For Software Freedom (and for Broader Personal Freedom), the Goalposts Are Moving
Two thirds is mobile (January 2025):
Software Freedom is rather distinct a condition wherein the user is in control of that same user's (self) computing, as collective freedom or groupwise autonomy may be temporary and precarious. Even inside families there's a topological relationship based around mistrust (hence stuff like "parental controls" exist). It may also mean developers are in control of their program of choice and can modify it as they wish (without asking some employer for permission or some other developer for the secret code). In the "real world", Software Freedom can be hard to fully accomplish, but one can at least try getting close to it. The closer, the merrier.
Software Freedom as a concept can be even broader than this, especially in interconnected settings with multi-party dependencies. Malicious companies introduce all sorts of restrictions and loopholes all the time (e.g. TiVoisation). That makes Software Freedom a little more complicated than "the user is in control".
The fate of Software Freedom isn't known. It depends on collective action/s of many people, not all of whom technical, just determined enough to insist on various rights and protections. There's no deterministic trajectory here; by deterministic we mean immutable (an inevitability) or, contrariwise, non-deterministic would mean we can still alter the outcome because not each attempt/execution/path would entail the same results (conversely, "deterministic" would be something like the Sun devouring Earth, eventually).
Software Freedom meant something different in the 80s and 90s because the reality or the so-called "market conditions" were radically different. Now we have billions of skinnerboxes all around us. Even if you do not carry one yourself, the person right next to you is highly likely to have one in the pocket or purse (or on a desk, where the cameras and microphone/s reach further). Heck, the home or shop or business (workplace/office) you visit involuntarily is likely to have many surveillance devices that are connected to the Net all the time and are remotely accessible. How's that for freedom? If those spying devices were 100% Software Freedom-compliant, you'd still lack your privacy, right? You're not in control. They are.
In the 90s we wished and hoped Microsoft and Windows would be wiped out by GNU and Linux. When Firefox grew Microsoft's grip on the Web was slipping away and Google kept getting bigger and stronger. Does Google offer us Software Freedom? Heck, years ago Google actually fired some of its prominent employees who had long advocated Software Freedom.
Freedom depends on Software Freedom (prerequisite), but it also depends on several other factors, including free speech, prospects of real privacy, and so on.
That does not mean a pursuit of GNU/Linux on "the desktop" (mostly laptops these days) and Software Freedom is futile. It just means we need to open up our eyes and identify/classify other threats, such as social control media.
This fight will be endless. And that's fine. █