating-potential-breach-hacker-claims-steal-data/ [03:52] TR Bot investigating potential breach after hacker claims to steal data - SiliconANGLE [03:55] TR News Techrights IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/IRC_Proceedings_Wednesday_January_22_2025.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/IRC_Proceedings_Wednesday_January_22_2025.gmi [03:55] TR Bot Techrights IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 [03:56] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Today_in_Techrights.gmi [03:56] TR Bot Tux Machines Today in Techrights [03:57] TR News Techrights Over at Tux Machines... https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi [03:57] TR Bot Techrights Over at Tux Machines... [03:59] TR News Convicted Felons Executive Order to End E.V. Subsidies Draws Pushback https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/21/business/trump-ev-subsidies.html [03:59] TR Bot Trumps Executive Order to End E.V. Subsidies Draws Pushback - The New York Times ● Jan 23 [04:00] TR News Digital Restrictions (DRM): John Deere Reaps What They Sow https://www.repair.org/blog/2025/1/21/john-deere-reaps-what-they-sow [04:00] TR Bot John Deere Reaps What They Sow The Repair Association [04:05] TR News Microsoft Reportedly Lays Off More Employees https://www.msn.com/en-sg/money/companies/microsoft-reportedly-lays-off-more-employees/ar-AA1xhLXL [04:05] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-MSN [04:06] TR News Microsoft's LinkedIn sued for disclosing customer information to train AI models https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/technology/microsofts-linkedin-sued-for-disclosing-customer-information-to-train-ai-models/article69130319.ece [04:06] TR Bot Microsofts LinkedIn sued for disclosing customer information to train AI models - The Hindu [04:06] TR News Amazon Canada says it will close all seven of its warehouses in Quebec https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-canada-says-close-seven-145629056.html [04:06] TR Bot Amazon Canada says it will close all seven of its warehouses in Quebec [04:12] TR News Lenovo's grenade-styled external SSD looks certain to delay you at airport security https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/external-ssds/lenovos-grenade-styled-external-ssd-looks-certain-to-delay-you-at-airport-security [04:12] TR Bot Lenovo's grenade-styled external SSD looks certain to delay you at airport security | Tom's Hardware [04:14] TR News Too Many People Dont Value the Time of Security Researchers https://soatok.blog/2025/01/21/too-many-people-dont-value-the-time-of-security-researchers/ [04:14] TR Bot Too Many People Dont Value the Time of Security Researchers - Dhole Moments [04:14] TR News New Mirai variant Murdoc_Botnet targets AVTECH cameras and Huawei routers https://siliconangle.com/2025/01/21/new-mirai-variant-murdoc_botnet-targets-avtech-cameras-huawei-routers/ [04:14] TR Bot Mirai variant 'Murdoc_Botnet' targets AVTECH cameras and Huawei routers - SiliconANGLE [04:16] TR News reprogrammed gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/gef/reflections/past [04:17] TR News Hobgoblin State Machine gemini://thrig.me/blog/2025/01/22/hsm.gmi [04:17] TR News "Idolatry, in the most literal sense of the word, means to manufacture some kind of figurine and to worship it as a deity." gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/your-word/20250122-0.gmi [04:18] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D1533.jpg [04:18] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D1183.jpg [04:19] TR News "i do not run analytics on this site, so i have no idea if anyone will see this blog post; but if you, reading this, live in the usa, it is up to you do say something. do something. make someone care." gemini://fr3ak.xyz/gemlog/2025-01-22.gmi [04:20] TR News "I used to really like it, my career... I liked it so badly that I "developed" (pun intended) burnout just after 1 yrs. of unresting routine." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2468 [04:25] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 23/01/2025: US Politics and DevOps Career https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Gemini_Links_23_01_2025_US_Politics_and_DevOps_Career.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Gemini_Links_23_01_2025_US_Politics_and_DevOps_Career.gmi [04:25] TR Bot Techrights Gemini Links 23/01/2025: US Politics and DevOps Career [04:27] TR News Chimera Linux works toward a simplified desktop https://lwn.net/Articles/1004324/ [04:27] TR Bot Linux works toward a simplified desktop [LWN.net] [04:27] TR News (NEW): Chimera Linux Hits Beta, Its More than Exciting https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/12/30/Chimera_Linux_Hits_Beta_It_s_More_than_Exciting.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/12/30/Chimera_Linux_Hits_Beta_It_s_More_than_Exciting.gmi [04:27] TR Bot Tux Machines Chimera Linux Hits Beta, Its More than Exciting [04:28] TR News The state of Vim https://lwn.net/Articles/1002342/ [04:28] TR Bot state of Vim [LWN.net] [04:28] TR News Page-table hardening with memory protection keys https://lwn.net/Articles/1004029/ [04:28] TR Bot hardening with memory protection keys [LWN.net] [04:29] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [04:29] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [04:32] TR News Piled High: 17th-Century Dutch Banquet Scenes https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/dutch-banquet-scenes [04:32] TR Bot Piled High: 17th-Century Dutch Banquet Scenes The Public Domain Review [04:32] TR News (NEW): The slow death of TuxFamily https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/The_slow_death_of_TuxFamily.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/The_slow_death_of_TuxFamily.gmi [04:32] TR Bot Tux Machines The slow death of TuxFamily [04:33] TR News Vietnam arrests Protestant pastor for anti-state propaganda https://rfa.org/english/vietnam/2025/01/21/vietnam-protestant-church-pastor-arrest/ [04:33] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://rfa.org/english/vietnam/2025/01/21/vietnam-protestant-church-pastor-arrest/ ) [04:34] TR News PCIe3.0 to Dual M.2 HAT+ for Raspberry Pi 5 features ASMedia ASM2806 PCIe 3.0 switch https://www.cnx-software.com/2025/01/21/pcie3-0-to-dual-m-2-hat-for-raspberry-pi-5-features-asmedia-asm2806-pcie-3-0-switch/ [04:34] TR Bot PCIe3.0 to Dual M.2 HAT+ for Raspberry Pi 5 features ASMedia ASM2806 PCIe 3.0 switch - CNX Software [04:34] TR News Merely rebranded with buzzwords: Edge Hey Hi (AI) https://www.cnx-software.com/2025/01/22/vecow-ecx-4000-intel-core-ultra-200s-powered-fanless-edge-ai-embedded-system-features-up-to-9-ethernet-ports/ [04:34] TR Bot Vecow ECX-4000 - Intel Core Ultra 200S-powered fanless Edge AI embedded system features up to 9 Ethernet ports - CNX Software [04:35] TR News Windows TCO: Microsoft fixes backdoored Windows Server 2022 bug breaking device boot https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-fixes-windows-server-2022-bug-breaking-device-boot/ [04:35] TR Bot Microsoft fixes Windows Server 2022 bug breaking device boot [04:35] TR News Update hell. How did we get here? https://www.positech.co.uk/cliffsblog/2025/01/21/update-hell-how-did-we-get-here/ [04:35] TR Bot Update hell. How did we get here? Cliffski's Blog [04:36] TR News "boldest offline campaign yet" https://meduza.io/en/feature/2025/01/21/meduza-in-europe | Source: Meduza [04:36] TR Bot Meduza in Europe Photo highlights from our boldest offline campaign yet Meduza [04:38] *HAARP (uid312145@id-312145.lymington.irccloud.com) has joined #techrights [04:39] TR News (NEW): New LWN Articles About Linux and Vim https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/New_LWN_Articles_About_Linux_and_Vim.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/New_LWN_Articles_About_Linux_and_Vim.gmi [04:39] TR Bot Tux Machines New LWN Articles About Linux and Vim [04:39] TR News Dirk Eddelbuettel: ttdo 0.0.10 on CRAN: Small Extension http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/2025/01/21#ttdo_0.0.10 [04:39] TR Bot Thinking inside the box [04:40] TR News A look at the recent rsync vulnerability https://lwn.net/Articles/1005302/ [04:40] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://lwn.net/Articles/1005302/ ) [04:41] TR News Family Bass Is Musical NES Magic https://hackaday.com/2025/01/21/family-bass-is-musical-nes-magic/ | Source: Hackaday [04:41] TR Bot Bass Is Musical NES Magic | Hackaday [04:42] TR News ChatGPT API vulnerability could enable large-scale DDoS attacks, security researcher warns https://siliconangle.com/2025/01/21/chatgpt-api-vulnerability-enable-large-scale-ddos-attacks-security-researcher-warns/ "exploited on Microsoft's proprietary prison GitHub" [04:42] TR Bot API vulnerability could enable large-scale DDoS attacks, security researcher warns - SiliconANGLE [04:43] TR News Zero-Trust Builds for FreeBSD https://freebsdfoundation.org/blog/zero-trust-builds-for-freebsd/ [04:43] TR Bot Zero-Trust Builds for FreeBSD | FreeBSD Foundation [04:44] TR News Marketing spam disguised as "journalism"; how much does one need to pay JUVE for one? https://www.juve-patent.com/people-and-business/gassauer-fleissner-makes-headway-with-generational-change/ [04:44] TR Bot Gassauer-Fleissner makes headway with generational change - JUVE Patent [04:45] TR News Concluding the ICP-2 principles consultation https://blog.apnic.net/2025/01/22/concluding-the-icp-2-principles-consultation/ [04:45] TR Bot Concluding the ICP-2 principles consultation | APNIC Blog [04:49] TR News "Five Big Obstacles to Opening Child Care Facilities in Rural Illinois" https://www.propublica.org/article/obstacles-to-opening-child-care-facilities-rural-illinois | Source: Pro Publica [04:49] TR Bot Five Big Obstacles to Opening Child Care Facilities in Rural Illinois ProPublica [04:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [04:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [04:49] TR News Nuintaris Rules of IT https://rubenerd.com/nuintaris-rules-of-it/ [04:49] TR Bot Nuintaris Rules of IT [04:50] TR News "He took this as an opportunity to explain how chemotherapy and radiation treatment worked, why cancer was bad, and how the disease and the treatments ravage the body in different ways." https://rubenerd.com/sometimes-nerds-just-have-to-explain-something/ [04:50] TR Bot Sometimes nerds just have to explain something [04:50] TR News M43, and craving the OM System OM-1 Mark II https://rubenerd.com/the-om-system-om-1-mark-ii/ [04:50] TR Bot M43, and craving the OM System OM-1 Mark II [04:51] *IsambardPrince has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:51] TR News Ubuntu Devs Debate Moving from IRC to Matrix https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/ubuntu-devs-matrix-switch [04:51] TR Bot Ubuntu Devs Debate Moving from IRC to Matrix - OMG! Ubuntu [04:52] TR News Bringing 12-year LTS to 32-bit Arm processors as CRA comes into force https://ubuntu.com//blog/lts-cra-arm [04:52] TR Bot NO TITLE [04:52] TR News Ubuntu Summit 2024 Reflections https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-summit-2024-reflections [04:53] TR Bot Summit 2024 Reflections | Ubuntu [04:53] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [04:55] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@yrifiesvn57du.irc) has joined #techrights [04:55] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [04:56] TR News FSF Blogs: FSD meeting recap 2025 01 17 http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/fsd-meeting-recap-2025-01-17 [04:56] TR Bot FSD meeting recap 2025 01 17 Free Software Foundation Working together for free software [04:56] TR News FSF Events: Meet the FSF staff at FOSDEM 2025 http://www.fsf.org/events/202502-fosdem-brussels [04:56] TR Bot Meet the FSF staff at FOSDEM 2025 Free Software Foundation Working together for free software [04:56] TR News FSF Events: Free Software Directory meeting on IRC: Friday, January 24, starting at 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC) http://www.fsf.org/events/fsd-2025-01-24-irc [04:56] TR Bot Free Software Directory meeting on IRC: Friday, January 24, starting at 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC) Free Software Foundation Working together for free software [04:57] TR News FSF Blogs: We surpassed our year-end goal of $400,000 USD thanks to you! http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/we-surpassed-our-year-end-goal-of-400-000-usd-thanks-to-you [04:57] TR Bot We surpassed our year-end goal of $400,000 USD thanks to you! Free Software Foundation Working together for free software [04:57] TR News PCLinuxOS Recent Updates https://www.pclinuxos.com/?p=5899 [04:57] TR Bot Updates PCLinuxOS [04:58] TR News GNU Linux-Libre 6.13 Kernel Released for Software Freedom Lovers https://9to5linux.com/gnu-linux-libre-6-13-kernel-released-for-software-freedom-lovers [04:58] TR Bot Linux-Libre 6.13 Kernel Released for Software Freedom Lovers - 9to5Linux [04:58] TR News Wine 10 Released with Experimental Bluetooth Driver, New HID Pointer Driver https://9to5linux.com/wine-10-released-with-experimental-bluetooth-driver-new-hid-pointer-driver [04:58] TR Bot 10 Released with Experimental Bluetooth Driver, New HID Pointer Driver - 9to5Linux [04:58] TR News VirtualBox 7.1.6 Released with Initial Support for GNU/Linux Kernel 6.13 https://9to5linux.com/virtualbox-7-1-6-released-with-initial-support-for-linux-kernel-6-13 [04:58] TR Bot 7.1.6 Released with Initial Support for Linux Kernel 6.13 - 9to5Linux [04:59] TR News KDE Design System Update January 2025 https://anditosan.wordpress.com/2025/01/22/kde-design-system-update-january-2025/ [04:59] TR Bot KDE Design System Update January 2025 KDE and Plasma Design [04:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [04:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [04:59] TR News Wine 10.0 Release Brings New Drivers, Features & Changes https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/wine-10-0-new-features [04:59] TR Bot Wine 10.0 Release Brings New Drivers, Features & Changes - OMG! Ubuntu ● Jan 23 [05:00] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@yrifiesvn57du.irc) has joined #techrights [05:01] TR News (NEW): Wine 10 Released with Experimental Bluetooth Driver, New HID Pointer Driver https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/21/Wine_10_Released_with_Experimental_Bluetooth_Driver_New_HID_Poi.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/21/Wine_10_Released_with_Experimental_Bluetooth_Driver_New_HID_Poi.gmi [05:01] TR Bot Tux Machines Wine 10 Released with Experimental Bluetooth Driver, New HID Pointer Driver [05:01] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [05:02] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@yrifiesvn57du.irc) has joined #techrights [05:03] TR News VirtualBox Update Adds Support for Linux Kernel 6.13 https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/virtualbox-7-1-6-update-changes [05:03] TR Bot VirtualBox Update Adds Support for Linux Kernel 6.13 - OMG! Ubuntu [05:06] TR News Linux Kernel 6.13 Offers Improvements for AMD/Apple Users http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/Linux-Kernel-6.13-Offers-Improvements-for-AMD-Apple-Users [05:06] TR Bot Linux Kernel 6.13 Offers Improvements for AMD/A... Linux Magazine [05:21] *rsheftel14354 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [05:21] *rsheftel1435 (~rsheftel@freenode-ims.ilv.1cipql.IP) has joined #techrights [05:21] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@ed4ndmvnbvukw.irc) has joined #techrights [05:25] TR News Techrights BetaNews Plagiarising Work in the Linux Space https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/BetaNews_Plagiarising_Work_in_the_Linux_Space.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/BetaNews_Plagiarising_Work_in_the_Linux_Space.gmi [05:25] TR Bot Techrights BetaNews Plagiarising Work in the Linux Space [05:28] TR News (NEW): LibreELEC (Omega) 12.0.2 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/LibreELEC_Omega_12_0_2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/LibreELEC_Omega_12_0_2.gmi [05:28] TR Bot Tux Machines LibreELEC (Omega) 12.0.2 [05:34] *agentcas- has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [05:36] *agentcas- (~agentcasey@b6dc92btrdtrn.irc) has joined #techrights [05:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [05:39] TR News Techrights [Meme] Reliable Sources https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Meme_Reliable_Sources.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Meme_Reliable_Sources.gmi [05:39] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Reliable Sources [05:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [05:41] TR News "How many IBM Fellows have been laid off before? Anyone has any idea?" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj8gp8jp [05:41] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj8gp8jp ) [05:42] TR News "This is in anticipation of IBM's financials reducing by 25%." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj5vmdc5 [05:42] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj5vmdc5 ) [05:42] TR News "is that downsizing or rightsizing ?" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj5vmdc5 [05:42] TR News "This nets out the current IBM strategy being implemented by the management team." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jhpaexjq [05:42] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jhpaexjq ) [05:43] TR News "A company founded to focus and develop an IBM-invented (and mostly squandered) idea: the relational database. A company whose founder could now buy IBM for cash." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj24gr7t [05:43] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj24gr7t ) [05:44] TR News "Once IBM stopped making machines (IBM = International Business MACHINES), they signed on the line that is dotted and made themselves irrelevant." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj24gr7t [05:44] TR News "Alvind sure as heck doesn't care about anything in the IBM company (US) except his supersized CEO bonus for 2024." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj24gr7t [05:45] TR News "stocks and share price, i believe (not 100% sure) most of 'upper' management get paid in lots of stocks, the more they can jack that up the better it is for them doesn't matter what it does to the company long term since people can sell and move their stocks immediately" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1jj24gr7t [05:46] TR News One In Ten Game Developers Were Laid Off In 2024 https://www.thegamer.com/gdc-survey-one-in-ten-game-developers-laid-off-2024/ [05:46] TR Bot GDC Survey Reveals One In Ten Game Developers Were Laid Off Last Year [05:47] TR News New survey reports one in 10 game developers have lost their jobs in 2024 https://www.theverge.com/2025/1/22/24349728/gdc-state-of-the-industry-survey-2025-results [05:47] TR Bot New survey reports one in 10 game developers have lost their jobs in 2024 - The Verge [05:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [05:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [05:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [05:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [06:03] IsambardPrince https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/22/business/walgreens-shoplifting-locked-up/index.html [06:03] TR Bot Walgreens admits locking up shampoo and toothpaste hurts sales. But its still doing it | CNN Business [06:04] TR News Techrights Microsoft's Head of Business Development Quits (Days After Two Large Waves of Mass Layoffs) https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Microsoft_s_Head_of_Business_Development_Quits_Days_After_Two_L.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Microsoft_s_Head_of_Business_Development_Quits_Days_After_Two_L.gmi [06:04] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft's Head of Business Development Quits (Days After Two Large Waves of Mass Layoffs) [06:05] IsambardPrince So they lock up the toothpaste, then nobody buys it there and stops coming to the store. [06:06] IsambardPrince But nothing gets stolen. [06:06] IsambardPrince So they post record losses and close 3,000 stores. [06:06] TR News (NEW): FSF: Free Software Directory (FSD) Meeting in IRC, FSF Staff at FOSDEM 2025, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/FSF_Free_Software_Directory_FSD_Meeting_in_IRC_FSF_Staff_at_FOS.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/FSF_Free_Software_Directory_FSD_Meeting_in_IRC_FSF_Staff_at_FOS.gmi [06:06] TR Bot Tux Machines FSF: Free Software Directory (FSD) Meeting in IRC, FSF Staff at FOSDEM 2025, and More [06:06] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi 5 and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Open_Hardware_Modding_Raspberry_Pi_5_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Open_Hardware_Modding_Raspberry_Pi_5_and_More.gmi [06:06] TR Bot Tux Machines Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi 5 and More [06:08] TR News (NEW): Canonical/Ubuntu: IRC, Arm Processors, and Ubuntu Summit 2024 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Canonical_Ubuntu_IRC_Arm_Processors_and_Ubuntu_Summit_2024.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Canonical_Ubuntu_IRC_Arm_Processors_and_Ubuntu_Summit_2024.gmi [06:08] TR Bot Tux Machines Canonical/Ubuntu: IRC, Arm Processors, and Ubuntu Summit 2024 [06:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [06:09] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [06:09] darwin what happens here if you get false accusations/insults, like 'everyone I dislike or disagree with is nazi' used on you even when you've been criticizing conservatives/right-wing/fascists/nazis? [06:09] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Security_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Security_Leftovers.gmi [06:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers [06:09] darwin it's happened several/few times since a year or so ago [06:10] darwin not just to me, but a tactic [06:11] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/today_s_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/today_s_leftovers.gmi [06:11] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers [06:12] TR News Techrights Links 23/01/2025: US Constitution Already Besieged (Impeachable Offences Pile Up), Arrest Warrant for Assad https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Links_23_01_2025_US_Constitution_Already_Besieged_Impeachable_O.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Links_23_01_2025_US_Constitution_Already_Besieged_Impeachable_O.gmi [06:12] TR Bot Techrights Links 23/01/2025: US Constitution Already Besieged (Impeachable Offences Pile Up), Arrest Warrant for Assad [06:13] schestowitz[TR2] MinceR: re invidious, [06:14] schestowitz[TR2] it is not just you [06:14] schestowitz[TR2] we too struggle to find reliable instancers [06:14] schestowitz[TR2] more so in the past 2 days [06:14] schestowitz[TR2] google must have gotten extra aggressive [06:14] schestowitz[TR2] blocking more ips [06:14] schestowitz[TR2] so even those who rotate ips [06:14] schestowitz[TR2] cannot endure for long [06:14] schestowitz[TR2] take for example https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=ju6W8gqy6HM [06:15] schestowitz[TR2] example video [06:15] schestowitz[TR2] see backend at top [06:15] TR Bot ( status 500 @ https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=ju6W8gqy6HM ) [06:15] schestowitz[TR2] usually at least one should work [06:15] schestowitz[TR2] but sometimes all are sabotaged by Gulag [06:16] schestowitz[TR2] what happens here if you get false accusations/insults, like 'everyone I dislike or disagree with is nazi' used on you even when you've been criticizing conservatives/right-wing/fascists/nazis? [06:16] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/o/2022/10/27/calling-everyone-nazis/ [06:16] TR Bot Critics of Voting Machines (Proprietary With Back Doors) Aren't Nazis [06:17] schestowitz[TR2] https://techrights.org/o/2023/01/11/punching-a-debian-volunteer/ [06:17] TR Bot From 'Punch a Nazi' to 'Punch a Debian Volunteer' (or Even Stab) [06:17] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2024/10/05/Calling_Nazi_and_Right_Wing_Everyone_Who_Does_Not_Agree_With_Yo.shtml [06:17] TR Bot Techrights Calling "Nazi" and "Right Wing" Everyone Who Does Not Agree With You (Even Leftists Whose Views on Some Issues Slightly Differ From Yours) [06:18] schestowitz[TR2] some people like gulagboy say it's OK to commit acts of vilence [06:18] schestowitz[TR2] against people he does not agree withy [06:18] schestowitz[TR2] there are lawsuits against him over it [06:18] schestowitz[TR2] right now [06:18] schestowitz[TR2] one example http://techrights.org/n/2024/06/24/Perens_on_a_Stick.shtml [06:18] TR Bot Techrights Perens on a Stick [06:19] schestowitz[TR2] he keeps thinking that inciting people to kill or assault people is "funny" [06:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [06:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [06:29] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [06:29] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [06:35] TR News Techrights [Meme] When the Government of the Netherlands Participates in Your Crimes It Lacks an Incentive to Hold You Accountable for Crimes https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Meme_When_the_Government_of_the_Netherlands_Participates_in_You.