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Re: Bug#4874: jed has wrong dependency on slang

On Sat, 19 Oct 1996 wrote:

>  Dirk> Package: jed 
>  Dirk> Version: 0.98b-1
>  Dirk> 
>  Dirk> The dependency on "slang-lib (>= 0.99.34)" is wrong. 
>Using "dpkg --force-depends --configure jed" finished the installation, but
>	edd@miles:~> jed
>	jed: can't load library ''
>	edd@miles:~> ldd /usr/bin/jed
> => not found
> => /lib/
> => /lib/
>but on the other hand:
>	edd@miles:~> ldd /usr/bin/slsc
> => /usr/lib/
> => /lib/
> => /lib/            

the only bug u c, is the Depends part (i'll fix it right now)
but whats wrong with jed trying 
to load /usr/lib/ ?

"Boris D. Beletsky" <>
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