No Time Left for President Biden to Pardon Julian Assange
At least they tried:
The other day we mentioned the situation of Assange. Was there any time left for a pardon? It seemed unlikely. It was Friday around midday in the United States (last working week of President Biden).
Yesterday Kevin Gosztola explained why the legacy left by Biden is (overall) not good, even if it's less bad than Trump's (when it comes to press protections). See the links below (under "Related".
Mr. Gosztola has covered the Assange and Wikileaks saga very closely since the early days and he rightly won awards for it. With a dictator who works for MElon in charge, things will only worsen some more. What they mean by "free speech" is "Conservative disinformation" and to them, "free press" is what Putin means by that. █
- Wikileaks Editor Kristinn Hrafnsson on Donald Trump Attempting (and Failing) to Bribe Julian Assange to Expose Sources
- Wikileaks and Assange Family: Donald Trump Still Praises Man Who Wanted to Assassinate Julian Assange
- President Biden Has Less Than a Fortnight Left to Pardon Julian Assange (Donald Trump's Regime Plotted to Assassinate Assange)