From Scientists to Pigeons: The EPO Has Turned Patent Examination Into a Process Made by Computers and Improperly Trained Staff Which Doesn't Meet the Requirements of the European Patent Convention (EPC)
Reference (old):
THE EPO is being thrown down (or flushed inside) the loo by people who lack a background in science and think that granting monopolies to foreign corporations is "production" [1, 2]. They probably conflate their "PowerPoint presentations" with productivity too.
Well, having just mentioned this blunder without interjecting many personal opinions, I've like to take a moment to explain my thoughts.
First of all, SUEPO saw this coming and cautioned against it all along. It's like the EPO does not want examiners; it just wants clueless people to sign almost everything and computers doing the rest (poorly).
As one can imagine, EPO "clients" or "customers" (that's what EPO calls patent applicants or those who request search reports) aren't happy about it; the fees went up and what they pay for isn't getting done. Instead they're being served slop or reports made with the aid of slop. What next? A UPC 'court' that renders slop as judgments? Is that the end goal? "Hey hi" writing patent slop to be assessed by slop and then judged by slop? Might as well abolish this entire system if this is the current trajectory. █