●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, August 30, 2024 ●● ● Aug 30 [00:54] admfubar https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/usb-flash-drives/japanese-company-shows-off-dollar50-usb-thumb-drive-with-integrated-digital-camera [00:54] TR Bot Japanese company shows off $50 USB thumb drive with integrated digital camera | Tom's Hardware [00:55] *includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) [00:55] *includeals (~includeal@bl21-236-167.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined #techrights ● Aug 30 [02:21] *SomeGoat has quit (connection closed) [02:46] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-290824.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-290824.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-290824.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-290824.txt [02:46] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, August 29, 2024 [02:47] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-290824.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-290824.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-290824.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-290824.txt [02:47] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, August 29, 2024 [02:48] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-290824.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-290824.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-290824.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-290824.txt [02:48] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, August 29, 2024 [02:49] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-290824.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-290824.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-290824.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-290824.txt [02:49] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, August 29, 2024 [02:49] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2024-08-29.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2024-08-29.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now) [02:50] TR News Yesterday's Tux Machines bulletin is now ready! : http://news.tuxmachines.org/txt-archives/tuxmachines-2024-08-29.txt ● Aug 30 [03:55] TR News Techrights IRC Proceedings: Thursday, August 29, 2024 https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/IRC_Proceedings_Thursday_August_29_2024.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/IRC_Proceedings_Thursday_August_29_2024.gmi [03:55] TR Bot Techrights IRC Proceedings: Thursday, August 29, 2024 [03:56] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Today_in_Techrights.gmi [03:56] TR Bot Tux Machines Today in Techrights [03:58] TR News Techrights Over at Tux Machines... https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi [03:58] TR Bot Techrights Over at Tux Machines... ● Aug 30 [04:01] TR News Photo ditherer gemini://rrees.smol.pub/ditherer "This is a really fun tool and works great on my smartphone." [04:01] TR News EDM Nonsense gemini://thrig.me/blog/2024/08/29/edm-nonsense.gmi [04:02] TR News Researchers use black holes to patch up standard cosmology gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/starlog/20240829-0.gmi [04:03] TR News Wolf in the Wood's Gemlog Sober with the Strength of SUPERMAN gemini://wolfinthewoods.pollux.casa/gemlog/2024_08_29_sober_with_the_strength_of_superman.gmi [04:03] TR News Growthist Priorities gemini://arcanesciences.com/gemlog/24-08-30/ [04:05] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D1039.jpg [04:05] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D1388.jpg [04:11] TR News LXer offline again? [04:14] admfubar i think their springy thingy broke [04:14] schestowitz[TR2] maybe [04:14] schestowitz[TR2] they had many issues in july [04:14] schestowitz[TR2] maybe august too [04:14] schestowitz[TR2] very long downtimes [04:15] schestowitz[TR2] then it was OK for many weeks [04:18] TR News Before COVID-19, just months before http://schestowitz.com/royrianne/gallery/index.php/15-Year-Anniversary-Party-for-Tux-Machines [04:18] TR News (NEW): Pop!_OS Lead: Linux Developers are "Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs" https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Pop_OS_Lead_Linux_Developers_are_Patronizing_Pedantic_Megaloman.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Pop_OS_Lead_Linux_Developers_are_Patronizing_Pedantic_Megaloman.gmi [04:18] TR Bot 15-Year Anniversary Party for Tux Machines [04:18] TR Bot Tux Machines Pop!_OS Lead: Linux Developers are "Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs" [04:18] TR News ChromeOS up to 1.7%... from about 1.5% https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide/#monthly-200902-202408 [04:18] TR Bot Desktop Operating System Market Share Worldwide | Statcounter Global Stats [04:43] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techrights [04:48] TR News Techrights Moving in Positive Directions https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Moving_in_Positive_Directions.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Moving_in_Positive_Directions.gmi [04:48] TR Bot Techrights Moving in Positive Directions ● Aug 30 [05:02] *lightbringer has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [05:03] TR News (NEW): Security Perils and Windows TCO https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Security_Perils_and_Windows_TCO.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Security_Perils_and_Windows_TCO.gmi [05:03] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Perils and Windows TCO [05:10] *admfubar has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [05:16] *lightbringer (~mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techrights [05:34] *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [05:36] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [05:38] TR News Techrights California State Assembly Has Approved S.B. 1047, Which Can be Used Against Proprietary Software https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/California_State_Assembly_Has_Approved_S_B_1047_Which_Can_be_Us.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/California_State_Assembly_Has_Approved_S_B_1047_Which_Can_be_Us.gmi [05:38] TR Bot Techrights California State Assembly Has Approved S.B. 1047, Which Can be Used Against Proprietary Software [05:43] *Received a CTCP VERSION from Harambe [05:53] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], [05:53] schestowitz[TR2] hi looloo [05:53] schestowitz[TR2] it's me, dad [05:53] schestowitz[TR2] leeloo [05:53] IsambardPrince "It's worth repeating. [05:53] IsambardPrince [05:53] IsambardPrince I had this conversation with my ex. We talk again sometimes. [05:53] IsambardPrince [05:53] IsambardPrince He's in the Seattle parking enforcement. He's always sending me pictures of the illegal parking jobs across the city. [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince He told me he prioritizes people who drive expensive vehicles and gives them as many infractions as possible, because "they're rich and they can afford it". [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince I told him that's not true. Jeff Bezos was driving a '97 Honda for many years after reaching billionaire status and said "This is a perfectly good car." [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince Rich people drive cheaper cars, sometimes even ones that are so cheap it looks like broke college student cheap. [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince When you find someone making truck payments, many times he isn't rich, he's just a hillbilly and probably living off of a woman, and diverting any income potential he has to the truck payments. [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince But I told my ex to go ahead and aggressively ticket people with expensive cars because they're usually not rich, they're living on the edge and they need to learn. [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince Hillbilly with a truck living off his woman isn't a hypothetical. I've seen several cases of this including my mom's second and third husbands, and my cousin's husband. It's a pattern. [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince In 2001, my mom's second husband was driving a 1985 Honda Accord. It was in good shape despite the age and got fantastic gas mileage. He was a mechnic so he kept up on the repairs, but he couldn't afford anything better because he smoked and drank so much. [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince When she moved in, he had a woman with twice his income potential, so he put her out to pull the ice wagon, and by that I mean he financed a Dodge Ram that got 8 miles a gallon (Or was it 8 gallons to the mile? I can never remember.), and threw all the bills on her and made her work overtime. [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince Then his problem became that his truck payments were so bad he could never afford gas since he mainly used it to commute 30 miles to work and 30 back every day, so he started "borrowing" mom's Impala all the time, for the gas mileage (which was worse than the Honda that he got rid of). [05:54] IsambardPrince [05:54] IsambardPrince A millionaire would never drive that awful thing. You could practically watch the fuel gauge falling while you drove it down the highway." [05:55] schestowitz[TR2] i know someone who rode a volvo [05:55] schestowitz[TR2] all his life [05:55] schestowitz[TR2] even when he was worth hundreds of millions [05:55] schestowitz[TR2] the car worked ok [05:55] schestowitz[TR2] also lived in the same home [05:55] schestowitz[TR2] worth maybe 0.001% of his wealth [05:55] schestowitz[TR2] he didn't mind [05:55] schestowitz[TR2] it was an ok home [05:57] schestowitz[TR2] rich people who get old [05:57] schestowitz[TR2] and frail [05:57] schestowitz[TR2] their notion of money is... different [05:57] schestowitz[TR2] wee're not talking abut a 20 year old becoming billlionair [05:57] schestowitz[TR2] ethose are rare [05:57] schestowitz[TR2] esp. in the past 5 years [05:57] schestowitz[TR2] it's mostly very old people becoming even richer ● Aug 30 [06:01] IsambardPrince Yeah. People who have no use for the money. [06:01] IsambardPrince So they do blood transfusions and pay people 70 years younger to marry them. [06:01] IsambardPrince Disgusting. [06:02] schestowitz[TR2] it won't do much [06:02] TR News Techrights Microsoft is Still Hurting Badly From CrowdStrike-gate (Now It Plays Dirty to Bypass Technical People) https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Microsoft_is_Still_Hurting_Badly_From_CrowdStrike_gate_Now_It_P.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Microsoft_is_Still_Hurting_Badly_From_CrowdStrike_gate_Now_It_P.gmi [06:02] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft is Still Hurting Badly From CrowdStrike-gate (Now It Plays Dirty to Bypass Technical People) [06:02] schestowitz[TR2] even if they did so [06:02] schestowitz[TR2] theey cannot get it up [06:02] schestowitz[TR2] and they know they gross out the woan [06:02] schestowitz[TR2] and there is no emotion in it [06:02] IsambardPrince If they had to have Charlie Munger on top of them they deserve every penny. [06:02] schestowitz[TR2] lol [06:03] schestowitz[TR2] the sad thing is [06:03] schestowitz[TR2] they are just hookers [06:03] schestowitz[TR2] they might get paid more [06:03] IsambardPrince Yes. [06:03] schestowitz[TR2] to wear a wedding rings [06:04] schestowitz[TR2] but they are still hookers [06:04] IsambardPrince Like that woman Rupert Murdoch married, this time. [06:04] schestowitz[TR2] it's just what class of hooker [06:04] IsambardPrince Gold diggers. [06:04] schestowitz[TR2] and there is no love [06:04] schestowitz[TR2] there is admiration...of the money [06:04] schestowitz[TR2] not the person [06:05] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], There's cheaper cars. I drive a cheaper car. [06:05] schestowitz[TR2] not sure if you even need one tbh [06:05] IsambardPrince It finally got done throwing a fit and I'm still not as bad off as I would have been with a car loan. [06:05] schestowitz[TR2] but in the us public transpor sucks [06:05] schestowitz[TR2] and living near the centre is not cheap [06:05] schestowitz[TR2] biab [06:06] schestowitz[TR2] doing articles today [06:08] IsambardPrince I was out with the pressure washer doing the car again today. [06:08] IsambardPrince They get dirty fast. [06:08] IsambardPrince It's nice to be able to wash it myself. [06:08] IsambardPrince Rather than pay $16 each week to wash the debris and birdshit. [06:19] schestowitz[TR2] isak: i need your advice [06:19] *admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights [06:19] schestowitz[TR2] i am writing about pharmacies [06:19] schestowitz[TR2] online [06:19] schestowitz[TR2] like cvs [06:19] schestowitz[TR2] and privacy esp. [06:19] schestowitz[TR2] what do you know? [06:21] *cblinux (~user@5wa7ex3gch4eg.irc) has joined #techrights [06:22] schestowitz[TR2] hi cblinux [06:27] TR News Techrights Terms of Service (TOS) Under Scrutiny - Part VII - Pharmacies in the Age of "Online" and "App" and "Gimme Dat!" https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Terms_of_Service_TOS_Under_Scrutiny_Part_VII_Pharmacies_in_the_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Terms_of_Service_TOS_Under_Scrutiny_Part_VII_Pharmacies_in_the_.gmi [06:27] TR Bot Techrights Terms of Service (TOS) Under Scrutiny - Part VII - Pharmacies in the Age of "Online" and "App" and "Gimme Dat!" [06:31] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Now they talk about Mark and MARISOL. [06:31] IsambardPrince "Many parents project wealth to their children even when there is none, only the income." [06:31] IsambardPrince Yeah, but she's spending all their income faster than they can produce more. [06:32] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], I just disenrolled from the prescription drug plan that used to be owned by CVS. [06:32] IsambardPrince Aetna bought it. [06:32] IsambardPrince I switched to a cheaper plan that has better prices at Osco Drug. [06:33] IsambardPrince You can still use it at CVS, but they cut Walgreens out of their network completely. [06:33] IsambardPrince Walgreens is usually the most expensive pharmacy. [06:33] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 30/08/2024: EDM Nonsense and Growthist Priorities https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Gemini_Links_30_08_2024_EDM_Nonsense_and_Growthist_Priorities.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Gemini_Links_30_08_2024_EDM_Nonsense_and_Growthist_Priorities.gmi [06:33] TR Bot Techrights Gemini Links 30/08/2024: EDM Nonsense and Growthist Priorities [06:34] IsambardPrince The new plan is a win-win-win. [06:34] schestowitz[TR2] IsambardPrince: what about privacy? [06:34] schestowitz[TR2] let's focus on thatr [06:34] schestowitz[TR2] for the series [06:34] schestowitz[TR2] i know uk [06:34] schestowitz[TR2] not us [06:34] IsambardPrince The premium for the plan is cheaper, the AmEx codes Osco as a grocery store, and the drugs are cheaper. [06:34] IsambardPrince CVS? [06:34] IsambardPrince They won't let me log into my online account if I'm on a EU IP address. [06:35] IsambardPrince They've been closing a lot of pharmacies. They are understaffed at the ones that are still open. [06:35] IsambardPrince The company seems to be failing. [06:35] IsambardPrince Not sure about privacy. [06:36] IsambardPrince They have a loyalty card program. [06:36] IsambardPrince But afaik, only Walgreens is doing those advertising screens on the grocery aisles that scan your face. [06:36] IsambardPrince I haven't used Walgreens for anything since that started. [06:50] TR News Techrights Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt Plunges to 1.5% of Capsules in Geminispace (90% Rightly Sign Their Own Certificates) https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Certificate_Authority_Let_s_Encrypt_Plunges_to_1_5_of_Capsules_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Certificate_Authority_Let_s_Encrypt_Plunges_to_1_5_of_Capsules_.gmi [06:50] TR Bot Techrights Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt Plunges to 1.5% of Capsules in Geminispace (90% Rightly Sign Their Own Certificates) [06:55] schestowitz[TR2] IsambardPrince: what about data retention and TOS? ● Aug 30 [07:05] TR News ios, android and windows around same level in hk ('china') https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/hong-kong/#monthly-200902-202408 [07:05] TR Bot Operating System Market Share Hong Kong | Statcounter Global Stats [07:06] TR News Windows down sharply in Iceland https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/iceland/#monthly-200902-202408 [07:06] TR Bot Operating System Market Share Iceland | Statcounter Global Stats [07:06] TR News And in India https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/india/#monthly-200902-202408 [07:06] TR Bot Operating System Market Share India | Statcounter Global Stats [07:44] *techrights-news has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:50] IsambardPrince IsambardPrince: what about data retention and TOS? [07:50] IsambardPrince No idea. As bad as anyone probably. ● Aug 30 [08:01] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Credit cards, auto loans, student loan debt that doesn't lead to a better income. [08:01] IsambardPrince Best ways to go broke and stay there. [08:02] IsambardPrince I'd say buying a house, but about half the people in this country are locked out of that no matter what they want to do about it. Either terrible credit, no/low income, or both. [08:02] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], We have sufficient credit to get a mortgage at about average interest rates. [08:02] IsambardPrince The rates are too high. [08:03] IsambardPrince Some asshole would give us one, but we'd never be able to afford it for long. [08:27] IsambardPrince "In our latest survey of millionaires, 93% are married or remarried, and more than 80% of them agreed that having a supportive spouse was one of the key factors in their economic success. The National Bureau of Economic Research found the median net worth of married couples between 65 and 69 was 2.5 times that of a single person in the same age range.7 And, staying together in a loving, respectful relationship has economic benefits: [08:27] IsambardPrince an Ohio State study found that divorce decreases wealth by an average of 77%." [08:28] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], If you want to be poor, stay single. [08:28] IsambardPrince If you want to be REALLY poor, marry the wrong person. [08:28] IsambardPrince :D [08:45] eidolon https://bletchleypark.