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Meme_When_the_Government_of_the_Netherlands_Participates_in_You.gmi [06:36] TR News old: "Don't use AI to summarize documents its worse than humans in every way" https://pivot-to-ai.com/2024/09/04/dont-use-ai-to-summarize-documents-its-worse-than-humans-in-every-way/ [06:36] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] When the Government of the Netherlands Participates in Your Crimes It Lacks an Incentive to Hold You Accountable for Crimes [06:36] TR Bot Dont use AI to summarize documents its worse than humans in every way Pivot to AI [06:36] darwin who's gulagboy? [06:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [06:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [06:45] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Speaking of which, the Black and Trans seems to be in hiding. [06:45] IsambardPrince The one that Mozilla sent $3 million to for DEI. [06:45] schestowitz[TR2] darwin: this 'man' http://techrights.org/o/2022/09/30/matthew-garrett-transphobic/ [06:45] TR Bot Matthew Garrett Admits Being a Transphobic Adult Before Choosing to Weaponise This to Defame and Then 'Cancel' People Who Aren't Transphobic [06:46] schestowitz[TR2] IsambardPrince: see: [06:46] schestowitz[TR2] http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/22/Critical_Mozilla_Vulnerabilities_In_Firefox_And_Thunderbird_Moz.shtml [06:46] TR Bot Tux Machines Critical Mozilla Vulnerabilities In Firefox And Thunderbird, Mozilla Wastes Resources on Lunacy and Hype [06:46] schestowitz[TR2] mozilla burns its money [06:46] IsambardPrince On Bunny. [06:46] schestowitz[TR2] while its flagship products burn [06:46] schestowitz[TR2] on "hey hi" [06:47] schestowitz[TR2] on ponzi scam [06:47] IsambardPrince Mackensie Mack changed he/she/it/whatever's name to Bunny. [06:47] IsambardPrince At one point. [06:47] schestowitz[TR2] http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/12/31/Mozilla_and_Firefox_Going_in_the_Wrong_Direction.shtml [06:47] TR Bot Tux Machines Mozilla and Firefox Going in the Wrong Direction [06:47] IsambardPrince Keeps changing the name. [06:47] schestowitz[TR2] promoting disinformation [06:47] IsambardPrince Probably hiding from something. [06:47] schestowitz[TR2] mozilla promotes LLM slop [06:47] schestowitz[TR2] while complaining about false info [06:47] schestowitz[TR2] it's a company in a fall [06:47] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], I guarantee the $3 million is gone already. [06:48] IsambardPrince It's expensive to be a tranny and I'm sure that being a ghetto Black and Trans, that there's no accounting for a single penny of it by now. [06:48] IsambardPrince Have to stay in those nice $9,000 a night hotel rooms and clog toilets. [06:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [06:49] IsambardPrince Change the name repeatedly. [06:49] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], The name of the company has also changed at least three times. [06:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [06:49] IsambardPrince Now there's just a generic "Watch this space." site. [06:50] IsambardPrince Trump back, grift over. [06:54] *newyear25 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [06:55] *hawer has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [06:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [06:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [07:06] IsambardPrince https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmunds_Act [07:06] TR Bot Edmunds Act - Wikipedia [07:06] *hawer (~newyear@ has joined #techrights [07:06] IsambardPrince It's a bad day for him you know. [07:06] *darwin has quit (connection closed) [07:06] IsambardPrince According to the federal government, trannies don't exist anymore. [07:07] IsambardPrince And according to the Edmunds Act, polygamy is a federal felony, including unregistered cohabitation. [07:07] schestowitz[TR2] offf topic [07:07] schestowitz[TR2] take it to another channel [07:09] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [07:09] *hawer (~newyear@freenode-drv.aab.2jssns.IP) has joined #techrights [07:12] TR News Techrights "The AI Bubble is Popping", Now It's Bailout Time https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/The_AI_Bubble_is_Popping_Now_It_s_Bailout_Time.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/The_AI_Bubble_is_Popping_Now_It_s_Bailout_Time.gmi [07:12] TR Bot Techrights "The AI Bubble is Popping", Now It's Bailout Time [07:18] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Trump literally said John Bolton is an idiot but "I used him well." [07:18] IsambardPrince :) [07:18] IsambardPrince Maybe he feels that way about Musk. [07:19] IsambardPrince He's a deeply transactional person. [07:19] IsambardPrince He's capable of seeing people in two ways. "What can I get out of them?" and "You wronged me and you're gonna pay for that." [07:20] IsambardPrince That's all that seems to motivate him is self gain and revenge. [07:20] IsambardPrince He isn't deep. [07:21] IsambardPrince If anything is going to take real effort he hands it off to someone else and goes and eats a fast food pizza. That's what's going on with Immigration. [07:21] IsambardPrince He's found one of the nastiest and most horrible people in America, Tom Homan, who is unfortunately very good at what he does. [07:23] IsambardPrince ICE is an out of control federal agency that is jam packed full of Nazis. It draws these people in because the nature of the work appeals to white supremacists. [07:23] IsambardPrince So the horrible people were already there and they just needed a president that told them it was okay to do what they want to do anyway, which is hurt people. [07:33] *HappyNewYear2025 (~newyear@ has joined #techrights [07:33] schestowitz[TR2] schestowitz[TR2], Trump literally said John Bolton is an idiot but "I used him well." [07:33] schestowitz[TR2] wronr channel again [07:33] schestowitz[TR2] not here [07:33] schestowitz[TR2] and if people do not respond elsewhere [07:33] schestowitz[TR2] maybe there's a reason [07:34] schestowitz[TR2] this channel is for tech [07:34] schestowitz[TR2] maybe finance tech [07:34] schestowitz[TR2] not war and such [07:34] TR News Techrights Status of New Year's Resolutions https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Status_of_New_Year_s_Resolutions.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Status_of_New_Year_s_Resolutions.gmi [07:34] TR Bot Techrights Status of New Year's Resolutions [07:34] *newyear25 (~newyear@freenode-drv.aab.2jssns.IP) has joined #techrights [07:34] schestowitz[TR2] use #techpol [07:34] schestowitz[TR2] posting off-topic stuff in wrong forums is not free speech [07:35] schestowitz[TR2] it's bad netiquette [07:36] *hawer has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [07:36] *hawer has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [07:40] IsambardPrince I mentioned Bolton in the sense of Trump angering Musk. [07:41] IsambardPrince Trump does not understand "AI". He sees it as a form of "paying back his donors" with money he stole from taxpayers. [07:42] IsambardPrince They tell him they have a thing, he gives them money that's not his because they gave him some money (personally). [07:43] IsambardPrince As to DHS and "AI" I mentioned what I think about that in the other channel. [07:43] schestowitz[TR2] "gimma some hey hi monies" [07:43] IsambardPrince It will make incorrect rulings on immigration cases, lots of them, but it will do it so cheaply to people who can't even vote. [07:43] schestowitz[TR2] for the "hey ai arms race" [07:43] schestowitz[TR2] the demented one says, bribe me [07:43] schestowitz[TR2] scam altman bribes [07:44] schestowitz[TR2] "ok, we need all the hey hi's," says the senile [07:44] IsambardPrince The federal hiring freeze affects USCIS. It does not affect ICE. [07:44] IsambardPrince So people will get stuck waiting on USCIS forever as slopbots replace people. [07:45] IsambardPrince Then Trump will let the ICE Nazis loose on people the slopbot said to deport. [07:45] TR News firefighters [07:45] TR News "Indeed there's something rather odd about Western society, perhaps rooted in Christianity, that our most heroic members are frequently the "lowest". Take firefighters, nurses, teachers and civil servants. People who make society actually function are amongst the worst paid and treated." [07:45] TR News "A true exemplar of Digital Freedom Fighters is surely Dr. Richard Stallman, a slightly overweight old man. suffering cancer, social anxiety and having some offensive personal traits. He travels around on budget airlines and overnight Greyhound buses, staying in cheap hotel rooms or on the floor of kindly supporters. His supporters love him." https://cybershow.uk/blog/posts/freedom/ [07:45] TR Bot Freedom Fighters (Part I) [07:45] TR News "A Harvard graduate and highly respected programmer at MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, while the likes of Altman, Zuckerberg and Musk were still struggling through school, Stallman could have named any prize in technology he wanted. But he chose a different path. Richard Stallman chose to stand for the rights of people to use technology as they wish. He chose freedom instead of riches." [07:46] TR News "On the Cybershow we talk about computer security and digital freedoms. The two are intimately entwined. There is no security without freedom and no freedom without security. We cannot bank them. Freedom, security and democracy are what we keep fighting for, through constant effort, awareness, and understanding. Our perennial resistance to subjection is about stopping the fruits of science and technology ending up as means for harm." [07:46] IsambardPrince By the time we may get a President that cares again, the damage will be done. USCIS will be operating so cheaply that Congress will never approve a budget for bringing people back and training them. [07:46] TR News "Unchecked by vigilant minds, technology tends toward tyranny (try saying that after licking a 9 volt battery). So who keeps things on course? I've been planning to write about some of the people, processes and organisations that work tirelessly to stop the gadgets that make our lives easy from becoming chains. Who are the real Digital Freedom Fighters?" [07:54] TR News Security advisory: A read past the end of the buffer and division by zero security issue in QLowEnergyController on GNU/Linux impacts Qt https://www.qt.io/blog/security-advisory-qlowenergycontroller-on-linux [07:54] TR Bot Security advisory: A read past the end of the buffer and division by zero security issue in QLowEnergyController on Linux impacts Qt [07:56] TR News timer-cli countdown timer https://www.linuxlinks.com/timer-cli-countdown-timer/ [07:56] TR Bot - countdown timer - LinuxLinks [07:56] TR News read-quickly read plain-text files in blazing speed https://www.linuxlinks.com/read-quickly-plain-text-files-blazing-speed/ [07:56] TR Bot - read plain-text files in blazing speed - LinuxLinks [07:57] TR News Microsoft proprietary spyware infesting planet Debian https://ddumont.wordpress.com/2025/01/18/how-we-solved-storage-api-throttling-on-our-azure-kubernetes-clusters/ [07:57] TR Bot How we solved storage API throttling on our Azure Kubernetes clusters | Dominique Dumont's Blog [07:58] TR News Security updates for Tuesday https://lwn.net/Articles/1005708/ [07:58] TR Bot updates for Tuesday [LWN.net] ● Jan 23 [08:01] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [08:02] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [08:02] TR News Mostly like LLM slop again, detected as such but not 100% certainty https://linuxsecurity.com/news/security-projects/almalinux-10-advanced-tools-simplified-management [08:02] TR Bot AlmaLinux 10: Empowering Security Admins with Advanced Tools and Simplified M... [08:07] TR News Clapper 0.8 Media Player Released, Now Available to backdoored Windows Users Too https://linuxiac.com/clapper-0-8-media-player-released/ [08:07] TR Bot Clapper 0.8 Media Player Released, Now Available to Windows Users Too [08:07] TR News Wine 10 Introduces High-DPI Scaling and Vulkan Enhancements https://linuxiac.com/wine-10-introduces-high-dpi-scaling-and-vulkan-enhancements/ [08:07] TR Bot Wine 10 Introduces High-DPI Scaling and Vulkan Enhancements [08:08] TR News VirtualBox 7.1.6 Released, Heres Whats New https://linuxiac.com/virtualbox-7-1-6-released/ [08:08] TR Bot VirtualBox 7.1.6 Released, Heres Whats New [08:10] TR News (NEW): Free and Open Source Software https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Free_and_Open_Source_Software.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Free_and_Open_Source_Software.gmi [08:10] TR Bot Tux Machines Free and Open Source Software [08:13] TR News How image mode for RHEL simplifies software appliances https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2025/01/21/how-image-mode-rhel-simplifies-software-appliances [08:13] TR Bot How image mode for RHEL simplifies software appliances | Red Hat Developer [08:14] TR News Updated Buildroot support for STM32MP1 and STM32MP2 platforms, ST BSP v6.0 https://bootlin.com/blog/updated-buildroot-support-for-stm32mp1-and-stm32mp2-platforms-st-bsp-v6-0/ [08:14] TR Bot Buildroot support for STM32MP1 and STM32MP2 platforms, ST BSP v6.0 - Bootlin's blog [08:15] TR News Linux 6.13 released, Bootlin contributions inside https://bootlin.com/blog/linux-6-13-released-bootlin-contributions-inside/ [08:15] TR Bot 6.13 released, Bootlin contributions inside - Bootlin's blog [08:17] TR News Hello admiralmetabolic! https://www.r-bloggers.com/2025/01/hello-admiralmetabolic/ [08:17] TR Bot admiralmetabolic! | R-bloggers [08:17] TR News The January 20 Public Talk by Richard Stallman (Around Midday ET), Livestream 'Assassinated' by Google's YouTube https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/21/The_January_20_Public_Talk_by_Richard_Stallman_Around_Midday_ET.shtml [08:17] TR Bot Techrights The January 20 Public Talk by Richard Stallman (Around Midday ET), Livestream 'Assassinated' by Google's YouTube [08:19] TR News Reacting to How James Lee broke up with Adobe, with a GNU/Linux Twist https://tuxdigital.com/videos/reacting-to-how-james-lee-broke-up-with-adobe-with-a-linux-twist/ [08:19] TR Bot to How James Lee broke up with Adobe, with a Linux Twist - Tunnell Vision - TuxDigital [08:21] TR News Sam Thursfield: Status update, 21/01/2025 https://samthursfield.wordpress.com/2025/01/21/status-update-21-01-2025/ [08:21] TR Bot Status update, 21/01/2025 Sam Thursfield [08:21] TR News (NEW): Toradex Adds SMARC iMX8M Plus and iMX95 to Its Embedded Portfolio https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Toradex_Adds_SMARC_iMX8M_Plus_and_iMX95_to_Its_Embedded_Portfol.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Toradex_Adds_SMARC_iMX8M_Plus_and_iMX95_to_Its_Embedded_Portfol.gmi [08:21] TR Bot Tux Machines Toradex Adds SMARC iMX8M Plus and iMX95 to Its Embedded Portfolio [08:22] TR News parallel @ Savannah: GNU Parallel 20250122 ('4K-AZ65') released [stable] https://savannah.gnu.org/news/?id=10717 [08:22] TR Bot GNU Parallel - News [Savannah] [08:22] TR News How to Clean the DNF and APT Caches in GNU/Linux https://www.techrepublic.com/article/linux-101-how-to-clean-the-dnf-and-apt-caches/ [08:22] TR Bot How to Clean the DNF and APT Caches in Linux [08:22] TR News How to Quickly Give Users sudo Privileges in GNU/Linux https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-quickly-give-users-sudo-privileges-in-linux/ [08:22] TR Bot How to Quickly Give Users sudo Privileges in Linux [08:23] TR News Meet the LibreOffice community at FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels! https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2025/01/21/meet-the-libreoffice-community-at-fosdem-2025-in-brussels/ [08:23] TR Bot Meet the LibreOffice community at FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels! - The Document Foundation Blog [08:23] darwin Elon Musk is partly bad, but it's good he's suing the OpenAI scam non-profit to for-profit illegally-changing company. Did Sam Altman pay for hit job on their whistleblower scientist? [08:23] darwin Boeing probably did same in last year or two [08:23] TR News (NEW): GhostBSD Has Scheduled an Online Conference Focused on Desktop BSD https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/GhostBSD_Has_Scheduled_an_Online_Conference_Focused_on_Desktop_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/GhostBSD_Has_Scheduled_an_Online_Conference_Focused_on_Desktop_.gmi [08:23] TR Bot Tux Machines GhostBSD Has Scheduled an Online Conference Focused on Desktop BSD [08:23] TR News Ravi Dwivedi: The Arduous Luxembourg Visa Process https://ravidwivedi.in/posts/luxembourg-visa-process/ [08:23] TR Bot The Arduous Luxembourg Visa Process [08:23] TR News German Supreme Court sends six antifascists to pre-trial detention, solidarity actions in several cities https://digit.site36.net/2025/01/21/german-supreme-court-sends-six-antifascists-to-pre-trial-detention-solidarity-actions-in-several-cities/ [08:23] TR Bot German Supreme Court sends six antifascists to pre-trial detention, solidarity actions in several cities | Matthias Monroy [08:24] TR News Our first GodotCon in the US - Save the date! https://godotengine.org/article/godotcon-2025/ [08:24] TR Bot Our first GodotCon in the US - Save the date! Godot Engine [08:24] darwin i read neither man was in depression or anything. That's what the Indian-American OpenAI scientist's mother probably said. Similar happened to Ian Murdock of Debian, and others... I think you have a series on this? [08:25] TR News Precedential No. 2: TTAB Sustains Section 14(3) Opposition to LA MONTSERRATINA for Meat Products Based on Reputation in USA Without Use http://thettablog.blogspot.com/2025/01/precedential-no-2.html [08:25] TR Bot The TTABlog: Precedential No. 2: TTAB Sustains Section 14(3) Opposition to LA MONTSERRATINA for Meat Products Based on Reputation in USA Without Use [08:25] TR News Opposer Proves Prior Use of Common Law REVOLUTION JEWELRY WORKS Marks, Wins Opposition Battle http://thettablog.blogspot.com/2025/01/precedential-no-2-opposer-proves-prior.html [08:25] TR Bot The TTABlog: Opposer Proves Prior Use of Common Law REVOLUTION JEWELRY WORKS Marks, Wins Opposition Battle [08:26] schestowitz[TR2] i read neither man was in depression or anything. That's what the Indian-American OpenAI scientist's mother probably said. Similar happened to Ian Murdock of Debian, and others... I think you have a series on this? [08:26] schestowitz[TR2] series? maybe articles [08:26] schestowitz[TR2] not a series [08:26] schestowitz[TR2] for murdock, see: [08:26] schestowitz[TR2] https://disguised.work/debian/list-of-debian-suicides-accidents/ [08:26] TR Bot Disguised Work -- List of Debian Suicides & Accidents [08:26] schestowitz[TR2] https://disguised.work/debian/people/ian-murdock-imurdock/ [08:26] TR Bot Disguised Work -- Ian Murdock & Debian [08:26] TR News (NEW): Ignition is a Modern Startup Applications Utility for Linux https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Ignition_is_a_Modern_Startup_Applications_Utility_for_Linux.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Ignition_is_a_Modern_Startup_Applications_Utility_for_Linux.gmi [08:26] TR Bot Tux Machines Ignition is a Modern Startup Applications Utility for Linux [08:27] schestowitz[TR2] https://disguised.work/debian/ian-murdock-police-brutality/ [08:27] TR Bot Disguised Work -- The great life of Ian Murdock and police brutality in context [08:27] schestowitz[TR2] he was planning to write about what the police had done to it [08:27] schestowitz[TR2] he said he would publish [08:27] schestowitz[TR2] then he died [08:27] schestowitz[TR2] they said he was found hanging off the staircase [08:27] schestowitz[TR2] without his shirt on [08:27] schestowitz[TR2] and with cord of vacuum cleaner iirc [08:27] schestowitz[TR2] whether he did this himself or not, i won't comment [08:28] schestowitz[TR2] but compare to: [08:28] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.justice4shanetodd.com/ [08:28] TR Bot Shane Todd Murder [08:28] schestowitz[TR2] when the state pays you loads of money [08:28] schestowitz[TR2] and the state controls a lot of branches, police, coroners etc. [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] then it can do sophisticated operationg [08:29] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [08:29] darwin companies/corporations said it'd be unfortunate if such people have an 'accident' if they don't obey [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] inc. body clones like KSA did in Turkey [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] and plan for months the "escape" [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] and the denial [08:29] *zelu (~zelu@bz4qhce7p43wn.irc) has joined #techrights [08:29] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [08:29] *zelu (~zelu@user/zelu) has joined #techrights [08:29] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/experts-engineer-found-dead-didnt-write-suicide-notes-2/ [08:29] TR Bot Shane Todd update: U.S. engineer found dead in Singapore didn't write suicide notes, new book finds - CBS News [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/may/13/shane-todd-death-investigation [08:30] TR Bot Investigation into mysterious death of Shane Todd begins in Singapore | Technology | The Guardian [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/48-hours-did-a-son-die-protecting-american-secrets/ [08:30] TR Bot 48 Hours: Did a son die protecting American secrets? - CBS News [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] later they can label it "conspiracy theory" [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] though it's likely he was murdered, we don't know who by and why [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] there are various possibilities [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] i wrote a TON about that at the time [08:30] darwin ok [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] so long ago i forgot the finer details [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] but i am 99% sure he was 'suicided' [08:30] schestowitz[TR2] because he warned his mother [08:31] darwin is or will there be one on the OpenAI whistleblower scientist, or not enough information? [08:31] schestowitz[TR2] he felt like they were going to do it [08:31] schestowitz[TR2] and told him mom, if yoou don't hear from me, phone the embassy [08:31] darwin his mom made an entire video apparently saying they did this to him [08:31] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2024/12/16/Reminder_The_Microsoft_Person_Who_Used_OpenAI_for_En_Masse_GPL_.shtml [08:31] TR Bot Techrights Reminder: The Microsoft Person Who Used OpenAI for En Masse GPL Violations Told the Whistleblower to Kill Herself [08:32] darwin there was also an Indian-American man whistleblower OpenAI scientist, I think [08:32] darwin who 'died' [08:32] schestowitz[TR2] http://techrights.org/n/2025/01/15/Meme_Well_He_s_Dead_So_Bill_Gates_Tells_the_Media_Which_He_Pays.shtml [08:32] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] "Well, Hes Dead So," Bill Gates Tells the Media (Which He Pays) About His Close Friend Jeffrey Epstein [08:32] schestowitz[TR2] now it's "old news" [08:32] darwin well, 'suicided' (no note maybe) [08:32] schestowitz[TR2] and "her words" against "theirs" "(government) [08:32] schestowitz[TR2] so they can shelves it and move on [08:32] schestowitz[TR2] "ANOTHER DEAD INDIAN" -Trump [08:32] schestowitz[TR2] *shelve [08:33] schestowitz[TR2] i must have written like a thousand things about shane todd at the time [08:33] schestowitz[TR2] and have them in the archive [08:33] schestowitz[TR2] https://schestowitz.com/tweets/ [08:33] TR Bot Your Twitter archive [08:34] TR News Instagram Reportedly Poaching Top Fentanylware (TikTok) Stars & Producers https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/21/instagram-reportedly-poaching-top-tiktok-stars-producers/ [08:34] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/21/instagram-reportedly-poaching-top-tiktok-stars-producers/ ) [08:34] TR News CapCut, a Video-Editing App From ByteDance, Returns for U.S. Users https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/21/technology/capcut-tiktok-ban-bytedance.html [08:34] TR Bot CapCut, a Video-Editing App From ByteDance, Returns for U.S. Users - The New York Times [08:35] TR News Under Convicted Felon, could Fentanylware (TikTok) become Chinas bargaining chip? https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/under-trump-could-tiktok-become-chinas-bargaining-chip [08:35] TR Bot Under Trump, could TikTok become Chinas bargaining chip? | The Straits Times [08:35] TR News Lithuanian defence minister criticises Social Democrats for using Fentanylware (TikTok) https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2466061/lithuanian-defence-minister-criticises-social-democrats-for-using-tiktok [08:35] TR Bot Lithuanian defence minister criticises Social Democrats for using TikTok - LRT [08:36] TR News The Fentanylware (TikTok) Rollercoaster Went Into Overdrive This Weekend Heres the Whirlwind Summary https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/19/what-happened-to-tiktok-over-the-weekend/ [08:36] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/19/what-happened-to-tiktok-over-the-weekend/ ) [08:36] TR News TikTok Availability Update: Access Still Blocked on Fashion Company Apple App Store, Surveillance Giant Google Play Store; App Restored for Existing Users Plus Convicted Felon Signs Executive Order Delaying Ban https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/19/tiktok-availability-report-ban-app-store-trump/ [08:36] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/19/tiktok-availability-report-ban-app-store-trump/ ) [08:36] TR News Dictator Officially Grants Fentanylware (TikTok) a 75-Day Stay on BanApple, Surveillance Giant Google Still Blocking New Installs https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/21/tiktok-trump-stay-on-ban/ [08:36] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/21/tiktok-trump-stay-on-ban/ ) [08:37] TR News Dictator suspends Fentanylware (TikTok) ban, signs tech-focused executive orders