gNewSense, a Linux distribution put out by the Free Software Foundation, is designed and intended to provide you with a distro completely free of any and all proprietary drivers, software, or codecs. It strives to also be new-user friendly, reliable, and easy to use. But does it really succeed at fulfilling its desires, or does it become a nuisance (pun intended) instead? The best way to find out is to have a look.
Introduced in Ubuntu 7.10 was a feature known as BulletProofX, which provides a fail-safe mode that is by default used when the X server fails to properly initialize. In this original implementation, it would default back to using the VESA display driver with 256 colors and then proceed to run the displayconfig-gtk utility. While this is nice for the end-user as it keeps them from touching a terminal to debug an X server problem, for experienced users it inhibits them from easily debugging the problem.
Linux publisher Mandriva has unveiled a version of its platform designed specifically for the new breed of mini laptops.