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/summer-Desktop-Listing-Image1920x1120.jpg [08:45] eidolon lucy and ricky and fred and ethel [08:56] IsambardPrince I liked Fred, personally. [08:56] IsambardPrince Ethel was always complaining about what a tightwad he was. [08:57] IsambardPrince They went on a road trip and stayed at a motel and the mattress was old and worn out and Ethel offered to take it and said it's what she and Fred slept on at home anyway. [08:59] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], "large majority (86%) of male millionaires reported in The Millionaire Mind that being unselfish was a major contributor. Also, most of these millionaires told my father that their wives were raised in loving, stable, and nurturing environments. They didnt seem to be driven by the need to hyper-consume to overcompensate for their humble beginnings either. As stated in the chapter Choice of [08:59] IsambardPrince Spouse from The Millionaire Mind:" [08:59] IsambardPrince MARISOL was not from a loving, stable, or nurturing environment. [08:59] IsambardPrince She hyper-consumes to overcompensate for humble beginnings. ● Aug 30 [09:02] IsambardPrince "Lack of honesty, particularly about financial obligations, can bring an abrupt halt to a flourishing courtship. As an example, consider the case of Henry and Sally. After dating for several years, they decided to get married. But not long before the wedding Henry received a letter from one of Sallys lenders. His name had been given as a credit reference on several of her loan applications. Later he discovered that she ha [09:02] IsambardPrince d violated her loan agreements. She had already defaulted on a $20,000 consumer loan and was about to do so on $15,000 more; these did not include her outstanding student loans. When Henry confronted Sally about her credit situation, she had a proposed solution. It called for Henry, who was a high-income producer, to help pay her outstanding debts! She believed that her credit problems would not be a major concern to He [09:02] IsambardPrince nry once he said, I do. She badly misjudged Henry. He broke off the engagement. And it was not just because of the credit issues and the betrayal of trust. Henry determined that Sally was totally irresponsible when it came to money." [09:03] IsambardPrince I don't blame him. [09:04] IsambardPrince I have something that Mark and MARISOL will never have. [09:04] IsambardPrince Enough. [09:07] IsambardPrince "Those who demonstrate high levels of social indifference across all consumption categories have a better opportunity to build wealth. This indifference to what others are driving, wearing, and playing with (think the latest smartphone) is related to the ability to build wealth over time.17 Specifically, social indifference can help inoculate us against the competition in life for conspicuous consumption. When measured reliably, we [09:07] IsambardPrince find that an indifference to the trends around us is related to net worth, independent of ones age and income. Those who focus intently on what others buy and consistently want the latest and greatest in consumer goods (such as technology or accessories) are less likely to build wealth over time. Social indifference predicts net worth regardless of age, income, or how much wealth someone inherits or is given. Like the prodigiou [09:07] IsambardPrince s accumulators of wealth in The Millionaire Next Door, those who practice social indifference have a greater likelihood of building wealth." [09:07] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Like when I get yelled at for wearing the same three pairs of pants. [09:08] IsambardPrince Or tossing the jeans in the washer with Rit dye if they fade. [09:14] IsambardPrince "In the consumer arms race, you will never win. There will always be a trend, a style, a fad to replace the last. Those who are able to transform their income into wealth are able to ignore the spending habits, new gadgets, and shiny trendy accessories in their quest to build wealth." [09:15] IsambardPrince "for example, Mrs. C, whose friend is very much focused on one-upsmanship in the consumer game of life: I didnt notice this pattern until other friends of mine mentioned it. Id purchase a car; shed get a bigger, more expensive one. My kids would do well in school; shed respond with the awards, recognition of praise her kids received. I bought a house and kept my first house as a rental. Shed buy a big [09:15] IsambardPrince ger, more expensive one and rent her other home. This was happening at some level in everythingfrom child rearing, education, vacations, etc. and she always took time to point out how much these things cost as well as how much they were earning and how many things they had. If she was trying to get me to emulate her, she actually achieved the opposite. The more she spentand bragged about itthe less I was w [09:15] IsambardPrince illing to spend on things. When a little girl asked if Mrs. Cs friend was rich, Mrs. C told her, Having all those things only says how much [the neighbor] has spent not how much she is worth. Mrs. C then thought to herself, I am secure with my financial situation and Im on track to have a comfortable retirement. According to my neighbor she is waiting for the payday to arrive that will fund her retirement." [09:16] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], This sounds like my landlord. [09:17] schestowitz[TR2] i see [09:20] *techrights-news (~techrights-news@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techrights [09:20] TR News "The Wine team have just release vkd3d version 1.13, an update for their own Direct3D to Vulkan translation library." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/wines-direct3d-to-vulkan-translation-library-vkd3d-113-out-now/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:20] TR Bot Direct3D to Vulkan translation library vkd3d 1.13 out now | GamingOnLinux [09:20] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], I found the book in PDF form. [09:20] IsambardPrince Amazon wanted to sell it to me. [09:20] IsambardPrince $12.54 [09:21] TR News "The Mesa team just released bug fix updates to the two most recent driver series with Mesa 24.2.1 and Mesa 24.1.7 now available." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/mesa-2421-and-mesa-2417-open-source-drivers-now-available/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:21] TR Bot 24.2.1 and Mesa 24.1.7 open source drivers now available | GamingOnLinux [09:21] TR News "A recent change was proposed last month to implement an on-by-default KDED (KDE Daemon) module that will gently ask you to donate to KDE as a pop-up on your notification system inside the KDE Plasma desktop, planned for version 6.2." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/kde-plasma-62-adding-a-pop-up-for-donations-plus-they-want-to-make-a-next-generation-kde-os/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:21] TR Bot Plasma 6.2 adding a pop-up for donations, plus they want to make a next-generation KDE OS | GamingOnLinux [09:24] TR News mesa 24.1.7 https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2024-August/226303.html [09:24] TR Bot [ANNOUNCE] mesa 24.1.7 [09:24] *martin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) [09:25] TR News mesa 24.2.1 https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2024-August/226302.html [09:25] TR Bot [ANNOUNCE] mesa 24.2.1 [09:25] IsambardPrince As one millionaire in a recent interview told us, Now you see this instantly on Facebookyou see all of these people with what look like incredible lives, but its not that way. Another millionaire was more critical: If people spent even half the time they spend on curating their image on social media, we would all be a lot better. Certainly, they would be a lot better off. Its a time drain that leads to nothingit [09:25] IsambardPrince s ephemeralits not a lasting product of any value. All that time is wasted and people neglect to spend time on serious things that matter. [09:25] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], ^ [09:26] darwin Brazil is cutting people off from StarLink ISP just because its owner Elon Musk won't suppress/doxx people for the government on Twitter [09:26] darwin i'm critical of a lot of what he does, but Brazil didn't need to do that [09:26] TR News "Inspired by Bookworm Adventures, developer Balthazar and publisher 2 Left Thumbs are working on the roguelite word puzzle RPG Sternly Worded Adventures and there's a demo available." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/check-out-the-demo-for-sternly-worded-adventures-a-roguelite-word-puzzle-rpg/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:26] TR Bot out the demo for Sternly Worded Adventures a roguelite word-puzzle RPG | GamingOnLinux [09:26] TR News "Aestik from Hooded Traveler Games looks absolutely gorgeous, with some clear Hollow Knight inspiration and may be a good one to play through while you wait for Silksong." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/while-youre-waiting-on-hollow-knight-silksong-check-out-aestik/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:26] TR Bot you're waiting on Hollow Knight: Silksong check out Aestik | GamingOnLinux [09:26] TR News (NEW): Mesa 24.2.1 and Mesa 24.1.7, Direct3D Support in Vulkan https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Mesa_24_2_1_and_Mesa_24_1_7_Direct3D_Support_in_Vulkan.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Mesa_24_2_1_and_Mesa_24_1_7_Direct3D_Support_in_Vulkan.gmi [09:26] TR Bot Tux Machines Mesa 24.2.1 and Mesa 24.1.7, Direct3D Support in Vulkan [09:27] TR News "Another Beta release is out now for the Steam Client on both Desktop and Steam Deck. Here's the latest and what you need to know" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/valve-fixed-resolution-overrides-for-non-steam-games-on-steam-deck-plus-more-general-steam-fixes/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:27] TR Bot fixed resolution overrides for non-Steam games on Steam Deck plus more general Steam fixes | GamingOnLinux [09:27] TR News "Necrosoft Games and Ysbryd Games have announced their stylish tactics RPG with hints of Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, and Italian horror cinema Demonschool has been delayed." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/stylish-tactics-rpg-demonschool-delayed-until-q1-2025/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:27] TR Bot tactics-RPG 'Demonschool' delayed until Q1 2025 | GamingOnLinux [09:27] *martin (~martin@33rq6ffebsmzn.irc) has joined #techrights [09:30] TR News "On email addresses (again)" https://manuelmoreale.com/on-email-addresses-again [09:30] TR Bot On email addresses (again) Manu [09:30] TR News iophk: they pretend that security is an aftermarket add-on rather than an integral part of design and development https://thecyberexpress.com/cybersecurity-spending-212bn-in-2025/ ("Cybersecurity Spending To Surge To $212bn In 2025") [09:31] TR Bot Cybersecurity Spending To Surge To $212bn In 2025 [09:31] TR News "Unleash the power of open source in London: Canonical Partner Executive Summit" https://ubuntu.com//blog/unleash-the-power-of-open-source-in-london-canonical-partner-executive-summit [09:31] TR Bot the power of open source in London: Canonical Partner Executive Summit | Ubuntu [09:31] TR News "Third Circuits Section 230 TikTok Ruling Deliberately Ignores Precedent, Defies Logic" https://www.techdirt.com/2024/08/29/third-circuits-section-230-tiktok-ruling-deliberately-ignores-precedent-defies-logic/ [09:31] TR Bot Circuits Section 230 TikTok Ruling Deliberately Ignores Precedent, Defies Logic | Techdirt [09:32] TR News "Spanish YouTube chef gets life in prison for murder in Thailand" https://www.voanews.com/a/spanish-youtube-chef-gets-life-in-prison-for-murder-in-thailand/7763884.html [09:32] TR Bot Spanish YouTube chef gets life in prison for murder in Thailand [09:32] TR News "YouTube chef found guilty of gruesome murder on Thai holiday island" https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/29/youtube-chef-found-guilty-of-gruesome-on-thai-holiday-island [09:32] TR Bot YouTube chef found guilty of gruesome murder on Thai holiday island | Thailand | The Guardian [09:32] TR News "Chess as a roguelike deckbuilder? Could be a fun one! Developer Rogue Brain Studios has announced that Usurper will launch on September 9th." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/with-chess-inspired-gameplay-turn-based-roguelike-deckbuilder-usurper-launches-september-9/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:32] TR Bot Chess-inspired gameplay, turn-based roguelike deckbuilder 'Usurper' launches September 9 | GamingOnLinux [09:33] TR News "Halls of Torment is basically Vampire Survivors styled like classic Diablo, it's bloody good and now it's just about ready to release." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/with-over-900000-players-trying-it-during-early-access-halls-of-torment-launches-september-24/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:33] TR Bot over 900,000 players trying it during Early Access, Halls of Torment launches September 24 | GamingOnLinux [09:33] TR News "The team behind EmuDeck, a project that started off to provide easy emulation on Steam Deck / SteamOS have announced their own hardware with the Bazzite Linux powered EmuDeck Machines." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/emudeck-team-announce-linux-powered-emudeck-machines/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:33] TR Bot team announce Linux-powered EmuDeck Machines | GamingOnLinux [09:33] TR News "Really great to see bigger developers actually start to properly take note of the Steam Deck since it's selling so well." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/the-elder-scrolls-online-now-steam-deck-playable-to-be-fully-verified-in-a-future-update/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [09:33] TR Bot Elder Scrolls Online now Steam Deck Playable, to be fully Verified in "a future update" | GamingOnLinux [09:36] psydruid the Butcher of YouTube gives the Chef's Kiss [09:36] IsambardPrince "In Stop Acting Rich, I mentioned that my mentor, the distinguished professor of marketing, Dr. Bill Darden, often told his graduate students the following: Get ready to compete in the marketplace with some real talent. The really brilliant ones in America dont work for the State Department. Not even in medical science labs. The great minds are working in marketing, designing ways of . . . convincing us that one brand o [09:36] IsambardPrince f a hemorrhoid remedy is superior to another . . . that one wash detergent will produce whiter whitesthus assuring Mom will continue to be loved and admired by her husband and kids. He was quite serious when saying this. I" [09:36] TR News (NEW): Games: Elder Scrolls Online, EmuDeck, Halls of Torment, Steam Deck, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Games_Elder_Scrolls_Online_EmuDeck_Halls_of_Torment_Steam_Deck_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Games_Elder_Scrolls_Online_EmuDeck_Halls_of_Torment_Steam_Deck_.gmi [09:36] TR Bot Tux Machines Games: Elder Scrolls Online, EmuDeck, Halls of Torment, Steam Deck, and More [09:37] eidolon YouTube chef reminded me of https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/italian-mafia-fugitive-caught-dominican-republic-after-posting-youtube-cooking-n1262435 [09:37] TR Bot Italian mafia fugitive caught in Dominican Republic after police find YouTube cooking show [09:41] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], I walk around in 90s t-shirts, the same three or four pairs of pants, and underwear with holes in them. [09:41] IsambardPrince I wear my socks until my toes are sticking out enough to bother me, and the holes are too big to sew shut. [09:47] TR News "A copyright lawsuit, filed in June by the world's largest educational publishers, accused Google of promoting pirate sites and profiting from piracy, among other things." https://torrentfreak.com/google-asks-court-to-gut-kitchen-sink-lawsuit-claiming-it-profits-from-piracy-240829/ | Source: Torrent Freak [09:47] TR Bot Asks Court to Gut "Kitchen Sink" Lawsuit Claiming it Profits From Piracy * TorrentFreak [09:48] TR News "Fmovies, one of the most popular pirate streaming sites of recent times, disappeared a few weeks ago. No credit was taken by authorities or rightsholders, not even when related giants including AniWave fell this week." https://torrentfreak.com/fmovies-piracy-ring-was-shut-down-by-vietnam-assisted-by-ace-240829/ | Source: Torrent Freak [09:48] TR Bot Piracy Ring Was Shut Down by Vietnam, Assisted By ACE * TorrentFreak [09:51] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Splitting leeloo's pills. [09:51] IsambardPrince They ran out of the correct dose at the supplier. Might keep splitting them to save money though. [09:52] IsambardPrince "E CONOMIC SUCCESS TAKES DIFFERENT PATHS . F OR THOSE WHO MAKE AN AVER age to above-average income in the United States, the path to economic success necessitates a certain amount of restraint in consumption. It requires an awareness of and inoculation from the consumerism and affluenza that plagues many households with significant income levels. There are very few Americans who, with a modest to above-average income, [09:52] IsambardPrince can sustain high-consumption lifestyles and become millionaires in their lifetimes." ● Aug 30 [10:02] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [10:04] TR News Rust Maintainer For GNU/Linux Kernel Resigns https://ostechnix.com/rust-maintainer-for-linux-kernel-resigns/ [10:04] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://ostechnix.com/rust-maintainer-for-linux-kernel-resigns/ ) [10:05] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techrights [10:07] TR News (NEW): Retiring from the Rust for Linux project https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/29/Retiring_from_the_Rust_for_Linux_project.