Gemini Links 09/11/2024: Minerals, Rants, and Maintaining Planetary Balance
Gemini* and Gopher
Minerals, according to one definition are solid, inorganic, naturally occurring, have a definite chemical composition, and a unique crystalline structure. Even with this shared definition one can run into categorization problems; is ice a mineral? Solid? Check. Inorganic? Check. Natural? Check. Composition? Check. Structure? Check. However, some hold ice to not be a mineral, reasoned along the lines of ice not being natural at typical Earth surface temperatures. One might then imagine a snowball Earth species that would put ice into their mineral bucket, as ice would be the normal form, and water an exotic phase, much as lava is an exotic phase for us. Is diamond a mineral? It's really not in a natural state at the surface of the Earth.
In the shadows
My uncle has drawn his last breath last night. My father drew his in July, and several other people I loved since the beginning of this year.
I'm 40. I'm getting in the second half of my life. I didn't know life was about surviving those we lost.
Time Moves On
let go
left this place dormant for a while. glad to see it's still running as always. ~bartender, a filter coffee please!
the hectic life of a university student continues with full force. got myself into a relatively normal social situation after months of looking for normality. dorm life with close friends turned out to be fine, thank god. probably the best part of the semester.
however, i am working myself to death. it's always been in my nature to try to serve a purpose. this purpose can come in the form of many things: music, games, friends, school, etc. this time though, i got myself into a position where i can't quite let go. i have to let go. i have to let go of something. either that or i'll have to let myself go. for obvious reasons, i can't let that happen.
Politics and World Events
I want to rant a bit more.
I know there are already lots of post mortems, finger pointing, and pundits with all sorts of theories as to why Kamala Harris lost in a massive landslide. Like many others, I supported Harris because I knew she would uphold the rule of law and the constitutional order, and maintain the stability of the nation.
Maintaining Planetary Balance
I'm always amazed to hear about planetary magicians who work with all the planets except for Mars or Saturn ("no way will I go near Saturn", "I don't touch Mars but I work with the rest", etc.). I know they exist, and that they've existed for some time, but it still always catches me off-guard hearing someone say that that's their MO, because to me, ignoring a planet like that is a surefire way to screw yourself over badly. When working with the planets as spiritual forces or deities (as with all other things in esoteric or occult practice), balance is key. We're already born from the natures of the seven planets, so to expand on all but one or two can cause some pretty nasty imbalances, leading to any number of problems for health, personality, work, and the like both physically and spiritually.
Technology and Free Software
My latest project has been mentioned on the FreeBSD quarterly update! I am attempting to port #FreeBSD to the #PinePhonePro with support from
After several years of pondering moving to BSD, I finally switched my main desktop from Linux to GhostBSD. I really like how good it looks out of the box, it uses great defaults like fish shell and MATE desktop, and comes with useful tools like Software Station and Station Tweak to make it work the way I want. It's fast, lightweight, and beautiful. It's FreeBSD underpinnings gives a clean base OS separated from user-installed applications, and a well-documented handbook that makes system administration a breeze. I am really enjoying BSD and hope to make contributions going forward.
New version of rcirc-sqlite
rcirc [2] is a default, simple IRC client in GNU Emacs.
It is part of Emacs, it works right out of the box.
When the logging is activated, rcirc logs to files.
MyGemini.Space Roadmap (as of 18 Brumaire 233)
MyGemini.Space is a public gemini hosting service with a web application for creating and editing posts that are then available only on gemini. You're reading one of those posts!
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.