Gemini Links 04/11/2024: Typing vs Writing and a Smol (Net) Pub
Gemini* and Gopher
🔤SpellBinding: VILORTC Wordo: FEVER
Majority or plurality?
Majority means more than everyone else (combined). Plurality means more than any one else (more than any one single other).
If Alice has four, Bob three, and Carol three, that means Alice has the plurality. No one has the majority.
tarot: Esoteric project management
tarot, for the unfamiliar, is a deck of cards and a myriad of ways to use those cards to seek help with the past, find guidance or insight on the present or divine the future. the deck is split into two categories; Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. if I remember correctly, Major Arcana represents larger overarching concepts and Minor Arcana represents things more specific, speaking to the detail or degree of something larger. each card in the deck is also interpreted by its orientation in its use, an upright card is interpreted more literally and positively while an inverted card is understood to be a negative or difficult outcome or that something is happening surreptitiously.
Politics and World Events
Election Burnout
Well, it is that season again. Leaves are beginning to change colors, pumpkin spice is in the air, and everywhere you look you get punched in the face with politics. If you are from a country other than the US, or you live under a rock, the US presidential election is happening this Tuesday, and if you are like me you are ready for it to be over.
Technology and Free Software
Leave tombstones for your dead darlings in case you want to exhume them or something
Then I decided I didn’t want to publish the thing at all, but I did want to keep it around, somehow. So I finished it up (you know what my publication standards are by now, and they’re not super-high) and committed the change adding the post to the capsule Git repository.
Typing vs Writing
I type faster than I can write. But regardless of how I put my thoughts down, the speed at which my thoughts can keep up with me putting them down is the same[^speed]. I believe that my speed of thought is right in-between the speed of my handwriting and typing; and this effects how I perceive the general act of writing[^writing] on my abilities to articulate.
[^speed]: Or so I shall stipulate for the purposes of our discussion. [^writing]: I will be sticking to "writing" as "writing on paper, by hand, with a pen" hereafter and so I clarify here with "general writing" to mean either writing on paper or typing on a keyboard.
Opening My Smol Pub
Anyway, hi guys! This is going to be the first blog post I've ever written, so that's cool, I guess. My name is p3tzel (or Shane). I'm a game developer, musician, and programmer from Minnesota. I am working on starting my own games studio so I can make cool games. I like to play games, go for walks, play the piano and skateboard, hang out with my friends, do programming, and go hiking.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.