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/29/Retiring_from_the_Rust_for_Linux_project.gmi [10:07] TR Bot Tux Machines Retiring from the Rust for Linux project [10:10] TR News "One of the big, unresolved issues surrounding generative artificial intelligence revolves around copyrights." https://english.elpais.com/technology/2024-08-29/the-court-decision-that-could-turn-generative-ai-upside-down.html | Source: El Pas [10:10] TR Bot The court decision that could turn generative AI upside down | Technology | EL PAS English [10:10] TR News "Swedish icons join Cline Dion, Beyonc, Foo Fighters, Johnny Marr, Adele, Aerosmith and Guns N Roses (and breathe, whew!)" https://www.politico.eu/article/abba-swedish-band-pop-demands-former-us-president-donald-trump-stop-using-tunes/ | Source: Politico [10:10] TR Bot ABBA to Trump: Stop using our tunes POLITICO [10:11] TR News "On Thursday, Universal Music issued a statement seeking to prevent further use of ABBAs music by the Trump campaign" https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/abba-trump-stop-playing-music-rallies-1235090885/ | Source: Rolling Stone [10:11] TR Bot ABBA Tells Trump to Stop Playing Their Music at Rallies [10:11] TR News "Together with the members of ABBA, we have discovered that videos have been released where ABBA's music has been used at Trump events" https://www.reuters.com/world/us/abba-tell-trump-stop-using-their-music-campaign-rallies-2024-08-29/ | Source: Reuters [10:11] TR Bot ( status 401 @ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/abba-tell-trump-stop-using-their-music-campaign-rallies-2024-08-29/ ) [10:12] TR News "We have demanded that (the material) be taken down and removed" https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240829-stop-using-our-songs-abba-tells-trump | Source: France24 [10:12] TR Bot ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240829-stop-using-our-songs-abba-tells-trump ) [10:13] TR News "Yelp is seeking unspecified monetary damages and an order for Google to stop its anticompetitive practices in a jury trial." https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/googles-antitrust-defeat-opens-the-door-to-lawsuit-from-yelp/articleshow/112890367.cms | Source: India Times [10:13] TR Bot Google: Google's antitrust defeat opens the door to lawsuit from Yelp - The Economic Times [10:13] TR News "On Wednesday, Yelp, the popular online service that lets people find and review local businesses" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/28/technology/google-yelp-lawsuit.html | Source: New York Times [10:13] TR Bot Google Sued by Yelp in Antitrust Case - The New York Times [10:14] TR News "The Formaster flavor of Copy-Lock was not used exclusively on PC" https://martypc.blogspot.com/2024/08/pc-floppy-copy-protection-formaster.html | [10:14] TR Bot PC Floppy Copy Protection: Formaster Copy-Lock [10:15] TR News "Although many critical infrastructures (CIs) rely on cloud services (e.g., email) for their daily operations" https://labs.ripe.net/author/shyam-krishna-khadka/assessing-the-security-of-internet-paths/ | Source: RIPE [10:15] TR Bot Assessing the Security of Internet Paths | RIPE Labs [10:15] TR News "Although Wednesdays statement by the PTA referenced two damaged cables" https://www.voanews.com/a/pakistan-internet-to-remain-slow-through-october-regulator-says/7763042.html | Source: VOA News [10:15] TR Bot Pakistan's internet to remain slow into October, regulator says [10:17] TR News "Yet as an elected board member of the Alphabet Workers Union, an affiliate of the Communications Workers of America" https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/08/29/1103289/kamala-harris-tech-workers/ | Source: MIT Technology Review [10:17] TR Bot Kamala Harris should stand with tech workers, not their bosses | MIT Technology Review [10:17] TR News "And local media have reported that girls as young as 7 have been married off to Taliban commanders." https://www.voanews.com/a/afghan-girls-women-suffer-three-years-after-us-withdrawal-/7763503.html | Source: VOA News [10:17] TR Bot Afghan girls, women suffer three years after US withdrawal [10:18] TR News "In a statement issued here, the collective said that the tendency of film actors and other prominent personalities" https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/collective-of-women-journalists-demand-apology-from-dharmajan-bolgatty/article68578412.ece | Source: The Hindu [10:18] TR Bot Collective of women journalists demand apology from Dharmajan Bolgatty - The Hindu [10:22] TR News "the Turkish state bombed a vehicle belonging to Chatr Production with drones in the Seydsadiq district of Sulaymaniyah" https://anfenglishmobile.com/kurdistan/turkey-s-murder-of-journalists-is-another-failed-attempt-to-silence-the-free-press-75037 | Source: ANF News [10:22] TR Bot ANF | Turkeys murder of journalists is another failed attempt to silence the free press [10:22] TR News "The verdict is part of a crackdown on free speech in the former British colony that has seen critics of China jailed or forced into exile" https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240829-hong-kong-journalists-found-guilty-of-sedition-in-landmark-case | Source: France24 [10:22] TR Bot ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240829-hong-kong-journalists-found-guilty-of-sedition-in-landmark-case ) [10:22] eidolon 'Campaigns dont need an artists express permission to play their songs at rallies as long as the political organization or the venue has gotten whats known as a blanket license from the performing rights organizations ASCAP and BMI.' > BMI and ASPAC have not responded to our inquiry! [10:23] TR News "marking the first such conviction of journalists" https://hongkongfp.com/2024/08/29/breaking-2-hong-kong-journalists-from-defunct-media-outlet-stand-news-found-guilty-of-sedition/ | Source: Hong Kong Free Press [10:23] TR Bot Stand News trial: 2 Hong Kong journalists found guilty of sedition [10:24] TR News "The Reuters report finds that more readers are finding news through search engines and aggregators (33%) and social media (29%)" https://localnewsinitiative.northwestern.edu/posts/2024/08/29/do-news-homepages-still-matter/index.html | Source: uni Northwestern [10:24] TR Bot Do Homepages Still Matter? | Local News Initiative [10:24] TR News "Women journalists who received education from Glistan Tara told ANHA about their experiences." https://anfenglishmobile.com/women/journalists-in-north-east-syria-gulistan-tara-taught-us-the-reality-of-life-and-women-75021 | Source: ANF News [10:24] TR Bot ANF | Journalists in North-East Syria: Gulistan Tara taught us the reality of life and women [10:24] TR News "A Las Vegas court on Wednesday convicted a former Nevada official of the murder of investigative journalist Jeff German" https://www.voanews.com/a/former-nevada-official-found-guilty-of-murdering-journalist-/7762931.html | Source: VOA News [10:24] TR Bot Former Nevada official found guilty of murdering journalist [10:25] TR News "The editors said they published stories in the public interest. A judge ruled they were guilty of a crime against national security." https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/28/world/asia/hong-kong-stand-news-verdict.html | Source: New York Times [10:25] TR Bot Hong Kong Journalists Convicted of Sedition in Stand News Case - The New York Times [10:25] *IsambardPrince has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [10:25] TR News "I will not apologize for the beliefs and values I share with my voters" https://www.voanews.com/a/activist-defending-himself-in-hong-kong-security-trial-says-he-has-no-remorse/7758459.html | Source: VOA News [10:25] TR Bot Activist defending himself in Hong Kong security trial says he has no remorse [10:26] TR News "There are so many examples like those Ive experienced of how climate disinformation is in real, concrete, practical terms" https://jacobin.com/2024/08/climate-crisis-disinformation-fossil-fuels/ | Source: Jacobin Magazine [10:26] TR Bot Fighting Climate Disinformation Is an Urgent Priority [10:27] TR News "Yet over the past two years" https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/xi-wants-to-enlist-the-global-south-in-his-anti-american-movement/ | Source: Atlantic Council [10:27] TR Bot Xi wants to enlist the Global South in his anti-American movement - Atlantic Council [10:27] TR News "Klarna released its H1 report [PDF] yesterday" https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/29/ai_hiring_freeze_klarna/ | Source: The Register UK [10:27] TR Bot Klarna models the future of work as headcount shrinks for AI The Register [10:28] TR News "The company plans to implement further job cuts, resulting in a reduction of nearly 2,000 positions." https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/our-chatbots-perform-tasks-700-people-buy-now-pay-later-company-klarna-axe-2000-jobs-ai-1726522 | Source: International Business Times [10:28] TR Bot 'Our Chatbots Perform The Tasks Of 700 People': Buy Now, Pay Later Company Klarna To Axe 2,000 Jobs As AI Takes On More Roles | IBTimes UK [10:28] TR News "On snap. Mic drop right there." https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2024/the-humble-link/ | Source: Jim Nielsen [10:28] TR Bot The Humble Link - Jim Nielsens Blog [10:28] TR News "The company informed the affected employees, who worked across several different teams in Senior Vice President Eddy Cues services group" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/apple-cuts-jobs-in-digital-services-groups-as-priorities-shift/articleshow/112852889.cms | Source: India Times [10:28] TR Bot Apple layoffs: Apple cuts 100 jobs in digital services groups as priorities shift - The Economic Times [10:30] TR News (NEW): GNU Taler 0.13 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/GNU_Taler_0_13.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/GNU_Taler_0_13.gmi [10:30] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU Taler 0.13 [10:30] TR News "While far from the most severe, this latest orca ramming again raises questions about the animals' motives as sailors share tips" https://futurism.com/the-byte/orcas-strike-again-sailboat | Source: Futurism [10:30] TR Bot Orcas Strike Again [10:31] TR News "While the sailboat, the Amidala, did not sink, pods of orcas have sunk several vessels in recent years." https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/27/world/europe/spain-orcas-boat-ramming.html | Source: New York Times [10:31] TR Bot Off Spains Coast, Orcas Ram a Sailboat - The New York Times [10:31] TR News "phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu is a web-based interface that simplifies the management of MySQL or MariaDB databases." https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-phpmyadmin-with-nginx-on-ubuntu-24-04/ | Source: HowTo Forge [10:31] TR Bot How to Install PhpMyAdmin with Nginx and Let's Encrypt SSL on Ubuntu 24.04 [10:32] TR News [Old] "For our international clients, we have created dynamic charts and data visualizations for the web." https://9elements.com/blog/responsive-bar-charts-in-html-and-css/ | [10:32] TR Bot bar charts in HTML and CSS - 9elements [10:33] TR News Sed Command in GNU/Linux with Examples https://idroot.us/sed-command-linux/ [10:33] TR Bot Sed Command in Linux with Examples - idroot [10:33] TR News How To Install RetroArch on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-retroarch-ubuntu-24-04/ [10:33] TR Bot How To Install RetroArch on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [10:33] TR News How to Remove Trash Icon From Ubuntu Desktop https://idroot.us/remove-trash-icon-from-ubuntu-desktop/ [10:33] TR Bot How to Remove Trash Icon From Ubuntu Desktop - idroot [10:33] TR News How To Install BalenaEtcher on AlmaLinux 9 https://idroot.us/install-balenaetcher-almalinux-9/ [10:33] TR Bot How To Install BalenaEtcher on AlmaLinux 9 - idroot [10:34] TR News How To Configure Nginx Reverse Proxy with Docker Container https://idroot.us/nginx-reverse-proxy-docker/ [10:34] TR Bot How To Configure Nginx Reverse Proxy with Docker Container - idroot [10:34] TR News How To Install MongoDB on Linux Mint 22 https://idroot.us/install-mongodb-linux-mint-22/ [10:34] TR Bot How To Install MongoDB on Linux Mint 22 - idroot [10:34] TR News How To Install Immich on AlmaLinux 9 https://idroot.us/install-immich-almalinux-9/ [10:34] TR Bot How To Install Immich on AlmaLinux 9 - idroot [10:35] TR News How to Install and Use SFTP on GNU/Linux Servers https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-setup-sftp-on-linux-servers/ [10:35] TR Bot How to Install and Use SFTP on Linux Servers [10:35] TR News Pop!_OS Lead: GNU/Linux Developers are Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs https://lunduke.substack.com/p/pop_os-lead-linux-developers-are [10:35] TR Bot Pop!_OS Lead: Linux Developers are Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs [10:38] TR News "A B.C. Supreme Court judge weighed into the dispute this week, ordering Daniel Tambosso to cough up $1.2 million the cash equivalent of the 22 bitcoins Hung Nguyen loaned him in September 2021 for what was supposed to be just 48 hours." https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bitcoin-contract-million-loan-1.7306462 | Source: CBC [10:38] TR Bot Bitcoin scheme leads to financial ruin, legal battle for B.C. men | CBC News [10:38] TR News "A new paper from the Climate and Community Project that I coauthored examines this vexed relationship between public goods and private markets, examining five case studies of public-private partnerships and deregulation in the electric grid" https://jacobin.com/2024/08/public-private-climate-electric-energy/ | Source: Jacobin Magazine [10:38] TR Bot Public-Private Partnerships Hurt the Clean Energy Transition [10:38] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/today_s_howtos.gmi [10:38] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos [10:38] TR News "This project is currently in its conceptual phase, and implementation will depend on the conclusions of the study being carried out, the granting of operating licenses and environmental permits, and financial investment decisions (FID)" https://www.h2-view.com/story/ange-to-host-swedens-first-hydrogen-cluster-with-green-fertiliser-initiative/2114126.article/ | Source: H2 View [10:38] TR Bot nge to host Swedens first hydrogen cluster with green fertiliser initiative | Power | H2 View [10:39] TR News "A Tesla Cybertruck burst into flames after crashing into a fire hydrant outside a Bass Pro Shop in Harlingen" https://futurism.com/the-byte/cybertruck-fire-water | Source: Futurism [10:39] TR Bot Cybertruck Catches Fire After Running Into Fire Hydrant and Getting Wet [10:39] TR News "Teslas flagship Cybertruck electric pickup does not like water." https://jalopnik.com/wet-cybertruck-catches-fire-after-hitting-fire-hydrant-1851635129 | Source: GO Media [10:39] TR Bot Wet Cybertruck Catches Fire After Hitting Fire Hydrant [10:40] TR News "Indeed, one of the conversations Ive had a lot during my pregnancy both with myself and with others" https://www.latimes.com/environment/newsletter/2024-08-29/boiling-point-is-it-ethical-to-have-children-in-the-face-of-climate-change-boiling-point | Source: Los Angeles Times [10:40] TR Bot Boiling Point: Is it ethical to have children in the face of climate change? - Los Angeles Times [10:44] TR News "blackout challenge" https://siliconangle.com/2024/08/28/tiktok-told-must-face-lawsuit-deadly-viral-challenge-despite-section-230-protections/ | Source: Silicon Angle [10:44] TR Bot told it must face lawsuit over deadly viral challenge, despite Section 230 protections - SiliconANGLE [10:44] TR News "The court posted its order on X on Wednesday night, suggesting that Mr. Musk had until about 8 p.m. local time Thursday to respond." https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/28/technology/brazil-x-ban-elon-musk.html | Source: New York Times [10:44] TR Bot Brazil Threatens to Ban Elon Musks X - The New York Times [10:51] TR News "IS is constantly calling for such attacks with its internet propaganda" https://www.dw.com/en/germany-and-europe-face-renewed-islamic-state-threats/a-70061963 | Source: Deutsche Welle [10:51] TR Bot and Europe are once again 'Islamic State' targets DW 08/27/2024 [10:53] eidolon more knife legislation [10:53] eidolon and spoon [10:53] schestowitz[TR2] tables manners [10:54] TR News "Well, all of the stuff the FBI currently collects, obtains, or has access to has to be stored somewhere." https://www.techdirt.com/2024/08/28/fbi-wants-more-access-to-everything-cant-be-bothered-to-protect-the-stuff-it-already-has/ | Source: Techdirt [10:54] TR Bot Wants More Access To Everything, Cant Be Bothered To Protect The Stuff It Already Has | Techdirt [10:55] TR News "The ACLU is calling on a Harris-Walz Administration to halt civil liberties harms caused by the governments spying" https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/why-kamala-harris-must-break-the-cycle-of-unlawful-and-abusive-government-surveillance | Source: ACLU [10:55] TR Bot Why Kamala Harris Must Break the Cycle of Unlawful and Abusive Government Surveillance | ACLU [10:55] TR News "Cross-Border Data Flow Communication Mechanism" https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/29/eu_china_data_talks/ | Source: The Register UK [10:55] TR Bot Chinas vague 'important data' definition prompts EU talks The Register [10:55] TR News "The European Union and China launched the first discussions under a new system that aims to streamline cross-border data flows" https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2024/08/501_381463.html?utm_source=fl | Source: The Korea Times [10:55] TR Bot EU and China launch mechanism to facilitate industrial data flows - The Korea Times [10:56] TR News "A Haitian man took out hammer from his bag and then went on a rampage to smash the computers on the check-in counters" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/enraged-passenger-smashes-computers-at-airport-he-was-sold-fake-american-airlines-ticket/articleshow/112900642.cms | Source: India Times [10:56] TR Bot Viral Video: Enraged passenger smashes computers at airport. He was sold fake American Airlines ticket - Times of India [10:58] TR News Windows TCO: "Nearly four weeks after the cyberattack on dozens of French national museums during the Olympic Games" https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/29/brain_cipher_olympic_attack/ | Source: The Register UK [10:58] TR Bot Brain Cipher claims cyberattack on Olympic venue The Register [10:58] TR News Windows TCO: "The Play ransomware group listed Microchip on its Tor-based website" https://www.securityweek.com/ransomware-gang-leaks-data-allegedly-stolen-from-microchip-technology/ | Source: Security Week [10:58] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/ransomware-gang-leaks-data-allegedly-stolen-from-microchip-technology/ ) [10:58] TR News Windows TCO: "When opening a Sway page, the victim uses the Microsoft account they are already logged into" https://www.securityweek.com/quishing-campaign-abuses-microsoft-sway-to-host-phishing-pages/ | Source: Security Week [10:58] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/quishing-campaign-abuses-microsoft-sway-to-host-phishing-pages/ ) [10:58] TR News Windows TCO: "Given the companys description of the incident" https://www.securityweek.com/dicks-sporting-goods-discloses-cyberattack/ | Source: Security Week [10:58] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/dicks-sporting-goods-discloses-cyberattack/ ) ● Aug 30 [11:00] TR News (NEW): Windows TCO: Olympics, Ransomware, Phishing, Dicks Sporting Goods https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Windows_TCO_Olympics_Ransomware_Phishing_Dick_s_Sporting_Goods.