EPO Uses the Misnomer "AI" to Attack Software Developers in Europe
From the report just published:
THE EPO is illegally promoting European software patents - i.e. patents which are both illegal and undesirable. Those are harmful to all software developers, not just Free software coders and benign hackers.
The EPO does not protect science and scientists; it helps monopolies from overseas and few law firms attack science and scientists. The same is true for the UPC, which is illegal. This is a corporate takeover and we see that in the UK this week as our government talks of "AI" as an excuse to give billions of pounds (taxpayers' money) to companies like Microsoft*.
The EPO does the same. It also cosied up to Belarus and China**.
The EPO is nowadays a huge pile of crimes. Corruption and nepotism are just a "way of doing business" there. █
* Living without Microsoft should not be hard. Heck, living without Android and iOS would also be an improvement (no Google and Apple). Perhaps we need to teach people that it's not "purist" to avoid GAFAM altogether. People can have a normal lifestyle without Facebook, Amazon purchases, and proprietary systems. By some criteria, this would be desirable; my wife is 'purist' and she jokes about it; just because she uses KDE and doesn't do any Social Control Media doesn't make her an irrational person, just a happier person. "It's personal health, public health, and national defense," an associate says, recommending this book by Haidt:
** Benoît Battistelli's strong relationship with China made sense because of his management style, but now it would be deemed a crisis on many levels. "It is disturbing that so many newspapers have suddenly pivoted into supporting Bytedance's TikTok and its attack against the West," the associate (first footnote) adds. "Worse, they are spinning the CCP's censorship which happens via Bytedance's TikTok as "free speech" thus acting as stenographers for the CCP."