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IRC: #tuxmachines @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, October 31, 2024

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techrights-newsTechrights – Cooking the Books With "Cloud" And "AI" Was Not Enough to Fool Microsoft Investors ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Cooking_the_Books_With_Cloud_And_AI_Was_Not_Enough_to_Fool_Micr.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Cooking_the_Books_With_Cloud_And_AI_Was_Not_Enough_to_Fool_Micr.gmi ∎Oct 31 00:12
techrights-newsTechrights – Microsoft: XBox Hardware Revenues Down About 30% (Ignore the Buzzwords and Activision Activity Dressed Up as "XBox") ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Microsoft_XBox_Hardware_Revenues_Down_About_30_Ignore_the_Buzzw.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Microsoft_XBox_Hardware_Revenues_Down_About_30_Ignore_the_Buzzw.gmi ∎Oct 31 00:30
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 00:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 00:33
techrights-newsTechrights – For the Record: Linux is Controlled by the United States of America ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/For_the_Record_Linux_is_Controlled_by_the_United_States_of_Amer.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/For_the_Record_Linux_is_Controlled_by_the_United_States_of_Amer.gmi ∎Oct 31 00:40
techrights-sec6I don't know, the sound is so poor that I can't understand a word.Oct 31 00:40
schestowitz-piafter i escaped youtube paywalls [sic]i noticed the sameOct 31 00:41
techrights-sec6It is likely interesting but the sound quality prevents it from being Oct 31 00:48
techrights-sec6worthwhile to process, I think, unless the sound can be cleaned up.  ButOct 31 00:48
techrights-sec6that is unlikely, it is lack of sound not static which is the core problem. Oct 31 00:48
techrights-sec6FWIW the hospitals in SE Michigan are filled beyond capacity with patientsOct 31 00:48
techrights-sec6stashed in waiting areas and corridors.Oct 31 00:48
schestowitz-piuk deaths up 10%Oct 31 00:49
schestowitz-piyou were busy with devuanOct 31 00:49
schestowitz-piso i did not share hereOct 31 00:49
techrights-sec6Ohj, I let Devuan go for the moment and will return to it later on in a day orOct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6a week when i feel like dealing with X11/Wayland.  Oct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6It's 2024, the GUI should work out of the box.  Oct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6The apparent cause of the patient load seems to be problems brough on by Oct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6election-related stress.  At least that's some of the guesses of some ofOct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6the doctors.  Oct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6Remember that in the US, there is commercial radio, commercial TV, commericalOct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6newspapers, and the underlying tool which the ads exploit to make sales is theOct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6emotion of fear.  So people already had their capacity in that area maxed outOct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6prior to the election crises.  The crises push them  over the edge intoOct 31 00:50
techrights-sec6physical collapse.       Oct 31 00:50
schestowitz-pii am sceptical of this theory Oct 31 00:51
schestowitz-pibut outside my ballparkOct 31 00:51
schestowitz-pi<IsambardPrince> https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1d5d6nng67oOct 31 00:54
schestowitz-pi-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Is the system letting down people who were harmed by Covid vaccines? - BBC NewsOct 31 00:54
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> "So this week I got hit with Covid. 1 collegue came to the office ill and in 1 week over 30% of our entire workfore was sick at home." gemini://tilde.clOct 31 00:55
schestowitz-piub/~mowlawner/gemlog/20241029.gmiOct 31 00:55
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> Fewer Australians will accept lockdowns in future pandemics, report says  https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/australianz/fewer-australians-will-accept-lOct 31 00:55
schestowitz-piockdowns-in-future-pandemics-report-saysOct 31 00:55
schestowitz-piand https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/29/us/politics/trump-harris-covid-rfk-vaccines.htmlOct 31 00:55
schestowitz-pithere are moreOct 31 00:55
techrights-sec6The emotion of fear is the core of US advertising.  There's been a steadyOct 31 00:55
techrights-sec6drummbeat of fear to the point where it is ingrained as the default stateOct 31 00:55
techrights-sec6of most minds there.  There is probably /also/ a SARS-CoV-2 surge on topOct 31 00:55
techrights-sec6of the stress-related hospitalizations.   Certainly it will sweep the hospitalsOct 31 00:55
techrights-sec6now or very soon due to the excessive overcrowding and resulting bad sanitation.Oct 31 00:55
schestowitz-piwe have been keeping both happy and productiveOct 31 00:56
schestowitz-pibut others around us, who are depressed, will try to drag us downOct 31 00:56
schestowitz-pipot-smoking drew for exampleOct 31 00:56
techrights-sec6Probably more than just pot since pot makes people mellow, or at least theOct 31 00:57
techrights-sec6old varieties of cannabis did.  No telling what the new strains do and whateverOct 31 00:57
techrights-sec6else he may have gotten into on the side.  Many synthetics cause permanentOct 31 00:57
techrights-sec6alterations, which I would define as damage. Oct 31 00:57
schestowitz-pichange of topic:Oct 31 01:00
schestowitz-pithis week they redo all the parking slots hereOct 31 01:00
schestowitz-pia big improvemenmtOct 31 01:00