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Windows_TCO_Olympics_Ransomware_Phishing_Dick_s_Sporting_Goods.gmi [11:00] TR Bot Tux Machines Windows TCO: Olympics, Ransomware, Phishing, Dicks Sporting Goods [11:01] TR News "The Deep Learning IndabaX AI Symposium kicked off today at the U.S. Embassy in Harare. With Day 1 behind us" https://www.techzim.co.zw/2024/08/day-1-to-regulate-or-not-indabax-ai-symposium-explores-ai-governance-options/ | Source: Zimbabwe [11:01] TR Bot Day 1: To regulate or not? IndabaX AI Symposium explores AI governance options - Techzim [11:02] TR News "Now, researchers at Google and Tel Aviv University have taken the viral trend even further" https://futurism.com/doom-running-on-neural-network | Source: Futurism [11:02] TR Bot Doom Running on a Neural Network Is a Surreal Dreamscape [11:02] TR News "We present GameNGen, the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction" https://arxiv.org/pdf/2408.14837 | Source: arXiv [11:03] TR News "I recently created my own fuzzer after Weston Embedded made its full C/OS protocol stack source code openly available in 2020" https://blog.talosintelligence.com/fuzzing-uc-os-protocol-stacks/ | Source: Threat Source [11:03] TR Bot The vulnerabilities we uncovered by fuzzing C/OS protocol stacks [11:03] TR News "The flaw was found in the "brightness" setting of the cameras" https://therecord.media/avtech-zero-day-cctv-cameras-mirai-botnet-variant | Source: The Record [11:03] TR Bot Old CCTV cameras provide a fresh opportunity for a Mirai botnet variant [11:03] TR News "People who purchased tickets over the summer to visit Fota Wildlife Park in Cork, Ireland" https://therecord.media/ireland-fota-wildlife-park-cyberattack | Source: The Record [11:03] TR Bot Irish wildlife park warns visitors to cancel bank cards after discovering cyberattack [11:04] TR News "In an email to customers, the park said that for anyone who carried out a transaction on its website between the dates of 12 May 2024" https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0828/1467216-fota-wildlife-park-cyberattack/ | Source: RTE [11:04] TR Bot Warning to customers as Fota Park hit by cyberattack [11:04] TR News "Some tastemakers say todays music scene is a soulless algorithmic wasteland" https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/08/29/find-new-music/ | Source: The Washington Post [11:04] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/08/29/find-new-music/ ) [11:05] TR News "Principally, that means everything that is written on the app is stored on Telegram's servers" https://www.dw.com/en/conspiracy-fake-news-crime-why-is-telegram-controversial/a-70074670 | Source: Deutsche Welle [11:05] TR Bot fake news, crime: Why is Telegram controversial? DW 08/28/2024 [11:08] TR News "After almost four days of questioning by French investigators" https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/08/28/telegram-boss-durov-released-for-court-appearance-in-paris-a86183 | Source: The Moscow Times [11:08] TR Bot Telegram Boss Durov Released for Court Appearance in Paris - The Moscow Times [11:08] TR News "His arrest has fueled debate on where freedom of speech ends and enforcement of the law begins" https://www.voanews.com/a/telegram-boss-lawyer-dismisses-probe-against-durov-as-absurd/7763607.html | Source: VOA News [11:08] TR Bot Telegram boss' lawyer dismisses probe against Durov as absurd [11:08] TR News "Instead, Durov has spent years cultivating Telegrams image as a proudly anti-authority platform." https://www.wired.com/story/telegram-faces-a-reckoning-in-europe-other-founders-should-beware/ | Source: Wired [11:08] TR Bot Faces a Reckoning in Europe. Other Founders Should Beware | WIRED [11:08] TR News "Durov has been ordered to pay around $5.5 million in bail and must report to a police station twice a week, she added." https://www.semafor.com/article/08/28/2024/telegram-ceo-pavel-durov-charged-in-illegal-content-probe-in-france | Source: Semafor Inc [11:08] TR Bot CEO Pavel Durov charged in illegal content probe in France | Semafor [11:10] TR News "He spent days in police custody for questioning and was released Wednesday morning ahead of his court appearance" https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4852352-telegram-ceo-detention-free-speech/ | Source: The Hill [11:10] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4852352-telegram-ceo-detention-free-speech/ ) [11:10] TR News "In that same general list, the dissemination of hacking tools was moved up to first, from fourth." https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/08/29/the-missing-detail-about-encryption-in-the-pavel-durov-investigation/ | Source: Marcy Wheeler [11:10] TR Bot The Missing Detail about Encryption in the Pavel Durov Investigation - emptywheel [11:11] TR News "The move to hold Durov accountable for cybercrime on Telegram comes as the European Union explores possible enforcements of its Digital Services Act" https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/telegram-ceo-pavel-durov-charged-france-1235090251/ | Source: Rolling Stone [11:11] TR Bot Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Charged Over Alleged Criminal Activity on App [11:12] TR News "His surprise arrest has put a spotlight on the criminal liability of Telegram, the popular app with around 1 billion users" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/aug/28/telegram-ceo-charged-france-allowing-criminal-activity-app | Source: The Guardian UK [11:12] TR Bot Telegram CEO charged in France for allowing criminal activity on messaging app | Telegram | The Guardian [11:12] TR News "Despite Durovs claim that his platform is not backed by the Kremlin" https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/as-tools-for-hybrid-threats-apps-like-telegram-must-be-accountable/ | Source: The Strategist [11:12] TR Bot As tools for hybrid threats, apps like Telegram must be accountable | The Strategist [11:19] TR News "A recent survey has revealed a startling reality for American workers: the prospect of retirement" https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/61-us-workers-say-they-fear-retirement-more-death-64-say-its-scarier-divorce-survey-1726530 | Source: International Business Times [11:19] TR Bot 61% US Workers Say They Fear Retirement More Than Death, 64% Say It's Scarier Than Divorce: Survey | IBTimes UK [11:19] TR News "An analysis of the participants' DNA methylation suggested the rate of biological aging was slower in children" https://www.sciencealert.com/your-biological-age-has-a-surprising-link-to-your-grandparents-education | Source: Science Alert [11:19] TR Bot Biological Age Has A Surprising Link to Your Grandparents' Education : ScienceAlert [11:23] TR News "But it may surprise some to know that original scholarship gift came from Anne Radcliffe" https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2024/08/her-gift-launched-four-centuries-of-harvard-financial-aid-scholarship-radcliffe-mowlson/ | Source: Harvard University [11:23] TR Bot Her gift launched four centuries of Harvard financial aid Harvard Gazette [11:23] TR News "What was the biggest shock and surprise for me was we actually had to begin putting out games and things to entertain them at lunch" https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-08-28/ca-lawmakers-approve-school-cell-phones-restrictions | Source: Los Angeles Times [11:23] TR Bot California lawmakers approve school phone restrictions - Los Angeles Times [11:23] TR News "Focus will be on using AI to enhance productivity in government departments as well to improve the quality of service to citizens." https://www.deccanchronicle.com/southern-states/telangana/ai-education-in-telangana-schools-soon-says-sridhar-babu-1819467 | Source: Deccan Chronicle [11:23] TR Bot AI in Schools Soon, Says Sridhar Babu [11:25] *ciphrCat has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [11:26] *cybrNaut has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [11:27] *ciphrCat (~ciphrCat@v75kd7krrqfvs.irc) has joined #techrights [11:30] *ciphrCat has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [11:30] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed) [11:32] *ciphrCat (~ciphrCat@v75kd7krrqfvs.irc) has joined #techrights [11:37] TR News (NEW): Plan Less, Do More: Introducing Appointment By Thunderbird https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Plan_Less_Do_More_Introducing_Appointment_By_Thunderbird.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Plan_Less_Do_More_Introducing_Appointment_By_Thunderbird.gmi [11:37] TR Bot Tux Machines Plan Less, Do More: Introducing Appointment By Thunderbird [11:37] *cybrNaut (~cybrNaut@freenode-tto.k1n.ssv8hv.IP) has joined #techrights [11:39] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techrights ● Aug 30 [12:02] TR News "The planet-wide electric field, first hypothesised 60 years ago, has finally been detected, thanks to NASA's Endurance Mission." https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/nasa-discovers-earths-hidden-electric-field-that-creates-polar-wind-101724941685266.html | Source: Hindustan Times [12:02] TR Bot NASA discovers Earth's hidden electric field that creates polar wind - Hindustan Times [12:02] TR News "We arent going to fix these problems over night." https://jamesg.blog/2024/08/29/hope-for-the-web/ | Source: James G [12:02] TR Bot Hope for the web | James' Coffee Blog [12:12] TR News (NEW): 7 things I never do with a new Linux installation (and why) https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/7_things_I_never_do_with_a_new_Linux_installation_and_why.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/7_things_I_never_do_with_a_new_Linux_installation_and_why.gmi [12:12] TR Bot Tux Machines 7 things I never do with a new Linux installation (and why) [12:20] TR News (NEW): On Rust, Linux, developers, maintainers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/On_Rust_Linux_developers_maintainers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/On_Rust_Linux_developers_maintainers.gmi [12:20] TR Bot Tux Machines On Rust, Linux, developers, maintainers [12:21] TR News Google Catches Russian APT Reusing Exploits From Spyware Merchants NSO Group, Intellexa https://www.securityweek.com/google-catches-russian-apt-re-using-exploits-from-spyware-merchants-nso-group-intellexa/ [12:21] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/google-catches-russian-apt-re-using-exploits-from-spyware-merchants-nso-group-intellexa/ ) [12:22] TR News Google: apparent Russian hackers play copycat to commercial spyware vendors https://cyberscoop.com/apt29-spyware-google-threat-analysis-group/ [12:22] TR Bot apparent Russian hackers play copycat to commercial spyware vendors | CyberScoop [12:23] TR News Telegram chief Durov released on 5 million bail, forbidden to leave France https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240829-telegram-chief-durov-freed-on-bail-after-being-formally-charged-over-crime-on-messaging-app [12:23] TR Bot ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240829-telegram-chief-durov-freed-on-bail-after-being-formally-charged-over-crime-on-messaging-app ) [12:23] TR News (NEW): A Detailed Introduction To Fedora Copr Repository https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/A_Detailed_Introduction_To_Fedora_Copr_Repository.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/A_Detailed_Introduction_To_Fedora_Copr_Repository.gmi [12:23] TR Bot Tux Machines A Detailed Introduction To Fedora Copr Repository [12:31] TR News Hong Kong sees spike in imports from Taiwan, South Korea https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/hong-kong-chip-imports-08292024143759.html [12:31] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/hong-kong-chip-imports-08292024143759.html ) [12:33] TR News (NEW): Best Free and Open Source Software, howtos and Installations https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software_howtos_and_Installations.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software_howtos_and_Installations.gmi [12:33] TR Bot Tux Machines Best Free and Open Source Software, howtos and Installations [12:37] TR News Macron Defends Giving French Citizenship To Indicted Telegram CEO Durov https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-durov-macron-france-citizenship-telegram-serbia/33098779.html [12:37] TR Bot Macron Defends Giving French Citizenship To Indicted Telegram CEO Durov [12:38] *SomeGoat (~SomeGoat@r9ruxqydtdctn.irc) has joined #techrights [12:45] TR News Russian Court Extends Detention of Ailing Saxophonist Over Anti-War Posts https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-musician-andrei-shabanov-pretrial-arrest-extension/33098059.html [12:45] TR Bot Russian Court Extends Detention of Ailing Saxophonist Over Anti-War Posts [12:46] TR News NATO believes Russia poses a threat to the Wests internet and GPS services https://www.tomshardware.com/service-providers/network-providers/nato-believes-russia-poses-a-threat-to-the-wests-internet-and-gps-services [12:46] TR Bot NATO believes Russia poses a threat to the Wests internet and GPS services | Tom's Hardware [12:51] TR News Climate https://www.desmog.com/2024/08/29/tom-tugendhat-conservative-leadership-question-uk-climate-goals-net-zero/ | Source: DeSmog [12:51] TR Bot Tugendhat Continues to Question UK Climate Goals - DeSmog [12:51] TR News Mozilla Thunderbird: Plan Less, Do More: Introducing Appointment By Thunderbird https://blog.thunderbird.net/2024/08/plan-less-do-more-introducing-appointment-by-thunderbird/ [12:51] TR Bot Plan Less, Do More: Introducing Appointment By Thunderbird - The Thunderbird Blog [12:52] TR News Dave Airlie (blogspot): On Rust, Linux, developers, maintainers https://airlied.blogspot.com/2024/08/on-rust-linux-developers-maintainers.html [12:52] TR Bot On Rust, Linux, developers, maintainers ● Aug 30 [13:04] *darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [13:04] TR News Techrights Links 30/08/2024: Antidepressants Spoil the Water, War on Encryption Carries On https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Links_30_08_2024_Antidepressants_Spoil_the_Water_War_on_Encrypt.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Links_30_08_2024_Antidepressants_Spoil_the_Water_War_on_Encrypt.gmi [13:04] TR Bot Techrights Links 30/08/2024: Antidepressants Spoil the Water, War on Encryption Carries On [13:04] TR News A Detailed Introduction To Fedora Copr Repository https://ostechnix.com/what-is-fedora-copr-repository/ "Copr, which stands for Cool Other Package Repo, is a build system and third-party package repository designed for Fedora and RPM-based distributions." [13:04] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://ostechnix.com/what-is-fedora-copr-repository/ ) [13:05] TR News 5 Best Free and Open Source OCaml Static Site Generators https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-ocaml-static-site-generators/ [13:05] TR Bot Best Free and Open Source OCaml Static Site Generators - LinuxLinks [13:05] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights [13:05] TR News Dissent lightweight Discord app https://www.linuxlinks.com/dissent-lightweight-discord-app/ [13:05] TR Bot - lightweight Discord app - LinuxLinks [13:08] *eidolon has quit (Quit: ) [13:08] TR News picopt multi format lossless image optimizer https://www.linuxlinks.com/picopt-multi-format-lossless-image-optimizer/ [13:08] TR Bot - multi format lossless image optimizer - LinuxLinks [13:08] TR News (NEW): You can run a minimal Linux distro on Raspberry Pis new RP2350 microcontroller https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/You_can_run_a_minimal_Linux_distro_on_Raspberry_Pi_s_new_RP2350.