The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: 1. RFD: Reorganization of the Debian Project

Dominik Kubla wrote:
> 1. Issuing a formal charter for the Debian Project, defining the
>    goals of the project and the way to achive them.

This is the only point on which I agree.

I had my weekly sauna this evening and I dedicated this (too rare) rite
to ponder[1] upon Debian and the recent events. 

As Brian correctly pointed out, the project falled in a "lose-lose"
The "scheduled release = don't procrastinate" argument is of primary
importance from the "business" point of view, the one from which CD
makers and large network/corporation look at Debian.
The "fix all the security holes" argument is of primary importance from
the developer's point of view.

If Debian were a corporation, or an organization headed by a "Board of
directors", a "Management Comitee", the first argument would have won,
but Debian is an amalgam[2], a collection of developers and the security
argument took the precedence.

While I agree with Ian's arguments, I think it's a suicide to deceive
the expectations of the "business" market. We can't any more do that,
while we are not allowed to distribute a release with security bugs.

So, what could be a solution?
Well, even if this can appear foolish, I suggest that Debian should give
up releasing distributions.

We have a great bug-tracking system; we can extend it to become a full
test-tracking system, and use it to formalize the "correctness" of each
package (or related group of packages), in the purpose of having a
countinous flow from unstable[3] to stable (once a week, for example,
like the move from Incoming to unstable).

We should add to dselect[4] the possibility to select a predefined list
of chooses, and then leave to each distributor the responsibility to
create/organize his list(s). We could supply some installation-lists in
the ftp site, as examples.

In this way we could even let one of these become the "official"
distributor, leaving him the responsibility of _when_ burn the CDs and
of _what_ put in the installation-lists that will go with the CD.

The resposibility of what will move from unstable to stable will remain
firmly in our hands, without hurting the needs of the distributors.

I think that this could be a way to avoid these situations in the
future, without losing our characters.


[1] At this latitude sauna is a wonderful place in which to think
   (ajatelmo=pensatoio, sorry, I don't know the english word)

[2] I like very much this (dis)organization, and I like even more the
fact that our leader(s) devote himself to help casual users, instead
than using the leash to impose his point of view.

[3] As someone else pointed out, unstable in the last months seemed to
be more stable (and less buggy) than stable-fixed.

[4] Or to another installer, if it will ever come to life.

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