Flaws Like CVE-2024-47076, CVE-2024-47175, CVE-2024-47176 and CVE-2024-47177
When modularity is abandoned and topology is absent (your server can present a printing interface to the whole world)
CVE-2024-1000000: keypress fries the motherboard
CVE-2024-1000001: ejecting the CD tray switches off the monitor
CVE-2024-1000002: deleting /tmp
results in your /home
directory getting zapped (would not be unprecedented thanks to Microsoft)
CVE-2024-1000003: system reboot results in every user getting 'root'
CVE-2024-1000004: unmounting a drive turns off the Internet connection
CVE-2024-1000005: saving a text file to desk results in it being written to the MBR
CVE-2024-1000006: installing a new application may result in another one being removed (that actually did happen before)
CVE-2024-1000007: closing an application will result in the disk running out of space
CVE-2024-1000008: removing an application results in another one being installed (actually happened)
CVE-2024-1000009: turning on the keyboard's backlight results in test page being sent to the printer
Unless people are very careful, computers will do totally insane things and some devices will even self-detonate (thousands of users would be entirely unaware of this functionality).
The corporate media seems happy to blame "Linux" when someone puts Apple software on a world-facing server to access a printer. Which that server probably does not even have and never had. █