https://siliconangle.com/2025/01/21/trump-suspends-tiktok-ban-signs-tech-focused-executive-orders/ [08:37] TR Bot suspends TikTok ban, signs tech-focused executive orders - SiliconANGLE [08:38] TR News "The newest stable release brings a sweet bouquet1 of new features, drivers, and improvements, expands architecture coverage, and fixes bugs a vintage that proves Wine truly does get better with age." https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/wine-10-0-new-features [08:38] TR Bot Wine 10.0 Release Brings New Drivers, Features & Changes - OMG! Ubuntu [08:39] TR News "Linux guest screens no longer flicker when using VMSVGA graphics adapters, Windows 11 24H2 guests no longer throw BSODs, and entering a custom proxy server in a guest OS settings will now take effect, which some will be relived to hear!" https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/virtualbox-7-1-6-update-changes [08:39] TR Bot VirtualBox Update Adds Support for Linux Kernel 6.13 - OMG! Ubuntu [08:39] TR News "Also, a switch to Matrix would not mean the wholesale end of Ubuntus IRC channels (and bridging is possible). Basaks posit is simply about settling on which platform Ubuntu developer teams make their primary place of realtime contact." https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/ubuntu-devs-matrix-switch [08:39] TR Bot Ubuntu Devs Debate Moving from IRC to Matrix - OMG! Ubuntu [08:40] TR News So the real issue here is not "Linux" but social engineering, getting people to execute malicious files https://cybersecuritynews.com/linux-podofo-library-vulnerabilities/ [08:40] TR Bot Linux PoDoFo Library Flaw Lets Attackers Trick User To Open PDF To Launch DOS Attacks [08:41] TR News Something called "Ka Ubuntu" will help distract from the distro. It's a political thing. [08:41] TR News The Ka Ubuntu independence movement [08:43] TR News But OF COURSE Mark Shuttleworth (MS) does NOT own the word he "misused" to con people into adopting his Microsoft-friendly distro. He just used Jono Bacon (paid by Microsoft) to BULLY projects that used the term "Ubuntu", e.g. "Ubuntu Satanic Edition". [08:44] TR News Mark Shuttleworth (MS) became very rich for selling chunks of BYTES... before the "crypto" pyramid schemes and various "HEY HI" Ponzi schemes (those are more expensive to come up with... than generating little certs, then selling them for a lot of money) [08:44] TR News "Tired of the same old Linux Distributions? Here are a few up-and-comers Serpent OS, Solus, Manjaro, Nobara that will enliven your desktop." https://thenewstack.io/beyond-ubuntu-other-linux-distributions-you-should-try/ [08:44] TR Bot Beyond Ubuntu: Other Linux Distributions You Should Try - The New Stack [08:45] TR News Considering what Ubuntu "LINUX" is today, its name is a sort of insult to the literal work in Swahili. For many years already Ubuntu is/was "controlled" by Microsoft. http://techrights.org/o/2019/07/14/blaming-canonical-for-github/ [08:45] TR Bot GitHub is Microsoft's Proprietary Software and Centralised (Monopoly) Platform, But When Canonical's Account There Gets Compromised Suddenly It's Ubuntu's Fault? [08:46] TR News Mark Shuttleworth (MS) is just a "less successful" (less rich) MElon TRump from South Africa [08:46] TR News "Thankfully, the unsupported environment issue has since been remedied by a warning screen. Though scary, the bulk of settings in Refine do work in Ubuntu theres just no support/guarantee from the apps dev that it wont lead to catastrophe." https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/refine-advanced-gnome-settings-apps-adds-more-options [08:46] TR Bot Refine (Advanced GNOME Settings Apps) Adds More Options - OMG! Ubuntu [08:47] TR News "It's a bit later than we were expecting, but the latest Mint is here and should start to be offered as an upgrade soon." https://www.theregister.com/2025/01/20/linux_mint_221_xia/ [08:47] TR Bot Linux Mint 22.1 Xia arrives fashionably late The Register [08:47] TR News Mark Shuttleworth (MS), CLASS ACT! https://techrights.org/o/2023/05/30/mark-shuttleworth-microsoft/ [08:47] TR Bot MS (Mark Shuttleworth) as a Microsoft Salesperson [08:51] TR News "Linux Mint 22.1 'Xia' is a feature-packed release, introducing improvements like night light support, modern dialog buttons, an improved update manager, and Cinnamon 6.4." https://news.itsfoss.com/upgrade-to-linux-mint-22-1/ [08:51] TR Bot Upgrade to Linux Mint 22.1 is Now Available: Here's How to Do That! [08:54] TR News Switching From Windows Command Prompt to Linux Terminal: 7 Things to Know https://www.howtogeek.com/switching-from-windows-command-prompt-to-a-linux-terminal-things-to-know/ [08:54] TR Bot Switching From Windows Command Prompt to Linux Terminal: 7 Things to Know [08:56] TR News And how many of these are severe? Pretty much none, unlike Windows. This is FUD or hype. https://cybersecuritynews.com/126-linux-kernel-vulnerabilities/ [08:56] TR Bot 126 Linux kernel Vulnerabilities Lets Attackers Exploit 78 Linux Sub-Systems [08:56] TR News Microsoft ZDNet on systemd https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-troubleshoot-linux-app-startup-issues-with-the-journalctl-command/ [08:56] TR Bot to troubleshoot Linux app startup issues with the journalctl command | ZDNET [08:58] TR News 7 Problems You'll Likely Run Into Gaming on Linux https://www.howtogeek.com/problems-youll-likely-run-into-gaming-on-linux/ [08:58] TR Bot 7 Problems You'll Likely Run Into Gaming on Linux [08:58] TR News "The new release provides more flexibility, security, and performance for sysadmins and developers working with enterprise-grade systems." https://thenewstack.io/linux-kernel-6-13-stands-ready-with-security-performance-driver-updates/ [08:58] TR Bot Linux Kernel 6.13 Stands Ready With Security, Performance, Driver Updates - The New Stack [08:58] TR News "This release also improves support for Linux kernel 6.12 and adds initial support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.6s kernel." https://9to5linux.com/virtualbox-7-1-6-released-with-initial-support-for-linux-kernel-6-13 [08:58] TR Bot 7.1.6 Released with Initial Support for Linux Kernel 6.13 - 9to5Linux [08:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [08:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [09:01] TR News Intel & AMD Devs Address Bad Linux Kernel Code From Microsoft Dev https://www.webpronews.com/intel-amd-devs-address-bad-linux-kernel-code-from-microsoft-dev/ http://techrights.org/n/2025/01/15/Microsoft_Breaks_Linux_Again.shtml [09:01] TR Bot Intel & AMD Devs Address Bad Linux Kernel Code From Microsoft Dev [09:01] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Breaks Linux Again [09:02] TR News "This kernel is targeted at those who want to build a 100% free computer that doesnt include any proprietary code." https://9to5linux.com/gnu-linux-libre-6-13-kernel-released-for-software-freedom-lovers [09:02] TR Bot Linux-Libre 6.13 Kernel Released for Software Freedom Lovers - 9to5Linux [09:04] TR News "Googles Android may be the worlds most widely used operating system, while Apple has shipped billions of iOS and iPadOS devices since 2007. But a relatively small group of developers and enthusiasts have been working to make mobile Linux into a viable alternative." https://liliputing.com/liberux-nexx-is-a-linux-smartphone-with-a-rk3588s-chip-32gb-ram-and-a-5g-modem-crowdfunding/ [09:04] TR Bot NEXX is a Linux smartphone with a RK3588S chip, 32GB RAM, and a 5G modem (crowdfunding) - Liliputing [09:05] TR News Falsely attributed to "Linux" again https://cybersecuritynews.com/critical-injection-vulnerability-in-suse-linux-distro/ [09:05] TR Bot Critical Injection Vulnerability in SUSE Linux Distro Let Attacker Exploits "go-git" Library [09:06] TR News "Graphics, networking, and filesystem optimizations boost efficiency, while new drivers expand support for cutting-edge hardware." https://www.opensourceforu.com/2025/01/linux-kernel-with-performance-enhancements/ [09:06] TR Bot Linux Kernel With Performance Enhancements - Open Source For You [09:06] TR News Linux Kernel 6.13 released: this is new https://www.techzine.eu/news/infrastructure/127947/linux-kernel-6-13-released-this-is-new/ [09:06] TR Bot Linux Kernel 6.13 released: this is new - Techzine Global [09:07] TR News (NEW): Ventoy 1.1 Released with EweOS ISO Support https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Ventoy_1_1_Released_with_EweOS_ISO_Support.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Ventoy_1_1_Released_with_EweOS_ISO_Support.gmi [09:07] TR Bot Tux Machines Ventoy 1.1 Released with EweOS ISO Support [09:07] TR News Linux kernel 6.13: Filesystem upgrades, Rust boost, and more https://www.developer-tech.com/news/linux-kernel-6-13-filesystem-upgrades-rust-boost-and-more/ [09:07] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) ( status 0 @ https://www.developer-tech.com/news/linux-kernel-6-13-filesystem-upgrades-rust-boost-and-more/ ) [09:09] TR News No, this awful proposal conflates Git with GitHub and contributes to this idea that Microsoft totally owns and controls Git, and moreover Linux should be fully outsourced to proprietary code vault (the very reason Git exists if the danger of this) https://www.howtogeek.com/why-you-should-keep-all-your-dotfiles-on-github/ [09:09] TR Bot Why You Should Keep All Your Linux Dotfiles on GitHub [09:10] TR News "This release adds support for recording the entire USB descriptor in the emulation data." https://9to5linux.com/fwupd-2-0-4-linux-firmware-updater-released-with-new-features-and-bug-fixes [09:10] TR Bot 2.0.4 Linux Firmware Updater Released with New Features and Bug Fixes - 9to5Linux [09:10] TR News (NEW): These Linux Distributions Are the Most Similar to Windows 10 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/These_Linux_Distributions_Are_the_Most_Similar_to_Windows_10.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/These_Linux_Distributions_Are_the_Most_Similar_to_Windows_10.gmi [09:10] TR Bot Tux Machines These Linux Distributions Are the Most Similar to Windows 10 [09:10] TR News "Dangbei has been on a roll for the last year or so. I found the Atom and DBOX02 laser projectors to be very good, and today, there is a new and affordable model that isn't too far off from the Atom, though to get to this sort of price, several features had to be cut down within reason." https://www.neowin.net/reviews/dangbei-n2-review-a-linux-powered-smart-projector-that-offers-quality-and-affordability/ [09:10] TR Bot Dangbei N2 review: a Linux powered smart projector that offers quality and affordability - Neowin [09:11] TR News "some scenarios showing interesting outcomes." https://www.neowin.net/news/windows-vs-linux-gaming-performance-shows-why-amd-is-better-than-nvidia-mostly/ [09:11] TR Bot Windows vs Linux gaming performance shows why AMD is better than Nvidia... mostly - Neowin [09:12] TR News StreamUnlimited Introduces Multi-Stream Audio and StreamSDK Lite, Powered by StreamSDK in a Linux container www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/streamunlimited-introduces-multi-stream-audio-and-streamsdk-lite-powered-by-streamsdk-in-a-linux-container-302355264.html [09:13] TR News (NEW): 4 Ways to Check If a Game Will Run on Linux https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/4_Ways_to_Check_If_a_Game_Will_Run_on_Linux.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/4_Ways_to_Check_If_a_Game_Will_Run_on_Linux.gmi [09:13] TR Bot Tux Machines 4 Ways to Check If a Game Will Run on Linux [09:15] *darwin has quit (connection closed) [09:17] TR News (NEW): Archinstall 3.0.2 Introduces Wayfire Support and Enhanced Features https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Archinstall_3_0_2_Introduces_Wayfire_Support_and_Enhanced_Featu.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Archinstall_3_0_2_Introduces_Wayfire_Support_and_Enhanced_Featu.gmi [09:17] TR Bot Tux Machines Archinstall 3.0.2 Introduces Wayfire Support and Enhanced Features [09:18] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [09:18] TR News This is Xi right now https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/03/Memes_Two_Dictators_Donald_Trump_Loves_TikTok.shtml [09:18] TR Bot Techrights [Memes] Two Dictators. Donald Trump Loves TikTok. [09:19] TR News Microsoft boot ("enablers") https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/19/Meme_He_Who_Controls_the_Boot.shtml [09:19] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] He Who Controls the Boot [09:20] TR News (NEW): A stuff-a-thon is happening at the FSF, Jan. 24, 28 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/A_stuff_a_thon_is_happening_at_the_FSF_Jan_24_28.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/A_stuff_a_thon_is_happening_at_the_FSF_Jan_24_28.gmi [09:20] TR Bot Tux Machines A stuff-a-thon is happening at the FSF, Jan. 24, 28 [09:22] TR News (NEW): Security and Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (FUD) Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Security_and_Fear_Uncertainty_Doubt_FUD_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Security_and_Fear_Uncertainty_Doubt_FUD_Leftovers.gmi [09:22] TR Bot Tux Machines Security and Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (FUD) Leftovers [09:26] TR News TCO of bytedance's tiktok: "Overly lenient parents, bad diet and lack of life skills have left young generation ill-prepared for workplace" https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/overly-lenient-parents-bad-diet-and-lack-of-life-skills-have-left-young-generation-ill-prepared-for-workplace-4954894 [09:26] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/overly-lenient-parents-bad-diet-and-lack-of-life-skills-have-left-young-generation-ill-prepared-for-workplace-4954894 ) [09:27] TR News It is desirable to Xi and Putin, sure, sure... da .. da https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/23/uk-minister-calls-tiktok-desirable-product-but-admits-genuine-concerns ("UK minister calls TikTok desirable product but admits genuine concerns") [09:27] TR Bot UK minister calls TikTok desirable product but admits genuine concerns | TikTok | The Guardian [09:28] TR News Netcompany called data leak simple theft | "Netcompany kaldte datalk for simpelt tyveri: I dag er sagen meget alvorlig | Version2" https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=da&tl=en&u=https://www.version2.dk/artikel/netcompany-kaldte-datalaek-simpelt-tyveri-i-dag-er-sagen-meget-alvorlig [09:28] TR Bot Netcompany kaldte datalk for simpelt tyveri: I dag er sagen meget alvorlig | Version2 [09:29] TR News iophk: ai slop producing vaguely music-like sounds https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/22/music-ai-raises-40-million-in-series-a-funding/ ("Music AI, Creator of Moises, Raises $40M in Series A Funding") ... enabling plagiarism by calling it "HEYYYYYYYYYYY HIIIII". not "piracy".... [09:29] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/22/music-ai-raises-40-million-in-series-a-funding/ ) [09:31] TR News "TikTok users allege censorship, altered algorithms" https://www.semafor.com/article/01/22/2025/tiktok-users-complain-of-censorship-altered-algorithms That IS what TikTok does... it's NOT "free speech" http://techrights.org/n/2023/12/02/Montana_s_TikTok_Ban_Was_to_Protect_Free_Speech_and_the_United_.shtml [09:31] TR Bot users allege censorship, altered algorithms | Semafor [09:31] TR Bot Techrights Montanas TikTok Ban Was to Protect Free Speech and the United States' First Amendment [09:32] TR News "The Growing Inequality in Life Expectancy Among Americans" https://www.truthdig.com/articles/the-growing-inequality-in-life-expectancy-among-americans/ [09:32] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.truthdig.com/articles/the-growing-inequality-in-life-expectancy-among-americans/ ) [09:33] TR News "Crypto Wars: Europol-Chefin fordert wieder mal Zugang zu verschlsselten Nachrichten" https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://netzpolitik.org/2025/crypto-wars-europol-chefin-fordert-wieder-mal-zugang-zu-verschluesselten-nachrichten/ http://techrights.org/o/2023/06/18/no-such-thing-as-cryptocurrency/ [09:33] TR Bot Crypto Wars: Europol-Chefin fordert wieder mal Zugang zu verschlsselten Nachrichten [09:33] TR Bot There is No Such Thing as 'Cryptocurrency' and Please Stop Referring to It as Cryptocurrency [09:34] TR News napolitano for Xi... calling a censorship facility of the Communist Party "Freedom of Speech" in pro-Putin propaganda site Antiwar.com (pro-Putin's wars) https://original.antiwar.com/andrew-p-napolitano/2025/01/22/tiktok-and-the-freedom-of-speech/ [09:34] TR Bot TikTok and the Freedom of Speech - Antiwar.com [09:34] TR News "Reddit Users Boycott X Links After Elon Musks Gesture at Inaugural Event" https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/22/business/reddit-x-boycott-elon-musk.html [09:34] TR Bot Reddit Users Boycott X Links After Elon Musks Gesture at Inaugural Event - The New York Times [09:35] TR News "Removal of Cyber Safety Review Board members sparks alarm from cyber pros, key lawmaker" https://cyberscoop.com/removal-cyber-safety-review-board-members/ [09:35] TR Bot of Cyber Safety Review Board members sparks alarm from cyber pros, key lawmaker | CyberScoop [09:35] TR News "Singapore's Likee Is an Unlikely Winner of the TikTok Ban" https://www.wired.com/story/likee-tiktok-apps-rednote/ [09:35] TR Bot Likee Is an Unlikely Winner of the TikTok Ban | WIRED [09:36] TR News [Old] "'Two dictators': Fox News host says sorry for reference to Trump-Kim summit" https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/jun/10/a-fox-news-host-has-accidentally-referred-to-the-highly-anticipated-summit-between-president-donald-trump-and-north-korean-leader-kim-jong-un-as-a-meeting-of-two-dictators iophk: freudian slip by faux noise [09:36] TR Bot 'Two dictators': Fox News host says sorry for reference to Trump-Kim summit | Fox News | The Guardian [09:36] TR News iophk: "It captured his nature and the mindset of his boosters / followers. It's also part of Putler's (and the Soviets before him) divide-and-conquer propaganda. Thus shit like "Andrew Tate" gain ground in EU and US boys' minds" [09:38] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [09:39] TR News Afraid of AI? Nope. Afraid of people? Yeah. | "21.1.2025 Angst vor KI? N. Vor Menschen? Jo. | In jawls humble opinion." https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://hmbl.blog/21-1-2025-angst-vor-ki-noe-vor-menschen-jo/?pk_campaign=feed& [09:39] TR Bot 21.1.2025 Angst vor KI? N. Vor Menschen? Jo. | In jawls humble opinion. [09:39] TR News iophk: fails to warn of microsoft https://thenewstack.io/why-you-should-reconsider-your-big-tech-job-in-2025/ ("Why You Should Reconsider Your 'Big Tech' Job in 2025") [09:39] TR Bot Why You Should Reconsider Your 'Big Tech' Job in 2025 - The New Stack [09:44] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@yrifiesvn57du.irc) has joined #techrights [09:45] TR News "News UK admits 'unlawful activities' at Sun in Prince Harry settlement" https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/prince-harry-sun-settlement/ [09:45] TR Bot News UK admits 'unlawful activities' at Sun in Prince Harry settlement [09:45] TR News "Saudi to see GDP slowdown amid oil cuts: IMF" https://www.semafor.com/article/01/22/2025/saudi-to-see-gdp-slowdown-amid-oil-cuts-imf [09:45] TR Bot to see GDP slowdown amid oil cuts: IMF | Semafor [09:46] TR News "Elon Musks salute stirs controversy in Congress and criticism in Europe" https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2025/01/21/elon-musk-salute-trump-inauguration/ [09:46] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2025/01/21/elon-musk-salute-trump-inauguration/ ) [09:46] TR News "Why Years of Canadian Digital Policy Is Either Dead (Prorogation) or Likely to Die (Trump)" https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2025/01/why-years-of-canadian-digital-policy-is-either-dead-prorogation-or-likely-to-die-trump/ [09:46] TR Bot Why Years of Canadian Digital Policy Is Either Dead (Prorogation) or Likely to Die (Trump) - Michael Geist [09:47] TR News "Use Disable Delete - Bye" https://blog.numericcitizen.me/2025/01/22/use-disable-delete-bye.html [09:47] TR Bot Use Disable Delete - Bye - Numeric Citizen Blog [09:47] TR News It's not a company, it is a WEAPON made by ByteDance (CPC) https://english.elpais.com/technology/2025-01-20/tiktok-the-company-that-changed-internet-culture.html ("TikTok, the company that changed internet culture") [09:47] TR Bot TikTok, the company that changed internet culture | Technology | EL PAS English [09:48] TR News Microsoft = white collar crime. Bribe officials and all. Send moles. "Microsoft har et jerngreb om danske kommuner: Magteslse overfor prisstigninger i ny milliard-aftale | Version2" https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=da&tl=en&u=https://www.version2.dk/artikel/microsoft-har-et-jerngreb-om-danske-kommuner-magtesloese-overfor-prisstigninger-i-ny-milliard-aftale [09:48] TR Bot Microsoft har et jerngreb om danske kommuner: Magteslse overfor prisstigninger i ny milliard-aftale | Version2 [09:49] TR News Ponzi scheme at it. "Elon musk openai: Elon Musk reacts to SoftBank-OpenAIs $500 billion AI project, says they dont have the money" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/elon-musk-reacts-to-openais-500-billion-ai-project-says-they-dont-have-the-money/articleshow/117448421.cms http://techrights.org/n/2025/01/06/Meme_Don_t_Worry_They_Say_There_s_7_Trillion_Dollars_Waiting_at.shtml [09:49] TR Bot Elon musk openai: Elon Musk reacts to SoftBank-OpenAIs $500 billion AI project, says they dont have the money - The Economic Times [09:49] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Don't Worry, They Say There's 7 Trillion Dollars Waiting at the Top [09:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [09:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [09:49] TR News When it comes to "HEY HI", fictional figures became the norm. They just make up "value" and "worth" http://techrights.org/n/2025/01/05/No_Microsoft_Does_Not_Invest_80B_in_Hey_Hi_AI_It_s_Just_Full_of.shtml [09:49] TR Bot Techrights No, Microsoft Does Not Invest $80B in Hey Hi (AI), It's Just Full of BS, Lies, and Over $80B in Debt [09:49] TR News That is how Ponzi schemes are made [09:50] TR News "The Technological Poison Pill: How ATProtocol Encourages Competition, Resists Evil Billionaires, Lock-In & Enshittification" https://www.techdirt.com/2025/01/21/the-technological-poison-pill-how-atprotocol-encourages-competition-resists-evil-billionaires-lock-in-enshittification/ [09:50] TR Bot Technological Poison Pill: How ATProtocol Encourages Competition, Resists Evil Billionaires, Lock-In & Enshittification | Techdirt [09:52] darwin the article was tRump paid voting machine company to steal election [09:53] TR News "The big release is here! The Windows compatibility layer Wine version 10.0 is officially out now bringing lots of big new features. Wine is a major part of what powers Valve's Proton, enabling thousands of Windows games to run on Linux." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/01/windows-compatibility-layer-wine-10-out-now-bringing-wayland-and-arm64ec-support-new-ffmpeg-multimedia-back-end/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:54] TR Bot compatibility layer Wine 10.0 out now bringing Wayland and ARM64EC support, new FFmpeg multimedia back-end | GamingOnLinux [09:54] TR News "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a popular free and open source library for developers that handles audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick and graphics with SDL 3 now available. Plus a new SDL 2 to SDL 3 compatibility layer." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/01/sdl-3-officially-released-for-game-devs-plus-an-sdl-2-to-sdl-3-compatibility-layer/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:54] TR Bot 3 officially released for game devs plus an SDL 2 to SDL 3 compatibility layer | GamingOnLinux [09:54] TR News "Valve released a fresh stable update to the Steam Client this week bringing numerous bug fixes and improvements for Desktop and Steam Deck." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/01/stable-steam-client-update-for-desktop-and-steam-deck-brings-a-whole-lot-of-fixes/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:54] TR Bot Steam Client update for Desktop and Steam Deck brings a whole lot of fixes | GamingOnLinux [09:55] TR News "With many Linux desktops now running Wayland quite nicely, it seems it's time to keep pushing ahead. AMD have revealed what they call the AMDGPU Composition Stack (ACS)." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/01/amd-reveals-amdgpu-composition-stack-a-fork-of-waylands-weston-compositor-for-advancing-the-linux-desktop/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:55] TR Bot reveals AMDGPU Composition Stack, a fork of Wayland's Weston compositor for advancing the Linux desktop | GamingOnLinux [09:56] TR News "Explore the importance of AI safety education with Experience AI's safety resources." https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/helping-young-people-navigate-ai-safely/ | Source: Raspberry Pi [09:56] TR Bot Helping young people navigate AI safely - Raspberry Pi Foundation [09:57] TR News "Bezos Swaps Scrutiny for Storytelling" https://fair.org/home/as-trump-ii-begins-bezos-swaps-scrutiny-for-storytelling/ | Source: FAIR [09:57] TR Bot As Trump II Begins, Bezos Swaps Scrutiny for Storytelling FAIR [09:57] TR News MasterCard DNS Error https://krebsonsecurity.com/2025/01/mastercard-dns-error-went-unnoticed-for-years/ | Source: Krebs On Security [09:57] TR Bot MasterCard DNS Error Went Unnoticed for Years Krebs on Security ● Jan 23 [10:01] TR News "Generative AI tools such as the music tool from Suno Inc. make uninhibited use of compositions and texts that do not belong to them" https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/21/gema-suno-lawsuit/ | Source: Digital Music News [10:01] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/21/gema-suno-lawsuit/ ) [10:01] TR News "The CCIA, which represents global tech firms including Amazon, Cloudflare and Google, is sounding the alarm over Italy's "Piracy Shield" blocking scheme." https://torrentfreak.com/tech-industry-urges-eu-to-halt-italys-overreaching-anti-piracy-measures-250122/ | Source: Torrent Freak [10:01] TR Bot Industry Urges EU to Halt Italy's Overreaching Anti-Piracy Measures * TorrentFreak [10:02] TR News "This is incredibly even worse than it sounds." https://pluralistic.net/2025/01/22/autocrats-of-trade/#dingo-babysitter | Source: CoryDoctorow [10:02] TR Bot Pluralistic: Keir Starmer appoints Jeff Bezos as his first buddy (22 Jan 2025) Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow [10:03] TR News "Alongside a landmark partnership with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)" https://www.dw.com/en/nfl-wwe-streaming-netflix-new-strategy/a-71345322 | Source: Deutsche Welle [10:03] TR Bot Netflix is going big on live sports with the NFL and WWE DW 01/21/2025 [10:04] TR News "The year 2024 was pivotal for Netflix as it ventured into live sports." https://techcentral.co.za/netflix-running-away-streaming-market/258029/ | Source: Tech Central (South Africa) [10:04] TR Bot Netflix is 'running away with the streaming market' - TechCentral [10:05] TR News "$660 million has been earmarked for high-speed internet" https://kansasreflector.com/2025/01/22/kansas-broadband-developers-complain-to-senate-about-allocation-of-state-federal-grants/ | Source: Kansas Reflector [10:05] TR Bot Kansas broadband developers complain to Senate about allocation of state, federal grants Kansas Reflector [10:09] TR News "On 7 January chief executive Mark Zuckerberg announced sweeping changes to Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, Threads and Whatsapp." https://pressgazette.co.uk/social_media/lgbtq-journalists-meta-hate-speech-policy-changes/ | Source: Press Gazette [10:09] TR Bot LGBTQ+ journalists disappointed and frustrated' by Meta hate speech changes [10:10] TR News "The decision, by a court in the southeastern region of Murcia this month, is the first to stem from a November ruling by Spains constitutional court that barred discrimination against children born into single-parent families." https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/22/world/europe/spain-single-parents-paid-leave.html | Source: New York Times [10:10] TR Bot Single Parents Should Get as Much Paid Leave as Couples, Spanish Court Rules - The New York Times [10:11] TR News "I appreciate that Christianity has been overwhelmed by people loudly proclaiming they know best often in extremely wealthy megachurches or hastily assumed baptisms in an apparent attempt to fend off sexual assault investigations" https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/trump-vance-prayer-service-woke-bishop-budde-lgbt-trans-b2684214.html | Source: The Independent UK [10:11] TR Bot Bishop Buddes woke sermon wasnt an ambush it was a reminder of basic Christian values | The Independent [10:11] TR News "political cronyism" https://fedscoop.com/schedule-f-russell-vought-omb-due-process-federal-workers/ | Source: Scoop News Group [10:11] TR Bot Schedule F scrap due process rights for federal workers? OMB nominee wont say | FedScoop [10:11] TR News "For decades, tens of thousands of Tibetans primarily children have left their homelands never to return again." https://www.rfa.org/english/tibet/2025/01/23/tibetan-smuggler-china-nepal/ | Source: RFA [10:12] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/tibet/2025/01/23/tibetan-smuggler-china-nepal/ ) [10:12] TR News "Wilshaw is joining from ITN stablemate Channel 4 News where she has been deputy editor since August 2022." https://pressgazette.co.uk/the-wire/media-jobs-uk-news/itv-news-editor-2025/ | Source: Press Gazette [10:12] TR Bot Laura Wilshaw named next ITV News editor - Press Gazette [10:12] TR News "The lawyers said that no action had been taken in the file for a month and that their clients were still in prison despite this. They added that their freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and the rights to assembly and marches had been violated." https://anfenglishmobile.com/freedom-of-the-press/7-journalists-arrested-for-protesting-murder-of-colleagues-remain-in-prison-77560 | Source: ANF News [10:12] TR Bot ANF | 7 journalists arrested for protesting murder of colleagues remain in prison [10:13] TR News "The stanbul prosecutor's indictment claims Datan and Bilgin were terrorist organization members who were "neutralized" in counterterrorism operations." https://bianet.org/haber/journalists-face-prison-over-coverage-of-kurdish-reporters-killed-in-northern-syria-303836 | Source: BIA Net [10:13] TR Bot Journalists face prison over coverage of Kurdish reporters killed in northern Syria [10:14] TR News "Navigating journalism in the 'new' Syria" https://www.voanews.com/a/reporter-s-notebook-navigating-journalism-in-the-new-syria-/7946299.html | Source: VOA News [10:14] TR Bot Reporter's Notebook: Navigating journalism in the 'new' Syria [10:14] TR News "oday, it is me. Tomorrow, it could be anyone who dares to dream of just, democratic, European Georgia untouched by Russian influence, unshackled by oppression." https://www.dw.com/en/georgia-journalists-and-dissent-under-targeted-attack/a-71370976 | Source: Deutsche Welle [10:14] TR Bot Journalists and dissent under targeted attack DW 01/22/2025 [10:14] TR News "Kamran Alvi was arrested after he posted a video related to the Maha Kumbh. It offended some people. The higher authorities took note of the video." https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/journalist-among-2-held-for-offensive-comments-on-maha-kumbh-hindu-deities-in-up/articleshow/117445884.cms | Source: India Times [10:14] TR Bot Journalist among 2 held for 'offensive' comments on Maha Kumbh, Hindu deities in UP | India News - The Times of India [10:15] TR News "Social media users noticed searches for #Democrat, #DNC and other related terms like #TheLeft were not returning any results for at least several hours, while searches for terms like #Republican" https://www.cbc.ca/news/instagram-1.7437667 | Source: CBC [10:15] TR Bot Meta accused of pro-Trump bias after #Democrat hashtag blocked on Instagram | CBC News [10:15] TR News "The 37-year-old artist, who lived in stanbul from 2018 to 2023, was deported to Iran by Turkish authorities in December, despite his pending asylum application." https://bianet.org/haber/iranian-rapper-sentenced-to-death-after-deportation-from-turkey-303828 | Source: BIA Net [10:15] TR Bot Iranian rapper sentenced to death after deportation from Turkey [10:16] TR News "But noticeably absent from the Executive Order is any commitment to government transparency." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2025/01/protecting-free-speech-cant-just-be-about-targeting-political-opponents | Source: EFF [10:16] TR Bot Protecting Free Speech Cant Just Be About Targeting Political Opponents | Electronic Frontier Foundation [10:17] TR News "This is not the paragraph where I am going to wrap everything up into a neat package and hand it to you so that you know what to do. I wish I knew. I know that as angry as I am, I also have to practice empathy, understanding, and forgiveness" https://louplummer.lol/lets-talk-about-it/ | Source: Lou Plummer [10:17] TR Bot Let's Talk about Some Uncomfortable Topics, Shall We? | Living Out Loud [10:17] TR News "[...] VOA Russian spoke to legal experts who voice concern about the ability of Russian activists to get proper legal representation in the future after Navalny lawyers got up to 5 years in prison for essentially doing their job" https://www.voanews.com/a/navalny-lawyers-get-jail-time-for-doing-their-job-/7945345.html | Source: VOA News [10:17] TR Bot Navalny lawyers get jail time for doing their job [10:18] TR News "Li was accused of publishing statements, photos, and/or pictures on Facebook with an intent to bring people into hatred" https://hongkongfp.com/2025/01/22/36-year-old-hong-kong-man-charged-under-article-23-security-law-over-seditious-online-posts/ | Source: Hong Kong Free Press [10:18] TR Bot HK man charged under Article 23 security law over 'seditious' online posts [10:18] TR News "He became a pastor in 2011 and formerly served as administrator of Chuong Bo Protestant Church under the independent Mennonite Church." https://www.rfa.org/english/vietnam/2025/01/21/vietnam-protestant-church-pastor-arrest/ | Source: RFA [10:18] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/vietnam/2025/01/21/vietnam-protestant-church-pastor-arrest/ ) [10:19] TR News "The gesture was controversial enough, but now come the sub-controversies: Elon Musk is trolling Wikipedia and encouraging its defunding after a description of his recent flourish, seen by some as a Hitler salute, appeared on the encyclopedic website." https://today.rtl.lu/news/business-and-tech/a/2269763.html | Source: RTL [10:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [10:19] TR Bot RTL Today - Of perspectives and propaganda: Musk, Wikipedia founder in row over how to describe 'Nazi salute' [10:19] TR News "During the Donald Trump inauguration, Elon Musk extended his right arm towards the crowd in an upward angle twice. It was compared to a Nazi salute." https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/musk-calls-to-defund-wikipedia-after-his-gesture-compared-to-nazi-salute-7538528 | Source: NDTV [10:19] TR Bot Musk Calls To "Defund" Wikipedia After His Gesture Compared To Nazi Salute [10:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [10:24] TR News "Facebook is eliminating fact-checking" https://localnewsinitiative.northwestern.edu/posts/2025/01/22/meta-facebook-fact-checking-local-news-impact/index.html | Source: uni Northwestern [10:24] TR Bot Deserted By Fact-Checking | Local News Initiative [10:25] TR News [Old] "The proliferation of disinformation is a fundamental challenge to stable and prosperous African societies." https://africacenter.org/spotlight/mapping-a-surge-of-disinformation-in-africa/ | Source: Africa Center for Strategic Studies [10:25] TR Bot Mapping a Surge of Disinformation in Africa Africa Center [10:26] TR News "Hammarn joined Nokia in 2007 and has been acting President of Nokia Technologies since October 2024." https://itwire.com/it-people-news/people-moves/patrik-hammar%c3%a9n-appointed-as-president-of-nokia-technologies-and-member-of-the-nokia-group-leadership-team.html | Source: IT Wire [10:26] TR Bot - Patrik Hammarn appointed as President of Nokia Technologies and member of the Nokia Group Leadership Team [10:26] TR News "celebrities and sex including topless women on Page 3" https://www.voanews.com/a/murdoch-s-uk-tabloids-apologize-to-prince-harry-admit-intruding-on-diana/7946082.html | Source: VOA News [10:26] TR Bot Murdoch's UK tabloids apologize to Prince Harry, admit intruding on Diana [10:27] TR News "I know that Mark Zuckerberg no longer likes fact-checking, but its not going to stop me from continuing to fact-check him." https://www.techdirt.com/2025/01/21/the-emptiness-of-zucks-promise-to-move-biased-trust-safety-from-california-to-texas/ | Source: Techdirt [10:27] TR Bot Emptiness Of Zucks Promise To Move Biased Trust & Safety From California To Texas | Techdirt [10:31] TR News "serious about antitrust reform" https://www.techdirt.com/2025/01/22/paramount-and-cbs-willing-to-kiss-trumps-ass-in-exchange-for-merger-approvals/ | Source: Techdirt [10:31] TR Bot And CBS Willing To Kiss Trumps Ass In Exchange For Merger Approvals | Techdirt [10:32] TR News "Meta has denied claims from some users that it is pushing them to follow social media accounts linked to US president Donald Trump and his administration." https://www.independent.co.uk/business/meta-denies-claims-it-is-pushing-users-to-follow-accounts-linked-to-trump-team-b2684281.html | Source: The Independent UK [10:32] TR Bot Meta denies claims it is pushing users to follow accounts linked to Trump team | The Independent [10:33] TR News "My ruminations were about both accountability and forgiveness. Despite that, I did not actually forgive Vincent." https://json.blog/2025/01/22/compassion-when-i-cannot-offer.html | Source: Jason Becker [10:33] TR Bot Compassion When I Cannot Offer Forgiveness [10:34] TR News "A number of users reported searches on anti-Trump hashtags and fascism were being hidden Monday and Tuesday. Some people are deleting the app over the shift." https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2025/01/22/tiktok-ban-app-online-users-quit/ | Source: The Washington Post [10:34] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2025/01/22/tiktok-ban-app-online-users-quit/ ) [10:35] TR News "Close to 300 responses were received from the different Internet communities associated with each Regional Internet Registry (RIR)." https://blog.apnic.net/2025/01/22/concluding-the-icp-2-principles-consultation/ | Source: APNIC [10:35] TR Bot Concluding the ICP-2 principles consultation | APNIC Blog [10:36] TR News "The cash infusion comes on top of the $2 billion that Google has already provided to the artificial intelligence developer." https://siliconangle.com/2025/01/22/google-reportedly-invests-1b-openai-rival-anthropic/ | Source: Silicon Angle [10:36] TR Bot reportedly invests $1B+ in OpenAI rival Anthropic - SiliconANGLE [10:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [10:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [10:45] TR News "Microsoft is to become the latest member of CISPE months after negotiating a settlement with the trade association of European cloud providers over alleged anti-competitive software practices" https://www.theregister.com/2025/01/21/microsoft_joins_cispe/ | Source: The Register UK http://techrights.org/n/2025/01/19/FTC_Realises_Microsoft_Buying_Fake_Clients_to_Fake_Revenue_Micr.shtml [10:45] TR Bot Microsoft to join CISPE following legal spat over licensing The Register [10:45] TR Bot Techrights FTC Realises Microsoft Buying Fake 'Clients' to Fake "Revenue" (Microsoft 'Buying' Services and Products From Itself!) [10:46] TR News "Under Digital Services Act, monitors will be allowed to report abusive language and platforms should respond in 1 day" https://www.theregister.com/2025/01/21/meta_and_x_sign_up/ | Source: The Register UK [10:46] TR Bot Meta and X sign up to EC code of conduct on hate speech The Register [10:46] TR News "The Duke of Sussex would have faced a high legal bill even if he had won the case. Harry had accused Rupert Murdoch's News Group Newspapers of unlawfully spying on him." https://www.dw.com/en/prince-harry-settles-murdoch-media-lawsuit/a-71369941 | Source: Deutsche Welle [10:46] TR Bot Harry settles suit with Murdoch media after apology DW 01/22/2025 [10:47] *zelu has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [10:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [10:49] *zelu has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [10:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [10:52] TR News [Meme] Free Software and Socially-Engineered Groupthink (to Serve Big Sponsors Like Surveillance Giant Google and Microsoft) https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/21/Meme_Free_Software_and_Socially_Engineered_Groupthink_to_Serve_.shtml [10:52] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Free Software and Socially-Engineered Groupthink (to Serve Big Sponsors Like Google and Microsoft) [10:54] TR News "We wholeheartedly thank all those who support the FSF and thereby software freedom through all forms" https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/we-surpassed-our-year-end-goal-of-400-000-usd-thanks-to-you | Source: FSF [10:54] TR Bot We surpassed our year-end goal of $400,000 USD thanks to you! Free Software Foundation Working together for free software [10:55] TR News "The ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court follows a similar court defeat in New York in 2022" https://www.ksl.com/article/51234262/elephants-cant-pursue-their-release-from-a-colorado-zoo-because-theyre-not-human-court-says | Source: Deseret Media [10:55] TR Bot can't pursue their release from a Colorado zoo because they're not human, court says | KSL.com [10:57] TR News "The most physically active commuters had an average of 4.5 fewer annual sick leave days than their less active counterparts, according to the health agency." https://yle.fi/a/74-20138599 | Source: YLE [10:57] TR Bot People who bike or walk to work call in sick less, THL study finds | Yle News | Yle [10:58] TR News "Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday, Kganyago warned that governments should be careful to avoid the influence of lobbyists who have a particular interest in a particular product wanting to impose it on societies." https://techcentral.co.za/lesetja-kganyago-bitcoin-reserve/258022/ | Source: Tech Central (South Africa) [10:58] TR Bot Lesetja Kganyago scoffs at bitcoin as strategic reserve - TechCentral [10:58] TR News "Solar energy has become the EUs fastest-growing power source, contributing 11% to its supply. Overall, strong growth in solar and wind have boosted the share of renewables to 47%, up from 34% in 2019." https://www.dw.com/en/solar-power-surpasses-coal-as-eu-energy-source/a-71377771 | Source: Deutsche Welle [10:58] TR Bot power surpasses coal as EU energy source DW 01/23/2025 [10:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [10:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [11:03] *IsambardPrince has quit (connection closed) [11:05] TR News "Experts warn that the blazes unleashed complex chemical reactions on paint, furniture, building materials, cars, electronics and other belongings, turning ordinary objects into potentially toxic ash that requires protective gear to handle safely." https://phys.org/news/2025-01-ash-left-los-angeles-wildfires.html | Source: Omicron Limited [11:05] TR Bot ( status 422 @ https://phys.org/news/2025-01-ash-left-los-angeles-wildfires.html ) [11:06] TR News "More bluntly, Mark Ryavec, a former L.A. City Council legislative analyst and now acerbic critic of City Hall" https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2025-01-22/in-the-rush-to-rebuild-one-topic-is-taboo-what-should-be-built-differently | Source: Los Angeles Times [11:06] TR Bot After the fires, one topic is taboo: What should be built differently? - Los Angeles Times [11:07] TR News "You might think the harrowing scenes of Los Angeles burning would elicit a similar reckoning in our national conversation" https://www.thenation.com/article/environment/climate-reality-fires-los-angeles/ | Source: The Nation [11:07] TR Bot In Our New Climate Reality, There Is No Getting Back to Normal | The Nation [11:08] TR News "Note that the Palisades and Eaton Fires are still not fully contained, though we havent been worried about them in a while. The same will happen with the Hughes Fire." https://doc.searls.com/2025/01/22/and-now-the-hughesfire/ | Source: Doc Searls [11:08] TR Bot And Now the #HughesFire Doc Searls Weblog [11:09] TR News "roll back climate regulations" https://www.propublica.org/article/david-fotouhi-donald-trump-epa-pollution | Source: Pro Publica [11:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [11:09] TR Bot David Fotouhi, Trumps EPA No. 2, Represented Companies Accused of Pollution ProPublica [11:09] TR News "Current climate policies are no longer a sufficient contribution to the global effort to keep warming at 1.5C" https://phys.org/news/2025-01-nz-climate-policies-longer-15c.html | Source: Omicron Limited [11:09] TR Bot ( status 422 @ https://phys.org/news/2025-01-nz-climate-policies-longer-15c.html ) [11:09] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [11:12] TR News "No more giving money to Apple, Google, Microsoft etc." https://ljpuk.net/2025/01/22/standing-by-your-values/ | Source: Lee Peterson [11:12] TR Bot Standing by your values LJPUK [11:13] TR News "For whatever reason, among the highest of priorities for this new administration is the status of TikTok" https://pxlnv.com/linklog/tiktok-executive-order/ | Source: Nick Heer [11:13] TR Bot The TikTok Executive Order Pixel Envy [11:14] TR News "After neutering Merlin and forcing indie to sign their non-negotiable contracts (and like it)" https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/21/tiktok-music-industry-down-in-flames/ | Source: Digital Music News [11:14] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2025/01/21/tiktok-music-industry-down-in-flames/ ) [11:14] TR News "The U.S. is not the only country looking to regulate social media and other platforms such as online gaming" https://www.voanews.com/a/tiktok-s-us-reprieve-comes-as-other-countries-limit-social-media-use/7946040.html | Source: VOA News [11:14] TR Bot TikTok's US reprieve comes as other countries limit social media use [11:15] TR News "at least some, like Google" https://www.techdirt.com/2025/01/21/why-google-and-apple-and-others-have-no-choice-they-cant-restart-tiktok-they-can-only-fight/ | Source: Techdirt [11:15] TR Bot Google And Apple (And Others) Have No Choice: They Cant Restart TikTok, They Can Only Fight | Techdirt [11:16] TR News "Donald Trump freed a global drug trafficker accused of arranging murder-for-hire." https://www.emptywheel.net/2025/01/22/trump-puts-drug-trafficker-who-allegedly-contracted-killings-back-on-the-street/ | Source: Marcy Wheeler [11:16] TR Bot Trump Puts Drug Trafficker Who Allegedly Contracted Killings Back on the Street - emptywheel [11:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [11:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [11:24] TR News Who is he recruiting for Twitter/X? Nazi bar? How can ANY police force STILL use "Twitter" after this? https://www.france24.com/en/video/20250121-musk-s-gesture-very-much-a-fascist-salute-driven-by-attention-grabbing-expert-says | Source: France24 [11:24] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.france24.com/en/video/20250121-musk-s-gesture-very-much-a-fascist-salute-driven-by-attention-grabbing-expert-says ) [11:25] TR News "U.K. media and government have not been ignoring the story" https://www.truthdig.com/articles/elon-musks-firebomb-toss-across-the-pond/ | Source: Truthdig [11:25] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.truthdig.com/articles/elon-musks-firebomb-toss-across-the-pond/ ) [11:29] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [11:29] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [11:32] TR News "Lets be real. Things will be bleak for the next few years." https://houseofkyle.com/2025/01/22/meet-vitamin-chaos/ | Source: Kyle Ford [11:32] TR Bot Meet Vitamin (C)haos House of Kyle [11:33] TR News "One thing is clearthis ends United States Digital Service as it previously existed, and marks a new" https://www.wired.com/story/plaintext-trump-musk-us-digital-service-doge/ | Source: Wired [11:33] TR Bot Musk Plays DOGE Balland Hits Americas Geek Squad | WIRED [11:33] TR News "banning all links to X.com in response to Elon Musks salute" https://www.404media.co/hundreds-of-subreddits-are-considering-banning-all-links-to-x/ | Source: 404 Media [11:33] TR Bot Hundreds of Subreddits Are Considering Banning All Links to X [11:33] TR News "Within his first two days in office, Donald Trump has already waved a white flag to Chinese [intruders]" https://www.theregister.com/2025/01/22/dhs_axes_cyber_advisory_boards/ | Source: The Register UK [11:33] TR Bot Trump waved a white flag to Chinese hackers, senator says The Register [11:34] TR News "megadonors" https://truthout.org/video/citizens-united-allowed-44-of-trumps-election-to-be-funded-by-10-megadonors/ | Source: TruthOut [11:34] TR Bot Citizens United Allowed 44% of Trumps Election to Be Funded by 10 Megadonors | Truthout [11:39] TR News "Free-for-All" https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/01/supreme-court-online-pornography/681397/ | Source: The Atlantic [11:39] TR Bot The Online Porn Free-for-All Is Coming to an End - The Atlantic [11:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [11:39] TR News "430,000 unique email addresses have been exposed in the breach - including guests' names, physical addresses, phone numbers, purchase information, and partial credit card numbers." https://www.bitdefender.com/en-us/blog/hotforsecurity/half-a-million-hotel-guests-at-risk-after-hackers-accessed-sensitive-data | Source: Bitdefender [11:39] TR Bot Half a million hotel guests at risk after hackers accessed sensitive data [11:39] TR News "The oversight board is a little-known executive branch agency that is supposed to be run by a bipartisan group of five people, who are nominated by the president and confirmed to six-year terms by the Senate." https://therecord.media/trump-admin-tells-democrats-on-intel-oversight-board-to-resign | Source: The Record [11:39] TR Bot Trump admin tells all Democrats on intelligence oversight board to resign | The Record from Recorded Future News [11:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [11:39] TR News "Shortly after the GDPR came into force on 25 May 2018, somebody noticed that the European Parliaments Web site was not compliant." https://www.techdirt.com/2025/01/22/european-commission-fined-for-violating-its-own-data-protection-rules-also-found-to-have-used-privacy-violating-ads/ | Source: Techdirt [11:39] TR Bot Commission Fined For Violating Its Own Data Protection Rules; Also Found To Have Used Privacy-Violating Ads | Techdirt [11:40] TR News "Since the Snowden disclosures we know that the US engages in mass surveillance of EU users by scooping up personal data from US Big Tech." https://noyb.eu/en/us-cloud-soon-illegal-trump-punches-first-hole-eu-us-data-deal | Source: NYOB [11:40] TR Bot US Cloud soon illegal? Trump punches first hole in EU-US Data Deal. [11:41] TR News Openwashing https://futurism.com/the-byte/chinese-ai-deepseek-beats-openai | Source: Futurism [11:41] TR Bot Chinese AI Firm Says Its Open Source New Model Is Beating OpenAI's Most Advanced Publicly Released Model [11:42] TR News Windows TCO: "This means critical infrastructure could be targeted [sic] by ransomware attacks" https://www.thelocal.dk/20250122/danish-water-works-at-very-high-risk-from-cyber-crime | Source: The Local DK [11:42] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelocal.dk/20250122/danish-water-works-at-very-high-risk-from-cyber-crime ) [11:43] TR News Media Cannot Tell the Difference Between Microsoft and Iran http://techrights.org/n/2023/11/28/Media_Cannot_Tell_the_Difference_Between_Microsoft_and_Iran.shtml [11:43] TR Bot Techrights Media Cannot Tell the Difference Between Microsoft and Iran [11:43] TR News Windows TCO: "PowerSchool, a leading provider of cloud-based software used by schools to manage student info" https://thecyberexpress.com/powerschool-cyberattack-detail/ | Source: Cyble Inc [11:43] TR Bot PowerSchool Cyberattack: Details, Impact, And Response [11:43] TR News "Why toggle it off? Well, it's stated that it's in beta, but feels more like an altogether unnecessary alpha. Nothing it does is intelligent." https://coryd.dev/posts/2025/apple-intelligence-is-anything-but | Source: Cory Dransfeldt [11:43] TR Bot Apple Intelligence is anything but [11:44] TR News "This is poor, slipshod work" https://futurism.com/trump-admin-accused-ai-executive-orders | Source: Futurism [11:44] TR Bot Trump Admin Accused of Using AI to Draft Executive Orders [11:44] TR News "Palmettos proprietary technology platform leverages AI to provide homeowners with personalized energy recommendations and interactive tools to enable a better understanding of their energy usage and spending." https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/solar/residential/charlotte-software-company-attracts-1-2b-to-finance-residential-solar-and-storage/ | Source: Renewable Energy World [11:44] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/solar/residential/charlotte-software-company-attracts-1-2b-to-finance-residential-solar-and-storage/ ) [11:45] TR News "Danes je nov dan has launched Razkrinkaj.ai, an innovative tool designed to test users ability to identify AI-generated content while educating them about the risks associated with its misuse." https://edri.org/our-work/a-new-tool-helps-slovenian-public-identify-ai-generated-content-and-educates-about-its-risks/ | Source: EDRI [11:45] TR Bot Slovenia: a tool to identify AI - European Digital Rights (EDRi) [11:45] TR News "However, there is also a broad class of task that we would like to be able to automate, thats boring and time consuming and cant be done by traditional software, where the quality of the result is not a percentage, but a binary." https://www.ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2025/1/the-problem-with-better-models | Source: Benedict Evans [11:45] TR Bot Are better models better? Benedict Evans [11:48] TR News "The reviewers agreed that AI summaries were likely to make more work for bureaucrats, not less." https://pivot-to-ai.com/2024/09/04/dont-use-ai-to-summarize-documents-its-worse-than-humans-in-every-way/ | Source: Pivot to AI [11:48] TR Bot Dont use AI to summarize documents its worse than humans in every way Pivot to AI [11:48] TR News "We already know from tests done directly on responses to public consultations that LLMs dont summarize text, they only shorten it. They also frequently reverse meanings." https://pivot-to-ai.com/2025/01/22/the-uk-deploys-humphrey-your-ai-powered-consultation-ignoring-bot/ | Source: Pivot to AI [11:48] TR Bot The UK deploys Humphrey, your AI-powered consultation-ignoring bot Pivot to AI [11:49] TR News "Oh no, but those poor Blue Sky users, when the service becomes even more terrible they might lose all their posts. We must save them from their own bad decisions!" https://www.jwz.org/blog/2025/01/i-prefer-to-meet-people-where-they-are-says-reasonable-sounding-white-dude-holding-court-at-a-table-in-the-back-of-a-nazi-bar-redux/ | Source: Jamie Zawinski [11:49] TR Bot jwz: "I prefer to meet people where they are" says reasonable-sounding white dude holding court at a table in the back of a Nazi Bar, redux. [11:49] TR News "Reading about its gimmick, I didnt really understand why it bothered with the AI answers at all. Why not just go straight to the human? I called its CEO, Andy Kurtzig, to find out." https://www.wired.com/story/this-new-ai-search-engine-has-a-gimmick-humans-answering-questions/ | Source: Wired [11:49] TR Bot New AI Search Engine Has a Gimmick: Humans Answering Questions | WIRED [11:50] TR News "Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg loved an AI-generated slop image of a horse made out of bread posted by a spam page on Facebook that also posts AI-generated images of children" https://www.404media.co/zuckerberg-loves-ai-slop-image-from-spam-account-that-posts-amputated-children/ | Source: 404 Media [11:50] TR Bot Zuckerberg 'Loves' AI Slop Image From Spam Account That Posts Amputated Children [11:50] TR News "The viral AI-generated bread horse image that Mark Zuckerberg loved on Tuesday was originally created as a meme by a Polish news organization to warn about the dangers of AI-generated slop on social media." https://www.404media.co/viral-challah-horse-zuckerberg-loved-was-created-as-a-warning-about-facebooks-ai-slop/ | Source: 404 Media [11:50] TR Bot Viral 'Challah Horse' Image Zuckerberg Loved Was Originally Created as a Warning About Facebook's AI Slop [11:51] TR News "Thanks to companies like Astral and similar AI-driven platforms, Reddit could soon face an influx of automated marketing posts." https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/ai-startup-overruns-reddit-spam-this-end-authentic-online-forums-1730424 | Source: International Business Times [11:51] TR Bot AI Startup Overruns Reddit With Spam: Is This The End Of Authentic Online Forums? | IBTimes UK [11:52] TR News "AI competition is not a zero-sum game. Instead, the worlds superpowers need to work together to make sure AI benefits humanity." https://www.technologyreview.com/2025/01/21/1110269/there-can-be-no-winners-in-a-us-china-ai-arms-race/ | Source: MIT Technology Review [11:52] TR Bot Therecan beno winners in a US-China AI arms race | MIT Technology Review [11:53] TR News Better to take your site offline or keep it inactive than to turn to LLM slop. The latter would causes humiliation AND lead to the site dying. Keep dignity, do not dabble in LLM slop. [11:54] TR News "Workspace for Education is a collection of tools for schools and universities to improve learning and collaboration." https://siliconangle.com/2025/01/22/google-announces-new-educational-features-chromebooks-workspace/ | Source: Silicon Angle [11:54] TR Bot announces new educational features for Chromebooks and Workspace - SiliconANGLE [11:54] TR News "A lawsuit [PDF], filed on behalf of Alessandro De La Torre in a California federal court, alleges InMail messages were fed to neural networks based on LinkedIn's disclosure last year" https://www.theregister.com/2025/01/22/linkedin_sued_for_allegedly_training/ | Source: The Register UK [11:54] TR Bot LinkedIn sued for allegedly training AI on private messages The Register [11:55] TR News [Meme] Fake Articles From linuxsecurity.com (Just Googlebombing "Linux" With LLM Slop) https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Meme_Fake_Articles_From_linuxsecurity_com_Just_Googlebombing_Li.shtml [11:55] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Fake Articles From linuxsecurity.com (Just Googlebombing "Linux" With LLM Slop) ● Jan 23 [12:00] TR News Commet chat client powered by Matrix https://www.linuxlinks.com/commet-chat-client-matrix/ [12:00] TR Bot - chat client powered by Matrix - LinuxLinks [12:01] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [12:01] TR News Security updates for Wednesday https://lwn.net/Articles/1005798/ [12:01] TR Bot updates for Wednesday [LWN.net] [12:02] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Security_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Security_Leftovers.1.gmi [12:02] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers [12:02] TR News Timet time tracking gem with time reports https://www.linuxlinks.com/timet-time-tracking-gem-reports/ [12:02] TR Bot - time tracking gem with time reports - LinuxLinks [12:03] TR News "Legend has it that in the Middle Ages, monchs raised carp to be as "round" as possible." https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/31616 | Source: SANS [12:03] TR Bot Catching CARP: Fishing for Firewall States in PFSync Traffic - SANS Internet Storm Center [12:03] TR News "There are a few other details to keep in mind when testing an NFS share." https://klarasystems.com/articles/considerations-benchmarking-network-storage-performance/ | Source: Klara [12:03] TR Bot Key Considerations for Benchmarking Network Storage Performance - Klara Systems [12:04] TR News How To Install VirtualBox on CentOS Stream 10 https://idroot.us/install-virtualbox-centos-stream-10/ [12:04] TR Bot How To Install VirtualBox on CentOS Stream 10 - idroot [12:05] TR News How To Install NTP on CentOS Stream 10 https://idroot.us/install-ntp-centos-stream-10/ [12:05] TR Bot How To Install NTP on CentOS Stream 10 - idroot [12:05] TR News How To Install 3X-UI VPN on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-3x-ui-vpn-ubuntu-24-04/ [12:05] TR Bot How To Install 3X-UI VPN on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [12:05] TR News How To Install JFrog Artifactory on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-jfrog-artifactory-ubuntu-24-04/ [12:05] TR Bot How To Install JFrog Artifactory on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [12:05] TR News How to Install Latest LibreOffice in GNU/Linux Mint Using the Terminal https://linux.how2shout.com/how-to-install-latest-libreoffice-in-linux-mint-using-the-terminal/ [12:05] TR Bot How to Install Latest LibreOffice in Linux Mint Using the Terminal - LinuxShout [12:06] TR News How to completely remove the MySQL Client from Ubuntu GNU/Linux https://linux.how2shout.com/how-to-completely-remove-the-mysql-client-from-ubuntu-linux/ [12:06] TR Bot How to completely remove the MySQL Client from Ubuntu Linux - LinuxShout [12:06] TR News How To Install SeaMonkey on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-seamonkey-ubuntu-24-04/ [12:06] TR Bot How To Install SeaMonkey on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [12:06] TR News How To Install LXQt Desktop Environment on Manjaro https://idroot.us/install-lxqt-on-manjaro/ [12:06] TR Bot How To Install LXQt Desktop Environment on Manjaro - idroot [12:08] TR News Geminispace (Gemini Protocol) Offers an Escape From Social Control Networks Owned by Oligarchs and Governments https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Geminispace_Gemini_Protocol_Offers_an_Escape_From_Social_Contro.shtml [12:08] TR Bot Techrights Geminispace (Gemini Protocol) Offers an Escape From Social Control Networks Owned by Oligarchs and Governments [12:09] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/today_s_howtos.gmi [12:09] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos [12:09] TR News "In the latest issue of The MagPi magazine, editor Lucy Hattersley speaks to Senior Principal Hardware Engineer Dominic Plunkett about how the pieces of the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 puzzle came together." https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/meet-the-engineer-dominic-plunkett-on-compute-module-5/ | Source: Raspberry Pi [12:09] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/meet-the-engineer-dominic-plunkett-on-compute-module-5/ ) [12:09] TR News "Hospitals are increasingly being forced into maintenance contracts with device manufacturers, driving up costs." https://www.404media.co/medical-device-company-tells-hospitals-theyre-no-longer-allowed-to-fix-machine-that-costs-six-figures/ | Source: 404 Media [12:09] TR Bot Medical Device Company Tells Hospitals They're No Longer Allowed to Fix Machine That Costs Six Figures [12:12] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware/Modding: Bootlin, Raspberry Pi, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Open_Hardware_Modding_Bootlin_Raspberry_Pi_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Open_Hardware_Modding_Bootlin_Raspberry_Pi_and_More.gmi [12:12] TR Bot Tux Machines Open Hardware/Modding: Bootlin, Raspberry Pi, and More [12:14] TR News FSF Blogs: A stuff-a-thon is happening at the FSF, Jan. 24, 28 http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/fsf-stuff-a-thon-jan-24-and-28 [12:14] TR Bot A stuff-a-thon is happening at the FSF, Jan. 24, 28 Free Software Foundation Working together for free software [12:14] TR News (NEW): Games: Gaming on Linux, Steam Deck, SDL 3 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Games_Gaming_on_Linux_Steam_Deck_SDL_3.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Games_Gaming_on_Linux_Steam_Deck_SDL_3.gmi [12:14] TR Bot Tux Machines Games: Gaming on Linux, Steam Deck, SDL 3 [12:14] TR News "Archinstall 3.0.2 introduces Wayfire support, improved Btrfs handling, and dataclass configurations, alongside major code cleanups and fixes." https://linuxiac.com/archinstall-3-0-2-introduces-wayfire-support-and-enhanced-features/ | Source: Linuxiac [12:14] TR Bot Archinstall 3.0.2 Introduces Wayfire Support and Enhanced Features [12:15] TR News Ventoy 1.1 Released with EweOS ISO Support https://linuxiac.com/ventoy-1-1-released-with-eweos-iso-support/ [12:15] TR Bot Ventoy 1.1 Released with EweOS ISO Support [12:16] TR News Ignition is a Modern Startup Applications Utility for GNU/Linux https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/ignition-startup-applications-app-linux-gtk [12:16] TR Bot Ignition is a Modern Startup Applications Utility for Linux - OMG! Ubuntu [12:16] *wallacer (~quassel@2x2w4qfz3wksg.irc) has joined #techrights [12:16] TR News GhostBSD Has Scheduled an Online Conference Focused on Desktop BSD https://fossforce.com/2025/01/ghostbsd-has-scheduled-an-online-conference-focused-on-desktop-bsd/ [12:16] TR Bot GhostBSD Has Scheduled an Online Conference Focused on Desktop BSD - FOSS Force [12:16] TR News Toradex Adds SMARC iMX8M Plus and iMX95 to Its Embedded Portfolio https://linuxgizmos.com/toradex-adds-smarc-imx8m-plus-and-imx95-to-its-embedded-portfolio/ [12:16] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/toradex-adds-smarc-imx8m-plus-and-imx95-to-its-embedded-portfolio/ ) [12:17] TR News Toradex launches its first SMARC modules with NXP SoCs for improved compatibility and supply chain https://www.cnx-software.com/2025/01/22/toradex-launches-its-first-smarc-modules-with-nxp-socs-for-improved-compatibility-and-supply-chain/ [12:17] TR Bot Toradex launches its first SMARC modules with NXP SoCs for improved compatibility and supply chain - CNX Software [12:18] TR News Wine 10.0 released https://lwn.net/Articles/1005801/ [12:18] TR Bot 10.0 released [LWN.net] [12:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [12:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [12:21] TR News "After a lot of trial and error, I now view audience attention as something like the wind that powers a sailboat." https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/01/attention-valuable-resource/681221/ | Source: The Atlantic [12:21] TR Bot You're Being Alienated From Your Own Attention - The Atlantic [12:22] TR News "As Ive mentioned before Im in a period of my life that is very challenging" https://ljpuk.net/2025/01/23/journaling-for-mental-health/ | Source: Lee Peterson [12:22] TR Bot Journaling for mental health LJPUK [12:22] TR News "This week, Baroness Beeban Kidron addressed the House of Lords" https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/child-online-time-limit-warnings-b2684268.html | Source: The Independent UK [12:22] TR Bot Is your child spending too much time online? Here are the warning signs | The Independent [12:23] TR News "History suggests that our collective approach to social media may be approaching a fork in the road." https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/is-social-media-more-like-cigarettes-or-junk-food | Source: New Yorker [12:23] TR Bot Is Social Media More Like Cigarettes or Junk Food? | The New Yorker [12:24] TR News "The mortality rate from COVID-19 was about 50% lower in U.S. counties with higher internet access in the summer and early fall of 2020." https://record.umich.edu/articles/high-speed-internet-linked-to-drop-in-covid-19-death-rates/ | Source: University of Michigan [12:24] TR Bot High-speed internet linked to drop in COVID-19 death rates | The University Record [12:25] TR News "E-inks calming nature isnt just the screen tech in light and space" https://idiomdrottning.org/pagination | Source: Idiomdrottning [12:25] TR Bot Pagination [12:26] TR News "often most-expensive components" https://lmnt.me/blog/withered-technology.html | Source: Louie Mantia [12:26] TR Bot Withered Technology [12:30] *zelu (~zelu@bz4qhce7p43wn.irc) has joined #techrights [12:30] *zelu (~zelu@user/zelu) has joined #techrights [12:32] TR News "In addition, many young people, while being academically qualified, have low emotional intelligence" https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/overly-lenient-parents-bad-diet-and-lack-of-life-skills-have-left-young-generation-ill-prepared-for-workplace-4954894 | Source: The Scotsman [12:32] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/overly-lenient-parents-bad-diet-and-lack-of-life-skills-have-left-young-generation-ill-prepared-for-workplace-4954894 ) [12:32] TR News "As we move into 2025, we wanted to reflect on the crowning event of the year: the Ubuntu Summit" https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-summit-2024-reflections | Source: Ubuntu [12:32] TR Bot Summit 2024 Reflections | Ubuntu [12:33] TR News "we also expect from university leadership good judgment" https://crookedtimber.org/2025/01/21/on-institutional-voice-and-witnessing-truth-on-the-yale-report/ | Source: Crooked Timber [12:33] TR Bot On Institutional Voice and witnessing Truth; On the Yale Report Crooked Timber [12:33] TR News "They saw 9.2 million visitors last year, which was an all-time high since the city began keeping records" https://yle.fi/a/74-20138690 | Source: YLE [12:33] TR Bot More people than ever visited Helsinki's libraries last year | Yle News | Yle [12:33] TR News "The Information Controls Fellowship Program (ICFP) from the Open Technology Fund (OTF) fosters research" https://citizenlab.ca/2025/01/call-for-applications-information-controls-fellowship-program-2025/ | Source: Citizen Lab [12:33] TR Bot Call for applications: Information Controls Fellowship Program 2025 - The Citizen Lab [12:42] TR News "Before we give a formal proof, heres some intuition." https://www.r-bloggers.com/2025/01/how-are-p-values-distributed-under-the-null/ | Source: Rlang [12:42] TR Bot Are P-values Distributed Under The Null? | R-bloggers [12:43] TR News "Todays post is by Mark Huskisson." https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2025/01/22/guest-post-reflections-from-the-munin-conference-part-two-open-science/ | Source: Society for Scholarly Publishing [12:43] TR Bot Guest Post: Reflections from The Munin Conference Part Two Open Science - The Scholarly Kitchen [12:48] TR News "So no, I don't use anything of the sort, and I tell people not to quote any of that crap at me" https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2025/01/22/feedback/ | Source: Rachel [12:48] TR Bot Feedback on lessons, leap seconds, and LLMs [12:49] TR News "My CDO let me down recently" https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/year-in-review-2024 | Source: Jeremy Cherfas [12:49] TR Bot Year in Review 2024 | Jeremy Cherfas [12:49] TR News "Theres a lot going on that I want to be away from at the minute." https://gregmorris.co.uk/2025/01/22/making-micro-social.html | Source: Greg Morris [12:49] TR Bot Greg Morris - Making Micro Social [12:49] TR News "I know this because I can't do the outside five-ball cascade... yet." https://buttondown.com/hillelwayne/archive/the-jugglers-curse/ | Source: Buttondown LLC [12:49] TR Bot Juggler's Curse Buttondown [12:50] TR News "Last month, my oldest friend asked for my email address because he wanted to send me something to look at it." https://brandons-journal.com/re-outgrowing-your-name-online-by-byzxor/ | Source: Brandon [12:50] TR Bot Re: Outgrowing your name (online) by byzxor | Brandon's Journal [12:51] TR News "Next time you have an idea, take note of it. Let the note grow." https://sarajaksa.eu/2025/01/quiet-art-the-tapestry-of-writing-co-written-with-james/ | Source: Sara Jaka [12:51] TR Bot Quiet art; the tapestry of writing (Co-written with James) | Blog of Sara Jaka [12:52] *nobody_ (~nobody@wes48ghdwvgn2.irc) has joined #techrights [12:52] TR News "I guess try and see if people are receptive to your explanations" https://rubenerd.com/sometimes-nerds-just-have-to-explain-something/ | Source: Ruben Schade [12:52] TR Bot Sometimes nerds just have to explain something [12:53] *nobody has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [12:55] TR News "The paper examines an issue that arose within the supply chain of DNS name delegation" https://blog.apnic.net/2025/01/23/podcast-risky-biz-ness/ | Source: APNIC [12:55] TR Bot [Podcast] RISKY BIZ-ness | APNIC Blog [12:55] TR News "One reason QR codes are so useful is their data density." https://unmitigatedrisk.com/?p=933 | Source: Unmitigated Risk [12:55] TR Bot What Makes a QR Code Verifiable? | UNMITIGATED RISK [12:56] TR News "The latest generation of programming languages (Rust, Go, Zig) come bundled not just with a standard library but with a suite of first-party tools for working with the code itself (e.g. cargo fmt, gofmt, zig fmt, etc.)." https://www.enterprisedb.com/blog/embedding-python-rust-tests | Source: EnterpriseDB Corporation [12:56] TR Bot Embedding Python in Rust (for tests) | EDB [12:57] TR News "Installing your Python applications dependencies can be surprisingly slow." https://pythonspeed.com/articles/faster-pip-installs/ | Source: Python Speed [12:57] TR Bot Faster pip installs: caching, bytecode compilation, and uv [12:57] TR News "One of the most significant Python innovations in my development toolchain was the Click utility, which simplified the creation of Python scripts." https://micro.webology.dev/2025/01/22/python-click-djangoclick-and-typer/ | Source: Jeff Triplett [12:57] TR Bot Python Click, django-click, and Typer notes - Jeff Triplett's Micro.blog [12:58] TR News "This talk explores Raku's expressive and powerful style as we mesh together all of these things" https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-6141-connecting-the-geospatial-dots-with-raku/ | Source: FOSDEM [12:58] TR Bot FOSDEM 2025 - Connecting the Geospatial Dots with Raku [12:58] TR News "What I think I know about testing" https://olano.dev/blog/what-i-think-i-know-about-testing/ | Source: Facundo Olano [12:58] TR Bot I think I know about testing | olano.dev ● Jan 23 [13:00] TR News "Im not sure what the spark was for this post; maybe it was my recent adventures with Python." https://rubenerd.com/programming-languages-ive-used/ | Source: Ruben Schade [13:00] TR Bot Programming languages Ive used [13:00] TR News "This week I decided to migrate my websites source code from GitHub to Codeberg." https://claytonerrington.com/blog/codeberg-migration/ | Source: Clayton Errington [13:00] TR Bot Codeberg Migration [13:00] TR News "Without further ado, let's see this year's numbers." http://rhaas.blogspot.com/2025/01/who-contributed-to-postgresql.html | Source: Robert Haas [13:00] TR Bot Robert Haas: Who Contributed to PostgreSQL Development in 2024? [13:02] TR News (NEW): Free Software Events https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Free_Software_Events.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Free_Software_Events.gmi [13:02] TR Bot Tux Machines Free Software Events [13:04] TR News (NEW): Programming and Standards https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Programming_and_Standards.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Programming_and_Standards.gmi [13:04] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming and Standards [13:06] *zelu has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [13:07] TR News (NEW): Releases of GNU Parallel 20250122 and Clapper 0.8 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Releases_of_GNU_Parallel_20250122_and_Clapper_0_8.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Releases_of_GNU_Parallel_20250122_and_Clapper_0_8.gmi [13:07] TR Bot Tux Machines Releases of GNU Parallel 20250122 and Clapper 0.8 [13:08] *zelu has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [13:09] TR News Microsoft front group OSI (bought by Microsoft) shilling "social media channels (Fediverse, LinkedIn, BlueSky)" https://opensource.org/blog/osis-board-of-directors-in-2025-details-about-the-elections Two of these are proprietary and one controlled by Microsoft, the main controller of today's OSI. Of course this blog post was publishd by a Microsoft operative salaried by Microsoft (Nick Vidal). [13:10] TR Bot OSIs board of directors in 2025: details about the elections Open Source Initiative [13:10] *zelu (~zelu@q2ndtqdktbyf4.irc) has joined #techrights [13:11] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [13:12] TR News (NEW): Fake 'Open Source' Software and Microsoft AstroTurfing https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Fake_Open_Source_Software_and_Microsoft_AstroTurfing.