schestowitz-pinew asphaltOct 31 01:00
schestowitz-piin case i ever get a car againOct 31 01:00
schestowitz-pilast year they changed all the gas pipesOct 31 01:00
schestowitz-piiirc, you said us has only infra rotOct 31 01:00
schestowitz-piwe also got fibre here years agoOct 31 01:00
techrights-sec6What kind of parking permits are needed for your area?Oct 31 01:01
techrights-sec6Yes there has been divestment from the infrrastructure for a couple of decadesOct 31 01:01
techrights-sec6or more, depending on which area.  Some of it is partially fixed, but Oct 31 01:01
techrights-sec6for many years NYC was a valve failure away from being without water. Oct 31 01:01
schestowitz-pisounds rightOct 31 01:03
schestowitz-piin gulag stereetview i see many power cables above groundOct 31 01:03
schestowitz-piwhich is... well... eminds me of poor countries or ones with earthquakesOct 31 01:03
schestowitz-piit'll cost the us a lot to maintainOct 31 01:03
techrights-sec6Many places in the uS barely have copper for phone and power. AnyOct 31 01:04
techrights-sec6net they have will be dialup as there is no 4G signal.  Oct 31 01:04
techrights-sec6Almost all are above ground and there is little to no maintenance nor is thereOct 31 01:04
techrights-sec6coordination between the companies which all kick infrastructure investmentsOct 31 01:04
techrights-sec6down trhe road so as to boost the appearance of quarterly profit. Oct 31 01:04
techrights-sec6It costs an enormous amount to try to maintain but the maintenance is notOct 31 01:04
techrights-sec6happening because there is no quarterly incentive to do so.  The planning Oct 31 01:04
techrights-sec6such that it is happens for weeks at a time not months or years.Oct 31 01:04
schestowitz-pias you are aware, we are pleased with where we areOct 31 01:06
schestowitz-pi(whicb is rare, not many people like where they are)Oct 31 01:06
techrights-sec6Yes, that is great news even if it is not new information.  Oct 31 01:06
schestowitz-pii have been productive this weekOct 31 01:06
schestowitz-piand i alreadyt started WEEKEND LINKS!!Oct 31 01:07
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #tuxmachinesOct 31 01:08
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> Fake Video https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2024-10-25/a-staged-video-claimed-to-show-someone-destroying-ballots-election-officials-were-prOct 31 01:08
schestowitz-pieparedOct 31 01:08
schestowitz-pi^ russia ddos on us hospitals ;-)Oct 31 01:08
techrights-sec6It is only Thursday today, All Saints' Eve in many countries.Oct 31 01:09
techrights-sec6All Saints Day is observerd this Saturday this year here.Oct 31 01:09
techrights-sec6Yes, and there are many other fake videos and fake ads as well gettingOct 31 01:09
techrights-sec6millions of views because the officials are overwhelmed (in several ways)_Oct 31 01:09
techrights-sec6and decide not to enforce anything any more.Oct 31 01:09
techrights-sec6Do note that points #2 and #3 are there too:Oct 31 01:12
techrights-sec6gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/For_the_Record_Linux_is_Controlled_by_the_United_States_of_Amer.gmiOct 31 01:12
techrights-sec6A lot of people around the world were mmanipulated by russian astroturfers Oct 31 01:12
techrights-sec6I feel TR is almost in that lot. Oct 31 01:12
techrights-sec6The developers can still contribute, but because they work for sanctionedOct 31 01:12
techrights-sec6companies they no longer have full, independent rights  to commit on theirOct 31 01:12
techrights-sec6own.  There are a lot of non-Russian developers with a similar status.Oct 31 01:12
*oarion7 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 31 01:13
techrights-sec6Not that I trust GKH but that is another matter. Oct 31 01:13
techrights-sec6The gemtext edition lacks the key information though.Oct 31 01:13
*oarion7 (~ryan@e6jyc88uwxv5c.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 01:13
schestowitz-pithat is good to knowOct 31 01:14
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Oct 31 01:14
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 01:14
MinceRso, are we tired of aggi yet?Oct 31 01:21
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 01:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 01:33
schestowitz-piyou decideOct 31 01:33
schestowitz-pihe has not said muchOct 31 01:33
schestowitz-piso hard to judge (yet)Oct 31 01:33
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 02:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 02:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Free-software foundations face fundraising problems ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Free_software_foundations_face_fundraising_problems.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Free_software_foundations_face_fundraising_problems.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:36
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  A look at the aerc mail client ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/A_look_at_the_aerc_mail_client.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/A_look_at_the_aerc_mail_client.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:39
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  LWN Articles on Linux and Development ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/LWN_Articles_on_Linux_and_Development.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/LWN_Articles_on_Linux_and_Development.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:41
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Security and Windows TCO ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Security_and_Windows_TCO.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Security_and_Windows_TCO.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:44
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Videos/Audiocasts/Shows: New in Invidious and TLLTS ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Videos_Audiocasts_Shows_New_in_Invidious_and_TLLTS.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Videos_Audiocasts_Shows_New_in_Invidious_and_TLLTS.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:44
techrights-newsTechrights – IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/IRC_Proceedings_Wednesday_October_30_2024.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/IRC_Proceedings_Wednesday_October_30_2024.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:45
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today in Techrights ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Today_in_Techrights.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:48
techrights-newsTechrights – Over at Tux Machines... ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:49
techrights-newsTechrights – Happy Halloween ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Happy_Halloween.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Happy_Halloween.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Happy Halloween ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Happy_Halloween.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Happy_Halloween.gmi ∎Oct 31 02:58
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos  ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_howtos.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_howtos.gmi ∎Oct 31 03:09
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_leftovers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_leftovers.gmi ∎Oct 31 03:11
techrights-newsTechrights – Gemini Links 31/10/2024: Attention Economy and Gemlogs ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Gemini_Links_31_10_2024_Attention_Economy_and_Gemlogs.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Gemini_Links_31_10_2024_Attention_Economy_and_Gemlogs.gmi ∎Oct 31 03:12
techrights-newsTechrights – Links 31/10/2024: DST Woes, War Updates, Amazon RTO Backlash ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Links_31_10_2024_DST_Woes_War_Updates_Amazon_RTO_Backlash.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Links_31_10_2024_DST_Woes_War_Updates_Amazon_RTO_Backlash.gmi ∎Oct 31 03:14
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Network Maintenance in Tux Machines Next Week ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Network_Maintenance_in_Tux_Machines_Next_Week.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Network_Maintenance_in_Tux_Machines_Next_Week.gmi ∎Oct 31 03:18
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 03:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 03:33
techrights-newsTechrights – Microsoft Now Has $235,290,000,000 in Liabilities, They Grow Over Time in Spite of Mass Layoffs (So Expect More Layoffs) ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Microsoft_Now_Has_235_290_000_000_in_Liabilities_They_Grow_Over.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Microsoft_Now_Has_235_290_000_000_in_Liabilities_They_Grow_Over.gmi ∎Oct 31 03:45
techrights-newsTechrights – Facebook is for Zombies ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Facebook_is_for_Zombies.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Facebook_is_for_Zombies.gmi ∎Oct 31 04:02
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Instructionals/Technical Articles From HowTo Geek ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Instructionals_Technical_Articles_From_HowTo_Geek.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Instructionals_Technical_Articles_From_HowTo_Geek.gmi ∎Oct 31 04:25
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  VirtualBox 7.1.4 Adds Initial Support for Linux Kernel 6.12 and Other Linux Changes ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/15/VirtualBox_7_1_4_Adds_Initial_Support_for_Linux_Kernel_6_12_and.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/15/VirtualBox_7_1_4_Adds_Initial_Support_for_Linux_Kernel_6_12_and.gmi ∎Oct 31 04:28
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 04:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 04:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Bazzite 41 launches with VRR fixes and better handheld support ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/29/Bazzite_41_launches_with_VRR_fixes_and_better_handheld_support.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/29/Bazzite_41_launches_with_VRR_fixes_and_better_handheld_support.gmi ∎Oct 31 04:51
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 05:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 05:33
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 06:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 06:33
schestowitz-pihttps://yewtu.be/watch?v=AP7B4zul1FYOct 31 07:12
schestowitz-pinot comfortable with Wikileaks sucking up to RT and never speaking of Taiwan, Ukraine etc.Oct 31 07:12
techrights-sec6No one should have anything to do with RT, it hurts Wikileaks to be used by themOct 31 07:12
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 07:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 07:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  GNUnet 0.22.2 ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/30/GNUnet_0_22_2.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/30/GNUnet_0_22_2.gmi ∎Oct 31 08:29
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 08:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 08:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Games: Steam, Luma Island, COVEN, and More ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Games_Steam_Luma_Island_COVEN_and_More.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Games_Steam_Luma_Island_COVEN_and_More.gmi ∎Oct 31 08:35
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi, Beelink, and More ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Open_Hardware_Modding_Raspberry_Pi_Beelink_and_More.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Open_Hardware_Modding_Raspberry_Pi_Beelink_and_More.gmi ∎Oct 31 09:29
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 09:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 09:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Raspberry Pi OS Now Enables Wayland by Default on All Raspberry Pi Models ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/28/Raspberry_Pi_OS_Now_Enables_Wayland_by_Default_on_All_Raspberry.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/28/Raspberry_Pi_OS_Now_Enables_Wayland_by_Default_on_All_Raspberry.gmi ∎Oct 31 09:57
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Linus Torvalds bids farewell to gas guzzlers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Linus_Torvalds_bids_farewell_to_gas_guzzlers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Linus_Torvalds_bids_farewell_to_gas_guzzlers.gmi ∎Oct 31 10:11
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 10:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 10:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  KaOS – lean KDE-based Linux distribution ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/KaOS_lean_KDE_based_Linux_distribution.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/KaOS_lean_KDE_based_Linux_distribution.gmi ∎Oct 31 10:41
*psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.2.6 Quasar http://www.kvirc.net/)Oct 31 10:42
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Free and Open Source Software ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Free_and_Open_Source_Software.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Free_and_Open_Source_Software.gmi ∎Oct 31 10:44
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 10:44
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Interview with Newly Certified LibreOffice Developer Rafael Lima ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Interview_with_Newly_Certified_LibreOffice_Developer_Rafael_Lim.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Interview_with_Newly_Certified_LibreOffice_Developer_Rafael_Lim.gmi ∎Oct 31 10:47
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Linux Lite 7.2 Released with Lite Theme Manager, Based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Linux_Lite_7_2_Released_with_Lite_Theme_Manager_Based_on_Ubuntu.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Linux_Lite_7_2_Released_with_Lite_Theme_Manager_Based_on_Ubuntu.gmi ∎Oct 31 10:52
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  PineNote Community Edition is a $399 E Ink tablet that ships with Debian Linux ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/29/PineNote_Community_Edition_is_a_399_E_Ink_tablet_that_ships_wit.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/29/PineNote_Community_Edition_is_a_399_E_Ink_tablet_that_ships_wit.gmi ∎Oct 31 10:57
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Google Chrome Update Offers More Control Over Memory Usage ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Google_Chrome_Update_Offers_More_Control_Over_Memory_Usage.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Google_Chrome_Update_Offers_More_Control_Over_Memory_Usage.gmi ∎Oct 31 10:59
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  You Probably Don't Need to Compile a Linux Kernel Anymore ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/You_Probably_Don_t_Need_to_Compile_a_Linux_Kernel_Anymore.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/You_Probably_Don_t_Need_to_Compile_a_Linux_Kernel_Anymore.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:02
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  10 Common Mistakes Beginners Make With the Linux Command Line (and #HowTo Avoid Them) ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/10_Common_Mistakes_Beginners_Make_With_the_Linux_Command_Line_a.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/10_Common_Mistakes_Beginners_Make_With_the_Linux_Command_Line_a.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:07
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 11:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Snapdragon 8 Elite-Powered Phones Will Play PC Games, Thanks to Linux Support ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/29/Snapdragon_8_Elite_Powered_Phones_Will_Play_PC_Games_Thanks_to_.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/29/Snapdragon_8_Elite_Powered_Phones_Will_Play_PC_Games_Thanks_to_.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:11
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 11:11
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  TUXEDO OS 4 Launches with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Base and Linux Kernel 6.11 ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/30/TUXEDO_OS_4_Launches_with_Ubuntu_24_04_LTS_Base_and_Linux_Kerne.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/30/TUXEDO_OS_4_Launches_with_Ubuntu_24_04_LTS_Base_and_Linux_Kerne.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:16
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Distributions and Operating Systems: A GNU/Linux Desktop for the family and a Look at TrueNAS ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/27/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_A_GNU_Linux_Desktop_for_the.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/27/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_A_GNU_Linux_Desktop_for_the.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:21
