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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Sunday, May 24, 2020

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kingoffranceyeah, i just do ctrl+f (forward) ctrl+b (backwards) usually     .... lots of things like that i have learned "lowest common denominator" ....May 24 00:12
kingoffrancectrl+i for tab,  ctrl+a or e   similar to home or end  sometimesMay 24 00:15
kingoffranceit is better to do things properly, but for various things where i am lazy i can usually get by without page up/page down/home/end/etc.May 24 00:16
kingoffrancei saw a laptop the other day, has no print screen/sysrq  or pause/break keys   IIRC ....May 24 00:17
kingoffrancetablets or < 14"   keyboards might even have more "missing" keysMay 24 00:17
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 24 00:21
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsMay 24 00:22
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsMay 24 00:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux laptop vendor uses a very surprising hack to protect your privacy []May 24 01:08
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 01:13
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsMay 24 01:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OnlyOffice Desktop Editors 5.5.1 - Good but can be better []May 24 01:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: My Unity Rig You Could Use #ubuntu #gnu #linux []May 24 01:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu 20.04 For Teachers and Students []May 24 01:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: TUXEDO Computers Unveils Their First AMD-Only Linux Laptop []May 24 01:24
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I thought it was odd that the Rothschild troll went after GNOME in the first place.May 24 01:25
DaemonFC[m]GNOME puts out source code, and that's always what LAME did to avoid patent infringement lawsuits over MP3, and other software has done the same.May 24 01:25
DaemonFC[m]MPEG-LA would probably sue over source code if they thought they could.May 24 01:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Transmission 3.0 Open-Source BitTorrent Client Released with Major Improvements []May 24 01:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []May 24 01:26
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 01:27
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: yeah..May 24 01:29
DaemonFC[m]Might be one reason why they gave up.May 24 01:30
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Benchmarks: Dav1d 0.7 and GCC 10.1 []May 24 01:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Oxygen Not Included, 2 Essential Gaming Utilities for Linux, Steam Game Festival, Nintendo 3DS Games on Linux and More []May 24 01:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: This week in KDE: We have migrated to GitLab! []May 24 01:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDE: Elisa, Krita and KDE Itinerary []May 24 02:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []May 24 02:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian: RadioStation in SparkyLinux, Raphaël Hertzog's LTS Work and Dirk Eddelbuettel Releases RcppSimdJson 0.0.5 []May 24 02:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Microsoft Entrapment and Openwashing []May 24 02:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu MATE 20.04 Is More Polished, Beautiful & Stable Than Ever []May 24 02:18
*kingoffrance has quit (Quit: x)May 24 02:26
*kingoffrance ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 02:27
*kingoffrance has quit (Client Quit)May 24 02:27
*obarun ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 02:42
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schestowitzFinally fixed strongswan again. This VPN toolset is not easy to debug and the documentation is so technical that without being a network guru you're left baffled and aimless. Wasted no less than 3 hours of my time last night, even ruined my night's sleep.May 24 02:45
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 24 02:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The 20 Best Launchers for Android Device in 2020 []May 24 02:55
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 24 03:52
*factor ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 05:06
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | 24 06:06
*LarchOye has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 24 06:17
schestowitzMinceR: 'Hungary is no longer a democracy,' says Hungarian legal scholar \May 24 07:10
schestowitzsomeone has just sent this to meMay 24 07:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-′Hungary is no longer a democracy,′ says Hungarian legal scholar | Europe| News and current affairs from around the continent | DW | 14.05.2020May 24 07:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []May 24 07:18
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 07:26
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 07:26
*LarchOye (nonmoose@ has joined #techrightsMay 24 07:34
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schestowitz> Really? Fucking assholes.May 24 07:54
schestowitz> May 24 07:54
schestowitz> Mozilla has a COO: Adam Seligman aka @adamseformerly of Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft.May 24 07:54
schestowitzYup, also many from FB.May 24 07:54
schestowitzShhhhh... Mozilla looooves privacyMay 24 07:54
schestowitz> The second, 10-minute half (or even the fourth, 5 minute quarter) of this video explain a great deal about what GAFAM is doing with software.May 24 07:59
schestowitz> May 24 07:59
schestowitz> 24 07:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why is Modern Music so Awful? - InvidiousMay 24 07:59
schestowitz> May 24 07:59
schestowitz> It's a little bit different because software design is slightly more about practical concerns than "timbral variety", but software is becoming more like pop music in a variety of ways-- most of all, the marketing angle. The part about dopamine and familiarity? Highly relevant. Something to think about, when navigating the world of GAFAM.May 24 07:59
schestowitz I don't have time to watch it at this moment, but we could in theory embed the video in a post if you write something in long form about it.May 24 07:59
psydreadI just watched the last 5 minutes and the idea of throwaway music resonates with me as I generally consider Chromium and Firefox throwaway codebases that might serve some purpose in the here and now but should probably be discarded in favour of leaner and more hackable codebasesMay 24 08:16
schestowitztoo late maybeMay 24 08:17
schestowitzthe web is mediocreMay 24 08:17
