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Re: Which libc should we use in the future?

On Thu, 10 Oct 1996, Brian C. White wrote:

> [...]
> This will work, but only with minor revisions to the library.  Major
> revisions (hence the change of the first number of the version) usually
> mean a significantly different interface and thus cannot be a "drop in"
> replacement.  "libc5" could not be a drop-in replacement for "libc4"
> because the former was ELF and the latter was A.OUT.  There may have
> been other changes, too, though.
> However, there is no reason why we can't have libc4, libc5, and libc6 all
> exist together and an executable just uses whichever it was originally
> linked against.  Usually you can only have one "libc-dev" package, though,
> and so packages will progress towards the latest as time marches on.

Yes, I appreciate all that.  However, had I not been told otherwise, I
would have expected to be able to upgrade from libc5.xx to libc5.yy
(yy>xx) and still be able to build things to run on libc5.xx platforms ...


Nikhil Nair
Trinity College, Cambridge, England
Tel.: +44 1223 368353

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