Wall Street Has Demoted Intel, Seeing There May be No Future to Intel
Soaring debt despite major cuts (layoffs and more):
AS repeatedly noted in Daily Links earlier this weekend, Intel is being partly delisted (not the stock, but index inclusion) to make way for "brands" that better sell the illusion of constant growth (even if it's merely a bubble; NVIDIA has long benefited from the 'crypto' scam and now it's the same with "Hey Hi"). Intel is also being considered for takeovers, based on what still seems like unsubstantiated rumours. Years ago we published Intel leaks, revealing hostility towards GNU/Linux and freedom. If Intel falls under and vanishes in the coming decade (like Novell did), we won't miss it. Intel did many bad things and played a big role in forming OSDL, a precursor for Linux becoming increasingly about GAFAM and less about freedom. Instead of adapting to Linux (or GNU/GPL) freedom and communities of coders/hackers they try to get those things to adapt to them. It's an abusive relationship. They frame corporate power as ethics, manners, and professionalism. They use CoCs to oust those who obstruct their corporate vision.
Intel's loss isn't a loss to us. Intel could evolve to coexist with Free software; instead it tries to ram "Wintel" (Windows) down everybody's throats and it made computing a lot less secure.
For some perspective, this past year Intel's shares fell from a high of $51.28 to as low as $18.51. Its debt is huge and growing. How long before the CEO leaves? █