schestowitzand made for ads nowMay 24 08:17
schestowitz> logsMay 24 08:17
schestowitz> May 24 08:17
schestowitz> I've mentioned a few examples to provide different angles to explore, but I don't think the article needs lots of examples to "prove" that software is like pop music.May 24 08:17
schestowitz> May 24 08:17
schestowitz> Rather the implications of the similarities are more what I was thinking about. Not that conditioning plays a similar role in getting people to choose Github or Microsoft JUST LIKE POP MUSIC-- rather, just like pop music, THERE IS CONDITIONING involved.May 24 08:17
schestowitz> May 24 08:17
schestowitz> I would keep the comparison-- but it's not where I would put the stress. The aspects of the comparison itself-- the manipulation-- those are interesting. The comparison itself, I find quite boring and mostly irrelevant. That's me though.May 24 08:17
schestowitz> May 24 08:17
schestowitz> The shift in overall quality that results is highly, highly relevant. The shift in control is relevant. The loss of a user's ability to determine good software from crap-- is relevant.May 24 08:17
schestowitz> May 24 08:17
schestowitz> Essentially they are re-training the user, to prefer crap, for the vendor's benefit.May 24 08:17
schestowitz> May 24 08:17
schestowitz> If you can stress that, it's a big deal.May 24 08:17
schestowitzDid you see the latest blog post from Xubuntu? I posted a link earlier....May 24 08:17
schestowitzI think we ought to publish something about this analogy.May 24 08:17
schestowitz"Here you can remove the IP address from our blacklist before schedule and free of charge."May 24 08:22
schestowitz"Remove IP address (Makes only sense if the spam source has been eliminated since it is the blacklisting reason.)"May 24 08:22
schestowitz"Remove entry from"May 24 08:22
schestowitz" The IP address will be removed within a few minutes. You do not need to do anything more."May 24 08:22
schestowitzI had to unblock (mail server+more) from blacklist, is the culprit known (shared hosting)?May 24 08:23
psydreadI have recently come in touch with people who are developing text and graphical browsers for a web protocol called Gemini that is more like an updated GopherMay 24 08:24
schestowitzsounds interestingMay 24 08:24
psydread 24 08:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Project GeminiMay 24 08:24
schestowitzcan existing www sites be easily ported or ports opened to make http-like requests available?May 24 08:24
schestowitzi want to get out of wwwMay 24 08:25
schestowitzit's broken in a lot of waysMay 24 08:25
schestowitzwe need to promote competition to itMay 24 08:25
schestowitzgopher is too primitiveMay 24 08:25
schestowitzand no browser support in new browsersMay 24 08:25
schestowitzthey even phase out ftp support now, for no really solid reasonMay 24 08:25
psydreadI haven't really looked into the technology yet, but there is a reason why I try to use Netsurf whenever possible, especially on low-performance hardwareMay 24 08:27
schestowitzI have itMay 24 08:28
*factor has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 24 08:36
scientesXRevan86, I can't even get basic information on Russia's borders in EnglishMay 24 08:36
scientesit is as if the whole Nation-state system has ceased to existMay 24 08:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Xubuntu Moved to GitHub from Launchpad []May 24 08:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Is it possible to run a conference using only free software? []May 24 08:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []May 24 08:41
*libertybox ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 08:44
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*acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsMay 24 08:44
schestowitzI am sending some dupe mail as for some odd reason my domain ended up in... a BLACKLIST! I think it's sorted for now, by host needs to find the offender if any...May 24 08:47
*acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 24 08:48
*obarun has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 24 08:55
*obarun ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 08:58
schestowitz> Wow. No worries, do what you've gotta do.May 24 09:02
schestowitzI wanted to quit email a decade ago 24 09:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Blog Archive » RIP E-mailMay 24 09:02
schestowitz> Hi Roy,May 24 09:03
schestowitz> May 24 09:03
schestowitz> Unfortunately an email account on the server had been compromised andMay 24 09:03
schestowitz> was sending out spam - we've resolved this now.May 24 09:03
schestowitzThanks for letting me know and responding so quickly!May 24 09:03
schestowitz>> I am sending some dupe mail as for some odd reason my domain ended upMay 24 09:12
schestowitz>> in... a BLACKLIST! I think it's sorted for now, by host needs to findMay 24 09:12
schestowitz>> the offender if any...May 24 09:12
schestowitz>>May 24 09:12
schestowitz> I think the lists might be federated.May 24 09:12
schestowitzThey still do great harm if your IP gets on their wrong side...May 24 09:12
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 24 09:18
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)May 24 09:19
scientesschestowitz, the problem is that the global spy network has completely cornered e-mailMay 24 09:22
scientesand then shut down anyone that resistedMay 24 09:22
scienteswhat a massive waste of resourcesMay 24 09:22
scientestoo cowardice to provide government, so they just spy on people to try to prevent *other* people from doing the job they are neglecting at doingMay 24 09:23
schestowitzsame forMay 24 10:02
schestowitz1) usenetMay 24 10:02
schestowitz2) p2p (not newsgroups only)May 24 10:02
schestowitz3) tor-like servicesMay 24 10:02
schestowitzI think they want all the 'cattle' (people) in social control mediaMay 24 10:02
schestowitzit's easier for them to monitor and censorMay 24 10:02
schestowitzGAFAM+Twitter etc. even give spy agencies special backend GUIs for these, according to what Assange already said almost one decade agoMay 24 10:03
schestowitzemail is less centralisedMay 24 10:03
schestowitzso it suits them lessMay 24 10:03
schestowitzalso pgp e2e is an optionMay 24 10:03
schestowitzI don't know anyone running pgp in the command line to then copy-paste the output into twitter DMs -)May 24 10:04
schestowitzscientes: anyway, my email is cleared for nowMay 24 10:04
schestowitzand the culprit is, as I expected, not my own accountMay 24 10:04
schestowitzmy email addresses  are on a shared physical server, so the IP address is shared with others (not my account)May 24 10:04
schestowitznobody's perfect, I don't self-host email in my own homeMay 24 10:05