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/You_can_run_a_minimal_Linux_distro_on_Raspberry_Pi_s_new_RP2350.gmi [13:08] TR Bot Tux Machines You can run a minimal Linux distro on Raspberry Pis new RP2350 microcontroller [13:09] TR News habitctl track and examine your habits https://www.linuxlinks.com/habitctl-track-examine-habits/ [13:09] TR Bot - track and examine your habits - LinuxLinks [13:09] TR News soupault static website generator/framework https://www.linuxlinks.com/soupault-static-website-generator-framework/ [13:09] TR Bot - static website generator/framework - LinuxLinks [13:13] TR News You can run a minimal GNU/Linux distro on Raspberry Pis new RP2350 microcontroller https://liliputing.com/you-can-run-a-minimal-linux-distro-on-raspberry-pis-new-rp2350-microcontroller/ [13:13] TR Bot can run a minimal Linux distro on Raspberry Pi's new RP2350 microcontroller - Liliputing [13:17] TR News Adm. Grace Hoppers 1982 NSA Lecture Has Been Published https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/08/adm-grace-hoppers-1982-nsa-lecture-has-been-published.html "Remember that talk was given in 1982, less than a year before the ARPANET switched to TCP/IP and the internet went operational. She was a remarkable person." [13:17] TR Bot Grace Hoppers 1982 NSA Lecture Has Been Published - Schneier on Security [13:17] TR News China invested $6.1 billion in a state data center project in two years the "Eastern Data, Western Computing" project aims to utilize the country's undeveloped land https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/china-invested-dollar61-billion-in-a-state-data-center-project-in-two-years-the-eastern-data-western-computing-project-aims-to-utilize-the-countrys-undeveloped-land [13:17] TR Bot China invested $6.1 billion in a state data center project in two years the "Eastern Data, Western Computing" project aims to utilize the country's undeveloped land | Tom's Hardware [13:18] TR News Dim7 gemini://thrig.me/blog/2024/08/30/dim7.gmi [13:21] TR News SpellBinding: EILMOZP Wordo: TENDS gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2024-08-30.gmi [13:21] TR News hello, pub! gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2111 [13:24] TR News "It is in this context that Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, was recently arrested and charged with several alleged crimes, despite the fact that Telegram is neither a French company nor are its servers physically located on French territory -- the only nexus being Durov" gemini://willowashmaple.smol.pub/2024-08-30-save-our-children-telegram-durov-free-speech-government-surveillance [13:30] TR News GPU benchmarking and how to choose a GPU framework https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2024/08/29/gpu-benchmarking-and-how-choose-gpu-framework [13:30] TR Bot GPU benchmarking and how to choose a GPU framework | Red Hat Developer [13:31] TR News How to use the agrep() function in base R https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/08/how-to-use-the-agrep-function-in-base-r/ [13:31] TR Bot to use the agrep() function in base R | R-bloggers [13:31] TR News How to Install Flatpak Apps on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://linuxiac.com/how-to-install-flatpak-apps-on-ubuntu-24-04-lts/ [13:31] TR Bot How to Install Flatpak Apps on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS [13:32] TR News How to Install Cockpit with a Free Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate on Debian 12 https://osnote.com/step-by-step-guide-how-to-install-cockpit-with-a-free-lets-encrypt-ssl-certificate-on-debian-12/ [13:32] TR Bot to Install Cockpit with a Free Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate on Debian 12 - OSNote [13:32] TR News How to Install the UrBackup Client on Debian 12 and Connect It to Your UrBackup Server https://vitux.com/how-to-install-the-urbackup-client-on-debian-12-and-connect-it-to-your-urbackup-server/ [13:32] TR Bot to Install the UrBackup Client on Debian 12 and Connect It to Your UrBackup Server VITUX [13:32] TR News How to Install UrBackup on Debian 12 https://vitux.com/how-to-install-urbackup-on-debian-12/ [13:32] TR Bot to Install UrBackup on Debian 12 VITUX [13:33] TR News How to secure ProFTPD with a free Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate on Debian 12 https://vitux.com/how-to-secure-proftpd-with-a-free-lets-encrypt-ssl-certificate-on-debian-12/ [13:33] TR Bot to secure ProFTPD with a free Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate on Debian 12 VITUX [13:33] TR News How to Install ProFTPD on Debian 12 https://vitux.com/how-to-install-proftpd-on-debian-12/ [13:33] TR Bot to Install ProFTPD on Debian 12 VITUX [13:34] TR News How to Install and Use latest Graphviz on Ubuntu 24.04 GNU/Linux https://linux.how2shout.com/how-to-install-and-use-graphviz-on-ubuntu-24-04-linux/ [13:34] TR Bot How to Install and Use latest Graphviz on Ubuntu 24.04 Linux - Linux Shout [13:34] TR News "This event is exclusive to Canonical partners." https://ubuntu.com//blog/unleash-the-power-of-open-source-in-london-canonical-partner-executive-summit | Source: Ubuntu [13:34] TR Bot NO TITLE [13:38] TR News Demystifying Open Source as a Business https://opensource.net/demystifying-open-source-as-a-business/ [13:38] TR Bot Open Source as a Business - OpenSource.net [13:39] TR News Ubuntu Blog: Upgrade your desktop: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS is now available https://ubuntu.com//blog/upgrade-your-desktop-ubuntu-24-04-lts [13:39] TR Bot your desktop: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS is now available | Ubuntu [13:40] TR News BSD Now 574: Hypervisor Determination https://www.bsdnow.tv/574 [13:40] TR Bot BSD Now 574: Hypervisor Determination [13:41] TR News Destination Linux 385: Meshtastic: Go Off-Grid But Stay Connected with this device https://destinationlinux.net/385 [13:41] TR Bot ( status 404 @ https://tuxdigital.com/podcasts/destination-linux/dl-385/ ) [13:43] TR News Surprising stability of solar-powered bicycle https://bkhome.org/news/202408/surprising-stability-of-solar-powered-bicycle.html [13:43] TR Bot Surprising stability of solar-powered bicycle [13:44] TR News Condense: Enhancing Reporting Efficiency through IBCS Standards https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/08/condense-enhancing-reporting-efficiency-through-ibcs-standards/ [13:44] TR Bot Enhancing Reporting Efficiency through IBCS Standards | R-bloggers [13:47] TR News (NEW): To a tiling WM user, apparently other GUIs are like wearing handcuffs https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/To_a_tiling_WM_user_apparently_other_GUIs_are_like_wearing_hand.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/To_a_tiling_WM_user_apparently_other_GUIs_are_like_wearing_hand.gmi [13:47] TR Bot Tux Machines To a tiling WM user, apparently other GUIs are like wearing handcuffs [13:47] TR News Shotcut 24.08 Unveils New Subtitle Editing Features https://linuxiac.com/shotcut-24-08-video-editor/ [13:47] TR Bot Shotcut 24.08 Unveils New Subtitle Editing Features [13:48] TR News Security updates for Thursday https://lwn.net/Articles/987664/ [13:48] TR Bot updates for Thursday [LWN.net] [13:48] TR News Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS Released, Upgrade Path Available https://linuxiac.com/ubuntu-24-04-1-lts-released/ [13:48] TR Bot Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS Released, Upgrade Path Available [13:48] TR News Wireshark 4.4 Packet Analyzer Debuts with Major Enhancements https://linuxiac.com/wireshark-4-4-network-packet-analyzer/ [13:48] TR Bot Wireshark 4.4 Packet Analyzer Debuts with Major Enhancements [13:50] TR News 6-Ways to shutdown RockyLinux from the command-line https://osnote.com/6-ways-to-shutdown-rockylinux-from-the-command-line/ [13:50] TR Bot to shutdown RockyLinux from the command-line - OSNote [13:51] TR News Rust-for-Linux developer Wedson Almeida Filho drops out https://lwn.net/Articles/987635/ [13:51] TR Bot developer Wedson Almeida Filho drops out [LWN.net] [13:52] TR News Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu 24.04 or 22.04 LTS via Command terminal https://linux.how2shout.com/install-anydesk-on-ubuntu-22-04-lts-jammy-via-command-terminal/ [13:52] TR Bot Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu 24.04 or 22.04 LTS via Command terminal [13:52] TR News Productivity Timer pomodoro timer https://www.linuxlinks.com/productivity-timer-pomodoro/ [13:52] TR Bot Timer - pomodoro timer - LinuxLinks [13:53] TR News Mostly hype: https://www.ubuntupit.com/new-linux-malware-sedexp-hides-credit-card-skimmers-using-udev-rules/ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/27/Drive_by_FUD_from_Microsoft_Friendly_Sites_That_Attribute_to_Li.shtml [13:53] TR Bot New Linux Malware 'sedexp' Hides Credit Card Skimmers Using Udev Rules [13:53] TR Bot Tux Machines Drive-by FUD from Microsoft-Friendly Sites That Attribute to Linux Something That's Unexplained/Unattributed (and Dub It sedexp) [13:54] TR News (NEW): Drive-by FUD from Microsoft-Friendly Sites That Attribute to Linux Something That's Unexplained/Unattributed (and Dub It sedexp) https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/27/Drive_by_FUD_from_Microsoft_Friendly_Sites_That_Attribute_to_Li.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/27/Drive_by_FUD_from_Microsoft_Friendly_Sites_That_Attribute_to_L [13:54] TR Bot Tux Machines Drive-by FUD from Microsoft-Friendly Sites That Attribute to Linux Something That's Unexplained/Unattributed (and Dub It sedexp) [13:54] TR News [Video] Linus Torvalds on GNU/Linux Still Trying to Tackle Basic Issues Like Optimal Memory Management (in 2024) https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/28/Video_Linus_Torvalds_on_Linux_Still_Trying_to_Tackle_Basic_Issu.shtml [13:54] TR Bot Techrights [Video] Linus Torvalds on Linux Still Trying to Tackle Basic Issues Like Optimal Memory Management (in 2024) [13:54] TR News Monaco: GNU/Linux up to 5%, backdoored Windows Down to Lowest Level in Years, Bing Floundering https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/28/Monaco_GNU_Linux_up_to_5_Windows_Down_to_Lowest_Level_in_Years_.shtml [13:54] TR Bot Techrights Monaco: GNU/Linux up to 5%, Windows Down to Lowest Level in Years, Bing Floundering [13:56] TR News Graham: Asking for donations in Plasma https://lwn.net/Articles/987715/ [13:56] TR Bot Asking for donations in Plasma [LWN.net] [13:57] TR News Pi Expert Jeff Geerling benchmarks new D0-stepped 2GB Raspberry Pi 5 https://www.tomshardware.com/raspberry-pi/pi-expert-jeff-geerling-benchmarks-new-d0-stepped-2gb-raspberry-pi-5 [13:57] TR Bot Pi Expert Jeff Geerling benchmarks new D0-stepped 2GB Raspberry Pi 5 | Tom's Hardware [13:58] TR News New 2GB Pi 5 has 33% smaller die, 30% idle power savings https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2024/new-2gb-pi-5-has-33-smaller-die-30-idle-power-savings [13:58] TR Bot New 2GB Pi 5 has 33% smaller die, 30% idle power savings | Jeff Geerling [13:58] TR News "the Raspberry Pi RP2040/RP2350 offers significantly enhanced capabilities over the original PIC versions" https://hackaday.com/2024/08/29/walking-the-plank-add-ons-for-the-bus-pirate/ | Source: Hackaday [13:58] TR Bot The Plank: Add-Ons For The Bus Pirate | Hackaday [13:58] TR News Feed your fish remotely with this Raspberry Pi-powered feeding system https://www.tomshardware.com/raspberry-pi/feed-your-fish-remotely-with-this-raspberry-pi-powered-feeding-system [13:58] TR Bot Feed your fish remotely with this Raspberry Pi-powered feeding system | Tom's Hardware ● Aug 30 [14:05] TR News Raspberry Pi RP2350 microcontroller has a bug that causes faulty pull-down behavior on resistors https://www.tomshardware.com/raspberry-pi/raspberry-pi-rp2350-microcontroller-has-a-bug-that-causes-faulty-pull-down-behavior-on-resistors [14:05] TR Bot Raspberry Pi RP2350 microcontroller has a bug that causes faulty pull-down behavior on resistors | Tom's Hardware [14:06] TR News "For now, the biggest difference between the 2, 4, and 8 GB PI 5s for most people would still be having more RAM." https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2024/new-2gb-pi-5-has-33-smaller-die-30-idle-power-savings | Source: Jeff Geerling [14:06] TR News "There are two interesting things from the circuit perspective: one is that weve doubled the Flash memory, so youve got 4MB on Pico 2 vs 2MB on the original Pico. The other is to do with the way that power is supplied to the chip." https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/whats-new-in-pico-2/ | Source: Raspberry Pi [14:06] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/whats-new-in-pico-2/ ) [14:08] TR News "Were excited to share a new project weve been working on at Thunderbird called Appointment." https://blog.thunderbird.net/2024/08/plan-less-do-more-introducing-appointment-by-thunderbird/ | Source: Thunderbird [14:08] TR Bot Plan Less, Do More: Introducing Appointment By Thunderbird - The Thunderbird Blog [14:09] TR News (NEW): Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, Raspberry Pi Pico 2, 2GB Pi 5, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Raspberry_Pi_Zero_2_W_Raspberry_Pi_Pico_2_2GB_Pi_5_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Raspberry_Pi_Zero_2_W_Raspberry_Pi_Pico_2_2GB_Pi_5_and_More.gmi [14:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, Raspberry Pi Pico 2, 2GB Pi 5, and More [14:09] TR News "Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells." https://savannah.gnu.org/news/?id=10668 | Source: GNU [14:09] TR Bot GNU Screen - News [Savannah] [14:09] TR News "The 5.0.0 release includes the following changes to the previous release 4.9.1: [...]" https://savannah.gnu.org/news/?id=10668 | Source: GNU [14:09] TR News "It is proposed that the data base management function be placed on a dedicated back-end computer which accepts commands" https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/355620.361172 | Source: ACM [14:09] TR Bot [14:10] TR News "The long lost lecture by Adm. Grace Hopper has been published by the NSA. (Note that there are two parts.)" https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/08/adm-grace-hoppers-1982-nsa-lecture-has-been-published.html | Source: Bruce Schneier [14:10] TR Bot Grace Hoppers 1982 NSA Lecture Has Been Published - Schneier on Security [14:11] TR News "Starting in Plasma 6.2, that changes, and Id like to introduce what it will look like! From 6.2 onwards" https://pointieststick.com/2024/08/28/asking-for-donations-in-plasma/ | Source: Nate Graham [14:11] TR Bot Asking for donations in Plasma Adventures in Linux and KDE [14:12] TR News "In my last post, I described how to create NetBSD AMIs for NetBSD/arm64 using the bsdec2-image-upload tool with the NetBSD provided" https://www.netmeister.org/blog/netbsd-amd64-ami.html | Source: Jan Schaumann [14:12] TR Bot Creating a NetBSD/amd64 AMI [14:12] TR News "The problem with this is that it upgrades all held packages, not just the kernel." https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/UbuntuUpgradingHeldPackages | Source: University of Toronto [14:12] TR Bot Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/UbuntuUpgradingHeldPackages [14:14] TR News [Old] "Stallman expanded and formalized his ideas in the GNU Manifesto, which he published in the March, 1985, issue of Dr. Dobbs Journal" https://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/the-gnu-manifesto-turns-thirty | Source: New Yorker [14:14] TR Bot Richard Stallmans GNU Manifesto Turns Thirty | The New Yorker [14:15] TR News "The agrep() function in base R is used for approximate string matching, also known as fuzzy matching. Heres how to use it effectively: [...]" https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/08/how-to-use-the-agrep-function-in-base-r/ | Source: Rlang [14:15] TR Bot to use the agrep() function in base R | R-bloggers [14:15] TR News "About six years ago, I wrote about lazy, which is a tool that will auto-install Perl dependencies for you as they are required." https://www.olafalders.com/2024/08/28/i-am-still-lazy/ | Source: Olaf Alders [14:15] TR Bot Still Lazy olafalders.com [14:16] TR News "The development of Python is always happening and the following October were getting Python 3.13 and with it" https://hamatti.org/posts/whats-coming-to-python-in-313-and-314/ | Source: Juha-Matti Santala [14:16] TR Bot Whats coming to Python in 3.13 and 3.14 : Juha-Matti Santala [14:16] TR News [Old] "However, I think that oh-my-zsh has actually become a bit harmful to the goal that it is trying to achieve." https://joshldavis.com/2014/07/26/oh-my-zsh-is-a-disease-antigen-is-the-vaccine/ | [14:16] TR Bot Oh-my-zsh is the Disease and Antigen is the Vaccine - Josh Davis [14:20] TR News (NEW): Vantron HCAM26 WiFi HaLow IP camera offers up to 1km range https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Vantron_HCAM26_WiFi_HaLow_IP_camera_offers_up_to_1km_range.