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Re: Cron Security Hole

On 17 Dec 1996, Daniel Quinlan wrote:

quinlan >> Please please let us require all suid software to be released
quinlan >> with suidmanager or fix dpkg so that it does it by itsef !!!!
quinlan >> 
quinlan >> On the next upgrade I have to remember resetting that suid bit!
quinlan >
quinlan >The correct fix is for the cron maintainer to close the security
quinlan >hole in the next version of the package.

True. But the fix might not come up that fast. Having something like
suidmanager allows provisional fixes to the system. For example I could
have granted a closed group of users that urgently need access to cron
still that access while switching off crontab for the general public.

quinlan >Anything else is a work-around that requires an omniscient system
quinlan >administrator.

Just someone who knows how setuid binary permissions work.

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