CDN Giant: Microsoft Bing and Skype Collapsed Since the LLM Hype, Same as Other Metrics Show
No wonder Microsoft managers suffer anxiety and there are several waves of layoffs even on the same month
At the beginning of 2023 Microsoft had already begun (or just about began) aggressively marketing "Bing Chat" while laying off loads of Bing staff. It was chaotic, yet the corporate media barely even mentioned the Bing layoffs (entire offices were shut down and staff relocated). In the summer of that year Clownflare had ranked 35 (for requests):
That was already down.
Now in 2025 it is down to 39:
It used to be ranked a lot better.
There have been two waves of mass layoffs at Microsoft this month. How many in Big got a pink slip?
Will the media bother to do some - gasp! - journalism?
Speaking of dying Microsoft disservices, Skype has basically been killed (cannot even buy credits anymore) because people use other things. Skype fell to 75th in the above. It's in rapid decline and connections to it dropped by about 12% in the past two months alone as one Web analytics firm sees it: