Debian Project May be Frightened of Being Seen as Connected to GCHQ (or FIVE-EYES at Large)
About 24 hours ago:
It took them less than 12 hours!
THERE seems to be something bigger going on than most observers care to recognise.
"Debianists [are] going nuts again," Daniel Pocock told us. "Do you think the Brocklesby leak triggered them in a particular way or it is just because of the elections?"
"I'm curious about any reactions to the Brocklesby stuff," he added. "I'll be busy meeting voters on polling day and won't have time to follow all the online responses."
Previously, when NSA connections to Debian were being brought up in the Debian mailing lists, the key people at Debian hurried - within a few hours - to change the subject to proprietary firmware and why it should be included in the ISOs. The press lost sight of the potential NSA story. This seems like part of a pattern and hardly a coincidence.
Previously, when GCHQ connections inside Debian were brought up, threats were being sent to our webhost. The goal was to intimidate her and it worked. She asked for articles from Daniel Pocock to no longer be reproduced.
Hours ago a person from the Debian Technical Committee sent us a threatening letter from a lawyer, too. █