Phoronix in Past Years: X is Dead. Phoronix Days Ago: Oh, Never Mind.
Weeks ago Microbell/Microbel (Larabel) was still giving the opposite impression; he was talking down - the usual FUD [1, 2]
Wayland may or may not work for many people, but it's not mature enough, it's not compatible with many applications (or vice versa), and even accessibility is broken. It's highly dependent on one company that divests and fires many people.
For almost every GNU/Linux (or UNIX/BSD) user generally works. My main laptop uses X and has run X since 455 days ago. The secondary laptop has now been up for 387 days - something that would be hard with Wayland. The wife's laptop last started X (reboot) 315 days ago. Wayland takes away reliability and users are treated like fertile testing ground, not people who need to get work done reliably.
Wayland is a lot of hype. Sure, it might enhance security a bit (the really severe issues aren't in that stack though and Wayland has bugs too; the code is relatively young) and introduce some new features, but to the mythical "average user" it means nothing and adds almost nothing.
Wayland is not much of a "selling point" for a distro in 2025. Wayland by default is a warning label. Distros that adopt Wayland typically adopt it along with X, as the only way to get Wayland to work is by keeping in tact the "old" X code. Welcome, Windows ME. █