[Video] Debian With More Money: What Canonical, Under Microsoft and GAFAM Control, Has Turned Into
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Canonical by the Numbers
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0
THE other day we patiently published - only after going through approximately 75 pages - some preliminary analysis of Canonical's latest financial report ("Contrary to What Shallow "News" Sites Said, Canonical's Profits and Cash Flows Did Not Improve, Almost 50% Increase in Marketing Budget (Investment in Branding, Not Engineering, Just Like Microsoft)") and I wanted to do a follow-up to elaborate with some thoughts, having also mentioned nepotism - a serious issue which I've personally witnessed and seen a lot of, also in my last employer whose clients included Canonical at one time.
We decided to revisit the subject later this week, based on further input on the matter, as another person had a look at the same report.
The video points out that Canonical seems to be interested in keeping the report from being read or spread. The report is not text but bitmapped photos/scans of pages.
"They claim to be making money hand over fist," an associate said, with "80% gross margin reported".
"One peripheral item to note is that they have used the Microsoft scammers 'DocuSign' to ID the report."
"Interesting that the report is in USD [...] Their most expensive director pulled in $333k USD in 2023."
So Canonical spends a lot of money on marketing and management, sort of like Microsoft...
How do Debian Developers (actual volunteers, not those who work for a company and also have "Debian Developer" status) feel about it? █