schestowitzabout half the messages I sent are encrypted anyway, e2eMay 24 10:05
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 10:19
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*mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 11:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos and tools []May 24 11:22
scientes<schestowitz> about half the messages I sent are encrypted anyway, e2eMay 24 11:24
scientesniceMay 24 11:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kernel: Work on Storage and Gateway SoC []May 24 11:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Introducing GoboLinux 017 []May 24 11:29
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: PostgreSQL 13.0 Beta 1 Released With Parallel Vacuum, Security Improvements + Benchmarks []May 24 11:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open source gets Munich agreement []May 24 11:39
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 24 11:47
*gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 24 12:05
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*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 12:18
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: TUXEDO Computers Launches Their First AMD Linux Laptop []May 24 12:23
XRevan86scientes: Which borders?May 24 12:25
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scientesrussia-georgiaMay 24 13:06
scientesor just russia in generalMay 24 13:06
scientesinitially it was just to may 1May 24 13:06
scientesand i can get thatMay 24 13:06
scientesbut the extension is hard to findMay 24 13:06
scientesbut the borders are closed to all but russian nationalsMay 24 13:06
scientesXRevan86, ^May 24 13:07
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: King is making its Defold game engine open source []May 24 13:08
scientesXRevan86, check this out 24 13:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The last generation of shepherds - YouTubeMay 24 13:09
scientesI read about the hearders in Georgia, and then I found thatMay 24 13:09
scientesI noticed they were caucus as they have the same traditional dress as GeorgiansMay 24 13:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Troll Settles Patent Clash With GNOMETroll Settles Patent Clash With GNOME []May 24 13:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []May 24 13:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ardour 6.0 is released []May 24 13:19
XRevan86scientes: Even the first shots tell me Caucasian region in that %)May 24 13:20
XRevan86DagestanMay 24 13:21
XRevan86scientes: I haven't really followed news on closure of borders.May 24 13:23
XRevan86scientes: But it is unsurprising if they are still closed, as the situation here is not contained.May 24 13:23
scientes"contained"May 24 13:24
XRevan86And since Russia is not a very travelling country, there is no big economical pressure to open up.May 24 13:24
scientesyeah, Georgia currency tanked before (my guess is) it was artificially savedMay 24 13:25
scientes2.8 -> 3.5, now 3.2May 24 13:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: FOSS Funding/Fund-raising []May 24 13:25
scientesGeorgia exports things, but the Western economy is all about printing money, and then having the tourists hand it to beggersMay 24 13:26
scientesand then stealing it out of banks, rince wash and repeatMay 24 13:26
scientesCosta Rica was so gross because of thisMay 24 13:27
XRevan86> Why is Modern Music so Awful? v. #figosdevMay 24 13:32
XRevan86A lot of things said make sense. He says though that good music is always enjoyable on the first try. And I don't really agree, a lot of music that was very unfamiliar to me at least and even felt bland I've grown to appreciate. Something made me come back to it though.May 24 13:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why is Modern Music so Awful? - InvidiousMay 24 13:32
XRevan86For instance, I didn't like hard rock like Rainbow at first.May 24 13:33
XRevan86Not an example of musical primitivism, init? %)May 24 13:34
XRevan86> my email addresses  are on a shared physical server, so the IP address is shared with others (not my account)May 24 13:35
XRevan86schestowitz: You can't share an IP address on hosting with someone realistically.May 24 13:36
schestowitzyou can in a senseMay 24 13:41
schestowitzunless you mean that in another senseMay 24 13:41
schestowitzyou can have multiple domains on the same ip, different accounts tooMay 24 13:41
schestowitzprovided it's channeled from the same pointMay 24 13:42
schestowitzha, proxy, varnish, httpd...May 24 13:42
XRevan86schestowitz: I mean in a sense that you can't realistically share a port between several different MTAsMay 24 13:42
schestowitzyou send email to gmail and it'll end up in the same ip addresses, then routed to the right boxesMay 24 13:42
schestowitzit's the same mtaMay 24 13:42
XRevan86So if you've set up your MTA, your IP is yours only.May 24 13:42
schestowitzit's not mine though, it's sharedMay 24 13:43
schestowitzthey wanted to charge us gbp10,000 for dedicated hosting May 24 13:43
schestowitzfor 3 years, and that's after major discountMay 24 13:43
schestowitzthat's like buying a rather good new carMay 24 13:43
XRevan86No TLS, no DMARCMay 24 13:43
schestowitzshared hosting there is a lot cheaper, like 2 orders of magnitudeMay 24 13:43
scientesXRevan86, accord to the SMTP RFC you can just use a A recordMay 24 13:44
scientesyou don't have to use a MX recordMay 24 13:44
schestowitzemail setup was made intentionally complicatedMay 24 13:44
schestowitznow you need all those extra steps just to be 'allowed' in the 'email club' (oligopolies)May 24 13:44
XRevan86No DKIMMay 24 13:44
schestowitzXRevan86: re covid19 in ruMay 24 13:45
schestowitzfrom what I can see st petersburg is impacted badlyMay 24 13:45
schestowitzmany deaths, doctors tooMay 24 13:45
XRevan86schestowitz: email configuration got complicated also because it's hard to make sure where email is originating from, who has the right to post from one domain or another and so onMay 24 13:45
schestowitzvery high ratio/rate of physicians' deathsMay 24 13:46
scientesXRevan86, but you didn't answer questionMay 24 13:46
schestowitzalso, the number of cases are barely even being flattered (new cases) May 24 13:46
scienteshow do I get accurate info on bordersMay 24 13:46
XRevan86schestowitz: Your MTA has nothing against email spoofing.May 24 13:46
scientesI guess I'll have to e-mail the embassy I got my visa fromMay 24 13:46
schestowitzcasualties if plotted as averages are going up stillMay 24 13:46
XRevan86Except SPF, which is not enforced, because no DMARC.May 24 13:46
schestowitzbut mezuda repeats the gov. lies about it slowing downMay 24 13:47
schestowitzwhich the data hardly supportsMay 24 13:47
