The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Has Formally Added an Outreach and Communications Coordinator
Maybe the addition happened last year (we mentioned it in passing), but now it's in the "rota"
Some days ago we checked or inspected this page of FSF staff and saw no changes to it. Today we checked again (after the FSF had successfully raised over $400,000) and Eko K. A. Owen appears in the page. The addition represents net "growth" to the FSF. The site says: "The FSF is a charity with a worldwide mission to advance software freedom".
The more people work with the FSF, the better. Owen promises a lot and can help dismantle the loudest hecklers, who resort to social engineering [1, 2]. Owen "worked in continuing legal education programming, diversity and inclusion education, and coffee crafting." The page says Owen can leverage "editing skills and creativity to help push FSF publications and events forward."
We look forward to it. █