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Vantron_HCAM26_WiFi_HaLow_IP_camera_offers_up_to_1km_range.gmi [14:20] TR Bot Tux Machines Vantron HCAM26 WiFi HaLow IP camera offers up to 1km range [14:26] *Solution (~Solution@78-131-74-26.pool.digikabel.hu) has joined #techrights [14:26] TR News Systemic failure in the economy, not a moral or health issue https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/newborns-hit-new-low-but-births-to-those-unmarried-reach-record-high-data [14:26] TR Bot South Korea hits record high births to unmarried women amid declining total births | The Straits Times [14:27] TR News South Korean Court Orders Stronger Steps on Climate Change https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/29/world/asia/south-korea-climate-action-verdict-youth.html [14:27] TR Bot South Korean Court Orders Stronger Steps on Climate Change - The New York Times [14:27] TR News South Koreas Constitutional Court mandates concrete carbon-reduction targets through 2049 https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/08/south-koreas-constitutional-court-mandates-concrete-carbon-reduction-targets-through-2049/ [14:27] TR Bot South Koreas Constitutional Court mandates concrete carbon-reduction targets through 2049 - JURIST - News [14:27] TR News Air Chinas first C919 plane makes its debut flight https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/air-china-s-first-c919-plane-makes-its-debut-flight [14:27] TR Bot Air Chinas first C919 plane makes its debut flight | The Straits Times [14:29] TR News Hong Kong finds former editors guilty of sedition in blow to press freedom https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/hong-kong-sedition-conviction-08292024051130.html [14:29] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/hong-kong-sedition-conviction-08292024051130.html ) [14:30] TR News EXPLAINED: How much has media freedom deteriorated in Hong Kong since 2020? https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/hongkong-media-press-freedom-standnews-08292024154102.html [14:30] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/hongkong-media-press-freedom-standnews-08292024154102.html ) [14:30] TR News Over 1 million Chinese restaurants close amid economic downturn https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/chinese-restaurants-close-down-08292024161837.html [14:30] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/chinese-restaurants-close-down-08292024161837.html ) [14:34] TR News Steve McIntyre: A birthday gift to remember! https://blog.einval.com/2024/08/30#birthday-butcher http://techrights.org/n/2024/04/30/Colin_Watson_Steve_McIntyre_Debian_Ubuntu_cover_up_mission_afte.shtml [14:34] TR Bot Steve's blog [14:34] TR Bot Techrights Colin Watson, Steve McIntyre & Debian, Ubuntu cover-up mission after Frans Pop suicide [14:34] *Blase82 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [14:35] TR News Its Already August. We Used to Have About 9,000 Deaths a Week and Now Its Over 10,000. https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2024/08/29/audit-tory-policies/ [14:35] TR Bot Blog Archive Its Already August. We Used to Have About 9,000 Deaths a Week and Now Its Over 10,000. [14:35] *Blasius has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [14:36] TR News Simulating Traffic With Scapy, (Fri, Aug 30th) https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/31216 [14:36] TR Bot Simulating Traffic With Scapy - SANS Internet Storm Center [14:37] TR News Live Patching DLLs with Python, (Thu, Aug 29th) https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/31218 [14:37] TR Bot Live Patching DLLs with Python - SANS Internet Storm Center [14:37] TR News AAEON RICO-MX8P fanless Pico-ITX Plus SBC is powered by NXP i.MX 8M Plus Hey Hi (AI) processor https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/08/29/aaeon-rico-mx8p-fanless-pico-itx-plus-sbc-is-powered-by-nxp-i-mx-8m-plus-ai-processor/ [14:37] TR Bot AAEON RICO-MX8P fanless Pico-ITX Plus SBC is powered by NXP i.MX 8M Plus AI processor - CNX Software [14:38] TR News EDATEC ED-SBC2300 A Raspberry Pi CM4-powered industrial Mini-ITX motherboard https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/08/29/edatec-ed-sbc2300-a-raspberry-pi-cm4-powered-industrial-mini-itx-motherboard/ [14:38] TR Bot EDATEC ED-SBC2300 - A Raspberry Pi CM4-powered industrial Mini-ITX motherboard - CNX Software [14:42] TR News "I think I'm done with programming." gemini://nanako.mooo.com/gemlog/2024-08-30-a.gmi [14:42] TR News "During the 2024 edition of the Old Computer Challenge, I started building a self hosted pastebin and file dropper service, aimed at text mode web browsers like eww, lynx and links." gopher://box.matto.nl/0/pastebin-and-file-dropper-server-on-codeberg.txt [14:42] MinceR https://pleated-jeans.com/2024/07/28/parents-revealed-the-most-expensive-thing-their-children-ruined/ [14:42] TR Bot 25 Parents Revealed The Most Hilariously Unfortunate And Expensive Thing Their Children Have Ruined [14:50] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Android_Leftovers.gmi [14:50] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers [14:52] Righty >Have 3k worth of coral and fish that will die by the morning without power. >No generator-backed UPS and anti-removal ties What were they expecting to happen? [14:53] TR News Yesterday I saw a mention by prahou on IRC, pointing to a phlog post by Tekk [1]. The phlog post is titled "Why we bear our souls on gopher". It is posted in the directory "drunk". It is a lovely phlog post that you must read. Tekk describes that the Gopher sphere is a intimate environment, more softer." gopher://box.matto.nl/0/re-why-we-bear-our-souls-on-gopher.txt [14:57] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 30/08/2024: Moral Panic Against Privacy, Liminal Times, and Gopher https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Gemini_Links_30_08_2024_Moral_Panic_Against_Privacy_Liminal_Tim.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Gemini_Links_30_08_2024_Moral_Panic_Against_Privacy_Liminal_Tim.gmi [14:57] TR Bot Techrights Gemini Links 30/08/2024: Moral Panic Against Privacy, Liminal Times, and Gopher [14:58] TR News "LPUs are the future. Anyone who has tried Groq will agree with this." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk [14:58] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk ) [14:59] TR News "IMHO, there should be an Ethics probe to see if AK and his executives personally made money by colluding with Intel and investing in Intel stock for personal gain until the latest Intel debacle. All these guys know one another; AK has been in the business for a long time and would be directing investments in Intel as he saw fit. Corporate greed rears it's ugly head as usual." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk ● Aug 30 [15:00] TR News "There's the small issue of IBM's AI products being absolute garbage. The applications are pure trash. AskHR, anyone?" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufvUSZA [15:00] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufvUSZA ) [15:00] TR News "When are the executives going to shut down Armonk and move to Raleigh (RTP) to save a bundle on their taxes ? AK doesn't like wasting money paying taxes, he desperately needs it for his supersized 2025 bonus. It's for the needs of the business, of course." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufJoEgh [15:00] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufJoEgh ) [15:06] TR News Techrights So Far This Year Microsoft Had Mass Layoffs Every Month https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/So_Far_This_Year_Microsoft_Had_Mass_Layoffs_Every_Month.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/So_Far_This_Year_Microsoft_Had_Mass_Layoffs_Every_Month.gmi [15:06] TR Bot Techrights So Far This Year Microsoft Had Mass Layoffs Every Month [15:07] TR News Critical technology tracker: two decades of data show rewards of long-term research investment https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/critical-technology-tracker-two-decade-data-shows-rewards-of-long-term-research-investment/ [15:07] TR Bot Critical technology tracker: two decades of data show rewards of long-term research investment | The Strategist [15:07] TR News "Reconfigurable Tracked Robot Has Some Neat Flexible Abilities" https://hackaday.com/2024/08/29/reconfigurable-tracked-robot-has-some-neat-flexible-abilities/ | Source: Hackaday [15:07] TR Bot Tracked Robot Has Some Neat Flexible Abilities | Hackaday [15:08] TR News "Klipper" name stolen from KDE https://hackaday.com/2024/08/29/3d-printering-klipper-the-free-3d-printer-upgrade/ | Source: Hackaday [15:08] TR Bot Printering: Klipper, The Free 3D Printer Upgrade | Hackaday [15:09] TR News Life After Factory Farming: The Longer Theyre Out, the Happier They Are. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/29/climate/factory-farming-transfarmation-project.html [15:09] TR Bot Life After Factory Farming: The Longer Theyre Out, the Happier They Are. - The New York Times [15:14] TR News "A Kids Car" https://hackaday.com/2024/08/29/driven-to-over-engineer-a-kids-car/ | Source: Hackaday [15:14] TR Bot To Over-Engineer A Kids Car | Hackaday [15:16] MinceR https://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/funny-random-pictures-7-27-24-45.jpg [15:16] TR News UK local news websites see audience bounceback https://pressgazette.co.uk/media-audience-and-business-data/media_metrics/biggest-local-news-websites-uk-july-2024/ [15:16] TR Bot Biggest local news websites in UK: Ranking of top 78 sites [15:18] TR News After going proprietary https://siliconangle.com/2024/08/29/elastic-shares-plunge-25-lower-revenue-projections-amid-slower-customer-commitments/ [15:18] TR Bot shares plunge 25% on lower revenue projections amid slower customer commitments - SiliconANGLE [15:19] TR News Young Boy Accidentally Shatters 3,500-Year-Old Jar at Museum https://www.sciencealert.com/young-boy-accidentally-shatters-3500-year-old-jar-at-museum [15:19] TR Bot Boy Accidentally Shatters 3,500-Year-Old Jar at Museum : ScienceAlert [15:20] TR News Intermittent Fasting Could Trigger Cancer Risks, Study in Mice Shows https://www.sciencealert.com/intermittent-fasting-could-trigger-cancer-risks-study-in-mice-shows [15:20] TR Bot Fasting Could Trigger Cancer Risks, Study in Mice Shows : ScienceAlert [15:22] TR News Dyson abandons Channel 4 News libel claim https://pressgazette.co.uk/media_law/dyson-abandons-channel-4-news-libel-claim/ [15:22] TR Bot Dyson abandons Channel 4 News libel claim - Press Gazette [15:25] TR News "GenAI Criminal Revolution" (riding the Ponzi scheme powered by HYPE) https://www.netcraft.com/blog/llms-fueling-gen-ai-criminal-revolution/ [15:25] TR Bot Sites at Scale: LLMs Fueling a GenAI Criminal Revolution | Netcraft [15:25] TR News The Big TIBER Encyclopedia https://blog.nviso.eu/2024/08/29/the-big-tiber-encyclopedia/ [15:25] TR Bot The Big TIBER Encyclopedia NVISO Labs [15:26] TR News US appeals court revives Sarah Palins libel lawsuit against New York Times https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/08/us-appeals-court-revives-sarah-palins-libel-lawsuit-against-new-york-times/ [15:26] TR Bot US appeals court revives Sarah Palin's libel lawsuit against New York Times - JURIST - News [15:29] TR News Distributed transactions with Jakarta EE 10 and WildFly https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2024/08/29/distributed-transactions-jakarta-ee-10-and-wildfly [15:29] TR Bot Distributed transactions with Jakarta EE 10 and WildFly | Red Hat Developer [15:29] TR News APRICOT 2025 update https://blog.apnic.net/2024/08/29/apricot-2025-update/ [15:29] TR Bot APRICOT 2025 update | APNIC Blog [15:29] TR News UN rights experts raise concerns regarding inhumane treatment of journalist Jose Zamora https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/08/un-rights-experts-raise-concerns-regarding-inhumane-treatment-of-journalist-jose-zamora/ [15:29] TR Bot UN rights experts raise concerns regarding inhumane treatment of journalist Jose Zamora - JURIST - News [15:30] TR News Six Tips for Maximizing Desktop Screen Potential https://www.kdab.com/six-tips-for-maximizing-desktop-screen-potential/ [15:30] TR Bot Tips for Maximizing Desktop Screen Potential - KDAB [15:31] TR News Fedora Community Blog: Heroes of Fedora Fedora 40 Contributions https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/heroes-of-fedora-fedora-40-contributions/ [15:31] TR Bot Heroes of Fedora - Fedora 40 Contributions Fedora Community Blog [15:31] TR News "Heroes of Fedora" Are Just Salaried Employees of IBM (But "Community" is Just Sounding a Lot Nicer) http://techrights.org/n/2024/08/14/Heroes_of_Fedora_Are_Just_Salaried_Employees_of_IBM_But_Communi.shtml [15:31] TR Bot Techrights "Heroes of Fedora" Are Just Salaried Employees of IBM (But "Community" is Just Sounding a Lot Nicer) [15:32] TR News CentOS Board Meeting Recap, August 2024 https://blog.centos.org/2024/08/centos-board-meeting-recap-august-2024/ [15:32] TR Bot Board Meeting Recap, August 2024 Blog.CentOS.org [15:33] TR News "We do this wonderful thing in our Womens Leadership Community (which is our internal womens network at Red Hat) in the UK where we tell our personal stories, and mine is definitely wiggly." https://www.digitalfirstmagazine.com/driving-authentic-meaningful-change/ [15:33] TR Bot Driving Authentic, Meaningful Change - Digital First Magazine [15:33] TR News IBM and Red Hat support women, but not in the Boardroom. "Fuck off woman GO DO THE DISHES" - typical Red Hat chieft [15:34] TR News Red Hats OpenStack Services are now generally available on its OpenShift platform https://techcrunch.com/2024/08/26/red-hats-openstack-services-are-now-generally-available-on-its-openshift-platform/ [15:34] TR Bot Hat's OpenStack Services are now generally available on its OpenShift platform | TechCrunch [15:36] TR News Very shallow openwashing garbage from IBM https://www.ibm.com/think/podcasts/smart-talks/open-source-democratize-ai Source: IBM Developer | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//www.ibm.com/think/podcasts/smart-talks/open-source-democratize-ai promoted by Red Hat https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/friday-five-august-30-2024-red-hat [15:36] TR Bot open source can democratize AI | IBM [15:36] TR Bot Friday Five August 30, 2024 | Red Hat [15:36] TR News Pushing proprietary services https://www.redhat.com/en/products/virtualization [15:36] TR Bot Migrate VMs with Red Hat [15:38] TR News Michael Ablassmeier: proxmox backup S3 proxy https://abbbi.github.io//proxmox/ [15:38] TR Bot proxmox backup S3 proxy Michael Ablassmeier .. [15:38] TR News Moving in Positive Directions https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Moving_in_Positive_Directions.shtml [15:38] TR Bot Techrights Moving in Positive Directions [15:38] TR News Apple's Financial Chief, Luca Maestri, Has Good Reasons to Desert https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/28/Apple_s_Financial_Chief_Luca_Maestri_Has_Good_Reasons_to_Desert.shtml [15:38] TR Bot Techrights Apple's Financial Chief, Luca Maestri, Has Good Reasons to Desert [15:38] TR News Microsoft and Fashion Company Apple Making a Lot of Noise to Distract From Severe Problems https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/28/Microsoft_and_Apple_Making_a_Lot_of_Noise_to_Distract_From_Seve.shtml [15:38] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft and Apple Making a Lot of Noise to Distract From Severe Problems [15:39] TR News [Meme] Belgium (or EU) Pays the Price for Not Pursuing Antitrust Charges Against Abusive Monopolist Microsoft for UEFI 'Secure Boot' https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/28/Meme_Belgium_or_EU_Pays_the_Price_for_Not_Pursuing_Antitrust_Ch.shtml [15:39] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Belgium (or EU) Pays the Price for Not Pursuing Antitrust Charges Against Microsoft for UEFI 'Secure Boot' [15:39] TR News Rumour: More Layoffs on the Way at I.C.B.M. (Maybe Next Week) https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/29/Rumour_More_Layoffs_on_the_Way_at_IBM_Maybe_Next_Week.shtml [15:39] TR Bot Techrights Rumour: More Layoffs on the Way at IBM (Maybe Next Week) [15:39] TR News Planning Ahead https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/29/Planning_Ahead.shtml [15:39] TR Bot Techrights Planning Ahead [15:39] TR News [Meme] Because Newer is Not Always Better https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/29/Meme_Because_Newer_is_Not_Always_Better.shtml [15:39] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Because Newer is Not Always Better [15:39] TR News Tough Times for Abusive Monopolist Microsoft in Croatia https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/29/Tough_Times_for_Microsoft_in_Croatia.shtml [15:39] TR Bot Techrights Tough Times for Microsoft in Croatia [15:39] TR News A Vision for Sustainable Community Consciousness https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/29/A_Vision_for_Sustainable_Community_Consciousness.shtml [15:39] TR Bot Techrights A Vision for Sustainable Community Consciousness [15:40] TR News The Communications Workers of America (CWA) Versus Microsoft: Exposing Union-Hostile Practices, Contrary to Misleading Media Narrative Peddled for Months Amid Mass Layoffs and FTC Antitrust Scrutiny https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/29/The_Communications_Workers_of_America_CWA_Versus_Microsoft_Expo.shtml [15:40] TR Bot Techrights The Communications Workers of America (CWA) Versus Microsoft: Exposing Union-Hostile Practices, Contrary to Misleading Media Narrative Peddled for Months Amid Mass Layoffs and FTC Antitrust Scrutiny [15:41] TR News "It was simple at first when it was simple C code but since the Bcachefs tools transitioned to Rust, it's become an unmaintainable mess for stable-minded distribution vendors" https://www.phoronix.com/news/Debian-Orphans-Bcachefs-Tools [15:41] TR Bot Orphans Bcachefs-Tools: "Impossible To Maintain In Debian Stable" - Phoronix [15:42] TR News Rust means it'll rust. The warning is in the NAME. http://techrights.org/o/2022/09/21/going-rusty-faster/ [15:42] TR Bot The Life of Linux Will Be Shortened by a Misguided Adoption of Rust [15:42] TR News Three new stable kernels https://lwn.net/Articles/987677/ [15:42] TR Bot new stable kernels [LWN.net] [15:43] TR News Unsere Wasserkraft & KSV 1870: Clean electricity only after a dirty credit check? https://noyb.eu/en/unsere-wasserkraft-ksv-1870-clean-electricity-only-after-dirty-credit-check [15:43] TR Bot Unsere Wasserkraft & KSV 1870: Clean electricity only after a dirty credit check? [15:47] TR News (NEW): Debian: Upgrades, Steve McIntyre Turns 50, and Rust Becoming "an unmaintainable mess for stable-minded distribution vendors." https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Debian_Upgrades_Steve_McIntyre_Turns_50_and_Rust_Becoming_an_un.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Debian_Upgrades_Steve_McIntyre_Turns_50_and_Rust_Becoming_an_un.gmi [15:47] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/today_s_howtos.1.gmi [15:47] TR Bot Tux Machines Debian: Upgrades, Steve McIntyre Turns 50, and Rust Becoming "an unmaintainable mess for stable-minded distribution vendors." [15:47] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos [15:49] TR News (NEW): Fedora / Red Hat / IBM Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Fedora_Red_Hat_IBM_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Fedora_Red_Hat_IBM_Leftovers.gmi [15:49] TR Bot Tux Machines Fedora / Red Hat / IBM Leftovers [15:51] TR News (NEW): Audiocasts/Shows: BSD Now and Destination Linux https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Audiocasts_Shows_BSD_Now_and_Destination_Linux.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Audiocasts_Shows_BSD_Now_and_Destination_Linux.gmi [15:51] TR Bot Tux Machines Audiocasts/Shows: BSD Now and Destination Linux [15:52] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Programming_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Programming_Leftovers.gmi [15:52] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming Leftovers [15:52] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Security_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Security_Leftovers.gmi [15:52] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers [15:57] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/today_s_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/today_s_leftovers.gmi [15:57] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers [15:59] TR News Techrights Links 30/08/2024: Serious Abuses Against Uyghurs and Dyson Abandons Frivolous Libel Claim Amid Mass Layoffs https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Links_30_08_2024_Serious_Abuses_Against_Uyghurs_and_Dyson_Aband.