XRevan86scientes: I never said anything about MX records.May 24 13:47
XRevan86And schestowitz has one anyway.May 24 13:47
schestowitzemail setup wasn't always this much of a painMay 24 13:47
scientesXRevan86, but e-mail can be multi-plexed exactly the same was http/https is, if you really wanted toMay 24 13:47
schestowitznow certs also, part of the process, plus renewalMay 24 13:48
scienteswell, maybeMay 24 13:48
scientesdepends how TLS is usedMay 24 13:48
scientesi think only if you use starttleMay 24 13:48
XRevan86scientes: TLS is not used.May 24 13:48
scientesbut then you still might leak the email addresses, which is a pretty big dealMay 24 13:48
schestowitzthey never protect you at the endpoints anywayMay 24 13:48
schestowitznot even the server, which is physically in londonMay 24 13:48
schestowitzI don't mind my mail being readable packet wise on the line, the underlying data is mishmashMay 24 13:49
XRevan86schestowitz: There is some strangeness going on with statistics in Russia.May 24 13:49
schestowitzpgp is more important than security between the endpoints user->server->userMay 24 13:49
schestowitzXRevan86: the bad kits from china?May 24 13:49
XRevan86schestowitz: And there are reported cases when suspected COVID-19 deaths were just brushed away. Even though Pieskov says that every body is autopsied.May 24 13:50
XRevan86schestowitz: About mail, TLS and so on (MTA-STS?) is not that important when it comes to whether your email will be accepted by a recepient (thought of as legitimate).May 24 13:51
XRevan86schestowitz: Since you don't have DKIM and don't host your MTA, I suggest a PTR record (reverse proxy).May 24 13:53
XRevan86* reverse DNSMay 24 13:53
XRevan86didn't think there for a second when typing %)May 24 13:53
XRevan86$ dig +short -x 24 13:54 24 13:54
oiaohmXRevan86: Music not exactly being creative is not exactly new.  7 Country Songs with 4 ChordsMay 24 13:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-7 Country Songs with 4 Chords - (Matt McCoy) - YouTubeMay 24 13:57
*sebsebseb (~sebsebseb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsMay 24 13:58
oiaohmXRevan86: there is a lot of old country and Western songs that if you get the guitar score the score is identical between the songs just the words are diffent. May 24 13:58
sebsebsebhiMay 24 13:58
XRevan86oiaohm: Dissatisfaction of the guy is in pop specifically.May 24 14:01
sebsebsebMinceR: AppleMay 24 14:02
XRevan86schestowitz: This doesn't explain the IP address blacklist, but it's a way to get your email out of the Junk folder.May 24 14:03
sebsebseboiaohm: XRevan86 got a lack of tasteMay 24 14:05
XRevan86Because spam filters really don't like mail that comes from an IP which doesn't state that it is indeed linked to the domain both ways.May 24 14:05
XRevan86And that's either reverse DNS or DKIM.May 24 14:06
oiaohmXRevan86: problem here what happening to pop has happened before.   It happen to country and western.   Most people when they think country and Weston think person with guitar and singing. if you go back to the really old songs its wrong.  May 24 14:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Instruments - Country Music Hall of FameMay 24 14:13
oiaohmwhy it was cheaper to record a person paying country and weston with a guitar with no other backing.May 24 14:14
*obarun has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 24 14:15
oiaohmXRevan86: so the reduction in instruments happened in country and western before it happened in pop.May 24 14:16
oiaohmAt the same time the number of instruments drop in country and weston the complexity of the lyrics dropped as well.May 24 14:18
oiaohmSo most of what is happening to pop now is a repeat of what has happened before.May 24 14:18
oiaohmBig difference is audio compression mangling the crap out the music now.May 24 14:18
*Glyphie44_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 24 14:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Last week in #Kube #kde #qt []May 24 14:23
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scientesugghMay 24 14:30
scienteswhy is Telegram trying to be FacebookMay 24 14:30
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers []May 24 14:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Openwashing and Openness Fluff []May 24 14:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Databases Leftovers []May 24 14:44
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsMay 24 14:50
scientesXRevan86, at the end of that video they even do a little Caucus danceMay 24 14:50
scienteswhile using a plastic bottle as a fill-in for a luteMay 24 14:51
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Facial Recognition Systems []May 24 14:54
*sebsebseb has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 24 15:09
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrightsMay 24 15:16
XRevan86schestowitz: Sent you an email, can you reply? %) I want to see how my spam filter reacts to mail from you.May 24 15:27
scientesXRevan86, thats exactly why I don't run a serverMay 24 15:27
scientesit is a nightmareMay 24 15:27
scientesthe spamMay 24 15:27
*XRevan86 runs a server.May 24 15:27
scientesespecially when all the spam went chineseMay 24 15:28
XRevan86scientes: Usually mail servers that put you to spam tell the reason in headers.May 24 15:28
XRevan86Ah, you mean incoming %)May 24 15:28
scientescause they are the only people with money any moreMay 24 15:28
XRevan86Most of spam that goes to me is either in Russian, English or some Romance language.May 24 15:29
scienteshmmmm, mine was 99% chineseMay 24 15:29
XRevan86and rspamd fights it wellMay 24 15:29
scientesoh, maybe 5% nigerian scamsMay 24 15:30
scientesin englishMay 24 15:30
scientescause english speakers are foolsMay 24 15:30
XRevan86scientes: 95% of any population are fools %)May 24 16:25
scientes 24 16:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How sweet to be an Idiot.wmv - YouTubeMay 24 16:25
XRevan86scientes: There are nigerian princes who speak Russian and other languages out there %)May 24 16:26
scienteswhat about Italian princes?May 24 16:26
scientesnamed Machiavelli?May 24 16:26
XRevan86not "remote" enoughMay 24 16:27
scientes12-th century is pretty remoteMay 24 16:27
scientes*15th centuryMay 24 16:27
scienteshehMay 24 16:27
scientesshows how boring that part of history isMay 24 16:27
*scientes has quit (Changing host)May 24 16:49
*scientes (~shawn@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #techrightsMay 24 16:49
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 24 16:55
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*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 16:58
*kingoffrance ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 17:12
*mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 17:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 24/5/2020: TUXEDO Computers on AMD, Ardour 6.0 is Out []May 24 17:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []May 24 17:54
MinceR 24 18:02
schestowitzMinceR: careful, you will get drpizza hardMay 24 18:08
schestowitzXRevan86: I check email once a a dayMay 24 18:09
schestowitznext time tomorrow morningMay 24 18:09
schestowitzif I open now, it throws lots of tasks at me, I ended up spending 2.5 hours on email this morningMay 24 18:09
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 24 18:13
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsMay 24 18:14
MinceRlolMay 24 18:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Transmission 3.0 Released, Here’s How to Install it on #Ubuntu []May 24 18:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming []May 24 18:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open source digital painting app Krita comes to Android and ChromeOS (Beta) []May 24 18:29
scientesXRevan86, bit old, but did you see this? 24 18:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEMay 24 18:36
XRevan86scientes: I did.May 24 18:37
scientesits part of the hajj practiceMay 24 18:37
scientesbut it looks pretty dubious to accredit to mohammedMay 24 18:37
scientesas the vast majority of things accredited to him (besides the Koran, modulo its authorship) are fakeMay 24 18:38
scientesnot that I know anything on this topicMay 24 18:38
XRevan86scientes: There are doubts about authorship of parts of Koran as well.May 24 18:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: King’s Defold engine is now open source through the Defold Foundation []May 24 18:40
scienteswell, something more important is that the idea of what Mohammed did being guidance when he was pretty big on worshipping god alone....May 24 18:40
XRevan86It's on a much better state than Torah or the "New Testament" though.May 24 18:40
scientes^^^^May 24 18:40
XRevan86* in a muchMay 24 18:40
scientesthey brag about this all the timeMay 24 18:40
XRevan86scientes: They go to absolutes though.May 24 18:41
XRevan86Literal perfection and 100% his.May 24 18:41
scientesbut the Koran says that it is perfectMay 24 18:41
scientesso once you start thinking like that you start going in circlesMay 24 18:41
scientesthe vast majority of translations are rediculousMay 24 18:42
scientesI am kinda blown away the translators are so clueless that the ambiguities are the most important part, ESPECIALLY when the Koran itsself says that the ambiguities are importantMay 24 18:43
scientesthats somewhere in chapter 2May 24 18:43
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []May 24 18:43
XRevan86scientes: As far as I know, Muslims try to go for the original.May 24 18:43
XRevan86pretty much exactly because it's perfection and muchMay 24 18:43
scientesyeah, but the vast majority don't know arabicMay 24 18:44
XRevan86scientes: Arabic has changed and branched into dialectsMay 24 18:44
scientesthat tooMay 24 18:44
scientesthey even count to 10 differentlyMay 24 18:44
scientesat which point I threw in the towelMay 24 18:45
scientesI only have one translation I use, as it is such a chore to read the shitty translations, and they are ALL pretty badMay 24 18:46
scientesyou have to read like 3 of them to get any idea what is going onMay 24 18:46
scientesand remove all the interpretationMay 24 18:46
XRevan86scientes: Heh, that's faith for you.May 24 18:46
XRevan86it's a very biased subjective thing by designMay 24 18:46
scienteswell, the bible is much more literalMay 24 18:46
XRevan86of course that would leak into translations, especially if the source material is intentionally trying to be vague.May 24 18:47
scienteswhile the Koran is extremely poetic, with attention to detailMay 24 18:47
scienteslike for example, in the chapter of hypocrites, it says they are like "firewood stood upright"May 24 18:48
scientesbut you will often read that they are like "wood stood upright [to be thrown in the fire]"May 24 18:48
scientesbut what if it just means that they could fall over?May 24 18:49
scientessee, intentionally vagueMay 24 18:49
XRevan86When I watch some TV shows in English and hear some puns especially that affect the story, I wonder – how the heck are translators supposed to deal with that?May 24 18:49
scientesI have this translation in English where I get some of the pretty intense subtletiesMay 24 18:50
scienteslike color in one place, and hues in anotherMay 24 18:50
scientesand tongues in one place, and Arabic in other placesMay 24 18:50
XRevan86And translation is also artMay 24 18:50
XRevan86in that sense that the translator becomes the co-authorMay 24 18:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: CMS-Centric FOSS Funding []May 24 18:51
scientesXRevan86, and it is worse that the translators are usually religious nut-casesMay 24 18:51
scientesthis one I like is translated by a JewMay 24 18:51
XRevan86I'd think that this is a nightmare for a religious person, who is supposed to stay faithful to the original word.May 24 18:51
scientesso like, when the Koran says to beat your wife (yes, it says that), they usually add [lightly]May 24 18:52
XRevan86scientes: I heard of that and that Muslims interpret it with a [lightly]May 24 18:53
XRevan86I don't know Arabic and the original wording, so I don't know if they have a point or not.May 24 18:54
scienteslightly is not thereMay 24 18:54
scientesbut it also says to do it in another room, so its kinda a shelter/Jesus thing in my interpretationMay 24 18:55
scientesbut then again, here is a believerMay 24 18:55
XRevan86scientes: More synthetic languages can hint meaning more subtle-yMay 24 18:55
XRevan86> but it also says to do it in another roomMay 24 18:56
XRevan86scientes: When I read this part I immediately thought of "не выноси сор из дому"May 24 18:57
scientesI can read that, but that doesn't mean I know what those words meanMay 24 18:57
XRevan86scientes: So if you mean as opposed to in front of guests, then I think it's to mean not to expose one's family issues to others.May 24 18:57
scientesyeah it probably means that tooMay 24 18:58
scientesas ambiguity is importantMay 24 18:58
scientesagain, it actually says in chapter 2 (the cow) to not guess at the meaning of the ambiguities, as that belongs to godMay 24 18:59
XRevan86scientes: "wash one's dirty linen in public"May 24 18:59
scientesand what you are saying I have read plenty of times in chic fictionMay 24 18:59
XRevan86scientes: Good thing God speaks Arabic and uses all its imperfections.May 24 19:00
scientesXRevan86, the general style of the Koran is an appear to wonderMay 24 19:00
scientesin order to get the emotions accrossMay 24 19:00
