Summary: The relationship between Novell and Mono is explored again; Moonlight as a Web-imposed Mono enforcer
Stefano Forenza has just published an in-depth article which presents a somewhat entertaining critique of Novell and Mono. It contains a homourous element to keep readers engaged enough to read the factual information.
Just before someone replies stating that a lot of ground is already patented, and cites - let’s say - Microsoft patents in COM that permeate the most popular pieces of software in Ubuntu, or stuff like that. Patent concerns are always there, and are there to stay. Still, what makes Mono different is the patent agreement itself.
Only a dumbass may think that violating a patent that you didn’t know even existed and deliberately violating a patent you know about are the same thing.
The agreement legitimates the patents existence and their validity concerns. Did I mention such agreement will also timeout in 2012 ? Will they renew it ? Or not ? Prepare yourself for a great suspense !
The following video was uploaded to YouTube a couple of days ago. It's from Novell. Watch how they represent the GNU/Linux system -- pretty much as Linux, SUSE, and Mono (Tux/penguin, Geeko/lizard, and monkey/Trojan horse)
"Silverlight technology is very widespread on the Internet," says the proposer and promoter of this idea. Is it really widespread on the Internet? Well, even Microsoft may not think so. Why put the cart/wagon/carriage before the wooden horses? "Ubuntu has lots of users that don't care about Free values," says Ushimitsudoki1, who added that they "basically just want a no-cost version of Windows." It's a gross generalisation of course, but many new GNU/Linux users approach Ubuntu because it's really good and realisation of Freedom usually comes after a migration, not before switching to GNU/Linux (it's not Ubuntu bashing by the way, I actually have 3 computers running Ubuntu). ⬆
2009-05-20 16:51:10
That Novell video really sucked! Maybe Novell has had to lay off all their employees with any clue how to relate to human beings.
Remember that even 15 years ago (more or less, maybe 16 years ago) Canonical appointed a a 'former' Microsoft manager (Spencer) to lead Ubuntu on the desktop
Maybe the media - at least some of it - actually deserves doom. If it covers up for the powerful to muzzle and gaslight the oppressed, then what sort of media is that anyway?
2009-05-20 16:51:10