Journalistic Malpractice Helps Bill Gates Cover Up His Marriage Collapsing Because of His Very Deep Ties to Jeffrey Epstein (and It's Melinda Who Dumped Him, Divorce Proceedings Started by Her in 2019)
This article caused him to faint, according to credible sources (Melinda knew about and met Epstein, but she hadn't quite realised there were many meetings behind her back). This resulted in chaos and then the media portrayed Gates as a pandemic guru, months after this affair essentially finished his family life. When you bribe almost all the major media, however, you can alter narratives and perceptions worldwide, even within hours.
A day ago:
SO yesterday we published a reminder that Melinda Gates dumped Bill and she dumped him over his connection to a provider of pedophilia, Jeffrey Epstein. A day later we suddenly saw some false, misleading, ridiculous (basically journalistic malpractice) headlines like these:
Notice the date.
And yep, that was just hours ago. "I noticed the timing too," an associate said. "It's almost like his PR team is trying to hide something."
Here's another one:
So "the article forms a lie," the associate argued, "she dumped him, not the other way around; otherwise, just another 'bill sez' post..."
This keeps happening, so we will revisit. We're not arguing that it's a response to us, but we just need to correct/undo this revisionism.
It is already documented that Gates employs an army of people to scan criticisms/critics online and respond to that whole lot. There's a book about it.
Regardless, here's a factual account.
Many strange things happened around the time the marriage collapsed (even under NDA at my place of employment) and we requested about 3,000 pages from the police (eventually the files were provided, but only after many excuses had been given) about the arrest for pedophilia at the mansion of Bill Gates. His personal engineer had amassed a lot of child pornography and shared it.
Gates deserves more prison time (for many reasons), but he has not even been investigated for any of this. He weaponises the press to portray all of his critics as "conspiracy theorists" or "cranks" or whatever. With enough corrupt "journalists" out there, that is feasible.
If people internalise falsehoods, democracy will be vastly worse off. █