scientesI guess we have this with the flood, but the bible is so differentMay 24 19:00
XRevan86scientes: What's funny about the Bible is that strictly speaking it doesn't existMay 24 19:01
scienteswell yeah, there are a few extra books in the catholic oneMay 24 19:01
XRevan86scientes: It's a loose anthologyMay 24 19:01
scientesand then 1 2 macabeesMay 24 19:02
XRevan86scientes: Orthodoxy apparently has much more books than CatholicsMay 24 19:02
scienteswhich is orthodox-only, and pre-jesus, but greek only (1 macabees was originally hebrew, but that was lost)May 24 19:02
scientesbut anyways, that is besides the pointMay 24 19:02
XRevan86My point is that it's pointless to speak of the general writing style of the Bible, because it's a compilation of very different books of very different authors who lived in different times and had different intentions.May 24 19:03
scientesahhh yesMay 24 19:04
scientesand the work of King David is mentioned both by Jesus and the Koran, and I consider that the same basic idea as Les MiserablesMay 24 19:05
scientesbut that is just my interpretationMay 24 19:05
scientesthe worship of language itsselfMay 24 19:05
XRevan86Koran is definitely influenced by Christianity one way or another.May 24 19:06
scienteswell duhMay 24 19:06
scientesit has chapters on mary, and mary's father imranMay 24 19:06
scientesand resurrectionMay 24 19:06
scientesXRevan86, 24 19:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Christ Converts To IslamMay 24 19:07
XRevan86Resurrection? I thought it states that Jesus escaped the silly Romans.May 24 19:07
scientesthat is an appeal to wonderMay 24 19:07
scientesit says that *they* didn't kill himMay 24 19:07
XRevan86scientes: You know, resurrection is an event that was supposed to be observed.May 24 19:08
scientesbasically: stop blaming the JewsMay 24 19:08
scientesXRevan86, also the Koran is not all wacko about resurrection like Christians can beMay 24 19:08
XRevan86scientes: Or is the implication that Christians accidentally got it right?May 24 19:09
scientesit basically says that there are both male and female sperm, so have some appreciationMay 24 19:09
scienteswell that is the part I likeMay 24 19:09
XRevan86that G-d resurrected Jesus, but those people who saw it (who exactly varies %) ) saw a similiar event?May 24 19:09
scientesyeah, but all it says that Jesus said is that people want a sign and that a sign will not come, except the sign of JonahMay 24 19:10
scientes*the bibleMay 24 19:10
scientesso basically all the rest of this rests under "worship of Jesus"May 24 19:10
scientesand also with christmas and easter, worship of the sunMay 24 19:11
XRevan86> it basically says that there are both male and female spermMay 24 19:12
XRevan86Male pregnancy confirmed? :DMay 24 19:12
kingoffrancetheres many many many bible translations;  for political purposes many timesMay 24 19:12
scientesTBH, compared to religious nut-cases the Koran is pretty rationalMay 24 19:12
kingoffrancenot only is it a collection of various docs; various translatorsMay 24 19:12
scientesits talking about sperm and the clot of blood that a miscarriage is, et ceteraMay 24 19:13
kingoffranceold frescoes/paintings and even bibles circa 1200 had jesus creating adam and eve, because he was "before the gods of abraham/moses/the lord/etc." (or claimed to be)   that has been rewritten now to make way for 2nd comingMay 24 19:13
scienteslike it is not really demanding you to believe that someone can rise from the deadMay 24 19:14
kingoffranceso back to "the lord" and that first christ disappeared while we await the next oneMay 24 19:14
XRevan86Zombie flicks do it all the timeMay 24 19:14
scientesinstead it is *inspiring* you to imagineMay 24 19:14
XRevan86Imagine there's no religion tooMay 24 19:14
scientesXRevan86, that would be the end of idolatryMay 24 19:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: This unique DIY laptop is designed for 'hacking, customization and privacy' []May 24 19:17
XRevan86scientes: Sounds very nice.May 24 19:17
scientesand the Koran says twice that "idolatry is more grievous than bloodshed"May 24 19:17
scientesso probably a good thingMay 24 19:17
XRevan86scientes: Abrahamic religions think that only "pagans" do that.May 24 19:17
scientesbut that's just the religious nut-casesMay 24 19:18
XRevan86scientes: Koran is an idol in on itself.May 24 19:18
scientesI like Dante best on thatMay 24 19:18
scienteshe puts all the Greek philosophers in hell simply because they lived before JesusMay 24 19:18
scientestake that for prejudiceMay 24 19:18
XRevan86for prejesus %)May 24 19:19
scientesheheheheheheheMay 24 19:19
kingoffranceyes, that is why burning bush IIRCMay 24 19:19
scienteskingoffrance, ????May 24 19:20
kingoffrancejews mingled with persians, goes back to zoroaster IIRC ;  some say muslims and jews branched off from same origin, i dunnoMay 24 19:20
kingoffranceit was supposed to be "fire == spirit"May 24 19:20
kingoffrancei.e. no idolsMay 24 19:20
kingoffranceget across that spirit is not physicalMay 24 19:20
kingoffrancethat is what some masons claim anywaysMay 24 19:20
kingoffrancethe "mingling"May 24 19:20
scienteskingoffrance, it means exactly what it says: he saw a fire in a bush but it was not consumedMay 24 19:20
kingoffrancecyrus IIRCMay 24 19:20
scientesi.e. there was no fire, it was all in his headMay 24 19:20
scientesMoses the crazy manMay 24 19:21
XRevan86kingoffrance: If you mean Jews and Arabs then they're both Semitic.May 24 19:21
scientesXRevan86, that is circular logicMay 24 19:21
XRevan86kingoffrance: If you mean Judaists and Muslims, then they're both Abrahamic.May 24 19:21
scientesShem is the second son of NoahMay 24 19:21
XRevan86scientes: That's just scientific logicMay 24 19:21
XRevan86I didn't appeal to fairy tales for thatMay 24 19:22
kingoffranceXRevan86, yes, i usually say "jews" because i dont know the detailsMay 24 19:22
kingoffranceXRevan86, that sounds basically along the same linesMay 24 19:22
scientesXRevan86, ok, well try telling a Jew that they are anti-Semitic when they call for blowing up all their neighborsMay 24 19:22
scientesand they will get red-hotMay 24 19:22
scientes*tell an IsraeliMay 24 19:23
XRevan86scientes: It doesn't matter what they think.May 24 19:23
scientesXRevan86, ok, try editing wikipediaMay 24 19:23
scientes(I have)May 24 19:23
XRevan86What matters is that through archaelogy and linguistics they trace to a common originMay 24 19:23
kingoffrancemasons and alchemy, fire == spirit, so that type of claim still goes on, although they are always making analogies IMO dubious or unprovable (thats the point though for them i think: always be symbolic, never literal)May 24 19:23
XRevan86 24 19:24