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Fake_Open_Source_Software_and_Microsoft_AstroTurfing.gmi [13:12] TR Bot Tux Machines Fake 'Open Source' Software and Microsoft AstroTurfing [13:13] *wallacer (~quassel@2x2w4qfz3wksg.irc) has joined #techrights [13:14] TR News (NEW): GNU/Linux Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/GNU_Linux_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/GNU_Linux_Leftovers.gmi [13:14] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU/Linux Leftovers [13:16] TR News Techrights Links 23/01/2025: More Overt Constitutional Violations and "TikTok Executive Order" (White Flag to CCP) https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Links_23_01_2025_More_Overt_Constitutional_Violations_and_TikTo.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Links_23_01_2025_More_Overt_Constitutional_Violations_and_TikTo.gmi [13:16] TR Bot Techrights Links 23/01/2025: More Overt Constitutional Violations and "TikTok Executive Order" (White Flag to CCP) [13:17] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [13:22] *wallacer (~quassel@2x2w4qfz3wksg.irc) has joined #techrights [13:25] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [13:27] *zelu has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [13:30] *wallacer (~quassel@2x2w4qfz3wksg.irc) has joined #techrights [13:44] TR News Slopwatch: Fake 'Articles' About Linux by Brian Fagioli and by Brittany Day in BetaNews and linuxsecurity.com (LLM Slop Sites That Are Online Leeches or SEO Operations Working Against Free Software Journalism) http://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Slopwatch_Fake_Articles_About_Linux_by_Brian_Fagioli_and_by_Bri.shtml [13:44] TR Bot Techrights Slopwatch: Fake 'Articles' About Linux by Brian Fagioli and by Brittany Day in BetaNews and linuxsecurity.com (LLM Slop Sites That Are Online Leeches or SEO Operations Working Against Free Software Journalism) [13:50] TR News Takes 0.1 seconds to get TR pages this month (from same country) https://tools.pingdom.com/#6524db11c4800000 [13:50] TR Bot Website Speed Test | Pingdom Tools [13:53] TR News A Thought About Waiting gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/jebug29/log/2025-01/22-1133 [13:54] TR News "One day, very soon - maybe this year - you are going to see a headline that a tiny fish, the Delta smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, is extinct in the wild." gemini://arcanesciences.com/gemlog/25-01-23/ [13:56] TR News Figuring Things Out gopher://gopher.prismdragon.net:70/0/phlog/2025-01-22_figuring_things_out.txt "I also need to get around to regaining my LaTeX knowledge at some point. I've forgotten so much it hurts, and part of me wants to go back to using it again. But that's for future me to worry about. For now, I just need to get back into the writing groove in general." [13:57] TR News SpellBinding: BDINOUY Wordo: YIKES gemini://tilde.team/~stack/gemlog/2025-01-23.gmi [13:57] TR News "A message in a friend group chat earlier made me want to write a response about POSSE. It's an acronym for Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate. Meaning you put whatever you share on the Web on a site of your own, and then if you choose to post on social media you can link to it or repeat it whole." gemini://sdf.org/diggy/posts/2025/01/gifting-a-site.gmi [13:58] TR News Erick Ruiz de Chavez: "I don't remember exactly when I started blogging, but I do remember it was pretty soon after I discovered the internet, IRC, web forums, etc. The idea of being able to publish a website for anyone in the world to read for free was mind-blowing" gemini://erick.is/posts/2025-01-23-blog-questions-challenge-2025.gmi [13:59] TR News "These stones would be carried off by the cartload to various destinations. In his - what I can only assume to be - haste, my master instructed the craftsmen to shape the stone using the wrong template." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2469 ● Jan 23 [14:01] TR News "A fun little web-based drum machine that is surprisingly capable" gemini://rrees.smol.pub/dopeloop-ai-beat-maker [14:02] TR News Weekly links 8 gemini://sdf.org/diggy/posts/2025/01/weekly-links-8.gmi "I took a different approach this week, collecting these links as I went, rather than browsing through my history to pick things out. I enjoyed doing it." [14:03] TR News Outer Wilds: My Favorite Game Played in 2024 gemini://moddedbear.xyz/logs/2025-01-08-outer-wilds-2024.gmi [14:03] TR News "Outer Wilds is extremely sensitive to spoilers, and I will be fully spoiling the main game and the Echoes of the Eye DLC in this post (though Ill give an extra warning before spoiling anything from Echoes of the Eye)." gemini://moddedbear.xyz/logs/2025-01-08-outer-wilds-spoiler-edition.gmi [14:08] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 23/01/2025: Experience With Outer Wilds and Gifting a Site https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Gemini_Links_23_01_2025_Experience_With_Outer_Wilds_and_Gifting.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/Gemini_Links_23_01_2025_Experience_With_Outer_Wilds_and_Gifting.gmi [14:08] TR Bot Techrights Gemini Links 23/01/2025: Experience With Outer Wilds and Gifting a Site [14:10] TR News Stripe mistakenly sent some workers an image of a duck as it announced 300 lay offs https://fortune.com/2025/01/22/stripe-duck-picture-lay-offs/ [14:10] TR Bot mistakenly sent duck picture to some employees in lay off email | Fortune [14:10] TR News Major CNN layoffs signal new era of digital-first journalism https://dataconomy.com/2025/01/23/major-cnn-layoffs-signal-new-era-of-digital-first-journalism/ [14:10] TR Bot CNN layoffs signal new era of digital-first journalism - Dataconomy [14:11] TR News Open Data https://www.dbreunig.com/2025/01/20/on-authentic-data.html | Source: Drew Breunig [14:11] TR Bot On Authentic Data | Drew Breunig [14:12] TR News "if youre not new and a bit embarrassed about some of your gaps in knowledge" https://ubuntu.com//blog/introduction-to-open-source-licensing | Source: Ubuntu [14:12] TR Bot Introduction to Open Source Licensing for complete beginners | Ubuntu [14:14] TR News "A few years ago I wrote about how web page generation systems should support remapping external URLs" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/web/RemappingExternalLinksII | Source: University of Toronto [14:14] TR Bot Chris's Wiki :: blog/web/RemappingExternalLinksII [14:14] TR News "Lets face it: the web is in dire state." https://crys.site/blog/2025/linkblog/ | Source: Micha Sapka [14:14] TR Bot Linkblog is now fully operational [14:15] TR News "Stratoshark leverages Falco libraries" https://siliconangle.com/2025/01/22/sysdig-extends-wiresharks-legacy-stratoshark-cloud-environments/ | Source: Silicon Angle [14:15] TR Bot extends Wireshark's legacy with Stratoshark for cloud environments - SiliconANGLE [14:17] TR News "It is time for me to talk about my smartphone again." https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/samsung-a54-report-7.html | Source: Dedoimedo [14:17] TR Bot Samsung A54 report 7, the gift that keeps on not giving [14:18] *jelly has quit (autokilled: Possible spambot. Mail support@oftc.net if you think this is in error. (2025-01-23 14:18:24)) [14:28] TR News "Last week I accepted an offer to work at Red Hat in the InstructLab engineering team. I can't wait to join this company again." https://blog.ktdreyer.com/2025/01/returning-to-red-hat.html [14:28] TR Bot ktdreyer: returning to Red Hat [14:29] nobody_ corruption and lies next stage: financial department insists on refund of money that already was refunded and/or uncompensated for work below minimum wage [14:29] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [14:29] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [14:30] TR News The NHS still uses the term "blacklist". The Labour Government clearly does NOT deem that word "racist". That's just trolling by Microsoft, IBM, and other fascism profiteers. https://techrights.org/o/2021/05/07/trolling-the-real-community/ [14:30] TR Bot The Biggest Troll is the Linux Foundation, Still Looking to Provoke and Defame Free Software Communities in Order to Help a Monopolistic Takeover and to Shoehorn Tyrants Into Leadership Positions [14:31] schestowitz[TR2] nobody_: better than outsourcing the work to poland [14:31] schestowitz[TR2] like germany did 80+ years ago, paying in potatoes an d bullets to the mouth [14:32] TR News No blog post from Steven Vaughan-Nichols for 1.5 months already https://opensourcewatch.beehiiv.com/ [14:32] TR Bot Open Source Watch [14:34] psydroid2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delay,_Deny,_Defend [14:34] TR Bot Delay, Deny, Defend - Wikipedia [14:36] schestowitz[TR2] or [14:36] schestowitz[TR2] Depose [14:36] schestowitz[TR2] i think there are vairants [14:36] schestowitz[TR2] there is also the debugging ddd [14:39] TR News Google still near all-time highs in Africa. https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/africa/#monthly-200902-202501 [14:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [14:39] TR Bot Search Engine Market Share Africa | Statcounter Global Stats [14:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [14:41] TR News x is still "Twitter US" https://radar.cloudflare.com/domains/domain/x.com [14:41] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://radar.cloudflare.com/domains/domain/x.com ) [14:44] TR News Twitter fell from 39th to 53rd https://radar.cloudflare.com/domains see http://techrights.org/n/2024/12/19/Twitter_is_Going_to_Fall_Out_of_Top_100_Domains_as_Clownflare_D.shtml [14:44] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://radar.cloudflare.com/domains ) [14:44] TR Bot Techrights Twitter is Going to Fall Out of Top 100 Domains as Clownflare (DNS MitM) Sees It [14:45] TR News Skype fell to 75th [14:47] TR News Skype has basically been killed (cannot even buy credits anymore), so archiving this page (in spite of JS cruft) may be worthwhile https://archive.is/wip/3cKUn [14:47] TR Bot NO TITLE [14:56] *jelly (jelly@00012145.user.oftc.net) has joined #techrights [14:56] nobody_ schestowitz[TR2]: ? [14:59] nobody_ Poland/Ukraine/Belarus/Moldova/Yugaslavia are the new European super-power, global leader with economy, science, industry and exports [14:59] *nobody_ is now known as nobody ● Jan 23 [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] hahaha [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] MinceR: ^ Moldova is a superpower [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] they cannot even take a shower [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] no heating [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] super. [15:03] schestowitz[TR2] and in russia people eat bread to get buy [15:04] schestowitz[TR2] no financial access unless they are in putin's inner circles [15:07] TR News iophk: The starting gun in the race to the bottom: https://yle.fi/a/74-20138973 ("Traficom proposes radical changes to regional rail in Finland") [15:07] TR Bot Traficom proposes radical changes to regional rail in Finland | Yle News | Yle [15:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [15:09] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [15:10] nobody how's this supposed to improve upon my situation? they're destroying my whole life and work with their corruption and lies, not 80 years ago, nowadays. [15:10] nobody our democrats argue with "military spendings", "climate" whatever, it's all a face, nothing but corruption and lies [15:10] nobody *it's all a facade [15:11] nobody to hide behind, for international scale organized crime [15:12] nobody besides the extortion letter, i have to received the letter for voter registration with the next german national parliament election [15:12] nobody *too [15:15] TR News Techrights CDN Giant: Microsoft Bing and Skype Collapsed Since the LLM Hype, Same as Other Metrics Show https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/CDN_Giant_Microsoft_Bing_and_Skype_Collapsed_Since_the_LLM_Hype.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2025/01/23/CDN_Giant_Microsoft_Bing_and_Skype_Collapsed_Since_the_LLM_Hype.gmi [15:15] TR Bot Techrights CDN Giant: Microsoft Bing and Skype Collapsed Since the LLM Hype, Same as Other Metrics Show [15:15] schestowitz[TR2] Belarus is not a super power [15:15] schestowitz[TR2] ir tortures its own citizens [15:15] schestowitz[TR2] to keep putin's doberman in place [15:15] schestowitz[TR2] Russia is not a super power [15:15] schestowitz[TR2] it's just a nuclear power [15:15] schestowitz[TR2] it's running out of ammo and troops [15:16] schestowitz[TR2] all it has left is nukes and slaves of Fat Kim [15:17] nobody and a few minions in german politics who consider 150cents/kWh "cheap russian gas" [15:18] nobody they're accounting for energy 10fold and 100fold of what actually exists [15:18] nobody or wherever it went [15:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [15:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [15:19] nobody USA are excited too, i shall pay for US LNG instead, what's that then? a few more energy bills for energy that was never produced nor consumed [15:20] nobody at least, it can be taxed with carbon tax, to funnel cash into the "climate transformation fund" to sponsor "environmentally firendly" business such as Elon's Tesla and Intel Fab ones [15:21] nobody all of the sudden, german small business and industry wonder their economic prospects vanish [15:22] schestowitz[TR2] years ago [15:22] nobody since when extortion and fraud were maxed to their liking for decades [15:22] schestowitz[TR2] remember when it was a superful "eu" economy? [15:22] schestowitz[TR2] maybe 30 years ago [15:22] schestowitz[TR2] iirc, now about half a million are homl;ess [15:22] schestowitz[TR2] not counting people who stack a home with 10 men [15:22] schestowitz[TR2] who cannooy speak the lannguage [15:22] nobody now they say, it was supposedly energy prices at fault, which is nonsense, because while i have to pay 60cents/kWh industrial energy pricing hovered at ~3cents/kWH [15:22] schestowitz[TR2] they doi not count as homeless [15:23] schestowitz[TR2] "Germany: More than half a million homeless, new report says." [15:23] schestowitz[TR2] no kidding [15:23] schestowitz[TR2] that's a lot [15:23] schestowitz[TR2] one in 160 people almost [15:23] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.dw.com/en/germany-more-than-half-a-million-homeless-new-report-says/a-71250093 [15:23] TR Bot More than half a million homeless, new report says DW 01/08/2025 [15:23] schestowitz[TR2] 01/08/2025January 8, 2025 [15:23] schestowitz[TR2] you are not homeless [15:23] nobody although that's not news either [15:23] schestowitz[TR2] so you are not in that group yet [15:24] schestowitz[TR2] "According to the statistics and the empirical survey, around 439,500 people were housed in the emergency housing assistance system as of the end of January, beginning of February 2024, while a further 60,400 people were staying with relatives, friends or acquaintances." [15:24] nobody schestowitz[TR2]: i am living in a fungus rotten appartment that they inflated energy prices and rent for to the moon [15:24] schestowitz[TR2] "Germany's second publication of its Homelessness Report revealed around 531,600 people are without a permanent shelter." [15:24] nobody air-quality, noise and dirty, in violation of EU health regulations etc. [15:24] nobody schestowitz[TR2]: let me guess [15:25] nobody i am one german survivor remaining amount a thousand immigrants in this city [15:25] nobody *among [15:25] schestowitz[TR2] france is also deteriorating [15:25] schestowitz[TR2] as much as that worried me [15:25] schestowitz[TR2] eu is nl, fr and de [15:25] schestowitz[TR2] mostly [15:25] schestowitz[TR2] hardly pt, es, and it [15:25] schestowitz[TR2] they are second tier [15:25] schestowitz[TR2] if the political systems in fr and de continues to be unstable [15:25] schestowitz[TR2] that will be a blow to the eu [15:26] schestowitz[TR2] what putin wants [15:26] schestowitz[TR2] divide and conquer, literally [15:26] nobody i consider EU violating their _own_ contracts that it was established upon responsible for the situation [15:26] schestowitz[TR2] then you can polish putin's ball for bread, nobody [15:26] schestowitz[TR2] and ask him for gas [15:26] schestowitz[TR2] and you might miss merkel; [15:26] nobody schestowitz[TR2]: i already have to pose as begger to a corrupt bureaucracy here [15:27] schestowitz[TR2] you could at least criticise her [15:27] nobody and i am thankful to Merkel too, of cause, with full compassion of my heart [15:28] schestowitz[TR2] merkel was ruler when borrowing was limitless https://tradingeconomics.com/germany/government-debt [15:28] TR Bot Germany Public Debt [15:28] schestowitz[TR2] if the money runs out, then borrow more [15:28] schestowitz[TR2] social programs [15:28] schestowitz[TR2] not weapons [15:28] schestowitz[TR2] that's obama's job [15:29] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [15:29] schestowitz[TR2] france: https://tradingeconomics.com/germany/government-debt [15:29] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [15:29] schestowitz[TR2] now france expects people to work until they die on the job [15:29] schestowitz[TR2] to earn a salary until their last living day [15:30] nobody they already had looted ~90% of MY income for MY work [15:30] nobody inflated energy prices >>1000% [15:31] schestowitz[TR2] france's debt trebled in 20 years [15:31] nobody the criminal Olaf Scholz was put live on stage at this moment [15:31] nobody i wouldn't juge him by any word he said, but by what he did [15:31] nobody they destroyed my whole life and work [15:31] schestowitz[TR2] uk grew almost sixfold in that s ame period [15:32] schestowitz[TR2] https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/government-debt [15:32] TR Bot United Kingdom Public Sector Net Debt Ex Banks [15:32] nobody they're offloading THEIR debt, their financial toxin onto my [15:32] nobody *me [15:32] nobody and with it destroy my life and work [15:32] nobody plus all the capital damage to economy this causes as a consequence [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] us debt up from 7tr to 27t [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] in 20 years [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] *37 [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt [15:33] TR Bot United States Government Debt [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] grew five-fold [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] this is western "success" [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] more borrowing [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] from the future [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] from uture kids [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] that are not here [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] not born [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] pewople don't make kids [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] or barely [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] bercause they see broken economics [15:33] schestowitz[TR2] so the collateral for all those loads of bunk [15:34] schestowitz[TR2] the klds are not coming [15:34] schestowitz[TR2] only refugees [15:34] schestowitz[TR2] or fake ones [15:34] schestowitz[TR2] https://overpopulation-project.com/america-needs-more-people/ [15:34] TR Bot America Needs More People - The Overpopulation Project [15:34] schestowitz[TR2] no [15:34] schestowitz[TR2] the banks need more people [15:34] schestowitz[TR2] every born baby is "labour to be done [15:34] schestowitz[TR2] salary2adult lifetime [15:35] schestowitz[TR2] more loans... MOAR money to "invent" [15:35] schestowitz[TR2] for longer [15:35] schestowitz[TR2] get the parents to sponsor the worker till 18 [15:35] schestowitz[TR2] then pay college (graft) [15:35] schestowitz[TR2] then the kid works for 40-50 years for the banks [15:35] schestowitz[TR2] paying mortgages and credit cards [15:35] schestowitz[TR2] and taxes [15:35] schestowitz[TR2] that didn't happen [15:36] schestowitz[TR2] people stop making babies, just like in overworked asian developed nations [15:36] schestowitz[TR2] singapore, s and n korea, japan [15:36] schestowitz[TR2] and china [15:36] schestowitz[TR2] even russia [15:36] schestowitz[TR2] putin is passing laws to make it as crime to merely advocate "child-free lifestyle" [15:37] schestowitz[TR2] "pay your taxes and get pregnant" [15:37] schestowitz[TR2] "of we will get you!" [15:37] schestowitz[TR2] russian 'freedom' [15:37] schestowitz[TR2] "we need your uterus used... NOW!" [15:37] schestowitz[TR2] GOP in the USS banning abortions [15:37] schestowitz[TR2] trying to force people to have unwanted eggs [15:37] schestowitz[TR2] fertilised eggs [15:37] schestowitz[TR2] which they call "babies" [15:38] schestowitz[TR2] the real issue is distribution of power and wealth [15:38] schestowitz[TR2] not a lack of worke... i mean, people [15:38] nobody this was one major mistake of "EU", throwing money at any problem there was, for one; but more important throwing money at everything in excess violation of EU contracts [15:38] schestowitz[TR2] nothing scared them as much as a luigi or 2021 insurrection [15:39] schestowitz[TR2] so they hired more peasants as "private security" and "police" [15:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [15:39] nobody i would have consented with fiscal expansion, if that involved correct accounting and compliance with EU contracts [15:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [15:39] nobody EU preferred her double-standards however [15:40] TR News US debt grew by 2.2 trillion dollars last year alone. If business and household debt are added on top of it, then it's more like 5 trillion, i.e. more than the annual revenue almost https://overpopulation-project.com/america-needs-more-people/ [15:40] TR Bot America Needs More People - The Overpopulation Project [15:41] nobody problem wasn't EU expanded their finance, it was the violation of EU contracts [15:41] nobody final outcome, murderous corruption and mis-management [15:41] nobody nothing bot propaganda and lies [15:42] nobody presented by smirking visages on public TV [15:42] TR News "Trend Micros Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) " https://www.securityweek.com/over-380000-paid-out-on-first-day-of-pwn2own-automotive-2025/ | Source: Security Week [15:42] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/over-380000-paid-out-on-first-day-of-pwn2own-automotive-2025/ ) [15:42] nobody however, sneak-preview, many of the benefitiaries of this gamble have to sustain themselves for another few decades [15:42] nobody and if this shit busts, they may not get away with their lies and corruption, and they know it [15:43] nobody and they got nothing to offer, other than their corruption and propaganda lies [15:43] TR News Buzzwords more than anymore, especially as long as states mandate back doors https://freebsdfoundation.org/blog/zero-trust-builds-for-freebsd/ | Source: FreeBSD https://lwn.net/Articles/1005838/ [15:43] TR Bot Zero-Trust Builds for FreeBSD | FreeBSD Foundation [15:43] TR Bot builds for FreeBSD [LWN.net] [15:44] TR News "In this series I plan to take a look at the installers of the various BSD operating systems." https://eerielinux.wordpress.com/2025/01/22/installing-bsd-in-2025-part-0a-modern-myths-ai-ramblings-dragonfly-bsd-and-freebsd/ | Source: Eerie Linux [15:44] TR Bot Installing *BSD in 2025 part 0a Modern myths: AI ramblings (DragonFly BSD and FreeBSD) eerielinux [15:45] nobody the current gamble seems to be, to opress and extort me to death, to sustain this insanity a little while longer [15:45] TR News "A critical shift in this release involves transitioning 64-bit capable ARM SoCssuch as Raspberry Pi 4/5" https://linuxiac.com/libreelec-12-0-2-brings-big-changes-for-raspberry-pi-users/ | Source: Linuxiac [15:45] TR Bot LibreELEC 12.0.2 Brings Big Changes for Raspberry Pi Users [15:46] TR News "Please dont read into my placement on this triangle too much." https://eieio.games/blog/the-nyc-game-art-tech-triangle/ | Source: Nolen Royalty [15:46] TR Bot NYC tech art games triangle eieio.games [15:46] TR News "There will be Retro Game corner where we will install 3 pcs Neo6502pc" https://olimex.wordpress.com/2025/01/22/plovdiv-game-jam-2025-is-this-weekend-in-technical-university-in-plovdiv-there-will-be-retro-gaming-corner/ | Source: Olimex [15:46] TR Bot Plovdiv Game Jam 2025 is this weekend in Technical University in Plovdiv there will be retro gaming corner | olimex [15:48] nobody schestowitz[TR2]: in germany, population size didn't decrease, it INCREASED [15:49] nobody the official reading of this, my work that was supposedly "unproductive" and "non-competitive", since that was compensated far below minimum wage [15:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [15:49] nobody if it's not paid, it's not worth anything [15:49] nobody they're confusing earnings with spendings [15:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [15:50] nobody those who spend alot, that's considered "productive", wasting energy and resources for NOTHING [15:50] TR News The Rust Programming Language Blog: Rust 2024 in beta channel https://blog.rust-lang.org/2025/01/22/rust-2024-beta.html [15:50] TR Bot Rust 2024 in beta channel | Rust Blog [15:50] nobody those who do productive work which isn't compensated that's considered un-productive [15:51] TR News Mozilla Addons Blog: Announcing the WebExtensions ML API https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2025/01/22/announcing-the-webextensions-ml-api/ [15:51] TR Bot Announcing the WebExtensions ML API - Mozilla Add-ons Community Blog [15:51] TR News Rust is a POLITICAL programming language and framework. You MUST use proprietary software to participate and you MUST agree with the politics of the people who wrote the core. [15:52] nobody there is some opportunity cost involved with wasting resources and energy, which is trivial [15:52] nobody if anyone would not waste energy and resources for NOTHING, someone else will do [15:52] TR News "Image generated by DALL*E" means that Mozilla, instead of catering for the Web, is now filling the Web with slop https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/ai/ai-tech/running-inference-in-web-extensions/ | Source: Mozilla [15:52] TR Bot Running Inference In Web Extensions [15:52] nobody this is the "green paradoxon"; that's how they arrived at the equation [15:53] TR News Mozilla is not advancing the Web, it helps shore up a nasty bubble [15:56] nobody in the end, EU wrecked the legal system, and it is wrecking economy [15:57] nobody with the argument, if there was any productive work done remaining, that's bad for "climate" [15:57] TR News "Sipeed has recently launched the Tang Console" https://linuxgizmos.com/tang-console-compact-fpga-platform-for-development-and-retro-gaming/ | Source: Linux Gizmos [15:57] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/tang-console-compact-fpga-platform-for-development-and-retro-gaming/ ) [15:57] nobody in particular when it doesn't max-out on inefficiency for accounting fraud and financial bargain [15:58] nobody dozens of millions of migrants arrive, seeing to max-out on this opportunity [15:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [15:59] nobody i had given up on this, more than a decade ago already, when Facebook announced their stock-exchange rating surpassed that of Telekom and Siemens [15:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [15:59] nobody "we're wasting much more money and energy, that's good for the economy, lots of jobs" ● Jan 23 [16:00] TR News "After we finished installing it, now this tutorial will explain the user interface of Gummi LaTeX editor." https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2025/01/understanding-user-interface-of-gummi-latex-editor.html | Source: Ubuntubuzz [16:00] TR Bot Understanding the User Interface of Gummi LaTeX Editor [16:00] TR News "Data management brings many challenges in the AI/ML space, such as: [...]" https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/data-versioning-red-hat-openshift-ai-lakefs | Source: Red Hat Official [16:00] TR Bot Data versioning in Red Hat OpenShift AI with lakeFS [16:03] TR News Press remarks by Commissioner Jrgensen at the conference on Securing Ukraine's Future Energy in Davos https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/speech_25_317 [16:03] TR Bot Press corner | European Commission [16:04] TR News This is Iranian Islamists fighting Europe from the east https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-military-shahed-drones-russian-assault-sumy-mykolayiv-attack/33284820.html [16:04] TR Bot Ukrainian Military Shoots Down 65 Shahed Drones Amid Russian Onslaught [16:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [16:09] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [16:13] TR News "Russias Sberbank is laying off IT specialists from its subsidiaries en masse" https://meduza.io/en/feature/2025/01/22/russia-s-sberbank-is-laying-off-it-specialists-from-its-subsidiaries-en-masse | Source: Meduza [16:13] TR Bot Russias Sberbank is laying off IT specialists from its subsidiaries en masse Meduza [16:17] TR News "Putin is increasingly concerned about Russias economy and believes key war goals have been met, sources tell Reuters" https://meduza.io/en/news/2025/01/23/putin-is-increasingly-concerned-about-russia-s-economy-and-believes-key-war-goals-have-been-met-sources-tell-reuters | Source: Meduza [16:17] TR Bot Putin is increasingly concerned about Russias economy and believes key war goals have been met, sources tell Reuters Meduza [16:18] TR News Bringing Ponzi to universities by bribing them to play along with the bubble. University receives $2M to improve growth of Hey Hi (AI) models https://record.umich.edu/articles/u-m-receives-2m-to-improve-growth-of-ai-models/ [16:18] TR Bot University receives $2M to improve growth of AI models | The University Record [16:19] TR News "ponzi cooperation money" sounds catchy [16:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [16:19] TR News Ubuntu Blog: Ubuntu Summit 2024 Reflections https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-summit-2024-reflections [16:19] TR Bot Summit 2024 Reflections | Ubuntu [16:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [16:20] TR News Ubuntu Blog: Bringing 12-year LTS to 32-bit Arm processors as CRA comes into force https://ubuntu.com//blog/lts-cra-arm [16:20] TR Bot 12-year LTS to 32-bit Arm processors as CRA comes into force | Ubuntu [16:20] TR News [Meme] Doing Dog's Job (Not God's Job) https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/21/Meme_Doing_Dog_s_Job_Not_God_s_Job.shtml [16:20] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Doing Dog's Job (Not God's Job) [16:20] TR News "Catch up with Dave - our talented cartoonist with whom I've been working on something new and exciting: to build a weekly strip to try to communicate the goodness" https://meeksfamily.uk/~michael/blog/2025-01-22.html [16:20] TR Bot Stuff Michael Meeks is doing [16:21] TR News [Meme] Plagiarism Does Not Eliminate Jobs by Replacing Humans, It Replaces Human Knowledge With False Cruft https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/21/Meme_Plagiarism_Does_Not_Eliminate_Jobs_by_Replacing_Humans_It_.shtml [16:21] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Plagiarism Does Not Eliminate Jobs by Replacing Humans, It Replaces Human Knowledge With False Cruft [16:21] TR News Rumour: In IBM, Impending "25% Reduction in Finance Roles" https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Rumour_In_IBM_Impending_25_Reduction_in_Finance_Roles.shtml [16:21] TR Bot Techrights Rumour: In IBM, Impending "25% Reduction in Finance Roles" [16:21] TR News Only About 3.6% of Web Users in Pakistan Use Vista 11, According to statCounter https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Only_About_3_6_of_Web_Users_in_Pakistan_Use_Vista_11_According_.shtml [16:21] TR Bot Techrights Only About 3.6% of Web Users in Pakistan Use Vista 11, According to statCounter [16:21] TR News Too personal? https://meeksfamily.uk/~michael/blog/2025-01-21.html [16:21] TR Bot Stuff Michael Meeks is doing [16:22] TR News Focusing on the Issues https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Focusing_on_the_Issues.shtml [16:22] TR Bot Techrights Focusing on the Issues [16:22] TR News Richard Stallman's Remarks on His Pain https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Richard_Stallman_s_Remarks_on_His_Pain.shtml [16:22] TR Bot Techrights Richard Stallman's Remarks on His Pain [16:24] TR News Dictator Administration Temporarily Mutes Federal Health Officials https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/22/health/trump-health-communications.html [16:24] TR Bot Trump Administration Temporarily Mutes Federal Health Officials - The New York Times [16:26] TR News How a second Convicted Felon administration might affect research funding at UMich https://www.michigandaily.com/news/research/how-a-second-trump-administration-might-affect-research-funding-at-umich/ [16:26] TR Bot How a second Trump administration might affect research funding [16:30] TR News Anything is possible after Boeing murdered whistleblowers (it seemed rather obvious) and this one seems to be about faulty planes with dysfunctional landing gear; this probe seems more like blame-shifting and cover-up at several levels https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/22/world/asia/south-korea-crash-executive-dead.html [16:30] TR Bot Ex-Executive Who Oversaw South Korean Airport Renovations Is Found Dead - The New York Times [16:34] TR News Why did the landing gear and wheels not come down? Why did it happen again a day later? Therein lies a defect. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/s-korea-to-remove-concrete-embankment-blamed-for-exacerbating-deadly-jeju-air-crash [16:34] TR Bot S. Korea to remove concrete embankment blamed for exacerbating deadly Jeju Air crash | The Straits Times [16:36] TR News People "just die" https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/south-korean-ex-airports-chief-tied-to-muan-airport-project-found-dead http://techrights.org/n/2025/01/01/Mother_of_OpenAI_Whistleblower_Says_Her_Son_Was_Murdered_He_Acc.shtml [16:36] TR Bot Jeju Air crash: Former airport chief linked to South Koreas Muan airport project found dead | The Straits Times [16:36] TR Bot Techrights Mother of OpenAI Whistleblower Says Her Son Was Murdered (He Accused OpenAI of Copyright Violations at a Massive Scale, OpenAI is Running Out of Money That It Borrowed) [16:39] TR News Malaysian coffee chain Oriental Kopi says sorry, drops CNY service charge hike https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/malaysian-coffee-chain-oriental-kopi-says-sorry-drops-cny-service-charge-hike [16:39] TR Bot Malaysian coffee chain Oriental Kopi says sorry, drops CNY service charge hike | The Straits Times [16:39] TR News China families appeal to free relatives held by scam gangs in Myanmar https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/china-families-appeal-to-free-relatives-held-by-scam-gangs-in-myanmar [16:39] TR Bot China families appeal to free relatives held by scam gangs in Myanmar | The Straits Times [16:40] TR News China vows to defend interests against Convicted Felon tariff threats https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/china-vows-to-defend-interests-against-trump-tariff-threats [16:40] TR Bot China vows to defend interests against Trump tariff threats | The Straits Times [16:41] TR News Cash-strapped Chinese take the slow train home for Lunar New Year https://rfa.org/english/china/2025/01/22/china-lunar-new-year-slow-train-economic-downturn/ [16:41] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://rfa.org/english/china/2025/01/22/china-lunar-new-year-slow-train-economic-downturn/ ) [16:42] TR News Chinas lithium-ion battery exports: Why are US prices so low? https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/energysource/chinas-lithium-ion-battery-exports-why-are-us-prices-so-low/ [16:42] TR Bot Chinas lithium-ion battery exports: Why are US prices so low? - Atlantic Council [16:43] TR News Calling Out backdoored Windows (TCO) is Apparently Impermissible in Some News Sites https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Calling_Out_Windows_TCO_is_Apparently_Impermissible_in_Some_New.shtml [16:43] TR Bot Techrights Calling Out Windows (TCO) is Apparently Impermissible in Some News Sites [16:43] TR News [Meme] Omit Abusive Monopolist Microsoft When It's a Scandal or a Breach, Whereupon It Becomes Just an 'IT Company' https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Meme_Omit_Microsoft_When_It_s_a_Scandal_or_a_Breach_Whereupon_I.shtml [16:43] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Omit Microsoft When It's a Scandal or a Breach, Whereupon It Becomes Just an 'IT Company' [16:43] TR News Electronic Frontier Foundation: Fighting 'for the Poor and Powerless' While Taking Home $336,000 in Annual Salary https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Electronic_Frontier_Foundation_Fighting_for_the_Poor_and_Powerl.shtml [16:43] TR Bot Techrights Electronic Frontier Foundation: Fighting 'for the Poor and Powerless' While Taking Home $336,000 in Annual Salary [16:43] TR News The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Has Formally Added an Outreach and Communications Coordinator https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/The_Free_Software_Foundation_FSF_Has_Formally_Added_an_Outreach.shtml [16:43] TR Bot Techrights The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Has Formally Added an Outreach and Communications Coordinator [16:44] TR News Dr. Andy Farnell's Latest Article About Software Freedom and Richard Stallman https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Dr_Andy_Farnell_s_Latest_Article_About_Software_Freedom_and_Ric.shtml [16:44] TR Bot Techrights Dr. Andy Farnell's Latest Article About Software Freedom and Richard Stallman [16:44] TR News The Japanese translation of the term "free software" https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/The_Japanese_translation_of_the_term_free_software.shtml [16:44] TR Bot Techrights The Japanese translation of the term "free software" [16:44] TR News Clueless and Nontechnical EPO Management Uses the 'Great Scam' (Hey Hi Hype) to Justify Automation Where It's Both Detrimental and Illegal https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Clueless_and_Nontechnical_EPO_Management_Uses_the_Great_Scam_He.shtml [16:44] TR Bot Techrights Clueless and Nontechnical EPO Management Uses the 'Great Scam' (Hey Hi Hype) to Justify Automation Where It's Both Detrimental and Illegal [16:44] TR News Free Software Foundation's Miriam Bastian: We Surpassed Our Year-end Goal of $400,000 USD Thanks to You! (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Free_Software_Foundation_Miriam_Bastian_We_Surpassed_Our_Year_e.shtml [16:44] TR Bot Techrights Free Software Foundation's Miriam Bastian: We Surpassed Our Year-end Goal of $400,000 USD Thanks to You! [16:45] TR News Heartbeat of the USPTO https://patentlyo.com/patent/2025/01/heartbeat-the-uspto.html "the ebb and flow of USPTO activity" [16:45] TR Bot Heartbeat of the USPTO | Patently-O [16:47] TR News European Parliament plenary debate: Need to enforce the Digital Services Act to protect democracy on social control media platforms including against foreign interference and biased algorithms https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/speech_25_310 [16:47] TR Bot Press corner | European Commission [16:47] TR News From the Community | Only pleasant speech is protected at Stanford University https://stanforddaily.com/2025/01/21/only-pleasant-speech-is-protected-at-stanford-university/ [16:47] TR Bot From the Community | Only pleasant speech is protected at Stanford University [16:48] TR News (NEW): Mozilla: Rust Development and "Hey Hi" (AI) Nonsense https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Mozilla_Rust_Development_and_Hey_Hi_AI_Nonsense.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Mozilla_Rust_Development_and_Hey_Hi_AI_Nonsense.gmi [16:48] TR Bot Tux Machines Mozilla: Rust Development and "Hey Hi" (AI) Nonsense [16:49] TR News (NEW): GNOME 46.8 Release Speeds Up Thumbnail Loading in the Nautilus File Manager https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/GNOME_46_8_Release_Speeds_Up_Thumbnail_Loading_in_the_Nautilus_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/GNOME_46_8_Release_Speeds_Up_Thumbnail_Loading_in_the_Nautilus_.gmi [16:49] TR Bot Tux Machines GNOME 46.8 Release Speeds Up Thumbnail Loading in the Nautilus File Manager [16:49] TR News Reddit Users Boycott X Links After Elon Musks Gesture at Inaugural Event https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/22/business/reddit-x-boycott-elon-musk.html [16:49] TR Bot Reddit Users Boycott X Links After Elon Musks Gesture at Inaugural Event - The New York Times [16:51] TR News Reddit was always a filter, a corporate censorship site that pretends communities online are only what corporations did not ban (or words not deleted) [16:54] TR News DC Thomson plans to cut 35 jobs and close four magazines https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/dc-thomson-plans-to-cut-35-jobs-and-close-four-magazines/ [16:54] TR Bot DC Thomson plans to cut 35 jobs and close four magazines - Press Gazette [16:55] TR News Gigabyte gaming mouse allegedly goes up in flames scorched device left a hole on user's desk https://www.tomshardware.com/peripherals/gigabyte-gaming-mouse-allegedly-goes-up-in-flames-scorched-device-left-a-hole-on-users-desk [16:55] TR Bot Gigabyte gaming mouse allegedly goes up in flames scorched device left a hole on user's desk | Tom's Hardware [16:55] TR News "VR Controllers Handle Like Two-Handed Weapons" https://hackaday.com/2025/01/22/make-your-vr-controllers-handle-like-two-handed-weapons/ | Source: Hackaday [16:55] TR Bot Your VR Controllers Handle Like Two-Handed Weapons | Hackaday [16:56] TR News HackCable is a wireless-enabled, USB-C keystroke injection cable powered by ESP32 or RP2040 (Crowdfunding) https://www.cnx-software.com/2025/01/23/hackcable-is-a-wireless-enabled-usb-c-keystroke-injection-cable-powered-by-esp32-or-rp2040/ [16:56] TR Bot HackCable is a wireless-enabled, USB-C keystroke injection cable powered by ESP32 or RP2040 (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software [16:58] TR News Catching CARP: Fishing for Firewall States in PFSync Traffic, (Wed, Jan 22nd) https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/31616 [16:58] TR Bot Catching CARP: Fishing for Firewall States in PFSync Traffic - SANS Internet Storm Center [16:59] TR News Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Officially Moving Scientists Just Updated Its Location https://www.sciencealert.com/earths-magnetic-north-pole-is-officially-moving-scientists-just-updated-its-location [16:59] TR Bot Magnetic North Pole Is Officially Moving Scientists Just Updated Its Location : ScienceAlert [16:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [16:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [17:02] MinceR (cat) https://imgur.com/gallery/xuXR8J1 = https://rimgo.pussthecat.org/gallery/xuXR8J1 [17:02] TR Bot back can wait - Album on Imgur [17:02] TR Bot My back can wait - rimgo [17:15] TR News Nick Cleggs meagre defence of Facebook (Farcebook) fact checking https://rubenerd.com/nick-cleggs-meagre-defence-of-facebook-fact-checking/ [17:15] TR Bot Nick Cleggs meagre defence of Facebook fact checking [17:15] TR News History is kept by the archivists https://rubenerd.com/history-is-kept-by-the-archivists/ [17:15] TR Bot History is kept by the archivists [17:16] TR News CAPTCHAs are getting creepy https://rubenerd.com/captchas-are-getting-creepy/ [17:16] TR Bot CAPTCHAs are getting creepy [17:21] TR News EasyOS audio and video work on Zenbook S 13 https://bkhome.org/news/202501/easyos-audio-and-video-work-on-zenbook-s-13.html [17:21] TR Bot EasyOS audio and video work on Zenbook S 13 [17:22] TR News Bringing multiple windows to Flutter desktop apps https://ubuntu.com//blog/multiple-window-flutter-desktop https://canonical.com//blog/multiple-window-flutter-desktop [17:22] TR Bot multiple windows to Flutter desktop apps | Ubuntu [17:22] TR Bot NO TITLE [17:23] TR News LibreELEC 12.0.2 Brings Big Changes for Raspberry Pi Users https://linuxiac.com/libreelec-12-0-2-brings-big-changes-for-raspberry-pi-users/ [17:23] TR Bot LibreELEC 12.0.2 Brings Big Changes for Raspberry Pi Users [17:32] TR News The Juggler's Curse https://buttondown.com/hillelwayne/archive/the-jugglers-curse/ [17:32] TR Bot Juggler's Curse Buttondown [17:33] TR News Jonathan Blandford: Crosswords 0.3.14 https://blogs.gnome.org/jrb/2025/01/22/crosswords-0-3-14/ [17:33] TR Bot Crosswords 0.3.14 Jonathan Blandford [17:35] TR News The First Legion Go S Graphics Benchmark Is Here https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2025/01/22/new-legion-go-s-test-reveals-slower-ryzen-z2-go-graphics-performance/ [17:35] TR Bot Is the Legion Go S faster than Legion Go and ROG Ally? [17:36] TR News EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.5.6 released https://bkhome.org/news/202501/easyos-scarthgap-series-version-656-released.html [17:36] TR Bot EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.5.6 released [17:37] TR News SDL 3 Released with Enhanced APIs, Improved Documentation, and More https://linuxiac.com/sdl-simple-directmedia-layer-3-released/ [17:37] TR Bot SDL 3 Released with Enhanced APIs, Improved Documentation, and More [17:38] TR News (NEW): EasyOS Daedalus-series 6.5.5 and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/17/EasyOS_Daedalus_series_6_5_5_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/17/EasyOS_Daedalus_series_6_5_5_and_More.gmi [17:38] TR Bot Tux Machines EasyOS Daedalus-series 6.5.5 and More [17:41] MinceR https://media.mas.to/media_attachments/files/111/534/507/410/972/108/original/3cbea6f68be15a5c.png [17:42] TR News calc CLI calculator app and library https://www.linuxlinks.com/calc-cli-calculator-app-library/ [17:42] TR Bot - CLI calculator app and library - LinuxLinks [17:44] TR News Wine 10.0, the latest backdoored Windows compatibility layer for Linux, has a stable release https://www.tomshardware.com/software/linux/wine-10-0-the-latest-windows-compatibility-layer-for-linux-has-a-stable-release [17:44] TR Bot Wine 10.0, the latest Windows compatibility layer for Linux, has a stable release | Tom's Hardware [17:44] TR News VirtualBox fixes backdoored Windows 11 24H2 BSOD, improves backdoored Windows driver installs, NVMe, and more https://www.neowin.net/news/virtualbox-fixes-windows-11-24h2-bsod-improves-windows-driver-installs-nvme-and-more/ [17:44] TR Bot VirtualBox fixes Windows 11 24H2 BSOD, improves Windows driver installs, NVMe, and more - Neowin [17:46] TR News RedHat.com Written by Abusive Monopolist Microsoft Staff, Promoting Microsoft' Proprietary Software That Does Not Even Run on Linux! https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/RedHat_com_Written_by_Microsoft_Staff_Promoting_Microsoft_Propr.shtml [17:46] TR Bot Techrights RedHat.com Written by Microsoft Staff, Promoting Microsoft' Proprietary Software That Does Not Even Run on Linux! [17:46] TR News Fake 'Article' by Brittany Day (Guardian Digital, Inc) About GNU/Linux Mint 22.1 'Xia' https://techrights.org/n/2025/01/22/Fake_Article_by_Brittany_Day_Guardian_Digital_Inc_About_Linux_M.shtml [17:46] TR Bot Techrights Fake 'Article' by Brittany Day (Guardian Digital, Inc) About Linux Mint 22.1 'Xia' [17:46] TR News VirtualBox 7.1.6 is out! RHEL 9.6 kernel Support & Screen Flickering Fix https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2025/01/virtualbox-7-1-6-is-out-rhel-9-6-kernel-support-screen-flickering-fix/ [17:46] TR Bot VirtualBox 7.1.6 is out! RHEL 9.6 kernel Support & Screen Flickering Fix | UbuntuHandbook [17:49] TR News Arch GNU/Linux Installer Archinstall Gets Support for the Wayfire Wayland Compositor https://9to5linux.com/arch-linux-installer-archinstall-gets-support-for-the-wayfire-wayland-compositor [17:49] TR Bot Linux Installer Archinstall Gets Support for the Wayfire Wayland Compositor - 9to5Linux [17:51] TR News (NEW): Games: Crosswords 0.3.14, SDL 3, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Games_Crosswords_0_3_14_SDL_3_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Games_Crosswords_0_3_14_SDL_3_and_More.gmi [17:51] TR Bot Tux Machines Games: Crosswords 0.3.14, SDL 3, and More [17:54] schestowitz[TR2] https://web.archive.org/web/20071024065945/http://10questions.peppla.com/pj.html.html [17:54] schestowitz[TR2] "I'm a little the worse for wear still. I don't like to be too specific, but I'm not dying. I am OK. But I've cut back some, to keep from wearing out. I hadn't taken more than two days off in 4+ years, and that was just too much. Who knew when we started that SCO would take so long to sink? And there was a lot of stress. [17:54] schestowitz[TR2] I certainly would take a break again if I needed to. But so far, so good. The adjustments I've made seem to be doing the trick. As long as I pace myself, it seems to be working out. Thank you for asking and for caring. " [17:54] TR Bot 10 questions: Pamela Jones [17:54] schestowitz[TR2] " I'm just a person. Just like you. Not a superhero. Just a person. If you met me, I assure you you'd be disappointed. [17:54] schestowitz[TR2] I don't know how any of those guys stand it, being public figures, and I definitely don't want to live that way. " [17:55] schestowitz[TR2] " I know that I could lose trust by stupid moves. So I'm alert and trying hard. Sometimes I think about things like that at 2 AM and I get up and check something to make sure I didn't goof. " [17:55] schestowitz[TR2] " As for trolls and deliberate meanness, people trying to undermine Groklaw's reputation, at first it bothered me more than it does now. I had to develop a thicker skin or stop doing Groklaw, so I developed a thicker skin. When it first started, in late 2004, and it seemed like a deliberate smear campaign, I thought, "What kind of people are these? Why are they willing to behave so abominably, be so dishonest, deliberately try to [17:55] schestowitz[TR2] ruin my good name?" I had never known anyone like that before in my life, and it actually kept me awake nights. Like going to a horror movie. You can't sleep for weeks. Then I stopped thinking about it. It is what it is, I decided. Maybe I never met such people before, but they were on the same planet as I was the whole time. Then I relaxed a bit. But the thought was, how far will people like this go? I can't imagine doing what th [17:55] schestowitz[TR2] ey do for money. Is that not a pitiful life choice? But where is *their* line? They go way over mine already, so I thought about that quite a bit. " [17:56] schestowitz[TR2] " For about a year, I thought they would in fact succeed in destroying my reputation. The attacks were daily, all over the Internet. But I just kept on doing Groklaw, because I knew the research was good, solid, and worth putting out there. Here's what happened. The FOSS community is made up of brainiacs. That is our greatest strength as a geek community. The things that get you teased in school as kids turn out to be very useful [17:56] schestowitz[TR2] as adults. People simply understood that it was an antiGroklaw FUD campaign. And they figured out who might be behind it. I didn't have to say or do much at all. Ironically, it ended up just making Groklaw more well-known. Funny. " [17:57] schestowitz[TR2] "It helps to have a sense of humor, speaking of funny. When I wrote once that there is no Santa Claus, a small side point in a long and very serious article about something else, trolls made a big issue about it -- it was one of our most commented articles -- and it made me laugh so hard reading their comments about how