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Re: New updated "1.2 installation problems" list.


At 01:12 PM 12/29/96 -0500, Dale Scheetz wrote:
>This is the result of the way that dselect installs packages. As the
>distribution has become larger this problem has become more ugly.
>I would argue (as I believe some others have done so before me) that
>installation scripts should be REQUIRED to be shell scripts and that they
>expect to be run under a Bash shell. Bash is the default shell for Debian,
>and even on systems where it is not the default, installers could be made
>to understand that they must run Debian installation programs under Bash. 
>It's been a while since I actually read through the Policy/Programmer
>manuals, but my memory was that shell scripting was the preferred method
>and that other languages were HEAVILY discouraged.

The problem occurs when, lets say for my package xanim, I have a postinst
that run install-mime.  The postinst script is all in shell script, but
install-mime or install-info require perl.  I guess they have bugs that
they run /bin/perl instead of /usr/bin/perl.


Version: 2.6.2


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