kingoffranceor for "political purposes"May 24 19:24
scientesXRevan86, yes, you are rightMay 24 19:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Semitic languages - WikipediaMay 24 19:24
kingoffrancebasically, earth/water/fire/air == solid/liquid/gas  and heat or cool is how to convert.  so that is the fire == spirit thing,  "science/alchemy" :)May 24 19:25
scientes> Mimicking Kadyrov, who is often called "patsha" (king) in Chechen, is not new in Chechnya.May 24 19:26
XRevan86Is it legitimate to use the word "science" today when referring to the avant-garde of human knowledge before the scientific method?May 24 19:27
scientesyesMay 24 19:27
scientespeople do it all the timeMay 24 19:27
scientesbut generally only in secondary sourcesMay 24 19:27
XRevan86I think it would be fair to say "ancient science"May 24 19:27
scientesi mean, not primary sourcesMay 24 19:28
XRevan86but not just scienceMay 24 19:28
scientescause science from those times is not worth readingMay 24 19:28
scientesmath, sureMay 24 19:28
scienteslike EuclidMay 24 19:28
scientesbut not scienceMay 24 19:28
XRevan86unless it's something that holds under the scrutiny of the scientific methodMay 24 19:28
scientesyeah, there is math stuff that does, like estimations of the circumference of the earthMay 24 19:29
scientesvery mathy stuffMay 24 19:29
XRevan86Like invention of the trebuchet is science, because it obviously works %)May 24 19:29
scientesXRevan86, that is TechneMay 24 19:29
scientesnot ScienceMay 24 19:29
XRevan86scientes: rightMay 24 19:29
scientesthey also use to fling around hot balls of flaming oilMay 24 19:30
scienteswhich the best use they could thing of the annoying stuffMay 24 19:30
XRevan86scientes: But engineering is linked to science, if it's not dumb trial-and-errorMay 24 19:31
scientesnot before Issac NewtonMay 24 19:31
scientesI just imagine the guy in Idiocracy trying to put a square peg in a round holeMay 24 19:31
scientes 24 19:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-She's a witch! - YouTubeMay 24 19:32
XRevan86scientes: Not then-science, science :)May 24 19:33
scientesbut not reallyMay 24 19:33
XRevan86it should involve some aerodynamics math to produce a good trebuchetMay 24 19:33
scientesthe act of doing science, and the act of doing engineering is quite differentMay 24 19:33
scienteseven in the present dayMay 24 19:33
scientestechne and science have and always will be quite differentMay 24 19:33
XRevan86science furthers engineering, engineering furthers scienceMay 24 19:34
scientesXRevan86, only when studying the history, not in the every-day professional practiceMay 24 19:34
kingoffrancemason stuff they will always say of course only the lowlevel people worshipped the sun or fire : the higher-level worshipped "god" or <whatever created the sun/planets/fire>   so the fire is just representative/symbolic of <whatever created it>May 24 19:36
kingoffrancethey will always claim such about everything of courseMay 24 19:36
scientesSpinoza got in deep with that rabbit holeMay 24 19:36
XRevan86of course only the middlelevel people worshipped "god", higher-level worshipped mega-godMay 24 19:37
kingoffranceLOL ^^^ yepMay 24 19:38
XRevan86(also a mecha)May 24 19:38
kingoffrancewell, i think it fits the theory nothing is ever created or destroyed, only changes form, so alchemically:  every religion is covering up a previous one somehow i believe is the "reasoning"May 24 19:38
kingoffranceso from that POV it makes sense i supposeMay 24 19:39
kingoffrancestripped away of all the "we have secret knowledge"May 24 19:39
kingoffrance"give us money" "join our club"May 24 19:39
kingoffrancei havent seen it anywhere, but i do notice the windows logo is 4 alchemical elements;  some churches have a globe in those 4 colors tooMay 24 19:39
XRevan86kingoffrance: That makes certain sense, as culture can never be fully erased, so every new element to it not only molds culture, but it also affected by it.May 24 19:39
kingoffranceso someone is doing alchemy   s/i havent seen it anywhere/i havent seen a claim of "why" they use that logo/May 24 19:40
XRevan86And if it's a product of that culture, then even more so.May 24 19:40
scientesthey also put the 4 element into Frozen II movieMay 24 19:40
kingoffrancethat sounds crazyMay 24 19:40
scienteskinda annoys meMay 24 19:40
kingoffrancebut with those types of stuffMay 24 19:40
kingoffranceit is NEVER coincidence;  i.e. even if it is, people will claim it is notMay 24 19:40
kingoffranceagain, only they know the "real" meaning :)May 24 19:40
MinceR 24 19:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Sound of Muslims - YouTubeMay 24 19:40
XRevan86Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Milla JovovichMay 24 19:40
MinceRno, that's the actressMay 24 19:41
XRevan86Leeloo, whateverMay 24 19:41
XRevan86So it's not particularly surprising that there are traces of Jew paganism in Christianity.May 24 19:42
XRevan86and Roman, and so forthMay 24 19:42
scientes<XRevan86> So it's not particularly surprising that there are traces of Jew paganism in ChristianityMay 24 19:43
scientesyou make absolutely no senseMay 24 19:44
scienteswhat about all the animal sacrifices?May 24 19:44
scientesis that what you are calling pagan?May 24 19:44
kingoffrancejesus on cross i think was a "reference" to snake on a stick, would be an example, IIRC bible jesus has a few lines noting suchMay 24 19:44
kingoffrancethe brazen serpent thingMay 24 19:44
scientesand why is it better to roast a man instead of an animal?May 24 19:45
kingoffrancethat type of stuff they might "reference" something but give it a new meaning or on another plane/whateverMay 24 19:45
XRevan86scientes: Actually I had in mind.May 24 19:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dying-and-rising deity - WikipediaMay 24 19:45
XRevan86Which is either a trope humans are prone to reinvent over and over again, or an old trope that keeps surviving all the religious iterations.May 24 19:47
kingoffranceif anyone knows how ms chose their logo i would be very curiousMay 24 19:48
MinceR 24 19:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rank–Raglan mythotype - WikipediaMay 24 19:48
kingoffranceit does perfectly aling with EEEMay 24 19:49
scientesXRevan86, the thing is that Jesus meant exactly what he said when talking about JonahMay 24 19:50
scientesand all these mystics have it wrongMay 24 19:50
XRevan86MinceR: cool videoMay 24 19:50
scientesand they are also being the "wicked and adulterous generation" that Jesus was warning againstMay 24 19:51
MinceR 24 19:51
scientesI'm reading about guilds in europe, 1400-1800, and people are nastyMay 24 19:53
scientesthey love to enslave each otherMay 24 19:53
scientesalso the deep ironyMay 24 19:55