there is too a Santa Claus and how awful I was to write that there wasn't, it cured me of caring about what they [17:57] schestowitz[TR2] said from that day on. I got it that day. They just picked on something in every article to criticize. Every single article. Anything. Santa Claus, anything." [17:58] schestowitz[TR2] https://web.archive.org/web/20071213012307/http://radio.weblogs.com/0120124/ [17:58] TR Bot GROKLAW ● Jan 23 [18:40] *divorce (~bet@2607:fb91:83b:23d:6a8a:850a:b749:82a0) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [19:16] *psydroid3 (~psydroid@8p6k6zizq5nqc.irc) has joined #techrights [19:24] MinceR https://media.mas.to/media_attachments/files/111/495/054/266/430/777/original/c74b5eb4fd8b7369.png [19:34] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@5f34ybcsa33wa.irc) has joined #techrights [19:34] nobody argh, linux2.4 usb got unresolved; it hasn't got sysfs nor would it expose /proc/bus/usb to gather device information of what's attached to the system [19:34] nobody *unresoled issues [19:35] nobody then there is libusb and some libusb-compat, that lsusb links against, that i compiled/linked against linux2.4 headers [19:36] nobody but lsusb does an exit ERRNO regardles [19:37] nobody gdb/strace show nothing relevant to quickly divert into sources at the right spot [19:38] nobody TempleOS was right... USB sucks [19:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [19:39] MinceR USB was right... TempleOS sucks [19:39] nobody linux2.4 $ ls /proc/bus/usb # nothing [19:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [19:40] nobody real smart, kernel would not expose attached devices to some usb bus [19:40] nobody the situation surrounding libusb and libusb-compat is confusing too [19:42] nobody suckless.org lsusb utility is reading from /sys which linux2.4 hasn't got, and maybe that's too the reason why lsusb errors [19:46] nobody anyway [19:46] nobody https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/austrian-property-tycoon-benko-arrested-newspaper-reports-2025-01-23/ [19:46] TR Bot ( status 401 @ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/austrian-property-tycoon-benko-arrested-newspaper-reports-2025-01-23/ ) [19:47] nobody i'm still wondering how i'm paying 400EUros/month _cold_ appartment rent for nothing but fungus rotten cold and wet walls surrounding me in a city whose air is polluted from luxury vehicles speeding 24/7 [19:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [19:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [19:49] nobody Rene Benko is the typical kind of Trump minion, cashing in with gambling slot machines and hiring low wage construction workers, and "creative accounting" to avoid any taxes paid [19:53] nobody today i received a letter from the city "legal council", my objection was legitimate but considered "not substantial" [19:54] nobody although i had posted a _complete_ file, their final argument simply ignores my income already had been taxed and extorted with fraudulent energy bills and appartment rent raised [19:54] nobody and, although the income already was accounted against UBI requirements and taxation, they intend to double-bill me on that one [19:55] MinceR https://i.imgur.com/FIC8Ftl.png = https://rimgo.pussthecat.org/FIC8Ftl [19:55] TR Bot rimgo [19:55] nobody finally, i have to _pay_ taxes for income that i didn't have because that income already was reduced/taxed and extorted with tampered energy bills and appartment rent [19:56] nobody now they say i shall bring this to court (as if i had nothing better to do, since i already did post a _complete_ file to financial department) [19:57] nobody INSANE [19:59] nobody worst of it, again and again and again, this type of corrupt bureaucracy sabotages and i can't continue work, important work [19:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [19:59] nobody certainly more important than what city bureaucrats do in their financial department [19:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [19:59] nobody what a coincidence, their letter arrived in parallel to voter registration ● Jan 23 [20:00] nobody although that's irevelevant too, because regardles of any political vote, we've had a legal system here, which they sabotage and wreck too [20:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [20:09] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [20:13] IsambardPrince Trump..."They should have to take a test showing that they know what the Statue of Liberty is!" [20:13] IsambardPrince Also Trump... *Removes Statue of Liberty from USCIS logo* [20:16] MinceR well, that statue is superfluous now anyway [20:16] MinceR merkins don't want to be free or independent, and they'll probably bring slavery back [20:16] MinceR might as well put a statue of hitler there or something [20:19] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [20:19] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [20:20] CrystalMath IsambardPrince: it's clever, i mean, why show it to them on the same paper where the question about it is [20:20] TR News (NEW): If you're ready to break up with Windows, this is the Linux distro I suggest for new users https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/If_you_re_ready_to_break_up_with_Windows_this_is_the_Linux_dist.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/If_you_re_ready_to_break_up_with_Windows_this_is_the_Linux_dist.gmi [20:20] TR Bot Tux Machines If you're ready to break up with Windows, this is the Linux distro I suggest for new users [20:20] CrystalMath that's like letting them cheat on a test :p [20:29] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [20:29] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [20:31] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/Android_Leftovers.gmi [20:31] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers [20:36] MinceR (cat) (video) (audio:unimportant) https://imgur.com/gallery/kil5n06 = https://rimgo.pussthecat.org/gallery/kil5n06 [20:36] TR Bot Cracking Open Imgur To Get My Daily Swig Of Meme Juice - GIF on Imgur [20:36] TR Bot Me Cracking Open Imgur To Get My Daily Swig Of Meme Juice - rimgo [20:39] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [20:39] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [20:46] IsambardPrince " [20:46] IsambardPrince Yes, they immediately did books, movies, I mean it was the cult of RBG and her real legacy is Amy Coney Barrett and the Dobbs v.Jackson case. [20:46] IsambardPrince God damn her for not having the decency to retire or go to Senior Status after that 2013 lunch with Obama. [20:46] IsambardPrince She could have been a Senior judge floating around on any lower federal court, still writing decisions until the day she died. But she just kept pushing it until she died with months left on Trump's term, where the "precedent" the Republicans demanded of not poaching a seat at the eleventh hour just totally disappeared and they stole her seat. [20:46] IsambardPrince The Democrats know what they're doing. The Republicans lie, they set standards that don't apply to themselves, they will cheat you and back out of any deal they agree to or say there should be. [20:46] IsambardPrince This total capitulation with the Laken Riley Act is a disgrace. The Dems signed onto it in exchange for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. No protection for DREAMers, no path to citizenship or green cards for anyone who might deserve them. Nothing. They just became the Also Republican Party in the week after Biden left." [20:47] IsambardPrince "Even Dick Durban of Illinois who has gone on and on about DREAMers for over 30 years voted to proceed on the Laken Riley bill then only backed out at the last minute as it was passing so he could come back to Illinoisans and say he fought it. He didn't fight voting to proceed to debate. He voted to end debate." [20:48] IsambardPrince *Durbin [20:48] IsambardPrince Dick Turban [20:48] IsambardPrince :P [20:48] IsambardPrince That's what the Republicans call him. [20:49] IsambardPrince He still surrendered to them. [20:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [20:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [20:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [20:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights ● Jan 23 [21:04] IsambardPrince Something happened... [21:04] IsambardPrince My Chromebook started chugging. [21:05] IsambardPrince Well, congrats Google, you re-created Windows 10 and based it on Linux. [21:05] MinceR that's just what "modern" Linux is like [21:09] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [21:09] IsambardPrince "He said his name as "Sean Evans" and that he was with ICE. He asked me if I had signed a AR-11 form, which I have no reasons to do. I am an international student and haven't changed my address. He said he had a case lodged, and literally threated me that he would send cops to my house to arrest me now. This must be scam right? The number was from (202) - 732 - 5001 from Washington D.C." [21:09] IsambardPrince I replied: [21:09] IsambardPrince "It's a scam. I'm guessing that Mr. Sean Evans sounded Indian and there were a lot of other Indians also being Sean Evans in the background? [21:09] IsambardPrince " [21:09] IsambardPrince MinceR, ^ [21:09] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [21:10] MinceR well, at least he's not Peggy [21:10] IsambardPrince "The Sean Evanses are coming. It's like Agent Smith in The Matrix, you know. They just reach their hand into you and copy their machine code over your carrier signal. /joke" [21:12] IsambardPrince "In all seriousness. USCIS never ever calls anyone and threatens them and gets mad and angry over the phone, and that's not how ICE or other government agencies in the US operate either. If ANYONE yells and screams and threatens you over the phone, hang up. They don't call, scream, threaten, and demand money (which is where it's heading with the scammer)." [21:16] IsambardPrince MinceR, On the EO that claims to get rid of birthright citizenship. [21:16] IsambardPrince talino2321 [21:16] IsambardPrince [21:16] IsambardPrince 1m ago [21:16] IsambardPrince You should read the response from the DOJ attorney, when the judge asked him, 'If the government actually believe this EO was constitutional' and the DOJ attorney said, 'absolutely'. [21:16] IsambardPrince Yeah it's going to be a long 4 years, assuming we actually ever have another presidential election. [21:17] IsambardPrince I replied: [21:17] IsambardPrince "Windows 98 crashes at COMDEX. [21:17] IsambardPrince "Now we just plug in the scanner, Bill and....WHOA!" *blue screen* [21:17] IsambardPrince *audience starts cheering and laughing and clapping* [21:17] IsambardPrince Bill Gates: That must be why we're not shipping Windows 98 yet. [21:17] IsambardPrince "Absolutely, absolutely."" [21:17] MinceR well, they have their own "Supreme Court" [21:18] IsambardPrince "----- [21:18] IsambardPrince Next EO "Well, the Constitution SAYS there's an election, but it's never been interpreted to literally MEAN that..." [21:18] IsambardPrince DOJ Attorney: "Absolutely. Absolutely!"" [21:18] IsambardPrince MinceR, :) [21:19] MinceR :> [21:26] *divorce has quit (Quit: Leaving) [21:28] IsambardPrince MinceR, Someone said "You keep mentioning Trump violates the Subreddit rules. Please stop making this a political thing and keep it USCIS related." [21:28] IsambardPrince I replied, [21:28] IsambardPrince "Okay karen, go back to reporting people to the HOA for incorrect font on house numbers and painting things battleship gray instead of ocean gray." [21:31] nobody the humor of these jokes escape my intellect [21:41] IsambardPrince A Karen is a busybody that looks for people to complain to. [21:41] IsambardPrince It may be the manager, a Homeowners Association, or the police. [21:42] IsambardPrince An HOA issues regulations about everyone who lives in the covered area, and when they sell their house, the HOA is included in the deed, which means that you inherit a gypsy curse. [21:43] IsambardPrince The Karens of the community will find literally anything you are doing "wrong" no matter how irrelevant, and complain to the HOA so that they will fine you. [21:43] IsambardPrince If you don't pay the fines, they turn you over to the collection agency and ruin your credit. [21:43] IsambardPrince Usually the fines are for things like "removing the empty garbage cans when you get home from work at 4 when they were supposed to be behind your house at 2". [21:43] IsambardPrince :D [21:44] IsambardPrince Or "Displaying a Marine Corps flag, which is not permitted, on a flagpole, which is 2 inches above the regulation size." [21:45] IsambardPrince "Letting the lawn grow 10 mm above regulation height as measured by a laser that the karen keeps for just such occurances." [21:45] IsambardPrince It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. [21:45] IsambardPrince Or there will be anarchy! [21:45] IsambardPrince MinceR, ^ [21:46] IsambardPrince So the Karen finds people she doesn't like and brings all the complaints to the HOA. [21:46] IsambardPrince She would never admit that she's going after the blacks and gays and Jews to try to get them out of the neighborhood. [21:46] IsambardPrince But that always seems to be what it is. [21:46] IsambardPrince Sometimes she goes after an Army vet just because she can. [21:50] IsambardPrince https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/23/europe/french-divorcee-sex-husband-wins-appeal-intl/index.html [21:50] TR Bot French divorcee sex husband wins appeal | CNN [21:50] IsambardPrince Illinois Law says you can file an at-fault divorce case due to your spouse not having sex with you. [21:51] IsambardPrince But nobody does it because it's so expensive to make that accusation that it's not worth it. [21:51] nobody conservative live on tv: "anyone who doesn't work has to leave the country"... if it's not paid it's not work and not useful [21:52] IsambardPrince The Republicans will probably create full employment, at least on paper. [21:52] IsambardPrince Like the government of Oceania did with boot production. [21:52] nobody any dissident slumped into the cohorte corrupt party politics and their bureaucracy do not appreciate [21:52] IsambardPrince Maybe the goal was 166 million pairs of boots. [21:52] IsambardPrince Then they only made 55 million. [21:52] MinceR will that "conservative" leave the country, then? [21:52] IsambardPrince So the goal is revised to 47 million, so there's an overproduction. [21:52] IsambardPrince Maybe half the country is walking around barefoot. [21:52] IsambardPrince Who knows? [21:52] IsambardPrince :D [21:53] IsambardPrince That's how Trump managed the Labor Statistics in 2020 to hide the mass unemployment. [21:54] nobody funnily this conservative is well connected into the GOP accross the ocean, with affiliates such as former ambassador Grenell [21:54] MinceR that's neither funny nor surprising [21:54] MinceR all the authoritarian scum of the world sticks together [21:55] nobody openly gay, although that's not relevant to the topic [21:55] MinceR now that's surprising [21:55] MinceR the openly part, not the gay part [21:56] MinceR i'm guessing he was found out against his will, after baiting people against homosexuals? [21:57] nobody i'm just listening to what he sais, which is rare among the typical type of politicians we got here [21:57] nobody *says ● Jan 23 [22:01] *psydroid3 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.2.6 Quasar http://www.kvirc.net/) [22:13] nobody grman economers and industry leaders explaining themselves "energy prices" this, "cheap labor" that... they've had both cheap labor and cheap energy, excess subsidies, and managed to outsource almost everything to china regardless [22:14] nobody i can tell you why economy, social standards are in decline: it's excess corruption and mis-management [22:15] nobody none of the many political parties we got nor their tax-payers' money sponsored public tv dare to articulate any concern [22:16] nobody at best they drag a few individuals into mud over a little bribery, but they've all accomodated well by spreading lies and mis-information [22:17] nobody *arranged themselves [22:18] nobody on a historical scale, that's how soviet union collapsed... everything's fine with our industry and science, we're the leading nuclear power in the world, then chernobyl went boom [22:20] nobody few month later entire soviet union collapsed under their mountain of lies [22:21] nobody when soviet union was confronted with existential concern, their apparatus classified any related information as secret/confidential [22:22] MinceR nothing was fine with either [22:22] MinceR your industry was outdated and inefficient; your science was plagued with such bullshit as lysenkoism [22:22] MinceR the usa baited you into an arms race, which wrecked your economy [22:23] MinceR communism doesn't work, and people refuse to learn this, so they suffer from it again and again [22:23] nobody soviet union collapsed due their propanda and lies, they couldn't hide behind those anylonger when chernobyl blew up [22:24] nobody in germany, our politicians decided instead, to shut down nuclear power, since "cheap russian gas" fueled economy instead [22:25] nobody they're not willing to admit, it's domestic corruption and mis-management which wrecks economy and social standards [22:25] nobody since 1990, the typical "western" mentality dominated, with their "victory" over communism, as if this western system wasn't prone to corruption and mis-management [22:27] MinceR https://i.imgur.com/OBFAk2r.gif [22:27] nobody currently it is poltical murder and terrorism which politics had to explain themselves for [22:28] nobody and this is the propaganda twist this time, politicians and their propaganda junk tv argueing, anything possible had been done to prevent such incidents [22:28] nobody when instead, with _all_ cases known public instutitions, bureaucracy, police, government psychologists etc. knew in advance of the threats that existed [22:29] nobody instead of preventing lethal violence, government instutions _intentionally_ escalated those cases [22:29] nobody at least this is the conclusion to be drawn with the evidence available [22:32] TR News (NEW): GNOME 47.3 Improves Frame Rate for Monitors Attached to Secondary GPUs https://tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/GNOME_47_3_Improves_Frame_Rate_for_Monitors_Attached_to_Seconda.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2025/01/23/GNOME_47_3_Improves_Frame_Rate_for_Monitors_Attached_to_Seconda.gmi [22:32] TR Bot Tux Machines GNOME 47.3 Improves Frame Rate for Monitors Attached to Secondary GPUs [22:40] nobody now the conservatives propose anyone posing a potential "threat" should be held captive for deportation [22:40] nobody however, their corrupt bureaucracy themselves is _creating_ those threats [22:41] *SomeGoat (~SomeGoat@r9ruxqydtdctn.irc) has joined #techrights [22:43] nobody according to my memories, this scheme is applied to anyone in dissent with the corrupt regime we got [22:43] nobody and then party politics gamble for bargain, right-wing breeding violence and terror, left-wing breeding violence and terror [22:44] nobody "see this is an illegal immigrant" who freaked out over corruption and mis-management, or "see this is some unproductive german nazi scum", it's mostly arbitrary [22:47] nobody yesterday it was some afghan refugee who was supposedly willing to leave germany, who grabbed a knive, approaching a group of young children, to stab as many as he could [22:48] nobody one child was killled, and a passenger who jumped into the scene to prevent more fatalities, too died [22:49] nobody what a coincidence, two more letters i received from this bureaucratic apparatus, it's not the first time this coincides with such events [22:50] nobody difference is, i can defend myself with some written letters, although their "legal council" is ignorant and corrupt beyond limits [22:51] nobody they arbitrarily tamper bills sent to your home, your personal employment record, they spy and loot your work [22:52] nobody "felons must be deported"... i would begin with organized crime within government institutions themselves [22:52] nobody and their propaganda junk tv [22:53] nobody within the cities btw, the typical demographics is one german and a thousand migrants [22:58] nobody the dilemma is, the regime knows, the type of society that flourished based on this corruption, can't settle peacefully [22:58] nobody that's what multi-culturalism culminated into former yugoslavia, syeria [22:59] nobody to end this, measures necessary would cause unpreceeded unrest in germany ● Jan 23 [23:00] nobody some german military general argued there was "no legally binding declaration of war", but "we are not living in peace anylonger" [23:08] nobody i suspect, within the bureaucratic apparatus, _conflicting_ political interests are disputed over my head, with corruption and lies as usual, of cause [23:09] IsambardPrince There was a guy that ran into McDonalds screaming at someone on his phone that he was hiding from the police in the McDonalds and had a warrant out on him and "Tell that motherfucker I got something for his ass." [23:09] IsambardPrince So I called the police after I left and told them all of that. [23:10] IsambardPrince Sounded like a shooting was about to happen and if you're hiding from the cops it helps not to scream that so loud an entire restaurant can hear it. [23:16] nobody thing is, bureaucracy could have ended this, if they had wanted to, but they _intentionally_ escalate [23:17] nobody they intentionally provoke, lie, tamper [23:17] nobody "government psychological service" at work [23:18] nobody the red line of mine they crossed, again and again, it's hindering me to do my work, important work [23:19] nobody currently they're wondering, how economy and social standards went into rapid decline [23:20] nobody a little more corruption, a few more lies, that's not gonna fix it [23:21] nobody getting rid of evidence for their organized crime won't neither [23:34] MinceR https://i.imgur.com/0oeyAkk.jpeg = https://rimgo.pussthecat.org/0oeyAkk [23:34] TR Bot rimgo [23:37] nobody the afghan migrant who stabbed a child to death now is considered "an individual case", supposedly not representative for migrants dictating their demands with threats of violence [23:39] nobody which is contradcited by the fact any of those who got a car, just use that, speeding and terror in the cities [23:39] nobody those immigrants who flourish into higher realm of politics and media, spread defamation and lies constantly [23:40] nobody they do everything for individual benefit [23:42] nobody if they got you on their radar, they'll molest you endlessly, throw waste into your window, spread accusations of child abuse, whatever they can, there's no limits [23:42] nobody police, does NOTHING [23:42] nobody bureaucracy does NOTHING [23:42] nobody instead, they escalate, intentionally [23:44] nobody i was regularly attacked by cars when cycling, severly beaten, blackmailed, my money stolen [23:44] nobody just because, i got a german jewish sounding name here [23:45] nobody "oh, you're a banker", no i'm not, i'm working class, as all my family was. [23:48] nobody funnily, after few family members were sacrificed during wars, the current regime we got in germany nowadays must have thought, i'll got dragged into this again, fighting for the glory of their murderous corruption and crimes [23:48] IsambardPrince "government psychological service" at work [23:49] IsambardPrince I think California calls this a 5150 hold. [23:49] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [23:49] IsambardPrince But most States have something like it. [23:49] IsambardPrince Where they decalre you a public health menace and lock you up, or at least they can. [23:49] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [23:49] IsambardPrince But it costs them money so it's rare these days. [23:50] IsambardPrince They used to keep people like Lobster in a massive sprawling state hospital. [23:50] IsambardPrince Where taking medication was not optional. [23:50] IsambardPrince Then they said it's too expensive to try to keep the nuts in here, let's dump them all out. [23:51] IsambardPrince And now some live with their parents, some find their way onto SSI, and some go to jail, and some end up on the street in a tent. [23:51] IsambardPrince But overall, cheaper than the hospitals, so nothing gets done to change it. [23:54] IsambardPrince https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/comments/1i8ebz5/i_am_so_confused/ [23:54] TR Bot - Dive into anything [23:54] IsambardPrince "may get a new Social Security number since you're a permanent resident"? [23:54] IsambardPrince I have NEVER heard about them doing that. [23:54] IsambardPrince Slopbot garbage? [23:54] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], ^ [23:56] nobody "hey something is wrong with the energy accounting here, $100/gallon heating oil is a little of scale", "nope, the microsoft trainings taxed with $10000 you offer in the job placement database do not match my profile, i rather buy on amazon for $10"... [23:57] nobody response "your mental condition must be evaluated by government psychological service before consulting job placement service" [23:57] nobody Bavaria, Nurnberg, 2025 [23:58] IsambardPrince There have been documented cases where the President of the United States has personally stepped in and tried to get particular people deported. [23:58] IsambardPrince That's what happened to John Lennon and Yoko Ono. [23:59] *agentcasey_ has quit (connection closed) [23:59] IsambardPrince Ostensibly, they were trying to deport them for "smoking marijuana". [23:59] *agentcasey_ (~agentcasey@8pzu2fcsusfzc.irc) has joined #techrights [23:59] IsambardPrince But actually, they saw them as "subversives" and possibly "Communists".