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Links_30_08_2024_Serious_Abuses_Against_Uyghurs_and_Dyson_Aband.gmi [15:59] TR Bot Techrights Links 30/08/2024: Serious Abuses Against Uyghurs and Dyson Abandons Frivolous Libel Claim Amid Mass Layoffs ● Aug 30 [16:01] TR News "In from a walk. 2 miles. near 90F" gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2112 [16:09] TR News Support for Istio 1.21 ends on September 27, 2024 https://istio.io/latest//news/support/announcing-1.21-eol/ [16:09] TR Bot Istio / Support for Istio 1.21 ends on September 27, 2024 [16:13] TR News NexGen semiconductor controller patent monopoly found invalid https://www.unifiedpatents.com/insights/2024/8/28/nexgen-semiconductor-controller-patent-found-invalid [16:13] TR Bot NexGen semiconductor controller patent found invalid Unified Patents [16:13] TR News Omitted Elements and Written Description: Federal Circuits Split Decision in Allergan v. Sun Pharma https://patentlyo.com/patent/2024/08/description-implications-pharmaceutical.html [16:13] TR Bot The Federal Circuit's Recent Written Description Ruling in Allergan v. MSN Labs: Implications for Pharmaceutical Patent Drafting and Litigation [16:13] TR News PR piece and another veil for a corrupt institution meant to protect and serve power https://www.juve-patent.com/people-and-business/adam-williams-the-main-aim-is-to-create-more-transparency/ [16:13] TR Bot Adam Williams: "The main aim is to create more transparency" [16:13] TR News How bookstores became cornerstones of American culture https://www.csmonitor.com/Books/Book-Reviews/2024/0829/the-bookshop-evan-friss [16:13] TR Bot bookstores became cornerstones of American culture - CSMonitor.com [16:14] TR News Latvian central bank invites crypto companies to consultations https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/banks/29.08.2024-latvian-central-bank-invites-crypto-companies-to-consultations.a566775/ https://techrights.org/o/2023/06/18/no-such-thing-as-cryptocurrency/ [16:14] TR Bot Latvian central bank invites crypto companies to consultations / Article [16:14] TR Bot There is No Such Thing as 'Cryptocurrency' and Please Stop Referring to It as Cryptocurrency [16:15] TR News Ahead of mandatory rules, CISA unveils new cyber incident reporting portal https://federalnewsnetwork.com/cybersecurity/2024/08/ahead-of-mandatory-rules-cisa-unveils-new-cyber-incident-reporting-portal/ http://techrights.org/n/2024/06/29/linuxsecurity_com_became_an_anti_Linux_spam_site.shtml http://techrights.org/n/2023/12/17/U_S_Department_of_Homeland_Security_Cybersecurity_and_Infrastru.shtml [16:15] TR Bot Ahead of mandatory rules, CISA unveils new cyber incident reporting portal [16:15] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft-Invaded CISA Spreads Anti-Free Software FUD (as If Proprietary Software Has No Memory Safety Issues), Brittany Day Uses Chatbots to Amplify and Permutate the Microsoft FUD [16:15] TR Bot Techrights U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Repeating or Parroting Microsoft Talking Points [16:15] TR News Cisco Patches Multiple NX-OS Software Vulnerabilities https://www.securityweek.com/cisco-patches-multiple-nx-os-software-vulnerabilities/ [16:15] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/cisco-patches-multiple-nx-os-software-vulnerabilities/ ) [16:15] TR News Senate bill to protect health care data gets House partner https://cyberscoop.com/house-bill-cyber-health-care-data/ [16:15] TR Bot bill to protect health care data gets House partner | CyberScoop [16:16] TR News US Sees Iranian Hackers Working Closely With Ransomware Groups https://www.securityweek.com/us-sees-iranian-hackers-working-closely-with-ransomware-groups/ http://techrights.org/n/2024/08/13/The_Corporate_Media_Says_Microsoft_the_Security_Culprit_Not_Exp.shtml [16:16] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/us-sees-iranian-hackers-working-closely-with-ransomware-groups/ ) [16:16] TR Bot Techrights The Corporate Media Says Microsoft (the Security Culprit, Not Expert) Found Iranian Intervention and OpenVPN Holes, But the Real Issue is Microsoft Windows [16:18] TR News Guilty verdict in Stand News sedition trial shows necessity of editors arrests, national security police say https://hongkongfp.com/2024/08/29/guilty-verdict-in-stand-news-sedition-trial-shows-necessity-of-editors-arrests-national-security-police-say/ [16:18] TR Bot Stand News editors' conviction shows necessity of arrests - HK police [16:20] TR News Project 2025 Offers Dystopian View of America https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/project-2025-offers-dystopian-view-of-america [16:20] TR Bot Project 2025 Offers Dystopian View of America [16:21] TR News CC Welcomes Sarah Pearson Back as General Counsel https://creativecommons.org/2024/08/29/cc-welcomes-sarah-pearson-back-as-general-counsel/ [16:21] TR Bot CC Welcomes Sarah Pearson Back as General Counsel - Creative Commons [16:21] TR News EPA https://www.propublica.org/article/epa-rejects-mass-balance-plastics-recycling-safer-choice | Source: Pro Publica [16:21] TR Bot EPA Rejects Use of Mass Balance Accounting for Safer Choice Recycled Plastic ProPublica [16:22] TR News Google reports watering-hole attacks on Mongolian sites leveraged iOS and Android exploits https://siliconangle.com/2024/08/29/google-reports-watering-hole-attacks-mongolian-sites-leveraged-n-day-ios-android-exploits/ [16:22] TR Bot reports watering-hole attacks on Mongolian sites leveraged iOS and Android exploits - SiliconANGLE [16:23] TR News Iranian Hackers Use New Tickler Malware for Intelligence Gathering on Critical Infrastructure https://www.securityweek.com/iranian-hackers-use-new-tickler-malware-to-collect-intel-from-us-uae/ Windows TCO http://techrights.org/n/2024/08/13/The_Corporate_Media_Says_Microsoft_the_Security_Culprit_Not_Exp.shtml [16:23] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/iranian-hackers-use-new-tickler-malware-to-collect-intel-from-us-uae/ ) [16:24] TR News Venezuelas many means of surveillance and control https://www.accessnow.org/the-many-means-of-surveillance-and-control-in-venezuela/ [16:24] TR Bot Venezuelas many means of surveillance and control - Access Now [16:25] TR News Asking for donations in Plasma https://pointieststick.com/2024/08/28/asking-for-donations-in-plasma/ [16:25] TR Bot Asking for donations in Plasma Adventures in Linux and KDE [16:25] TR News Shotcut 24.08 Open-Source Video Editor Is Out with New Subtitle Features https://9to5linux.com/shotcut-24-08-open-source-video-editor-is-out-with-new-subtitle-features [16:25] TR Bot 24.08 Open-Source Video Editor Is Out with New Subtitle Features - 9to5Linux [16:25] TR News You Can Now Upgrade Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Heres How https://9to5linux.com/you-can-now-upgrade-ubuntu-22-04-lts-to-ubuntu-24-04-lts-heres-how [16:25] TR Bot Can Now Upgrade Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Heres How - 9to5Linux [16:26] TR News Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS Is Now Available for Download, Heres Whats New https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-24-04-1-lts-is-now-available-for-download-heres-whats-new [16:26] TR Bot 24.04.1 LTS Is Now Available for Download, Here's What's New - 9to5Linux [16:26] TR News Wireshark 4.4 Released with Automatic Profile Switching, Many Improvements https://9to5linux.com/wireshark-4-4-released-with-automatic-profile-switching-many-improvements [16:26] TR Bot 4.4 Released with Automatic Profile Switching, Many Improvements - 9to5Linux [16:27] TR News Jonathan Carter: Orphaning bcachefs-tools in Debian https://jonathancarter.org/2024/08/29/orphaning-bcachefs-tools-in-debian/ [16:27] TR Bot Orphaning bcachefs-tools in Debian Jonathan Carter [16:28] TR News Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS Is Now Available for Download, Heres Whats New https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-24-04-1-lts-is-now-available-for-download-heres-whats-new [16:28] TR News Wireshark 4.4 Released with Automatic Profile Switching, Many Improvements https://9to5linux.com/wireshark-4-4-released-with-automatic-profile-switching-many-improvements [16:28] TR News GNU Screen 5.0 Terminal Multiplexer Brings New Commands, Revamped Authentication https://9to5linux.com/gnu-screen-5-0-terminal-multiplexer-brings-new-commands-revamped-authentication [16:28] TR Bot Screen 5.0 Terminal Multiplexer Brings New Commands, Revamped Authentication - 9to5Linux [16:28] TR News GNU Screen v.5.0.0 is released https://lwn.net/Articles/987700/ [16:28] TR Bot Screen v.5.0.0 is released [LWN.net] [16:30] TR News Release Announcement Barman 3.11.1 and 3.11.0 https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/release-announcement-barman-3111-and-3110-2920/ [16:30] TR Bot PostgreSQL: Release Announcement Barman 3.11.1 and 3.11.0 [16:31] TR News (NEW): GNU Screen v.5.0.0 is released https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/29/GNU_Screen_v_5_0_0_is_released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/29/GNU_Screen_v_5_0_0_is_released.gmi [16:31] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU Screen v.5.0.0 is released [16:34] TR News (NEW): libtool-2.5.2 released [beta] https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/libtool_2_5_2_released_beta.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/libtool_2_5_2_released_beta.gmi [16:34] TR Bot Tux Machines libtool-2.5.2 released [beta] [16:34] TR News 10 Simple Steps to Clean Your Ubuntu System https://tecadmin.net/10-simple-steps-to-clean-your-ubuntu-system/ [16:34] TR Bot 10 Simple Steps to Clean Your Ubuntu System TecAdmin [16:35] TR News The New RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04 https://www.ubuntupit.com/the-new-risc-v-tablet-runs-ubuntu-24-04/ [16:35] TR Bot The New RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04 [16:36] TR News Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS released https://ubuntu-news.org/2024/08/30/ubuntu-24-04-1-lts-released/ [16:36] TR Bot Ubuntu Fridge | Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS released [16:37] TR News Proprietary shilling in OMG Joey https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/08/vivaldi-6-9-lets-you-rename-tabs-more [16:37] TR Bot Vivaldi 6.9 Released with Tab Renaming, Mail Buffs + More - OMG! Ubuntu [16:38] psydroid2 I'm going to reinstall with Kubuntu 24.04.1 LTS [16:38] psydroid2 but if you install too much stuff on K/Ubuntu wifi breaks down [16:38] psydroid2 I'm going for a lean install this time [16:38] psydroid2 it's not for me anyway, so better stick to something that kind of works [16:39] psydroid2 this is becoming like Windows [16:40] TR News First Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Point Release Available to Download https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/08/ubuntu-24-04-1-available-to-download [16:40] TR Bot First Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Point Release Available to Download - OMG! Ubuntu [16:40] TR News Final Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Point Release Delayed Until September https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/08/final-ubuntu-22-04-point-release-delayed [16:40] TR Bot Final Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Point Release Delayed Until September - OMG! Ubuntu [16:41] TR News The Fridge: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS released https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/08/30/ubuntu-24-04-1-lts-released/ [16:41] TR Bot Ubuntu Fridge | Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS released [16:41] TR News Ubuntu Studio: Ubuntu Studio 24.04.1 LTS Released https://ubuntustudio.org/2024/08/ubuntu-studio-24-04-1-lts-released/ [16:41] TR Bot Ubuntu Studio 24.04.1 LTS Released Ubuntu Studio [16:45] TR News "End of the Road: An AnandTech Farewell" https://www.anandtech.com/show/21542/end-of-the-road-an-anandtech-farewell [16:45] TR Bot of the Road: An AnandTech Farewell [16:46] TR News "Stay tuned and tumble on!" https://news.opensuse.org/2024/08/29/tw-monthly-update-august/ | Source: OpenSUSE [16:46] TR Bot Tumbleweed Monthly Update - August 2024 - openSUSE News [16:47] TR News FOSS Weekly #24.35: COSMIC Desktop, Refresh OS, Konsole Tips and More GNU/Linux Stuff https://itsfoss.com/newsletter/foss-weekly-24-35/ [16:47] TR Bot FOSS Weekly #24.35: COSMIC Desktop, Refresh OS, Konsole Tips and More Linux Stuff [16:47] TR News (NEW): GNUnet 0.22.0 and MediaGoblin 0.14.0 released https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/GNUnet_0_22_0_and_MediaGoblin_0_14_0_released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/GNUnet_0_22_0_and_MediaGoblin_0_14_0_released.gmi [16:47] TR Bot Tux Machines GNUnet 0.22.0 and MediaGoblin 0.14.0 released [16:49] TR News OMG Joey is licking the boots of Steve Ballmer. idiot. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/08/windows-update-breaking-linux-dualboot-fix [16:49] TR Bot August Windows Update Breaks Linux Dual-Boots - OMG! Ubuntu [16:49] TR News Canada police officers launch constitutional challenge following investigation into racist and pornographic WhatsApp messages https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/08/canada-police-officers-initiate-privacy-case-against-british-columbia-attorney-general-following-investigation-into-racist-and-pornographic-whatsapp-messages/ [16:49] TR Bot Canada police officers launch constitutional challenge following investigation into 'racist' and 'pornographic' WhatsApp messages - JURIST - News [16:49] TR News Telegram Founder Pavel Durovs Indictment Thrusts Encryption Into the Spotlight https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/29/technology/telegram-encryption-pavel-durov.html [16:49] TR Bot Telegram Founder Pavel Durovs Indictment Thrusts Encryption Into the Spotlight - The New York Times [16:50] TR News Terms of Service (TOS) Under Scrutiny - Part VI - TVs That Transmit Personal Data Everywhere, Sometimes by 'Accident' https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/29/Terms_of_Service_TOS_Under_Scrutiny_Part_VI_TV_That_Transmit_Pe.shtml [16:50] TR Bot Techrights Terms of Service (TOS) Under Scrutiny - Part VI - TVs That Transmit Personal Data Everywhere, Sometimes by 'Accident' [16:51] TR News Beckhoff TwinCAT/BSD Vulnerabilities Expose PLCs to Tampering, DoS Attacks https://www.securityweek.com/beckhoff-twincat-bsd-vulnerabilities-expose-plcs-to-tampering-dos-attacks/ [16:51] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/beckhoff-twincat-bsd-vulnerabilities-expose-plcs-to-tampering-dos-attacks/ ) [16:52] TR News Maker Go RA4M1-R4 core board is a cheap Arduino UNO R4 Minima clone taking up to 50V DC input https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/08/29/maker-go-ram1-r4-core-board-cheap-arduino-uno-r4-minima-clone/ [16:52] TR Bot Maker Go RA4M1-R4 core board is a cheap Arduino UNO R4 Minima clone taking up to 50V DC input - CNX Software [16:52] TR News Enhancing Cybersecurity and Resilience for Transnational Dissidents https://citizenlab.ca/2024/08/enhancing-cybersecurity-and-resilience-for-transnational-dissidents/ [16:52] TR Bot Enhancing Cybersecurity and Resilience for Transnational Dissidents - The Citizen Lab [16:53] TR News "After the Crowdstrike incident shone a light on Windows utter dominance across enterprise in late July 2024, users may be relieved to hear perennial up-and-comer Linux may be on course to hit 5% market share by 2025." https://www.techradar.com/pro/watch-out-windows-linux-market-share-could-hit-a-major-milestone-soon [16:53] TR Bot out Windows Linux market share could hit a major milestone soon | TechRadar [16:54] TR News "Debating the Moral Status of Intellectual Property" https://www.stephankinsella.com/paf-podcast/kol439-rational-egoist-ip-part-ii/ [16:54] TR Bot KOL439 | The Rational Egoist (Michael Liebowitz): Debating the Moral Status of Intellectual Property: Part IIa [16:54] TR News "The episode offers compelling insights into both sides of the debate, providing a thorough exploration of one of the most contested issues in legal and economic theory." https://www.stephankinsella.com/paf-podcast/kol440-rational-egoist-ip-part-iib/ [16:54] TR Bot KOL440 | The Rational Egoist (Michael Liebowitz): Debating the Moral Status of Intellectual Property: Part IIb [16:56] TR News Folks Must Not Be Subscribing to Leo or Buying Cryptocurrency, Because Brave Is Handing Out Pink Slips https://fossforce.com/2024/08/folks-must-not-be-subscribing-to-leo-or-buying-cryptocurrency-because-brave-is-handing-out-pink-slips/ [16:56] TR Bot Folks Must Not Be Subscribing to Leo or Buying Cryptocurrency, Because Brave Is Handing Out Pink Slips - FOSS Force [16:56] TR News How the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation plugged a hole in a relief program https://federalnewsnetwork.com/benefits/2024/08/how-the-pension-benefit-guaranty-corporation-plugged-a-hole-in-a-relief-program/ [16:56] TR Bot How the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation plugged a hole in a relief program [16:57] TR News TTAB Posts September 2024 Hearing Schedule http://thettablog.blogspot.com/2024/08/ttab-posts-september-2024-hearing.html [16:57] TR Bot The TTABlog: TTAB Posts September 2024 Hearing Schedule [16:58] TR News Fentanylware (TikTok) is a wrong yardstick of popularity https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/sydneys-15-billion-new-train-line-is-modern-fast-and-big-on-tiktok [16:58] TR Bot Sydneys new $19b train line is modern, fast and big on TikTok | The Straits Times ● Aug 30 [17:01] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Security_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Security_Leftovers.1.gmi [17:01] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers [17:02] TR News (NEW): Software: Vivaldi, Barman, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Software_Vivaldi_Barman_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Software_Vivaldi_Barman_and_More.gmi [17:02] TR Bot Tux Machines Software: Vivaldi, Barman, and More [17:05] TR News HEY HI bubble imploding https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/technology/characterai-lays-off-at-least-5-of-its-staff-report/article68584245.ece [17:05] TR Bot Character.AI lays off at least 5% of its staff: Report - The Hindu [17:07] TR News "Id--t AK thinks he knows better and buys Intel's AI chops? No one else is buying. What's the point? Ah yes... pumping the stock price to wave Wallstreet IBM knows AI and Intel is a great AI chip maker?" https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk [17:07] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk ) [17:07] TR News "Expect additional layoffs as this further pushes IBM 's revenue down. Who will be an id--t CIO to choose IBM AI cloud with this? Typical AK arrogance and foolishness! " [17:07] TR News "So IBM decided with their AK infinite wisdom and understanding to choose Intel's AI chip for its AI cloud and Watson. The joke of the century. Intel laying off 15000 , canceling dividend and showing revenues defining for a reason." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk [17:08] TR News "win for Intel, as for IBM who knows, we just keep loosing money... " https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1ufjnpUk [17:08] TR News JIT to distract from China mass layoffs? [17:09] TR News "System76s Principal Engineer doesnt even try to contribute to the Linux kernel anymore." https://lunduke.substack.com/p/pop_os-lead-linux-developers-are [17:09] TR Bot Pop!_OS Lead: Linux Developers are Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs [17:12] TR News Microsoft now down to 19% http://techrights.org/n/2024/08/10/Microsoft_Has_Fallen_to_New_Lows_in_Maldives_Under_20_GNU_Linux.shtml lower than in https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/maldives/#monthly-200902-202408 [17:12] TR Bot Techrights Microsoft Has Fallen to New Lows in Maldives (Under 20%), GNU/Linux All-Time High [17:12] TR Bot Operating System Market Share Maldives | Statcounter Global Stats [17:14] *parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #techrights [17:15] *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:27] TR News Techrights The Proportion of Mobile Devices Online (as Per Web Requests) Rises to All-time High and It's a Big Problem for Microsoft https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/The_Proportion_of_Mobile_Devices_Online_as_Per_Web_Requests_Ris.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/The_Proportion_of_Mobile_Devices_Online_as_Per_Web_Requests_Ris.gmi [17:27] TR Bot Techrights The Proportion of Mobile Devices Online (as Per Web Requests) Rises to All-time High and It's a Big Problem for Microsoft [17:37] TR News Techrights [Meme] Microsoft the Security Expert of the World https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Meme_Microsoft_the_Security_Expert_of_the_World.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Meme_Microsoft_the_Security_Expert_of_the_World.gmi [17:37] TR Bot Techrights [Meme] Microsoft the Security Expert of the World [17:52] TR News "SoylentNews Comments | Politics: Two Sides to Every Story" https://soylentnews.org/comments.pl?sid=61942 [17:52] TR Bot SoylentNews Comments | Politics: Two Sides to Every Story [17:54] TR News "It breaks protocol compatibility with the 0.21.x versions." https://gnunet.org/en/news/2024-08-0.22.0.html [17:54] TR Bot GNUnet [17:54] TR News So clearly still too early to adopt gnunet for serious uses ● Aug 30 [18:03] TR News Techrights GNU/Linux Has Reached 4% in Ghana (All-Time High) https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/GNU_Linux_Has_Reached_4_in_Ghana_All_Time_High.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/GNU_Linux_Has_Reached_4_in_Ghana_All_Time_High.gmi [18:03] TR Bot Techrights GNU/Linux Has Reached 4% in Ghana (All-Time High) [18:22] admfubar https://www.alternet.org/alternet-exclusives/constituion/ [18:22] TR Bot mysterious group of Republicans is secretly rewriting the Constitution - Alternet.org ● Aug 30 [19:09] *admfubar has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [19:11] *admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights [19:13] *admfubar has quit (connection closed) [19:18] *admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights [19:25] *admfubar has quit (connection closed) [19:48] *admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights [19:52] admfubar https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/north-korean-hackers-exploit-chrome-zero-day-to-deploy-rootkit/ [19:52] TR Bot North Korean hackers exploit Chrome zero-day to deploy rootkit ● Aug 30 [20:03] TR News Visions of Mana dev Ouka Studios reportedly facing layoffs, full closure https://nichegamer.com/visions-of-mana-dev-ouka-studios-reportedly-facing-layoffs-full-closure/ [20:03] TR Bot Visions of Mana dev Ouka Studios reportedly facing layoffs, full closure - Niche Gamer [20:04] TR News Visions of Mana Review: NetEases Ouka Studios Set to Close Following Game Launch https://www.cgwall.com/trending/visions-of-mana-review/ [20:04] TR Bot of Mana Review: NetEases Ouka Studios Set to Close Following Game Launch Trending Cgwall [20:06] TR News "BioMarin Pharmaceutical is laying off about 225 employees. This follows the companys recent decision to cut back on marketing of its gene therapy Roctavian and eliminate certain research programs." https://medcitynews.com/2024/08/executive-hire-layoffs-healthcare/ [20:06] TR Bot Healthcare Moves: A Monthly Summary of Hires and Layoffs - MedCity News [20:15] TR News Hunt For Treasure With the Artemis Global Tracker https://www.sparkfun.com/news/11790 [20:15] TR Bot For Treasure With the Artemis Global Tracker - News - SparkFun Electronics [20:17] TR News UKs wasps https://theconversation.com/where-the-uks-wasps-have-gone-and-why-they-need-your-help-236814 [20:17] TR Bot Where the UKs wasps have gone and why they need your help [20:17] TR News Complete nonsense; clown computing is itself a data breach and only fools somehow conflate it with improved security https://theconversation.com/how-were-using-chaos-engineering-to-make-cloud-computing-less-vulnerable-to-cyber-attacks-236891 [20:17] TR Bot How were using chaos engineering to make cloud computing less vulnerable to cyber attacks [20:18] TR News Looks like headlines for clicks, not for science. Could just say mammals. https://theconversation.com/do-cats-grieve-236959 [20:18] TR Bot Do cats grieve? [20:20] TR News National Labor Relations Board Rules Amazon Must Bargain With Delivery Drivers https://truthout.org/articles/national-labor-relations-board-rules-amazon-must-bargain-with-delivery-drivers/ [20:20] TR Bot National Labor Relations Board Rules Amazon Must Bargain With Delivery Drivers | Truthout [20:22] TR News CJEU http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2024/08/new-referral-to-cjeu-when-is-trade-mark.html [20:22] TR Bot New referral to the CJEU: When is a trade mark deceptive? - The IPKat [20:25] TR News (NEW): Perl Programming Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Perl_Programming_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/08/30/Perl_Programming_Leftovers.gmi [20:25] TR Bot Tux Machines Perl Programming Leftovers [20:25] TR News Expensive compost https://www.dw.com/en/sicily-yacht-body-of-uk-s-mike-lynch-recovered/a-70012580 [20:25] TR Bot yacht: Body of UK's Mike Lynch recovered DW 08/22/2024 [20:28] admfubar https://databreaches.net/2024/08/30/franklin-county-judge-grants-city-request-to-suppress-cyber-experts-efforts-to-warn-public/ [20:28] TR Bot County judge grants city request to suppress cyber experts efforts to warn public DataBreaches.Net [20:28] TR News IXP-from-Scratch: Network and Security Design https://labs.ripe.net/author/liske/ixp-from-scratch-network-and-security-design/ [20:28] TR Bot IXP-from-Scratch: Network and Security Design | RIPE Labs [20:29] psydroid2 Falkon 24.08.0 using Qt 6.6.2 has hit Debian Testing [20:29] psydroid2 I was already wondering why websites had suddenly started working [20:29] TR News Enterprise Linux Security Episode 97 - The Vulnerability https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=FmeVnNOCp_Q [20:29] TR Bot Enterprise Linux Security Episode 97 - The Vulnerability - Invidious [20:30] TR News punched, spat on https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/public-library-security-incidents-1.7302588 [20:30] TR Bot Library workers punched, spat on as security incidents rise, data shows | CBC News [20:30] admfubar https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/windows-settings-control-panel.html [20:30] TR Bot Windows settings is pointless, long live Control Panel [20:32] TR News Climate Change, Security Take Top Billing as Pacific Island Leaders Prepare to Meet https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-08-23/climate-change-security-take-top-billing-as-pacific-island-leaders-prepare-to-meet [20:32] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-08-23/climate-change-security-take-top-billing-as-pacific-island-leaders-prepare-to-meet ) [20:32] TR News Complex Supply Chains https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2024-08-27/complex-supply-chains-and-climate-change-make-clean-beauty-near-impossible-but-some-keep-trying [20:32] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2024-08-27/complex-supply-chains-and-climate-change-make-clean-beauty-near-impossible-but-some-keep-trying ) [20:32] TR News Climate Campaigners Take EU to Court Over 2030 Emissions-Cutting Rules https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-08-27/climate-campaigners-take-eu-to-court-over-2030-emissions-cutting-rules [20:32] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-08-27/climate-campaigners-take-eu-to-court-over-2030-emissions-cutting-rules ) [20:33] TR News Big emitters chase new climate fix: turning their pollution into products https://www.theage.com.au/business/companies/big-emitters-chase-new-climate-fix-turning-their-pollution-into-products-20240825-p5k54p.html [20:33] TR Bot Big emitters chase new climate fix: turning their pollution into products [20:34] TR News How Climate Change Is Driving Up Food Prices Around the World https://www.truthdig.com/articles/how-climate-change-is-driving-up-food-prices-around-the-world/ [20:34] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.truthdig.com/articles/how-climate-change-is-driving-up-food-prices-around-the-world/ ) [20:36] TR News Time Traveler Causes of Death ttps://xkcd.com/2976/ [20:36] TR News Three Kinds of Research https://xkcd.com/2977/ [20:36] TR Bot Three Kinds of Research [20:37] TR News Rule of Law, which Europe lacks (see EPO for example) https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-08-23/ukraines-new-judges-aim-to-build-rule-of-law [20:37] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-08-23/ukraines-new-judges-aim-to-build-rule-of-law ) [20:38] TR News Reuters safety adviser killed, three journalists injured in Ukraine https://cpj.org/2024/08/reuters-safety-adviser-killed-three-journalists-injured-in-ukraine/ [20:38] TR Bot Reuters safety adviser killed, 3 journalists injured in Ukraine - Committee to Protect Journalists [20:38] admfubar https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/08/california-supreme-court-should-help-protect-your-stored-communications [20:38] TR Bot The California Supreme Court Should Help Protect Your Stored Communications | Electronic Frontier Foundation [20:39] TR News White House Condemns Strike That Killed Reuters Safety Adviser in Ukraine https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-08-27/white-house-condemns-strike-that-killed-reuters-safety-adviser-in-ukraine [20:39] TR Bot stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-08-27/white-house-condemns-strike-that-killed-reuters-safety-adviser-in-ukraine ) [20:39] admfubar https://epic.org/vox-amazon-is-using-my-grocery-purchases-to-sell-me-prescription-drugs/ [20:39] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://epic.org/vox-amazon-is-using-my-grocery-purchases-to-sell-me-prescription-drugs/ ) [20:40] schestowitz[TR2] https://techrights.org/n/2024/08/30/Terms_of_Service_TOS_Under_Scrutiny_Part_VII_Pharmacies_in_the_.shtml [20:40] TR Bot Techrights Terms of Service (TOS) Under Scrutiny - Part VII - Pharmacies in the Age of "Online" and "App" and "Gimme Dat!" [20:43] TR News "These last months have been busy. A lot of work, a lot of introspection, and enjoying Summer and Fall seasons. Many things have changed, I'm looking for another employment, some other goals, and a different way of living." gemini://text.eapl.mx/pausing-for-a-bit [20:44] TR News "Recently, I learned that the Macbook Air laptops do not have glued-in batteries! I just assumed it did, but it turns out it is the work of a few minutes to replace the battery, and I was able to purchase a replacement for my ancient model off Takealot for a reasonable sum. It even came with the necessary tools to unscrew the parts, and iFixit has a great guide on how to do it." gemini://tobykurien.com/microblog.gmi [20:45] TR News Weird Improvements gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/stug/phlog/20240830.txt [20:45] admfubar https://www.icij.org/news/2024/08/under-industry-pressure-irs-division-blocked-agents-from-using-new-law-to-stop-wealthy-tax-dodgers/ [20:45] TR Bot Under industry pressure, IRS division blocked agents from using new law to stop wealthy tax dodgers - ICIJ [20:46] admfubar "Weird Improvements" great name for a band or tv show [20:47] TR News "I'm watching family members working long hours for the Swiss federal government, and on the weekend, too, and I don't like it. I don't like it one bit." gemini://alexschroeder.ch/2024-08-30-taxes [20:47] schestowitz[TR2] admfubar: home improvement [20:48] schestowitz[TR2] with weird tidbits from the neighbour wilson [20:48] TR News Tipping point card game gemini://freeshell.de/gemlog/2024-08-30_Tipping_point_card_game.gmi [20:49] admfubar https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/hong-kong-court-convicts-journalists-and-past-icij-partners-of-sedition-in-landmark-case/ [20:49] TR Bot Hong Kong court convicts journalists and past ICIJ partners of sedition in landmark case - ICIJ [20:49] TR News voyage into spirit gemini://dogboy.smol.pub/voyageintospirit [20:51] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@8yf276xhidewi.irc) has joined #techrights [20:51] TR News When bribes from companies fund universities https://jacobin.com/2024/08/climate-funding-congress-venture-capitalists/ [20:51] TR Bot Academic Climate Science Funding Has a Big Problem [20:52] TR News This chart of ocean heat is terrifying https://www.vox.com/climate/368324/hurricane-season-2024-gulf-mexico-ocean-warming [20:52] TR Bot season 2024: Gulf of Mexico faces extreme heat | Vox [20:52] admfubar https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/why-end-of-life-for-applications-is-beginning-of-life-for-hackers [20:52] TR Bot Why End of Life for Applications Is the Beginning of Life for Hackers [20:52] TR News Climate change will cause more heat-related deaths in Netherlands ttps://nltimes.nl/2024/08/23/climate-change-will-cause-heat-related-deaths-netherlands [20:59] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2], Basically from an investment standpoint, married with a cooperative spouse and not having kids is ideal. [20:59] IsambardPrince Two incomes, one set of bills. If the marriage fails, it's less complicated and costly. Nobody arguing over custody or trying to chase down a deadbeat for support and ending up on welfare. ● Aug 30 [21:01] IsambardPrince "Maybe a bit of wisdom from The Millionaire Next Door is in order: Perhaps you arent as wealthy as you should be because you traded much of your current and future income just for the privilege of living in a home in a high-status neighborhood. So even if youre earning $100,000 a year, youre not becoming wealthy. What you probably dont know is that your neighbor in the $300,000 house next to yours bought his hou [21:01] IsambardPrince se only after he became wealthy. You bought yours in anticipation of becoming wealthy. That day may never come." [21:01] IsambardPrince --- [21:01] IsambardPrince Earlier in the book, the author cited his dad's book, Stop Acting Rich. [21:01] IsambardPrince His dad said that "When you consider all of the incidental costs, most homes appreciate very little, if they appreciate at all." [21:02] IsambardPrince Incidentals include enormous utility bills, property taxes, homeowners insurance that is 12-14 times as expensive as renter's insurance, inflation, and interest payments. [21:02] IsambardPrince On top of having to fix everything yourself. [21:03] IsambardPrince The guy on FICO Forums that wanted to max out an $8500 credit card to work on the roof wasn't even getting a new roof, he was doing something involving a "silicone upgrade" to the one he had. [21:03] IsambardPrince Probably it needed replaced, he saw the bill, and decided to do something cheaper, yet still costly, and couldn't afford that either but he could fit it on a credit card and have $8500 at 30% on top of the mortgage. [21:05] admfubar silicone upgrade? a busty look for his busted roof?? [21:05] admfubar https://fossforce.com/2024/08/folks-must-not-be-subscribing-to-leo-or-buying-cryptocurrency-because-brave-is-handing-out-pink-slips/ [21:05] TR Bot Folks Must Not Be Subscribing to Leo or Buying Cryptocurrency, Because Brave Is Handing Out Pink Slips - FOSS Force [21:19] admfubar https://www.osnews.com/story/140619/when-ev-startups-shut-down-will-their-cars-still-work/ [21:19] TR Bot EV startups shut down, will their cars still work? OSnews [21:34] admfubar https://www.propublica.org/article/bud-frazier-dismissed-libel-lawsuit [21:34] TR Bot What a Dismissed Defamation Suit Cost One Journalist ProPublica ● Aug 30 [22:10] admfubar hhhhmmmm doughnuts!!! https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/aug/31/vast-doughnut-discovered-in-molten-metal-of-earth-core [22:10] TR Bot Vast doughnut discovered in molten metal of Earths core | Science | The Guardian [22:11] MinceR mmm [22:27] admfubar x is out.. https://techcrunch.com/2024/08/30/top-court-orders-ban-on-elon-musks-x-in-brazil/ [22:27] TR Bot court orders ban on Elon Musk's X in Brazil | TechCrunch [22:29] admfubar https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/30/sql_injection_known_crewmember/ [22:29] TR Bot SQL injection bug allows anyone to skip airport security The Register [22:31] admfubar https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/30/what_is_missing_from_web/ [22:31] TR Bot What is missing from the web? We're asking for Google The Register ● Aug 30 [23:05] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [23:47] MinceR (cat) https://imgur.com/gallery/z4xCyjF = https://rimgo.pussthecat.org/gallery/z4xCyjF [23:47] TR Bot pets - Album on Imgur [23:47] TR Bot Adoptable pets - rimgo