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Tails 6.9 Now Available with Tor and Thunderbird Updates ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Tails_6_9_Now_Available_with_Tor_and_Thunderbird_Updates.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Tails_6_9_Now_Available_with_Tor_and_Thunderbird_Updates.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:23
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  GStreamer 1.24.9 Rolls Out with Bug Fixes and Security Enhancements ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/GStreamer_1_24_9_Rolls_Out_with_Bug_Fixes_and_Security_Enhancem.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/GStreamer_1_24_9_Rolls_Out_with_Bug_Fixes_and_Security_Enhancem.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:24
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Ubuntu 24.10 “Oracular Oriole” Is Now Available for Download, This Is What’s New ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/10/Ubuntu_24_10_Oracular_Oriole_Is_Now_Available_for_Download_This.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/10/Ubuntu_24_10_Oracular_Oriole_Is_Now_Available_for_Download_This.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Android_Leftovers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Android_Leftovers.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Programming Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Programming_Leftovers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Programming_Leftovers.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 11:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Latest From Red hat ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Latest_From_Red_hat.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Latest_From_Red_hat.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:36
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Security and Windows TCO ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Security_and_Windows_TCO.1.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Security_and_Windows_TCO.1.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:36
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_leftovers.1.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_leftovers.1.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:43
techrights-newsTechrights – Links 31/10/2024: Environmental Anxiety, Profound Changes in Hardware Market ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Links_31_10_2024_Environmental_Anxiety_Profound_Changes_in_Hard.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Links_31_10_2024_Environmental_Anxiety_Profound_Changes_in_Hard.gmi ∎Oct 31 11:45
schestowitz-pihttps://www.twincities.com/2024/10/30/mcdonalds-e-coli-cases/Oct 31 12:25
schestowitz-piapropos infraOct 31 12:25
techrights-sec6checkingOct 31 12:28
techrights-sec6santiation is in decline thereOct 31 12:28
techrights-sec6There is now a CSS-only dark mode / light mode toggle in RRRRRROct 31 12:28
schestowitz-piniceOct 31 12:29
schestowitz-pilow-cost and of real utilOct 31 12:29
schestowitz-pisantiation is what people do when basics are already metOct 31 12:29
techrights-sec6There is often a cost for /not/ doing things which is much higher thanOct 31 12:31
techrights-sec6the upfront cost of actually doing it correctly from the start.Oct 31 12:31
techrights-sec6I bet this can be traced back to some MBA and a risk 'management' formula Oct 31 12:31
techrights-sec6in a spreadsheet.Oct 31 12:31
techrights-sec6Oh.  Yes, it is rather few bytesOct 31 12:31
schestowitz-pii meant the cssOct 31 12:31
schestowitz-piapplicable to med/health in the prevention/cure senseOct 31 12:31
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techrights-sec6the light mode / dark mode toggle works well nowOct 31 13:57
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  All You Need to Know About the GNU/Linux Rolling Release Model ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/All_You_Need_to_Know_About_the_GNU_Linux_Rolling_Release_Model.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/All_You_Need_to_Know_About_the_GNU_Linux_Rolling_Release_Model.gmi ∎Oct 31 14:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Distributions and Operating Systems: BSD and GNU/Linux in Focus ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/30/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_BSD_and_GNU_Linux_in_Focuus.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/30/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_BSD_and_GNU_Linux_in_Focuus.gmi ∎Oct 31 14:13
schestowitz-pistadium jog, 10 minsOct 31 14:20
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Shotcut 24.10 Open-Source Video Editor Released with AI-Powered Speech to Text ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/30/Shotcut_24_10_Open_Source_Video_Editor_Released_with_AI_Powered.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/30/Shotcut_24_10_Open_Source_Video_Editor_Released_with_AI_Powered.gmi ∎Oct 31 15:53
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/24/Linus_Torvalds_affirms_expulsion_of_Russian_maintainers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/24/Linus_Torvalds_affirms_expulsion_of_Russian_maintainers.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:23
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Security Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Security_Leftovers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Security_Leftovers.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:23
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Free Software: Mousam, RSS Readers, SCONE, and More ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Free_Software_Mousam_RSS_Readers_SCONE_and_More.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Free_Software_Mousam_RSS_Readers_SCONE_and_More.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:25
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos  ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_howtos.1.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:25
