Cheaters and Spammers Like These Do Real Damage to Real Sites (Like AnandTech)
So-called 'Linux' site, with the latest "article" being...
100% fake, as usual:
Some old (from the mid-90s) Linux sites wonder why AnandTech is shutting down after 27 years. AnandTech is partly a victim of social control media and likely - perhaps primarily - a victim of the World Wide Web becoming junk and "A Forest of Slop", i.e. far too much SPAM (of various flavours). AnandTech won't be the last of its generation (early and mid 1990s sites) to go under. It's not like some real news sites will emerge. The above isn't a news site. It's a spamfarm. It pretends to be news, but it's an SEO jungle of Guardian Digital, Inc.