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Re: RedHat control panel?

On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, Dominik Kubla wrote:

> To repeat what i have posted on debian-devel just this morning:
> lets try the linuxconf package (,
> it has web, curses and command-line interface. additionally there
> is an API for extension modules. A native X11 (Tk if i am correct)
> interface is under development.

(NOTE: I haven't read your message on debian-devel yet)

I had a look at linuxconf a few months looked like just what I
wanted.  I look after quite a few unix systems, most at remote
would be nice to be able to delegate certain sysadmin functions to people
who don't really have strong unix/command line/vi skills.  It would also be
nice to be able to view the setup of these remote machines from within a web

(more and more I'm coming to think of a web browser as a generic
user interface - if applications are written to output HTML then any
unix box, pc, mac, or text terminal can be used to interact with the

unfortunately, linuxconf seemed hopelessly entangled with the slackware
way of doing things.

i suppose it is possible to convert it over to debian & sysvinit style, but
that would probably be more work than extracting the good IDEAS and writing
something which caters to debian's specific needs.

Whatever method is chosen, i see two main development requirements: 

(1)  the core of the config engine; and

(2) a standards document telling package developers how to write modules
for it.  

Most of (2) will come out of the design phase of (1).


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