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  KDE Fund-raising and Kwave Update ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/KDE_Fund_raising_and_Kwave_Update.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/KDE_Fund_raising_and_Kwave_Update.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:27
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Thunderbird for Android now available ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Thunderbird_for_Android_now_available.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Thunderbird_for_Android_now_available.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:28
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Distributions and Operating Systems: Alpine Linux, KolibriOS, Haiku OS ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_Alpine_Linux_KolibriOS_Haik.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_Alpine_Linux_KolibriOS_Haik.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:30
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Open Hardware/Modding: Arduino, Pi, and More ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Open_Hardware_Modding_Arduino_Pi_and_More.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Open_Hardware_Modding_Arduino_Pi_and_More.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:30
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 16:33
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_leftovers.2.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/today_s_leftovers.2.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Audiocasts/Shows: Bake Your Own Linux Cake, Bitten By The Penguin ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Audiocasts_Shows_Bake_Your_Own_Linux_Cake_Bitten_By_The_Penguin.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Audiocasts_Shows_Bake_Your_Own_Linux_Cake_Bitten_By_The_Penguin.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:35
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Meson/GNOME, Ruby, and R ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Meson_GNOME_Ruby_and_R.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/Meson_GNOME_Ruby_and_R.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:37
techrights-newsTechrights – Links 31/10/2024: Supermicro Plummets 33%, Block and Dropbox Mass Layoffs ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Links_31_10_2024_Supermicro_Plummets_33_Block_and_Dropbox_Mass_.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Links_31_10_2024_Supermicro_Plummets_33_Block_and_Dropbox_Mass_.gmi ∎Oct 31 16:38
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 17:33
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  LibreOffice 24.2.7 Is Out as the Last Update in the Series, Upgrade to LibreOffice 24.8 ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/LibreOffice_24_2_7_Is_Out_as_the_Last_Update_in_the_Series_Upgr.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/10/31/LibreOffice_24_2_7_Is_Out_as_the_Last_Update_in_the_Series_Upgr.gmi ∎Oct 31 17:45
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #tuxmachinesOct 31 17:58
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techrights-sec6How quaint ...Oct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6"Musk's X ineffective against surge of US election misinformation, report says"Oct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6https://www.voanews.com/a/musk-s-x-ineffective-against-surge-of-us-election-misinformation-report-says/7845866.htmlOct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6... they think that Xitter wants to prevent disinformation from spreadingOct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6finally added a favicon for TMOct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6https://soylentnews.org/submit.pl?op=viewsub&subid=64198&note=&title=Darl+McBride+is+Dead...Oct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6"Congratulations. In a few short months you've dethroned Bill Gates as the most hated man in the industry."Oct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6^ topic ?Oct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6esp in context of the late, great GroklawOct 31 22:44
techrights-sec6afkOct 31 22:44
techrights-newsTechrights – Gemini Links 31/10/2024: NNCP, Declutter the Web, Cost of Community ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Gemini_Links_31_10_2024_NNCP_Declutter_the_Web_Cost_of_Communit.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Gemini_Links_31_10_2024_NNCP_Declutter_the_Web_Cost_of_Communit.gmi ∎Oct 31 23:07
techrights-newsTechrights – SCO' Darl McBride Dead at Age 64 ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/SCO_Darl_McBride_Dead_at_Age_64.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/SCO_Darl_McBride_Dead_at_Age_64.gmi ∎Oct 31 23:22
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Oct 31 23:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesOct 31 23:33
techrights-newsTechrights – Update on Litigation Against the European Patent Office (EPO) at the ILO Administrative Tribunal (ILOAT) ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Update_on_Litigation_Against_the_European_Patent_Office_EPO_at_.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Update_on_Litigation_Against_the_European_Patent_Office_EPO_at_.gmi ∎Oct 31 23:37
techrights-newsTechrights – [Meme] Probably the Worst Possible Time to Get Information From Social Control Media ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Meme_Probably_the_Worst_Possible_Time_to_Get_Information_From_S.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/10/31/Meme_Probably_the_Worst_Possible_Time_to_Get_Information_From_S.gmi ∎Oct 31 23:46

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