scienteswhere people get greedy and drive away industryMay 24 19:55
scientesthrough violenceMay 24 19:55
scientescapitalism is nastyMay 24 19:58
kingoffranceyeah, with some of the agile stuff a few years back, there were some people claiming that is what is needed for programming, and how all the "roles" is a good thing;    a couple people pointed out such is not necessarily an improvementMay 24 20:00
kingoffrancethe agile "roles" i meanMay 24 20:00
kingoffrancethe guild system is not necessarily a shining example to imitiateMay 24 20:00
kingoffranceand the non-programmers claiming to be "experts" whateverMay 24 20:03
MinceR 24 20:04
*obarun ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 21:12
DaemonFC[m]Microsoft has a long history of products that only barely work enough to get people to accept it.May 24 21:33
DaemonFC[m]If this pandemic was an excuse to slip a tag on everyone, why would the government partner with Bill Gates?May 24 21:34
MinceRcorruption.May 24 21:44
schestowitzbriberyMay 24 22:00
kingoffranceexcuse or no excuse, if that is the case, they see a window :)May 24 22:01
kingoffrancei wouldnt assume just because it is "real" or not doesnt mean someone doesnt see an opportunityMay 24 22:01
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: but does he actually advocate this?May 24 22:01
schestowitzThe certificate for vaccination does not need to be electronicMay 24 22:02
schestowitzthere's some baseless claim going out thereMay 24 22:02
schestowitzand it distracts from what he actually does suggestMay 24 22:02
schestowitzsee 24 22:02
schestowitzmore like wearablesMay 24 22:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Billions for Indoctrinating Children | TechrightsMay 24 22:02
schestowitzin the context of his school privatisationMay 24 22:02
schestowitzwhich Cuomo is happy to help him with, with Betsy DeVos openly admitting she'll exploit the pandemic to push the privatisationMay 24 22:03
schestowitzit was in this weekend's newsMay 24 22:03
kingoffranceyes, gates is/was big on common core, so some claim "privitisation" is the "opposite"...but others insist "thats what they wanted all along: less control, more tax payer funds, with less oversight"May 24 22:04
schestowitzmaybe deliberate dissusionMay 24 22:05
kingoffrancei.e. the so-called privitization is just further along the same spectrum, another "stage" arguablyMay 24 22:05
schestowitzto keep people baffledMay 24 22:05
schestowitzlike calling combatants "freedom"May 24 22:05
kingoffranceyeah, im not sure they always know what they want :)May 24 22:05
kingoffrancebuzzwordsMay 24 22:05
kingoffrancesometimes they just want to get elected/keep their spotMay 24 22:06
schestowitzlike calling combatants "freedom" "protests"May 24 22:06
schestowitzeven bush said he was bombing for freedomMay 24 22:06
schestowitzhe got a liberty medalMay 24 22:06
kingoffranceyes, #$@#$ing for virginityMay 24 22:07
MinceR 24 22:08
MinceR(cat) ^May 24 22:08
schestowitzI never saw anyone arguing charter isn't for-profit ployMay 24 22:08
schestowitzMinceR: thanks for the caretMay 24 22:08
schestowitzwithout it, I would not have know what this creature is :->>May 24 22:08
MinceRlolMay 24 22:08
schestowitz*knownMay 24 22:08
MinceRit's a trigger warningMay 24 22:08
*schestowitz convulsesMay 24 22:09
kingoffrancewell yeah, they'll argue public schools are socialist, hence we need taxpayer funds to run our capitalist freemarket "competing" charter schools :/May 24 22:12
kingoffrancebecause...when i do the same exact thing, for my causes, its not "socialism"May 24 22:13
kingoffrancewhen you do it, it isMay 24 22:13
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 24 22:21
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)May 24 22:21
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 22:42
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsMay 24 22:43
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Tuxedo Book BA15 is a Linux laptop with Ryzen 5 3500U for $935 and up []May 24 22:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []May 24 23:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kernel: READFILE and Linux 5.8 []May 24 23:09
*Hail_Spacecake has quit (Quit: Hail_Spacecake)May 24 23:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open Data, Open Hardware and More []May 24 23:14
DaemonFC[m]"A woman practices the rhythm method of birth control by learning to recognize the days she is fertile, and not having sex before and during those days." -WebMDMay 24 23:50
DaemonFC[m]Well, it should be 100% effective then. if you don't have sex on the days you're fertile or the days before that, because as soon as your high fertility period ends, it's the days before you are again, until you never are again.May 24 23:51
DaemonFC[m]That means that for the average woman, the purity ring should stay on until 46 or so.May 24 23:52
MinceR:>May 24 23:52
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I heard from a psychiatrist that most people's sex lives improve later in life.May 24 23:54
DaemonFC[m]I was like, "Tell me more.".May 24 23:54
DaemonFC[m]So the article went, "Because they no longer have to worry about having kids or having the kids walk in on them.".May 24 23:54
DaemonFC[m]I was like "Oh wow, I got like 3 bonus decades.".May 24 23:54
MinceR:>May 24 23:55
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I don't know why more men don't just have a vasectomy.May 24 23:55
DaemonFC[m]It's exactly like a pile of credit cards and medical bills that have soared into the 6 digit figures when a bankruptcy costs a thousand dollars.May 24 23:56
DaemonFC[m]I do find myself in that situation though.May 24 23:56
Digiti didnt do it.May 24 23:56
DaemonFC[m]The trustee will wind down my assets. All none of them.May 24 23:56
Digito wait, nm.May 24 23:56
DaemonFC[m]My creditors get nothing, I emerge.May 24 23:57
DaemonFC[m]Hoping we file it soon.May 24 23:57
DaemonFC[m]I sent my lawyer another bill on Friday and haven't heard back about it.May 24 23:57
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: It pays to not concern yourself too much with amenities.May 24 23:57
DaemonFC[m]Legally, a bankruptcy trustee can take anything that's not exempt.May 24 23:58
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: maybe they don't want to risk complicationsMay 24 23:58
DaemonFC[m]So if you have a prized record or coin collection or an antique car or something, you bet your ass you can lose that in a Chapter 7.May 24 23:58
DaemonFC[m]Bankruptcy isn't primarily aimed at helping the person declaring it.May 24 23:59
DaemonFC[m]It's meant to seize their remaining assets and hand them over to the creditors.May 24 23:59

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