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Re: About release engineering, authority, and stuff

Requests for enhancement are often included as a bug report.  I
suggest giving RFE its own bug priority level (about -1 on the current
scale).  It should also be acceptable to ship packages with
outstanding RFEs, even if they are years old.

Categories 1 and 2 may be distinguishable from the release number
against which the bug is reported.  Perhaps the developer should be
able to report the lowest/highest release number which is known to
have the given bug.  An approach like this suggest that bug reports
should be available until 28 days after the bug is fixed in the
*stable* release, rather than 28 days after the bug is fixed in the
*unstable* release, as is the current practice.

Guy Maor <> writes:

> We need a more formal way of rating the severity of bugs.  There could
> be 3 priorities.  I rated them based on how quickly they should be
> fixed.  99% of bugs would be level 0.  That would be the default
> level, and you'd have to send a command to control@bugs to change the
> level.
> Bug priority levels:
> 2. Critical bug is in a stable package, so must be fixed asap.
> 1. Critical bug is in an unstable package, so must be fixed before the
>    next stable release.
> 0. Not a critical bug.
> Any suggestions before I dive into the bug system scripts?


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