The FSF's 2024 End-of-Year Fundraiser Succeeds: Over $400k to Support Software Freedom
The undisputed founder of the FSF, GNU, GPL and Software Freedom - that's Richard Stallman (RMS) - is publicly talking right now. His lifelong work's importance is recognised and the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) - not to be mistaken or conflated with the fake ('SFC') - is alive and well. It has revenue and profits. Contrariwise, SFC staff count (or headcount) decreased (as did revenue) based on its IRS files. That's worth bringing up again because the SFC is trying to 'crash' this achievement of the FSF at a strategic time. Did SFC raise what it claims to have raised? Who knows... it can cheat in its own accounting. There's no independent party keeping tally of that money. Did Karen Sandler's mom and Bradley Kuhn's dad "donate" to the SFC to help fake/game the totals*? Who knows... but don't trust a word these people say. They take GAFAM money (they even sold a keynote slot to Microsoft) and they defame the real luminaries of Free software, hoping to cancel them using gullible online mobs. They even openly associate with people who rationalise violence against people whom they dislike (like Donald Trump did 4 years ago, egging on an insurrection). █
* Like artists who get their family to purchase many copies of their own work (e.g. CDs). There are even more recent examples of sale figures' manipulation.